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Title: An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Author: John Jamieson Release date: August 18, 2012 [eBook #40521] Most recently updated: October 23, 2024 Language: English Credits: Produced by Margo von Romberg, Louise Pryor and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INTRODUCTORY NOTE * * * * This dictionary is an abridged edition of the two-volume quarto * * dictionary published in 1808. Numerous entries are prefixed by * * an asterisk, for which no explanation is given. According to * * the four-volume edition published in 1879-1882, "The asterisk * * signifies that the word to which it is prefixed, besides the * * common meaning in English, is used in a different sense in * * Scotland." * * * * Some entries are alphabetically out of sequence. * * * * Some entries are undefined. A full list is included in the * * Transcriber's Notes at the end. * * * * Some cross-references have spellings at variance with the word * * referred to. This reflects the fluidity of the spelling of * * Scottish words at the time the dictionary was compiled. * * * * A number of words for which a cross-reference is cited do not * * in fact appear in the dictionary. A full list is included in * * the Transcriber's Notes. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY _OF THE_ SCOTTISH LANGUAGE. AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE; IN WHICH THE WORDS ARE EXPLAINED IN THEIR DIFFERENT SENSES, AUTHORISED BY THE NAMES OF THE WRITERS BY WHOM THEY ARE USED, OR THE TITLES OF THE WORKS IN WHICH THEY OCCUR, AND DEDUCED FROM THEIR ORIGINALS. _ABRIDGED FROM THE QUARTO EDITION,_ BY THE AUTHOR, JOHN JAMIESON, D. D. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, OF THE SOCIETY OF THE ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, AND OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND COMPANY, AND ALEXANDER JAMESON, EDINBURGH, _By Abernethy & Walker._ 1818. PREFACE. ~The Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language~, which was published in the year 1808, has been so favourably received, that although the impression was large, a set is now rarely to be found; and at any rate cannot be purchased at less than double the price paid by Subscribers. As many, who would wish to possess the original work, cannot now be supplied; while it has still been out of the reach of others, not less interested in our national literature; the Author has been advised to give it to the Public in an abridged form. He has followed the same plan with that of the abridgment of Dr ~Johnson~'s English Dictionary; in giving all the terms contained in the larger work, in their various significations, the names of the writers by whom they are used, or the titles of the works in which they occur, and their derivations. In one instance only has he deviated from the plan of the great English Lexicographer, in placing the etymons after the definitions. This mode is undoubtedly the most simple; as a reader, when looking into a Dictionary for the origin of a word with which he is familiar, or for the signification of one with which he is unacquainted, must be supposed to turn his eye first to the definition, that he may know whether this is the word that he looks for, or whether, in the passage in which it has occurred, it can bear the sense there given, before he thinks of examining its origin, or can form any judgment as to the propriety of the etymon that may be offered. While this work contains a variety of words which are not to be found in the quarto edition, the Author flatters himself that he does not claim too much in supposing, that during ten years which have elapsed since it was published, he has had it in his power, from many sources formerly unexplored, to make considerable improvements both in the explanatory and in the etymological department. This, he trusts, will be evident to any who will take the trouble to compare the one work with the other. In most instances, where he has met with new significations of the words explained in the larger work, he has inserted them in this, with their authorities. Such, indeed, is the copiousness of our vernacular language, that he is far from pretending that he has had it in his power to give a complete view of it. From the recent publication of many of our old acts formerly imprinted, from his own researches, and from the liberal communications both of friends and strangers, who have been anxious to render what they are pleased to consider a national work as complete as possible, the Author has been supplied with a great variety of terms which were formerly unknown to him. These he hopes to have it soon in his power to give to the public in an additional volume in quarto, in order to complete the former work. This, as far as he can calculate at present, will be equal in size to any of the preceding volumes. ~Edinburgh~, } May 6. 1818. } _An Explanation of the Contractions used in this Work._ _A. Bor._ Anglia Borealis, North of England. _Adj._ Adjective. _Adv._ Adverb. _Alem._ Alemannic language. _Ang._ Angus, county of. _Arm._ Armorican, or language of Bretagne. _A. S._ Anglo-Saxon language. _Belg._ Belgic language. _C. B._ Cambro-Britannic, or Welsh language. _Celt._ Celtic. _Clydes._ Clydesdale. _Conj._ Conjunction. _Contr._ Contracted, or Contraction. _Corn._ Cornish, or language of Cornwall. _Corr._ Corrupted, or corruption. _Dan._ Danish language. _Dimin._ Diminutive. _Dumfr._ Dumfriesshire. _E._ English language. _Fr._ French language. _Franc._ Frankish, Theotisc, or Tudesque language. _Fris._ Frisian dialect of the Belgic. _Gael._ Gaelic of the Highlands of Scotland. _Germ._ German language. _Gl. Gloss._ Glossary. _Gl. Sibb._ Glossary by Mr James Sibbald. _Gr._ Greek language. _Heb._ Hebrew language. _Hisp._ Spanish language. _Ibid._ In the same place. _Id._ Having the same signification; also, the same writer. _Imper._ Imperative. _Ir._ Irish language. _Isl._ Islandic (or Icelandic) language. _Ital._ Italian language. _Lat._ Latin language. _L. B._ Barbarous Latin. _Loth._ Lothian. _Metaph._ Metaphor, Metaphorical. _Moes. G._ Moeso-Gothic, as preserved in Ulphilas's Version of the Gospels. _Mod._ Modern. _MS._ Manuscript. _N._ Note. _O._ Old. _Orkn._ Orkney. _Part. pr._ Participle present. _---- pa._ ---- past. _Pers._ Persian language. _Perh._ Perhaps. _Pl._ Plural. _Prep._ Preposition. _Pret._ Preterite. _Pron._ Pronoun; _also_, Pronounce, pronunciation. _Prov._ Proverb. _Q._ or _q._ Quasi. _q. v._ Quod vide. _S._ Scottish, Scotland. _S._ Denotes that a word is still used in Scotland. _S. A._ Scotia Australis, south of Scotland. _S. B._ Scotia Borealis, North of Scotland; also Northern Scots. _Shetl._ Shetland. _Shirr._ Shirrefs. _S. O._ Scotia Occidentalis, West of Scotland. _s._ Substantive. _Su. G._ Suio-Gothic, or ancient language of Sweden. _Sw._ Swedish language, (modern.) _Term._ Termination. _Teut._ Teutonic. _Tweedd._ Tweeddale. _V._ Vide, see. _v._ Verb. _vo._ Voce. _Rules for rendering the use of this Dictionary more easy._ Y vowel, used by our ancient writers promiscuously with _i_, being in fact only double _i_, and printed _ij_ in other northern languages, is to be sought for, not as it stands in the English alphabet, but in the same place with the letter _i_, throughout the work. Words not found in SH, to be sought for under SCH. Those, in like manner, not found in WH, to be sought for under QUH, expressing the sound of the old Gothic guttural. Words, improperly printed in our old books with _Z_, to be looked for under Y consonant. * * * * * In One Volume 8vo, price 12s. HERMES SCYTHICUS, OR THE RADICAL AFFINITIES OF THE GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES TO THE GOTHIC. _Illustrated from the Moeso-Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Francic, Alemannic, Suio-Gothic, Islandic, &c._ TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A DISSERTATION ON THE HISTORICAL PROOFS OF THE SCYTHIAN ORIGIN OF THE GREEKS. ⁂ A few copies have been printed in royal 8vo, price 24s. "Dr Jamieson, being amply provided with an accurate knowledge of the various dialects of the Gothic Languages to be compared with the Greek, has proved the existence of a connection between them, more extensive and more intimate than could easily have been imagined, without so laborious an investigation, in which he appears to have gone considerably further than his learned and ingenious predecessors Ihre and Rudbeck." ~Quarterly Review~, ~NO.~ ~XXVII~, Oct. 1815. AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE. A The letter A has, in the Scottish language, four different sounds: 1. _A_ broad, as in E. _all_, _wall_. _U_ is often added, as in _cald_, cold, written also _cauld_; and sometimes _w_; both as marks of the prolongation of the sound. 2. _A_ short, in _lak_, _mak_, _tak_, S. as in _last_, _past_, E. 3. _A_ open, in _dad_, _daddie_, a father, and some other words, S. as in E. _read_ pret., _ready_ adj. 4. _A_ slender or close, in _lane_, _alane_, alone, _mane_, moan, S. like _face_, _place_, E. The monosyllables have generally, although not always, a final _e_ quiescent. _A_ is used in many words instead of _o_ in E.; as _ane_, _bane_, _lang_, _sang_, _stane_, for _one_, _bone_, _long_, _song_, _stone_. For the Scots preserve nearly the same orthography with the Anglo-Saxons, which the English have abandoned. Thus the words last mentioned were written in A. S. _an_, _ban_, _lang_, _sang_, _stan_. In some of the northern counties, as in Angus and Mearns, the sound of _ee_ or _ei_ prevails, instead of _ai_, in various words of this formation. _Ane_, _bane_, _stane_, &c. are pronounced _ein_, _bein_, _stein_, after the manner of the Germans, who use each of these terms in the same sense. When this letter is written with an apostrophe, as _a'_, it is meant to intimate that the double _l_ is cut off, according to the pronunciation of Scotland. But this is merely of modern use. _A_ is sometimes prefixed to words, both in S. and old E., where it makes no alteration of the sense; as _abade_, delay, which has precisely the same meaning with _bade_. This seems to have been borrowed from the A. S., in which language _abidan_ and _bidan_ are perfectly synonymous, both simply signifying, to remain, to tarry. _A_, in composition, sometimes signifies _on_; as _agrufe_, on the _grufe_ or belly, S.; Isl. _a grufu_, cernuè, pronè. Johnson thinks that _a_, in the composition of such E. words as _aside_, _afoot_, _asleep_, is sometimes contracted from _at_. But these _terms_ are unquestionably equivalent to _on side_, _on foot_, _on sleep_; on being used, in the room of _a_, by ancient writers. _A_ is used, by our oldest writers, in the sense of _one_. The signification is more forcible than that of the indefinite article in English; for it denotes, not merely an individual, where there may be many, or one in particular, but one exclusively of others, in the same sense in which _ae_ is vulgarly used. ABAD, ABADE, ABAID, _s._ Delay, abiding, tarrying; the same with ~Bad~, ~Bade~. A. S. _abid-an_, manere. _Wallace._ ABAID, _part. pa._ Waited, expected. A. S. _abad_, expectatus. _Douglas._ _To_ ABAY, ABAW, _v. a._ To astonish. _Abayd_, part. pa. astonished; _abawed_, Chaucer. Fr. _esbah-ir_, id. _K. Hart._ _To_ ABAYS, _v. a._ To abash, to confound. _Abaysyd_, part. pa. _Wyntown._ Fr. _abass-ir_, id. ABAITMENT, _s._ Diversion, sport. _Douglas._ Arm. _ebat-a_ ludere, _ebat_ ludus; O. Fr. _ebaud-ir_ recreare, _ebattement_ recreatio. ABAK, _adv._ Back, behind; Chaucer, id. _Douglas._ Isl. _aabak_, retrorsum, A. S. _on baec_, id. ABANDOUN. _In abandoun_, _at abandoun_, at random. _Barbour._ Chaucer uses _bandon_ as denoting free will, pleasure. Fr. _en ábandon_, _à l'ábandon_, id. from _à_, _ban_, and _donner_, to give up to interdiction. _To_ ABANDON, _v. a._ 1. To bring under absolute subjection. _Barbour._ 2. To let loose, to give permission to act at pleasure. _Wallace._ 3. To destroy, to cut off. _Wallace._ Fr. _abandonn-er_, id. ABANDONLY, _adv._ At random, without regard to danger. _Wallace._ ABASIT, _part. pa._ Confounded, abashed. _Douglas._ ABATE, _s._ Accident; something that surprises one, as being unexpected. _King's Quair._ Fr. _abatt-re_, to daunt, to overthrow; or _abet-ir_, stupidum, _hebet_-em, reddere. _To_ ABAW. V. ~Abay~. ABBEIT, _s._ Dress, apparel, O. E. _abite_. _Bannatyne Poems._ Arm. _abyt_, _abyta_, Lat. _habit-us_, Fr. _habit_, id. ABBACY, ABBASY, _s._ An abbey. L. B. _abatia_, id. _Acts. Ja. III._ ABBOT OF UNREASON, a sort of histrionic character, anciently exhibited in Scotland, but afterwards forbidden by Act of Parliament. _Acts Marie._ This was one of the Christmas sports; and, as the ancient _Saturnalia_ levelled all distinction of ranks, the design of this amusement was to ridicule the solemnity of the proceedings of an Abbot, or other dignified clergyman. It is the same with the _Abbot of Misrule_, and distinguished in name only from the _Boy-Bishop_, characters formerly well known both in England and in France. The principal personage was denominated the _Abbot of Unreason_, because his actings were inconsistent with _reason_, and merely meant to excite mirth. ABEE. _To let abee._ To let alone, to bear with, not to meddle with, S. _To let be_, E. _Ritson._ ABEECH, ABIEGH, _adv._ Aloof, "at a shy distance," chiefly used in the west of S. _Stand abeigh_, keep aloof. _Burns._ Fr. _aboy_, O. Fr. _abai_, _abay_, _abbais_; E. _at bay_, O. E. _abay_. ABERAND, _part. pr._ Going astray. Lat. _aberrans_, E. _aberring_. _Bellenden._ _To_ ABHOR, _v. a._ To fill with horror. _Lyndsay._ _To_ ABY, _v. a._ To suffer for. O. E. _abeye_, _abie_. A. S. _byg-an_, to buy. _Henrysone._ ABIL, _adj._ Able. _Wyntown._ Lat. _habil-is_, Fr. _habile_, C. B. _abl_, Teut. _abel_, id. ABIL, _adv._ Perhaps. V. ~Able~. ABYLL, _adj._ Liable, apt. V. ~Abil~. _Bellenden._ ABITIS, _s. pl._ Obits, service for the dead. _Bannatyne Poems._ Lat. _obit-us_, death; also, office for the dead. ABLACH, _s._ A dwarf, an expression of contempt, S. B. _Gl. Shirrefs._ Gael. _abhach_, id. ABLE, ABLIS, ABLINS, _adv._ Perhaps, peradventure, S. _Yeable-sea_, id. _Montgomery._ A. S. _abal_, Isl. and Su. G. _afl_, strength, properly that of the body; _afl-as_, to be _able_. ABLINS, _adv._ V. ~Able~. ABOWYNE, ABONE, ABOW, _prep._ Above, S. Yorks. Westmorel. _Barbour._ A. S. _abufan_, id. The radical term is evidently _ufan_, supra. _To_ ABREDE, _v. a._ To publish, to spread abroad. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _abraed-an_, propalare. _To_ ABREDE, _v. n._ To start, to fly to a side. Chauc. _abraide_, id. _Henrysone._ ABREID, ABRADE, ABREAD, _adv._ Abroad, at large, S. _Burel._ A. S. _abred-an_, extendere, or Isl. _a braut_, forth, in via. ABSTINENCE, _s._ A truce, cessation of arms. _Spotswood._ Fr. id. L. B. _abstinentia_. AB-THANE, ABTHANE, _s._ V. ~Thane~. ABULYEIT, ABULYEID, ABILYEIT, _part. pa._ 1. Drest, apparelled. _Douglas._ 2. Equipped for the field of battle. _Acts Ja. II._ Fr. _habill-er_, to clothe. ABULIEMENT, _s._ Dress, habit; Fr. _habiliment_. _Bellenden._ AC, EC, _conj._ But, and. _Barbour._ A. S. _aec_, _eac_; Moes. G. _auk_; Alem. _auh_; Su. G. _och_, _ock_; Belg. _ook_; Lat. _ac_, etiam. ACCOMIE, _s._ A species of metal, S. V. ~Alcomye~. _To_ ACCORD. Used impersonally; _as accords_, or _as accords of law_, i. e. as is agreeable or conformable to law. It has greater latitude of signification than the phrase, _as effeiris_, which denotes any thing proportional, convenient, or becoming, as well as conformity. _Laws of S._ _To_ ACHERSPYRE, _v. n._ To shoot, to germinate, E. _acrospire_. _Chalmerlan Air._ A. S. _aechir_, an ear of corn, _aecer_, Su. G. _aakar_, corn, and _spira_, the projection of any thing that is long and slender. Gr. ακρος, summus, and σπειρα, spira. ACHERSPIRE, _s._ The germination of malt at that end of the grain from which the stalk grows, S. ACHIL, _adj._ Noble. V. ~Athil~. _To_ ACRES, ACRESCE, _v. n._ 1. To increase, to gather strength. _Burel._ 2. Used us a law term in S. to denote that one species of right, or claim, flows from, and naturally falls to be added to, its principal. Fr. _accroist-re_, Lat. _accrescere_, id. _To_ ACQUEIS, _v. a._ To acquire. _Burel._ Fr. _acquis_, _acquise_, part. pa.; Lat. _acquisitus_. ACQUART, AIKWERT, _adj._ Cross, perverse, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _acwerd_, aversus, perversus, E. _aukward_. ACTON, _s._ A leathern jacket, strongly stuffed, anciently worn under a coat of mail. _Stat. Rob. I._ O. Fr. _auqueton_, _haucton_, L. B. _aketon_, _acton_, id. ACTUAL, _adj._ _An actual minister_, or _an actual man_, a phrase still used by the vulgar to denote one who is in full orders as a minister of the gospel, S. _Wodrow._ L. B. _actus_, officium, ministerium. ADDETTIT, _part. pa._ Indebted. _Douglas._ Fr. _endebté_, id. ADEW, used as an _adj._ Gone, departed. _Douglas._ From Fr. _adieu_, used in an oblique sense. ADEW, _part. pa._ Done. _Wallace._ A. S. _adoa_ facere, _adon_ tollere. ADHEILL, _s._ The district in S. now called Athol. _Barbour._ Gael. _Blair-adh-oll_, Blair-Atholl, expl. "the great pleasant plain." ADDILL, ADDLE, _s._ 1. Foul and putrid water. _Douglas._ 2. The urine of black cattle, Renfrews. A. S. _adl_, filthy gore, Teut. _adel_, filth, mire. Hence, _To_ ADDLE, _v. n._ To moisten the roots of plants with the urine of cattle, Renfrews. Su. G. _adl-a_, mejere. ADIST, _prep._ On this side, S. It is opposed to _ayont_, i. e. on the other side. _Kelly._ Perhaps from Germ. _diss_. hoc, E. _this_. _To_ ADORNE, _v. a._ To worship, to adore. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ADRED, _adv._ Downright. _Douglas._ Fr. _adroit_, or _droit_, right, straight, Lat. _direct-us_, Rudd. ADREICH, _adv._ Behind, at a distance. _To follow adreich_, to follow at a considerable distance, S. B. _Adrigh_, O. E. From the adj. _Dreich_, q. v. _Bellenden._ ADREID, _conj._ Lest. _Palice Hon._ Imper. of A. S. _adraed-an_ timere. ADRESLY, _adv._ With good address. _Wyntown._ AE, _adj._ One, S. V. letter A. _Ramsay._ AE, _adv._ Always; E. _aye_. _Z. Boyd._ Isl. _ae_, semper, Moes. G. _aiw_ aeternum. AER, _s._ Oar. V. ~Air~. _Stat. Gild._ _To_ AFAYND, _v. a._ To attempt, to endeavour, to try. _Wallace._ A. S. _afand-ian_ tentare. AFALD, AFAULD, AEFAULD, AUFAULD, EFFAULD, _adj._ 1. Honest, upright, without duplicity, S. 2. Used to denote the unity of the divine essence in a trinity of persons. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _ainfalth_, Isl. _einfauld_, A. S. _anfeald_, simplex. Immediately from S. _a_ or _ae_ one, and _fald_ fold. AFF, _adv._ Off, S. _Ross._ Moes. G. Isl. Su. G. Dan. Belg. _af_, Gr. απο, αφ', Alem. and Lat. _ab_. _Aff at the knot_, lunatic, deranged, S. B. _Gl. Shirrefs._ _Aff and on_. 1. Applied to those who lodge on the same floor, S. 2. Without any permanent change, used in relation to the sick, S. _Aff or on_, determined one way or another, as in regard to a commercial transaction, S. AFFCAST, _s._ A castaway. _Bruce._ From _aff_ off, and _cast_. AFFCOME, _s._ 1. The termination of any business, the reception one meets with, as, "I had an ill _affcome_," S. 2. Sometimes used in the sense of escape, S. q. "_coming off_." AFFECTUOUS, _adj._ Affectionate. V. ~Effectuous~. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ AFFER, AFEIR, EFFEIR, EFFERE, _s._ 1. Condition, state. _Barbour._ 2. Warlike preparation, equipment for war. _Wallace._ 3. Appearance, shew. _Barbour._ 4. Demeanour, deportment. _Maitland P._ V. ~Fair~, ~Fere~. AFFERD, _part. pa._ Afraid, O. E. _affered_, vulgar E. _afeard_. _Douglas._ A. S. _afaered_, territus. AFFERIS, EFFEIRS, _v. impers._ 1. Becomes, belongs to, is proper or expedient; frequently used in our laws. _Barbour._ 2. It sometimes signifies what is proportional to, S. _Acts Counc._ O. Fr. _affer-ir_, appartenir, Lat. _affero_. AFF-HAND, _adj._ Plain, honest, blunt, given to free speaking. S. _affin-hand_, Ang. AFF-HAND, _adv._ Without premeditation, S. _Ramsay._ AFFLUFF, AFFLOOF, _adv._ 1. Without book, off hand. To repeat _aff lufe_, to deliver merely from memory, without having a book or notes, S. 2. Extempore, without premeditation, S. _Ramsay._ From S. _aff off_, and _lufe_, the palm of the hand. AFFPUT, _s._ Delay, or pretence for delaying. S. AFFPUTTING, _adj._ Delaying, trifling, dilatory, _putting off_, S. AFFRAY, _s._ Fear, terror; Chaucer, id. Fr. _affre_, _effroi_, terreur. _Barbour._ AFFROITLIE, _adv._ Affrightedly. Fr. _effroy-er_, to frighten. _Douglas._ AFFSET, _s._ 1. Dismission, the act of putting away, S. 2. An excuse, a pretence, S. _Ross._ Moes. G. _afsat-jan_, amovere. AFFSIDE, _s._ The farther side of any object, S. Su. G. _afsides_, seorsum. AFLOCHT, AFLOUGHT, _part. pa._ Agitated, in a flutter, S. V. ~Flocht~. _Bellenden._ AFORGAYN, _prep._ Opposite to; the same with ~Foregainst~, q. v. _Barbour._ A. S. _onforan_, ante, coram, and _gean_, contra; _on_ being changed into _a_ in S. and E., as _onweg_ into _away_. _Foran ongean_, ex adverso. AFORNENS, _prep._ Opposite to. V. ~Fore-anent~. _Wyntown._ AFTEN, _adv._ Often, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _aeft_, iterum. AFTER ANE, _adv._ Alike, in the same manner, in one form, S. i. e. _after one_. AFTER-CLAP, _s._ Evil consequence, S. _Gl. Sibb._ AFTERHEND, _adv._ Afterwards. V. ~Eftirhend.~ AFTERINGS, AFT'RINS, _s. pl._ The last milk taken from a cow, S. Lancash. Derbysh. id. A. S. _aefter_ post. _Morison._ AGAYNE, AGANE, _prep._ Against, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _gean_, _agen_, _ongean_, Su. G. _gen_, _igen_, Isl. _gegn_, _gen_, contra. AGAIT, _adv._ On the way or road. V. ~Gait~. _Wallace._ _A_ in the sense of _on_, and _gait_, a way. AGATIS, _adv._ In one way, uniformly. _Barbour._ _A_, one, and _gatis_ the plur. or genit. of A. S. _gat_, a way. AGEE, A-JEE, _adv._ 1. To one side, S. _To look agye_, to look aside, Gl. Yorks. _Ramsay._ 2. A-jar, a little open, S. _Burns._ From _a_ on, and _jee_, to move, to turn. _To_ AGENT, _v. a._ To manage, whether in a court of law, or by interest, S. _Baillie._ _To_ AGGRISE, _v. a._ To affright, to fill with horror. _Agryse_, Chaucer, to shudder, to make to shudder. _Douglas._ A. S. _agrys-an_, horrere. AGLEY, A-GLY, _adv._ Off the right line, obliquely, wrong, S. _Burns._ V. ~Gley~. AGRUFE, _adv._ In a flat or grovelling position, S. V. ~Grufe~. AGWET, _s._ The name anciently given to the hill on which the castle of Edinburgh stands. _Hardyng._ Corr. from C. B. _Agned_, _Castel mynyd Agned_; perhaps, q. "the castle of the rifted mount," _agen_, signifying a cliff, _ageniad_, id. _agenedig_, rifted. AHIND, AHINT, _prep._ Behind, S. _Buchan Poems._ A. S. _hindan_, post, _aet hindan_, a tergo, _on-hinder_, retrorsum. AHIND, AHINT, _adv._ 1. Behind, in respect of place, S. 2. Late, as to time, S. 3. Applied to what remains, or is left, S. _Ross._ AICH, _s._ Echo, S. B. AIGARS, _s._ Grain dried very much in a pot, for being ground in a quern or hand-mill. S. B. Moes. G. _akran_, Su. G. _aker_, Isl. _akur_, corn; A. S. _aecer_, an ear of corn. Hence, AIGAR-MEAL, _s._ Meal made of grain dried in this manner, S. AIGAR-BROSE, _s._ A sort of pottage made of this meal, S. To AIGH, _v. a._ To owe, to be indebted; _aighand_, owing, S. B. Su. G. _aeg-a_, Isl. _eig-a_, debere; Moes. G. _aig-an_, A. S. _ag-an_, habere, possidere. AIGHINS, _s. pl._ What is owing to one, especially used as denoting demerit. When one threatens to correct a child who is in fault, it is a common expression, "I'll gie you your _aighins_," S. B. Moes. G. _aigins_, possession. AIGLET, _s._ 1. A tagged point. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. A jewel in one's cap. _Gl. Sibb._ Fr. _esguilette_, id. q. _aculeata_. AIK, AYK, _s._ The oak, S. Plur. _akis_, oaks. _Douglas._ A. S. _ac_, _aec_, Alem. Germ. _eiche_, Su. G. _ek_, Isl. _eik_, quercus. AIKERIT, _part. adj._ Eared; _weil yaikert_, having full ears; applied to grain, Tweedd, Pron. _yaikert_. V. ~Aigars~. AIKRAW, _s._ Pitted warty lichen, L. scrobiculatus, Linn. South of S. V. ~Staneraw~. _Lightfoot._ AYLE, _s._ 1. A projection from the body of a church, one of the wings of the transept, S. 2. An inclosed and covered burial place, adjoining to a church, though not forming part of it, S. _Spalding._ Moes. G. and A. S. _alh_, templum. AILICKEY, _s._ The bridegroom's man, he who attends on the bridegroom or is employed as his messenger at a wedding, Ang. Su. G. _e_ marriage, and _lackey_, Fr. _lacquay_, a runner. AIN, _adj._ Own, S. V. ~Awin~. AYND, END, _s._ The breath; also written _end_; A. Bor. _Yane_, id. _Barbour._ Isl. Su. G. _ande_, A. S. _ond_, halitus, spiritus. _To_ AYND, EAND, _v. a._ To breathe upon. _Bellenden._ Isl. _and-a_, Su. G. _and-as_, respirare. AYNDING, _s._ The act of breathing. _Douglas._ AYNDING-STEDE, _s._ A breathing-place. _Douglas._ AYNDLESSE, _adj._ Breathless, out of breath. _Barbour._ AINS, _adv._ Once. V. ~Anis~. AIR, AYR, AR, ARE, _adv._ 1. Before, formerly. _Wallace._ 2. Early. _Fell air_, very early in the morning. _Airer_, compar.; _airest_, superl. _Wyntown._ _Are morrow_, early in the morning. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _air_, A. S. _aer_, Alem. _er_, Belg. _eer_, ante, prius; also tempus matutinum. AIR, _adj._ Early, S. _Journ. Lond._ AIR, _s._ Expl. "hair, used for a thing of no value." _Bannatyne Poems._ Isl. _aur_, the smallest thing imaginable. AIR, AIRE, AYR, AYRE, AR, _s._ An oar; still used, S. B. _Wallace._ A. S. Alem. _are_, Isl. _aar_, Dan. _aere_, Su. G. _ara_. AIR, AIRE, AYR, _s._ An heir. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _arbi_, Su. G. _arf_, Lat. _haeres_, id. AYRSCHIP, _s._ Inheritance, S. _Acts Ja. III._ AIR, AYRE, AYR, _s._ An itinerant court of justice; E. _Eyre_. _Wallace._ Lat. _iter_, O. Fr. _eire_. AIRN, _s._ Iron, S. _Airns_, pl. Fetters. Isl. _iarn_, Su. G. _iern_. V. ~Irne~. AIRT, ART, ARTH, AIRTH, _s._ 1. Quarter of the heaven, point of the compass, S. _Douglas._ 2. A particular quarter of the earth. _Wallace._ _On every art_, on every hand, on all sides. _Douglas._ Gael. _aird_, a cardinal point; Germ. _ort_, _wart_, Belg. _oorde_, a place or quarter; Isl. _vart_, Moes. G. _wairths_, versus, towards. _To_ AIRT, ART, ERT, _v. a._ 1. To direct, to mark out a certain course, used with respect to the wind, as blowing from a particular quarter, S. _Law Case._ 2. To give direction or instruction, in order to find out a certain person or place, or any other object, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 3. _To airt on_, to urge forward, Galloway. _Davidson._ AIRT and PART. V. ~Art~. AISLAIR, _adj._ Polished, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ AISMENT, AYSYAMENT, _s._ Used in the same sense with E. _easement_, as denoting assistance, accommodation. Fr. _aisement_, commodum. _Stat. Rob. I._ AIT, oat or oaten. V. ~Aits~. _Douglas._ AITS, _s. pl._ Oats, S. _Wild aits_, bearded oat-grass, S. Avena fatua, Linn. A. S. _ata_, _ate_, avena. AITEN, _adj._ Oaten, S. _Ritson._ AITH, AYTHE, _s._ An oath. V. ~Athe~. AITH, or AIFTLAND, _s._ That kind of land called _infield_, which is made to carry oats a second time after barley, and has received no dung. Ang. Perhaps from A. S. _aeft_, iterum. AITH-HENNES, _s. pl._ Apparently _heath-hens_, as being bred on the heath. _Skene._ AYSYAMENT, _s._ V. ~Aisment~. AIZLE, _s._ A hot ember. V. ~Eizel~. AKYN, _adj._ Oaken. _Douglas._ ALAGUST, _s._ Suspicion. V. ~Allagust~. ALAIS, _s. pl._ Alleys. _Wallace._ ALAK, _Wallace._ V. ~Lak~. ALAMONTI, ALLAMOTTI, _s._ The storm finch, Procellaria pelagica, Linn. Orkn. The same with the _Assilag_ of St Kilda. _Allamotti_ is the proper pronunciation. _Neill._ Ital. _ala_, a wing, and _moto_, motion. ALANE, ALLANE, _adj._ Alone, S. _Wyntown._ Alem. _alain_, Germ. _allein_, alone; from _all_ omnis, and _ain_, _ein_, unus. ALANERLIE, _adv._ V. ~Allanerly~. ALAREIT. V. ~Lareit~. ALARS. _Alars yet_, apparently, the gate overspread with alder. _Palice Hon._ A. S. _alr_, Alem. _ellra_, the alder; Su. G. _alar_, of or belonging to the alder-tree. ALAWE, _adv._ Downward, below. V. ~Law~, ~Lawe~. ALBLASTRIE, _s._ Apparently, the exercise of the cross-bow. V. ~Awblaster~. ALCOMYE, _s._ Latten, a kind of mixed metal still used for spoons. Hence, _Accomie spunes_, spoons made of alchymy, S. B. _Douglas._ From Fr. _alquemie_ or O. E. _alchymy_. ALD, ALDE, AULD, _adj._ Old, S. Yorks. O. E. _ald_, id. _Wyntown._ A. S. _eald_, Alem. _alt_, vetus; derived from A. S. _eald-ian_, to remain, to stay, to last, Alem. _alten_, to prolong. _To_ ALEGE, _v. a._ To absolve from allegiance. Fr. _alleg-er_, id. _Wyntown._ ALEUIN, _adj._ Eleven. _Complaynt S._ ALGAIT, ALGATE, ALGATIS, _adv._ 1. Every way. _Douglas._ 2. At all events, by all means. _Douglas._ O. E. _all gate_, R. Brunne; _all gates_, Chaucer. From _all_, and _gait_, or _gatis_, i. e. all ways. ALHALE, ALHALELY, _adv._ Wholly, entirely. _Douglas._ From _all_, and _hale_, _hail_, whole. ALIENARE, _s._ A stranger. _Douglas._ Lat. _alien-us_. ALYA, ALLIA, ALLYA, ALLAY, _s._ 1. Alliance. _Wallace._ 2. An ally. _Acts Ja. VI._ 3. Sometimes used as a plural noun, signifying allies. _Bellenden._ Fr. _allie_, with a Saxon termination. ALYAND, _part. pr._ Keeping close together. _Wallace._ Fr. _alli-er_, to join, to knit. _To_ ALYCHT, _v. a._ To enlighten. _Douglas._ A. S. _alyht-an_, illuminare; _alyht-nysse_, illuminatio. ALIST. _To come alist._ To recover from faintness or decay, applied both to animals and vegetables; to recover from a swoon, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _lios_, light; _aliost_, the dawn of day; _at koma i liosi_, to make manifest. ALYTE, _adv._ A little. V. ~Lite~. _Lyndsay._ ALLAGRUGOUS, _adj._ Grim, ghastly. _Journ. Lond._ Perhaps from _all_, Moes. G. _alla_, and _gruous_, ghastly, q. v. ALLAGUST, _s._ Suspicion. _Journ. Lond._ Fr. _a le goust_, has a taste or smack. _To_ ALLAYA, _v. a._ To ally. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _alli-er_. ALLANERLIE, ALANERLY, ALLENARLY, _adv._ Only, solely, S. From _all_, and _anerly_, only. _Reg. Maj._ ALL ANYS, _adv._ Together, in a state of union. _Wallace._ From _all_, A. S. _eall_, and _anes_, the genit. of _an_ unus, q. all of one. ALLARIS, ALLERIS, Common, universal, an old genitive used adjectively. O. E. _alre_, id. _Wyntown._ A. S. _allera_, genit. pl. of _all_, omnis; Belg. _aller_, id. V. ~Aller~. ALLA-VOLIE, ALLE-VOLIE, _adv._ At random, S. Fr. _à la volée_. _Philotus._ ALLA-VOLIE, ALLE-VOLIE, _adj._ Giddy, volatile; "An _alle-volie_ chield," a volatile fellow, S. ALLE-MEN, _adj._ Common, universal. _Popul. Ball._ Su. G. _all-maen_, communis, Teut. _alle-man_, omnis homo, _al-ghemeyn_, universus. ALLAR, ALLER, _s._ The alder, a tree, S. _Statist. Acc._ ALLER, _adv._ Wholly, entirely, altogether. _Aller-hale_, a pleonasm. _Barbour._ O. E. _alder_, id. often prefixed to a superlative. V. ~Allaris~. ALLERIS, _s. pl._ The same with ~Allaris~. _Douglas._ ALLEVIN, _part. pa._ Allowed, admitted. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _alef-an_, concedere, permittere; Su. G. _lofw-a_, Moes. G. _laub-jan_, id. ALLIA. V. ~Alya~. ALLYNS, _adv._ Altogether, thoroughly. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _alleingis_, _allaengis_, A. S. _allinga_, _eallenga_, omnino, prorsus. ALLKYN, ALKIN, _adj._ All kind of, _Aw kin kind_, S. B. _Douglas._ A. S. _eall-cyn_, omnigenus. ALL OUT, _adv._ In a great degree, beyond comparison. _Barbour._ _To_ ALLOW, _v. a._ 1. To approve of, generally with the prep. _of_ subjoined. _Rollock._ 2. To praise, to commend. _Douglas._ Fr. _allou-er_, approbare, Su. G. _lofw-a_, laudare. ALLPUIST, APIEST, APIECE, _conj._ Although, S. B. _abies_, Loth. _Jour. Lond._ Perhaps corr. from _albeit_. ALLRYN, _adj._ Constantly, progressive, applied to time. _Barbour._ A. S. _all_ omnis, and _rinn-an_, currere. ALLSTRYNE, _adj._ Ancient. _Maitland Poems._ A. S. _ald_, old, and _strynd_, generation, or _stryn-an_, to beget. ALLTHOCHTE, _conj._ Although. _Douglas._ A. S. _all_, all, and _thohte_, part. pa. q. "every thing taken into consideration." V. ~Thocht~. ALLUTERLIE, ALLUTTERLY, _adv._ Wholly, entirely. _Douglas._ A. S. _all_ omnis, and _uter_, _utter_, exterior, from _ut_ extra. ALL-WEILDAND, _adj._ All-governing. _Wallace._ A. S. _all_, all, and _weald-an_, to govern; Franc. _alluualt_, Isl. _all-valdur_, omnipotent. ALMANIE WHISTLE, a flagelet of a very small size, used by children, Aberd. Thus denominated, because whistles of this kind were originally imported from _Almanie_, i. e. Germany. ALMASER, ALMOSEIR, _s._ An almoner, or dispenser of alms. _Dunbar._ From _Almous_, alms. ALMERIE, ALMORIE, _s._ Anciently a place where _alms_ were deposited or distributed; in latter times used to denote a press or cupboard, where utensils for house keeping are laid up; the same with E. _ambry_. _Dunbar._ O. Fr. _almoire_, _aumuire_, A. S. _almerige_, repositorium, scrinium. ALMOUS, ALMOWS, AUMIS, _s._ Alms, S. _Almesse_, O. E. _Wyntown._ A. S. _almes_, _almesse_; Sw. _almosa_; Gr. ελεημοσυνα. ALPE, _s._ An elephant. _Alpes bon_, ivory. _Gl. Complaynt S._ A. S. _elp_, Lat. _eleph-as_; Heb. _alaph_, bos. ALQUHARE, ALLQUHARE, _adv._ Every where. _Douglas._ From _all_, and _quhare_ where. ALRY, _adj._ For its different senses, V. ~Elrische~. ALRYNE, _s._ Apparently a watch-tower, or the highest part of a castle. _Maitland Poems._ Su. G. _hall-a_ defendere, _hallare_ praesidium, _hallarena_ watchmen. ALS, _conj._ As; generally employed in the first part of a comparison; "_Als_ fers as a lyoun," i. e. "As fierce as a lion." _Wallace._ From A. S. _ealles_, omnino; or _eall swa_, ita, tam. ALS, ALSE, _adv._ Also, in the same manner. V. ~Sua~, ~Alsua~. _Barbour._ A. S. _eall swa_, etiam. ALSAME, ALSAMEN, _adv._ Altogether. _Douglas._ From A. S. _eall_ all, and _same_ together. Alem. _alsamen_, simul. ALSMEKLE, _adv._ As much. _Acts Ja. I._ From _als_, and _mekle_, much, great. ALSONE, _adv._ As soon, with _as_ subjoined. _Barbour._ Properly _als sone_, A. S. _eall swa sona_. ALSUA, _adv._ Also. _Barbour._ A. S. _alswa_, sicut. ALSWYTH, _adv._ Forthwith. _Barbour._ From _all_, and _swith_, quickly, q. v. ALUTERLY, _adv._ V. ~Alluterlie~. ALWAIES, ALWAYIS, _conj._ Although; notwithstanding, however. _Bellenden._ AMAILLE, _s._ Enamel. _King's Quair._ Fr. Belg. _email_, Dan. _amel_; Teut. _mael-en_ pingere, A. S. _mael_, imago. AMAIST, _adv._ Almost, S. _ameast_, Westmorel. _Ross._ A. S. _ealmaest_, Belg. _almeest_, id. AMANG, AMANGIS, _prep._ 1. Among; _amang_, S. Westmorel. _Wyntown._ 2. At intervals, occasionally. _Barbour._ A. S. _meng-an_, Su. G. _maeng-a_, Isl. _meng-a_, to mix, to blend. AMBASSATE, AMBASSIAT, _s._ An embassy, as denoting the persons sent considered collectively. _Douglas._ Fr. _ambassade_, id. AMBRY, _s._ A press in which the provision for the daily use of a family in the country is locked up, S. V. ~Almerie~. _To_ AMEISE, AMESE, AMEYSS, _v. a._ To mitigate, to appease. _Barbour._ Franc. _mezz-an_, Germ. _mass-en_, moderari, mitigare; C. B. _masw_, soft. AMENE, _adj._ Pleasant. _Douglas._ Lat. _amoen-us_, id. AMERAND, _adj._ Green, verdant; probably written _ameraud_. _Douglas._ From the colour of the emerald, Fr. _emeraud_. AMERIS, AUMERS, _s. pl._ Embers; aumers, S. B. _Douglas._ A. S. _aemyria_, Belg. _ameren_, Isl. _eimyria_, favilla. AMYRALE, _s._ An admiral. _Wyntown._ Fr. _amiral_; Arab. _amir_, a lord, _ameer al omrah_, prince of the princes. _To_ AMIT, _v. a._ to admit. _Wallace._ AMMELYT, _part. pa._ Enamelled. _Douglas._ Fr. _emaill-er_, L. B. _amayl-are_, id. _To_ AMMONYSS, _v. a._ To admonish, to counsel. V. ~Monesting~. _Barbour._ AMORETTIS, _s. pl._ Loveknots, garlands. _King's Quair._ Fr. _amourettes_, love-tricks, dalliances, Cotgr. _To_ AMOVE, AMOW, _v. a._ To move with anger, to vex, to excite. _Wyntown._ Fr. _emouv-oir_, id. AMOUR, _s._ Love. _Douglas._ Fr. id. Lat. _amor_. AMSCHACH, _s._ A misfortune. S. B. _Ross._ Ir. Gael. _anshogh_, adversity, misery. AMSHACK, _s._ Noose, fastening; probably the same with ~Ham-shackel~, q. v. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ AN, _v. a._ 1. To appropriate, to allot as one's own. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. To owe, to be indebted to. _Sir Trist._ Su. G. _egn-a_ proprium facere, from _egen_ proprius; A. S. _agnian_ possidere, from _agen_ proprius. AN, AND, _conj._ 1. If, S. "_If_, and _An_, spoils mony a gude charter," S. Prov. _Barbour._ 2. Sometimes used as equivalent to E. _although_. _W. Guthrie._ Su. G. _aen_ si, et; Isl. _end_, id. _To_ ANALIE, _v. a._ To dispone, to alienate; a juridical term. _Reg. Maj._ By transposition from Lat. _alien-are_. ANALIER, _s._ One who alienates property, by transporting it to another country. Lat. _alien-ator_. _Stat. Rob. I._ _To_ ANAME, _v. a._ To call over names, to muster. _Wyntown._ _To_ ANARME, ANNARME, _v. a._ To arm. _Acts Ja. I._ ANCLETH, HANCLETH, _s._ The ancle. _Gl. Sibb._ AND, _conj._ V. ~An~. ANE, _adj._ One, S. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _ain_; A. S. _an_, _ane_; anc. Su. G. _an_; mod. Su. G. _en_; Isl. Germ. _ein_; Belg. _een_, id. ANE, _article_, signifying one, but with less emphasis. _Barbour._ _To_ ANE, _v. n._ To agree, to accord. Pret. _anyd_. _Wyntown._ Germ. _ein-en_, concordare, convenire; Su. G. _en-a_, firmiter aliquid proponere; Isl. _eining_, unio; Su. G. _enig_; Germ. _einig_. concors. ANEABIL, _s._ A single woman; properly one who is used as a concubine. _Reg. Maj._ O. Fr. _anable_, habile, capable, convenable, from L. B. _inhabil-is_, valde habilis; Gl. Roquefort. ANEDING, _s._ Breathing. V. ~Aynd~, _v._ _Barbour._ ANEFALD, _adj._ Honest, acting a faithful part, the same with ~Afald~. _Douglas._ ANELIE, _adv._ Only. _R. Bruce._ ANELYD, _part. pa._ Aspired; literally, panted for. _Wyntown._ Fr. _anhel-er_, to aspire after; Lat. _anhel-are_, L. B. _anel-are_. ANENS, ANENST, ANENT, ANENTIS, _prep._ 1. Over against, opposite to, S. _Barbour._ 2. Concerning, about, in relation to; still used by old people, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Gr. αναντι, oppositum; A. S. _ongean_, ex adverso. _To_ ANERD, ANNERE. V. ~Anherd~. ANERLY, ANYRLY, _adv._ Only, alone, singly. Hence _allanerly_. _Barbour._ A. S. _anre_, tantum; Germ. _einer_, solus, from _an_ and _ein_, unus. ANERLY, ANERLIE, _adj._ Single, solitary; only. _G. Buchanan._ ANETH, _prep._ Beneath, S. _Bord. Minstrelsy._ A. S. _on_ in, and _neothan_, deorsum; Isl. _nedan_, Belg. _neden_. Su. G. _ned_. id. ANEUCH, _adv._ (gutt.) Enough, S. _Dunbar._ A. S. _genog_, _genoh_, satis, deduced by H. Tooke from _genog-an_, multiplicare; perhaps rather from Moes. G. _janoh_ multi, many. ANEWIS, _s. pl._ "Budding flowers," Tytler. _King's Quair._ Perhaps rings, from Fr. _anneau_, annulus. ANGELL-HEDE, _s._ The hooked or barbed head of an arrow. _Wallace._ A. S. Dan. Germ. _angel_, a hook, an angle; Teut. _anghel_, a sting, O. Teut. _anghel-en_, to sting. ANGIR, _s._ Grief, vexation. _Wyntown._ Gr. ἀγγρις, grief; Isl. _angr_, dolor, moeror; Su. G. Isl. _angra_, dolore afficere, deduced by Ihre from _aung-a_ premere, arctare. _To_ ANHERD, ANERD, ANNERE, ENHERDE, _v. n._ To consent, to adhere. _Wyntown._ A. S. _anhraed_, _anraed_, signifies constans, concors, unanimis; apparently from _an_ one, and _raed_ counsel. But I find O. Fr. _enherdance_ rendered by Roquefort, adherence, attachment. Lat. _inhaerere_, to cleave, or stick fast in, or to, is therefore the more probable origin. ANIEST, _adv._ or _prep._ On this side of, Ayrs.; q. "on the nearest side." This is opposed to _Adist_, _adiest_, on that side. A. S. on _neawiste_, in vicinia, prope ad; or _on_ and _neahst_ proximus, from _neah_ near, E. _nigh_. ANYD, _pret._ Agreed. V. ~Ane~, _v._ ANYNG, _s._ Agreement, concord. _Wyntown._ ANIS, ANYS, AINS, _adv._ Once; pron. as _ainze_, or _yince_, S. _eenze_, S. B. _Douglas._ The genit. of A. S. _an_, unus, one, _anes_ unius, also rendered semel, q. actio unius temporis. ANIS, ANNIS, _s. pl._ 1. Asses. _Chron. S. P._ 2. Metaphor used for foolish fellows. _Bannatyne P._ Fr. _asne_, Lat. _asinus_; Su. G. _asna_, Isl. _esne_. ANYS, the genitive of _Ane_, one. V. ~Anis~. ANKER-SAIDELL, HANKERSAIDLE, _s._ A hermit, an anchorite. _Philotus._ A. S. _ancer-setle_, an anchorite's cell or seat, a hermitage; from _ancer_, a hermit, Lat. _anachoreta_, Gr. αναχωρητης. ANKERSTOCK, _s._ A large loaf, of an oblong form. The name is extended to a wheaten loaf, but properly belongs to one made of rye, S. _Gl. Sibb._ Q. an _anchorite's_ stock, or supply; or from some fancied resemblance to the _stock_ of an _anchor_. ANLAS, _s._ Properly "a kind of knife or dagger usually worn at the girdle," as the term occurs in Chaucer; but used to denote a pike fixed in the cheveron of a horse. _Sir Gawan._ Franc. _anelaz_, _analeze_, adlaterale telum, from _lez_ latus, the side; C. B. _anglas_, a dagger; L. B. _anelac-ius_, id. ANN, _s._ A half-year's salary legally due to the heirs of a minister, in addition to what was due expressly according to the period of his incumbency, S. _Acts Cha. II._ Fr. _annate_, L. B. _annata_. ANMAILLE, _s._ Enamel. V. ~Amaille~. _To_ ANORNE, _v. a._ To adorn. _Douglas._ L. B. _inorn-are_, Tertullian. ANSE, ANZE, ENSE, _conj._ Else, otherwise, Ang. Allied perhaps to Su. G. _annars_ alias. _To_ ANTER, _v. n._ 1. To adventure, S. B. _Ross._ 2. To chance, to happen, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ 3. In the form of a participle, as signifying occasional, single, rare. An _antrin ane_, one of a kind met with singly and occasionally, or seldom, S. _Ferguson._ To be viewed as the same with ~Aunter~, q. v. ANTERCAST, _s._ A misfortune, a mischance, S. B. _Ross._ _Anter_, or _aunter_, adventure, and _cast_, a chance, q. something accidental. ANTETEWME, _s._ "Antetune, antiphone, response," L. Hailes. _Bannatyne P._ ANTYCESSOR, ANTECESSOWR, ANTECESTRE, _s._ An ancestor, a predecessor. Lat. _antecessor_. _Wallace._ APAYN, _part. pa._ Provided, furnished. _Barbour._ Fr. _appan-é_, having received a portion, _appan-er_ to give a portion, L. B. _apan-are_, id. from _pain_, Lat. _pan-is_, as originally denoting the supply of bread and other necessaries of life. APAYN, _adv._ 1. Reluctantly, unwillingly; sometimes written distinctly, _a payn_. _Barbour._ 2. Hardly, scarcely. _Wallace._ 3. It seems improperly used for _in case_. _Wallace._ 4. Under pain, at the risk of. In editions, _on payn_. _Wallace._ Fr. _à peine_, "scarcely, hardly, not without much ado," Cotgr. A PER SE, "An extraordinary or incomparable person; like the letter _A by itself_, which has the first place in the alphabet of almost all languages;" Rudd. Chaucer id. _Douglas._ APERSMAR, APIRSMART, _adj._ Crabbed, ill-humoured; _snell_, _calschie_, S. synon. _Douglas._ A. S. _afor_, _afre_, Isl. _apur_, _asper_, (as _apurkylde_, acre frigus); and A. S. _smeorte_, Su. G. _smarta_, pain. Haldorson remarks, that the Isl. term is also applied to one of austere manners. APERT, _adj._ Brisk, bold, free. _Barbour._ Fr. _appert_, expert, prompt; Lat. _apparat-us_, prepared. APERT. _In apert_, _adv._ Evidently, openly. _Barbour._ Fr. _apert_, _appert_, open, evident; from _appar-oir_, Lat. _appar-ere_, to appear. APERTLY, _adv._ Briskly, readily. V. ~Apert~, _adj._ _Barbour._ APIEST, APIECE, _conj._ Although. V. ~Allpuist~. APILL RENYEIS, _s. pl._ A string, or necklace of beads; q. a _rein_ or bridle of beads, formed like _apples_. _Dunbar._ APLIGHT, _adv._ Completely; O. E. _apliht_. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _on_ and _pliht_ periculum, _pliht-an_ periculo objicere se. APON, APOUN, _prep._ Upon, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _ufa_, Su. G. _uppa_, insuper, and _on_. APORT, APORTE, _s._ Deportment, carriage. _Wyntown._ Fr. _apport_, from _apport-er_, to carry; Lat. _ad_ and _port-are_. _To_ APPAIR, _v. a._ To injure, to impair, O. E. _apeir_. _Detect. Q. Mary._ Fr. _emper-er_, id. V. ~Pare~, _v._ APPARELLE, APPARYLE, APPARAILL, _s._ Equipage, furniture for warfare, preparations for a siege, whether for attack or defence; ammunition. _Barbour._ Fr. _appareil_, provision, furniture, preparations for war. APPIN, _adj._ Open, S. _Complaynt S._ Dan. _aaben_ apertus; Isl. _opna_ foramen. Wachter derives Germ. _offen_, apertus, from _auf_ up. APPLERINGIE, _s._ Southernwood, S. Artemisia abrotanum, Linn. Fr. _apilé_ strong, and _auronne_ southernwood, from Lat. _abrotanum_, id. _To_ APLEIS, APPLESS, _v. a._ To satisfy, to content, to please. _Wallace._ Apparently from an obsolete Fr. v. of the form of _applaire_. APPLY, _s._ Plight, condition. _Sir Egeir._ Fr. _pli_ state, habit. _To_ APPORT, _v. a._ To bring, to conduce. Fr. _apport-er_, id. _R. Bruce._ _To_ APPREUE, APPRIEVE, _v. a._ To approve. _Douglas._ Fr. _approuver_, Lat. _approbare_. AR, ARE, _adv._ Formerly; also, early. V. ~Air~. _To_ AR, ARE, ERE, _v. a._ To plough, to till, S. _to ear_, E. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _ar-ian_, Su. G. _aer-ia_. Isl. _er-ia_, A. S. _er-ian_, Alem. _err-en_, Germ. _er-en_, Gr. αρ-ειν, Lat. _ar-are_. Ihre views Heb. ץאר _ar-etz_, earth, as the fountain. ARAGE, ARRAGE, ARYAGE, AUARAGE, AVERAGE, _s._ Servitude due by tenants, in men and horses, to their landlords. This custom is not entirely abolished in some parts of Scotland. "_Arage_ and carriage" is a phrase still commonly used in leases. _Skene._ L. B. _averag-ium_, from _aver-ia_, a beast for work; and this perhaps from Fr. _ouvre_ work. _To_ ARAS, ARRACE, _v. a._ 1. To snatch or pluck away by force. _Wyntown._ 2. To raise up. _Douglas._ This sense is so different from the former, that it might rather seem to be put for _arraise_, q. to raise up. Fr. _arrach-er_, to tear, to pull by violence; to pull up by the roots, from Lat. _eradic-are_. ARBY, _s._ The sea-gilliflower, Orkn. _Neill._ ARBY-ROOT, _s._ The root of the sea-pink, or Statice armeria, Orkn. ARCH, ARGH, AIRGH, ERGH, (gutt.) _adj._ 1. Averse, reluctant; often including the idea of timidity as the cause of reluctance, S. _Douglas._ 2. Apprehensive, filled with anxiety, S. Chaucer, _erke_, weary, indolent. _Popul. Ball._ A. S. _earg_, desidiosus, iners, slothful, sluggish, _earh_ fugax, "timorous, and ready to run away for fear," Somn. Isl. _arg-ur_, reformidans; _arg-r_ piger, deses; Su. G. _arg_, ignavus. Among the Goths _argur_, L. B. _arga_, denoted a poltroon, a coward. _To_ ARCH, ARGH, _v. n._ To hesitate, to be reluctant. V. ~Ergh~, _v._ ARCHNES, ARGHNESS, _s._ 1. Reluctance, backwardness. _Wodrow._ 2. Obliquely used for niggardliness, q. reluctance to part with any thing. _Legend Bp. St Androis._ _To_ AREIK, ARREIK, _v. a._ To reach, to extend. _Douglas._ A. S. _arecc-an_, assequi, to get, to attain. AREIR, _adv._ Back. _To rin areir_, to decline. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _arriere_ backward; Lat. _a retro_. ARESOUND, _pret._ Perhaps, called in question; Fr. _aresoner_, interroger, questionner, demander; _ratiocinari_; Gl. Roquefort. _Areson_ is used by R. Brunne in the sense of persuade, or reason with. _Sir Tristrem._ ARETTYT, _part. pa._ Accused, brought into judgment. _Barbour._ L. B. _rect-are_, _ret-are_, _arett-are_, accusare, in jus vocare, Du Cange. ARGENT CONTENT, Ready money. Fr. _argent comptant_, id. _Bellenden._ _To_ ARGH, _v. n._ To hesitate. V. ~Arch~, and ~Ergh~, _v._ ARGIE, _s._ Assertion in a dispute, the specific plea which one uses in disputation, S. B. Su. G. _ierga_, semper eadem obgannire; Isl. _iarg-r_, keen contention. _To_ ARGLE-BARGLE, AURGLE-BARGIN, _v. n._ To contend, to bandy backwards and forwards, S. _Argle-bargin_, Loth. _Eaggle-bargin_, synon. _Ramsay._ Isl. _arg_ enraged, _jarg-a_ to contend. _To_ ARGONE, ARGOWNE, ARGWE, ARGEW, _v. a._ 1. To argue, to contend by argument. _Bannatyne Poems._ 2. To censure, to reprehend, to chide with. _Wallace._ Fr. _argu-er_, Lat. _argu-ere_. ARGUESYN, _s._ The lieutenant of a galley; he who has the government and keeping of the slaves committed to him. _Knox._ Fr. _argousin_, satelles remigibus regendis et custodiendis praepositus, Dict. Trev. _To_ ARGUMENT, _v. a._ To prove, to shew. _Crosraguel._ Lat. _argument-ari_, to reason. ARK, _s._ A large chest, especially one used for holding corn or meal, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _arce_, _erce_, a chest, a coffer; Alem. _arca_; Su. G. _ark_, Lat. _arca_, Gael. _arc_. Hence, ~Eel-Ark~, _s._ That kind of box which is placed in lakes, ponds, &c., for catching and retaining _eels_; a term common in old deeds. ARK _of a Mill_, the place in which the centre-wheel runs, S. ARK-BEIN, the bone called the _os pubis_, S. B. _To_ ARLE, _v. a._ 1. To give an earnest of any kind, S. 2. To give a piece of money for confirming a bargain, S. 3. To put a piece of money into the hand of a seller, at entering into a bargain, as a security that he shall not sell to another while he retains this money, S. _Skene._ L. B. _arrh-are_, arrhis sponsam dare, Fr. _arrh-er_, _arr-er_. ARLES, ERLIS, ARLIS, ARLIS-PENNY, AIRLE PENNY, _s._ 1. An earnest of whatever kind, a pledge of full possession, S. A. Bor. _Wyntown._ 2. A piece of money given for confirming a bargain, S. A. Bor. _Acts Ja. IV._ 3. A piece of money put into the hands of a seller when one begins to cheapen any commodity; as a pledge that the seller shall not strike a bargain, or even enter into terms with another while he retains the _arles_, S. Lat. _arrhabo_, _arrha_, Gael. _iarlus_, id. ARLICH, ARLITCH, _adj._ Sore, fretted, painful, S. B. V. ~Arr~. Su. G. _arg_ iratus, _arg-a laedere_, Dan. _arrig_, troublesome; as we say, "an angry sore;" or from Su. G. _aerr_ cicatrix, whence _aerrig_ vulneratus. ARLY, _adv._ Early. _Barbour._ A. S. _arlice_, matutinè. ARMYN, ARMYNG. _s._ Armour, arms. _Wyntown._ ARN, _s._ The alder; a tree, S. pronounced in some counties q. _arin_. C. B. _uern_, Arm. _vern_, _guern_, Gael. _fearn_, alnus. ARN, _v. subst._ Are, the third pers. plural; Chaucer _arn_. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _aron_, sunt. ARNS, _s. pl._ The beards of corn, S. B. synon. _awns_. Franc. _arn_ spica. ARNUT, LOUSY ARNOT, _s._ Tall oat-grass or pignut; Bunium bulbocastanum, or flexuosum, Linn. S. _Yurnut._ A. Bor. _Lightfoot._ Corr. from _earth-nut_. ARR, _s._ A scar, S. A. Bor. _Pock-arrs_, the marks left by the small-pox, S. Lancash. Su. G. _aerr_, Isl. _aer_, cicatrix. ARRED, _part. adj._ Scarred, having the marks of a wound or sore. Hence, _Pock arred_, marked by the small-pox, S. Dan. _arred_ cicatrised; Isl. _aerra_ cicatrices facere. _To_ ARRACE. V. ~Aras~. ARRONDELL, _s._ The swallow, a bird. _Burel._ Fr. _arondelle_, _hirondelle_, from Lat. _hirundo_, id. ARSECOCKLE, _s._ A hot pimple on the face or any part of the body, S. B. The term seems originally to have been confined to pimples on the hips; synon. with Teut. _aers bleyne_, tuberculus in ano. ARSEENE, _s._ The quail. _Houlate._ A. S. _aerschen_, coturnix, also _erschenn_, from _ersc_ and _henn_, q. gallina vivarii. ARSELINS, _adv._ Backwards, Clydes. S. B. _Ross._ Belg. _aersel-en_, to go backwards; _aerseling_ receding; _aerselincks_, retro. ARSOUN, _s._ Buttocks. _Barbour._ ART, ARD. This termination of many words, denoting a particular habit or affection, is analogous to Isl. and Germ. _art_, Belg. _aart_, nature, disposition; as E. _drunkard_, _bastard_; Fr. _babillard_, a stutterer; S. _bombard_, _bumbart_, a drone, _stunkart_, of a stubborn disposition; _hastard_, hasty, passionate. ART _and_ PART, Accessory to, or abetting, a forensic phrase, S. used in a bad sense. _Art_ denotes the instigation or advice, _Part_ the share that one has in the commission of a crime. _Erskine._ The terms are frequently used in the way of discrimination, "Art _or_ part." _Wyntown._ Borrowed from the Lat. phrase, _Artem_ et _partem_ habuit. ARTAILYE, _s._ Artillery; applied to offensive weapons of what kind soever, before the introduction of fire arms. V. ~Artillied~. _Wallace._ ARTATION, _s._ Excitement, instigation. _Bellenden._ L. B. _artatio_, from _arto_ for _arcto_, _arc_, to constrain. ARTILLIED, _part. pa._ Provided with artillery. _Pitscottie._ Fr. _artill-er_, to furnish with ordinance. ARTHURY'S HUFE, the name given to the constellation Arcturus. _Douglas._ V. ~Hoif~. ARTOW, Art thou? used interrogatively, S. the verb and pronoun being often, in colloquial language, conjoined in Scottish, as in Germ. and Isl. Isl. _ertu_, id. _King's Quair._ _Ertow_, id. _Ywaine and Gawin._ AS, _conj._ Than, S. synon. with _nor_. _Kelly._ AS, ASS, ASSE, ALSE, _s._ Ashes; plur. _assis_, S. _ass_ and _aiss_; A. Bor. _ass_, Cumberl. _esse_, id. _Dunbar._ Moes. G. _asja_, Alem. _asca_, Germ. and Belg. _asche_, Su. G. and Isl. _aska_, cinis. ASSHOLE, _s._ The place for receiving the ashes under the grate; S. Lancash. _esshole_, _ashole_, id. V. Preceding word. ASCHET, _s._ A large flat plate on which meat is brought to the table, S. Fr. _assiette_, "a trencher-plate," Cotgr. ASYNIS, _s. pl._ Asses. _Bellenden._ Fr. _asne_, Lat. _asin-us_. ASK, AWSK, _s._ An eft, a newt; a kind of lizard, S.; _asker_, A. Bor. _Wyntown._ Germ. _eidechs_, _eidex_; Franc. _edehsa_; A. S. _athexe_; Belg. _egdisse_, _haagdisse_, id. Wachter deduces the Germ. word from _ey_, _eg_, ovum, and _tyg-en_ gignere, q. "produced from an egg." ASKLENT, ASCLENT, ASKLINT, _adv._ Obliquely, asquint, on one side, S. _Aslant_, E. _R. Bruce._ Swed. _slant_, obliquus, from _slind_ latus. ASPECT, _s._ The serpent called the asp, or aspik, Fr. _aspic_. _Burel._ ASPERANS, _adj._ Lofty, elevated, pompous; applied to diction. _Wallace._ Fr. _aspirant_, Lat. _aspirans_, aspiring. ASPERT, _adj._ Harsh, cruel. _King's Quair._ Fr. _aspre_, Lat. _asper_. ASPYNE, _s._ From the connexion, apparently meant to denote a boat. _Barbour._ Swed. _esping_, a long boat, Teut. _hespinghe_, _espinck_, cymba, a small boat. ASPRE, _adj._ Sharp. V. ~Aspert~. _Wallace._ ASPRESPER, _s._ Perhaps q. "sharp spear;" like _aspre_ bow, also used by _Blind Harry_. _Wallace._ Fr. _asper_, dur, rude, bâton noueux; Gl. Roquefort. ASPRIANCE, _s._ V. ~Asperans~. _To_ ASS, _v. a._ To ask. _Henrysone._ Germ. _eisch-en_, Fran. _eiscon_, interrogare. ASS, _s._ Ashes. V. ~As~. _To_ ASSAILYIE, _v. a._ To attack, to assail. _Wallace._ Fr. _assaill-ir_; L. B. _adsal-ire_, _assal-ire_, invadere, aggredi. ASSAYIS, _s._ Assize, convention. _Wyntown._ ASSEDATION, _s._ 1. A lease; a term still commonly used in our legal deeds, S. _Balfour._ 2. The act of letting in lease. L. B. _assedatio_. _Chalmerl. Air._ _To_ ASSEGE, _v. a._ To besiege. _Wyntown._ Fr. _assieg-er_, L. B. _assidiare_, obsidere; from Lat. _ad_, and _sedeo_. _To_ ASSEMBLE, _v. n._ To join in battle. _Wyntown._ Fr. _assembl-er_, from Su. G. _saml-a_, Germ. _saml-en_, Belg. _zamel-en_, congregare; from Su. G. and Germ. _sam_, a prefix denoting association and conjunction. ASSEMBLÉ, _s._ Engagement, battle. _Wyntown._ ASSENYHE, _s._ The word of war. Corr. from ~Ensenyie~, q. v. _Barbour._ ASSILAG, _s._ The stormy petrel, a bird; Procellaria pelagica, Linn. _Martin._ Perhaps from Gael. _eascal_, Ir. _eashal_, a storm. ASSILTRIE, _s._ An axle-tree. _Douglas._ Fr. _asseul_, Ital. _assile_, axis. _To_ ASSYTH, ASSYITH, SYITH, SITHE, _v. a._ To make a composition to another, to satisfy, Old E. _asseeth_, _asseth_, id. _Acts Ja. I._ Lat. _ad_ and A. S. _sithe_, vice; Skinner. Rather from Su. G. and Isl. _saett-a_ conciliare; reconciliare. Ir. and Gael. _sioth-am_, to make atonement. ASSYTH, ASSYTHMENT, SYTH, SITHEMENT, _s._ Compensation, satisfaction, atonement for an offence. _Assythment_ is still used as a forensic term. S. O. E. _aseeth_, Wiclif. _Wyntown._ This word is still in use in our courts of law, as denoting satisfaction for an injury done to any party. Su. G. _saett_, reconciliation, or the fine paid in order to procure it. _To_ ASSOILYIE, _v. a._ 1. To acquit, to free from a charge or prosecution; a forensic term much used in our courts, S. _Reg. Maj._ 2. To absolve from an ecclesiastical censure; as from excommunication. _Bellenden._ Old E. _assoil_, _asoilen_, and _asoul_, denote the absolution by a priest; P. Ploughman. 3. To pronounce absolution from sin, in consequence of confession. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 4. To absolve from guilt one departed, by saying masses for the soul; according to the faith of the Romish church. _Barbour._ 5. Used improperly, in relation to the response of an oracle; apparently in the sense of _resolving_ what is doubtful. _Douglas._ 6. Also used improperly, as signifying to unriddle. _Z. Boyd._ O. Fr. _assoilé_, _absoillé_, dechargé, absous, despensé; Gl. Roquefort; corr. from Lat. _absolv-ere_. _To_ ASSONYIE, ESSONYIE, _v. a._ 1. To offer an excuse for absence from a court of law. _Stat. K. Will._ 2. Actually to excuse; the excuse offered being sustained. _Quon. Attach._ 3. To decline the combat, to shrink from an adversary. _Wallace._ O. E. _asoyned_, excused; R. Glouc. _Essoine_, a legal excuse, Chaucer. V. ~Essonyie~, _s._ Fr. _essoyner_, _exon-ier_, to excuse from appearing in court, or going to the wars. Su. G. _son-a_, Germ. _sun-en_, to reconcile, to explain; Moes. G. _sunj-an_, to justify. ASSURANCE, _s._ To take _assurance_ of an enemy; to submit, to do homage, under the condition of protection. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _donner assurement_, fidem dare; L. B. _assecur-are_, from Lat. _ad_ and _secur-us_. ASTALIT, _part. pa._ Decked or set out. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _estail-er_, to display, to shew. _To_ ASTART, ASTERT, _v. n._ 1. To start, to fly hastily. _King's Quair._ 2. To start aside from, to avoid. _King's Quair._ Teut. _steert-en_, to fly; Germ, _starz-en_, to start up. ASTEER, _adv._ In confusion, in a bustling state; S. q. _on stir_. _Ritson._ ASTRE, _s._ A star; Fr. _Chron. S. Poet._ AT, _conj._ That; O. E. id. Gower. _Barbour._ Dan. and Swed. _at_, quod; Su. G. _att_, a conjunction corresponding to Lat. _ut_. AT, _pron._ That, which. _Wyntown._ AT ALL, _adv._ "Altogether," Rudd.; perhaps, at best, at any rate. _Douglas._ ATANIS, ATTANIS, ATANYS, ATONIS, _adv._ At once; S. at _ainze_. V. ~Anis~, ~Anys~. _Gawan and Gol._ ATCHESON, ATCHISON, _s._ A billon coin, or rather copper washed with silver, struck in the reign of James VI., of the value of eight pennies Scots, or two-thirds of an English penny. _Ruddiman._ From the name of the assay-master of the mint. ATHARIST, Houlate III. 10. V. ~Citharist~. ATHE, AITH, AYTHE, _s._ An oath; plur. _athis_. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _aith_, A. S. _ath_, Precop. _eth_, Isl. _aed_, Su. G. _ed_, Dan. and Belg. _eed_, Alem. and Germ. _eid_, juramentum. ATHER, _conj._ Either. V. ~Athir~. _R. Bruce._ ATHIL, ATHILL, HATHILL, _adv._ Noble, illustrious. _Houlate._ A. S. _aethel_, nobilis; whence _Aetheling_, _Atheling_, a youth of the blood royal; Su. G. _adel_, id.; _adling_, juvenis nobilis; deduced from ancient Gothic _aelt_, kindred. C. B. _eddyl_ is also equivalent to Lat. gens, cognatio. ATHIL, HATHEL, _s._ A noble prince, a man, an illustrious personage; plur. _athilles_, (erroneously _achilles_,) _hatheles_. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ ATHIR, ATHYR, _pron._ 1. Either, whichsoever. _Wyntown._ 2. Mutual, reciprocal. _Bellenden._ A. S. _aegther_, uterque. V. ~Either~. ATHORT, _prep._ Through, S.; _athwart_, E. V. ~Thortour~. _Baillie._ ATHORT, _adv._ Abroad, far and wide. _Baillie._ ATIR, EATIR, _s._ Gore, blood mixed with matter. _Douglas._ A. S. _ater_, _aetter_, _aettor_; Alem. _eitir_, Isl. and Germ. _eiter_, Su. G. _etter_, venenum; from Alem. _eit-en_, to burn. ATO, _adv._ In twain. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _on twa_, in duo. ATOUR, _s._ Warlike preparation. Fr. _atour_, attire. _Barbour._ ATOUR, ATTOURE, _prep._ 1. Over, S. _Wallace._ 2. Across, S. _Wallace._ 3. Beyond, as to time; exceeding. _Quon. Att._ 4. Exceeding in number. _Wyntown._ Fr. _a tour_, _en tour_, _au tour_, circum; or Su. G. _at_, denoting motion towards a place, and _oefwer_, over. ATOUR, ATTOUR, _adv._ 1. Moreover, _By and attour_, id. Laws, S. _Pitscottie._ 2. Out from, or at an indefinite distance from the person speaking, or the object spoken of. _Douglas._ _To stand attour_, to keep off; _to go attour_, to remove to some distance, S. _By and attour_, _prep_. Besides, over and above, S. _Spalding._ ATRY, ATTRIE, _adj._ 1. Purulent, containing matter; applied to a sore that is cankered, S. _R. Bruce._ 2. Stern, grim, S. B.; _attern_, fierce, cruel, snarling; Gloucest. V. ~Atir~, ~Eatir~. _Ross._ Belg. _etterig_, full of matter; _eiter-en_, to suppurate. ATRYS, _s. pl._ Perhaps from Fr. _atour_, a French hood. _Watson's Coll._ ATRYST, _s._ Appointment, assignation, V. ~Tryst~. _Dunbar._ ATTAMIE, A skeleton, S. Abbreviated from Fr. _anatomie_. ATTEILLE, ATTEAL, ATTILE, _s._ Apparently the wigeon; being distinguished from the _teal_. _Acts Ja. VI._ Isl. _tialld-r_, turdus marinus. ATTELED, _part. pa._ Aimed. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ V. ~Ettle~ ATTEMPTAT, _s._ A wicked or injurious enterprise. _Bellenden._ L. B. _attemptat-io_, nefaria molitio, scelus, Gall. _attentat_; Du Cange. ATTER-CAP, ATTIR-COP, _s._ 1. A spider, S. _Attercop_, _attercob_, id. A. Bor. _Montgomery._ 2. An ill-natured person; one of a virulent or malignant disposition, S. A. S. _atter-coppe_, _atter-coppa_, aranea, from _atter_ venenum, and _coppe_ calix, q. "a _cup_ full of _venom_;" like Isl. _eitrorm_ a serpent, i. e. "a poisonous worm." ATTOUR, _prep._ V. ~Atour~. ATWEESH, _prep._ Between. _Shirrefs._ Franc. _tuisc_, _entuishan_, Belg. _tuschen_, inter. AVA', _adv._ At all, S. _Ross._ Corr. from _af_ or _of_, and _all_. AVAILL, _s._ Abasement, humiliation. _Dunbar._ Fr. _aval-er_, _avall-er_, to fall down; _aval_, en descendant, au bas, en bas; _ad vall-em_; Gl. Roquefort. _To_ AUALE, _v. n._ To descend. V. ~Availl~. _Douglas._ AUANT, AWANT, _s._ Boast, vaunt; Chaucer, id. _Douglas._ AVANTCURRIER, _s._ One of the fore-runners of an army, the same perhaps that are now called picquet-guards. _Godscroft._ Fr. _avantcoureur_, from _avant_ before, and _courir_ to run. AUCHINDORAS, _s._ A large thorn-tree at the end of a house; Fife. AUCHLIT, _s._ Two stones weight, or a peck measure, being half of the Kirkcudbright bushel; Galloway. AUCHT, AWCHT, (gutt.) _pret._ of Aw. 1. Possessed. _Auht_, id. R. Brunne. _Wyntown._ 2. Owed, was indebted, id. R. Brunne. _Wyntown._ AUCHT, (gutt.) _v. imp._ Ought, should. _Douglas._ _Auchten_ occurs in the same sense. _Douglas._ A. S. _aht-on_, the third pers. plur. pret. of A. S. _ag-an_, possidere. AUCHT, _s._ Possession, property; what is exclusively one's own. _In aw my aucht_, in my possession, viewed at its utmost extent, S. V. ~Best Aucht~. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _aht_; Moes. G. _aigin_, _aihn_, peculiaris ac propria possessio. AUCHT, (gutt.) _adj._ Eight, S. _auhte_, O. E. id. R. Brunne. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _aht-au_, A. S. _eaht-a_, Germ. _aht_, Belg. _acht_, Isl. and Su. G. _att-a_, Gael. _ocht_, Lat. _oct-o_. AUCHTAND, AUCHTEN, _adj._ The eighth. Isl. _aatunde_, octavus. _Douglas._ AVENAND, _adj._ Elegant in person and manners. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _advenant_, _avenant_, handsome; also, courteous. AVENTURE, _In aventure_, _adv._ Lest, perchance. V. ~Aunter~. _Bellenden._ Fr. _à l'aventure_, id. AVER, AVIR, AIVER, _s._ 1. A horse used for labour, a cart-horse, S. _Bellenden._ 2. An old horse, one that is worn out with labour, S. _Dunbar._ 3. A gelded goat, S. V. ~Hebrun~. _Statist. Acc._ L. B. _afferi_, _affri_, jumenta vel cavalli colonici; _averia_, _averii_, equi, boves, jumenta; Du Cange. V. ~Arage~. AVERIL, _s._ Apparently a diminutive from _aver_, a beast for labour. _Dunbar._ AVERILE, AVYRYLE, _s._ April. _Wyntown._ AVERIN, AVEREN, AIVERIN, _s._ Cloudberry or knoutberry, S. Rubus chamaemorus, Linn.; eaten as a dessert in the north of S. _Ross._ Perhaps from Germ. _aver_ wild, and _en_, a term now applied in Su. G. to the berry of the juniper; Gael. _oidh' rac_, _oirak_. AVIL, _s._ The second crop after lea or grass; Galloway. V. ~Awat~. AVILLOUS, _adj._ Contemptible, debased. _Chron. Scot. P._ Fr. _avili_, _ie_, in contemptionem adductus; Dict. Trev. AUISE, _s._ Advice, counsel; _avis_, Chaucer; _avys_, R. Brunne. Fr. _avis_. _Douglas._ AVYSE, AWISE, _s._ Manner, fashion. _Douglas._ A. S. _wisa_, _wise_, Alem. _uuis_, _uuisa_, Belg. _wijse_, modus. AVISION, _s._ Vision; Chaucer, id. _Douglas._ Fr. _avision_, vision, fantaisie; Gl. Roquefort. AUKWART, AWKWART, _prep._ Athwart, across. _Wallace._ AULD, _s._ Age. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ A. S. _aeld_ senectus, Moes. G. _alds_ aetas. V. ~Eild~. AULDFARREN, _adj._ Sagacious, S.; _audfarand_, id. A. Bor. _Ramsay._ Moes. G. _ald_ old, and Swed. _far-a_, Germ. _far-en_, experiri; Swed. _faren_, Isl. _farinn_, peritus; Belg. _aervaaren_, skilful. AULD-MOU'D, _adj._ Sagacious in discourse; sometimes implying the idea of craft, S. B. _Ross._ From _auld_ old, and _mou'_ or _mow_, the mouth. AULD-FATHER, _s._ A grandfather; a term used by some in the west of S. A. S. _eald-faeder_, Belg. _oud-vader_, avus. AULD-WARLD, _adj._ Antique, antiquated, S. _Ferguson._ From _auld_ old, and _warld_ world. AULIN. _Scouti-aulin_, _Dirty Aulin_, the arctic gull, Orkn. Loth. _Pennant._ V. ~Scouti-Aulin~, and ~Skaitbird~. AULTRAGES, AULTERAGES, _s. pl._ The emoluments arising from the offerings made at an altar, or from the rents appointed for the support of it. _Spotswood._ L. B. _altarag-ium_, _alterag-ium_, obventio altaris; Du Cange. AUMERS, _s. pl._ Embers. V. ~Ameris~. _To_ AUNTER, AWNTYR, _v. a._ To hazard, to put into the power of accident. _Barbour._ Fr. _aventur-er_, risquer, mettre au hazard; Dict. Trev. _Aunter_ is used by Chaucer and Gower in a neuter sense. V. ~Anter~, _v._ AUNTER, _s._ Adventure; O. E. _antre_, R. Brunne. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ Fr. _aventure_, _auenture_, abbreviated. AUNTEROUS, _adj._ Adventurous. _Gl. Sibb._ O. Fr. _aventureux_, hasardé; L. B. _adventor-ius_; Gl. Roquefort. _To_ AVOKE, _v. a._ To call away, to keep off. Lat. _avoc-are_. _Baillie._ AVOUTERIE, ADVOUTERIE, _s._ Adultery. _Gl. Sibb._ O. Fr. _avoutrie_; Ital. _avolteria_; Lat. _adulter-ium_; Teut. _vouter-en_, fornicare, camerare. AVOW, AVOWE, _s._ 1. A vow; used in the same sense by Chaucer. _Douglas._ 2. Discovery, declaration; in modern language, avowal. _Minstrelsy Bord._ Fr. _avou-er_, to confess. AUSTIE, _adj._ Austere, harsh. _Henrysone._ A. S. _ostige_, knotty, from _ost_, Teut. _oest_, a knot, properly in wood. _To_ AW, AWE, _v. a._ To owe, S. _Wallace._ Isl. _aa_, _atte_, debeo, debuit; A. S. _ag_, _ahte_; Su. G. _a_; Moes. G. _aih_, habeo, imperf. _aiht-a_. V. ~Aigh~, ~Aucht~. AW, sometimes to be viewed as the third pers. sing. of the _v._; signifying owed, ought. _Wallace._ _To_ AUCHT, AWCHT, AUGHT, _v. a._ To owe. V. ~Aw~. _Peblis to the Play._ AW, used for ~All~, S. _Bannatyne P._ _Wyth aw_, withal. _Douglas._ AWA, _adv._ Away; the general pronunciation in S. _Douglas._ _To_ AWAIL, AWAL, _v. a._ 1. To let fall. _Barbour._ 2. To descend; used in a neuter sense. _Wallace._ Fr. _aval-er_, to go, or fall, down; also, to let fall; Teut. _af-vall-en_, decidere; _af-val_, casus; Su. G. _afal_, _affal_, lapsus. _To_ AWAILL, AWAILYE, _v. n._ To avail. _Barbour._ AWAY. This word seems to have been used occasionally as a verb. _Barbour._ A. S. _aweg_, away, may be viewed as the imperat. of _awaeg-an_, to take away, or _awegg-an_, to depart. AWAYMENTIS, _s. pl._ Consultations; Gl. Perhaps preparations, or preliminaries. _Wyntown._ Perhaps from O. Fr. _avoy-er_, to put in train; _avoyment_, enquêté, ouverture; de _via_; Gl. Roquefort. AWALT SHEEP, one that has fallen backward, or downhill, and cannot recover itself, S. V. ~Awail~. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ AWANCE, _v. a._ To advance. Fr. _avanc-er_, id. _Wallace._ AWAT, _s._ Ground ploughed after the first crop from lea. The crop produced is called the _awat-crap_, also pronounced _award_; Ang. _Avil_, Galloway, _aewall_, Clydes. id. A. S. _afed_, pastus, _af-at_, depastus; or Su. G. _awat_, _afat_, deficiens; or perhaps from _af-val_, diminution, as the same with ~Awalt~, q. v. AWAWARD, _s._ The vanguard. _Barbour._ Fr. _avantgarde_. AWBYRCHOWNE, AWBERCHEOUN, _s._ The habergeon, or breastplate. _Wyntown._ Franc. _halsberge_, Isl. _halsbeorg_, collare chalybeum, from _hals_ the neck, and _berga_ to defend; Fr. _haubergeon_; L. B. _halberg-ium_. AWBLASTER, _s._ 1. A crossbow-man, _alblastere_, and _arblast_, O. E. _Barbour._ 2. The crossbow itself; Fr. _arbaleste_. _Wallace._ Fr. _arbelestier_, L. B. _arcubalista_, arbalista. AWCY, _s._ Perhaps, pain, torment. A. S. _ace_, _aece_, dolor. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gol._ AWEDE, _adj._ In a state approaching to insanity. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _awed-an_, _awoed-an_, insanire. _To_ AWENT, _v. a._ To cool or refresh by exposing to the air. _Barbour._ A. S. _awynd-wian_, ventilare, from _wind_, ventus. AWERTY, AUERTY, _adj._ Cautious, experienced; _auerty_, R. Brunne. _Barbour._ Fr. _averti_, warned, advertised. AWIN, AWYN, AWNE, _adj._ Own, proper, S. _awne_; Gl. Yorks. id. This is the common pron. of the south of S.; in other parts, _ain_. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _aigin_, _aihn_, proprius, A. S. _agen_, Germ. _eighen_, Belg. _eyghen_, Su. G. _egen_, id. from their respective verbs denoting right or property. AWISE, _s._ Manner, fashion. V. ~Avyse~. AWISE, AWYSEE, _adj._ Prudent, considerate, cautious. _Barbour._ Fr. _avisé_, prudens, cautus, consideratus; deduced in Dict. Trev. from Goth. _wis-an_, A. S. _vis-an_, with _ad_ prefixed, L. B. _avisare_. AWISELY, _adv._ Prudently, circumspectly. _Barbour._ AWMON, HEWMON, _s._ A helmet. _Gl. Sibb._ AMOUS, _s._ A cap or cowl; a covering for the head; printed _aumons_. _Houlate M. S._ L. B. _almuc-ia_, O. Fr. _aumusse_, from Germ. _mutze_, S. _mutch_. AWNIE, _adj._ Bearded, S. V. Next word. _Burns._ AWNS, _s. pl._ The beards of corn, S. _Anes_, Prov. E. _Bar awns_, the beards of barley, Ang. Perths. Moes. G. _ahana_, Su. G. _agn_, Gr. αχνα, αχνη, chaff; Alem. _agena_, id.; also, a shoot or stalk. AWP, WHAUP, _s._ The curlew, a bird, S. V. ~Quhaip~. _Gl. Sibb._ AWORTH, _adv._ "Worthily," Tytler. _King's Quair._ A. S. _awyrth-ian_, glorificare. AWRO, Probably _a wro_, a corner. _Gl. Complaynt S._ Su. G. _wra_, pron. _wro_, angulus. AWS, AWES, _of a mill-wheel_, _s._ The buckets or projections on the rims which receive the shock of the water as it falls, S. _Statist. Acc._ AWSK, _s._ The newt or eft. V. ~Ask~. AWSOME, _adj._ Appaling, awful, S. B. _Rutherford._ AWSTRENE, _adj._ Stern, austere. V. ~Asterne~. _Henrysone._ Lat. _auster-us_, or A. S. _styrn_. AWTAYNE, _adj._ Haughty. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _hautain_, grand, sublime, elevé, Gl. Roquefort; from Lat. _alt-us_. AWTER, _s._ An altar; Chaucer, id. O. Fr. _autiere_, Lat. _altare_. _Barbour._ _To_ AX, _v. a._ To ask, S. _Asched_, _axede_, asked; R. Glouc. _Ruddiman._ A. S. _ahs-ian_, _ax-ian_, interrogare. AXIS, ACKSYS, _s. pl._ Aches, pains. _Axes_, id. Orkn. _King's Quair._ A. S. _aece_, dolor; _egesa_, horror; Moes. G. _agis_, terror. AX-TREE, _s._ An axle-tree, S. A. S. _eax_, _ex_; Alem. _ahsa_, Germ. _achse_, axis; perhaps from Isl. _ak-a_, to drive a chariot or dray, G. Andr. AYONT, _prep._ Beyond, S. _Ross._ A. S. _geond_ ultra, with a prefixed; or _on_, as _afield_, originally _on field_. B BAACH, _a._ Ungrateful to the taste. V. ~Bauch~. BABIE, BAWBIE, _s._ A copper coin equal to a halfpenny English, S. _Knox._ Fr. _bas-piece_, base or billon money. BABIE-PICKLE, _s._ The small grain, which lies in the bosom of a larger one, at the top of a stalk of oats, S. V. ~Pickle~. BACHLANE; To ~Bachle~. V. ~Bauchle~. BACK, _s._ An instrument for toasting bread above the fire, made of pot-metal, S. Germ. _backen_, to bake. BACK, _s._ A large vat used for cooling liquors, S. Belg. _bak_, a trough. BACK, BACKING, _s._ A body of followers, or supporters, S. _Baillie._ BACK-BREAD, _s._ A kneading-trough, S. BACK-CAST, _s._ A relapse into trouble, or that which is the occasion of it, S. BACK-CAW, _s._ The same as _Back-cast_, S. BACKE, _s._ The bat. V. ~Bak~, ~Backie-bird~. BACKINGS, _s. pl._ Refuse of wool or flax, used for coarser stuffs, S. _Statist. Acc._ Swed. _bakla lin_, to dress flax. BACKLINS, _s._ Backwards; as, _To gae backlins_, to go with the face turned opposite to the course one takes, S. V. the termination ~Lingis~. BACK-SEY, _s._ V. ~Sey~. BACK-SET, _s._ 1. A check, any thing that prevents growth or vegetation, S. 2. Whatsoever causes a relapse, or throws one _back_ in any course, S. _Wodrow._ Eng. _back_ and _set_. BACKSPANG, _s._ A trick, or legal quirk, by which one takes the advantage of another, after every thing seemed to have been settled in a bargain, S. _Back_ and _spang_, to spring. _To_ BACK-SPEIR, _v. a._ 1. To trace a report as far back as possible, S. 2. To cross-question; S. _Back_ and _speir_, to examine. V. ~Spere~, v. BACK-SPEIRER, BACK-SPEARER, _s._ A cross-examinator, S. _Cleland._ BACK-SPRENT, _s._ The back-bone, S. _Back_, and S. _sprent_, a spring. BADE, _pret._ of ~Bide~, q. v. BADE, BAID, _s._ 1. Delay, tarrying. _Wallace._ 2. Place of residence, abode. _Sibbald._ BADDERLOCK, BADDERLOCKS, _s._ A species of eatable fucus, S. _Lightfoot._ BADDOCK, _s._ Apparently the coal fish, or Gadus carbonarius, Aberd. _Statist. Acc._ BADDORDS, _s. pl._ Low raillery. _Ross._ BADLYNG, _s._ A low scoundrel. _Scot. Poems Reprinted._ Franc. _baudeling_, a cottager. BADNYSTIE, _s._ Silly stuff. _Douglas._ Fr. _badinage_, id. BADOCH, _s._ A marine bird of a black colour. _Sibbald._ BADRANS, BATHRONS, _s._ A designation for a cat, S. _Henrysone._ _To_ BAE, _v. n._ To bleat, S. BAE, _s._ The sound emitted in bleating, S. Fr. _bee_, id. _To_ BAFF, _v. a._ To beat. S. V. ~Beff~. BAFF, BEFF, _s._ A stroke, a blow, S. BAGENIN, _s._ Indelicate toying, Fife. BAGATY, BAGGETY, _s._ The female of the lump, or sea-owl, a fish, S. _Sibbald._ BAG-RAPE, _s._ A rope of straw, used in fastening the thatch of a roof, Ang. BAGREL, _s._ A child, Dumfr. Su. G. _bagge_, puer. BAY, _s._ The sound caused by the notes of birds. _Douglas._ BAICH, BAICHIE, _s._ A child, Perths. C. B. _bachgen_, Teut. _bagh_, puer. _Polwart._ _To_ BAICHIE, _v. n._ To cough, S. B. BAIKIE, BAKIE, _s._ The stake to which an ox or cow is bound in the stall, Ang. Sw. _paak_, a stake. _S. Prov._ BAIKIE, BACKET, _s._ A square wooden vessel, for carrying coals to the fire, S. BAIL, BAILE, BAYLE, BALL, BELE, BELLE, _s._ 1. A flame, or blaze of what kind soever. _Barbour._ 2. A bonfire. _Sir Gawan._ 3. A fire kindled as a signal. _Douglas._ 4. Metaph. the flame of love. _Henrysone._ A. S. _bael_, Su. G. _baal_, a funeral pile, Isl. _baal_, a strong fire. BAYLE-FYRE, _s._ A bonfire. A. S. _bael-fyr_, the fire of a funeral pile. BAILCH, _s._ A very lusty person, S. B. V. _Belch_. _Ross._ BAILLE, _s._ A mistress. _Wallace._ Fr. _belle_, id. BAILLIE, BAILIE, _s._ 1. A magistrate second in rank, in a royal borough, an alderman, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. The baron's deputy in a burgh of barony, S. _Statist. Acc._ Fr. _Baillie_, an officer, L. B. _baliv-us_. BAILLIERIE, _s._ 1. The extent of a bailie's jurisdiction, S. _Wodrow._ 2. The extent of a sheriff's jurisdiction. _Acts Ja. I._ BAYNE, BANE, _adj._ 1. Ready, prepared, S. B. _Wallace._ 2. Alert, lively, active. _Wallace._ Isl. _bein-a_, expedire. BAYNLY, _adv._ Readily, cheerfully. BAYNE, "_Forte_, a kind of fur," Rudd. _Douglas._ BAIR, BAR, _s._ A boar. _Barbour._ A. S. _bar_, Germ. _baer_, Lat. _verr-es_, id. BAIRD, _s._ A poet or bard. _Acts Ja. VI._ C. B. _bardh_, Gael. Ir. _bard_. BAIRMAN, _s._ A bankrupt. _Reg. Maj._ E. _bare_, nudatus. BAIRN, BARNE, _s._ A child, S. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _barn_, a child, from _bair-an_, ferre, gignere, A. S. _bearn_. BAIRNHEID, BARNEHEID, _s._ 1. The state of childhood. _Inventories._ 2. Childishness. _Dunbar._ BAYRNIS-BED, _s._ The matrix. _Complaynt S._ BAIRNLY, _adj._ Childish, S. Sw. _barnslig_, puerilis. BAIRNLINESS, _s._ Childishness, S. BAIRN-TYME, BARNE-TEME, _s._ Brood of children, S. _Houlate._ A. S. _bearn-team_, liberorum sobolis procreatio. BAIRNS-PART _of_ ~Gear~, that part of a father's personal estate to which his children are entitled to succeed, and of which he cannot deprive them by any testament, or other gratuitous deed to take effect after his death, S. _Stair._ BAIRNS-PLAY, _s._ The sport of children, S. _Rutherford._ BAIRNS-WOMAN, _s._ A dry nurse, S. BAIS, _adj._ Having a deep or hoarse sound. Fr. _bas_, E. _base_. _Douglas._ BAISDLIE, _adv._ In a state of stupefaction. V. ~Bazed~. _Burel._ BAISE, _s._ Haste, expedition, S. B. Su. G. _bas-a_, citato gradu ire. _To_ BAISS, _v. a._ To sew slightly, S. Fr. _bast-ir_, E. _baste_. _To_ BAIST, _v. a._ To overcome, S. B. Isl. _beyst-a_, ferire. BAIST, _s._ One who is struck by others, especially in the sports of children, S. B. BAISTIN, _s._ A drubbing, S. BAIT, _s._ A boat. V. ~Bat~. _To_ BAYT, _v. a._ To give food to. _Barbour._ Isl. _beit-a_, to drive cattle to pasture, _beit_ pasture. _To_ BAYT, _v. n._ To feed. _Gl. Sibb._ BAITTLE, _adj._ Denoting that sort of pasture, where the grass is short and close, Selkirks. Isl. _beitinn_, fit for pasture. BAIVEE, _s._ A species of whiting. _Sibbald._ BAK, BACKE, BAKIE-BIRD, _s._ The bat or rearmouse, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _nattbacka_, id. BAKE, _s._ A small cake, a biscuit, S. _Burns._ BAKGARD, _s._ A rear-guard. _Wallace._ BAKIE, _s._ The black-headed gull, Orkn. BAKIE, _s._ The name given to one kind of peat, S. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ E. _bake_, to knead. BAKIE, _s._ A stake. V. ~Baikie~. BAKIN-LOTCH, _s._ A species of bread. _Evergreen._ BAKSTER, BAXSTER, _s._ A baker, S. _Burrow Lawes._ A. S. _baecestre_, a woman-baker. BAL, BALL, the initial syllable of a great many names of places in Scotland. Ir. Gael. _baile_, _ball_, a place or town; Su. G. Isl. _bol_, id. domicilium, sedes, villa, from _bo_, _bo-a_, _bu-a_, to dwell, to inhabit. BALAS, _s._ A sort of precious stone, said to be brought from _Balassia_ in India. Fr. _balais_, bastard ruby. BALAX, _s._ A hatchet, Aberd. Isl. _bolyxe_, Su. G. _baalyxa_, a large axe. BALBEIS, _s. pl._ Halfpence. V. ~Babie~. _Maitland Poems._ BALD, BAULD, _adj._ 1. Bold, intrepid, S. _Wyntown._ 2. Irascible, S. _Douglas._ 3. Pungent to the taste, or keenly affecting the organ of smelling, S. 4. Keen, biting; expressive of the state of the atmosphere, S. _Davidson._ 5. Certain, assured. _Henrysone._ 6. Used obliquely, bright; as "a _bald_ moon." _Kelly._ A. S. _bald_, _beald_, Su. G. Alem. Germ. _bald_, audax. _To_ BALD, _v. a._ To embolden. _Douglas._ BALDERRY, _s._ Female-handed orchis, a plant, S. _Lightfoot._ BALK and BURRAL, a ridge raised very high by the plough, and a barren space of nearly the same extent, alternately, S. B. V. ~Bauk~, _s._ _Statist. Acc._ BALDERDASH, _s._ Foolish and noisy talk, S. Isl. _bulldur_, stultorum balbuties. BALEN, _adj._ Made of skin. V. ~Pauis~. _Douglas._ Isl. Su. G. _baelg_, Germ. _balg_, a skin. BALYE, _s._ A space on the outside of the ditch of a fortification, commonly surrounded by strong palisades. _Spotswood._ Fr. _bayle_, a barricado, L. B. _ball-ium_. BALLANT-BODDICE, _s._ Boddice made of leather, anciently worn by ladies in Scotland, S. B. V. ~Balen~. BALLINGAR, BALLINGERE, _s._ A kind of ship. Fr. _ballinjier_. _Wallace._ BALOW, _s._ 1. A lullaby, S. _Ritson._ 2. A term used by a nurse, when lulling her child. _Old Song._ Fr. _bas, là le loup_, "be still, the wolf is coming." BAMULLO, BOMULLOCH, To _gar_ one _lauch_, _sing_ or _dance Bamullo_, to make _one_ change one's mirth into sorrow, Ang. Perths. C. B. _bw_ terror, Gael. _mula_, _mullach_, gloomy brows, q. "the spectre with the dark eye-brows." BANCHIS, _s. pl._ Deeds of settlement. Ital. _banco_, a bank. _Dunbar._ BANCOURIS, _s. pl._ Coverings for stools or benches. Teut. _banckwerc_, tapestry; Fr. _banquier_, a bench-cloth. _To_ BAN, BANN, _v. n._ Often applied in S., although improperly, to those irreverent exclamations which many use in conversation, as distinguished from cursing. _A. Douglas._ BAND (To take), to unite; a phrase borrowed from architecture. _Rutherford._ BAND, _s._ Bond, obligation, S. _Wyntown._ _To mak band_, to come under obligation, to swear allegiance. _Wallace._ BAND _of a hill_. The top or summit. _Douglas._ Germ. _bann_, summitas, Gael. _ben_. BANDKYN, _s._ A cloth, the warp of which is thread of gold, and the woof silk, adorned with figures. _Douglas._ L. B. _bandequin-us_. BANDOUNE, BANDOWN, _s._ Command, orders. V. ~Abandon~. _Wallace._ Germ. _band_, a standard. BANDOUNLY, _adv._ Firmly, courageously. _Wallace._ BANDSTER, BANSTER, _s._ One who binds sheaves after the reapers in the harvest-field, S. _Ritson._ A. S. Germ. _band_, vinculum. BANE, _s._ Bone, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _ban_, Alem. _bein_, id. BANE, _King of Bane_, the same with _King of the Bean_, a character in the Christmas gambols. This designation is given to the person who is so fortunate as to receive that part of a divided cake which has a _bean_ in it; _Rex fabae_. _Knox._ BANE-FYER, _s._ A bonfire, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ Apparently corrupted from ~Bail-fire~. BANEOUR, BANNEOURE, _s._ A standard-bearer. _Barbour._ BANERER, _s._ Properly, one who exhibits his own distinctive standard in the field, q. "the lord of a standard." _Douglas._ Teut. _bander-heer_, _baner-heer_, baro, satrapa. BANERMAN, _s._ A standard-bearer. _Wallace._ Su. G. _banersman_, vexillifer. BANES-BRAKIN, _s._ A bloody quarrel, "the breaking of bones," S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ _To_ BANG, _v. n._ To change place with impetuosity; as, to _bang up_, to start from one's seat or bed; _to bang to the dore_, to run hastily to the door, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _baang_, tumult, Isl. _bang-a_, to strike. _To_ BANG _out_, _v. a._ To draw out hastily, S. _Ross._ BANG, _s._ 1. An action expressive of haste; as, He _cam wi' a bang_, S. _In a bang_, suddenly, S. _Ross._ 2. A great number, a crowd, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ BANG, _v. n._ To push off with a boat, in salmon-fishing, without having seen any fish in the channel, Aberd. _Law Case._ BANGEISTER, BANGSTER, _s._ 1. A violent and disorderly person, who regards no law but his own will. _Maitland Poems._ 2. A braggart, a bully, S. _Ross._ 3. A loose woman, Clydes. Isl. _bang-a_, to strike, _bang-ast_, to run on one with violence. BANGSTRIE, _s._ Strength of hand, violence to another in his person or property. From _Bangster_. _Acts Ja. VI._ BANKERS, _s. pl._ Apparently the same with ~Bancouris~, q. v. BANKROUT, _s._ A bankrupt. _Skene._ Fr. _banquerout_, Ital. _bancorotto_, Teut. _banckrote_, id. BANNOCK, BONNOCK, BANNO, _s._ A cake, baked of dough in a pretty wet state, and toasted on a girdle, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ Ir. _boinneog_, _bunna_, Gael. _bonnach_, a cake. _Bear-bannock_, _s._ A cake of this description, baked of barley-meal, S. _Ritson._ BANNOCK-FLUKE, _s._ The name given to the genuine turbot, from its flat form as resembling a cake, S. _Stat. Acc._ BANNOCK-HIVE, _s._ Corpulence, induced by eating plentifully, S. V. ~Hive~. _Morison._ BANRENTE, _s._ A banneret. _Acts Ja. I._ BANSTICKLE, _s._ The three-spined stickle-back, gasterosteus aculeatus, Linn, S. _Barry._ BANWIN, _s._ As many reapers as may be served by one _bandster_, S. Fife, S. A. A. S. _band_, vinculum, and _win_, labor. BAP, _s._ 1. A thick cake baked in the oven, generally with yeast, whether made of oat-meal, barley-meal, flour of wheat, or a mixture, S. _Ritson._ 2. A roll, a small loaf of wheaten bread, of an oblong form, S. BAR, _s._ The grain in E. called barley; _bar-meal_, barley-meal; _bar-bread_, _bar-bannock_, &c. S. B. Moes. G. _bar_, hordeum. BAR, _s._ A boar. V. ~Bair~. _To_ BAR, _v. n._ To bar from bourdes, apparently to avoid jesting. _Bannatyne Poems._ Fr. _barr-er_, to keep at a distance. BARBAR, BARBOUR, _adj._ Barbarous, savage. Fr. _barbare_, id. _Kennedy._ BARBER, _s._ What is excellent in its kind, a low term, S. Su. G. _baer-a_, illustrare. BARBLES, _s. pl._ A species of disease. _Polwart._ Fr. _barbes_, a white excrescence which grows under the tongue of a calf. BARBLYT, _part. pa._ Barbed. _Barbour._ Fr. _barbele_, id. _To_ BARBULYIE, _v. a._ To disorder, to trouble, Perths. _Montgomery._ Fr. _barbouillé_, confusedly jumbled. BARDACH, BARDY, _adj._ 1. Stout, fearless, determined, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Irascible, contentious, and at the same time uncivil and pertinacious in managing a dispute, S. _R. Galloway._ Isl. _barda_, pugnax, _bardagi_, Su. G. _bardaga_, praelium. BARDILY, _adv._ 1. Boldly, with intrepidity, S. 2. Pertly, S. BARDIE, _s._ A gelded cat, Ang. BARDIS, _s. pl._ Trappings. _Douglas._ Goth. _bard_, a pole-ax. BARDYNGIS, _s. pl._ Trappings of horses. _Bellenden._ BARDISH, _adj._ Rude, insolent in language. _Baillie._ From _bard_, S. _baird_, a minstrel. BARE, _adj._ Lean, meagre, S. A. S. _bare_, _baer_, nudus. _To_ BARGANE, _v. n._ To fight, to contend. _Wallace._ Su. G. _baer-ia_, _beargh-a_, ferire, pugnare. BARGANE, _s._ 1. Fight, battle, skirmish. _Barbour._ 2. Contention, controversy, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Struggle, S. B. _Ross._ BARGANER, _s._ A fighter, a bully. _Dunbar._ BARGANYNG, _s._ Fighting. _Barbour._ _To_ BARK, _v. a._ To tan leather, S. _Chalmerl. Air._ Su. G. _bark-a_, decorticare, _barka hudar_, coria glabra reddere. BARKER, _s._ A tanner, S. Dan. _barker_, id. _To_ BARKEN, _v. n._ To clot, to become hard; _part. pa. barknyt_. _Douglas._ BARKING and FLEEING, a phrase used to denote one, who, especially from prodigality, is believed to be on the eve of bankruptcy, S. BARLA-BREIKIS, BARLEY-BRACKS, A game generally played by young people in a corn-yard, S. _Bannatyne MS._ Perh. q. _breaking_ the _barley_, or _parley_. BARLA-FUMMIL, BARLA-FUMBLE, An exclamation for a truce by one who has fallen down in wrestling or play. _Chr. Kirk._ Fr. _parlez, foi melez_, "let us have a truce, and blend our faith." BARLEY, _s._ A term used in the games of children, when a truce is demanded, S. Fr. _parlez_, E. _parley_. BARLEY-MEN. V. ~Burlaw~. BARLEY-BOX, _s._ A small box of a cylindrical form, now made as a toy for children, but formerly used by farmers for carrying samples of _barley_, or other grain to market, S. BARLICHOOD, _s._ A fit of ill-humour, especially as the result of intemperance, S. _Ramsay._ From _barley_; as expressing the effect of any intoxicating beverage. BARME HORS, A horse without a saddle, Ang. _Wyntown._ BARMY, _adj._ 1. Volatile, giddy. _Montgomery._ 2. Passionate, choleric. "A _barmy_ quean," a passionate woman, S. From E. _barm_, yeast. BARMKYN, BERMKYN, _s._ The rampart or outermost fortification of a castle. _Wallace._ Fr. _barbacane_; or Teut. _barm_, a mound, with the termination _kin_. BARNAGE, _s._ 1. Barons or noblemen, collectively viewed. Old Fr. _Wallace._ 2. A military company; including both chieftains and followers. _Douglas._ BARNAT, _adj._ Native. _Our barnat land_, q. the land of our _barnheid_ or nativity. _Wallace._ BARNE, _s._ The same with _Barnage_. Old Fr. _barnez_, nobility. _Wallace._ BARNE, _s._ A child. V. ~Bairn~. BARNE, _s._ Apparently for _barme_, bosom. _Douglas._ BARNS-BREAKING, _s._ Any mischievous or injurious action; in allusion to the act of _breaking_ up a _barn_ for carrying off corn, S. BARRACE, BARRAS, BARRES, BARROWIS, _s._ 1. A barrier, an outwork at the gate of a castle. _Wyntown._ 2. An inclosure made of felled trees for the defence of armed men. _Wallace._ 3. Lists for combatants. _Douglas._ Old Fr. _barres_, palaestra. BARRAT, _s._ 1. Hostile intercourse, battle. _Wallace._ 2. Contention, of whatever kind. _Dunbar._ 3. Grief, vexation, trouble. