Title: The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 4, April, 1881
Author: Various
Release date: August 16, 2017 [eBook #55365]
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Language: English
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Vol. XXXV.
No. 4.
“To the Poor the Gospel is Preached.”
APRIL, 1881.
Paragraphs | 97 |
The Inaugural and the South | 98 |
Tougaloo University | 99 |
Arthington Mission | 100 |
Growth of Negro Population in the South | 101 |
Tonic Sol-fa System of Teaching Music | 102 |
Success, Real and Apparent | 103 |
Benefactions | 104 |
General Notes—Africa, Indiana, Chinese | 105 |
Items from the Field | 107 |
Virginia, Hampton—Pastor’s Testimony | 108 |
Georgia, Atlanta—Revival Interest | 109 |
Georgia, Savannah— John the Baptist of the Church—Genius for Piety | 109 |
Georgia, Macon—Southern Winter of 1880-81 | 110 |
Alabama, Talladega— Accessions to the Church | 111 |
Mississippi, Tougaloo— Burning of Boys’ Dormitory | 112 |
Tennessee, Nashville— Statistics of Teaching by Students in Fisk University | 114 |
How Speeds the Work? Rev. W. C. Pond | 115 |
Monthly Report | 118 |
Receipts | 120 |
Constitution | 126 |
Aim, Statistics, Wants, Etc. | 127 |
Published by the American Missionary Association,
Rooms, 56 Reade Street.
Price, 50 Cents a Year, in advance.
Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter.
Hon. E. S. TOBEY, Boston.
Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, D. D., 56 Reade Street, N. Y.
Rev. C. L. WOODWORTH, Boston. |
Rev. G. D. PIKE, D. D., New York. |
Rev. JAS. POWELL, Chicago. |
H. W. HUBBARD, Esq., Treasurer, N. Y. |
Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, Recording Secretary. |
relating to the work of Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the “American Missionary,” to Rev. G. D. Pike, D. D., at the New York Office.
may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member.
We call special attention to our appeal for the funds needful for re-building the dormitory recently destroyed by fire at Tougaloo University. The demand is immediate and imperative, as will be seen by the account of the fire given by Mr. Hatch in this number of the Missionary.
Mayor Hall, of Cambridge, Mass., who has made an extended tour in the South, recently stated in an address at Dr. McKenzie’s church that he considered the moral and religious character of the schools of the A. M. A. a model of missionary work, and that he believed certainly for the next ten years the work of the Association was the great work of the churches, and that no cause has a higher claim on their charity and prayers.
The communication found elsewhere concerning our Chinese work on the Pacific Coast is timely and pertinent. Mr. Pond’s efficiency, economy and success will leave no doubt in the minds of those who know of him and his work that his request is reasonable. While we cannot ask that money intended for our treasury, and which we need to meet our appropriation for Bro. Pond’s work, be diverted, we commend his appeal to the prayerful attention of the friends of the Chinese, and assure them that whatever may be sent to him will be properly applied, and meet an urgent necessity.
The “Missionary Herald” for March contains a map of that portion of Africa selected for the new mission of the American Board on the west coast. It also gives an account of the arrival of Messrs. Bagster, Sanders and Miller at Benguela. These brethren write very cheerfully, and anticipate an easy and early journey to Bihe, the point of their destination. The sadness caused by the death of Mr. Pinkerton while on his way to Umzila’s kingdom, of which a full account is given in the same number of the “Herald,” is somewhat relieved by the hopeful aspect of affairs on the west coast.
A benevolent gentleman offers to duplicate any excess of $50 or more over last year’s contribution by any churches to the American Missionary Association, up to the aggregate amount of $2,500.
The “Gospel in all Lands” for March, published by Eugene R. Smith, at the Bible House, is devoted to Africa and the Africans. It gives a resumé of the missionary endeavors prosecuted in Africa by the different denominations of Christians, covering a period of about 150 years. It also contains four maps and numerous illustrations. We know of no one pamphlet likely to be so helpful to any one who may wish to possess himself of the present attitude of missionary affairs in the Dark Continent as this.
It is gratifying to have testimony to the progress of the colored race at the South from witnesses outside of our missionaries, confirmatory of their evidence.
One of the missionaries of the American Sunday-school Union writes from South-western Virginia: “In Pulaski County I attended the best Sunday-school Association I was ever in. It was among the colored people. They are intensely in earnest in Sunday-school work, and anxious to learn. They are very poor, yet buy more books than their white neighbors. Some of them are quite intelligent. They take hold of the International Lesson System well. Most of the Sunday-schools which are kept up during the winter here are colored schools. They ought to have a Sunday-school missionary of their own color.”
Ernest H. Anderson has been elected Principal of the State Normal School for the training of colored teachers, located near Hempstead, Texas. This is the most important position open to a colored teacher in the State. It gives a large field of usefulness for which Mr. Anderson is well qualified. Laurine C. Anderson is in charge of a school in Chapel Hill, Texas. Joseph Anderson is at the head of a school in Leesburg, Camp county, Texas. J. J. Durham is studying medicine at the Meharry Medical College, Nashville. J. E. Porter is teaching in one of the public schools of Jeffersonville, Ind. R. P. Neal is in charge of the school at Humboldt, Tenn. Here is a practical answer to the inquiry that is often raised by our friends, “What do your students do after graduating from college?”—Fisk Expositor.
President Garfield’s inaugural has very properly given special attention to America’s great problem, the condition of the colored people in the South. His fitly-chosen words may well be repeated:
“Bad local Government is certainly a great evil which ought to be prevented; but to violate the freedom and sanctity of the suffrage is more than an evil—it is a crime which if persisted in will destroy the Government itself. Suicide is not a remedy.”
As to the remedy, the President says:
“For the North and South alike, there is but one remedy. All the constitutional powers of the Nation and of the States, and all the volunteer forces of the people, should be summoned to meet this danger by the saving influence of universal education.”
A sounder utterance could not be expressed if the word “education” be made sufficiently broad. The training of the common school, reaching only the intellect, is not enough. There must be the awakening of the conscience and the purification of the heart as well. Character is the foundation of manhood, and hence of a worthy citizenship.
The A. M. A. has from the first acted on the necessity of this broader basis, and hence its school and church work have been blended—the school has been religious and the church intelligent.
The President’s remedy of “universal education” has been criticised as requiring too long a time. Perhaps somebody can find a legislative or legal remedy that will work the cure more speedily. The past does not make us hopeful in this respect, and hence we, as one of the “volunteer forces,” which the inaugural mentions, will push on as vigorously as possible. This is the great work of the age for this nation, and we hope the strong and clear language of President Garfield will give a new impulse to it.
The recent burning of the boys’ dormitory at Tougaloo, Miss., compels us to build anew, and the over-crowding of students compels us to build larger.
We must rebuild or abandon the school. The latter we dare not do. The colored population in the State exceeds the white, numbering 652,221, and has increased over 46 per cent. in the last ten years. Tougaloo University is seven miles north of Jackson, the capital, and there is no similar school of higher grade admitting colored students nearer than about 200 miles south, east, or north, and none much nearer west. The Institution has 500 acres of land attached to it, giving employment to the students, and it has the good-will of the State Legislature, which makes an annual grant to support teachers.
The school at Tougaloo has long been over-crowded. It has comfortable rooms for 32 young women, but 60 are in attendance, three being put in the small rooms, and sitting-rooms being converted into sleeping apartments. One room needed for the accommodation of teachers was taken and ten young women put into it. Some applications were refused. There were, before the fire, accommodations for 28 young men, with 50 in attendance, the overflow being crowded into most unsuitable and inconvenient quarters.
The students, in summer vacations, teach about 4,000 pupils in day schools and Sunday-schools, and secure from 1,000 to 1,500 names to the temperance pledge.
The Executive Committee, a few months since, authorized the gradual enlargement of the girls’ dormitory as funds would permit. For a new boys’ dormitory it was hoped that $10,000 might be spared from the generous gift of Mrs. Stone, but the definite pledges to other institutions and the increased price of labor and materials forbid it. We had scarcely more than realized this disappointment when the boys’ dormitory was destroyed by fire. The best temporary arrangements possible have been made, including the use of the barn, which the boys have occupied cheerfully, calling it “Ayrshire Hall,” but they have suffered much from cold in inclement weather.
Fourteen thousand dollars is the lowest sum for which a boys’ dormitory and chapel can be erected. Three thousand dollars will be required for the enlargement of the girls’ dormitory. Two thousand dollars will be necessary for furnishing;[100] making a total of $19,000. Three thousand dollars, the insurance on the burned building, will reduce the sum needed to $16,000.
The building and improvements should begin at once, to get them ready for use in the fall. The Executive Committee, feeling the call to be imperative, will go forward immediately, relying upon our friends to furnish the means as a special contribution: for our ordinary income will be taxed to the utmost to carry on our current work.
We make an earnest appeal to the friends whom we believe to be both able and willing to aid us effectually and promptly in this pressing emergency.
Funds may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York.
Extracts From Recent Correspondence.
We trust it will be of interest to the friends of African Missions to learn that Mr. Robert Arthington, of Leeds, England, has paid over the £3,000 pledged by him to this Association, for a new mission on the Upper Nile.
The following extracts from letters give a comprehensive view of the present attitude of affairs relating to the mission:
“Leeds, England, December 14, 1880.
“Dear Brethren in our Lord Jesus, our Saviour: For some time I have had it in my mind and heart to write to you and say I thought it time—I do trust the Lord’s time—we should begin the mission. If, therefore, your faith is fully with my faith, I propose to send you the £3,000 at once. How does it seem with you in the Lord’s sight? Without Him we can do nothing, and we must have Him with us from the beginning to the end of this enterprise.
“Let all the true people of God in the United States understand this, our view and feeling. We are all one family—they who are ‘the children of God scattered abroad.’ So I ask them all throughout the States, yea, and the world, to go with us heart and soul and prayer always in this undertaking. Surely in the mighty God of Jacob we shall overcome. We shall win many for Christ, and they shall stand amidst the multitude of the redeemed with palms in their hands, out of every kindred and nation and tongue and people.
“With my Christian sentiments to your committee, and asking the blessing of God on all their deliberations, yours and theirs, ever in Him, whom not having seen we love, in whom believing we have joy unspeakable and full of glory,
“Robert Arthington.”
“56 Reade Street, January 14, 1881.
“Robert Arthington, Esq., Leeds, England. Dear Brother: * * * * Further information about the requirements of the mission and the territory to be occupied have been gathered, so that on the receipt of your letter, we felt called of God to take definite action. Our Executive Committee, with prayerful gratitude to God, interpreted your communication as an indication from Him that the time had come for us to go forward. Accordingly they voted to accept your bountiful gift and to undertake the preliminary work needful during the coming year. Among the persons with whom we had been in communication was Rev. Henry M. Ladd, the son of a missionary, who had spent 17 years of his early life at Smyrna and other localities in the East, before coming to this country to study for the ministry, and who was presumed to have peculiar fitness as the leader of the new mission. On receiving your letter, we obtained an interview with Mr.[101] Ladd, and after a full and prayerful deliberation, we tendered him the superintendency of our African Missions, and this week he writes us as follows: ‘I hereby accept the position, praying the great Head of the church for His blessing on the arduous work undertaken in His name.’
“We learned last spring from Gordon Pacha, the late Governor-general of the Soudan, that it would be necessary to secure certain privileges from the Egyptian Government, assuring protection to the missionaries, the privilege of navigating the Upper Nile, etc. This we trust may be accomplished in part, at least, by correspondence, upon which we can enter directly. Meanwhile, inasmuch as the best season for starting from Cairo and the mouth of the Sobat commences about the first of October, we desire Mr. Ladd and a physician to be on the ground at that time, to take advantage of the favorable weather of the latter part of autumn and the early winter, to visit the territory it is proposed to occupy, and determine about the location, and the men and facilities needful in order to insure the success of our new work.
“We are seeking prayerfully and most earnestly under God, to lay enduring foundations, and to build up a work which may extend over the utterly destitute region of country, included in the boundaries, marked out, we believe, so wisely and prayerfully by yourself. We now most cheerfully, and relying upon God hopefully, are ready to undertake the great work you have suggested to us.”
The negro most perversely and persistently refuses to do what has been prophesied of him, or to conform to the general rules enumerated as applicable to him.
The census reports for 1880 reveal the last and most striking phase of this, perversity, as may be seen in the following table taken from the New York Herald, comparing the colored population of the old slave States, except Texas, in 1870, with that of 1880:
STATES. | 1870. | 1880. |
Alabama | 475,510 | 600,141 |
Arkansas | 122,169 | 210,622 |
Delaware | 22,794 | 26,456 |
Florida | 91,689 | 125,262 |
Georgia | 545,142 | 724,654 |
Kentucky | 222,210 | 271,462 |
Louisiana | 364,210 | 483,898 |
Maryland | 175,391 | 209,896 |
Mississippi | 444,201 | 652,221 |
Missouri | 118,071 | 145,046 |
North Carolina | 391,650 | 531,316 |
South Carolina | 415,814 | 604,325 |
Tennessee | 322,331 | 402,991 |
Virginia | 512,841 | 631,756 |
West Virginia | 17,980 | 25,729 |
The increase in these States during this decade has been more than 33 per cent., and at the same rate will give us at the beginning of the next century more than ten millions of negroes in these States alone. During the same time, the per cent. of increase in the white population has been less than 28 per cent., which will give something over eighteen millions as their total white population in 1900.
