The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Wiradyuri and Other Languages of New South Wales This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Wiradyuri and Other Languages of New South Wales Author: R. H. Mathews Release date: August 3, 2006 [eBook #18978] Language: English *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE WIRADYURI AND OTHER LANGUAGES OF NEW SOUTH WALES *** THE WIRADYURI AND OTHER LANGUAGES OF NEW SOUTH WALES. By R. H. Mathews, L.S., Corres. Memb. Anthrop. Soc., Washington, U.S.A. Synposis.—Introductory.—Orthography.—The Wiradyuri Language.—The Burreba-burreba Language.—The Ngunawal Language.—Vocabulary of Wiradyuri Words.—Vocabulary of Ngunawal Words. The native tribes speaking the Wiradyuri language occupy an immense region in the central and southern portions of New South Wales. For their eastern and northern boundaries the reader is referred to the map accompanying my paper to the American Philosophical Society in 1898.[1] The western boundary is shown on the map with my article to the Royal Society of New South Wales the same year.[2] Their southern limit is represented on the map attached to a paper I transmitted to the Anthropological Society at Washington in 1898.[3] The maps referred to were prepared primarily to mark out the boundaries of the social organisation and system of marriage and descent prevailing in the Wiradyuri community, but will also serve to indicate the geographic range of their language. The Wiradyuri language is spoken over a greater extent of territory than any other tongue in New South Wales, and the object of the present monograph is to furnish a short outline of its grammatical structure. I have included a brief notice of the Burreba-burreba language, which adjoins the Wiradyuri on the west. A cursory outline is also given of the language of the Ngunawal tribe, which bounds the Wiradyuri on a portion of the east. The Kamilaroi tribes, whose language I recently reported to this Institute,[4] adjoin the Wiradyuri on the north. In all the languages treated in this article, in every part of speech subject to inflexion, there are double forms of the first person, of the dual and plural, similar in character to what have been reported from many islands in Polynesia and Melanesia, and the tribes of North America. Separate forms for “we two,” and “he and I,” were observed by Rev. James Günther among the pronouns of the Wiradyuri natives at Wellington,[5] but as he does not mention anything of the kind in the plural, we may conclude that he did not observe it. The materials from which this paper has been prepared have been gathered by me while travelling through various parts of the Wiradyuri country, for the purpose of visiting and interviewing the old native men and women who still speak the native tongue, from whom I noted down all the information herein reproduced. When the difficulties encountered in obtaining the grammar of any language which is purely colloquial are taken into consideration, I feel sure that all necessary allowances will be made for the imperfections of my work. The initiation ceremonies of the Wiradyuri tribes, which are of a highly interesting character, have been fully described by me in contributions to several societies and other learned institutions.[6] It will be as well to state that in 1892, Dr. J. Fraser, from the MSS. of the late Rev. James Günther, published some gramatical rules and a vocabulary of the Wiradyuri language. This forms part of a volume entitled _An Australian Language_ (Sydney, 1892), Appendix, pp. 56–120. Mr. E. M. Curr published several vocabularies collected in different parts of the Wiradyuri territory.—_The Australian Race_, vol. iii, pp. 363–401. Orthography. The system of orthoepy adopted is that recommended by the Royal Geographical Society, London, with the following qualifications: _Ng_ at the beginning of a word or syllable has a peculiar sound, which I have previously illustrated.[7] At the end of a syllable or word, it has substantially the sound of _ng_ in “sing.” _Dh_ and _nh_ have nearly the sound of _th_ in “that,” with a slight initial sound of the _d_ or _n_ as the case may be. _Ty_ and _dy_ at the commencement of a word or syllable, as _dyirril_ (a spear), has nearly the sound of _j_. At the end of a word, as _gillaty_ (to-day), _ty_ or _dy_ is pronounced nearly as _tch_ in the word “batch,” but omitting the final hissing sound. _w_ always commences a syllable or word, and has its ordinary sound. _G_ is hard in all cases. _R_ has a rough trilled sound, as in “hurrah!” The sound of the Spanish _ñ_ is frequent. At the commencement of a syllable or word I have given it as _ny_, but when terminating a word I have used the Spanish letter. _T_ is interchangeable with _d_; _p_ with _b_; and _g_ with _k_ in most words where they are used. As far as possible, vowels are unmarked, but in some instances, to avoid ambiguity, the long sound of _a_, _e_ and _u_ are indicated thus: â, ê, û. In a few cases the short sound of _u_ is marked _ŭ_. _Y_ at the beginning of a word has its ordinary consonant value. The Wiradyuri Language. _Articles_. There are no articles, properly so-called, in the language. The demonstratives “this” and “that” do duty for our “a” and “the.” If it be desired to definitely say that only _one_ is meant, the numeral, _ngunbai_, is employed. In all the sentences illustrating the cases of nouns and other parts of speech in this paper, the demonstratives are omitted. A native would say, “Man [that over yonder] beat child [this in front],” the proper demonstratives being inserted where illustrated by the brackets. _Nouns_. _Number_.—There are three numbers, singular, dual and plural. _Wamboin_, a kangaroo. _Wamboinbula_ a couple of kangaroos. _Wamboingirbang_, several kangaroos. _Gender._—In human family different words are used, as _mên_ or _gibir_, a man; _bullâdyeru_ or _inar_, a woman; _birrengang_, a boy; _ingargang_, a young girl; _yiramurung_, a youth; _megai_, a maiden; _burai_, a child. Among animals, word are used signifying “male” and “female” respectively. _Wille bidyur_, a buck opossum; _wille gunal_, a doe opossum. _Nguruñ burramai_, hen emu; _nguruñ bidyur_, a cock emu. _Case_.