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. Isl. _baratta_, praelium. BARRATRIE, _s._ The crime of clergymen who went abroad to purchase benefices from the see of Rome for money. _Acts Ja. I._ L. B. _baratria_, from O. Fr. _barat_, deceit. BARREL-FERRARIS. V. ~Ferraris~. BARREL-FEVERS, _s. pl._ A term used by the vulgar, to denote the disorder produced in the body by intemperate drinking, S. BARRIE, _s._ A swaddling cloth of flannel, in which the legs of an infant are wrapped for defending them from the cold, S. BARTANE, _s._ Great Britain. _Bannatyne Poems._ BARTANYE, BERTANYE, _s._ Britanny. _Bellenden._ BARTIZAN, BERTISENE, _s._ A battlement on the top of a house or castle, or around a spire, S. _Statist. Acc._ O. Fr. _bretesche_, wooden towers used for defence, Ital. _bertesca_. BASE DANCE, A kind of dance, slow and formal in its motions. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _basse danse_. _To_ BASH, _v. a._ To beat to sherds, Loth. _Smash_ synon. Su. G. _bas-a_, to strike. BASH, _s._ A blow, S. A. _To_ BASH _up_, _v. a._ To bow or bend the point of an iron instrument inwards, Loth. BASING, BASSING, _s._ A bason; pl. _basingis_. Fr. _bassin_, id. _Bellenden._ BASS. 1. This term is used in S. for the inner bark of a tree. 2. A mat laid at a door for cleaning the feet; also, one used for packing bales, S. Teut. _bast_, cortex. BASSIE, _s._ A large wooden dish, used for carrying meal from the _girnal_ to the _bakeboard_, S. B. _Ross._ Fr. _bassin_, a bason. BASSIE, _s._ An old horse, Clydes. Loth. V. ~Bawsand~. BASSIL, _s._ A long cannon, or piece of ordnance. _Pitscottie._ Abbrev. from Fr. _basilic_. BASSIN, _adj._ Of or belonging to rushes. _Douglas._ Teut. _biese_, juncus, scirpus; L. B. _basse_, a collar for cart-horses made of flags. BASSNYT, _adj._ White-faced. V. ~Bawsand~. _Gl. Sibb._ BASTAILYIE, _s._ A bulwark, a blockhouse. _Bellenden._ Fr. _bastille_, a fortress, a castle furnished with towers. BASTILE, BASTEL, _s._ A fortress, principally meant for securing prisoners, South of S. V. preceding word. _Statist. Acc._ BASTOUN, _s._ A heavy staff, a baton. Fr. _baston_, _baton_, id. _Douglas._ BAT, _s._ A staple, a loop of iron, S. BATAILL, _s._ 1. Order of battle, battle-array. _Barbour._ 2. A division of an army, a battalion. _Barbour._ 3. It seems to signify military equipment. _Barbour._ Fr. _bataille_, order of battle; also, a squadron, battalion, or part of an army; deduced from Germ. _batt-en_, caedere, A. S. _beatt-an_, id. BATE, BAIT, _s._ A boat. _Barbour._ A. S. Alem. Isl. and Su. G. _bat_; C. B. and Ir. _bad_, cymba. BATHE, BAITH, BAYTH, BAID, _adj._ Both, S. ~Baid~ is the pron. of Angus. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _ba_, _bai_, _bagoth_; A. S. _ba_, _buta_; Alem. _bedia_, _bedu_, _beidu_; Isl. and Su. G. _bade_; Dan. _baade_; Germ. _beide_; Belg. _beyde_; ambo. BATIE, BAWTY, _s._ A name for a dog, without any particular respect to species; generally given, however, to those of a larger size; S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Perhaps from O. Fr. _baud_, a white hound; _baud-ir_, to excite dogs to the chace. BATIE, BAWTIE, _adj._ Round and plump, applied either to man or beast, Clydesd. BATIE-BUM, BATIE-BUMMIL, _s._ A simpleton, an inactive fellow. V. ~Blaitiebum~. _Maitland P._ From _batie_ a dog, and _bum_, to make a humming noise. Teut. _bommel_, a drone. BATS, _s. pl._ The disease in horses called in E. the _bots_, S. _Polwart._ Teut. _botte_, papula, a swelling with many reddish pimples that eat and spread; Swed. _bett_, pediculi, from _bit-a_, mordere. BATTALLING, BATTELLING, _s._ A battlement. _Douglas._ Fr. _bastillé_, _batillé_, turriculis fastigiatus. BATTAR-AX, _s._ A battle-ax. _Dunbar._ Fr. _battre_, Ital. _battar-e_, to strike; also, to fight. _To_ BATTER, _v. a._ To paste, to cause one body to adhere to another by means of a viscous substance, S. BATTER, _s._ A glutinous substance, used for producing adhesion, paste, S. _To_ BATTER, _v. a._ To lay a stone so as to make it incline to one side, or to hew it obliquely; a term used in masonry, S. Fr. _battre_, to beat. BATTILL-GERS. "Thick, rank, like men in order of battle," Rudd. This, however, may be the same with _baittle_, applied to grass that is well stocked, South of S. Teut. _bottel_, and _bottel-boom_, denote the arbutus, or wild strawberry tree. BATWARD, _s._ A boatman; literally, a boat-keeper. _Wyntown._ Isl. _bat_, cymba, and _vard_, vigil, Swed. _ward_, custodia. BAVARD, _adj._ Worn out, in a state of bankruptcy. _Baiver_ and _baiver-like_, are used in S. to signify shabby in dress and appearance. V. ~Bevar~. _Baillie._ Fr. _bavard_, _baveur_, a driveller; also, a babbler. BAUBLE, _s._ A short stick, with a head carved at the end of it like a _poupée_, or _doll_, carried by the fools of former times. _Lord Hailes._ Fr. _babiole_, a toy, a gewgaw. BAUCH, BAUGH, BAACH, (gutt.) _adj._ 1. Ungrateful to the taste. In this sense _waugh_ is now used, S. _Polwart._ 2. Not good, insufficient in whatever respect, S. as "a _baugh_ tradesman," one who is far from excelling in his profession. _Ramsay._ _Bauch-shod_, a term applied to a horse, when his shoes are much worn, S. 3. Indifferent, sorry, not respectable, S. _Ramsay._ 4. Not slippery. In this sense ice is said to be _bauch_, when there has been a partial thaw. The opposite is _slid_ or _gleg_, S. Isl. _bag-ur_, reluctans, renuens; _bage_, jactura, nocumentum (offals); _baga_, bardum et insulsum carmen. BAUCHLY, _adv._ Sorrily, indifferently, S. _Ramsay._ BAUCHNESS, _s._ Want, defect of any kind, S. _To_ BAUCHLE, BAWCHYLL, BACHLE, (gutt.) BASHLE, _v. a._ 1. To wrench, to distort, to put out of shape; as "_to bauchle shoon_," to wear shoes in so slovenly a way as to let them fall down in the heels, S. _Journ. London._ 2. To treat contemptuously, to vilify. _Wallace._ _Bashel_ may be allied to Fr. _bossel-er_, to bruise. Isl. _backell_, luxatus, valgus, shambling, _biag-a_ violare, whence _biag-adr_ luxatus, membrorum valetudine violatus. BAUCHLE, BACHEL, _s._ 1. An old shoe, used as a slipper, S. 2. Whatsoever is treated with contempt or disrespect. _To mak a bauchle of_ any thing, to use it so frequently and familiarly, as to shew that one has no respect for it, S. _Ferguson's Prov._ BAUGIE, _s._ An ornament; as, a ring, a bracelet. _Douglas._ Teut. _bagge_ gemma; Isl. _baug-r_; Alem. _boug_, A. S. _beag_, Fr. _bague_, Ital. _bagun_, annulus. BAUK, BAWK, _s._ 1. One of the cross-beams in the roof of a house, which support and unite the rafters, S. 2. The beam by which scales are suspended in a balance, S. Teut. _balck waeghe_, a balance. We invert the term, making it _weigh-bauks_. Germ. _balk_, Belg. _balck_, Dan. _bielke_, a beam. BAUK, BAWK, _s._ A strip of land left unploughed, two or three feet in breadth, S. _Statist. Acc._ A. S. and C. B. _balc_, Su. G. _balk_, porca, a ridge of land between two furrows; Isl. _baulkur_, lira in agro, vel alia soli eminentia minor. BAUKIE, _s._ The razorbill, Alca torda, Orkn. _Barry._ BAUSY, _adj._ Big, strong. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _basse_, vir potens. _To_ BAW, _v. a._ To hush, to lull. _Watson._ Fr. _bas_, low. V. ~Balow~. BAW, _s._ 1. A ball, used in play, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Money given to school-boys by a marriage company, to prevent their being maltreated; as otherwise they claim a right to cut the bride's gown, S. This is the same with _Ball money_, E. V. ~Coles~. Corr. from E. _ball_. BAWAW, _s._ An oblique look, implying contempt or scorn, S. B. _Ross._ BAWBIE, _s._ A half-penny. V. ~Babie~. BAWBURD, _s._ The larboard, or the left side of a ship. _Douglas._ Fr. _bas-bord_; Isl. _batforda_, id. BAWD, _s_. A hare, Aberd. _Poems Buchan Dial._ A. S. Ir. and Gael, _miol_ denotes a beast of whatever kind, _miol bhuide_, or _boide_, is a hare; also _patas_. BAWD-BREE, _s._ Hare-soup, Aberd. BAWDEKYN, _s._ Cloth of gold. Fr. _baldachin_, _baldaquin_, _baudequin_, L. B. _baldachinum_, tissue de fil d'or. _To_ BAWME, _v. a._ 1. To embalm. Fr. _em-baum-er_. _Wyntown._ 2. To cherish, to warm. _Douglas._ BAWSAND, BASSAND, BAWSINT, _adj._ 1. Having a white spot on the forehead or face; a term applied to a horse, cow, &c., S. _Douglas._ 2. It seems to be used as equivalent to brindled or streaked, S. A. _Minstrelsy Bord._ Hence, it would seem, _bassie_, an old horse, S. Fr. _balzan_, _balsan_, a horse that has a white mark on the feet; deduced from Ital. _balzano_, and this from Lat. _bal-ius_, a horse that has a white mark either on the forehead or feet. Germ. _blaesse_, Su. G. _blaes_, a white mark on the forehead of a horse. Hence perhaps E. _blazon_, and _blaze_. BAWSY-BROWN, _s._ A hobgoblin; viewed as the same with Robin Goodfellow of England, and _Brownie_ of S. _Bannatyne Poems._ Perhaps from Su. G. _basse_, vir potens, V. ~Bausy~, or _base_, spectrum, and _brun_, fuscus, q. the strong goblin of a brown appearance. BAXTER, _s._ A baker, S. V. ~Bakster~. _Ramsay._ BAZED, BASED, BASIT, _part. pa._ _Watson's Coll._ _Maitland Poems._ Teut. _baes-en_, delirare; Belg. _byse_, _bysen_, turbatus; Su. G. _bes-a_ denotes the state of animals so stung by insects, that they are driven hither and thither; Fr. _bez-er_, id. BE, _prep._ 1. By, as denoting the cause, agent, or instrument, S. _Barbour._ 2. Towards, in composition; as, _be-east_, towards the east; _be-west_, towards the west, S. _Wyntown._ 3. Of, concerning; as, _be the_, concerning thee. _Wallace._ 4. By the time that. _Diallog._ 5. During, expressive of the lapse of time. _Keith._ A. S. _be_, per; de; circa. _Be than_, by that time. BE, _part. pa._ Been. _Douglas._ _To_ BEAL. V. ~Beil~. BEANSHAW. V. ~Benshaw~. _To_ BEAR, BER, BERE, _v. a._ _To bear on hand_, to affirm, to relate. _Wyntown._ _To bear upon_, to restrain one's self, S. B. _Ross._ BEAR, BERE, _s._ Barley, having four rows of grains, S. Hordeum vulgare, Linn. _Wyntown._ A. S. _bere_, Moes. G. _bar_, hordeum. BEAR LAND, land appropriated for a crop of barley, S. _To go through the bear land with_ one, to tell him all the grounds of umbrage at his conduct, to pluck a crow with him, S. BEARIS BEFOR, Ancestors. _Wallace._ A translation of Lat. _antecessores_. BEARANCE, _s._ Toleration, S. _J. Nicol._ BEAT, _s._ A stroke, a blow, a contusion, S. B. apparently the same with _Byt_ used in this sense by Douglas. _To_ BEBBLE, _v. a._ 1. To swallow any liquid in small, but frequent draughts; whether the liquor be intoxicating or not, S. 2. To tipple, _v. n._ "He's ay _bebbling_ and drinking;" he is much given to tippling, S. It seems to be formed from Lat. _bibere_ to drink, in the same manner as _bibulus_, soaking, drinking, or taking it wet. BECHT, _part. pa._ Tied; Gl. Rudd. Germ. _bieg-en_, flectere, is probably the origin. _To_ BECK, BEK, _v. s._ 1. To make obeisance, to cringe, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ 2. To curtsy; as restricted to the obeisance made by a woman, and contra-distinguished from bowing. Isl. _beig-a_, Germ. _bieg-en_, to bow. BECK, BEK, _s._ A curtsy, S. _Maitland Poems._ BEDDY, _adj._ Expressive of a quality in grey-hounds; the sense uncertain. _Watson's Coll._ It may signify, attentive to the cry of the huntsman. Fr. _baudé_, "a cry as of hounds, Breton;" Cotgr. It may, however, be the same word which occurs in the S. Prov.; "Breeding wives are ay _beddie_;" Kelly, p. 75. "Covetous of some silly things," N. In this sense it is probably allied to Isl. _beid-a_, A. S. _bidd-an_, Moes. G. _bid-jan_, Belg. _bidd-en_, to ask, to supplicate, to solicit. BEDE, _pret._ Offered; from the v. ~Bid~. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ Chaucer uses the v. ~Bede~ as signifying to offer. A. S. _baed_, obtulit, from _beodan_. BEDELUIN, _part. pa._ Buried, hid under ground. _Douglas._ A. S. _bedelfen_, sepultus, infossus; _be-delf-an_, circumfodere. BEDENE, BY DENE, _adv._ 1. Quickly, forthwith. _Barbour._ 2. It seems also to signify, besides, moreover; in addition, as respecting persons. _Gawan and Gol._ 3. It undoubtedly signifies, in succession, or "one after another." _Gawan and Gol._ As _belyve_, very similar in sense, is undoubtedly the imperat. of _belif-an_, q. _wait_, _stay_; _bedene_ may have been formed in the same manner, from Germ. _bedien-en_, to serve, to obey. BEDIS, _s. pl._ Prayers. _King's Quair._ Germ. _bed-en_; Germ. _ge-bet_, prayer. Hence O. E. _bidde_, and the phrase, _to bidde prayers_, to ask, to solicit them. BEDE-HOUSE, _s._ A term used for an alms-house, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ BEDE-MAN, BEIDMAN, _s._ 1. A person who resides in a bede-house, or is supported from the funds appropriated for this purpose, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. In the Court of Exchequer, this term is used to denote one of that class of paupers who enjoy the royal bounty. The designation has originated from some religious foundation, in times of popery. _Bedman_ occurs in O. E. V. ~Assoilyie~, sense 3. The origin is A. S. _bead_, a prayer. Hence, says Verstegan, the name of _Beads_, "they being made to pray on, and _Beadsman_." BEDYIT, _part. pa._ Dipped. _Douglas._ A. S. _deag-an_, tingere. BEDOYF, _part. pa._ Besmeared, fouled. _Douglas._ Su. G. _doft_, _dupt_, pulvis; or A. S. _bedof-en_, submersus, dipped. BEDOWIN, _part. pa._ _Douglas._ Rudd. expl. _bedowyne_, besmeared, deriving it from Belg. _bedauwen_, to bedew, or sprinkle. BEDRAL, _s._ A person who is bedrid. V. ~Orphelin~. BEDREL, _adj._ Bedrid, Galloway. _Douglas._ Corr. perhaps from A. S. _bedrida_, id.; Teut. _bedder_, clinicus, Germ. _bed-reise_. BEDUNDER'D, _part. pa._ Stupified, confounded, S. q. having the ear deafened by noise. Su. G. _dundr-a_, Belg. _dender-en_, tonare, to thunder. BEE, _s._ The hollow between the ribs and hip-bone of a horse, S. B. Perhaps from A. S. _bige_, _byge_, flexus, angulus, sinus; _big-an_, _byg-ean_, flectere, curvare. BEE-ALE, _s._ A species of beer, or rather mead, made from the refuse of honey; S. B. This in Clydes. is called _swats_. BEE-BREAD, _s._ The substance that goes to the formation of bees, S. A. S. _beo-bread_ signifies honeycomb. BE-EAST, Towards the East. V. ~Be~, _prep._ BEELDE, BELD, _s._ "Properly an image.--Model of perfection or imitation." Gl. Wynt. _Wyntown._ A. S. _bilith_, _bild_, Belg. _beeld_, _beld_, Sw. _bild_, imago. _To_ BEENGE, BYNGE, _v. a._ To cringe, in the way of making much obeisance, S. V. ~Beck~. _Ferguson._ This is undoubtedly from A. S. _bens-ian_, also written _boens-ian_, to ask as a suppliant; supplicitor petere, orare; _bensiende_, supplicans. BEENJIN, improperly written, is expl. "fawning." _J. Nicol._ BEEVIT, _part. pa._ Perhaps, installed as a knight. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _befeht_, cinctus, girded, Somn. V. ~Falow~. _To_ BEFF, BAFF, _v. a._ To beat, to strike, S. ~Beft~, beaten, _pret._ and _part. pa._ _Douglas._ It is used more simply, as referring to the act of beating with strokes; applied to metal. _Douglas._ ~Doun Beft~ signifies, beat down, overthrown. BEFF, BAFF, _s._ A stroke. V. ~Baff~. BEFORN, _prep._ Before. _Wallace._ It occurs also in O. E. _R. Brunne._ A. S. _beforan_, ante; coram. BEFOROUTH, _adv._ Before, formerly. V. ~Forowth~. _Barbour._ BEFT, _part. pa._ Beaten. V. ~Beff~. _To_ BEGARIE, _v. a._ 1. To variegate, to deck with various colours. _Lyndsay._ 2. To stripe, to variegate with lines of various colours, to streak. _Begaryit_, striped, _part. pa._ _Douglas._ 3. To besmear; to bedaub, to bespatter. "S. _begaried_, bedirted;" Rudd. vo. ~Laggerit~. _Lyndsay._ This _v._ has an evident affinity to our _Gair_, _gare_, a stripe of cloth, and _Gaired_, _gairy_, q. v. The word is immediately allied to Fr. _begarr-er_, to diversify; _begarré_, of sundry colours, mingled. BEGAIRIES, _s. pl._ Stripes or slips of cloth sewed on garments, by way of ornament, such as are now worn in liveries; _pessments_, S. synon. _Acts Ja. VI._ BEGANE, _part. pa._ Covered; _Gold begane_, overlaid with gold. _Douglas._ _Aurea tecta_, Virg. According to Rudd. q. _gone over_. Chaucer uses the phrase, _With gold begon_, Rom. Rose, 943., "painted over with gold," Tyrwh. _To_ BEGECK, BEGAIK, BEGEIK, _v. a._ To deceive; particularly by playing the jilt, S.B. _Dunbar._ Teut. _gheck-en_, deridere, ludibrio habere. V. ~Geck~. BEGEIK, BEGINK, BEGUNK, _s._ 1. A trick, or illusion, which exposes one to ridicule, S. _Ramsay._ 2. It often denotes the act of jilting one in love; applied either to a male, or to a female, S. ~Begeik~ is the more common term, S. B. _Morison._ BEGES, BEGESS, _adv._ By chance, at random. _Evergreen._ From _be_, by, and _gess_, guess, Belg. _ghisse_. BEGGER-BOLTS, _s. pl._ "A sort of darts or missile weapons. The word is used by James VI. in his Battle of Lepanto, to denote the weapons of the _forceats_, or galley-slaves." Gl. Sibb. Hudson writes _beggers' bolts_. The word may have originated from contempt of the persons, who used these arms, q. _bolts_ of _beggars_. BEGOUTH, BEGOUDE, _pret._ Began. _Wyntown._ _Begoud_ is now commonly used, S. A. S. _gynn-an_, _beginn-an_, seem to have had their pret. formed like _eode_, from _gan_, ire: _Beginnan_, _begeode_. BEGRAUIN, _part. pa._ Buried, interred. _Douglas._ A. S. _graf-an_, fodere; Teut. _be-gra-ven_, sepelire. BEGRETTE, _pret._ Saluted. _Douglas._ A. S. _gret-an_, Belg. _be-groet-en_, salutare. BEGRUTTEN, _part. pa._ Having the face disfigured with weeping, S. Sw. _begratande_, bewailing. V. ~Greit~. BEGUILE, _s._ A deception, trick, the slip; sometimes a disappointment, S. _Ross._ BEGUNKIT, _part. adj._ Cheated, Clydes. V. ~Begeck~. _To_ BEHALD, _v. a._ 1. To behold, S. _behaud_. _Wyntown._ 2. To have respect to, to view with favour or partiality. _Douglas._ _Spectat_, Virg. A. S. _beheald-an_. 3. To wait, to delay; q. to look on for a while, S. used both as an active, and as a neuter verb. _Ross._ ~Behold~ occurs in the same sense. _Baillie._ BEHAUYNGIS, _s. pl._ Manners, deportment. _Bellenden._ _Mores_, Boeth. V. ~Havings~. _To_ BEHECHT, _v. n._ To promise. _Douglas._ Chaucer, _behete_, A. S. _behaet-an_, id. R. Glouc. _behet_; R. Brunne, _be-hette_, promised. BEHECHT, BEHEST, BEHETE, _s._ 1. Promise. _Bellenden._ 2. Engagement, covenant. _Douglas._ 3. Command. _Douglas._ Chaucer, _beheste_, id. BEHO, BOHO, _s._ A laughing-stock. "To mak a _boho_" of any thing, to hold it up to ridicule, S. B. Alem. _huohe_, ludibrium. _To_ BEHUFE, _v. n._ To be dependent on. _Douglas._ A. S. _behof-ian_, Belg. _behoev-en_, to stand in need of, egere, opus habere. BEJAN CLASS, a designation given to the Greek class in the Universities of St Andrew's and Aberdeen; as, till of late, in that of Edinburgh. Hence, the students in this class are denominated _Bejans_. Fr. _bejaune_, a novice, an apprentice, a young beginner in any science, art, or trade. Cotgr. derives _bejaune_ from _bec jaulne_, literally a yellow beak or bill. Du Cange observes that L. B. _bejaunus_ signifies a young scholar of any university, and _bejaunium_ the festivity that is held on his arrival. The term is thus very emphatic, being primarily used in relation to a bird newly hatched, whose beak is of a deep yellow. _To_ BEJAN, _v. a._ When a new shearer comes to a harvest-field, he is initiated by being lifted by the arms and legs, and struck down on a stone on his buttocks; Fife. This custom has probably had its origin in some of our universities. It is sometimes called _horsing_. BEIK, _s._ A hive of bees. V. ~Byke~. _To_ BEIK, BEKE, BEEK, _v. a._ 1. To bask, S. _Barbour._ 2. To warm, to communicate heat to. _Ramsay._ 3. It is often used in a neuter sense, S. _Ywaine._ Belg. _baeker-en_ is used in the same sense; _baeker-en een kindt_, to warm a child. We say, To _beik_ in the sun; so, Belg. _baekeren in de sonne_. But our word is more immediately allied to the Scandinavian dialects; Su. G. _bak-a_, to warm. BEIK, _adj._ Warm. _Bannatyne Poems._ BEIK, _s._ 1. This word primarily signifying the beak or bill of a fowl, is "sometimes used for a man's mouth, by way of contempt;" Rudd. _Douglas._ 2. It is used, as a cant word, for a person; "an auld _beik_," "a queer _beik_," &c. S. Belg. _biek_, Fr. _bec_, rostrum. It may be observed that the latter is metaph. applied to a person. V. ~Bejan~. _To_ BEIL, BEAL, _v. n._ 1. To suppurate, S. _Maitland Poems._ 2. To swell or rankle with pain, or remorse; metaph. applied to the mind, S. B. _Ross._ _Wodrow._ Belg. _buyl-en_, protuberare? Ihre derives Su. G. _bold_, a boil, from Isl. _bolg-a_, intumescere. BEILIN, _s._ A suppuration, S. BEILD, BIELD, _s._ 1. Shelter, refuge, protection, S. _Gawan and Gol._ "Every man bows to the bush he gets _bield_ frae;" S. Prov. Every man pays court to him who gives him protection. 2. Support, stay, means of sustenance, S. _Douglas._ 3. A place of shelter; hence, applied to a house, a habitation; S. _Morison._ A. Bor. _beild_, id. ~Beilding~ also occurs, where it seems doubtful whether buildings or shelter be meant. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _baele_ denotes both a bed or couch, and a cave, a lurking place; cubile, spelunca. It is highly probable, that _baele_ is radically the same with Isl. _boele_, domicilium, habitatio; from _bo_, to build, to inhabit. _To_ BEILD, _v. a._ 1. To supply, to support. _Wallace._ 2. In one passage it seems to signify, to take refuge; in a neuter sense. _Gawan and Gol._ This verb, it would seem, has been formed from the noun, q. v., or has a common origin with Isl. _bael-a_, used to denote the act of causing cattle to lie down. BEILDY, _adj._ Affording shelter. _Ramsay._ BEILD, _adj._ Bold. _Houlate._ A. S. _beald_, id. A. S. Alem. _belde_, audacia. BEILL, _s._ Perhaps, sorrow, care, q. _baill_. _Bannatyne Poems._ BEIN, _s._ Bone, Ang. One is said to be _aw frae the bein_, all from the bone, when proud, elevated, or highly pleased; in allusion, as would seem, to the fleshy parts rising from the bone, when the body is swollen. BEIN, BEYNE, _adj._ ~Beinlier~. V. ~Bene~. BEIR, BERE, BIR, BIRR, _s._ 1. Noise, cry, roar. _Douglas._ The word is used in this sense by R. Glouc. 2. Force, impetuosity; often as denoting the violence of the wind, S. _Vir_, _virr_, Aberd. _Douglas._ O. E. _bire_, _byre_, _birre_. The term, especially as used in the second sense, seems nearly allied to Isl. _byre_ (tempestas), Su. G. _boer_, the wind; which seem to acknowledge _byr-ia_, _boer-ia_, surgere, as their root. _To_ BEIR, BERE, _v. s._ To roar, to make a noise. _Wallace._ Teut. _baeren_, _beren_, is expl. by Kilian; Fremere, sublatè et ferociter clamare more ursorum. The learned writer seems thus to view it as a derivative from _baere_, _bere_, a bear. BEIRD, _s._ A bard, a minstrel. V. ~Baird~. _Douglas._ BEYRD, _pret._ Laid on a bere. _Maitland Poems._ From A. S. _baer_, _baere_, feretrum. BEIRTH, BYRTHE, _s._ Burden, incumbrance, charge; Gl. Sibb. Dan. _byrde_, _byrth_; Isl. _byrd_; Su. G. _boerd-a_; Belg. _borde_, A. S. _byrth-in_; from Moes. G. _bair-an_, Su. G. _baer-a_, to bear. BEIS, _v. s._ Be, is; third p. sing. subj. S. _Douglas._ Here the second pers. is improperly used for the third. A. S. _byst_, sis; Alem. Franc. _bist_, es, from _bin_, sum; Wachter, vo. _Bin_. BEIS, BEES, One's head is said to be _in the bees_, when one is confused or stupified with drink or otherwise, S. _Shirrefs._ Teut. _bies-en_, aestuari, furente impetu agitari; or from the same origin with _Bazed_, q. v. BEIST, BEISTYN, _s._ The first milk of a cow after she has calved, S. _biestings_, E. A. S. _beost_, _byst_; Teut. _biest_, _biest melck_, id. (colostrum). _To_ BEIT, BETE, BEET, _v. a._ 1. To help, to supply; to mend, by making addition. _Henrysone._ _To beit the fire_, or _beit the ingle_. To add fuel to the fire, S. "_To beet_, to make or feed a fire." Gl. Grose. _To beit a mister_, to supply a want, Loth. 2. To blow up, to inkindle, applied to the fire. _Douglas._ 3. To bring into a better state, by removing calamity or cause of sorrow. _Wallace._ A. S. _bet-an_, _ge-bet-an_, to mend, to restore to the original state; Belg. _boet-en_; Isl. _bet-a_, Su. G. _boet-a_, id. _boet-a klaeder_, to repair or mend clothes. A. S. _bet-an fyr_, corresponds to the S. phrase mentioned above, struere ignem. ~Bett~, _part. pa._ Supplied. _Wallace._ BEIT, _s._ An addition, a supply, S. B. V. the _v._ BEITMISTER, _s._ That which is used in a strait, for supplying any deficiency; applied either to a person or to a thing; Loth. V. ~Beit~, _v._ and ~Mister~. _To_ BEKE, _v. a._ To bask. V. ~Beik~. BEKEND, _part._ Known; S. B. _bekent_. _Douglas._ Germ. _bekaunt_, id. Teut. _be-kennen_, to know; A. S. _be-cunnan_, experiri. BELCH, BAILCH, BILCH, _s._ (gutt.) 1. A monster. _Douglas._ 2. A term applied to a very lusty person, S. B. "_A bursen belch_, or _bilch_, one who is breathless from corpulence, q. burst, like a horse that is broken-winded. _Ross._ Teut. _balgh_, the belly; or as it is pron. _bailg_, Moray, from Su. G. _bolg-ia_, _bulg-ia_, to swell. BELD, _adj._ Bald, without hair on the head, S. V. ~Bellit~. _Burns._ Seren. derives it from Isl. _bala_, planities. With fully as much probability might it be traced to Isl. _bael-a_, vastare, prosternere, to lay flat. BELD, _s._ Pattern, model of perfection. V. ~Beelde~. BELD, _imperf. v._ Perhaps, took the charge of, or protected. _Houlate._ Fr. _bail_, a guardian. In this sense it is nearly allied to E. _bailed_, Fr. _bailler_, to present, to deliver up. As, however, we have the word _beild_, shelter, protection, _beld_ may possibly belong to a verb corresponding in sense. BELD CYTTES, _s. pl._ Bald coots. _Houlate._ The _bald coot_ receives its name from a _bald_ spot on its head. It is vulgarly called _bell-kite_, S. BELDIT, _part. pa._ Imaged, formed. V. ~Beelde~. _Houlate._ Belg. _beeld-en_, Germ. _bild-en_, Sw. _bild-a_, formare, imaginari. A. S. _bild_, _bilith_, Germ. Sw. _bild_, _belaete_, an image. _To_ BELE, _v. s._ "To burn, to blaze." _Wyntown._ This, however, may mean, bellowed, roared, from A. S. _bell-an_, Su. G. _bal-a_, id. Chaucer uses _belle_ in the same sense. BELE, _s._ A fire, a blaze. V. ~Bail~. _To_ BELEIF, _v. a._ To leave; pret. _beleft_. A. S. _be_ and _leof-an_, linquere. _Douglas._ _To_ BELEIF, BELEWE, _v. a._ To deliver up. _Douglas._ It is also used as a _v. n._ with the prep. _of_. _Barbour._ A. S. _belaew-an_, tradere; _belaewed_, traditus. BELEFE, _s._ Hope. _Douglas._ _To_ BELENE, _v. n._ To tarry; or perhaps, to recline, to rest. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _bilen-ed_, inhabited. V. ~Leind~. Or allied to Germ. _len-en_, recumbere. BELEWYT, _imperf. v._ Delivered up. V. ~Beleif~, _v._ 2. BELGHE, _s._ Eructation, E. _belch_. _Z. Boyd._ BELYVE, BELIFF, BELIUE, BELIFE, _adv._ 1. Immediately, quickly. _Douglas._ 2. By and by, S. _Barbour._ This seems to be the only modern sense of the term in S. 3. At length. _Douglas._ 4. It is used in a singular sense, S. B. _Litle belive_, or _bilive_, a small remainder. _Popular Ball._ Chaucer _belive_, _blive_, quickly; Gower, _blyve_, id. Hickes mentions Franc. _belibe_, as signifying protinus, confestim; and Junius refers to Norm. Sax. _bilive_. This is certainly the same word; from Alem. and Franc. _belib-an_, manere; A. S. _belif-an_, id. _To_ BELY, _v. a._ To besiege. _Spotswood._ TO BELL THE CAT, to contend, with one, especially, of superior rank or power; to withstand him, either by words or actions; to use strong measures, without regard to consequences, S. _Godscroft._ Fr. _Mettre la campane au chat_, "to begin a quarrel, to raise a brabble; we say also, in the same sense, to hang the bell about the cat's neck." Cotgr. _To_ BELLER, _v. n._ To bubble up. _Bp. Galloway._ Isl. _belg-ia_, inflare buccas. BELL-PENNY, _s._ Money laid up, for paying the expence of one's funeral; from the ancient use of the passing-bell. This word is still used in Aberbrothick. BELL-KITE, _s._ The bald Coot. V. ~Beld Cyttes~. BELLAN, _s._ Fight, combat. _Douglas._ Lat. _bellum_. BELLE, _s._ Bonfire. V. ~Bail~. BELLING, _s._ The state of desiring the female; a term properly applied to harts. _Douglas._ Rudd. derives the phrase from Fr. _belier_, a ram; but perhaps it is rather from Isl. _bael-a_, _bel-ia_, _baul-a_, Germ. _bell-en_, mugire, boare. BELLIS, _s. pl._ _Wallace._ BELLIT, _adj._ Bald. _Fordun._ _Scotichron._ BELLY-BLIND, _s._ The play called Blind-man's buff, S. A.: _Blind Harie_, synon. S. Anciently this term denoted the person who was blindfolded in the game. _Lyndsay._ In Su. G. this game is called _blind-bock_, i. e. blind goat; and in Germ. _blinde kuhe_, q. blind cow. It is probable, that the term is the same with _Billy Blynde_, mentioned in the Tales of Wonder, and said to be the name of "a familiar spirit, or good genius." BELLY-FLAUGHT. 1. To _slay_, or _flay_, _belly-flaught_, to bring the skin overhead, as in flaying a hare, S. B. _Monroe's Iles._ 2. It is used in Loth. and other provinces, in a sense considerably different; as denoting great eagerness or violence in approaching an object. _Ramsay._ 3. It is also rendered, "flat forward." _J. Nicol._ BELLY-HUDDROUN. V. ~Huddroun~. BELLY-THRA, _s._ The colic. _Gl. Complaynt._ A. S. _belg_, belly, and _thra_, affliction. This term, I am informed, is still used on the Border. _To_ BELLWAVER, _v. n._ 1. To straggle, to stroll, S. 2. To fluctuate, to be inconstant; applied to the mind, S. I am informed, however, that the pronunciation of the term in some places in the west of S. is _bullwaver_; and that it is primarily applied to a _bull_ when going after the cow, and hence transferred to man, when supposed to be engaged in some amorous pursuit. The origin of the latter part of the v. is obvious; either from E. _waver_ or L. B. _wayviare_, to stray. Perhaps the allusion may be to a ram or other animal, roaming with a _bell_ hung round its neck. _To_ BELT, _v. a._ 1. To gird, S. Hence, in our old ballads _belted knights_ are often introduced. 2. To gird, metaph. used in relation to the mind. _Bellenden._ 3. To surround, to environ in a hostile manner. _Bellenden._ Isl. _belt-a_, cingere zona. _To_ BELT, _v. a._ To flog, to scourge, S. _To_ BELT, _v. n._ To come forward with a sudden spring, S. Isl. _bilt-a_, _bilt-ast_, signifies, to tumble headlong. BELT, _part. pa._ Built. _Douglas._ BELTANE, BELTEIN, _s._ The name of a sort of festival observed on the first day of May, O. S.; hence used to denote the term of Whitsunday. _Peblis to the Play._ This festival is chiefly celebrated by the cow-herds, who assemble by scores in the fields, to dress a dinner for themselves, of boiled milk and eggs. These dishes they eat with a sort of cakes baked for the occasion, and having small lumps in the form of _nipples_, raised all over the surface. The cake seems to have been an offering to some Deity in the days of Druidism.--In Ireland, Beltein is celebrated on the 21st June, at the time of the solstice. There, as they make fires on the tops of hills, every member of the family is made to pass through the fire; as they reckon this ceremony necessary to ensure good fortune through the succeeding year.--The Gael. and Ir. word _Beal-tine_ or _Beil-tine_ signifies _Bel's Fire_; as composed of _Baal_ or _Belis_, one of the names of the sun in Gaul, and _tein_ signifying fire. Even in Angus a spark of fire is called a _tein_ or _teind_. BELTH, _s._ _Douglas._ This word may denote a whirlpool or rushing of waters. I am inclined, however, to view it, either as equivalent to _belch_, only with a change in the termination, _metri causa_; or as signifying, figure, image, from A. S. _bilith_, Alem. _bilid_, _bileth_, id. _To_ BEMANG, _v. a._ To hurl, to injure; to overpower, S. B. _Minstrelsy Border._ _To_ BEME, _v. n._ 1. To resound, to make a noise. _Douglas._ 2. To call forth by sound of trumpet. _Gawan and Gol._ Germ. _bomm-en_, resonare; or A. S. _beam_, _bema_, tuba. It is evident that beme is radically the same with _bommen_, because Germ. _bomme_, as well as A. S. _beam_, signifies a trumpet. BEME, _s._ A trumpet; ~Bemys~, pl. _Gawan and Gol._ O. E. _beem_, id. V. the _v._ BEMYNG, _s._ Bumming, buzzing. _Douglas._ BEN, _adv._ 1. Towards the inner apartment of a house; corresponding to ~But~, S. _Wyntown._ It is also used as a preposition, _Gae ben the house_, Go into the inner apartment. A ~But~ _and a_ ~Ben~, S.; i. e. a house containing two rooms. _Statist. Acc._ 2. It is used metaph. to denote intimacy, favour, or honour. Thus it is said of one, who is admitted to great familiarity with another, who either is, or wishes to be thought his superior; _He is far ben_. "_O'er far ben_, too intimate or familiar," Gl. Shirr. _Lyndsay._ Leg. as in edit. 1670, _far ben_. A. S. _binnan_, Belg. _binnen_, intus, (within); _binnen-kamer_, locus secretior in penetralibus domus; Kilian. Belg. _binnen gaan_, to go within, S. _to gae ben_; _binnen brengen_, to carry within, S. _to bring ben_. BEN-END, _s._ 1. _The ben-end of a house_, the inner part of it, S. 2. Metaph., the best part of any thing; as, _the ben-end of one's dinner_, the principal part of it, S. B. BEN-HOUSE, _s._ The inner or principal apartment, S. BENNER, _adj._ A comparative formed from _ben_. Inner, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ BENMOST is used as a superlative, signifying innermost. _Ferguson._ Teut. _binnenste_ is synon. BEN-INNO, _prep._ Within, beyond, S. B. _Journal Lond._ From _ben_, q. v. and A. S. _inne_, or _innon_, within; Alem. _inna_; Isl. _inne_, id. ~There-ben~, _adv._ Within, in the inner apartment, S. V. ~Thairben~. BEND, _s._ 1. Band, ribbon, or fillet; pl. _bendis_. _Douglas._ "_Bend_, a border of a woman's cap, North.; perhaps from _band_," Gl. Grose. 2. It is used improperly for a fleece. _Douglas._ A. S. _bend_, _baende_, Moes. G. _bandi_, Germ. _band_, Pers. _bend_, vinculum. _To_ BEND, _v. n._ To drink hard; a cant term, S. _Ramsay._ BEND, _s._ A pull of liquor, S. _Ramsay._ BENDER, _s._ A hard drinker, S. _Ramsay._ BENE, _v. subst._ Are. _Bellenden._ Chaucer, _ben_, id. from _beon_, third p. pl. subj. of the A. S. substantive verb. BENE is also used for _be_. _King's Quair._ BENE, BEIN, BEYNE, BIEN, _adj._ 1. Wealthy, well-provided, possessing abundance, S. _Henrysone._ This is perhaps the most common sense of the term, S. Thus we say, _A bene_ or _bein farmer_, a wealthy farmer, one who is in easy, or even in affluent circumstances; _a bein laird_, &c. 2. Warm, genial. In this sense it is applied to a fire, S. _Douglas._ 3. Pleasant. _Douglas._ 4. Happy, blissful, S. _Ferguson._ 5. Splendid, showy. _Wallace._ 6. Good, excellent in its kind. _Dunbar._ 7. Eager, new-fangled. People are said to be _bein_ upon any thing that they are very fond of, Loth. In this sense _bayne_ occurs in O. E. Isl. _bein-a_ signifies to prosper, to give success to any undertaking. _Bein_, as allied to this, signifies hospitable; _beine_, hospitality, hospitis advenae exhibita beneficentia. G. Andr. mentions the v. _beina_, as signifying, hospitii beneficia praestare. _Beini_, hospitality, liberality. BENELY, BEINLY, _adv._ In the possession of fulness, S. _L. Scotland's Lament._ BENE, _adv._ Well; _full bene_, full well. _Douglas._ This word is most probably from Lat. _benè_, well. BENJEL, _s._ A heap, a considerable quantity; as "a _benjel_ of coals," when many are laid at once on the fire, S. B. _Bensil_, however, is used in the same sense in the South and West of S. V. ~Bensell~. BENK, BINK, _s._ A bench, a seat. It seems sometimes to have denoted a seat of honour. _Kelly._ Dan. _benk_, Germ. _bank_, scamnum; Wachter. BENN, _s._ A sash. V. ~Bend~. _Statist. Acc._ BENORTH, _prep._ To the northward of; _besouth_, to the southward of, S. _Wyntown._ BENSELL, BENSAIL, BENT-SAIL, _s._ 1. Force, violence of whatever kind, S. _Douglas._ 2. A severe stroke; properly that which one receives from a push or shove, S. 3. "A severe rebuke," Gl. Shirr. "I got a terrible _bensell_;" I was severely scolded, S. 4. _Bensil of a fire_, a strong fire, South and West of S. It is not unlikely that the word was originally _bent-sail_, as alluding to a vessel driven by the force of the winds. _To_ BENSEL, _v. a._ To bang, or beat, Gl. Sibb. "_Bensel_, to beat or bang. Vox rustica, Yorksh." Gl. Grose. BENSHAW, BEANSHAW, _s._ A disease, apparently of horses. _Polwart._ Formed perhaps from A. S. _ban_, Teut. _been_, os, and _hef_, elevatio; q. the swelling of the bone. BENSHIE, BENSHI, _s._ Expl. "Fairy's wife." _Pennant._ It has been observed, that this being, who is still reverenced as the tutelar daemon of ancient Irish families, is of pure Celtic origin, and owes her title to two Gaelic words, _Ben_ and _sighean_, signifying the head or chief of the fairies. But it seems rather derived from Ir. Gael. _ben_, _bean_ a woman, said by Obrien to be the root of the Lat. _Venus_, and _sighe_, a fairy or hobgoblin. BENT, _s._ 1. A coarse kind of grass, growing on hilly ground, S. Agrostis vulgaris, Linn. Common hair-grass. 2. The coarse grass growing on the sea-shore, S. denoting the Triticum juncium, and also the Arundo arenaria. _Lightfoot._ 3. The open field, the plain, S. _Douglas._ 4. To _gae to the bent_, to provide for one's safety, to flee from danger, by leaving the haunts of men; as it is also vulgarly said, _to tak the cuntrie on his back_. _Henrysone._ Teut. _biendse_; Germ. _bintz_, _bins_, a rush, juncus, scirpus; a _binden_, vincire, quia sportas, sellas, fiscellas, et similia ex juncis conteximus; Wachter. BENTY, BENTEY, _adj._ Covered with bent-grass, S. _Monroe's Iles._ _To_ BER _on hand_. V. ~Bear~. BERBER, _s._ Barberry, a shrub. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gol._ L. B. _berberis_, Sw. id. BERE, _s._ Noise; also, To ~Bere~. V. ~Beir~. BERE, _s._ Boar. V. ~Bair~. _Douglas._ BERE, _s._ Barley. _Wyntown._ BERGLE, BERGELL, _s._ The wrasse, a fish, Orkn. _Barry._ The first syllable of its name is undoubtedly from Isl. _berg_, a rock. Had it any resemblance to the eel, we might suppose the last from _aal_, q. the _rock eel_. BERHEDIS, _s. pl._ Heads of boars. V. ~Bere~. _Gawan and Gal._ BERIT, _imperf._ V. ~Beir~, _v._ _To_ BERY, BERYSS, BERISCH, _v. a._ To inter, to bury. _Douglas._ A. S. _byrig-an_, id. Junius says that A. S. _byrig-an_ is literally, tumulare. It may, however, be supposed that the primitive idea is found in Isl. _birg-ia_, Franc. _berg-an_, to cover, to hide, to defend. BERIIS, _s._ Sepulture. A. S. _byrigels_, sepultura. _Birielis_ is accordingly used by Wiclif for tombs. BERYNES, BERYNISS, _s._ Burial, interment. _Barbour._ A. S. _byrignesse_, sepultura. BERY BROUNE, a shade of brown approaching to red. _Gawan. and Gol._ We still say, "as brown as a _berry_," S. A. S. _beria_, bacca. BERLE, _s._ Beryl, a precious stone. _Houlate._ From this _s._ Doug. forms the adj. _beriall_, shining like beryl. BERLY, _adj._ Apparently, strong, mighty. _Henrysone._ This word is the same, I suspect, with E. _burly_, strong. If _berly_ be the ancient word, either from Germ. _bar_, vir illustris; or from _baer_, ursus; especially as Su. G. _biorn_, id. was metaph. used to denote an illustrious personage. BERN, BERNE, _s._ 1. A baron. _Wallace._ 2. It is often used in a general sense, as denoting a man of rank or authority; or one who has the appearance of rank, although the degree of it be unknown. _Gawan and Gol._ 3. A man in general. _Douglas._ A. S. _beorne_, princeps, homo, Benson; "a prince, a nobleman, a man of honour and dignity," Somner. _Bern_, as denoting a man, in an honourable sense, may be from A. S. _bar_, free, or Lat. _baro_, used by Cicero, as equivalent to a lord or peer of the realm. BERN, _s._ A barn, a place for laying up and threshing grain. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _bern_, id. Junius supposes that this is comp. of _bere_, barley, and _ern_, place, q. "the place where barley is deposited," Gl. Goth. BERSIS, _s._ "A species of cannon formerly much used at sea. It resembled the faucon, but was shorter, and of a larger calibre," Gl. Compl. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _barce_, _berche_, "the piece of ordnance called a base;" Cotgr. pl. _barces_, _berches_. BERTH, _s._ Apparently, rage. _Wyntown._ Isl. and Sw. _braede_, id. BERTHINSEK, BIRDINSEK, BURDINSECK. _The law of Berthinsek_, a law, according to which no man was to be punished capitally for stealing a calf, sheep, or so much meat as he could carry on his back in a sack. _Skene._ A. S. _ge-burthyn in saeca_, a burden in a sack; or from _ge-beor-a_, portare. BERTYNIT, BERTNYT, _pret._ and _part. pa._ Struck, battered. _Wallace._ This is evidently the same with ~Brittyn~, q. v. BESAND, BEISAND, _s._ An ancient piece of cold coin, offered by the French kings at the mass of their consecration at Rheims, and called a _Bysantine_, as the coin of this description was first struck at _Byzantium_ or Constantinople. It is said to have been worth, in French money, fifty pounds _Tournois_. _Kennedy._ _To_ BESEIK, _v. a._ To beseech, to entreat. _Douglas._ A. S. _be_ and _sec-an_, to seek; Belg. _ver-soek-en_, to solicit, to entreat; Moes. G. _sok-jan_, to ask, used with respect to prayer. BESY, _adj._ Busy. _Wyntown._ A. S. _bysi_, Belg. _besigh_, id.; allied perhaps to Teut. _byse_ turbatus, _bijs-en_, violento impetu agitari. BESYNES, _s._ Business. _Wyntown._ BESYNE, BYSENE, BYSIM, _s._ Expl. "whore, bawd," Gl. Sibb. V. ~Bisym~. BESCHACHT, _part. pa._ 1. Not straight, distorted, Ang. 2. Torn, tattered; often including the idea of dirtiness, Perths. The latter seems to be an oblique use. V. ~Shacht~. _To_ BESLE, or BEZLE, _v. n._ To talk much at random, to talk inconsiderately and boldly on a subject that one is ignorant of, Ang. Belg. _beuzel-en_, to trifle, to fable; Teut. _beusel-en_, nugari. BESLE, BEZLE, _s._ Idle talking, Ang. Belg. _beusel_, id. BESMOTTRIT, _part. pa._ Bespattered, fouled. _Douglas._ A. S. _besmyt-an_, maculare, inquinare; Belg. _besmodder-en_, Germ. _schmader-n_, _schmatter-n_, to stain, S. to _smadd_, Su. G. _smitt-a_. BESOUTH, _prep._ To the southward of. V. ~Benorth~. BEST, _part. pa._ Struck, beaten. V. ~Baist~. _Barbour._ BEST, _part. pa._ Perhaps, fluttering, or shaken. _Barbour._ Isl. _beyst-i_, concutio. BEST, _s._ "Beast, any animal not human," Gl. Wynt. _Wyntown._ The term is still used in this general sense, S. pronounced q. _baist_. S. B. BEST-MAN, _s._ Brideman; as _best-maid_ is bride-maid; from having the _principal_ offices in waiting on the bride, S. BESTIAL, (_off Tre_) _s._ An engine for a siege. _Wallace._ It seems uncertain, whether this word be formed from Lat. _bestialis_, as at first applied to the engines called _rams_, _sows_, &c., or from Fr. _bastille_, a tower; L. B. _bastillae_. BESTIALITÉ, _s._ Cattle. _Complaynt S._ L. B. _bestialia_, pecudes; Fr. _bestail_. BESTREIK, _part. pa._ Drawn out; _gold bestreik_, gold wire or twist. _Burel._ Teut. _be-streck-en_, extendere. BESTURTED, _part. pa._ Startled, alarmed, afrighted, S. Germ. _besturz-en_, to startle; _besturzt seyn_, to be startled. Ihre views Isl. _stird-r_, rigid, immoveable, as the root. BESWAKIT, _part. pa._ Apparently, soaked, drenched. _Dunbar._ Isl. _sock_, mergor, _saukv-a_, mergi. _To_ BESWEIK, _v. a._ To allure; to beguile; to deceive. A. S. _swic-an_, _beswic-an_, Isl. _svik-ia_. Alem. _bisuich-en_, Su. G. _swik-a_, Germ. _schwick-en_, id. BET, _pret._ Struck. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _beat-an_, Su. G. _bet-a_; _tu bete_, thou hast struck. BET, BETT, _pret._ and _part._ Helped, supplied. V. ~Beit~. BET, _part. pa._ Built, erected. _Douglas._ This is a secondary and oblique sense of the _v._ _Beit_, q. v. BET, _adj._ Better. _King's Quair._ A. S. _bet_, Teut. _bat_, _bet_, melius, potius, magis; Alem. _bas_, _baz_, melior, the compar. of _bat_, bonus. A. S. _bet-an_, emendare, and the other synon. verbs in the Northern languages, have been viewed as originating the term. _Bet_, indeed, seems to be merely the past part., mended, i. e. made _better_. BETANE, _part. pa._ Perhaps, inclosed. _Barbour._ A. S. _betien-en_, _betyn-an_, to inclose, to shut up. BETAUCHT, BETUK, Delivered, committed in trust; delivered up. V. ~Betech~. _To_ BETECH, BETEACH, _v. a._ To deliver up, to consign; _betuk_, pret. _betaucht_, pret. and part. pa. _Barbour._ Hence "the common Scots expression, _God I beteach me till_," Rudd.; and that used by Ramsay, _Betootch-us-to_; i. e. Let us commend ourselves to the protection of some superior being. O. E. _bitoke_, committed; also _bitaughten_, _bitakun_, _bitauht_. A. S. _betaec-an_, tradere, concedere, assignare, commendare; to deliver, to grant, to assign or appoint, to betake or recommend unto; Somner. _Betaehte_, tradidit. BETHLERIS. Leg. ~Bechleris~. Bachelors. _Houlate._ _To_ BETRUMPE, _v. a._ To deceive. _Douglas._ _To_ BETREYSS, BETRASE, _v. a._ To betray. _Barbour._ _Betrasit_, Douglas; _betraissed_, Wallace; _betraised_, Chaucer; _betraist_, R. Brunne. Germ. _trieg-en_, _betrieg-en_; Fr. _trah-ir_, id. _trahi-son_, treason. BETWEESH, _prep._ Betwixt, S. V. ~Atweesh~. BEVAR, _s._ One who is worn out with age. _Henrysone._ It is evidently from the same source with _Bavard_, adj. q. v. We still say a _bevir-horse_ for a lean horse, or one worn out with age or hard work; S. BEVEL, _s._ A stroke; sometimes, a violent push with the elbow, S. _Many._ This is a derivative from _Baff_, _beff_, q. v. BEVEREN, BEVERAND, _part. pr._ _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ Perhaps from A. S. _befer-an_, circumdare; or as the same with _beverand_, which Sibb. renders "shaking, nodding;" deriving it from Teut. _bev-en_, contremere. This is a provincial E. word. "_Bevering_, trembling. North." Gl. Grose. BEVIE, (_of a fire_) _s._ A term used to denote a great fire; sometimes, _bevice_, S. Perhaps from E. _bavin_, "a stick like those bound up in faggots," Johnson. It is thus used in O. E. BEVIE, _s._ A jog, a push, S. from the same source with _bevel_. V. ~Baff~, _s._ BEVIS. V. ~Bevar~. BEUCH, _s._ (gutt.) A bough, a branch, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _boga_, _boh_, id. from _bug-an_, to bend. BEUCHIT, _part. pa._ (gutt.) Bowed, crooked, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _bug-an_, curvare. BEUGH, _s._ (gutt.) A limb, a leg, Border. _Evergreen._ Isl. _bog_, Alem. _puac_, Germ. _bug_, id. The term is applied both to man and to other animals. Both Ihre and Wachter view _bug-en_, to bend, as the origin; as it is by means of its joints that an animal bends itself. BEUGLE-BACKED, _adj._ Crook-backed. _Watson._ A. S. _bug-an_, to bow; Teut. _boechel_, gibbus. Germ. _bugel_, a dimin. from _bug_, denoting any thing curved or circular. It is undoubtedly the same word that is now pronounced _boolie-backit_, S. BEUKE, _pret. v._ Baked. _Douglas._ A. S. _boc_, pret. of _bac-an_, pinsere. BEULD, _adj._ Bow-legged, Ang.; q. _beugeld_ from the same origin with _beugle_, in _Beugle-backed_, q. v. BEW, _adj._ Good, honourable. _Bew schyris_, or _schirris_, good Sirs. Fr. _beau_, good. _Douglas._ _To_ BEWAVE, BEWAUE, _v. a._ To cause to wander or waver. _Palice of Honour._ A. S. _waf-ian_, vacillare, fluctuare. BEWIS, BEWYS, _s. pl._ Boughs. V. ~Beuch~. _Douglas._ BEWIS, _s. pl._ Beauties. O. Fr. _beau_, beauty. _Maitland Poems._ BEWITH, _s._ A thing which is employed as a substitute for another, although it should not answer the end so well. _Ramsay._ One who arrives, when the regular dinner is eaten, is said to get "only a _bewith_ for a dinner," S. From the subst. v. conjoined with the prep., q. what one must submit to for a time. _To_ BEWRY, _v. a._ To pervert, to distort. _Douglas._ Teut. _wroegh-en_, torquere, angere. BY, _prep._ 1. Beyond, S. _Pitscottie._ 2. Besides, over and above. _Pitscottie._ 3. Away from, without, without regard to, contrary to. _Wallace._ _By_, as thus used, is sometimes directly contrasted with _be_, as signifying _by_ in the modern sense of the term. This may be viewed as an oblique sense of _by_ as signifying _beyond_; perhaps in allusion to an arrow that flies wide from the mark. 4. In a way of distinction from, S. _Wallace._ BY, _adv._ When, after; q. by the time that. _Pitscottie._ This idiom is very ancient, Moes. G. _Bi the galithun thai brothrjus is_; _When_ his brethren were gone up. BY-HAND, _adv._ Over, S. V. ~Hand~. BY-LYAR, _s._ A neutral. _Knox._ From the _v_. _To lie by_, E. BIAS, a word used as a mark of the superlative degree; _bias bonny_, very handsome; _bias hungry_, very hungry, Aberd. BIB, _s._ A term used to denote the stomach, Ang., borrowed, perhaps, from the use of that small piece of linen, thus denominated, which covers the breast or stomach of a child. BYBILL, _s._ A large writing, a scroll so extensive that it may be compared to a book. _Detection Q. Mary._ The word occurs in a similar sense in O. E. As used by Chaucer, Tyrwhitt justly renders it "any great book." In the dark ages, when books were scarce, those, which would be most frequently mentioned, would doubtless be the _Bible_ and _Breviary_. Or, this use of the word may be immediately from L. B. _biblus_, a book, (Gr. βιβλος), which occurs in this sense from the reign of Charlemagne downwards. BICHMAN, _s._ Perhaps, for _buthman_, q. _boothman_, one who sells goods in a _booth_. _Dunbar._ In edit. 1508, it is _buthman_. BYCHT. V. ~Lycht~. _Houlate._ BICK, _s._ A bitch; "the female of the canine kind," S. A. S. _bicca_, _bicce_, id.; Isl. _bickia_, catella. _To_ BICKER, BYKER, _v. a._ This _v_., as used in S., does not merely signify, "to fight, to skirmish, to fight off and on," as it is defined in E. dictionaries. It also denotes, 1. The constant motion of weapons of any kind, and the rapid succession of strokes, in a battle or broil. _Wallace._ 2. To fight by throwing stones; S. 3. To move quickly; S. 4. It expresses the noise occasioned by successive strokes, by throwing of stones, or by any rapid motion; S. C. B. _bicre_, a battle; "Pers. _pykar_." id. Gl. Wynt. BICKER, BIKERING, _s._ 1. A fight carried on with stones; a term among schoolboys, S. 2. A contention, strife, S. _Baillie._ BICKER, BIQUOUR, _s._ A bowl, or dish for containing liquor; properly, one made of wood; S. _Evergreen._ Germ. _becher_; Isl. _baukur_, _bikare_; Sw. _bagare_; Dan. _begere_; Gr. and L. B. βεικαρι, _baccarium_; Ital. _bicchiere_, patera, scyphus. _To_ BID, _v. a._ 1. To desire, to pray for. _Henrysone._ This sense is common in O. E. 2. To care for, to value. _Douglas._ From the same origin with ~Bedis~, q. v. _To_ BIDE, BYDE, _v. a._ 1. To await, to wait for. _Kelly._ 2. To suffer, to endure. "He _bides_ a great deal of pain;" S. Westmorel, id. _Ross._ An oblique sense of Moes. G. _beid-an_, A. S. _bid-an_, expectare. _To_ BIDE _be_, _v. n._ To continue in one state, S. BIDINGS, _s. pl._ Sufferings. V. ~Bide~, _v._ BY-EAST, towards the east. V. ~Be~, _prep._ BIERDLY, BIERLY, _adj._ _Popular Ball._ It is viewed as the same with _Burdly_, q. v. But to me it seems rather to signify, fit, proper, becoming, from Isl. _byr-iar_, _ber_, decet, oportet. BIERLING, _s._ A galley, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ BIG, BIGG, _s._ A particular species of barley, also denominated _bear_, S. Cumb. id. barley. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _bygg_, hordeum, Dan. _byg_, Su. G. _biugg_, id. _To_ BIG, BYG, _v. a._ To build; S., Cumb., Westmorel., id. _Wallace._ This word occurs in O. E. although not very frequently. A. S. _bycg-an_, Isl. _bygg-ia_, Su. G. _bygg-a_, aedificare, instruere, a frequentative from _bo_, id.; as it is customary with the Goths thus to augment monosyllables in _o_; as _sugg-a_ from _so_, a sow. BIGGAR, _s._ A builder, one who carries on a building. _Acts Marie._ BIGGING, BYGGYN, BYGGYNGE, _s._ A building; a house, properly of a larger size, as opposed to a cottage, S. _Wallace._ _Biggin_, a building, Gl. Westmorel. Isl. _bigging_, structura. BIGGIT, _part. pa._ Built. This word is used in various senses, S. _Biggit land_, land where there are houses or buildings, contrasted with one's situation in a solitude, or far from any shelter during a storm, S. _Barbour._ _Weill biggit_, well-grown, lusty. _Melvill's MS._ _A weill biggit body_ is one who has acquired a good deal of wealth, S. B. BIGGIT, _pret._ Perhaps, inclined. A. S. _byg-an_, flectere. _King Hart._ BIGLY, BYGLY, _adj._ Commodious, or habitable. _Bludy Serk._ From A. S. _big-an_, habitare, and _lic_, similis. BIGHTSOM, _adj._ Implying an easy air, and, at the same time, activity, S. B. _Morison._ Perhaps q. _buxom_, from A. S. _bocsum_ flexibilis; _byg-an_, to bend. BIGONET, _s._ A linen cap or coif. _Ramsay._ From the same origin with E. _biggin_, "a kind of coif, or linen-cap for a young child;" Phillips. Fr. _beguin_. id. BYGANE, BIGANE, BYGONE, _adj._ 1. Past; S. The latter is mentioned by Dr Johnson as "a Scotch word." _Acts Ja. I._ 2. Preceding; equivalent to E. predeceased. _Douglas._ BYGANES, BIGONES, used as _s. pl._ denoting what is past, but properly including the idea of transgression or defect. 1. It denotes offences against the sovereign, or the state, real or supposed. _Baillie._ 2. It is used in relation to the quarrels of lovers, or grounds of offence give by either party, S. _Morison._ 3. It often denotes arrears, sums of money formerly due, but not paid, S. _Wodrow._ BIGS, Barbour, xix. 392. Pink. ed. Leg. ~Lugis~. BIKE, BYKE, BEIK, _s._ 1. A building, an habitation, S. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. A nest or hive of bees, wasps, or ants, S. _Douglas._ 3. A building erected for the preservation of grain; Caithn. _Pennant._ 4. Metaph. an association or collective body; S. _Lyndsay._ _To skail the byke_, metaph. to disperse an assembly of whatever kind; S. Isl. _biik-ar_ denotes a hive, alvear; and Teut. _bie-bock_, _bie-buyck_, apiarium, alvearium, Kilian. The Isl. word is probably from Su. G. _bygg-a_, to build, part. pa. _bygdt_; q. something prepared or built. There seems to be no reason to doubt that the word, as used in sense 2, is the same with that denoting a habitation. For what is a _byke_ or _bee-bike_, but a building or habitation of bees? BYK, Apparently, an errat. for _byt_, bite. _Dunbar._ BYKAT, BEIKAT, _s._ A male salmon; so called, when come to a certain age, because of the _beak_ which grows in his under jaw; Ang. BILBIE, _s._ Shelter, residence; Ang. This, I apprehend, is a very ancient word. It may be either from Su.G. _byle_, habitaculum, and _by_, pagus, conjoined, as denoting residence in a village; or more simply, from _Bolby_, villa primaria; from _bol_, praedium, and _by_, a village. Thus _bolby_ would signify a village which has a _praedium_, or territory of its own, annexed to it. BILEFT, _pret._ Remained, abode. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _belif-an_, superesse, to remain; Alem. _bilib-en_, Franc, _biliu-en_, manere; Schilter. BILGET, _adj._ Bulged, jutting out. _Douglas._ Su. G. _bulg-ia_, to swell, whence Isl. _bylgia_, a billow. Or, Isl. _eg belge_, curvo; _belgia huopta_, inflare buccas. _To_ BILL, _v. a._ To register, to record. _Bp. Forbes._ BILLIE, BILLY, _s._ 1. A companion, a comrade. _Minstrelsy Border._ 2. Fellow, used rather contemptuously, S. synon. _chield_, _chap_. _Shirrefs._ 3. As a term expressive of affection and familiarity; S. _Ramsay._ 4. A lover, one who is in suit of a woman. _Evergreen._ Still used in this sense, S. B. 5. A brother, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ 6. Apparently used in allusion to brotherhood in arms, according to the ancient laws of chivalry. _Minstrelsy Border._ 7. A young man. In this sense it is often used in the pl. _The billies_, or, _the young billies_, S. B. It is expl. "a stout man, a clever fellow," Gl. Shirr. 8. Sometimes it signifies a boy, S. B. as synon. with _callan_. _Ross._ It is probably allied to Su. G. Germ. _billig_, Belg. _billik_, equalis; as denoting those that are on a footing as to age, rank, relation, affection, or employment. BILLIT, _adj._ "Shod with iron," Rudd. _Billit ax_. _Douglas._ This phrase is perhaps merely a circumlocution for the _bipennis_, or large ax. V. ~Balax~. BILTER, _s._ A child, Dumfr.; Isl. _pilter_, puellus. BIN, _s._ A mountain, S. O. _Galloway._ From Gael. _ben_, id., Lomond _bin_, being synon. with _Benlomond_. BIND, BINDE, _s._ 1. Dimension, size; especially with respect to circumference. A barrel of a certain _bind_, is one of certain dimensions, S.; hence _Barrell bind_. _Acts Ja. III._ 2. It is used more generally to denote size in any sense. _Acts Marie._ 3. Metaph. to denote ability. "Aboon my _bind_" beyond my power. This is often applied to pecuniary ability; S. This use of the word is evidently borrowed from the idea of _binding_ a vessel with hoops. BINDLE, _s._ The cord or rope that binds any thing, whether made of hemp or of straw; S. Su. G. _bindel_, a headband, a fillet, from _bind-as_, to bind. Teut. _bindel_, ligamen. BINDWOOD, _s._ The vulgar name for ivy, S.; Hedera helix, Linn.; pron. _binwud_. Denominated, perhaps, from the strong hold that it takes of a wall, a rock, trees, &c. q. the _binding wood_. It is probably the same which is written _benwood_. _Statist. Acc._ BING, _s._ 1. A heap in general. _Lyndsay._ 2. A heap of grain, S. _Douglas._ 3. A pile of wood; immediately designed as a funeral pile. _Douglas._ 4. "A temporary inclosure or repository made of boards, twigs, or straw ropes, for containing grain or such like;" Gl. Sibb., where it is also written _binne_. Dan. _bing_, Sw. _binge_, Isl. _bing-r_, cumulus. _To_ BYNGE, _v. n._ To cringe. V. ~Beenge~. _To_ BINK, _v. a._ To press down, so as to deprive any thing of its proper shape. It is principally used as to shoes, when, by careless wearing, they are allowed to fall down in the heels; S. O. Teut. _bangh-en_, premere, in angustum cogere. Sw. _bank-a_, to beat seems allied; q. to beat down. BINK, _s._ 1. A bench, a seat; S. B. _Priests of Peblis._ 2. A wooden frame, fixed to the wall of a house, for holding plates, bowls, spoons, &c. Ang. It is also called a _Plate-rack_; S. _Colvil._ BINK, _s._ A bank, an acclivity, S. B. _Evergreen._ Wachter observes that Germ. _bank_, Su. G. _baenk_, denote any kind of eminence. ~V. Benk~. BINWEED. V. ~Bunwede~. BYPTICIT, _part. pa._ Dipped or dyed. Lat. _baptizo_. _Houlate._ BIR, BIRR, _s._ Force. I find that Isl. _byr_, expl. ventus ferens, is deduced from _ber-a_, ferre; Gl. Edd. Saem. V. ~Beir~. BIRD, BEIRD, BRID, BURD, _s._ 1. A lady, a damsel. _Gawan and Gol._ As _bridde_ is the word used by Chaucer for bird, it is merely the A. S. term for pullus, pullulus. _Bird_, as applied to a damsel, appears to be the common term used in a metaph. sense. 2. Used, also metaph., to denote the young of quadrupeds, particularly of the fox. V. ~Tod's Birds~. BYRD, _v. imp._ It behoved, it became. _Barbour._ A. S. _byreth_, pertinet. This imp. v. may have been formed from _byr-an_, _ber-an_, to carry, or may be viewed as nearly allied to it. Hence _bireth_, gestavit; Germ. _berd_, _ge-baerd_, id., _sich berd-en_, gestum facere. Su. G. _boer-a_, debere, pret. _borde_, anciently _boerjade_. BIRDING, _s._ Burden, load. V. ~Birth, Byrth~. _Douglas._ A. S. _byrthen_, Dan. _byrde_, id. BIRD-MOUTH'D, _adj._ Mealy-mouth'd, S. _Ramsay._ BYRE, _s._ Cowhouse, S. _Byer_, id. Cumb. _Gawan and Gol._ Perhaps allied to Franc. _buer_, a cottage; _byre_, Su. G. _byr_, a village; Germ. _bauer_, habitaculum, cavea; from Su. G. _bo_, _bu-a_, to dwell. Or from Isl. _bu_, a cow; Gael. _bo_, id. BIRK, _s._ Birch, a tree; S. Betula alba, Linn. _Douglas._ A. S. _birc_, Isl. _biorki_, Teut. _berck_, id. _To_ BIRK, _v. n._ To give a tart answer, to converse in a sharp and cutting way; S. A. S. _birc-an_, _beorc-an_, to bark, q. of a snarling humour. Hence, BIRKIE, _adj._ Tart, in speech, S. BIRKY, _s._ 1. A lively young fellow; a person of mettle; S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ 2. _Auld Birky_, "In conversation, analogous to _Old Boy_," Gl. Shirr. _Ramsay._ Allied perhaps to Isl. _berk-ia_, jactare, to boast; or _biarg-a_, opitulari, q. one able to give assistance. BIRKIN, BIRKEN, _adj._ Of, or belonging to birch; S. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _beorcen_, id. _To_ BIRL, BIRLE, _v. a._ 1. This word primarily signifies the act of pouring out, or furnishing drink for guests, or of parting it among them. _Douglas._ 2. To ply with drink. _Minst. Border._ 3. To drink plentifully, S. _Douglas._ 4. To club money for the purpose of procuring drink. "I'll _birle_ my bawbie," I will contribute my share of the expence; S. _Ramsay._ In Isl. it is used in the first sense; _byrl-a_, infundere, miscere potum. In A. S. it occurs in sense third, _biril-ian_, _birl-ian_, haurire. Hence _byrle_, a butler. Isl. _byrlar_, id. _Birle_, O. E. has the same signification. _To_ BIRL, _v. n._ V. ~Birr~, _v._ BIRLAW-COURT, also BIRLEY-COURT. V. ~Burlaw~. BIRLEY-OATS, BARLEY-OATS, _s. pl._ A species of oats, S. _Statist. Acc._ It seems to have received its name from its supposed resemblance to _barley_. BIRLIE, _s._ A loaf of bread; S. B. BIRLIN, _s._ A small vessel used in the Western Islands. _Martin._ Probably of Scandinavian origin, as Sw. _bars_ is a kind of ship; and _berling_, a boat-staff, Seren. I am informed, however, that in Gael. the word is written _bhuirlin_. _To_ BIRN, _v. a._ To burn. V. ~Bryn~. BIRN, BIRNE, _s._ A burnt mark; S. _Acts Charles II._ _Skin and Birn_, a common phrase, denoting the whole of any thing, or of any number of persons or things; S. from A. S. _byrn_, burning. _Acts Marie._ BIRN, _s._ A burden, S. B. _Ross._ To _gie_ one's _birn a hitch_, to assist him in a strait, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ An abbreviation of A. S. _byrthen_, burden; if not from C. B. _biorn_, onus, _byrnia_, onerare; Davies. BIRNIE, BYRNIE, _s._ A corslet, a brigandine. _Douglas._ A. S. _byrn_, _byrna_, Isl. _bryn_, _brynia_, Sw. _bringa_, thorax, lorica, munimentum pectoris; probably from Isl. _bringa_, pectus. BIRNS, _s. pl._ Roots, the stronger stems of burnt heath, which remain after the smaller twigs are consumed; S. A. S. _byrn_, incendium. _Pennycuik._ BIRR, _s._ Force. V. ~Beir~. _To_ BIRR, _v. n._ To make a whirring noise, especially in motion; the same with _birle_, S. V. ~Beir~, _s._ _Douglas._ _To_ ~Birl~, _v. n._ 1. To "make a noise like a cart driving over stones, or mill-stones at work." It denotes a constant drilling sound, S. _Popular Ball._ 2. Used improperly, to denote quick motion in walking, Loth. _Birl_ seems to be a dimin. from the v. _Birr_, used in the same sense, formed by means of the letter _l_, a common note of diminution. BIRS, BIRSE, BYRSS, BIRSSIS, _s._ 1. A bristle, "a sow's _birse_," the bristle of a sow, S. _Evergreen._ 2. Metaph. for the beard. _Knox._ 3. Metaph. for the indication of rage or displeasure. "To set up one's _birss_," to put one in a rage. The _birse_ is also said to _rise_, when one's temper becomes warm, in allusion to animals fenced with bristles, that defend themselves, or express their rage in this way, S. _Course of Conformitie._ A. S. _byrst_, Germ. _borst_, _burst_, Su. G. _borst_, id. Ihre derives it from _burr_, a thistle. Sw. _saettia up borsten_, to put one in a rage; _borsta sig_, to give one's self airs, E. to bristle up. ~Birssy~, _adj._ 1. Having bristles, rough, S. _Douglas._ 2. Hot-tempered, easily irritated, S. 3. Keen, sharp; applied to the weather. "A _birssy_ day," a cold bleak day, S. B. _To_ BIRSE, BIRZE, BRIZE, _v. a._ 1. To bruise, S. _Watson._ _Palice of Honour._ _Brise_ is common in O. E. 2. To push or drive; _to birse in_, to push in, S. _Shirrefs._ A. S. _brys-an_, Belg. _brys-en_; Ir. _bris-im_; Fr. _bris-er_, id. BIRSE, BRIZE, _s._ A bruise, S. _To_ BIRSLE, BIRSTLE, BRISSLE, _v. a._ 1. To burn slightly, to broil, to parch by means of fire; as, _to birsle pease_, S. _Douglas._ 2. To scorch; referring to the heat of the sun, S. _Douglas._ 3. To warm at a lively fire, S. A. Bor. _brusle_, id. Su. G. _brasa_, a lively fire; whence Isl. _brys_, ardent heat, and _bryss-a_, to act with fervour, _ec breiske_, torreo, aduro; A. S. _brastl_, glowing, _brastlian_, to burn, to make a crackling noise. BIRSLE, BRISSLE, _s._ A hasty toasting or scorching, S. BIRTH, BYRTH, _s._ Size, bulk, burden. V. ~Burding~. _Douglas._ Isl. _byrd_, _byrth-ur_, _byrth-i_, Dan. _byrde_, Su. G. _boerd_, burden; whence _byrding_, navis oneraria. The origin is Isl. _ber-a_, Su. G. _baer-a_, A. S. _ber-an_, _byr-an_, portare. BIRTH, _s._ A current in the sea, caused by a furious tide, but taking a different course from it, Orkn. Caithn. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _byrdia_, currere, festinare, Verel.; as apparently signifying a strong _current_. BY-RUNIS, _s. pl._ Arrears. _Skene._ This is formed like ~By-ganes~, q. v. BYRUNNING, _part. pr._ Waved. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _birinn-an_, percurrere. BISHOPRY, _s._ Episcopacy, government by diocesan bishops. _Apologet. Relation._ A. S. _biscoprice_, episcopatus. BISHOP'S FOOT. It is said, _The Bishop's foot has been in the broth_, when they are singed, S. This phrase seems to have had its origin in times of Popery, when the clergy had such extensive influence, that hardly any thing could be done without their interference. A similar phrase is used A. Bor. "_The bishop has set his foot in it_, a saying in the North, used for milk that is burnt-to in boiling." BISKET, _s._ Breast. V. ~Brisket~. BISM, BYSYME, BISNE, BISINE, _s._ _Abyss_, gulf. _Douglas._ Fr. _abysme_, Gr. αβυσσος. BISMAR, BYSMER, _s._ A steelyard, or instrument for weighing resembling it; sometimes _bissimar_, S. B., Orkn. V. ~Pundlar~. _Barry._ Isl. _bismari_, _besmar_, libra, trutina minor; Leg. West Goth. _bismare_, Su. G. _besman_; Teut. _bosemer_, id. stater; Kilian. G. Andr. derives this word from Isl. _bes_, a part of a pound weight. BISMARE, BISMERE, _s._ 1. A bawd. _Douglas._ 2. A lewd woman, in general. _Douglas._ "F. ab A. S. _bismer_, contumelia, aut _bismerian_, illudere, dehonorare, polluere," Rudd. BISMER, _s._ The name given to a species of stickle-back, Orkn. _Barry._ BISMING, BYISMING, BYISNING, BYSENING, BYSYNT, _adj._ Horrible, monstrous. V. ~Byssym~. _Douglas._ BYSPRENT, _part. pa._ Besprinkled, overspread. _Douglas._ Belg. _besprengh-en_, to sprinkle. BISSARTE, BISSETTE, _s._ A buzzard, a kind of hawk. _Acts Ja. II._ Germ. _busert_, Fr. _bussart_, id. _To_ BYSSE, BIZZ, _v. n._ To make a hissing noise, as hot iron plunged into water, S. _Douglas._ Belg. _bies-en_, to hiss like serpents. BISSE, BIZZ, _s._ A hissing noise, S. _Ferguson._ BYSSYM, BYSYM, BESUM, BYSN, BISSOME, BUSSOME, BYSNING, _s._ 1. A monster. _Houlate._ 2. A prodigy, something portentous of calamity. _Knox._ 3. _Bysim_ is still used as a term highly expressive of contempt for a woman of an unworthy character, S. V. ~Bisming~. Mr Macpherson, vo. _Bysynt_, mentions A. S. _bysmorfull_, horrendus. Isl. _bysmarfull_ has the same sense; _bysna_, to portend; _bysn_, a prodigy, grande quod ac ingens, G. Andr. BISTAYD, BISTODE, _pret._ Perhaps, surrounded. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _bestod_, circumdedit, from _bestand-an_, Teut. _besteen_, circumsistere, circumdare. BYSTOUR, BOYSTURE, _s._ A term of contempt; the precise meaning of which seems to be lost. _Polwart._ Several similar terms occur, as Fr. _bistorié_, crooked, _boister_, to limp; _bustarin_, a great lubber. BIT, _s._ A vulgar term used for food, S. _Bit and baid_, meat and clothing, S. B. _Ross._ Although _baid_ be understood of clothing, I suspect that it, as well as _bit_, originally signified food, from A. S. _bead_, a table. BYT, _s._ The pain occasioned by a wound. _Douglas._ A. S. _byt_, morsus, metaph. used. BYTESCHEIP, _s._ A contemptuous term, meant as a play on the title of _Bishop_. _Semple._ BITTILL, _s._ A beetle, a heavy mallet, especially one used for beating clothes. _Houlate._ _To_ BYWAUE, _v. a._ To cover, to hide, to cloak. _Douglas._ A. S. _bewoef-an_, Moes. G. _biwaib-jan_, id. _To_ BIZZ, _v. n._ To hiss. V. ~Bysse~. _To_ BIZZ, BIZZ _about_, _v. n._ To be in constant motion, to bustle, S. Su. G. _bes-a_, a term applied to beasts which, when beset with wasps, drive hither and thither; Teut. _bies-en_, _bys-en_, furente ac violento impetu agitari, Kilian. BLA, BLAE, _adj._ Livid; a term frequently used to denote the appearance of the skin when discoloured by a severe stroke or contusion, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _blaa_, Isl. _bla-r_, Germ. _blaw_, Belg. _blauw_, Franc. _plauu_, lividus, glaucus. _To_ BLABBER, BLABER, BLEBER, _v. n._ To babble, to speak indistinctly. _R. Bruce._ Teut. _blabber-en_, confuse et inepte garrire, Jun. vo. _Blab_. Hence, BLABERING, _s._ Babbling. _Douglas._ BLACKAVICED, _adj._ Dark of the complexion, S. from _black_ and Fr. _vis_, the visage. _Ramsay._ BLACK-BOYDS, _s. pl._ The name given to the fruit of the bramble, West of S. BLACK-BURNING, _adj._ Used in reference to shame, when it is so great as to produce deep blushing, or to crimson the countenance, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. Isl. _blygd_, shame, blushing; _blygd-a_, to blush; q. the burning of blushes. BLACK-COCK, _s._ The Heath-cock, black Game, S. Tetrao tetrix, Linn. V. Penn. Zool. p. 266. Tetrao seu Urogallus minor.--Gallus palustris Scoticus, Gesn. Nostratibus, the _Black cock_. Sibb. Scot. p. 16. V. ~Capercailye~. BLACK FISH, fish when they have recently spawned. V. ~Reid Fische~. BLACK-FISHING, _s._ Fishing for salmon, under night, by means of torches, S. V. ~Leister~. _Statist. Acc._ BLACK-FOOT, _s._ A sort of matchmaker; one who goes between a lover and his mistress, endeavouring to bring the fair one to compliance, S. pronounced _black-fit_; synon. _Mush_, q. v. BLACK-HEAD, _s._ The Powit-gull, Shetl. _Neill._ BLACK-MAIL. V. ~Mail~. BLACK PUDDING. V. ~Mart~. BLACK SPAUL, a disease of cattle, S. _Essays Highl. Soc._ BLAD, BLAUD, _s._ A large piece of any thing, a considerable portion, S. expl. "a flat piece of any thing," Gl. Burns. _Polwort._ "A _blad_ of bread," is a large flat piece. "I gat a _great blad_ of Virgil by heart;" I committed to memory a great many verses from Virgil. To _ding in blads_, to drive in pieces. _Melville's MS._ This word, as perhaps originally applied to food, may be from A. S. _blaed_, fruit of any kind; _blaed_, _bled_, also denoted _pot-herbs_; Ir. _bladh_, a part; _bladh-am_, I break. _Blads and dawds_, is still the designation given to large leaves of greens boiled whole, in a sort of broth, Aberd. Loth. BLAD, _s._ A person who is of a soft constitution; whose strength is not in proportion to his size or looks; often applied to a young person, who has become suddenly tall, but is of a relaxed habit, S. B. Allied, perhaps, to A. S. _blaed_, as denoting, either the boughs or leaves of trees, or growing corn; as both often shoot out so rapidly as to give the idea of weakness; or, to Germ. _blode_, the original sense of which is, weak, feeble. BLAD, _s._ A portfolio, S. B. As the E. word is comp. of Fr. _porter_, to carry, and _feuille_, a leaf; the S. term has a similar origin, being evidently from Su. G. _blad_, A. S. _blaed_, folium. _To_ BLAD. 1. Used impers. "Its _bladdin on o' weet_," the rain is driving on; a phrase that denotes intermitting showers accompanied with squalls, S. 2. To abuse, to maltreat in whatever way. Aberd. Corn is said to be _bladdit_, when overthrown by wind. 3. To slap, to strike; to drive by striking, or with violence, S. _Dad_, synon. _Evergreen._ Germ. _blodern_ is used in the first sense. _Es blodert_, it storms and snows; also, _blat-en_, to blow. Isl. _blaegt-a_ indeed signifies, to be moved by the wind, motari aura; O. Fr. _plaud-er_, to bang, to maul. BLAD, _s._ A squall; always including the idea of rain, S. A heavy fall of rain is called "a _blad_ of weet," S. B. ~Bladdy~, _adj._ Inconstant, unsettled; applied to the weather. "A _bladdy_ day," is one alternately fair and foul. BLAD, _s._ A dirty spot on the cheek, S. perhaps q. the effect of a blow, Gael. _blad_, however, is synon. BLADARIE, _s._ Perhaps, vain glory. _R. Bruce._ Teut. _blaeterije_, jactantia, vaniloquentia. BLADDERAND, BLADDRAND. V. ~Blether~. BLADE, _s._ The leaf of a tree, S. A. S. _blaed_, _bled_; Su. G. Isl. Belg. _blad_, Germ. _blat_, Alem. _plat_, id.; perhaps the part. pa. of A. S. _blew-an_, _blow-an_, florere, to bud, to burgeon; _blaewed_, q. what is _blowed_, or shot forth; just as Franc. _bluat_, flos, is from _bly-en_, florere. BLADOCH, BLEDOCH, BLADDA, s. Butter-milk, S. B. _Bannatyne Poems._ Ir. _bladhach_, Gael. _blath-ach_, id. C. B. _blith_, milk in general. BLADRY, _s._ Expl. "trumpery." _Kelly._ It may be either the same with _Bladarie_, or _Blaidry_, q. v. BLAE, BLAY, _s._ The rough parts of wood left in consequence of boring or sawing, S. B. Germ. _bleh_, thin leaves or plates; lamina, bracteola; Wachter. BLAES, _s. pl._ Apparently, lamina of stone, S. _Law Case._ BLAE, _adj._ Livid. V. ~Bla~. BLAE-BERRY, _s._ The Billberry; Vaccinium myrtillus, Linn. _Ramsay._ Sw. _bla-baer_, vaccinium, Seren. Isl. _blaber_, myrtilli; G. Andr. _To_ BLAFLUM, _v. a._ To beguile, S. V. ~Bleflum~. _Ramsay._ BLAIDRY, _s._ Nonsense. V. ~Blether~, _v._ BLAIDS, _s. pl._ _Watson's Coll._ A. S. _blaedr_, Su. G. _blaedot_, and Germ. _blater_, denote a pimple, or swelling with many reddish pimples that eat and spread. A. S. _blaecth_, leprosy. BLAIN, _s._ A mark left by a wound, the discolouring of the skin after a sore, S. _Rutherford._ A. S. _blegene_, Belg. _bleyne_, pustula. But our term is more closely allied to Isl. _blina_, which is not only rendered _pustula_, but also, _caesio ex verbere_; G. Andr. Germ. _blae-en_, to swell. BLAIN, _s._ A blank, a vacancy. _A blain in a field_, a place where the grain has not sprung, Loth. Probably a metaph. use of the preceding word. BLAIR, _s._ That part of flax which is afterwards used in manufacture, properly after it has been steeped, and laid out for being dried; for it is subsequently called _lint_, S. This in E. is denominated _harle_. Sw. _blaer_, hards of flax; but rather from Isl. _blaer_, aura, because it is thus exposed to the drought. _To_ BLAIR, _v. n._ To become dry by exposure to the drought, Ang. BLAIRIN, _s._ The ground appropriated for drying flax, Ang. This term also denotes the ground on which peats are laid out to be dried, ibid. BLAIRAND, _part. pr._ Roaring, crying. Teut. _blaer-en_, mugire, Gl. Sibb. BLAIT, _adj._ Naked, bare. _Pr. of Peblis._ BLAIT, BLATE, _adj._ 1. Bashful, sheepish, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Blunt, unfeeling; a secondary sense. _Douglas._ 3. Curt, rough, uncivil. _Spalding._ 4. Easily deceived. _Gl. Surv. Nairn._ O. E. _blade_, silly, frivolous; or in the same sense in which we now speak of a blunt reason or excuse. Isl. _blaad-ur_, _blauth-ur_, _blaud_, soft. The word seems to be primarily applied to things which are softened by moisture. Mollis, limosus, maceratus. Hence used to signify what is feminine; as opposed to _huat-ar_, masculine. It also signifies, timid. _Bleyde_, softness, fear, shame; _hugbleith_, softness of mind; Germ. Su. G. _blode_, Belg. _blood_, mollis, timidus. BLAIT-MOUIT, _adj._ Bashful, sheepish, q. ashamed to open one's mouth. BLAITIE-BUM, s. Simpleton, stupid fellow. _Lyndsay._ If this be the genuine orthography, perhaps from Teut. _blait_, vaniloquus; or rather, blait, sheepish, and _bomme_, tympanum. But it is generally written _Batie-bum_, q. v. BLAK _of the_ EIE, the apple of the eye, S. _R. Bruce._ BLAN, _pret._ Caused to cease. _Gawan and Gol._ It is undoubtedly the pret. of _blin_; A. S. _blan_, _blann_, cessavit. BLANCHART, _adj._ White. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _blanc_, _blanche_, id. The name _blanchards_ is given to a kind of linen cloth the yarn of which has been twice bleached, before it was put into the loom; perhaps immediately from Teut. _blancke_, id. and _aerd_, Belg. _aardt_, nature. V. ~Art~. BLANCIS, _s. pl._ Ornaments worn by those who represented Moors, in the Pageant exhibited at Edinburgh, A. 1590. _Watson's Coll._ If not allied to Fr. _blanc_, white, it may be a cognate of Germ. Su. G. _blaess_, Isl. _bles_, signum album in fronte equi; whence E. _blason_, S. _Bawsand_, q. v. BLAND, _s._ Some honourable piece of dress worn by knights and men of rank. _Maitland Poems._ _Blanda_, according to Bullet, is a robe adorned with purple, a robe worn by grandees. Su. G. _blyant_, _bliant_, a kind of precious garment among the ancients, which seems to have been of silk. _To_ BLAND, _v. a._ To mix, to blend. _Douglas._ Su. G. Isl. _bland-a_, to mix. BLANDED BEAR, barley and common bear mixed, S. _Statist. Acc._ From Su. G. _bland-a_ is formed _blan-saed_, meslin or mixed corn. BLAND, _s._ A drink used in the Shetland Islands. _Brand._ Isl. _blanda_, cinnus, mixtura, pro potu, aqua mixto; Su. G. _bland_ dicebatur mel aqua permixtum. _To_ BLANDER, _v. a._ 1. To babble, to diffuse any report, such especially as tends to injure the character of another, S. 2. Sometimes used to denote the want of regard to truth in narration; a thing very common with tattlers, S. B. Perhaps from Isl. _bland-a_, Dan. _bland-er_, to mingle, as denoting the blending of truth with falsehood. BLANDIT, _part. pa._ Flattered, soothed. _Dunbar._ Fr. _blander_, to soothe, Lat. _blandiri_. _To_ BLASH, _n. a._ To soak, to drench. "To _blash_ one's stomach," to drink too copiously of any weak and diluting liquor; S. V. ~Plash~. Perhaps radically the same with _plash_, from Germ. _platz-en_. BLASH, _s._ A heavy fall of rain; S. BLASHY, _adj._ Deluging, sweeping away by inundation; S. _Ramsay._ _Blashy_, "thin, poor; Northumb." BLASNIT, _adj._ Perhaps, bare, bald, without hair. _Bannatyne Poems._ Germ. _bloss_, bare, _bloss-en_, to make bare; or rather, Teut. _bles_, calvus, whence _blesse_, frons capillo nuda. BLASOWNE, _s._ 1. Dress over the armour, on which the armorial bearings were blazoned. _Wyntown._ 2. The badge of office worn by a king's messenger on his arm, S. _Erskine._ Germ. _blaesse_ denotes a sign in general. Thence _blazon_, a term marking that sign, in heraldry, which is peculiar to each family. The origin seems to be Su. G. _blaesse_. V. ~Bawsand~. _To_ BLAST, _v. n._ 1. To pant, to breathe hard, S. B. _Ross._ 2. To smoke tobacco, S. B. 3. To blow with a wind instrument. _Gawan and Gol._ 4. To boast, to speak in an ostentatious manner. S. Su. G _blaas-a_, inspirare, Germ. _blas-en_, flare. Isl. _blast-ur_, halitus, flatus. Hence, BLAST, _s._ A brag, a vain boast, S. _Z. Boyd._ BLASTER, _s._ A boaster; also, one who speaks extravagantly in narration, S. BLASTIE, _s._ "A shrivelled dwarf; a term of contempt," S. q. what is _blasted_. _Burns._ _To_ BLAST, v. a. To blow up with gunpowder. _Statist. Acc._ BLASTER. One who is employed to blow up stones with gunpowder; S. _Pennant._ BLATE, _adj._ Bashful. V. ~Blait~. _To_ BLATHER, _v. n._ To talk nonsensically. BLATHER, _s._ V. ~Blether~. BLATTER, _s._ A rattling noise; S. _Ramsay._ Lat. _blater-are_, Teut. _blater-en_, stultè loqui. BLAUCHT, _adj._ Pale, livid. _Palace of Hon._ A. S. _blac_, _blaec_; Su. G. _blek_, Isl. _bleik-r_, E. _bleak_, pallidus. A. S. _blac-ian_, Su. G. _blek-na_, to wax pale. BLAVING, BLAUING, _s._ Blowing. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _blawan byman_, buccina canere. BLAW, _s._ A blow, a stroke. _Wallace._ Teut. _blaew-en_, caedere. _Blaw_ is used in this sense. Gl. Westmorel. _To_ BLAW, _v._ Used both as _a._ and _n._ 1. To blow; in a literal sense referring to the wind. S. _Douglas._ A. S. _blaw-an_, flare. 2. To breathe, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 3. To publish, to make known. S. _Burel._ E. _blow_ is used in the same sense. 4. To brag, to boast, S. _Blast_, synon. _Barbour._ _Douglas._ Germ. _blaw_, falsus, mendax, dolosus. Teut. _blas-en_, flare et nimiis vanisque laudibus rem efferre, ac inani flatu infarcire. 5. To magnify in narration, especially from a principle of ostentation, S. 6. To flatter, to coax. _Baillie._ S. Prov. "Ye first burn me, and then _blaw_ me." 7. To _blaw_ in one's _lug_, to cajole or flatter a person, so as to be able to guide him at will, S. _Nicol Burne._ _To blow in the ear_, id. O. E. Su. G. _blaas-a_, to instil evil counsel. Teut. _oor-blaesen_, not only signifies, in aurem mussare, sive mussitare, obgannire in aurem; but is rendered, blandiri. 8. To huff a man at draughts. _I blaw_, or _blow you_, I take this man, S. Su. G. _blaas-a_, to blow, is used in this very sense. _Blaasa bort en bricka i damspel_, Seren. 9. To _blaw appin_ locks or bolts, and to loose fetters, by means of a magical power ascribed to the breath, S. _Satan's Invisible World._ 10. _To blaw out_ on one, to reproach him. _Wallace._ BLAW, _s._ 1. A blast, a gust, S. Rudd. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. The sound emitted by a wind instrument. 3. A falsehood, a lie told from ostentation. _He tells greit blaws_, S. B. _Ramsay._ BLAW, _s._ A pull, a draught; a cant term, used among topers, S. _Ferguson._ BLAWN COD, a split cod, half-dried, Ang.; so denominated, perhaps, because exposed for some time to the _wind_. BLAWORT, _s._ The Blue bottle; Centaurea cyanus, Linn., S. _Witch-bells_, also _Thumbles_, S. B. _Neill._ From _bla_, livid, q. v. and _wort_, an herb. BLAZE, _s._ The name given to allum ore, S. BLE, BLIE, _s._ Complexion, colour. _Gawan and Gol._ This word is common in O. E. A. S. _bleoh_, _blio_, color. _To_ BLEACH _down_, or _along_, _v. n._ To fall flat to the ground. _Bleach_ is also used to denote a fall of this description, Loth. Perhaps from Isl. _blak-a_, verberare; as denoting the effect of a violent blow. BLEACH, _s._ A blow, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ _Poems Buchan Dialect._ _To_ BLEAD, _v. a._ Apparently, to train, or to lead on to the chace. _Statist. Acc._ Alem. _blait-en_, _beleit-en_, comitari, conducere. BLEAR, _s._ Something that obscures the sight. V. ~Bleiris~. _Ross._ _To_ BLECK, BLEK, _v. a._ 1. To blacken, literally, S. _Polwart._ 2. To injure one's character. _Bannatyne Poems._ 3. To cause moral pollution. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ A. S. _blaec-an_, denigrare. Isl. _blek_, liquor tinctorius. _To_ BLECK, _v. a._ To puzzle, to reduce to a nonplus, in an examination or disputation, S. Germ. _black-en_, _plack-en_, vexare, exagitare. _To_ BLEEZE, _v. n._ 1. To become a little sour. Milk is said to _bleeze_, or to be _bleezed_, when it is turned, but not congealed, S.; _blink_, synon. From Germ. _blaes-en_, to blow; or, _blitz-en_, fulgurare; heat, especially when accompanied by lightning, more generally producing this effect. 2. The part. _bleezed_ signifies the state of one on whom intoxicating liquor begins to operate, S. It especially denotes the change produced in the expression of the countenance; as, _He looked bleezed-like_. BLED, _part. pa._ Perhaps, sprung. _Gawan and Gol._ BLEFLUM, BLEPHUM, _s._ A sham, an illusion, what has no reality in it, S. V. ~Blaflum~, _v._ _Rutherford._ Isl. _flim_, irrisio, carmen famosum. Hence _flimt-a_, diffamo, _flimt_, nugae infames, G. Andr. p. 74. Su. G. _flimm-a_, illudere. BLEHAND, BLIHAND, _adj._ _Sir Trist._ "_Blue_, from _bleah_, Sax. _caeruleus_. Blehand brown. A bluish brown," Gl. The word is merely A. S. _blae-hewen_ a little transformed. The idea seems, "a brownish colour, inclining to purple or violet." BLEIB, _s._ 1. A pustule, a blister. "A burnt _bleib_," a blister caused by burning, S. _Bleb_, a blister, A. Bor. Gl. Grose. 2. _Bleibs_, _pl._ An eruption to which children are subject, in which the spots appear larger than in the measles; Loth. Border. V. ~Blob~. BLEIRIE, _adj._ A term applied to weak liquor, which has little or no strength; as _bleirie ale_, Fife. BLEIRING, _part. pa._ _Bleiring Bats_. _Polwart._ This seems to be the _botts_, a disease in horses. _Bleiring_ may express the effect of pain in making the patient to cry out; Teut. _blaer-en_, boare, mugire. BLEIRIS, _s. pl._ Something that prevents distinctness of vision. _Philotus._ This is the same with _blear_, _s._ only used in the _pl._ Ihre mentions E. _blear-eyed_, as allied to Su. G. _blir-a_, _plir-a_, oculis semiclausis videre. BLEIS, BLES, BLESS, BLEISE, _s._ 1. Blaze, bright flame, S. B. _Barbour._ 2. A torch, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _blaese_, fax, taeda, a torch, any thing that makes a blaze, Su. G. _bloss_, id. Somn. 3. A signal made by fire, S. BLEIS, _s._ The name given to a river-fish. _Sibbald._ This seems to be what in E. is called _Bleak_, Cyprinus alburnus, Linn. BLELLUM, _s._ An idle talking fellow, Ayrs. _Burns._ _To_ BLEME, _v. n._ To bloom, to blossom. _Bannatyne Poems._ BLEMIS, _s. pl._ Blossoms, flowers. _Houlate._ Belg. _bloem_, Isl. _bloma_, Alem. _bluom_, flos, flosculus. Teut. _bloem-en_, florere. _To_ BLENK, BLINK, _v. n._ 1. To open the eyes, as one does from a slumber, S. _Barbour._ 2. To throw a glance on one, especially as expressive of regard, S. _Ross._ 3. To look with a favourable eye; used metaph. in allusion to the shining of the sun, after it has been covered with a cloud. V. ~Blink~, _v._ _Baillie._ Belg. _blenck-en_, _blinck-en_, Su. G. _blaenk-a_, to shine, to glance, to flash as lightning. BLENK, BLINK, _s._ 1. A beam, a ray. _Douglas._ 2. "A glimpse of light," S. Sir J. Sinclair's Observ. p. 113. 3. Hence transferred to the transient influence of the rays of the sun, especially in a cold or cloudy day. Thus it is common to speak of "a warm _blink_," "a clear blink," S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 4. A gleam of prosperity, during adversity. _Godscroft._ 5. Also transferred to a glance, a stroke of the eye, or transient view of any object; the idea being borrowed, either from the quick transmission of the rays of light, or from the short-lived influence of the sun when the sky is much obscured with clouds, S. _Douglas._ 6. A kindly glance, a transient glance expressive of regard, S. _Burns._ 7. A moment. "I'll not stay a _blink_," I will return immediately. _In a blink_, in a moment, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _blink_, _oegonblink_, is a glance, a cast of the eye, oculi nictus; Germ. _blick_, Belg. _blik_, _oogenblik_, id.; the twinkling of the eye, a moment. BLENT, _pret._ Glanced, expressing the quick motion of the eye. _Gawan and Gol._ Perhaps allied to Su. G. _bliga_, _blia_, intentis oculis aspicere, q. _bligent_. BLENT, _s._ A glance. _Douglas._ BLENT, _pret._ Lost, as applied to sight. _King's Quair._ Perhaps from A. S. _blent_, the part. of A. S. _blend-ian_, caecare, used in a neuter sense; or from A. S. _blinn-an_, cessare, whence _blind_, deficiens. BLENTER, _s._ A flat stroke; Fife. Alem. _bliuun_, to strike; _bliuenti_, percutiens, striking; Schilter. Moes. G. _bliggwan_, id. _To_ BLETHER, BLATHER, _v. n._ 1. To speak indistinctly, to stammer, S. pron. like _fair_. 2. To prattle, S. Su. G. _bladdr-a_, Germ, _plauder-n_, to prattle, to chatter, to jabber; Teut. _blater-en_, stultè loqui; Lat. _blater-are_, to babble. _To_ BLETHER, BLATHER, BLADDER, _v. a._ To talk nonsensically, S. _Lyndsay._ BLETHERAND, _pret._ _Fordun._ Allied perhaps to Teut. _blater-en_, _blaeter-en_, proflare fastum, gloriari. BLETHER, BLATHER, _s._ Nonsense, foolish talk, S.; often used in pl. _Hamilton._ BLAIDRY, _s._ Nonsense, foolish talk. _Ramsay._ BLEW. _To look blew_, to seem disconcerted. It conveys both the idea of astonishment and of gloominess, S. _Peblis to the Play._ _Blew_, S. is often synon. with _blae_, livid. BLICHAM, _s._ (gutt.) A contemptuous designation for a person, Perths. BLICHT, _adj._ An epithet expressive of the coruscation of armour, in the time of action. _Houlate._ A. S. _blic-an_, coruscare; _blect_, coruscatus. Alem. _blechet_, Germ. _blicket_, splendet. _To_ BLIN, BLYN, BLYNE, _v. n._ To cease, to desist, S.; also _blind_. _Wallace._ A. S. _blinn-an_, cessare, contr. from _bilinn-an_, id. In Isl. and Su. G. it occurs in its simple form, _linn-a_, also, _lind-a_, id. _To_ BLIN, _v. a._ To cause to cease. _Chron. S. Poet._ BLIND HARIE, Blind man's buff, S. _Belly-blind_, synon. _Herd._ In the Scandinavian _Julbock_, from which this sport seems to have originated, the principal actor was disguised in the skin of a _buck_ or _goat_. The name _Blind Harie_ might therefore arise from his rough attire; as he was called _blind_, in consequence of being blindfolded. Or it may signify, _Blind Master_, or _Lord_, in ironical language. V. ~Herie~. BLIND MAN'S BALL, or _Devil's snuff-box_, Common puff-ball, S. V. Flor. Suec. _Lightfoot._ It is also called _Blind man's een_, i. e. eyes, S. B. An idea, according to Linn., prevails throughout the whole of Sweden, that the dust of this plant causes _blindness_. BLYNDIT, _pret._ Blended. _Gawan and Gol._ BLINDLINS, BLYNDLINGIS, _adv._ Having the eyes closed, hoodwinked. It denotes the state of one who does any thing as if he were blind, S. V. ~Lingis~ Germ. Dan. _blindlings_, id. _Douglas._ BLINDS, _s. pl._ The Pogge, or Miller's Thumb, a fish, _Cottus Cataphractus_, Linn. West of S. _Statist. Acc._ Perhaps it receives this name, because its eyes are very small. To BLINK, _v. n._ 1. To become a little sour; a term used with respect to milk or beer, S. _Bleeze_, synon. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. To be _blinkit_, to be half drunk, Fife. Su. G. _blaenk-a_, Germ. _blink-en_, coruscare, to shine, to flash, to lighten; q. struck with lightning, which, we know, has the effect of making liquids sour; or as denoting that of sunshine, or of the heat of the weather. BLINNYNG, _part. pr._ Leg. _Blumyng_. _Maitland Poems._ BLYPE, _s._ A coat, a shred; applied to the skin, which is said to come off _in blypes_, when it _peels_ in coats, or is rubbed off, in shreds; S. _Burns._ Perhaps radically the same with _Flype_, q. v. or a different pron. of _Bleib_. _To_ BLIRT, _v. n._ To make a noise in weeping, to cry. It is generally joined with _Greet_. To _blirt and greet_, i. e. to burst out a-crying, S. _Kelly._ Germ. _blaerr-en_, _plarr-en_, mugire, rugire. Perhaps E. _blurt_ is also radically allied. BLIRT, _s._ The action expressed by the v. "A _blirt_ of greeting," a violent burst of tears, accompanied with crying, S. B. To BLITHE, BLYTHE, _v. a._ To make glad. _Wallace._ A. S. _bliths-ian_, laetari; Alem. _blid-en_, gaudere. But perhaps our v. is immediately formed from the adj. BLITHEMEAT, _s._ The meat distributed among those who are present at the birth of a child, or among the rest of the family, S. pronounced _blyidmeat_, Ang. as the adj. itself, _blyd_, _blyid_. I need not say, that this word has its origin from the _happiness_ occasioned by a safe delivery. BLYVARE. Perhaps for _Blyther_, more cheerful. _Houlate._ BLYWEST, _adj._ in the superl. _Houlate._ "Blythest, most merry," Gl. Perhaps it rather refers to colour; q. the palest. _To_ BLIZZEN, _v. a._ Drought is said to be _blizzening_, when the wind parches and withers the fruits of the earth, S. B. Su. G. _blas-a_, Germ. _blas-en_, A. S. _blaes-an_, to blow. BLOB, BLAB, _s._ Any thing tumid or circular, S. 1. A small globe or bubble of any liquid. _Bellenden._ 2. A blister, or that rising of the skin which is the effect of a blister or of a stroke, S. _Gl. Complaynt._ 3. A large gooseberry; so called from its globular form, or from the softness of its skin, S. 4. A blot, a spot; as "a _blab_ of ink," S. denominated perhaps from its circular form. Radically the same word with _Bleib_, q. v. BLOBBIT, _part. pa._ Blotted, blurred. V. ~Blob~. _Acts Ja. I._ _To_ BLOCK, _v. a._ To plan, to devise. _Baillie._ Teut. _block-en_, assiduum esse in studiis, in opere, in ergastulo; a sense evidently borrowed from a workman, who _blocks_ out his work roughly, before he begins to give it a proper form. BLOIK, BLOK, BLOCK, _s._ 1. A scheme, a contrivance; generally used in a bad sense. _Douglas._ 2. A bargain, an agreement. _Acts Ja. VI._ BLOCKER, _s._ A term formerly used in S. to denote a broker; q. one who plans and accomplishes a bargain. _Minsheu._ BLOISENT, _part. pa._ One is said to have a _bloisent face_, when it is red, swollen, or disfigured, whether by intemperance, or by being exposed to the weather; Ang. This appears to be radically the same with E. _blowze_; "sun-burnt, high-coloured;" Johns. Teut. _blose_, rubor, purpurissum, redness, the colour of purple; _blos-en_, rubescere; _blosende wanghen_, rubentes genae, purpled cheeks. _To_ BLOME, BLUME, _v. n._ To shine, to gleam. _Barbour._ Su. G. _blomm-a_, to flourish; E. _bloom_, used metaph.: or perhaps from A. S. _be_, a common prefix, and _leom-an_ to shine, as _gleam_ is from _geleom-an_, id. BLONK, BLOUK, _s._ A steed, a horse, _Gawan and Gol._ Alem. _planchaz_, equus pallidus, hodie _blank_; Schilter. Thus _blonk_ may have originally meant merely a _white_ horse, q. Fr. _blanc_ cheval. BLONKS, _s. pl._ _King Hart._ If this does not denote horses, as above, it may mean _blocks_ of wood. BLOUT, _adj._ Bare, naked. V. ~Blait~. _Douglas._ Su. G. Isl. _blott_, Belg. _bloot_, id. The tautological phrase _blott och bar_ is used in Sw. BLOUT, _s._ 1. The sudden breaking of a storm, S. _Bloutenin_, Clydesd. 2. "A _blout_ of foul weather," a sudden fall of rain, snow or hail, accompanied with wind, S. 3. A sudden eruption of a liquid substance, accompanied with noise, S. Probably allied to Su. G. _bloet_, humidus; _bloeta waegar_, viae humidae. BLUBBER, BLUBBIR, _s._ A bubble of air, S. V. ~Blob~. _Henrysone._ _To_ BLUDDER, BLUTHER, _v. a._ 1. To blot paper in writing, to disfigure any writing, S. Su. G. _pluttra_, incuriose scribere; Moes. G. _blothjan_, irritum reddere. 2. To disfigure the face with weeping, or in any other way, S. _Ross. Cleland._ _To_ BLUDDER, BLUTHER, _v. n._ To make a noise with the mouth in taking any liquid, S. BLUE BONNETS, BLUE BOTTLES, S. Centaurea cyanus, Linn. _Lightfoot._ BLUE-GOWN, _s._ The name commonly given to a pensioner, who, annually, on the King's birth-day, receives a certain sum of money, and a _blue gown_ or cloak, which he wears with a badge on it, S. V. ~Bedeman~. BLUFFLEHEADED, _adj._ Having a large head, accompanied with the appearance of dulness of intellect, S.; perhaps from E. _bluff_. BLUIDVEIT, BLUIDWYTE, _s._ A fine paid for effusion of blood. _Skene. Reg. Maj._ A. S. _blodwite_, pro effuso sanguine mulcta; from _blod_, sanguis, and _wite_, poena, mulcta. _To_ BLUITER, _v. n._ 1. To make a rumbling noise; to blurt, S. 2. _To bluiter up_ with water, to dilute too much, S. 3. To blatter, to pour forth lame, harsh, and unmusical rhymes. _Polwart._ Germ. _plaudern_, nugari et mentiri, _plauderei_, mixta nugis mendacia. In sense 2. it seems to be merely a dimin. from _Blout_, q. v. BLUITER, BLUTTER, _s._ 1. A rumbling noise; as that sometimes made by the intestines, S. 2. Apparently used to denote filth in a liquid state. _Cleland._ _To_ BLUME, _v. n._ To blossom, S. _bloom_, E. _To_ BLUNK, _v. a._ To spoil a thing, to mismanage any business, S. Hence, BLUNKIT, BLINKIT, _part. pa._ "Injured by mismanagement, or by some mischievous contrivance," Gl. Sibb. BLUNKET, _s._ Expl. "Pale blue; perhaps any faint or faded colour; q. _blanched_." Sibb. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ BLUNT, _adj._ Stripped, bare, naked. _Douglas._ This seems to be radically the same with _Blout_, q. v. BLUNTIE, _s._ A sniveller, a stupid fellow, S. _Burns._ BLUP, _s._ One who makes a clumsy or awkward appearance; Loth. It is apparently the same with _Flup_, q. v. _To_ BLUSTER, _v. a._ To disfigure in writing. V. ~Bludder~, _v._ _Baillie._ BLUTE, _s._ An action; used in a bad sense. _A fuil blute_, a foolish action, S. B. perhaps the same with _Blout_, q. v. BOAKIE, _s._ A sprite, a hobgoblin, Aberd. Shetl. Norw. _bokje_, Isl. _bocke_, _bokki_, vir grandis et magnificus. In Sanscrit _buka_ is the name of an evil spirit. O. Teut. _bokene_, phantasma, spectrum. BOAL, BOLE, _s._ 1. A square aperture in the wall of a house, for holding small articles; a small press generally without a door; S. This is most common in cottages. _Ramsay._ 2. A perforation through the wall of a house, for occasionally giving air or light; usually with a wooden shutter instead of a pane of glass, S. BOARDTREES, _s. pl._ A term used for the plank on which a corpse is stretched; S. B. _To_ BOAST, BOIST, _v. a._ To threaten. V. ~Boist~. _To_ BOB, BAB, _v. n._ To dance, S. _Herd._ BOB, _s._ Gust, blast. V. ~Bub~. BOB, _s._ 1. A bunch; used as synon. with _cow_, S. _Priests of Peblis._ 2. The same word, pronounced _bab_, is used for a bundle of flowers, a nosegay. S. Fr. _bube_, a bunch; Isl. _bobbe_, a knot. BOB, _s._ A mark, a but, S.; either q. a small bunch set up as a mark, or, from the sense of the E. v., something to strike at. BOB, _s._ A taunt, a scoff, S. B. Teut. _babb-en_, to prate; Isl. _komenn i bobba_, os correptum, _at bobsa_, babare (to bark,) canum vox est. Su. G. _babe_, sermo inconditus. BOBBY, _s._ A grandfather, S. B. _Ross._ BOBBYN, _s._ The seed-pod of birch, Loth. Fr. _bubon_, a great bunch. _Evergreen._ BOBBINS, _s._ The water-lily, S. B. _Bobbins_ are properly the seed-vessels. V. ~Cambie-leaf~. BOCE; Burel, Watson's Coll. ii. 26. V. ~Boss~. _To_ BOCK, _v. a._ To vomit. V. ~Bok~. BOCK-BLOOD, _s._ A spitting, or throwing up of blood. _Polwart._ BOD, _s._ A person of small size, a term generally applied, somewhat contemptuously, to one who is dwarfish, although of full age, S. _To_ BODE, _v. a._ To proffer, often as implying the idea of some degree of constraint. "He did na merely offer, but he _boded_ it on me;" S. BODEN, _part. pa._ Preferred. BODE, BOD, _s._ An offer made in order to a bargain, a proffer, S. _Ramsay._ Germ. _bot_, id. from _biet-en_, to offer. Isl. _bud_, a proffer, from _bioth-a_, offerre, exhibere, praebere. BODE, _s._ Delay. _Sir Egeir._ BODDUM, _s._ 1. Bottom. _Douglas._ 2. Hollow, valley. _Douglas._ Alem. _bodem_, Germ. Belg. _boden_, solum, fundus. BODEN, _part. pa._ Proffered. V. ~Bode~, _v._ BODEN, BODIN, BODYN, _part. pa._ 1. Prepared, provided, furnished, in whatever way, S. _Acts Ja. I._ _Weil-boden_, or _ill-boden_, well, or ill provided in whatever respect, S. 2. It seems to be used, in one instance, in an oblique sense, as signifying matched. V. ~Boun~. _Barbour._ Su. G. _bo_, Isl. _bo-a_, to prepare, to provide; _wael bodd_, well provided against the cold. BODY, _s._ Strength, bodily ability. _Barbour._ A. S. _bodig_ not only signifies the body in general, but stature. BODLE, BODDLE, _s._ A copper coin, of the value of two pennies Scots, or the third part of an English penny. _Rudd._ These pieces are said to have been denominated from a mint-master of the name of _Bothwell_. BODWORD, BODWART, BODWORDE, _s._ A message, S. B. _Wallace._ A. S. _boda_, a messenger, and _word_. Su. G. Isl. _bodword_ is edictum, mandatum. BOETINGS, BUITINGS, _s. pl._ Half-boots, or leathern spatterdashes. _Dunbar._ Teut. _boten schoen_, calceus rusticus e crudo corio; Kilian. BOGGARDE, _s._ A bugbear. _Rollocke._ A. Bor. _boggart_, a spectre. C. B. _bwg_, larva, terriculamentum. BOGILL, BOGLE, _s._ 1. A spectre, a hobgoblin, S. A. Bor. _Douglas._ 2. A scarecrow, a bugbear, S. synon. _doolie_, _cow_; being used in both senses. C. B. _bugul_, fear, _bwgwly_, to frighten. BOGILL _about the stacks_, or simply, _Bogle_, a play of children or young people, in which one hunts several others around the stacks of corn in a barn-yard, S. _Ritson._ It seems the same game with that called _Barley-bracks_, q. v. The name has probably originated from the idea of the huntsman employed being a scarecrow to the rest. BOGILL-BO, _s._ 1. A hobgoblin or spectre, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A pettish humour. _Philotus._ In Lincolnsh. this word is used for a scarecrow, from _bogill_, or C. B. _bogel-u_, to affright, and _bo_, a hobgoblin, q. "the affrighting goblin." _To_ BOGG-SCLENT, _v. n._ Apparently, to avoid action, to abscond in the day of battle. _Colvil._ Perhaps in allusion to him who _sklents_ or strikes off obliquely from the highway, into a _bog_, to avoid being taken prisoner. BOGSTALKER, _s._ An idle, wandering, and stupid fellow; one who seems to have little to do, and no understanding, S. V. ~Stalker~. _Ramsay._ Borrowed perhaps from outlaws, who were seen at a distance hunting in marshy places, where pursuit was more difficult. BOID, _s._ _Maitland Poems._ Isl. _bode_, a term used to denote a wave agitated by the wind; unda maris cum vadosis scopulis luctans. BOIN, BOYN, BOYEN, BOWYNE, _s._ 1. A washing-tub, S. B. 2. A flat broad-bottomed vessel, into which milk is emptied from the pail, a _bowyne_, Loth. Unless from Isl. _boginn_, curvus, or Dan. _bugn-e_, to bend, as respecting its form; I can offer no conjecture as to the origin. BOYIS, _s._ _In boyis_, in fetters. _Barbour._ Teut. _boeye_, compes, pedica, vinculum; _boey-en_ compedire. BOIS, _adj._ Hollow. V. ~Bos~. BOISSES. V. ~Boss~. _Knox's Hist._ _To_ BOIST, BOAST, _v. a._ To threaten, to endeavour to terrify, S. _Douglas._ C. B. _bost-io_, to vaunt one's self; _bost_, vaunting. BOIST, BOST, _s._ Threatening, S. _Wallace._ BOIT, _s._ A cask or tub used for the purpose of curing butcher-meat, or for holding it after it is cured; sometimes called a _beef-boat_, S. _Ruddiman._ Germ. _butte_; Ital. _botte_, id., whence E. _butt_. Su. G. _byttia_, situla, cupa; Teut. _botte_, id. dolium, orca, cupa. _To_ BOK, BOCK, _v. a._ 1. To vomit, S. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. To reach, to incline to puke, S. 3. To belch, (eructare) S. A. Bor. _boke_, _bowk_, to nauseate, to be ready to vomit; _booac_, to reach, to keck, ibid. Perhaps from A. S. _bealc-an_, eructare. It however has greater resemblance of _puke_, to which no etymon has been assigned. BOK, BOCK, _s._ The act of reaching, S. _Cleland._ BOKEIK, _s._ Bopeep, a game. _Lyndsay._ BOKS, _s. pl._ "Corner teeth," Gl. Sibb. _Maitland Poems._ _To_ BOLDIN, BOLDYN, _v. n._ To swell. _Douglas._ ~Boldin~, ~Boulden~, _part. pa._ swelled. This is softened into _bowdin_, _bowden_, S. Often in the _pret._ and _part._ it is written _bolnys_, swells, (Doug. V.) and _bolnyt_. I hesitate whether these are contr. from _boldinnys_, _boldinnyt_, or the v. in another form, more nearly resembling Su. G. _buln-a_, Dan. _bul-ner_. Su. G. _bul-na_, _bulg-ia_, id. _bolginn_, swollen. Hence Isl. bilgia, Su. G. bolgia, a billow; because it is raised by the wind; and _bolda_, a boil, a tumour. Gael. _builg-am_ to swell, _builg_, a blister. BOLGAN LEAVES, Nipplewort, an herb, S. B. Lapsana communis, Linn. Perhaps from Isl. _bolg-a_, tumere, or Su. G. _bolginn_, swollen, q. "swelling leaves," as being supposed by the vulgar in S. to be efficacious in removing swellings. _To_ BOLYN, _v. n._ To lay tack aboard. _Maitland Poems._ O. Fr. _bolin-er_, to sail by a wind, or close upon a wind. BOLL, _Lintseed Boll_. V. ~Bow~. BOLLMAN, _s._ A cottager, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ Perhaps from Su. G. Isl. _bol_, villa, and _man_, q. the inhabitant of a village. It is always pronounced _bowman_. BOLME, _s._ A boom, a waterman's pole. _Douglas._ Germ. _baum_, Belg. _boom_, a tree. BOLNIT. V. ~Boldin~. BOLNYNG, _s._ Swelling. V. ~Boldin~. _Henrysone._ BOLSTER, _s._ That part of a mill in which the axletree moves, S. BOMBILL, _s._ Buzzing noise; metaph. used for boasting. _Polwart._ Teut. _bommele_, a drone. BON, _s._ Apparently, bane, injury. _Wallace._ BONALAIS, BONAILIE, BONNAILLIE, _s._ A drink taken with a friend, when one is about to part with him; as expressive of one's wishing him a prosperous journey, S. _Wallace._ It is now generally pron. _bonaillie_, S. _Bonalais_ might seem to be the plur. But perhaps it merely retains the form of Fr. _Bon allez_. BONE, _s._ A petition, a prayer. _Douglas._ O. E. id. Isl. _baen_, precatio, oratio; _boon_ petitio, gratis acceptio, mendicatio, G. Andr. A. S. _ben_, _bene_, id. BONETT, _s._ "A small sail, fixed to the bottom or sides of the great sails, to accelerate the ship's way in calm weather." Gl. Compl. _Douglas._ Fr. _bonnette_, Sw. _bonet_, id. BONIE, BONYE, BONNY, _adj._ 1. Beautiful, pretty, S. _Maitland Poems._ _Boniest_, most beautiful. _Montgomerie._ 2. It is occasionally used ironically, in the same way with E. _pretty_, S. _Priests of Peblis._ 3. Precious, valuable. _Minstrelsy Border._ _Bonny_ is used in the same sense by Shakspeare, and since his time by some other E. writers. But I suspect that it is properly S. Johnson derives it from Fr. _bon_, _bonne_, good. This is by no means satisfactory; but we must confess that we cannot substitute a better etymon. BONYNES, _s._ Beauty, handsomeness. _Philotus_. BONK, _s._ Bank. _Douglas._ Probably corr. from A. S. _bene_. Isl. _bunga_, however, signifies tumor terrae. BONNAGE, _s._ An obligation, on the part of the tenant, to cut down the proprietor's corn. _Statist. Acc._ Evidently a corr. of _Bondage_. BONNAR, _s._ "A bond," Gl. _Popular Ball._ BONNET. V. ~White Bonnet~. BONOCH, _s._ "A binding to tie a cow's hind legs when she is a-milking." _Kelly._ BONSPEL, _s._ A match, at the diversion of _curling_ on the ice, between two opposite parties, S. V. ~Curl~. _Graeme._ Belg. _bonne_, a village, a district, and _spel_, play; because the inhabitants of different villages or districts contend with each other in this sport, one parish, for example, challenging another. Or, the first syllable may be traced to Su. G. _bonde_, an husbandman. BONXIE, _s._ The name given to the Skua Gull, Shetl. _Neill._ BOO, BOW, _s._ A term sometimes used to denote a farm-house or village, in conjunction with the proper name, Ang. Su. G. _bo_, Isl. _bu_, _boo_, domicilium, a house or dwelling, also, a village; Moes. G. _baua_, id. In the Orkney Islands, where the Gothic was long preserved in greater purity than in our country, the principal farm-house on an estate, or in any particular district of it, is in a great many instances called the _Boll_ or _Bow_. _Barry._ BOODIES, _pl._ Ghosts, hobgoblins, Aberd. _Journal Lond._ It might be deduced from A. S. _boda_, a messenger, from _bod-ian_, to declare, to denounce. But it seems to be rather originally the same with C. B. _bugudhai_, hobgoblins, Gael. _bodach_, a ghost. BOOL, _s._ A contemptuous term for a man, especially if advanced in years. It is often conjoined with an epithet; as "an auld _bool_," an old fellow, S. Su. G. _bol_, the trunk of the body, as distinguished from the head and feet. BOOLS _of a pot_, _s. pl._ Two crooked instruments of iron, linked together, used for lifting a pot by the ears, S.; also called _clips_. Teut. _boghel_, numella; Germ. _bugel_, any thing that is circular or curved. BOOL-HORNED, _adj._ Perverse, obstinate, inflexible, S. apparently from the same origin with ~Bools~. _Boolie-horned_, Border, and W. of S. A. Bor. _buckle-horns_, short crooked horns turned horizontally inwards. BOONMOST, _adj._ Uppermost, S. pron. _bunemist_. _Ross._ A. S. _bufan_, _bufon_, above, and _most_. BOOT, BUT, BOUD, BIT, BUD, BOOST, _v. imp._ Behoved, was under a necessity of, S.; _He boot to do_ such a thing; he could not avoid it. _It bit to be_; it was necessary that this should take place. _Ross. Burns._ _Bus_ and _bud_ occur in the same sense in Ywaine and Gawin. Most probably it is a corr. of _behoved_, Belg. _behoeft_. BOOST, _s._ A box. V. ~Buist~. BOR, BOIR, BORE, _s._ 1. A small hole or crevice; a place used for shelter, especially by smaller animals, S. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. An opening in the clouds, when the sky is thick and gloomy, or during rain, is called a _blue bore_, S. It is sometimes used metaph. _Baillie._ Su. G. Germ. _bor_, terebra; Isl. _bora_, foramen; A. S. _bor-ian_, to pierce. BORCH, BORGH, BOWRCH, BOROW, _s._ A surety. The term properly denotes a person who becomes bail for another, for whatever purpose. _Wallace._ 2. A pledge; any thing laid in pawn. _Barbour._ The term occurs in both senses in O. E. A. S. _borg_, _borh_, fide-jussor; also, foenus; Germ. _burge_, a pledge. Su. G. _borgen_, suretyship. Ihre derives Su. G. and Isl. _borg-a_, to become surety, from _berg-a_, a periculo tueri, to protect from danger. The idea is certainly most natural: For what is suretyship, but warranting the _safety_ of any person or thing? _To_ BORCH, _v. a._ To give a pledge or security for, to bail. _Wallace._ _To_ BORROW, BORW, _v. a._ 1. To give security for; applied to property. _Wyntown._ 2. To become surety for; applied to a person. _Baron Courts._ Su. G. _borg-a_, id. _To_ BORROW _one_, to urge one to drink, Ang. When one _pledges_ another in company, he engages to drink after him; and in ancient times it was generally understood, that he who pledged another, was engaged to drink an equal quantity. BORROWGANGE, s. A state of suretyship. _Reg. Maj._ Su. G. _edgaang_, _laggaang_, are rendered by Ihre, actus jurandi, from _gaa_, ire; _borrowgange_ may thus be merely the act of _going_ or _entering_ as a surety. BORD, _s._ 1. A broad hem or welt, S. 2. The edge or border of a woman's cap, S. Fr. _bord_, Belg. _boord_, a welt, a hem, or selvage; Isl. _bard_, _bord_, the extremity or margin. BORDEL, _s._ A brothel, Dunbar. Fr. _bordel_, id., Su. G. A. S. _bord_, a house. The dimin. of this, Ihre says, was L. B. _bordell-um_, _bordil-e_, tuguriolum, cujus generis quum olim meretricum stabula essent. BORDELLAR, _s._ A haunter of brothels. _Bellenden._ BORE, _s._ A crevice. V. ~Bor~. BORE'S- (or BOAR'S) EARS, _s. pl._ The name given to the Auricula, S. B. Primula auricula, Linn. A bear is called a _boar_, S., especially S. B. BORE-TREE, _s._ Sambucus nigra. V. ~Bourtree~. BOREAU, _s._ An executioner. V. ~Burio~. BORGH, _s._ A surety. V. ~Borch~. BORN. _Wallace._ _Born_ may have some affinity to Isl. _borgun_, Su. G. _borgen_, suretyship; q. one under contract or obligation. BORROWING DAYS, the three last days of March, Old Stile, S. _Complaynt S._ These days being generally stormy, our forefathers have endeavoured to account for this circumstance, by pretending that March _borrowed_ them from April, that he might extend his power so much longer. Those who are much addicted to superstition will neither borrow nor lend on any of these days; lest the articles borrowed should be employed for the purposes of witchcraft, against the lenders. Some of the vulgar imagine, that these days received their designation from the conduct of the Israelites in _borrowing_ the property of the Egyptians. BOS, BOSS, BOIS, _adj._ 1. Hollow, S. _Douglas._ "A _boss_ sound," that which is emitted by a body that is hollow, S. 2. Empty. A shell, without a kernel, is said to be _boss_. The word is also used to denote the state of the stomach when it is empty, or after long abstinence, S. _Morison._ 3. In the same sense, it is metaph. applied to a weak or ignorant person. One is said to be "nae _boss_ man," who has a considerable share of understanding, S. B. _Ramsay._ 4. Poor, destitute of worldly substance, S. B. Teut. _bosse_, umbo. _Ross._ BOSS, BOCE, _s._ Any thing hollow. _Burel._ _The boss of the side_, the hollow between the ribs and the haunch, S. BOSS, BOISS, _s._ 1. A small cask. _Pitscottie._ 2. It seems to denote a bottle, perhaps one of earthen ware; such as is now vulgarly called a _gray-beard_. _Dunbar._ 3. In pl. _bosses_, _boisses_, a term of contempt, conjoined with _auld_, and applied to persons of a despicable or worthless character. _Knox._ From Fr. _boire_, to drink, whence _boisson_, drink, or _busse_, a cask for holding wines. BOT, _conj._ But, often confounded with _but_, prep. signifying, without. _Douglas._ A. S. _butan_, _buton_, are used precisely as S. _but_, without. BOTAND, BUT-AND, _prep._ Besides. _Percy._ BOTAND, _adv._ 1. But if, except. _Barbour._ 2. Moreover, besides. _Maitland Poems._ In the latter sense, it is from A. S. _butan_, praeter. BOTCARD, s. A sort of artillery used in S. in the reign of Ja. V. _Pitscottie._ The same instruments seem to be afterwards called _battars_, ib. Fr. _bastarde_, "a demie canon, or demie culverin; a smaller piece of any kind," Cotgr. BOTE, BUTE, _s._ 1. Help, advantage; E. _boot_, Doug. 2. Compensation, satisfaction; Acts Parl. pass. A. S. _bote_, id. from _bet-an_, emendare, restaurare. ~Kin-bote~, compensation or "assithment for the slaughter of a kinsman;" Skene, Verb. Sign. A. S. _cyn_, cognatio, and _bote_. ~Man-bot~, the compensation fixed by the law, for killing a man, according to the rank of the person. Ibid. A. S. _man-bot_, id. ~Theift-bote~, compensation made to the king for theft. _Reg. Maj._ BOTHE, BOOTH, BUITH, _s._ A shop made of boards; either fixed, or portable, S. V. ~Lucken~. _Douglas._ Hence the _Luckenbooths_ of Edinburgh, wooden shops, made for being _locked_ up. Teut. _boede_, _bode_, domuncula, casa, Kilian; Su. G. _bud_, taberna mercatorum, apotheca; Isl. _bud_, id. BOTHIE, BOOTHIE, _s._ A cottage, often used to denote a place where labouring servants are lodged, S. _Neill._ Su. G. _bod_, a house, a cottage; Gael. _bothag_, _bothan_, a cot. _To_ BOTHER, BATHER, _v. a._ To teaze one by dwelling on the same subject, or by continued solicitation, S. BOTHNE, BOTHENE, _s._ 1. A park in which cattle are fed and inclosed. _Skene._ 2. A barony, lordship, or sheriffdom. _Assis. Reg. Dav._ L. B. _bothena_, baronia, aut territorium. BOTINYS, _s. pl._ Buskins; Gl. Sibb. Fr. _botine_, cothurnus. V. ~Boiting~. BOTTLE-NOSE, _s._ A species of whale, S. Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ BOTTOM-ROOM, _s._ The name vulgarly given to the space occupied by one sitter in a church, S. BOTWAND, _s._ Perhaps, a rod of authority. _Kennedy._ Germ. _bot_, power, and _wand_, a rod. BOUCHT, BOUGHT, _s._ A curvature or bending of any kind, S. "The _bought_ of the arm," the bending of the arm at the elbow. _Journ. Lond._ Where the sea forms a sort of bay, it is said to have a _bought_, S. A. S. _bogeht_, arcuatus, crooked; _bug-an_, to bend. Germ. _bug_, sinus; _bucht_, curvatura littoris, Wachter. _To_ BOUCHT, BOUGHT, _v. a._ To fold down, S. Isl. _bukt-a_, Teut. _buck-en_, flectere, curvare. BOUCHT, BOUGHT, BUCHT, BUGHT, _s._ 1. A small pen, usually put up in the corner of the fold, into which it was customary to drive the ewes, when they were to be milked; also called _ewe-bucht_, S. _Douglas._ 2. A house in which sheep are inclosed, Lanerks.; an improper sense. _Statist. Acc._ Teut. _bocht_, _bucht_, septum, septa, interseptum, sepimentum clausum. _To_ BOUCHT, BOUGHT _v. a._ To inclose in a fold, S.; formed from the _s._ _Ross._ BOUCHT-KNOT, _s._ A running knot; one that can easily be loosed, in consequence of the cord being _doubled_, S. BOUGARS, _s. pl._ Cross spars, forming part of the roof of a cottage, used instead of laths, on which wattling or twigs are placed, and above these _divots_, and then the straw or thatch, S. _Chr. Kirk._ Lincolns. _bulkar_, a beam; Dan. _biaelke_, pl. _bielcker_, beams. Su. G. _bialke_, a small rafter, tigillum, in Westro-Goth. is written _bolkur_. BOUK, BUIK, _s._ 1. The trunk of the body, as distinguished from the head or extremity, S. A _bouk of tauch_, all the tallow taken out of an ox or cow, S. Germ. _bauch von talge_, id. A _bouk-louse_, one that has been bred about the body. Teut. _beuck_, truncus corporis. 2. The whole body of man, or carcase of a beast, S. _Douglas._ 3. The body, as contradistinguished from the soul. _R. Bruce._ 4. Size, stature, S. _bulk_; _Boukth_, bulk, Gl. Lancash. _J. Nicol._ 5. The greatest share, the principal part, S. _Cleland._ _To_ BOUK, _v. n._ To bulk, S. Hence, BOUKIT, BOWKIT, _part. pa._ 1. Large, bulky; S. _Douglas._ 2. _Boukit_ and _muckle-boukit_ are used in a peculiar sense; as denoting the appearance which a pregnant woman makes, after her shape begins to alter. BOUKSUM, BOUKY, _adj._ Of the same sense with _Boukit_, S. _Poems Buchan Dialect._ BOUKE, _s._ A solitude. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ A. S. _buce_, secessus, "a solitary and secret place," Somner. BOULDEN, _part. pa._ Swelled, inflated. V. ~Boldin~. BOULE, "Round," Rudd. _Douglas._ Teut. _bol_, tumidus, turgidus; or _boghel_, _beughel_, curvatura semicircularis, from _bogh-en_, arcuare. BOULENA, A sea cheer, signifying, Hale up the bowlings. _Complaynt S._ BOULENE, _s._ The same with E. _Bowline_. A rope fastened to the middle part of the outside of a sail. _Complaynt S._ Sw. _bog-lina_, id. from _bog_, flexus. BOUN, BOUNE, BOWN, _adj._ Ready, prepared, S. _Barbour._ _Bone_ is used in the same sense, O. E. Su. G. _bo_, _bo-a_, to prepare, to make ready; Isl. _bu-a_, id. _Boen_ or _boin_ is the part. pa. _To_ BOUN, BOWN, _v. a._ 1. To make ready, to prepare. _Wallace._ 2. To go, to direct one's course to a certain place. _Sir Egeir._ BOUND, BUND, _part. pa._ Pregnant. _Douglas._ _To_ BOUNT, _v. n._ To spring, to bound. Fr. _bond-ir_, id. _Burel._ BOUNTÉ, _s._ Worth, goodness. _Barbour._ Fr. _bonté_, id. BOUNTETH, BOUNTITH, _s._ 1. Something given as a reward for service or good offices. _Watson's Coll._ 2. It now generally signifies what is given to servants, in addition to their wages, S; _bounties_, S. B. _Ramsay._ Gael. _bunntais_ seems merely a corr. of this word. BOUR, BOURE, _s._ A chamber; sometimes a retired apartment, such as ladies were wont to possess in ancient times. _Douglas._ A. S. _bur_, _bure_, conclave, an inner chamber, a parlour, a _bower_. Teut. _buer_, id. Dan. _buur_, conclave, Su. G. Isl. _bur_, habitaculum. Isl. _jungfrubur_, gynaeceum, ubi olim filiae familias habitabant; literally, the young lady's bower. Hence _bour-bourding_, jesting in a lady's chamber, Pink. BOURACH, BOWROCK, _s._ 1. An inclosure; applied to the little houses that children build for play, especially those made in the sand, S. _Kelly._ "We'll never big sandy _bowrocks_ together." _S. Prov. Kelly._ 2. A crowd, a ring, a circle, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dialect._ 3. A confused heap of any kind, S. B. Such a quantity of body-clothes as is burdensome to the wearer, is called _a bourach of claise_; Ang. _Statist. Acc._ 4. A cluster, as of trees, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. _beorh_, _burg_, an inclosure, a heap; Su. G. _borg_. ~Burrach'd~, ~Bourach'd~, _part. pa._ Inclosed, environed, S. B. _Ross._ BOURACH, BORRACH, _s._ A band put round a cow's hinder legs at milking, S. Gael. _buarach_. BOURBEE, _s._ The spotted Whistle fish, S. _Sibbald._ _To_ BOURD, _v. n._ To jest, to mock, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _bourd-er_, id. But this seems to be merely an abbrev. of _behourd-ir_, _bohord-er_, to just together with lances. _Bohord_, _behord_, is originally a Gothic word, as being used by old Northern writers. BOURD, BOURE, _s._ A jest, a scoff, S. _Kelly._ _Houlate._ BOURIE, _s._ A hole made in the earth by rabbits, or other animals that hide themselves there; E. a _Burrow_. _Monroe._ From the same origin with ~Bourach~. BOURTREE, BORETREE, BOUNTREE, _s._ Common elder, a tree; Sambucus nigra, Linn.; A. Bor. _Burtree_. _Lightfoot._ It seems to have received its name from its being hollow within, and thence easily _bored_ by thrusting out the pulp. BOUSHTY, _s._ Expl. "bed." Aberd. _Shirrefs._ The same with _Buisty_, q. v. BOUSTOUR, BOWSTOWRE, _s._ A military engine, anciently used for battering walls. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _byssa_, _bossa_, signifies a mortar, an engine for throwing bombs; Bombarda, Ihre; formerly _byssor_; from _byssa_, theca, a box, or case; because in these tubes, as in cases, bullets are lodged. BOUSUM, BOWSOM, _adj._ 1. Pliant, tractable. _Palice Honour._ A. S. _bocsum_, _buhsum_, obediens, tractabilis, from _bug-an_, Belg. _buyg-en_, flectere. 2. "Blythe, merry," Rudd. _To_ BOUT, BOWT, _v. n._ To spring, to leap, S. "_bouted up_," Rudd. vo. _up-boltit_. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _botten_, _op-bott-en_, to rebound, resilire. BOUT, _s._ A sudden jerk in entering or leaving an apartment; a hasty entrance or departure; the act of coming upon one by surprise; S. BOUTGATE, _s._ 1. A circuitous road, a way which is not direct, S. from _about_, and _gait_ way. _Ross._ 2. A circumvention, a deceitful course, S. _R. Bruce._ 3. An ambiguity, or an equivocation, in discourse. _Bp. Forbes._ BOW, _s._ A boll; a dry measure, S. _Monroe._ BOW, BOLL, LINTBOW, _s._ The globule which contains the seed of flax. _Bow_ is the pron. S. _Polwart._ Germ. _boll_, id. oculus et gemma plantae, caliculus ex quo flos erumpit; Wachter. BOW, BOWE, _s._ 1. The herd in general; whether inclosed in a fold or not. _Douglas._ 2. A fold for cows, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ Su. G. _bo_, _bu_, either the herd or the flock; armenta, pecora, grex; Dan. _boe_, a shed, booth or stall. BOW, _s._ 1. An arch, a gateway, S. _Knox._ 2. The arch of a bridge, S. _Muses Threnodie._ Teut. _boghe_, id. arcus, concameratio; from _bogh-en_, flectere; A. S. _bog-a_, "an arch of a bridge or other building;" Somner. BOW, _s._ As applied to a house. V. ~Boo~. BOWAND, _adj._ Crooked. _Douglas._ A. S. _bugend_, id. BOWAT, _s._ A hand-lanthern. V. ~Bowet~. BOWBARD, _s._ A dastard, a person destitute of spirit. _Douglas._ Teut. _boeverje_, nequitia. Or, shall we rather view it as originally the same with _Bumbart_, q. v.? BOWBERT, _adj._ Lazy, inactive. _Douglas._ BOWDEN, _part. pa._ Swollen. V. ~Boldin~. BOWELHIVE, _s._ An inflammation of the bowels, to which children are subject, S. V. ~Hive~, _v._ _Pennecuik._ BOWES ~and~ BILLES, A phrase used by the English, in former times, for giving an alarm in their camp or military quarters. _Knox._ BOWET, BOWAT, _s._ A hand-lanthern, S. _Bowit_, A. Bor. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Perhaps from Fr. _bougette_, a little coffer; if not allied to _bougie_, a small wax-candle. BOWGER, _s._ The puffin, or coulter-neb, a bird; _alca arctica_, Linn. _Martin._ BOWGLE, _s._ A wild ox, a buffalo. _Dunbar._ Lat. _bucul-us_, a young ox. Hence _bugle-horn_. BOWIE, _s._ 1. A small barrel or cask, open at one end; S. _Ferguson._ 2. It denotes a small tub for washing, S. 3. It also sometimes signifies a milk pail, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _buie_, a water-pot or pitcher; Cotgr. Hence, BOWIEFU', _s._ The fill of a small tub, S. _J. Nicol._ BOW-KAIL, _s._ Cabbage, S. so called from the circular form of this plant. For the same reason its Belg. name is _buys-kool_. _Burns._ ~Bow-stock~, _s._ The same. "A bastard may be as good as a _bow-stock_, by a time;" S. Prov. _Kelly._ BOWLAND, _part. adj._ Hooked, crooked. _Douglas._ Teut. _boghel-en_, arcuare. _Bowland_ is just the part. pr. _boghelend_, contr. BOWLIE, BOOLIE, _adj._ Crooked, deformed; _Boolie-backit_, humpbacked; sometimes applied to one whose shoulders are very round, S. V. ~Beugle-backed~. Germ. _bucklig_, Dan. _bugelt_, id. from _bugle_, a bunch or hump; and this from _bug-en_, to bend; Dan. _boeyel_, crookedness, _boeyelig_, flexible. _To_ BOWN, _v. a._ To make ready. V. ~Boun~, _v._ BOWRUGIE, _s._ Burgess; the third estate in a Parliament or Convention; in resemblance of Fr. _bourgeois_. _Wallace._ BOWSIE, _adj._ Crooked, S. Fr. _bossu_, id. BOWSUNES, _s._ Obedience. _Wyntown._ A. S. _bocsumnesse_, obedientia. BOWT, _s._ 1. A bolt, a shaft; in general. _Chron. S. Poet._ 2. A thunderbolt, S. _Ross._ _To_ BOX, _v. a._ To wainscot, to cover with boards, S. BOXING, s. Wainscotting; Sir J. Sinclair, p. 170., S. BRA, BRAE, BRAY, _s._ 1. The side of a hill, an acclivity, S. _Barbour._ 2. The bank of a river, S. _Breea_, A. Bor. id. 3. A hill, S. _Ross._ 4. Conjoined with a name, it denotes the upper part of a country; as "_Bra-mar, Bra-Cat, the Braes of Angus;_" S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ _To gae down the brae_, metaph. to be in a declining state, in whatever sense; to have the losing side, S. C. B. _bre_, a mountain, pl. _breon_, _bryn_; Gael. _bre_, _bri_, _brigh_, a hill. Isl. _braa_, cilium, the brow; whence _augnabraa_, the eye-brow; and _bratt_ signifies steep, having an ascent. _To_ BRA, _v. n._ 1. To bray. 2. To make a loud and disagreeable noise. _Douglas._ BRAAL, _s._ A fragment. "There's nae a _braal_ to the fore," There is not a fragment remaining, Ang. BRABBLACH, _s._ The refuse of any thing; as of corn, meat, &c. Fife. Gael. _prabal_, id. BRACE, _s._ A chimney-piece, a mantle-piece, S. BRACHELL, _s._ A dog; properly, one employed to discover or pursue game by the scent. _Wallace._ Alem. _brak_; Germ. _brack_, id. canis venaticus, forte investigator; O. Fr. _brachez_. Verel. expl. Isl. _rakke_ canis, deriving it from _racka_, _frakka_, cursitare. BRACHEN, (gutt.) BRAIKIN, BRECKEN, _s._ The female fern, Polypodium filix foemina, Linn. _Burns._ In Smoland in Sweden, the female fern is called _braeken_; Sw. _stotbraakin_, id. _In_ is a termination in Gothic, denoting the female gender. ROYAL BRACHENS, _s. pl._ The flowering fern, S. Osmunda regalis, Linn. _Lightfoot._ BRACKS, _s._ A disease of sheep. V. ~Braxy~. BRAD, _part. pa._ Roasted. V. next word. _To_ BRADE, _v. a._ To roast. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ A. S. _braed-an_, id. _braedde_, assatus. _To_ BRADE, BRAID, _v. n._ 1. To move quickly, to take long steps in rapid succession. _Douglas._ 2. To spring, to start. _Gawan and Gol._ 3. To break out, to issue with violence. _Douglas._ 4. To draw out quickly; used actively, especially with respect to the unsheathing or brandishing of a sword, or other weapon of this kind. _Wallace._ Isl. _braad-a_, accelerare. _At bregd-a sverde_, gladium evaginare vel stringere. A. S. _braed-an_, exerere, stringere. BRADE, BRAIDE, _s._ A start, a spring, a quick motion of the body. _Dunbar._ Isl. _bregd_, versura. _To_ BRADE, BRAID, _v. a._ To attack, to assault; Rudd. Isl. _bregd-a manne nidur_, sternere virum. BRAID, s. Assault, aim to strike. _Douglas._ It is used in a similar sense, O. E. Isl. _bregd_, nisus, an attempt, an exertion. BRADE, _adj._; S. V. ~Braid~. _To_ BRADE, BRAID, _v. a._ To turn round. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _bregd-a_, vertere. _To_ BRADE, BRAID, BREDE, BREED, _v. n._ 1. To resemble, to be like in manners; especially as denoting that similarity which characterises the same stock or family; with the prep. _of_. _Ferguson's S. Prov._ 2. To appear, to be manifest. _Dunbar._ Isl. _bregd-a_, _bregth-a_, Su. G. _braa_, denote the resemblance of children, in dispositions, to their progenitors. _Bregdur barni til aettar_, progenitoribus suis quisque fere similis est. _To_ BRADE, BRAID _up_, _v. a._ "To _braid up_ the head," to toss it as a high-mettled horse does, or to carry it high. _Dunbar._ A. S. _bred-an_, Belg. _breyd-en_, to extend. _To_ BRAG, _v. a._ 1. To reproach, to upbraid. _Ruddiman._ 2. To defy, S. B. _Morison._ Su. G. _brigd-a_, exprobrare; Isl. _bregd-a_, opprobrare. BRAGING, _s._ Boasting. _Gawan and Gol._ BRAGWORT, _s._ Expl. "Mead, a beverage made from the dregs of honey." Gl. Sibb. _Braggot_, Gl. Lancash. C. B. _bragod_, id. _To_ BRAID _up the burde_; marked as used by James I. BRAID, BRADE, _adj._ 1. Broad, S. _Ritson._ 2. Plain, intelligible. _Douglas._ Moes. G. Isl. _braid_, A. S. _bred_, latus. BRAID, BRADE, _adv._ Widely. _Douglas._ BRAID-BAND, BROAD-BAND, _s._ 1. Corn laid out, in the harvest field, on the band, but not bound, is said to be _lying in braid-band_, S. 2. _To be laid in broad-band_, metaph. to be fully exposed. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ BRAIK, _v. n._ To reach. V. ~Braking~. _Lyndsay._ BRAIK, s. A threat. _Douglas._ Isl. _brak-a_, strepo. BRAIK, BREAK, _s._ An instrument used in dressing hemp or flax, for loosening it from the core, S. _Watson's Coll._ Teut. _braecke_, id. malleus stuparius, vulgo linifrangibula. BRAIK, _s._ An internal mortification; a disease among sheep, Ang. V. ~Braxy~. Su. G. _braeck_, a defect of any kind. BRAIKIT, _adj._ Speckled, S. Ir. _breac_, _brek_, id. BRAYMEN, _s. pl._ The name given to those who inhabit the southern declivity of the Grampian hills, S. _D. Buchanan._ BRAIN, _s._ Voice. "A braw _brain_," "a strong _brain_," a powerful voice, Ang. _To_ BRAINDGE, _v. n._ "To run rashly forward," S. O. _Burns._ Shall we view this as an oblique sense of Belg. _brins-en_, to neigh? BRAYNE, BRANE, _adj._ Mad, furious. _Douglas._ A. S. _brinn-an_, to burn, _bren_, _bryne_, fervor; whence _bryne-adl_, a fever; Su. G. _braanad_, fervor, ardor. ~Brayn-wod~, ~Brane-wod~, _adj._ Mad, in a state of insanity. _Wyntown._ V. ~Brayne~ and ~Wod~. BRAIRD, _s._ The first sprouting of grain. V. ~Breer~. _To_ BRAIS, _v. a._ To embrace. _Dunbar._ Fr. _bras_, the arm, whence embrace, q. _in arms_. BRAIS, _s. pl._ Snares, gins. _Douglas._ A. S. _braegd_, figmentum, _braegden_, fraud; _gebraegdas_, crafts, frauds, subtile contrivances; Isl. Su. G. _bragd_, fraus. BRAISE, BRAZE, _s._ The Roach, a fish, S. _Ure._ Sw. _brazen_, cyprinus brama, bream; Teut. _braessem_, id. cyprinus latus. BRAITH, _adj._ Violent, severe. _Wallace._ Isl. Su. G. _braede_, ira, animi fervor. BRAITHFUL, BREITHFUL, _adj._ Sharp, violent. _Douglas._ BRAITHLIE, _adj._ The same with ~Braithful~; or perhaps in the sense of struggling. _Douglas._ Su. G. _bryt-a_, _brott-as_, Isl. _briot-a_, luctare. BRAITHLY, _adv._ Violently, with great force. _Wallace._ _To_ BRAK, _v. n._ To break, S. B. _Ross._ A. S. _brac-an_, id. Isl. _eg braaka_, frango. BRAKE, _s._ A large and heavy kind of harrow, chiefly used for breaking in rough ground, S. _To_ BRAK, _v. n._ To express great sorrow on any account. One says, "I'm like to _brak_," S. B. This is probably allied to Isl. _braek_, _brek_, wailing. BRAK, BRAKE, _adj._ Somewhat salt, brackish. _Douglas._ Belg. _brack_, salsus. BRAKING, _s._ Puking, reaching, S. B. _Ross._ Teut, _braeck-en_, to vomit, _braecke_, nausea. BRALD, _part. pa._ Decked, dressed. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _brell-er_, to glitter. BRANDED, _part. pa._ Bordered, having a margin. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ Germ. _braun_, Isl. _brun_, limbus. BRANDED, BRANNIT, _adj._ Having a reddish-brown colour, as if singed by fire. _A branded cow_ is one that is almost entirely brown, S. Germ. _braun_, id. _Minstrelsy Bord._ BRANDEN, _part. pa._ Grilled. V. ~Brid~. BRANDNEW, BRENTNEW, a phrase equivalent to _spick and span_, quite new, S. _Ross._ Teut. _brand new_, id., from _brand_, incendium, ustio. BRANDER, BRANDRETH, _s._ A gridiron. _Wyntown._ S. _brander_, A. S. _brandred_, "a brand-iron;" Dan. _brandrith_; Teut. _brand-roede_, _brander_, fulcrum focarium. _To_ BRANDER, _v. a._ To broil on a grid-iron, to grill, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ BRANDRETH. V. ~Brander~. BRANDUR, _s._ A border. V. ~Branded~. BRANE, _s._ Bran, the husks of corn ground. _Dunbar._ BRANEWOD, _s._ Wood for burning. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _bryne_ incendium, and _wude_, wood. BRANG, _pret._ Brought, S. _J. Nicol._ _To_ BRANGLE, _v. n._ 1. To shake, to vibrate. _Douglas._ 2. To menace, to make a threatening appearance. _Douglas._ 3. To shake, applied to the mind; to confound, to throw into disorder; used actively. _Godscroft._ Fr. _branl-er_, to shake; Su. G. _brang-as_, cum labore perrumpere velle. BRANGILL, _s._ A kind of dance. _Douglas._ Fr. _branle_, "a brawle, or daunce, wherein many men and women move all together;" Cotgr. BRANIT, _part. pa._ Brawned; a term formed from E. _brawn_, the fleshy or musculous part of the body. _Dunbar._ _To_ BRANK, _v. a._ 1. To bridle, to restrain. _Godly Sangs._ 2. _v. n._ To raise and toss the head, as spurning the bridle; applied to horses. _Douglas._ 3. To bridle up one's self. _Maitland Poems._ 4. To prance, to caper. _Ramsay._ Teut. _brank-en_ and _proncken_, both signify, ostentare se, dare se spectandum; Germ. _prang-en_, id.; Su. G. _prunk-a_, superbire. Wachter gives _prang-en_, as also signifying, premere, coarctare. BRANKEN, _part. pr._ Gay, lively, S. A. _J. Nicol._ BRANKS, _s. pl._ 1. A sort of bridle, often used by country people in riding. Instead of leather, it has on each side a piece of wood joined to a halter, to which a bit is sometimes added; but more frequently a kind of wooden noose resembling a muzzle, S. _Montrose's Mem._ Within these few years, an iron bit was preserved in the steeple of Forfar, formerly used, in that very place, for torturing the unhappy creatures who were accused of witchcraft. It was called _The Witch's Branks_. Gael. _brancas_, a halter. But our word seems originally the same with Teut. _pranghe_, _muyl-pranghe_, postomis, pastomis, confibula; instrumentum quod naribus equorum imponitur; Kilian. 2. _Branks_, I suspect, is sometimes used in S. as synon. with _jugs_ or pillory. _Howie._ BRANKS, _s. pl._ A swelling in the chops, S. A. from the compression of the parts, as the chops of a horse are compressed by the _branks_ which he wears; the _buffets_, S. B. BRANNOCK, _s._ The Samlet, or small fish generally known in S. by the name of _Par. Branlin_, Yorks. BRASAND, _part. pr._ Embracing. Fr. _bras_, the arm. _Douglas._ _To_ BRASE, BRASS, _v. a._ To bind, to tie. _Wallace._ Fr. _embrass-er_, to bind. BRASERIS, BRASARIS, _s. pl._ Vambraces, armour for the arms. _Wallace._ Fr. _brassar_, _brassard_, _brassart_, id.; brachiale ferreum; from _bras_, the arm, Lat. _brach-ium_. _To_ BRASH, _v. a._ To assault, to attack. V. ~Bresche~. _Sir W. More._ Teut. _broes-en_, tempestuosum et furentem ventum spirare; or from A. S. _beraes-an_, impetuose proruere, irruere. BRASH, BRASHE, _s._ An effort, an attack, an assault; as E. _brush_ is used. _Muses Thren._ BRASHY, BRAUSHIE, _adj._ Stormy, S. _J. Nicol._ BRASH, _s._ A transient attack of sickness; a bodily indisposition of whatever kind, S. _Quhither_, synon. S. B. _Burns._ The disorder to which children are often subject after being weaned, is called the _speaning-brash_. We also speak of "a _brash_ of the teeth." This, perhaps, is merely a different sense of the s. as explained above. Isl. _breisk_, however, signifies infirm, _breiskleike_, weakness, G. Andr. BRASHY, _adj._ Delicate in constitution, subject to frequent ailments, S. _To_ BRAST, _v. n._ To burst. _Douglas._ _Brast_ is used in the same sense by R. Glouc. BRAT, _s._ 1. Clothing in general. _The bit and the brat_, S. Food and raiment. _Scotch Presb. Eloq._ 2. A coarse kind of apron for keeping the clothes clean, S. "_Brat_, a coarse apron, a rag, Lincolns." Gl. Grose. 3. Coarse clothing, S.; _dudds_, synon. A. S. _bratt_ signifies both pallium and panniculus; "a cloak, a rag," Somner. C. B. _brathay_, rags. 4. Scum, S. It does not necessarily signify refuse; but is also applied to the cream which rises from milk, especially of what is called a _sour cogue_, or the _floatings_ of boiled whey. _Statist. Acc._ BRATCHART, _s._ A contemptuous term equivalent to E. _whelp_. V. ~Brachell~. _Montgomerie._ From Fr. _bratchet_, a kind of small hound; or immediately formed from _Brach_. _To_ BRATH, _v. a._ To plait straw-ropes round a stack, crossing them at intervals, S. B. A. S. _braed-an_, to weave together; Isl. _bregd-a_, nectere fila in funem. ~Brathins~, _s. pl._ The cross ropes of the roof of a thatched house, or stack; also called _etherins_, Ang. Isl. _bragd_, nexus. BRATHLY, _adj._ Noisy. V. ~Braithlie~. _To_ BRATTYL, BRATTLE, _v. n._ 1. To make a clashing or clattering noise, S. _Douglas._ 2. To advance rapidly, making a noise with the feet, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _briot-a_, _bryt-a_, exagitare, hue illucque movere, ut luctantes; Teut. _bortel-en_, tumultuari. ~Brattyl~, ~Brattle~, _s._ 1. A clattering noise, as that made by the feet of horses, when prancing, or moving rapidly, S. _Ross._ 2. Hurry, rapid motion of any kind, S. _Ramsay._ 3. A short race, S. _Burns._ 4. Fury, violent attack, S. _Burns._ BRAVERY, _s._ A bravado, a gasconade. _Spotswood._ Fr. _braverie_, id. from _braver_, to brave, to play the gallant. BRAUITIE, _s._ 1. A show, a pageant. _Burel._ 2. Finery in dress, S. V. ~Braw~. _Burel._ Fr. _braveté_, pour avoir de beaux habits; Gl. Roquefort. BRAUL, BRAWL, _s._ The same as _Brangle_. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _bransle_, _branle_. BRAUSHIE, _adj._ Stormy. V. ~Brash~, _v._ BRAW, BRA', _adj._ 1. Fine, gaily dressed, S. _Morison._ Teut. _brauwe_, ornatus, bellus; Fr. _brave_, id. Isl. _braer_, nitet, splendet. 2. Handsome, S. _Burns._ 3. Pleasant, agreeable, S. _A. Nicol._ 4. Worthy, excellent, S. _A braw man_, a worthy man, S. Su. G. _braf_, bonus, praestans. _En braf man_, the very phrase still used by the vulgar in S. Germ. _brav_, id. _Braw_ is often used adverbially, as conjoined with the copulative: _Braw and able_, abundantly able for any work or undertaking; _Braw and weel_, in good health. Hence, ~Brawly~, _adv._ Very well, S. sometimes _brawlins_, Ang.; _browlies_, _browlins_, Aberd. _Journal Lond._ Sw. _Han mor braf_, He is well, Wideg. ~Braws~, _pl._ Fine clothes, one's best apparel, S. _Ross._ Evidently from the _adj._ sense 1. BRAWEN, _part. pa._ Perhaps, boiled. A. S. _browen_, coctus. _Polwart._ _To_ BRAWL, _v. n._ To run into confusion; part. pr. _brawland_. _Barbour._ Fr. _brouill-er_, to embroil, to confound. Su. G. _bryll-a_, perturbare. BRAWLIT, _part. pa._ Perhaps marbled, mixed; from the same _v._; Fr. _brouill-er_, to jumble. _L. Scotland's Lament._ BRAWLINS, _s. pl._ The trailing Strawberry tree, or Bear-berry, S. B. Arbutus uva ursi, Linn. The name is sometimes applied to the fruit of the Vaccinium vitis Idaea, or red bill-berry. Gael. _braoilag_ denotes a whortleberry. BRAXY, BRAXES, BRACKS, _s._ 1. A disease in sheep, S. _Statist. Acc._ This is also called _braik_ and _bracks_, Ang. A. S. _breac_, rheuma; _broc_ sickness, disease; Su. G. _brak_, id. 2. A sheep which has died of disease; also, mutton of this description, S. _Burns._ BRAZE, _s._ A roach. V. ~Braise~. BRAZARS, _s. pl._ Armour for the arms. V. ~Braseris~. _To_ BRE. V. ~Biggit~. _K. Hart._ BRE, BREE, _s._ The eye-brow, S. B. _Douglas._ "He moved neither _ee nor bree_; i. e. eye nor eyebrow." V. ~Bra~. _Ross._ A. S. _breg_, palpebra; Isl. _braa_. BREADBERRY, _s._ That food of children, which in E. is called _pap_, S. Perhaps from _bread_ and A. Bor. _berry_, to beat; q. "bruised bread." BREAK, _s._ A division of land in a farm, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ BREAK, _v. a._ To disappoint, S. B. "_I'se no break you_, I shall not disappoint you," Shirr. Gl. Isl. _bregd-a_, frustrari aliquem. BREAK (_of a hill_) _s._ A hollow in a hill, S. Isl. _breck-a_, crepido, declivitas. BREARDS, _s. pl._ The short flax recovered from the first tow, by a second hackling. The tow, thrown off by this second hackling, is called _backings_. _Edin. Courant._ _To_ BREAST, _v. n._ To spring up or forward; a term applied to a horse, S. _Burns._ From the action of the _breast_ in this effort. ~Breast-woddie~, _s._ That part of the harness of a carriage-horse, which goes round the breast, S. B. V. ~Rig-Widdie~. _Journal Lond._ BRECHAME, BRECHEM, _s._ The collar of a working-horse, S. V. ~Haims~. _Bannatyne Poems._ _Baurghwan_ is used in the same sense, A. Bor. Gael. Ir. _braigh_, the neck; whence _braighaidain_, a collar. The last syllable has more resemblance of Teut. _hamme_, a collar. BREDDIT, _part. pa._ Apparently, wreathed. _Palice of Hon._ A. S. _bred-an_, Teut. _breyd-en_, to wreathe. BREDE, WYNTER-BREDE, _s._ Provisions for winter. _Douglas._ This may be merely _bread_. But Isl. _braad_ is rendered, praeda, esca, carnivori animalis. BREDIR, _s. pl._ Brethren. V. ~Brodir~. BREDIS. ~In Bredis~. V. ~Abreid~. _Houlate._ _In brede_, as used by Chaucer, is rendered _abroad_. BREE, BRIE, S. B. BREW, BROO, S. _s._ 1. Broth, soup. _Ross._ "_Bree_, broth without meal," Gl. Yorks. 2. Juice, sauce, S. "_Breau_ is supping meat, or gravy and fat for brewis," Gl. Yorks. 3. Water; moisture of any kind, S. _Burns._ Thus _snaw-brue_ is melted snow; _herring-bree_, the brine of a herring-barrel, S. A. S. _briw_, Germ. _brue_, _bruhe_, id. liquor; q. decoctum, according to Wachter, from _brau-en_, to boil; Isl. _brugg_, calida coctio, from _brugg-a_, coquere. BREE, _s._ Hurry, bustle. _Shirrefs._ Su. G. _bry_, turbare, vexare. BREE, _s._ The eye-brow. V. ~Bre~. _To_ BREED _of_, to resemble. V. ~Brade~. BREEK, BREIK, _s._ One leg of a pair of breeches, S. pl. _breeks_, _breiks_, breeches. _Godscroft._ Anc. Goth. and Isl. _brok_; A. S. _braec_, _brec_; Su. G. _braeckor_; C. B. _bryccan_; Gael. _brigis_; Ir. _broages_; Lat. _bracca_, id. From this dress, the Romans gave the name of _Gallia Braccata_ to one part of Gaul. BREELLS, _s. pl._ Spectacles in general; but more strictly double-jointed spectacles, Clydes. Germ. _brill_, Su. G. _briller_, id. oculi vitrei, L. B. _berill-us_. BREER, BRERE, BRAIRD, BREARD, _s._ The first appearance of grain above ground, after it is sown, S. _A fine breer_, an abundant germination. _Ramsay._ A. S. _brord_, frumenti spicae, "corn new come up, or the spires of corn," Somner. "_Bruart_, the blades of corn just sprung up;" Gl. Lancash. _To_ ~Breer~, ~Brere~, ~Breard~, _v. n._ To germinate, to shoot forth from the earth; applied especially to grain, S. _Brerde_, part. pa. Loth, _brairded_. _Douglas._ ~Breirding~, _s._ Germination; used metaph. in relation to divine truth. _Rutherford._ BREESSIL, _s._ The act of coming on in a hurry, Fife. A. S. _brastl_, crepitus, strepitus, _brastl-ian_, crepitare, strepere. Isl. _brys_, ardens calor; _bryss-a_, fervide aggredi. BREGER, _s._ One given to broils and bloodshed. _Burel._ Fr. _briguer_, a quarrelsome, contentious, or litigious person. The origin is most probably Su. G. _brigd-a_, litigare. BREHON, _s._ The name given to hereditary judges appointed by authority to determine, on stated times, all the controversies which happened within their respective districts. By the _Brehon_ law, even the most atrocious offenders were not punished with death, imprisonment, or exile; but were obliged to pay a fine called _Eric_. _Dr. Macpherson._ Ir. _breathav_, _breitheav_, still signifies a judge. Bullet supposes that _Breth_ has been used in this sense by the ancient Gauls; whence _Vergobret_, the name of the supreme magistrate among them. Ir. _Fear go fraith_ literally signifies the man who judges. _To_ BREY, _v. a._ To terrify. _Wyntown._ A. S. _breg-an_, id. probably allied to Sw. _bry_, to vex. _To_ BREID, BREDE, _v. n._ To resemble. V. ~Brade~, _v. 5_. BREID, _s._ Breadth. _On breid_, broad, or in breadth. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _braed_; Su. G. _bredd_, id. _Brede_ occurs in O.E. _R. Brunne._ BREYFE, BREVE, _s._ A writing. _Wyntown._ A. S. _braue_, literae; Germ. _brief_, a letter; Isl. Su. G. _bref_, epistola, diploma; Fr. _brief_, _breve_, a writ. These are all from Lat. _breve_. _To_ ~Breif~, ~Breve~, ~Breue~, ~Brew~, _v. a._ 1. To write, to commit to writing. _Palace of Hon._ 2. To compose. _Dunbar._ Alem. _gebriaf-an_, scribere; Su. G. _bebref-wa_, literis confirmare. L. B. _breviare_, in breves redigere. BREIRD, _s._ The surface, the uppermost part, the top of any thing, as of liquids. _Melvill's MS._ Evidently the same with ~Brerd~, q. v. BREITH, _adj._ Proceeding from fervour of mind. V. ~Braith~. Su. G. _braede_, ira. ~Breithful~. V. ~Braithful~. BREK, _s._ Breach. _Wattir brek_, the breaking out of water. _Douglas._ BREK, _s._ Uproar, tumult. _Douglas._ Isl. _brak_, strepitus, tumultus, _eg brak-a_, strepo, cerpo, Su. G. _braak-a_; metaph. de molesto quovis labore. BREME, _adj._ Furious, Wynt. V. ~Brim~. BRENDE, _part. pa._ Burnt, so as to be thoroughly purified. V. ~Burnt Silver~. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ BRENE, _s._ Corslet, habergeon. V. ~Birnie~. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ BRENT, _pret. and part._ Burned; S. _brunt_. _Douglas._ A. S. _brenn-ing_, burning; Isl. _brenn_, ardeo. BRENT, _adj._ High, straight, upright, S. _Maitland Poems._ It most frequently occurs in one peculiar application, in connexion with _brow_, as denoting a high forehead, as contra-distinguished from one that is flat. _Douglas._ A. Bor. _brant_, or _brunt_, steep. A brant hill, Northumb. It is also used in Westmorel. _Brent-brow_, a steep hill; Su. G. _bryn_, vertex montis; Isl. _brun-a_, to lift one's self on high. Meo judicio _bryn_ notat id, quod ceteris superstat, aut prae aliis eminet; Ihre. Isl. _brun_, Germ. _aug-braunen_, Alem. _braane_, the eyebrow. Sw. _brant_, steep; _en brant klippa_, a steep rock. BRENT-NEW, quite new. V. ~Brand-new~. BRERD, _s._ The whole substance on the face of the earth. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _brerd_, summum. _To_ BRERE, _v. n._ To germinate. V. ~Breer~. BRESCHE, _s._ An attack. _Knox._ Su. G. _brask-a_, sonitum edere, tumultum excitare denotat, a simplici _brask_, sonitus; Ihre. It may, however, be originally the same with _Brash_, q. v. BRESS, _pl._ Bristles. _Dunbar._ BRESSIE, _s._ A fish, supposed to be the Wrasse, or Old Wife, Labrus Tinca, Linn. _Sibbald._ Perhaps radically the same with E. _wrasse_. BREST, _part. pa._ Forcibly removed; or as denoting the act of breaking away with violence; for _burst_. _Douglas._ _Breste_, to burst. Chaucer. BRETH, _s._ Apparently, rage, wrath. _Houlate._ Su. G. Isl. _braede_, praeceps ira, furor. This is probably allied to _braad-a_, accelerare. BRETHIR, BRETHER, _s. pl._ Brethren. _Wyntown._ Isl. and Sw. _broeder_, brethren. BRETS, _s. pl._ The name given to the Welch or ancient _Britons_, in general; also, to those of Strat-clyde, as distinguished from the Scots and Picts. _Lord Hailes_. Wyntown uses _Brettys_ as the pl. A. S. _Brettas_, Britones; _Bryt_, Brito, Britannus. BRETTYS, _s._ A fortification. _Wyntown._ L. B. _breteschia_, _briteschia_. It properly denotes wooden towers or castles: _Bretachiae_, castella lignea, quibus castra et oppida muniebantur, Gallis _Bretesque_, _breteches_; Du Cange. Perhaps radically allied to Su. G, _bryt-a_, to contend, to make war. _To_ BREVE, _v. a._ To write. V. ~Breif~. BREW, _s._ Broth, soup. V. ~Bree~. BREW-CREESH, _s._ A term expressive of a duty paid to a landholder or superior, which occurs in old law-deeds. It is still used, Aberd. Sometimes it is called _Brew-tallow_. BRIBOUR, BRYBOUR, _s._ A low beggarly fellow. _Bannatyne Poems._ Fr. _bribeur_, "a beggar, a scrap-craver; also, a greedy devourer;" _briber_, to beg; and this from _bribe_, a lump of bread given to a beggar; Cotgr. C. B. _briw_, _brib_, a morsel, a fragment. BRICHT, BRYCHT, A young woman, strictly as conveying the idea of beauty. _Wallace._ Merely a poetical use of the adj. _bright_; in the same manner as ancient writers used _fre_, _clere_, &c. BRID, BRIDDE, _s._ A bird, a pullet. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ A. S. _brid_ is used for chicken, as also S. _burd_. BRIDLAND, _part. pre._ _Polwart._ Apparently, q. bridalling, drinking as freely as men do at a bridal. BRIG, BREG, BRYG, _s._ A bridge, S. A. Bor. Lancash. _Wallace._ A. S. _bricg_, _brigge_, Su. G. _brygga_, Belg. _brug_, id. Ihre views _brygga_ as a diminutive from _bro_, anc. _bru_, which has the same meaning. BRIGANER, _s. pl._ A robber, S. B. Evidently from _brigand_. _Journ. Lond._ BRIL, _s._ The merry thought of a fowl. V. ~Breels~. _Sibbald._ Teut. _bril_, ossiculum circa pectus a specilli similitudine dictum. BRYLIES, _s. pl._ Bearberries. V. ~Brawlins~. BRIM, BRYM, BREME, _adj._ 1. Raging, swelling; applied to the sea. _Bellenden._ Isl. _brim_, the raging of the sea. The word is thus defined; Aestus maris, vehementibus procellis littus verberans; Olai Lex. Run. A. S. _brim_, _brym_, salum, aequor, mare, the sea. 2. Fierce, violent. _Bellenden._ 3. Stern, rugged, applied to the countenance. _Douglas._ 4. Denoting a great degree either of heat or of cold. _Douglas._ Thus, "a _brim_ frost," is still a common phrase for a severe frost, S. B. ~Brymly~, _adv._ Fiercely, keenly. Wall. vii. 995. V. ~Artailye~. BRIM, _s._ A cant term for a trull, Loth. Callander of Craigforth, in some MS. notes, mentions _brim_, as signifying a scold, S. This has most probably been the primary sense. _To_ BRYN, BRIN, BIRN, _v. a._ To burn. _Barbour._ Su. G. _brinn-a_, Germ. _brenn-an_, id. A. S. _bryne_, burning. ~Brynstane~, _Brynt-stane_, _s._ Brimstone, sulphur. _Douglas._ A. S. _bryn_, incendium, and _stan_, q. lapis incendii seu incendiarius. Sw. _braensten_, id. BRIN, BRINN, _s._ A ray, a beam, a flash, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ BRINK. ~To Brink~. Perhaps, inwardly. _Sir Tristrem._ Q. in pectore; Isl. Su. G. _bring-a_, pectus. BRINKIT, _part. pa._ Perhaps, bronzed. _Bannatyne Poems._ Su. G. _brinna_, to burn, or _braecka_, to roast. BRISKET, BISKET, _s._ The breast, S. _Morison._ Fr. _brichet_, id. Perhaps we have the origin of the word in Isl. _briosk_, Sw. _brusk_, gristle. The word in E. denotes "the breast of an animal." It bears this sense also in S., and is sometimes corr. called _briskin_. BRISMAK, _s._ The name given to Torsk, our Tusk, in Shetland. BRISSAL, _adj._ Brittle. Gl. Sibb. Alem. _bruzzi_, fragilitas; Otfrid. Fr. _bresiller_, rompre, briser, mettre en pièces; Gl. Roquefort. BRISSEL-COCK, _s._ Apparently the turkey-cock. _Pitscottie._ Denominated perhaps from its rough and _bristly_ appearance; or q. _Brasil-cock_, as, according to Pennant, the turkey was unknown to the old world before the discovery of America. "The first birds of this kind," he supposes, "must have been brought from Mexico." _To_ BRISSLE, _v. a._ To broil, &c. V. ~Birsle~. _To_ BRIST, BRYST, _s._ To burst. _Wyntown._ Isl. _brest-a_, Dan. _brist-er_, frangi, rumpi, cum fragore (crepitu) dissilire. BRITH, _s._ A term which seems to mean wrath or contention. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _braede_, anger; _brigd_, controversy; _brigd-a_, to litigate. _To_ BRITTYN, BRYTEN, BRETYN, _v. a._ 1. To break down, in whatever way. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. To kill; applied both to man and beast. V. ~Bertynit~. _Douglas._ It is also written _bertyn_. A. S. _bryt-an_, Su. G. _bryt-a_, Isl. _briot-a_, frangere. BRITURE, Houlate iii. 8., is in Bannatyne MS. _brit ure_. _To_ BRIZE, _v. a._ To bruise. V. ~Birse~. BROAD-BAND. V. ~Braid-band~. _To_ BROCHE, _v. a._ To prick, to pierce. _Douglas._ Fr. _brocher un cheval_, to spur a horse, properly to strike him hard with the spurs. Hence, ~Broche~, _s._ 1. A spit. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. "A narrow piece of wood or metal to support the stomacher," Gl. Sibb. 3. A wooden pin on which yarn is wound, S. _Douglas._ Evidently the same with Fr. _broche_, a spit. Arm. _brochen_ signifies a spit; from _broch-a_, to pierce, transfigere. BROCHAN, _s._ (gutt.) Oat-meal boiled to a consistence somewhat thicker than gruel, S. It differs from _crowdie_, as this is oat-meal stirred in cold water. _Martin._ Gael. _brochan_, pottage, also, gruel; C. B. _bryhan_, a sort of flummery. BROCHE, BRUCHE, BROACH, _s._ 1. A chain of gold, a sort of _bulla_, or ornament worn on the breast. _Douglas._ 2. A fibula, a clasp, a breast-pin, S. _Muses Threnodie._ Isl. _bratz_ signifies _fibūla_, Su. G. _braz_, from Isl. _brus-a_, to fasten together. Gael. _broiside_, a clasp; _broisde_, a brooch, Shaw. BROCHT, _s._ The art of puking. V. ~Braking~. _Leg. Bp. St Androis._ C. B. _brock_, spuma. _To_ BROCK. V. ~Brok~. BROCKED, BROAKIT, _adj._ Variegated, having a mixture of black and white, S. A cow is said to be _broakit_, that has black spots or streaks, mingled with white, in her face, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _brokug_, _brokig_, party-coloured; Ir. _breach_, speckled; Gael. _brucach_, speckled in the face. BROCKLIE, _adj._ Brittle. V. ~Brukyl~. BROD, _s._ A board, any flat piece of wood, a lid, S. A. Bor. _breid_, a shelf or board, Ray. Isl. _broth_, A. S. _braed_, _bred_, id. _To_ BROD, _v. a._ 1. To prick, to job; to spur, S. _Douglas. Complaynt S._ 2. To pierce, used metaph., S. _Ferguson._ 3. To incite, to stimulate; applied to the mind. _Douglas._ Su. G. _brodd_, cuspis, aculeus; Isl. _brodd_, the point of an arrow; sometimes the arrow itself, a javelin, any pointed piece of iron or steel; _brydd-a_, pungere; Ir. Gael. _brod-am_, to spur, to stimulate. ~Brod~, ~Brode~, _s._ 1. A sharp-pointed instrument; as the goad used to drive oxen forward, S. _Wyntown._ 2. A stroke with a sharp-pointed instrument, S. _Complaynt S._ 3. An incitement, instigation. _Douglas._ ~Broddit Staff~, "A staff with a sharp point at the extremity," Gl. Sibb. Also called a _pike-staff_, S. This is the same with _broggit-staff_. V. ~Brog~. BRODYRE, BRODIR, _s._ A brother; pl. _bredir_, _bredyre_. _Wyntown._ Isl. _brodur_, pl. _broeder_. ~Brodir-Dochter~, _s._ A niece, S. _Wyntown._ _Brodir-son_ or _brother-son_, and _sister-son_, are used in the same manner; and _brother-bairn_ for cousin, S. A Swed. idiom. _Brorsdotter_, niece; _brorson_, nephew; _brorsbarn_, the children of a brother. BROD MALE, BRODMELL, _s._ The brood brought forth, or littered, at the same time. _Douglas._ From A. S. _brod_, proles, and _mael_, tempus; or O. Germ, _mael_, consors, _socius_; whence _ee-ghe-mael_, conjunx, Kilian. ~Brod Sow~, A sow that has a litter. _Polwart._ _To_ BROG, _v. a._ To pierce, to strike with a sharp instrument, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Hence _broggit staff_, mentioned as a substitute for an ax. The term _prog-staff_ is now used in the same sense, q. v. ~Brog~, _s._ 1. A pointed instrument; such as an awl, S. 2. A job with such an instrument, S. BROG, BROGUE, _s._ A coarse and light kind of shoe, made of horse-leather, much used by the Highlanders, and by those who go to shoot in the hills, S. Ir. Gael. _brog_, a shoe. _Lord Hailes._ BROGH, _s._ _Ye man bring brogh and hammer for't_, i. e. You must bring proof for it, Loth. In the North of Germany, the phrase _burg und emmer_ is used in a similar sense, as denoting legal security. Our _brogh_ and Germ. _burg_ both denote suretyship. The proper meaning of _emmer_ is not known. _To_ BROGLE, _v. a._ To prick, Loth. _Brog_, synon. BROGUE, _s._ "_A hum, a trick_," S. _Burns._ Isl. _brogd_, astus, stratagemata, Verel. _brigd_, id. BROICE. Leg. _Broite_. _Barbour._ _To_ BROIGH, _v. n._ To be in a fume of heat; to be in a state of violent perspiration, and panting; Lanerks. V. ~Brothe~, from which it is probably corr. BROILLERIE, _s._ A state of contention. V. ~Brulyie~. _Godscroft._ Fr. _brouillerie_, confusion. BROK, BROCK, BROKS, _s._ Fragments of any kind, especially of meat; S. _Bannatyne Poems._ Moes. G. _ga-bruko_, Alem. _bruch_, id. Hence also Germ. _brocke_, a fragment. _To_ ~Brok~, ~Brock~, _v. a._ To cut, crumble, or fritter any thing into shreds or small parcels, S. Apparently formed as a frequentative from _break_; if not immediately from the _s._ BROKAR, _s._ A bawd, a pimp. _Douglas._ This is merely a peculiar use of E. _broker_. BROKYLL, _adj._ Brittle. V. ~Brukyl~. BROKITTIS, _s. pl._ The same with E. _Brocket_, a red deer of two years old. Fr. _brocart_, id. _Douglas._ BRONCHED, _pret._ Pierced. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ Probably an error for _broched_, from Fr. _brocher_. BRONDYN, _part. pa._ Branched. _Houlate._ Fr. _brondes_, green boughs or branches. BRONYS, BROUNYS, BROWNIS, _s. pl._ Branches, boughs. _Douglas._ From the same origin with the preceding word. _To_ BRONSE, _v. n._ To overheat one's self in a warm sun, or by sitting too near a strong fire, S. Isl. _bruni_, inflammatio, Moes. G. _brunsts_, incendium. BRONT, _part. pa._ Burnt, S. _brunt_. V. ~Bryn~, _v._ _Douglas._ BROO, _s._ Broth, juice, &c. V. ~Bree~. BROODIE, _adj._ 1. Prolific; applied to the female of any species, that hatches or brings forth many young; as, _a broodie hen_, S. 2. Fruitful, in a general sense, S. _Z. Boyd._ BROOSE, _s._ A race at country weddings. V. ~Bruse~. BROSE, _s._ A kind of pottage made by pouring water or broth on meal, which is stirred while the liquid is poured, S. The dish is denominated from the nature of the liquid, as _water-brose_, _kail-brose_. _Ross._ A. S. _ceales briu_, kail-broo, S.; _briwas niman_, to take pottage or brose. BROT, BROTACH, _s._ A quilted cloth or covering, used for preserving the back of a horse from being ruffled by the _Shimach_, on which the pannels are hung, being fastened to a pack-saddle; Mearns. Isl. _brot_, plicatura. _To_ BROTCH, _v. a._ To plait straw-ropes round a stack of corn, S. B.; synon. _Brath_, q. v. Isl. _brus-a_, to fasten. BROTHE, _s._ "A great _brothe_ of sweet," a vulgar phrase used to denote a violent perspiration, S. The word may be radically the same with _froth_; or allied to Isl. _braede_, _braedde_, liquefacio. _To_ ~Brothe~, _v. n._ To be in a state of profuse perspiration, S. _Chron. S. Poet._ BROTEKINS, BROTIKINS, _s. pl._ Buskins, a kind of half boots. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _brodequin_, Teut. _broseken_, a buskin. BROUDSTER, _s._ Embroiderer. V. ~Browdin~. _Pitscottie._ Fr. _brod-er_, to embroider. BROUKIT, BROOKED, BRUCKIT, BRUKET, _adj._ The face is said to be _broukit_, when it has spots or streaks of dirt on it, when it is partly clean and partly foul. A sheep, that is streaked or speckled in the face, is designed in the same manner. _Burns._ There can be no doubt that this is originally the same with ~Brocked~, ~Broakit~. We may add to the etymon there given, Dan. _broged_, variegated; speckled, grisled. BROW, _s. Nae brow_, no favourable opinion. "An ill _brow_," an opinion preconceived to the disadvantage of any person or thing, S. _Mary Stewart._ BROWDIN, BROWDEN, _part. pa._ Fond, warmly attached, eagerly desirous, having a strong propensity, S. It often implies the idea of folly in the attachment, or in the degree of it. _Montgomerie._ "To _browden on_ a thing, to be fond of it. North." Gl. Grose. It may be formed from Belg. _broed-en_, to brood, to hatch; all creatures being fond of their young. BROWDYN, _part. pa._ Embroidered. _Wyntown._ C. B. _brod-io_, and Fr. _brod-er_, to embroider. Isl. _brydd-a_, pungere, _brodd_, aculeus. BROWDIN, _part. pa._ Expl. "clotted, defiled, filthy," Gl. Sibb. _Chr. Kirk._ Teut. _brodde_, sordes. BROWDYNE, _part. pa._ Displayed, unfurled. _Barbour._ A. S. _braed-an_, to dilate, to expand. BROWNIE, _s._ A spirit, till of late years supposed to haunt some old houses, those, especially, attached to farms. Instead of doing any injury, he was believed to be very useful to the family, particularly to the servants, if they treated him well; for whom, while they took their necessary refreshment in sleep, he was wont to do many pieces of drudgery, S. _Douglas._ Ruddiman seems to think that these spirits were called _Brownies_, from their supposed "swarthy or tawny colour." They may be viewed as corresponding with the _Swartalfar_, i. e. _swarthy_ or _black_ elves of the Edda, as the _Liosalfar_, or white elves, are analogous to our _Fairies_. BROWST, BROWEST, _s._ 1. As much malt liquor as is brewed at a time, S. _Burrow Lawes._ 2. Used metaph. to denote the consequences of any one's conduct, especially in a bad sense. This is often called "an ill _browst_," S. _Kelly._ Isl. _brugg-a raed_, invenire callida consilia; _brugga suik_, struere insidias. ~Browster~, ~Browstare~, _s._ A brewer, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _briw-an_, coquere cerevisiam; Teut. _brouw-en_, id.; Isl. eg _brugg-a_, decoquo cerevisias. In the ancient Saxon, the termination _ster_ affixed to a s. masculine, makes it feminine. Thus, _baecestre_ properly signifies _pistrix_, "a woman-baker." Somn. _To_ BRUB, _v. a._ To check, to restrain, to keep under, to oppress, to break one's spirit by severity, S. B.; allied perhaps to A. Bor. _brob_, to prick with a bodkin, Gl. Grose. BRUCHE, _s._ V. ~Broche~. BRUCKIT, _adj._ V. ~Brocked~. BRUCKLE, _adj._ Brittle. V. ~Brukyl~. BRUDERMAIST, _adj._ Most affectionate; literally, most brotherly. _Dunbar._ BRUE. _s._ V. ~Bree~. BRUGH, BROGH, BROUGH, BURGH, _s._ 1. An encampment of a circular form, S. B. In Lothian, encampments of the circular form are called _Ring-forts_, from A. S. _hring_, orbis, circulus. 2. This name is also given to the stronger sort of houses in which the Picts are said to have resided. _Brand._ 3. A borough. "A royal _brugh_;" "A _brugh_ of barony," as distinguished from the other, S. B. V. ~Burch~. 4. A hazy circle round the disk of the sun or moon, generally considered as a presage of a change of weather, is called a _brugh_ or _brogh_, S. _Statist. Acc._ A. S. _beorg_, _borh_, munimentum, agger, arx, "a rampire, a place of defence and succour," Somner; _burg_, castellum, Lye. The origin is probably found in Moes. G. _bairgs_, mons. BRUICK, BRUK, _s._ A kind of boil, S. _Gl. Complaynt._ An inflamed tumour or swelling of the glands under the arm is called a _bruick-boil_, S. B., pron. as _brook_. Isl. _bruk_, elatio, tumor; expl. of a swelling that suppurates. _To_ BRUIK, BRUKE, BROOK, _v. a._ To enjoy, to possess. _Poems Buchan Dial._ A. S. _bruc-an_, Franc. _gebruch-en_, Su. G. Isl. _bruk-a_, Belg. _bruyck-en_, Germ. _brauch-en_, to use. BRUKYL, BROKYLL, BROKLIE, _adj._ 1. Brittle, easily broken, S. _Kelly._ _Hamilton._ 2. Metaph. used in relation to the unsettled state of political matters. _Baillie._ 3. It seems to signify soft, pliable, as applied to the mind. _Wyntown._ 4. Fickle, inconstant. _Wallace._ 5. Inconstant, as including the idea of deceit. _King's Quair._ 6. Weak, delicate, sickly, S. B. 7. Apt to fall into sin, or to yield to temptation. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Teut. _brokel_, fragilis, from _brok-en_, frangere; Sw. _braeckelig_, id. Germ. _brocklicht_, crumbling. ~Bruckilness~, ~Brokilness~, _s._ 1. Brittleness, S. 2. Apparently, incoherence, or perhaps weakness; used metaphorically. _King's Quair._ BRUDY, _adj._ Prolific. V. ~Broodie~. _Bellenden._ BRULYIE, BRULYEMENT, _s._ 1. A brawl, broil, fray, or quarrel, S. _Ross._ 2. Improperly used for a battle. _Hamilton._ Fr. _brouiller_, to quarrel; Su. G. _bryl-la_, _foerbrilla_, to embroil. _To_ BRUND, _v. n._ To emit sparks as a flint does when struck.--_It's brundin_, the fire flies from it, S. B. Su. G. _brinn-a_, to burn. ~Brunds~, ~Brundis~, ~Brwndys~, _s. pl._ 1. Brands, pieces of wood lighted. _Wallace._ 2. It seems to signify the remains of burnt wood, reduced to the state of charcoal, and as perhaps retaining some sparks. _Barbour._ 3. The term is still commonly used in Ang., only with greater latitude. A. S. _brond_ may be the origin; as in the second sense it merely denotes a firebrand almost entirely burnt out. BRUS, _s._ Force, _impetus_. _Douglas._ Belg. _bruyssch-en_, to foam or roar like the sea; Su. G. _brus-a_, sonare; De aquis cum impetu ruentibus aut fluctibus maris; Ihre. BRUSE, BROOSE, BRUISE, _s. To ride the bruse_. 1. To run a race on horseback at a wedding, S., a custom still preserved in the country. Those who are at a wedding, especially the younger part of the company, who are conducting the bride from her own house to the bridegroom's, often set off, at full speed, for the latter. This is called, _riding the bruse_. He who first reaches the house is said to _win the bruse_. _Burns._ 2. Metaph., to strive, to contend in whatever way. _R. Galloway._ This means nothing more than riding for the _brose_, _broth_ or _kail_, the prize of _spice-broth_ allotted in some places to the victor. _To_ BRUS, BRUSCH, _v. a._ To force open, to press up. _Wyntown._ Sicamb. _bruys-en_, premere, strepere. _To_ BRUSCH, _v. n._ To burst forth, to rush, to issue with violence. V. ~Brus~, _s._ _Wallace._ BRUSIT, _part. pa._ Embroidered. _Houlate._ L. B. _brusd-us_, _brust-us_, acupictus; Du Cange. ~Brusury~, _s._ Embroidery. _Douglas._ BRUSSLE, _s._ Bustle, Loth. V. ~Breessil~. A. S. _brastl-ian_, strepere. _To_ BRUST, _v. n._ To burst. _R. Bruce._ Teut. _brost-en_, _brusten_, Sw. _brist-a_, _id._ BRWHS, _s._ Apparently, the same with _Brus_. _Wyntown._ _To_ BU, BUE, _v. n._ To low. It properly denotes the cry of a calf, S. Lat. _boo_, _--are_, id. BU, BOO, _s._ 1. A sound meant to excite terror, S. _Presb. Eloquence._ 2. A bugbear, an object of terror, Ibid. Belg. _bauw_, a spectre; C. B. _bo_, a hobgoblin. ~Bu-kow~, _s._ Any thing frightful, as a scarecrow, applied also to a hobgoblin, S. V. ~Cow~. From _bu_, and _kow_, _cow_, a goblin. ~Bu-man~, _s._ A goblin; the devil, S. used as _Bu-kow_. BUB, BOB, _s._ A. blast, a gust of severe weather. _Douglas._ Allied perhaps to Isl. _bobbe_, malum, noxae; or E. _bob_, to beat, as denoting the suddenness of its impulse. BUBBLY, _adj._ Snotty, S. A. Bor. ~Bubblyjock~, _s._ The vulgar name for a turkey cock, S. synon. _Polliecock_, S. B. _Grose._ The name seems to have originated from the shape of his comb. BUCHT, _s._ A bending; a fold. V. ~Bought~. _To_ BUCK, _v. n._ To push, to butt, Perths. Alem. _bock-en_, to strike; Su. G. _bock_, impulsus. _To_ BUCK _out_, _v. n._ To make a guggling noise. BUCKER, _s._ A name given to a species of whale, West of S. _Statist. Acc._ BUCKIE, BUCKY, _s._ 1. Any spiral shell of whatever size, S. _Muse's Threnodie._ _The Roaring Buckie_, Buccinum undatum, Linn. is the common great whelk. Teut. _buck-en_, to bow, to bend; as this expresses the twisted form of the shell. 2. A perverse or refractory person is denominated a _thrawn buckie_, and sometimes, in still harsher language, a _Deil's buckie_, S. _Ramsay._ ~Buckie Ingram~, that species of crab denominated Cancer bernardus, Newhaven. ~Buckie Prins~, A periwinkle; Turbo terebra, Linn. Also called _Water-spouts_, Loth. _To_ BUCKLE, _v. a._ To join two persons in marriage; used in a low or ludicrous sense, S. _Macneill._ ~Buckle-the-beggars~, s. One who marries others in a clandestine and disorderly manner, S. BUCKTOOTH, _s._ Any tooth that juts out from the rest, S. Sibb. derives this from _Boks_, q. v. Perhaps allied to Su. G. _bok_, rostrum. BUD, _s._ A gift; generally one that is meant as a bribe. _Acts Ja. I._ C. B. _budd_, Corn. _bud_, profit, emolument. Or shall we view it as formed from A. S. _bude_, obtulit, q. the bribe that has been _offered_? _To_ ~Bud~, ~Budd~, _v. a._ To endeavour to gain by gifts, to bribe. _Pitscottie._ BUDGE, _s._ A kind of bill, used in warfare. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _bouge_, _boulge_, faucille, serpe; Roquefort. BUFE, _s._ Beef, S. B. Fr. _boeuf_, id. Isl. _bufe_, cattle; from _bu_, an ox. _To_ BUFF, _v. n._ To emit a dull sound, as a bladder filled with wind does, S. _Chr. Kirk._ _It played buff_, S. It made no impression. Belg. _boff-en_, to puff up the cheeks with wind; Fr. _bouff-er_, id. _To_ BUFF, _v. a. To buff corn_, to give grain half thrashing, S. "The best of him is _buft_," a phrase commonly used to denote that one's natural strength is much gone, S. Alem. _buff-en_, pulsare. _To buff herring_, to steep salted herrings in fresh water, and hang them up, S. ~Buff~, _s._ A stroke, a blow, S. _Chr. Kirk._ Fr. _bouffe_, a blow, L. B. _buffa_, alapa. _To_ BUFF _out_, _v. n._ To laugh aloud, S. Fr. _bouffee_, a sudden, violent, and short blast, _buff-ir_, to spurt. BUFF, _s._ Nonsense, foolish talk, S. _Shirrefs._ Teut. _beffe_, id. nugae, irrisio; Fr. _buffoi_, vanité; also moquerie. BUFF, _s._ Skin. _Stript to the buff_, stript naked, S. Perhaps from E. _buff_, as denoting leather prepared from the _skin_ of a buffalo. BUFF NOR STYE. _He cou'd neither say buff nor stye_, S. i. e. "He could neither say one thing nor another." It is also used, but, I suspect, improperly, in regard to one who has no activity; _He has neither buff nor stye with him_ S. B. Teut. _bof_, celeusma, a cheer made by mariners. _Stye_ might be viewed as referring to the act of mounting the shrouds, from Su. G. _stig-a_, to ascend. BUFFER, _s._ A foolish fellow; a term much used among young people, Clydes. Fr. _bouffard_, "often puffing, strouting out, swelling with anger," Cotgr. BUFFETS, _s. pl._ A swelling in the glands of the throat, Ang. (_branks_, synon.) probably from Fr. _bouffé_, swollen. BUFFETSTOOL, _s._ A stool with sides, in form of a square table with leaves, when these are folded down, S. Lincolns, id. _A. Douglas._ Fr. _buffet_, a sideboard; expl. by Roquefort, dressoir, which denotes a board for holding plates without box or drawer. BUFFIE, BUFFLE, _adj._ Fat, purfled; applied to the face, S. Fr. _bouffé_, blown up, swollen. BUFFONS, _s. pl._ Pantomimic dances. Fr. _boufons_, those by whom they were performed. BUG, _pret._ Built. V. ~Big~, _v._ _Minstrelsy Border._ BUGE, _s._ "Lamb's fur; Fr. _agnelin_." Rudd. _Douglas._ Fr. _bouge_, E. _buge_, id. BUGGE, _s._ A bugbear. V. ~Boggarde~. BUGGLE, _s._ A bog, a morass, S. B. This seems to be merely a dimin. from Ir. and E. _bog_. BUGIL, BUGILL, _s._ A buglehorn. _Douglas._ Q. _buculae cornu_, the horn of a young cow; or from Teut. _boghel_, Germ. _bugel_, curvatura. BUICK, _pret._ Court'sied; from the v. _Beck_. _Ross._ _To_ BUIGE, _v. n._ To bow, to creenge. _Maitland Poems._ A. S. _bug-an_, to bend. BUIK, _s._ The body. V. ~Bouk~. BUIK, BUKE, _pret._ Baked. _Dunbar._ A. S. _boc_, coxit, from _bac-an_. BUIK, BUK, BUKE, _s._ A book, S. _Dunbar._ Germ. _buch_, Alem. _bouch_, Belg. _boek_, A. S. _boc_, Moes. G. Isl. Su. G. _bok_, id. It has been generally supposed, that the Northern nations give this name to a book, from the materials of which it was first made, _bok_ signifying a beech-tree. ~Buik-lare~, _s._ Learning, the knowledge acquired by means of a regular education, S. ~Buik-lear'd~, ~Book-lear'd~, _adj._ Book-learned, S. _A. Nicol._ Isl. _boklaerd-ur_, id. V. ~Lare~, _v._ and _s._ BUIR, Leg. Leuir. _Wallace._ BUISE, _To shoot the buise._ _Cleland._ Apparently, _to swing_, to be hanged; perhaps from Ital. _busco_, the shoot of a tree. BUIST, _s._ A part of female dress, anciently worn in S. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _busq_, or _buste_, plated body, or other quilted thing, worn to make or keep the body straight. Ital. _busto_, stays or boddice. BUIST, BUSTE, BOIST, _s._ 1. A box or chest, S. _Meal-buist_, chest for containing meal. _Acts Ja. II._ 2. A coffin; nearly antiquated, but still sometimes used by tradesmen, Loth. O. Fr. _boiste_, Arm. _bouest_, a box. _To_ ~Buist~ _up_, _v. a._ To inclose, to shut up. _Montgomerie._ ~Buist-maker~, _s._ A coffin-maker, Loth.; a term now nearly obsolete. BUISTY, _s._ A bed, Aberd. _Gl. Shirr._ used perhaps for a small one, q. a little box. V. ~Booshty~. BUITH, _s._ A shop. V. ~Bothe~. BUITING, _s._ Booty. _Montgomerie._ Fr. _butin_, Ital. _butino_, id. BUITS, _s. pl._ Matches for firelocks. _Baillie's Lett._ _To_ BUKK, _v. a._ To incite, to instigate. _Evergreen._ Germ. _boch-en_, to strike, _bock-en_, to push with the horn; Su. G. _bock_, a stroke; Isl. _buck-a_, calcitrare. BUK-HID, BUK-HUD, _s._ V. ~Belly-blind~. _Henrysone._ This seems to be an old name for some game, probably _Blind man's Buff_. BU-KOW, _s._ Any thing frightful; hence applied to a hobgoblin, S. V. ~Bu~. BULDRIE, _s._ Building, or mode of building. _Burel._ BULYIEMENT, _s._ Habiliments; properly such as are meant for warfare. V. ~Abulyiement~. _Ross._ _Bulyiements_ is still used ludicrously for clothing, S. _To_ BULL, _v. n._ To take the bull; a term used with respect to a cow. Both the _v._ and _s._ are pron. q. _bill_, S. _Bill-siller_, S., is analogous to Teut. _bolle-gheld_, merces pro admissura tauri. _To_ BULLER, _v. n._ 1. To emit such a sound as water does, when rushing violently into any cavity, or forced back again, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _bullr-a_, tumultuari, strepitum edere. 2. To make a noise with the throat, as one does when gargling it with any liquid, S. _guller_, synon. _Bellenden._ 3. To make any rattling noise; as when stones are rolled downhill, or when a quantity of stones falls together, S. B. 4. To bellow, to roar as a bull or cow does, S.; also pron. _bollar_, Ang. Isl. _baul-a_, mugire, _baul_ mugitus. 5. It is used as _v. a._ to denote the _impetus_ or act productive of such a sound as is described above. _Douglas._ ~Buller~, ~Bulloure~, _s._ 1. A loud gurgling noise, S. _Douglas._ Hence, _the Bullers of Buchan_, the name given to an arch in a rock, on the coast of Aberdeenshire. Su. G. _buller_, strepitus. 2. A bellowing noise; or a loud roar, S. B. V. the _v._ BULLETSTANE, _s._ A round stone, S. Isl. _bollut-ur_, round; _bollut_, convexity. _To_ BULLIRAG, _v. a._ To rally in a contemptuous way, to abuse one in a hectoring manner, S. Isl. _baul_, _bol_, maledictio, and _raegia_, deferre, to reproach. BULLS, _s. pl._ Strong bars in which the teeth of a harrow are placed, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _bol_, Isl. _bolr_, truncus. BULL-SEGG, _s._ The great cat-tail or reedmace, Typha latifolia, Linn. S. B. BULL-SEGG, _s._ A gelded bull. V. ~Segg~. BULTY, _adj_. Large, Fife. This may be allied to Teut. _bult_, gibbus, tuber; Belg. _bult_, a bunch, _bultje_, a little bunch; Isl. _buld_, crassus. BULWAND, _s._ The name given to common mugwort, Orkney, Caithn. _Neill_. _To_ BUM, _v. n._ 1. To buzz, to make a humming noise; used with respect to bees, S. A. Bor. _J. Nicol._ 2. Used to denote the noise of a multitude. _Hamilton._ 3. As expressing the sound emitted by the drone of a bag-pipe, S. _Ferguson._ 4. Used to denote the freedom of agreeable conversation among friends, S. B. Belg. _bomm-en_, to resound; Teut. _bomme_, a drum. ~Bum~, _s._ A humming noise, the sound emitted by a bee, S., V. the _v._ ~Bumbee~, _s._ A humblebee, a wild bee that makes a great noise, S. _Bumble-bee_, id. A. Bor. Q. the _bee_ that _bums_. ~Bum-Clock~, _s._ A humming beetle, that flies in the summer evenings. _Burns._ BU-MAN, _s._ A name given to the devil. V. under ~Bu~. BUMBARD, _adj._ Indolent, lazy. Ital. _bombare_, a humble-bee. _Dunbar._ ~Bumbart~, _s._ 1. The drone-bee, or perhaps a flesh-fly. _Melvill's MS._ 2. A drone, a driveller. _Dunbar._ BUMBAZED, BOMBAZED, _adj._ Stupified, S. V. ~Bazed~. _Ross._ Q. stupified with noise; from Teut. _bomme_, tympanum, and _baesen_, delirare. BUMMACK, BUMMOCK, _s._ 1. An entertainment anciently given at Christmas by tenants to their landlords, Orkn. _Wallace's Orkn._ 2. A brewing of a large quantity of malt, for the purpose of being drunk at once at a merry meeting.--Caithn. Isl. _bua_, parare, and _mage_ socius, q. to make preparation for one's companions; or _bo_ villa, incola, and _mage_, the fellowship of a village or of its inhabitants. BUMMIL, BUMMLE, BOMBELL, _s._ Expl. a drone, an idle fellow. V. ~Batie-Bummil~. _Burns._ Teut. _bommele_, fucus. _To_ BUMMIL, _v. a._ To bungle; also, as _v. n._ to blunder, S. _Ramsay._ ~Bummeler~, ~Bumler~, _s._ A blundering fellow, S. BUMP, _s._ A stroke. "He came _bump_ upon me," he came upon me with a stroke, S. Isl. _bomps_, a stroke against any object, _bomp-a_, cita ruina ferri. BUN, BUNN. _s._ A sweet cake or loaf, generally one of that kind which is used at the new year, baked with fruit and spiceries; sometimes for this reason called a _sweetie-scone_, S. _Statist. Acc._ Ir. _bunna_, a cake. BUN, _s._ 1. The same as E. _bum_. _Lyndsay._ 2. This word signifies the tail or brush of a hare, Border; being used in the same sense with _fud_. _Watson's Coll._ Ir. _bon_, _bun_, the bottom of any thing; Dan. _bund_, id.; Gael. _bun_, bottom, foundation. BUN, _s._ A large cask placed in a cart, for the purpose of bringing water from a distance; Ang. This may be radically the same with S. _boyn_, a washingtub. BUNE, BOON, _s._ The inner part of the stalk of flax, the core, that which is of no use, afterwards called _shaws_, Ang. _Been_, id. Morays. BUNEWAND, _s._ The cow-parsnip, Heracleum sphondylium, is called _Bunwand_, S. B. _Montgomerie._ This appears to be of the same meaning with _Bunwede_, q. v. BUNG, _adj._ Tipsy, fuddled; a low word, S. _Ramsay._ Q. Smelling of the _bung_. BUNKER, BUNKART, _s._ 1. A bench, or sort of low chest serving for a seat. _Ramsay._ 2. A seat in a window, which also serves for a chest, opening with a hinged lid, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 3. It seems to be the same word which is used to denote an earthen seat in the fields, Aberd. _Law Case._ A. S. _benc_, Su. G. _baenck_, a bench; Isl. _buncke_, acervus, strues; a heap. BUNKLE, _s._ A stranger. "The dog barks, because he kens you to be a _bunkle_." This word is used in some parts of Angus. Perhaps originally a mendicant; from Isl. _bon_, mendicatio, and _karl_, vulgarly _kall_, homo. BUNNERTS, _s. pl._ Cow-parsnip, S. B. Heracleum sphondylium, Linn. Perhaps Q. _biorn-oert_, which in Sw. would be, the bear's wort. BUNTLING, _s._ Bantling, E., a bird, S. BUNWEDE, _s._ Ragwort, an herb; Senecio jacobaea, Linn. S. _binweed_; synon. _weebow_. _Houlate._ This name is also given, S. to the Polygonum convolvulus, which in Sw. is called _Binda_. BUR, _s._ The cone of the fir, S. B. Su. G. _barr_ denotes the leaves or needles of the pine. BUR-THRISSIL, _s._ The spear-thistle, S. Carduus lanceolatus. _Bur-thistle_, id. A. Bor. _To_ BURBLE, _v. n._ To purl. _Hudson._ Teut. _borbel-en_, scaturire. BURCH, BWRCH, BUROWE, _s._ Borough, town. _Dunbar._ Moes. G. _baurgs_; A. S. _burg_, _burh_, _buruh_, id. BURD, _s._ A lady, a damsel. V. ~Bird~. BURD, BURDE, _s._ Board, table. _Dunbar._ Moes. G. _baurd_, asser, tabula, A. S. _bord_, id. ~Burdclaith~, _s._ A tablecloth, S. Westmorel., id. _Dunbar._ From _burd_, and _claith_, cloth. BURDALANE, _s._ A term used to denote one who is the only child left in a family; q. _bird alone_, or, solitary; _burd_ being the pron. of _bird_. _Maitland MSS._ BURDE, _s._ Ground, foundation. Su. G. _bord_, a footstool. _Bellenden._ BURDE, _s._ A strip, properly an ornamental salvedge; as a "_burde_ of silk," a salvedge of silk. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _borda_, limbus vel praetexta; unde _silkesborda_, cingulum sericum vel limbus; _gullbord_, limbus aureus; Teut. _boord_, limbus. BURDYN, _adj._ Wooden, of or belonging to _boards_. _Wallace._ A. S. _bord_, S. _burd, buird_, a board, a plank. BURDING, _s._ Burden. V. ~Birth, Byrth~. _Montgomerie._ BURDINSECK. V. ~Berthinsek~. BURDIT, _part. pa._ Stones are said to be _burdit_, when they split into lamina, S. perhaps from _burd_, a board; q. like wood divided into thin planks. BURDLY, BUIRDLY, _adj._ Large and well-made, S. The E. word _stately_ is used as synon. _Burns._ Isl. _burdur_, the habit of body, strength, propriae vires; _afburdur menn_, excellent men. BURDON, BURDOUN, BURDOWNE, _s._ 1. A big staff, such as pilgrims were wont to carry. _Douglas._ Fr. _bourdon_, a pilgrim's staff; O. Fr. _bourde_, a baton; Isl. _broddstafur_, scipio, _hastulus_, hastile. 2. _Be staff and burdon_; a phrase respecting either investiture or resignation. _Bellenden._ BURDOUN, _s._ "The drone of a bag-pipe, in which sense it is commonly used in S." _Ruddiman._ Fr. _bourdon_, id. BURDOWYS, _s._ Men who fought with clubs. _Barbour._ _Burdare_, (Matt. Paris), is to fight with clubs, after the manner of clowns, qui, he says, Anglis _Burdons_. BUREDELY, _adv._ Forcibly, vigorously. V. ~Burdly~. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ BUREIL, BURAL, _adj._ Vulgar, rustic. _Wallace._ Chaucer _borel_, id.; L. B. _burell-us_, a species of coarse cloth; Teut. _buer_, a peasant. BURG _of ice_, a whale-fisher's phrase for a field of ice floating in the sea, S., most probably from its resemblance of a _castle_. BURGENS, _s. pl._ Burgesses. _Wyntown._ Lat. _burgens-es_. BURGEOUN, _s._ A bud, a shoot. _Douglas._ Fr. _burgeon_, id.; Su. G. _boerja_, oriri; Isl. _bar_, gemma arborum. BURIAN, _s._ A mound, a tumulus; or a kind of fortification, S. Aust. _Statist. Acc._ From A. S. _beorg_, _burg_, mons, acervus; or _byrigenn_, _byrgene_, sepulcrum, monumentum, tumulus. BURIO, BOREAU, BURRIO, BURIOR, BURRIOUR, _s._ An executioner. _Bellenden._ Fr. _bourreau_, id. BURLAW, BYRLAW, BIRLEY, BARLEY. _Byrlaw Court_, a court of neighbours, residing in the country, which determines as to local concerns. _Skene. Reg. Maj._ From Belg. _baur_ (boer) a husbandman, and _Law_; or as Germ. _bauer_, A. S. _bur_, Isl. _byr_, signify a village, as well as a husbandman, the term may signify the _Law_ of the _village_ or district. ~Burlie-Bailie~, _s._ An officer employed to enforce the laws of the _Burlaw-courts_. _Ramsay._ BURLED, BURLIT, _part. pa._ _Acts Ja. II._ Does this signify _burnt_, from Fr. _brul-er_? BURLY, _s._ A crowd, a tumult, S. B. Teut. _borl-en_, to vociferate. Hence E. _hurly-burly_. BURLY, BUIRLIE, _adj._ Stately, strong; as applied to buildings. _Wallace._ Teut. _boer_, Germ. _bauer_, a boor, with the termination _lic_, denoting resemblance. BURLINS, _s. pl._ The bread _burnt_ in the oven in baking, S. q. _burnlins_. BURN, _s._ 1. Water, particularly that which is taken from a fountain or well S. _Ferguson._ Moes. G. _brunna_, Su. G. _brunn_, Isl. _brunn-ur_, Germ. _brun_, Teut. _burn_, _borne_, a well, a fountain; Belg. _bornwater_, water from a well. A rivulet, a brook. S. A. Bor. _Douglas._ 2. E. bourn. In this sense only A. S. _burn_, and _byrna_, occur; or as signifying a torrent. 3. The water used in brewing, S. B. _Lyndsay_. 4. Urine, S. B. "To make one's _burn_," mingere. Germ. _brun_, urina. ~Burnie~, ~Burny~, is sometimes used as a dimin. denoting a small brook, S. _Beattie_. _To_ BURN, _v. a._ 1. One is said to be _burnt_, when he has suffered in any attempt. _Ill burnt_, having suffered severely, S. _Baillie._ 2. To deceive, to cheat in a bargain, S. One says that he has been _brunt_, when overreached. These are merely oblique senses of the E. v. BURNET, _adj._ Of a brown colour. _Douglas._ Fr. _brunette_, a dark brown stuff formerly worn by persons of quality. BURNEWIN, _s._ A cant term for a blacksmith, S. _Burns._ "_Burn-the-wind_,--an appropriate term," N. BURNT SILVER, BRINT SILVER, silver refined in the furnace. _Acts Ja. II._ Isl. _brendu silfri_, id. Snorro Sturleson shews that _skirt silfr_, i. e. pure silver, and _brennt silfr_, are the same. BURR, BURRH, _s._ The whirring sound made by some people in pronouncing the letter _r_; as by the inhabitants of Northumberland, S. _Statist. Acc._ This word seems formed from the sound. BURRA, _s._ The most common kind of rush, Orkn.; there the Juncus squarrosus. BURRACH'D, _part. pa._ Inclosed. V. ~Bowrach'd.~ _To_ BURRIE, _v. a._ To overpower in working, to overcome in striving at work, S. B. Allied perhaps to Fr. _bourrer_, Isl. _ber-ia_, to beat. BURRY, _adj._ _Henrysone._ Either rough, shaggy, from Fr. _bourru_, "flockie, hairie, rugged," Cotgr. or savage, cruel, from Fr. _bourreau_, an executioner. V. ~Burio~. BURROWE-MAIL, V. ~Mail~. BURSAR, _s._ One who receives the benefit of an endowment in a college, for bearing his expences during his education there, S. _Buik of Discipline_. L. B. _Bursar-ius_, a scholar supported by a pension; Fr. _boursier_, id. from L. B. _bursa_, an ark, Fr. _bourse_, a purse. _Bourse_ also signifies "the place of a pensioner in a college," Cotgr. ~Bursary~, ~Burse~, _s._ The endowment given to a student in a university, an exhibition, S. _Statist. Acc._ BURSIN, BURSTEN, _part. pa._ 1. Burst, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. Overpowered with fatigue; or so overheated by exertion as to drop down dead, S. BUS, _s._ A bush, S. _buss_. V. ~Busk~. _Douglas._ BUSCH, _s._ Boxwood, S. B. _Douglas._ Belg. _bosse-boom_, _busboom_, Fr. _bouis_, _buis_, Ital. _busso_, id. _To_ BUSCH, _v. n._ To lay an ambush; pret. _buschyt_. _Wallace._ O. E. _bussed_. _R. Brunne_. Ital. _bosc-are_, _imbosc-are_, from _bosco_, q. to lie hid among bushes. ~Buschement~, _s._ Ambush. _Wallace._ O. E. _bussement_. _R. Brunne._ _To_ BUSE, BUST, _v. a._ To inclose cattle in a stall, S. B. A. S. _bosg_, _bosig_, praesepe; E. _boose_, a stall for a cow, Johns. _To_ BUSH, _v. a._ To sheathe, to inclose in a case or box, S.; applied to the wheels of carriages. Su. G. Belg. _bosse_, a box or case of any kind. BUSH, _interj._ Expressive of a rushing sound, as that of water spouting out, Tweedd. _J. Nicol._ L. B. _bus-bas_, a term used to denote the noise made by fire-arms or arrows in battle. _To_ BUSK, _v. a._ 1. To dress, to attire one's self, to deck, S.; _bus_, A. Bor. id. _Douglas._ Germ. _butz-en_, _buss-en_, Belg. _bocts-en_, Su. G. _puts-a_, _puss-a_, ornare, decorare; Germ. _butz_, _buss_, ornatus; hence _butz frau_, a well-dressed woman. 2. To prepare, to make ready, in general, S. _Sir Tristrem._ 3. _v. n._ To tend, to direct one's course towards. _Gawan and Gol._ 4. It sometimes seems to imply the idea of rapid motion; as equivalent to _rush_. _Barbour._ ~Busking~, _s._ Dress, decoration. _Acts Ja. VI._ BUSK, _s._ A bush. _Douglas._ Su. G. Isl. _buske_, Germ. _busch_, Belg. _bosch_, frutex. Ital. _bosco_, wood. BUSKENING, _s._ _Sir Egeir._ Apparently high-flown language, like that used on the stage; from E. _buskin_, the high shoe anciently worn by actors. BUSSIN, _s._ A linen cap or hood, worn by old women, much the same as _Toy_, q. v. West of S. Perhaps from Moes. G. _buss-us_, fine linen, Gr. βυσσινον, id. BUSSING, _s._ Covering. _Evergreen._ Perhaps from Germ. _busch_, _fascis_, a bundle, a fardel. BUST, _s._ A box. V. ~Buist~. BUST, BOOST, _s._ "Tar mark upon sheep, commonly the initials of the proprietor's name," Gl. Sibb. Perhaps what is taken out of the tar-_bust_ or box. _To_ BUST, _v. a._ To powder, to dust with flour, Aberd. _Must_, synon. This _v._ is probably formed from _bust_, _buist_, a box, in allusion to the _meal-buist_. _To_ BUST, _v. a._ To beat, Aberd. Isl. _boest-a_, id. BUSTINE, _adj._ "Fustian, cloth," Gl. _Ramsay._ Perhaps it rather respects the shape of the garment; from Fr. _buste_, "the long, small or sharp-pointed, and hard-quilted belly of a doublet;" Cotgr. BUSTUOUS, BUSTEOUS, _adj._ 1. Huge, large in size. _Douglas._ 2. Strong, powerful. _Lyndsey._ 3. "Terrible, fierce," Rudd. 4. Rough, unpolished. _Douglas._ Su. G. _bus-a_, cum impetu ferri; Teut. _boes-en_, impetuose pulsare. ~Bustuousness~, _s._ Fierceness, violence. _Douglas._ BUT, _prep._ Without. V. ~Bot~. BUT, _adv._ 1. Towards the outer apartment of a house, S. _Dunbar._ 2. In the outer apartment. _Dunbar._ _To gae but_, to go forward, or into, the outer apartment; sometimes called the _but-house_, S. It is also used as a prep. _Gae but the house_, S. V. ~Ben~. A. S. _bute_, _buta_, Teut. _buyten_, extra, foras; forth, out of doors. BUT, _s._ The outer apartment of a house, S. _Dunbar._ BUT, _prep._ Besides. _Barbour._ A. S. _butan_, praeter. BUT, _v. imp._ Expressive of necessity, S. V. ~Boot~. BUT, _s._ Let, impediment, S. This is merely the _prep._ used as a substantive. BUT AND, _prep._ Besides. V. ~Botand~. BUTER, BUTTER, _s._ Bittern. V. ~Boytour~. BUTT, _s._ 1. A piece of ground, which in ploughing does not form a proper ridge, but is excluded as an angle, S. 2. A small piece of ground disjoined from the adjacent lands. Fr. _bout_, end, extremity. L. B. _butta terrae_, agellus. 3. Those parts of the tanned hides of horses which are under the crupper, are called _butts_, probably as being the extremities, S. BUTWARDS, _adv._ Towards the outer part of a room, S. B. _Ross._ BWNIST, _adj._ Uppermost. _Dunbar._ From _boon_, contr. from _abone_, above, corresponding to modern _boonmost_, uppermost, q. v. Belg. _bovenste_, id. from _boven_, above. C CA, CAW, _s._ A walk for cattle, a particular district, S. B. V. ~Call~, ~Caw~, _v._ _Ross._ CA, _s._ A pass or defile between hills, Sutherl. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ CAB, _v. a._ To pilfer, Loth. CABARR, _s._ A lighter. V. ~Gabert~. _Spalding._ CABBACK, _s._ A cheese. V. ~Kebbuck~. CABBIE, KEBBIE, _s._ A box, made of laths, narrow at the top, used as a pannier for carrying grain on horseback; one being carried on each side of the horse; Sutherl. _Statist. Acc._ CABBRACH, _adj._ Rapacious, laying hold of every thing, S. B. _Ross._ CABELD, _adj._ Reined, bridled. _Dunbar._ Teut. _kebel_, a rope. CABIR, KABAR, KEBBRE, _s._ 1. A rafter, S. _Douglas_. 2. The same term is used to denote the transverse beams in a kiln, on which grain is laid for being dried, S. C. B. _keibr_, Corn. _keber_, a rafter; Ir. _cabar_, a coupling; Teut. _keper_, a beam, a brace. CABROCH, _adj._ Lean, meagre; _skeebroch_, Galloway. _Evergreen._ Ir. Gael. _scabar_, thin. CACE, CAIS, _s._ Chance, accident. _On cace_, by chance. _Douglas._ Fr. _cas_, id. _To_ CACHE, CAICH, CADGE, _v. a._ To toss, to drive, to shog, S. _Douglas._ Belg. _kaats-en_, to toss, Ital. _cacc-iare_, to drive. CACHE-KOW, _s._ A cow-catcher, a cow-stealer. _Douglas._ CADDIS, _s._ Lint for dressing a wound, S. Gael. _cadas_, a pledget. _To_ CADGE. V. ~Cache~. CADGELL, _s._ A wanton fellow. V. ~Caigie~. CADIE, _s._ 1. One who gains a livelihood by running of errands, or delivering messages; a member of a society in Edinburgh, instituted for this purpose, S. _Ferguson._ 2. A boy; especially as employed in running of errands, or in any inferior sort of work, S. 3. A young fellow; used in a ludicrous sense, S. _Burns._ Fr. _cadet_, a younger brother. CADGY, CADY, _adj._ V. ~Caigie~. CADUC, _adj._ Frail, fleeting. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _caduque_, Lat. _caduc-us_, id. CAFF, _s._ Chaff, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _ceaf_, Germ, _kaf_, id. palea. CAFLIS, _pl._ Lots. V. ~Cavel~. CAHUTE, _s._ 1. The cabin of a ship. _Evergreen._ 2. A small or private apartment of any kind. _Douglas._ Germ. _kaiute_, _koiute_, Su. G. _kaijuta_. id. CAIB, _s._ The iron employed in making a spade, or any such instrument; Sutherl. Gael. _ceibe_, a spade. _Statist. Acc._ CAIF, KAIF, _adj._ Tame, South of S. Sw. _kufw-a_, to tame. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ CAIGE, CAIDGE, _v. n._ To wanton, to wax wanton. _Philotus._ Su. G. _kaett-jas_, lascivire. ~Caigie~, ~Caidgy~, ~Cady~, ~Keady~, _adj._ 1. Wanton, S. _Kiddy_, Ang. _Lyndsay._ 2. Cheerful, sportive; having the idea of innocence conjoined, S. _Ramsay._ Dan. _kaad_, Su. G. _kaat_, salax, lascivus; Isl. _kaat-ur_, hilaris. ~Cadgily~, _adv._ Cheerfully, S. _Ferguson._ CAIK, _s._ A stitch, a sharp pain in the side, South of S. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _koeck_, obstructio hepatis. CAIK, _s._ A cake of oat-meal, S. _Knox._ ~Caik-Fumler~, _s._ A parasite, a toad-eater; or perhaps, a covetous wretch. _Douglas._ CAIL, _s._ Colewort, S. V. ~Kail~. CAYNE, _s._ An opprobrious term. _Kennedy._ CAIP, CAPE, _s._ The highest part of any thing, S. Hence, _caip-stane_, the cope-stone, S. Teut. _kappe_, culmen. CAIP, _s._ A coffin. _Henrysone._ A. S. _cofe_, cavea. _To_ CAIR, KAIR, _v. a._ To drive backwards and forwards, S. _Care_, Gl. Sibb. Isl. _keir-a_, Su. G. _koer-a_, vi pellere. _To_ CAIR, CAYR, _v. n._ To return to a place where one has been before. _Wallace._ A. S. _cerr-an_, to return, Belg. _keer-en_, Germ. _ker-en_, to turn. CAIR, CAAR, CARRY, KER, _adj._ Left. Hence, _cair-handit_, _carry-handit_, left-handed, S. V. ~Ker~. CAIRD, CARD, KAIRD, _s._ 1. A gipsy, one who lives by stealing, S. _Ross._ 2. A travelling tinker, S. _Burns._ 3. A sturdy beggar, S.; synon. with _Sornar_. 4. A scold, S. B. Ir. _ceard_, _ceird_, a tinker. CAIRN, _s._ 1. A heap of stones thrown together in a conical form, S. _Pennant._ 2. A building of any kind in a ruined state, a heap of rubbish, S. _Burns._ Gael. Ir. _carne_, C. B. _carneddaw_, id. CAIRT, _s._ A chart or map. _Burel._ Teut. _karte_, Fr. _carte_, id. CAIRTS, _s. pl._ Cards, as used in play, S. Fr. _carte_, id. ~Cairtaris~, _s. pl._ Players at cards. _Knox._ CAIR-WEEDS, _s. pl._ Mourning weeds, q. "weeds of care." _Dunbar._ _To_ CAIT, _v. n._ V. ~Cate~. CAITCHE, CAICHE, _s._ A kind of game. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _ketsc_, ictus pilae, _kaets-en_, ludere pila. CALCHEN, _s._ (gutt.) A square frame of wood, with ribs across it, in the form of a gridiron, on which candle-fir is dried in the chimney, S. B. Isl. _kialke_, a sledge, _sperru-kialki_, rafters. CALD, CAULD, _adj._ 1. Cold, S. _Popular Ball._ 2. Cool, deliberate, not rash in judgment. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _kalds_, A. S. _ceald_, Alem. _chalt_, Isl. _kalt_, frigidus. ~Cald~, ~Cauld,~ _s._ 1. Cold, the privation of heat, S. _Wyntown._ 2. The disease caused by cold, S. ~Cauld Coal~. _He has a cauld coal to blaw at_, "He is engaged in work that promises no success," S. Prov. ~Caldrife~, ~Cauldrife~, _adj._ 1. Causing the sensation of cold, S. _Ross._ 2. Very susceptible of cold, S. 3. Indifferent, cool, not manifesting regard or interest, S. _Ferguson._ _Cald_, and _rife_, q. "abounding in cold." ~Cauldrifeness~, ~Coldrifeness~, _s._ 1. Susceptibility of cold, chilness, S. 2. Coolness, want of ardour, S. _Baillie._ ~Cauld Steer~, Sour milk and meal _stirred_ together in a _cold_ state, S. B. CALFLEA, _s._ Infield ground, one year under natural grass; probably thus denominated from the _calves_ being fed on it, Ang. CALFING, _s._ Wadding. V. ~Colf~. CALICRAT, _s._ Apparently an emmet or ant. _Burel._ _To_ CALKIL, _v. a._ To calculate. Fr. _calcul-er_, id. _Complaynt S._ _To_ CALL, CA', CAA, CAW, _v. a._ 1. To drive, to impel in any direction, S. _Barbour._ 2. To strike, with the prep. _at_, S. _Sir Egeir._ Dan. _kage_, leviter verberare. _To_ ~Call~, ~Ca'~, _v. n._ 1. To move quickly, S. _Ross._ 2. To go in, or enter, in consequence of being driven, S. _Bord. Minstrelsy._ ~Call~, ~Caw~ _of the water_, the motion of it in consequence of the action of the wind, S. ~Caller~, _s._ One who drives horses or cattle under the yoke. _Barry._ CALLAN, CALLAND, CALLANT, _s._ 1. A stripling, a lad; "a young _calland_," a boy, S. _Baillie._ 2. Applied to a young man, as a term expressive of affection, S. _Waverley._ 3. Often used as a familiar term, expressive of affection to one considerably advanced in life, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _gallant_, Douglas uses _gallandis_ for _juvenes_. CALLOT, _s._ A _mutch_ or cap for a woman's head, without a border, Ang. Fr. _calotte_, a coif. CALLOUR, CALLER, CAULER, _adj._ 1. Cool, refreshing; "_a callour day_," a cool day, S. _Douglas._ 2. Fresh, not in a state of putridity, S., as _callour meat_, _callour fish_, &c. _Bellenden._ 3. Having the plump and rosy appearance of health, as opposed to a sickly look, S. Isl. _kalldur_, frigidus. CALOO, CALLOW, CALAW, _s._ The pintail duck, Anas acuta, Linn. Orkn. _Barry._ CALSAY, _s._ Causeway, street. _Acts Ja. VI._ CALSHIE, CALSHAGH, _adj._ Crabbed, ill humoured, S. _Morison._ Isl. _kals-a_, irridere, _kalzug-ur_, derisor. CALMES, CAUMS, _s. pl._ 1. A mould, a frame, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. The small cords through which the warp is passed in the loom, S., synon. _heddles_. 3. _In the caulms_, in the state of being framed or modelled, metaph. _Baillie._ Germ. _quem-en_, quadrare; Su.G. _bequaem_, Belg. _bequaam_, fit, meet. CALSUTER'D, _adj._ Apparently for calfuter'd, caulked. _Chron. S. Poet._ Fr. _calfeutrer_, Dan. _kalfatre_, to caulk. CALVER, _s._ A cow with calf, S. Teut. _kalver-koe_, id. CAMBIE-LEAF, _s._ The water-lily, Nymphaea alba et lutea, Linn. S. B. CAMDUI, s. A species of trout. _Sibbald._ Gael. _cam_, crooked, and _dubh_, black. CAMY, CAMOK, _adj._ 1. Crooked. _Maitland Poems._ 2. Metaph. used to denote what is rugged and unequal. _Douglas._ Ir. Gael. _cam_, C. B. _kam_, L. B. _cam-us_. CAMLA-LIKE, _adj._ Sullen, surly; Aberd. _Journ. Lond._ Isl. _kamleit-r_, id., tetricus. CAMMERAIGE, CAMROCHE, _s._ Cambric. _Acts Ja. VI._ Named from _Cambray_, in Lat. _Camerac-um_, in Teut. _Camerijk_. CAMMON, CAMMOCK, _s._ 1. A crooked stick, S. 2. The game also called _Shinty_, Perths. Celt. _cambaca_, id. Bullet. Gael. _caman_, a hurling-club. CAM-NOSED, CAMOW-NOSED, _adj._ Hook-nosed. V. ~Camy~. _Polwart._ CAMOVYNE, CAMOWYNE, _s._ Camomile, S. _Ross._ _To_ CAMP, _v. n._ 1. To contend. V. ~Kemp~. _Melvill's MS._ 2. To romp, Loth. Germ. _kamp-en_, certare. CAMPERLECKS, _s. pl._ Magical tricks, Buchan; synon. _Cantraips_. Perhaps Teut. _kaemper_, a wrestler, and _lek_, play, q. jousts, tournaments. CAMPY, _adj._ 1. Bold, brave, heroical; Gl. Sibb. 2. Ill-natured, contentious, Loth. V. ~Camp~, _v._ CAMPIOUN, _s._ A champion. _Bellenden._ Ital. _campione_, id. CAMPRULY, _adj._ Contentious, S. A. Isl. _kempa_, pugil, and _rugla_, turbare. CAMSCHO, CAMSCHOL, _adj._ 1. Crooked. _Douglas._ 2. Denoting a stern, grim, or distorted countenance. _Ramsay._ 3. Ill-humoured, contentious, crabbed; Ang. V. ~Camy~. CAMSHAUCHEL'D, _part. adj._ 1. Distorted, awry, S. _Nicol._ 2. Angry, cross, quarrelsome, S. _Cam_, crooked, and _shachle_, q. v. CAMSTERIE, CAMSTAIRIE, _adj._ Froward, perverse, unmanageable, S. Germ. _kamp_, battle, and _starrig_, stiff, q. obstinate in fight. CAMSTONE, _s._ 1. Common compact limestone, S. 2. White clay, indurated; Loth. Teut. _kalmey-steen_. CAMSTRUDGEOUS, _adj._ The same with ~Camsterie~; Fife. Isl. _kaempe_, miles, and _striug_, animus infensus. _To_ CAN, _v. a._ To know. _Henrysone._ Teut. _konn-en_, noscere; posse. ~Can~, ~Cann~, _s._ 1. Skill, knowledge, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Ability, S. B. _Ross._ CAN, _pret._ for _Gan_, began. _Wallace._ CANALYIE, CANNAILYIE, The rabble, S. Fr. _canaille_, id. _J. Nicol._ CANDAVAIG, _s._ 1. A foul salmon, that has lien in fresh water till summer, without migrating to the sea; Ang. 2. Used as denoting a peculiar species of salmon, Aberd. _Statist. Acc._ Gael. _ceann_, head, and _dubhach_, a black dye. CANDLEMAS CROWN, A badge of distinction conferred, at some grammar schools, on him who gives the highest gratuity to the rector, at the term of Candlemas, S. _Statist. Acc._ CANE, KAIN, CANAGE, _s._ A duty paid by a tenant to his landlord in kind; as "_cane_ cheese;" "_cane_ fowls," &c. S. _Ramsay._ L. B. _can-um_, _can-a_, tribute, from Gael. _ceann_, the head. _To Pay the Cain_, To suffer severely in any cause, S. _Ritson._ _To_ CANGLE, _v. n._ To quarrel, to be in a state of altercation, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _kiaenk-a_, arridere. ~Cangling~, _s._ Altercation, S. _Z. Boyd._ ~Cangler~, _s._ A jangler, S. _Ramsay._ CANKERT, CANKERRIT, _adj._ Cross, ill-conditioned, S. _Douglas._ CANNA DOWN, CANNACH, _s._ Cotton grass, Eriophorum vaginatum, Linn. S. Gael. _cannach_, id. _Grant._ CANNA, CANNAE, cannot; compounded of _can_, v., and _na_ or _nae_, not, S. _Percy._ CANNAS, CANNES, _s._ 1. Any coarse cloth, like that of which sails are made, S. B. Fr. _cannevas_, E. _canvas_. 2. A coarse sheet used for keeping grain from falling to the ground when it is winnowed by means of a _wecht_, S. B. Hence, ~Cannes-braid~, s. The breadth of such a sheet, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Metaph. the sails of a ship, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ CANNEL, _s._ Cinnamon. _Statist. Acc._ Fr. _cannelle_, Teut. Dan. _kaneel_, Isl. _kanal_. Hence, ~Cannel-waters~, _s. pl._ Cinnamon waters, S. CANNELL BAYNE, The collar-bone. _Wallace._ Fr. _canneau du col_, the nape of the neck. _To_ CANNEL, _v. a._ To channel, to chamfer, S. Fr. _cannel-er_, id. CANNIE, KANNIE, _adj._ 1. Cautious, prudent, S. _Baillie._ 2. Artful, crafty, S. _Rutherford._ 3. Attentive, wary, watchful, S. _Ramsay._ 4. Frugal, not given to expence, S. _Burns._ 5. Moderate in charges, S. 6. Useful, beneficial, S. _Ross._ 7. Handy, expert at any business; often used in relation to midwifery, S. _Forbes._ 8. Gentle, so as not to hurt a sore, S. 9. Soft, easy, as applied to a state of rest, S. _Ramsay._ 10. Slow in motion. "To gang _canny_," to move slowly; "to caw _canny_," to drive softly; also, to manage with frugality, S. _Burns._ 11. Soft and easy in motion, S. 12. Safe, not dangerous. "A _canny_ horse," one that may be rode with safety, S. _Burns._ _No canny_, not safe, dangerous, S. _Popul. Ball._ 13. Composed, deliberate; as opposed to _flochtry_, _throwther_, S. 14. Not hard, not difficult of execution, S. _Burns._ 15. Easy in situation, snug, comfortable; as "He sits very _canny_." "He has a braw _canny_ seat," S. _Ramsay._ 16. Fortunate, lucky, S. _Pennecuik._ 17. Fortunate, used in a superstitious sense, S. _R. Galloway._ _No canny_, not fortunate, applied both to things and to persons. _Ramsay._ 18. Endowed with knowledge, supposed by the vulgar to proceed from a preternatural origin; possessing magical skill, South of S. _Tales Landl._ 19. Good, worthy, "A braw _canny_ man," a pleasant, good-conditioned, or worthy man, S. _Statist. Acc._ 20. Applied to any instrument, it signifies well-fitted, convenient, S. B. _Survey Nairn._ Isl. _kiaen_, sciens, prudens; callidus, astutus; _kaeni_, fortis et prudens; from _kenn-a_, noscere. ~Cannie Wife~, a midwife, South of S. _Cromek._ ~Cannily~, adv. 1. Cautiously, prudently, S. _Baillie._ 2. Moderately, not violently, S. _Baillie._ 3. Easily, so as not to hurt or gall, S. _Rutherford._ 4. Gently, applied to a horse obeying the rein, S. _Waverley._ ~Canniness~, s. 1. Caution, forbearance, moderation in conduct, S. _Baillie._ 2. Crafty management. _Baillie._ CANOIS, CANOS, CANOUS, adj. Gray, hoary. Lat. _can-us_. _Douglas._ _To_ CANT, _v. n._ To sing in speaking, to repeat after the manner of recitation, S. Lat. _cant-are_, to sing. _To_ CANT, _v. a._ To set a stone on its edge, a term used in masonry, S. Germ. _kant-en_, id. _To_ CANT, _v. n._ To ride at a hand-gallop, S. B. _Canter_, S. CANT, _adj._ Lively, merry, brisk. _Barbour._ ~Canty~, _adj._ Lively, cheerful; applied both to persons and to things, S. _Burns._ Ir. _cainteach_, talkative, prattling; Su. G. _gant-a_, ludificare. CANTEL, CANTIL, _s._ A fragment. _Sir Egeir._ Teut. _kanteel_, pinna, mina, Fr. _chantel_, a piece broken off from the corner or edge of a thing. CANTEL, _s._ The crown of the head, Loth. Teut _kanteel_, a battlement. CANTEL, _s._ A juggling trick. _Houlate._ L. B. _cantell-ator_, praestigiator, magus. ~Cantelein~, _s._ Properly an incantation, used to denote a trick. _Lyndsay._ Lat. _cantilen-a_, a song. CANTRAIP, CANTRAP, _s._ 1. A charm, a spell, an incantation, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A trick, a piece of mischief artfully or adroitly performed, S. _Waverley._ Isl. _gan_, _gand_, witchcraft, or _kiaen_, applied to magical arts, and _trapp_, calcatio. _To_ CAP, _v. n._ To uncover the head, in token of obeisance; q. to take off one's cap. _Baillie._ _To_ CAP, _v. a._ To excel, Loth. Teut. _kappe_, the summit. CAP, _s._ A wooden bowl for containing meat or drink, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _koppa_, cyaphus; Arab. _kab_, a cup. Hence, perhaps, ~Caps~, _s. pl._ The combs of wild bees, S. _To_ CAP, _v. a._ 1. To seize by violence, to lay hold of what is not one's own, S. 2. To seize vessels in a privateering way. _Fountainhall._ 3. To entrap, to ensnare. _K. Ja. VI._ Lat. _cap-ere_, Su. G. _kipp-a_, rapere. ~Caper~, _s._ A pirate; or one who seizes vessels under a letter of marque. _Colvil._ Belg. Su. G. Dan. _kapare_, a pirate. _To_ CAP, _v. a._ To direct one's course at sea. _Douglas._ Teut. _kape_, signum littorale. CAPER, KAPER, _s._ A piece of oatcake and butter, with a slice of cheese on it, Perths. Gael. _ceapaire_, id. CAPERCAILYE, CAPERCALYEANE, _s._ The mountain cock, Tetrao urogallus, Linn. S. _Bellenden._ Gael. _capullecoille_, id. CAPERNOITIE, CAPERNOITED, _adj._ Crabbed, irritable, peevish, S. _Hamilton._ Isl. _kappe_, certamen, and _nyt-a_ uti, q. "one who invites strife." CAPES, _s. pl._ 1. The grain which retains the shell, before it is milled, Loth. 2. The grain which is not sufficiently ground; especially where the shell remains with part of the grain, Loth. 3. Flakes of meal which come from the mill, when the grain has not been thoroughly dried, S. B. _Morison._ CAPYL, CAPUL, _s._ A horse or mare. _Douglas._ Gael. _capull_, Ir. _kabbal_, C. B. _keffyl_, Hisp. _cavallo_, id. CAPITANE, _s._ Caption, captivity. _Bellenden._ CAPLEYNE, _s._ "A steylle _capleine_," a small helmet. _Wallace._ Germ. _kaeplein_, from _kappe_, tegumentum capitis. _To_ CAPPER, _v. a._ 1. To seize ships, to go a-privateering, Ang. 2. To catch, to seize, violently to lay hold of; used in a general sense, Ang. Dan. _kapre_, to exercise piracy. CAPPIT, _adj._ Crabbed, ill-humoured, peevish, S. _Philotus._ Isl. _kapp_, contention, or Flandr. _koppe_, a spider; as we call an ill-humoured person an _ettercap_, S. CAPREL, _s._ A caper, as in dancing. Fr. _capriole_, id. _Polwart._ CAPROWSY, _s._ A short cloak furnished with a hood. _Evergreen._ Fr. _cappe-rosin_, a red coloured cloak. _To_ CAPSTRIDE, _v. a._ To drink in place of another, to whom it belongs, when the vessel is going round a company, S. E. _cap_ and _stride_. CAPUL, _s._ A horse. V. ~Capyl~. CAR, _adj._ Left, left-handed. V. ~Ker~. CAR, CAAR, _s._ A sledge, a hurdle, S. Ir. _carr_, id. _Wallace._ CARAGE, _s._ V. ~Arage~. CARALYNGIS, _s. pl._ Dancing. _Houlate._ Fr. _caroll-er_, to dance, to revel. CARAMEILE, _s._ An edible root. V. ~Carmele~. CARCAT, CARKAT, CARCANT, _s._ 1. A necklace, E. _carcanet_. _Maitland P._ 2. A pendant ornament of the head. _Watson's Coll._ CARDINAL, _s._ A long cloak, or mantle, worn by women, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ CARE, _v. a._ To drive. V. ~Cair~. CARE-BED LAIR, A disconsolate situation; q. "_lying_ in the _bed_ of care," S. B. _Ross._ CARECAKE, KERCAIK, _s._ A small cake, baked with eggs, and eaten on _Yule-day_, in the north of S. V. Next term. CARE SONDAY, according to some, that immediately preceding Good Friday, but generally used to signify the fifth in Lent, S. V. ~Carlings~. _Bellenden._ Germ. _kar_, satisfactio, from _karr-en_, _ker-en_, emendare; or Su. G. _kaer-a_, to complain. CARGE, _To carge_, in charge. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _carguer_, used as _charger_. CARIE, _adj._ Soft, pliable. _Kelly._ CARYBALD, _s._ _Maitland Poems._ Perhaps from Fr. _charaveau_, a beetle. CARKINING, _s._ A collar. V. ~Carcat~. _Houlate._ CARL, CAIRLE, CARLE, CARLL, _s._ 1. A man, S. B. A. S. _carl_, Isl. _karl_, O. Teut. _kaerla_, masculus. 2. Man, as distinguished from a boy. _Wyntown._ 3. A clown, a boor, S. A. Bor. _Wyntown._ A. S. _ceorl_, Isl. _karl_, Belg. _kaerle_, rusticus. 4. One who has the manners of a boor. _Kelly._ 5. A strong man. _Wallace._ Germ. _kerl_, fortis, corpore robusto praeditus. 6. An old man, S. A. Bor. _Wyntown._ Su. G. Isl. _karl_, id. ~Carl-crab~, _s._ The male of the black-clawed crab, Cancer pagurus, Linn. S. _Sibbald._ _Carl-hemp_, _s._ 1. The largest stalk of hemp, S. A. Bor. 2. Used metaph. to denote firmness of mind. _Burns._ ~Carl-again~, _To play carl-again_, to return a blow, to give as much as one receives, Ang. ~Carl~ _and_ ~Cavel~, V. ~Kavel~. ~Carl-doddie~, _s._ A stalk of rib-grass, S. Plantago lanceolata, Linn. _Doddie_, bald. ~Carlie~, _s._ A little man, a dimin. from _carl_, S. _Cleland._ ~Carlish~, ~Carlitch~, _adj._ 1. Coarse, vulgar. A. S. _ceorlic_, vulgaris. _Dunbar._ 2. Rude, harsh in manners. _Popul. Ball._ ~Carlin~, _s._ 1. An old woman, S. _Philotus._ 2. A contemptuous term for a woman, although not far advanced in life, S. _Douglas._ 3. A witch, Loth. Twedd. _Pennecuik._ 4. The last handful of corn cut down in harvest-field, when it is not shorn before Hallowmas, S. B. If before this, it is called the _Maiden_. Su. G. _kaering_, _kaerling_, anus. ~Carlin-heather~, _s._ Fine-leaved heath, Erica cinerea, Linn. S. also called _Bell-heather_. ~Carlin-spurs~, _s. pl._ Needle furze or petty whin, Genista Anglica, Linn., S. B. q. "the spurs of an old woman." ~Carlin-teuch~, _adj._ (gutt.) As hardy as an old woman, S. B. _Teuch_, S., tough. CARLING, _s._ The name of a fish, Fife.; supposed to be the Pogge, Cottus cataphractus, Linn. CARLINGS, _s. pl._ Pease _birsled_ or broiled, Ang. according to Sibb. "pease broiled on _Care_-Sunday." _Ritson._ CARMELE, CARMYLIE, CARAMEIL, _s._ Heath pease, a root, S. Orobus tuberosus, Linn. _Pennant._ Gael. _cairmeal_, id. CARNAIL, _adj._ Putrid. _Wallace._ Fr. _charogneux_, putrified, full of carrion, Cotgr. CARNELL, _s._ A heap, a dimin. from _cairn_. _Bellenden._ _To_ CARP, CARPE, _v. a._ 1. To speak, to talk, to relate, whether verbally, or in writing. _Wyntown._ O. E. id. _P. Ploughman._ 2. To sing. _Minstrelsy Border._ Lat. _carpo_, _-ere_, to cull. ~Carping~, _s._ Narration. O. E. id. V the _v._ CARRALLES, _s. pl._ Carols, or songs, sung within and about kirks, on certain days; prohibited by act of Parliament. V. ~Caralyngis~ and ~Gysar~. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Carol-ewyn~, _s._ The name given, Perths. to the last night of the year; because young people go from door to door singing _carols_, for which they get small cakes in return. CARRITCH, CARITCH, _s._ The vulgar name for a catechism; more commonly in pl. _caritches_, S. _Magopico._ 2. Used somewhat metaph. _Ferguson._ CARRY, _s._ A term used to express the motion of the clouds before the wind, S. B. CARSE, KERSS, _s._ Low and fertile land, generally, that which is adjacent to a river, as _the Carse of Gowrie_, _the Carse of Stirling_, &c. S. _Barbour._ Su. G. _kaerr_ and Isl. _kiar_, _kaer_, both signify a marsh. _Carse_ is sometimes used as an adj. _Lord Hailes._ CARTAGE, _s._ Apparently for _carcase_. _Douglas._ CARTE, _s._ A chariot, especially one used in war. Chaucer, _carte_, id. Ir. _cairt_, C. B. _kertuyn_, A. S. _craet_, id. CARTIL, _s._ A cart-load, Ang.; perhaps contr. from _cart_ and _fill_ or _full_. CARTOW, _s._ A great cannon, a battering piece. _Spalding._ Teut. _kartouwe_, id. CARUEL, KERVEL, _s._ A kind of ship. _Douglas._ Fr. _caravelle_, id. Teut. _kareveel_. Hisp. _caravela_, Isl. _karf_. CASCHET, CASHET, _s._ The _fac simile_ of the king's superscription. _Acts Ja. VI._ From Fr. _cachet_, a seal. This term has the same signification with _caschet_, S. CASEABLE, _adj._ Naturally belonging to a particular situation or case. _Baillie._ _To_ CASS, _v. a._ To make void, to annul. _Acts Ja. IV._ Fr. _cass-er_, id. L. B. _cass-are_, irritum reddere. CASS, _s._ 1. Chance, accident, O. E. id. _Wallace._ 2. Work, business. _Barbour._ Fr. _cas_, matter, fact, deed. CASSIE, CAZZIE, _s._ 1. A sort of basket made of straw, S. B. _Brand._ It is also written _cosie_. 2. Used in Orkney instead of a corn riddle. _Statist. Acc._ Teut. _kasse_, capsa, cista, Fr. _casse_, Ital. _cassa_, L. B. _cassa_, id. Su. G. _kasse_, reticulum, in quo pisces portantur, &c. CAST, _s._ 1. A twist, a contortion, as, _His neck has gotten a cast_, or a _wrang cast_, S. 2. Opportunity, chance, S. 3. A turn, an event of any kind, S. _Ross._ 4. Lot, fate. _Hamilton._ 5. Aim, object in view. _Douglas._ 6. Subtle contrivance, wile, stratagem. _Wyntown._ 7. Facility in performing any manual work, such especially as requires ingenuity or expertness, S. _Douglas._ 8. Legerdemain, sleight of hand. _Houlate._ 9. The effect of ingenuity, as manifested in literary works. _Douglas._ C. B. _cast_ signifies a trick, techna; Su. G. _kost_, modus agendi. CAST, _s._ 1. A district, a tract of country, S. 2. That particular course in which one travels, S. _Ross._ CAST, _s._ _A cast_ of herrings, haddocks, oysters, &c., four in number, S. Su. G. _kast-a_, to cast, to throw. _Ett kast sill_, quaternio halecum. _To_ CAST, _v. a._ To use, to propose, to bring forth. "To _cast_ essonyies," LL. S. to exhibit excuses. Su. G. _kast-a_, mittere. _To_ CAST _a clod between persons_, to widen the breach between them, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ CAST _a stone at_ one, to renounce all connexion with one, S. _To_ CAST ~out~, _v. n._ To quarrel, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ CAST ~up~, _v. a._ To throw any thing in one's teeth, to upbraid one with a thing, S. _Ross._ _To_ CAST ~up~, _v. n._ V. ~Upcasting~. _To_ CAST ~Words~, to quarrel, S. B. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _ordkasta_, to quarrel. CASTELWART, _s._ The keeper of a castle. _Wyntown._ From _castle_ and _ward_. CASTOCK, CASTACK, CUSTOC, _s._ The core or pith of a stalk of colewort or cabbage; often _kail-castock_, S. _Journal Lond._ Belg. _keest_, medulla, cor, matrix arboris, the pith. CAT and CLAY, the materials of which a mud-wall is constructed, in many parts of S. Straw and clay are well wrought together, and being formed into pretty large rolls, are laid between the different wooden posts by means of which the wall is formed, and carefully pressed down so as to incorporate with each other, or with the twigs that are sometimes plaited from one post to another, S. CAT and DOG, the name of an ancient sport, S. It seems to be an early form of _Cricket_. CATBAND, _s._ The name given to the strong hook used on the inside of a door or gate, which being fixed to the wall, keeps it shut. _Act Sedt._ Germ. _kette_, a chain, and _band_. CATCHY, _adj._ Disposed to take the advantage of another, S. from the E. _v. catch_. CATCHROGUE, _s._ Cleavers or goose-grass, an herb, S. Galiam aparine, Linn. CATCLUKE, CATLUKE, _s._ Trefoil; an herb, S. Lotus corniculatus, Linn. _Douglas._ "Named from some fanciful resemblance it has to a _cat_ (cat's) or a _bird's foot_;" Rudd. Dan. _katte-cloe_, a cat's claw or _clutch_. _To_ CATE, CAIT, _v. n._ To desire the male or female; a term strictly applied to cats only. V. ~Caige~, ~Caigie~. _Colvil_. Su. G. _kaat_, salax, lascivus, _kaett-ias_, lascivire. CATECHIS, _s._ A catechism. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ CATER, _s._ Money, S. B. q. what is _catered_. V. ~Catour~. _Shirrefs._ CATERANES, KATHERANES, _s. pl._ Bands of robbers, especially such as came down from the Highlands to the low country, and carried off cattle, corn, or whatever pleased them, from those who were not able to make resistance, S. _Kaitrine_, _Kettrin_. _Stat. Rob. II._ Ir. _ceatharnach_, a soldier, _ceatharb_, a troop. CAT-FISH, SEA-CAT, _s._ The Sea-wolf, S. Anarhicas lupus, Linn. Sw. _haf-kat_, i. e. sea-cat. _Sibbald._ CAT-GUT, _s._ Fucus filum, Orkn. _Neill._ CAT-HARROW, _s._ "_They draw the Cat Harrow_; that is, they thwart one another." _Lyndsay._ CATHEL-NAIL, _s._ The nail by which the body of a cart is fastened to the axle-tree, Fife. CATINE, _s._ _Polwart._ CATMAW, _s._ "To tumble the _catmaw_," to go topsy-turvy, to tumble, S. B. CATOUR, _s._ A caterer, a provider. _Wallace._ O. Teut. _kater_, oeconomus. V. ~Katouris~. CAT-SILLER, _s._ The mica of mineralogists, S.; the _katzen silber_ of the vulgar in Germany. CATTER, CATERR, _s._ Catarrh. _Bellenden._ CATTLE-RAIK, _s._ A common, or extensive pasture, where cattle feed at large, S. V. ~Raik~. From _cattle_, and _raik_, to range. CATWITTIT, _adj._ Harebrained, unsettled, q. having the _wits_ of a _cat_, S. _To_ CAUCHT, _v. a._ To catch, to grasp. _Douglas._ Formed from the pret. of _catch_. _To_ CAVE, KEVE, _v. a._ 1. To push, to drive backward and forward, S. 2. To toss. "_To cave the head_," to toss it in a haughty or awkward way, S. _Cleland._ _To_ ~Cave~ _over_, _v. n._ To fall over suddenly, S. _Melvill's MS._ ~Cave~, _s._ 1. A stroke, a push, S. 2. A toss. Isl. _akafr_, cum impetu, vehementer. _To_ ~Cave~, _v. a._ 1. To separate grain from the broken straw, after threshing, S. B. 2. To separate corn from the chaff, S. A. Teut. _kav-en_, eventilare paleas; or the v. both as signifying to toss, and to separate, may be viewed as the same with Isl. _kaf-a_ volutare; _kafa i heya_, to toss, ted, or _cave_ hay. CAVEL, CAUIL, CAFLE, KAVEL, KEVIL, _s._ 1. Expl. "a rod, a pole, a long staff." _Chr. Kirk._ Su. G. _kafle_, pertica, bacillus; Germ. _keule_, a club. 2. A lot, S. _keul_, S. A. Hence, "to cast _cavels_," to cast lots. _Cavel_, id. Northumb. _Wallace._ 3. By Rudd. _cavillis_ is not only translated lots, but "responses of oracles." _Douglas._ 4. State appointed, allotment in Providence, S. B. _Ross._ 5. A division or share of property, as being originally determined by lot, S. B. _Law Case._ Su. G. Isl. _kafle_, which primarily means a rod, is transferred to a lot in general. Teut. _kavel_, a lot, _kavel-en_, to cast lots. _To_ ~Cavell~, _v. a._ To divide by lot, S. B. _Law Case._ CAVIE, _s._ A hencoop, S. _J. Nicol._ Teut. _kevie_, id. aviarium, Lat. _cavea_. CAUIS, 3. _p. sing._ Falls suddenly over. V. ~Cave~ _over_, _v._ _Douglas._ CAUITS, _s. pl._ Apparently, cat-calls. From S. _caw_, to call. _Henrysone._ CAULD, _s._ A dam-head, S. A. _Lay Last Minstrel._ Teut. _kade_, a small bank. CAULD BARK, "To lie in the _cauld bark_," to be dead, S. B. _Ross._ Perhaps a corr. of A. S. _beorg_, sepulchre, q. cold grave. CAULER, _adj._ Cool. V. ~Callour~. CAULMES. V. ~Calmes~. CAUPE, CAUPIS, CAULPES, CALPEIS, _s._ An exaction made by a superior, especially by the Head of a clan, on his tenants and other dependants, for maintenance and protection, under the name of a _benevolence_. This was generally the best horse, ox or cow the retainer had in his possession. _Acts Ja. IV._ Isl. _kaup_ denotes a gift; Su. G. _koep-a_, dare. CAUPONA, Expl. "a sailor's cheer in heaving the anchor." _Complaynt S._ Fr. _à un coup_, at once, altogether. CAUSEY, CAUSAY, _s._ A street, S. Teut. _kautsije_, id. _Douglas._ _To keep the causey_, or, _the crown of the causey_, to appear openly, to appear with credit and respectability. _Rutherford._ ~Causey-Cloaths~, _s. pl._ Dress in which one may appear in public, S. _Baillie._ ~Causey-Faced~, _adj._ One who may appear in public without blushing, S. B. ~Calsay-Paiker~, _s._ A street walker. V. ~Paiker~. ~Causey-Tales~, _s. pl._ Common news, q. street news, S. CAURE, Calves; the pl. of _cauf_, a calf. It is commonly used in the West of S. _Popular Ball._ I am assured that the word is the same in Norway. A. S. _cealfru_, id. CAUTIONER, _s._ A surety, a sponsor, S. a forensic term. _Acts Ja. V._ _To_ CAW, _v. a._ To drive. V. ~Call~. CAWK, _s._ Chalk, S. _Caulk_, A. Bor. _Wallace._ A. S. _cealc_, Alem. _calc_, Dan. Belg. _kalck_, Isl. _kalk_, C. B. _calch_, Lat. _calx_, id. CAWKER, _s._ 1. The hinder part of a horse's shoe sharpened, and pointed downwards, to prevent the horse from sliding, S. 2. Metaph. a dram, a glass of ardent spirits, S. Isl. _keikr_, recurvus, _keik-a_, recurvi; as referring to the form of the _caulker_. CAWLIE, _s._ A contemptuous name for a man, S.; pron. like E. _cowl_. _Cleland._ CAZARD, _s._ Apparently, an emperor, or Caesar; as the latter is sometimes written _Caser_. _Chron. S. Poet._ CAZZIE, _s._ A sort of sack or net made of straw, S. B. V. ~Cassie~. _To_ CEIRS, SERS, _v. a._ To search. _Douglas._ Fr. _cherch-er_, Ital. _cerc-are_, id. CELICALL, _adj._ Heavenly, celestial. _Douglas._ CENCRASTUS, _s._ A serpent of a greenish colour, having its speckled belly covered with spots resembling millet-seeds. _Watson's Coll._ Fr. _cenchrite_, Lat. _cenchrus_, id. CEST, CESSIT, _pret._ Seized. _Wallace._ CH. Words, of Goth. origin, whether S or E., beginning with _ch_, sounded hard, are to be traced to those in the Germ. or Northern languages that have _k_, and in A. S. _c_, which has the same power with _k_. _To_ CHACK, _v. n._ To clack, to make a clinking noise, S. _Cleland._ _To_ CHACK, _v. a._ To cut or bruise any part of the body by a sudden stroke; as when the sash of a window falls on the fingers, S. E. _check_. Teut. _kack-en_, _kek-en_, increpare; synon. S. B. _Chat_, q. v. CHACK, CHATT, _s._ A slight repast, taken hastily, S. Q. a _check_ for hunger. CHACK, CHECK, _s._ The Wheat-ear, a bird, Orkn. Motacilla oenanthe, Linn. V. ~Stane-Chacker~. _Barry._ Nearly the same with the last part of its Germ. name, _stein schwaker_. CHACKARALLY, _s._ Apparently some kind of checkered or variegated cloth. _Watson's Coll._ CHACKE-BLYND-MAN, _s._ Blind man's buff. _Bp. Forbes._ _Jockie-blind-man_, Angus, id. CHACKLOWRIE, _s._ Mashed cabbage, mixed amongst barley-broth, Aberd. CHAD, _s._ Gravel, such small stones as form the bed of a river, S. B. Teut. _kade_, litus, ora. ~Chaddy~, _adj._ Gravelly; as, _chaddy ground_, that which chiefly consists of gravel, S. _To_ CHAFF, _v. n._ To chatter, to be loquacious, Loth. Teut. _keff-en_, gannire, latrare. CHAFTIS, CHAFTS, _s. pl._ Chops, S. A. Bor. _chafts_. _Peblis to the Play._ Su. G. _kiaeft_, _kaeft_, Isl. _kiaft-ur_, the jaw-bone. A. Bor. _chafts_, _chefts_, id. Hence also E. _chops_. ~Chaft-Blade~, _s._ The jaw-bone, S. ~Chaft-Talk~, _s._ Talking, prattling, Aberd. from _chaft_ and _talk_. _Poems Buchan Dial._ _To_ CHAIPE, _v. n._ To escape. _Wallace._ Fr. _eschapp-er_, Ital. _scapp-are_, id. CHAIPES, CHAPIS, _s. pl._ Price, rate, established value of goods. _Acts Ja. I._ A. S. _ceap_, price; from _ceap-an_, to buy. _To_ CHAISTIFIE, _v. a._ To chastise. _Bellenden._ _To_ CHAK, _v. a._ To check. _Wallace._ ~Chak~, _s._ The act of checking, stop. V. ~Char~. _To_ CHAK, _v. n._ 1. To gnash, to snatch at an object with the chops, as a dog does, S. _Douglas._ 2. It expresses the sharp sound made by any iron substance, when entering into its socket; to click, S. 3. _To chak to_, to shut with a sharp sound. _Bellenden._ CHAKIL, _s._ The wrist. V. ~Shackle-Bone~. _Watson's Coll._ CHALANDRIE, _s._ Probably, imitations of singing birds. _Burel._ Fr. _calandre_, a species of lark. CHALDRICK, CHALDER, _s._ The name given in the Orkney Islands to the Sea-pie, Hoematopus ostralegus, Linn. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _tialldur_, id. Pennant's Zool. CHALMER, _s._ Chamber. _Douglas._ ~Chalmer-Glew~, _s._ "Chambering, secret wantonness," Gl. Sibb. V. ~Glew~. CHALOUS, Sir Gawan and Sir Gal. i. 11. V. ~Cholle~. CHAMBERERE, _s._ A chamberlain. Fr. _chambrier_, id. _King's Quair._ CHAMBRADEESE, _s._ A parlour; a name still used by some old people, Fife. V. ~Deis~. Fr. _chambre au dais_, a chamber with a canopy. _To_ CHAMP, _v. a._ To chop, to mash, S. _Chomp_, Lancash., to cut things small. Germ. Belg. _kapp-en_, id. _Godscroft._ CHAMPIT, _adj._ Having raised figures, imbossed, diapered. _Palice of Honour._ Teut. _schamp-en_, radere, scalpere. CHANCY, _adj._ 1. Fortunate, happy, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _chanceaux_, id. 2. Foreboding good fortune, S. Any person or thing viewed as inauspicious, is said to be _no chancy_, S. _Ross._ CHANDLER, CHANLER, _s._ A candlestick, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _chandelier_, a branch for holding candles, used obliquely. Grose mentions _chaundler_. ~Chanler-Chafted~, _adj._ Lantern-jawed; having chops like a _chandler_ or candlestick, S. B. _Journal Lond._ CHANNEL, _s._ Gravel, S. (synon. _chad_) perhaps from _channel_, the bed of a river. V. ~Chingle~. ~Channelly~, _adj._ Gravelly, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ CHANNER, _v. n._ To fret, to be in a chiding humour, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ CHANOS, _adj._ Gray. V. ~Canois~. _Douglas._ CHANTERIS, _s. pl._ Laics endowed with ecclesiastical benefices. _Bannatyne Poems._ CHAP, _s._ 1. A fellow; a contemptuous term; sometimes _chappie_, or "little _chap_," S. _Burns._ 2. Like _chield_, it is also applied to a female, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _kaeps_, _keips_, _kaebs_, homo servilis conditionis. _To_ CHAP, _v. a._ 1. To strike with a hammer, or any instrument of similar use, S. Teut. _kapp-en_, incidere; Belg. _schopp-en_, to strike, Sewel. _To_ ~Chap~ _hands_, to strike hands, especially in concluding a bargain, S. 2. To chop, to cut into small pieces, S. Teut. _kapp-en_, conscindere minutim. _To_ ~Chap~ _aff_, to strike off. Su. G. _kapp-a_, to amputate. _To_ ~Chap~, _v. n._ 1. To strike: "the knock's _chappin_," the clock strikes, S. 2. _To chap at a door_, to knock, to rap, S. _Sir Egeir._ ~Chap~, ~Chaup~, ~Choppe~, s. A stroke of any kind, a blow, S. _Burns._ Teut. _kip_, ictus; Moes. G. _kaupat-jan_, colaphos ingerere. 2. A tap or rap, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ Z. Boyd uses _choppe_ in the same sense. ~Chapping-Sticks~, _s._ Any instrument which one uses for striking with, S. _Kelly._ _To_ CHAP, CHAUP _out_, CHAUPS, _v. a._ 1. To fix upon any person or thing by selection, S. Hence the phrase, _Chap ye, chuse ye_. _Ramsay._ 2. Suddenly to embrace a proposal made in order to a bargain; to hold one at the terms mentioned, S. Belg. _kipp-en_, to choose; which seems only a secondary sense of the v. in Teut. as signifying to lay hold of. ~Chap~, _s._ The act of choosing; _Chap and choice_, great variety, S. B. _Ross._ CHAP, _s._ A shop. _Many._ CHAPIN, _s._ Chopin, a quart, S. _Shirrefs._ CHAPYT, V. ~Chaipe~. CHAPMAN, _s._ A pedlar, a hawker, S., a merchant, O. E. _Statist. Acc._ A. S. _ceapman_, Sw. _koepman_, a merchant. CHAR, _s._ Carriages. _Barbour._ Fr. _char_, a waggon, a car. _To_ CHAR, _v. a._ 1. To stop. _Douglas._ 2. _To char by_, to turn aside. _Douglas._ A. S. _cerr-an_, to turn, to turn from, divertere. CHAR. _On char_, to a side. _Douglas._ A. S. _cerre_, turning, bending, winding. _To_ CHAR, _Char doute_. Perhaps, "murmur distrust." _Barbour._ A. S. _cear-ian_, to complain, to murmur. CHARBUKILL, _s._ 1. A carbuncle. _Douglas._ 2. An ulcer. _Polwart._ Fr. _escarboucle_, _carboucle_, the pestilent botch or sore, termed a carbuncle. CHARD, _pret._ V. ~Chier~. CHARE, _s._ A chariot. _Douglas._ Fr. _char_, id. CHARE, _s._ Care, charge. _Ross._ Like E. _charie_, from A. S. _car_, cura, or _cearig_, solicitus. CHARGES, _s. pl._ Rents. _Buik of Discipline._ Fr. _charge_, pension, rente. CHARLEWAN, CHARLEWAYNE, _s._ The constellation _Ursa Major_, also called the Plough, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _carleaswagn_, Su. G. _karlwagn_, Dan. _karlvogn_. CHARNAILL BANDIS, _s. pl._ Strong hinges used for massy doors or gates, riveted, and often having a plate, on each side of the gate, S. _centre-hinges_, E. _Wallace._ Fr. _charniere_, a hinge, a turning joint. CHARRIS. V. ~Char~, _v._ CHASBOL, CHESBOL, CHESBOWE, _s._ Poppy. _Complaynt S. Douglas._ CHASE, _s. Brak a chase_, perhaps, begun a pursuit. _Knox._ CHASS, _s._ Case, condition. _Wallace._ _To_ CHASTY, _v. a._ To chastise, to correct. _Barbour._ Fr. _chasti-er_, id. _To_ CHAT, _v. a._ To bruise slightly, S.; synon. _chack_. CHAT THE, "Hang thyself;" Rudd. _Douglas._ CHAUDMELLÉ, _s._ A sudden broil or quarrel. _Skene._ Fr. _chaude_, hot, and _meslée_, _melée_, broil. CHAUD-PEECE, _s._ Gonorrhoea. Fr. _chaude-pisse_, id. _Polwart._ _To_ CHAW, _v. a._ 1. To fret, to gnaw. _Douglas._ 2. To provoke, to vex, S. O. F. _chaloir_, to put in pain. CHEATS, CHITS, _s._ The sweet-bread. _Chits and nears_, a common dish in S. i. e. kidneys and sweet-breads. _Watson's Coll._ CHECK, _s._ A bird. V. ~Chack~. CHEEK-BLADE, _s._ The cheek-bone. S. _Cleland._ CHEESE-HAKE, _s._ A frame for drying cheeses when newly made, S. V. ~Hake~. CHEESE-RACK, _s._ The same with _Cheese-hake_, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ CHEIM, _v. a._ To divide equally; especially in cutting down the backbone of an animal, S. B. Apparently corr. from the E. v. _chine_, used in the same sense, from _chine_, the backbone. Fr. _eschin-er_, id. _To_ CHEIP, CHEPE, _v. n._ 1. To peep, to chirp, as young birds in the nest, S. _Cheepe_, O. E. _Complaynt S._ 2. To squeak with a shrill and feeble voice, S. _Godscroft._ 3. To mutter; applied metaph. to man, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ 4. To creak, S. Isl. _keyp-a_, vagire puerorum; _keipar_, puerorum vagitus. ~Cheip~, _s._ This admits of the same various significations as the _v._ S. ~Cheiper~, _s._ The cricket, an insect; denominated from the noise it makes, Loth. _To_ CHEIPS, _v. a._ To buy or sell. _Maitland Poems._ A. S. _ceap-an_, emere, vendere. _To_ CHEIS, CHEISS, CHES, CHESE, 1. To choose. _Fordun._ 2. To appoint; used in an oblique sense. _Sir Tristrem._ Moes. G. _kes-an_, A. S. _ceos-an_, Belg. _kies-en_, Su. G. _kes-a_, id. Chauc. _chese_. CHEITRES, Dunbar, Maitland Poems, p. 48. read _chekis_. CHEK, _s._ 1. Cheek. _Douglas._ 2. The post of a gate. _Douglas._ CHEKER, CHECKER, _s._ The exchequer. _Stat. Rob. III._ CHELIDERECT, _s._ A kind of serpent. _Burel._ Fr. _chelydre_, Lat. _chelydrus_, id. CHEMAGÉ. V. ~Chemys~. _Wallace._ _Chemes hie_, i. e. high dwelling, seems the true reading. CHEMER, _s._ A loose upper garment. V. ~Chymour~. _Barbour._ CHEMYS, CHYMES, CHYMMES, CHYMIS, _s._ A chief dwelling; as the manor-house of a landed proprietor, or the palace of a prince. _Baron Courts._ O. Fr. _chefmez_, _chefmois_, the chief mansion-house on an estate; L. B. _caput mansi_. CHENYIE, CHENYÉ, _s._ A chain. _Complaynt S._ CHENNONIS, _s. pl._ Canons belonging to a cathedral. _Houlate._ _To_ CHEPE, _v. n._ To chirp. V. ~Cheip~. CHESBOW, _s._ The poppy. V. ~Chasbol~. _To_ CHESE, _v. a._ To choose. V. ~Cheis~. CHESYBIL, _s._ An ecclesiastical dress, O. E. _chesuble_, a short vestment without sleeves. _Wyntown._ L. B. _casubla_, Fr. _casuble_, id. a little cope. CHESS, _s._ The frame of wood for a window, a sash, S. Fr. _chassis_, id. _To_ CHESSOUN, _v. a._ To subject to blame, to accuse. _Priests of Peblis._ Fr. _achoisonn-er_, id. CHESSOUN, CHESOWNE, _s._ Blame, accusation, exception. _Priests of Peblis._ Fr. _achoison_, accusation. CHESTER, _s._ The name given to a circular fortification in some parts of S. _Statist. Acc._ Lat. _castra_, adopted into A. S. in the form of _ceaster_, a fort, a castle. CHESWELL, _s._ A cheese-vat. _Kelly._ CHEVERON, _s._ Armour for a horse's head. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ L. B. _chamfrenum_, Du Cange; Fr. _chanfrain_, _chanfrein_. CHEVIN, _part. pa._ Succeeded, prospered. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _chevir_, to obtain, also to make an end. CHEWAL, _adj._ Distorted. V. ~Shevel~ and ~Showl~. _Dunbar._ CHEWALRY, _s._ 1. Men in arms, of whatever rank. _Barbour._ 2. Courage, prowess in arms. _Barbour._ Fr. _chevalerie_, knighthood, transferred to armed men without distinction. It also signifies prowess. ~Chewalrous~, _adj._ Brave, gallant. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _chevaleureux_, illustris, nobilis. ~Chewalrusly~, _adv._ Bravely, gallantly. _Barbour._ _To_ CHEWYS, _v. a._ To compass, to achieve, to accomplish. _Barbour._ ~Chewysance~, ~Chewysans~, _s._ Acquirement, provision, means of sustenance. _Wallace._ _To_ CHICK, _v. n._ To make a clicking noise, as a watch does, S. Teut. _kick-en_, mutire, minimam vocem edere. CHICKENWORT, _s._ Chickweed, S. Alsine media, Linn. From _chicken_ and _wort_, an herb. CHIEL, CHIELD, _s._ 1. A servant. _Chamber-cheil_, a servant who waits in a gentleman's chamber, a valet. _Pitscottie._ Su. G. _kullt_, a boy, _kulla_, a girl, _kulle_, offspring. Or _Child_, q. v. corr. from O. E. pronounced by the common people in E. _Cheild_ or _Cheeld_. 2. A fellow, used either in a good or bad sense, although more commonly as expressive of disrespect, S. _Ramsay._ 3. A stripling, a young man, S. It is applied indifferently to a young man or woman, S. B. _Ross._ 4. An appellation expressive of fondness, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ CHIER, CHEIR, _v. a._ To cut, to wound. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _scear-an_, _scer-an_, tondere. Cheard, which occurs in the same stanza, seems to be the pret. of the _v._ CHIERE, _s._ Chair. _King's Quair._ CHILD, CHYLD, _s._ A servant, a page. _Wallace._ In O. E., a youth, especially one of high birth, before he was advanced to the honour of knighthood. A. S. _cild_; like L. _infans_, Fr. _enfant_, Hisp. _infant_, transferred to the heir apparent of a sovereign. ~Childer~, _pl._ Children, S. Lancash. A. S. _cildru_, pueri. _Wallace._ CHILD-ILL, _s._ Labour, pains of child-bearing. _Barbour._ CHYMES, s. A chief dwelling. V. ~Chemys~. CHYMOUR, ~Chymer~, _s._ A light gown, E. _cymar_. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _chamarre_, a loose and light gown. Ital. _ciamare_, Belg. _samare_. CHIMNEY, CHIMLEY, _s._ A grate, S. _Burrow Lawes._ Corn. _tschimbla_, a chimney. ~Chimley-brace~, _s._ The mantle-piece, S. ~Chimla-lug~, _s._ The fire-side, S. CHINE, _s._ The end of a barrel, or that part of the staves which projects beyond the head, S. _Acts Cha. I._ Isl. _kani_, prominula pars rei, that part of a thing that projects, also rostrum, Haldorson. _Chine_, however, may be corr. from E. _chime_, _chimb_, id., especially as Teut. _kieme_, and _kimme_, signify margo vasis; and Su. G. _kim_, extremum dolii. CHINGLE, _s._ Gravel, S. V. ~Channel~. _Statist. Acc._ ~Chingily~, _adj._ Gravelly, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ CHIP, CHYP, _v. n._ 1. A bird is said to be _chipping_, when it cracks the shell. A. Bor. id. 2. To break forth from a shell or calix, applied to flowers, also to grain when it begins to germinate, S. _Douglas._ 3. Metaph. applied to the preparation necessary to the flight of a person. _Minstrelsy Border._ 4. Transferred to a woman who is in the early state of pregnancy, S. 5. It is applied to ale when it begins to ferment in the working vat, S. O. Belg. _kipp-en_, to hatch, to disclose. CHYRE, _s._ Cheer, entertainment. _Dunbar._ _To_ CHIRK, JIRK, JIRG, CHORK, _v. n._ 1. To make a grating noise, S. _Popular Ball._ _To chirk with the teeth_, also actively, _to chirk the teeth_, to rub them against each other, S. 2. Used to denote "the noise made by the feet when the shoes are full of water," S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _cearc-ian_, crepitare, stridere, to gnash, to creak; Chaucer, to _chirke_. _To_ CHIRME, _v. n._ 1. Used to denote the mournful sound emitted by birds, especially when collected together before a storm, S. _Douglas._ 2. To chirp, without necessarily implying the idea of a melancholy note, S. _Ferguson._ 3. To be peevish, to be habitually complaining, S. Belg. _kerm-en_, lamentari, quiritari, Isl. _jarmr_, vox avium, garritus. ~Chyrme~, _s._ Note, applied to birds. _Douglas._ _To_ CHIRT, _v. a._ 1. To squeeze, to press out, S. _Douglas._ 2. To act in a griping manner; also, to squeeze or practise extortion, S. CHIT, _s._ A small bit of bread, or of any kind of food, S. _To_ CHITTER, _v. n._ 1. To shiver, to tremble, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To chatter. The teeth are said to _chitter_, when they strike against each other, S. Teut. _tsitter-en_, Germ. _schutt-ern_, to quiver. CHITTER-LILLING, _s._ An opprobrious term. _Dunbar._ Perhaps the same as E. _chitterlin_, the intestines. _To_ CHIZZEL, _v. a._ To cheat, to act deceitfully, S. B. _Chouse_, E. Belg. _kweezel-en_, to act hypocritically. CHIZZARD. V. ~Kaisart~. CHOKKEIS, pronounced _chouks_, _s. pl._ The jaws, properly the glandular parts under the jaw-bones, S. V. ~Chukis~. _Wallace._ Isl. _kalke_, _kialke_, maxilla, the jaws, _kuok_, gula, faux bruti. ~Chok-band~, _s._ The small strip of leather by which a bridle is fastened around the jaws of a horse, S. CHOL, CHOW, _s._ The jole or jowl. _Evergreen._ A. S. _ceole_, faucis, _ceolas_, fauces, the jaws. _Cheek for chow_, S. cheek by jole. _Ramsay._ CHOLER, CHULLER, CHURL, _s._ A double-chin, S. _Journal Lond._ CHOLLE, _s._ Perhaps the chough. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ _To_ CHORK. V. ~Chirk~. _To_ CHORP, _v. n._ To emit a creaking sound, Loth. CHOSS, _s._ Choice. _Barbour._ CHOUKS. V. ~Chokkis.~ CHOW, _s._ The jowl. V. ~Chol~. CHOWPIS, _pret. v._ Chops about. _Douglas._ CHOWS, _s. pl._ A smaller kind of coal, much used in forges, S.; perhaps from Fr. _chou_, the general name of coal. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ CHOWTLE, CHUTTLE, _v. n._ To chew feebly, as a child, or an old person does, S. Isl. _jodla_, infirmiter mandere. CHRYSTISMESS, _s._ Christmas. _Wallace._ CHUCKIE, _s._ A low or cant term for a hen, S. Belg. _kuyken_, a chicken. ~Chuckie-Stane~, _s._ 1. A small pebble, S. Teut. _keyken_, a small flint; if not from the circumstance of such stones being swallowed by domestic fowls. 2. A game, used by girls, in tossing up, and catching pebbles as they fall, is called the _Chuckie-stanes_. CHUF, _s._ Clown. _Maitland Poems._ Evidently the same with _Cufe_, q. v. CHUK, _s._ Asellus marinus. _Sibbald._ CHUKIS, _s. pl._ Apparently, a swelling of the jaws. _Gl. Complaynt._ A. S. _ceacena swyle_, faucium tumor. CHUM, _s._ Food, provision for the belly, Clydes. _Scaff_, synon. CIETEZOUR, _s._ A citizen. _Bellenden._ CYGONIE, _s._ The stork. _Burel._ Fr. _cicogne_, id. CYNDIRE, _s._ A term denoting ten swine. _Forrest Lawe._ _To_ CIRCUMJACK, _v. n._ To correspond with, W. Loth. CYSTEWS, _s. pl._ Cistertian monks; Fr. _Cistaws_. _Wyntown._ CITHARIST, _s._ The harp. _Houlate._ CITHOLIS, _s._ A musical instrument. _Houlate._ L. B. _citola_, Fr. _citole_, an instrument with cords. CLAAICK, CLAWICK, _s._ The autumnal feast, or harvest-home, Aberd.; synon. _Maiden_. When the harvest is early finished, it is called the _Maiden Claaick_; when late, the _Carlin Claaick_. CLACHAN, CLAUCHANNE, _s._ A small village, bordering on the Highlands, in which there is a parish-church, S. Elsewhere, it is called the _kirk-town_. _Acts Ja. VI._ From Gael. _clachan_, "a circle of stones;" as churches were erected in the same places, which, in times of heathenism, had been consecrated to Druidical worship. CLACK, _s._ The clapper of a mill, S. Teut. _klack_, sonora percussio. CLAES, _pl._ Clothes. V. ~Claith~. CLAG, CLAGG, _s._ 1. An incumbrance, a burden lying on property; a forensic term, S. _Dallas._ 2. Charge, impeachment of character; fault, or imputation of one, S. _Ritson._ Teut. _klaghe_, accusatio; Dan. _klage_, a complaint, a grievance. Or perhaps rather from the same origin with E. _clog_; q. what lies as a _clog_ on an estate. _To_ CLAG, _v. a._ To clog by adhesion, S. _Wallace._ Dan. _klaeg_, viscous, glutinous, sticky; Isl. _kleggi_, massa compacta. ~Claggy~, _adj._ Unctuous, adhesive, bespotted with mire, S. V. the _v._ ~Claggock~, _s._ "A dirty wench," Gl. Sibb. _Lyndsay._ CLAHYNNHÉ, CLACHIN. _s._ Clan or tribe of people living in the same district. _Wyntown._ Gael., Ir. _clan_, id. Moes. G. _klahaim_, children. CLAYIS, _s. pl._ Clothes, S. V. ~Claith~. _To_ CLAIK, _v. n._ 1. To make a clucking noise, as a hen does, especially when provoked, S. 2. To cry incessantly, and impatiently, for any thing, S. 3. To talk a great deal in a trivial way, S.; to _clack_, E. 4. To tattle, to report silly stories, S. Isl. _klak-a_, clango, avium vox propria; _klack-a_, to prattle; Su. G. _klaek_, reproach. ~Claik~, _s._ 1. The noise made by a hen, S. Isl. _klak_, vox avium. 2. An idle or false report; S. _Morison._ CLAIK, CLAKE, _s._ The bernacle; Anas erythropus (mas) Linn. _Bellenden._ It seems to have been supposed, that this goose received its name from its _claik_, or the noise which it makes. CLAIR, _adj._ 1. Distinct, exact, S. B. _Ross._ Fr. _clair_, evident, manifest, Lat. _clarus_. 2. Ready, prepared, S. B. _clar_, Orkn. Dan. _klar_, id. _Pennecuik._ _To_ CLAIR, _v. a._ To beat, to maltreat. _Polwart._ _Clearings_ is used metaph. both for scolding, and for beating, Clydes. CLAISE, Clothes. V. ~Claith~. CLAITH, CLAYTH, _s._ Cloth, S., Westmorel. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ _Clais_, _claise_, _claes_, S. pl. Westmorel., also Cumb. A. S. _clath_, cloth; _clatha_, Isl. Su. G. _klaede_, clothes. _To_ CLAIVER, _v. n._ To talk idly or foolishly. V. ~Claver~. CLAM, _adj._ 1. Clammy, S. Belg. _klam_, id. 2. Smooth; as "_clam_ ice," S. B. CLAM, CLAM-SHELL, _s._ A scallop shell, S. Ostrea opercularis, Linn. _Sibbald._ Probably from O. Fr. _clame_, a pilgrim's mantle; as these shells were worn on the cape of their mantles, or on their hats, by those who had made a pilgrimage to Palestine, as a symbol of their having crossed the sea. CLAMS, _s. pl._ 1. Strong pincers used by ship-wrights, for drawing large nails, S. B. 2. A vice, generally made of wood; used by artificers for holding any thing fast, S. 3. The instrument, resembling a forceps, employed in weighing gold. _Shirrefs._ Belg. _klemm-en_, arctare; to pinch. CLAMEHEWIT, CLAW-MY-HEWIT, _s._ 1. A stroke, a drubbing, S. _Ferguson._ 2. A misfortune, Ang. Qu. _claw my heved_, or head, scratch my head; an ironical expression. _To_ CLAMP UP, CLAMPER, _v. a._ To patch, to make or mend in a clumsy manner, S. _Chron. S. Poet._ Germ. _klempern_, metallum malleo tundere; _klempener_, one who patches up toys for children. _To_ CLAMP, CLAMPER, _v. n._ To make a noise with the shoes in walking, S. ~Clamp~, _s._ A heavy footstep or tread. _Ferguson._ CLANK, _s._ A sharp blow that causes a noise, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _klanck_, clangor. _To_ ~Clank~, _v. a._ To give a sharp stroke, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ _To_ ~Clank~ _down_, _v. a._ To throw down with a shrill sharp noise. _Melvill's MS._ CLANK, _s._ A catch, a hasty hold taken of any object, S. _Claught_, synon. _Ross._ _To_ CLAP ~the~ HEAD, To commend; conveying the idea of flattery, S. _Ramsay._ CLAP, _s._ A stroke; _Dedis clap_, the stroke of death. _Douglas._ Belg. _klap_, a slap, a box on the ear. CLAP, _s._ A moment; _in a clap_, instantaneously. _Baillie._ The idea is, a clap of the hand; for _handclap_ is used, S. B. CLAP _of the hass_, the vulgar designation for the uvula, S.; synon. _pap of the hass_. CLAP, _s._ A flat instrument of iron, resembling a box, with a tongue and handle, used for making proclamations through a town, instead of a drum or hand-bell, S. _Chron. S. Poet._ Teut. _klepp-en_, pulsare, sonare; Belg. _klep_, a clapper. ~Clapman~, _s._ A public crier, S. Belg. _klapperman_, a watchman with a clapper. CLAPPERS, _s. pl._ Holes intentionally made for rabbits to burrow in, either in an open warren, or within an inclosure. Fr. _clapier_, id. Su. G. _klapper_, lapides minuti et rotundi. CLARCHE PIPE. _Watson's Coll._ CLARE, _adv._ Wholly, entirely, S. _Douglas._ CLAREMETHEN. According to the law of _claremethen_, any person who claims stolen cattle or goods is required to appear at certain places particularly appointed for this purpose, and prove his right to them, S. _Skene._ From _clare_, clear, and _meith_, a mark. CLARGIE, CLERGY, _s._ Erudition. _Priests Peblis._ Fr. _clergie_, id. from Lat. _clericus_. _To_ CLARK, _v. a._ To act as amanuensis, S. _To_ CLART, _v. a._ To dirty, to foul, S. _Clort_, Perths. ~Clarts~, _s. pl._ Dirt, mire, any thing that defiles, S. Hence, ~Clarty~, _adj._ Dirty, nasty, S. _Clorty_, Perths. _Maitland Poems._ _Clart._ To spread or smear. _Clarty_; smear'd; A. Bor. _To_ CLASH, _v. n._ 1. To talk idly, S. _Cleland._ 2. To tittle-tattle, to tell tales, S. Germ. _klatschen_, id.; _klatcherey_, idle talk. ~Clash~, _s._ 1. Tittle-tattle, prattle, S. _Satan's Invis. World._ 2. Vulgar fame, the story of the day, S. _Burns._ _To_ CLASH, _v. a._ To pelt, to throw dirt, S. _Dunbar._ Teut. _klets-en_, resono ictu verberare; Dan. _klatsk-er_, to flap. ~Clash~, _s._ A blow, a stroke, S. Germ. _klatch_, id. CLASH, _s._ A heap of any heterogeneous substances, S. Isl. _klase_, rudis nexura, quasi congelatio. CLASH, _s._ A cavity of considerable extent in the acclivity of a hill, S. CLASPS, _s. pl._ An inflammation of the termination of the sublingual gland, a disease of horses, Border. _Watson._ CLAT, _s._ Used as synon. with _clod_. _Z. Boyd._ Teut. _klotte_, _kluyte_, id. gleba, massa. _To_ CLAT, CLAUT, _v. a._ 1. To rake together dirt or mire, S. 2. To rake together, in a general sense, S. Su. G. _kladd_, filth. 3. To scrape, to scratch any thing together. _Burns._ ~Clat~, ~Claut~, _s._ 1. An instrument for raking together dirt or mire, S. 2. A hoe, as employed in the labours of husbandry, S. 3. The act of raking together, as applied to property. 4. What is scraped together by niggardliness, S. _Burns._ _To_ CLATCH, _v. a._ 1. To daub with lime, S.; _harle_, synon. 2. To close up with any adhesive substance. Isl. _kleose_, _kleste_, lino, oblino. ~Clatch~, _s._ Any thing thrown for the purpose of daubing. Isl. _klessa_, any thing that bedaubs. _To_ CLATCH, SKLATCH, _v. a._ To finish any piece of workmanship in a careless and hurried way, without regard to the rules of art, S. ~Clatch~, _s._ Any piece of mechanical work done in a careless way, S. CLATH, CLAITH, _s._ Cloth, S. V. ~Claith~. _To_ CLATT, _v. a._ To bedaub, to dirty, S. _Clate_, to daub, A. Bor. ~Clattie~, _adj._ Nasty, dirty, S. _Claity_, id., Cumb. _Z. Boyd._ Su. G. _kladd_, sordes, _kladd-a sig ned_, se vestesque suas inquinare; Belg. _kladd-en_, to daub, _kladdig_, dirty. _To_ CLATTER, _v. a._ 1. To prattle, to act as a tell-tale, S. _Dunbar._ 2. To chat, to talk familiarly, S. Teut. _kletter-n_, concrepare. ~Clatter~, _s._ 1. An idle or vague rumour, S. _Hudson._ 2. Idle talk, frivolous loquacity, S. _J. Nicol._ 3. Free and familiar conversation, S. _Shirrefs._ ~Clatterer~, _s._ A tale-bearer, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Clattern~, _s._ A tattler, a babbler, Loth. _Ramsay._ CLAUCHANNE, _s._ A village in which there is a church. V. ~Clachan~. CLAUCHT, _pret._ Snatched, laid hold of eagerly and suddenly. _Douglas._ Su. G. _klaa_, unguibus veluti fixis prehendere. This may be viewed as the pret. of the _v._ ~Cleik~, q. v. ~Claucht~, ~Claught~, _s._ A catch or seizure of any thing in a sudden and forcible way, S. _Ross._ _To_ CLAVER, _v. a._ 1. To talk idly, or in a nonsensical manner, S. pron. _claiver_. _Ramsay._ 2. To chat, to gossip, S. _Morison._ Germ. _klaffer_, garrulus. ~Claver~, ~Claiver~, _s._ Frivolous talk, prattle, S. _Ramsay._ CLAVER, CLAUIR, _s._ Clover, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _claefer_, Belg. _klaver_, id. from A. S. _cleafan_, to cleave, because of the remarkable division of the leaves. CLAW, _s._ A kind of iron spoon for scraping the bake-board, Ang. Teut. _klauw-en_, scalpere, _klauwe_, rastrum. _To_ CLAY, CLAY UP, _v. a._ To stop a hole or chink by any unctuous or viscous substance, S. _Ferguson._ CLEAVING, _s._ The division in the human body from the _os pubis_ downwards, S. V. ~Clof~. _Ramsay._ Isl. _klof_, femorum intercapedo. _To_ CLECK, _v. a._ To hatch. V. ~Clek~. CLECKIN-BROD, _s._ A board for striking with at hand-ball, Loth. _Baw-brod_, i. e. ball-board, synon. Isl. _klecke_, leviter verbero. _To_ CLEED, CLEITH, _v. a._ 1. To clothe, S. _Burns._ 2. Metaph. applied to foliage. _Ferguson._ 3. Used obliquely, to denote the putting on of armour. _Acts Marie._ 4. To seek protection from. _Spalding._ Isl. Su. G. _klaed-a_, Germ. _kleid-en_, Belg. _kleed-en_, Dan. _klaed-er_, id. ~Cleeding~, ~Cleading~, _s._ Clothing, apparel, S. Germ. _kleidung_, id. _Ramsay._ ~Cled Score~, A phrase signifying twenty-one in number, S. _Statist. Acc._ Qu. _clothed_ with one in addition. CLEG, GLEG, _s._ A gad-fly, a horse-fly. It is pronounced _gleg_, S. B. _cleg_, Clydes. A. Bor. id. _Hudson._ Dan. _klaeg_, id. tabanus. CLEIK, _adj._ Lively, agile, fleet, Loth. V. ~Cleuch~, _adj._ _To_ CLEIK, CLEK, CLEEK, _v. a._ To catch as by a hook, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To lay hold of, after the manner of a hook, S. 3. To seize, in whatever way, whether by force, or by fraud, S. _Lyndsay._ 4. _To cleik up_, obliquely used, to raise, applied to a song. _Peblis to the Play._ Isl. _hleik-ia_, to bind with chains. ~Cleik~, ~Clek~, _s._ 1. An iron hook. _Acts Ja. I._ 2. A hold of any object, S. 3. The arm, metaph. used. _A. Nicol._ Isl. _klakr_, ansa clitellarum, _hleck-r_, an iron chain. ~Cleiky~, _adj._ Ready to take the advantage, inclined to circumvent, S. ~Cleiks~, _s. pl._ A cramp in the legs, to which horses are subject. _Montgomerie._ CLEYNG, Perhaps, a dark substance. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ _To_ CLEK, CLEKE, _v. a._ 1. To hatch, to produce young by incubation, S. _Bellenden._ 2. To bear, to bring forth, S. _Douglas._ 3. To hatch, as applied to the mind, S. _Ramsay._ 4. To feign. _Maitland Poems._ Su. G. _klaeck-a_, Isl. _klek-ia_, excludere pullos. ~Cleckin~, _s._ 1. A brood of chickens, S. 2. Metaph. a family of children, S. CLEKET, _s._ The tricker of an engine. _Barbour._ E. _clicket_, the knocker of a door, Fr. _cliquet_, id. _To_ CLEM, _v. a._ 1. To stop a hole by compressing, S. 2. To stop a hole by means of lime, clay, &c.; also to _clem up_, S. A. S. _cleam-ian_, id. _To_ CLEP, CLEPE, _v. a._ To call, to name. _Wallace._ A. S. _cleop-an_, _clyp-ian_, vocare. ~Clep~, _s._ A more solemn form of citation, used especially in criminal cases. _Skene._ _To_ CLEP, _v. n._ 1. To act the tell-tale, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To chatter, to prattle; especially, as implying the idea of pertness, S. Belg. _klapp-en_, to tattle, to betray. ~Clep~, _s._ Tattle, pert loquacity, S. Belg. _ydele klap_, idle chat. CLERGY. V. ~Clargie~. CLERK-PLAYIS, _s. pl._ Properly, those theatrical representations the subjects of which were borrowed from Scripture. _Calderwood._ CLETT, _s._ A projecting rock or cliff, Caithn. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _klett-ur_, rupes mari imminens. CLEUCH, CLEUGH, (gutt.) _s._ 1. A precipice, a rugged ascent, S. B. _Heuch_, synon. _Wallace._ Ir. _cloichs_; a rock. 2. A strait hollow between precipitous banks, or a hollow descent on the side of a hill, S. _Evergreen._ A. S. _clough_, rima quaedam vel fissura ad montis clivum vel declivum. CLEUCH, _adj._ 1. Clever, dextrous, light-fingered, S. B. 2. Niggardly and severe in dealing, S. B. Isl. _klok-r_, callidus, vafer; Germ. _klug_, id. CLEUCK, CLUKE, _s._ 1. A claw or talon. _Lyndsay._ 2. Used figuratively for the hand. Hence _cair-cleuck_, the left hand, S. B. _Morison._ Perhaps a dimin. from Su. G. _klo_, Teut. _klauwe_, a claw or talon. _To_ ~Cleuck~, ~Cleuk~, _v. a._ To grip, to seize with violence, Aberd. _Forbes._ CLEUE and LAW, Higher and lower part. _Barbour._ _Cleue_ seems to be the same with Germ. _kleve_, A. S. _clif_, clivus. _To_ CLEVER, _v. n._ To climb, to scramble. A. Bor. id. _King's Quair._ Teut. _klaver-en_, _klever-en_, sursum reptare unguibus fixis, Isl. _klifr-a_, id. CLEVERUS, _adj._ Clever. V. ~Cleuch~. CLEVIS, Leg. _clevir_, i. e. clover. _Maitland Poems._ _To_ CLEW, _v. n._ To cleave, to fasten. Teut. _klev-en_, id. _Wyntown._ CLEWIS, _s. pl._ Claws, talons. V. ~Cleuck~. _Douglas._ CLIBBER, CLUBBER, _s._ A wooden saddle, a packsaddle, Caithn. Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _klifberi_, clitellae, from _klif_, fascis, sarcina, and _beri_ portator. CLICK-CLACK, _s._ Uninterrupted loquacity, S. From E. _click_ and _clack_, both expressive of a sharp successive noise; or Teut. _klick-en_, crepitare, _klack-en_, verberare resono ictu. CLIFT, _s._ A spot of ground, S. A. S. _cliof-an_, to cleave, because parted from the rest. _To_ CLINCH, CLYNSCH, _v. n._ To limp, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _link-a_, claudicare. ~Clinch~, _s._ A halt, S. CLINK, _s._ A smart stroke or blow, S. _Hamilton._ Teut. _klincke_, id.; alapa, colaphus. CLINK, _s._ Money; a cant term, S. _Burns._ From the sound; Teut. _klinck-en_, tinnire. _To_ CLINK, _v. a._ A term denoting alertness in manual operation, S. _To_ ~Clink on~, _v. a._ To clap on. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Clink up~, _v. a._ To seize any object quickly and forcibly, S. If not radically the same with the v. _cleik_, with _n_ inserted; allied perhaps to Dan. _lencke_ a chain, a link, q. _gelencke_. CLINT, _s._ A hard or flinty rock. Gl. Sibb. "_Clints_. Crevices amongst bare lime-stone rocks, North." Gl. Grose. Hence, ~Clinty~, ~Clynty~, _adj._ Stony, Loth. Su. G. _klint_, scopulus. _Douglas._ CLIP, _s._ 1. probably borrowed from a sheep newly shorn or _clipped_. _Evergreen._ 2. A colt of a year old. _Buchan._ _To_ CLIP, CLYP, _v. a._ 1. To embrace. _King's Quair._ 2. To lay hold of in a forcible manner. _Douglas._ 3. To grapple in a sea-fight. _Wallace._ A. S. _clipp-an_, _clypp-ian_, to embrace. ~Clips~, ~Clippys~, _s. pl._ 1. Grappling-irons, used in a sea-fight. _Wallace._ 2. An instrument for lifting a pot by its ears, S.; or for carrying a barrel. _Ramsay._ 3. Hooks for catching hold of fish, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ CLIPPIE, _s._ A talkative woman, S. Gl. Sibb. From Teut. _kleps_, dicax, or the E. v. _clip_. CLIPPS, CLIPPES, _s._ An eclipse. _Bannatyne Poems._ ~Clips~, _pres. v._ Suffers an eclipse. _Complaynt S._ CLYRE, _s._ 1. "A _clyre_ in meat," a gland, S. Teut. _kliere_, id. 2. "To leave no _klyres_ in one's breast," to go to the bottom of any quarrel or grudge, S. ~Clyred~, _adj._ Having tumours in the flesh. _Cleland._ CLISH-CLASH, _s._ Idle discourse, bandied backwards and forwards, S. apparently a reduplication of _clash_, q. v. CLISH-MA-CLAVER, _s._ Idle discourse, silly talk, S.; a low word. _Ramsay._ CLITTER-CLATTER, _s._ Idle talk, bandied backwards and forwards, S. V. ~Clatter~, _s._ and _v._ _Cleland._ CLIVACE, _s._ A hook for catching the bucket in which coals are drawn up from the pit, Loth. CLOCE. V. ~Close~. CLOCHARET, _s._ The Stonechatter, S. Motacilla rubicola, Linn. _Statist. Acc._ Gael. _cloichran_, id. from _cloich_, a stone, and perhaps _rann_, a song. _To_ CLOCHER, _v. n._ To cough; especially as indicating the sound emitted, when there is much phlegm in the throat, S. Gael. _clochar_, wheezing in the throat, Shaw. _To_ CLOCK, CLOK, _v. n._ 1. To cluck, to call chickens together. _Douglas._ A. S. _clocc-an_, Teut. _klock-en_, glocire. 2. To hatch, to sit on eggs, S. _Kelly._ CLOCK-BEE, _s._ A species of beetle, _fleeing golach_, synon. CLOD, _s._ A flat kind of loaf, made of coarse wheaten flour, and sometimes of the flour of pease, S. _Shirrefs._ Qu. resembling a _clod_ of earth. CLOFF, _s._ 1. A fissure of any kind. 2. What is otherwise S. called the _cleaving_. Lat. intercapedo. _Lyndsay._ 3. A cleft between adjacent hills, Loth. 4. The cleft of a tree, or that part of it where the branches separate from each other, Loth. Isl. _kloff_, Su. G. _kloffwa_, a fissure. CLOIS, _s._ Crown. _Douglas._ Teut. _klos_, globus. CLOYS, _s._ A cloister. _Douglas._ Teut. _kluyse_, clausura, locus clausus, L. B. _clusa_. CLOIT, _s._ A clown, a stupid inactive fellow, S. Teut. _kloete_, homo obtusus, hebes. _To_ CLOIT, _v. n._ To fall heavily, S. _Hamilton_. Belg. _klots-en_, to beat with noise. ~Cloit~, _s._ A hard or heavy fall, S. _To_ CLOK, _v. n._ To cluck. V. ~Clock~. CLOLLE, _s._ Apparently, skull. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ Germ. _kleuel_, glomus. CLORTY, _adj._ Dirty. V. ~Clarty~. CLOSE, _s._ A passage, an entry, S. _cloce_, Douglas. _Arnot._ Belg. _kluyse_, clausura. CLOSERIS, CLOUSOURIS, _s. pl._ Inclosures. _Douglas._ CLOVE, (_of a mill_) _s._ That which separates what are called the bridgeheads, S. V. ~Cloff~. ~Cloves~, _s. pl._ An instrument of wood, which closes like a vice, used by carpenters for holding their saws firm while they sharpen them, S. V. ~Cloff~. CLOUYS, _s. pl._ Claws. _Douglas._ _To_ CLOUR, CLOWR, _v. a._ 1. To cause a tumour, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To produce a dimple, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ ~Clour~, _s._ 1. A lump, a tumour, in consequence of a stroke or fall, S. _S. P. Repr._ 2. A dint caused by a blow, S. _To_ CLOUT, _v. a._ To beat, to strike, properly with the hands, S. _Ferguson._ Teut. _klots-en_, pulsare. ~Clout~, _s._ A cuff, a blow, S. _Ritson._ _To_ CLOW, _v. a._ To beat down, Galloway. CLOWE, _s._ A hollow between hills. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ The same with _Cleugh_, q. v. also _Cloff_. CLOWIS, _s. pl._ Small round pieces. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _cleow_, Teut. _klouwe_, sphaera. CLOWIT, _part. pa._ "Made of clews, woven." Rudd. _Douglas._ Teut. _klouwe_, glomus. CLOUSE, CLUSH, _s._ A sluice, S. _Acts Ja. IV._ Fr. _ecluse_, id. Arm. _clewz_, a ditch. CLUBBER, _s._ V. ~Clibber~. CLUBBOCK, _s._ The spotted Blenny; a fish, Blennius gunnellus, Linn. _Statist. Acc._ CLUF, CLUIF, _s._ 1. A hoof, Rudd., _clu_, S. B. Su. G. _klof_, ungula. 2. A claw, Rudd. Teut. _kluyve_, unguls. CLUKIS. V. ~Cleuck~. CLUMMYN, _part. pa._ of _Climb_. _Douglas._ CLUMP, _s._ A heavy inactive fellow, S. Su. G. _klump_, Teut. _klompe_. CLUNG, _part. pa._ Empty, applied to the stomach or belly after long fasting, S. From E. _cling_, to dry up. _Ross._ _To_ CLUNK, _v. n._ To emit a hollow and interrupted sound, as that proceeding from any liquid confined in a cask, when shaken, if the cask be not full, S. Dan. _glunk_, the guggling of a narrow-mouthed pot or strait-necked bottle when it is emptying; Sw. _klunk-a_, to guggle. CLUNKERS, _s. pl._ Dirt hardened in clots, so as to render a road, pavement, or floor unequal, S. Germ. _clunkern_, a knot or clod of dirt. CLUTE, _s._ The half of the hoof of any cloven-footed animal, S. _Ramsay._ Germ. _cluft_, fissura, or A. S. _cleofed_, fissus. CLUTTERING, _part. pr._ Doing any piece of business in an awkward and dirty way, S. B. Teut. _kleuter-en_, tuditare. COALS, _To bring over the coals_, to bring to a severe reckoning, S. _Forbes._ Referring, most probably, to the ordeal by fire. COBLE, KOBIL, _s._ 1. A small boat, a yawl, S. A. S. _couple_, navicula. _Wyntown._ 2. A larger kind of fishing boat, S. 3. _Malt coble_, a place for steeping malt, in order to brewing, S. Germ. _kubel_, a vat or tub. _To_ COBLE, _v. a._ To steep malt. _Fountainhall._ COBWORM, _s._ The larva of the Cock-chaffer, Scarabaeus melolontha. _Statist. Acc._ COCK, _s._ The mark for which _curlers_ play, S. _Burns._ COCK, _s._ A cap, a head-dress, S. B. _Ross._ COCK AND PAIL, A spigot and faucet, S. COCKALAN, _s._ A comic or ludicrous representation. _Acts Ja. VI._ Fr. _coq à l'âne_, a libel, a pasquin, a satire. COCKANDY, _s._ The Puffin, Alca arctica, Linn. S. _Tommy-noddy_, Orkn. _Sibbald._ COCKERDEHOY. _To ride cockerdehoy_, to sit on the shoulders of another, in imitation of riding on horseback, S. B. Fr. _coquardeau_, a proud fool. COCKERNONNY, _s._ The gathering of a young woman's hair, when it is wrapt up in a band or fillet, commonly called a _snood_, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _koker_, a case, and _nonne_, a nun, q. such a sheath for fixing the hair as the nuns were wont to use. COCKERSUM, _adj._ Unsteady in position, threatening to fall or tumble over, S. Fr. _coquarde_, a cap, worn proudly on the one side. COCKY, _adj._ Vain, affecting airs of importance, S. B. from the E. v. _to cock_. _Ross._ COCKIELEEKIE, _s._ Soup made of a _cock_ boiled with _leeks_, S. COCKIELEERIE, _s._ A term expressive of the sound made by a cock in crowing, S. Teut. _kockeloer-en_, to cry like a cock. COCKLAIRD, _s._ A landholder, who himself possesses and cultivates all his estate, a yeoman, S. _Kelly._ COCKLE, COKKIL, _s._ A scallop, Fr. _coquille_. The _Order of the Cockle_, that of St Michael, the knights of which wore the scallop as their badge. _Complaynt S._ COCKROSE, _s._ Any wild poppy with a red flower. _Coprose_, A. Bor. COCK-PADDLE, _s._ The Lump, a fish, Cyclopterus lumpus, Linn., _The Paddle_, Orkn. _Sibbald._ COCKS. _To cast at the cocks_, to waste, to squander, S. from the barbarous custom of throwing for a piece of money at a cock tied to a stake. _Ramsay._ COCK-STULE, CUKSTULE, _s._ 1. The cucking-stool or tumbrell. _Bur. Lawes._ Teut. _kolcken_, ingurgitare, or _kaecke_, the pillory. 2. This term has accordingly been used, in later times, to denote the pillory, S. _Ramsay._ COD, _s._ A pillow, S. A. Bor. _Compl. S._ A. S. _codde_, a bag. Isl. _kodde_, a pillow. ~Codware~, _s._ A pillow-slip, S. A. S. _waer_, retinaculum, Su. G. _war_, id. from _waeri_, to keep, to cover. CODBAIT, _s._ 1. The Lumbricus marinus, Loth. 2. The straw-worm, ibid. A. S. _codd_, folliculus. CODE, _s._ A chrysom. V. ~Cude~. _To_ CODLE (corn), _v. a._ To make the grains fly out of the husks by a stroke, S. B. perhaps from _cod_, the pod. CODROCH, _adj._ 1. Rustic, having the manners of the country, Loth. Fife. _Ferguson._ 2. Dirty, slovenly, synon. _hogry-mogry_, Loth. Ir. _cudar_, the rabble. COELTS, _s. pl._ Colts. _Monroe._ _To_ COFF, COFFE, _v. a._ To buy, to purchase, S., most commonly in the pret. _coft_. V. ~Coup~, _v._ _Shirrefs._ Germ. _kaufte_, bought, from _kauf-en_, Su. G. _koep-a_, to buy. ~Coffe~, ~Cofe~, ~Coife~, A merchant, a hawker; _pedder coffe_, a pedlar. _Bannatyne Poems._ COFFING, COFYNE, _s._ 1. A shrine, a box. _Wyntown._ 2. The hard crust of bread. _Douglas._ Lat. _cophin-us_, a basket. COFT, _pret._ and _part. pa._ Bought. V. ~Coff~. COG, COAG, COIG, COGUE, _s._ A hollow wooden vessel of a circular form for holding milk, broth, &c. S. _Watson's Coll._ Germ. _kauch_, a hollow vessel, C. B. _cawg_, a bason. _To_ ~Cog~, ~Cogue~, _v. a._ To empty into a wooden vessel. _Ramsay._ COG, COGGE, _s._ A yawl or cockboat. _Wyntown._ Teut. _kogghe_, celox; Su. G. _kogg_, navigii genus, apud veteres. _To_ COGLE, COGGLE, _v. a._ To cause any thing to move from side to side, so as to seem ready to be overset, S. Perhaps from _cog_, a yawl, because this is so easily overset. ~Cogglie~, _adj._ Moving from side to side, unsteady as to position, apt to be overset, S. _Cockersum_, synon. COY, _adj._ Still, quiet. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _coi_, _coy_, id., from Lat. _quiet-us_. COIDOCH, COYDYOCH, _s._ A term of contempt applied to a puny wight. _Polwart._ COIF, _s._ A cave. _Douglas._ COIG. V. ~Cog~, ~Coag~. COILHEUCH, _s._ A coalpit, S. _Skene._ COIN, COYNYE, _s._ A corner. _Barbour._ Fr. _coin_, id. Ir. _cuinne_, a corner, an angle. COISSING, Cherrie and Slae. V. ~Cose~, _v._ COIST, COST, _s._ 1. The side in the human body. _Douglas._ _Wallace._ 2. The trunk of the body. _Douglas._ 3. Also used for E. _coast_, Lat. _ora_, Doug. ~Coist~, _s._ 1. Expence, cost. _Douglas._ 2. The provision made for watching the borders. _Acts Ja. II._ Belg. Su. G. _kost_, cost, charge. ~Coist~, _s._ 1. Duty payable in kind, Orkn. 2. The sustenance given to a servant, as distinct from money, ibid. _Skene._ Su. G. Dan. _kost_, food. _To_ COIT, _v. n._ To butt, to justle. _Fordun._ Fr. _cott-er_, to butt, Isl. _kuettr_, torvus, _kueita_, violenter jactare. COK. _To cry cok_, to acknowledge that one is vanquished. _Douglas._ O. Celt, _coc_, mediant, vile. COKEWALD, _s._ A cuckold, Chauc. Isl. _qvonkall_, curruca, seu cornutus, from _kvon_, uxor, and _kvola_, maculare, G. Andr. COLEHOODING, _s._ The Black-cap, a bird, S. _Coalhood_. _Sibbald._ COLEMIE, COALMIE, _s._ The Coalfish, Asellus niger, Ang. Germ. _kohlmuhlen_, id. _To_ COLF, _v. a._ To calk a ship. Fr. _calfat-er_, Teut. _kallefaet-en_, id. ~Colfin~, ~Calfing~, _s._ The wadding of a gun, S. _Wodrow._ COLIBRAND, _s._ A contemptuous designation for a blacksmith, Border. _Watson's Coll._ Su. G. _kol_, carbo, and _brenna_, urere, q. the _coal-burner_. COLK, _s._ The Eider duck, a sea-fowl, S. the _Duntur Goose_ of Sibbald. _Monroe._ COLL, _s._ A cock of hay, S. B. _Keil_. A. Bor. _Ross._ Fr. _cueill-er_, to gather, E. _to coil_. _To_ COLL, _v. a._ 1. To cut, to clip. _To coll the hair_, to poll it, S. 2. To cut any thing obliquely, S. V. ~Cow~. Su. G. _kull-a_, verticis capillos abradere. COLLATYOWN, _s._ Conference, discourse. Lat. _collatio_. _Wyntown._ COLLEGENAR, _s._ A student at college, S. _Spalding._ COLLIE, COLLEY, _s._ 1. The shepherd's dog, S. A. Bor. _Burns._ Ir. _cuilean_, Gael. _culie_, a little dog. 2. One who follows another constantly, S. 3. A lounger, one who hunts for a dinner. _Calderwood._ _To_ COLLIE, _v. a._ To abash, to silence in an argument; in allusion to a dog, who, when mastered or affronted, walks off with his tail between his feet, Fife. COLLIESHANGIE, _s._ 1. An uproar, a squabble, S. _Ross._ 2. A ring of plaited grass or straw, through which a lappet of a woman's gown, or fold of a man's coat is clandestinely thrust, in order to excite ridicule, Ang. Perhaps from _collie_ and _shangie_, q. v. COLPINDACH, _s._ A young cow that has never calved. _Skene._ Gael. _colbhtach_, a cow calf. COM, COME, _s._ Act of coming, arrival. _Barbour._ A. S. _cum_, _cyme_, adventus. _To_ COME, _v. n._ 1. To sprout, to spring; applied to grain, when it begins to germinate, S. 2. To sprout at the lower end; applied to grain in the process of malting, S. _Chalm. Air._ Isl. _keim-a_, Germ. _kiem-en_, id. COMERWALD, _adj._ Hen-pecked. _Dunbar._ _Comer_, a gossip, and A. S. _wald_, power. COMMEND, _s._ A comment, a commentary. _Douglas._ COMMEND, _s._ A benefice _in commendam_. _Douglas._ Fr. _commende_, L. B. _commenda_, id. COMMON, COMMOUN. _To be in one's common_, to be obliged to one, S. _Pitscottie._ _To quite a commoun_, to requite. _Knox._ From _commons_ as signifying fare. COMMONTIE, _s._ 1. A common, S. Lat. _communit-as_. 2. Community. _Acts Ja. VI._ COMPARGES, _Leg._ _compaignyies_, companies. _Houlate._ _To_ COMPEIR, COMPEAR, _v. n._ 1. To appear in the presence of another. _Bellenden._ 2. To present one's self in a court, civil or ecclesiastical, in consequence of being summoned, S. _Priests Peblis._ Fr. _compar-oir_, to appear, Lat. _compar-ere_, id. ~Compearance~, _s._ The act of presenting one's self in a court, S. _Baillie._ COMPER, _s._ The Common Fishing Crog, Lophius piscatorius, Linn. Orkn. _Barry._ _To_ COMPESCE, _v. a._ To restrain. Lat. _compesco_. _Baillie._ _To_ COMPETE, _v. n._ To be in a state of competition, S. COMPLENE, The last of the canonical hours. _Douglas._ L. B. _complendae_, officium ecclesiasticum, quod cetera diurna officia _com-plet_ et claudit. COMPLIMENT, _s._ A present, a gift, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ _To_ ~Compliment~ _with_, _v. a._ To present one with, S. _To_ COMPONE, _v. a._ To settle. _R. Bruce._ _To_ COMPONE, _v. n._ To compound. _Baillie._ CON, _s._ The squirrel; A. Bor. id. _Montgomerie._ CONABILL, _adj._ Attainable. _Barbour._ Lat. _conabilis_, what may be attempted. CONAND, _part. pr._ Knowing, skilful. From _Cun_, to know, q. v. _Wyntown._ _To_ CONCEALE, _v. a._ To conciliate, Lat. _concil-io_. _More._ CONCEIT-NET, _s._ A fixed net, used in some rivers, S. B. _To_ CONDESCEND, _v. a._ 1. To agree, to unite, S. _Complaynt S._ L. B. _condescend-ere_, consentire. 2. To pitch upon, to enumerate particularly, S. CONDET, CONDICT, CONDYT, _s._ Safe conduct. _Wallace._ CONDY, _s._ A conduit, S. CONDICT, _s._ Conduit, passage. _Douglas._ Teut. _konduyt_, Fr. _conduit_, id. CONFEERIN, _part. adj._ Consonant, S. B. _Ross._ Lat. _conferr-e_, to compare. ~Confeirin~, _conj._ Considering. _Journal Lond._ CONFIDER, _adj._ Confederate. _Douglas._ Fr. _confeder-ez_, id. _To_ CONFISKE, _v. a._ To confiscate. Fr. _confisqu-er_, id. _Bellenden._ CONYNG, _s._ Knowledge, skill. _King's Quair._ _To_ CONN, _v. a._ To know. _Barbour._ _To_ CONNACH, _v. a._ To abuse, in whatever way. Aberd. _Pennecuik._ CONNAND, CONAND, _s._ 1. Engagement, contract. _Barbour._ 2. Proffers, terms previous to an engagement. _Wallace._ Fr. _convenant_, from _conven-ir_, to agree. CONNERED, _part. pa._ Curried. _Chalmerlan Air._ Fr. _conroy-er_, to curry. CONNIE, CONNEIS, _s._ Perhaps provisions. _Chron. S. P._ O. Fr. _convis_, necessaries, Fr. _convoi_. CONNYSHONIE, _s._ A gossiping conversation, S. B. _To_ CONNOCH, _v. a._ V. ~Connach~. CONNOCH, _s._ A disease. _Polwart._ _To_ CONQUACE, CONQUES, _v. a._ 1. To acquire, whether by art or valour. _Douglas._ 2. To acquire by conquest. _Wallace._ 3. To purchase with money. _Reg. Maj._ ~Conquace~, ~Conquese~, _s._ 1. Conquest. _Wallace._ 2. Acquisition by purchase. L. B. _conquestus_, id. _Quon. Attach._ CONRYET, _pret._ Perhaps, disposed. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _conraer_, to prepare, whence _conroi_, order of battle. CONSTABLE, _s._ A large glass, the contents of which he is obliged to drink, who has not drunk as much as the rest of the company, S. CONSTERIE, CONSTRY, _s._ Consistory. _Forbes._ _To_ CONSTITUTE, _v. a._ To open an ecclesiastical court with prayer, S. CONTAKE, _s._ Contest. _Douglas._ CONTEMPTION, _s._ Contempt. _Bellenden._ _To_ CONTEYNE, _v. s._ To continue. _Wallace._ _To_ CONTENE, _v. n._ To demean one's self. _Barbour._ ~Contening~, _s._ 1. Demeanour. _Barbour._ 2. Military discipline. _Barbour._ CONTENEU, _s._ Tenor. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _contenu_, id. CONTER. _A conter_, to the contrary. _Ross._ Fr. _contre_, against. CONTERMYT, _part. pa._ Firmly set against. _Wallace._ Fr. _contremet-tre_, to oppose. _To_ CONTINUE, _v. a._ To delay. _Spotswood._ CONTRIMONT, _adv._ The contrary way. _Douglas._ Fr. _contremont_, directly against the stream. CONTRAIR, _adj._ Contrary, Fr. _Baillie._ _To_ ~Contrare~, ~Conter~, _v. a._ To thwart, to oppose, S. _Wyntown._ Fr. _contrar-ier_, id. ~Contrare~, _s._ 1. Opposition of any kind. _Douglas._ 2. Something contrary to one's feelings or hopes. _Conter_, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ CONTRUFE, _v. a._ To contrive; _contruwit_, part. pa. _Douglas._ Fr. _controuv-er_, id. ~Contruwar~, _s._ A contriver. _To_ CONVENE, CONVEANE, CONUEIN, _v. n._ To agree. _Forbes._ Fr. _conven-ir_, Lat. _conven-ire_, id. ~Conuyne~, ~Conuene~, ~Conwyne~, ~Covyne~, ~Cowyne~, ~Cuwyn~, _s._ 1. Paction, convention. Fr. _convent_, id. _Douglas._ 2. Condition, state. _Barbour._ 3. Stratagem, conspiracy. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _convine_, _couvine_, pratique, intrigue. _To_ CONVOY, _v. a._ To accomplish any purpose, especially by artful means. _Douglas._ ~Convoy~, _s._ 1. Mode of conveyance. _Baillie._ 2. A trick. _Poems 16th Cent._ ~Conwoy~, _s._ Mein, carriage. _Dunbar._ COODIE, CUDIE, _s._ A small tub, also _cude_: _quiddie_, Aberd. _Ramsay._ Isl. _kutte_, tonnula, Gael. _ciotad_, a tub. COOF, CUFE, _s._ A silly dastardly fellow, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _kufw-a_, to keep under, Isl. _kueif_, one who is cowardly and feeble. _To_ COOK, COUK, _v. n._ 1. To appear and disappear by fits. _Burns._ 2. To hide one's self. _Kennedy._ Isl. _kvik-a_, moto, _qvika_, inquieta motatio. COOKIE, _s._ A species of fine bread used at tea, of a round form, S. Teut. _koeck_, libum. COOLRIFE, _adj._ 1. Cool, cold, S. _Ross._ 2. Indifferent, S. V. ~Cauldrife~. COOM, _s._ The wooden frame used in building the arch of a bridge, S. _Statist. Acc._ Allied perhaps to _Queme_, q. v. COOP, COUP-CART, _s._ A cart made close with boards, S. _Statist. Acc._ Teut. _kuype_, a large vessel for containing liquids. COOT, _s._ The ancle. V. ~Cute~. COOTH, _s._ A young coalfish. V. ~Cuth~. COOTIE, _adj._ A term applied to fowls whose legs are clad with feathers, S. _Burns._ COP, COPE, _s._ A cup or drinking vessel. A. S. _cop_, Isl. _kopp_, id. _Dunbar._ COPOUT. "_To play copout_," to drink off all that is in a cup or drinking vessel; _cap-out_, S. _Douglas._ COPE, _s._ A coffin; "a _cope_ of leid," a leaden coffin. V. ~Caip~. _Knox._ _To_ COPÉ _betuene_, to divide. _King Hart._ Fr. _coup-er_, to cut, to cleave. COPER, _s._ A dealer. V. ~Couper~. COPY, _s._ Plenty, abundance. _Wyntown._ Lat. _copia_. COPPER, _s._ A cupbearer. _Palice of Hon._ Evidently from A. S. _cop_, a cup. COPPIN, _part. pa. Coppin in hevin_, elevated to heaven. _King's Quair._ A. S. _cop_, the summit. CORANICH, CORRENOTH, CORRINOCH, _s._ 1. A dirge, a lamentation for the dead, S. _Lyndsay._ Ir. Gael. _coranach_, from _cora_, a _quoir_, Lat. _chorus_. 2. A cry of alarm, a sort of war-cry. _Bannatyne Poems._ 3. A proclamation of outlawry by means of the bagpipe. _Warton._ CORBIE, CORBY, _s._ A raven; Corvus corax, Linn, S. _Henrysone._ Fr. _corbeau_, Ital. _corvo_, Lat. _corv-us_, id. _Corbie-Aits_, _s. pl._ A species of black oats, denominated perhaps from their dark colour, S. B. ~Corbie Messenger~, A messenger who either returns not at all, or too late, S. _Houlate._ CORBIE-STEPS, _s. pl._ The projections of the stones, or the slanting part of a gable, resembling steps of stairs, S. Fr. _corbeau_, a corbeil in masonry. CORBIT, _adj._ Apparently, crooked. _Maitland._ Fr. _courbé_, id. _courbette_, a small crooked rafter. CORBUYLE, _s._ Leather greatly thickened and hardened in the preparation, jacked leather. _Douglas._ Fr. _cuir bouilli_, corium coctum. CORCHAT, _s._ Crotchet, a term in music. _Dunbar._ CORCOLET, _s._ A purple dye, Shetl. CORDYT, _pret. v._ Agreed. _Wallace._ Fr. _accordée_. CORDON, _s._ A band, a wreath. Fr. id. _Z. Boyd._ CORDOWAN, _s._ Spanish leather, Gl. Sibb. Tanned horse leather, S. CORDS, _s. pl._ A contraction of the muscles of the neck; a disease of horses, A. Bor. _Polwart._ CORE, _s._ A company, a body of men, often used for corps. _Hamilton._ CORF, _s._ A basket used for carrying coals from the pit, Loth. Belg. _korf_, Isl. _koerf_, Lat. _corb-is_, id. CORF, _s._ A temporary building, a shed. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _cruft_, a vault, Teut. _krofte_, a cave. ~Corf-House~, _s._ A house, shed, erected for the purpose of curing salmon, and for keeping the nets in, S. B. _Courant._ CORFT, _part. pa. Corft fish_ are fish boiled with salt and water, S. B. CORKY, _adj._ Airy, brisk. _Sir J. Sinclair._ CORMUNDUM. _To cry Cormundum_, to confess a fault. _Kennedy._ In allusion to one of the Penitential Psalms. CORNCRAIK, _s._ The Crake or land rail, Rallus crex, Linn. V. ~Craik~. _Houlate._ Probably denominated from its cry. CORNE PIPE, _s._ A reed or whistle with a horn fixed to it by the smaller end. CORNYKLE, _s._ A chronicle. _Wallace._ CORP, _s._ A corpse, a dead body. ~Corps-Present~, _s._ A funeral gift to the church, for supplying any deficiency on the part of the deceased. _Knox._ Fr. _corps_ and _present-er_, q. to present the body for interment; or Fr. _present_, a gift. CORRACH, CORRACK, _s._ A pannier, _Ang_. Su. G. _korg_, a pannier or basket. CORRIE, _s._ A hollow between hills, or rather in a hill, Gael. also _corehead_, S. _Statist. Acc._ CORS, CORSE, _s._ Market place, S.; from the _cross_ being formerly erected there. Sw. _kors_, id. CORS, CORSS, _s._ An animated body. Fr. _corps_. _Douglas._ CORSBOLLIS, _pl._ Crossbows. _Complaynt S._ CORSES, _s. pl._ Money, from its bearing the firm of the cross. _Dunbar._ CORSSY, _adj._ Bigbodied, corpulent. _Douglas._ CORSYBELLY, _s._ A shirt for a child, open before, S. B. _Ross._ Q. A shirt that is folded _across the belly_. CORTER, _s._ 1. A quarter, corr. from _quarter_, Aberd. 2. A cake, because quartered, ibid. _Journal Lond._ CORUIE, _s._ A crooked iron for pulling down buildings. _Hudson._ Fr. _corbeau_, "a certaine warlike instrument;" Cotgr. CORUYN, _s._ A kind of leather. _Douglas._ Corr. from _Cordowan_, q. v. COSCH, COSHE, _s._ A coach. _Bruce._ Fr. _coche_. _To_ COSE, COSS, COISS, _v. a._ To exchange; _coss_, Loth. _Wallace._ ~Cossing~, _s._ The act of exchanging. _Skene._ COSH, _adj._ 1. Neat, snug; as denoting a comfortable situation, S. _Ferguson._ 2. Quiet, without interruption, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ 3. In a state of intimacy, S. Isl. _kios_, a small place well fenced. ~Coshly~, _adv._ Snugly, S. _Ferguson._ COSIE, COZIE, _adj._ Warm, comfortable, snug, well-sheltered, S. _Burns._ This seems radically the same with _Cosh_. ~Cosiely~, _adv._ Snugly, comfortably, S. _Ramsay._ COSINGNACE, _s._ 1. A relation by blood, a cousin. _Bellenden._ 2. A grand-daughter; or a niece. _Bellenden._ _To_ COSS, _v. a._ To exchange. V. ~Cose~. COST, _s._ Side. V. ~Coist~. COSTAGE, _s._ Expence. _Douglas._ _To_ COSTAY, _v. n._ To coast. _Wyntown._ COSSNENT, _s. To work at cossnent_, to receive wages without victuals, S. _To work black cossnent_, to work without meat or wages, Ayr. Fr. _caust aneanti_, cost abrogated, q. expences not borne. _To_ COT _with one_, _v. n._ To cohabit, S. B. q. to live in the same _cot_. COTTAR, COTTER, _s._ One who inhabits a _cot_ or cottage. S. _Statist. Acc._ L. B. _cottar-ius_, Fr. _cottier_, id. Hence S. _cotterman_, _cotterfouk_, &c. COVAN, _s._ A convent. _Dunbar._ Anciently written _covent_. _Sir Gawan._ In S., _caivin_ is still used for convent. COUDIE, _adj._ V. ~Couth~. COUATYSE, COVETISE, COWATYSS, _s._ 1. Covetousness. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _couvoitise_, id. 2. Ambition, or the lust of power. _Barbour._ COUBROUN, _adj._ Uncertain, both as to signification and etymon. _Lyndsay._ COUCHER, _s._ A coward. _Rutherford._ _Coucher Blow_, the last stroke, S. From the E. v. _couch_, Fr. _couch-er_. COVE, _s._ A cave, S. A. Bor. _Bellenden._ A. S. _cofe_, Isl. _kofe_, id. COUGHT, for _couth_. Could. _S. P. Rep._ COUHIRT, _s._ Cow-herd. _Dunbar._ _To_ COUK. V. ~Cook~. _To_ COUK, _v. n._ A term used to denote the sound emitted by the cuckoo. _Montgomerie._ COULIE, COWLIE, _s._ 1. A boy, S. Su. G. _kullt_, id. 2. A term applied to a man in the language of contempt, S. _Cleland._ COULPE, _s._ A fault. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _coulpe_, Lat. _culp-a_. COULPIT, _part. pa._ Apparently, bartered, for _coupit_. _Maitland Poems._ _To_ COUNGEIR, _v. a._ To conjure. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ~Coungerar~, _s._ A conjurer. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ COUNYIE, _s._ Perhaps, motion. _Dunbar._ Fr. _coign-er_, to beat, to strike. COUNT, _s._ An accompt; _counting_, arithmetic, S. _To_ COUNTERFACTE, _v. n._ To counterfeit. _Acts Ja. VI._ COUNTYR, COWNTIR, _s._ 1. Encountre. _Douglas._ 2. A division of an army engaged in battle. _Wallace._ _To_ COUP, COWP, _v. a._ To exchange, to barter, S. A. Bor. Su. G. _koep-a_, id. ~Coup~, _s._ 1. Exchange, S. _Maitland P._ 2. _The hail coup_, the whole of any thing, S. ~Couper~, ~Coper~, _s._ 1. A dealer; as, _horse-couper_, _cow-couper_. _Chalm. Air._ 2. One who makes merchandise of souls. _Rutherford._ _To_ COUP, COWP, _v. a._ To overturn, to overset, S. _Knox._ _To_ ~Coup~, _v. n._ To overset, to tumble, S. _Muses Threnodie._ Sw. _gupp-a_, to tilt up. ~Coup~, ~Cowp~, _s._ 1. A fall, S. _couppis_, S. B. _Lyndsay._ 2. A sudden break in the stratum of coals, S. _Statist. Acc._ COUPLE, CUPPIL, _s._ A rafter, S. C. B. _kupul-ty_, id. _Wyntown._ _To_ COUR, _v. n._ To stoop, to crouch, S., _cower_, E. _To_ COUR, _v. n._ To recover. V. ~Cower~. COURCHE, _s._ A covering for a woman's head. S. _Curchey_, Dunbar. _Wallace._ Fr. _couvre-chef_. COURERS, CURERS, _s. pl._ Covers. _Gl. Sibb._ COUT, COWT, _s._ A young horse, S. corr. from _colt_. ~Cout-evil~, _s._ A disease incident to young horses, Border.; E. _strangles_. _Polwart._ COUTCHACK, _s._ The clearest part of a fire, S. B. _Journal Lond._ COUTCHIT, _part. pa._ Inlaid, stuffed. Fr. _couch-er_, to lay. _Douglas._ COUTH, _aux. v._ Could. _Barbour._ A. S. _cuthe_, novi, from _cunn-an_, noscere. COUTH, _part. pa._ Known. _Douglas._ COUTH, _s._ Enunciated sound; a word. _Popular Ball._ Isl. _qwaede_, syllaba, _qwed-a_, effari. COUTH, COUTHY, COUDY, _adj._ 1. Affable, facetious, familiar, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Loving, affectionate, S. _Burns._ 3. Comfortable. _Popular Ball._ 4. Pleasant to the ear, S. B. _Ross._ 5. Ominous of evil; _no coudy_, Ang. A. S. _cuth_, familiaris; Teut. _koddig_, facetus. ~Couthily~, _adv._ Kindly, familiarly, S. _Ross._ ~Couthiness~, ~Coudiness~, _s._ Facetiousness, kindness, S. COUTTERTHIRL, _s._ The vacuity between the _coulter_ and the ploughshare, S. V. ~Thirl~. _To_ COW, _v. a._ 1. To poll the head, S. _Bellenden._ 2. To clip short, in general. _Polwart._ 3. To cut, to prune, to lop off. V. ~Coll~, _v._ _To cow out_, to cut out. 4. To eat up as food, S. _Popul. Ball._ 5. To be _cowit_, to be bald. _Dunbar._ 6. It occurs as signifying shaven; applied to the Roman tonsure. _Cleland._ Isl. _koll-r_, tonsum caput. 7. Often used metaph. S. like E. _snib_. _Ramsay._ ~Cow~, ~Kow~, _s._ 1. A twig of any shrub or plant, S. _Priests Pebl._ 2. Used to denote a bush. _Minst. Bord._ 3. A besom made of broom, S. _Warton._ 4. An instrument of correction, like E. _birch_, S. 5. The fuel used for a temporary fire, S. _Ross._ 6. The act of pruning, viewed metaph. S. _Burns._ COW, KOW, _s._ 1. A scarecrow, S. _Hamilton._ 2. A hobgoblin, S. _Philotus._ _To play kow_, to act the part of a goblin. _Roull._ From E. _cow_, to intimidate; or Isl. _kug_, suppressio. ~Cow~. _Brown cow_, a ludicrous designation given by the vulgar to a barrel of beer or ale, from its colour, as contra-distinguished from that of milk, S. _Ramsay._ COWAN, _s._ A fishing boat. _Wodrow._ Su. G. _kogge_, C. B. _cwch_, linter. COWAN, _s._ 1. One who does the work of a mason, but has not been regularly bred, S. 2. One who builds dry walls, S. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _kujon_, homo imbellis; Fr. _coi-on_, a base fellow; from Su. G. _kufw-a_, supprimere, insultare. COWART, _s._ Covert. _Wallace._ COWARTRY, _s._ Cowardice. _Bellenden._ COWATYSS. V. ~Couatyse~. COW-CLOOS, _s. pl._ Common trefoil, S. B. Trifolium pratense, Linn. COWCLYNK, _s._ A harlot. _Lyndsay._ Perhaps from _cow_, and _clink_, money; q. one who prunes the purse. _To_ COWER, COWYR, COUR, _v. a._ To recover. _Barbour._ Abbrev. from Fr. _recouvrir_. ~Cowering~, _s._ Recovery. _Barbour._ COW-FISH, _s._ The Mactra lutraria, Mya arenaria, or any other large oval shellfish, Orkney. COWFYNE, _s._ A ludicrous term. _Evergreen._ COWHUBBY, _s._ A cow-herd. _Evergreen._ Belg. _koe_, a cow, and _hobb-en_, to toil, q. a cow-herd. COWIE, _s._ The name given to the Porpoise in the Firth of Tay. COWIE, _s._ A cow wanting horns, S. V. ~Cow~, _v._ COWIE, adv. Very; as _cowie weel_, very well, Lanerks. ~Cowie~, _adj._ Odd, queer, Lanerks. COWIT, _part. pa._ 1. Closely cut. 2. Having short and thin hair. V. ~Cow~, _v._ _To_ COWK, _v. n._ To reach ineffectually; in consequence of nausea, S. B. Germ. _koch-en_, id.; Isl. _kuok-a_, gula niti. COWKIN, _s._ A beggar, a needy wretch. Fr. _coquin_, id. _Dunbar._ COWLICK, _s._ A tuft of hair on the head, which cannot be made to lie in the same direction with the rest of the hair, S. From its resemblance to hair _licked_ by a _cow_. COWMACK, _s._ An herb supposed to have great virtue in making the cow desire the male, S. B. COWMAN, _s._ A name for the devil, S. V. ~Cow~, _s._ COWNTIR, _s._ Rencountre. _Wallace._ COWNTYR PALYSS, Contrary to. _Wallace._ Fr. _contrepalé_, a term in heraldry, signifying that one _pale_ is opposed to another. COWOID, _pret._ Convoyed. _Leg. conwoid_. _Barbour._ COWPES, COWPIS, _s. pl._ Baskets for catching fish, S. _Acts Ja. III._ A. Bor. _coop_, id. Teut. _kuype_, septa. COWPON, _s._ A fragment, a shred, S. _R. Bruce._ Fr. _coupon_, L. B. _copo_, a piece cut off from a thing. COWPER JUSTICE, Trying a man after execution; the same with _Jeddart_, or _Jedburgh justice_, S. _Cleland._ COW-QUAKE, _s._ An affection of cattle, caused by the chillness of the weather, S. _Kelly._ COWSCHOT, _s._ A ringdove. V. ~Kowshot~. COXY, _adj._ Coxcomical, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ CRAB, CRABE, _v. n._ To fret. _Bannatyne Poems._ Belg. _kribbig_, Su. G. _krepsk_, morosus. _To_ CRAB, _v. a._ To provoke. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _krabb-en_, lacerare unguibus. _To_ CRACK, CRAK, _v. n._ 1. To talk boastingly. _Evergreen._ 2. To talk freely and familiarly, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To talk together in a confused manner; often as also implying extension of voice, S. Germ. _kraken_, to make a noise. ~Crack~, ~Crak~, _s._ 1. Boasting, S. _Dunbar._ 2. Chat, free conversation, S. _Ross._ 3. Any detached piece of entertaining conversation, S. _Ross._ 4. A rumour; generally used in pl. _Ramsay._ ~Cracker~, ~Crakkar~, _s._ A boaster. Belg. _kraecker_, id. _Lyndsay._ ~Cracky~, _adj._ 1. Talkative; often denoting the effect of one's being elevated by means of strong drink, S. 2. Affable, agreeable in conversation, S. CRACK, _s. In a crack_, immediately, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ CRACK, _v. a._ 1. _To crack credit_, to lose character and confidence in any respect, S. _Z. Boyd._ 2. _To crack tryst_, to break an engagement. CRACKERHEADS, _s. pl._ The roots of big tangles, or _alga marina_, eaten by young people, Ang. CRACKLINGS, _s. pl._ 1. The refuse of tallow, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. Tallow, when first bruised by the candlemaker, in its impure state, S. Su. G. _krak_, quisquiliae. CRAFT, _s._ Croft, a piece of ground, adjoining to a house. A. S. _croft_, id. CRAG, CRAGE, CRAIG, _s._ 1. The neck, S. _Complaynt S._ 2. The throat, S. _Ferguson._ Teut. _kraeghe_, jugulus. ~Craiged~, _adj._ Having a neck or throat, S. _Ramsay._ ~Craigagee~, _adj._ Wrynecked, S. V. ~Agee~. ~Cragbane~, _s._ The collar-bone. _Wallace._ ~Crage Claith~, _s._ A neckcloth, a cravat, S. Sw. _krageclud_, id. CRAIG, _s._ A rock, S. _Ramsay._ C. B. _kraig_, Gael. _creog_, rupes. ~Craig-Flook~, s. A species of flounder. _Sibbald._ ~Craig-Herring~, _s._ The Shad. _Sibbald._ ~Craiglugge~, _s._ The point of a rock, S. _Brand._ ~Craigy~, _adj._ Rocky. _Ramsay._ CRAYAR, CREAR, _s._ A kind of lighter. _Acts Marie._ L. B. _craiera_, id. Sw. _krejare_, a small vessel with one mast. _To_ CRAIK, _v. n._ 1. Used to denote the cry of a hen after laying; or when dissatisfied, S. _Polwart._ 2. To call for any thing, with importunity and impatience, S. Teut. _kraeck-en_, crepare, strepere. ~Crakyng~, _s._ The clamour of a fowl, S. _Wyntown._ CRAIK, _s._ A kind of little ship. _Douglas._ CRAIL-CAPON, _s._ A haddock dried, but not split, Loth., denominated from Caraill, a town in Fife. CRAIT, CREET, _s._ A sort of basket in which window-glass is packed, S. Germ. _kraet_, corbis. _To_ CRAK. V. ~Crak~. CRAKER, _s._ The Raill, Rallus crex, Linn. _Martin._ CRAKYS, _s. pl._ Great guns. _Barbour._ From the noise they make when fired; or, Teut. _kraecke_, arcubalista. CRAKLENE POKIS, Bags for holding artificial fireworks. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _craquer_, to crackle. CRAME, CRAMERY. V. ~Cream~, ~Creamery~. CRAMESYE, CRAMMESY, _s._ Cloth of crimson, a grain-colour. _Douglas._ Fr. _cramoisi_, id. _To_ CRAMP, _v. n._ To contract. _Henrysone._ Teut. _kromp-en_, Sw. _krymp-a_, con-trahi. CRAMPET, CRAMP-BIT, _s._ 1. A cramping-iron, S. 2. An iron with small pikes for keeping the foot firm on ice, S. _Graeme._ 3. The guard of the handle of a sword. _Watson's Coll._ CRAMPLAND, _part. pr._ Curling. _Bannatyne Poems._ Sw. _krympling_, contractus. CRAN, _s._ An iron instrument, laid across the fire for supporting a pot or kettle. Denominated from its resemblance to a _crane_. CRANCE, _s._ A chaplet. _Watson's Coll._ Teut. _krants_, corona. CRANE (of herrings), _s._ As many fresh herrings as fill a barrel, S. _Statist. Acc._ CRANGLING, _part. pr._ Winding. _Hudson._ Teut. _kronckel-en_, intorquere, sinuare. CRANK, _adj._ Infirm, weak. Teut. _krank_, id. Gl. Sibb. CRANK, _s._ The noise of an ungreased wheel, S. 2. Used metaph. to denote inharmonious poetry. _Burns._ ~Crankous~, _adj._ Fretful, captious, S. _Burns._ Gael. _crioncan_, strife. CRANNACH, _s._ Pottage, Ang. Aberd. CRANREUCH, _s._ Hoar frost, S. O. Gael. _cranntarach_, id. _Burns._ CRANSHACH, CRANSHAK, _s._ A distorted person, S. B. _Ross._ Gael. _crannda_, decrepid. CRANTZE, _s._ The Common Coralline, Millepora polymorpha, Linn., Shetl. CRAP, _s._ 1. The highest part or top of any thing, S.; _crop_, E. _Baith crap and root_, literally, top and bottom; metaph., beginning and end, S. 2. The cone of a fir-tree, S. B. A. S. _croppa_, Su. G. _kroppa_, id. CRAP, _s._ The produce of the ground, S. _Ramsay._ CRAP, _s._ The craw of a fowl, _crop_, E.; used ludicrously for the stomach of man; _crapine_, id. S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _krop_, ingluvies; stomachus. _To_ ~Crap~, _v. a._ To fill, to stuff, S. _Crappit heads_, the heads of haddocks stuffed with a pudding made of the roe, oatmeal and spiceries, S. Teut. _kropp-en_, saginare, turundis farcire. _To_ CRAP, _v. a._ To crop, to lop, S. _Ferguson._ Teut. _krapp-en_, abscindere. CRAPS, _s. pl._ A species of weed, S. named perhaps from keeping near the _crap_ or surface of the ground. CRAUCH. _To cry crauch_, to acknowledge one's self vanquished. _Dunbar._ Arm. _cracq_, a bastard. CRAUCHMET, (gutt.) s. An exaction made by men in a state of war. _MS. Chron._ _To_ CRAW, _v. n._ 1. To crow; _crawin_, part. pa. _Douglas._ 2. To boast, to vapour, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. _craw-an_, id. CRAW, _s._ A crow, S. ~Craw~, _s._ The act of crowing, S. _Burns._ A. S. _crawe_, Alem. _craue_, id. ~Craw-Croops~, _s. pl._ Crow-berries, S. B. ~Craw-Dulse~, _s._ Fringed fucus; S. Fucus ciliatus, Linn. ~Craw-Taes~, _s. pl._ Crowfoot, S. Ranunculus, repens and acris. CRAWDOUN, _s._ A coward. _Douglas._ Fr. _creant_ and _donn-er_, to do homage. _To_ CREAM, _v. a._ To hawk goods, S. B. ~Cream~, ~Craim~, ~Crame~, _s._ 1. A merchant's booth, S. _Acts Sed._ Teut. _kraem_, taberna rerum venalium. 2. A pack of goods for sale. _Skene._ Teut. _kraem_, Dan. _kram_, merchandise. ~Creamer~, _s._ A pedlar, S. B. _Skene._ Su. G. _kraemare_, Teut. _kraemer_, id. ~Creamerie~, ~Cramery~, _s._ Merchandise, goods sold by a pedlar, Aberd. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _kraemerije_, merx. ~Cream-Ware~, ~Creme-Ware~, _s._ Articles sold by those who keep booths. _Brand._ CREEK _of day_, The first appearance of the dawn, S.; _skreek_, S. B. _Ramsay._ Teut. _kriecke_, aurora rutilans. CREEPERS. V. ~Creparis~. _To_ CREEP IN, _v. n._ To shrink. _Cruppen in_, shrivelled, S. Isl. _kropna_, contrahi. CREEPY, CREEPIE, _s._ 1. A low stool, occasionally used in a pulpit for elevating the speaker, S. 2. The stool of repentance, on which culprits formerly sat when making public satisfaction in the church, S. _Ramsay._ CREESE, CREEZE, _s._ Crisis. _Ross._ CREIL, CREEL, _s._ 1. An ozier basket, S.; _scull_, synon. _Bannatyne P._ 2. Panniers are also called _creils_. _Dunbar._ _In a creel_, in a state of mental stupefaction or confusion, S. Ir. _crilin_, id. Gael. _criol_, a chest. _To_ ~Creil~, _v. a._ To put into a basket, S. ~Creeling~, _s._ A foolish and indelicate custom, on the day after marriage, still retained among the vulgar in some places, S. _To_ CREIS, _v. n._ To curl. _Douglas._ Teut. _kroes-en_, Germ. _kraus-en_, crispare. _To_ CREISCH, _v. a._ 1. To grease, S. _Kelly._ 2. Metaph. applied to the use of money, S. _Ferguson._ 3. _To criesh one's lufe_, to give money as a veil, or as a bribe, S. _Journal Lond._ ~Creische~, ~Creesh~, _s._ Grease, S. _Dunbar._ Fr. _graisse_, id. 2. A stroke, a blow, S. _Ferguson._ ~Creischie~, ~Creishy~, _adj._ Greasy, S. _Lyndsay._ CREYST, _s._ One who is both diminutive and loquacious, Border. Teut. _kroes-en_, to contract. CREPARIS, _s. pl._ Grapnels of iron, S. _creepers_. _Bellenden._ CREVISH, _s._ A crayfish. _Baillie._ CREWIS, _pres. v._ Perhaps, craves. A. S. _craf-ian_, id. _Houlate._ _To_ CRY, _v. a._ To proclaim the bans of marriage, S. _To_ ~Cry~, _v. n._ To be in labour, S. ~Crying~, _s._ Childbirth, S. _Galloway._ CRYKES, _pl. s._ Angles. _Barbour._ A. S. _crecca_, a creek. _To_ CRIMP, _v. a._ To plait nicely, S. Sw. _krymp-a_, to shrink. _To_ CRINCH, _v. a._ 1. To grind with the teeth. 2. _To crinch the teeth_, to gnash. Fr. _grinc-er les dents_, id. CRINCH, _s._ A very small bit of any thing, S. _To_ CRINE, CRYNE, _v. n._ 1. To shrivel, S. _Evergreen._ 2. To diminish money by clipping it. Ir. _krion-am_, to wither. _Douglas._ CRINKIE-WINKIE, _s._ A contention, S. B. Su. G. _kraenka_, to be vexed. CRISP, CRISPE, _s._ 1. Cobweb lawn. Fr. _crespe_, id. _Burel._ CRISTIE, CRISTY, _adj._ Perhaps curled. Dan. _kruset_, id. _Acts Ja. II._ CRO, CROY, _s._ The satisfaction made for the slaughter of any man, according to his rank. _Reg. Maj._ Gael. _cro_, cows, the reparation being made in cattle; or Ir. _crò_, death. _To_ CROAGH, (gutt.) _v. a._ To strangle, Fife. CROCE, CROYS, _s._ One of the sails in a ship. _Douglas._ Sw. _kryss-top_, the mizzen-top. CROCHE, CROCHERT. V. ~Hagbut~. CROCHIT, _part. pa._ "Covered." _Gawan and Gol._ CROCKONITION, _s._ Any thing bruised to pieces. _Buchan._ CROFT-LAND, _s._ Land of superior quality, which was still cropped, S. _Statist. Acc._ CROIL, CROYL, _s._ A distorted person, a dwarf. Teut. kriel, _pumilus_. _Polwart._ _To_ CROYN, CRONE, CRUNE, _v. n._ 1. To cry as a bull does, in a low and hollow tone, S. _Maitland Poems._ Belg. _kreun-en_, to whimper; Isl. _hryn-a_, grunnire. 2. To whine, to persist in moaning, S. 3. To hum, or sing in a low tone, S. _Burns._ CROYN, CRUNE, CROON, _s._ 1. A hollow continued moan, S. _Douglas._ 2. An incantation. _Ramsay._ _To_ CROISE, _v. n._ To gossip, to talk a great deal about little, S. B. Su. G. _krusa_, ficta in verbis civilitate uti. ~Crozie~, _adj._ Fawning, wheedling, Buchan. CROISHTARICH, _s._ The fire-cross, or signal of war; a stake of wood, the one end dipped in blood, and the other burnt, (as an emblem of fire and sword,) which was conveyed with the greatest expedition, till it went through the whole tribe or country. Gael. _croistara_, perhaps from _crois_, a cross, and _tara_, a multitude. CROK, _s._ A dwarf, Ang. Su. G. _kraek_, animal quodvis exiguum, Isl. _kracke_, _kroge_, tener puellus vel pullus. CROK, _s._ An old ewe that has given over bearing, S. _Dunbar._ _To_ CROK, _v. n._ To suffer decay from age, Gl. Sibb. CRONACHIN, _part. pr._ Gossiping in a tattling way, S. B. Perhaps from _Coranich_, q. v. CRONDE, _s._ Leg. _croude_, a fiddle. _Houlate._ _To_ CRONE, _v. n._ To use many words in a wheedling way, Buchan. CRONY, _s._ A potatoe, Dumfr. _To_ CROOK, _v. n._ To halt in walking, S. Sw. _krok-ia_, id. _Ramsay._ ~Crook~, _s._ A halt, S. _Rutherford._ CROOKSADDLE, _s._ A saddle for supporting panniers, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ CROONER, CROWNER, _s._ The Trigla lyra, a fish, S.; denominated from the _cruning_ noise it makes after being taken. _Barry._ _To_ CROP the _causey_, to appear openly and boldly; q. to keep the _crown_ of the causey. _Spalding._ CROOT, _s._ 1. A puny, feeble child, Loth. 2. The youngest and feeblest of a nest, or of a litter, South of S. synon. _wrig_. Arm. _crot_, petit enfant. CROTE, _s._ The smallest particle. Sw. _krut_, powder. _Wyntown._ CROUCHIE, _s._ One that is hunchbacked, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _krok_, incurvus. _To_ CROUD, CROWDE, _v. n._ 1. To coo as a dove. _Douglas._ 2. To croak, S. _Ruddiman._ 3. Metaph. to groan, to complain. _Z. Boyd._ C. B. _gridhuan_, gemere; Belg. _kryt-en_, to cry. CROUDE, _s._ A musical instrument formerly used in S. CROVE, _s._ A cottage. V. ~Crufe~. _To_ CROUP, CRUPE, CROWP, _v. n._ 1. To croak, to cry with a hoarse voice. _Complaynt S._ 2. To speak hoarsely, as the effect of a cold, S. Moes. G. _hrop-jan_, Isl. _hrop-a_, clamare. ~Crowping~, _s._ A hoarse sound. _Douglas._ ~Croup~, _s._ A disease affecting the throat of a child, S. _Cynanche trachealis_, synon. _chock_, _stuffing_, _closing_. _Buchan._ From the noise made in breathing. CROUP, _s._ A berry, Gl. Sibb. V. ~Craw-croops~. A. S. _crop_, uva. CROUS, CROUSE, _adj._ Brisk; apparently, brave, S. _Peblis to the Play._ Fr. _courroucé_, chafed; or Su. G. _krus_, curled. ~Crouseness~, _s._ Appearance of courage, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ ~Crousely~, _adv._ With confidence, or some degree of petulance, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ CROUT, _v. n._ 1. To make a croaking or murmuring noise, S. _Popular Ball._ 2. To coo, S. V. ~Croud~. _Complaynt S._ CROWDIE, _s._ 1. Meal and water in a cold state, stirred together, so as to form a thick gruel, S. _Ritson._ 2. Food of the porridge kind in general. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _grot_, Isl. _graut-ur_, pulse made of meal and water. _Crowdie-time_, s. Time of taking breakfast, S. _To_ CROWL, _v. n._ To crawl, S. _Burns._ Belg. _kriol-en_, id. CROWNELL, _s._ A coronet. _Douglas._ L. B. _coronula_, parva corona. CROWNER, CROWNARE, CROUNAL, _s._ 1. An officer, to whom it belonged to attach all persons, against whom there was an accusation in matters pertaining to the _crown_. E. _coroner_. _Wyntown._ 2. The commander of the troops raised in one county. _Baillie._ ~Crownarship~, _s._ The office of a crowner. _Robertson._ CROWNER, _s._ The name of a fish. V. ~Crooner~. CROW-PURSE, _s._ The ovarium of a skate, Orkn. CRUBAN, _s._ A disease of cows, S. B. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ CRUBAN, _s._ A wooden pannier fixed on a horse's back, Caithn. _Statist. Acc._ CRUDS, _s. pl._ Curds, S. _Shirrefs._ ~Cruddy Butter~, A kind of cheese, of which the curds, being poor, are mixed with butter, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ CRUE-HERRING, _s._ The Shad, Tupea Alosa, Linn. _Pennant._ CRUELL, _adj._ 1. Keen in battle. _Wallace._ 2. Resolute, undaunted. _Wallace._ 3. Terrible. _Wallace._ 4. Acute. "_Cruel_ pain," acute pain, S. CRUELS, _s._ The king's evil, scrophula, S. Fr. _ecrouelles_, id. _Wodrow._ CRUER, _s._ A kind of ship; apparently the same with ~Crayar~, q. v. _Mellvill's MS._ CRUFE, CRUIFE, CROVE, _s._ 1. A hovel, S. _cru_, S. B. _Henrysone._ 2. A stye. _Skene._ Isl. _hroo_, _hroof_, structura vilis. CRUISKEN _of whisky_, a certain measure of this liquor, Ang. Dan. _kruus_, a cup. CRUKE, _s._ A circle. _Douglas._ Teut. _krok-en_, curvare. CRUKIS, CROOKS, _s. pl._ The windings of a river, S. _Wallace._ Isl. _krok-r_, angulus. _To_ CRULGE, _v. a._ To contract, to draw together, S. _Shirrefs._ Teut. _krull-en_, intorquere, sinuare. ~Crulge~, _s._ A confused coalition, or conjunction, S. Isl. _krull_, confusio. CRUMMIE, CRUMMOCK, _s._ A name for a cow that has crooked horns, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _krumme_, Gael. _crom_, crooked. ~Crummock~, ~Crummie-stick~, _s._ A staff with a crooked head, S. _Burns._ CRUMMOCK, _s._ Skirret, a plant, S. Gael. _crumag_, id. _Brand._ _To_ CRUMP, _v. a._ To make a crashing noise in eating what is hard and brittle, S. _Morison._ ~Crump~, ~Crumpie~, _adj._ Crisp, brittle, S. _Burns._ _To_ CRUNE. V. ~Croyn~. _To_ CRUNKLE, _v. a._ 1. To cress, to rumple, S. 2. To shrivel, to contract, S. Teut. _kronckel-en_, to wrinkle. ~Crunkle~, _s._ A cress, a wrinkle, S. CRUNT, _s._ A blow on the head with a cudgel, S. _Burns._ CRUVE, CRUIVE, _s._ A box resembling a hen-crib, placed in a dam or dike that runs across a river, for confining the fish that enter into it, S. Su. G. _krubba_, praesepe. _Acts Ja. I._ CRUTLACHIN, _part. pr._ Conversing in a silly tattling way, S. B. CUCHIL, CUTHIL, _s._ A forest or grove. _Douglas._ C. B. _coedawl_, belonging to a forest. CUCK-STULE, CUKSTULE. V. ~Cock-stule~. CUD, _s._ A strong staff, S. Teut. _kodde_, a club. _To_ ~Cud~, _v. a._ To cudgel, S. ~Cuddy-rung~, _s._ A cudgel. _Dunbar._ CUDBEAR, _s._ The Lichen omphalodes, dark purple dyer's lichen, S. _Statist. Acc._ CUDDIE, _s._ An ass, often _cuddie-ass_, S. CUDDIE, CUTH, _s._ The cole-fish. _Statist. Acc._ CUDDING, _s._ The char, a fish, Ayrs. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ CUDDLE, CUDLE, _v. n._ To embrace, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _kudd-en_, coire, convenire. CUDDLIE, _s._ A secret muttering among a number of people, S. B. Teut. _quedel-en_, garrire. _To_ CUDDUM, CUDDEM, _v. a._ 1. "To _cuddum_ a beast," to make it tame and tractable, S. B. 2. To bring into domestic habits; applied to persons, S. _Ross._ Fr. _accoutum-er_, to accustom. ~Cuddum~, _adj._ Tame, usually applied to a beast, S. B. CUDE, CUDIE, _s._ (pron. as Gr. υ.). A small tub, Ang. V. ~Coodie~. CUDE, CODE, _s._ A chrysom, or facecloth for a child at baptism. _Spotswood._ From C. B. _cudd-io_, to cover. CUDE, CUID, _adj._ Harebrained, appearing as one deranged, Border.; synon. _skeer_. Isl. _kuid-a_, to fear. CUDEIGH, _s._ A bribe; a premium for the use of money, Loth.; a gift conferred clandestinely, S. _Ramsay._ Gael. _cuidaigh-am_, to help. CUFE, _s._ A simpleton, S. V. ~Coof~. CUFF _of the neck_, the fleshy part of the neck behind, S. Isl. _kuf-r_, convexitas. _To_ CUINYIE, _v. a._ To strike money. _Acts Ja. II._ Fr. _coign-er_, id. L. B. _cun-ire_, id. ~Cuinyie~, _s._ 1. Coin, S. B. _Acts Ja. IV._ 2. The mint. _Acts Ja. IV._ ~Cuinyie-House~, _s._ The mint. _Skene._ ~Cuinyioure~, _s._ The master of the mint. CUIRIE, _s._ Stable, mews. V. ~Quirie~. Fr. _escurie_, id. _Pitscottie._ CUISSER, CUSSER, _s._ A stallion, S. V. ~Cursour~. _Ferguson._ CUIST, _s._ A reproachful term. _Polwart._ CUITCHOURIS, _s. pl._ Gamblers; also smugglers. _Gl. Sibb._ CULDEES, _s. pl._ A body of teaching presbyters, who, from the sixth century downwards, had their establishments in Ireland, the Hebrides, Scotland, and Wales; were greatly celebrated for their piety; and, acknowledging no bishop, were subject to an abbot chosen by themselves. _D. Buchanan._ Gael. _cuildeach_, a sequestered person, from _cuil_, a retired corner, a cave, a cell. _To_ CULYE, CULYIE, _v. a._ 1. To coax, to cajole, S. _Douglas._ 2. To soothe. _Douglas._ 3. To cherish, to fondle. _Douglas._ 4. To gain, to draw forth. _Kelly._ 5. To train to the chace. _Douglas._ 6. _To culye in with_ one, to curry favour, S. Su. G. _kel-a_, to fondle; _kela med en_, to make much of one. ~Culyeon~, _s._ A poltroon, E. _cullion_. _Hamilton._ ~Cullionry~, _s._ The conduct of a poltroon. _Baillie._ CULLAGE, _s._ The characteristic marks of sex. Fr. _couille_, testes, &c. whence _couillage_, _culaige_, tributum a subditis matrimonio jungendis, domino exsolvendum. CULLOCK, _s._ A species of shell-fish, Shetl. _Neill._ CULMES, CULMEZ, _s._ A rural club. _Douglas._ CULPIT, _part. pa._ Leg. _cuplit_, coupled. _Lyndsay._ CULREACH, _s._ A surety given to a court, when one is repledged from it. V. ~Repledge~. _Quon. Attach._ Gael. _cul_, custody, and _reachd_, a law. CULROUN, _s._ A rascal, a silly fellow. _Douglas._ Belg. _kul_, testiculus, and _ruyn-en_, castrare. _To_ CUM _to_, _v. n._ 1. To recover, S. _Knox._ 2. To make advancement in art, S. 3. To rise to honour, S. _Presb. Eloq._ ~Cumd~, _part. pa._ Come, Loth. _Burel._ CUMERLACH, CUMBERLACH, _s._ A servant attached to a religious foundation. ~Cumerb~, id. _Chart. MS._ Gael. _comhairleach_, an adviser; _com-harba_, a partner in church lands, a vicar, pron. _coarb_. CUMLIN, _s._ Any animal that attaches itself to a person or place of its own accord, S. E. _comeling_, one newly come. CUMMAR, _s._ Vexation, entanglement, E. _cumber_. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Belg. _kommer_, id. CUMMER, KIMMER, _s._ 1. A gossip, S. _Kelly._ Fr. _commere_, a she-gossip. 2. A young girl, Ang. ~Cummerlyke~, adj. Like _cummers_ or gossips, Dunbar. CUMMOCK, _s._ A short staff with a crooked head, S. O. _Burns._ Gael. _cam_, crooked, with the mark of diminution added. CUMRAYD, _pret. v._ Encumbered, embarrassed. _Wyntown._ _To_ CUN, _v. a._ 1. To learn, to know, E. _con_. _Douglas._ 2. To taste. _Montgomerie._ A. S. _cunn-an_. scire. ~Cunnand~, _part. pr._ Knowing, skilful. _Wyntown._ ~Cunning~, _s._ Knowledge. _Acts Ja. I._ A. S. _cunnyng_, experientia. CUNNAND, _s._ Covenant. V. ~Connand~. _Barbour._ CUNDIE, _s._ An apartment, a concealed hole, Ang. O. Fr. _conduit_, a shop; boutique. CUNING, _s._ A rabbit; S. _kinnen_, E. _conie_. _Dunbar._ Belg. _konyn_, Sw. _kanin_, Gael. _coinnin_, id.; Lat. _cuniculus._ ~Cuningar~, _s._ A warren, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Sw. _kaningaard_, from _kanin_, id. and _gaard_, an inclosure. V. ~Yaire~. CUNYSANCE, _s._ Badge, cognisance. Fr. _cognoissance_, id. _Gawan and Gol._ CUNTENYNG, _s._ Generalship. V. ~Contenyng~. CUPPIL, _s._ Rafter. V. ~Couple~. CUPPLIN, _s._ The lower part of the backbone, S. B. CURAGE, _s._ Care, anxiety. _Douglas._ CURCUDDOCH, 1. _To dance curcuddoch_, or _curcuddie_, a play among children, in which they sit on their houghs, and hop round in a circular form, S. 2. Sitting close together, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Cordial. _Kelly._ _To_ CURE, _v. a._ To care for. _Lyndsay._ ~Cure~, _s._ Care, anxiety; Fr. _Palice Hon._ CURER, _s._ A cover, a dish. _Houlate._ _To_ CURFUFFLE, _v. a._ To discompose, to dishevel, S. V. ~Fuffle~. _Ross._ CURIE, _s._ Search, investigation. _Douglas._ Fr. _quer-ir_, to inquire. CURIOUS, _adj._ Anxious, fond, S. _Baillie._ _To_ CURL, CURLE, _s._ To cause a stone to move alongst ice towards a mark, S. _Pennecuik._ ~Curler~, _s._ One who amuses himself by _curling_, S. _Baillie._ ~Curling~, _s._ The act of pushing stones on ice, S. _Pennant._ ~Curling-Stane~, _s._ A stone used in curling, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _krull-en_, sinuare, flectere. CURLDODDY, _s._ 1. Ribgrass. _Evergreen. Border Minstrelsy._ 2. Natural clover, S. Orkn. _Neill._ ~Curldoddies~, _s. pl._ Curled cabbage, S. CURLIES, _s. pl._ Colewort, of which the leaves are _curled_. S. B. CURLOROUS, _adj._ Churlish, niggardly. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _ceorl_, rusticus. CURMURRING, _s._ Grumbling; that motion of the intestines produced by slight gripes, S. _Burns._ Teut. _koer-en_, gemere; _morr-en_, mur-murare. CURN, KURN, _s._ 1. A grain, a single seed, S. 2. A particle, part of a grain, S. _Chalm. Air._ 3. A quantity, an indefinite number, S. 4. A number of persons, S. _Journ. Lond._ Moes. G. _kaurno_, Su. G. _korn_, a grain. ~Curny~, _adj._ Grainy, S. Germ. _kernicht_. CURPHOUR, _s._ The curfew. _Bannatyne Poems._ CURPLE, _s._ A crupper, S. Fr. _croupe_. CURPON, CURPIN, _s._ 1. The rump of a fowl, S. 2. Applied ludicrously to the buttocks of man, S. _Burns._ Fr. _cropion_, the rump. _To_ CURR, _v. n._ To coo, S. V. ~Curmurring~. _To_ CURR, _v. n._ To lean. Isl. _kure_, avium more reclinatus quiesco. CURRACH, CURROK, _s._ A skiff or small boat. Gael. _curach_. _Bellenden._ CURRACK, CURROCH, _s._ A small cart made of twigs, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ Gael. _cuingreach_, a cart or waggon. CURSOUR, S. COUSER, CUSSER, _s._ A stallion. _Wallace._ Fr. _coursiere_, a tilting horse. CUSCHÉ, CUSSÉ, _s._ Armour for the thighs. _Wyntown._ Fr. _cussot_, id. from _cuisse_, the thigh. CUSCHETTE, _s._ A ringdove. V. ~Kowschot~. CUSHLE-MUSHLE, _s._ Earnest and continued muttering, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _kusk-a_, to soothe; _musk-a_, to hide. CUSYNG, _s._ Accusation. _Wallace._ CUSSER, _s._ V. ~Cursour~. CUSTOC, _s._ V. ~Castock~. CUSTOMAR, CUSTOMER, _s._ One who receives duty on goods, S. _Acts Ja. IV._ CUSTROUN, _s._ A low-born fellow. _Polwart._ O. Fr. _coestron_, bâtard, enfant illegitime; Gl. Roquefort. CUT, _s._ A lot. _To draw cuts_, to determine by lot. _Douglas._ CUT, _s._ A certain quantity of yarn, S. _Statist. Acc._ CUTE, COOT, _s._ The ankle, S. Teut. _kuyte_, sura. _Lyndsay. Dunbar._ CUTE, _s._ A thing of no value. _Dunbar._ CUTE, _adj._ Clever, expert, S. B. A. S. _cuth_, expertus. _To_ CUTER, _v. a._ To cocker, S. V. ~Kuter~. CUTH, COOTH, _s._ The coalfish, before it be fully grown, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ CUTHERIE, CUDDERIE, _adj._ Very susceptible of cold, S. B. Belg. _koud_, cold, and _ryk_, denoting full possession of any quality. CUTIKINS, _s. pl._ Spatterdashes, S. From _cute_, the ancle. _To_ CUTLE, _v. n._ To wheedle; _To cutle in with_ one, id. S. _Pitscottie._ Teut. _quedel-en_, garrire. _To_ CUTLE, _v. a. To cutle corn_, to carry corn out of water-mark to higher ground, W. Loth. _cuthil_. Perths. Sax. _kaut-en_, Su. G. _kiut-a_, mutare. CUT-POCK, _s._ The stomach of a fish, S. B. _Ross._ CUTTIE, _s._ The Black Gulliemet, S. O. _Fleming._ CUTTY, CUTTIE, _adj._ Short, S. Gael. _cutach_, short, bobtailed. Hence, ~Cuttie~, ~Cutie~, _s._ 1. A popgun. _Bp. Galloway._ 2. A spoon, S. Gael. _cutag_, id. _Ross._ 3. A short tobacco pipe, S. _Ramsay._ ~Cuttie-Boyn~, _s._ A small tub for washing the feet in; Lanerks. Ayrs. ~Cutty-Free~, _adj._ Able to take one's food, S. B. ~Cutty-Rung~, _s._ A crupper, formed by a short piece of wood fixed to the saddle at each end by a cord, Mearns. CUTTY-STOOL, _s._ 1. A low stool, S. 2. The stool of repentance, S. V. ~Kittie~. _Sir J. Sinclair._ From _cutty_, _kittie_, a light woman. CUTTIT, CUTTED, _adj._ 1. Abrupt, S. _R. Bruce._ 2. Laconic and tart, S. ~Cuttetlie~, ~Cuttedly~, _adv._ 1. With quick but unequal motion. _Burel._ 2. Suddenly, abruptly, S. 3. Laconically and tartly, S. _Baillie._ CUTWIDDIE, _s._ The piece of wood by which a harrow is fastened to the yoke, Fife. CUTWORM, _s._ A small white grub, which destroys vegetables, by _cutting_ through the stem, S. CUWYN, _s._ Stratagem. V. ~Conuyne~. CUZ, _adv._ Closely, Ang.; synon. ~Cosie~, q.v. D DA, _s._ Day. V. ~Daw~. _Douglas._ DA', DAE, DAY, _s._ Doe. _Acts Ja. VI._ A. S. _da_, Dan. _daa_, id. DA, _s._ A sluggard. V. ~Daw~. _To_ DAB, DAUB, _v. a._ 1. To peck, as birds do, S. _J. Nicol._ 2. To prick. _Popular Ball._ ~Dab~, _s._ 1. A stroke from the beak of a bird, S. 2. A smart push. _Creichton._ DABLET, _s._ An imp, a little devil. Fr. _diableteau_, id. _Watson's Coll._ _To_ DACKER, DAIKER, _v. a._ 1. To search; to search for stolen goods, S. B. _Ross._ 2. To engage, to grapple, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ 3. To toil as in job work. _Gl. Sibb._ 4. To deal in a peddling way, S. 5. To be slightly employed, S. Gael. _deachair-am_, to follow; Flem. _daecker-en_, to fly about. DACKLE, _s._ Suspence, hesitation; applied both to sensible objects, and to the mind, S. B. ~Dacklin~, _part. pr._ 1. In a state of doubt, S. B. 2. Slow, dilatory, S. B. ~Dacklin~, _s._ A slight shower; "a _dacklin_ of rain," S. B. _To_ DAD, DAUD, _v. a._ 1. To thrash, S. B. 2. To dash, to drive forcibly, S. _Knox._ 3. To throw dirt so as to bespatter, S. _J. Nicol._ _To_ ~Dad Down~, _v. n._ To fall or clap down forcibly and with noise, S. _Ramsay._ ~Dad~, _s._ A sudden and violent stroke, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ DADDLE, DAIDLE, _v. a._ 1. To draggle, S. 2. To do any work in a slovenly way, Ang. _To_ DADDLE, DAIDLE, _v. n._ 1. To be slow in motion or action, S. 2. To waddle, to wriggle, S. 3. _To daddle and drink_, to tipple, S. V. ~Dawdie~. DADDLE, DADDLIE, _s._ A larger sort of bib, S. _To_ DAFF, _v. n._ To be foolish. _Polwart._ Sax. _dav-en_ insanire; Su. G. _dofw-a_, sensu privare, _dofn-a_, stupere. ~Daffery~, _s._ 1. Romping, frolicksomeness, S. 2. Thoughtlessness, folly, S. B. _Ross._ ~Daffin, Daffing~, _s._ 1. Folly in general, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Pastime, gaiety, S. _Lyndsay._ 3. Excessive diversion. _Kelly._ 4. Matrimonial intercourse. _S. P. Repr._ 5. Derangement, frenzy. _Mellvill's MS._ ~Daft~, _adj._ 1. Delirious, stupid; S. _Bellenden._ 2. Foolish, unwise, S. _Lyndsay._ 3. Giddy, thoughtless, S. _Diallog._ 4. Playful, innocently gay, S. _Ramsay._ 5. Gay, to excess, S. _Ross._ 6. Wanton, S. _Shirrefs._ 7. Extremely eager for the attainment of any object, or foolishly fond in the possession of it, S. Isl. _dauf-r_, _dauft_, fatuus, subtristis; Su. G. _doef_, stupidus. ~Daft Days~, The Christmas holidays, S. _Ferguson._ ~Daftly~, _adv._ Foolishly, S. _Ramsay._ ~Daftlike~, _adj._ Having the appearance of folly, S. _Ramsay._ ~Daftness~, _s._ Foolishness. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ DAFFICK, _s._ A coarse tub or trough, Orkn. _To_ DAG, _v. a._ To shoot, to let fly. _Knox._ _To_ DAG, _v. n._ To rain gently, S. Isl. _dogg-ua_, rigo, Sw. _dugg-a_, to drizzle. ~Dag~, _s._ 1. A thin, or gentle rain, S. Isl. _daugg_, pluvia, Sw. _dagg_, a thick or drizzling rain. 2. A thick fog, a mist, S. Su. G. _dagg_, dew. DAY-NETTLES, Dead nettles, an herb, S. DAIGH, _s._ Dough, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _dah_, id. ~Daighie~, _s._ 1. Doughy, S. 2. Soft, inactive, destitute of spirit, S. DAIKER, _s._ A decad. _Skene._ Su.G. _deker_, id. DAIKIT, _part. pa._ "It has ne'er been _daikit_," it has never been used, Ang. DAIL, _s._ 1. A part, a portion; E. _deal_. 2. A number of persons. _Chr. K._ _To have dale_, to have to do. _Douglas._ DAIL, _s._ A ewe, which not becoming pregnant, is fattened for consumption. _Complaynt S._ DAIMEN, _adj._ Rare, occasional, S. _auntrin_, synon. ~Daimen-Icker~, _s._ An ear of corn met with occasionally, S. _Burns._ From A. S. _aecer_, an ear of corn, and perhaps _diement_, counted, from A. S. _dem-an_, to reckon. DAINTA, DAINTIS, _interj._ It avails not, Aberd. _Ross._ Teut. _dien-en_, to avail, and _intet_, nothing. DAYNTÉ, _s._ Regard. _Wyntown._ ~Dainty~, _s._ 1. Pleasant, good-humoured, S. 2. Worthy, excellent, S. _Burns._ Isl. _daindi_, excellenter bonum quid; _dandis madr_, homo virtuosus; rendered in Dan., _en brav mand_, S. a _braw man_; perfectly synon. with "a _dainty_ man." ~Daintith~, _s._ A dainty, S. _Kelly._ DAISE, _s._ The part of a stone bruised in consequence of the strokes of the pickaxe or chizzel, Ang. DAYIS. _To hald dayis_, to hold a truce. _Wyntown._ DAYS _of_ LAW, LAWDAYIS, The time, when those are summoned to attend, who have interest in a court of justice. _Wallace._ Isl. _lagdag_, dies lege praefinitus. DAIT, _s._ Destiny. _Wallace._ DAYWERK, DAWERK, DARK, _s._ A day's work, S. _darg_. V. ~Darg~. A. S. _daegweorc_, id. _Wyntown._ DALK, _s._ Varieties of _slate clay_, sometimes _common clay_, S. _Statist. Acc._ DALLY, _s._ The stick used in binding sheaves, Border. DALLY, _s._ 1. A girl's puppet, S. B. E. _doll_. 2. A painted figure. _Morison._ DALLIS, 3 _p. s. v._ Dawns. _Godly Ball._ DALMATYK, _s._ A white dress worn by Kings and Bishops. _Wyntown._ Thus denominated, as being brought from _Dalmatia_. _To_ DAM, _v. n._ To urine. _Maitland P._ DAMBROD. V. ~Dams~. DAMMAGEUS, _adj._ Injurious. _Bellenden._ _To_ DAMMISH, _v. a._ To stun, to stupify, S. _Rollock._ Germ. _damisch machen_, to stun one's head. DAMMYS, DAMMEIS, _s._ Damage. Fr. _dommage_. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ DAMPNE, _v. a._ To condemn. DAMS, _s. pl._ The game of draughts, S. Sw. _dam_, _dampsel_, id.; _dambraede_, S. a _dambrod_. DAN, _s._ A term equivalent to _Lord_, _Sir_. O. Fr. _Douglas._ _To_ DANCE _his_ or _her lane_; a phrase expressive, either of great joy, or of violent rage, S. _James V._ _To_ DANDER, _v. n._ 1. To roam, S. 2. To go about idly, to saunter, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To roam, without a fixed habitation, S. _Ferguson._ 4. To trifle, to mispend one's time, S. 5. To bewilder one's self, from want of attention, or stupidity, S. _Burel._ DANDERS, _s. pl._ The refuse of a smith's fire, S. DANDIE, DANDY, _s._ A principal person or thing; what is nice, fine, or possessing supereminence in whatever way, S. V. ~Dainty~. _R. Galloway._ DANDIEFECHAN, _s._ A hollow stroke on any part of the body, Fife. _To_ DANDILL, _v. n._ To go about idly. _Burel._ Fr. _dandin-er_, "to go gaping ilfavouredly," Cotgr. DANDILLY, DANDILY, _adj._ Celebrated, S.B. _Ross._ ~Dandilly~, _s._ A female who is spoiled by admiration, S. _Cleland._ Perhaps from the same origin with ~Dandill~. DANDRING, _part. pr._ Emitting an unequal sound. _Evergreen._ Teut. _donder-en_, tonare. DANE, DAINE, _adj._ Gentle, modest. O. Fr. _dain_, dainty, fine. _Lyndsay._ DANG, _pret._ of ~Ding~, q. v. DANGER, DAWNGER, _s._ 1. The great exertion made by a pursuer, exposing another to imminent danger. _Wallace._ 2. _In his dawnger_, in his power. _Wyntown._ 3. _But dawngere_, without hesitation. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _danger_, power, dominion. DANGER, _adj._ Perilous. _Wallace._ DANT, _s._ V. ~Dent~. _Priests Peblis._ _To_ DANT, _v. a._ To subdue. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ~Danter~, _s._ A tamer, a subduer. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Danton~, _v. a._ To subdue, S. Fr. _domter_, _donter_, id. _Pitscottie._ _To_ DARE, (pron. _daar_) _v. n._ To be afraid, to stand in awe, Ang. Sw. _darr-a_, to quake, to tremble. _To_ DARE, Perhaps, to hurt. V. ~Dere~. _Sir Gawan._ DARE, _adj._ Stupid, dull. _Houlate._ Su. G. _daere_, stultus. DARG, DARK, _s._ 1. A day's work, S.; anciently _daywerk_, q. v. _Statist. Acc._ 2. A certain quantity of work, whether more or less than that of a day. _Kelly._ ~Darging~, ~Darguing~, _s._ The work of a day-labourer, S. _R. Galloway._ ~Darger~, _s._ A day-labourer, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ DARGEIS, _pl._ Dirges. _Bannatyne P._ ~Dergie~, S. V. ~Dregie~. DARKLINS, _adv._ In the dark, S. _Burns._ _To_ DARN, DERN, _v. a._ To conceal, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ _To_ ~Dern~, _v. n._ To hide one's self. A. S. _dearn-an_, occultare. _Hudson._ ~Darn~, _adj._ Secret, S. _Wallace._ _In dern_, _adv._ In secret. _Bannatyne P._ DARRAR, _adj._ Dearer. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ _To_ DARREN, _v. a._ To provoke. A. S. _dearr-an_, audere. _Douglas._ _To_ DASCAN, _v. n._ To contemplate, to scan. _Burel._ Lat. _de_ and _scando_, whence E. _scan_. _To_ DASE, DAISE, _v. a._ 1. To stupify, S. _Wyntown._ 2. To benumb. _Douglas._ Su. G. _das-a_, languere, _dase_, stupidus. DASE. _On dase_, alive, q. _on days_. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ DASH, _v. a._ 1. To flourish in writing, S. 2. To make a great shew, S. ~Dash~, _s._ 1. A flourish in writing, S. 2. A splendid appearance, S. _Ferguson._ DAS KANE, _s._ Singing in parts. Lat. _discant-us_. _Montgomerie._ DASS, _s._ 1. _Dass_ of a hay stack, that part of it that is cut off with a hay-knife, Loth. 2. _A dass of corn_, that which is left in the barn after part is removed, Fife. C. B. _das_, a heap of grain, Teut. _tas_, id. DASS, _s._ A stratum of stones, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ DATCH, _v. a._ To jog, to skake, S. B. perhaps originally the same with E. _dodge_. DATIVE, _s._ A power legally granted to one to act as executor of a latter will, when it is not confirmed by the proper heirs, S. _Acts Sedt._ DAUD, _s._ A large piece. V. ~Dawd~. DAUE, _adj._ Listless, inactive. V. ~Daw~. _Dunbar._ DAVEL, DEVEL, _s._ A stunning blow, S. _Gl. Sibb_. _To_ DAUER, DAIVER, _v. a._ To stun, to stupify, Loth. _To_ ~Dauer~, ~Daiver~, _v. n._ 1. To become stupid. _Burel_. 2. To be benumbed, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ Su. G. _daur-a_, infatuare, Teut. _daver-en_, tremere. _To_ DAW, _v. n._ To dawn. _Wallace._ A. S. _daeg-ian_, Sw. _dag-as_, lucescere. ~Daw~, _s._ Day; O. E. _dawe_. ~Dwne of Daw~, dead. _Wyntown._ DAW, DA, _s._ 1. A sluggard, S. _Douglas._ 2. Appropriated to a woman, as equivalent to E. _drab_, S. B. _Kelly._ Isl. _daa_, defect, fainting; deliquium animi. DAW, _s._ An atom, a particle, S. B. Anc. Goth, _daa_, vaporare. DAWACHE, DAVOCH, _s._ As much land as can be properly laboured by eight oxen. _Quon. Att._ Gael, _damh_, pron. _dav_, an ox, and _ach_, field. DAWCH, DAW, _adj._ Apparently the same with _Daue_, inactive. _Wallace._ DAWD, DAUD, _s._ A considerably large piece of any thing, S. _Kelly._ Isl. _todde_, portio, tomus. ~Dawds and Blawds~. The _blades_ of colewort boiled whole, S. _Gl. Shirr._ DAWDIE, _s._ A dirty slovenly woman, S. B. O. E. _dowdy_. Isl. _dauda doppa_, foemella ignava. ~Dawdie~, _adj._ Slovenly, sluttish, S. B. _To_ ~Dawdle~, _v. n._ To be indolent or slovenly, Perths. DAW-FISH, _s._ The lesser Dog-fish, Orkn. _Barry._ DAWING, _s._ Dawn of day. _Barbour._ A. S. _dagung_, aurora. DAWPIT, _adj._ In a state of mental imbecility, Ayrs. V. ~Dowf~. _To_ DAWT, DAUT, _v. a._ 1. To fondle, to caress, S. _Ross._ 2. To dote upon. _Ramsay._ Isl. _dad-ur_, gestus amatorius. ~Dauting, Dauteing~, _s._ The act of fondling. _Dunbar._ ~Dawtie~, ~Dawté~, _s._ 1. Kindness, endearment. _Dunbar._ 2. A darling, a favourite, S. _Sherrifs._ ~Dawtit~, ~Dauted~, _part. pa._ Fondled. DAY NOR DOOR. _I canna hear day nor door_, I can hear nothing for noise, S. B. _Journal Lond._ _To_ DE, DEE, _v. n._ To die. _Douglas._ ~Done to de~, Killed. _Douglas._ DEAD MEN'S BELLS, Foxglove, S. DEAF, _adj._ 1. Flat, applied to soil, S. Su. G. _daufjord_, terra sterilis. 2. Without vegetable life; often applied to grain, S. A. S. _deaf corn_, frumentum sterile. 3. Rotten; as, _a deaf nit_, S. Teut. _doove noot_, id. DEAMBULATOUR, _s._ A gallery. Lat. _deambulator-ium_, id. _Douglas._ DEAN, DEN, _s._ 1. A hollow where the ground slopes on both sides, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. A small valley, S. _Statist. Acc._ A. S. _den_, vallis. _To_ DEAR, _v. n._ To savour. _Polwart._ DEARCH, DERCH, _s._ A dwarf. V. ~Droich~. _Evergreen._ DEASOIL, DEISHEAL, _s._ Motion contrary to that of the sun, Gael. _To_ DEAVE, _v. n._ To deafen. V. ~Deve~. _To_ DEAW, _v. n._ To rain gently, to drizzle, S. B. A. S. _deaw-ian_, Belg. _daw-en_, id. DEBAID, _s._ Delay. _Barbour._ _To_ DEBAIT, _v. a._ To protect. _Bellenden._ _To_ DEBAIT, _v. a._ To lower. _Douglas._ _To_ DEBAIT, _v. a._ To be diligent in procuring any thing. _Bellenden_. Fr. _debat-re_, to strive. DEBAITMENT, _s._ Contention. Fr. _debatement_, id. _Palice Honour._ _To_ DEBORD, _v. n._ To go beyond proper bounds. _More_. Fr. _debord-er_, to exceed rule. ~Debording~, _s._ Excess. _To_ DEBOUT, _v. a._ To thrust from; Fr. _debout-er_. _Godscroft_. DECAY, _s._ A decline, S. _Brand_. _To_ DECORE, _v. a._ To adorn, Fr. _decor-er_. _R. Bruce_. DECOURTED, _part. pa._ Dismissed from court. _Melvill._ DEDE, DEID, _s._ 1. Death, S., O.E. _Dunbar._ 2. The cause of death, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ 3. The manner of dying. _Wyntown._ A. S. _ded_, Su. G. _doed_, id. ~Dedechack~, _s._ The sound made by a woodwoom, S. _Chackie-mill_, S. B. ~Dede-Ill~, _s._ Mortal sickness. _Wyntown._ ~Dedlyke~, _adj._ Deadly. A. S. _deadlic_. _Wyntown._ ~Dede-Nip~, _s._ A blue mark in the body, ascribed to necromancy; _witch's nip_, synon. S. Teut. _doode-nep_, id. ~Dede-Thraw~, _s._ 1. The agonies of death. A. S. _thrawan_, agonizare. _Bellenden._ 2. Meat is said to be _in the dead-thraw_, when neither cold nor hot, S. 3. _Left in the dead-thraw_, left unfinished, S. _To_ DEDEINYE, DEDANE, _v. n._ To deign. _Douglas._ DEE, _s._ A dairy-maid. V. ~Dey~. DEEP, _s._ The deepest part of a river. _Law Case._ DEEPDRAUCHTIT, _adj._ Designing, crafty, S. from _deep_, and _draucht a_ plan. DEER-HAIR, DEERS-HAIR, _s._ Heath clubrush, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ _To_ DEFAIK, _v. a._ To relax, to remit; Fr. _defalqu-er_. _Bellenden._ _To_ DEFAILL, _v. n._ To wax feeble. Fr. _defaill-er_. _Wallace._ _To_ DEFAISE, _v. a._ To deduct. _Acts Marie._ ~Defaisance~, _s._ 1. Excuse, subterfuge. Fr. _defaite_, a shift. _Acts Ja. IV._ 2. Defalcation, deduction. _Acts Marie._ DEFAME, _s._ Infamy. _Douglas._ DEFAWTYT, _part. pa._ Forfeited. _Barbour._ Fr. _defaill-er_, to make a default. _To_ DEFEND, _v. a._ To ward off. Fr. _defend-re_, id. _King's Quair._ _To_ DEFOUL, _v. a._ 1. To defile. _Douglas._ 2. To dishonour. _Gawan and Gol._ ~Defowle~, _s._ Disgrace. _Wyntown._ _To_ DEFOUND, _v. a._ To pour down. Lat. _defund-o_. _Douglas._ DEGEST, _adj._ Grave. _Douglas._ Lat. _digest-us_. ~Degestlie~, _adv._ Sedately. _Douglas._ DEGESTEABLE, _adj._ Concocted. Fr. _digest-er_, to concoct. _Wallace._ DEGYSIT, _part. pa._ Disguised. _King's Quair._ Fr. _deguis-er_, to disguise. DEGOUTIT, _part. pa._ Spotted. _King's Quair._ DEY, _s._ A dairy-maid, S. B. _Dee_, Loth. Sw. _deja_, a dairy-maid. _Ross._ _To_ DEY, _v. n._ To die. _Wyntown._ DEIL, DEILLE, _s._ Part, quantity. _A deille_, any thing. _Wallace._ _Half dele_, the one half. _Douglas._ DEIL, DEEL, _s._ The devil, S. _Ramsay._ ~Deil's Dozen~, the number thirteen, S. Apparently from the idea, that the thirteenth is the _devil's_ lot. ~Deil's Dung~, Assafoetida, named from its stench, S. ~Deil's Snuffbox~, the common puff-ball, S. ~Deil's Spoons~, 1. Great water plantain, S. 2. Broadleaved pondweed, S. DEIR, _adj._ Bold, daring. _Gawan and Gol._ DEIR, _adj._ Wild. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _dyr_, a wild beast. DEIR, DERE, _s._ A wild animal. DEIR, _s._ Perhaps, precious. _Gawan and Gol._ DEIS, DESS, DEAS, _s._ 1. The upper place in a hall, where the floor was raised, and a canopy spread over head. _Douglas._ 2. A long seat erected against a wall, S. _Wallace._ 3. A table. _Popular Ball._ 4. A pew in a church, S. B. _Popular Ball._ O. Fr. _dais_, a throne or canopy. _To_ DELASH, _v. a._ To discharge. O. Fr. _deslach-er_, id. _R. Bruce._ _To_ DELATE, _v. a._ To accuse, a law term, S. _Rollocke._ L. B. _delat-are_, id. ~Delator~, _s._ An accuser, S. _Rollocke._ DELF, _s._ 1. A pit. _Douglas._ 2. A grave. _Wyntown._ Belg. _delve_, a pit; _delv-en_, to dig. 3. Crockery, S. Hence _delf-house_, a pottery, S. DELIERET, DELIRIE, _adj._ Delirious. _Burns._ _To_ DELYVER, _v. n._ 1. To deliberate. _Wyntown._ 2. To determine. _Bellenden._ Lat. _deliber-are_. DELIUER, _adj._ Light, agile. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _delivre_, libre, degagé. ~Deliuerly~, _adv._ Nimbly. _Barbour._ DELTIT, _part. adj._ Treated with great care, for preventing injury, Banffs. Isl. _daella_, indulgentius, _dalaeti_, admiratio; _vera i dalaeti_, haberi in delitiis. _To_ DELUGE, _v. n._ To dislodge. Fr. _delog-er_, to remove. _Lyndsay._ _To_ DEMANE, DEMAINE, _v. a._ To treat; generally to maltreat, S. B. O. Fr. _demain-er_, traiter. _Dunbar._ _To_ DEMAINE, DEMEAN, _v. a._ To punish by cutting off the hand. _Crookshank._ Lat. _de_ and _manus_, Fr. _main_, hand. DEMANYT, _part. pa._ Demeaned. _Barbour._ DEMELLE, _s._ Rencounter. _Ruddiman._ Fr. _demel-er_, to contest. DEMELLIT, _part. pa._ Hurt, injured, Ang. ~Demellitie~, _s._ A hurt, Ang. q. the effects of a broil. _To_ DEMENT, _v. a._ To deprive of reason. _Baillie._ ~Demented~, _adj._ 1. Insane, S. _Wodrow._ 2. Unsettled in mind, S. _Baillie._ Lat. _demens_, insane. ~Dementation~, _s._ Derangement. _Wodrow._ DEMPSTER, DEMSTER, _s._ 1. A judge, S. B. 2. The officer of a court, who pronounces doom. _Justice Air._ A. S. _dem-an_, to judge. DEMT, _part. pa._ Judged, doomed. _Barbour._ DEN, _s._ A hollow. V. ~Dean~. DEN, _s._ 1. A respectful title prefixed to names. V. ~Dan~. _Wyntown._ 2. A dean. _Houlate._ _To_ DEN, _v. a._ To dam. _Barbour._ DENCE, _adj._ Danish. _Godly Ball._ ~Densman~, _s._ A Dane. _Dunbar._ DENK, _adj._ 1. Trim. V. ~Dink~. _Dunbar._ 2. Saucy, nice. _Dunbar._ DENSAIXES, _s. pl._ Danish axes. _Statist. Acc._ DENT, DINT, _s._ Affection. _To tyne dent_ of a person or thing, to lose regard, Ang. _Ferguson._ DENT, _part. pa._ Indented. Fr. _denté_, id. _Gawan and Gol._ DENTILIOUN, _s._ Dandelion, an herb, S. Fr. _dent de lyon_. _Douglas._ DEPAYNTIT, Painted. _King's Quair._ _To_ DEPAIR, _v. a._ To ruin. _Palice Hon._ Fr. _deper-ir_, to perish. _To_ DEPART, DEPERT, _v. a._ To divide. Fr. _depart-ir_, id. _Barbour._ _To_ DEPESCHE, DEPISCHE, _v. a._ To dispatch. _Bellenden._ Fr. _despesch-er_, id. _To_ DEPONE, _v. n._ To testify on oath, S. L. B. _depon-ere_, testari. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ DEPRISE, _v. a._ To depreciate. Fr. _despris-er_. _Lyndsay._ _To_ DEPULYE, _v. a._ To spoil. _Douglas._ Fr. _depouill-er_. _To_ DER, _v. a._ To hazard. _Barbour._ A. S. _dear-ian_, Belg. _derr-en_, id. DERAY, _s._ 1. Disorder. _Barbour._ 2. Mirthful noise at a banquet. _Douglas._ Fr. _desroy_, _deroi_, disorder. _To_ DERE, DEIR, _v. a._ 1. To hurt. _Douglas._ 2. _To dere upon_, to make impression, S. B. A. S. _der-ian_, nocere. ~Dere~, ~Der~, ~Deir~, _s._ Injury. _Wallace._ _To_ DERE, _v. a._ To fear. _Burel._ DERE, _s._ Any beast of game. _Wyntown._ A. S. _deor_, Su. G. _diur_, Isl. _dyr_, id. DERE, _s._ A precious person. _Houlate._ _To_ DEREYNE, DERENE, DERENYHE, _v. a._ To determine a controversy by battle. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _derainier_, prouver son droit en justice; Roquefort. ~Dereyne~, ~Derenye~, s. Contest, decision. _Barbour._ _To_ DERENE, _v. a._ To disorder. _Dunbar._ DERETH, _s._ Some kind of office anciently held in S. _Chart. Dunf._ _To_ DERNE, _v. a._ Perhaps for _darren_. _Hudson._ DERF, _adj._ 1. Bold and hardy. _Douglas._ 2. Capable of great exertion. _Douglas._ 3. Possessing a sullen taciturnity, S. B. 4. Severe, cruel. _Wallace._ Isl. _diarf-ur_, Su. G. _diaerf_, daring. ~Derffly~, _adv._ Vigorously. _Wallace._ DERGAT, _s._ Target. _Wyntown._ Gael. _targaid_. _To_ DERN, _v. a._ To hide. V. ~Darn~, _v._ _To_ DERT, _v. a._ To dart. _King's Quair._ To DESCRIVE, DISCRYVE, _v. a._ To describe, S. _Hamilton._ _To_ DESPITE, _v. n._ To be filled with indignation, S. B. Fr. _se despit-er_. DET, _s._ Duty. Fr. _dette_. _Palice Hon._ ~Detfull~, _adj._ Due. _Knox._ ~Dettit~, _part. pa._ Indebted. _Bellenden._ DETBUND, _adj._ Predestinated. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _det_, a die. _To_ DEUAIL, DEUAL, _v. n._ 1. To descend. _Douglas._ 2. _v. a._ To let fall. _Palice Honour._ Fr. _devall-er_. ~Devall~, _s._ A sunk fence, Clydesd. _To_ DEVALL, DEVALD, _v. n._ To cease, to intermit, S. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _dwal-a_, to delay. ~Devall~, ~Devald~, _s._ A cessation, S. Isl. _duaul_, mora. DEUCH, TEUCH, _s._ 1. A draught, a potation, S. V. ~Teuch~. 2. Drink in general, S. B. ~Deuchandorach~, ~Deuchandoris~, _s._ 1. A drink taken at the door, S. 2. Equivalent to _stark-love and kindness_, S. Gael. _deoch an doruis_, the parting drink. _To_ DEVE, DEAVE, _v. a._ To stupify with noise, S. _King Hart._ Su. G. _doef-wa_, Isl. _deyf-a_, to deafen. DEVEL, _s._ A stunning blow. V. ~Davel~. _To_ DEVISE, DIUISS, DEUYS, _v. a._ To talk. Fr _deuis-er_, id. _Barbour._ DEUGIND, _adj._ Wilful, litigious, Caithn. DEUK, _s._ Covert, shelter, S. B. V. ~Jouk~. DEULE WEEDS, mourning weeds. Fr. _deuil_, mourning. _Acts Ja. VI._ DEVORE, DEUORE, _s._ Service. Fr. _devoir_. _Wyntown._ DEW, _adj._ Moist. _Douglas._ DEW, _pret._ Dawned. V. ~Daw~. _Wallace._ DEWGAR, _s._ A salutation. _Wallace._ Fr. _Dieu garde_. DEWGS, _s. pl._ Rags, shreds, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ DEWYD, DEWOYD, _v. n._ To divide. _Wallace._ _To_ DEWYSS, DIUISS, _v. a._ To divide. Fr. _devis-er_, id. _Barbour._ DEWYT, deafened, stunned. V. ~Deve~. DEWOR, DEWORY, _s._ Duty. _Barbour._ DEW-PIECE, _s._ A piece of bread given to servants when going out early to their work, S. B. _Sinclair._ DGUHARE, Houlate. Leg. _Alquhare._ DIBBER-DERRY, _s._ Confused debate, S. B. _Ross._ DIBLER, _s._ A large wooden platter. _Burrow Lawes._ O. E. _dobeler_, O. Fr. _doublier_, assiette. _To_ DICE, _v. a._ To sew in a waved form, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ DICHT, DYCHT, _v._ 1. To prepare. _Douglas._ A. S. _diht-an_, Germ. _dicht-en_, parare. 2. To deck, S. _Douglas._ 3. To dress food. _Ritson._ 4. To polish. _Douglas._ 5. To wipe, S. _Colvil._ 6. To dry by rubbing, S. _Ross._ 7. To sift, S. Cumb. _Burns._ 8. To treat, to handle. _Douglas._ 9. To handle, applied to the mind, S. B. Belg. _dicht-en_, Su. G. _dicht-a_, to compose. 10. To drub, S. B. _Hamilton._ 11. To make an end of. _Douglas._ ~Dichtings~, _s. pl._ 1. Refuse, S. _Ross._ 2. The refuse of corn, S. synon. _shag_. _To_ DICT, _v. a._ To dictate. V. ~Dite~. _To_ DIDDLE, _v. n._ 1. To move like a dwarf, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To shake, to jog. _Burns._ Isl. _dudd-est_, segnipes esse. DIE, s. A toy, a gewgaw, Loth. DIET-BOOKE, s. A diary. _Calderwood._ L. B. _diaet-a_, iter unius diei. DIFFER, _s._ A difference, S. _Bp. Forbes._ DIFFICIL, _adj._ Difficult. _Complaynt S._ _To_ DIFFOUND, _v. a._ To diffuse. _Douglas._ DIGNE. _adj._ Worthy. V. ~Ding~. DIKE, DYK, _s._ 1. A wall, S. _Kelly._ 2. A vein of _whinstone_, traversing the strata of coal, S. _Statist. Acc._ 3. A ditch. _Wallace._ A. S. _dic_, Su. G. _dike_, id. _To_ ~Dyk~, _v. a._ To inclose with ramparts or ditches. _Barbour._ ~Diker~, ~Dyker~, _s._ One who builds inclosures of stone, generally without lime; also _dry-diker_, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ DILL, _v. a._ To conceal. _Callander._ Isl. _dyll-a_, Su. G. _doel-ja_, occultare. _To_ DILL, _v. a._ To assuage or remove. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _dilg-ian_, delere; Isl. _dill-a_, lallare. _To_ ~Dill Down~, _v. n._ To subside. _Baillie._ DILATOR, _s._ A delay; old law term. L. B. _dilatare_, to delay. _Baillie._ DILP, _s._ A trollop. _Ross._ Sw. _toelp_, an awkward fellow. _To_ DYMENEW, _v. a._ To diminish. _Douglas._ _To_ DIN, DYN, _v. n._ 1. To make a noise. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. To resound. A. S. _dyn-an_, id. _Barbour._ DYND, _part. pa._ _Bannatyne Poems._ _To_ DING, _v. a._ 1. To drive, _S. Bellenden._ 2. To exert one's self. _Henrysone._ 3. To beat. _Wyntown._ 4. To strike by piercing. _Bellenden._ 5. To scourge, to flog. _Acts Ja. I._ 6. To overcome, S. _Ferguson._ 7. To excel. S. _Ramsay._ 8. To discourage, S. B. _Ferguson._ 9. _To ding down_, to overthrow, S. _Barbour._ 10. _To ding in_, to drive in, S. 11. _To ding off_, to drive from. _Douglas._ 12. _To ding on_, to attack with violence. _Barbour._ 13. _To ding out_, to expel. _Bellenden._ _To ding out the bottom of_ any thing, to make an end of it, S. _Baillie._ 14. _To ding ouer_, to overthrow, also to overcome, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ 15. _To ding throw_, to pierce. _Bellenden._ 16. _To ding to dede_, to kill with repeated strokes. _Wallace._ Isl. _daeng-ia_, Su. G. _daeng-a_, tundere. _To_ ~Ding~, _v. n._ 1. To drive. _Douglas._ _It's dingin on_, it rains, or snows, S. 2. _To ding down_, to descend. _Lyndsay._ DING, DIGNE, _adj._ Worthy. _Douglas._ Fr. _digne_, Lat. _dign-us_. DINGLEDOUSIE, _s._ A stick ignited at one end; foolishly given as a plaything to a child; Dumfr. Su. G. _dingl-a_, to swing, and _dusig_, dizzy. DINK, DENK, _adj._ 1. Neat, trim, S. _Evergreen._ 2. Precise, saucy, Fife. _A. Douglas._ Alem. _ding_, gay. ~Dinkly~, _adv._ Neatly. _R. Galloway._ _To_ DINLE, DYNLE, _v. n._ 1. To tremble, S. _Douglas._ 2. To make a great noise. _Ferguson._ 3. To thrill, to tingle. _J. Nicol._ ~Dinle~, _s._ 1. Vibration, S. 2. A vague report, S. B. DINMONT, DIMMENT, DILMOND, _s._ A wedder in the second year. S. q. _twelve-months_. _Complaynt S._ DINNEN SKATE, The young of the Raia Batis. _Sibbald._ DINT, _s._ An opportunity, S. _Ross._ DINT, _s._ Affection. V. ~Dent~. DYOUR, _s._ A bankrupt. _Dunbar._ DIRD, _s._ An achievement; used ironically, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Teut. _dagh-vaerd_, Isl. _dagferd_, a day's journey. ~Dirdum~, _s._ Deed, achievement, S.B. ibid. ~Dirdum-Dardum~, _s._ A term, expressive of contempt for an action. _Chr. Kirk._ DIRD, _s._ A stroke, Aberd. _Ross._ Fr. _dourd-er_, to beat. DIRDUM, s. 1. An uproar, S. _King Hart._ C. B. _dowrd_, sonitus, strepitus. 2. Damage. "To dree the _dirdum_," to do penance, S. B. 3. Passion, ill humour, Perths. Gael. _diardan_. surliness, anger. DIRK, _s._ A dagger. V. ~Durk~. DIRK, DYRK, _adj._ Dark. _Wallace._ A. S. _deorc_. _To_ DIRK, _v.n._ To grope in utter darkness. _Ferguson._ _To_ ~Dirkin~, _v. n._ To act clandestinely. _Dunbar._ _To_ ~Dirkin~, _v. a._ To darken. _Douglas._ ~Dirkit~, _part. adj._ Darkened. _Dunbar._ ~Dirkness~, _s._ Darkness. _Dunbar._ _To_ DIRLE, _v. a._ To pierce, E. _drill_. _Bannatyne MS._ Su. G. _drill-a_, perforare. _To_ DIRLE, _v. n._ 1. To tingle, to thrill, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To emit a tingling sound, S. _Burns._ ~Dirl~, _s._ 1. A slight tremulous stroke, S. 2. The pain caused by such a stroke, S. 3. A vibration, S. _Burns._ ~Dirling~, _s._ A short-lived smarting pain, S. _Douglas._ DIRR, _adj._ 1. Torpid, benumbed, Loth. 2. Insensible, used in a moral sense, Loth. Su. G. _daer-a_, infatuare. _To_ ~Dirr~, _v. n._ To be benumbed, ibid. DIRT, _s._ Excrement, S. ~Dirtin~, _adj._ 1. Defiled with excrement, S. 2. Mean, contemptible, S. _Bellenden._ ~Dirt-fear'd~, _adj._ So much afraid as to lose the power of retention, S. _Hamilton._ _To_ DISAGYIS, To disguise. _Gl. Complaynt._ DYSCHOWYLL, _adj._ Undressed. Fr. _deshabillé_, id. _Wallace._ DISCENSE, _s._ Descent. _Douglas._ Lat. _descens-us_. DISCREET, _adj._ Civil. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ~Discretion~, Civility, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ _To_ DISCRIUE, _v. a._ To describe. _Douglas._ _To_ DISCURE, _v. a._ To observe accurately. _Douglas._ Fr. _discour-ir_, to survey. ~Discourrour~, _s._ A scout. _Barbour._ DISDOING, _adj._ Not thriving, Clydes. DISEIS, DISSESE, _s._ 1. Want of ease. _Barbour._ 2. State of warfare. _Wyntown._ Fr. _desaise_, "a being ill at ease," Cotgr. _To_ DISHAUNT, _v. a._ To leave any place or company. _Spotswood._ Fr. _deshant-er_. _To_ DISHERYS, _v. a._ To disinherit. _Barbour._ ~Disherysown~, _s._ The act of disinheriting. _Wyntown._ DISHILAGO, _s._ The vulgar name of Tussilago or colt's-foot, S. DISHORT, _s._ 1. Displeasure. _Chron. S. P._ 2. A disappointment, Aberd. 3. Any thing prejudicial, S. From _dis_, and _short_, _v._ to recreate. DISJASKIT, _part. pa._ 1. _Disjaskit-like_, exhibiting every appearance of a decay in circumstances, S. B. Probably allied to Dan. _jask-er_, _hask-er_, sordide habeo. 