It is manifest that the negro has come to stay, and must be taken into our calculations in all estimates for the future of our national life. He need not fade away before us despite heroic efforts to save him. He does not perish even under our discouraging frowns. He will not be suppressed by a somewhat rigorous repressive policy. He has withstood all this, and flourished under it, as did the Israelites under the discouragements of Egyptian legislation.
It is not for us humanely to consider, therefore, how we can make comfortable in their decline the lingering remnants of this perishing people. The more momentous question is how this vast and rapidly increasing mass of humanity is best to be fitted for the large part it is to play in our national life. It is not a question whether we shall have it with us or not, but whether we shall allow it to remain a festering, death-exhaling corruption, or whether it can be converted into a much needed element of strength. It could not be a matter of indifference to the most despotic government what is the condition of such a vast body of its citizens. Even when they were slaves, wholly under control of their masters, with no rights to claim and no duties to perform, their very presence as an ignorant and licentious mass of chattles gave great cause for anxiety to the intelligent lover of his country. But now they are citizens and voters, and whether exercising their rights as such or deprived of them, are equally, almost, a source of dangerous power which cannot but fill us with grave apprehensions, if we but think of it.
The census tables proclaim loudly that death nor destiny will mitigate this danger; is it not time for a wise statesmanship to undertake seriously the task of dissipating it by a good and ample system of education which will qualify the negro for the duties thrust upon him?
That music is one of the special gifts of the colored people has long been known and recognized. How to develop that gift in the wisest manner and to the best advantage of the race, is a question which ought to receive a practical answer, and as speedily as possible. If they are peculiarly susceptible to the refining and elevating influences of such an art as music, it is very desirable that these influences be brought to bear upon them just now, while in the formative stage of their history.
Fortunately, or as I like better to say, providentially, the way is now opened for that result. A system has been devised and perfected in England, and is now beginning to be generally adopted in this country, which so simplifies the study of music as to bring it within the comprehension of a little child. That system bears the name which stands at the head of this article. A technical description of the system would be out of place here. It is enough to say that the result is accomplished and the study of music now is made easy and delightful where it was formerly perplexing and confusing. How much this means for the colored people, with their musical gifts and inspirations, it is impossible to imagine. It is not to be supposed that such special powers were bestowed upon a whole race without some very important and far-reaching purpose. The unfolding of that purpose was begun in a very wonderful way by the Jubilee Singers. But their mission was among the Caucasian races rather than among their own people. The Tonic Sol-fa system comes to fill a widely different sphere, viz.: to give to the masses an intelligent possession of the world of music.
The A. M. A. has done a very wise thing in taking steps to test at once the value of this system for its constituents. They have commissioned a teacher to go to the Fisk University and teach it during the remainder of the school year. The method is so easy and natural that a thorough knowledge of its fundamental principles can be imparted in that time, and not only that, but all who learn it can teach it intelligently in their schools during the coming summer. Its advantages will thus begin to be felt in remote country districts, and the reform will be carried on just where such reforms should always begin, among the masses of the common people.
The teacher who has been appointed to this important post, Mr. J. W. Adams, is one who is singularly fitted by his history and antecedents to engage in this special work. Born in England, he was taken by his parents to the island of St. Helena at the age of three. When nine years old he accompanied his father, a sea captain, on one of his voyages. The vessel was wrecked on the coast of South Africa, and the young lad remained there for eighteen years. He traveled extensively throughout the country on trading expeditions, and thus became thoroughly acquainted with the manners and usages of the native tribes as well as of the British and Dutch settlers. He learned the Tonic Sol-fa system there and became so interested in it that at length he resolved to qualify himself as a teacher. It is certainly a singular and interesting fact, that the person who is first to introduce the system among the Freedmen of America should have learned it in Africa.
It is often difficult, not to say impossible, to know just what success has been achieved by any special missionary effort. After years of faithful labor the missionary, if challenged to do so, may not be able to adduce a single satisfactory proof that he has not labored wholly in vain, so far as the results he has been seeking are concerned.
On the other hand, changes so remarkable, so exactly in the line of what is sought and hoped for, follow the very first proclamation of the Gospel, which we gladly attribute to Divine grace; we grow confident that at last the promise is nearing its fulfilment when “a nation shall be born in a day.”
Now, it should be understood that we are in danger of mistake as to the real condition of things in each case; a mistake which breeds despair where there may be good reason for rejoicing, or excites hopes that are fatally false on the other hand.
Doubtless many a faithful toiler has spent his whole life in laying foundations, deep and broad, but out of the sight of ordinary observers, upon which shall rise, in magnificent proportions, a temple to our God after he has gone to his reward—to the reward of one who has been faithful, rather than of one who has been observed. The merest accident may place another in such relation to this man’s toils that he shall seem to be the creator of all the results for which he labored, while he bears no other relation to them than the minnow does to the swell and roar and irresistible rush of the wave by which it has been caught and upon which it rides.
Again, men possessed of certain gifts, but devoid of needed restraints in their use, may arouse the enthusiasm of their fellows, sway their passions, play upon their imaginations, excite their emotions and propel them along certain lines of activity until confidence is created that now, at last, the kingdom is coming with[104] millennial celerity and power. But a reaction from all this is certain, and the Gospel ship which just now was riding with grace and beauty upon the crest of the wave lies half buried in mud and sea-weed to await the rising of another tide. The whole movement has been that of an anchored boat, without the possibility of advance, and worse than useless, for in this case it has been with the waste of spiritual force.
There are two facts which all who are laboring for the coming of the kingdom of our Lord should regard as fixed, and being fixed some good degree of fixedness will be secured for their hopes with reference to its progress. One of these is the amazing ignorance and wickedness of those over whom this kingdom of light and love is to be established; and the other is the Divine power of that kingdom and the Divine purpose to establish it, and hence the certainty of its establishment.
The Gospel will never gain its conquests in such way as to relieve the Church of the duty and labor and self-denial and discipline of carrying it and proclaiming it to the heathen, who will find it, as all people have, opposed to all their habits and pleasures and traditions, and will, therefore, when they understand it, resist it before accepting it. The cheering news which so often comes to us from Central Africa and other lands will doubtless be followed by most discouraging news of disappointment and seeming disaster.
On the other hand, it must be remembered that in all really substantial buildings, especially if erected on doubtful ground, a large proportion of the cost and of the most valuable material, and also of the time, must be expended out of sight before it becomes a feature of the landscape.
In all religious movements it is especially true that much of the best material, and much of the cost, is utterly lost to sight before the world sees any result. In the South, for the past fifteen years, the foundations have been laid for a superstructure which is to arise in grand and glorious proportions, the joy of our land and the praise of all people. We are just reaching the surface, and others than the workmen themselves are now able to see that something has been going on during all these years.
If structures, however beautiful, which have no foundations, must topple, and we should feel no disappointment when they do, we would yet understand that much has been done when a foundation broad enough and strong enough has been laid.
The work will go on now with apparently tenfold rapidity, for, since it attracts attention it will also attract helpers, and those who doubted and sneered will co-operate in carrying it forward.
It is reported that John I. Blair has recently given $40,000 to Lafayette College.
Hon. Levi Parsons has given $50,000 to Union College for the benefit of worthy students.
Mrs. Orra Bolles, of Hartford, Conn., has given $15,000 to different benevolent enterprises, mostly under the auspices of the Baptist denomination.
Ex-Secretary Delano has given $10,000 to Kenyon College.
The Botanical Department of the Cornell University has recently received a donation of $10,000 from the Hon. H. W. Sage, of Ithaca, N. Y.
Mr. Spurgeon is reported to have recently received $200,000 for his Pastors’ College, and $125,000 for his Orphanage.
Mr. Amasa Stone, of Cleveland, Ohio, has offered $500,000 to the Western Reserve College, conditioned on its removal to Cleveland.
James Mackey, of California, has signified his intention of giving $50,000 to Bowdoin College. It is said his example is likely to be followed by a gentleman in Philadelphia.
The will of Mrs. Maggie Embry, of Eleton, Ky., which has been admitted to probate, gives $200,000 in Louisville and Nashville Railroad Stock to the Vanderbilt University at Nashville.
Judge Forbes, of Northampton, Mass., has left $300,000 to found a second free library in that town.
—King Meneleck, who rules in Southern Abyssinia, has recently abolished the slave-trade in his dominions.
—Tunis and Algeria are now united by a daily postal service, and letters are transmitted at a cost of fifteen cents each.
—M. Lombard, corresponding member of the Norman Society of Geography, has been charged with a scientific mission in Abyssinia. He has arrived at Massoua.
—The caravan of the missionaries from Algeria, bound for Lake Tanganyika, has arrived safely at Karéma, near the Lake. Those that started, however, for the Victoria Nyanza, have been pillaged on the route.
—The Chamber at Paris has approved the grant made to a company for a railroad from St. Louis to Dakar and voted a credit of 1,700,000 francs for laying a cable from Dakar to St. Vincent. This last line will place Senegal in direct communication with Europe.
—The Church Missionary Society has received an offer from Mr. Arthington, of Leeds, of $25,000, the income of which they will be at liberty to use towards maintaining a steamer and staff of agents on the Upper Binué and Lake Tchad. In returning thanks to Mr. Arthington, the Society was obliged to inform him that the amount would be insufficient for the purposes mentioned.
—Mr. J. M. Cnouwer, a Hollander, has undertaken a journey from Alexandria to the Cape of Good Hope. It is announced that he will be joined on his way by a Frenchman who has lived a long while in Abyssinia. He possesses considerable fortune and has had much experience as a traveler. It is not his purpose to take with him more than a single servant and a small amount of luggage. If he succeeds in his endeavors, his name will be placed by the side of the most renowned African explorers.
—Stanley continues his travels towards the interior without allowing himself to be stopped by the difficulties of his enterprise. The 7th of November he was rejoiced to meet H. Savorgnan de Brazza, who, after ascending two tributaries of the Congo and establishing a station, traversed the territory of Apfourous and reached by land the shores of the Congo. Resuming navigation he descended the course of the river half way to Stanley Pool, where he founded a new station. Then, continuing to follow it, he rejoined Stanley. It appears that the journey[106] made by Brazza, which traversed a territory north of the lower Congo towards the interior of Africa, is a much more practicable route than the one up the river itself.
—Praggia, who is engaged in exploring the Soudan south of Khartoum, between the Blue and White Nile, is said to have met a large caravan with thousands of oxen, cows, goats and sheep. The children held in their arms the lambs and kids and even the little calves. The chiefs were mounted upon mules and asses, while their commander, upon a beautiful dromedary, ran hither and thither and superintended everything. These troops of quadrupeds were accompanied by bands of birds, which flew over their backs. Praggia estimated that the caravan would count 50,000 living beings. He also met other and smaller caravans of the same character. The object of the emigrants seems to have been a purpose to escape from the flies and particularly the tsetse. The region from whence they came lies a little northeast of the territory where it is proposed to establish the Arthington Mission.
—A small congregation of full-blooded Chickasaw Indians lately gave $400 for the Foreign Missions of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
—The largest tribe of Indians in the United States is the Sioux, or as they call themselves, the Dakota. Since the Sioux were first known, they have occupied a large portion of the center of the American continent, including the head waters of the Mississippi River.
—In the last Annual Report of the educational work of the Friends among the Indians, it is stated that at the Osage agency there are 2,745 Indians. Of these, 205, on the average, are in attendance at the two boarding-schools sustained at that point.
—The American Sunday-school Union has planted 121 Sunday-schools in the Indian territory. Next year they are to have a Sunday-school camp-meeting of ten days in August, at Atoka, in the Cherokee Nation, where a large gathering of full-bloods, who are averse to meeting in houses and among strangers, is anticipated.
—The laws of the Indian Colony at Metlakahtla, British Columbia, under the auspices of the English Church Missionary Society, are fifteen in number, and worthy to be imitated by those laboring for the Indians everywhere. These have been summarized as follows:—1. To give up their Indian magic. 2. To cease calling in conjurers when sick. 3. To cease gambling. 4. To cease squandering their property. 5. To cease painting their faces. 6. To cease using intoxicating drinks. 7. To rest on the Sabbath. 8. To attend to religious instruction. 9. To send their children to school. 10. To be clean. 11. To be industrious. 12. To be peaceable. 13. To be honest. 14. To build neat houses. 15. To pay their village tax.
—In one district in Japan seventy-one Buddhist temples have been diverted to secular uses since 1873, and over 700 in the whole empire since 1871.
—Mr. D. Smith, of the Presbyterian church of England mission at Formosa, has lately been privileged to baptize nine natives, making in all thirty-two members of the Peh-tsui-Khan Church. There has besides been a considerable amount[107] of inquiry here, so that the congregation of hearers has greatly increased. Other places in this island have also had blessing and additions to the churches.
—Dr. Happer thinks that Prof. S. Wells Williams over-estimates the population of China at the present time. The loss of life in recent years, caused by wars and famines, has been considerable, and the recuperative power of the Chinese people has greatly decreased on account of the use of opium. Mr. Happer estimates the present population as 300,000,000.