—The cases are the nominative, nominative-agent, genitive, accusative, instrumental dative and ablative. The nominative simply names the person or thing under attention, as, _mirri_ or _burumain_, a dog; _burrandang_, a native-bear; _wille_ or _womburan_, an opossum; _wagan_, a crow; _bŭlgang_ or _bŭrgan_, a boomerang. The nominative-agent requires a suffix to the noun, as, _gibirru womburan dhê_, a man an opossume ate. _Bullâdyerudu dhurung bumê_, a woman a snake struck (or killed). _Inarru wille dharalgiri_, a woman an opossum will eat. _Burrandangu gurril dhara_, a native-bear leaves is eating. _Mirridu wille buddhe_, a dog an opossum bit. _Genitive_.—_Mêngu bulgang_, a man’s boomerang. _Bullâdyerugu kunne_, a woman’s yamstick. _Burrandanggu bullung_, a native-bear’s head. _Dative_.—_Dhurrangu_, to the creek (_dhurrang_). _Ngurangu_, to the camp (_ngurang_). _Ablative_.—_Dhurrandyi_, from the creek; _ngurandyi_, from the camp. In this case, and also in the dative, the final _g_ of both words is omitted before applying the suffix. The accusative is the same as the simple nominative, as will be seen by the examples given under the nominative-agent. _Instrumental_.—When an instrument is the remote object of the verb, the accusative remains unchanged, but the instrumental case takes the same suffix as the nominative-agent; thus, _mêndu wagan bŭrgandu bume_, the man hit a crow with a boomerang. _Inarru burumain kunnedu bangabe_, the woman cut a dog with a yamstick. In the above examples, as well as in the sentences illustrating the nominative-agent, it will be seen that the agent suffix has euphonic changes according to the termination of the word it is attached to. This may be said of the suffixes in all the cases of nouns and adjectives. _Adjectives_. Adjectives take the same inflexions for number and case as the nouns they qualify, and are placed after them. They are without gender. _Womboin munun_, a kangaroo large. _Womboinbula mununbula_, a pair of large kangaroos. _Womboinmuddu mununmuddu_, several large kangaroos. _Burumaindu munundu womburan buddhe_, a dog large an opossum bit. _Inarru bubadyallu burai bume_, a woman small a child beat. _Womboingu munungu dhun_, a large kangaroo’s tail. A big waterhole, _dhâ-u munun_. _Dhâ-ugu munungu_, to a big waterhole. _Dhâ-wadyi munundyi_, from a big waterhole. _Comparison_.—_Nyila murrumbangbun-gan_, this is vey good. _Nyilangai murrumbang wirrai_, that is not good. If the articles compared be equal in quality, a native would say, This is good—that is good, and so on. _Pronouns_. Pronouns are inflected for number and person, and comprise the nominative, possessive and objective cases, a few examples in each of which will be given. There are forms in the dual plural to express the inclusion or exclusion of the person addressed. _Singular_. Nominative. Possessive. Objective. 1st Person I _Ngadhu_ Mine _Ngadyi_ Me _Ngunnhal_. 2nd „ Thou _Ngindu_ Thine _Nginnu_ Thee _Nginyal_. 3rd „ He _Ngagwa_ His _Ngagwaiula_ Him _Ngunnungga_. _Dual_. 1st Person We, incl. _Ngulli_ Ours, incl. _Ngulliging_ Us, incl. _Ngullinya_. We, excl. _Ngulliguna_ Ours, excl. _Ngulligingula_ Us, excl. _Ngullinyuggu_. 2nd „ You _Ngindubla_ Yours _Nginnubulala_ You _Nginyalbula_. 3rd „ They _Ngagwainbula_ Theirs _Ngagwabulagu_ Them _Ngunnainbula_. _Plural_. 1st Person We, incl. _Ngeani_ Ours, incl. _Ngeaniging_ Us, incl. _Ngeaninyagu_. We, excl. _Ngeaniguna_ Ours, excl. _Ngeaniginguna_ Us, excl. _Ngeaninyaguna_. 2nd „ You _Ngindugir_ Yours _Nginnugir_ You _Nginyalgir_. 3rd „ They _Ngagwainguler_ Theirs _Ngagwagulaia_ Them _Ngunnagulella_. There are other forms of the objective case meaning “from me,” “with me,” “towards me,” etc., which have numerous modifications. The extended forms of the pronouns given in the above table are not much used as separate words, except in answer to interrogatives, or assertively. _Ngulliguna_ might, for example, be given in answer to the question, “Who killed the kangaroo?” “Whose boomerang is this?” might elicit the reply, _Ngaddyi_. In a common conversation, however, the pronominal affixes are employed. The third personal pronouns have several forms and are subject to much variation, depending upon the position of the parties referred to. Many of them are practically demonstratives. _Interrogatives_.—Who, _ngandi?_ Who (agent), _nganduwa?_ Who (dual), _nganduwanbula?_ Who (plural), _nganduwandugir?_ Who for, _ngandigula?_ Whose is this, _ngangunginna?_ _Nganduga_ is equivalent to “I wonder who?” or “I don’t know who.” Who from, _ngangundiburrami?_ What, _minyang?_ What is that, _minyawanna?_ What for, _minyangula?_ What from, _minyalli?_ How many (what number), _minyanggulmañ?_ _Demonstratives_.—The following are a few examples:—This, _nginna_. These (dual), _nginnabula_. This other one, _nginnagwal_. From this, _nginnalidhi_. Belonging to this, _nginnagula_. With this, _nginnadhurai_. That, _ngunnila_. That other one, _ngunniloagwal_. That yonder, _ngunnainbirra_. A native will frequently state the location of an article by its compass direction from a particular tree or other well-known spot. These demonstratives are very numerous—many of them being used as pronouns of the third person, and are declined for number, person, and case. They also vary according to the position of the object referred to in regard to the speaker, and likewise change with the relative position of the object to the person addressed. In all parts of aboriginal speech, words are occasionally met with so closely alike in pronunciation that it is almost impossible for any one but a native to detect the difference. _Verbs_. The moods are the indicative, imperative, conditional, and infinitive. The verb stem and a contraction of the necessary pronouns are incorporated, and the words thus formed are used in the conjugation. These are, however, modifications of the affixed particles in the past and future tenses to express differences in time. In the following conjugation of the verb “to beat” the present tense is given in full. In the past and future tenses, one example in the first person singular is thought sufficient, because any required person and number in each tense can be obtained by following the directions given in the text. _Indicative Mood_—_Present Tense_. Singular 1st Person I beat _Bumurradhu_. 2nd „ Thou beatest _Bumurrandu_. 3rd „ He beats _Bumurragwa_. Dual 1st Person We, incl., beat _Bumurrali_. We, excl., beat _Bumurraliguna_. 2nd „ You beat _Bumurrandubla_. 3rd „ They beat _Bumurragwainbula_. Plural 1st „ We, incl., beat _Bumurrani_. We, excl., beat _Bumurraniguna_. 