Ali Baba

See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Allen, Grant, 1848-1899


See: Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1778-1829


Arago, F. (François), 1786-1853

Assing, Ludmilla, 1821-1880

Atherton, Edward

See: Holden, Edward S. (Edward Singleton), 1846-1914

Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871

Barbagallo, Corrado, 1877-1952

Barker, George F. (George Frederick), 1835-1910

Barrell, Joseph, 1869-1919

Bate, John

Battison, Edwin A., 1915-2009

Bedini, Silvio A., 1917-2007

Bence-Jones, Henry

See: Jones, Bence, 1814-1873

Berkebile, Donald H., 1926-2008

Bernstein, Aaron David, 1812-1884

Bertrand, Joseph, 1822-1900

Bicknell, Florence Constable, 1858-1941

Biological Club‏, Columbus, OH‏

See: Ohio State University. Biological Club

Bishop, Philip W., -1991

Boelsche, Wilhelm

See: Bölsche, Wilhelm, 1861-1939

Bohn, Henry G. (Henry George), 1796-1884

Bölsche, Wilhelm, 1861-1939

Bolton, Sarah Knowles, 1841-1916

Bose, Jagadis Chandra, 1858-1937

Bovier de Fontenelle, Bernard Le

See: Fontenelle, M. de (Bernard Le Bovier), 1657-1757

Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham, 1810-1897

Brewster, David, 1781-1868

Brown, J. Wood (James Wood)

Buckley, Arabella B. (Arabella Burton), 1840-1929

Caithness, James Sinclair, 14th earl of, 1821-1881

Cajal, Santiago Ramón y

See: Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 1852-1934

Carlile, Richard, 1790-1843

Chapelle, Howard Irving, 1901-1975

Chipman, Robert A.

Chun, Carl, 1852-1914

Cilley, Jonathan Prince, 1835-1920

Clark, Bertha May, 1880-

Coe, Wesley R. (Wesley Roswell), 1869-1960

Cooke, Josiah P., Jr. (Josiah Parsons), 1827-1894

Cope, E. D. (Edward Drinker), 1840-1897

Couturat, Louis, 1868-1914

Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939

Dana, Edward Salisbury, 1849-1935

Dannemann, Friedrich, 1859-1936

Darder, Ramón Turró y

See: Turró, Ramón, 1854-1926

Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1778-1829

De Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier

See: Fontenelle, M. de (Bernard Le Bovier), 1657-1757


See: Carlile, Richard, 1790-1843

Devonshire, R. L., Mrs., 1864-1949

De Vries, Jo. (Jeronimo)

See: Vries, Jo. de (Jeronimo), 1838-1915

Doctor Bacteria

See: Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 1852-1934

Donnan, F. G. (Frederick George), 1870-1956

Eddington, Arthur Stanley, Sir, 1882-1944

Ekellos, of Lucania

See: Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.

Elbertus, Fra

See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Ense, Karl August Varnhagen von

See: Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August, 1785-1858

Espersen, Otto

See: Jespersen, Otto, 1860-1943

Fabre, Jean-Henri, 1823-1915

Ferguson, Eugene S., 1916-2004

Firmicus Maternus, Julius

Fisher, Arabella Burton Buckley

See: Buckley, Arabella B. (Arabella Burton), 1840-1929

Fontanelle, Monsieur (Bernard Le Bovier)

See: Fontenelle, M. de (Bernard Le Bovier), 1657-1757

Fontenelle, M. de (Bernard Le Bovier), 1657-1757

Foote, H. W. (Harry Ward), 1875-1942

Ford, William E. (William Ebenezer), 1878-1939

Forrest, George

See: Wood, J. G. (John George), 1827-1889

Gairden, George

See: Garden, George, 1649-1733

Gansberg, Fritz, 1871-1950

Garden, George, 1649-1733

Garvey, James Emmett, 1917-

Gilbert, Camille, 1838-

Gillette, Henry S.

Goodale, George L. (George Lincoln), 1839-1923

Gore, George, 1826-1909

Grant, Robert, 1814-1892

Gray, Elisha, 1835-1901

Greenstreet, W. J. (William John), 1861-1930

Gregory, Herbert E. (Herbert Ernest), 1869-1952

Griffenhagen, George B.

Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919

Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964

Halley, Edmond, 1656-1742

Halsted, George Bruce, 1853-1922

Hamarneh, Sami Khalaf, 1925-

Hamilton, Elizabeth Emma Proby, Lady, 1821-1900

Hammerton, J. A. (John Alexander), 1871-1949

Havers, Clopton, -1702

Heathorn, Henrietta Anne

See: Huxley, Henrietta A., -1915

Herschel, John F. W. (John Frederick William), 1792-1871

Holden, Edward S. (Edward Singleton), 1846-1914

Hooker, Worthington, 1806-1867

Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859

Hunt, Robert, 1807-1887

Huxley, Henrietta A., -1915

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895

Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854

Jespersen, Otto, 1860-1943

Jevons, William Stanley, 1835-1882

Joly, John, 1857-1933

Jones, Bence, 1814-1873

Julius Firmicus Maternus

See: Firmicus Maternus, Julius

Kapp, Friedrich, 1824-1884

Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937

Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875

Kroeh, Charles Frederick, 1846-1928

Laing, S. (Samuel), 1812-1897

Lankester, E. Ray (Edwin Ray), Sir, 1847-1929

Larmor, Joseph, 1857-1942

Lebon, Ernest, 1846-1922

LeCompte, Robert G.

Lenzen, Victor F. (Victor Fritz), 1890-1975

Libby, Walter, 1867-

Lorenz, Richard, 1863-1929

Lubbock, John, Sir, 1834-1913

Lucanus, Ocellus

See: Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.