—The singular idea prevails among some in China that the reason why Chinese become Christians on reading the Bible is, that they are stupified by the ink used, in consequence of which they lose their reason and are thus ready to believe what is false. People are warned, therefore, against buying or reading foreign books.
—The students sent by the Chinese government for study in this country live in American families, and visit the headquarters at Hartford at certain times for inspection, and for drill in their own language. The number is distributed at present as follows: Boston Institute of Technology, 8; Troy Polytechnic Institute, 5; Lafayette College, 2; Lehigh University, 5; Bethlehem, Pa., 2; Institute of Technology, Hoboken, 2; Yale College, Classical, 9; Scientific, 5; Amherst, 1; Harvard, 1; Columbia, 1. The greater number are in Hartford and vicinity.
Florence, Ala.—Rev. W. H. Ash, with aid from this Association, is putting up a neat parsonage by the side of the new and tasteful church-edifice.
Nashville, Tenn.—The new enthusiasm in Fisk, at present, is over the novel “Tonic-sol-fa system” of vocal music. By means of this excellent voice culture, Mr. Adams is bringing out the strength and beauty of voices for which nature has already done so much. The first interest does not abate, and very perceptible improvement daily increases.
Livingstone Missionary Hall is now building, and over this is much rejoicing.
Louisville, Ky.—On the Sabbath, Feb. 20th, Superintendent Roy preached for the Congregational Methodist Church of this city, as well as on the two preceding nights. The church, which has 95 members, a Sunday-school and a class-meeting along with the prayer-meeting, and which worships in a hall, owning its own organ, voted to unite with the Kentucky Association, and invited the A. M. A. to furnish them with a pastor. A similar church at Junction City, Ky., is moving in the same direction, having its own modest church property.
Little Rock, Ark.—On the 28th of February, after preaching on the Sabbath previous, in the “Sons of Ham” Hall, the Superintendent organized the First Congregational Church of that Capital and of the State, with forty-six members and ten more educated and influential persons ready to come, and “more to follow.” Rev. B. F. Foster, a former student of Fisk University and a licentiate of the Central South Conference, was invited to serve the church for three months. The people are moving at once to purchase a house of worship. As would be the right of any Congregational Church, this one incorporated the class meeting into the constitution found in Roy’s Manual. A Sabbath-school, thoroughly organized, with one hundred scholars and seventeen officers and teachers, started off at the first.
Marion, Ala.—Our large room is filled every Monday afternoon at the ladies meeting, and all hearts are full; and the dark faces look beautiful to me, shining through smiles and tears, as we talk of the dear Saviour. The same room is filled to overflowing with young people and children Saturday afternoon. The interest has been so evident that Mr. Curtis has held a few extra meetings. Twelve children have been forward for prayer, and we believe they have given their hearts to Jesus. Mr. C. will hold meetings next week also, and we hope for a great blessing.
Pastor’s Testimony.
I have very pleasant meetings with the Indians here. I let them read the verses from the English Bible and then explain them. When I first came I used to read myself, but I found that they liked better to take a part in the services. Then we sing together from Dr. Robinson’s Songs of the Sanctuary. After that I give the meeting into their hands. They suggest their favorite hymns and lead in prayer, usually in their own language. They all seem attentive and devout. It is very pleasant to see their faces light up as they get some new thought from God’s word. I have seldom seen men more earnest in the study of the Scriptures. One of those who united with the church at the last communion has been confined to the house with sickness. The nurse tells me that he often sits for two or three hours at a time patiently spelling out the words of the English Bible, and asking her the meaning of that which he cannot understand. I am pleased to see that they are interested to work for one another. I found the other day that one of the older boys, Jas. Murrie, had been accustomed to get a number of the others who were not Christians together, and read the Bible and pray with them. Excellent work, isn’t it, for a young chief who will soon go back to take charge of his own tribe? They have a meeting of their own on Wednesday evening, of which they take charge themselves. I could give you instances of how these Indian boys have resisted temptation in a way which seems to me really remarkable.
My work among the colored students progresses very pleasantly. It is hard to get out of their minds wrong conceptions as to what a Christian life is. They expect to see visions and dream dreams when they enter upon it, and seem to look upon the entering as the all important part. They haven’t been used to thinking of the Christian life as a struggle against sin. It is a real pleasure to preach to them, and they are earnest to know the truth.
I am trying to make the Christian boys and girls feel their responsibility more. I am trying to make them work for others. We have started a Missionary Association for work in the country about. On Sunday afternoon twenty-five go out into the cottages to read the Bible and pray with the poor families. Many of them work in the Sunday-schools in Hampton. One goes out to the poor-house, another to the prison. They all make the reports of their work to me. We are talking of starting a Sunday-school in the Butler School House. We think we could get in many who do not now attend, and it would give our students a chance for work. I[109] am anxious to make them feel that they are not merely to be recipients. There is a good interest in our meetings, and although I don’t feel at all contented with what is being done, and look for much greater things, yet I am thankful for the evidences of God’s favor which I see.
We have great reason to rejoice in all the good things the Lord has done for us in this school. Since the day of prayer for Colleges on the last Thursday of January, we have had a very marked and general interest in religious things, and we have reason to believe that very many have become reconciled to God and taken up the service of Christ. Nearly every one in the family, numbering about two hundred students, who was not already a follower of Christ, has been affected and confessed an interest in the subject, and not many have drawn back thus far. About sixty have attended inquiry meetings, and we hope a large proportion of them will hold on their way.
There has been a great quickening of those who bore the Christian name, and many of them have taken up the work as though for the first time. We have held meetings every night for five weeks, and there has been the steady presentation of the truth and much personal effort, and so a great harvest gathered, which fills our hearts with gladness.
Regular school work has not been broken in upon to any great extent and there has been no tendency toward undue excitement but a deep and solemn attention to the claims of God has characterized the experience of most.
We cannot tell how many have become decided Christians, certainly more than twenty, and perhaps twice that will upon trial be found steadfast. Some have already gone away to distant places to open schools, and will, we trust, carry the light with them, and others will go soon. If they had not been reached just at this time we should probably never have had opportunity to lead them again. Next month we hope quite a number will unite with our church, and many more will in due time unite with other churches. We are aware of the tendency to over-estimate immediate results and to be mistaken in regard to the permanent effects of such a work here; but it is the testimony of all that this is the most thorough and general work for years in this school. It has been blessed to be here and to have a share in it. “It is the Lord’s doing and marvelous in our eyes.”
Having some friends who read the Missionary—when sufficiently urged to do so by their pastors—I would like a little space to give them, not some conclusions, perhaps, but some impressions of the A. M. A. work.
I remember hearing a zealous brother, at the Chicago Annual Meeting, earnestly urge that the A. M. A. push more vigorously the “Church work,” that the conversion of the Freedmen was the thing to be aimed at rather than their education, etc.
A few months of experience impress me with the conviction that the school is the “John the Baptist” of the church. We cannot do without each of them. But we are still in the “school” state; and if either is to suffer, it must be the church work. Each, in fact, bears the same message to the masses. The church is doubtless to “increase” greatly; but it will yet be many days (years) before the school will “decrease,” if we are wise.
It has sometimes been said that the colored people have what has been[110] called, “a genius for piety.” How much this means can only be understood by one who has been with them in their religious assemblies of the better sort. They have a faculty for getting hold of, and being interested in and by, the things which are most elaborate and profound and spiritually significant in thought, which continually surprises one. They know “meat” from “milk,” and are ready every time for the former. They might not follow one who gave them Rowland Hill’s fine “river of words, and only a spoonful of thought,” but if any man can speak thoughts in words which accurately mate each other, I invite him to my pulpit, assuring him that he will have an attentive and appreciative hearing such as delights the heart of the messenger who has something to say. My impression is that the Negro is to have a decided and beneficent influence upon the Christianity of America, if not upon that of the whole world:—but in precisely what direction I am not clear.
I have a truly noble little band of co-pastors in these churches scattered here-abouts. They do not know what they are doing—nor do any of us, I think—in planting the seeds of a decorous and an intelligent church life, and one which insists upon honesty, sobriety, “whatsoever is of good report,” etc., as fundamental therein, among these people who are slowly but surely getting into a secure and respectable place in the body politic.
In view of their position and its opportunities one cannot help feeling—and no one can feel it as keenly as they themselves do—that it is a pity that their early advantages had not been greater. Nevertheless it is my impression that the next fifteen years of A. M. A. work will be more important, if possible, than the last fifteen years have been; and this, whether we consider negro or white, State or Nation, America or Africa.
Conclusion: Prayers and gifts were never more needed, or more likely to do lasting good than just now.
For this season, at least, the name of “Sunny South” is a misnomer. Beginning in November last, there have been almost four solid months of cold, sour, dismal, cloudy, stormy weather.
For ten days the thermometer stood constantly below the freezing point. One night it touched zero. Everybody kept roaring fires, and cowered over them in their loosely-built houses. Soon the coal-yards gave out, and the wood market was empty. The smooth-shod Southern horses could not climb the icy hills to bring supplies. Fuel became steadily scarcer and higher—wood going up from four dollars (the usual price) to fifteen dollars per cord, and very scarce at that.
Rich and poor alike suffered. Many burned the fences, fruit trees and shade trees. Poor people burned their board partitions, bedsteads, tables, even chairs and trunks, and some, after all, had to go to bed as the only means of keeping warm.
The “fuel famine” lasted ten or twelve days, the like of which was never known before. Water-pipes burst, fruits, flowers and vegetables were frozen, and general distress ensued. The chilly rain still continues, though ice and snow have disappeared. I doubt if the “blizzards” and “Arctic waves” of the North cause much more real suffering than this chilly, damp, freezing winter here brings to the inhabitants so unaccustomed to this weather.
Most Southern houses are very loosely built, generally warmed with fire-places or coal grates, over which you may scorch one side and freeze the other. Water froze one day within six feet of our stove.
Much suffering, sickness and death have resulted among the poor in their wretched cabins. Fortunately for some our kind friends North have this winter sent us an unusual amount of clothing, which has been distributed judiciously among those most needy, and has done much to alleviate distress. My wife has given away over 400 garments within the past three mouths, and many shivering bodies have been warmed. From our own good State of Wisconsin we have had no less than seventeen boxes or barrels, containing books, clothing, magazines and newspapers. From friends in other States there have come eleven packages of various sizes, with the same acceptable help for our poor people. And how helpful these timely gifts have been!
Although my wife has had no special commission as missionary, she has done considerable in that line. During three mouths past, she has made over two hundred and fifty visits, being confined to the house by illness for one month of that time, and being much hindered otherwise by the incessant stormy weather, which has also greatly interfered with our evening meetings and Sunday services. Besides the clothing above referred to, she has distributed hundreds of papers, tracts, cards and texts, reading and talking with the women and children. Her sewing-school, meeting weekly, has steadily increased, until it now numbers ninety-three girls, of whom sixty were present at the last meeting. Cutting and basting work for so many occupies a good deal of time.
At our annual church meeting, the reports showed that eighteen persons had been received on profession of faith during the year 1880, and $256 raised for church purposes. The Sunday-school reported 220 names on the roll, of whom 175 were present at one time, and the average attendance for the year was 115. Ten of the scholars united with the church, and the school has raised about $60 in weekly contributions. The pastor and wife gave away 8,500 religious and Sunday-school papers during the year. One of the papers has a story. It was given to a little girl in our infant class, who took it home and carefully preserved it. Her father, not a Christian man, was soon after arrested and confined in jail for several months for stealing. The little girl carried him her Sunday-school papers to read. One of these told the story of Joseph and the baker in the Egyptian prison, and suggested that every prisoner, and every sinner, had a divine intercessor at the throne, Jesus Christ, the Saviour, who would not forget his friends in trouble, as the baker did. So he began to pray, and when released from jail soon after, was a converted man.
We have received a great many papers from Northern Sunday-schools and other friends, and shall be glad to receive many more. Much good may be done by this means, as the above incident illustrates. From the incessant storms, floods and cold of this winter, the people need more help than ever by way of clothing for the destitute, and all other aids. All kinds of business have suffered, and the high prices of fuel and other necessaries have caused many to be perplexed as to the wherewithal of eating and putting on. Many of the country churches have hardly been able to keep up services at all, owing to storms and floods.
I have collected over 1,000 volumes for my “Lewis Public Library,” and it is doing good work. I expect soon to issue a little missionary paper. Our Lewis High School is increasing in numbers.
Twenty-three connected themselves with our College Church yesterday[112] March 6th; twenty-two of them by confession, and one by letter: fruits of a revival scarcely yet ended. All but two of them are children or young people; twenty-one are members of the Sabbath-school and of the College. Twelve are children of church members, now a long time with us. Two are wives for whom faithful and godly husbands had hoped and prayed, lo! these many years; there had been the secret hope but never before the open confession. Two were baptized by immersion, the rest followed the better way, choosing less of the outward and formal, and more of the inward and spiritual. Of the thirty girls boarding at Foster Hall, all are Christians, as are the forty boys, with two or three exceptions. Very few of those who come under our Christian influences so far as to be members of our family and Sabbath-school, fail to indulge a hope in Christ.