2. Having a downcast look, S. B. DISJUNE, DISJOON, _s._ 1. Breakfast, S. B. O. Fr. _desjune_. _Ross._ 2. _To make a disjune of_, to swallow up at once. _Baillie._ DISMAL, _s._ A mental disease, probably melancholy. _Polwart._ DYSMEL, _s._ Apparently, necromancy. _Priests Peblis._ A. Goth, _dys_, dea mala, et _mal_, Moes. G. _mel_, tempus praefinitum. Inde _dis-mal_ dies vindictae; Seren. DYSOUR, _s._ One who plays at _dice_. _Dunbar._ DISPARAGE, _s._ Disparity of rank. _Skene._ DISPARIT, DISPERT, _adj._ 1. Desperate. _Douglas._ 2. Keen, violent, incensed, S. B. _To_ DISPARPLE, _v. n._ To be scattered. V. ~Sparpell~. _Hudson._ _To_ DISPEND, _v. a._ To expend. Fr. _dispend-re_. _Barbour._ ~Dispending~, _s._ Expences. _Barbour._ ~Dispence~, ~Dyspens~, _s._ Expence. Fr. _despens_. _Wyntown._ DYSPYTUWS, _adj._ Despiteful. Fr. _despiteux_. _Wyntown._ _To_ DISPLENISH, _v. a._ To disfurnish, S. V. ~Plenys~, _v._ _Baillie._ DISSAIF, _s._ Insecurity. _Wallace._ DISSEMBILL, _adj._ Unclothed. Fr. _deshabill-é_, id. _Wallace._ DYSTANS, DISTAWNS, _s._ Dissension. _Wyntown._ L. B. _distenc-io_, contentio, lis. DISTY-MELDER, _s._ 1. The last quantity of meal made of the crop of one year, S. 2. Metaph. one's latter end, S. B. _Journal Lond._ _To_ DISTRUBIL, DISTROUBLE, _v. a._ To disturb. _Douglas._ ~Distrowblyne~, _s._ Disturbance. _Barbour._ _To_ DIT, DYT, DITT, _v. a._ To close up, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _dytt-an_, occludere, obturare. _To_ DITE, DYTE, DICT, _v. a._ 1. To indite, S. _Wallace._ 2. To dictate to an amanuensis, S. _Baillie._ 3. To indict. _Henrysone._ Teut. _dicht-en_, Sw. _dickt-a_, to compose; Germ. _dicht-en_, sententiam dicere, literis mandare. ~Dyte~, _s._ Composition. _Wyntown._ ~Ditement~, _s._ Any thing indited. _Sir W. More._ ~Dittay, Dyttay~, _s._ Indictment. _Wallace._ DIV, DO. _I div_, I do, S. DIVE, _s._ The putrid moisture, which issues from the mouth, &c. after death, S. B. ~Divie~, _adj._ Having much _dive_, S. B. _To_ DIVERT, _v. n._ To turn aside; Lat. _divert-ere_. _Baillie._ DIVET, DIFFAT, DIVOT, _s._ A thin flat oblong turf, used for covering cottages, and also for fuel, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ Lat. _defod-ere_, to dig. DIUINE, _s._ A soothsayer. _Douglas._ Fr. _devin_, id. DYVOUR, _s._ A bankrupt. _Skene._ Fr. _devoir_, duty. ~Dyuourie~, _s._ Declaration of bankruptcy. _Skene._ DIXIE, _s._ Severe reprehension, S. q. the sentence of a pedagogue, Lat. _dixi_, "I have said it." _To_ DO, _v. a._ To avail. V. ~Dow~. _Wallace._ _To_ DO _in-to_, to bring into. _Wyntown._ DO, _s._ pron. _doe_, A piece of bread, S. A. Fr. _dôt_, a portion. DOACH, DOAGH, _s._ A wear or cruive. _Statist. Acc._ DOCHT, _pret._ Could, availed. V. ~Dow~, 1. DOCHTER, DOUCHTYR, _s._ Daughter, S. _Bellenden._ ~Dochter-Dochter~, _s._ Grand daughter. Sw. _doter doter_, id. _Wyntown._ DOCHLY, _adv._ Perhaps for _dochtely_, powerfully; from A. S. _dochtig_. _Houlate._ DOCHTY, _adj._ Malapert, S. an oblique sense of E. _doughty_. _To_ DOCK, _v. a._ To flog the hips, S. Teut. _dock-en_, dare pugnos. DOCK, DOK, _s._ 1. Podex, S. _Kennedy._ 2. Stern of a ship. _Pitscottie._ DOCKEN, DOKEN, _s._ The dock, an herb, S. _Ritson._ DOCKER, _s._ Struggle, S. B. V. ~Dock~, _v._ _Ross._ DOCKUS, _s._ Any thing very short, S. DOCUS, _s._ A stupid fellow, S. Germ. _docke_, a puppet. DOD, _s._ A slight fit of ill-humour, S. Gael. _sdoid_, id. ~Doddy~, _adj._ Pettish, S. Gael. _sdodach_. _To_ DODD, _v. n._ To jog, _Fife._ Isl. _dudd-est_, segnipes esse. DODDY, DODDIT, _adj._ 1. Without horns, S. 2. Bald, without hair, S. B. ~Doddie~, _s._ A cow wanting horns, S. _To_ DODGE, _v. n._ To jog, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ DOFART, _adj._ Stupid. V. ~Duffart~. DOGDRIVE, DOG DRAVE, _s._ A state of ruin. _Ramsay._ DOG-HIP, _s._ The fruit of the Dog-rose, S. DOG-NASHICKS, _s._ Something resembling the gall-nut, produced by an insect depositing its _ova_ on the leaves of the Trailing willow, S. B. DOG'S CAMOVYNE, Weak-scented feverfew, also _Dog-gowan_, S. B. DOG'S SILLER, Yellow rattle or Cock's comb, S. DOG'S TANSY, _s._ Silver-weed, S. ~Doggis~, _s. pl._ Swivels. _Complaynt S._ Norm. Fr. _dagge_, a small gun. DOG-LATIN, _s. Macaronic_ Latin. S. _Ruddiman._ DOGONIS, _s. pl._ Suitors. _Dunbar._ _To_ DOYCE, _v. a._ To give a dull heavy stroke, Ang. ~Doyce~, _s._ 1. A dull heavy stroke, Ang.; _douss_, a blow, S. V. ~Dusch~. 2. The flat sound caused by the fall of a heavy body, Ang. DOID, _v. imp._ It becomes, Fr. _doit_. _Henrysone._ DOIL, _s._ A piece of any thing, as of bread, Ang. _dole_, E. DOIL'D, DOILT, _adj._ 1. Stupid, confused, S. _Polwart._ 2. Crazed, S. _Gl. Shirr._ Su. G. _dwal-a_, stupor; _ligga i dwala_, jacere in sopore. DOYN, DONE, DOON, DOONS, DUNZE, _adv._ Very, in a great degree, a mark of the superlative, S. _Bellenden._ _Doon weil_, or _dunze weil_, very well, S. Isl. _daeends_, id. as _daeends wael_, excellently, _dae waenn_, very beautiful, from _daa_, an old primitive or particle, denoting any thing good, worthy or excellent. ~Doonlins~, _adv._ The same. _No that doonlins ill_, not _very bad_, S. B. DOISTER, DYSTAR, _s._ A storm from the sea, Ang. Isl. _thustar_, aer incipit inclemens fieri. DOIT, _s._ A small copper coin formerly current in S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ _To_ DOYTT, _v. n._ 1. To dote. _Lyndsay._ 2. To move as signifying stupidity, S. DOITIT, DOYTIT, _part. adj._ Stupid, confused. S. _Dunbar._ Belg. _dot-en_, delirare, Dan. _doede_, stupid. ~Doit~, _s._ A fool, a numskull, S. ~Doit~, _s._ A disease, perhaps stupor. _Watson._ ~Doittrie~, _s._ Dotage, S. _Philotus._ ~Doitrified~, _part. pa._ Stupified, S. DOKEN, _s._ The dock. V. ~Docken~. DOLE, _s._ A doxy. _Gl. Shirr._ DOLENT, _adj._ Mournful. _Lyndsay._ DOLESS, DOWLESS, _adj._ Without exertion, S. _Doingless_, id. Sw. _dugloes_, id. DOLF, _adj._ V. ~Dowf~. ~Dolfness~, _s._ Want of spirit. _Douglas._ DOLFISH, _s._ Leg. _Dog-fish_. _Statist. Acc._ DOLLY, DOLIE, DULLY, _adj._ Dull, S. _dowie_. _Douglas._ Su. G. _daalig_, tristis. DOLLYNE, _part._ Buried. _Dunbar._ A. S. _be-dolfen_, id., Teut. _dolv-en_, inhumare, humo tegere, sepelire, Kilian. DOLPE, _s._ A cavity, S. _dowp_. _Douglas._ Belg. _dop_, a shell or husk. DOME, _s._ Judgment, sentiment. _S. P. Repr._ DOMINIE, _s._ 1. A pedagogue, S. _Forbes._ 2. A contemptuous name for a minister, S. _Ritson._ DON, _s._ A favourite, S., perhaps from Hisp. _Don_. DONGYN, DOUNGIN, _part. pa._ of _Ding_. DONIE, _s._ A hare, Ang. A. S. _don_, damula? DONK, _adj._ Damp, E. _dank_. _Douglas._ Su. G. _dunk-en_, id. ~Donk~, _s._ Moisture, perhaps mouldiness. _Douglas._ _To_ DONNAR, _v. a._ To stupify, Fife. _A. Douglas._ ~Donnard~, ~Donner'd~, _adj._ In a state of gross stupor, S. _Ramsay._ Germ. _donner-n_, to thunder, q. stupified with noise, like _bedundert_. DONSIE, DONCIE, _adj._ 1. Affectedly neat and trim, implying the idea of self-importance, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Obliquely signifying pettish, testy, S. 3. Restive, applied to a horse, S. _Burns._ 4. Unlucky; in a moral sense. _Burns._ 5. Dull and dreary. _Hamilton._ Germ. _duns-en_, to swell; intumescere. DONTIBOURS, DOUNTIBOURIS, _s. pl._ Probably, courtezans. _Knox._ Fr. _domter_, to tame, and _bourse_, the purse; unless the last term be used in the grosser sense mentioned by Cotgr. DOOCK, DUCK, _s._ Strong coarse cloth, Ang. _Sail-doock_, that used for sails. Pron. _doock_. _Statist. Acc._ Teut. _doeck_, id. Su. G. _duk_. _To_ DOODLE, _v. a._ To dandle, S. B. Fr. _dodin-er_, _dodelin-er_, id. DOOF, _s._, A stupid fellow. V. ~Dowf~. DOOK, _s._ A peg, S. Belg. _deuvig_, id. DOOL, _s._ The goal in a game. V. ~Dule~. DOOL, _s._ To _thole the dool_, to bear the evil consequences of any thing, Ang. Fr. _deuil_, grief. ~Dool-like~, _adj._ Having the appearance of sorrow. _Rutherford._ DOOLIE, _s._ 1. A hobgoblin, S. B. 2. A scarecrow, a bugbear, S. B. A. S. _deoul_, diabolus, Isl. _dolg-r_, spectrum. DOOMSTER, _s._ One who pronounces _doom_. _Rutherford._ DOOR, _s. Durk and door_. _Ritson._ DOOZIL, _s._ 1. An uncomely woman, S. B. 2. A lusty child, S. B. Isl. _dusill_, servus, servulus. DORDERMEAT, _s._ A _bannock_ given to farm-servants, after loosing the plough, between dinner and supper, Ang. Su. G. _dagwerd_, a meal, from _dag_, day, and _ward_, food, sometimes _dogoerdar_. DORECHEEK, _s._ The door-post, S. DORESTANE, _s._ The threshold, S. DOREN. Probably, dare. _Wallace._ DORLACH, _s._ A bundle, or truss, Gael. _Baillie._ DORNICK, _s._ Linen cloth used in S. for the table; from Tournay, Teut. _Dornick_. _Lyndsay._ DORT, _s._ Pet, commonly in pl. _Ross._ _To_ ~Dort~, _v. n._ To become pettish, S. _Shirrefs._ ~Dorty~, _adj._ 1. Pettish, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 2. Saucy, malapert, S. 3. Applied to a female who is saucy to her suitors, S. _Ramsay._ 4. Applied to plants, when difficult to rear, S. B. Gael. _dorrda_, austere. ~Dortyness~, _s._ Pride, arrogance. _Douglas._ DOROTY, _s._ 1. A doll, S. 2. A female of a very small size, S. DOSK, _adj._ Dark-coloured. _Douglas._ DOSS, _adj._ Neat, spruce, Clydes. Teut. _doss-en_, munire vestibus suffultis. ~Dost up~, _part. pa._ Dressed sprucely. _Kennedy._ DOSS, _s._ A tobacco pouch, Aberd. Isl. _dos_, Germ. _dose_, a box. _Shirrefs._ _To_ ~Doss~, ~Dossie down~, _v. a._ To pay, S. _Ferguson._ DOTAT, _part. pa._ Endowed. _Bellenden._ DOT, _s._ 1. A dotard. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. A state of stupor. _Z. Boyd._ DOTED, _part. pa._ Given as a donation. _Acts Ja. VI._ DOTHER, _s._ Daughter, Ang. _Ross._ _To_ DOTTAR, _v. n._ To become stupid. _Evergreen._ DOTTLE, _s._ A small particle, S. _dot_, E. DOTTLE, _adj._ In a state of dotage, S. Teut. _ver-doetelt_, repuerascens. DOUBLE, _s._ A duplicate, S. _Baillie._ _To_ ~Double~, _v. a._ To take a duplicate of, id. _To_ DOUCE, _v. a._ To knock, Fife. V. ~Doyce~. _Douglas._ ~Douce~, _s._ A stroke, Fife. Id. DOUCE, DOUSE, _adj._ 1. Sedate, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Modest, opposed to wantonness, S. B. 3. Of a respectable character, S. _Burns._ Fr. _doux, douce_, mild, gentle. ~Doucely~, _adv._ Soberly, prudently, S. DOUD, _s._ A woman's cap with a caul, Ang. _To_ DOVER, _v. n._ To slumber, S. synon. _sloom_, S. B. _A. Douglas._ Isl. _dofw-a_, stupere. ~Douerit~, ~Dowerit~, _part. pa._ Drowsy. _Douglas._ ~Dover~, _s._ A slumber, S. Isl. _dur_, somnis levis. _To_ DOUK, _v. a._ To duck, S. _Douglas._ Belg. _duck-en_, id. DOUL'D, _part. pa._ Fatigued, Fife. V. ~Doud~. _A. Douglas._ DOULE, _s._, A fool. _Houlate._ A. S. _dole_, fatuus. DOUNGEOUN, _s._ 1. The strongest tower belonging to a fortress. _Barbour._ Fr. _donjon_. 2. A tower in general. _Lyndsay._ DOUNT, _s._ A stroke, a blow. V. ~Dunt~, _s._ _To_ DOUN THRING, _v. a._ 1. To overthrow. _Lyndsay._ 2. To undervalue. V. ~Thring~. _Douglas._ DOUNWITH, _adv._ 1. Downwards, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _adun_, deorsum, and _with_, versus. 2. As a _s. To the dounwith_, downwards, S. _To_ DOUP, _v. n._ To incline the head or shoulders downwards, S. _Evergreen._ Teut. _dupp-en_, verticem capitis demittere. ~Doup~. _In a doup_, _adv._ In a moment. _Ramsay._ DOUP, DOWP, DOLP, _s._ The breech or buttocks, S. _Ramsay._ 2. The bottom, or extremity of any thing. _Ruddiman._ 3. A cavity, S. _Ferguson._ Isl. _doef_, clunes, posterior pars beluae. DOUR, DOURE, _adj._ 1. Hard. _Lyndsay._ 2. Bold, intrepid. _Douglas._ 3. Hardy, synon. with _derf_. _Douglas._ 4. Inflexible, obstinate, S. _Douglas._ 5. Stern; _a dour look_, S. _Wallace._ 6. Severe; applied to the weather, S. _Burns._ Lat. _dur-us_; C. B. _dewr_, audax. ~Dourly~, _adv._ 1. Without mercy. _Lyndsay._ 2. Pertinaciously. _Bannatyne Poems._ DOURTY, Leg. _dourly_. _Gawan and Gol._ DOUSE, _adj._ Solid. V. ~Douce~. DOUSS, _s._ A blow, a stroke. V. ~Doyce~. DOUT, DOUTE, _s._ 1. Fear, S. _Barbour._ 2. Ground of apprehension. _Wyntown._ Fr. _doute_, id. ~Doutance~, _s._ Doubt. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _doubtance_. DOUTSUM, _adj._ 1. Hesitating. _Nat. Cov._ 2. Uncertain, as to the event. _Bellenden._ _To_ DOW, _v. n._ 1. To be able. _Pret. docht_, _dought_. _Dunbar._ A. S. _dug-an_, valere. 2. To avail, to profit. _Douglas._ Teut. _doogh-en_, prodesse. ~Dow~, _s._ Worth, avail. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _doogh_, commodum. DOW, _s._ A dove, S. A. S. _duua_. _Douglas._ _To_ DOW, _v. n._ 1. To thrive, as to health, S. _Ross._ 2. To thrive, in a moral sense, S. Alem. _douch-en_, _doh-en_, crescere, proficere. _To_ DOW, _v. n._ 1. To fade, to wither, S. _Ferguson._ 2. To lose freshness, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To dose, S. B. _Ross._ 4. To neglect, S. B. _Morison._ Alem. _douu-en_, perire. DOWBART, _s._ A stupid fellow. V. ~Dowfart~. _Dunbar._ DOWBRECK, _s._ A species of fish, Aberd. Gael. _dubhbreac_, a smelt. DOWCATE, _s._ A pigeon-house. _Acts Ja. IV._ DOWCHSPERIS, DOWSY PEIRS, _s. pl._ The twelve peers, the supposed companions of K. Arthur. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _les douz pers_, or _pairs_. DOWF, DOLF, _s._ 1. Destitute of courage or animation, S. _Douglas._ 2. Melancholy, gloomy, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Lethargic. _Douglas._ 4. Hollow; applied to sound, S. 5. Silly, frivolous, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _dauf_, stupidus; Isl. _daup-r_, subtristis. ~Douf~, ~Doof~, _s._ A dull stupid fellow. _Dunbar._ ~Dowfart~, ~Dofart~, _adj._ 1. Destitute of spirit, S.; pron. as Gr. υ. _Poems Buchan Dial._ 2. Dumpish, melancholy, S. 3. Feeble, inefficient, S. From _dowf_ and Su. G. _art_, Belg. _aert_, disposition. ~Dowfart~, ~Doofart~, _s._ A dull, inactive fellow, S. _Ramsay._ ~Duffie~, _adj._ 1. Soft, spungy, S. _fozie_, synon. 2. Stupid, transferred to the mind, S. DOWY. V. ~Dolly~. DOWYD, _pret._ Endowed. Fr. _dou-er_. _Wyntown._ DOWKAR, _s._ A diver. _Kennedy._ Su. G. _dokare_, Belg. _duycker_, id. DOWNCOME, DOUNCOME, _s._ 1. Act of descending. _Douglas._ 2. A fall, in whatever sense, S. 3. Overthrow. _Ruddiman._ DOWNDRAUGHT, _s._ Whatsoever depresses, S. DOWNLYING, _s. At the down-lying_, about to be brought to bed, S. DOWNLOOK, _s._ Scorn, contempt, S. _Ross._ DOWNSITTING, _s._ Session of a court, S. _Baillie._ DOWNTAK, _s._ Cause of imbecility, S. DOWRE. Q. _dourly_. hardly. _Wyntown._ DOWRIER, DOWARIAR, _s._ Dowager. Fr. _Douairiere_, id. _Acts Marie._ DOWTIT, _part. pa._ Feared. _Barbour._ Fr. _doubt-er_, to dread. DOXIE, _adj._ hazy, restive, S. Isl. _dosk-a_, to delay, _dosk_, inactivity. _To_ DOZEN, DOSEN, _v. a._ 1. To stupify. _Barbour._ 2. To benumb. _Dozent with cauld_, S. 3. Denoting impotency. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _daase_, stupified; Isl. _das-ast_, languere. _To_ ~Dozen~, _v. n._ To become torpid, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ DRABLE, DRAIBLE, _v. a._ To befoul, to slabber, S. DRABLE, _s._ Perhaps a servant. _Houlate._ DRAFF, _s._ 1. Grains, S. _Wallace._ 2. Metaph., any moral imperfection, S. Teut. Isl. _draf_, siliquae excoctae. ~Draff-pock~, _s._ 1. A sack for carrying grains, S. 2. Metaph., any imperfection. _S. Prov._ DRAGON, _s._ A paper kite, S. DRAGOUN, _s. To raiss dragoun_, to give up to military execution. _Barbour._ _To_ DRAKE, DRAIK, DRAWK, _v. a._ To drench, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ Isl. _dreck-ia_, aquis obruo. ~Draiks~. _In the draiks_, in a slovenly disordered state, S. B. _Popular Ball._ DRAM, _adj._ 1. Melancholy. S.B. _drum_, synon. _Douglas._ 2. Indifferent, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _draums_, melancholicus. DRAMOCK, DRAMMACH, DRUMMOCK, _s._ 1. Meal and water mixed in a raw state, S. _Watson's Coll._ Gael. _dramaig_. 2. Any thing boiled to the state of pulp, Ang. _To_ DRANT, DRUNT, _v. n._ 1. To drawl, S. 2. To pass in a tedious way, S. Isl. _dryn, drunde_, mugire. _Ferguson._ ~Drant, Draunt~, _s._ 1. A drawling enunciation, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A slow and dull tune, S. DRAP, _s._ 1. A drop, S. _Chron. S. P._ 2. A small quantity of drink, S. _Ross._ _To_ ~Drap~, _v. n._ To drop, S. _S. Prov._ DRAP-DE-BERRY, _s._ Fine woollen cloth, made at Berry in France. _Watson's Coll._ _To_ DRATCH, DRETCH, _v. n._ To linger, S. B. Isl. _dratt-a_, segniter procedere. _To_ DRAUCHT, _v. a._ To draw the breath in long convulsive throbs, S. Sw. _drag-as_, id. DRAUCHT TRUMPET, War trumpet. _Douglas._ DRAUCHT, DRAUGHT, _s._ 1. Lineament of the face, S. _Z. Boyd._ 2. An artful scheme, S. _Rutherford._ Teut. _draght_, vestigiae. DRAVE, _s._ 1. A drove of cattle, S. 2. A shoal of fishes, S. _Statist. Acc._ 3. A crowd, S. A. S. _draf_, agmen. _To_ DRAWL, _v. n._ To be slow in action, S. Teut. _drael-en_, cunctari. _To_ DRE, DREE, DREY, _v. a._ To endure, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _dreog-an_, pati. _To_ DRE, DREY, _v. n._ To endure. A. S. _adreog-an_, pati. _Barbour._ DREICH, DREEGH, _adj._ 1. Slow, S. _Ross._ 2. Tedious, S. _Montgomerie._ 3. Denoting distance of situation. Goth. _drig_, _driug-r_, prolixus. _Ritson._ ~Dreich~, ~Dregh~. _On dreich_, _adv._ At a slow pace. _Douglas._ DREDOUR, DRIDDER, _s._ 1. Dread; _drither_, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. Apprehension, S. B. A. S. _draed_, timor. _To_ ~Dridder~, _v._ To dread, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ DREEL, _v. n._ To move quickly, Ang. Teut. _drill-en_, motitare. _Ross._ DREFYD, _pret._ Drave. _Wallace._ DREGY, DERGY, _s._ 1. The funeral service. _Dunbar._ 2. The compotation of the funeral company, S. _Herd._ From the Lat. word _dirige_, frequently repeated in the office for the dead. DREGGLE, _s._ A small drop of any liquid, S. Su. G. _dregel_, saliva. _To_ DREGLE, DRAIGLE, _v. n._ To be tardy, S. V. ~Dreich~. DREIK, _s._ Excrement. Teut. _dreck_. _Gl. Sibb._ To DREIP, _v. n._ To distil in drops, S. _Sel. S. Ball._ A. S. _dryp-an_, Isl. _dreip-a_, id. DREIRE, _s._ Leg. _deire_, hurt. _Fordun._ DRENE, _s._ Constant repetition. _Dunbar._ _To_ DRESS, _v. a._ 1. To treat well or ill. _Wyntown._ 2. To chastise, to drub, S. 3. To iron linens, S. _Dressing_-iron, a smoothing iron, S. DRESSE, _s._ Exhibition. _Godly Ball._ DRESSER, _s._ A kitchen table, S. Teut. _dressoor_, Fr. _dressoir_, a sideboard. DREVEL, _s._ A driveller. _Dunbar._ DREUILLYNG, DRIUYLLING, _s._ The vagaries of the mind, during unsound sleep. _Douglas._ Isl. _draefl_, _drafl_, sermo stultus; also apinae, fooleries. DREW, _s._ 1. A species of sea-weed that grows very long, Orkn. _Neill._ 2. Sea laces, Fucus filum, S. Isl. _driugr_, prolixus. DREW, _s._ A drop. _Palice Honour._ DRIB, DRIBBLE, _s._ 1. A drop, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Drizzling rain, S. _Burns._ Belg. _druppel_, a drop. DRY GOOSE, a handful of the finest meal, pressed very close together, dipt in water, and then roasted among the ashes of a kiln, S. A. DRYCHYN, DRYCHYNG, _s._ Delay. V. ~Dreich~. _Wallace._ _To_ DRIDDER, _v. a._ V. ~Dredour~. _To_ DRIDDLE, _v. n._ 1. To spill from carelessness, Loth. 2. To have a diarrhoea. _Montgomerie._ _To_ DRIDDLE, _v. n._ 1. To move slowly, S. B., same as _druttle_, q. v. 2. To be diligent without progress, Border. DRIDDLES, _s. pl._ The intestines of a slaughtered animal, Fife. DRIDDLINS, _s. pl._ The knotted meal left after baking, S. Germ. _trodel_, _treidel_, veteramenta. DRIESHACH, _s._ The dross of a turf fire which glows when stirred, S. B. DRIFLING, _s._ A small rain. _Baillie._ Isl. _dreif-a_, spargere. DRIFT, _s._ Drove; as of cattle, Ayrs. Teut. _drifle_, id. _To_ DRIFT, _v. n._ To delay. _R. Bruce._ _To_ ~Drift~, _v. a._ To put off. _Z. Boyd._ ~Drift~, _s._ Procrastination. _R. Bruce._ DRIGHTIN, _s._ Lord. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _drichten_, Alem. _drohtin_, id. DRIMUCK, _s._ The same as _Dramock_. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ DRING, _v. a._ To obtain with difficulty, S. B. _Henrysone._ Belg. _dring-en_, to urge, to press. _To_ DRING, _v. n._ To be slow, S. B. ~Dring~, _adj._ Dilatory, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ DRING, DRINGE, _v. n._ To sound as a kettle before boiling. _Ramsay._ ~Dring~, _s._ The noise of a kettle before it boils. DRING, _s._ 1. A servant. _Lyndsay._ Sw. _dreng_, id. 2. A miser. _Bannatyne Poems._ DRINK-SILVER, _s._ A vale given to servants, S. _Rutherford._ DRYNT, _pret._ Drowned. _Douglas._ A. S. _adrenct_, mersus. DRITHER, _s._ Dread. V. ~Dredour~. _To_ DRIZZEN, _v. n._ 1. To low as a cow or ox, Ang. 2. Applied to a sluggard groaning over his work, S. O. Teut. _druyssch-en_, strepere. _To_ DRIZZLE, _v. n._ To walk slow; Gl. Shirr. Isl. _drosl-a_, haesitanter progredi. DRIZZLING, _s._ Slaver. _Gl. Shirr._ _To_ DROB, _v. a._ To prick, Ang. Isl. _drep-a_, perforare. ~Drob~, _s._ A thorn, a prickle, Perths. DRODDUM, _s._ The breech. _Burns._ DROG, _s._ A buoy attached to the end of a harpoon line, S. DROGARIES, _pl._ Drugs. _Bellenden._ Fr. _drogueries_, id. DROICH, _s._ A dwarf, _droch_, S. B. _dreich_, Border. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _dweorh_, Isl. _droeg_, homuncio. ~Droichy~, _adj._ Dwarfish, S. DROILE, _s._ A slave; Isl. _driole_, id. _Z. Boyd._ DRONACH, _s._ Penalty, S. B. Isl. _drungi_, molestia, onus. DROTES, _pl._ Nobles. _Sir Gawan._ Su. G. _drott_, a lord. DROUBLY, DRUBLIE, _adj._ 1. Dark, troubled. _Dunbar._ 2. Muddy; applied to water. Teut. _droef_, turbidus. _Henrysone._ DROUERY, DROURY, _s._ 1. Illicit love. _Barbour._ 2. A love-token. _Douglas._ 3. A gift of any kind. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _drurie_, la vie joyeuse. _To_ DROUK, _v. a._ To drench, S. _Douglas._ DROUTH, _s._ 1. Drought, S. _Chron. S. P._ 2. Thirst, S. _R. Bruce._ ~Drouthy~, _adj._ 1. Droughty, S. 2. Thirsty, S. _Pennecuik._ DROW, _s._ A fainting fit, Ang. A. S. _throw-ian_, pati. DROW, _s._ A squall. _Mellvill's MS._ Gael. _drog_, motion of the sea. DROWP, _s._ A feeble person. _Dunbar._ Isl. _driup-a_, tristari. _To_ DRUG, _v. a._ To pull forcibly, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _thrug-a_, premere, vim inferre. ~Drug~, _s._ A rough pull, S. B. _Ross._ DRUGGARE, _adj._ Drudging. _King's Quair._ Isl. _droogur_, tractor, bajulus. DRUM, _adj._ Melancholy, S. B. V. ~Dram~. DRUM, _s._ A ridge, S. _Statist. Acc._ Gael. _druim_, id. Applied, S. B. to little hills, which rise as ridges above the level of the adjacent ground. _To_ DRUMBLE, _v. n._ To raise disturbance. _Ramsay._ ~Drumly~, ~Drumbly~, _adj._ 1. Troubled. _Douglas._ 2. Muddy, S. _Douglas._ 3. Having a gloomy aspect, S. _Ramsay._ 4. Confused; as to mind. _Ferguson._ 5. Troubled; applied to the state of public matters, S. _Baillie._ _To_ DRUNE, _v. n._ To low in a hollow or depressed tone, Ang. Isl. _dryn-ia_, Sw. _droen-a_, mugire. ~Drunt~, _s._ A drawling enunciation, S. DRUNT, _s._ Pet, sour humour, S. _Burns._ O. Fland. _drint-en_, tumescere. DRUSH, _s._ 1. Atoms, fragments. _Watson._ 2. The dross of peats, Banffs. Moes. G. _drauhsna_, a fragment, from _drius-an_, to fall. _To_ DRUTTLE, _v. n._ 1. To be slow in motion, S. 2. To trifle about any thing, S. Teut. _dreutel-en_, pumilionis passus facere. DUALM, DWALM, DWAUM, _s._ 1. A _swoon_, S. _Ross._ 2. A sudden fit of sickness, S. _Ritson._ Alem. _dualm_, caligo mentis stupore correptae. ~Dualmyng~, ~Dwauming~, _s._ 1. A Swoon. _Douglas._ 2. Metaph. the fall of evening, S. B. _Shirrefs._ DUB, _s._ 1. A small pool of rain-water, S. _Douglas._ 2. A gutter, S. Ir. _dob_, a gutter; Celt. _dubh_, canal. DUBLAR, _s._ V. ~Dibler~. _Bannatyne Poems._ DUCHERY, _s._ Dukedom. _Bellenden._ DUCK, _s._ A leader. V. ~Duke~. DUCK, _s._ Sail-cloth. V. ~Doock~. DUD, _s._ 1. A rag, S. _Ross._ _Daily dud_, the dish-clout, S. B. 2. _Duds_, _dudds_, pl. clothing, especially of inferior quality, S. _Polwart._ Gael. _dud_, a rag, and _dudach_, ragged. Isl. _dude_, indumentum levioris generis. ~Duddy~, _adj._ Ragged, S. _Ramsay._ DUDDROUN, _s._ Sloven, drab. _Dunbar._ Isl. _dudr-a_, to act in a slovenly manner. DUDE, for _do it_, S. _Diallog._ _To_ DUEL, DUELL, DWELL, _v. n._ 1. To delay, to tarry. _Douglas._ 2. To continue in any state. _Barbour._ 3. To cease or rest. _Wallace._ 4. _Dwelt behind_, left behind. _Barbour._ Su. G. _dwael-ias_, id. Isl. _duel_, moror. ~Duelling~, _s._ Delay, tarrying. _Barbour._ DUERGH, _s._ A dwarf. V. ~Droich~. _Gawan and Gol._ DUKE, DUCK, _s._ A general. _Evergreen._ DUKE, DUIK, _s._ A duck, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ DULCE, _adj._ Sweet; Lat. _dulc-is_. _Lyndsay._ DULDER, _s._ Any thing large, S. B. _To_ DULE, _v. n._ To grieve. _Dunbar._ Fr. _doul-oir_, Lat. _dol-ere_. ~Dule~, ~Dool~, _s._ Grief, S. _Wyntoun._ _To sing dool_, to lament. _Gl. Shirr._ DULE, DOOL, _s._ The goal in a game. _Chr. Kirk._ Teut. _doel_, aggesta terra, in quam sagittarii jaculantur sagittas. DULL, _s._ Hard of hearing, S. _Sir John Sinclair._ DULSE, _adj._ Dull, heavy, S. B. Isl. _dollsa_, appendere ignavum. DULSE, _s._ The fucus, a species of seaweed, S. _Martin._ Gael. _duilliasg_, Ir. _dulisk_, id. DUM TAM, a bunch of clothes on a beggar's back, under his coat, S. B. _To_ DUMFOUNDER, _v. a._ To confuse, to stupify, S. DUMBIE, _s._ pron. _Dummie_. One who is _dumb_, S. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ DUMP, _v. a._ To strike with the feet, Ang. Sw. _domp-a_, rudius palpare. DUMPY, _adj._ Short and thick; also used as a _s._, S. Isl. _doomp_, ancillula crassa. DUMSCUM, _s._ A game of children, much the same as _pallall_, or the _beds_. DUN, _s._ A hill, eminence, S. _Stat. Acc._ A. S. _dun_, mons; Gael. id. a fortified hill. _To_ DUNCH, _v. a._ To push or jog with the fist or elbow, S. Teut. _dons-en_, pugno percutere. DUNCH, _s._ One who is short and thick, S. ~Dunchy~, _adj._ Squat, S. DUNDERHEAD, _s._ A blockhead, Loth. V. ~Donnart~. DWMMYSMAN, _s._ A judge. _Wyntown._ DWN, _pret._ of the _v. Do_. _Wyntown._ DUNGEON _of wit_, One having a profound intellect, S. _Boswell._ DUNGERING, _s._ The dungeon of a castle. _S. P. Repr._ DUNIWASSAL, DUIN-WASSAL, _s._ 1. A nobleman. _Colvil._ 2. A gentleman of secondary rank. _Garnet._ 3. Used to denote the lower class of farmers, generally in a contemptuous way, Ayrs. Gael. _duine_, a man, and _uasal_, noble. _To_ DUNNER, DUNDER, _v. n._ To make a noise like thunder. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ DUNT, _v. a._ To strike so as to produce a dull hollow sound, S. _Popular Ball._ _To_ ~Dunt~ _out_, 1. To bring any business to a termination, S. _Ross._ 2. To come to a thorough explanation, after a variance, S. Su. G. _dunt_, ictus. _To_ ~Dunt~, _v. n._ To palpitate. _Ramsay._ ~Dunt~, ~Dount~, _s._ 1. A stroke causing a flat and hollow sound, S. O. E. id. _Peblis to the Play._ 2. Palpitation of the heart, S. _Ross._ 3. _At a dunt_, unexpectedly, Stirlings. Isl. _dunt_, a stroke given to the back or breast, so as to produce a sound. ~Dunting~, _s._ Continued beating, causing a hollow sound, S. _Melvil._ DUNTER-GOOSE, _s._ The Eider duck. _Brand._ Su. G. _dun_, down, and _taer-a_, to gnaw, because it plucks the down from its breast. DUNTY, _s._ A doxy. _Gl. Ramsay._ DUNZE. V. ~Doyn~. DUR, DURE, _s._ Door. _Wyntown._ A. S. _dure_, id. DURGY, _adj._ Thick, gross, Loth. Isl. _driug-r_, densus. DURK, _s._ A dagger, S. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Gael. _durc_, a poniard; Teut. _dolck_, sica. _To_ ~Durk~, _v. a._ 1. To stab with a dagger, S. _Cleland._ 2. To spoil, to mismanage, S. _To_ DURKEN, _v. a._ To affright. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ DUSCH, _v. n._ 1. To move with velocity. _Douglas._ 2. To twang. _Douglas._ 3. _To dusch doun_. To fall with noise, id. _Douglas._ Germ. _dosen_, strepitum edere; Isl. _thus-a_, tumultuose proruere. ~Dusche~, _s._ 1. A fall; as including the crash made by it. _Douglas._ 2. A stroke, a blow. V. ~Doyce~. _Barbour._ Isl. _thys_, Alem. _thuz_, _doz_, fragor. DUSCHET, DUSSIE, _s._ A musical instrument. _Poems 16th Cent._ DUSCHET, DUSSIE, _s._ An indorsement. _Leg. Bp. St Androis._ Fr. _douss-er_, to indorse. _To_ DUSH, _v. a._ To push as a ram, ox, &c. S. Teut. _does-en_, pulsare cum impetu; Isl. _dusk-a_, verbera infligo. DUST, _s._ A tumult. Su. G. _dyst_, id. DUST _of a mill_, what flies from a mill in grinding, S. Teut. _duyst_, pollen. DUST _of lint_, what flies from flax in dressing, S. Teut. _doest_, lanugo lintei. DUSTIE-FUTE, DUSTIFIT, _s._ 1. A pedlar. _Skene._ 2. One who is not resident in a country. _Burr. Lawes._ 3. Used to denote revelry. _Godly Ball._ _To_ DUTE, DUTT, _v. n._ To dose, S. B. Belg. _dutt-en_, to set a-nodding. ~Dut~, _s._ A stupid person, S. B. Dan. _doede_, stupidus; Belg. _dutt-en_, delirare. DWABLE, DWEBLE, _adj._ Weak, flexible. Su. G. _dubbel_, double. _Ross._ DWALM, DWAUM, _s._ V. ~Dualm~. _To_ DWANG, _v. a._ 1. To oppress with labour, S. B. 2. To bear, or draw, unequally, S. B. 3. To harass by ill-humour, S. B. Teut. _dwingh-en_, domare, arctare. _To_ ~Dwang~, _v. n._ To toil, S. B. _Morison._ ~Dwang~, _s._ A rough shake or throw, S. B. _Morison._ _To_ ~Dwyne~, _v. n._ 1. To pine, S. _A. Nicol._ 2. To fade, applied to nature. _Ferguson._ 3. To dwindle, S. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Teut. _dwyn-en_, attenuare, extenuare. _To_ ~Dwyn~, _v. a._ To cause to languish. _Montgomerie._ ~Dwyning~, _s._ A decline, S. Isl. _dwinar_, diminutio. E E, ~Ee~, _s._ The eye, S. _Douglas._ EA, _adj._ One. V. the letter A. _To_ EAND, _v. n._ To breathe. V. ~Aynd~, _v._ EARLEATHER-PIN, _s._ An iron pin for fastening the chain by which a horse draws in a cart, Fife. _To_ EARM. V. ~Yirm~. _To_ EARN, _v. n._ 1. To coagulate, S. 2. To cause to coagulate, S. Germ. _ge-rinnen_, Su. G. _raenn-a_, coagulare. ~Earning~, _s._ Rennet, S. A. S. _gerunning_, id. EARN-BLEATER, _s._ The snipe, S. B. _earnbliter_. _Ross._ EARNY-COULIGS, _s. pl._ Tumuli, Orkn. Isl. _ern_, ancient, and _kulle_, tumulus, Su. G. summitas montis. EASING, EASINGDRAP, _s._ The eaves of a house, S. A. S. _efese_; Belg. _oosdruyp_, id. _To_ EASSIN, EISIN, _v. a._ 1. To desire the bull, S. 2. Applied to strong desire of any kind. _Ferguson._ Isl. _yxna_ or _oxna_, vitula appetens taurum. ~Eastning wort~, Scabious, an herb, S. A. _Pennecuik._ EARN, _s._ The Eagle. V. ~Ern~. EARTH, _s._ The act of earing, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ Sw. _ard_, aratio, from _aer-ia_, to ear. EASTIE-WASTIE, _s._ An unstable person, Ang.; q. one who veers from _east_ to _west_. EASTLAND, _adj._ Belonging to the east. _Baillie._ EASTLIN, _adj._ Easterly, S. _Ramsay._ ~Eastlins~, _adv._ Eastward, S. _Ross._ A. S. _east-laeng_, oriente tenus. EASTILT, _adv._ Eastward, _westlit_, westward; pron. _eassilt_, _wessilt_, Loth. A. S. _east-daele_, plaga orientalis. EAT, _s._ The act of eating, S. B. A. S. _aet_, Teut. _aet_, food. EATIN BERRIES, Juniper berries, S. B. V. ~Etnagh~. EBB, _adj._ Shallow, S. _Rutherford._ ~Ebbness~, _s._ Shallowness. _Rutherford._ ECCLEGRASS, _s._ Butterwort or sheep-rot, Orkn. _Neill._ ECHER, ICKER, _s._ An ear of corn, S. A. S. _aecer_, _aechir_, id. _Douglas._ ECHT, _s._ Ought. _Barbour._ EDROPPIT, _part. pa._ Dropsical. _Bellenden._ EE, _s._ Eye. V. ~E~. ~Ee~ _of the day_, Noon, mid-day, S. B. ~Ee-list~, ~Eye-list~, ~Eye-last~, _s._ 1. A deformity, an eye-sore. _R. Bruce._ 2. An offence. _Godscroft._ 3. A break in a page, S. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _eag_, oculus, and _laest_, defectus. ~Ee-stick~, ~Eistick~, _s._ Something singular or surprising; q. that which causes the _eye_ to _stick_ or fix, S. _Ferguson._ ~Ee-sweet~, ~Eye-sweet~, _adj._ Acceptable, S. _Rutherford._ ~Ee-winkers~, _s._ The eye-lashes, S. _Rutherford._ ~Een~, ~Ene~, _pl._ of ~Ee~, Eyes, S. _Douglas._ EEBREK CRAP, The third crop after lea, S. B. EEGHIE ~nor~ OGHIE. _I can hear neither eeghie nor oghie_, neither one thing nor another, Ang. _Ross._ Su. G. _igh_, or _eighi_, not. EEKFOW, _adj._ Equal; also, just, Ang. Su. G. _ekt-a_, Germ. _eicht_, justus. ~Eeksie-peeksie~, _adj._ Equal, Ang. EEL. _A nine-ee'd eel_, a lamprey, S. Su. G. _neionoogon_, Germ. _neunauge_, id. ~Eel-backit~, _adj._ Having a black line on the back, applied to a dun-coloured horse, S. ~Eelpout~, _s._ The viviparous Blenny, S. EERIE, _adj._ Timorous. V. ~Ery~. EFFECTUOUS, _adj._ Affectionate. L. B. _affectuos-us_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ EFFEIR, _v. n._ 1. To become, to fit. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. To be proportional to. _Knox._ ~Effeir~, _s._ 1. What is becoming. _Maitland Poems._ 2. A property, quality. _Dunbar._ _To_ EFFERE, EFFEIR, _v. a._ 1. To fear. _Lyndsay._ 2. To affright. _Douglas._ A. S. _afaer-an_, terrere. _To_ ~Effeir~, _v. n._ To fear. _Lyndsay._ ~Effray~, ~Effraying~, _s._ Terror. _Barbour._ Fr. _effray-ir_, to affright. ~Effrayitly~, _adv._ Under affright. _Barbour._ EFREST, Best; Isl. _ypprist_. _Houlate._ EFT, _adv._ After. A. S. id. _Wallace._ ~Eft castel~, Hinder part of the ship. _Douglas._ ~Efter~, ~Eftir~, _prep._ After. A. S. _eftyr_, id. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ~Eftir ane~, _adv._ Uniformly, S. _Douglas._ ~Eftirhend~, _adv._ Afterwards, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Su. G. _efter_, and _haen_, hence, dehinc, posthac. ~Efterhend~, _prep._ After. Id. ~Eftremess~, _s._ A dessert. _Barbour._ A. S. _aefter_ and _mess_, a meal. EFTSYIS, _adv._ Ofttimes, Rudd. _Douglas._ A. S. _eft_, iterum, and _sithe_, vice. EGG-BED, _s._ The ovarium of a fowl, S. EGGLAR, _s._ One who collects _eggs_ for sale, S. A. EY, A termination of the names of many places; signifying an island, also written _ay_, _a_, or _ie_. Isl. _ey_, id. EIDENT, _adj._ Diligent. V. ~Ithand~. EIDER DOUN, Down of the eider duck. Sw. _eiderdun_, id. _Pennant._ EYE-LIST, _s._ A flaw. V. ~Ee-List~. EYEN, _pl._ Eyes. V. ~Een~. EIFFEST, _adv._ Especially. _Barry._ Isl. _efst-r_, supremus. EIK, _pron._ Each. _Douglas._ EIK, EKE, _s._ An addition, S. _Baillie._ EIK, _s._ Lineament used for greasing sheep, S. A. _To_ EILD, ELD, _v. n._ To wax old. A. S. _eald-ian_, veterascere. _Bellenden._ ~Eild~, ~Eld~, _s._ 1. Any particular period of life, S. _Barbour._ _Euin eild_, Equal in age. _Douglas._ 2. A generation. _Douglas._ 3. An era. _Wyntown._ 4. The advanced period of life. _Douglas._ A. S. _yld_, aetas, aevum. ~Eild~, _adj._ Old. A. S. _eald_, id. _Douglas._ ~Eildit~, _part. pa._ Aged. _Douglas._ ~Eildins~, ~Yealings~, _s. pl._ Equals in age. _Burns._ A. S. _efen-eald_, coaevus, inverted. _To_ EYNDILL, _v. n._ To be jealous of; _eenil_, Fife. _Maitland Poems._ ~Eyndling~, ~Eyndland~, _part. pr._ Jealous. _Semple._ EIR, _s._ Fear, Ang. V. ~Ery~. EIRACK, _s._ A hen-pullet, S. _Statist. Acc._ Gael. _eirag_, id. Germ. _jahrig_, one year old. EYRE FALCONS, Leg. _Gyre_. _Houlate._ EITHER, _adv._ Or, Ang. _Knox._ Isl. _eda_, _edr_, seu. EITH, EYTH, ETH, _adj._ Easy, S. A. S. _eath_, facilis. _Barbour._ _Eith_ is also used adverbially. _Ramsay._ ~Eithar~, ~Ethar~, _comp._ _Douglas._ ~Eithly~, _adv._ Easily, S. EYTTYN, ETTYN, ETIN, EATEN, _s._ 1. A giant. _Complaynt S._ 2. _Redeaten_ occurs as equivalent to _canibal_. Isl. _jautun_, _jotun_. _Mellvill's MS._ EIZEL, AIZLE, ISIL, ISEL, _s._ 1. A hot ember, S. _Burns._ 2. Wood reduced to the state of charcoal, S. 3. In _pl._ metaph. for the ruins of a country desolated by war. _Douglas._ A. S. _ysle_, embers, Isl. _eysa_, carbones candentes sub cinere. ELBOCK, ELBUCK, _s._ Elbow, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _elboga_, Alem. _elnboga_, from A. S. _eln_, the arm, and _boge_, curvature. ~Elbow-grease~, _s._ 1. Hard work with the arms, S. 2. Brown rappee, Ang. ELDARIS, ELDRYS, _s. pl._ Ancestors. _Barbour._ A. S. _aldor_, Su. G. _aeldre_, senior. ELDER, _s._ Among Presbyterians, one ordained to the exercise of government without having authority to teach, S. _Buik of Discipline._ ELDERSCHIP, _s._ 1. The ecclesiastical court, now called a Presbytery. _Buik of Discipline._ 2. The Kirk-session of a particular congregation, S. _Baillie._ A. S. _ealdor-scipe_, principatus. ELDFADER, _s._ 1. Grandfather. A. S. _eald fader_, id. _Barbour._ 2. Father in law. _Douglas._ ELDIN, ELDING, _s._ Fuel of any kind, S. A. S. _aeled_, Su. G. _eld_, fire. _Ferguson._ ELDING, _s._ Age. V. ~Eild~. _Maitland P._ ELDIS, _adv._ On all sides. _Douglas._ A. S. _eallis_, omnino. ELDMODER, _s._ Mother in law. _Douglas._ A. S. _ealde-moder_, avia. ELDNING, ELDURING, _s._ Jealousy. A. S. _ellnung_, emulation. _Dunbar._ ELDREN, ELDERIN, _adj._ Elderly, S. _Ross._ Dan. _aldrende_; Isl. _aldraen_, senex. ELEVEN-HOURS, _s._ A luncheon, S. ELFMILL, _s._ The sound made by a wood-worm, viewed by the vulgar as preternatural, S. q. "_fairy_-mill." ELFSHOT, _s._ 1. The name vulgarly given to an arrow-head of flint, S. _Pennant._ 2. Disease, supposed to be produced by the stroke of an elf-arrow, S. _Glanville._ Norv. _allskaadt_, Dan. _elleskud_; i. e. _elfshot_. _Elf-shot_, _adj._ Shot by fairies, S. _Ramsay._ ELIMOSINUS, _adj._ Merciful. _Burel._ ELYTE, _s._ One elected to a bishopric. O. Fr. _elite_. _Wyntown._ ELLER, _s._ The Alder, a tree, S. _Lightfoot._ ELLIS, _adv._ Otherwise. A. S. _elles_, id. ELLIS, ELS, _adv._ Already, S. _Barbour._ ELRISCHE, ELRICHE, ELRAIGE, ELRICK, ALRISCH, ALRY, _adj._ 1. Expressing relation to evil spirits. _Dunbar._ 2. Preternatural, as regarding sound, S. _Douglas._ 3. Hideous; respecting the appearance. _Douglas._ 4. Frightful, respecting place, S. _Burns._ 5. Uncouth; in relation to dress. _Bellenden._ 6. Surly, austere. 7. Fretted; applied to a sore, Ang. A. S. _aelf_, and _ric_, rich; q. abounding in elves. ELS, ELSE, _adv._ Already. V. ~Ellis~. ELSYN, ELSON, _s._ An awl, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _aelsene_. ELWAND, ELNWAND, _s._ 1. An instrument for measuring, S. _Burr. Lawes._ 2. Orion's girdle, a constellation. _Douglas._ From _eln_ and _wand_, a rod. EMAILLE, _s._ Enamel. V. ~Amaille~. EMBER GOOSE, A fowl which inhabits the seas about Orkney. _Sibbald._ EMERANT, _s._ Emerald. _King's Quair._ ~Emerant~, ~Emerand~, _adj._ Green. _Douglas._ EMMIS, IMMIS, _adj._ 1. Variable, Ang. 2. _An immis nicht_, a gloomy night, Banffs. Su. G. _ymsa_, _oemsa_, to vary, alternare; Isl. _yms_, _ymiss_, varius. _To_ EMPASH, EMPESCHE, _v. a._ To hinder. Fr. _empescher_. _Bellenden._ EMPRESS, EMPRISS, EMPRISE, ENPRESS, _s._ Enterprise. _Barbour._ Fr. _empris_. ENACH, _s._ Satisfaction for a trespass. Gael. _enach_, a ransom. _Reg. Maj._ ENARMED, _part. pa._ Armed. _Douglas._ ~Enarmoure~, _s._ Armour. _Douglas._ ENBRODE, _part. pa._ Embroidered. _Id._ _To_ ENBUSCH, _v. a._ To lay in ambush. Fr. _embusch-er_, id. q. _en bois_. _Barbour._ ~Enbuschyt~, _s._ Ambuscade. _Barbour._ ~Enbuschment~, _s._ 1. Ambush. _Barbour._ 2. Used in describing the testudo. _Douglas._ ENCHESOUN, _s._ Reason, cause. O. Fr. _acheson_, occasion. _Barbour._ END, EYNDING, Breath. V. ~Aynd~. _Polwart._ ~Enday~, _s._ Day of death. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _and-as_, to die. ~Enfundeyng~, _s._ Perhaps, asthma. _Barbour._ Su. G. _andfaadd_, cui spiritus praeclusus est. ENDLANG, ENDLANGIS, _adv._ Along; S. _enlang_. _Barbour._ A. S. _andlang_, per; Su. G. _aendalongs_, id. ENDORED, _part. pa._ Adorned; Fr. _endoré_; Lat. _inaur-utus_. _Sir Gawan._ ENE, _pl._ Eyes. V. ~Een~. ENERLY. V. ~Anerly~. ENEUCH, YNEWCH, _s._ Enough, S. pl. _ynew_. A. S. _genoh_, satis. _Wallace._ ENFORCELY, _adv._ Forcibly. _Barbour._ ENGAIGNE, _s._ Indignation. _Barbour._ Fr. _engain_, choler. _To_ ENGREGE, _v. a._ To aggravate. Fr. _engreg-er_, id. _Diallog._ _To_ ENGREVE, ENGREWE, _v. a._ To vex. Fr. _grev-er_, id. _Barbour._ ENKERLY, ENCRELY, INKIRLIE, _adv._ 1. Inwardly. _Barbour._ 2. Ardently, keenly. _Douglas._ Fr. _en coeur_, q. in heart. EMPRESOWNÉ, _s._ A prisoner. _Wyntown._ ENPRISE, _s._ Enterprise. _King's Quair._ ENSEINYIE, ENSENYE, ANSENYE, _s._ 1. A mark, or badge. Fr. _enseigne._ _Lyndsay._ 2. Ensign, or standard. _Knox._ 3. The word of war. _Barbour._ 4. A company of soldiers. _Knox._ ENSELYT, _pret._ Sealed. _Barbour._ ENTAILYEIT, _part. pa._ Formed. Fr. _entaill-er_, to carve. _Palice of Hon._ ENTENTYVE, _adj._ Earnest, intent. Fr. _ententif_. _Barbour._ ~Ententely~, _adv._ Attentively. _Barbour._ ENTREMELLYS, _s. pl._ Skirmishes. _Barbour._ Fr. _entremel-er_, to intermingle. ENTRES, ENTERES, _s._ Access, entry. _Bellenden._ ENTRES, _s._ Interest. _Acts Sedt._ EPISTIL, _s._ A harangue or discourse. _Dunbar._ ER, _adv._ Before. V. ~Air~. _Barbour._ ~Erar~, ~Earer~, _comp._ 1. Sooner. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. Rather. _Wyntown._ ~Erast~, _superl._ Soonest. _Wyntown._ ERD, ERDE, YERD, YERTH, _s._ 1. The earth, S. pron. _yird._ _Wyntown._ 2. Ground, soil, S. A. S. _eard_, Isl. _jaurd_, id., from Isl. _aer-a_, _er-ia_, to plough. _To_ ~Erd~, ~Yerd~, _v. a._ 1. To inter a dead body, S. B. _Barbour._ 2. Denoting a less solemn interment. _Barbour._ 3. To cover with the soil, for concealment, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Su. G. _iord-as_, sepeliri; Isl. _iard-a_. ~Erd houses~, Habitations formed under ground. Isl. _jard-hus_, domus subterranea. ~Erddyn~, ~Yirden~, s. 1. An earthquake. _Wyntown._ A. S. _eorth-dyn_, terrae motus. 2. Thunder, S. B. ERE, EIR, _s._ Fear, dread; Ang. V. ~Ery~. ERF, _adj._ 1. Averse, reluctant, Loth. Fife. 2. Reserved, distant, Loth. V. ~Ergh~. To ERGH, ARGH, ERF, _v. n._ 1. To hesitate, to feel reluctance, S. _Baillie._ 2. To be reluctant from timidity, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _earg-ian_, torpescere pro timore. ~Ergh~, _adj._ 1. Hesitating, scrupulous, S. 2. Timorous, S. B. ~Ergh~, ~Erghing~, _s._ 1. Doubt, apprehension, S. 2. Fear, timidity, S. A. S. _yrhth_, id. ERY, EIRY, EERIE, _adj._ 1. Affected with fear, from whatever cause. _Douglas._ 2. Under the influence of fear, excited by wildness of situation. _Douglas._ 3. Denoting the feeling inspired by the dread of ghosts, S. _Ross._ 4. Causing fear of spirits, S. _Burns._ Belg. _eer-en_, vereri, Isl. _ogr-a_, terreo. ~Eryness~, ~Eiryness~, _s._ Fear excited by the idea of an apparition, S. _Evergreen._ ERYSLAND, ERLSLAND, EUSLAND, s. A denomination of land, Orkn. _Barry._ Su. G. _oeresland_, the eighth part of a Markland. ERLIS, _s._ Earnest. V. ~Arles~. ERN, ERNE, EIRNE, EARN, _s._ 1. The eagle, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. The osprey. _Houlate._ A. S. _earn_, Isl. _aurn_, _ern_, aquila. ERNAND, _part. pr._ Running. A. S. _eorn-an_, currere. _Maitland P._ ERN-FERN, _s._ The brittle fern, S. q. "the eagle-fern." ERSE, _adj._ used as a _s._ The dialect of the Celtic spoken by the Highlanders of S. i. e. _Irish_. ERTAND, _part. pr._ Perhaps, ingenious, from _Airt_, _v._ to aim. _Gawan and Gol._ ESCH, s. The ash, a tree. _Douglas._ ~Eschin~, _adj._ Belonging to the ash. _Doug._ To ESCHAME, _v. n._ To be ashamed. _Douglas._ ESCHEL, ESCHEILL, _s._ A division of an army. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _eschielle_, a squadron. To ESCHEVE, ESCHEW, _v. a._ To achieve. Fr. _achev-er._ _Barbour._ ESCHEW, _s._ An achievement. _Barbour._ ESFUL, _adj._ Producing ease. _Wyntown._ ESK, _s._ A newt, S. V. ~Ask~. _To_ ESK, EESK, YESK, _v. n._ To hiccup, S. B. A. S. _gisc-ian_, id. ~Eskin~, ~Eeskin~, _s._ The hiccup, S. B. A. S. _geocsung_, id. ESPERANCE, _s._ Hope, Fr. _Bellenden._ ESPYE, _s._ A spy. Fr. _espie_. _Douglas._ ~Espyell~, _s._ A spy. _Knox._ ESPINEL, _s._ A sort of ruby. Fr. _Burel._ ESPOUENTABILL, _adj._ Dreadful. O. Fr. _espouventable_. _Lyndsay._ ESS, _s._ Ace. _Bannatyne P._ ESSYS, _pl._ Advantages. Fr. _aise_. _Wyntown._ ESSONYIE, _s._ Excuse offered for non-appearance in a court of law. Fr. _essoine_, id. _Reg. Maj._ ~Essonyier~, _s._ One who legally offers an excuse for the absence of another. _Reg. Maj._ ESTER, _s._ An oyster. _Lyndsay._ ESTLER, _adj._ Hewn. V. ~Aislair~. _Ramsay._ ETH, _adj._ Easy. V. ~Eith~. ETHERINS, _s. pl._ The cross ropes of a thatched roof or stack, S. B. A. S. _ether_, a covert, _heather-ian_, arcere. ETHIK, ETICK, _adj._ 1. Hectic. _Bellenden._ 2. Delicate, S. B. Fr. _etique_, hectic. ETIN, _s._ A giant. V. ~Eyttyn~. ETION, _s._ Lineage, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Su. G. _aett_, _ett_, family. ETNAGH BERRIES, Juniper berries, Ang. _Ross._ _To_ ETTIL, ETTLE, ATTEL, _v. a._ 1. To aim, to take aim, S. _Douglas._ 2. To make an attempt, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To propose, to design, S. _Douglas._ 4. To direct one's course. _Houlate._ Isl. _aetla_, destinare. ~Ettle~, ~Etling~, _s._ 1. A mark, S. _Ross._ 2. Aim, attempt, S. _Burns._ 3. Design. _Barbour._ _To_ EVEN, _v. a._ 1. To equal, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 2. To bring down to a certain level. _Rutherford._ 3. To talk of one as a match for another in marriage, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ EVENDOUN, _adj._ 1. Perpendicular, S. 2. Honest, downright, S. 3. Denoting a very heavy fall of rain, S. EVERICH, _adj._ Every; _everichone_, every one. _King's Quair._ A. S. _aefre eac_, id. EUERILK, _adj._ Every. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _aefre ealc_, id. ~Euirilkane~, _adj._ Every one. _Barbour._ EUILL-DEDY, _adj._ Wicked. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _yfel daeda_, prava agens. EVINLY, _adj._ 1. Equal. _Douglas._ 2. Indifferent, impartial. _Wyntown._ A. S. _efen-lic_, aequalis, aequus. EVIRLY, _adv._ Constantly, continually, S. B. _To_ EVITE, _v. a._ To avoid, Lat. _evit-are_. _Cleland._ EULCRUKE, _s._ Perhaps, oil-vessel. _Burrow Lawes._ EVLEIT, _adj._ Active. V. ~Olight~. EUOUR, EVEYR, _s._ Ivory. _Douglas._ EWDEN-DRIFT, _s._ Drifted snow, Aberd. _Shirrefs._ EWDER, EWDRUCH, _s._ A disagreeable smell, S. B. Clydes. _Journal Lond._ Fr. _odeur_. EWDER, _s._ Ablaze, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ EW-GOWAN, _s._ Common Daisy. EWEST, _adj._ Contiguous. _Acts Ja. VI._ EWIN, _adv._ Straight, right. _Dunbar._ EWYNLY, _adv._ Equally. _Barbour._ _To_ EXAME, _v. a._ To examine, S. _Diallog._ _To_ EXCAMBIE, _v. a._ To exchange, S. L. B. _excamb-iare_. ~Excambion~, _s._ Exchange, S. _Spotswood._ _To_ EXEME, EXEEM, _v. a._ To exempt. _Skene._ EXPECTANT, _s._ A candidate for the ministry, not yet licensed to preach the gospel. _Acts Assembly._ _To_ EXPISCATE, _v. a._ To fish out by inquiry, S. _Wodrow._ Lat. _expisca-ri_, id. _To_ EXPONE, 1. To explain. _Baillie._ Lat. _expon-ere_. 2. To expose to danger. _Knox._ _To_ EXPREME, _v. a._ To express. _Doug._ EXPRES, _adv._ Altogether. _Douglas._ Fr. _par exprés_, expressly. EXTRÉ, _s._ Axle-tree, S. V. ~Ax-tree~. _Douglas._ _To_ EXTRAVAGE, _v. n._ To deviate in discourse. V. ~Stravaig~. _Fountainhall._ F FÁ, FAE, _s._ Foe. A. S. _fa_, id. _Douglas._ FA, _v._ and _s._ V. ~Faw~. FABORIS, _s. pl._ Suburbs. Fr. _faux-bourg_. _Wallace._ FABURDOUN, _s._ Counterpoint in music; Fr. _faux-bourdon_. _Burel._ FACHENIS, _pl._ Faulchions. _Douglas._ Fr. _fauchon_. FACHT, Leg. _flicht_, flight. _Houlate._ FADDIS, _s. pl._ Boats. _Bellenden._ Gael. _fada_. FADE, FEDE, _adj._ Appointed; A. S. _fad-an_, ordinare. _Sir Tristrem._ FADE, _s._ A company of hunters. _Doug._ Isl. _veid-a_, to hunt, Gael. _fiadh_, a deer. _To_ FADE, _v. a._ To fall short in. Isl. _fat-ast_, deficit. _Wyntown._ FADER, FADYR, _s._ Father. _Barbour._ A. S. _faeder_, Isl. _fader_, id. FADGE, _s._ A bundle of sticks, Dumfr. Sw. _fagg-a_, onerare. FADGE, FAGE, _s._ 1. A large flat loaf or bannock. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. A flat wheaten loaf, Loth. _Ramsay._ Teut. _wegghe_, libum oblongum; Fr. _fouace_, a thick cake. 3. A lusty and clumsy woman, S. _Ritson._ _To_ FADLE, FAIDLE, _v. n._ To waddle, Ang. FADOM, _s._ A fathom, S. Isl. _fadm-r_. FAGALD, _s._ Faggot. _Barbour._ FAY, _s._ 1. Faith, O. Fr. _fe_. _Wyntown._ 2. Fidelity, allegiance. _Barbour._ _To_ FAIK, _v. a._ To grasp. _Douglas._ Fland. _fack-en_, apprehendere. _To_ FAIK, _v. a._ To fold, S. _Burns._ Sw. _veck_, a fold. ~Faik~, _s._ 1. A fold, S. B. _Bannatyne P._ 2. A plaid, Ang. _Faikie_, Aberd. _Journal Lond._ FAIK, _s._ A stratum of stone, Loth. FAIK, _s._ The razor-bill, a bird. _Neill._ _To_ FAIK, _v. a._ 1. To lower the price of any commodity, Loth. Perths. 2. To let go with impunity, Loth. Su. G. _falk-a_, to cheapen. _To_ FAIK, FAICK, _v. n._ To fail, S. B. Su. G. _wik-a_, cedere. _Ross._ _To_ FAIK, _v. n._ To stop, S. B. _Ross._ FAIL, FALE, FEAL, _s._ 1. Any grassy part of the surface of the ground. _Doug._ 2. A flat grassy clod cut from the sward, S. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _wall_, (pron. _vall_), sward. ~Fail-dyke~, _s._ A wall built of sods, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ _To_ FAILE, _v. n._ 1. To fail. 2. To be in want of any thing. _Barbour._ ~Failyie~, ~Faylyhé~, _s._ 1. Failure. _Act Sedt._ 2. Legal subjection to a penalty. _Spalding._ 3. Penalty in case of breach of bargain, S. _To_ FAYND, FAND, _v. a._ 1. To tempt. _Wyntown._ 2. To put to trial. _Sir Tristrem._ 3. To endeavour. _Barbour._ A. S. _fand-ian_, tentare. _To_ FAYND, _v. n._ To shift. V. ~Fend~. _Wallace._ FAYNDING, _s._ Perhaps, guile. _Barbour._ FAINY, _adv._ Not understood. _Houlate._ FAINTICE, _s._ Dissembling. _Barbour._ Fr. _faintise_. FAIPLE, _s._ _To hang the faiple_, to be chopfallen, S. _A. Scott._ FAIR, _adj._ Calm, Orkney. FAIR, FERE, FEYR, _s._ Appearance. A. S. _feorh_, vultus. _Douglas._ FAIR, FAYR, FAR, _s._ 1. Solemn preparation. _Barbour._ 2. Funeral solemnity. _Gawan and Gol._ Germ. _feyr-en_, to celebrate. FAIR, _s._ Affair. _Priests of Peblis._ FAYR, _adj._ Proper. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _fagr_, idoneus. FAIRD, _s._ 1. Course. _Complaynt S._ 2. Expedition, enterprise. _Calderwood._ FAIRDED, _part. pr._ Painted. V. ~Fard~, _v._ FAIRDING, _s._ Violent blowing. _Burel._ FAYRE, FARE, _s._ Course. _Wyntown._ Isl. _far_, iter. FAIR-FARAND. V. ~Farand~. FAIRFASSINT, _adj._ Having great semblance of discretion, Ang. FAIR-FUIR-DAYS. V. ~Fure-dayis~. FAIRHEID, _s._ Beauty. _Dunbar._ FAIRIN, FARNE, _part. pa._ Fared. _Barbour._ FAIRY-HILLOCKS, _pl._ Verdant knolls, denominated from the vulgar idea that these were anciently inhabited by the fairies, or that they used to dance there, S. _To_ FAIRLY. V. ~Ferly~, _v._ FAIRNTICKL'D, _adj._ Freckled. FAIT, _s. To lose fait of_, to lose one's good opinion of, S. Fr. _faire fête de_, to joy in. _To_ FAYT, _v. a._ Perhaps, frame. _Sir Tristrem._ _To_ FAIZLE, _v. a._ To flatter, S. B. Su. G. _fios-a_, id. FALD, FAULD, _s._ 1. A sheep-fold, S. _Ross._ 2. An inclosure of any kind. _Douglas._ A. S. Isl. _fald_, septum animalium. _To_ ~Fald~, ~Fauld~, _v. a._ To inclose in a fold, S. Sw. _faella_, id. _To_ FALD, _v. n._ To bow, S. _Garden._ A. S. _feald-an_, plicare. _To_ FALE, _v. n._ To happen. _Wyntown._ FALK, FAUK, _s._ The Razor-bill. _Martin._ _To_ FALL, _v. n._ 1. To fall to, as one's portion, pron. _faw_, S. _Peblis to the Play._ 2. To be one's turn. _It fawis me now_, S. _To_ ~Fall~ _by_, _v. n._ To be lost, S. _Rutherford._ _To_ FALL _with child_, to become pregnant, S. FALL, (pron. _faw_) _s._ A measure six ells square, S. _Skene._ Su. G. _fale_, pertica, a perch. FALL, FAW, _s._ A trap, S. _Evergreen._ Germ. _falle_, Su. G. _falla_, decipula. FALLBRIG, _s._ A bridge used in a siege, which the besiegers let _fall_ on the walls, that they might enter by it. _Barbour._ FALLEN STARS, a gelatinous plant, found in pastures, &c. after rain, S. ~Sea fallen stars~, ~Sea lungs~, An animal thrown on the sea-shore, S. _To_ FALLOW, _v. a._ To follow, S. _Douglas._ FALOW, FALLOW, _s._ Fellow. _Wyntown._ _To_ ~Fallow~, _v. a._ To equal. _Dunbar._ FALSAR, FALSARIE, _s._ A falsifier. _Acts Marie._ FALSED, FALSETTE, _s._ 1. Falsehood. _Dunbar._ 2. A forgery. O. Fr. _faulsete_. _Acts Mar._ FALT, FAUTE, FAWT, _s._ Want. O. Fr. _faute_. _Barbour._ FAME, FAIM, FEIM, _s._ 1. Foam, S. _Douglas._ 2. Passion, S. B. A. S. _fam_, _faem_, spuma. _To_ ~Fame~, _v. n._ To be in a rage, S. FAMEN, _pl._ Foes. _Wallace._ A. S. _fah-mon_, foe-man. FAMYLE, FAMELL, _s._ Family, race. Fr. _famille_. _Douglas._ FAMOUS, _adj._ Of good character. Fr. _fameux_, of much credit. _Wodrow._ _To_ FAND, _v. a._ To try. V. ~Faynd~. FAND, _pret. v._ Found, S. _Hudson._ _To_ FANE, _v. a._ To protect. _Dunbar._ FANE. _In fane_, fondly. _Gawan and Gol._ FANG, _s._ 1. Capture. _Wallace._ 2. What is seized or carried off, Ang. _Morison._ _With the fang_, having in possession, LL. S. 3. In pl., claws or talons, S. 4. The bend of a rope. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _fang_, Teut. _vanghe_, captura, captus. _To_ FANK, FANKLE, _v. a._ To entangle, especially by knots, S. _Henrysone._ Teut. _vanck_, tendicula. FANNOUN, FANNOWNE, _s._ A linen handkerchief carried on the priest's arm at mass. Fr. _fanon_. _Wyntown._ _To_ FANTISIE, _v. a._ To regard with affection. Fr. _fantas-ier_. _G. Buchanan._ ~Fantise~, _s._ Vain appearance. _K. Quair._ FANTON, _s._ Swoon. _Palice of Hon._ FANTOWN, _adj._ Fantastic. _Wyntown._ FAR, _s._ Pompous preparation. V. ~Fair~. FAR, _s._ Appearance. V. ~Fair~. _Barbour._ FAR, FARE, FAYR, _s._ Expedition. _Barbour._ FARAND, FARRAND, _adj._ Seeming. _Douglas._ ~Auld-farand~, _adj._ Sagacious, S. ~Fair-farand,~ _adj._ 1. Having a goodly appearance. _S. P. Repr._ 2. Having a fair carriage. _Houlate._ 3. Having a specious appearance, S. ~Euil-farand~, _adj._ Unseemly. _Douglas._ ~Foul-farren~, _adj._ Having a bad appearance. _Kelly._ ~Weill-farand~, _adj._ 1. Having a goodly appearance. _Barbour._ 2. Handsome. _Wallace._ Su. G. _far-a_, agere; Teut. _vaer-en_, gerere se. FARAND, _part. pr._ Travelling. _Barbour._ ~Farandman~, _s._ A traveller. _Skene._ A. S. _farende_, itinerant. FARAR, _compar._ Better. _Gawan and Gol._ FARCOST, _s._ A trading vessel. _Stat. Acc._ Su.G. _farkost_, any instrument of travelling. FARAR, _s._ A traveller. _Douglas._ _To_ FARD, FAIRD, _v. a._ 1. To paint. _Z. Boyd._ 2. To embellish. _Compl. S._ Fr. _fard-er_, id. _fard_, paint. ~Fard~, _s._ Paint. _Z. Boyd._ FARD, _adj. Weill fard_, well favoured. _Lyndsay._ FARD, FARDE, FAIRD, _s._ 1. Course. _Douglas._ 2. Force, ardour. _Bellenden._ 3. _To make a faird_, to make a bustle. Su. G. _faerd_, cursus, iter. _Ramsay._ FARDER, _adj._ Further, S. _R. Bruce._ FARDILLIS, _s. pl._ Shivers. _Gawan and Gol._ Teut. _vier-deel_, quadra. FAREFOLKIS, _s. pl._ Fairies; _fair-folk_, Banffs. _Douglas._ Q. _fair folk_, or _faring folk_. FARY, FARIE, _s._ 1. Bustle, tumult. _Dunbar._ 2. Confusion, consternation. V. ~Fiery~. _Douglas._ FARING, _s._ Leading of an army. _Barbour._ Isl. _faer-a_, Su. G. _foer-a_, ducere, ducem esse. FARLAND, _adj._ Coming from a distant country. _Maitland P._ A. S. _feorlen_, _feorlend_, longinquus. FARLE, FARTHEL, FERLE, _s._ Properly, the fourth part of a thin cake, whether of flour or oatmeal; but now used often for a third, S. _Wodrow._ Teut. _vier-deel_; A. S. _feorth dael_, quarta pars. FARRACH, _s._ Force, vigour, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Isl. _faer_, validus; Gael. _farrach_, force. FARSY, _adj._ Having the _farcy_. _Dunbar._ Fr. _farcin_. FARTIGAL, _s._ A fardingale. Fr. _vertugale_, id. _Maitland P._ FAS, _s._ Hair. A. S. _feax_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ FASCH, FASH, _v. a._ 1. To trouble, applied to the body, S. _Baillie._ 2. Denoting what pains the mind. _Baillie._ 3. To molest, in a general sense, S. _Evergreen._ _To fash one's thumb_, to give one's self trouble, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Fasch~, _v. n._ 1. To take trouble, S. 2. To be weary of, S. _Chron. S. P._ 3. To intermeddle, so as to subject one's self to trouble, S. Fr. _se fach-er_, to grieve; Su. G. _faas widen_, tangere aliquem, _to fash with_, S. ~Fasch~, ~Fash~, _s._ 1. Trouble, S. _Burns._ 2. Pains taken about any thing, S. 3. Denoting a troublesome person, S. ~Fascheous~, ~Fashious~, _adj._ Troublesome. Fr. _facheux_, _facheuse_, id. _Baillie._ ~Facherie~, Fr. ~Fashrie~, _s._ Trouble, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ FASSE, _s._ A hair. _S. P. Repr._ FASSON, _s._ Fashion, S. B. _fassin_. _Complaynt S._ FASTAN REID DEARE, Deer of a deep red colour. _Acts Ja. VI._ FASTRINGIS-EWYN, _s._ The evening preceding the first day of the Fast of Lent. _Fasterns-een_, S. _Barbour._ Belg. _Vastenavond_, id. FATHERBETTER, _adj._ Surpassing one's father, S. B. _Baillie._ Isl. _faudrbetringr_, id. FATHER-BROTHER, _s._ A paternal uncle, S. _Skene._ ~Father-sister~, _s._ A paternal aunt. _Id._ FATT'RILS, _s. pl._ Folds or puckerings, S. O. _Burns._ O. Fr. _fatraille_, trumpery. FAUCH, FAW, FEWE, _adj._ Pale red, fallow; dun, Aberd. _Douglas._ A. S. _fah_, _fealg_, _fealh_, helvus. _To_ FAUCH, FAUGH, _v. a._ 1. To fallow ground, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. To beat. _He faught him well_, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ Isl. _faag-a_, Su. G. _faei-a_, purgare. ~Fauch~, ~Faugh~, _adj._ Fallow, not sowed, S. ~Fauch~, ~Faugh~, _s._ 1. A single furrow, from lea, Ang. 2. The land thus managed, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ 3. Applied to the tearing of character, Ang. FAUCHT, _pret._ Fought. V. ~Fecht~. FAUTE, FAWT. V. ~Falt~. FAUCUMTULIES, _s. pl._ Perquisites due by the tenant to the proprietor, Ang. FAVELLIS, _pl._ Perhaps, savours. _K. Hart._ FAULTOUR, _s._ A transgressor. _Lyndsay._ FAUSE-HOUSE, _s._ A vacancy in a stack, for preserving corns, q. _false house_. _Burns._ FAW, _adj._ Pale red. V. ~Fauch~. ~Faw~, _adj._ Of diverse colours. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _fag_, _fah_, versicolor. To FAW, FÁ, _v. a._ 1. To obtain. _Burns._ 2. To have as one's lot, S. _Popular Ball._ ~Faw~, ~Fá~, _s._ 1. Share, S. _Ross._ 2. Lot, chance, S. _Burns._ FAW, FÁ, _s._ A fall, S. _To_ ~Shak a Fá~, _s._ 1. To wrestle, S. _Ross._ 2. To strain every nerve, S. B. _Baillie._ ~Faw-cap~, _s._ A stuffed cap for guarding a child's head from the bad effects of a fall, S. B. FAW, _s._ A trap. V. ~Fall~. FAWELY, _adv._ Few in number. _Wallace._ FAX, _s._ Face, visage. _Douglas._ Isl. _fas_, conspectus, gestus. FAZART, _adj._ Dastardly. _Kennedy._ Su. G. _fasar_, horreo. ~Fazart~, _s._ A dastard. _Montgomerie._ FE, FEE, FEY, FIE, _s._ 1. Cattle. _Barbour._ 2. Small cattle, sheep or goats. _Douglas._ 3. Possessions, in general. _Barbour._ 4. Money. _Wyntown._ 5. Wages, S. _Statist. Acc._ 6. Hereditary property in land. _Wyntown._ 7. Hereditary succession. _Barbour._ 8. Absolute property, as distinguished from liferent, LL. S. _Skene._ Isl. _fe_, Su. G. _fae_, A. S. _feo_, _pecus_, _pecunia_. ~Fear~, ~Fiar~, _s._ 1. One to whom property belongs in reversion, S. 2. Connected with the term _conjunct_, a liferenter, S. _Skene._ FEALE, _adj._ Faithful, loyal, O. Fr. _feal_. _Bannatyne Poems._ FEATHER CLING, A disease of black cattle, S. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ _To_ FEBLE, _v. n._ To become weak. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Feblis~, _v. a._ To enfeeble. Fr. _foiblesse_, weakness. ~Febling~, _s._ Weakness. _Douglas._ _To_ FECHT, _v. a._ 1. To fight; pret. _faucht_, _fawcht_. _Wyntown._ A. S. _feaht-an_, Germ. _fecht-an_, id. 2. To toil, S. _Burns._ ~Fecht~, ~Facht~, ~Faught~, _s._ 1. Fight, S. _Douglas._ 2. Struggle, of whatever kind, S. _Burns._ ~Fechtar~, _s._ One engaged in fight, S. A. S. _feohtere_, pugnator. _Wallace._ FEGHIE-LEGHIE, _adj._ A contemptuous term, conjoining the ideas of insipidity, inactivity, and diminutive size, Aberd. FECK, FEK, _s._ 1. A term denoting, both space and quantity or number, S. _Dunbar._ 2. The greatest part, S. _Wallace._ 3. _Of feck_, of value. _Montgomerie._ A. S. _faec_, space, or Fr. _effect_. ~Feckful~, ~Feckfow~, _adj._ 1. Wealthy, S. _Feckfow-like_ having the appearance of wealth, S. 2. Possessing bodily ability, S. _Hamilton._ 3. Powerful. _Ramsay._ ~Fecky~, _adj._ Gaudy, S. B. _Ross._ ~Feckless~, _adj._ 1. Weak, applied to the body, S. _Ross._ 2. Feeble in mind. _Polwart._ 3. Spiritless, Ang. ~Feckly~, ~Fectlie~, _adv._ 1. Partly, S. _Watson._ 2. Mostly, S. _Ross._ _Fecklessness_, _s._ Feebleness, S. _Rutherford._ FECKET, _s._ Under-waistcoat, S. _Burns._ FEDDERAME, FEDREM, _s. pl._ Wings. _Douglas._ A. S. _faether-ham_, a dress of feathers. _To_ FEDE, _v. a._ To nurture. _Sir Trist._ A. S. _fed-an_, educare; Su. G. _foed-a_, alere. _To_ FEE, FIE, _v. a._ To hire, S. V. ~Fe~. _Knox._ FEEDING STORM, One that is on the increase, S. _Baillie._ _To_ FEEL, _v. a._ To smell, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ FEENICHIN, _adj._ Foppish, Fife. FEER ~for~ FEER, Every way equal, S. B. V. ~Fere~, companion. FEERICHIN, _adj._ Bustling, S. B. V. ~Fiery~. FEERIE, _adj._ Clever. V. ~Fery~. FEETH, FEITH, _s._ A net, fixed and stretching into the bed of a river, Aberd. _Statist. Acc._ Moes. G. _fatha_, sepes; Dan. _vod_, a net. _To_ FEEZE, _v. a._ To twist, S. A. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Feeze about~, 1. To turn round, S. 2. To hang off and on, S. B. _Skinner._ Belg. _vyz-en_, id. _To_ ~Feeze on~, _v. a._ To screw, S. _To_ ~Feeze aff~, _v. a._ To unskrew, S. _To_ ~Feeze up~, _v. a._ 1. To flatter, S. Su. G. _fias-a_, id. 2. To work up into a passion, S. FEY, FEE, FIE, _adj._ 1. On the verge of death, S. _Wallace._ 2. Unfortunate, unhappy. _Douglas._ 3. _A fey puckle_, a grain of corn, that has lost its substance, S. B. Isl. _feig-r_, Su. G. _feg_, A. S. _faege_, moribundus, morti appropinquans, Belg. _veeg_, Fr. _fée_, fatal. ~Feydom~, _s._ The state of being near death, or that conduct which is supposed to indicate it, S. FEY, _s._ 1. A fief, held of a superior. _Barbour._ 2. A kingdom; improperly. _Wyntown._ FEY, _s._ A foe. V. ~Fa~. _Maitland Poems._ FEID, FEDE, _s._ Enmity; a quarrel, S. _Wallace._ Isl. _faide_, _fed_, Su. G. _fegd_, A. S. _faehth_, E. _fewd_. ~Feidom~, _s._ Enmity. _Evergreen._ FEIGH, FEECH, _interj._ Fy, S. _Ramsay._ Alem. _fig-en_, A. S. _fi-an_, odisse. FEYK, _s._ Restlessness, proceeding from nervous affection, the _fidgets_. V. ~Fyke~. _Polwart._ FEIL, FEILE, FEILL, FELE, _adj._ Many. _Barbour._ Isl. _fiol_. pluralitas; A. S. _feala_, _fela_, many. ~Fell~, ~Fiel~, _adv._ Denoting degree, S. as, _fell weill_. _Burns._ _To_ FEIL, _v. a._ To understand. _Wallace._ ~Feil~, ~Feille~, _s._ Knowledge. _Dunbar._ FEIM, _s._ Foam. V. ~Fame~. FEIR, _s._ Demeanour. _Bannatyne P._ ~Feir~, ~Feare~ _of_ ~Were~, a warlike expedition. _Dunbar._ A. S. _far-an_, proficisci, _fare_, expeditio. FEYR. _In feyr_, in company. V. ~Fere~. FEYRD, fourth. V. ~Ferd~. FEIRIS, belongs. _Houlate._ FEKIT, FYKIT, Troubled. _Wallace._ FELCOUTH. L. _selcouth_, strange. _Wallace._ _To_ FELL, _v. a._ To kill, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ _To_ FELL, _v. n._ To befal. _Ross._ FELL, _adj._ 1. Hot, biting, S. _Burns._ 2. Singular, strange, S. 3. Clever, mettlesome, S. _Keith._ 4. Acute, transferred to mind, S. _To_ FELL, FELL OFF, _v. a._ To let out a net from a boat, S. B. _Law Case._ Su. G. _faell-a_, dejicere, demittere. FELL, _s._ A rocky hill, S. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _fiaell_, a ridge or chain of mountains. FELL-BLOOM, _s._ Yellow clover, S. FELL SYIS, _adv._ Often. _Barbour._ FELLIN, _s._ A disease of cattle, S. FELOUN, FELLOUN, _adj._ 1. Fierce. _Barbour._ 2. Violent, dreadful. _Douglas._ 3. Denoting any thing extreme. Fr. _felon_, _fellon_, fell, cruel. _Wallace._ ~Felony~, ~Felny~, _s._ 1. Cruelty. _Barbour._ 2. Wrath, fierceness. _Wyntown._ FELT, _s._ Creeping wheat-grass, S. _Statist. Acc._ FELT, _s._ Perhaps the same with _fellin_. _Watson._ _To_ FELTER, _v. a._ To entangle, S. B. Fr. _feultrer_, to cover with _felt_. _Ross._ FELT GRAVEL, the sandy gravel. _Spotswood._ FELTIFARE, _s._ The red shank, S. _Gl. Complaynt._ FEN, _s._ Mud, filth. A. S. _fenn_. _Douglas._ A. S. _fenn_, lutum, sordes, Moes. G. _fani_, lutum. Lat. _foen-um_. _To_ FEN. V. ~Fend~, _v._ 2. _To_ FEND, _v. a._ To tempt. V. ~Faynd~. _Barbour._ _To_ FEND, FENDE, _v. a._ 1. To defend, S. Fr. _de-fend-re_, id. _Wallace._ 2. To support. _Minstr. Bord._ 3. To provide for one's self. _Rutherford._ _To_ FEND, FEN, _v. n._ 1. To shift, S. _Chron. S. P._ 2. To fare in general, S. ~Fend~, ~Fen~, _s._ The shift one makes, S. _Douglas._ ~Fendie~, _adj._ Good at making shift, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ FENESTER, _s._ A window. _Douglas._ FENT, _s._ An opening in a sleeve, shirt, coat, &c. S. Fr. _fente_, id. FER, _s._ Preparation. V. ~Fayr~. _Barbour._ FER, _adv._ Far. _Douglas._ FERCOST, _s._ A bark. V. ~Farcost~. _Skene._ FERD, FEIRD, FEYRD, _adj._ Fourth. Su. G. _fiaerde_, Isl. _fiorda_, id. _Douglas._ FERD, _s._ Force. V. ~Faird~. _Baillie._ FERDE, _s._ An army. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _faerd_, id. FERDELY, _adv._ Perh. actively. _Wallace._ FERDER, _adv._ Farther. _Douglas._ FERDY, FEIRDY, _adj._ Strong, active, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Su. G. _faerdig_, paratus. FERDLY, _adv._ Fearfully; Bord. _Wallace._ FERE, _adj._ Fierce, Lat. _ferus_. _K. Quair._ FERE, _s._ Appearance, shew. V. ~Fair~. FERE, FEER, _s._ A companion. A. S. _ge-fera_, socius. _Barbour._ _In fere_, together. _Gawan and Gol._ _Yfere_, _yferis_, the same. _Douglas._ FERE, FER, _adj._ Entire. _Hale and fer_, whole and entire, S. _Barbour._ Isl. _faer_, Su. G. _foer_, validus. FERE ~of~ WEIR. V. ~Feir~. FERETERE, _s._ A bier. _Douglas._ FERY, FEIRIE, FEERIE, _adj._ Vigorous, active, S. _Douglas._ Germ. _ferig_, expeditus, alacer. ~Ferilie~, ~Feerelie~, _adv._ Cleverly, S. _Lyndsay._ FERIAT, _adj._ _Feriat times_, holidays. _Acts Sedt._ Lat. _feriati dies_; _feriae_, holidays. FERIE-FARIE, _s._ Bustle. V. ~Fary~. FERIS, _v. n._ Becomes. V. ~Afferis~. _Douglas._ FERYS, _s. pl._ Marks. V. ~Fair~. _Douglas._ FERYT, FERRYIT, _pret. v._ Farrowed. Sw. _faerria_, porcellos parere. _Barbour._ FERYT, _pret. v._ Waxed. _Wallace._ FERITIE, _s._ Violence. _Bp. Forbes._ FERLIE, FERELY, FARLIE, _s._ A wonder, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _faerlic_, _ferlic_, repentinus; also, horrendus. _To_ ~Ferly~, _v. n._ To wonder. _Douglas._ ~Ferlyfull~, _adj._ Surprising. _Barbour._ FERLYST, L. _Terlyst_. _Wallace._ _To_ FERME, _v. a._ To make firm. _Doug._ _To_ FERME, _v. a._ To shut up. Fr. _ferm-er_. _Douglas._ FERME, _s._ Rent, Fr. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Fermorer~, _s._ A farmer. L. B. _firmar-ius_. _Knox._ FERN, FEARN, _s._ Prepared gut. S. _tharm_, E. _Gl. Sibb._ FERNITICKLES, _s. pl._ Freckles, S. Dan. _fregne_, id. ~Fernitickled~, ~Fairntickl'd~, _adj._ Freckled, S. _Ritson._ FERNYEAR, FARNE-YEIR, _s._ The preceding year, S. _L. Hailes._ A. S. _faren_, past; or Moes. G. _fairni_, old. ~Fernyear's Tale~, a fabrication. _Sir Egeir._ S. _fernyears news_, any intelligence that has been known long ago. FERRARIS, _s. pl._ _Barell ferraris_, casks for carrying liquids. _Barbour._ Fr. _ferriére_, a large leathern bottle. FERRY COW, a cow that is not with calf, S. Belg. _vare koe_, a cow that yields no more milk. FERRYAR, FERREAR, _s._ A ferryman. _Acts Ja. I._ _Douglas._ FERS. _On fers._ Perforce. _Henrysone._ FERSIE, _s._ The farcy, S. _Ferguson._ FERTER-LIKE, _adj._ Appearing ready for the bier or coffin, Aberd. V. ~Fertour~. _Poems Buchan Dial._ FERTOUR, FERTOR, _s._ A little chest. _Bellenden._ L. B. _feretrum_, a sarcophagus; whence O. Fr. _fiertre_, a chest in which reliques of saints were kept. _To_ FEST, _v. a._ 1. To fix. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _faesta_, to fasten. 2. To confirm, by promise or oath. _Wallace._ _To_ ~Fessin~, _v. a._ To fasten. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ~Festnyng~, _s._ Confirmation. _Wyntown._ A. S. _faestnung_, id. _To_ FETYL, _v. n._ To join closely. Su. G. _faetil_, ligamen. _Wyntown._ FETTIL, FETTLE, _s._ Energy, power, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ FETTLE, _v. a._ To tie up, S. FETTLE, _adj._ 1. Neat, tight, S. B. 2. Low in stature, but well-knit, S. B. FETOUS, _adj._ Neat, trim. _Ruddiman._ ~Fetusly~, _adv._ Featly. _Douglas._ _To_ FEUCH, FEUGH, _s._ To take a whiff, S. B. _Journal Lond._ Isl. _fiuk-a_, vento agitari. ~Feuch~, _s._ A whiff, S. B. FEUCH, _s._ A sounding blow, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ FEVERFOULLIE, _s._ Feverfew, S. _Featherwheelie_, S. B. FEVER-LARGIE, _s._ Expl. Two stomachs to eat, and one to work. FEU, FEW, _s._ A possession held on payment of a certain yearly rent. The mode of possession is also called _few-ferme_, the rent _few-dutie_, or _few-maill_, S. A. S. _feo_, pecunia. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Feuar~, ~Fewar~, _s._ One who holds lands in feu, S. FEURE, _s._ Furrow. V. ~Fur~. FEWE, _adj._ Fallow. V. ~Fauch~. FEWLUME, _s._ A sparrow hawk. _Doug._ FEWS, FOUETS, _s. pl._ Houseleek. FEWTÉ, _s._ Fealty. Fr. _feauté_. _Barbour._ _To_ FEWTER, FUTER, _v. a._ To lock together. _Douglas._ Isl. _fiaetr-a_, compedibus constringere. FEWTIR, _s._ Rage. _Wallace._ Isl. _fudra_, efflagro. FIAL, FIALL, _s._ 1. One who receives wages. _Spalding._ 2. A vassal. O. Fr. _feal_, id. _Knox._ FIARS, _s. pl._ The prices of grain legally fixed for the year, S. Fr. _feur_, estimatio venalium; or Isl. _fiar_, _fear_, the genit. of _fe_, _fie_, pecunia, opes. FICHE, _s._ A fish. _Burel._ FICHYT, _part. pa._ Fixed. _Barbour._ FYCHYT, _pret._ Fetched. _Wyntown._ _To_ FICKLE, _v. a._ To puzzle, Loth. _Wall._ A. S. _ficol_, versipellis, Su. G. _vickla_, complicare, _in-vekla_ to puzzle. ~Fickly~, _adj._ Puzzling, Loth. FIDDER, _s._ A multitude. V. ~Fudder~. _Burel._ _To_ FIDDLE, _v. n._ To trifle, though apparently busy, S. Isl. _fitl-a_, leviter attingere. FYDRING, _s._ Confederation. _Burel._ FIE, _s._ Sheep. V. ~Fe~. FIEL, _Burns_. V. ~Feil~, _adj._ FIER, _s._ Sound. V. ~Fere~. _A. Douglas._ FIERCELINGS, _adj._ Violent, S. B. _Ross._ ~Fiercelings~, _adv._ Violently, S. B. _Ross._ FIERY, _s._ 1. Bustle, confusion, S. 2. Rage, pron. _fieroch_, _furoch_, Perths. Su. G. _fir-a_, to celebrate. ~Fiery-fary~, _s._ 1. Bustle, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. Shew, pretended bustle. _Baillie._ FIESE WILK, Striated whelk. V. ~Feeze~. _Sibbald._ FIFT, Houlate. L. _in fist_. FY-GAE-BY, _s._ A ludicrous designation for the diarrhoea, S. FYELL, PHIOLL, _s._ A round vaulted tower. _Palice Hon._ Lat. _Phalae_, towers of an oval form. FIGMALIRIE, _s._ A whim. _Ramsay._ Apparently the same with _Whigmaleerie_, q. v. _To_ FIKE, FYKE, FEIK, _v. n._ 1. To be in a restless state, without change of place, S. _Cleland._ 2. To move from place to place unsteadily, S. _Burel._ 3. To be at trouble about any thing, S. Su. G. _fik-a_, cursitare; _fiack-a_, hunc illuc vagari. _To_ ~Fike~, ~Feik~, _v. a._ 1. To vex, to perplex, S. 2. To do any thing in a diligent but piddling way, S. _Kelly._ ~Fike~, ~Fyke~, _s._ 1. Bustle about what is trifling, S. _Hamilton._ 2. Restlessness, from whatever cause. _Ramsay._ ~Fikie~, _adj._ Minutely troublesome, S. ~Fikefacks~, _s. pl._ 1. Minute pieces of work, causing considerable trouble, S. 2. Little troublesome peculiarities of temper, S. Teut. _fickfack-en_, agitare, factitare. FILCHANS, _s. pl._ Rags patched or fastened together, Ang. _To_ FYLE, FILE, _v. a._ 1. To defile, S. A. S. _ge-fyl-an_, id. _Douglas._ 2. To diffuse contagion. _Acts Ja. II._ 3. To sully, used in a moral sense. _Douglas._ 4. To accuse, a law term. _Fountainhall._ 5. To pronounce guilty, S. _Reg. Maj._ FYLE, _s._ A fowl. _Houlate._ FILIBEG, PHILIBEG, FEIL-BEG, _s._ A piece of dress worn by men, in the Highlands, instead of breeches, S. Gael. _filleadh-beg_; _filleadh_ fold, and _beg_, little. _Boswell._ FILL, _s._ Full, S. Su. G. _fylle_. _K. Quair._ FILLAT, FILLET, _s._ The flank. Fr. _filet_, id. _Douglas._ FILLER, _s._ The only term used for a funnel, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ FILLOK, FILLY, _s._ 1. A young mare, S. 2. A giddy young woman. _Douglas._ 3. _Filly_, a frothy young man. _Bannatyne P._ Isl. _foelja_, fem. of _fil_, pullus equinus. FILSCH, _adj._ Empty, faint, Loth. FILSCH, _s._ Weeds or grass covering the ground, S. B. Su. G. _fel-a_, _fial-a_, to cover. ~Filschy~, _adj._ Applied to a sheaf when swelled up with weeds or natural grass, S. B. FIN, _s._ Humour; q. fun. _Gl. Shirr._ _To_ FIND, _v. a._ 1. To feel, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To grope, to grubble, S. FINDY, _adj._ Full, substantial; q. what _finds_ or supports. _Kelly._ FINDLE, _s._ 1. Any thing found, S. 2. The act of finding, S. B. A. S. _fyndele_, adinventio. FINDSILY, _adj._ Apt to find. _Kelly._ A. S. _find-an_, and _saelig_, felix. _To_ FINE, FYNE, _v. n._ To make an end. _Wyntown._ FINGER-FED, _adj._ Delicately brought up, S. A. FINGERIN, _s._ Worsted spun of combed wool, on the small wheel, S. _Colvil._ ~Fingroms~, _s. pl._ Woollen cloth, denominated, as would seem, from the quality of the worsted, Aberd. _Statist. Acc._ FYNYST, _part. pa._ Bounded. _Douglas._ FYNKLE, _s._ Fennel. _S. P. Repr._ Lat. _foenicul-um_. FINNACK, FINNOC, FINNER, A white trout, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ Gael. _feannog_, id. FINNER, _s._ A species of whale. _St. Acc._ FINNIE, _s._ A salmon not a year old, S. B. FINNIN, _s._ A fiend, Ang. _Pitscottie._ Su. G. _fanen_, _fianden_, _fanden_; cacodaemon. FINNISON, _s._ Anxious expectation, Fifes. Teut. _vinnigh_, acer, vehemens. _To_ FIPPIL, _v. n._ To whimper. _Peblis Play._ FIPILLIS. _Maitland Poems._ Isl. _fipla_, attrectare. FIR, _adv._ Far. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ FIRE, _v. a._ To bake bread, S. _J. Nicol._ FYREFANGIT, _part. pa._ 1. Laid hold of by fire. _Douglas._ 2. Applied to cheese when swelled and cracked, from being exposed to much heat before it has been dried, S. FIREFLAUCHT, FYIRSLAUCHT, _s._ Lightning, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _vier_, ignis, and _vlack-en_, spargere flammam; _vierslaen_, excutere ignem. FYRIT, _pret. v._ Perh. dragged. _Bellenden._ FIRLOT, FYRLOT, FURLET, _s._ The fourth part of a boll of corn, S. _Acts Ja. I._ A. S. _feorth_, and _lot_, quarta portio. FIRRON, FARREN, _adj._ Belonging to the fir. _Douglas._ FIRTH, _s._ 1. An estuary, S. _Bellenden._ 2. A bay. _Douglas._ Su. G. _fiaerd_, Isl. _fiord-r_, fretum. FIRTH, FYRTH, _s._ A sheltered place, an inclosure. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _frith-ian_, tueri, protegere. _To_ FISSLE, _v. n._ To make a slight continued noise, to rustle, S. Teut. _futsel-en_, agitare, factitare, attrectare. ~Fissle~, ~Fistle~, _s._ Bustle, fuss, S. _Ross._ FIT, _s._ Foot, S. _Ferguson._ ~First-fit~, _s._ The name given, in the calendar of superstition, to the person who _first_ enters a house, on any day which is particularly regarded as influencing the fate of a family, S. _J. Nicol._ ~Fitsted~, _s._ Print of the foot, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ ~Fitty~, ~Futty~, _adj._ Expeditious, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Fittie-lan'~, _s._ The nearer horse of the hindmost pair in a plough, S. q. _foot the land_. _Burns._ ~Fitting~, _s._ Footing, S. _Z. Boyd._ ~Fittininment~, _s._ Interest, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ _To_ ~Fitter~, _v. a._ 1. To injure by frequent treading, S. 2. _v. n._ To make a noise with the feet, S. Belg. _voeteer-en_, to foot it. ~Fitterin~, _s._ The noise made by frequent and rapid motion of the feet, S. _To_ FITCH, _v. n._ To move by slow succussations, S. FITHOWE, FITHAWE, _s._ A polecat. _Acts Ja. I._ FYVESUM, _adj._ Five together, S. A. FIXFAX, _s._ The tendon of the neck of cattle or sheep, S. FIXFAX, _s._ Hurry, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _fiks_, alacer. _To_ FIZZ, _v. n._ To make a hissing noise, S. Isl. _fys-a_, sufflare. _Burns._ ~Fizz~, ~Fize~, _s._ A hissing noise, S. _To_ FIZZ, FIZZ _about_, _v. n._ 1. To be in a bustling state, S. 2. To be in a rage, S. A. S. _fys-an_, festinare; Isl. _fys-a_, instigare. ~Fizz~, _s._ 1. A great bustle, S. Su. G. _fias_, id. 2. Rage, heat of temper, S. FLA, _s._ A flea. A. S. id. _Palice Hon._ FLACKIE, _s._ A truss made of straw, for preserving a horse's back from being hurt by the _creel_, Orkn. _To_ FLAF, FLAFF, _v. n._ 1. To flap, S. _Hudson._ 2. To flutter. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Flaffer~, _v. n._ To flutter, S. B. FLAG, _s._ A piece of green sward, cast with a spade, S. Isl. _flag-a_, glebas tenues exscindere. FLAG, _s._ A squall. Teut. _vlaeghe_. _Doug._ FLAG, _s._ A flash of lightning. _Douglas._ Teut. _vlack-en_, vibrare instar flammae. FLAGGIS, _s pl._ Flanks. _Dunbar._ FLAYIS. Leg. _slayis._ _Barbour._ FLAIK, FLAKE, FLATE, _s._ 1. A hurdle. _Wallace._ 2. In pl. temporary folds or pens, S. _R. Bruce._ Fris. _vlaeck_, Su. G. _flake_, crates; _flaet-a_, Teut. _vlecht-en_, nectere. FLAIN, FLANE, _s._ An arrow. _Douglas._ A. S. _flane_, id. FLAIR, _s._ The skate, a fish. _Sibbald._ _To_ FLAIRY, _v. a._ To cajole. V. ~Flare~. FLAYT, _pret._ Scolded. V. ~Flyte~, _v._ _To_ FLAM, _v. n._ To fly out and in, S. B. V. ~Flem.~ _To_ FLAME, FLAMM, _v. a._ To baste meat while roasting, S. _Dunbar._ Fr. _flamb-er_, id. FLAN, FLANN, _s._ A gust of wind, S. Isl. _flan-a_, praeceps ferri. _Brand._ FLANE, _s._ An arrow. V. ~Flain.~ _To_ FLANTER, 1. To waver, to be in some degree delirious, Ang. 2. To faulter in evidence or narration, Ang. Isl. _flane_, erroneus, praeceps fatuus. _To_ FLARE, _v. a._ To cajole, Loth.; _flairy_, Fife. Isl. _flaar_, crafty, _flaerd_, guile. ~Flare~, _s._ Flattering language, Loth. FLASH, _s._ A depository for timber, Loth. _To_ FLAST, _v. n._ To gasconade, S. Isl. _flas-a_, praeceps feror. _To_ FLAT, _v. a._ To flatter. _Douglas._ Fr. _flat-er_, id. FLAT, _s._ A field. _Douglas._ FLAT, _s._ Floor of a house. V. ~Flet~. _To_ FLATCH, _v. a._ To fold down, Loth. FLATE, _s._ A hurdle. V. ~Flaik.~ FLATLYNYS, FLATLINGS, _adv._ Flat. _Barbour._ FLAUCHT, FLAUCHTER, FLAUCHIN, _s._ A flake, S. Su. G. _snoeflage_, a flake of snow. FLAUCHT, FLAUGHT, _s._ A handful, S. B. _Ross._ FLAUCHT _of land_, A croft, Ang. FLAUCHTBRED, _adv._ 1. At full length, S. q. spread out in _breadth_. _Ross._ Su. G. _flaeckt_, spread. 2. With great eagerness, S. _Ross._ _To_ FLAUCHTER, _v. a._ To pare turf from the ground, S. B. V. ~Flag~, _s._ 1. _Gl. Shirr._ ~Flauchter-fail~, _s._ A long turf cut with a flauchter-spade, S. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Flauchter-spade~, _s._ A long two-handed instrument for casting turfs, S. _Statist. Acc._ FLAW, _s._ 1. A blast of wind. _Douglas._ 2. A storm of snow, Ang. _Statist. Acc._ 3. A sudden flash of fire. _Wyntown._ 4. Rage, passion, Ang. V. ~Flag.~ _To_ FLAW, _v. n._ To fib. _Ramsay._ FLAW, _pret._ Flew. A. S. _fleah._ _Doug._ FLAW. _Fiery Flaw_, The sting ray. _Sibbald._ FLAW, _s._ 1. An extent of land under grass, Orkn. 2. A broad ridge, ibid. Isl. _fla_, planus, latus. FLAW PEAT. A soft and spongy peat, pron. _flow-peat_, S. V. ~Flow~. _Walker._ FLAWKERTIS, _s. pl._ Armour for the legs. _Douglas._ FLAWMAND, _part. pr._ Displayed. V. ~Flam~, _v._ _Barbour._ FLEASOCKS, _s. pl._ The shavings of wood. FLECH, (gutt.) _s._ A flea, S. B. A. S. _fleah_. FLEDGEAR, _s._ One who makes arrows. _Acts Ja. II._ Germ. _flitsch_, Fr. _fleche_, an arrow. FLEED, _s._ A head ridge, Aberd. FLEE, _s._ A fly, S. Belg. _vliege_. _Z. Boyd._ FLEEGERIE, FLEEGARIE, _s._ 1. A whim, S. 2. In pl. toys, gewgaws, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ FLEG, _v. a._ To affright, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Fleg~, _v. n._ To take fright, S. B. ~Fleg~, _s._ A fright, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ FLEG, _v. n._ To fly from place to place, Dumfr. A. S. _fleog-an_, volare. FLEG, _s._ A stroke. _Hamilton._ FLEGGAR, _s._ One who magnifies in narration, Loth. Su. G. _flick-a_, to patch; _skoflickare_, a cobler. _To_ FLEY, FLEE, _v. a._ 1. To frighten, S. _Douglas._ 2. To put to flight, S. _To_ ~Fley~, ~Fly~, _v. n._ To take fright, S. B. _Ross._ FLEY. Leg. _Sley_, sly. _Barbour._ _To_ FLEICH, FLEITCH, _v. a._ To wheedle, S. _Barbour._ Teut. _flets-en_, adulari, blandiri. ~Fleich~, ~Fleech~, _s._ A piece of flattery. _Kelly._ ~Fleiching~, ~Flechyng~, _s._ Flattery, S. _Douglas._ ~Fleicher~, ~Flechour~, ~Fleitschour~, _s._ A flatterer. Teut. _fletser_. _Wyntown._ FLEIG, _s._ Flight. _Bellenden._ FLEYITNES, _s._ Affright. _Complaynt S._ FLEYNE. _Vnto fleyne_, On flight. _Douglas._ _To_ FLEIP, _v. a._ V. ~Flype~. _To_ FLEYR, _v. n._ To make wry faces; also, to whimper, Ang. _Many._ _To_ FLEIT, _v. a._ To flee from. _Douglas._ Belg. _vlied-en_, id. _To_ FLEIT, FLETE, _v. n._ 1. To flow. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _flyt-a_, Teut. _vliet-en_, fluere. 2. To float. _Evergreen._ 3. To sail. _Barbour._ 4. To abound. _Lyndsay._ FLEYSUM, _adj._ Frightful, S. V. ~Fley~. _To_ FLEKKER, FLYKER, _v. n._ 1. To flutter, S. _Wallace._ 2. To quiver, to tremble. _Douglas._ Su. G. _fleckra_, motitari, A. S. _fliccer-ian_, id. FLECKERIT, _adj._ Spotted. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ FLEM, FLEME, _v. a._ To banish, to expel. _Wallace._ A. S. _ge-flem-an_, fugare; Isl. _flaeme_, exulare facio, whence _flaemingr_, an exile, an outlaw. ~Flemens-firth~, _s._ An asylum for outlaws. _Lay Last Minstrel._ FLENCH-GUT, _s._ Blubber of a whale laid out in long slices, S. Su. G. _flanka_, to slice. _To_ FLEND, _v. n._ To flee. _Lyndsay._ FLENDRIS, FLENDERS, FLINDERS, _s. pl._ Splinters. _Douglas._ Belg. _flenters_, splinters, fragments. FLEOURE, FLEURE, FLEWARE, FLEWER, FLEOWRE, _s._ Flavour. Fr. _flair_, odor. _Wyntown._ FLESCHE, _s._ Fleece. _Dunbar._ A. S. _fleos_, _flys_, id. FLET, _pret. v._ V. ~Flyt~, to scold. FLET, _adj._ Prosaic. _Complaynt S._ FLET, FLETT, _s._ 1. A house. _Ross._ A. S. _flett_, id. 2. The inward part of a house. _LL. S._ 3. A floor or story of a house; commonly _flat_, S. _Courant._ FLET, _s._ A matt of plated straw, for preserving a horse's back from being injured by his load, Caithn. _Statist. Acc._ FLET, _s._ A saucer, S. Isl. _fleda_, id. FLET, _pret._ Floated. V. ~Fleit~. FLETE, _s._ Product. _Douglas._ Belg. _vliet-en_, abundare. _To_ FLETHER, _v. a._ To decoy by fair words. V. ~Fludder~. _Burns._ FLEUME, FEUME, _s._ Phlegm. _Complaynt S._ _To_ FLEURIS, _v. n._ To flourish. _Lyndsay._ ~Fleurise~, ~Flureise~, _s._ Blossom, S. _Complaynt S._ FLEWET, FLUET, _s._ A smart blow. _Kelly._ FLYAME, _s._ Phlegm. _Polwart._ FLICHEN, _s._ Any thing very small, Dumfr. _To_ FLICHT, _v. n._ To fluctuate. A. S. _flogett-an_, id. _Dunbar._ _To_ FLICHT, _v. n._ Same with _Flyte_. _Lyndsay._ _To_ FLICHTER, FLYCHTER, _v. n._ 1. To flutter, S. _Burel._ 2. To quiver, to throb. _Douglas._ 3. To startle, S. B. V. ~Flekker~. _To_ FLICHTER, FLIGHTER, _v. a._ To pinion, S. _Wodrow._ Teut. _vlicht-en_, nectere. _To_ FLICKER, _v. a._ To coax, S. Su. G. _fleckra_, adulari. _To_ FLICKER, _v. n._ To flirt. _Popul. Ball._ _To_ FLYDE, _v. n._ To fly. _Maitland P._ Teut. _vlied-en_, id. FLIEP, _s._ A silly inactive fellow, Aberd. V. ~Flup~. FLYND, _s._ Flint. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ FLINDER, _v. n._ To run about in a fluttering manner. Aug. Isl. _flan-a_, praeceps feror. FLINDERS. V. ~Flendris~. FLINDRIKIN, _s._ V. ~Flinder~, _v._ _Watson's Coll._ ~Flindrikin~, _adj._ Flirting, Fife. _To_ FLING, _v. a._ 1. To baffle, to deceive, S. 2. To jilt. S. _Morison._ ~Fling~, _s._ 1. A disappointment, in general, S. 2. A disappointment in love, in consequence of being jilted, S. _A. Douglas._ 3. A fit of ill humour. _To tak the fling_, to become unmanageable. _Bannatyne Poems._ ~Flingin-tree~, _s._ 1. A piece of timber used as a partition between horses. S. 2. The lower part of a flail, S. _Burns._ _To_ FLING, _v. n._ 1. To dance. _Knox._ ~Fling~, _s._ The act of dancing, S. _Neill._ Hence _the Highland fling_. _To_ FLIPE, FLYPE, _v. a._ To pull off any thing, by turning it inside out, S. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _flipa_, the pendulous lip of a wound. ~Flipe~, _s._ A fold, a lap, S. _Cleland._ FLIRDON, _s._ _Montgomerie._ _To_ FLYRD, _v. n._ To flirt. _Dunbar._ A. S. _fleard-ian_, nugari. _To_ FLYRE, _v. n._ 1. To gibe, S. B. _Houlate._ Isl. _flyr-a_, subridere, E. _fleer_. 2. To leer, S. B. _Popular Ball._ 3. To look surly, Ang. _Morison._ FLYRIT, Not understood. _Maitland P._ FLYROCK, _s._ A term of contempt. _Dunbar._ _To_ FLISK, _v. n._ 1. To skip, to caper, S. _Cleland._ Su. G. _flas-a_, lascivire, Isl. id. praeceps ferri. 2. _To be fliskit_, to be fretted, Fife. _A. Douglas._ _To_ FLIST, _v. n._ 1. To fly off, S. 2. To be in a violent emotion, S. B. _Ross._ 3. _It's flistin_, it rains and blows at once, S. B. Teut. _flits-en_, evolare, Sw. _flaes-a_, anhelare. ~Flist~, _s._ 1. A squall, Ang. 2. A flying shower of snow, Ang. 3. A fit of anger, Ang. ~Flisty~, _adj._ 1. Stormy, squally, Ang. 2. Passionate, irascible, Ang. _To_ FLIT, FLYT, _v. a._ 1. To transport in whatever way, S. _Burns._ 2. To transport by water. _Barbour._ Su. G. _flytt-a_. transportare ab uno loco ad alterum. Isl. _flytt-ia_, vecto. _To_ ~Flit~, ~Flyt~, _v. n._ To remove from one house to another, S. _Kelly._ Dan. _flytt-er_, id. ~Flitting~, _s._ 1. The act of removing from one place of residence to another, S. 2. The furniture, &c. removed, S. _Wyntown._ 3. _A moonlight flitting_, removal without paying one's debts, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ FLYTE, FLITE, _v. n._ 1. To scold, S. pret. _flet_, anciently _flayt_. _Douglas._ ~Flyting Free~ _with one_, under no such restraint as to prevent severe reprehension, S. A. S. _flit-an_, rixare, to brawle, Somner. 