2nd „ You beat _Bumurrandugir_. 3rd „ They beat _Bumurragwainguler_. _Past Tense_. 1st Person I beat just now _Bumulbêndhu_. Singular, I beat this morning _Bumulngurrindhu_. I beat yesterday _Bumulgwandhu_. I beat, indefinite _Bumêdhu_. I beat long ago _Bumulgridyu_. _Dhu_, softened to _dyu_ in some cases, is a contraction of _ngadhu_. _Future Tense_. 1st Person I will beat, indefinite _Bumulgiridyu_. Singular, I will beat, soon _Bumulyawagiridyu_. I will beat in the morning _Bumulngurrigiridu_. Owing to the several inflections of the verb in the past and future tneses, for immediate, proximate, and more or less remote times of the performance of the action,[8] it is often found convenient, especially when speaking in the dual or plural, to prefix a complete pronoun from the table of pronouns. Thus, instead of saying, _Bumulbênli_, a native frequently expresses it, _Ngulli bumulbên_. Again, instead of saying, _Bumulgiriniguna_, he would use, _Ngeaniguna bumulgiri_. This leaves the termination of the verb freer for the numerous inflexions. _Imperative Mood_. Singular Beat thou _Buma_. Dual Beat you _Bumandubla_. Plural Beat you _Bumandugir_. _Conditional Mood_. Perhaps I will beat. _Yama bumulgiridyu_. _Infinitive Mood_. To beat _Bumulli_. _Reflexive_. There is a reflex form of the verb, as when one does anything to himself: I am beating myself _Bumŭngadyilliñdyu_. _Reciprocal_. The dual and plural contain a reciprocal form of the verb, as where two or more persons beat each other: We, (dual excl.,) are beating each other _Ngulliguna bumullên_. We, (pl. excl.,) are beating each other _Ngeaniguna bumullên_. There is no passive. The sentence, A woman was bitten by a dog, is expressed by, A dog bit a woman. The prohibitive or negative in all the moods, tenses, and numbers is obtained by using the word _Kurria_ with the verb, thus: _Kurria buma_, beat not. _Kurria bumulgiridyu_, I will not beat. Another form is used where there is uncertainty, as, _Wirraigurra bumulgiridyu_, which expressed the meaning “I don’t think I will beat,” or, “Perhaps I will not.” _Murrung nginyadhu_ has the meaning of “I am well,” and may be called a substitute for our verb “to be.” By incorporating _yalu_ with this expression, it makes it more emphatic, as, _Yalu murrung nginyadhu_, “Really I am well.” Any adjective describing a human attribute may be taken as a predicate, as, good, bad, strong, sleepy, and employed with the modifications of the word _nginya_. _Prepositions_. A number of prepositions are independent words, as: Behind, _yabbungura_. In front, _willidya_. Across, _dargin_. Around, _waiangadha_. Outside, or, on the other side, _ngunningura_. Inside, _muguma_. This side, _nginnungaradha_. _Billaga ngunningura_, the other side of the creek. On the right, _bumalgala_. On the left, _mirrangur_. Ahead, _banganañ_. In the rear, _ngunnagangura_. Frequently the verb includes the meaning of a preposition, as in the following examples: _Ngadhu ngadyên dyirramuddyi gullegiri_, I that hill go-up-will. _Ngadhu dyila dyirramuddyi birrawagiri_, I that hill go-down-will. _Ngadhu ngidyi gigulle waiangugiri_, I that tree go-round-will. _Ngeani birgudyi wurungiri_, We (pl. incl.) the scrub through-will-go. _Ngulliguna billadyi errugiri_, We (dual excl.,) the creek will-cross. _Ngadhu dyirramudyi ngagungurgu gulleamurrigiri_, I will climb over the hill. _Adverbs_. The following are a few of the adverbs, some of which are inflected for number, case, and tense: _Wirrai_, no. _Ngaiin_, yes. _Yandhal_, now. _Dhallan_, soon. _Yêre_, to-day. _Ngurrungal_, the morning. _Yêregwala_, yesterday. _Ngunnigunala_, day before yesterday. _Ngunnungalâgal_, day after to-morrow. _Murradhŭlbul_, long ago. _Buruandhangga_, night-time. Here (now), _nginna_. Here (was), _nginni_. This way, _dhain_. Farther away, _ngunna_. Still farther, _ngunneng_. A good way off, _ngunnagunalla_. There in the rear, _ngunnagangura_. These pronominal adverbs, like the demonstrative pronouns, are very numerous and also include the points of the compass. How, _widdyallangalu?_ How thou, _widdyawandu?_ How you (dual), _widdyawandubla?_ How you (plural), _widdyawandugir?_ How obtained, _widdyunggurrunda burramai?_ _Widdyunggâwa has the meaning of “when?” Where is it, _dhagawana?_ Where (having the meaning of “which one,”) _dhagala?_ Where are thou, _dhagawandu?_ Where are you (dual), _dhagawandubla?_ Where are you (plural), _dhagawandugir?_ From where, _dhadyindaburramai?_ Where art thou from, _dhadyigalliwandu?_ Where is the camp, _dhagawa ngurung?_ _Interjections_. _Yah!_ calling attention. _Wai!_ look out. _Wah! ngarrarbang! Ah!_ poor fellow! Listen, _winnangga!_ Any vocative can be inflexed for number. _Numerals_. _Ngŭnbai_, one; _bulla_, two. The Burreba-Burreba Language. The Burreba-burreba is spoken from about Deniliquin to Moulamein, and from the latter southerly towards the Murray river. The following is a sketch of its grammatical structure. A dialect of this language, called Burêba, is spoken on the Murray river, near Swan Hill. _Number_.—There are the singular, dual, and plural numbers. _Wille_, an opossum; _willebulet_, a pair of opossums; _willebarak_, or _willeguli_, several opossums. _Gender_.—_Wuthu_, a man; _lêurk_, a woman; _bangga_, a boy; _kurregûrk_, a girl; _buban_, a child of either sex; _wuthuginbal_, means a man and his wife. The gender of mammals and birds is marked by adding _mamuk_ for male, and _babuk_ for female; thus, _gurê mamuk_, a buck kangaroo; _gurê babuk_, a doe kangaroo. _Case_.—The language has the nominative, nominative-agent, genitive, accusative, instrumental, dative and ablative cases. In the nominative, there is no change in the noun, except when it is the subject of a transitive verb, and then it requires the agent-suffix; as, _Wuthung wirrungan bŭrdumin_, a man a dog beat; _lêuru wirringal kŭrgin_, a woman a perch caught; _wirrunganu gurê bŭndin_, a dog a kangaroo bit. In the possessive case, the name of the proprietor and of the property each take a suffix, as, _Wuthunggety wanuk_, a man’s boomerang; _lêurgety lârnuk_, a woman’s camp; _wirrungangety birkuk_, a dog’s tail. _Instrumental_.—This is the same as the nominative-agent, thus, _Ngaty gurê duggin wanu_, I a kangaroo hit with a boomerang. _Dative_.—_lârngak_, to a camp. _Ablative_.—_wuthunyu_, from a man. The accusative is the same as the nominative. _Adjectives_. Adjectives follow the nouns and take similar declensions. _Number_.