Lull, Richard Swann, 1867-1957

Maternus, Julius Firmicus

See: Firmicus Maternus, Julius

Mead, Richard, 1673-1754

Mee, Arthur, 1875-1943

Michelson, Albert A. (Albert Abraham), 1852-1931

Morgan, C. Lloyd (Conwy Lloyd), 1852-1936

Morley, Edward Williams, 1838-1923

Morley, Henry, 1822-1894

Mozans, H. J.

See: Zahm, J. A. (John Augustine), 1851-1921

Multhauf, Robert P., 1919-2004

Museum of History and Technology (U.S.)

Musil, Robert, 1880-1942

Negretti, Enrico Angelo Lodovico, 1818-1879

Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727

Newville, Leslie J.

Ocellus, Lucanus

See: Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.

Ohio State University. Biological Club

Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.

Oldenburg, Henry, 1615?-1677

Oliver, Charles A. (Charles Alexander), 1858-1932

Ontario. Department of Education

Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919

Ostwald, Wilhelm, 1853-1932

Otté, E. C. (Elise C.), 1818-1903

Page, Leigh, 1884-1952

Paris, John Ayrton, 1785-1856

Pepper, John Henry, 1821-1900

Perkins, Henry, 1803-1889

Pfaundler von Hadermur, Leopold, 1839-1920


See: Carlile, Richard, 1790-1843

Philip, Alexander

Philp, Robert Kemp, 1819-1882

Phin, John, 1830-1913

Picard, Emile, 1856-1941

Pirsson, Louis V. (Louis Valentine), 1860-1919

Poincaré, Henri, 1854-1912

Porter, Noah, 1811-1892

Powell, Baden, 1796-1860

Price, Derek J. de Solla (Derek John de Solla), 1922-1983

Proby, Elizabeth Emma

See: Hamilton, Elizabeth Emma Proby, Lady, 1821-1900

Proclus, 412-485

Proctor, Richard A. (Richard Anthony), 1837-1888

Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 1852-1934

Ramström, Martin, 1861-1930

Raymond, Percy E. (Percy Edward), 1879-1952

Reeves, E. A.

See: Reeves, Edward Ayearst, 1862-1945

Reeves, Edward Ayearst, 1862-1945


See: Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)

Ritchie, John W. (John Woodside), 1871-1943

Rolleston, T. W. (Thomas William), 1857-1920

Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)

Royal Society (Great Britain)

Royce, Josiah, 1855-1916

Rumford, Benjamin, Graf von, 1753-1814

Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970

Sabine, Elizabeth Juliana, 1807-1879

Scherzer, Karl, Ritter von, 1821-1903

Schöpflin, Aladár, 1872-1950

Schroeder, Henry, 1879-1952

Schuchert, Charles, 1858-1942

Seltzer, Thomas, 1875?-1943

Selwyn-Brown, Arthur

Serviss, Garrett Putman, 1851-1929

Silliman, Benjamin, 1779-1864

Silliman, Benjamin, 1816-1885

Sinclair, James, 14th Earl of Caithness

See: Caithness, James Sinclair, 14th earl of, 1821-1881

Singer, Charles, 1876-1960

Singleton, Adam

See: Holden, Edward S. (Edward Singleton), 1846-1914

Singleton, Esther, 1865-1930

Smith, George Otis, 1871-1944

Smithsonian Institution. Museum of History and Technology

See: Museum of History and Technology (U.S.)

Smyth, W. H. (William Henry), 1788-1865

Somerville, Mary, 1780-1872

Song, Yingxing, 1587-

Sosman, Robert B. (Robert Browning), 1881-1967

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894

Stirling, James Hutchison, 1820-1909

Tauros, 105?-

Taurus, Lucius Calvenus

See: Tauros, 105?-

Taylor, Thomas, 1758-1835

Thomson, J. Arthur (John Arthur), 1861-1933

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882-1965

Timbs, John, 1801-1875

Tissandier, Gaston, 1843-1899

Turró, Ramón, 1854-1926

Tyndall, John, 1820-1893

United States. Museum of History and Technology

See: Museum of History and Technology (U.S.)


Vallery-Radot, René, 1853-1933


Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August, 1785-1858

Vogel, Robert M.

Von Ense, Karl August Varnhagen

See: Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August, 1785-1858

Von Humboldt, Alexander

See: Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859

Vries, Jo. de (Jeronimo), 1838-1915

Vulliamy, Henriette Caroline

See: Devonshire, R. L., Mrs., 1864-1949

Walker, William, 1821-

Wallis, John, 1616-1703

Walsh, James J. (James Joseph), 1865-1942

Warder, Geo. W. (George Woodward), 1848-

Warford, Aaron A.

Warren, Henry White, 1831-1912

Washburne, Carleton, 1889-1968

Washington (D.C.). Museum of History and Technology

See: Museum of History and Technology (U.S.)

Welby, Horace

See: Timbs, John, 1801-1875

Wells, Horace L. (Horace Lemuel), 1855-1924

Welsh, Peter C.

Whewell, William, 1794-1866

Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947

White, John H., 1933-

Williams, Edward Huntington, 1868-1944

Williams, Henry Smith, 1863-1943

Williams, W. Mattieu (William Mattieu), 1820-1892

Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan, Sir, 1858-1929

Wood, Burrell L.

Wood, J. G. (John George), 1827-1889

Wright, Lewis, 1838-1905

Wright, Russell Stuart

Zahm, J. A. (John Augustine), 1851-1921

Zambra, Joseph, 1822-1897

Πρόκλος Διάδοχος

See: Proclus, 412-485


See: Song, Yingxing, 1587-