We had meetings every night for three weeks, Pres. DeForest preaching with great tenderness and power, while all the teachers and workers did faithfully what they could. So far from interfering with regular school duties, these meetings quickened to highest endeavor in study, and led to the most careful and conscientious use of time. Never before have our pupils been so conscientious and so well-behaved. Among the thirty girls at the boarding hall there has been but a single case of discipline since the present school year has begun, and that grew out of a voluntary confession, a sign of a very tender conscience.
All the meetings have been unusually quiet; not a case of noisy demonstration, no great “sights,” no “dreams,” but a thoughtful surrender to Christ, very much, I think, as in the revival meetings I have been accustomed to all my life. In them God has honored preaching, which has been so plain, practical and tender that few could resist it. There were not many hard hearts or dry eyes when the sermon on the “Prodigal Son” was ended and the invitation given to all prodigals to return to an injured Father’s house.
Through all these meetings unusual honor was put upon the Spirit, and on prayer, and there was more than the usual amount of preaching to the church, and with excellent results. God has done great things for us, whereof we are glad.
Sunday, Jan. 23d, at half-past seven o’clock, the students of the University assembled as usual in the chapel for the evening worship. The pleasant afternoon had given place to a chilly night. In a warm but not overheated room all were attentive to the opening exercises. In the midst of the second hymn, which all had arisen to sing, one or two young men near the door were seen to pass out quickly from the room. Several others followed at their heels, when, immediately, as by a common instinct, both divisions of the assembly turned and pressed down the aisles toward the two front doors. Not a word of alarm was spoken by an individual and the order, “back!” “back!” which was given from the rostrum, checked for a minute this sudden movement, and some at the doors hesitated whether to pass out or to return. A moment more when a quantity of water fell from the ceiling through the thimble of the stove pipe, simultaneously with the cry of “fire” without, all in the room became aware of the real cause of alarm. The young men who first passed out ran to the hall above, and, with what water was found in three or four rooms which they burst into, attempted to put out the fire. It was found to have broken out, however, above them, beneath the roof and very close also to the open bell-tower. This tower, with the long, straight hall,[113] which, at one end, opened into it, and at the other had an outside stair door—the only entrance—provided at the start a powerful, furnace-like draught to the flames, which had they not been out of reach, could have been with difficulty brought under control.
Within one hour our chapel was entirely consumed. During this time the young men managed to save a trunk, in some cases, a handful of clothes, a few books, or whatever else they could snatch out of their rooms the quickest. A number lost everything except what they were wearing at the time. In several instances what was thrown out of windows and carried to a safe distance from the burning building was stolen by enterprising neighbors.
No sooner was the chapel well in flames than the attention of everybody was centered in the effort to save adjacent buildings, and especially the mansion, the most valuable of all. This and the chapel stood broadside toward each other, 37 yards apart. We had, however, the advantage of a flat iron roof easily accessible to work upon. To keep the northern side of the building thoroughly wet with water thrown from the roof, from the ground, and from the second-story veranda, was the work of a long half hour, each moment of which we expected to see the building take fire. The working force of our institution was put to its utmost strain for the whole of this time. This and all the other buildings were saved.
The conduct of our students was truly admirable. Each young man worked with a will, wherever he was placed, or at whatever needed to be done at the moment, whether it was at the pumps or carrying water, guarding a roof, or taking out furniture and books. None worked harder than some of those who had rooms in the chapel building and were losing nearly all they had, forgetful even of the trunk or handful of clothing that lay somewhere scattered about in the yard—all that was left of their possessions. Many of the young women, also, showed much presence of mind and were of great service. One was found upon the roof of the mansion with a bucket of water.
We received much assistance, too, from friendly neighbors both white and colored. One old colored woman was the means of saving a great deal from the burning building, running in and out carrying away the books and loose furniture.
Previous to the fire every available room was occupied by our students, and many apartments which were barely comfortable for two had to accommodate three. At ten o’clock that Sunday night our main dormitory for young men was in ashes. Thirty were without a place to sleep. For that night fifteen were stowed away on the floor of one of the teachers’ rooms in the mansion, five were put similarly in one of the offices, and the rest managed to squeeze themselves into the ten beds at the “Barracks.”
It shows the earnest disposition of the class of students which are attracted to Tougaloo University that we were able the next morning, promptly at nine o’clock, to go on with the regular school work. The classes all recited as usual, though school books had been scattered upon the campus and our school room and two recitation rooms had been turned to ashes by the flames. The Monday writing-class, however, did not meet. Pens and desks were burnt.
The fire has indeed seemed to result in a moral blessing, softening the disposition of many, and teaching a lesson of unselfishness. It has served, we think, to attach our better class of students to the institution as perhaps never before.
Students have been arriving every week since the fire and we have sent none of them away. The very week[114] following brought us half a dozen young men. In addition to this, about the first of March quite a number of young men as well as young women are expected to return to us from their winter schools.
From reports carefully made out by students now in attendance on Fisk University, the following facts are ascertained:
Ninety have at some time been engaged in school teaching. Of these, sixty-two are members of the collegiate department and twenty-eight of the normal department. The time taught in all, including the past year, is 1,630 months, or reduced to school years of nine months each, 161 1-9 years.
It is found that during the year 1880, seventy-two have taught school, the sum of the months being 309. This reduced to school years of nine months each, gives 34⅓ years.
The sum total of salaries earned in 1880, is $9,129. From this must be subtracted for cost of board and travel, $3,236, leaving a net gain of $5,893.
The entire number of pupils taught during the year is 5,641, and the sum of average daily attendance is 3,717.
Of the seventy-two who taught these schools, sixty-seven did labor in Sunday-schools, forty-four as teachers, seven as superintendents and sixteen as both teachers and superintendents. The total attendance on these Sunday-schools was 3,963. Besides this, four did labor in preaching, twelve held prayer-meetings and one held Bible readings. The number of conversions reported is 151.
Thirty-two taught in Tennessee, twenty-two in Mississippi, eight in Texas, four in Alabama, four in Arkansas, two in Georgia, one in West Virginia, and one in Missouri.
Inferences drawn from these statistics:
1. Nearly all the students in Fisk University of sufficient age and advancement in scholarship, teach during their courses of study. It is found that eighty per cent. of the students in the collegiate department have taught. Those who have not taught are too young to take charge of a school. The per cent. of those in the Normal department who have taught, is less, because the advancement in scholarship is less, as is also the average age.
2. The average salary per month is $29.54. The average cost for board and travel, not calculating other expenses, is $10.47. This leaves the net gain per month of $19.07. This in reality is reduced somewhat by loss of time often incurred in securing a school, or in waiting for it to begin after it is secured.
3. It is seen that the students are making very praiseworthy efforts to gain an education, and that they earn annually a large sum of money to secure that end. Still, at a net gain of $19.07 a month, the student cannot entirely support himself. Parents should consider well this fact, not fully understood, as it would appear, by some of those able to assist their children. Those kind friends who have given to the Student Aid Fund of the University, will see that their benefactions are needed and well bestowed.
4. This condition of things, if the strain is not allowed to be too severe, has a compensating benefit to the student, who grows strong by contending with difficulties. He learns the value of education by its cost. He obtains that practical experience which students ordinarily have to acquire after graduation. He is also kept in sympathy with the people among whom his future labors are to lie.
5. These statistics show that, while in the midst of their own arduous labors as students, these young people are accomplishing a great amount of good[115] in a field to which now, happily, the eyes of the nation are turned, the education of the colored people. During the last year, when, for reasons not necessary now to give, a less number of students than usual were engaged in teaching, they had under their training an army of between five and six thousand children, and performed the labor of more than the ordinary lifetime of a man; and, including former years, they have done the work of more than a hundred and sixty years.
6. But the whole good is not to be estimated in years. The great mass of the teachers among the colored people, as among the white, teach with little if any more preparation than what is gained in the common schools. The coming into a community of one who has enjoyed superior advantages, introduces a better idea to which others will seek to attain. One of the most threatening obstacles in the way of colored education has been the great lack of competent colored teachers. The paying of incompetent teachers is almost, if not entirely, a waste of the public money. Viewing from this standpoint, the long and expensive journeys necessarily taken by the students of Fisk University to reach their schools, may not be a loss but a benefit, by scattering further the good influence of the University. In a region where one good teacher is sent, ten schools will be made better.
7. In addition to the devotional exercises held in their schools by the greater majority of the students, much other religious work is done. During the last year six preached, twelve held prayer-meetings and one Bible readings, while ninety-six per cent. of all are now engaged in Sunday-school labor. A more accurate knowledge of the Scriptures and better idea of Christian living must be the result of these labors.
8. From a list of institutions of learning where some of those, now students in Fisk University, studied before coming to it, many of them of high standing and scattered over the land, it is seen that this University cannot claim these good results entirely as its own. It shows also that the University, situated as it is, midway between the gulf and the lakes, is becoming a great central school of learning.
9. No mention is made in these statistics of any students not now in attendance on the University. The exact number of those in that class who are now teaching, is not known. It is known, however, that many such are devoting their entire time to teaching and some of them are already occupying positions of honor and importance as educators. According to estimates derived from reports given by former students not now in connection with the University, the number of pupils taught annually by them cannot be far from 10,000, making a total, with those before mentioned, of more than 15,000.—Fisk Expositor.
Auxiliary to the American Missionary Association.
President: Rev. J. K. McLean, D.D. Vice-Presidents: Rev. A. L. Stone, D.D., Thomas C. Wedderspoon, Esq., Rev. T. K. Noble, Hon. F. F. Low, Rev. I. E. Dwinell, D.D., Hon. Samuel Cross, Rev. S. H. Willey, D.D., Edward P. Flint, Esq., Rev. J. W. Hough, D.D., Jacob S. Taber, Esq.
Directors: Rev. George Mooar, D.D., Hon. E. D. Sawyer, Rev. E. P. Baker, James M. Haven, Esq., Rev. Joseph Rowell, Rev. John Kimball.
Secretary: Rev. W. C. Pond. Treasurer: E. Palache, Esq.
In the February number we gave a brief chapter of replies to this question. We make no apology for giving a second chapter now. It is just what our readers want to know, and what we equally wish to tell. And—
1. The Finances.—It was at this point[116] our former chapter closed. I announced that we were laying out work with reference to raising, over and above the regular appropriation from the parent society, $5,000 this year, in place of $1,610.70 received last year. I am glad and grateful to be able to announce that of that $5,000, fully $2,600 are already in sight, either in cash or in reliable pledges. It has been made easy to raise this, because all except the hundreds (i. e., $2,000) has come in a single donation from the grand English house of Balfour, Gunther & Co., in this city. That is to say, $500 from the senior partner in Liverpool, Alfred Balfour, Esq., $500 from his Liverpool associate, Hon. Stephen Williamson, M. P., and $1,000 from the house as a whole, among the partners in which is a worthy son of Chalmers’ great successor in the Free Church of Scotland—that prince among preachers, Dr. Guthrie. This great gift is proffered in the hope and expectation that the balance of $3,000 will not be found wanting, and, God helping us, it shall not fail. There has been a painful sense, all along these years, that we were reaching only the outer edge of the great necessity touching, so to speak, only the bare fringe of our great opportunity, though we have done the utmost possible for us, with the means at our command. I can with a clear conscience claim that not a dime has gone forth needlessly; that every minutest item of expense has been carefully scrutinized; and, while it would be “too good to be true” if we said that no mistakes had been made, that every experiment had proved a success, or that no fields have been entered from which we were compelled to retire before the harvest came to view, still, I speak the simple truth when I say that I know of nothing that to-day I would extract, or, so far as our endeavor is concerned, essentially change. The constant prayer has been for the Master’s guidance; is it vain or presumptuous to believe that the prayer has been answered, his promise fulfilled, his guidance vouchsafed? It would be meanly ungrateful if I did not thus testify for Him.
But the point is that now we must go deeper. We cannot rest on the outer edge of the great work. We must avail ourselves to the utmost of our opportunity, and for this we must have a marked increase of means. Toward this, now that God has inclined these English brethren to give so largely, I cannot believe that American Christians will fail to make fitting response. And inasmuch as I cannot see how more than $1,500 out of the $2,400 remaining to be raised, can possibly be gathered in California, I venture to press it on the thoughts and hearts of Eastern friends, to furnish over and above their regular contributions to the parent society, at least $900 for its California auxiliary. Let the gifts be sent directly to me at 940 Copp Street, or to our treasurer, Deacon E. Palache, 218 Front Street, San Francisco.
2. Our Schools.—In the February Missionary I spoke of 13 schools in operation, a larger number than ever before. The first of March will see the number 14, a school being prepared to start on that date, at Tucson, Arizona. It will be, by far, our most distant out-post, but gives promise of being a very useful mission. Several of the pupils who had become Christians in connection with our Santa Barbara mission, work failing at that place, moved on towards the front, and were scattered among the villages of Arizona; one, at least, even crossing the line into Mexico. We had letters from them occasionally, such as encouraged us to believe that, though in exile from what had been to them a very house of God, and often standing alone, as Christians, among a crowd of ungodly and profane Americans, they were still walking in the truth. At length, from one of them[117] who had settled at Tucson, came, in behalf of himself and eight or nine others, an urgent request for a mission there. At the suggestion of some excellent Christian ladies of that city, to whom I appealed for advice, and who kindly pledged their personal co-operation, the school is to be placed in the care of Rev. Mr. Messenger, once a missionary of the Episcopal Board in Africa. He is pronounced to be “a good Christian, who can sing well, can play on the organ, and will work earnestly” in the liberty of Christ and not in bondage to any ritual or liturgy. The pupils attest their zeal by pledging contributions sufficient to pay the rent of the school-room, $15 per month, and, perhaps, the incidental expenses likewise. Pray for the success of the first Chinese mission in Arizona.