—_Wuthu kurumbirt_, a man large. _Wuthubulet kurumbirtbulet_, a couple of big men. _Wuthubarak kurumbirtbarak_, several big men. _Nominative-agent_.—_Wuthung kurumbirru wille burdumin_, a large man an opossum killed. _Possessive_.—_Wuthunggety kurumbirungety wanuk_, a big man’s boomerang. _Ablative_.—Wuthunyung kurumbirung_, from a big man. The comparison of adjectives follows rule similar to those explained in my article on “The Gundungurra Language.”[9] It will be observed that there are modifications in the case-endings of nouns and adjectives, depending upon the termination of the word declined. Moreover, these suffixes for number and case are applied to the simple nominative—not the nominative-agent. _Pronouns_. Pronouns take inflexion for number, person and case. There are two forms in the first person of the dual and plural—one in which the person or persons addressed are included with the speaker, and another in which they are exclusive of the speaker; these are marked “incl.” and “excl.” in the following table: _Singular_. 1st Person I _Ngaty_ Mine _yekaiuk_. 2nd „ Thou _Ngin_ Thine _Ngindaiuk_. 3rd „ He _Malu_ His _Maigungety_. _Dual_. 1st Person We, incl. _Ngal_ Ours, incl. _Ngallaiuk_. We, excl. _Ngalung_ Ours, excl. _Ngallunguk_. 2nd „ You _Ngluen_ Yours _Ngulaiuk_. 3rd „ They _Malubulak_ Theirs _Magaty-bulagaty_. _Plural_. 1st Person We, incl. _Yangur_ Ours, incl. _Yangurêuk_. We, excl. _Yandang_ Ours, excl. _Yandêuk_. 2nd „ You _Ngût_ Yours _Ngûteûk_. 3rd „ They _Malugulik_ THeirs _Ngugaty-guligaty_. _Interrogatives_.—Who, _winyar?_ (singular)—_winyarbula_ (dual) and _winyartukuli_ (plural). What, _nganyu?_ which also has a dual and plural form. _Demonstratives_.—This, _ginga_, which has a dual and plural suffix. _Malu_, that; _kila_, that near you. _Munya_, that farther away. _Kigety_, belonging to that. _Kigety-bulugety_, belonging to those two. _Kigety-guligety_, belonging to all those. _Verbs_. Verbs have the same tenses and moods as those of the Wiradyuri, as will be demonstrated in the conjugation of the verb “to beat.” In the Burreba-burreba verb there are, however, no regular modifications of the past and future tenses, such meanings being expressed by separate words. _Active Voice_—_Indicative Mood_. _Present Tense_. 1st Person I beat _Ngaty tyilba_. 2nd „ Thou beatest _Ngin tyilba_. 3rd „ He beats _Malu tyilba_. _Past Tense_. 1st Person I beat _Ngaty tyilbin_. _Future Tense_. 1st Person I will beat _Ngaty tyilbên_. _Imperative Mood_. Beat, _tyilbak_. Beat not, _burreba tyilbak_. _Conditional Mood_. Perhaps I will beat, _Ngaty tyilbên mumbŭn_. In all the foregoing examples, the remaining persons and numbers of the verb can be supplied by the table of pronouns. _Middle Voice_—_Indicative Mood_. _Present Tense_. Singular. I am beating myself. _Tyilbanyungbenggat_. The conjugation can be continued through all the moods, tenses, etc., the same as in the indicative mood. _Reciprocal_. We two (incl.) are beating each other, _Tyilptyerrungal_. We all (incl.) are beating each other, _Tyilptyerrungungur_. There are forms for all the persons and tenses. _Adverbs_. Yes, _ngungui_. No, _burreba_. To-day, _gillaty_. To-morrow, _perbur_. Yesterday, _dyelli-dyellik_. By and bye, _gillandam_. Some time ago, _gillenadya_. Long ago, _yagaluk-wanda_. Where, _windyella_? (singular); _windyellaubul?_ (dual); _windyellat?_ (plural). How many, _nyabur?_ Here, _kingga_. There, _nyua_. _Numerals_. One, _kaiapmin_. Two, _buletya_. Initiation Ceremonies and Marriage Laws. The initiation ceremonies of the Burreba-burreba are the same in all essential respects as those of the Wiradyuri tribes, which I have described in detail elsewhere.[10] The social organisation is also similar to the Wiradyuri, comprising two phratries, each of which is subdivided into two sections, as exemplified in the following synopsis:— Phratry. A man. Marries Sons and Daughters. A _Murri_ _Ippatha_ _Umbi_ and _Butha_. _Kubbi_ _Butha_ _Ippai_ and _Ippatha_. B _Ippai_ _Matha_ _Kubbi_ and _Kubbitha_. _Umbi_ _Kubbitha_ _Murri_ and _Matha_. Although marriages generally follow the above rules, yet in certain cases Murri can marry Butha, and Kubbi may take Ippatha as his spouse— a similar liberty being allowed the men of phratry B. Again, where there is no objection arising from nearness of kin, a Murri man may marry a Matha woman, but her totem must be different from his, and she must belong to a distant family. This applies to the men of every section. By the strict letters of the foregoing table, it would appear that the child of a brother can marry the child of a sister, but this is rigorously forbidden—the table being construed to mean that a brother’s child’s child marries a sister’s child’s child. Each phratry has attached to it a group of _totems_, consisting of animals and inanimate objects. Every man, woman, and child in the community has his particular totem, which is inherited from birth. For further information on this subject the reader is referred to numerous papers contributed by me to different scientific societies. The Ngunawal Language. The native tribes speaking the Ngunawal tongue occupy the country from Goulburn to Yass and Burrowa, extending southerly to Lake George and Goodradigbee. In a contribution to the Anthropological Society at Washington in 1896, described the Bunan ceremony,[11] an elaborate type of initiation practised by the Ngunawal in common with other communities. In 1900 I published an account of the Kudsha[12] or Kuddya, an abridged form of inaugural ceremony which is likewise in force among the same people. The social organisation regulating marriage and descent, which I described in the last mentioned article,[13] also applies to the Ngunawal. The Ngunawal is one of an aggregate of tribes whose sacred songs I have learnt and published, with the accompanying music, in an article I communicated to the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland in 1901.[14] These are the first sacred songs of the Australian Aborigines which have ever been set to music. _Nouns_. _Number_.—Nouns have three numbers. _Mirri_, a dog; _mirribula_, a couple of dogs; _mirridyimma_, several dogs. _Gender_.—_Baual_, a man; _bullan_, a woman. Words for “male” and “female” distinguish the gender of animals, as, _gurabun muddun_, a bear, male; _gurabun dhuruk_, a bear, female. _Case_.