Among the new schools reported in my last was that at Oroville. Its teacher is a daughter of Rev. Alvin Ostrom, pastor of the Congregational Church in that place, who himself was once a missionary in China, and has, in his enforced return to this country, been hungry these many years for an opportunity to preach Christ again to the Chinese. I hardly need say that with such a spirit in the work tokens of a coming harvest begin to appear. Two or three of the pupils began to venture in, on Sabbaths, to the half empty church, and to sit in unoccupied pews. Whereupon an irate Caucasian vents himself in the village newspaper in this wise:
“Ed. Mercury—‘What are our places of divine worship coming to?’ is a question with many. Are we to give way our places in the pews to the long-tailed Mongolians, or shall we be obliged to take sides with them? We answer, ‘No!’ Better send them and our pretended leaders away together to their proper places. We have no objection to his teaching them, but for the sake of common decency and the respect due to us, let it be a separate matter.
The community soon began to be astir. The pillars of the church began to tremble. Subscriptions began to be withdrawn. Families were reported as “going over to the other church.” The croakers rose to the ascendant, and the outlook grew dark. But silence and patience and gentleness, and pastoral diligence, having God and the right on their side, are winning the day; and fresh sunshine, gleaming through the whole church-work, already “puts to silence the ignorance of foolish men.”
Although the severe storms of the past two months have interfered with the attendance on our schools, and even made desirable the temporary suspension of one of them, yet there is much to encourage in the reports received. At Marysville three during last month “joined the Association,” professing thus their faith in Christ, and coming under probation with reference to reception to the church. At Sacramento the teacher writes, rejoicing over the return to the school, with heart apparently renewed, of one pupil for whom she had labored and prayed with great earnestness, but who first left our school for another, and then seemed to “go to the bad” with utter recklessness. But the Lord has brought him back, and he now applies to be received to the Association, and to be thus recognized as a believer in Jesus. This Sacramento school, as, also, the one in Stockton, that in Marysville, and those in this city, are a perpetual joy to me, in the spirit which pervades the work and the results vouchsafed. Indeed, I know not that I need except any of our schools from this statement, and I cease to mention them by name only because the list would be too long. The great lack just now is Chinese helpers trained for service. To select them wisely, to provide for their being trained, to put them into harness at the right point, where by teaching they can learn to teach and by preaching to preach, is the problem now before me.
Room 20, Congregational House, Beacon St., Boston.
Miss Nathalie Lord, Secretary. Miss Abby W. Pearson, Treasurer.
The Woman’s Home Missionary Association has made no new appointments during the past month under the American Missionary Association. From those already sent into this part of the field the reports are encouraging and interesting.
From Baxter Springs, Kansas, where are 1,000 refugees and 1,100 white inhabitants, Miss Wilson writes that she is getting her work systematized, and gives her plan as follows:
“A small unoccupied building, owned by the Hard Shell (colored) Baptists, has been offered me, on condition that I will put in window panes and a stove. To do this I shall use a sum of money now in Gov. St. John’s hands, and I hope this will be enough also for a ton of coal. In this building I am to open an afternoon industrial school for women. The different arts of housekeeping will be here taught in turn. Those who wish will learn to read, and especially mothers’ meetings will be held. This is the central point of all my work—the women and their homes. Around this will cluster several other departments, for I have already four or five co-workers. Two of these are good Quaker women, living in the place and already doing all they can. They will assist in the women’s school and in visiting at the homes. Another of the workers there will be John Smith, a colored minister, from Iowa, educated by the Society of Friends. This man has been on the ground three months. He is teaching a children’s school. There are three hundred children of the age to go to school, only about half of whom are provided for by the town schools. He will be ready to assist me in every way necessary, and will have one of the departments in the Sunday-school, of which we have arranged three, beside being the superintendent of the school. For the use of the Sunday-school we have three rooms in the public school building. The fourth assistant is Miss E. Cabell, also colored, a graduate of Hampton. Miss C. joined us from Virginia in October. She is proving a valuable assistant. She will open a children’s school, mornings, in our little building, and also have the Infant Department in our Sunday-school. One other service I desire to hold, a Sunday morning Bible reading in our little church. And if we can persuade the ignorant preachers around us, of whom there are several, to come to our rooms some evening in the week for a weekly study of the Sunday-school lesson, we shall have gained a great point with them.”
The work of Mrs. Steele, in Almeda, S. C., proves full of interest. This place takes its name from a daughter of Mr. Reuben G. Holmes, who bought this tract of land, 12,000 acres, for the purpose of giving employment to worthy colored men and enabling them to buy small farms for themselves at $5 per acre. He now has nearly 150 families, including more than 700 souls, on the place, and to instruct and care for these is the work of Mrs. Steele. She writes that she has more or less care of all, has already had more than 200 in her Sunday-school. Her day school occupies her from 9 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.; her evening school from 7 to 9.30 P.M.; and her afternoons she spends in “calling on the folks.” Having mentioned some touching cases of distress and how she[119] was able to relieve them, she adds: “Now don’t think it is all out-go and no income. I called on another family—the mother had previously called on me and wanted me to cut out a calico dress for one of her little girls—when my little girl and I came away from that home, the mother brought me a fresh egg as a present. Now that gift for her was more than ten dollars would be for some people to give. The good-will back of the gift made me feel rich.” “In my solemn talks,” she says, “with my pupils, I’ve found some who seem to me to be of the Lord’s noblemen, so conscientiously living up to the light and knowledge they have, and eager for more. I’ve formed a temperance and anti-tobacco society and have quite a number of names already.”
All who had a hand in filling or packing the barrel lately sent to Miss Carter, in Nashville, Tenn.—as well as those whose hands are filling or packing or are about to be filling or packing other such choice barrels or boxes—will be glad to hear of its welcome, and also to learn what are among the most acceptable things to send in such cases. She writes:
“The barrel arrived Saturday and delights my heart. Were I a little darker skinned I should say, ‘it will do me so proud,’ but as it is I hardly know how to express my thanks and perfect satisfaction. Did I tell you so explicitly all my needs—I can’t remember—or did you guess them? Those test cards are gems: perhaps their value to others may be beyond price. The papers I’m so glad of, especially the children’s papers. The pictures cut out by some loving fingers, the picture cards, tracts, story books, Testaments, all these things meet especial needs. The children’s clothes, especially the flannels and boys’ shirts, are most welcome. I know this moment the destination of each article.
“Perhaps that for which I’m most truly grateful, is the quantity of sewing materials. The Lord has not since I came here let me name a day for help, but just now I was counting my little funds and wondering—wondering if the time had come when I should be really obliged to halt. This supply of materials is a true blessing. Perhaps my Sunday-school stands highest in importance, but surely this sewing-school work, with all the influences of good which I strive to bring there to bear upon the girls, is next. I couldn’t willingly give it up. Through it the girls are clothing their bodies with their own honest efforts; are learning Christian gentleness and politeness, and having their minds stored with good thoughts out of good books. They let me come very close to them, tell me their needs, their troubles, and recognize me as their friend. So in furthering this work, you are setting many wheels in motion. I held a reception at the ‘opening’—opening of my barrel; how enthusiastic and happy we all were.”
The Association held public meetings in Boston, Mount Vernon church, morning and afternoon of March 3. The interest of these meetings indicates, we believe, increasing energy and delight in forwarding the work. The total receipts of the year, as announced there, have been $5,077.34. This is not a great sum, but neither is it a bad beginning, and as fast as it gives pleasure to the friends of the work to add to our pile, the present year, so fast shall we be eager to increase it by scattering.
Receipts from Jan. 1, 1881, to March 1, 1881:
From auxiliaries | $818.65 |
From donations | 188.89 |
From life members | 40.00 |
From annual members | 14.00 |
———————— | |
Total | $1,061.54 |
Donations from Cong. Pub. Soc., $25 worth of S. S. papers, lesson papers, books and cards, for Miss Julia A. Wilson, Baxter Springs, for use among[120] refugees. From Mrs. C. A. Johnson, for Miss Wilson’s use, flannel, new cloth and sewing materials, valued at $25.00. Office chair, $10.00, from friends. Three chairs for office, from a friend.
The following boxes and barrels have been sent, valued at:
From Bradford Academy | $180.00 |
From North Ave. Church, Cambridge, box, $90.21, barrel, $48.90 | 139.11 |
From Providence Central Ch. Aux., barrel | 475.00 |
———————— | |
Total | 794.11 |
MAINE, $841.69. | |
Auburn. High St. Cong. Ch. | $0.75 |
Belfast. Rev. W. Parker (part for Refugees) | 5.00 |
Biddeford. Second Cong. Ch. | 15.44 |
Brownville. Hon. A. H. Merrill | 100.00 |
Calais. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 20.00 |
Deering. Mr. Bascomb | 5.00 |
Dedham. Cong. Ch. | 3.00 |
Foxcroft. Wm. W. Clark, to const. Axcel M. Campbell, L. M. | 30.00 |
Gardner. Sarah M. Whitmore, for Student Aid. Talladega C. | 5.00 |
Gilead. Rev. H. R. | 1.00 |
Hallowell. Ladies, by Annie F. Page, Bbl. of C., for Refugees | |
Holden. Cong. Ch. | 4.50 |
Machias. Eliza G. Longfellow, Bbl. of C., for Wilmington, N. C. | |
Portland. Ladies in Maine, by Mrs. W. E. Gould, for Lady Missionaries at Selma, Ala. and Wilmington, N. C. | 550.75 |
Portland. John M. Gould, Box of C., for Talladega, Ala. | |
South Freeport. Rev. H. I. | 1.00 |
Thomaston. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Union. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 5.00 |
Waterford. “A Friend,” $4.50; Mrs. C. D., 50¢ | 5.00 |
Woolwich. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $9; Mrs. J. P. Trott, $2 | 11.00 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE, $426.92. | |
Alstead. Third Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 11.52 |
Atkinson. Cong. Ch., Box S. S. Books, for Macon, Ga. | |
Candia. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 40.00 |
Chester. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.00 |
Colebrook. H. A. | 1.00 |
Concord. Mrs. C. T., 50¢.; C. T. P., 50¢. | 1.00 |
Dover. M. E. L. | 1.00 |
Dunbarton. W. C. Stinson | 10.00 |
Epping. Miss Hannah Pearson, $5; Mrs. John Billson, $5; for School House, Athens, Ala. | 10.00 |
Exeter. Sab. Sch. of Second Cong. Ch., $20; Ladies of Cong. Ch., for freight, $3; for Talladega C. | 23.00 |
Exeter. “A Friend” | 2.00 |
Great Falls. Mrs. E. A. Tibbets, for Talladega C. | 3.00 |
Hanover. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid. Atlanta U. | 30.00 |
Hanover. Cong. Ch. at Dartmouth College | 22.00 |
Hinsdale. G. W. | 1.00 |
Keene. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., $81; Mrs. J. A. G., 50¢.; J. P., $1; Mrs. N. R. C., 50¢ | 83.00 |
Langdon. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 8.00 |
Lebanon. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 40.00 |
Lyme. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 29.20 |
Monroe. S. H. | 0.51 |
Mount Vernon. J. A. S. | 1.00 |
New Ipswich. A. N. Townsend, $2; Mrs. Dr. G., $1 | 3.00 |
Newport. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. A. B. Chase, L. M. | 33.67 |
Orford. Miss A. E. | 0.51 |
Peterborough. Mrs. E. H. | 1.00 |
Piermont. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 8.00 |
Pittsfield. J. Merrill | 1.51 |
Plainfield. Mrs. Hannah Stevens, to const. Mrs. Sophia R. Baker, L. M. | 32.00 |
Plymouth. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 20.00 |
VERMONT, $201.38. | |
Andover. “Baldwin Family” | 1.00 |
Bakersfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 8.25 |
Bethel. Mrs. Laura F. Sparhawk | 5.00 |
Brattleborough. F. W. K. | 1.00 |
Burlington. Third Cong. Ch. | 53.25 |
Charlotte. Nettie A Parker | 10.00 |
East Hardwick. Mrs. L. W. J. and Mrs. L. A. P. | 2.00 |
Essex. “A Friend” | 1.00 |
Fayetteville. M. K. | 1.00 |
Marshfield. Lyman Clark | 10.00 |
North Craftsbury. Ladies’ Miss. Soc. of Cong. Ch., Bbl. of Bedding, val. $30, and $2 for freight, by Mrs. Mary W. Boardman, for Atlanta U. | 2.00 |
Poultney. A. M. Knapp | 2.00 |
Royalton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 19.00 |
Saint Albans. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 43.13 |
Saint Johnsbury. “A. I. R——y” | 5.00 |
Saxton’s River. E. S. S. | 1.00 |
Shelburn. “A Friend” | 15.00 |
Underhill. E. S. Whitcomb | 5.00 |
Vergennes. W. W. Pierce, $2; Mrs. H. S. and R. T. B., 50¢. ea. | 3.00 |
Wait’s River. J. F. W. | 1.00 |
Wallingford. Cong. Ch. and Soc., Bbl. of C. and $1 for freight | 1.00 |
Woodstock. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 11.75 |
MASSACHUSETTS, $5,599.11. | |
Allston. “A Friend” | 2.00 |
Amherst. G. C. Munsell | 2.00 |
Andover. Mrs. F. R. B. | 0.50 |
Athol. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. Horace I. Whipple. L. M. | 30.00 |
Bedford. M. E. R. | 0.50 |
Belchertown. Cong. Sab. Sch., $7; Miss S. C. A., $1 | 8.00 |
Billerica. H. B. S. | 1.00 |
Boston. Mrs. Nancy B. Curtis, $200; “P.,” $1; Mrs. A. B., 50¢. | 201.50 |
Boston. S. D. Smith, (6 organs) | 1,000.00[121] |
Boston. “A Friend,” for Kansas Refugee M. | 5.00 |
Boston. N. Willis Bumstead, paper hangings and mouldings, for guest rooms, Atlanta U. | |
Boston. “Friends,” Bbl. Books and Papers and Bbl. of C., for Macon, Ga. | |
Boston. Woman’s Home Missionary Ass’n Abbie W. Pearson, Treas. (of which from Bradford, Vt., $10; from Mrs. Hunnewell, Boston, for Almeda, S. C., $9.10) for Lady Missionaries | 179.51 |
Bradford. Mrs. S. C. Boyd, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 14.00 |
Bradford. Ladies, Bbl. of C. for Wilmington, N. C. | |
Brockton. Mrs. T. C. P. | 0.50 |
Brockton. Mrs. Sanford, half Bbl. of C., for Tougaloo, Miss. | |
Cambridgeport. Pilgrim Cong. Ch. and Soc., $710; Mrs. E. K., 50c.; Mrs. J., 50c. | 711.00 |
Cambridge. “F. C. S.,” for Kansas Refugee M. | 5.00 |
Charlemont. “A Friend,” | 3.00 |
Chelsea. Bbl. of C., for Selma, Ala. | |
Clinton. First Evan. Ch. and Soc. | 125.00 |
Clinton. “A Friend,” for furnishing a room, Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
Clinton. “A Friend” for Kansas Refugee M. | 25.00 |
Colerain. Mrs. P. B. S. | 1.00 |
Conway. “Friend of Missions” | 2.00 |
Danvers. Maple St. Ch. and Soc. | 39.00 |
Dedham. Individuals, by E. P. B. | 2.00 |
East Braintree. J. N. L., for postage | 0.10 |
East Medway. Ladies’ Sew. Cir., 2 Bbls. of C. | |
East Longmeadow. Cong. Ch. | 19.00 |
Edgartown. “A Reader of the Missionary” | 1.00 |
Essex Co. “Howard,” for Talladega C. | 500.00 |
Essex Co. “Howard,” for Chapel at Wilmington, N. C. | 100.00 |
Fall River. First Cong. Ch. | 66.96 |
Gardner. G. A. W. | 1.00 |
Gilbertville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 50.00 |
Goshen. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 7.15 |
Grafton. Mrs. Joseph A. Dodge, $25, for furnishing a room, Atlanta U.; Ladies Sew. Circle of Second Cong. Ch., Bbl. of Bedding, for Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
Granby. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 25.40 |
Granville Corners. C. Holcomb, $5; Mrs. Clement Holcomb, $5 | 10.00 |
Haverhill. Bundle of C. | |
Hopkinton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Lakeville. Precinct Cong. Sab. Sch. | 20.17 |
Lawrence. T. C. Whittemore, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 40.00 |
Lee. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $103, for rebuilding Chapel, Tougaloo, Miss.; Ladies of Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., for Tougaloo | 103.00 |
Linden. Young People’s Mission Circle, Bbl. of C., for Talladega, Ala. | |
Littleton. Woman’s Mission Circle, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 10.00 |
Littleton. Ladies of Cong. Ch., 2 Bbls. of C., for Mobile, Ala. | |
Lowell. Leonard Kimball, for Indian M. | 100.00 |
Lowell. Ladies’ Benev. Soc. of First Ch., Bbl. of C., for Wilmington, N. C. | |
Medfield. F. D. Ellis | 100.00 |
Medford. “A Friend” | 2.00 |
Merrimac. Miss H. W. | 0.50 |
Middleborough. Mrs. Geo. H. Doane, Box of C., $2 for freight, for Tougaloo | 2.00 |
Natick. Rev. D. W. | 0.10 |
New Bedford. M. M. | 0.50 |
North Amherst. H. S. | 1.00 |
Northborough. Mrs. H. B. D. | 1.00 |
North Brookfield. “A Friend in Union Cong. Ch.” | 5.00 |
Newburyport. “A Friend” | 5.00 |
Newburyport. Ladies’ Freedmen’s Aid Soc., 2 Bbls. of C., for Washington, D. C. | |
Newburyport. H. F. Tyler, 23 Bbls. of C. for Refugees | |
Newton Centre. Ladies of Mrs. Furber’s Bible Class, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 50.00 |
Norfolk. Ladies’ Benev. Soc., Bbl. of Bedding, for Atlanta U. | |
Palmer. Second Cong. Ch. | 20.00 |
Rockland. “A Friend” | 30.00 |
Saundersville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 15.00 |
South Hadley. Mt. H. Sem., “A Friend,” for Kansas Refugee M. | 2.00 |
Southbridge. “A Friend” | 50.00 |
South Wellfleet. “A Friend” | 2.00 |
South Weymouth. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. Lysander Heald, L. M. | 42.00 |
Springfield. “M,” $800; First Cong. Ch., Coll., $83.39; “F. A. B.,” $200; South Cong. Ch., $81.89; Miss Lizzie Bates, $3 | 1,168.28 |
Stoneham. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 20.63 |
Taunton. Union Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 7.28 |
Tewksbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc., for Indian M., Hampton N. & A. Inst. | 18.75 |
Townsend Harbor. Mrs. Ralph Ball, Box S. S. Books, for Macon, Ga. | |
Upton. “A Friend,” Bbl. of C., for Washington, D. C. | |
Wakefield. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 38.07 |
Watertown. Ladies, 4 Bbls. of C., for Tougaloo, Miss. | |
Waverley. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 13.04 |
West Dennis. S. S. C. | 1.00 |
Westborough. Freedmen’s Mission Ass’n, Bbl. of C., for Talladega, Ala. | |
Westfield. Dr. H. Holland, for Kansas Refugee M. | 2.00 |
Westford. Rev. E. R. H. | 0.50 |
West Medway. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 25.00 |
West Boylston. “Willing Workers,” for furnishing a room, Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
West Roxbury. Sab. Sch. of South Evan. Ch. | 20.00 |
West Springfield. “Mission Band,” by C. H. Abbott, for Talladega C. | 60.00 |
West Springfield. Park St. Ch., $30; First Cong. Ch., $15 | 45.00 |
Wilmington. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Wilmington. J. Skelton | 5.00 |
Woburn. Cong. Ch. and Soc., “A Friend” | 25.00 |
Worcester. “A Friend,” $50; Old South Cong. Ch. and Soc., $38.17; Hiram Smith and Family, $30; H. W. Wheeler, $30, to const. Mrs. Sarah H. Wheeler, L. M.; M. F. W., $1 | 149.17 |
Wrentham. Cong. Sab. Sch., for furnishing a room, Atlanta U. | 6.00 |
—— “A Friend,” to const. Miss Abbie Allen, L. M. | 30.00 |
—— Bbl. of C., for Tougaloo, Miss. | |
—————— | |
$5,499.11 | |
Whitinsville. Estate of E. W. Fletcher, by Chas. P. Whitin, Ex. | 100.00 |
——— | |
$5,599.11 |
RHODE ISLAND, $72.60. | |
Nayatt Point. R. W. S. | 1.00 |
Peace Dale. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
Providence. Union Cong. Ch., $35; “A Father of Four,” $25; L. M. W., $1; Miss S. P. P., 60c. | 61.60 |
CONNECTICUT, $3,237.92. | |
Ansonia. Wm. Terry, M. D. | 5.00 |
Avon. Miss L. O. T. | 1.00 |
Berlin. Rev. J. Whittlesey | 10.00 |
Bloomfield. “A Friend,” to const. Mrs. Harriet E. Fish, Levi Tillotson, and John Blackwell, L. M.’s | 87.50 |
Bristol. Cong. Ch., to const. R. A. Potter, W. F. Brainard, E. B. Dunbar, and George L. Goodrich, L. M.’s | 120.00 |
Chester. Cong. Ch. | 19.40 |
Canton Center. W. G. Hallock | 10.00[122] |
Cobalt. G. H. L. | 0.50 |
Cornwall Bridge. Geo. H. Swift | 10.00 |
Coventry. Mrs. B. T. Preston | 5.00 |
Derby. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Tillotson C. and N. Inst. | 29.50 |
Durham Centre. A. P. C. | 1.00 |
East Haddam. First Cong. Sab. Sch. | 12.64 |
Farmington. Cong. Ch., Frederick C. Jones, to const. himself, L. M. | 30.00 |
Greeneville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 33.44 |
Greenwich. Richard B. Carpenter, $100; E. M., $1 | 101.00 |
Groton. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 11.02 |
Hartford. Geo. Kellogg, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
Hartford. “A Member of Asylum Hill Cong. Ch.,” for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 4.00 |
Hartford. “Member Asylum Hill Cong. Ch.” | 20.00 |
Hebron. Mrs. Jasper Porter, for Tougaloo U. | 25.00 |
Kensington. Mrs. M. Cowles | 2.00 |
Litchfield. First Cong. Ch. | 24.10 |
Lyme. T. L. Gilbert | 2.00 |
Meriden. First Cong. Ch., E. K. Breckenridge | 5.00 |
Middlefield. Cong. Ch., for Kansas Refugee M. | 23.50 |
Middletown. First Cong. Ch., $29.94; Dea. Selah Goodrich. $20; Miss E. T., 50c. | 50.44 |
Milford. First Cong. Ch. | 17.63 |
Morris. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 15.00 |
Naugatuck. Cong. Ch. | 27.00 |
New Hartford. Cong. Ch., Bbl. books, and papers, $2 for freight, for Macon, Ga. | 2.00 |
New Haven. Dr. W. B. DeForest, for Talladega C. | 50.00 |
New Haven. “A Friend,” for Tillotson C. & N. Inst. | 5.00 |
New London. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Harris, for Talladega C. | 120.00 |
New London. “A Friend” | 2.00 |
New Preston. Mrs. B. A. | 1.00 |
New Preston Village. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 44.00 |
New Preston Village. “A Friend,” for Hampton N. and A. Inst. | 10.00 |
North Branford. J. A. Palmer | 2.00 |
North Haven. Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch. | 10.00 |
Norwich. Second Cong. Ch., $113.23; Second Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., $65; First Cong. Ch., $10 | 188.23 |
North Woodstock. Cong. Ch. | 15.00 |
Plantsville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 60.00 |
Plymouth. Plymouth Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 95.00 |
Roxbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 11.70 |
Stafford Springs. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
South Britain. Mrs. E. M. Averill | 5.00 |
South Glastonbury. Cong. Ch. | 5.26 |
Terryville. A. S. Gaylord, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 70.00 |
Thomaston. David S. Cables | 20.00 |
Thompsonville. D. P | 1.00 |
Torrington. Cong. Sch. and Soc. | 15.00 |
Trumbull. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $9.64; Cong. Sab. Sch., $10.36 | 20.00 |
Vernon Depot. Sab. Sch., by C. D. Tucker, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 18.00 |
Washington. Henry S. Nettleton, for school-house in Ga. | 5.00 |
Waterbury. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., $399.86; first Cong. Ch., $135.70 | 535.56 |
Waterbury. “A Friend,” for Kansas Refugee M. | 5.00 |
Watertown. Dr. John De Forest, for Talladega C. | 100.00 |
Windsor. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
Windsor Locks. Mrs. L. P. Dexter | 5.00 |
Winsted. E. E. Gilman, $10; Mrs. E. W. C., $1; Mrs. C. S., 50c. | 11.50 |
Winthrop. Miss C. Rice, $1.50; Mrs. M. A. Jones, $1.50 | 3.00 |
Woodbridge. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
——“A Friend” ($150 of which for Kansas Refugee M.) | 450.00 |
———— | |
$2,637.92 | |
Avon. Estate of Maria Avent, by Oliver Gabriel | 200.00 |