—The principal cases are the nominative, causative, instrumental, genitive, accusative, dative and ablative. The nominative is the name of the sbuject at rest, and is without flexion. The causative, or nominative-agent, represents the subject in action, as, _bullanga gudha ngubumuiñ_, a woman a child beat. _Instrumental_.—_Baualga burraingu nguburiñ dyuiñga_, a man a wallaby killed with a spear. Here the instrument, a spear, takes the same suffix as the causative. The wallaby, _burrai_, takes the genitive affix, as being the possessor or recipient of the killing. _Accusative_.—Except in such instances as the wallaby in the last example, the accusative is the same as the nominative. The genitive case is represented by an affix to the name of the property as well as to that of the owner, a peculiarity which I was the first to report[15] in Australian languages. _Baualngu mirriwung_, a man’s dog. Every object over which ownership may be exercised can be declined for number and person, as under:— Singular 1st Person My dog (dog my) _Mirridya_. 2nd „ Thy dog _Mirridyi_. 3rd „ His dog _MIrriwung_. and so on through all the persons of the dual and plural. If a couple or more articles be claimed, an infix is inserted between the noun root and the possessive affix, thus: _Mirribuladya_, dogs both mine; _mirridyimmadya_, dogs several mine. _Dative_.—_Ngurani munnagai_, to the camp come. _Ablative_.—_Ngurawurradyi yerribiwurri_, from the camp go away. _Adjectives_. Adjectives follow the qualified nouns, and are inflected in the same manner for number and case. _Buru mununmang_, a kangaroo large; _burubula mununbula_, a couple of large kangaroos; _burudyimma munundyimma_, several large kangaroos. _Casuative._—_Baualga mununga mirri ngubuningga_, a man large a dog will beat. The other cases are also declined like the nouns. Frequently one of the affixes, both in number and case, is omitted sometimes the affix of the noun, and in other instances that of the adjective, being thus eliminated, according to the euphony of the expression. A predicative adjective becomes an intransitive verb, and is conjugated accordingly. An example in the singular will be sufficient: Singular 1st Person I am large _Mununmangga_. 2nd „ Thou art large _Mununmandyi_. 3rd „ He is large _Mununmañ_. Comparison of adjecitves is effected by such expressions as, _Gudba ngunu, yeddhung nin_, bad this, good that. _Yeddhung madi ngunu_, this is very good. _Pronouns_. These are declined for number, person and case, but are without gender. They contain the inclusive and exclusive forms in the first person of the dual and plural: Singular 1st Person I _Gulangga_. 2nd „ Thou _Gulandyi_. 3rd „ He _Dhanu_. Examples in the dual and plural are omitted, as their terminations will appear in the conjugation of the verbs. The foregoing full forms of the pronouns are used chiefly in answer to a question. In ordinary conversation the pronominal suffixes to verbs, nouns and other parts of speech, supply their place. Towards, or with, me, _gulangguria_. Away from me, _gulangguridyia_. Belonging to me, _gulangguia_. Myself, _mittimbaldya_, and so on. All these can be inflected for number and person. _Demonstratives_.—These may be classed under different heads, of which the following are a few examples: _Position_.—_Ngunu_, this, close. _Ngunubun_, this also. _Niñ_, that. _Niñwulu_, that only. _Wurranaguddha_, that, a little way off. _Warranandiwang_, that, farther still. _Mudhamaguwarri_, a long way off. _Direction_.—_Ngunāga_, that (in rear of speaker). _Barunggo_, that (in front of speaker). _Ngunainbil_, that this side (of something). _Nguna-au_, that on other side (of something). _Gagurwarru_, that in the hollow. _Warrugunnawang_, that on the rising ground, or hill. _Size_.—_Warranalang_, that large one. _Warranuggada_, that small one. _Possessive_.—_Ningulangu_, belonging to that. _Warranalangu_, belonging to that large one. _Nidyulangu_, belonging to those two persons. _Number_.—_Warranungulu_, those two. _Warradyimmilañ_, those several animals or things. _Person_.—_Ngunadya_, this mine. _Ngunadyi_, this thine. _Ngunawung_, this his. “This” and “that” in all the foregoing examples can also mean “here” and “there” according to the context. _Interrogatives_.—Who, _ngunnaga?_ Whose, _ngunnagangu?_ Who from, _ngunnaganguridyi?_ What, _minya?_ What (did something), _minyaga?_ _Verbs_. The verb has the usual moods and tenses, and is inflected throughout for number and person. In the first person of the dual and plural there is a variation in the affix to the verb to indicate the inclusion or exclusion of the person spoken to. _Indicative Mood_—_Present Tense_. Singular 1st Person I beat _Ngubumangga_. 2nd „ Thou beatest _Ngubumandyi_. 3rd „ He beats _Ngubumañ_. Dual 1st Person We, incl., beat _Ngubumanga_. We, excl., beat _Ngubumangalu_. 2nd „ You beat _Ngubumanbu_. 3rd „ They beat _Ngubumanbula_. Plural 1st Person We, incl. beat, _Ngubumanyin_. We, excl. beat, _Ngubumanyilla_. 2nd „ You beat _Ngubumanhu_. 3rd „ They beat _Ngubumandyula_. _Past Tense_. 1st Person I beat, indefinite _Nguburingga_. Singular, I beat recently _Ngubumuingga_. I beat going along _Ngubunyirringga_. I beat long ago _Nguburiangga_. _Future_. I will beat, indefinite _Ngubuningga_. I will beat soon _Ngubumunningga_. The inflections extend through all the persons and numbers of the past and future tenses by means of the suffixed particles shown in the present tense. _Imperative_. Singular Beat thou _Ngubi_. Dual Beat you _Ngubidyaiau_. Plural Beat you _Ngubidyaianhu_. Negative or prohibitive Beat not _Ngubimuga_. _Conditional Mood_. Perhaps I will beat _Ngubuninggawundu_. _Reflexive_. I am beating myself _Ngubuwillimangga_. I was beating myself _Ngubuwilliringga_. I will beat myself _Ngubuwilliningga_. and so on for the other persons and numbers. Imperative.—Beat thyself _Ngubuwilli_. _Reciprocal_. Dual We, excl., beat each other _Ngubuwillaringalung_. Plural We, excl., beat each other _Ngubuwillarinyilla_. _Imperative reciprocal_. Dual Beat each other _Ngubilliau_. Plural Beat each other _Ngubillianhu_. An infix, _muga_, between the stem of the verb and the termination, gives a negative meaning, as, _Ngubumugamangalu_, we, dual exclusive, did not beat. There is no passive form of the verb, all sentences being in the active voice, thus, instead of saying, “A boomerang was thrown by the man,” the phrase would be, “The man threw a boomerang.” The verb is inflected for the same number as the noun. A kangaroo saw I, _buru nangurringga_. A pair of kangaroos saw I, _burumbla nangurringbla_. Several kangaroos saw I, _burulula nangurringdyula_. Different shades of meaning are imparted to verbs by additions to the affixes: I was eating going along, _dhaimballinyirrimuingga_. I beat before (some event), _ngubururingāwung_. I beat after (some event), _ngubullaringāwung_. I threw frequently, _yerrimbillidyingga_. I was throwing alone, _yerrilimuingga_. I am always beating, _ngubadyingga_. _Adverbs_. Yes, _ngi_. No, _gurragañ_. Now, _yanggu_. Yesterday, _burranda_. By and by, _gaugau_. Long ago, _nudyina_. Always, _bulu_. How, _ngindyin_. How many, or what number, _wunnamalañ_. Where, _wŭnda_. Certainly, _ganni_. Then, _yanbi_. Very or really, _madi_. Perhaps, _wūndu_. Not, _muga_. When, _wundiñ_. Certain adverbs can be inflected for person and number, thus: Where shall I go? _Wundayerrabunningga?_ Where shalt thou go? _Wundayerrabunnindyi?_ Where shall he go? _Wundayerrabunniñ?_ and so on for all persons and numbers. _Prepositions_. On top, _gunna_. Down, _dhugga_. Between, _dhuri_. Behind me, _bengalwarria_. Outside, _bunnungga_. Out of that, _barridyi_. In rear of me, _wullingaia_. In here, _ngunnâ_. In or under there, _ngunniñ_. Words meaning “is here,” “was here,” “will be here,” also exist in this language. Many prepositions can be inflected for number and person: Singular 1st Person In front of me _Ngunalundya_. 2nd „ In front of thee _Ngunalundyi_. 3rd „ In front of him _Ngunalung_. and so on through the dual and plural. _Exclamations_. _Ya!_ calling attention.—_Bŭngamugi_, cease! _Numerals_. One, _meddhung_. Two, _bullâla_. Vocabulary of Wiradyuri Words. This vocabulary contains about 430 words collected personally among the Wiradyuri natives on the Lachlan, Macquarie, and Murrumbidgee rivers. Instead of arranging the words alphabetically they are placed together under separate headings:—Family terms—Parts of the body— Natural objects—Animals—Trees—Weapons—Adjectives—Verbs. As the equivalents of English terms will most frequently be required they are put first.[16] FAMILY TERMS. A man _gibir_ or _mên_. Old man _bidyar_. Husband _nguban_. Clever man _wiardhuri_. Young man _walwi_. Small boy _gibirgang_. Woman _inar_ or _bulâdyeru_. Old woman _buddung_. Girl _gunnadhurai_. Child, either sex _burai_. Father _bubbin_. Mother _guni_. Elder brother _gagang_. Younger brother _galbumañ_. Elder sister _min-gan_. Younger sister _barrigan_. Infirm old person _gugun_. PARTS OF THE BODY. Head _bullang_. Forehead _ngulung_. Hair of head _wuran_. Beard _yerrañ_. Eye _mill_. Eyebrow _nyer_. Eyelid _milk-kuruganna_. Eyelash _dyirmir_. Nose _murudha_. Nostrils _mirral-mirril_. Cheek _dhuggal_. Lower jaw _nhami_. Back of neck _nhŭn_. Throat _guddhe_. Ear _wudha_. Mouth _nguñ_. Lips _willin_. Tongue _thallun_. Teeth _irang_. Liver _guralu_. Kidneys _mûnggar_. Breasts, female _ngammung_. Heart _gêñ_. Navel _birrañ_. Navel-string _gural_. Belly _burbing_. Ribs _dhŭr_. Middle of back _wangan_. Back _birra_. Shoulder _wŭlgar_. Arm _buggur_. Elbow _nyuna_. Armpit _gilgin_. Hand _murra_. Wrist _dhummal_. Little finger _budyen_. Thumb _gunin_. Finger nail _yulu_. Calf of leg _wuluma_. Thigh _dhurrang_. Knee _bûngang_. Kneecap _gurigurer_. Shin _buyu_. Foot _dyinnang_. Big toe _gunin_. Heel _dhungang_. Intestines _bûrbiñ_. Blood _gô-añ_. Fat _wammo_. Skin _yulun_. Bone _dhubbul_. Buttocks _mugun_. Anus _bubul_. Groin _gulin_. Penis _dhûn_. Glans penis _nyiren_. Testicles _biddha_. Sexual desire _wurrunha_. Fornication _yungurrang_. Vulva _thundu_. Nymphæ _dyurun_. Meatus urinarius _munil_. Pubic hair _bui_. Copulation _tharralabena_. Semen _gubbung_. Masturbation _kuddiguddimunna_. Urine _kil_. Excrement _kuna_. Venereal _buggin_. NATURAL OBJECTS. Sun _yêre_. Moon _gyu-wong_. Stars, collectively _mimma_. Pleiades _inar-inharr_. Venus _gibirguñ_. Rainbow _yulubirgiñ_. Clouds _yuru_. Sky _gununggullung_. Thunder _muruburrai_. Lightning _maru_. Rain _yurung_. Dew _gûnggil_. Mist _guddhalbar_. Fog _guang_. Snow _gunama_. Frost _dyuggar_. Hail _ilwurrai_. Cloud _yurong_. Water _gulling_. Ground _dhuggun_. Mud _bingan_. Stones _wallung_. High hill _dyirrama_. Sand-hill _gurrai_. Light _ngullan_. Sunshine _iradadhuna_. Darkness _buruandhang_. Heat _wugil_. Cold _bulludhai_. Fire _wi_. Smoke _guddhal_. Camp _ngurung_. Hut _gundyi_. Food _dhungang_. Flesh _dhiñ_. Watercourse _dhurrang_. Grass, collectively _bogarru_. Trees, collectively _gigil_. Bark of trees _dhurang_. Firewood _gigil_. Ashes _bunuñ_. Charcoal _ngurra_. Leaves of trees _gurril_. Eggs _kubbuga_. Honey _ngurru_. Edible grub _dhumun_. Pathway _muru_. Shadow _guramun_. Tail of animal _dhun_. Echo _warrul_. Fur of opossum, etc. _gidyung_. Spines of porcupine _girrigul_. Scales of fish _yirin_. ANIMALS—_Mammals_. Native bear _burrandang_. Wombat _bunggada_. Dog _burumain_ or _mirri_. Wild dog _yuke_. Opossum _womboran_ or _wille_. Water rat _biggun_. Kangaroo rat _gulbo_. Native cat (black & white) _mâbi_. Native cat (yellow & white_ _dhalbirrang_. Porcupine _gŭnyi_. Wallaby _murriwan_ Flying fox _bullauir_. Platypus _dhumbirrity_. Bandicoot _gudyun_. Flying squirrel, small _budharung_. Ringtail opossum _gindang_. Kangaroo _womboin_. Wallaroo _gundharwar_. Red kangaroo _murri_. ANIMALS—_Birds_. Birds, collectively _dyibbiñ_. Crow _wâgan_. Laughing jackass _guguburra_. Curlew _gurebun_. Plain turkey _gumbal_. Mallee hen _yûnggai_. Quail _gunâma_. Plain lark _dyilburi_. Lark _buraigarama_. Eaglehawk _mullian_. Emu _nguruñ_. Native companion _burolgang_. Common magpie _gurruba_. Black magpie _wibu_. Peewee _guliridyi_. Black duck _budhanbang_. Pelican _gulaiguli_. Ibis _bururgen_. Swan _dhûndhu_. Mopoke _ngugung_. Pigeon (bronze wing) _yammar_ or _wubba_. Rosella parrot _bulanbulangang_. Ground parrot _burañ_. Green parrot _gunungburdyang_. Parrokeet _dhungañ_. Common hawk _walga_. Fish hawk _bibbidya_. Kingfisher _dhalir_. White cockatoo _murañ_. Plover _bullaradyara_. Blue crane _murgu_. Grey crane _burragang_ or _gungarung_. ANIMALS—_Fishes_. Perch _gagalen_. Black bream _gubir_. ANIMALS—_Reptiles_. Tree iguana _gugar_. Ground iguana _guda_ or _dhuli_. Jew lizard _nhurran_. Sleepy lizard _burrendhar_. Shingle-back lizard _buggai_. Death adder _dhummiñ_. Frog _gulangga_. Turtle _gudumang_. Carpet