Eastford. Estate of Rozel S. Warren, by J. D. Barrows, Ex. | 400.00 |
———— | |
$3,237.92 |
NEW YORK, $1,096.96. | |
Albany. Mrs. Mary M. Learned | 25.00 |
Arcade. Dea. P. H. Parker | 5.00 |
Brooklyn. Central Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., Geo. A. Bell, supt., for Missionaries at Fernandina, Fla., Ladies’ Island, S. C., and Charleston, S. C. | 200.60 |
Brooklyn. Bedford Cong. Ch. | 16.00 |
Cohoes. Mrs. I. Terry | 3.00 |
East Bloomfield. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 16.00 |
Franklin. Mrs. Isabel H. Penfield | 5.00 |
Fredonia. “Friends,” for School-house, Athens, Ala. | 30.00 |
Fredonia. Miss Martha L. Stevens | 5.00 |
Galway. Delia C. Davis and sister, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 10.00 |
Gloversville. Cong. Ch. (of which Alanson Judson, $150, Mrs. Sarah B. Place, $70, $35 of which for Tillotson C. and N. Inst.) | 314.50 |
Goshen. Miss Martha Wisner, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 10.00 |
Jefferson. Mrs. S. Ruliffson | 4.00 |
Kinderhook. W. I. | 1.00 |
Lenox. Amos S. Johnson | 2.00 |
Lockport. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch., ad’l to const. Mrs. L. B. King, Miss Nettie Moody and George Jennings, L. M’s | 56.04 |
Lima. Geo. Thayer, $5; G. W. Thayer, $3; Mrs. E. W. Beadle, $2 | 10.00 |
Mount Sinai. Cong. Ch. | 10.46 |
Mina. Mrs. A. T. | 1.00 |
New York. William E. Dodge, for Tougaloo U. | 100.00 |
New York. Broadway Tab. Ch., Mon. Con. Coll., for Ch., McIntosh, Ga., and to const. Rev. Wm. M. Taylor, D. D., L. M. | 30.00 |
New York. Sab. Sch. of Broadway Tab. Ch., $25; Rev. H. C. Haydn, D. D., $10; Mrs. E. Merritt, $10 | 45.00 |
New York. ——, for Mendi M. | 5.47 |
Oswego. Cong. Ch. Mon. Con. Coll. | 13.48 |
Rushford. W. W. | 0.51 |
Saratoga Springs. Mrs. A. M. W., Sen., $1; Mrs. S. S., $1 | 2.00 |
Smyrna. “A Friend” | 10.00 |
Springville. Lawrence Weber | 3.00 |
Success. Sab. Sch., by J. H. Benjamin, supt. | 11.00 |
Tarrytown. “A Friend” | 50.00 |
Troy. Mrs. C. H. Ladd, to const. herself L. M. | 30.00 |
Walton. Union Miss. Soc. of Second Cong. Ch., $35.44; Second Cong. Sab. Sch., $19.66; J. J. St. J., 50c. | 55.60 |
West Farms. Ladies and Prof. Alphonso Wood, Bbl. of Bedding and Books, by Mrs. A. Wood, for Tillotson C. and N. Inst. | |
West Winfield. Cong. Ch. | 16.00 |
NEW JERSEY, $81.39. | |
Bernardsville. J. L. Roberts | 25.00 |
Lakewood. Ralph Tyler and G. L. Hovey, Box of Books, for Tougaloo U. | |
Lyons Farms. “C.” | 5.00 |
Newark. “A Friend” | 0.39 |
Orange Valley. Ladies’ Sewing Soc. of Cong. Ch., $26, and Bbl. of Bedding and C., by Mrs. Austin Adams, for furnishing rooms, Tillotson C. and N. Inst. | 26.00 |
Salem. W. G. Tyler | 25.00 |
PENNSYLVANIA, $7.00. | |
Cambridgeborough. Mrs. W. G. | 1.00 |
Cross Cut. W. W. | 1.00 |
Forest Grove. C. T. B. | 1.00 |
Guy’s Mills. S. O. F. | 1.00[123] |
Philadelphia. M. A. L. | 1.00 |
Sewickley. “A Friend,” for Mendi M. | 2.00 |
OHIO, $788.28. | |
Austinburg. First Cong. Ch. | 11.00 |
Belpre. Cong. Ch. | 13.03 |
Brookfield. Miss E. F. | 0.50 |
Bucyrus. “Friends,” by Rev. J. Schull, for Tougaloo U. | 17.50 |
Burg Hill. Mrs. H. B., $1; J. M. J., $1; S. J. B., 50c. | 2.50 |
Cleveland. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. of the Heights, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 24.00 |
Cleveland. B. A. D., 50c.; M. P., 50c. | 1.00 |
Dover. L. G. P. | 1.00 |
Delaware. J. W. D. | 0.50 |
Elyria. Heman Ely, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 40.00 |
Fredericktown. A. H. Royce | 10.00 |
Geneva. “Cheerful Workers,” by Minnie Carter, sec., for Tougaloo U. | 15.00 |
Greenfield. William Smith | 5.00 |
Harrison. John D. Bowles | 5.00 |
Hartford. Mrs. F. and M. Brockway, $5; S. C. B., $1; H. J., $1; Mrs. A. T., $1; H. B. T., $1; Others, $1 | 10.00 |
Huntington. Edward West | 25.00 |
Kingsville. M. Whiting | 20.00 |
Lorain. “Friends,” by Miss Kate Randall, for Emerson Inst. | 8.00 |
Martinsburgh. J. A. McFarland and Miss Emily McFarland, $2.50 ea. | 5.00 |
Metamora. Mrs. M. S. | 1.00 |
Moss Run. M. B. F. | 1.00 |
Mount Vernon. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 50.00 |
Napoleon. Mrs. N. B. P. | 1.00 |
Painesville. R. Hitchcock, for Kansas Refugee M. | 250.00 |
Painesville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
Painesville. E. E. J. | 1.00 |
Sandusky. J. G. | 0.50 |
South Salem. Daniel S. Pricer, $3; Miss M. M. M., $1; Mrs. M. S., $1 | 5.00 |
Springfield. Cong. Sab. Sch., $12.50, for Tougaloo U., and $12.50, for Fisk U. | 25.00 |
Sulphur Springs. “Friends,” by Rev. J. Schull, for Tougaloo U. | 22.50 |
Toledo. Mrs. Geo. L. Weed, $10; Mrs. M. A. Harrington, $5 | 15.00 |
Willoughby. Mrs. J. M. Page, $5; Miss C. E. Leonard, $5; for Kansas Refugee M. | 10.00 |
———— | |
$621.03 | |
Cleveland. Estate of Chas. French | 167.25 |
———— | |
$788.28 |
INDIANA, $15.00. | |
Indianapolis. Mrs. M. S. Pratt, for School-house, Athens, Ala. | 15.00 |
ILLINOIS, $585.66. | |
Aurora. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 25.00 |
Batavia. Cong. Ch. | 39.49 |
Belvidere. Mrs. M. C. Foote | 3.00 |
Bristol. Mrs. S. J. Wheeler, $2; Mrs. H. S. Colton, $2 | 4.00 |
Buda. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Savannah, Ga. | 20.00 |
Chicago. Elisha Gray, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 10.00 |
Chicago. J. Fairbanks, Box books and papers, for Macon, Ga. | |
Chicago. Dr. J. H. H., $1; Family Missionary Box, $1.58 | 2.58 |
Lake Forest. Mrs. W. H. Ferry, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 50.00 |
Moline. John Deere, for Theo. Dept., Fisk U. | 100.00 |
Odell. Mrs. H. E. Dana | 10.00 |
Payson. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 20.00 |
Peoria. Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Griswold, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 100.00 |
Port Byron. A. F. Hollister | 5.00 |
Princeton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 10.48 |
Princeville. Mrs. E. R. Auten | 5.00 |
Providence. Cong. Ch. | 22.61 |
Providence. Ladies’ of Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Liberty Co., Ga. | 5.00 |
Saint Charles. Cong. Ch., Miss Abby Ward | 3.00 |
Streator. Samuel Plumb, for Kansas Refugee M. | 100.00 |
Tolono. Mrs. L. Haskell, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 11.00 |
Tonica. “Friends” | 8.00 |
Turner. Mrs. R. C. | 1.00 |
Winnetka. Cong. Ch. | 27.50 |
Wyoming. Rev. Wm. Walters | 3.00 |
MICHIGAN, $198.62. | |
Adrian. C. C. Spooner | 5.00 |
Ann Arbor. Cong. Ch. | 46.00 |
Battle Creek. Presb. and Cong. Sab. Sch’s., for Talladega C. | 6.00 |
Cooper. Cong. Ch. | 12.93 |
Detroit. First Cong. Ch., “A Friend,” $2; F. M., $1; S. Z., 50c. | 3.50 |
Kalamo. Mrs. S. E. B. | 1.00 |
Lowell. Mrs. E. A. Yerkes | 5.00 |
Marshall. D. H. Miller | 5.00 |
Milford. Mrs. W. O. | 0.51 |
Olivet. “Young Men’s Christian Ass’n,” for Talladega C. | 60.00 |
Owosso. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 35.00 |
Port Huron. H. W. C., 50c.; C. G. H., 50c. | 1.00 |
Salem. Mrs. A. V. | 0.51 |
Saint Johns. Rev. S. S. | 1.00 |
Summit. Missionary Soc., by Mrs. F. G. Terrill, Treas. | 3.17 |
Traverse City. S. A. | 1.00 |
Union City. Mrs. E. J. H., 50c.; Mrs. D. B. W., 50c. | 1.00 |
Vassar. J. G. Selden | 2.50 |
Whitehall. B. H. | 1.00 |
Whitehall. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hammond, for Schoolhouse, Athens, Ala. | 5.00 |
WISCONSIN, $213.25. | |
Appleton. Miss A. E. Hutchinson’s Sab. Sch. Class, Box of C., $2 for freight, for Macon, Ga. | 2.00 |
Appleton. First Cong. Ch., Box Books and C., for Macon, Ga. | |
Beloit. Ladies of First Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala., and to const. Miss H. Martindale, L. M. | 44.50 |
Beloit. J. Bert, $10.75; Sab. Sch. of Second Cong. Ch., $7.30; Ladies of First Cong. Ch., Bale of C., for Talladega C. | 18.05 |
Beloit. “Friends,” 3 Boxes Books and Papers and 1 Box C., for Macon, Ga. | |
Beloit. Rev. Thomas Gillespie | 5.00 |
Evansville. Cong. Ch., $5; Cong. Sab. Sch., $20 | 25.00 |
Milwaukee. Spring St. Cong. Ch., $95.60; Mrs. Samuel Brown, $5 | 100.60 |
New London. First Cong. Ch., 3 Boxes Books and Papers, Bbl. and Box of C., for Macon, Ga. | |
Oshkosh. First Cong. Ch., Box of Books and C., and $2.75 for freight, for Macon, Ga. | 2.75 |
Racine. Mrs. J. B. | 1.00 |
Rosendale. Ladies’ Soc. of First Cong. Ch., 2 Boxes Books and Papers, 1 Box C. and Bedding, $9.35 for freight, for Macon, Ga. | 9.35 |
Ripon. First Cong. Ch., Bbl. Books and C., for Macon, Ga. | |
Sheboygan. First Cong. Ch., Box of Books and C., $5 for freight, for Macon, Ga. | 5.00 |
IOWA, $366.14. | |
Cedar Rapids. First Cong. Ch. | 3.75 |
Cherokee. Mrs. C. E. W. | 0.50[124] |
Cincinnati. L. R. Holbroook | 10.00 |
Council Bluffs. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 30.00 |
Creston. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 7.50 |
Decorah. G. C. Winship | 5.00 |
Des Moines. Mrs. Samuel Merrill, for Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Dubuque. First Cong. Ch., $41.50, to const. Dr. J. S. Lewis, L. M.; W. C. W., 50c. | 42.00 |
De Witt. Rev. J. F. T | 1.00 |
Fairfield. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, New Orleans | 9.00 |
Genoa Bluffs. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., $5; Dea. H. A. Morse, $5 | 10.00 |
Grinnell. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., $23.75; Miss Lewis’ S. S. Class, $2; Miss Morris’ S. S. Class, $2.65; G. T. Hills’ S. S. Class, $2.25, for Talladega C. | 30.65 |
Grinnell. Sab. Sch. Class, Cong. Ch., for Le Moyne Sch. | 3.75 |
Marion. Ladies’ and Young Girls’ Miss. Soc’s, for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 25.00 |
Marion. Mrs. R. D. Stephens, for Student Aid, Straight U. | 25.00 |
Miles. Cong. Ch. | 3.75 |
Monticello. Mrs. M. B. C. S. | 0.50 |
Osage. Woman’s Missionary Soc., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 5.00 |
Preston. Cong. Ch. | 4.43 |
Tabor. A. C. G. | 1.00 |
Traer. Mrs. C. H. B. | 0.51 |
Sherrill’s Mount. Rev. J. R., for Student Aid, Straight U. | 1.00 |
Stacyville. By Mrs. R. D. Stephens, for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 0.50 |
Waterloo. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 10.00 |
Eldora. Ladies of Cong. Ch., $11; Monona. Ladies Aid Soc. of Cong. Ch., $1; Seneca. Mr. and Mrs. O. Littlefield, $2; Traer. Ladies of Cong. Ch., $12; by Mrs. Henry L. Chase for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 26.00 |
———— | |
$280.84 | |
Tabor. Estate of D. E. Woods, by Rev. John Todd | 85.30 |
———— | |
$366.14 |
MINNESOTA, $52.41. | |
Belle Prairie. Mrs. E. T. Ayer | 2.00 |
Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch. | 32.78 |
Minneapolis. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 17.13 |
Saint Paul. Rev. R. H | 0.50 |
KANSAS, $4.00. | |
Baxter Springs. Mrs. M. E. H. K. | 1.00 |
Burlingame. “A Friend” | 1.00 |
Leavenworth. Prof. L. A. S. ($1 of which for Chinese M.) | 2.00 |
NEBRASKA TER., $17.50. | |
Nebraska City. “A Friend,” $15.50; L. N. B., 50c.; Mrs. N. K. P. 50c. | 16.50 |
Green Island. Rev. C. S. | 1.00 |
CALIFORNIA, $5.50. | |
Benicia. Mrs. H. A. | 0.50 |
Santa Barbara. Mrs. H. M. Van Winkle | 5.00 |
WASHINGTON TER., $11.00. | |
Colfax. Rev. Cushing Eells, $10; Mrs. M. R. S., 50c. | 10.50 |
Seattle. Mrs. W. H. R. | 0.50 |
Washington. Mrs. A. N. Bailey | 10.00 |
KENTUCKY, $10.00. | |
Ashland. Hugh Means | 10.00 |
NORTH CAROLINA, $94.50. | |
Wilmington. Normal School, Tuition | 94.50 |
SOUTH CAROLINA, $317.00. | |
Charleston. Avery Inst., Tuition | 317.00 |
TENNESSEE, $355.30. | |
Chattanooga. Mrs. J. P. P., 50c.; | 1.00 |
Memphis. Le Moyne School, Tuition | 215.85 |
Nashville. Fisk University, Tuition | 138.45 |
GEORGIA, $599.39. | |
Atlanta. Storrs Sch., Tuition | 186.58 |
Atlanta. Atlanta University, Tuition | 130.00 |
Macon. Lewis High Sch., Tuition | 96.45 |
Macon. Rent | 5.50 |
McIntosh. Dorchester Academy, Tuition | 29.81 |
Savannah. Beach Institute, Tuition, $121.05; Rent, $10 | 131.05 |
Savannah. Dr. J. P. S. Houston and Dr. Wm. H. Elliott, for Mendi M. | 20.00 |
ALABAMA, $659.95. | |
Athens. Trinity School, Tuition | 87.50 |
Mobile. Emerson Inst., Tuition | 252.10 |
Mobile. Cong. Ch., for Emerson Inst. | 1.25 |
Montgomery. Swayne Sch., Tuition | 190.00 |
Selma. First Cong. Ch., $41.30; Rent, $4 | 45.30 |
Selma. “Friends,” by W. H. Lanier, for Tougaloo U. | 5.00 |
Talladega. Talladega College, Tuition | 48.80 |
Talladega. Rev. H. S. De Forest, for Talladega C., and to const. Miss Julie C. Andrews, L. M. | 30.00 |
MISSISSIPPI, $113.25. | |
Forest. “Friends,” by A. Strong, for Tougaloo U. | 2.00 |
Tougaloo. Tougaloo U., Tuition | 101.75 |
Tougaloo. Rev. G. S. Pope, $5; Students, $1; O. J., $1; D. I. M., $1; Mr. and Mrs. S., $1; Etta S., 25c.; J. M. N., 25c., for Tougaloo U. | 9.50 |
LOUISIANA, $141.75. | |
New Orleans. Straight University, Tuition. | 141.75 |
TEXAS, $61.50. | |
Austin. Tillotson C. & N. Inst., Tuition | 46.95 |
Austin. G. Warren, for Tillotson C. & N. Inst. | 10.00 |
Corpus Christi. First Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 2.55 |
Helena. D. E., 50c.; A. S., 50c. | 1.00 |
Whitman’s. W. B., 50c.; E. A. 50c. | 1.00 |
INCOME FUND, $805.50. | |
Avery Fund, for Mendi M. | 655.50 |
Graves Library Fund | 150.00 |
CANADA, $5.50. | |
Sherbrooke. Rev. Arch. Duff | 5.50 |
ENGLAND, $101.90. | |
London. Freedmen’s Missions Aid Soc., for Student Aid, Fisk U., £21 | 101.90[125] |
WEST INDIES, $1.00. | |
Jamaica. “A Lady,” for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 1.00 |
———— | |
Total for February | $17,097.97 |
Total from Oct. 1st to Feb. 28th | 87,522.46 |
Washington, Conn. Mrs. Rebecca Hine | 20.00 |
Washington, Conn. Cong. Ch. | 14.21 |
———— | |
Total | $34.21 |
Previously acknowledged from Oct. 1st to Jan. 31st | 4,076.50 |
———— | |
Total | $4,110.71 |
Leeds, England. Robert Arthington, £3,000 | 14,535.00 |
London, England. Freedmen’s Missions Aid Soc., £379 | 1,839.10 |
Le Grand, Iowa. L. M. Craig | 10.00 |
———— | |
Total | $16,384.10 |
Previously acknowledged from Oct. 1st to Jan. 31st | 1,608.96 |
———— | |
Total | $17,993.96 |
H. W. HUBBARD, Treas., 56 Reade St., N.Y.
Art. I. This Society shall be called “The American Missionary Association.”
Art. II. The object of this Association shall be to conduct Christian missionary and educational operations, and diffuse a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in our own and other countries which are destitute of them, or which present open and urgent fields of effort.
Art. III. Any person of evangelical sentiments,[A] who professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not a slaveholder, or in the practice of other immoralities, and who contributes to the funds, may become a member of the Society; and by the payment of thirty dollars, a life member; provided that children and others who have not professed their faith may be constituted life members without the privilege of voting.
Art. IV. This Society shall meet annually, in the month of September, October or November, for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, at such time and place as shall be designated by the Executive Committee.
Art. V. The annual meeting shall be constituted of the regular officers and members of the Society at the time of such meeting, and of delegates from churches, local missionary societies, and other co-operating bodies, each body being entitled to one representative.
Art. VI. The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretaries, Treasurer, two Auditors, and an Executive Committee of not less than twelve, of which the Corresponding Secretaries shall be advisory, and the Treasurer ex-officio, members.
Art. VII. To the Executive Committee shall belong the collecting and disbursing of funds; the appointing, counselling, sustaining and dismissing (for just and sufficient reasons) missionaries and agents; the selection of missionary fields; and, in general, the transaction of all such business as usually appertains to the executive committees of missionary and other benevolent societies; the Committee to exercise no ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the missionaries; and its doings to be subject always to the revision of the annual meeting, which shall, by a reference mutually chosen, always entertain the complaints of any aggrieved agent or missionary; and the decision of such reference shall be final.
The Executive Committee shall have authority to fill all vacancies occurring among the officers between the regular annual meetings; to apply, if they see fit, to any State Legislature for acts of incorporation; to fix the compensation, where any is given, of all officers, agents, missionaries, or others in the employment of the Society; to make provision, if any, for disabled missionaries, and for the widows and children of such as are deceased; and to call, in all parts of the country, at their discretion, special and general conventions of the friends of missions, with a view to the diffusion of the missionary spirit, and the general and vigorous promotion of the missionary work.
Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.
Art. VIII. This society, in collecting funds, in appointing officers, agents and missionaries, and in selecting fields of labor, and conducting the missionary work, will endeavor particularly to discountenance slavery, by refusing to receive the known fruits of unrequited labor, or to welcome to its employment those who hold their fellow-beings as slaves.
Art. IX. Missionary bodies, churches or individuals agreeing to the principles of this Society, and wishing to appoint and sustain missionaries of their own, shall be entitled to do so through the agency of the Executive Committee, on terms mutually agreed upon.
Art. X. No amendment shall be made to this Constitution without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present at a regular annual meeting; nor unless the proposed amendment has been submitted to a previous meeting, or to the Executive Committee in season to be published by them (as it shall be their duty to do, if so submitted) in the regular official notifications of the meeting.
[A] By evangelical sentiments, we understand, among others, a belief in the guilty and lost condition of all men without a Saviour; the Supreme Deity, Incarnation and Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world; the necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, repentance, faith and holy obedience in order to salvation; the immortality of the soul; and the retributions of the judgment in the eternal punishment of the wicked, and salvation of the righteous.
To preach the Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with the almost friendless slaves. Since Emancipation it has devoted its main efforts to preparing the Freedmen for their duties as citizens and Christians in America and as missionaries in Africa. As closely related to this, it seeks to benefit the caste-persecuted Chinese in America, and to co-operate with the Government in its humane and Christian policy towards the Indians. It has also a mission in Africa.
Churches: In the South—in Va., 1; N. C., 6; S. C., 2; Ga., 13; Ky., 6; Tenn., 4; Ala., 14; La., 17; Miss., 4; Texas, 6. Africa, 2. Among the Indians, 1. Total 76.
Institutions Founded, Fostered or Sustained in the South.—Chartered: Hampton, Va.; Berea, Ky.; Talladega, Ala.; Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Tougaloo, Miss.; New Orleans, La.; and Austin, Texas, 8. Graded or Normal Schools: at Wilmington, Raleigh, N. C.; Charleston, Greenwood, S. C.; Savannah, Macon, Atlanta, Ga.; Montgomery, Mobile, Athens, Selma, Ala.; Memphis, Tenn., 12. Other Schools, 31. Total 51.
Teachers, Missionaries and Assistants.—Among the Freedmen, 284; among the Chinese, 22; among the Indians, 11; in Africa, 13. Total, 330. Students—In Theology, 102; Law, 23; in College Course, 75; in other studies, 7,852. Total, 8,052. Scholars taught by former pupils of our schools, estimated at 150,000. Indians under the care of the Association, 13,000.
1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the growing work. This increase can only be reached by regular and larger contributions from the churches—the feeble as well as the strong.
2. Additional Buildings for our higher educational institutions, to accommodate the increasing numbers of students; Meeting Houses for the new churches we are organizing; More Ministers, cultured and pious, for these churches.
3. Help for Young Men, to be educated as ministers here and missionaries to Africa—a pressing want.
Before sending boxes, always correspond with the nearest A. M. A. office, as below:
New York | H. W. Hubbard, Esq., Treasurer, 56 Reade Street. |
Boston | Rev. C. L. Woodworth, Dis’t Sec., Room 21 Congregational House. |
Chicago | Rev. Jas. Powell, Dis’t Sec., 112 West Washington Street. |
This Magazine will be sent, gratuitously, if desired, to the Missionaries of the Association; to Life Members; to all clergymen who take up collections for the Association; to Superintendents of Sabbath Schools; to College Libraries; to Theological Seminaries; to Societies of Inquiry on Missions; and to every donor who does not prefer to take it as a subscriber, and contributes in a year not less than five dollars.
Those who wish to remember the American Missionary Association in their last Will and Testament, are earnestly requested to use the following
“I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of —— dollars in trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the ‘American Missionary Association’ of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and purposes.”
The will should be attested by three witnesses [in some States three are required—in other States only two], who should write against their names, their places of residence [if in cities, their street and number]. The following form of attestation will answer for every State in the Union: “Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said [A. B.] as his last Will and Testament, in presence of us, who, at the request of the said A. B., and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.” In some States it is required that the Will should be made at least two months before the death of the testator.
The publishers of The Congregationalist have never been better prepared to make an entertaining and instructive paper for the family than now. Our contributors embrace such names as
Rev. L. W. BACON, D. D., | Rev. THEO. L. CUYLER, D. D., |
GEO. E. WARING, Jr., | Rev. GEO. LEON WALKER, D. D., |
And many others who have attained a national reputation.
Is a topic on which we print several articles this year from Rev. Washington Gladden, and other well-known writers.
Is the name of a story by Rev. E. P. Roe, running through the columns of The Congregationalist nine or ten months this season. More than 200,000 copies of Mr. Roe’s books have been sold, a fact which indicates the great demand there is for them.
Our Sabbath-school Department for 1881 is under the charge of the Rev. A. F. Schauffler, of New York, who is known as one of the most suggestive writers and thinkers on this subject in the country.
Our Children’s Department is sustained by such writers as Mr. C. C. Coffin, Ernest Ingersoll (on Natural History), W. J. Rolfe, Clara Erskine Clement, and others equally eminent, and it will be found entertaining and instructive to all, both to young and old.
A series of twelve articles or more, running through our columns this year, entitled
And from the pens of some of the most eminent thinkers in the land, is destined to attract wide attention. Among the writers are Ex-President Woolsey, Gen. J. R. Hawley, Hon. Dorman B. Eaton, Benjamin Vaughan Abbott, Dr. Geo. M. Beard and Rev. Noah Porter, D. D. The large space of four columns a week, on an average, is devoted to our “Literary Department.” It is gotten up wholly in the interest of our readers, and we receive frequent testimonies to its value.
With seven persons on our regular editorial staff, including Rev. A. H. Clapp, D. D., in New York, who, besides other matter, furnishes a letter every week, the reader will find The Congregationalist in all its departments fully abreast of the times. It touches subjects of current interest to the religious public every week, not only by its editorial articles, but by a great amount of paragraphs and short matter such as all are glad to read. We offer no premiums, but are now expending upon the columns of the paper itself what otherwise might be required for that purpose. The amount of money paid out sometimes in a single week to writers for The Congregationalist now exceeds the sum expended in this way for six months or a year a quarter of a century ago.
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Teach-ng changed to Teaching in the table of Contents.
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