snake _yubba_. Black snake _Kullendyuliñ_ or _budhang_. Brown snake _warraleng_. Common grey lizard _guddhañ_. ANIMALS—_Invertebrates_. Locust, large _kalangkalang_ Locust, small _inggal_. Blowfly _buga_. Louse _munhu_. Nit of louse _thundin_. Jumper ant _yalgo_. Bulldog ant _burungang_. Centipede _gen_. Mosquito _kummun_. Scorpion _dhunbuñ_. Greenheaded ant _gunama_. Mussel _bindugañ_. TREES AND PLANTS. A “squeaking-tree” _maburan_. Leaning tree _dhalgang_. Dead tree _yalgu_. Hollow tree _ngarl_. Apple tree _gubbut_. Stringy bark _gûndai_. Wattle _yanagang_. Ironbark _muggar_. Yellow-box _bargang_. White-box _biri_. Cherry-tree _bumborean_. White gum _yarra_. Jeebung _bumbadhulla_. WEAPONS. Tomahawk _dhauain_. Koolamin _marin_. Yamstick _kunnai_. Spear, wood _thuli_. Spear, reed _dyirril_. Spear-thrower _wommar_. Spear, shield _girran-girran_. Waddy shield _ngummal_. Fighting club _bundi_. Hunting club _birrang_. Boomerang _bŭrgan_, _bŭlgang_. Net bag _kalbon_. Fish net _mia_. Nose-peg _bun-gal_. ADJECTIVES. Alive _murun_. Dead _bullu_. Large _munun_ or _binnal_. Small _bubadyul_. Long _bâmirr_. Short _bumbandhul_. Good, right _murrumbang_. Bad, wrong _nunnaibiddi_. Hungry _ngurran_. Thirsty _gullinginda_. Red _girri-girri_. White _burra-burra_. Black _budhang_. Green, as grass _gidyen-gidyen_. Quick _burrai_. Slow _indang-yunne_. Bilnd _mugiñ_. Deaf _mugudha_. Strong _yûrdhura_. Weak or light _wura_. Heavy _bunggawal_. Valiant _mirringan_. Afraid _gelgel_. Sweet _nguddhai_. Bitter _burradyung_. Straight _dhulu_. Crooked _wulliwulli_. Tired _birrabumain_. Silent _dyilmung_. Ripe _yigi_. Unripe _gumba_. Blunt edge _mugu_. Sharp edge _yunggalli_. Fat _wammu_. Lean _nunnaigan_. Hot _wogil_. Cold _balludhai_. Clear _ngullar_. Dirty _dhuggungir_. Angry _dhullai_. Sleepy _yurai_. Glad _guddhang_. Sorry _ngurrar_. Greedy _miral_. Grey-headed _yiribang_. Sick _yinggal_. Stinking _buga_. Wide _munnar_. Narrow _kurbandul_. Baldheaded _gumbu_. Many _muddu_. Few _gulbir_. Some _bubadyul_. Jealous _ngulbuldhai_. Lame _wirgannha_. Near _kuginda_. Far _birrungga_. Deep _ngurambul_. Shallow _gunnan_. Pregnant _burbimbal_. Hard _wallan_. Soft _bunya_. Dry _burung_. Wet _giddha_. Scarce _burambe_. Plentiful _muddu_. Easy _yeddung_. Difficult _nhunnai_. VERBS. Die _bullung_. Eat _dhurra_. Drink _widyara_. Sleep _yurai_. Stand _wurrannha_. Sit _winya_. Lie _wirrinya_. Come _dhanyana_. Go _yunyunna_. Talk _yerra_. Walk _yanninna_. Run _bunbunna_. Bring _dhangangga_. Take _gangga_. Carry _dyirramurra_. Make _dhurburra_. Break _bungamurra_. Beat _bumulli_. Fight _bumullinnha_. Kill _bullubuni_. Arise _burrangga_. Fall _bundinya_. See _ngaga_. Stare at _muramia_. Hear _winnunga_. Know _winnungumma_. Think _ngunnulla_. Grow _yurûnnha_. Give _ngûngga_. Love _guraimurra-dhunganang_. Hate _widdabu-dyingandulla_. Sing _bubbilli_. Weep _yungga_. Play _wagagi_. Cook _gyu-walli_. Marry _burramullina_. Cough _kurra_. Steal _mundubang_. Burn _gunnannha_. Beg _ngundadha_. Barter _ngungiladha_. Bite _buddha_. Blow with breath _bumbe_. Catch _burrama_. Climb _kulliana_. Conceal _kurugunber_. Cut _bangadya_. Frighten _gelgel_. Fly (as a bird) _burrannha_. Hang up _bielgumbirra_. Hold _murama_. Jump _burubidya_. Keep _wirrimbir_. Laugh _gindadha_. Scratch _wŭnyadha_. Leave off _yalu_. Lose _nhunnainmi_. Pinch _nyimma_. Praise _murrambambungan_. Rejoice _guddhabungan_. Remember _winungadhunnal_. Forget _wangganyi_. Go ahead _muramuddha_. Turn off _waiambiddya_. Turn back _ngulungguggi_. Send _wannamumbia_. Shake _dyllinga_. Shine _gudhara_. Spread _billaima_. Suck _widyarra_. Swim _yawidya_. Taste _nguddha_. Touch _yudê_. Twist _waiama_. Rub _nânma_. Seek _wurrâbinya_. Spit _dyûmber_. Smell _budadha_. Throw _birrumba_. Pitch _wannungga_. Help _yamma_. Sweat _ngulwai_. Roast _giwa_. Whistle _wilbuddha_. Avenge _dhullaibungando_. Pretend _or_ lie _yambulyala_. Kiss _wiûmbannhal_. Vomit _mulama_. Dance _wuggama_. Dive _wubunginya_. Sting _dhni_. Dream _yeddharmurra_. Vocabulary of Ngunawal Words. The following vocabulary contains 290 of the most commonly used words in the Ngunawal language, with their English equivalents. Every word has been noted down carefully by myself from the lips of old men and women in the native camps. A man _murriñ_. Husband _ma-ung_. Clever man _muyulung_. Youth _warrumbul_. Boy _bubal_. Elder brother _dyiddyang_. Younger brother _gugañ_. Elder sister _dhaddung_. Younger sister _gŭlwan_. A woman _bullan_. Wife _mân_. Girl _mullangan_. Child (neuter) _gudha_. Children _gudhaiar_. THE HUMAN BODY. Head _guddagang_. Hair of head _dherrung_. Eye _migalaity_. Nose _nyigity_. Back of neck _nhŭn_. Throat _guddity_. Ear _guri_. Mouth _dhambir_. Teeth _yerra_. Breast, female _ngumminyang_. Navel _nyurra_. Belly _bindhi_. Back _bengal_. Arm _nhurung_. Hand _murrangga_. Fingers _yulu_. Finger-nails _birril_. Thigh _dhurra_. Knee _ngumung_. Foot _dyunna_. Heart _gauar_. Blood _dyinggi_. Fat _bĕwan_. Bone _wiak_. Penis _dhun_. Testicles _gurra_. Pubic Hair _buruwarri_. Sexual desire _burundunnung_. Copulation _yangiliri_. Masturbation _natymiliri_. Semen _burung_. Vulva _binnañ_. Anus _dhula_. Excrement _gunung_. Urine _dyungur_. Venereal _middyung_. INANIMATE NATURE. Sun _winyu_. Moon _kubbadang_. Stars _dyurra_. Pleiades _dyin-ding-gang_. Clouds _gurrang_. Sky _mindyigari_. Thunder _murungŭl_. Lightning _meup-meup_. Rain _garrit_. Dew _dyingidyirrang_. Frost _dhugguru_. Water _ngadyung_. Ground _dhaura_. Dust _dhungul_. Mud _murung_. Stone _gurbung_. Sand _dyardyar_. Charcoal _murrungga_. Light _dhurrawang_. Darkness _buranya_. Heat _gunnama_. Cold _gurrita_. Dawn _birrimbigang_. East wind _bulyanggang_. West wind _guraguma_. Whirlwind _wingguraminya_. Pipeclay _gubbity_. Red ochre _gubur_. Fire _kanbi_. Smoke _muril_. Food, flesh _ngulli_. Food, vegetable _dyarabañ_. Flowers _gamburra_. Day _bural_. Night _kagu_. Dusk _dyirranggan_. Grass _gurwai_. Leaves _dyirrang_. Eggs _kubbugang_. Honey _kauanggal_. A liar _kwigarak_. Grubs, collectively _gauiñ_. Grubs, gum tree _burrung_. Grub, river oak _dyigung_. Pathway _mura_. Camp _nguru_. Shadow of tree _kumburu_. Shadow of man _buak_. Summer _winyuwangga_. Winter _magarawangga_. MAMMALS. Native bear _gurabun_ or _gula_. Dog _mirri_. Opossum _wille_. Kangaroo rat _balbu_. Native cat _muruguñ_. Bandicoot _mundawari_. Small rat _gunnimang_. Rock wallaby _burrai_. Porcupine _burugun_. Kangaroo _buru_. Platypus _mâlunggang_. Flying squirrel _banggu_. Ringtail opossum _dyindañ_. Bat _nguddya-nguddyan_. BIRDS. Birds, collectively _budyan_. Crow _wagulan_. Laughing jackass _guginyal_. Curlew _warabin_. Swan _dyinyuk_. Eaglehawk _mulleun_. Common magpie _karrugang_. Black magpie _dyirrigang_. Mopoke _yuyu_. Night owl _binit-binit_. Rosella parrot _bunduluk_. Common hawk _walga_. Kingfisher _diktigang_. Peewee _giliruk_. Plover _bindirradirrik_. Crane _galu_. Pheasant _dyagula_. Black cockatoo, small _gang-gang_. Black cockatoo, large _wamburung_. Bower-bird _dyara_. FISHES. Perch _dhinngur_. Herring _berrumbunnung_. Eel _yumba_. Gudgeon _budang_. Black-fish _wuggar_. REPTILES. Water iguana _dhurrawarri_. Frog _dyirrigurat_. River lizard _biddyiwang_. Tree iguana _wirria_. Sleepy lizard _muggadhang_. Small lizard _bunburung_. Death adder _muddyawit_. Turtle _gudamang_. Carpet snake _wâgur_. Any snake _mugga_. Brown snake _wurungal_. Black snake _dyirrabity_. Tiger snake _berragundhang_. Jew lizard _nurrung_. Tree snake _mulundyulung_. INVERTEBRATES. Locust, large _gulañ-gulañ_. Locust, small _dyirribrit_. Mother louse _gunggal_. Nit of louse _dyanding_. Young lice _maiadi_. House fly _mênga_. Bulldog ant _bulbul_. Jumper ant _dyambity_. Maggot _dhurraunda_. Centipede _gururigang_. Mussel _bindugañ_. TREES AND PLANTS. Any tree _ngulla_. Ti-tree _mudda_. Wattle _nummerak_. Pine _buggumbul_. Oak _dulwa_. Cherry-tree _mummadya_. Gum-tree _yerradhang_. Yellow-box _bargang_. Honeysuckle _dhulwa_. Ironbark _thirriwirri_. Stringybark _buriñ_. Yam _dharâbañ_. Bulrushes _gummiuk_. WEAPONS, UTENSILS, ETC. Tomahawk _mundubang_. Koolamin _gûngun_. Yamstick _gaualang_. Spear _dyuiñ_. Spear lever _womur_. Spear shield _bimbiang_. Waddy shield _murga_. Fighting club _kûdyeru_. Hunting club _bundi_. Boomerang _berra_. Net bag _goañ_. Canoe _mundang_. Headband _gambañ_. Kilt _burrañ_. ADJECTIVES. Alive _mulanggari_. Dead _burrakbang_. Large _buggarabaug_. Small _nyerrigurang_. Tall or long _bâmir_. Low or short _gŭngur_. Good _yeddung_. Bad _gŭdba_. Red _dhirrum dhirrum_. White _duggurugurak_. Black _buru-burâ_. Mad _gauang_. Crazy _yugi-yugang_. Stubborn _wambarung_. Valiant _gurumbul_. Quick _burrai_. Slow _gûnyan_. Strong _yurwang_. Afraid _dyaui-dyauty_. Tired _yurrity_. Sharp _midyir-midyir_. Fat _bewanbang_. Lean _ngauatyba_. Hot _winyudha_. Cold _gurrit_. Angry _yugo_. Sleepy _gung-gung_. Glad _waddhir_. Sorry _ngaralda_. Greedy _merradhiñ_. Sick _gêr_. Stinking _bugung_. Much _gurung_. Little _muinggang_. Pregnant _malingilimang_. True _gûndyaina_. VERBS. Die _berak_. Eat _dhaimbaliri_. Drink _wimbaliri_. Sleep _ngambori_. Stand _dharri-iri_. Sit _ngulla-iri_. Talk _dhuniai_. Tell _dhuniung_. Walk _yerrabi_. Run _munni_. Bring _munnagali_. Take _mali_. Make _bungi_. Break _mudyat_. Chastise _millai_. Beat _ngubi_. Arise _badyi_. Fall down _buggâli_. See _nangi_. Look _naii_. Hear _ngurrambai_. Listen _wanggirrali_. Give _yûnggi_. Cook _dyandai_. Steal _gurrangi_. Request _dyunggadyai_. Sing _yŭnggaballi_. Weep _nyimali_. Blow, with breath _bumbi_. Blow, as wind _bunima_. Climb _bui-i_. Conceal _buddai_. Jump _dyŭtbi_. Laugh _birrigai_. Scratch _birrâdilli_. Tear _bunggur_. Forget _walagi_. Do _bŭngi_. Send _iddyi_. Suck _bindi_. Swim _yerra_. Fly _yerra_. Bathe _ngaugi_. Search for _gadi_. Spit _dyugai_. Smell _billai_. Bite _burri_. Play _woggabaliri_. Touch or catch _mungga-iri_. Throw _yerrambi_. Pitch _wadhi_. Whistle _windi_. Pretend _kwigai_. Vomit _garrugi_. Dance _wagi_. Dive _burugi_. Sting _dyandi_. Hunt _gadali_. To scent, as a dog _gundali_. Drive _dhurali_. Go _yerrabi_. Come _munnagai_. Burn _gunnami_. Chop _gudbaiiri_. Feel _burrangiri_. [1] “Initiation Ceremonies of Australian Tribes,” _Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc._, vol. xxxvi, pp. 54–73, map. [2] “The Group Divisions and Initiation Ceremonies of the Bar-Kunjee Tribes,” _Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales_, vol. xxxii, pp. 240–250, map. That map includes with the Wiradyuri, the territory of the Burreba-burreba tribe, because their initiation ceremonies and marriage laws are the same. [3] “The Victorian Aborigines: their Initiation Ceremonies and Division Systems,” _American Anthropologist_, vol. xi, pp. 325–343, map. [4] “Languages of the Kamilaroi and Other Tribes of New South Wales,” _Journ. Anthrop. Inst._, vol. xxxiii, p. 259. [5] “An Australian Language” (Sydney, 1892), _Appendix_, p. 60. [6] “The Burbung of the Wiradyuri Tribes,” _Journ. Anthrop. Inst._, vol. xxv, pp. 295–318. _Ibid._, vol. xxvi, pp. 272–285. “The Initiation Ceremonies of the Aborigines of the Upper Lachlan,” _Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc. Austr._, _Queensland Bch._, vol. xi, pp. 167–169. “The Burbung or Initiation Ceremonies of the Murrumbidgee Tribes,” _Journ. Roy Soc. N.S. Wales_, vol. xxxi, pp. 111–153. “The Burbung of the Wiradhuri Tribes,” _Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland_, vol. xvi, pp. 35–38. [7] “The Aboriginal Languages of Victoria,” _Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales_, vol. xxxvi, p. 76. [8] Compare with my “Yookumbil Language,” _Queensland Geog. Journ._, vol. xvii, pp. 63–67. [9] _Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc._, Philadelphia, vol. xl, No. 167. [10] “The Bûrbung, etc., of the Murrumbidgee Tribes,” _Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales_, vol. xxxi, pp. 111–153. [11] _American Anthropologist_, vol. ix, pp. 327–334, Plate VI. [12] _Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales_, vol. xxxiv, pp. 276–281. [13] _Ibid._, pp. 263–364. [14] “Aboriginal Songs at Initiation Ceremonies,” _Queensland Geographical Journal_, vol. xvii. pp. 61–63. [15] See my “Thurrawal Language,” _Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales_, vol. xxxv, p. 131. [16] Compare with my “Dharruk Language and Vocabulary,” _Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales_, vol. xxxv, pp. 155–160. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE WIRADYURI AND OTHER LANGUAGES OF NEW SOUTH WALES *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. Project Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you charge for an eBook, except by following the terms of the trademark license, including paying royalties for use of the Project Gutenberg trademark. 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