2. To pray in the language of complaint, or remonstrance. _Wallace._ ~Flyte~, ~Flyt~, _s._ A severe reprehension, continued for some time, S. _Ritson._ ~Flyter~, _s._ One given to scolding, S. _Rollocke._ ~Flyting~, _s._ 1. The act of scolding, S. _Baillie._ 2. Poetry of that kind which the French call _tenson_. _Evergreen._ ~Flytepock~, _s._ The double-chin, S. B., denominated from its being inflated when one is in a rage. ~Flytewite~, ~Flycht-vyte~, _s._ A fine for verbal abuse or broils. _Skene._ A. S. _flit-wite_, id. from _flit_, strife, and _wite_, a fine. _To_ FLOAN, FLOAN ~on~. _v. a._ To shew attachment or court regard, in an indiscreet way; a term applied to females, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _flon_, stolidus, _flana_, praeceps feror. FLOBBAGE, _s._ Phlegm. _Lyndsay._ Sw. _flabb_, bucca, Dan. _flab_, the mouth. FLOCHT, FLOUGHT, _s._ 1. _On flocht_, on wing. _Douglas._ 2. State of being fluttered, S. B. _a flocht_, id. _Burel._ 3. Fluctuation. _Dunbar._ Alem. _flught_, flight; A. S. _flogett-an_, fluctuare. ~Flochtry~, ~Floughtrous~, _adj._ Fluttered, in a flurry, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ FLODDER, FLOTTER, _v. a._ 1. To overflow. _Douglas._ 2. To blur, by weeping, synon. _bluther_. _Douglas._ FLOYT, _s._ A flatterer or deceiver. _Polwart._ Teut. _fluyte_, mendacium blandum; _fluyt-en_, mentiri, blande dicere. FLOOK, FLEUK, _s._ 1. A generic name for various kinds of flat fish, S. _Sibbald._ 2. Most generally used to denote the common flounder, S. A. S. _floc_, passer. ~Flook-mow'd~, _adj._ Having a crooked mouth, S. B. FLOOKED, _adj._ Barbed. _Z. Boyd._ FLORENTINE, _s._ Any thing baked in a dish, S. FLORIE, _adj._ Vain, volatile, S. Teut. _flore_, homo futilis. _Sir J. Sinclair._ FLOSS, _s._ The leaves of red Canary grass, Orkn. FLOT, _s._ The scum of broth when boiling, S. Su. G. _flot_, adeps, qui juri supernatat. ~Flot-whey~, _s._ Those curds, left in whey, which, when boiled, float on the top; Clydes. _Fleetings_, Ang. _Complaynt S._ FLOTE. _s._ A fleet. A. S. _flota_. _Barbour._ FLOTHIS, _s. pl._ Floods. _Wallace._ Alem. _flout_, a stream. _To_ FLOTTER. V. ~Flodder~. FLOTTRYT, _pret._ Splashed. _Wallace._ Belg. _flodder-en_, to flap. FLOUGHT, _s._ Flutter. V. ~Flocht~. FLOUR, _s._ The meal of wheat, S. ~Flour-bread~, _s._ Wheaten bread, S. _St. Acc._ FLOURE JONETT, _s._ Perhaps flowers in July, in O. Fr. called _Junet_. _K. Quair._ FLOURIS, _s. pl._ Prime of life. _Lyndsay._ FLOURISH, _s._ Blossom, S. FLOUSS, _s._ A flood. Germ. _fluss_. _Barbour._ FLOW, _s._ A particle, S. B. A. S. _floh_, a fragment. FLOW, FLOWE, FLOW-MOSS, _s._ 1. A watery moss, a morass, S. _Pitscottie._ Isl. _floe_, loca palustria, a _floe_, fluo. 2. A low-lying piece of rough watery land, not broken up, Loth. FLOWAND, _adj._ Inconstant. _Bellenden._ Isl. _flog_, vagus. FLUD, FLUDE, _s._ 1. Inundation, S. _Wyntown._ 2. Flux of tide, S. _Id._ ~Fludmark~, _s._ Water-mark, S. _To_ FLUDDER, FLUTHER, _v. n._ To cajole. Isl. _fladra_, adulari. _S. P. Repr._ FLUFF'D, _part. pa._ Disappointed. _Gl. Shirr._ FLUM, _s._ Flattery. _Sir J. Sinclair._ FLUM, _s._ Flow, metaph. used like _flumen_ ingenii, Cic. O. Fr. id. _Douglas._ FLUNKIE, _s._ A livery servant, S. _Burns._ A. S. _vlonce_, pride. FLUP, _s._ One both awkward in appearance, and foolish, Ang. Clydes. _Fliep_, Aberd. _Floip_, Perths. Isl. _fleip_, ineptiae; Su. G. _fleper_, homo ignavus. FLURDOM, FLYRDOM, _s._ _Kennedy._ FLURISFEVER, _s._ The scarlet fever, S. B. denominated from the ruddiness of the skin. FLURISH, FLOURISH, _s._ Blossom, S. _Hume._ FLUSCH, _s._ 1. A run of water. _Doug._ 2. Snow in a state of dissolution, S. 3. Abundance, generally applied to liquids, S. Germ. _fluss_, aqua vel humor fluens. _To_ FLUSTER, _v. n._ To be in a bustle, S. Isl. _flaust-r_, praecipitantia, _flaustr-a_, incaute festinare. ~Fluster~, _s._ Bustle, confusion proceeding from hurry, S. FLUTCH, s. An inactive person, Loth. Teut. _flauw_, languidus. ~Flutchy~, _adj._ Inactive, Loth. _To_ FLUTHER, _v. n._ To be in a great bustle, S. Su. G. _fladdr-a_, id. E. _flutter_. ~Fluther~, _s._ Hurry, bustle, S. _A. Douglas._ FLUTHER, _s._ Rise in a river, not so great as a spate, S. B. V. ~Flodder.~ FOAL, _s._ A bannock or cake, any soft and thick bread, Orkn. Belg. _bol_, a small loaf. FOCHE, _s._ A pretence. _Diallog._ Su. G. _puts_, a fetch, techna. FODE, FOODE, FWDE, _s._ Brood. _Ritson._ Su. G. _affoeda_, id. from _foed-a_, gignere. FODGEL, _adj._ Squat and plump, S. O. _Burns._ Teut. _voedsel_, Isl. _faedsla_, cibus. FOG, FOUGE, _s._ Moss, S. _Dunbar._ Dan. _fug_, mossiness. _To_ ~Fog~, _v. n._ To be covered with moss, S. _Pennecuik._ ~Foggit~, _adj._ Supplied with moss; metaph. supplied in any respect; _weel-foggit_, well-furnished, S. _Shirrefs._ ~Foggie~, _adj._ 1. Mossy, S. _A. Douglas._ 2. Dull, lumpish. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ ~Fog~, _v. a._ To eat heartily, S. B. FOGGIE, _s._ An invalid, or garrison soldier, S. Su. G. _fogde_, formerly, one who had the charge of a garrison. FOY, _s._ 1. An entertainment given to one about to leave any place of residence, or go abroad, S. _Morison._ 2. Metaph., as equivalent to wishing one a good journey. Belg. _de fooi geeven_, Sw. _dricka foi_, coenam profectitiam dare. FOYNYIE, FUNYIE, _s._ The wood-martin, or beech-martin, S. _K. Quair._ Fr. _fouine_, id. FOIR GRANDSYR, Great-grandfather. _Acts Ja. I._ FOISON, FUSIOUN, _s._ 1. Abundance. Fr. _foison_, id. _Barbour._ 2. Pith, ability, S. _Ross._ ~Foisonless~, _adj._ Without strength, S. _Kelly._ FOLD, _s._ Ground. _Wallace._ A. S. _folde_, id. FOLY, _adj._ Belonging to fools. _Doug._ Su. G. _fiollig_, foolish. ~Foliful~, _adj._ Foolish. _Complaynt S._ FON, FONE, _s. pl._ Foes. _K. Quair._ _To_ FON, _v. n._ To play the fool. _Lyndsay._ O. E. _fonne_, id.; Isl. _faan-a_, fatue se gerere. _To_ ~Fone~, _v. a._ To fondle. _Peblis Play._ _To_ FONDE, FOUND, _v. a._ 1. To go. _Barbour._ 2. _To found off_, to go from. _Wallace._ A. S. _fund-ian_, tendere. FONERIT, L. _seuerit_. _Dunbar._ FONNED, _adj._ Prepared; _ill-fonned_, ill-prepared, Ang. A. S. _fund-ian_, disponere. FOOLYIE, _s._ Gold leaf, S. Belg. _foeli_. FOOR-DAYS. V. ~Furedays~. _To_ FOOT, _v. a._ To strike with the _foot_, Ang. FOR, an inseparable particle, which implies negation, excess, intension, or vitiation. FOR, _conj._ Because. _Wyntown._ FOR, _prep._ Denoting quality. Su. G. _foer_, id. FOR, _prep._ Against. A. S. id. _Barbour._ FORAT, _adv._ Forward, S. _J. Nicol._ FORAIVERT, _part. pa._ Much fatigued, S. B. FORBEFT, _part. pa._ In great perturbation. _Barbour._ A. S. _for_, and _beof-ian_, trepidare. FORBEIT, _pret._ L. _forleit_. _Dunbar._ FORBY, _prep._ 1. Past. _Barbour._ 2. Over and above. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _foerbi_, Dan. _forbie_, by, past. ~Forby~, ~Forebye~, _adv._ 1. Past. _Minst. Bord._ 2. Besides, S. _Burel._ FORBLED, _part. pa._ Faint, from loss of blood. _Douglas._ FORBODIN, _part. pa._ 1. Forbidden. _R. Bruce._ 2. Unlawful. _Douglas._ A. S. _forbiod-an_, to forbid. 3. Unhappy, S. _Ruddiman._ FORBREIST, _s._ 1. Forepart of a garment. _Douglas._ 2. Van of an army. _Wallace._ A. S. _fore-breost_, thorax. FORCEAT, _s._ A galley-slave. _Hudson._ Fr. _forçat_, id. FORCY, V. ~Forsye~. FORCHASIT, _part. pa._ Overchased. _K. Hart._ FOR-CRYIT, _part. pa._ Worn out with crying. Belg. _verkryt-en_, id. _Dunbar._ FORD, _s._ 1. Way. _Wallace._ Su. G. _fort_, via communis. 2. Metaph. means to attain an end. _Wallace._ FORDEIFIT, _part. pa._ Deafened. _Pal. Hon._ FORDEL, _s._ 1. The precedence. _Doug._ Teut. _veur-deel_, primae partes. 2. Progress, S. B. Teut. _veur-deel_, promotio. ~Fordel~, _adj._ Prepared, Ang. ~Fordals~, _s. pl._ Stock not exhausted, Buchan. FORDELYD, _part. pa._ Wasted. _Wyntown._ A. S. _fordilg-ian_, delere, obruere. _To_ FORDER, _v. a._ To forward, S. Su. G. _fordr-a_, id. ~Fordersum~, _adj._ Expeditious, S. B. _Ramsay._ FORDYD, _pret._ Destroyed. _Barbour._ A. S. _fordo-n_, to waste. _To_ FORDYN, _v. a._ To resound. _Doug._ _For_ intens. and A. S. _dyn-an_, strepere. _To_ ~Fordyn~, _v. n._ To overpower with noise. _Douglas._ FORDOUERIT, _part. pa._ Stupified. Teut. _verdoor-en_, infatuare. _Doug._ _To_ FORDRIUE, _v. a._ To drive out of the right course. _Douglas._ A. S. _fordrif-an_, abripere. FORDRUNKIN, _part. pa._ Very drunk. A. S. _for-drenc-an_, inebriare. _Doug._ FORDULLIT, _part. pa._ Greatly confused. _Pal. Hon._ FORDWARD, FORDWART, FORTHWART, _s._ A paction. A. S. _for-word_, pactum. _Wallace._ FORDWARTE, _adv._ Forward. _Doug._ FORDWEBLIT, _part. adj._ Greatly enfeebled, S. B. V. ~Dwable~. _Pop. Ball._ FORE, _prep._ Signifying priority. _To the fore._ 1. Still remaining or surviving, S. _Wodrow._ 2. Saved as a stock, S. _Baillie._ 3. Having the start of, S. _Baillie._ FORE, _s._ Help, furtherance, S. FORE-ANENT, FORNENCE, FORNENS, FORNENTIS, FORNENT, _prep._ Directly opposite to, S. _Bellenden._ FOREBEARIS, _s. pl._ Ancestors, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _fore_, and _bear-an_, to bring forth. FORECASTEN, _part. pa._ Neglected. _Rutherford._ Su. G. _foerkast-a_, abjicere. FORGANE, FOREGAINST, _prep._ Opposite to. _Douglas._ FOREHANDIT, _adj._ Rash, S. B. FORELDERIS, _s. pl._ Ancestors. Su. G. _foeraeldrar_, id. _Wyntown._ FORENAIL'D, _part. pa._ Applied to money which is spent before it be gained. Teut. _verniel-en_, consumere. FORENICHT, _s._ The interval between twilight and bed-time, S. Teut. _veur-nacht_, prima pars noctis. FORESKIP, _s._ Precedence of another in a journey, S. B. FORESPEAKER, _s._ An advocate. A. S. _forespeca_, prolocutor. _Reg. Maj._ FORESTAM, _s._ 1. Prow of a ship. _Douglas._ 2. The forehead, S. B. _Ruddiman._ Su. G. _stamm_, pars navis prima. FORETERES, _s._ Fortress. _Douglas._ _To_ FORFAIR, _v. a._ To waste. _Reg. Maj._ _To_ ~Forfair~, ~Forfar~, _v. n._ To perish. _Wallace._ A. S. _forfar-an_, perdere, perire. ~Forfairn~, _part. pa._ 1. Forlorn, S. _Ross._ 2. Old-fashioned, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Worn out, jaded, S. _Burns._ _To_ FORFALT, FORFAULT, _v. a._ To attaint. _Bellenden._ ~Forfalt~, _s._ Forfeiture. _Bellenden._ ~Forfaultrie~, _s._ Forfeiture. _Baillie._ FORFANT, _adj._ Overcome with faintness. _Burel._ FORFLITTEN, _part. pa._ Severely scolded. _Gl. Sibb._ FORFOUCHT, FORFOUCHTEN, _part. pa._ 1. Exhausted with fighting. Belg. _vervecht-en_, id. _Wallace._ 2. Greatly fatigued. _Sir Egeir._ _To_ FORGADER, FORGATHER, _v. n._ 1. To convene. _Douglas._ 2. To meet in a hostile manner. _Pitscottie._ 3. To meet accidentally, S. _Ramsay._ 4. To be united in marriage, S. B. _Ross._ Teut. _ver-gaeder-en_, congregare, convenire. FORGANE, V. ~Foregainst.~ FORGEIT, _pret._ Let fly. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _forga-n_, dimittere. FORGETTIL, _adj._ Forgetful, S. B. A. S. _forgytel_, id. _To_ FORHOW, _v. a._ To forsake, S. B. A. S. _forhog-ian_, spernere. _Douglas._ ~Forhoware~, _s._ A deserter. _Douglas._ FORJESKET, _part. pa._ Jaded, S. _Burns._ Dan. _for_ and _jask-er_, to rumple. FORINGIT, _part. pa._ Banished. Fr. _forain_. _King's Quair._ FORJIDGED, _part. pa._ Same with _forjeskit_, S. B. O. Fr. _forjug-er_, to condemn wrongfully. FORK. _To stick a fork in the waw_, to throw the pains of a woman in labour on her husband, S. FORKY, _adj._ Strong. _Dunbar._ FOR-KNOKIT, _part. pa._ Worn out with knocking. _To_ FORLAY, _v. n._ To lie in ambush. Teut. _verlaegh-en_, insidiari. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ FORLANE, _v. a._ To give. _Gl. Sibb._ Su. G. _foerlaen-a_, donare. FORLAINE, _part. pa._ Left alone. A. S. _forlaeg-an_, negligi. _Henrysone._ FORLANE, _part. pa._ Lain with carnally. _Douglas._ A. S. _forleg-an_, fornicata est. FORLANE, _adj._ Importunate. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _foerlaegen_, solicitus. _To_ FORLEIT, FORLETE, _v. a._ To forsake. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _forlaet-an_, Su. G. _foerlaet-a_, id. _To_ FORLEITH, _v. a._ To loath, S. A. Teut. _ver-leed-en_, fastidire. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Forlethie~, _s._ A surfeit, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ FORLY, _v. a._ To lie with carnally. A. S. _forlig-an_, fornicari. _Barbour._ FOR-LYIN, _part. pa._ Fatigued with lying too long in bed. _King's Quair._ Teut. _verleghen_, fessus. FORLYNE, _part. pa._ V. ~Forly~. _To_ FORLOIR, _v. n._ To become useless, from languor. _Dunbar._ ~Forlore~, _part. pa._ Forlorn. A. S. _forleor-an_, perdere. FORLOPPIN, _part. pa._ Fugitive. Teut. _verloop-en_, to run away. _Doug._ FORMEKIL, _adj._ Very great. _Douglas._ FORMOIS, _adj._ Beautiful. _Lyndsay._ Lat. _formos-us_. FORNE. _To forne_, _adv._ Formerly. A. S. _forne_, prius. _Douglas._ FORNENT, _prep._ Concerning. _Watson._ FOROUCH, FOROUTH, _prep._ Before, as to time. _Barbour._ FOROUTH, FORROW, A ~forrow~, _adv._ 1. Before, as to time. _Dunbar._ 2. Before, as to place. _Barbour._ Germ. _vorig_, prior, Sw. _foerut_, before. ~Forowsein~, Foreseen. _Barbour._ FOROWT, FOROWTYN, _prep._ 1. Without. _Barbour._ 2. Besides. _Wyntown._ Sw. _foerutan_, absque; praeter. FORPET, _s._ The _fourth part_ of a peck, S. _Ritson._ FOR-PLEYNIT, _part. pa._ Worn out with complaining. _King's Quair._ _To_ FORRAY, _v. a._ To pillage. _Barbour._ Fr. _fourrag-er_, to ravage. ~Forray~, _s._ 1. The act of foraging. _Barbour._ 2. A predatory excursion. _Wallace._ 3. The party employed in carrying off the prey. _Wallace._ 4. The prey itself. _Wyntown._ 3. Advanced guard of an army. _Wyntown._ ~Forreouris~, _s. pl._ A foraging party. O. Fr. _forrier_. _Wallace._ FORRET, _s._ 1. Forehead. _Douglas._ 2. Metaph., the brow of a hill. _Douglas._ FORRET, _adv._ Forward, S. _Ross._ _To_ FORREW, _v. n._ To repent exceedingly. _Forrwyd_, pret. _Wyntown._ FORRYDAR, _s._ One who rides before an armed party. Sw. _foerridare_. _Wallace._ FORROWN, FORRUN, _part. pa._ Exhausted with _running_. _Wallace._ FORS, FORSS, _s._ A current. _Wallace._ Su. G. _fors_, cataracta fluminis. _To_ FORS, _v. n._ To care. _Dunbar._ Fr. _faire force_, id. FORS, FORCE, _s._ Necessity. _Off fors_, _on force_, of necessity. _Douglas._ FORSAMEKILL, _conj._ For as much. _Stat. Dav. II._ FORSCOMFIST, _part. pa._ 1. Overcome with heat, S. V. ~Scomfist~. 2. Nearly suffocated by a bad smell, S. _To_ FORSET, _v. a._ 1. To overpower with work, S. 2. To surfeit, S. Teut. _ver-saet-en_, obsaturare. ~Forset~, _s._ 1. The act of overpowering, S. 2. A surfeit, S. FORSEL, _s._ A matt for defending a horse's back, Orkn. Su. G. _foer_, before, and Isl. _sile_, the handle of the dorsets. FORSY, FORCY, FORSS, _adj._ Powerful. Superl. _forseast_. _Wallace._ FORSLITTIN, _part. pa._ L. _forflittin_, scolded to excess. _Philotus._ _To_ FORSPEAK, _v. a._ 1. To injure, according to vulgar superstition, by immoderate praise, S. O. E. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. To consecrate by charms. Hence, _Fore-spoken water_, Orkn. Belg. _voorspook_, an omen. _Brand._ ~Forespeaking~, _s._ Such commendation as is supposed thus to injure the person or thing spoken of, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ FORSTÁ, _v. a._ To understand, S. Su. G. _foersta-n_, id. _Ross._ FORSTARIS, _s._ A female inhabitant of a forest. _Douglas._ _To_ FORSURNE, _v. a._ To spend. Teut. _versorg-en_, curare. _K. Hart._ FORSWIFTIT, _part. pa._ Strayed. _Douglas._ Sw. _foer_, intensive, and _swaef-a_, to wander. FORTAIVERT, _part. pa._ Much fatigued, S. FORTHENS, _adv._ At a distance. _Doug._ FORTHERSUM, FORDERSUM, _adj._ 1. Rash; S. B. _Ross._ 2. Forward in manner, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Of an active disposition, S. B. FORTHGENG, _s._ The entertainment given when a bride leaves her father's house, Ang. A. S. _forthgang_, exitus. FOR-THI, FORTHY, _conj._ Therefore. A. S. id. _Wyntown._ _Nocht for thi_, nevertheless. _Barbour._ FORTHY, _adj._ Forward. _Pitscottie._ _To_ FORTHINK, _v. a._ To repent of. _Wallace._ A. S. _forthenc-an_, perperam cogitare de. ~Forethinking~, _s._ Repentance. _Z. Boyd._ FORTHYR, _s._ Furtherance. _Wallace._ FORTY, _adj._ Brave. Fr. _fort_. _Douglas._ FORTHWART, _s._ Precaution. _Wallace._ A. S. _forward_, id. FORTRAVALIT, FORTRAWAILLYT, _part. pa._ Greatly fatigued, S. _Barbour._ _To_ FORVAY, FORUEY, FORWAY, _v. n._ To go astray. _Douglas._ _For_ negat. and _way_. ~Forway~, _s._ An error. _Douglas._ FORWAKIT, _part. pa._ Worn out with watching, S. Belg. _vervaakt_. _Wyntown._ FORWALLOUIT, _part. pa._ Greatly faded by reason of sickness, fatigue, &c., S. _King's Quair._ FORWARD, _s._ Paction. V. ~Fordward~. _Sir Tristrem._ FORWEPIT, _part. pa._ Worn out with _weeping_. _King's Quair._ FORWONDRYT, _part. pa._ Greatly surprised. _Barbour._ FORWORTHIN, _part. pa._ Execrable. A. S. _for-weorth-an_, perire. _Dunbar._ FORWROCHT, _part. pa._ Overtoiled. Belg. _verwerkt_, id. _Douglas._ FORYAWD, _part. adj._ Worn out with fatigue, Loth., perhaps for _foryede_, q. over-walked. _To_ FORYEILD, _v. a._ To recompense. _Douglas._ A. S. _for-geild-an_, compensare. FORYEING, _part. pr._ Foregoing. A. S. _forga-n_, praeire. _Dunbar._ _To_ FORYET, FORYHET, _v. a._ To forget, S. B. _Wyntown._ FORYOUDENT, _adj._ Overcome with weariness, Ang., perhaps q. over-yielded. FOS, FOSS, _s._ Pit for drowning. V. ~Pit~. FOSSA, _s._ Grass growing among stubble, Ang. L. B. _fossae_. FOSTEL, _s._ A cask. _King Hart._ Fr. _fustaille_, id. FOSTER, _s._ Progeny, Sw. id. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ FOTCH, FOUTCH, FOCH, _v. a._ 1. To change situation. _R. Bruce._ 2. To shift horses in a plough. 3. To exchange in any way, S. B. _To_ ~Fotch~, _v. n._ To flinch. _Evergreen._ Isl. _fetta_, retrorsum flectere. FOTHYR, _s._ A cart-load. V. ~Fudder~. FOU, _s._ A pitch-fork. _Buchan._ FOUD, _s._ The president of the Supreme Court formerly held in the Orkney Islands. _Barry._ Su. G. _fogde_, _fougte_, praefectus. FOUL, _adj._ Wet, rainy, S. _Ross._ _To_ FOUND, _v. n._ To go. V. ~Fonde~. _To_ FOUNDER, _v. a._ To fell, S. FOUNE, _adj._ Belonging to fawns. _Doug._ FOURHOURS, _s._ The time of drinking tea; _four_ being the ancient _hour_ for the afternoon beverage, S. _Watson._ FOURNEUKIT, _adj._ Quadrangular, S. _Bellenden._ FOURSOM, used as a _s._, four in company, Lanerks. _King Hart._ FOUSEE, FOUSY, _s._ A ditch. _Douglas._ Fr. _fossé_. _To_ FOUTCH, _v. a._ To exchange. V. ~Fotch~. ~Foutch~, _s._ An exchange, S. B. FOUTH, FOWTH, _s._ Abundance, S. Q. _fulth_, or Teut. _vulte_, id. _Douglas._ ~Fouth~, _adj._ Abundant. _Kelly._ FOUTY, FUTIE, _adj._ Mean, base, S. Fr. _foutu_, a scoundrel. _Hamilton._ FOUTTOUR, FOUTRE, _s._ A term expressive of the greatest contempt, S. Fr. _foutre_, to lecher. _Lyndsay._ FOW, FU', _adj._ 1. Full, S. _Diallog._ 2. Saturated with food, S. _Kelly._ 3. Drunk, S. Su. G. _full_, id. _Ross._ FOW, _s._ A club; Fr. _fût_. _Priests Peblis._ ~Half-fow~, _adj._ Fuddled, S. Sw. _half-full_. FOWE ~and~ GRIIS, different kinds of fur. _Sir Tristrem._ FOWMARTE, _s._ A polecat, S. _Acts Ja. I._ O. Fr. _ful_, fetid, and _merder_, a martin. FOWSUM, FOUSUM, _adj._ 1. Luscious, S. _Ferguson._ 2. Obscene, gross. _Chron. S. P._ 3. Nauseous, E. _fulsome_. _Ross._ A. S. _ful_, impurus, obscoenus, and _sum_. ~Fowsumlie~, _adv._ Loathsomely large. _Bellenden._ FOWSUM, _adj._ Somewhat too large, S. B. from _fow_, full. _To_ FOX, _v. n._ To dissemble. _Baillie._ Isl. _fox-a_, fallere. _To_ FOZE, _v. n._ To become mouldy, Perths. E. _fust_. FOZY, _adj._ 1. Spungy, porous, S. 2. Applied to one who is _purfled_, or _blawn up_, S. B. 3. Deficient in understanding, S. B. A. S. _wosig_, humidus, Teut. _voos_, spongiosus. FRA, FRAY, FRAE, _prep._ From, S. _Douglas._ 2. From the time that. _Barbour._ A. S. Isl. _fra_, ab, ex. ~Fra~, _conj._ Since, seeing, S. _Barbour._ FRAAT, _conj._ Nevertheless, corr. of _for a' that_, S. _Ross._ FRACK, FRAK, FRECK, 1. Ready, active. _Diallog._ ~Frakly~, _adv._ Hastily. _Douglas._ 2. Vigorous, though advanced in life, S. B. 3. Open, ingenuous. _Pitscottie._ _To_ ~maik frack~, to make ready. _Knox._ Su. G. _fraeck_, Isl. _frek-r_, strenuus, citus. _To_ ~Frak~, _v. n._ To move swiftly. _Doug._ FRACTIOUS, _adj._ Peevish, fretful, S. Lat. _fractus_. FRAGALENT, _adj._ Advantageous, Ang. _To_ FRAY, _v. n._ To be afraid. _Baillie._ ~Fray~, _s._ Fear. Fr. _effray_. _Baillie._ FRAYDANT, _adj._ Ill-humoured. _Maitland P._ A. S. _freoth-an_, to fret, to chafe. FRAYING, _s._ Friction. _Barbour._ Fr. _fray-er_, to rub. FRAYIT, _part. pa._ Afraid. V. ~Fray~. _To_ FRAIK, _v. n._ To flatter, Ang. _A. Douglas._ ~Fraik, Fraiken~, _s._ 1. Flattery, S. 2. Fond discourse, having the appearance of flattery, Fife. _A. Douglas._ FRAIL, _s._ Expl. _flail_. _J. Nicol._ _To_ FRAIS, _v. n._ To crash. _Douglas._ Su. G. _fraes-a_, stridere. FRAISE, _s._ A cajoling discourse, S. FRAISE, _s._ The pluck of a calf, S. Teut. _frase_, Fr. _fraise_, id. _To_ FRAIST, FRASTYN, FREST, FRESTIN, _v. a._ To try, to prove. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _frest-a_, Isl. _freist-a_, id. _To_ FRAME, _v. n._ To succeed. _Wodrow._ A. S. _frem-ian_, prodesse. FRANCHIS, _s._ Sanctuary. _Douglas._ Fr. _franchise_. _To_ FRANE, FRAYN, _v. a._ To inquire. _Dunbar._ A. S. _fraegn-ian_, Isl. _fregn-a_, interrogare. ~Frane~, _s._ Inquiry. _Chron. S. P._ _To_ FRATE, _v. n._ To chafe by friction. Su. G. _fraet-a_, to gnaw. _Douglas._ _To_ FRAUCHT, FRAWCHT, _v. a._ To freight, S. _Acts Ja. IV._ Teut. _vracht-en_, vectare, Sax. _fracht-en_. ~Fraught~, ~Frawcht~, _s._ 1. Freight of a vessel, S. _Wyntown._ 2. The fare, S. Teut. _vracht_. _Kelly._ ~Frauchtisman~, _s._ One who has the charge of loading a vessel. _Acts Ja. III._ FRAWART, FRAWARTIS, _prep._ From. _Douglas._ A. S. _fra_, and _weard_, denoting place. FRAWFULL, _adj._ Perhaps, malapert. A. S. _fraefel_, praecox. _Dunbar._ _To_ FRE, _v. n._ To inquire. _Maitland P._ Su. G. _fra_, Isl. _frae_, id. FRE, _adj._ Noble. _Wallace._ A. S. _freo_, ingenuus. FRE, _adj._ Beautiful. _Wyntown._ O. Su. G. _fri_, pulcher. ~Fre~, _s._ A lady, from the adj. _Maitland P._ _To_ FREATH, _v. n._ To froth, S. _Burns._ _To_ ~Freath~, _v. a._ To work up into froth, S. _Ramsay._ ~Freath~, _s._ Froth, S. Dan. _fraade_, spuma. FRECHURE, _s._ Coolness. _Chron. S. P._ Fr. _fraischure_, id. FRECK, _adj._ V. ~Frack~. FREDFULL, _adj._ Read _frendfull_, Friendly. _Wallace._ FREE, _adj._ 1. Brittle, S. B. 2. Applied to corn which is so ripe as to be easily shaken, S. B. _To_ FREESK, _v. a._ To scratch, to curry, Ang. ~Freesk~, _s._ A hasty rub; metaph. any work done expeditiously, Ang. FREFF, _adj._ Shy, reserved, Roxb. FREIK, FREKE, FRICK, _s._ 1. A strong man. _Wallace._ Su. G. _fraeck_, strenuus. 2. A petulant young man. _Douglas._ Su. G. _fraeck_, tumidus, insolens. FREIRIS, _s._ A friary. _Bellenden._ O. Fr. _frairies_, id. _To_ FREITH, FRETH, _v. a._ To protect. A. S. _frith-ian_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ FREITH, _v. a._ To liberate. _Wallace._ A. S. _ge-frith-ian_, id. FREIT, FREET, FRET, _s._ A superstitious notion, with respect to any thing as a good or bad omen, S. _Wyntown._ 2. A superstitious observance, a charm, S. _K. Ja. VI._ 3. Any act of worship, proceeding from superstition. _More._ 4. _To stand on frets_, to stickle at trifles, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _fraett_, _frett_, an omen or oracle. ~Freitty~, ~Fretty~, _adj._ Superstitious, S. FRELAGE, _s._ Freedom. _Douglas._ Germ. _frilatz_, free. FRELY, _Frely fute_, Noble woman. V. ~Fode~. A. S. _freolic_, liberalis. _Barbour._ ~Frely~, _s._ A beautiful woman; the _adj._ used as a _s._ _Wallace._ FRELY, FREELY, _adv._ Entirely, S. _Dunbar._ FREMYT, FREMMYT, FRAMET, _adj._ 1. Strange, foreign, S. 2. Acting like a stranger, S. _Kelly._ 3. Having no relation, S. _Ruddiman._ 4. Unlucky, adverse. _King's Quair._ A. S. _fremd_, Moes. G. _framathja_, peregrinus. ~Fremmitness~, _s._ Strangeness. _Maitland P._ FRENCH-GOWS, _s. pl._ Perhaps _gauze_. _Watson._ FREND, FRIEND, _s._ 1. A relation, S. _Wyntown._ 2. One allied by marriage, S. _Kelly._ Su. G. _fraende_, a kinsman. FRENYIE, _s._ A fringe. _S. P. Repr._ Teut. _frengie_, id. _To_ FRENN, _v. n._ To rage, Ang. ~Frennisin~, _s._ Rage, Ang. Fr. _phrenesie_. FRENSCHLY, _adv._ Frankly. _Douglas._ FRENSWM, _adj._ Friendly. _Wyntown._ _To_ FREQUENT, _v. a._ To acquaint, Ang. FREQUENT, _adj._ Great, as denoting concourse. _Baillie._ ~Frequently~, _adv._ Numerously. _Baillie._ FRER, FRERE, Fr. _s._ A frier. _Wyntown._ FRESH, _adj._ Open, opposed to _frosty_, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ FRESH, _s._ A slight flood in a river, S. _Law Case._ FRESON, _s._ A Frisic steed; Fr. _frison_. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ FREST, FRESTIN. V. ~Fraist~. FREST, _s._ Delay. _Barbour._ Su. G. _frest_, temporis intervallum. _To_ FRET, _v. a._ To devour. _Douglas._ A. S. _fret-an_. FRET, _s._ A superstition. V. ~Freit~. FRETHIT, _part. pa._ Liberated. V. ~Freith~. FREUCH, FREWCH, FROOCH, (gutt.) _adj._ 1. Frail, brittle, S. B. _Journal Lond._ 2. Dry; applied to corn, Ang. Su. G. _fraekn_, friabilis. _Pal. Hon._ FREUALT, L. _Seruall_, servile. _Wallace._ FREWALL, _adj._ 1. Frivolous. _Act. Conc._ 2. Used in the sense of _fickle_. _Wallace._ Teut. _frevel_. FREWP, _s._ Perhaps, frippery. _Houlate._ FREZELL, _s._ An iron instrument for striking fire. _Z. Boyd._ FRY, _s._ A tumult, S. B. _fray_, E. _Ross._ FRIDOUND, _pret. v._ Quavered. _Montgomerie._ Fr. _fredonn-er_, to quaver. FRIED CHICKENS, Chicken-broth with eggs dropped in it, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ FRIEND-STEAD, _adj._ Possessing a friend. _Rutherford._ FRIGGIS, _s. pl._ Perhaps, q. _frekis_, stout men. _Chr. Kirk._ FRYME, L. _signe_. _Houlate._ FRIM-FRAM, _s._ Trifle. _Presb. Eloq._ _To_ FRIST, _v. a._ 1. To delay. Isl. _frest-a_. _Rutherford._ 2. To give on credit, S. _Chron. S. P._ ~Frist~, ~Fristing~, _s._ 1. Delay. _Rutherford._ Isl. _frest-r_, Germ. _frist_, id. 2. _To frist_, _afrist_, on credit. _Bannatyne Poems._ FRYST, _adj_ First. _Barbour._ FRITTE, _s._ Perhaps, protection; Germ. _friede_. _Houlate._ FROATH-STICK, _s._ A stick for whipping cream, S. B. _Watson's Coll._ FRODY, _adj._ L. _frelie_. _Lyndsay._ FROG, _s._ An upper coat. _Barbour._ O. Flem. _frock_, suprema vestis. _To_ FROG, _v. n._ To snow or sleet at intervals, Ang. ~Frog~, _s._ A flying shower of snow or sleet, Ang. _Lyndsay._ FROG, _s._ A young horse. _Buchan._ _To_ FRONT, _v. n._ Applied to meat, when it swells in boiling, Ang. FROUNSIT, _part. pa._ Wrinkled. Fr. _frons-er_, to wrinkle. _Henrysone._ FROW, _s._ A lusty female, S. Germ. _fraw_, Belg. _vrowe_, a woman. FROWDIE, _s._ A big lusty woman, S. B. Sw. _frodig_, plump. FROWDIE, _s._ A cap worn by old women, Ang. Su. G. _fru-tyg_, a lady's cap. FRUCTUOUS, _adj._ Fruitful. _Douglas._ FRUNTY, FRONTY, _adj._ Free in manner, Fife. _A. Douglas._ Fr. _effronté_, overbold. _To_ FRUSCH, FRWSCH, _v. a._ 1. To dash. _Douglas._ 2. To break in pieces. _Barbour._ 3. To overthrow. _Wallace._ Fr. _froiss-er_, to dash. _To_ ~Frusch~, _v. n._ To break. _Wallace._ ~Frusch, Frush~, _adj._. Brittle, S. Teut. _broosch_, fragilis. _Minst. Bord._ ~Frusch~, s. Breaking. _Barbour._ _To_ FRUSTIR, _v. a._ To render useless. Fr. _frustr-er_, id. _Dunbar._ ~Frustir~, _adj._ 1. Frustrated. _Wallace._ 2. Vain, empty. _Dunbar._ FUD, FUDE, _s._ 1. The matrix. _Wallace._ A. S. _foth_, Isl. _fud_, id. 2. The backside, S. B. _Ritson._ 3. A hare or rabbit's brush, S. _Burns._ FUDDER, FOTHYR, FUTHIR, FIDDER, _s._ 1. A large quantity; a cart-load. _Barbour._ 2. A certain weight of lead. _Skene._ 3. A great number. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _fother_, a wain-load. FUDDER, _s._ Lightning. _Burel._ Fr. _foudre_, id. FUDDY, _s._ A designation given to the wind, Aberd. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Isl. _fud-r_, motus; or _hwida_, aer. ~Fuddum~, _s._ Drift at intervals, Ang. FUDGIE, _adj._ Gross, Loth. V. ~Fodgel~. To FUF, FUFF, _v. n._ To puff, S. _Doug._ Germ. _pfuffen_, id. _To_ ~Fuff~, _v. a._ To blow intermittently, S. _Burns._ ~Fuff~, _s._ A puff, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Fuffars~, _s. pl._ Bellows, Ang. _To_ FUFFLE, _v. a._ To put any thing in disorder, S. Isl. _fipla_, contrectare. FUGE, _s._ Perhaps, a kind of pick-axe. Fr. _fouaige_, id. _K. Hart._ FUGÉ, FUGIE, _adj._ Fugitive. _Doug._ ~Fugé~, ~Fugie~, _s._ 1. A fugitive, S. _Poems Buch. Dial._ 2. One who flies from the fight, S. _Brand._ FUISH, _pret._ Fetched, S. _Ross._ _To_ FULE, _v. n._ To play the fool. _Barbour._ FULYE, _s._ 1. A leaf. _Douglas._ 2. Leaf gold, S. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _feuille_, id. _To_ FULYIE, _v. a._ To defile. _Bellenden._ ~Fulyie~, _s._ 1. The dung of a town, S. _Act Sedt._ 2. Transferred to manure. _Kelly._ ~Fulyear~, s. One who pollutes. _Bellenden._ FULLYERY, _s._ Leaved work. _Pal. Hon._ Fr. _fueill-er_, to foliate. FULLELY, _adv._ Fully. _Barbour._ FULMAR, _s._ A species of petrel. _Martin._ FUMART. V. ~Fowmarte~. FUMLER, _s._ _Caik fumler_, a parasite. _Douglas._ _To_ FUNDY, FUNNY, _v. n._ To become stiff with cold. _Ramsay._ FUNDYN, _part. pa._ 1. Found. _Barbour._ 2. Supplied. _Id._ A. S. _find-an_, suppeditare. FUNYIE, _s._ A polecat. V. ~Foyn~. _To_ FUNK, _v. a._ 1. To strike, S. 2. To kick behind, S. ~Funk~, _s._ 1. A stroke, S. 2. A kick, S. 3. Ill humour, Loth. Teut. _in de fonck zijn_, turbari. FUR, FURE, FEURE, _s._ 1. A furrow, S. _Wallace._ ~Furlenth~, _s._ The length of a furrow. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. What resembles a furrow. _Douglas._ Dan. _fur_, A. S. _furh_, id. FUR. _pret._ 1. Went. _Wallace._ 2. Fared; as to food. _Wallace._ FURC, _s._ Gallows. V. ~Pit~. _To_ FURE, _v. a._ 1. To carry. _Acts Ja. III._ 2. To conduct. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _foer-a_, to carry, to lead. FURE, _pret._ Fared. A. S. _for_. _Wyntown._ FURE, _adj._ Firm, fresh. V. ~Fery~. _Gl. Sibb._ FURE, _s._ A strong man. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _foer_, fortis. FURE-DAYS, FUIR-DAYS, FOOR-DAYS. 1. Late in the afternoon, S. B. A. S. _forth dages_, die longe provecta. 2. _Fair-fuir days_, broad day-light, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _veur-dagh_, tempus antelucanum. FURFELLES, _s. pl._ Furred skins. _Skene._ FURISINE, _s._ A steel to strike fire with. _Bellenden._ Teut. _vuer_, fire, and _ijser_, steel. FURK ~and~ FOS, gallows and pit. Lat. _furc-a_, _fossa_. _O. Chart._ FURLENTH, _s._ V. ~Fur~. FURLET. V. ~Firlot~. FURMAGE, _s._ Cheese; Fr. _fourmage_. _Henrysone._ FURME, _s._ A form. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ FURROW, _v. a._ V. ~Forray~. _Godscroft._ FURSABIL, _adj._ What can be driven away, Fr. _forceable_. _Maitland P._ FURSDAY, FURISDAY, _s._ Thursday, S. _Act Ja. V._ FURTH. _The muckle furth_, the open air, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ _To_ FURTHEYET, _v. a._ To pour out. _S. P. Repr._ A. S. _forth-geot-an_, profundere. FURTHY, _adj._ 1. Forward. _Sir Egeir._ 2. Frank, affable, S. _Sax. and Gael._ 3. Unabashed. _A. Douglas._ _To_ FURTHSCHAW, _v. a._ To manifest. _Crosraguell._ FURTH SETTER, _s._ An author. _Crosraguell._ FUSH, _pret._ v. Fetched. _Ramsay._ FUST, _adj._ Perhaps, at rest. _Bannatyne P._ FUTE-ALE, _s._ An entertainment given when a woman first gets out of bed, after childbirth; pron. _fit-ale_, S. FUTEBROD, _s._ A footstool, S. Moes. G. _fotabord_, id. FUTE HATE, 1. Straightway; a term borrowed from the chase, q. _hot foot_. _Barbour._ 2. Closely, accurately. _Douglas._ 3. Denoting proximity of place. _Doug._ FUTIE, _adj._ Mean, S. V. ~Fouty~. G _To_ GA, GAE, _v. n._ 1. To go, S. A. S. _ga-n_, Isl. _ga_, id. _Wallace._ 2. _To gae throw_, to bungle, S. 3. _To gae throw_, to waste, S. 4. _To gae_ one's _gait_, to depart, S. 5. _To gae with_, to go to wreck, S. GAAR, GARR, _s._ 1. Vegetable substance in the bed of a river, S. B. 2. Rheum from the eyes, when hardened, S. B. A. S. _gor_, coenum. GAB, _s._ 1. The mouth, S. Ir. _gob_. _Ramsay._ 2. The taste, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ GAB, _v. n._ 1. To mock. _Barbour._ Isl. _gabb-a_, A. S. _gabb-en_, deridere. 2. To prate, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ~Gab~, _s._ 1. Prating, S. 2. Entertaining conversation, S. _Burns._ ~Gabbed~, _adj._ Loquacious, S. B. _Auld-gabbit_, sagacious, S. _Ramsay._ ~Gabby~, _adj._ 1. Having fluency of speech, S. _Hamilton._ 2. Loquacious, S. _Journal Lond._ ~Gabbing~, _s._ 1. Mockery. _Barbour._ 2. Jeering, raillery. _Douglas._ A. S. _gabbung_, derisio. _To_ GABBER, _v. n._ To jabber, S. Belg. _gabber-en_, id. GABBIT, _s._ A fragment, S. B. O. E. _gobet_. Fr. _gob_, a morsel. GABER, _s._ A lean horse, Stirlings. GABERLUNYIE, _s._ A wallet that hangs on the loins. _Ritson._ ~Gaberlunyie-man~, _s._ The man who carries the wallet. _Callander._ GABERT, _s._ A lighter, S. Fr. _gabare_. _Statist. Acc._ GABERTS, _s. pl._ 1. A kind of gallows for supporting the wheel of a draw-well, Ang. 2. Three poles of wood, forming an angle at the top, for weighing hay, Ang. GAD, GADE, _s._ 1. A rod, S. _Skene._ 2. A spear. _Dalyell._ 3. A fishing-rod, S. A. 4. A goad. _Z. Boyd._ A. S. _gaad_, _gad_, stimulus. ~Gadwand~, _s._ A goad for driving cattle, S. _Douglas._ _To_ GADGE, _v. n._ To talk idly with stupid gravity. _Ramsay._ _To_ GADYR, _v. a._ To gather. _Wyntown._ A. S. _gaeder-an_, id. ~Gaddryng~, _s._ Assembly. _Wyntown._ GAE, _s._ The jay, a bird. _Burel._ GAF, GAFF, _pret._ Gave. _Barbour._ GAFF, _s._ A sort of net. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ _To_ GAFFAW, _v. n._ To laugh aloud, S. V. ~Gawf~. _Ramsay._ ~Gaffaw~, _s._ A loud laugh, S. V. ~Gawf~. _To_ GAGOIUN, _v. a._ To ridicule. Fr. _gogay-er_, to mock. _Godly Ball._ GAY, _adv._ Moderately. V. ~Gey~. GAID, _pret._ Went, S. _R. Bruce._ GAYN-CUM, _s._ Return. _Wyntown._ GAYNIS, _s._ Perh. gaiety. _Maitland P._ GAIR, GARE, _s._ 1. A triangular piece of cloth inserted at the bottom of a shift or robe, S. Also _Gore_. _Henrysone._ Isl. _geir_, segmentum panni figura triquetra. 2. A slip of tender fertile grass in a barren situation, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Gaired~, ~Gairy~, _adj._ Having streaks of different colours, S. A _gairy cow_, a cow thus streaked. ~Gairie-bee~, _s._ Apis terrestris, S. GAIRDONE, _s._ Perh. for _guerdon_, reward. _Henrysone._ GAIRFISH, _s._ The Porpoise, Ang. _Statist. Acc._ GAIS, _imperat._ of _Ga_, to go. _Wyntown._ GAISHON, _s._ 1. A skeleton, Stirl. Dumfr. _Hogg._ 2. An obstacle or impediment, Fife. Hence, _ill-gaishon'd_, mischievously disposed, ibid. GAISLIN, _s._ A young goose, S. Su. G. _gaasling_. id. _Ferguson._ GAIST, GAST, _s._ 1. The soul. _Wyntown._ 2. A ghost, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _gaste_, Belg. _gheest_. 3. A piece of dead coal, S. GAIT, GATE, _s._ 1. A way, S. _Wallace_. Su. G. Isl. _gata_, semita, via. 2. An indefinite space. _Wallace._ 3. A street, S. Su. G. _gata_, id. _Burel._ 4. A warlike expedition. _Gawan and Gol._ 5. As an _adv. Sa gat_, so; _How gats_, in what manner; _Thus gatis_, after this manner; _Mony gatis_, in various ways. 6. _To tak the gait_, to depart, to run away; also, to begin to walk out, S. 7. _To had the gate_, to prosper. _Gl. Ramsay._ ~Gatewards~, _adv._ Towards, S. B. GAIT, _s._ A goat, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _get_, A. S. _gat_, id. GAIT GLYDIS. V. ~Glyde~. _Maitland P._ _To_ GAIT, _v. a._ To set up sheaves on end, S. B. Isl. _gat_, foramen, _gat-a_, perforare. GAITLING, GYTLING, _s._ An infant, S. V. ~Get~. _Ramsay._ GAKIE, _s._ Venus mercenaria, a shell. _Sibbald._ _To_ GALAY, _v. n._ To reel. _Barbour._ GALYEARD, GALLIARD, _adj._ 1. Sprightly. _Douglas._ 2. Wanton. _Douglas._ Fr. _gaillard_, id.; A. S. _gal_, lascivus. ~Galliard~, _s._ One who is gay, but dissipated. _Minst. Bord._ ~Galyartlie~, _adv._ In a sprightly manner. _Lyndsay._ _To_ GALE, GAIL, _v. n._ Applied to the note of the cuckoo. _Douglas._ Su. G. _gal-a_, to sing; Dan. _gal-er_, to crow. _To_ ~Galyie~, ~Gallyie~, _v. n._ To roar, to brawl, Ang. Su. G. _gaell-a_, Isl. _giall-a_, to vociferate. ~Galyie~, ~Gallyie~, ~Gellie~, _s._ A cry of displeasure, Ang. Su. G. _gaell_, vociferatio. GALLAND, _s._ A young fellow. V. ~Callan~. GALLANT, _adj._ Large, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ GALLION, _s._ A lean horse, Tweedd. GALLYTROUGH, _s._ The char, Fife. _Statist. Acc._ GALLOWAY, _s._ A horse not more than fourteen hands high, S. GALLOWS, _s._ 1. An elevated station for a view, Loth. 2. Three beams erected in a triangular form, for weighing, S. GALL WINDE, a gale. _Z. Boyd._ Isl. _gol_, ventus frigidior. GALNES, _s._ Satisfaction for slaughter. _Reg. Maj._ Gael. _gial_, _geal_, a reparation, and _meas_, estimate. GAM, _adj._ Gay, sportive. _Pal. Hon._ A. S. _gam-ian_, ludere. GAM, _s._ A tooth, S. B. _Douglas._ GAMALEERIE, _adj._ Tall, raw-boned and awkward, commonly used of a female, S.; sometimes _gamareerie_. ~Gamaleerie~, _s._ A foolish person, Perths. Isl. _gamal-aer_, an old dotard. GAMBET, _s._ A gambol. _Douglas._ Fr. _gambade_, id. from _gambe_, crus. GAMESONS, _s. pl._ Armour for defending the forepart of the body. _Sir Gawan._ Fr. _gamboison_, a quilted coat. GAMFLIN, _part. adj._ 1. Neglecting work from foolish merriment, S. B. Su. G. _gaffla_, to laugh immoderately, or Isl. _giamm_, hilares facetiae. 2. Spending time in idle talk or dalliance with young men, Ang. GAMYN, _s._ Game. _Barbour._ A. S. _gamen_, id. GAMP, _adj._ Perhaps, Sportive. _Herd._ GALMOUND, GAMOUNT, _s._ A gambol. V. ~Gambet~. _Dunbar._ GAN, _pret._ Began. _Barbour._ GANARIS, _s. pl._ Ganders. _Houlate._ _To_ GANE, GAYN, _v. n._ 1. To be fit. _Wallace._ 2. To belong to. _Douglas._ Su. G. _gagn-a_, Isl. _gegn-a_, prodesse. _To_ ~Gane~, _v. a._ 1. To fit, S. 2. To wear with one. _Ritson._ 3. To suffice, S. _Minst. Bord._ ~Gane~, ~Gayn~, _adj._ 1. Fit, proper, useful. _Gaynest_, superl. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. Near; applied to a way, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _gen_, utilis; _genwaeg_, via brevior. ~Ganenyng~, _s._ Necessary supply. _Lyndsay._ GANE, _s._ The mouth or throat. _Doug._ C. B. _gen_, the mouth. GANER, _s._ Gander, S. V. ~Ganaris~. _To_ GANG, S. ~Geng~, S. B. _v. n._ 1. To go. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. To go out, S. _Lyndsay._ 3. To proceed in discourse. _Wallace._ 4. To walk, opposed to riding, S. _Ross._ 5. To pass from one state to another. _Douglas._ 6. To proceed in any course of life. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 7. To have currency, S. _Acts Ja. IV._ 8. _To gang thegither_, to be married, S. _Ross._ 9. _To gang to gait_, to go abroad. _Philotus._ 10. _To gang to the gait_, to set out on a journey, S. B. _Ross._ A. S. _gangan_, from _ga-n_, _gaa-n_, id. ~Gang~, _s._ 1. A journey, S. B. A. S. _gang_, iter. 2. A walk for cattle, S. 3. As much as one carries at once, S. 4. In composition, a passage. _Throwgang_, an alley. ~Ganging~, _s._ Going. _Barbour._ ~Ganging Gudes~, moveable goods, S. ~Gangin Graith~, the furniture of a mill which a tenant is bound to uphold, S. ~Gangar~, ~Genger~, _s._ A walker, S. B. ~Gangarel~, ~Gangrel~, _s._ 1. A stroller, Ang. _Dunbar._ 2. A child beginning to walk, Ang. _Ross._ 3. Metaph. a novice. _Ross._ ~Gangarris~, _s. pl._ A cant term for feet. _Dunbar._ ~Gangdayis~, _s. pl._ Days of perambulation in Rogation week. _Bellenden._ A. S. _gang-dagas_, Su. G. _gangdagar_. GANYE, GAINYE, GENYIE, GAYNYHE, _s._ 1. An arrow, a javelin. _Douglas._ 2. An iron gun, opposed to the bow. _Wallace._ Ir. _gain_, arrow; or an abbrev. of Fr. _engin_. GANIEN, _s._ Rhodomontade, Banffs. Isl. _gan-a_, praeceps ruere. GANYEILD, GENYELL, _s._ A recompence. _Douglas._ A. S. _gen_, again, and _gild-an_, to pay. GANK, _s._ Unexpected trouble, S. B. _Ross._ GANSALD, GANSELL, _s._ A severe rebuke, S. _Ruddiman._ Su. G. _gen_, against, and _sael-ia_, to pay. GANSCH, _s._ A snatch; applied to a dog, S. _To_ GANT, GAUNT, _v. n._ 1. To yawn, S. _Kelly._ A. S. _gan-ian_, Sw. _gan-a_, id. ~Gant, Gaunt~, _s._ A yawn, S. _Douglas._ GANTREES, _s._ A stand for ale-barrels, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _gaen_, fermentescere. GAPPOCKS, _s. pl._ Gobbets. _Ritson._ Isl. _gap-a_, hiare. GAPUS, _s._ A fool; also _gilly-gapus_, _gilly-gawpy_, and _gilly-gacus_, S. Isl. _gape_, id. _Journal Lond._ _To_ GAR, GER, _v. a._ 1. To cause, S. _Barbour._ 2. To force, S. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _goer-a_, anc. _giaer-a_, facere. GARB, _s._ 1. A young bird, Ang. 2. Metaph. a child, Ang. Norw. _gorp_, a raven. GARDEROB, _s._ Wardrobe. Fr. _Acts Ja. VI._ GARDEVYANCE, _s._ A cabinet. _Dunbar._ Fr. _garde de viandes_, a cup-board. GARDY, _s._ The arm, S. B. _Douglas._ Gael. _gairdain_, id. ~Gardy-chair~, _s._ An elbow chair, Aberd. _Journal Lond._ GARDIS, _s. pl._ Yards. _Douglas._ A. S. _geard_, a rod. GARE, _adj._ 1. Keen. _Douglas._ 2. Rapacious. _Ramsay._ A. S. _gearo_, expeditus. GARE, _s._ The great auk. _Sibbald._ Isl. _gyr_, id. GARE, _s._ A stripe of cloth. V. ~Gair~. GARNISOUN, _s._ 1. A garrison. _Doug._ 2. A body of armed men. _Douglas._ GARRAY, _s._ Preparation. _Peblis Play._ A. S. _geara_, apparatus. GARRIT, GARRET, GERRET, _s._ 1. A watch tower. _Wallace._ Fr. _garite_, id. 2. The top of a hill. _Ruddiman._ O. Goth. _wari_, a mountain. ~Garritour~, _s._ The watchman on the battlements of a castle. _K. Hart._ GARRON, GERRON, _s._ 1. A small horse, S. Ir. id. a hackney. _Stat. Acc._ 2. An old stiff horse, Loth. 3. A tall stout fellow, Ang. Ir. _garran_, a strong horse. GARRON NAILS, Spike nails, S. GARSON, _s._ An attendant. _Sir Gawan._ Fr. _garçon_, a boy. GARSTY, _s._ The resemblance of an old dike, Orkn. Isl. _gardsto_, locus sepimenti. GARSUMMER, _s._ Gossamer. _Watson._ GART, GERT, _pret._ of ~Gar~, ~Ger~. GARTANE, _s._ A garter, S. _Chron. S. P._ Gael. _gairtein_, id. GARTEN BERRIES, Bramble berries. _Gl. Sibb._ GARTH, _s._ 1. An inclosure. _Wallace._ 2. A garden. _Dunbar._ A. S. _geard_, used in both senses. GARVIE, _s._ The sprat, a fish, S. _Garvock_, Inverness. _Sibbald._ _To_ GASH, _v. n._ 1. To talk a great deal in a confident way, S. 2. To talk pertly, or insolently, S. 3. To talk freely and fluently, S. synon, _gab_. _Burns._ Fr. _gauss-er_, to gibe. Roquefort gives O. Fr. _gas_, _gaz_, as merely a variation of _gab_, plaisanterie, moquerie. ~Gash~, _s._ 1. Prattle, S. synon. _gab_. 2. Pert language, S. ~Gash~, _adj._ 1. Shrewd in conversation, sagacious, S. _Watson._ 2. Lively and fluent in discourse, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Having the appearance of sagacity conjoined with that of self-importance, S. _Burns._ 4. Trim, respectably dressed, S. _R. Galloway._ GASH, _s._ A projection of the under jaw, S. _To_ ~Gash~, _v. n._ 1. To project the under jaw, S. 2. To distort the mouth in contempt, S. Fr. _gauche_, awry; _gauch-ir_, to writhe. GAST, _s._ A gust of wind, S. B. A. S. _gest_, id. GASTROUS, _adj._ Monstrous, Dumfr. Dan. _gaster_, Manes, ghosts. O. E. _gaster_, to affright. GATE, _s._ A way. V. ~Gait~. GATE, _s._ Jet. V. ~Get~. _Douglas._ GATING, _s._ Perhaps, guessing. _Burel._ Su. G. _gaet-a_, conjecturam facere. GAUCY, GAWSY, _adj._ 1. Plump, jolly, S. _Journal Lond._ 2. Applied to any thing large, S. _Burns._ 3. Metaph., stately, portly, S. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _gaase_, a male. The ancient Gauls called strong men _Gaesi_. 4. Well prepared, S. _A. Douglas._ GAUCKIT, _adj._ Stupid. V. ~Gowkit~. GAUD, GAWD, _s._ 1. A trick. _Douglas._ 2. A bad custom or habit, S. B. Fr. _gaud-ir_, to be frolicksome, Su. G. _gaed-as_, laetari; from Isl. _gaa_, gaudium. GAVEL, GAWIL, _s._ The gable of a house, S. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _gafwel_, Belg. _gevel_, id. GAVELOCK, _s._ An iron lever, S. A. S. _gafelucas_, hastilia, _gafl_, furca. GAUGES, _s. pl._ Wages. _Acts Sedt._ O. Fr. _guaige_. GAUKIE, GAWKY, _s._ A foolish person. V. ~Gowk~. Sw. _gack_, id. _Ramsay._ ~Gaukit~, ~Gawkit~, _adj._ Foolish, giddy, S. _Morison._ GAUL, _s._ Dutch myrtle, S. V. ~Scotchgale~. GAULE, _s._ A loud laugh. V. ~Gawf~. GAUT, _s._ A hog, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ Isl. _galt_, sus exsectus. _To_ GAW, _v. a._ 1. To gall, S. _Ferguson._ 2. Metaph., to fret, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Gaw~, _v. n._ To become pettish, Loth. _Ramsay._ ~Gaw~, _s._ The mark left by a stroke or pressure, S. _Polwart._ GAW, _s._ A gall-nut. _Ramsay._ GAW, _s._ 1. A furrow or drain, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. A hollow with water springing in it, Ang. GAWD, _s._ A goad, S. _Ross._ GAWDNIE, GOWDNIE, _s._ The yellow gurnard, S. q. _gold_-fish. _Sibbald._ _To_ GAWF, GAFF, _v. n._ To laugh violently, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _gaffla_, id. Germ. _gaffen_, to gape. ~Gaulf~, ~Gawf~, ~Gaffaw~, A horse-laugh, S. _Knox._ _To_ GAWP UP, _v. a._ To swallow voraciously, S. _Ramsay._ Sw. _gulpa_, buccis vorare deductis. ~Gawp~, _s._ A large mouthful, S. GAWRIE, _s._ The red gurnard, S. _Sibbald._ GAWSIE, _adj._ Jolly. V. ~Gaucy~. GEAN, GEEN, _s._ A wild cherry, S. Fr. _guigne_, _guine_, id. _Statist. Acc._ ~Geantree~, _s._ A wild cherry-tree, S. _Statist. Acc._ GEAR, GEARED. V. ~Gere~. GEARKING, _part. adj._ Vain. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _gearc-ian_, apparare. GEAT, _s._ A child. V. ~Get~. GEBBIE, GABBIE, _s._ The crop of a fowl, S. _Ferguson._ Gael. _ciaban_, the gizzard. _To_ GECK, GEKK, _v. a._ 1. To sport, Ang. 2. To deride, S. _Philotus._ 3. To befool. _Leg. St Androis._ 4. To jilt, S. 5. To toss the head disdainfully, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _gheck-en_, deridere, Su. G. _geck-as_, ludificari, Sw. _gaeck-a_, to jilt. ~Geck~, ~Gekk~, _s._ 1. A sign of derision. _Dunbar._ 2. A jibe. _Montgomerie._ Teut. _geck_, jocus. 3. Cheat, S. _Poems 16th Cent._ GED, (_g_ hard) _s._ The pike, a fish, S. Su. G. Isl. _gaedda_, id. _Barbour._ ~Ged-staff~, _s._ 1. A staff for stirring pikes from under the banks. _Douglas._ 2. A pointed staff, from Su. G. _gadd_, aculeus. _Gl. Sibb._ GEE, (_g_ hard) _s._ _To tak the gee_, to become pettish and unmanageable, S. Isl. _geig_, offensa. _Ross._ GEY, GAY, (_g_ hard) _adj._ Tolerable. _S. P. Repr._ _A gey wheen_, a considerable number. ~Gey~, ~Gay~, _adv._ Indifferently. _Gey and weil_, pretty well, S. _Ramsay._ ~Geily~, ~Gayly~, ~Geylies~, _adv._ Pretty well, S. _Kelly._ Teut. _gheef_, sanus; Su. G. _gef_, usualis. GEYELER, _s._ Jailor. _Wallace._ _To_ GEIF, GEYFF, _v. a._ To give. _Douglas._ _To_ GEIG, (_g_ soft) _v. n._ To make a creaking noise, S. _Douglas._ Germ. _geig-en_, fricare. GEIG, _s._ A net used for catching the razor-fish. _Evergreen._ GEIL, GEILL, _s._ Jelly, S. Fr. _gel_. _Lyndsay._ GEILL POKKIS, bags through which calfshead _jelly_ is strained. _Maitland P._ GEING, (_g_ hard) _s._ Intoxicating liquor of any kind, Ang. Isl. _gengd_, cerevisiae motus. GEING, (_g_ hard) _s._ Dung, Bord. A. S. _geng_, latrina. GEIR, _s._ Accoutrements, &c. V. ~Ger~. _To_ GEYZE, GEISIN, GIZZEN, (_g_ hard) _v. n._ To become leaky for want of moisture, S. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _gistn-a_, _gisn-a_, id. GEIST, _s._ 1. An exploit; Lat. _gesta_. _Douglas._ 2. The history of any memorable action. _Douglas._ GEIST, GEST, _s._ 1. A joist, S. _Doug._ 2. A beam. _Barbour._ GELORE, GALORE, GILORE, _s._ Plenty, S. Gael. _go leoir_, enough. _Ross._ _To_ GELL, (_g_ hard) _v. n._ To thrill with pain, S. _Sir Egeir._ Germ. _gell-en_, to tingle. _To_ GELL, (_g_ hard) _v. n._ To crack in consequence of heat, S. Isl. _geil_, fissura. ~Gell~, _s._ A crack or rent in wood, S. GELL, (_g_ hard) _s._ A leech, S. B. _gellie_, Perths. Su. G. _igel_, id. C. B. _gel_, a horseleech. GELT, _s._ Money. V. ~Gilt~. GEN, _prep._ Against. A. S. _gean_, id. GEND, (_g_ hard) _adj._ Playful. _S. P. Repr._ Isl. _gant-a_, ludificare. GENYIE, _s._ Engine of war. _Minst. Bord._ GENYEILD, GENYELL, _s._ V. ~Ganyeild~. GENIS, _s._ Apparently, the rack. _Act Sed._ Fr. _gêne_, id. from Lat. _gehenna_. GENYUS CHALMER, bridal chamber. _Douglas._ GENTY, (_g_ soft) _adj._ Neat, limber, elegantly formed, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _jent_, bellus, elegans. GENTIL, _adj._ Belonging to a nation. _Douglas._ GENTILLY, _adv._ Completely, Ang. _Barbour._ GENTRICE, GENTREIS, _s._ 1. Honourable birth. _Dunbar._ 2. Genteel manners. _Wallace._ 3. Gentleness, softness. _Henrysone._ GEO, (_g_ hard) _s._ A deep hollow, Caithn. Isl. _gia_, hiatus oblongus. 2. A creek or chasm in the shore is called _geow_, Orkn. GER, GERE, GEIR, GEAR, (_g_ hard) _s._ 1. Warlike accoutrements. _Barbour._ Isl. _geir_, lancea; Dan. _dyn geira_, strepitus armorum. 2. Goods. _Goods and gear_, a law phrase, S. _Ruddiman._ 3. Booty. _Minst. Bord._ 4. All kind of tools for business, S. _Ruddiman._ 5. Money, S. _Watson._ ~Gerit, Geared~, _part. adj._ Provided with armour. _Wallace._ GERLETROCH. _s._ V. ~Gallytrough~. GERRON, GAIRUN, _s._ A sea-trout, Ang. _Minst. Bord._ GERS, GYRS, _s._ Grass, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _gaers_, Belg. _gars, gers_, id. ~Gersy~, _adj._ Grassy, S. _Douglas._ ~Gerss-house~, _s._ A house possessed by a tenant who has no land attached to it, Ang. ~Gersslouper~, _s._ A grasshoper, S. B. ~Gerss-man~, ~Grass-man~, _s._ A tenant who has no land. _Spalding._ Su. G. _graessaeti_, id. ~Gerss-tack~, _s._ The lease which a _gerss-man_ has, Ang. GERSOME, GRESSOUME, _s._ A sum paid to a landlord by a tenant, at the entry of a lease, or by a new heir to a lease or feu, S. _Dunbar._ A. S. _gaersuma_, _gersume_, a compensation. _To_ GES, _v. n._ To guess. _Wyntown._ GESNING, GESTNING, _s_ (_g_ hard) Hospitable reception. _Douglas._ Isl. _gistning_, id. from _gest-r_, a guest. GESSERANT, Sparkling. _K. Quair._ Teut. _ghester_, a spark. GEST, _s._ Ghost. V. ~Gaist~. _Houlate._ GET, GETT, GEAT, GEIT, _s._ 1. A child. _Wyntown._ 2. A contemptuous designation for a child, S. _Knox._ 3. Progeny. _Wyntown._ 4. Applied to the young of brutes. Goth. _get-a_, gignere. _Douglas._ GEWE, _conj._ If. V. ~Gif~. _To_ GY, GYE, _v. a._ To guide. _K. Quair._ O. Fr. _guier_, id. ~Gy~, _s._ A guide. Hisp. _guia_. _Wallace._ GY, _s._ A proper name; Guy, Earl of Warwick. _Bannatyne Poems._ GIB, GIBBIE, (_g_ hard), _s._ A gelded cat, S. Fr. _gibb-ier_, to hunt. _Henrysone._ GIBBLE, (_g_ hard), _s._ A tool of any kind, S.; whence _giblet_, any small iron tool, Ang. Teut. _gaffel_, furca. _Morison._ GIBBLE-GABBLE, _s._ Noisy confused talk, S. Isl. _gafla_, blaterare. _Gl. Shirr._ GIDE, GYDE, _s._ Attire. _Wallace._ A. S. _giwaede_, id. _To_ GIE, _v. a._ To give, S. V. ~Gif~. GIELAINGER, _s._ A cheat. V. ~Gileynour~. GIEST, A contr. of _give us it_, S. _Henrysone._ _To_ GIF, ~Gyf~, ~Giff~, _v. a._ To give; _gie_, S. _Barbour._ GIF, GYVE, GEUE, GEWE, _conj._ If. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _gau_, id. Su. G. _jef_, dubium. GIFFIS, GYFFIS, _imper. v._ ~Gif~. _Douglas._ GIFF-GAFF, _s._ Mutual giving, S. _Kelly._ A. S. _gif_ and _gaf_, q. I gave, he gave. GYIS, GYSS, _s._ 1. A mask. _Dunbar._ 2. A dance after some particular mode. O. Fr. _gise_. _Henrysone._ GYKAT. L. ~Gillot~. _Maitland P._ GIL, (_g_ hard), _s._ A cavern. _Douglas._ Isl. _gil_, hiatus montium. GILD, _s._ Clamour, noise. _A. Hume._ Isl. _gelld_, clamor; _giel_, vocifero. ~Gild~, _adj._ Loud, S. B. GILD, _adj._ 1. Strong, well-grown. _Skene._ Su. G. _gild_, validus, robustus. 2. Great. A gild rogue, a great wag. _Ruddiman._ GILD, GILDE, _s._ A fraternity instituted for some particular purpose, S. _Stat. Gild._ A. S. _gild_, fraternitas, sodalitium. ~Gild-brother~, _s._ A member of the _gild_, S. GILDEE, _s._ The whiting pout. _Statist. Acc._ GYLE-FAT, _s._ The vat used for fermenting wort, S. _Gyle_, Orkn. _Burrow Lawes._ Teut. _ghijl_, cremor cerevisiae. GILEYNOUR, GILAINGER, _s._ 1. A deceiver. _Kelly._ 2. "An ill debtor." _Gl. Ramsay._ Su. G. _gil-ia_, to deceive, _gyllningar_, fraudes. GILLIE, _s._ 1. A boy. _S. P. Repr._ Ir. _gilla_, _giolla_, a boy; a servant, a page. 2. A youth who acts as a servant, page, or constant attendant, S. _Rob Roy._ GILLIEGAPUS, GILLIEGACUS. V. ~Gapus~. GILLIEWETFOOT, GILLIEWHIT, (_g_ hard) _s._ 1. A worthless fellow, who gets into debt and runs off, Loth. 2. A running footman; also, a bum-bailiff. _Colvil._ From _gillie_, a page, and _wet foot_. GILL-WHEEP, GELL-WHEEP, _s._ 1. A cheat, S. B. _Shirrefs._ 2. _To get the gill-wheep_, to be jilted, S. B. Isl. _gil-ia_, amoribus circumvenire, and _hwipp_, celer cursus. GYLMIR. V. ~Gimmer~. GILPY, GILPEY, _s._ A roguish boy, a frolicsome boy or girl, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _gilp_, ostentation, arrogance. GILSE, _s._ A young salmon. V. ~Grilse~. GILT, _pret. v._ Been guilty. _K. Quair._ A. S. _gylt-an_, reum facere. GILT, _s._ Money. S. _gelt_. _Watson._ Germ. _gelt_, id. from _gelt-en_, to pay. GILTY, _adj._ Gilded. _Douglas._ GYM, _adj._ Neat, spruce, S. _Doug._ GIMMER, GYLMYR, (_g_ hard) _s._ 1. A ewe that is two years old, S. _Compl. S._ Su. G. _gimmer_, ovicula, quae semel peperit. 2. A contemptuous term for a woman, S. _Ferguson._ GYMMER, _compar._ of ~Gym~. _Evergreen_. _To_ GYMP, (_g_ soft) _v. n._ To gibe, to taunt. _Ruddiman._ Isl. _skimp-a_, Su. G. _skymf-a_, to taunt. ~Gymp~, ~Jymp~, _s._ 1. A witty jest, a taunt, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. A quirk, a subtilty. _Henrysone._ Belg. _schimp_, a jest, a cavil. GYMP, GIMP, JIMP, _adj._ 1. Slim, delicate, S. _Douglas._ 2. Short, scanty, S. Su. G. _skamt_, short, _skaemt-a_, to shorten. ~Gimply~, ~Jimply~, adv. Scarcely, S. GIN, _conj._ If, S. _Sel. Ball._ GYN, GENE, _s._ 1. Engine for war. _Barbour._ _Gynnys for crakys_, great guns. _Barbour._ 2. The bolt or lock of a door, S. _Ruddiman._ GYN, _s._ A chasm. _Douglas._ A. S. _gin_, hiatus. _To_ GYN, _v. n._ To begin. _K. Quair._ ~Gynnyng~, _s._ Beginning. _Wyntown._ GINGE-BRED, _s._ Gingerbread, S. _Pitscottie._ GINKER, _s._ A dancer. _Watson._ Germ. _schwinck-en_, celeriter movere. GYNKIE, (_g_ hard) _s._ A term of reproach applied to a woman; a giglet, Renfr. Ang. Isl. _ginn-a_, decipere. GYNOUR, _s._ Engineer. _Barbour._ GIPE, _s._ One who is greedy or avaritious. Isl. _gypa_, vorax. _Watson._ GIPSY, _s._ A woman's cap, S. ~Gipsey herring~, The pilchard, S. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ GIRD, GYRD, _s._ 1. A hoop, S.; also _girr_. _Minst. Bord._ A. S. _gyrd_, Isl. _girde_, vimen. ~Girder~, _s._ A cooper, Loth. 2. A stroke, S. _Barbour._ ~To let gird~, 1. To strike. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. To let fly. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Gird~, _v. a._ 1. To strike, with the pron. _throw_. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Gird~, _v. n._ To move with expedition and force. _Barbour._ _To_ GIRD, _v. n._ To drink hard, S. B. _Forbes._ GIRD, _s._ A trick. _Douglas._ Su. G. _goer-a_, incantare; _utgiord_, magical art. GIRDLE, _s._ A circular plate of malleable or cast iron, for toasting cakes over the fire, S. _Colvil._ Su. G. _grissel_, the shovel used for the oven; from _graedd-a_, to bake. GYRE-CARLING, (_g_ hard) _s._ 1. Hecate, or the mother-witch of the peasants, S. _Lyndsay._ _Gy-carlin_, Fife.; _Gay-carlin_, Bord. Isl. _Geira_, the name of one of the Fates, and _karlinna_, an old woman. 2. A hobgoblin. _Bannat. Journal._ 3. A scarecrow, S. B. _Journal Lond._ GYRE FALCON, _s._ A large hawk. _Houlate._ Germ. _geir_, a vulture, and _falke_, a falcon. GYRIE, (_g_ soft) _s._ A stratagem, Selkirks. V. ~Ingyre~. _To_ GIRG, JIRK, _v. n._ To make a creaking noise, S. V. ~Chirk~. _Douglas._ GIRKE, _s._ A stroke, E. _jerk_. _Z. Boyd._ Isl. _jarke_, pes feriens. _To_ GIRN, _v. n._ 1. To grin, S. _Douglas._ 2. To snarl, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To gape; applied to dress, S. ~Girn~, _s._ A grin, S. ~Gyrning~, s. Grinning. _Barbour._ GIRN, GYRNE, _s._ 1. A grin, S. _Bellenden_ 2. A snare of any kind. _Ramsay._ A. S. _girn_, Isl. _girne_, id. GIRN, _s._ A tent put into a wound, a seton, Bord. Isl. _girne_, chorda. GIRNALL, GIRNELL, GRAINEL, _s._ 1. A granary, S. _Knox._ _Girnal-ryver_, the robber of a granary. _Evergreen._ 2. A large chest for holding meal, S. Fr. _grenier_, id. To ~Girnal~, _v. a._ To store up in granaries, S. _Acts Ja. II._ GIRNIGO, GIRNIGAE, _s._ A contemptuous term for a peevish person, S. _Gl. Complaynt._ GIRNOT, _s._ The gray Gurnard; vulgarly _garnet_, Loth. _Statist. Acc._ GYRS, _s._ Grass. V. ~Gers~. GIRSILL, _s._ A salmon not fully grown. _Acts Ja. III._ GIRSLE, _s._ Gristle, S. ~Girslie~, _adj._ Gristly, S. _J. Nicol._ GIRT, _pret. v._ Made, for _gert_. _Houlate._ GIRTEN, _s._ A garter. _Burel._ GIRTH, GYRTH, GIRTHOL, _s._ 1. Protection. _Wallace._ 2. A sanctuary. _Barbour._ 3. The privilege granted to criminals during certain holidays. _Baron Court._ 4. Metaph. in the sense of privilege. _Wyntown._ _To_ GYS, _v. a._ To disguise. V. ~Gyis~. GYSAR, GYSARD, _s._ 1. A harlequin; a term applied to those who disguise themselves about the time of the new year, S. _gysart_. _Maitland Poems._ 2. One whose looks are disfigured by age, or otherwise, S. _Journal Lond._ _To_ GYSEN. V. ~Geize~. GISSARME, GISSARNE, GITHERN, _s._ A hand-ax, a bill. _Doug._ O. Fr. _gisarme_, hallebard; from Lat. _gesa_, hasta, Roquefort. GITE, _s._ A gown. Chauc. id. _Henrysone._ GYTE. _To gang gite_, to act extravagantly, S. _hite_, S. B. _Ramsay._ Isl. _gaet-ast_, laetari. GITHERN. V. ~Gissarme~. _Douglas._ GYTHORN, _s._ A guitar. _Houlate._ Fr. _giterne_, from Lat. _cithara_. GITIE, _adj._ Shining as agate. _Watson._ GIZZEN, _s._ Childbed. V. ~Jizzen-bed~. _To_ GIZZEN, _v. n._ To be dried. V. ~Geyze~. _To_ GLABBER, GLEBBER, _v. n._ To speak indistinctly, S. Gael. _glafaire_, a babbler. GLACK, _s._ 1. A defile between mountains, Perths. Ang. _Minstrelsy Bord._ 2. A ravine in a mountain. _Pop. Ball._ 3. An opening in a wood where the wind comes with force, Perths. 4. The part of a tree where a bough branches out. _Gl. Pop. Ball._ 5. That part of the hand between the thumb and fingers. Ibid. Gael. _glac_, a narrow glen, _glaic_, a defile. GLACK, _s._ 1. A handful or small portion, Ang. _Ross._ 2. As much grain as a reaper holds in his hand, Ang. 3. A snatch, a slight repast, Ang. Gael. _glaic_, a handful. _To_ GLACK _one's mitten_, to put money into one's hand, S. B. _Journal Lond._ Gael. _glac-am_, to receive. GLAD, GLAID, GLADE, GLID, _adj._ 1. Smooth, easy in motion, S. _Ruddiman._ 2. Slippery; _glid ice_, S. B. 3. Applied to one who is not to be trusted, S. B. A. S. _glid_, Belg. _glad_, Su. G. _glatt_, lubricus. GLADDERIT, _part. pa._ Besmeared. Teut. _kladder-en_, to bedaub. _Dunbar._ GLAIK, _pl._ ~Glaiks~, _s._ 1. The reflection of the rays of light, from a lucid body in motion. _Kennedy._ _To cast the glaiks on_ one, to make the reflection fall on one, S. 2. Any thing that produces reflection. _Adamson._ 3. A deception; what suddenly eludes one's grasp or sight, S. _Lyndsay._ _To play the glaiks with_ one, to gull, to cheat. _Lyndsay._ _To get the glaik_, to be gulled or cheated, S. B. _Leg. St Androis._ _To hunt the glaiks_, to pursue with perpetual disappointment. _Colvil._ 4. The act of jilting. _To gie the glaiks_, to jilt one, S. _Herd._ 5. A giddy and frivolous person. _Chr. Kirk._ 6. A bat, Loth. A. S. _glig_, ludibrium, Teut. _glick-en_, nitere. _To_ ~Glaik, Glaike~, _v. n._ To spend time idly or playfully, S. _Burel._ ~Glaikit~, ~Glakyt~, _part. adj._ 1. Light, giddy, S. _Complaynt S._ 2. Foolish, rash. _Wallace._ 3. Giddy, including the idea of coquetry, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Glaiking~, _s._ Folly. _Dunbar._ GLAYMORE, _s._ 1. A two-handed sword. _Boswell._ 2. The common broad-sword, _claymore_, S. _Boswell._ Gael _claidhamh_, a sword, _more_, great. GLAIRY-FLAIRY. _adj._ Gaudy, shewy, S. B. E. _glare_, and _flare_. ~Glairie-flairies~, _s. pl._ Gaudy trappings, Ang. GLAIZIE, _adj._ Glittering, glossy, S. _Burns._ GLAMER, GLAMOUR, _s._ The supposed influence of a charm on the eye, causing it to see objects differently from what they really are. Hence, _to cast glamer o'er_ one, to cause deception of sight, S. _Ritson._ Isl. _glam_, glaucoma in oculis gestans, fascinatis oculis. ~Glamourit~, _part. adj._ Fascinated. _Evergr._ GLAMER, _s._ Noise. _Diallog._ Isl. _glamr-a_, strepitum edere. ~Glamrous~, _adj._ Noisy. _Wallace._ GLAMMACH, _s._ 1. A snatch, an eager grasp, Ang. 2. A mouthful, Ang. _Glam, glammie_, S. A. Gael. _glaimm_, a gobbet; _glamh-am_, to catch at greedily. _To_ GLAMP, _v. n._ 1. To grasp ineffectually, S. B. _Ross._ 2. To endeavour to lay hold of any thing beyond one's reach, S. B. 3. To strain one's self to catch at any thing. Hence, ~Glamp~, _s._ A sprain, Ang. ~Glampit~, _part. pa._ Sprained. GLAR, GLAUR, _s._ 1. Mud, mire, S. _Bellenden._ 2. Any glutinous substance. _Compl. S._ Fr. _glaire_, the white of an egg. GLASCHAVE, _adj._ Perhaps, voracious. Su. G. _glupsk_, id. _Dunbar._ GLASHIE, _adj._ _Hudson._ GLASSOCK, _s._ The coal-fish, Sutherl. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ GLASTER, _v. n._ 1. To bark, to bawl, Rudd. Gl. Shirr. _glaister_. 2. To boast. _Douglas._ Fr. _glast-ir_, to bark, Su. G. _glafs-a_, id.; also to speak foolishly. ~Glasterer~, _s._ A boaster. _Calderwood._ GLATTON, _s._ A handful, Clydes. _To_ GLAUM, _v. n._ To grasp at any thing, generally denoting a feeble and ineffectual attempt, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _taga i glims_, errare in capiendo, frustrari. ~Glaum~, _s._ A grasp, especially one that is ineffectual, Ang. GLE, GLEW, _s._ 1. Game, sport. E. _glee_. _Peblis to the Play._ 2. Metaph. the fate of battle. _Barbour._ A. S. _gleo, gliw_, id. ~Gle-men~, _s. pl._ Minstrels. _Dunbar._ A. S. _gli-man_, a musician. GLEAM. _Gane gleam_, taken fire, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ GLED, _s._ The kite, S. _To_ GLEEK, _v. n._ To gibe. _Sir J. Sinclair._ GLEG, _adj._ 1. Quick of perception, by means of any one of the senses, S., as _gleg of the ee_, S. _Fordun._ 2. Keen; applied to edged tools, S. _J. Nicol._ 3. Clever, expeditious, S. _Burns._ 4. Attentive, S. _Ramsay._ 5. Smooth, slippery; as _gleg ice_, S. 6. Quick of apprehension, S. _Ferguson._ 7. Conjoined with the idea of avarice. _Ramsay._ Isl. _gloegg-r_, acer visu; acutus; attentus; consideratus; parcus; from Su. G. _glo_, attentis oculis videre. ~Glegly~, _adv._ 1. Expeditiously, S. 2. Attentively, S. _Ross._ GLEG, _s._ A gad-fly. V. ~Cleg~. _To_ GLEY, GLYE, _v. n._ 1. To squint, S. 2. Metaph. to overlook. _Kelly._ ~Gley~, _s._ A squint look, S. ~Gley'd~, ~Gleid~, ~Glyd~, _part. pa._ 1. Squint-eyed, S. _Wallace._ Isl. _gloe_, _gloedt_, lippe prospecto, or _gleid-a_, distendere, _gleid_, distentus. 2. Oblique, used generally, S. _To_ ~Gledge~, _v. n._ To look asquint suddenly, Fife. GLEID, GLEDE, _s._ 1. A burning coal, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _gled_, Su. G. _gloed_, pruna. 2. A strong or bright fire, S. _Wallace._ 3. Fire, in general. _Douglas._ 4. A temporary blaze. _Lord Hailes._ 5. A small fire. _Henrysone._ 6. A mass of burning metal. _Douglas._ 7. A hot ember, S. 8. A spark of fire. _Gl. Sibb._ GLEYD, GLYDE, _s._ An old horse, S. B. _Bannatyne Poems._ Isl. _glad-r_, equus gradarius. GLEIS, _s._ Splendour. _Evergreen._ Isl. _glis_, nitor. _To_ GLEIT, GLETE, _v. n._ 1. To glitter. _Douglas._ 2. Denoting the polish given to language. Isl. _glitt-a_, fulgere. _Pal. Hon._ GLE-MEN, _s. pl._ Minstrel. V. ~Gle~. GLENDER-GANE, _adj._ In a declining state of health, in bad circumstances, or engaged in immoral habits; _glender-gear_, id. S. From _glanders_, a disease of horses. GLENGORE, GLENGOUR, GRANDGORE, _s._ Lues venerea. _Dunbar._ Fr. _gorre_, id. also _grande gorre_, Roquefort; or q. _glandgore_. _To_ GLENT, GLINT, _v. n._ 1. To glance, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To pass suddenly, S. _Minst. Bord._ 3. To peep out, S. _Burns._ 4. To squint, S. B. _Cleland._ ~Glent~, ~Glint~, _s._ A glance, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A transient view, S. 3. A moment; _In a glent_, immediately, S. Teut. _glants_, splendor. _Ross._ _To_ GLEUIN, _v. n._ To glow. V. ~Gliffin~. _Douglas._ _To_ GLEW, _v. a._ To make merry. A. S. _gleow-ian_, jocari. _King Hart._ ~Glew~, _s._ Sport. V. ~Gle.~ GLIB-GABBET, _adj._ Having a glib tongue, S. _Burns._ GLID, _adj._ Slippery. V. ~Glad~. _To_ GLIFF, GLOFF, GLUFF, _v. n._ To be seized with sudden fear, S. _Journal Lond._ _To_ ~Gliff~, _v. a._ To affright, to alarm, S. A. _It glift him_, Loth. _Gluft_, id. Caithn. ~Gliff~, ~Gloff~, ~Gluff~, _s._ 1. A sudden fear, Loth. _Ramsay._ 2. The shock felt in plunging into water, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Glow, uneasy sensation of heat, Ang. GLIFF, _s._ 1. A transient view, S. 2. A moment, S. _Mannering._ _To_ GLIFFIN, _v. n._ To open the eyes at intervals, in awaking from a disturbed sleep. V. ~Gleuin~. _Barbour._ GLIM, _s._ An effectual attempt to lay hold of an object, Aberd. _Shirrefs._ ~Glim~, _adj._ Blind, Aberd. ~Glim-glam~, _s._ Blind man's buff. _Ibid._ Isl. _glam_, visu hebes. _To_ GLIMMER, _v. n._ To blink, to wink, S. GLIMMER, _s._ Mica of mineralogists, Loth. GLISK, _s._ A transient view, S. _J. Nicol._ Isl. _glis_, nitor. GLISNYT, GLISINT, _pret._ Blinked, like one newly awakened. _Douglas._ A. S. _glisn-ian_, coruscare. _To_ GLISS, _v. n._ To cast a glance with the eyes. _Sir Gawan._ Germ. _gleiss-en_, fulgere. GLISTER, _s._ Lustre. _Knox._ Su. G. _glistra_, scintilla. GLIT, _s._ 1. Tough phlegm, S. 2. Ooze in the bed of a river, S. Isl. _glat_, _glaet-a_, humor. GLOAMIN, GLOMING, _s._ Twilight, S. A. S. _glomung_, id. _A. Hume._ ~Gloamin-shot~, _s._ A twilight interview, S. _Burns._ ~Gloamin-star~, _s._ The evening-star, Loth. _To_ GLOCK, _v. a._ To gulp, including the idea of the sound, Ang.; _wacht_ synon. Teut. _klock-en_, sonitum reddere, qualem angusti oris vasculum solet. ~Glock~, _s._ A gulp, Ang. GLOFF, _s._ A sudden fright, S. V. ~Gliff~. GLOG, _adj._ Slow; _glog-rinnin water_, a river that runs slowly, Perths. Gael. _glog_, a soft lump, _gliogar_, slowness. GLOY, _s._ 1. The withered blades stripped off from straw, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. Oaten straw, Orkn. Fr. _gluy_, Holl. _gluye_, stramen arundinaceum. _To_ ~Gloy~, _v. a._ To give grain a rough thrashing, Loth. GLOIS, _s._ A blaze. V. ~Glose~. _To_ GLOIT, _v. n._ 1. To work in something liquid, miry, or viscous, Ang. 2. To do any thing in a dirty and awkward manner, Ang. Sw. _gloet-a_, to grope for fish. ~Gloitry~. V. ~Gludderie~. GLONDERS, _s. pl. In the glonders_, in a state of ill-humour, Loth. _Knox._ Isl. _glundr-a_, confundere, turbare. _To_ GLOPPE, GLOPPEN, _v. n._ To let the countenance fall, as when one is about to cry or weep. _Sir Gawan._ Isl. _glupn-a_, vultum demittere; contristari, ad lacrymas bibulas effundendum moveri. GLORE, _s._ Glory. Fr. _gloire_. _Doug._ _To_ ~Glore~, _v. n._ To glory. _Doug._ _To_ GLORG, _v. n._ To work in some dirty business, Ang. ~Glorg~, _s._ A nasty compound of any kind, Ang. ~Glorgie~, _adj._ _Glorgit_, _part. pa._ Bedaubed, from being engaged in dirty work, or travelling in a miry road, Ang. GLOSE, GLOIS, _s._ 1. A blaze, S. 2. The act of warming one's self at a quick fire, S. _Philotus._ Germ. _glauz_, Isl. _glosse_, flamma. _To_ ~Glose~, ~Gloze~, _v. n._ To blaze, S. GLOSS, _s._ Perh. the same with ~Glush~. _Wallace._ GLOTTEN, _s._ A thaw, S. A. _To_ GLOUM, GLOOM, _v. n._ To frown, S. Germ. _glum_, turbidus. _Knox._ ~Gloum~, ~Glowme~, ~Gloom~, _s._ A frown. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ GLOUR, GLOWR, _v. n._ To stare, S. Belg. _glurr-en_, to peer. _Dunbar._ ~Glour~, _s._ A broad stare, S. _Pennecuik._ _To_ GLOUT, _v. n._ To pout. _Sir J. Sinclair._ Isl. _glott-a_, indignanter subridere; _glett-a_, irritare. GLU, _s._ A glove, S. B. _Wyntown._ Goth. _gloa_, id. _To_ GLUDDER, (pron. _gluther_) _v. n._ 1. To do any dirty work, or any work in a dirty manner, S. B. V. ~Gloit~. 2. To carry on in a facetious, but low and cajoling style. _Dunbar._ Isl. _glutr-a_, prodigere; _glutrun_, vita dissoluta. ~Gluddery~, ~Gloittry~, _adj._ Denoting work which is not only wet, but unctuous to the touch, S. B. _To_ GLUFF, _v. n._ V. ~Gliff~. GLUGGERY, _adj._ Flaccid; applied to young and soft animal food, Ang. _To_ GLUNSH, _v. n._ To pout, S.; _glumsh_, Fife. Isl. _glenska_, jocus mordax. _Burns._ ~Glunsh~, _s._ A sour look, S. _Burns._ ~Glunschoch~, _s._ One who has a morose look. _Dunbar._ _To_ GLUNT, _v. n._ To emit sparks, Ang. V. ~Glent~. GLUPE, _s._ A great chasm, Caithn. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _gliuf-r_, hiatus, per quem precipitantur flumina. GLUSH, _s._ Any thing in the state of a pulp; snow, when beginning to melt, S. GLUTTRÉ, _s._ Gluttony. _Wallace._ _To_ GNAP, _v. n._ To chirp. _Pal. Hon._ Teut. _knapp-en_, crepitare. _To_ GNAP, _v. a._ To eat, S. B. V. ~Gnyp~. ~Gnap~, _s._ A bite, S. B. _Ross._ GNAPING, _part. pr._ Expressive of eagerness. _Ross._ Isl. _gnap-a_, intentus intueri. _To_ GNAP, _v.n._ 1. To attempt, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ 2. To bite at. _Mellvill's MS._ GNARR, _s._ A hard knot in wood, S. Teut. _knorre_, id. _To_ GNAT, _v. a._ 1. To gnaw, Ang. 2. To grind the teeth, Ang. Isl. _gnat-a_, collidi. ~Gnat~, _s._ A bite, a snap, Ang. GNIB, _adj._ 1. Clever in motion or action, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Light-fingered, S. B. Su. G. _knappe_, citus; _knapphaendig_, qui manu promptus est; Dan. _knibe_, arete tenere. _To_ GNIDGE, _v. a._ 1. To press, to squeeze, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Isl. _knos-a_, to thrust; Teut. _knudsen_, to beat. 2. _To knidge aff_, to rub off, S. B. _Ross._ GNEIGIE, _adj._ Sharp-witted, Moray. V. ~Knacky~. _Pop. Ball._ _To_ GNYP, GNIP, GNAP, _v. a._ 1. To crop, to gnaw. _Douglas._ Germ. _kneipp-en_; Isl. _knyp-a_, vellere. 2. To eat, S. B. GNIPPER ~for~ GNOPPER, an alliterative phrase used to express the sound made by a mill in grinding. _Pop. Ball._ Su. G. _knaepp-a_, to knap. GOADLOUP, _s._ The gantelope, a military punishment. _Wodrow._ Sw. _gatulopp_, id. GOAN, _s._ A wooden dish for meat, Loth. _Ramsay._ Isl. _gogn_, utensilia familiaria. GOARE, _s._ A hurt, a wound. C. B. _gor_ pus. _Bp. Forbes._ GOAT, _s._ A narrow cavern or inlet, into which the sea enters, Ang. Isl. _gioota_, caverna terrae; _gat_, foramen. GOAT-CHAFFER, _s._ Cerambyx aedilis. _Sibbald._ _To_ GOAVE, _v. n._ V. ~Goif~. GOB, _s._ The mouth. Ir. _gob_. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. The stomach, S. _gebbie_. _Maitland P._ GOBICH, _s._ The _goby_, a fish. _Stat. Acc._ GOCKMIN, GOKMAN, _s._ A centinel. Gael. _gochdman_, a watchman. _Martin._ GODBAIRNE, _s._ Godchild. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _godbearn_, puer lustricus. _To_ GOGGE, _v. a._ To blindfold. _Z. Boyd._ ~Goggles~, _s. pl._ Blinds for horses, S. GOE, GEU, _s._ A creek. V. ~Geo~. _Neill._ _To_ GOIF, GOUE, GOVE, GOAVE, GOUP, _v._ 1. To stare, to gaze, to look with a roving eye, S. _Gawve_, A. Bor. _Douglas._ 2. To investigate. _Douglas._ 3. To look stedfastly, holding up the face, S. B. _Burns._ 4. To throw up the head, tossing it from side to side, S. Germ. _gaff-en_, adspectare, Sw. _gap-a_, avide intueri, Isl. _gap-a_, circumspicere. GOLACH, _s._ 1. The generic name for a beetle, Ang. 2. The earwig, Loth. Gael. _forchar-gollach_, id. GO-LAIGH, GO-LAIGHIE, _s._ A low short-legged hen; also a woman of a similar shape, S. B. From the v. _go_, and _laigh_, low. GOLDING, _s._ A species of wild fowl. _Acts Ja. VI._ GOLDSPINK, _s._ The Goldfinch, S. _goudspink_. _Lyndsay._ GOLF, GOFF, GOUF, _s._ 1. A game in Scotland, in which hooked clubs are used for striking balls, stuffed very hard with feathers, from one hole to another. He who drives his ball into the hole with fewest strokes, is the winner. _Acts Ja. II._ Belg. _kolf_, a club for striking bowls or balls. 2. _Gouf_, a stroke, S. _A. Nicol._ GOLINGER, _s._ A contemptuous term, Dumfr. V. ~Gileynour~. Isl. _goelengar_, illecebrae. GOLINYIE, _s._ Apparently, a subterfuge. V. preceding word. _Colvil._ GOLK, _s._ Cuckow. V. ~Gouck~. GOLKGALITER, s. Some kind of disease. _Roull._ Germ. _koken_, evomere, and A. S. _gealla_, bile. GOME, GUYM, _s._ A man; sometimes, a brave man. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _guma_, vir, A. S. _goma_, vir nubilis. ~Gome-graithe~, _s._ Furniture for war. _Sir Gawan._ GOMRELL, GAMPHRELL, _s._ A stupid fellow, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _goimpre_, one who minds nothing but his belly; Isl. _gambr-a_, blaterare, jactare. _To_ GOO, _v. n._ To coo; a term used with respect to infants, S. C. B. _cuaw_, to be loving. _To_ GOOD, GUDIN, _v. a._ To manure. V. ~Gude~. GOODMAN, _s._ 1. A proprietor of land, S. V. ~Gude~, _adj._ sense 3. _Melville._ 2. The owner of a single farm which he himself occupies. _Bp. Galloway._ 3. A farmer, S. _Burns._ 4. A husband. V. ~Gudeman~. 5. The master of a family, S. _Dunbar._ 6. Equivalent to _man_. _King Hart._ 7. A jailor. _Wodrow._ 8. By inversion, this designation has been given to the devil. _Arnot._ GOOG, _s._ 1. An unfledged bird, Ang. 2. Very young meat, that has no firmness, Ang. A. S. _geoguth_, youth. GOOL, GULE, _adj._ Yellow. _Dunbar._ A. S. _geolu_, _guul_, Su. G. _gul_, id. _To_ GOOSE, _v. a._ To iron linen cloths, S. from a tailor's _goose_. GOOSE-CORN, _s._ Field Brome-grass, S. Sw. _gaas-hafre_, i. e. goose-oats. GORBACK, _s._ A sort of rampart, Orkn. Isl. _gior-a_, facere, and _balk-r_, strues. GORBET, _s._ 1. A young bird, S. B. _Lyndsay._ 2. Metaph., a child, Ang. V. ~Garb~. GORBY, _s._ A raven, S. _corby_. _Douglas._ Norw. _gorp_, Isl. _gorbor_, id. _To_ GORBLE UP, _v. a._ To swallow with eagerness, Loth. _Ramsay._ ~Gorbling~, ~Gorling~, _s._ An unfledged bird, S., _gorbel_, Moray. _Ramsay._ 2. A very young person, Loth. id. GOR-COCK, _s._ The red cock, or moor-cock. _Burns._ GORDON, _s._ A wild fowl. V. ~Golding~. GORDS, _s. pl._ Lands now waste, that had formerly been cultivated, Orkn. Su. G. _gord_, sepimentum, area clausa. GORE, _s._ Hardened rheum from the eyes, S. V. ~Gaar~. GORE, _s._ A strip of cloth. V. ~Gair~. GORFY, _adj._ Having a coarse appearance, Ang. _To_ GORGE, _v. n._ Expressing the sound made in walking, when the shoes are filled with water, Fife. V. ~Chirk~. GORGÉ. Not understood. _Dunbar._ GORGOULL, _s._ Perhaps, harpy. _Burel._ _To_ GORL, _v. a._ To surround the roof of a stack with straw-ropes, Loth. Su. G. _giord-a_, cingere. GORMAND, _s._ A glutton. Fr. _Lyndsay._ ~Gormand~, _adj._ Gluttonous, id. GORMAW, S. GOULMAW, _s._ 1. The corvorant. _Complaynt S._ 2. A glutton, Lanerks. Teut. _gorre_, valde avarus, _maeghe_, stomachus; Sw. _gorma_, to gobble up. GOSK, _s._ Grass growing through dung, Ang. ~Gosky~, _adj._ 1. Rank, luxuriant, Ang. 2. Large in size, but feeble, ibid. Isl. _groska_, gramen vernans. GOSS, _s._ 1. A silly good-natured man, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A mean, griping person, Loth. Isl. _gose_, servulus. Fr. _gossée_, one who is made a laughing- stock. GOSSE, _s._ Abbrev. of _gossip_. _Philotus._ GOSSEP, GOSSOP, _s._ Gossip. _Wallace._ A. S. _godsib_, Su. G. _gudsif_. lustricus; from _God_ and _sib_, one related by a religious tie. ~Gossiprie~, _s._ Intimacy. _Mellvill's_ MS. GO-SUMMER, _s._ The latter end of summer, S. _Spalding._ GOT, GOTE, _s._ A drain, S. Belg. _gote_, _geute_, id. Su. G. _giut-a_, fluere. GOUD, _s._ Gold, S. Teut. _Ramsay._ GOUDSPINK, _s._ V. ~Goldspink~. GOUDIE, _s._ A blow, Ang. Isl. _gud_, pugna. _To_ GOVE. V. ~Goif~. ~Govellin~, _part. adj._ Hanging loosely and ungracefully, Ang. 2. Indicative of the appearance of the eyes, when one is intoxicated, Ang. From _Goif_, q. v. GOUERNAILL, s. Government, Fr. _Wallace._ GOVIRNANCE, _s._ Deportment. _Dunbar._ _To_ GOUK, _v. n._ 1. To gaze about in a vacant or foolish manner, Ang. 2. To expect foolishly. _Douglas._ Germ. _guck-en_, spectare, prospectare. GOUK, _s._ The Cuckow. V. ~Gowk~. GOUK, _s._ A fool. V. ~Gowk~. _To_ GOUL, _v. n._ 1. To howl, S. _Doug._ 2. To scold, Lanerks. Isl. _goel-a_, _gaul-a_, horrendum triste et inconditum vociferare; _gaul_, talis clamor. ~Goul~, _s._ 1. A yell, S. 2. A cry of indignation, S. ~Gouling~, _s._ The act of yelling. _Douglas._ GOULE, _s._ The throat. _Douglas._ Fr. _gueule_, id. GOULL-BANE, _s._ That bone which is the top of the _femur_, S. B. GOULMAU. V. ~Gormaw~. _To_ GOUP, _v. n._ To stare. V. ~Goif~. GOUPIN, GOWPIN, GOUPING, _s._ 1. The hollow of the hand, contracted in a semicircular form to receive any thing, S. B. _Goupins_, both hands held together in form of a round vessel, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A handful, S.; also _goupenfow_. _Bellenden._ Isl. _gaupn_, Su. G. _goepn_, manus concava. GOUPHERD, _part. pa._ Puffed. _Watson._ Fr. _gauffr-er_, to adorn a garment with puffs. GOURDED, _part. adj._ Gorged; applied to water when pent up, S. B. V. ~Gurd~. GOURIE, _s._ Garbage of salmon, Aberd. Isl. _gor_, _gorr_, sanies. _Spalding._ GOURL. V. ~Gurl~. GOUSTY, _adj._ 1. Desolate, dreary, S. _Douglas._ 2. Ghostly, preternatural. _Pop. Ball._ O. Fr. _gast_, wasteness, _guast-er_, to desolate. GOUSTROUS, _adj._ 1. Dark, wet, stormy, Dumfr. Isl. _giostr_, ventus frigidus. 2. Frightful, ibid. GOUTHERFOW, _adj._ Having the appearance of astonishment; staring wildly, Ang. Isl. _galldr_, incantatio, q. _galldur-full_, under the power of incantation. GOW, _s._ A halo; a cloudy, colourless circle surrounding the disk of the sun or moon, Ang.; _brugh_, synon. Isl. _gyll_, parelion. GOW, _s. To tak the gow_, to run off without paying one's debts, Ang. O. Teut. _gouw_, a country. GOWAN. _s._ 1. The generic name for daisy, S. _Brand._ 2. Singly, it denotes the mountain daisy, S. Gael. _gugan_, a daisy. _Burns._ ~Ewe-gowan~, _s._ The common daisy, S. B. probably from the _ewe_, as being frequent in pastures, and fed on by sheep. ~Horse-gowan~, _s._ The Leontodon, the Hypochaeris, and the Crepis, S. ~Yellow-gowan~, In S., denoting different species of the Ranunculus, the Marsh marigold, and Corn marigold. _Ramsay._ ~Gowany~, _adj._ Abounding with daisies, S. _Ramsay._ GOWAND, _s._ Apparently, equivalent to _young man_. _Henrysone._ A. S. _gowen_, tyrocinium; q. in a state of apprenticeship. GOWDIE. _Heels o'er gowdie_, topsy-turvy, S. _Burns._ GOWDY, _s._ A jewel. _Evergreen._ Chaucer, _Gaudee_. Fr. _To_ GOWFF, _v. a._ To strike, S. _Ritson._ GOWINIS, _s. pl._ Gowns. _Henrysone._ GOWK, GOUK, _s._ A fool, S. _Ramsay._ Franc. _gouch_, stolidus, Germ. _gauch_. ~Gowkit~, ~Gauckit~, ~Guckit~, _part. adj._ 1. Foolish, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. Light; applied to young women. _Peblis Play._ ~Gowkitlie~, _adv._ Foolishly. _Maitland P._ GOWK, GOLK, _s._ The cuckoo, S. _gouckoo_, S. B. _gock_, Stirlings. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _goek_, Isl. _gouk-r_, id. ~Gowk's errand~, A fool's errand, S. _To hunt the gowk_, to go on a fool's errand. _Ramsay._ ~Gowk's-hose~, _s._ Canterbury bells, S. ~Gowk's-meat~, _s._ Wood sorrel, S. _Lightfoot._ ~Gowk's-spittle~, The frothy matter frequently seen on the leaves of plants, S. GOWL, _s._ A hollow between hills, Perths. _Muses Threnodie._ Isl. _gaul_, any chasm or aperture. GOWLIS, _s. pl._ Gules, in Heraldry. _Dunbar._ GOWP, _s._ A mouthful; E. _gulp_. _Philot._ GRABBLES, _s. pl._ A disease of cows, in which all their limbs become crazy, Ang. GRACE DRINK, The drink taken by a company, after the giving of thanks at the end of a meal, S. _Encyc. Brit._ _To_ GRADDAN, _v. a._ To prepare grain by scorching the ears, S. _Boswell._ Su. G. _graedd-u_, igne torrere, Gael. _graed-am_, id. ~Graddan~, _s._ 1. Grain burnt out of the ear, S. 2. That kind of snuff which is commonly called _bran_, as consisting of large grains, S. Gael. _greadan_, snuff. GRAF, GRAWE, _s._ A grave, Loth. _graff_. _Stat. Will._ A. S. _graef_, Alem. _graua_, id. GRAGGIT, _part. pa._ Excommunicated. _Lyndsay._ GRAY, _adj._ Denoting what is bad or fatal, S. _Kelly._ GRAY FISH, _s._ The coal fish. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ GRAIF, GRAWE, _v. a._ To bury. _Barbour._ A. S. _graf-an_, Su. G. _be-grafw-a_, id. _To_ GRAYF, _v. a._ To engrave. _Douglas._ GRAYLORD, _s._ The Coal fish full grown. _Martin._ _To_ GRAINE, GRANE, _v. n._ 1. To groan, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _gran-ian_, Belg. _gran-en_, id. ~Graine~, ~Grane~, _s._ A groan, S. _Chr. Kirk._ GRAIN, GRANE, _s._ 1. The branch of a tree, S. B. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. The stem of a plant. _Douglas._ 3. A branch of a river, S. _Douglas._ 4. In pl., the prongs of a fork, S. Su. G. _gren-a_, Isl. _grein-a_, dividere; _grein_, distinctio. GRAINTER, _s._ One who has the charge of granaries. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _grenetier_, id. _To_ GRAIP, _v. a._ 1. To grope, S. A. S. _grap-an_, id. 2. To feel; in general. _Lyndsay._ GRAIP, GRIP, _s._ The griffin. _Burel._ Goth. _greip_, a ravenous bird. GRAIP, _s._ A dung fork, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _grepe_, id. _To_ GRAITH, GRATHE, _v. a._ 1. To make ready, S. _Douglas._ 2. To put on military accoutrements. _Wallace._ 3. To dress food. _Chalm. Air._ A. S. _geraed-ian_, parare; Isl. _greid-a_, expedire. ~Graith~, _adj._ 1. Ready. _Barbour._ 2. Not embarrassed. _Wallace._ 3. Straight, direct. _Wallace._ 4. Earnest; as to observation. _Wallace._ ~Graith~, _s._ 1. Apparatus of whatever kind, S. _gear_, synon. _Douglas._ _House-graith_, Furniture of a house, S. _Maister-graith_, The beam by which horses are joined to a plough or harrow, Ang. _Riding-graith_, Furniture necessary for riding, S. _Burns._ 2. Accoutrements for war. _Lyndsay._ 3. Substance, riches. _Philotus._ 4. Wearing apparel. _Chalm. Air._ 5. Any composition used by tradesmen in preparing their work. _Chalm. Air._ 6. Suds for washing clothes, S. _Ramsay._ 7. Stale urine, Ang. 8. Materials of a literary composition. A. S. _ge-raede_, apparatus. _Douglas._ ~Graithly~, _adv._ 1. Readily. _Barbour._ 2. Eagerly. _Douglas._ GRAM, _s._ 1. Wrath. _Palice Honour._ A. S. Su. G. _gram_, id. 2. Sorrow. A. S. id. molestia. _Doug._ ~Gram~, _adj._ Warlike. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _gram_, A. S. _grame_, iratus. GRAMARYE, _s._ Magic. _Lay Last Minstrel._ Fr. _grammaire_, grammar. GRAMASHES, _s._ 1. Gaiters reaching to the knees. 2. A kind of stockings worn instead of boots, S. Fr. _gamaches_, id. _Colvil._ GRAMMAW, _s._ A voracious eater, S. V. ~Gormaw~. GRANATE, GRANIT, _adj._ Ingrained. ed. _Palice Honour._ GRANDGORE, _s._ V. ~Glengore~. GRANDSHER, _s._ Great-grandfather. _Quon. Att._ GRANGE, _s._ 1. The buildings pertaining to a corn farm. _Douglas._ 2. The place where the rents and tithes of religious houses, paid in grain, were delivered and deposited. _Nimmo._ Fr. _grange_, id. GRANIT, _part. adj._ Forked. V. ~Grain~. _Douglas._ GRANK, _s._ The groaning of a wounded hart. Belg. _geronk_, a snoring. GRANZEBENE, _s._ The Grampian mountains in S. _Bellenden._ _To_ GRAP, GRAPE, _v. a._ 1. To grope, S. A. S. _grap-ian_, id. _Burns._ 2. Metaph. to examine. _Douglas._ GRAPPLING, A mode of catching salmon, S. _Statist. Acc._ GRAPUS, _s._ The devil, or a hobgoblin, Ang. GRASCHOWE-HEIDET, _adj._ Fr. _graisseux_, greasy? _Dunbar._ _To_ GRATHE, _v. a._ To make ready. V. ~Graithe~. GRATHING, L. _gruching_. _Wallace._ GRATINIS, L. _gratius_, gracious. _Houl._ GRATNIZIED, _part. pa._ Quilled. Fr. _gratigné_, scratched. _Watson._ _To_ GRASSIL, GRISSEL, GIRSSIL, _v. n._ To rustle. _Douglas._ Fr. _gresill-er_, to crackle. GRAVIN, GRAWYN, Interred. V. ~Graif~, _v._ 1. GRAUIS, _s. pl._ Groves. _Douglas._ A. S. _graf_, lucus. GRAUNT. _adj._ Great. _Barbour._ GRE, GREE, _s._ 1. A step. _Pal. Hon._ 2. Degree, quality. _Douglas._ 3. The superiority. _Houlate._ _To wyn the gree_, to be victor, S. 4. The prize. _To bear the gre_, to carry off the prize, S. _Douglas._ 5. Vogue, celebrity. _Gl. Shirr._ 6. Humour. _Winyet._ 7. Degree in measurement. _Bellenden._ 8. Degree of affinity. _Wyntown._ GRECHES, _v._ Perhaps, frets. _Sir Gawan._ GREDUR, _s._ Greediness. _Burel._ _To_ GREE, _v. n._ To agree, S. _Ross._ Fr. _gre-er_, id. _To_ ~Gree~, _v. a._ To reconcile those at variance, S. GREE, _s._ 1. Tinge, dye. _Ross._ 2. The _ichor_ which oozes from a sore in a brute animal, Ang. GREEK, (of stones) _s._ The grain, S. Su. G. _gryt_, id. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ GREEN, _v. n._ To long. V. ~Grene~. GREENBONE, _s._ 1. Viviparous Blenny, Orkn. _Barry._ 2. The Sea-needle. _Sibb._ GREEN BREESE, A stinking pool, Banffs. GREEN LINTWHITE, Greenfinch, S. GREEN SLOKE, Oyster green, S. GREGIOUN, _s._ A Greek. _Douglas._ GREY, _s._ A badger. _King's Quair._ GREY, _s._ A greyhound. V. ~Grewe~. GREYD, _part. pa._ Graduated. _Wyntown._ GREIF, _s._ 1. A fault. _Douglas._ 2. Indignation for offences. _Id._ GREIF, GRIEVE, _s._ 1. A monitor. _Henrysone._ 2. The manager of a farm, or overseer of any work, S. _Kelly._ O. Teut. _graef_, praefectus, A. S. _ge-refa_, praeses. _To_ GREIN, _v. n._ To long. V. ~Grene~. GREIS, _s. pl._ Greaves. _Wallace._ Fr. _greves_, id. _To_ GREIT, GRETE, GREET, _v. n._ To weep, to cry, S. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _gret-an_, Su. G. _graet-a_, flere. ~Greit~, ~Grete~, ~Greting~, _s._ The act of weeping, S. _Douglas._ GREKING, GRYKING, _s._ Peep of day, S. V. ~Creek~. _Douglas._ GRENDES. _s. pl._ Grandees. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ GRENE, GREIN, _v. n._ 1. To long for, S. _Evergreen._ 2. To long, as a woman with child, S. A. S. _georn-an_, desiderare. _Ruddiman._ ~Grening~, ~Greening~, _s._ 1. Longing, S. _Forbes._ 2. The object of this longing. _Montgom._ GRENE-SERENE, _s._ The Greenfinch. _Complaynt S._ GRESSOUME. V. ~Gersome~. GRETE, _s._ Gravel in rivers. _Douglas._ A. S. _greot_, Su. G. _gryt_, Isl. _griot_, id. GRETE, _s._ A stair. Teut. _graet_. _Wallace._ GRETUMLY, GRYTUMLY, _adv._ Greatly. _Barbour._ GREUE, _s._ A grove. _Sir Gawan._ GREW, _s._ A greyhound, _gru_, S. _Bellenden._ GREWE, _s._ 1. Greece. _Henrysone._ 2. The Greek language. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _griu_, id. GREWING, _s._ Grievance. _Barbour._ GRIECE, _s._ _Gray griece_, a fur worn by the Lords of Parliament. _Acts Ja. II._ Germ. _greis_, grey. GRIES, _s._ Gravel. _Palice Honour._ Germ. _gries_, id. GRIESHOCH, _s._ Hot embers, Ayrs. Gael. _griosach_. _Minstrelsy Border._ GRIEVE, _s._ An overseer. V. ~Greif~. _To_ ~Grieve~, _v. a._ To oversee, S. _Pal. Hon._ _To_ GRYIS, GRISE, _v. a._ To affright. A. S. _agris-an_, horrere. _To_ ~Grise~, _v. n._ To shudder. _Douglas._ GRYKING, _s._ Peep of day. V. ~Greking~. _To_ GRILLE, _v. a._ To pierce. _Sir Gawan._ GRYLLE, _adj._ Horrible. _Sir Gawan._ GRYLLES, _s. pl._ _Sir Gawan._ GRILSE, GILSE, _s._ A salmon not fully grown, by some viewed as a distinct species, S. _Stat. Rob. I._ Sw. _graelax_, id. q. a grey salmon. GRYMING, _s._ A sprinkling, a thin covering, S. A. _Minst. Bord._ Isl. _gryma_, nox a pruina. GRYNTARIS, _s. pl._ V. ~Grainter~. _Lyndsay._ GRYPPIT, _pret._ Searched. _Douglas._ ~Grip~, _s._ Possession. _Gawan and Gol._ ~Grippy~, _adj._ Disposed to defraud, S. A. S. _grife_, avarus. ~Grippill~, _adj._ Tenacious. _Douglas._ GRIS, GRYS, GRYCE, _s._ A pig, S. _griskin_, Ang. Su. G. _grys_, id. _Doug._ _To_ GRISE, GRYSE. V. ~Gryis~. _To_ GRISSILL, _v. a._ To gnash. _Doug._ GRIST, _s._ Thickness, S. _Stat. Acc._ GRIST, _s._ Fee paid at a mill for grinding, S. _Ruddiman._ A. S. _ge-ris-an_, contundere. GRIT, GRYT, _adj._ 1. Great, S. S. B. _grite_. _Ross._ 2. Large, big, S. _Burel._ 3. Thick, gross, S. _Dunbar._ 4. In a state of intimacy, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _grith_, Isl. _grid_, pax. 5. Swelled with rain, S. _Spalding._ 6. The heart is said to be _grit_, when one is ready to cry, S. _Minst. Bord._ _Grit-hearted_, _adj._ used in the same sense, S. GRIT, _s._ The grain of stones, S. _St. Acc._ C. B. id. lapis arenosus. GRYTH, _s._ Quarter in battle. _Wallace._ GROATS, _s. pl._ Oats with the husks taken off, S. A. S. _grut_, far. _Kelly._ GROFF, _adj._ 1. Having harsh features, S. 2. Unpolished, S. _Watson._ Teut. _grof_, rudis. 3. Obscene, smutty, S. GROME, GROYME, GRUME, _s._ 1. A man. _K. Hart._ 2. Paramour, lover. V. ~Gome~. _Evergr._ GROOSIE, _adj._ As regarding the face; having a coarse skin, with a greasy appearance, S. Belg. _gruyzig_, nasty. GROSE, _s._ Style of writing. _Doug._ Fr. _grosse_, engrossment of a deed. _To_ GROSE, _v. a._ 1. To rub off the wiry edge of a tool, Loth. 2. To rub off part of one's skin, ibid. Dan. _groett-er_, to bruise. GROSET, GROSER, GROSERT, _s._ A gooseberry, S. _Burns._ Gael. _grosaid_, Su. G. _krusbaer_, id. GROSSE. _In grosse_, At random. _Muses Thren._ _To_ GROUE, GROWE, _v. n._ 1. To shudder, to shiver, S. _groose_, Loth. 2. To be filled with terror. _Barbour._ 3. To shrink back. _Houlate._ 4. To feel horror, S. _Barbour._ Teut. _grouw-en_, Dan. _gru-er_, horrere. ~Grousum~, _adj._ 1. Frightful, S. 2. Very uncomely, S. _Burns._ Germ. _grausam_, dreadful, ghastly. GROUF, GRUF, _s._ The disturbed sleep which one has during sickness, S. _To_ GROUK, _v. n._ To overlook with a watchful and apparently suspicious eye, Ang. Teut. _ghe_ and _roeck-en_, curare. _To_ GROUNCH, GRUNTSCH, _v. n._ 1. To grunt. _Ruddiman._ 2. To grumble, S. B. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _gronch-er_, id. GROUNDIE-SWALLOW, _s._ Groundsel, S. GROUNDS, _s. pl._ Refuse of flax, Loth. GROZLIN, _part. adj._ Breathing with difficulty through the nose, Fife. GRU, _s._ The crane. Fr. _grue_. _Burel._ GRU, _s._ 1. A particle, an atom, S. 2. Applied to the mind. _He has na a gru of sense_, S. Gr. γρυ, quicquid minutum est. _To_ GRUB, _v. a._ To plant, or to prune. Moes. G. _grab-an_, fodere, pret. _grob_. _To_ GRUCH, _v. n._ To grudge. _Wyntown._ ~Gruching~, ~Growch~ _s._ Repining. _Wallace._ GRUFE, GROUFE. _On groufe_, flat, with the face towards the earth. _To be on one's grufe_, to be in this manner, S. _Henrysone_. Isl. _gruf-a_, cernuare; _a grufwa_, cernué; _liggia a grufu_, in faciem et pectus cubare. ~Grufelyngis~, ~Grulingis~, _adv._ In a grovelling attitude. _Douglas._ _To_ GRUGGLE, _v. a._ To put any thing out of order by much handling, S. V. ~Misgrugle~. GRUGOUS, _adj._ Grim. V. ~Gruous~. GRUME, _s._ A man. V. ~Grome~. GRUMMEL, _s._ Mud, dregs, Ang. _Godscroft._ Isl. _groml_, coenum, turbida aqua; Su. G. _grummel_, id. ~Grumly~, _adj._ Muddy, dreggy, Ang. _Gumlie_, S. O. Su. G. _grumlog_, id. _Burns._ _To_ GRUMPH, _v. n._ To grunt, S. Su. G. _grymt-a_, id. ~Grumph~, _s._ A grunt, S. ~Grumphie~, _s._ A vulgar name for a sow, S. _Ramsay._ GRUNDIN, _part. pa._ Whetted; old part. of _grind_. _Douglas._ GRUNYE, _s._ Promontory. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _groign_, promontoire, Roquef. GRUNYIE, _s._ 1. The mouth, ludicrously, S. _Ruddiman._ Fr. _groin_, the snout; Isl. _graun_, os et nasus. 2. A grunt. _Dunbar._ GRUNTILL, GRUNTLE, _s._ 1. The snout. _Lyndsay._ 2. The face in general, S. _Burns._ _To_ GRUNTLE, _v. n._ To coo, as infants, when highly pleased, S. O. Fr. _grondil-er_, murmurer. ~Gruntle~, _s._ 1. The sound made by infants, S. 2. A grunting sound of any kind, S. _Cleland._ _To_ GRUNTSCH. V. ~Grounch~. GRUOUS, GRUGOUS, _s._ Grisly. S. B. V. ~Groue~. _Journal Lond._ GRUPE, _s._ A hollow behind the stalls of horses or cattle, for receiving their dung and urine, S. A. S. _groepe_, a small ditch. GRUPPIT, _part._ Sprained, S. B. _To_ GRUSE, _v. a._ To press, Fife. Germ. _grus-en_, comminuere. GRUSHIE, Of thriving growth, Ayrs. _Burns._ Teut. _grootsigh_, amplus, Flandr. _groese_, vigor. GRUTTEN, _part. pa._ Cried, S. V. ~Greit~. _Ramsay._ _To_ GRUZZLE, _v. n._ To move the lips as if one were sucking, so as to articulate indistinctly, Loth. V. ~Gruse~. GUBERT, _adj._ With wreathed figures. Fr. _guipure_, wreathed work. _Watson._ _To_ GUCK, _v. n._ To trifle. _Montgomerie._ Teut. _guygh-en_, nugari. ~Guckit~, _adj._ Foolish. V. ~Gowkit~. ~Guckrie~, _s._ Foolishness. _Philotus._ GUD, _s._ 1. Substance. _Wallace._ 2. Provisions. _Wallace._ GUD, GUDE, _adj._ 1. Good, S. 2. Brave. Su. G. _god_, id. _Wyntown._ 3. Well-born, S. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _guds_, Alem. _guot_, Su. G. _god_, nobilis. 4. In composition, denoting the various relations of blood or alliance. ~Gud-brother~, _s._ Brother-in-law, S. _Minst. Bord._ ~Guddame~, _s._ Grandmother, S. _Wyntown._ ~Gud-dochter~, _s._ 1. Daughter-in-law, S. _Douglas._ 2. A step-daughter, S. ~Gudeman~, _s._ A husband, S. _Ross._ ~Gud-fader~, _s._ 1. Father-in-law, S. _Bellenden._ 2. A stepfather, S. ~Gud-moder~, _s._ 1. Mother-in-law, S. _Baillie._ 2. A step-mother, S. _Bellenden._ ~Gud-syr~, ~Gud-schir~, ~Gudsher~, (pron. _gutsher_) _s._ A grandfather, S. _Wyntown._ ~Gudsister~, _s._ A sister-in-law, S. ~Gud-sone~, _s._ 1. Son-in-law, S. _Douglas._ 2. A step-son, S. GUD, GUDE, _s._ Used for the name of God, S. Goth. _gud_, id. traced to _gud_, bonus. _To_ GUDDLE, _v. a._ To mangle, to haggle, S. Fr. _coutelé_, slaughtered. _To_ GUDE, GUID, GOOD, _v. a._ To manure; also _gudin_. _Monroe._ Su. G. _goed-a_ stercorare. ~Gudin~, ~Gooding~, _s._ Manure, S. _Brand._ GUDELIHED, _s._ Beauty. _K. Quair._ A. S. _godlic_, pulcher, and _had_. GUDGET, _s._ 1. A trull. _Philotus._ Fr. _goujate_, id. 2. A servant attending the camp. _Rollock._ GUDGIE, _adj._ Short and thick, S. Fr. _gouju_, chuffy. GUDLINIS, _s._ Base metal mixed illegally with gold. _Lyndsay._ GUDWILLIE, GUDWILLIT, _adj._ 1. Liberal, S. _Watson._ Su. G. _godwillig_, benevolus. 2. Cordial. _Burns._ Isl. _godvillie_, spontaneus. GUEED, _adj._ Good, S. B. _Ross._ ~Gueeds~, _s. pl._ Goods, S. B. _Ross._ GUEDE, _s._ _No guede_, not a whit. Fr. _ne goute_, nothing. _Sir Tristrem._ GUEST-HOUSE, _s._ A place of entertainment. A. S. _gest-hus_, id. _Rutherford._ GUFF, _s._ A savour, a smell, S. Isl. _gufa_, vapor. GUFF, GOFF, _s._ A fool, Gl. Sibb. Fr. _goffe_, id.; Isl. _gufa_, vappa, homo nibili. ~Guffie~, _adj._ Stupid, foolish, S. GUFFER, _s._ Viviparous blenny. _Sibbald._ GUHYT. L. ~Gyhyt~. _pret._ Hid. A. S. _gehyt_, occultat. _Wallace._ GUIDE-THE-FIRE, a poker, Fife. GUIDE-THE-GATE, a halter for a horse, Dumfr. GUIDESHIP, _s._ Usage, S. B. _Ross._ GUIDON, _s._ A standard. Fr. _Godscroft._ To GUIK. V. ~Gouk~. _L. Hailes._ GUILDE, GOOL, _s._ Corn marigold, S. _Gules_, S. B. Su. G. _gul_, _gol_, yellow. ~Gool riding~, _s._ Riding through a parish, to observe the growth of _guild_, and to fine the negligent farmer, S. _Stat. Acc._ GUKKOW, _s._ The cuckow. V. ~Gowk~. GUKSTON GLAIKSTON, a contemptuous designation expressive of the combination of folly and vain-glory. _Knox._ From _gowk_, a fool, and _glaiks_, the unstable reflexion of rays of light. GULBOW, _s._ Intimacy, Orkn. Isl. _gilld_, sodalitium, and _bo_, incola. GULE, _adj._ Yellow. V. ~Gool~. To GULLER, _v. n._ To guggle, S.; _buller_, synon. Sw. _kolr-a_, id. GULLY, _s._ 1. A large knife, S. _Ramsay._ 2. _To guide the gully_, to have the chief management, S. _Ross._ 3. A warlike weapon, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ _To_ ~Gulligaw~, _v. a._ To wound with a knife in a quarrel, S. B. From _gully_, and _gaw_ to excoriate. GULLION, _s._ A quagmire, Loth. Su. G. _goel_, O. Germ. _gulle_, vorago. GULP, _s._ A big unwieldy child, Ang. GULSCHY, _adj._ Gross in the body, Clydes. Teut. _gulsigh_, voracious. GULSCHOCH, _s._ The jaundice. _Complaynt S._ Su. G. _gulsot_, Belg. _geelzucht_, id. i. e. the yellow sickness. ~Gulschoch~, _adj._ Having a jaundiced appearance. _Evergreen._ GULSOCH, _s._ Voracious appetite, Fife. Teut. _gulsigh_, gulosus. GUM, _s._ 1. A mist. _Douglas._ 2. Variance, umbrage, S. Arab. _ghum_, sorrow. GUMLY, _adj._ Muddy. V. ~Grumly~. GUMPHIE, _s._ A fool, Ang. Isl. _gumps_, frustratio; Dan. _kumse_, a blockhead. GUMPLEFACED, _adj._ Chopfallen, S. O. Fr. _guimple_, a veil worn by nuns; q. having the aspect of a nun. GUMPTION, _s._ Understanding, S. _Gawmtion_, A. Bor. id. _J. Nicol._ Moes. G, _gaum-jan_, percipere. GUNNER FLOOK, the Turbot. _Sibb._ GUNSTANE, _s._ A flint, S. GURAN, _s._ A small boil, S. Gael. Ir. _guiran_, a pimple. _To_ GURD, GOURD, _v. n._ To stop; applied to running water, when stopped in its course by earth, ice, &c. S. B. _Doug._ Fr. _gourd-ir_, to benumb. _To_ GURDE, _v. a._ To strike. V. ~Gird~. _Sir Gawan._ GURDEN, _v. 3 pl._ Gird. _Id._ GURL, GOURL, GURLIE, GOURLIE, _adj._ 1. Bleak, stormy, S. _Doug._ 2. Surly. _Evergreen._ Belg. _guur_, cold, bleak. GURR, _s._ A knotty stick or tree, Ang. GUSCHACH, _s._ The fireside, Aberd. GUSCHET, _s._ 1. The armour by which the armpit was defended. _Wallace._ Fr. gousset, id. 2. The clock of a stocking, S. _Forbes._ GUSE, _s._ The long gut, S. GUSEHORN, GUISSERN, _s._ The gizzard, S. Fr. _gesier_, id. _Watson._ GUSSIE, _s._ A coarse lusty woman, S. Fr. _goussé_, stuffed with eating. _To_ GUST, _v. a._ 1. To taste, S. _Chalm. Air._ 2. To give a relish to. _Ferguson._ _To_ ~Gust~, _v. n._ 1. To eat. _Bellenden._ 2. To have a relish of. _Bellenden._ 3. To smell. _Douglas._ 4. To learn from experience. _G. Buchanan._ Lat. _gust-are_, Fr. _goust-er_. ~Gust~, _s._ A relish, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ~Gusted~, _part._ Having a savour. _Monroe._ ~Gusty~, _adj._ Savoury, S. _Ramsay._ GUSTARD, _s._ The great bustard. _Sibb._ GUT, _s._ The gout, S. _Watson._ GUTSY, _adj._ Gluttonous, S. From E. _guts_. _To_ GUTTER, _v. n._ To do any thing in a dirty way, Ang. ~Gutters~, _s. pl._ Mire, dirt. _Burns._ Su. G. _gyttia_, mire. ~Guttery~, _adj._ Miry, S. GUTTY, _adj._ Thick, gross; applied both to persons and things, S. H HAAF, HA-AF, HAAF-FISHING, _s._ The fishing of ling, cod, and tusk, Shetl. _Neill._ _To go to haaf_ or _haaves_, to go out to the main sea, Orkn. Isl. Su. G. _haf_, mare. ~Haaf-fish~, _s._ The great seal, Shetl. HAAFLANG, _adj._ Half-grown. V. ~Halflin~. HAAR, _s._ 1. A fog, S. 2. A chill easterly wind, S. V. ~Hair~, _adj._ _Nimmo._ _To_ HAAVE, _v. a._ To fish with a pock-net, Bord. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _haaf_, rete minus; Dan. _haav_, a bow net. _To_ HABBER, _v. n._ To stutter, S. Belg. _haper-en_, id. ~Habbergaw~, _s._ 1. Hesitation, S. B. 2. An objection, S. B. _Habber v._ and Isl. _galle_, vitium. HABBIE, _adj._ Stiff in motion, Loth.; q. like a _hobby-horse_. _To_ HABBLE, _v. n._ 1. To snap at any thing, as a dog does, S. 2. Denoting the growling noise made by a dog when eating voraciously, S. Teut. _habb-en_, captare. ~Habble~, _s._ The act of snapping, S. _To_ HABBLE, _v. n._ 1. To stutter, S. Su. G. _happl-a_, id. _A. Douglas._ 2. To speak or act confusedly, S. HABBLE, HOBBLE, _s._ A perplexity, S. Fland. _hobbel_, nodus. HABBLIE, _adj._ Having big bones, S. HABIL, HABLE, _adj._ 1. Qualified, S. Lat. _habil-is_, Fr. _habile_. _Wyntown._ 2. Disposed to. _Maitland P._ 3. Used in the sense of _able_. _Lyndsay._ 4. Liable, exposed. _K. Quair._ _To_ ~Hable~, _v. a._ To enable. _K. Quair._ HABIRIHONE, _s._ Habergeon. _Douglas._ HABITAKLE, _s._ Habitation. _Lyndsay._ Lat. _habitacul-um_. _To_ HABOUND, _v. n._ 1. To abound. 2. To increase in size. _Douglas._ HACE, HAIS, _adj._ Hoarse. _Douglas._ A. S. Isl. _has_, Su. G. _haes_, id. HACHART, _s._ A cougher. V. ~Haugh~. _Maitland P._ HACHES, _s. pl._ Racks for hay. V. ~Hack~. _Sir Gawan._ HACK, HAKE, HECK, _s._ 1. A rack for cattle, S. _To live at hack and manger_, S. to live in great fulness. _Ross._ Su. G. _haeck_, locus ubi foenum equis apponitur. 2. A frame suspended from the roof for drying cheeses, S. _Ross._ HACK, _s. Muck-hack_, a dung-fork, Ang. Dan. _hakke_, a mattock. _Statist. Acc._ HACK, _s._ A chop in the hands or feet, S. Isl. _hiack-a_, Su. G. _hack-a_, to chop. _To_ ~Hack~, _v. n._ To be chopped, S. HACKREY-LOOK'D, _adj._ Rough, gruff; pitted with the small-pox; Orkn. Dan. _hak_, a notch. HACKSTOCK, _s._ A chopping-block, S. Germ. HACSHE, _s._ Ache, pain. _Dunbar._ HADDYR, HADDER, _s._ Heath; _heather_, S. _Wallace._ HADDER ~and~ PELTER, a flail, Dumf. HADDIES COG, a measure formerly used for meting out the meal appropriated for supper to the servants, Ang. Su. G. _had_, a person. _To_ HAE, _v. a._ To have, S. _Ross._ ~Hae~, _s._ Property, Aberd. HAFF-MERK MARRIAGE, a clandestine marriage, S. from the price paid. _Ramsay._ _To gae to the half-mark kirk_, to go to be married clandestinely, S. HAFFIT, HAFFAT, HALFFET, _s._ The side of the head, S. _Pitscottie._ A. S. _healf-heafod_, semicranium. HAFLES, _adj._ Destitute. _Houlate._ Belg. _havelos_, id. HAFT, _s._ Dwelling, S. B. _Forbes._ Su. G. _haefd_, possessio. _To_ HAG, _v. a._ 1. To hew, S. Isl. _hogg-ua_. 2. To mangle any business. _Walker._ ~Hag~, _s._ 1. One cutting of a certain quantity of wood, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. Moss-ground formerly broken up, S. _Statist. Acc._ HAGABAG, _s._ 1. Coarse table-linen, S. B. _Ramsay._ 2. Refuse of any kind, S. B. HAGBERRY, HACK-BERRY, _s._ The Bird-cherry. S. _Lightfoot._ Sw. _haeggebaer_, the fruit of bird's cherry. HAGBUT ~of~ CROCHE, or CROCHERT, a kind of fire-arms anciently used, S. _Complaynt S._ O. Fr. _hacqubute a croc_, from _croc_, _crochet_, the hook by which the arquebuse was fixed to a kind of tripod. ~Hagbutar~, _s._ A musqueteer. _Compl. S._ HAGE, _L. Hagis_, hedges. _Wallace._ HAGG, _s._ A hagbut; denominated from the butt being crooked. _Gl. Compl._ Su. G. _hake_ cuspis incurva. HAGGARBALDS, _s. pl._ A term of contempt. V. ~Heggerbald~. _Dunbar._ HAGGART, _s._ A stackyard, Galloway. Su. G. _hage_, praedium; _geard_, sepes. HAGGART, _s._ Old useless horse, Loth. _To_ HAGGER. _It's haggerin_, it rains gently, Ang., whence _hagger_, a small rain; _hutherin_, synon. HAGGERDECASH, _adv._ Topsy-turvy, Ang. HAGGERSNASH, _s._ Offals, S. B. Su. G. _hugg-a_, to hack, and _snask-a_, to devour. HAGGIES, _s._ A dish commonly made in a sheep's maw, of its lungs, heart and liver, minced with suet, onions, salt and pepper; or of oat-meal, mixed with the latter, without any animal food, S. From _hag_, q. to chop. _Dunbar._ HAICHES, _s._ Force, S. B. V. ~Hauch~. _Morison._ HAGMAN, _s._ A feller of wood, S. HAGMANÉ _s._ V. ~Hogmanay~. HAID, _s._ Whit. V. ~Hate~. _To_ HAIFF, HAIF, _v. a._ To have; _hae_, S. _Barbour._ To HAIG, _v. a._ To butt, Moray. _Popular Ball._ Isl. _hiack-a_, feritare, from _hoegg_, caedere. _To_ HAIK, _v. n._ To anchor. _Maitl. P._ Teut. _haeck-en_, unco figere. _To_ HAIK, _v. n._ To go about idly from place to place, S. Perhaps the same with E. _hawk_. _To_ HAIL, _v. a. To hail the ba_, at football. _To hail the dules_, to reach the mark. Isl. _hille_, tego. _Chr. Kirk._ ~Hail~, _s._ The place where those who play at football, or other games, strike off, S. _To_ HAIL, _v. a._ To haul, S. _Compl. S._ _To_ HAIL, HALE, _v. n._ To pour down, S. Su. G. _haella_, effundere. _Ross._ HAILSOME, _adj._ Wholesome, S. Germ. _heilsam_, id. _Hamilton._ HAILUMLY, _adv._ Wholly, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ HAYLYS, HAYLS, _v. a._ To hail. Su. G. _hels-a_, salutare. _Wyntown._ _To_ HAIMHALD. V. ~Hamhald~. HAIMS, HAMMYS, HEMS, _s. pl._ A collar, formed of two pieces of wood, put round the neck of a working horse or ox, S. _Palice Honour._ Teut. _hamme koe-hamme_, numella. _To_ HAIN, HANE, _v. a._ To spare. S. _Forbes._ 2. Not to expend, S. _Kelly._ _To_ ~Hain~, _v. n._ To be penurious, S. _Rams._ ~Haining~. V. ~Haning~. _To_ HAINGLE, _v. n._ 1. To go about feebly, S. 2. To dangle, S. Sw. _haengl-a_, to languish. ~Haingles~, _s. pl._ 1. The influenza, Ang. 2. _To hae the haingles_, to be in a state of _ennui_, Ang. HAIP, _s._ A sloven, Ang. Fife. _A. Doug._ Perhaps from E. _heap_, cumulus; S. B. pron. _haip_. HAIR, _s._ A very small portion, S. HAIR, HAR, HARE, _adj._ 1. Cold. _Douglas._ 2. Keen, biting. _Montgomerie._ 3. Moist; as in _hair-mould_, that kind of mouldiness which appears on bread, &c.; and _hayr rym_, hoar-frost. _Complaynt S._ 4. Ungrateful to the ear. _Henrysone._ 5. Hoary, with age. _Douglas._ Isl. _har_, canus; _hor_, mucor. HAIRSE, _s._ A lustre, S. B. Germ. _kerze_, a candle. HAIRST, _s._ Harvest, S. _haist_, Moray. _Macneill._ Belg. _herfst_, Isl. _haust_, Dan. _hoest_, id. HAIRT, s. _Fleing Hairt_. _Burel._ HAIR-TETHER, _s._ A tether made of hair, S. _To_ HAISTY, _v. a._ To hasten. _Bellenden._ HAIT, _part. pa._ Called. V. ~Hat~. HAIT, _s._ A whit. V. ~Hate~. HAITH, a minced oath, S. _A. Nicol._ HAKE, _s._ A frame for cheeses. V. ~Hack~. _To_ HALD, _v. a._ To hold, S. _had_. _Wynt._ Moes. G. A. S. _hald-an_, Isl. _halld-a_. 1. _To hald again_, to resist, S. 2. _To hald by_, to pass, S. 3. _To hald dayis_. V. ~Dayis~. 4. _To hald gaain_, to go on, S. Belg. _gaande houd-en_, id. 5. _To hald in_, to supply, S. 6. _To hald in_, not to leak, S. 7. _To hald in_, to spare, S. _Spalding._ 8. _To hald in with_, to curry favour, S. 9. _To hald still_, to stop, S. Sw. _haalla stilla_, id. 10. _To hald till_, to persist in, S. 11. _To hald to_, to keep shut, S. Sw. _haalla til_, id. 12. _To hald out_, to pretend, S. 13. _To hald out_, to extend to the full measure or weight, S. 14. _To hald wi'_, to take part with, S. _To_ ~Hald~, ~Had~, _v. n._ To cease, S. _Cleland._ ~Hald~, ~Hauld~, _s._ 1. A hold; S. _had_. 2. A habitation, S. _Douglas._ 3. A stronghold. _Wallace._ Isl. _haald_, Su. G. _haall-a_, tueri. 4. A possession. _Douglas._ _To_ HALE, _v. n._ To pull forcibly. _Z. Boyd._ HALE, HAILL, _adj._ Whole, S. _Wallace._ Isl. _heill_, Su. G. _hel_, totus. ~Hale-ware~, 1. The whole assortment, S. from _ware_, merchandise. 2. The whole company, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ HALE, HAILL, _adj._ 1. Sound, S. _Wallace._ 2. Vigorous, S. Su. G. _hel_, A. S. _hal_, sanus. ~Hale-hide~, _adj._ Not having even the _skin_ injured, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ ~Hale-skarth~, _adj._ Entirely sound, q. without a _scart_ or scratch, S. _scartfree_. _Douglas._ HALF, _s._ 1. Side. _Barbour._ 2. Quarter, coast. _Barbour._ 3. Part, side. _Barbour._ A. S. _haelf_, pars, ora, tractus. ~Halflang~, _adj._ Half-grown. V. ~Halflin~. ~Halfe-hag~, _s._ A species of artillery. V. ~Hagg~. ~Halfer~, ~Halver~, _s._ One who has a moiety of any thing. _Rutherford._ _To gang havers_, to be partners, S. ~Halfindall~, _adv._ The half. _Barbour._ Teut. _holf deel_, dimidia pars. ~Halflin~, ~Halfin~, ~Haaflang~, _adj._ Not fully grown, S., q. _half-long_. _J. Nicol._ ~Halflying~, ~Halflings~, ~Hafflin~, ~Hallins~, _adv._ Partly, S. _King's Quair._ Teut. _halvelingh_, dimidiatim; fere, ferme. ~Half-marrow~, _s._ A husband or wife, S. _Rutherford._ ~Half-mark bridal~, V. ~Haff-mark~. ~Half-witted~, _adj._ Foolish. _Gl. Sibb._ Isl. _haalfvita_, semifatuus. HALY, _adj._ Holy. A. S. _halig_. _Wyntown._ ~Halynes~, _s._ Sanctity. _Wyntown._ HALY, HALILY, _adv._ Wholly. _Barbour._ HALKRIG, HALKRIK, _s._ A corselet. _Bellenden._ Fr. _halcret_, id. Belg. _halskraagie_, a collar. HALLACH'D, _adj._ Crazy. V. ~Hallokit~. HALLAN, HALLON, HALLAND, _s._ 1. A mud wall, in cottages, extending from the forewall backwards, as far as is necessary to shelter the inner part of the house from the air of the door, when it is opened. _Spirewaw_, synon. S. B. _Ramsay._ 2. _Hallen_, a screen. _Gl. Shirr._ Su. G. _haell_, the stone at the threshhold. ~Hallanshaker~, 1. A sturdy beggar, S. B. q. one who _shakes_ the _hallan_. _Journal Lond._ 2. A beggarly knave. _Polwart._ 3. One who has a shabby appearance. _Ramsay._ ~Hallanshakerlike~, _adj._ Having a suspicious appearance, shabby in dress, S. _To_ HALLES, HAILS, HELSE, HAILST, _v. a._ To salute, S. B. _Complaynt S._ Su. G. _hels-a_, Alem. _heiliz-an_, to salute, from Su. G. _hel_, A. S. _hal_, Alem. _heil_, sanus, salvus. ~Halesing~, ~Halsing~, s. Salutation. _Doug._ HALLIER, _s. Half a year_, S. B. V. ~Hellier~. HALLINS, _adv._ Partly, S. B. V. ~Halflying~. HALLOKIT, S. HALLACH'D, S. B. _adj._ 1. Crazy, S. _Rutherford._ 2. Giddy, harebrained, S. V. ~Haloc~. _Ross._ HALLOWEEN, _s._ The evening preceding Allhallows, S. _To_ ~haud halloween~, To observe the childish or superstitious rites appropriated to this evening, S. _Burns._ ~Halloween bleeze~, A fire kindled on this evening, by young people, on some rising ground, S. HALOK, _adj._ Giddy. _Dunbar._ A. S. _haelga_, levis, inconstans. ~Haloc~, _s._ A light thoughtless girl, South of S. _Gl. Complaynt._ HALOW, _s._ A saint. _Wyntown._ A. S. _halga_, sanctus. HALS, HAWSE, _s._ 1. The neck; S. _hass_. _Bellenden._ 2. The throat, S. _Cleland._ 3. Any narrow passage. _Douglas._ A. S. Su. G. _hals_, collum. _To_ ~Hals~, ~Hawse~, _v. a._ To embrace, S. B. Su. G. Isl. _hals-as_, amplexari. _Doug._ ~Hals~, _s._ Embrace, kiss. _Dunbar._ ~Halsbane~, _s._ Collar-bone, S. _Ritson._ ~Halsfang~, _s._ Pillory. _Burrow LL._ A. S. id. HALTAND, HALTYNE, _adj._ 1. Haughty. O. Fr. _haltain_. _Douglas._ 2. Contemptuous. _Wallace._ ~Haltanely~, _adv._ Proudly. _Douglas._ HALTIR. _Haltir geistis_, perh. beams fastened together. _Douglas._ Alem. _helte_, compes. HAMALD, HAM-HALD, HAIM-ALD, _adj._ 1. Domestic, S. pron. _haimilt_, _haimeil_, _haimeld_. _Douglas._ 2. What is one's own. _Quon. Att._ 3. Denoting the produce of our own country, S. 4. What is made at home; as _haimilt claith_, S. 5. Vernacular, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. Isl. _heimil_, proprius; Isl. _heimild_, proprietates. 6. Vulgar, S. B. _Skinner._ _To_ ~Hamald~, ~Haymhald~, _v. a._ To prove any thing to be one's property, presently possessed or claimed by another. _Quon. Att._ 2. To domesticate, Loth. Isl. _heimil-a_, domo recipere. ~Hamald~, ~Ham-hald~, _s. Borgh of hamhald_, one who becomes surety, that the goods bought from the seller shall be safely delivered to the purchaser. _Reg. Maj._ Su. G. _hemull-a_, evictionem praestare, ut rem acquisitam quietus possideat emtor. HAME, HAIM, _s._ Home, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _ham_, Su. G. _hem_, domus. ~Hame-come~, _s._ Return, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _heimkoma_, domum adventatio. ~Hame-fare~, _s._ The removal of a bride from her own or her father's house to that of her husband, S. from _hame_ and _fare_, to go. ~Hamelt~, _adj._ Domestic, &c. V. ~Hamald~. ~Hamely~, ~Hamly~, _adj._ 1. Familiar, friendly, S. _Barbour._ 2. Without ceremony, S. _Wyntown._ 3. Condescending, S. _Wallace._ 4. Without refinement, S. _S. Prov._ 5. Easy, not difficult. _R. Bruce._ 6. Coarse, not handsome, S. _Hogg._ Su. G. _heimlig_, Alem. _haimleich_, familiaris. ~Hameliness~, _s._ Familiarity, S. _Kelly._ ~Hamesucken~, _s._ The crime of beating or assaulting a person within his own house; a law term, S. _Erskine._ Su. G. _hemsokn_, id. from _hem_, and _soek-a_, to assail with violence; Teut. _heym-soeck-en_, invadere violenter alicujus domum. ~Hamesucken~, _adj._ Greatly attached to one's home, Clydes. ~Hamewith~, _adv._ 1. Homeward, S. B. _Ross._ 2. _adj._ In the same sense, S. _Ross._ 3. _s. To the hamewith_, having a tendency to one's own interest, S. B. A. S. _ham_, Isl. _heim_, and A. S. _with_, Isl. _wid_, versus. HAMELL, _s._ Not understood. _Colvil._ HAMES, HAMMYS, _s. pl._ A collar, S. V. ~Haims~. _Douglas._ HAMMERFLUSH, _s._ The sparks which fly from iron when beaten with the _hammer_, Ang.; also _hammerflaught_. Isl. _flis_, a splinter. HAMMIT, HAMMOT, _adj._ Plentiful, properly applied to corn which has many grains on one stalk, Ang. A. S. _hamod_, tectus, q. well covered with grains. _To_ HAMP, _v. n._ To stutter, S. A. ~Hamp~, _s._ The act of stuttering, ibid. _To_ HAMPER, _v. a._ To confine by giving little room, S. _Douglas._ Sw. _hamp-as_, rei difficili intricatus laborare. _To_ HAMPHIS, _v. a._ To surround, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ HAM-SCHAKEL, HABSHAIKEL, HOBSHAKLE, _v. a._ To fasten the head of a horse or cow to one of its fore-legs. _Gl. Sibb._ HAMSCHOCH, _s._ A sprain or contusion in the leg, Fife. A. S. _ham_, the hip, and _shach_, _v._ to distort. _To_ HAMSH, _v. n._ To eat voraciously with noise, Ang. V. ~Hansh~. HAMSTRAM, _s._ Difficulty, S. B. _Ross._ Teut. _ham_, poples, _stremm-en_, cohibere. HAN, _pret._ Have. _Sir Tristrem._ HANCLETH, _s._ Ancle. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _ancleow_, id. HAND. _By hand_, _adv._ Over, past, S. _To put by hand_, to put aside, S. _Rutherford._ _Weill at hand_, Active. _Barbour._ _To put hand in_, To put to death. _Godscroft._ _Fra hand_, _adv._ Forthwith. _Lyndsay._ _Out of hand_, id. S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ _Spede hand_, Make haste, S. _Douglas._ ~Handcuffs~, _s. pl._ Manacles, S. q. _sleeves_ of iron. _To_ ~Handcuff~, _v. a._ To manacle, S. _To_ ~Hand-fast~, _v. a._ 1. To betrothe by joining hands, in order to cohabitation before marriage. _Pitscottie._ 2. To contract in order to marriage. _Ferguson._ A. S. _hand-faest-en_, fidem dare. ~Hand-fasting~, ~Hand-fastnyng~, _s._ Marriage with the incumbrance of some canonical impediment, not yet bought off. Su. G. _handfaestning_, id. _Wyntown._ ~Hand-hauand~, _part. pr._ Having in possession, applied to stolen goods. _Skene._ Teut. _hand-haven_, to possess. ~Handy-grips~, _s. pl._ Close grappling, S. _Rutherford._ ~Handsel~, _s._ 1. The first money received for goods, S. 2. A gift conferred at a particular season, S. 3. A piece of bread given before breakfast, Galloway. Su. G. _handsoel_, mercimonii divenditi primitiae. ~Handsel monday~, The first Monday of the New Year, O. S.; when children and servants receive _handsel_, S. _Statist. Acc._ HAND-STAFF, _s._ 1. The upper part of a flail, S. 2. A constellation, supposed to be Orion's sword. _Douglas._ HAND-WAIL'D, _adj._ Remarkable; carefully selected, S. _Ramsay._ From _hand_, and _wale_ to choose. HANDWAVING, _s._ A mode of measuring grain by stroaking it with the hand, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ HANDSENYIE, _s._ 1. A standard, corr. from _ensenyie_. _Hist. Ja. Sext._ 2. A token. _R. Bruce._ HAND-WHILE, commonly ~Hanla-while~, _adv._ A short time, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ HANE, _v. a._ To spare. V. ~Hain~. ~Haning~, ~Haining~, _s._ Hedges, inclosures. _Acts Ja. V._ ~Hanite~, ~Haned~, _part. pa._ Inclosed, surrounded with a hedge. _For. Lawes._ Su. G. _haegn-a_, tueri circumdata sepe, from _hag_, sepimentum. HANGARELL, HANGRELL, _s._ A piece of wood on which bridles, halters, &c., are _hung_, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ HANGIT-LIKE, _adj._ Out of countenance, S. HANYIEL SLYP, A vulgar dependant, Aberd. V. ~Slyp~. _Journal Lond._ Teut. _hanghel_, something dangling. _To_ HANK, _v. a._ 1. To fasten, S. _Doug._ 2. To tie so tight, as to leave the mark of the cord; _hankle_, id. S. _Ross._ Isl. _hank_, a collar, a small chain. ~Hank~, _s._ 1. A coil, S. _Douglas._ 2. A skain, S. HANKERSAIDLE. V. ~Anker-saidell~. _To_ HANSH, HAUNSH, _v. a._ To snatch at; applied to the action of a dog, and apparently including the idea of the noise made by his jaws when he lays hold of what is thrown to him, S. _Baillie._ O. Fr. _hanch-er_, to snatch at with the teeth. ~Hansh~, _s._ A violent snatch or snap, S. HANTY, _adj._ 1. Convenient, S. _Gl. Shirr._ 2. Handsome, S. _R. Galloway._ Isl. _hent-a_, decere. HANTLE, _s._ 1. A considerable number, S. _hankel_, S. B. _Ramsay._ 2. Equivalent to much, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Sw. _antal_, number; or q. _handtal_, what may be _counted_ by the _hand_. _To_ HAP, _v. a._ 1. To cover, in order to conceal, S. _Ross._ 2. To cover from cold, for defence, S. _Priests Peblis._ 3. To defend from rain or snow, S. _R. Galloway._ 4. To screen from danger in battle. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Isl. _hiup-r_, indusium; _hyp-ia_, in-volvor. ~Hap~, ~Happin~, _s._ A covering of whatever kind, S. also called _hap-warm_. _Ramsay._ Norw. _haufn_, toga. _To_ HAP, _v. n._ 1. To hop, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To halt, S. V. ~Hop~. ~Hap~, _s._ A hop, a light leap, S. ~Hap-step-an'-lowp~, Hop, skip, and leap, S. _Burns._ ~Happity~, _adj._ Lame, S. _Ritson._ HAP, (pron. _hawp_) _s._ The fruit of the briar, S. B. HAPPER, _s._ Hopper of a mill, S. _Chalm. Air._ ~Happerbauk~, _s._ The beam on which the hopper rests, S. HAPPY, _adj._ Lucky, fortunate, i. e. constituting a good omen, S. _Statist. Acc._ HAR, HARE, _adj._ Cold. V. ~Hair~. HAR. _Out of har_, out of order. _Douglas._ A. S. _hearre_, Teut. _harre_, a hinge. HARBIN, _s._ A young coal-fish, Orkn. _Neill._ HARD FISH, Cod, ling, &c., salted and dried, S. HARDHEAD, HARDHEID, _s._ A small coin of mixed metal or copper. _Knox._ Fr. _hardie_, small copper money, named from Philip le _Hardi_, who caused strike them. HARDHEAD, _s._ A species of sea scorpion. _Sibbald._ HARDIN, HARDYN, _adj._ Coarse; applied to cloth made of _hards_, pron. _harn_, S. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _heordas_, stupae, tow-hards. HARE, _adj._ Rough, shaggy. _Wyntown._ A. S. _haer_, Su. G. _haar_, pilus. HAREFRA, _adv._ Herefrom. _Knox._ HARESHAW, _s._ A harelip, S., anciently _harchatt_; _hareskart_, Renfr. _Roull._ From _hare_, and Isl. _ska_, a particle denoting separation; Germ. _scharte_, a gap. HARYAGE, _s._ A collective word applied to horses. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _haraz_, L. B. _haracium_, id. HARIE HUTCHEON, a play in which children hop round in a ring, with their bodies resting on their hams, S. B. Belg. _hurk-en_, to squat, to sit stooping. HARIGALDS, HARICLES, _s. pl._ 1. The pluck of an animal, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Applied to the tearing of one's hair. _Ramsay._ Fr. _haricot_, a dish of boiled livers. _To_ HARK, _v. n._ To whisper, S. _Cleland._ _To_ HARLE, _v. a._ 1. To trail, S. _Doug._ 2. To drag with force, S. _Kelly._ 3. To draw to one's self by griping or violent means, S. _Ramsay._ 4. To roughcast a wall, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ ~Harle~, _v. n._ 1. To move onward with difficulty, S. 2. _To harle about_, to go from place to place, S. ~Harlin favour~, some degree of affection. _Journal Lond._ ~Harle~, _s._ 1. The act of dragging, S. 2. Property obtained by means not accounted honourable, S. HARLE, _s._ The Goosander, Orkn. Fr. _harle_, id. _Barry._ HARLOT, _s._ 1. A scoundrel. _Wallace._ 2. A boor, synon. with _carle_. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _haer_, exercitus, and _lude_, mancipium vile, a boor or villain. HARLEY, L. _harbry_, harbour. _Houlate._ HARMISAY, HARMESAY, _interj._ Alas. A. S. _earme_, wretched. _Philotus._ HARN. V. ~Hardyn~. HARNES, _s._ Defensive armour. _Doug._ Dan. _harnisk_, id. HARNES, _s._ 1. The brains, S. _harns_. _Wyntown._ 2. Metaph., understanding, S. Sw. _hiaerne_, Germ. _hern_, id. ~Harn-pan~, _s._ The skull, S. _Wallace._ Teut. _hirn-panne_, id. HARP, _s._ A kind of searce, S. HARPER CRAB. V. ~Tammy Harper~. HARRAGE, _s._ Service due to a landlord. V. ~Arage~. _Statist. Acc._ HARRAND, _s._ Snarling. _Chr. S. P._ HARRO, _interj._ An outcry for help; also, an encouragement to pursuit, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _haro_, _harou_; q. _Ha Roul_, O Rollo, or rather from Su. G. _haerop_, clamor bellicus. HARRY, _adj._ Stubborn, S. B. Su. G. _har_, locus lapidosus. HARSK, HARS, _adj._ 1. Harsh, sharp. _Douglas._ 2. Bitter to the taste. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _harsk_, Isl. _hersk-ar_, austerus. _To_ HART, _v. a._ To encourage, S. _heart_. Teut. _hert-en_, animare. _Barbour._ HARTILL, _s._ Heart-ill. _Watson._ HARTLY, HARTLYE, _adj_. Cordial. _Wallace._ Teut. _hertelick_, Dan. _hiertelig_, id. HARTFULLIE, _adv._ Cordially. _Crosraguell._ HARUMSCARUM, _adj._ Harebrained, S. E. _hare_, to fright, and _scare_, to startle. HASARD, HASERT, _adj._ Hoary. _Douglas._ ~Hasard~, _s._ An old dotard. _Douglas._ HASARTOUR, _s._ One who plays at games of _hazard_. Fr. _hazardeur_. _Doug._ HASCHBALD, _s._ Perh. glutton. _Dunbar._ _To_ HASH, _v. a._ 1. To slash, S. Fr. _hacher_. 2. To abuse, to maltreat, S. _Ferguson._ ~Hash~, 1. A sloven, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A foolish fellow. _Burns._ ~Hashly~, _adv._ In a slovenly manner, Loth. _Ramsay._ ~Hashmethram~, _adv._ In a state of disorder, S. Isl. _thraum_, solum transversum. HASKY, _adj._ 1. Rank in growth, S. B. 2. Coarse to the taste, S. B. 3. Dirty, slovenly, S. B. 4. Applied to coarse work, S. B. Isl. _kask-ur_, strenuus. HASLOCK, _adj._ Descriptive of the finest wool, being the _lock_ that grows on the _hals_ or throat, S. _Ramsay._ HASSOCK, HASSICK, _s._ 1. A besom, S. B. 2. Any thing bushy; as, a _hassick_ of _hair_, S. _Journal Lond._ 3. A large round turf used as a seat, S. A. Sw. _hwass_, a rush. HASTARD, _adj._ Irascible, S. Isl. _hast-r_, irabundus, and _art_, natura. HASTER'D, _part. pa._ Curried, S. A. _J. Nicol._ HASTER'D HASTERN, _adj._ Early; _hastern aits_, early oats, S. B. Su. G. _hast-a_, celerare, and _aer-a_, metere. HASTOW, _hast thou?_ _K. Quair._ HAT, HATE, HAIT, _part. pa._ Is, or was, called. _Barbour._ A. S. _hat-an_, Su. G. _het-a_, vocare. _To_ HATCH, HOTCH, _v. n._ To move by jerks, S. _Watson._ Fr. _hoch-er_, id. Isl. _hik-a_, cedo. _To_ ~Hatchel~, _v. a._ To shake in carrying, Fife. HATE, HAIT, _adj._ Hot, S. _Kennedy._ A. S. _hat_, Su. G. _het_, id. HATE, HAIT, HAID, _s._ A whit, an atom, S. Isl. _haete_, the smallest object that can be imagined. HATHILL, HATHELL, _s._ A nobleman. V. ~Athill~. _Sir Gawan._ HATHER, _s._ Heath. _Acts Ja. VI._ HATRENT, _s._ Hatred. _Compl. S._ HATRY, _adj._ Disordered; as, a _hatry head_, i. e. matted, S. B. V. ~Atry~. _To_ HATTER, _v. a._ To batter, to shatter. _Gawan and Gol._ HATTIR, _adj._ Maple. V. ~Haltir~. HATTIT KIT, a dish of sour or coagulated cream, S. _Cromarty._ Teut. _hott-en_, to coagulate. HATTREL, _s._ A collection of purulent matter, S. B. V. ~Atry~. HATTREL, _s._ The flint of a horn, S. O. HATTOU. _What hattou_, what art thou named. V. ~Hat~. _Sir Tristrem._ HAUCH, _s._ The forcible reiterated respiration of one who exerts all his strength in giving a stroke, S. _hech_. Germ. _hauch_, halitus. _Douglas._ HAUCHS _of a sock_, the three points into which the upper part of a ploughshare is divided, and by which it clasps in the wood, Ang. Isl. _haeck_, Dan. _hage_, uncus. HAUGH, HAWCH, HAUCH, HALCHE, _s._ Low-lying flat ground, properly on the border of a river, and such as is sometimes overflowed, S. _Barbour._ Gael. _augh_, id. Isl. _hage_, a place for pasture. _To_ HAVE, _v. a._ 1. To carry. _Acts Ja. I._ 2. To behave. _To_ HAVER, _v. n._ To talk foolishly, S. pron. _haiver_. _Ramsay._ Isl. _gifr-a_, loquitor, _hefer_, garrulus. ~Havers~, ~Haivers~, _s._ Foolish or incoherent talk, S. _J. Nicol._ ~Haveril~, _s._ One who habitually talks in a foolish manner, S. _Burns._ ~Haveril~, _adj._ Foolish in talk, S. HAVES, _s. pl._ Goods, effects. _Gl. Sibb._ HAUGULL, _s._ A cold and damp wind blowing from the sea, Ang. Isl. _hafgola_, flatus ex oceano spirans. HAVINGS, HAVINS, HAWING, _s._ 1. Carriage, behaviour. _Barbour._ 2. Good manners, S. _Ross._ 3. Weeds, dress, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _haef_, manners, Su. G. _haefv-a_, decere. HAUNTY, _adj._ V. ~Hanty~. _To_ HAUP, _v. n._ To turn to the right; applied to horses, or cattle in the yoke, S. Isl. _hop-a_, retro cedere. _Meston._ HAW, HAAVE, _adj._ 1. Azure. _Doug._ 2. Pale, wan, S. B. _Ross._ A. S. _haewen_, glaucus. _To_ HAWGH, _v. n._ To force up phlegm, S. to _hawk_, E. C. B. _hochio_, id. HAWYS, _imperat. v._ Have ye. _Wyntown._ HAWKIT, _adj._ Having a white face; applied to cattle, S. _Dunbar._ ~Hawkey~, _s._ 1. A cow with a white face, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A stupid fellow. _Gl. Shirr._ HAWK, _s._ A dung fork. V. ~Hack~. HAWSE, _s._ The throat. V. ~Hals~. _Ferguson._ HAZEL-RAW, _s._ Lichen pulmonarius, S. _Lightfoot._ HE, _s._ A male, S. B. _Ross._ ~He and He~. 1. Every one. _Douglas._ 2. The one and the other, id. HE, HEE, HEY, _adj._ High. _Wyntown._ A. S. _hea_, _heh_, id. ~Hely~, _adv._ Highly. _Wyntown._ A. S. _healice_, id. _To_ ~He~, ~Hee~, ~Hey~, _v. a._ 1. To elevate. A. S. _he-an_, id. _Dunbar._ 2. To dignify. _Barbour._ HEAD-LACE, _s._ A narrow ribbon for binding the head, Ang. HEADLINS, _adv._ Headlong, S. B. _Ross._ HEAD-MARK, _s._ Observation of the features of man or any other animal. _Statist. Acc._ HEADSTALL, _s._ The band that forms the upper part of a horse's collar, Ang. HEADUM ~and~ CORSUM, topsy-turvy, Dumfr. _Head_ and _cross_, q. across. _Heads and thraws_, higgledy-piggledy, S. _To_ HEAL, _v. a._ To conceal. V. ~Heild~. HEARKNING, _s._ Encouragement, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ HEART ~up~, _v. a._ To hearten, S. V. ~Hart~. ~Heartning~, _s._ Encouragement, S. _Boyd._ HEART-AXES, _s._ The heartburn, Loth. A. S. _heort-ece_, id. HEARTY, _adj._ 1. Chearful, S. _Ross._ 2. Liberal, S. HEARTSCALD, HEARTSCAD, _s._ 1. Heartburn, S. _Ferguson._ 2. A disgust, S. 3. Metaph. regret, remorse. _Z. Boyd._ HEARTSOME, _adj._ 1. Merry, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Causing cheerfulness, S. _Ramsay._ HEATHER _s._ Heath, S. V. ~Haddyr~. ~Heather-bells~, _s. pl._ Heath blossoms, S. _Burns._ ~Heather-birns~, _s. pl._ The stalks and roots of burnt heath, S. V. ~Birn~. ~Heather-clu~, _s._ The ankle, Ang. q. what cleaves the heath in walking. Isl. _klofv-a_, to cleave. ~Heatherie~, _adj._ Heathy, S. _J. Nicol._ HEAWE EEL, The conger. _Sibbald._ Sw. _haf's-aal_, i. e. sea-eel. _To_ HECH, HEGH, (gutt.) _v. n._ To breathe hard, to pant, S. Teut. _hygh-en_, id. ~Hech~, ~Hegh~, _s._ The act of panting, S. V. ~Hauch~. _Ruddiman._ HECHIS, _s. pl._ Hatches of a ship. _Doug._ _To_ HECHT, HEYCHT, _v. n._ 1. To name. _Douglas._ 2. To promise, to engage. _Barbour._ 3. To offer, to proffer, S. _Burns._ 4. To command. _Douglas._ A. S. _hat-an_, Su. G. _het-a_, vocare, promittere, jubere. V. ~Hat~. ~Hecht~, ~Heycht~, _s._ A promise, Loth. _Wyntown._ HECK, _s._ A rack for cattle. V. ~Hack~. HECKABIRNEY, _s._ A lean feeble creature, Orkn. Isl. _heik-ia_, supprimere, deficere. HECKAPURDES, _s._ A quandary, Orkn. _To_ HECKLE, HEKLE, _v. a._ To fasten by means of a hook. _Wallace._ Teut. _haeck-en_, to fix with a hook. _To_ HECKLE, _v. a._ 1. To dress flax, S. 2. Metaph. to examine severely, S. _To come o'er the heckle-pins_, to be severely examined, S. Teut. _hekel-en_, pectere linum. _To_ ~Heckle~ _on_, _v. n._ To continue in keen disputation. _Mellvill's MS._ ~Heckle~, ~Hekkil~, _s._ 1. A hackling-comb, S. Teut. _hekel_, id. _Ruddiman._ 2. The feathers on the neck of a cock, S. _Douglas._ 3. A fly, for angling, dressed merely with a cock's feather, S. ~Heckler~, _s_. A flaxdresser, S. Teut. _hekelaer_, id. ~Heckleback~, _s._ The fifteen spined Stickleback. _Sibbald._ HEDDER-BLUTER, HETHER-BLUTTER, _s._ The bittern. _Burel._ HEDDLES, HEDELES, HIDDLES, _s. pl._ The small cords through which the warp is passed in a loom, after going through the reed, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _haafhalld_, vulgo _hofudld_, id. HEDE-STIKKIS, _s. pl._ A species of artillery. _Complaynt S._ Su. G. _stycke_, tormentum majus. HEDE-VERK, _s._ A head-ache. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _heafod-waerc_, cephalalgia. HEDY PERE, _s._ Of equal statute, S. _Ruddiman._ HEDISMAN, HEADSMAN, _s._ A chief. _Douglas._ A. S. _heafod-man_, primas. HEELIE, _adj._ Slow, Aberd. V. ~Huly~. HEELIEGOLEERIE, _adv._ Topsy-turvy, Ang. V. ~Hilliegeleerie~. HEELS O'ER GOWDY, topsy-turvy, S. B. V. ~Gowdy~. HEELS O'ER HEAD, _adv._ 1. Topsy-turvy, S. _Ross._ 2. Without particular enumeration, S. HEEPY, _s._ A fool, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _haepen_, attonitus. HEER, HIER _of yarn_, Sixth part of a _hesp_ or hank, S. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _haerf-wa_, a handful of yarn. _To_ HEEZE. V. ~Heis~. _To_ HEFT, _v. n._ 1. To dwell, Aberd. Su. G. _haefda_, colere, possidere. 2. To cause or accustom to live in a place, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ HEFT, _v. a._ To confine, applied to a cow's milk when not drawn off for some time, S. Su. G. _haeft-a_, impedire, detinere. HEGESKRAPER, _s._ An avaricious person. _Bannatyne P._ Q. one who _scrapes hedges_. HEGGERBALD, _s._ Not understood. _Dunbar._ HEGH-HEY, HEGH-HOW, HEIGH-HOW, _interj._ Expressive of languor or fatigue, S. _Ross._ HEICH, (gutt.) _adj._ High, S. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Heicht~, _v. a._ To raise. HEYCHT, _s._ A promise. V. ~Hecht~. HEID, HED, _term._ denoting state or quality, as in _bairnheid_, &c. Belg. _heyd_, status, qualitas. HEYDIN, HEYTHING, HEITHING, HETHYNG, _s._ Scorn, derision. _Wallace._ Isl. _haedne_, _haethne_, illudendi actio; _haed-a_, irridere. HEIGHEING, _s._ A command. _Sir Tristrem._ HEIL, HEYLE, HEAL, _s._ Health, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _hael_, Su. G. _hel_, sanitas. _To_ HEILD, HEILL, HEYL, HEAL, HELE, _v. a._ 1. To cover. _Barbour._ 2. To conceal, to hide, S. _Ross._ 3. To defend, to save. _Douglas._ A. S. _hel-an_, Isl. _hael-a_, tegere. ~Heildyne~. _s._ Covering. _Barbour._ _To_ HEILD, HEYLD, _v. n._ 1. To incline. _Palice Honour._ 2. To give the preference. _Barbour._ A. S. _held-an_, _hyld-an_, Su. G. _haell-a_, inclinare. ~Heild~, _s._ _On heild_, inclined to one side. _Douglas._ HEILIE, _adj._ Holy. _Dunbar._ Germ. _heilig_, id. HEILY, HELY, HIELY, _adj._ Proud. A. S. _healic_, _heahlic_, excelsus. _Doug._ HEYND, HENDE, _adj._ 1. Gentle. _Douglas._ 2. Expert, skilful. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _ge-hynde_, humiliatus; Isl. _hyggin_, prudens. ~Heyndnes~, _s._ Gentleness. _K. Hart._ HEYND, _s._ A person. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _hion_, id. HEIR, _s._ Army. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _here_, Su. G. Isl. _haer_, Germ. _her_, exercitus. HEIR DOWNE, _adv._ Below on this earth. _Dunbar._ HEIRIS, _s. pl._ Masters. V. ~Her~, _s._ 1. _K. Hart._ HEYRD, HEYRT. _To gang_ or _gae heyrd_, to storm, to fume, Ang. _heyte_, synon. Su. G. _hyr-a_, vertigine agi. _Chr. S. P._ HEIRLY, _adj._ Honourable. _Houlate._ Germ. _herlich_, illustris. _To_ HEIS, HEYS, HEEZE, _v. a._ To lift up, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _hiss-a_, Belg. _hys-en_, id. ~Heis, Heeze, Heisie~, _s._ 1. The act of lifting up. _Douglas._ 2. Aid, furtherance, S. B. _Shirrefs._ 3. The act of swinging, Loth. 4. Denoting any thing that discomposes. _Ritson._ ~Heys and how~, A sea cheer. _Douglas._ HEYTIE, _s._ A name for the game of _shintie_, Loth. HEKKIL, HECKLE, _s._ A hackling-comb, S. _Ruddiman._ _To_ HELE, _v. a._ To conceal. V. ~Heild~. HELDE, _s._ Age; for _eld_. _Wyntown._ HELY, _adv._ Highly. V. ~He~. HELY, _adv._ Loudly. _Barbour._ HELYNG, _s._ Covering. _Barbour._ HELIE, _adj._ Proud. V. ~Heily~. HELLIER, HALYEAR, _s._ Half a year, S. _Ross._ HELLIS, HELS, _s. pl._ Hell. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ HELLIS-CRUK, _s._ A crook for holding vessels over a fire. _S. P. Repr._ Teut. _hels-en_, to embrace. HELM ~of~ WEET, a great fall of rain, Ang. A. S. _holm_, water. ~Helmy~, _adj._ Rainy, Ang. A. S. _holmeg wedder_, procellosum coelum. HELME STOK, _s._ The handle of the helm. Teut. _helm-stock_, id. _Doug._ HELPLIE, _adj._ Helpful, S. B. _Porteous of Nobilness._ Teut. _helpelick_, auxiliaris. HEM, _s._ Edge; applied to stones, S. B. HEM, _pron. pl._ Them. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _heom_, dat. pl. illis. HEM, _s._ A horse-collar. V. ~Haims~. HEMMIL, _s._ A heap, a crowd, S. B. _To_ ~Hemmil~, _v. a._ To surround any beast in order to lay hold of it, Ang. Isl. _hemil-a_, custodire, coercere. HEMMYNYS, _s. pl._ Shoes of untanned leather. _Wyntown._ A. S. _hemming_, pero, Isl. _heming-r_, the skin pulled off from the legs of cattle. HEMPY, _s._ 1. A rogue; one for whom the _hemp_ grows, S. _J. Nicol._ 2. A tricky wag, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ HENCH, _v. a._ To throw stones by bringing the hand alongst the _haunch_, S. HENDRE, HENDER, _adj._ Past, bygone. Moes. G. _hindar_, retro. _Barbour._ HEN-PEN, _s._ The dung of fowls, Ang. HENSEMAN, HEINSMAN, _s._ A page, E. _henchman_. _Houlate._ HENSEIS, _s. pl._ Uncertain. _Dunbar._ HENSOUR, HENSURE, _s._ A giddy young fellow. _Chr. Kirk._ Sw. _hensker_, a fool. HENS-WARE, HENWARE, _s._ Eatable fucus, S. HENT, _pret._ Laid hold of. V. ~Hint~. HEN-WYFE, _s._ 1. A woman who takes care of the poultry. S. _Tales Landlord._ 2. A bawd. _Douglas._ HENWILE, _s._ A stratagem. _Baillie._ A _wile_, used by a _hen_ for gathering her chickens. HEPTHORNE, _s._ The briar, S. _Doug._ HER, HERE, _s._ 1. A person of rank. _Douglas._ 2. A chief, a leader. _Douglas._ 3. A magistrate. _Wallace._ 4. A master. _Barbour._ A. S. _hera_, Su. G. _herre_, Teut. _herr_, Belg. _heer_, Lat. _her-us_, dominus. HER, HERE, _s._ Loss, injury. _Wallace._ Su. G. _haer_, vis hostilis. HER, _pron._ Their, O. E. and A. S. _Sir Gawan._ HERANDIS, _s. pl._ 1. Errands. _Wynt._ 2. Tidings, q. _hearings_. _Wyntown._ HERBERE, _s._ A garden for herbs. Lat. _herbar-ium_, id. _Douglas._ HERBERY, HERBRY, HARBORY, _s._ 1. A military station. _Barbour._ 2. A dwelling place. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Teut. _herberghe_, diversorium, A. S. _hereberga_, the abode of an army. _To_ ~Herbery~, ~Herbry~, _v. a._ 1. To station. _Barbour._ 2. To dwell; applied to a person. A. S. _herebeorg-an_, hospitari. _Barbour._ ~Herbryage~, _s._ An inn. _Wallace._ ~Herbriouris~, _s. pl._ A piquet. _Barbour._ HERDIS, HERDS, _s._ Refuse of flax. _Barbour._ HERDOUN, _adv._ Here below. _Barbour._ HERE, used in the composition of several names of places in S. pron. like E. _hair_. A. S. _here_, Su. G. _haer_, an army. HEREAWAY, _adv._ 1. In this quarter, S. 2. In the present state, S. _Rutherford._ HEREFT, _adv._ Hereafter. _Wallace._ _To_ HERE TELL, _v. n._ To learn by report, S. _Wallace._ Isl. _heyrdi tala_; audivit. HEREYESTERDAY, _s._ the day before yesterday, S. _air-yesterday_, Banffs. A. S. _aer-gystran daeg_, id. _Baillie._ HEREYESTREEN, _s._ The night before yesternight. S. _Gl. Shirr._ HERIE, HEARY, _s._ A compellation still used by some old women, in addressing their husbands, and sometimes _vice versa_, S. _Ross._ A. S. _hera_, Su. G. Teut. _herre_, dominus. HERIS, _imperat. v._ Hear ye. _Douglas._ HERISON, _s._ Hedgehog, Fr. _herisson_. _Burel._ HERITOUR, _s._ 1. An heir. Fr. _heritier_, id. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. A landholder in a parish, S. _Stat. Acc._ HERLE, HURIL, _s._ A heron, Ang. _Maitland Poems._ HERLING, _s._ A trout. V. ~Hirling~. HERNIT, _pret._ Perhaps for _herknit_, hearkened. _King Hart._ HERON-BLUTER, _s._ The snipe, S. B. V. ~Yern-bluter~. HERREYELDE, HERE-GEILD, HYRALD, _s._ The fine payable to a superior, on the death of his tenant. _Quon. Att._ A. S. _here-gyld_, a military tribute. _To_ HERRY, HERY, HIRRIE, HARRIE, _v. a._ 1. To rob, to pillage, S. _Barbour._ 2. To ruin by extortion, S. _Maitl. P._ Su. G. _haer-ia_, depraedari, from _haer_, an army. ~Herryment~, _s._ 1. Plunder, S. 2. The cause of plunder, S. _Burns._ ~Herrie-water~, _s._ 1. A net so formed as to catch or retain fish of a small size, and thus to _spoil_ the _water_ of its brood; _harry-net_, S. B. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. Metaph., denoting both stratagem and violence. _Lyndsay._ HERRINBAND, _s._ A string by which yarn is tied before it be boiled, Ang. Isl. _haarund_, coarse linen yarn, and _band_. HERS, HEARSE, _adj._ Hoarse, S. Belg. _haersch_, id. _Douglas._ HERSCHIP, HEIRSCHIP, HEIRISCHIP, _s._ 1. The act of plundering, S. _Wallace._ 2. The cause of plunder. _Lyndsay._ 3. Booty, plunder. _Ross._ 4. Wreck of property. _Kelly._ 5. Scarcity, as the effect of devastation. _Bellenden._ 6. Dearness, high price. _Dunbar._ A. S. _her_, an army, and _scipe_, denoting action; q. the act of an army: or from ~Herry~, v. HERSKET, _s._ The same with ~Heartscald~, Orkn. HER TILL, _adv._ Hereunto. _Barbour._ Sw. _haertil_, id. HERVY, _adj._ Having the appearance of great poverty, Ang. A. S. _here-feoh_, a military prey. HESP, _s._ A clasp or hook, S. Su. G. _haspe_, Germ. _hespe_, id. _To_ ~Hesp~, _v. a._ To fasten. HESP, HASP, _s._ A hank of yarn, S. Teut. _hasp_, fila congregata. _Stat. Acc._ _To make a ravell'd hesp_, to put a thing in confusion; _to redd a ravell'd hesp_, to restore order. _Gl. Shirr._ HESS, _adj._ Hoarse. _Lyndsay._ Su. G. _haes_, _hes_, A. S. _hax_, id. HET, HAT, _adj._ 1. Hot, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Keen, metaph. _Wallace._ ~Hetfull~, _adj._ Hot, fiery. _Wallace._ ~Hetly~, _adv._ Hotly, S. _Ross._ ~Het pint~, The _hot_ beverage, which young people carry with them from house to house early in the morning of the new year; used also on the night preceding a marriage, and at the time of child-bearing, S. _Morison._ ~Het stoup~, Same with _Het pint_, S. _J. Nicol._ HETHELICHE, Reproachful. V. ~Heydin~. _Sir Tristrem._ Isl. _haediligt_, Sw. _haediligt_, contumeliosus. HETHING, _s._ Scorn. V. ~Heydin~. HEUCH, _pret. v._ Hewed. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _hugg-a_, caedere. HEUCH, HEUGH, HEWCH, HUWE, HWE, HEW, _s._ 1. A crag, a ragged steep, S. _Wyntown._ 2. A steep hill or bank. _Evergreen._ 3. A glen with steep overhanging _braes_ or sides, Loth. Bord. _Gl. Compl._ 4. The shaft of a coal-pit, S. _Skene._ 5. A hollow in a quarry, Loth. A. S. _hou_, mons; L. B. _hogh-ia_, Isl. _haug-r_, collis. HEUCK, HEUGH, _s._ A disease of cows, inflaming the eye, Ang. Hence, ~Heuck-stane~, _s._ Blue vitriol; as used for removing this disease, ibid. HEUCK-BANE, _s._ The huckle-bone, Ang. Belg. _huck-en_, to bow. _To_ HEVYD, _v. a._ To behead. _Wyntown._ HEWID, _s._ Head. _Barbour._ A. S. _heafud_, id.; q. what is _heav'd_ or lifted up. HEWYD, HEWYT, _part. pa._ Coloured. _Barbour._ HEWIS, _o. p. v._ Perhaps, for _haves_, has. _Henrysone._ HEWIS, _s. pl._ Forms; ghosts. _Philotus._ A. S. _heawgas_, simulacra. HEWIT, _pret._ Tarried. _Gawan and Gol._ HEWIT, _part. pa._ Having hoofs. _Doug._ HEWMOND, HEUMONT, _s._ A helmet. _Pitscottie._ Isl. _hilm-a_, to cover, and _mond_, mouth. HY, _s._ Haste. A. S. _hige_. _Wyntown._ _To_ HYCHT, HIGHT, _v. n._ 1. To trust, to expect. A. S. _hihte_, spero. _Barbour._ 2. To promise. V. ~Hecht~. _Hudson._ ~Hycht~, _s._ A promise. _Barbour._ _To_ HICHT, HIGHT, HEICHT, _v. a._ 1. To heighten, S. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _hiht-an_, augere. ~Hichty~, _adj._ Lofty. _Douglas._ HIDDIE-GIDDIE, Loth., HIRDIE-GIRDIE, _adv._ Topsy-turvy. _Houlate._ Q. the _head_ in a _giddy_ state. HIDDIL, HIDLINS, _adv._ Secretly, S. _Dunbar._ ~Hiddils~, ~Hiddillis~, ~Hidlings~, _s. pl._ Hiding-places. _Barbour._ _In the hiddils of_, under the cover or shelter of, S. _In hidlings_, _adv._ secretly, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _hydels_, latibulum. HIDDIRTYL, HIDDIRTILLIS, _adv._ Hitherto. _Douglas._ HIDWISE, _adj._ Hideous. Fr. _hideux_, id. _Gawan and Gol._ HIEGATIS, _s. pl._ High ways, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ HIE HOW, _interj._ Bravo. _Douglas._ _To_ HYGHT, _v. a._ To promise. V. ~Hicht~. HY-JINKS, HIGH-JINKS, _s._ A very absurd game, in which it was determined by the dice who should for some time sustain a fictitious character, or repeat a certain number of loose verses, under the penalty of either swallowing an additional bumper, or paying a small sum to the reckoning. This appears to be nearly the same with the drunken game called _Whigmaleerie_. _Ramsay._ _Mannering._ _To_ HILCH, _v. n._ To halt, S. _Burns._ HILLIEGELEERIE, _adv._ Topsy-turvy, S. B. _Hilliegulair_, Perths. Gael. _uile go leir_, altogether. HILT ~and~ HAIR, the whole of any thing, S. _Ross._ Su. G. _hull_, anc. _hold_, flesh; the carcase and hide; _med hull och haar_, hide and hair, _the whole_; Germ. _haut und har_. HILTED RUNG, a crutch. _Shirrefs._ Q. a stick with a _hilt_ or handle. HILTER-SKILTER, _adv._ In rapid succession, S. A. S. _heolstr sceado_, a confused heap. HIMEST, Leg. HUMEST, _adj._ Uppermost. V. ~Umast~. _Wallace._ HIMSELL, corr. of _himself_. _Philotus._ _At him_ or _her sell_, in full possession of one's mental powers, S. B. _Ross._ _Weill at himsell_, plump, Clydes. _By himsell_, beside himself, S. _Burns._ HYNDER, _s._ Hinderance; S. B. _hender_. _Crosraguell._ HINDER, _adj._ Last, Loth. _Ferguson._ HINDER-END, _s._ 1. Extremity, S. 2. Termination, S. _Ferguson._ HYNE, _s._ 1. A person. _Douglas._ Su. G. _hion_, individuum humanum. 2. A young man, a stripling. _Barbour._ 3. A farm-servant, S., _hind_ E. A. S. _hine_, id. _Bar. Courts._ 4. A peasant. A. S. _hineman_. _Doug._ HYNE, _adv._ 1. Hence, S. _Douglas._ _Hyne far awa'_, far hence, Ang. 2. Referring to the eternal state. _Lyndsay._ Belg. _heen_, away; Su. G. _haen_, hence. _Fra hyne-furth_, henceforward. _Acts Ja. III._ HINDERNYCHT, _s._ The last night. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ HYNG, _v. a._ To hang, S. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Hing~, _v. n._ 1. To be suspended. _Ramsay._ 2. To be in a state of dependance. _Acts Ja. IV._ ~Hingare~, _s._ 1. A necklace. _Douglas._ 2. In pl. hangings, tapestry. _Bellenden._ _To_ HYNK, HINK, _v. n._ To be in a doubtful state. _Henrysone._ Germ. _henk-en_, to suspend; Su. G. _hwink-a_, vacillare. HINK, _s._ Perh. hesitation. _Mellvill's MS._ HINKLINE, _s._ Same as E. _inkling_. _Mellvill's MS._ Su. G. _wink-a_, to beckon. _To_ HINT, HYNT, _v. a._ To lay hold of; pret. _hent_, S. _Wallace._ Su. G. _haent-a_, id. manu prehendere, from _hand_, manus. ~Hynt~, _s._ Act of exertion. _K. Hart._ HINT, _s._ An opportunity, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _haend-a_, accidere. HINT. _In a hint_, in a moment, S. B. _Ross._ HINT, _adv._ _To the hint_, behind, S. HYNTWORTHE, _s._ An herb. _Bp. St Androis._ _To_ HIP, _v. a._ To miss, S. B. Su. G. _hopp-a_, Eston. _hypp-aen_, to pass. ~Hip~, _s._ An omission, S. HIPPEN, _s._ A towel used for wrapping about the _hips_ of an infant, S. _Ross._ _To_ HIRCH, (_ch_ hard) _v. n._ To shiver, S. _groue_ synon. HYRCHOUNE, (_ch_ hard) _s._ A hedgehog; S. _hurchin_. _Barbour._ Arm. _heureuchin_, id. _To_ HIRD, _v. a._ 1. To tend cattle, S. 2. To guard any person or thing, S. Su. G. _hird-a_, A. S. _hyrd-an_, custodire. ~Hird~, ~Hyrde~, _s._ One who tends cattle, S. A. S. _hyrd_, Isl. _hyrde_, id. _Douglas._ HIRDIEGIRDIE. V. ~Hiddie Giddie~. _To_ HIRE, _v. a._ To let, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ~Hyregang~, _s._ In hyregang, paying rent. _Douglas._ Su. G. _hyr_, merces, and _gang_, mos. ~Hireman~, _s._ A male servant, S. B. A. S. _hyreman_, mercenarius. _St. Acc._ ~Hireship~, _s._ Service; also, the place of servants. _Gl. Shirr._ ~Hirewoman~, _s._ A maid-servant, S. B. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ HIRY, HARY, a cry. _Bannatyne P._ HIRLING, HERLING, _s._ A small trout shaped like a salmon, its flesh reddish, Dumfr. _Statist. Acc._ HIRNE, HYRNE, _s._ 1. A corner. _R. Bruce._ 2. A retirement, a recess. _Douglas._ A. S. _hyrn_, anc. Su. G. _hyrn_, angulus. HYRONIUS, _adj._ Erroneous. _Burel._ _To_ HIRPLE, _v. n._ 1. To halt, S. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _hwerfla_, to move circularly. 2. To move crazily, S. _Burns._ HYRSALE, HIRSELL, HIRDSELL, HIRSLE, _s._ 1. A multitude, a throng, S. _hissel_, Ayrs. _Wyntown._ 2. A flock, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _haer_, an army, and _saell-a_, to assemble. _To_ ~Hirsell~, _v. a._ To put into different flocks, S. A. _Stat. Acc._ HYRSETT, _s._ The payment of _Burrow mails_ for one year, as the condition on which a new-made burgess continued to enjoy his privilege, although his property was not built upon. _Burr. Lawes._ A. S. _hyre_, merces, and _sett-an_, collocare. _To_ HIRSILL, HIRSLE, _v. n._ 1. To move resting on the hams, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _aersel-en_, culum versus ire. 2. To graze, to rub on. _Douglas._ A. S. _hirstl-an_, crepere. _To_ HIRSP, _v. n._ To jar. _Calderwood._ E. to _rasp_, Su. G. _rasp-a_. HIRST, _s._ 1. A hinge. _Douglas._ 2. _Miln-hirst_, the place on which the crubs ly, within which the mill-stone rubs. A. S. _kyrr_, cardo. _Ruddiman._ HIRST, HURST, _s._ 1. The bare and hard summit of a hill, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _har_, locus lapidosus. 2. A sand bank on the brink of a river, S. B. _Law Case._ 3. Equivalent to _shallow_, in a river, S. B. _Law Case._ 4. A resting place, S. B. _Shirrefs._ 5. A small wood. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _hurst_, silva. HISSIE, HIZZIE, _s._ Corr. of _housewife_. _Burns._ ~Hissieskip~, ~Hussyfskap~, _s._ Housewifery, S. B. _Ritson._ HISTIE, _adj._ Dry, chaft, S. O. _Burns._ Perhaps q. _hirsty_, from _Hirst_. HIT, _pron._ It, S. A. S. Dan. _Sir Gawan._ HITCH, _s._ 1. A motion by a jerk, S. 2. Metaph. augmentation, S. _Ross._ Isl. _hik-a_, cedere, _hik_, commotiuncula. HITCH, _s._ A loop, S. O. _Burns._ HITE, HYTE. _To gae hyte_, to be in a rage, to act as if one were mad, S. B. _Shirrefs._ Isl. _heipt-a_, animo violento agere. HITHER ~and~ YONT, topsy-turvy, S. _To_ HIVE, _v. a._ To swell, S. _Rutherford._ _To_ ~Hive~, or ~Hive up~, _v. n._ To swell, S. B. ~Hives~, ~Hyves~, _s. pl._ Any eruption in the skin, proceeding from an internal cause, S. _Bowel-hive_, a disease in children, in which the groin is said to swell. _Hives_ is used to denote both the _red_ and _yellow gum_, Loth. Su. G. _haefw-a_, to rise up. _To_ HO, _v. n._ To stop. _Douglas._ Radically the same with _Hove_, _How_, q. v. ~Hoe~, _s._ A stop. _Z. Boyd._ HO, _pron._ She. A. S. _heo_, id. _Sir Gawan._ HO, _s._ A stocking, S. HOAM, _s._ The dried grease of a cod, Ang. HOAM'D, HUMPH'D, _part. adj._ Having a fusty taste, Clydes. HOARSGOUK, _s._ The snipe, Orkn. Sw. _horsgjok_, id. _Barry._ HOAS, Not understood. _Law Case._ HOBBY, _s._ A kind of hawk. _Houlate._ Belg. _huybe_, Fland. _hobbye_, id. _To_ HOBBIL, _v. a._ To cobble. _Bannatyne Poems._ _To_ HOBBIL, _v. a._ To dance. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _hobbel-en_, saltare. HOBBY-TOBBY, _adj._ Denoting the _tout-ensemble_ of an awkward, tawdry woman, S. Teut. _hobbel-tobbel_, confusè. HOBBLE, _s._ A state of perplexity, S. _habble_, Loth. Teut. _hobbel-en_, inglomerare. HOBBLEDEHOY, _s._ A stripling, Loth. HOBELERIS, _s. pl._ 1. Light horsemen chiefly calculated for the purpose of reconnoitring, &c. _Barbour._ Fr. _hobille_, a coat of quilted stuff. 2. Men lightly armed. _Grose._ HOBYNYS, _s. pl._ Light horses. _Barbour._ Fr. _hobin_, id. HOBLESHEW, _s._ V. ~Hubbleshew~. HOBURN SAUGH, the Laburnum, S. HOCKERTY-COCKERTY, _adv._ To ride on one's shoulders with a leg on each, Aberd. _Journal Lond._ HOCKIT, _pret._ Perhaps, for _hotchit_. V. ~Hotch~. _Peblis Play._ HOCUS, _s._ A stupid fellow, S. Isl. _aukaise_, homo nihili. _To_ HOD, HODE, _v. a._ To hide, S. B. _Morison._ Belg. _hoed-en_, Alem. _huod-en_, id. HODDEN-GREY, _adj._ Applied to cloth worn by the peasantry, which has the natural colour of the wool, S. _Ramsay._ E. _hoiden_, rustic, clownish. HODDIE, _s._ A carrion-crow. V. ~Huddy~. HODDIN, _part._ Expressive of the jogging motion of one who rides a horse that moves stiffly, S. O. V. ~Houd~. _Burns._ _To_ HODDLE, _v. n._ To waddle, Ang. HODLACK, _s._ A rick of bay, Etterick Forest. HOE, HOE-FISH, _s._ The piked dogfish, Orkn. _Barry._ Sw. _haj_, Dan. _ho_, id. HOE-MOTHER, HOMER, _s._ The basking shark, Orkn. _Barry._ HOESHINS, _s. pl._ Stockings without feet, Ayrs. Teut. _huysken_, theca. HOG, _s._ A young sheep, before it has lost its first fleece. _Gl. Complaynt._ _Stat. Acc._ L. B. _hoggaeius_, a young sheep of the second year. HOG, _s._ In the diversion of curling, the name given to a stone which does not go over the _distance score_, S. _Graeme._ _To_ HOG, HOGG, _v. a._ To shog, Ang. _Old Ball._ Isl. _hagg-a_, commoveo, quasso. HOGERS, HOGGERS, _s. pl._ Coarse stockings without feet, S. _Ross._ HOGMANAY, HOGMENAY, _s._ 1. The last day of the year, S. 2. The entertainment given to a visitor on this day; or a gift conferred on those who apply for it, S. _J. Nicol._ The origin is quite uncertain. HOGRY-MOGRY, _adj_ Slovenly, Loth. corr. from _hugger-mugger_, E. V. ~Hudge-mudge~. HOG-SCORE, _s._ A distance-line, in curling, drawn across the _rink_ or course, S. _Burns._ HOG-SHOUTHER, _s._ A game in which those who amuse themselves justle each other by the shoulders, S. _Burns._ Isl. _hogg-a_, to strike. _To_ ~Hogshouther~, _v. a._ To justle with the shoulder. _Burns._ _To_ HOY, _v. a._ 1. To incite, a term used as to dogs, S. _Burns._ 2. To chase or drive away. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _ho-a_, greges convocare vel agere. HOYES, _s._ 1. A term used in public proclamations, calling attention, S. _Skene._ O. Fr. _oyez_, hear ye. 2. Used as equivalent to _hue_, in the phrase _hue_ and _cry_. _Stat. Rob. I._ HOIF, HOFF, HOVE, HOUFF, HUFE, _s._ 1. A hall. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _hof_, _aula_. 2. A burial-place. The principal place of interment at Dundee is called the _houff_. Isl. _hof_, atrium, Germ. _hof_, area, _kirchhof_, area ante templum. 3. A haunt, S. _Burns._ A. S. _hofe_, Germ. _hof_, a house. 4. A place where one wishes to be concealed. _Ferguson._ A. S. _hofe_, spelunca, a den. HOISPEHOY, _s._ A game used in Banffshire, similar to _Hide and Seek_. O. Fr. _oyez_, hear, and _espier_, to spy; q. listen, I espy you. _To_ HOIST, _v. n._ To cough. V. ~Host~. _To_ HOIT, HOYTE, _v. n._ To move with expedition, but stiffly and clumsily, S. _Burns._ Isl. _haut-a_, cursitare more detentae volucris. ~Hoit~, _s._ A hobbling motion, S. B. HOLYN, HOLENE, _s._ The holly, S. A. S. _holen_, id. _Wallace._ _To_ HOLK, HOUK, HOWK, _v. a._ 1. To dig, S. _Douglas._ 2. Metaph. to search. _R. Bruce._ Su. G. _holk-a_, cavare, from _hol_, cavus. HOLKIS, _s. pl._ A disease of the eye; _heuck_, S. B. _Douglas._ _To_ HOLL, _v. n._ To excavate, S. A. S. _hol-ian_, id. ~Holl~, ~Howe~, _adj._ 1. Hollow, deep; _how_, S. _Palice Hon._ 2. Concave. _Douglas._ 3. Giving a hollow sound, S. _Burns._ Isl. _hol-ur_, cavus, concavus. ~Holl~, _s._ Hold of a ship. _Wallace._ HOLLIGLASS, _s._ A character in old Romances. _Poems 16th Cent._ Belg. _Uyle-spegel_, i. e. _Owl-glass_; the original work being written in Dutch. HOLLION, _s._ Conjoined with _hip_, Ang. _Morison._ HOLM, HOWM, _s._ The level low ground on the banks of a river, S., _hoam_, S. B. Isl. _hwam-r_, a little valley. _Wyntown._ HOLT, _s._ A wood; as in E. HOLT, _s._ 1. High and barren ground. _Douglas._ Isl. _hollt_, terra aspera et sterilis. 2. A very small hay cock, or a small quantity of manure before it is spread, Dumfr. _Statist. Acc._ HOME, _adj._ Close, urgent, S. _Spalding._ HOMELTY-JOMELTY, _adj._ Clumsy and confused in manner. _Dunbar._ Perh. from _whummil_, and _jumble_. HOMYLL, _adj._ Having no horns; S. _hummil_, _hummilt_. V. ~Hummil~. _Bellenden._ Isl. _hamla_, membri mutilatione impedire. _To_ HOMOLOGATE, _v. a._ To give an indirect approbation of any thing, S. _Burnet._ HONE, _s._ Delay. _Barbour._ Apparently from _Hove_, _How_, q. v. HONEST, _adj._ Honourable. _Wyntown._ ~Honest-like~, _adj._ 1. Goodly; as regarding the person, S. 2. As respecting dress; not shabby, S. 3. Having the appearance of liberality, or of plenty, S. ~Honesty~, _s._ 1. Respectability. _Wyntown._ 2. Liberality, S. _Rutherford._ 3. Decency, as becoming one's station, S. Lat. _honest-us_, kind; decent. _Kelly._ HOO, _s._ Delay. V. ~Hove~. _Wallace._ HOO, _s._ Cap. V. ~How~. HOODED CROW, The pewit gull, Orkn. _Barry._ _To_ HOOL, _v. a._ To conceal, S. B. _Shirrefs._ Su. G. _hoel-ja_, operire; Moes. G. _hul-jan_. HOOLIE, _adj._ Slow. V. ~Huly~. _To_ HOP, HAP, _v. n._ To dance. _Douglas._ Teut. _hopp-en_, salire, saltare. HOP, HOPE, _s._ A sloping hollow between two hills, or the hollow that forms two ridges between one hill, South of S. _Wallace._ Celt. _hope_, petite vallée entre des montagnes. HOPE, _s._ A small bay, Orkn. _Wyntown._ Isl. _hop_, recessus maris. HORIE GOOSE, the Brent goose; also _horra_, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ HORN, _s._ A vessel for holding liquor; figuratively used for its contents, S. Isl. _horn_, poculum. _Ramsay._ ~Horn~, _s._ An excrescence on the foot, a corn, S. B. Sw. _lik-thorn_, id. q. a body-horn. ~Horn~, _s. To put to the horn_, to denounce as a rebel; a forensic phrase; from the formality of blowing a _horn_, S. _Bellenden._ ~Horning~, _s._ Or, _Letter of Horning_, a letter issued from his Majesty's Signet, and directed to a Messenger, who is required to charge a debtor to pay the debt for which he is prosecuted, or perform the obligation within a limited time, under the pain of rebellion, S. _Erskine._ ~Horne~, _s._ One of the constellations. _Doug._ ~Horn-daft~, _adj._ Outrageous; perhaps in allusion to an animal that pushes with the _horn_, S. HORRING, _s._ Abhorrence. _Buchanan._ HORSE, _s._ A faucet, S. B. HORSE-COUPER, _s._ A horse-dealer, S. _Colvil._ HORSE-GANG, _s._ A certain quantity of land, S. _Pennant._ HORSEGOUK, _s._ The green sand-piper, Shetl. Dan. _horse gioeg_. HORSE-KNOT, _s._ Common black knapweed, S. _Lightfoot._ HORSE-MUSCLE, _s._ The pearl oyster, S. _Statist. Acc._ HOSE-FISH, _s._ The cuttle-fish, S. _O-fish_, Loth. _Sibbald._ HOSE-NET, _s._ 1. A small net, affixed to a pole, resembling a stocking, S. 2. _In a hose-net_, in an entanglement, S. _R. Bruce._ _To_ HOST, HOIST, _v. n._ 1. To cough, S. _Henrysone._ 2. Metaph. to belch up; applied to the effusions of grief or displeasure. _Doug._ 3. To hem, S. A. S. _hweost-an_, Su. G. _host-a_, id. ~Host~, ~Hoast~, ~Hoist~, _s._ 1. A single act of coughing, S. _Dunbar._ 2. A settled cough, S. _K. Hart._ 3. A hem, S. 4. Denoting what is attended with no difficulty or hesitation. _It did na cost him a host_, S. _Ross._ A. S. _hweost_, Belg. _hoest_, id. HOSTA, _interj._ Expressing surprise, and perhaps hesitation, Ang. _Shirrefs._ Moes. G. _haus-jan_, audire. _To_ HOSTAY, _v. a._ To besiege. Fr. _hostoyer_, id. _Wyntown._ HOSTELER, HOSTELLAR, _s._ An innkeeper. Fr. _hostelier_, id. _Wallace._ ~Hostillar~, ~Hostillarie~, s. An inn. Fr. _hostelerie_, id. _Acts Ja. I._ _To_ HOTCH, _v. n._ To move the body by sudden jerks, S. Teut. _huts-en_, Belg. _hots-en_, Fr. _hoch-er_, to jog. HOTCH-POTCH, _s._ A dish of broth, made with mutton or lamb, cut into small pieces, together with green peas, carrots, turnips, and sometimes parsley or celery, served up with the meat in it, S. Teut. _huts-pot_, Fr. _hochepot_. _To_ HOTTER, _v. a._ To crowd together; expressive of individual motion, S. O. Teut. _hott-en_, coalescere. _J. Nicol._ HOU, _s._ A roof-tree. V. ~How~, _s._ 4. _Ramsay._ _To_ HOUD, _v. n._ 1. To wriggle, S. 2. To move by succussation, Loth. ~Houd~, _s._ The act of wriggling, S. B. _To_ HOVE, HOW, HUFE, HUFF, _v. n._ 1. To lodge. _Barbour._ 2. To stay, to tarry. _Douglas._ Germ. _hof-en_, domo et hospitio excipere. _To_ HOVE, _v. n._ 1. To swell, S. _Hogg._ 2. To rise, to ascend. _Polwart._ Dan. _hov-er_, to swell. HOVE. ~Arthur's Hove~, the ancient building called _Arthur's Oon_, S. _Bellenden._ HOUFF, _s._ A haunt. V. ~Hoif~. _To_ ~Houff~, _v. n._ To take shelter, S. HOUFFIT, _part._ Heaved. _K. Hart._ HOUGH, _adj._ Having a hollow sound. _Glanville._ HOUGH, _adj._ (gutt.) 1. Low, mean; pron. _hogh_. _Ramsay._ 2. In a poor state of health, S. _To_ HOUK, _v. a._ Expl. To heap. _Gl. Sibb._ HOUK, _s._ A large ship. _Douglas._ Su. G. _holk_, navis oneraria. HOURIS, _s. pl._ 1. Matins. _Bellenden._ 2. Metaph. the chanting of birds. _Dunbar._ Fr. _heures_, a book of prayers for certain hours. HOURS. _Ten hours_, ten o'clock, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Fr. _qu'elle heure_, S. _what hours?_ HOUSS, _s._ A castle. _Wallace._ Su. G. _hus_, castellum, arx. HOW, _adj._ Hollow. V. ~Holl~. ~How~, _s._ 1. Any hollow place, S. _Ross._ 2. A plain, S. _Statist. Acc._ 3. The hold of a ship. _Douglas._ 4. _Dung in the howes_, overturned. _Baillie._ HOW, _s._ A tumulus, Orkn. _Stat. Acc._ Isl. _haug_, Su. G. _hoeg_, a sepulchral mound. HOW, _s._ 1. A coif or hood. S. B. pron. _hoo_. _Kelly._ Belg. _huyve_, Dan. _hue_, id. 2. A chaplet. _Douglas._ A. S. _hufe_, tiara. 3. _Sely how_, also _happy how_, a membrane on the head, with which some children are born; pron. _hoo_, S. B. _Ruddiman._ HOW, HOU, HOO, _s._ A piece of wood, which joins the _couple-wings_ together at the top, on which rests the roof-tree of a thatched house, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _huf_, summitas tecti. HOW, _s._ A hoe, S. Fr. _houe_. _Barbour._ HOW, HOU, _s._ 1. The sound made by the owl. Fr. _hu-er_, to hoot. _Doug._ 2. A sea cheer. _Complaynt S._ _To_ HOWD, _v. a._ To act as a midwife, S. Isl. _iod_, childbirth, _iod sott_, the pangs of childbirth. ~Howdy~, _s._ A midwife, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _iodgumma_, id. i. e. as frequently expressed in S. a _houdy-wife_. _To_ HOWDER, _v. n._ To move by succussation, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ HOWDER, _v. a._ To hide, Loth. _Ramsay._ ~Howdrand~, _part. pa._ Hiding. _Dunbar._ S. B. _hode_, to hide; or Teut. _hoeder_, receptaculum. HOWE, _interj._ A call. S. _Douglas._ Dan. _hoo_, Fr. _ho_, id. HOWIE, CASTLE-HOWIE, _s._ The name given Orkn. to such of the Picts' houses as still appear like tumuli. From How, a tumulus, q. v. HOWYN, _part. pa._ Baptised. _Wynt._ HOWLLIS HALD, a ruin; q. an owl's habitation. _Dunbar._ HOWPHYN, _s._ A term of endearment, equivalent to E. _darling_. _Evergreen._ C. B. _hoffdyn_, one who is beloved. HOW SA, _adv._ Although. _Barbour._ HOWTOWDY, _s._ A hen that has never laid, S. Fr. _hustaudeau_, _hutaudeau_, any well-grown pullet. HUBBILSCHOW, HOBBLESHOW, _s._ A hubbub, a tumult, S. _Ross._ Teut. _hobbel-en_, inglomerare; _schowe_, spectaculum. _To_ HUCK, _v. n._ To hesitate as in a bargain, q. to play the _huckster_, _Z. Boyd._ HUCKIE-BUCKIE, _s._ A play, in which children slide down a hill on their _hunkers_, Loth. V. ~Hunker~. HUD, _s._ The trough employed by masons for carrying mortar, Loth. _To_ HUD, _v. n._ To hide. V. ~Hod~. _Leg. St Androis._ HUDDERIN, HUDERON, _part. adj._ Flabby in person, and slovenly. Ang. pron. _hutherin_. _Kelly._ 2. Ugly, hideous, Aberd. _Journ. Lond._ 3. Empty, ill-filled, Orkn. Teut. _huyder-en_, to have the udder distended. ~Huddroun~, _s. Belly-huddroun_, _s._ A gluttonous sloven. _Dunbar._ HUDDY CRAW, HODDIE, _s._ The carrion crow, S. B. _hoddy craw_, S. A. _huddit crau_. _Complaynt S._ HUDDS, _s._ A kind of clay hardened, used for a back to a grate, Dumfr. _Stat. Acc._ HUDDUM, HUDDONE, _s._ A kind of whale. _Douglas._ HUDGE-MUDGE, _adj._ Clandestinely, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Su. G. _miugg_, secretly, compounded with _hug-a_, to meditate, O. Teut. _huggh-en_, to observe. HUD-PYKE, _s._ A miser. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _pick-hogad_, qui avide desiderat. HUFUD, _s._ A stroke on the head, S. B. HUGGRIE-MUGGRIE, _adv._ Hugger-mugger, Fife. V. ~Hudge-mudge~. HUICK, _s._ A small rick of corn, Banffs. _To_ HUIK, _v. a._ To consider, to regard. _Chron. S. P._ Teut. _huggh-en_, observare, considerare. HUKEBANE, _s._ Huckle-bone, S. B. Su. G. Isl. _huk-a_, inclinare se. _Dunbar._ _To_ HUKE, Perhaps, to tack; Teut. _huck-en_, incurvare. _Maitland P._ HULGIE-BACK, _s._ Hump back. _Gl. Ross._ ~Hulgie-backed~, _adj._ Hump-backed, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _hulkig_, convexus, E. _hulch_. HULY, HOOLIE, _adj._ Slow, moderate, S. _heelie_, Aberd. _Douglas._ _Hove_, to stay, S., or Su. G. _hoflig_, moderate. HULLION, _s._ A sloven, Fife. HULLCOCK, _s._ The Smooth hound, a fish, Orkn. HULTER CORN, _s._ The same with _shilling_, Aberd. q. _hulled_. _Stat. Acc._ HUM, _s._ A sham, S. Su. G. _hum_, an uncertain rumour. _To_ HUM, To feed, as birds do their young, by billing, Ang. HUMANITY, _s._ The study of the Latin language. Hence _the Humanity Class_, that in which this is taught; and the teacher, the _Professor of humanity_. Lat. _Literae Humaniores_. _Stat. Acc._ HUMDRUM, _s._ Dejection, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _humm-a_, admurmurare, and _drom-a_, tarde et lente gradi. HUMEST, _adj._ Uppermost. V. ~Umast~. _Wallace._ HUMLY, _adj._ Humble. _Bellenden._ HUMLOIK, _s._ Hemlock. _Lyndsay._ HUMMEL, _s._ A drone. _Dunbar._ Germ. _hummel_, fucus. _To_ HUMMEL, _v. a. To hummil bear_, to separate the grain of barley from the beards, S. B. ~Hummel-corn~, _s._ Grain which wants a beard, as pease, &c. S. B. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. _haml-a_, to mutilate. HUMMEL, _adj._ Wanting horns. V. ~Homyll~. HUMMIE, _s._ The game otherwise called _shintie_, Loth. HUMSTRUM, _s._ A pet. _Gl. Shirr._ _Hum_, as in _hum-drum_, and _strum_, q. v. HUND, _s._ 1. A dog, S. _Dunbar._ Moes. G. _hunds_, A. S. _hund_, canis. 2. An avaricious person, S. Teut. _hond_, homo avarus. HUNE, _s._ Delay. V. ~Hone~. _Dunbar._ _To_ HUNE, _v. n._ To emit a querulous sound, Ang. Su. G. _hwin-a_, lugere. HUNGRY GROUND, ground, by superstition, believed to be so much under the power of enchantment, that he who passes over it would infallibly faint, if he did not use something for the support of nature, West of S. _To_ HUNKER, _v. n._ To squat down. _Gl. Shirr._ _To_ ~Hunker~, _v. a._ The same. _Pop. Ball._ ~Hunkers~, _s. pl. To sit on one's hunkers_, to sit with the hips hanging downwards, S. Isl. _huk-a_, incurvare se modo cacantis. HUPES _of a mill_, _s. pl._ The circular wooden frame, which surrounds the millstones, Loth. q. _hoops_. _To_ HUR, _v. n._ To snarl. _Muses Thren._ Lat. _hirr-ire_, id. HURBLE, _s._ A lean or meagre object, S. B. HURCHAM, _adj._ Like a hedgehog. _Dunbar._ HURCHEON, _s._ A hedgehog, S. HURD, HURDE, _s._ A hoard, S. _Wyntown._ HURDIES, _s. pl._ The buttocks, S. _Lyndsay._ HURDYS, _s. pl._ Hurdles. _Gawan and Gol._ Germ. _hurd_, Belg. _horde_, Fr. _hourde_. _To_ HURDLE, _v. n._ To crouch like a cat or hare, S. B. _Gl. Shirrefs._ HURE, HORE, _s._ A whore, S. _Godly Sangs._ A. S. _hure_, Teut. _hur_, Belg. _hoere_. ~Huredome~, Whoredom, id. _To_ HURKILL, HURKLE, _v. n._ 1. To draw the body together, S. _Douglas._ 2. To be in a rickety state. _Dunbar._ 3. To be contracted into folds. _Ritson._ ~Hurkle-backit~, _adj._ Crook-backed, S. _Godly Ball._ Belg. _hurk-en_, to squat, to sit stooping. HURL, _s._ The act of scolding, S. HURLE BEHIND, the diarrhoea. _Dunbar._ HURLEBARROW, _s._ A wheel-barrow, S. _Watson._ HURLY, _s._ Expl. the "last." _Poems Buch. Dial._ HURLIE-HACKET, _s._ Sliding down a precipice, S. A. _Lyndsay._ Su. G. _hurr-a_, whence E. _hurl_, and _halk-a_, to slide. HURLOCH, URLOCH, _adj._ Cloudy, Gael. _obherlach_. _Popular Ball._ HURRY-SCURRY, _s._ An uproar, Ang. Su. G. _hurra_, cum impetu circumagi; _skorra_, sonum stridulum edere. HURSTIS. V. ~Hirst~. HURTHY, L. _hurtly_, promptly. _Houlate._ Germ. _hurtig_, expeditus; _hurt_, impetus. HUSBAND, _s._ A farmer. _Barbour._ A. S. _husbonda_, L. B. _husbanda_, paterfamilias agriculturam exercens. ~Husband-land~, s. A division of land. _Skene._ HUSCHER, _s._ An usher. _Sir Tristrem._ Fr. _huissier_, id. from _huis_, a door. HUSE, L. _hufe_, tarry. _Houlate._ HUSH, _s._ The Lump, a fish, S. _To_ HUSH, _v. n._ To rush, Loth. HUSHEL, _s._ Any implement that is worn out, Ang. HUSHION, _s._ Apparently the same with _Hoeshin_. _Burns._ HUSSYFSKAP, _s._ Housewifery. V. ~Hissieskip~. HUSSILLING, _s._ A rattling or clashing noise. _Douglas._ _To_ HUSTLE, _v. n._ To emit such a sound as an infant does when highly pleased, Ang. Isl. _hwisl-a_, in aurum susurrare. HUT, An overgrown and indolent person, Ang. ~Hut~, ~Hand-hut~, _s._ A small stack built in the field, S. HUT, _s._ A square basket, formerly used in Galloway for carrying out dung to the field, of which the bottom opened to let the contents fall out. HUTHER, _s._ A wetting mist, S. B. ~It's hutherin~, it rains slightly, ibid. Isl. _hiufrar_, parum pluit; _hiufr_, pluvia tenuis. HUTHERIN, _s._ 1. A young heifer, Ang. Loth. V. ~Hudderin~. 2. A stupid fellow, Orkney. HUTTIS ILL, some disease. _Roull._ HUTTIT, _adj._ Hated, abominable. _Douglas._ Su. G. _hutta_, cum indignatione et contemtu ejicere. HUTTOCK, _s._ Perhaps mitre. _Pal. Hon._ Fr. _haute toque_, high cap. _To_ HUZZH, _v. a._ To lull a child, S. Isl. _hoss-a_, id. HWINKLE FACED, _adj._ Lantern-jawed, Orkn. I, J, Y. J corresponds to Germ. Belg. _sch_, Su. G. Isl. _sk_. Y, as prefixed to verbs, participles and verbal nouns, is merely the vestige of A. S. _ge_, corresponding to Moes. G. _ga_. _Ie_ is a termination used for forming diminutives. JA, _s._ The jay. _Bannatyne Poems._ JABB, _s._ A net for catching the fry of coal-fish. _Stat. Acc._ JABBIT, _adj._ Fatigued, jaded. _Gl. Shirr._ JABBLE, _s._ Soup, Aberd. _Shirrefs._ JACINCTYNE, _s._ Hyacinth. _Douglas._ Fr. _jacynthe_, id. JACKSTIO, _s._ Jack-pudding. _Polwart._ Su. G. _stoja_, tumultuari; Isl. _stygg-r_, insolens. _To_ JAG, _v. a._ 1. To job, S. _Watson._ 2. To pierce. _Douglas._ Germ. _zack_, cuspis; _zeichnen_, to prick. JAG, _s. Jack_, or hunter, fashion of boots. Teut. _jagh-en_, agitare feras. _Ritson._ JAGGET, _s._ A full sack dangling at every motion. _To_ JAIP, JAPE, _v. a._ To mock. _Doug._ A. S. _gabb-an_, Su. G. _gabb-a_, irridere. ~Jaip~, ~Jape~, _s._ 1. A mock. _Douglas._ 2. A deception. _Douglas._ ~Jaiper~, ~Japer~, _s._ A buffoon. _Gl. Sibb._ JAY-PYET, _s._ A jay, Ang. Perths. _To_ JAK, _v. n._ To spend time idly, S. _jauk_, q. v. _Priests Peblis._ ~Jaukin~, _s._ Dallying, S. _Burns._ JAKMEN, _s. pl._ Retainers kept by a landholder, for fighting in his quarrels. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _jaque_, a short coat of mail worn by them. JAM, _s._ A projection, S. _Stat. Acc._ Fr. _jambe_, a corbel. _To_ JAMPH, _v. a._ 1. To mock, S. _Ross._ 2. To shuffle, S. _Ross._ 3. To act the part of a male jilt. _Id._ 4. To trifle, S. Su. G. _skymf-a_, to scoff, _schimpf-en_, id. Su. G. _skaemta tiden_, tempus fallere. ~Jampher~, _s._ A scoffer, S. _Ross._ Teut. _schamper_, derisor. JANGEALAR, _s._ A juggler. _Dunbar._ _To_ JANGIL, JANGLE, _v. n._ To prattle. Fr. _jangl-er_, id. _Complaynt S._ ~Janglour~, _s._ A prater. _Bannatyne P._ Fr. _jangleur_, id. _To_ JANK, _v. n._ 1. To trifle, Loth. _Cleland._ Isl. _kiaenk-a_, arridere, might seem allied. 2. _To jank off_, to run off, Loth. JANKIT, _part. adj._ Fatigued, jaded, Loth. JANTY, _adj._ Cheerful, Fife. _A. Douglas._ Su. G. _gant-as_, to sport like children. _To_ JAPE, _v. a._ To mock. V. ~Jaip~. _To_ JARG, _v. n._ To make a sharp shrill noise, to creak, Bord. _Douglas._ 2. To flinch. _Mellvill's MS._ Su. G. _jerg-a_, eadem oberrare chorda. _To_ ~Jargle~, _v. n._ To produce reiterated shrill sounds, Bord. A dimin. from _Jarg_, or from O. Fr. _jergouill-er_, to mumble, to mutter. ~Jargolyne~, _s._ Chattering. _Complaynt S._ _To_ JARR, _v. n._ To make a harsh and grating noise; E. _jar_. _Douglas._ _To_ JARR, _v. n._ To stir with a staff in water. Alem. _girr-en_, turbare. _Douglas._ JASP, _s._ Jasper. Fr. id. _Henrysone._ JAUDIE, _s._ 1. The stomach of a hog, Roxb. 2. A pudding of oat-meal and hogs' lard, with onions and pepper, inclosed in a sow's stomach, Loth. S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ C. B. _gwaedogen_, omasum, a fat tripe; Arm. _guadec_, a pudding; _guadegen kig minset_, a haggis. JAVEL. V. ~Jevel~. JAUELLOUR, JEVELLOUR, _s._ A jailor. _Bellenden._ _To_ JAUK, _v. n._ To trifle, S. _Burns._ Isl. _jack-a_, continuo agitare; or Teut. _gack-en_, ludere. JAW, JAWE, _s._ 1. A wave, S. _Douglas._ 2. A flash of water, S. 3. Coarse raillery, petulant language, S. _Burns._ 4. Loquacity, S. _To_ ~Jaw~, _v. n._ 1. To dash, S. _Minst. Bord._ 2. _v. a._ To spirt, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To assault with coarse raillery, S. _A. Douglas._ _To_ JAWNER, _v. n._ To talk foolishly, Clydes. _Falls of Clyde._ JAWP, JAUP, JALP, _s._ 1. A flash, a dash of water. _Douglas._ 2. A spot of mud or dirty water, S. 3. Dregs, S. A. _J. Nicol._ Pron. _jalp_, both in the North and South of S.; in the West _jawpe_. Isl. _gialf-ur_, a hissing or roaring wave; _gialfr-a_, _gialp-a_, obstrepere, allidere, applied to the dashing of waves; Belg. _zwalp_, a flash of water. _To_ ~Jawp~, _v. n._ To dash and rebound as water, S. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Jawp~, ~Jalp~, _v. a._ To bespatter with mud, S. _Kelly._ JAWTHERS, _s. pl._ Idle, frivolous discourse, S. Isl. _gialfra_, incondita loqui. YBET, _part. pa._ Supplied. _Pal. Hon._ A. S. _gebette_, emendatus. ICHONE, YCHONE, Each one. _Doug._ YCORN, _part. pa._ Selected. _Sir Trist._ A. S. _gecoren_, selectus; _ge-cur-an_, Su. G. _kora_, eligere. ICKER, _s._ An ear of corn. V. ~Echer~. ICTERICK, _adj._ Of or belonging to jaundice. Fr. _icterique_. _Mellvill's MS._ YDANT, _adj._ Diligent. V. ~Ithand~. YDY, _s._ An eddy, a pool. _Houlate._ Isl. _ida_, vortex aquae, _id-a_, more fluentis aquae circumcursito. IDLESET, _s._ The state of being idle, S. Q. _set_ or placed _idle_. _R. Bruce._ YDILTETH, _s._ Idleness. _K. Ja. VI._ A. S. _idel tid_, tempus vacuum. YDRAW, _part. pa._ Drawn; metaph. advanced. _Douglas._ _To_ JEALOUSE, _v. a._ To suspect, S. _Wodrow._ JEBAT, _s._ A gibbet. _Bellenden._ JEDDART JUSTICE, A legal trial after the infliction of punishment, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ ~Jedburgh staff~, A kind of spear, for making which the artificers of Jedburgh were formerly celebrated. _Spalding._ JEDGE, _s._ A gauge. _Acts. Ja. VI._ O. Fr. _jauger_, to gage. _To_ JEE, _v. n._ 1. To move, to stir, S. _Ross._ 2. To move to one side, S. _Gee_, E. Sw. _gaa_, to budge; also to turn round; Isl. _gag-ast_, in obliquum ferri. _To_ JEEG, _v. n._ 1. To creak, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To _jeeg at_, to work so as to make a creaking noise, S. Isl. _jag-a_, eadem oberrare chorda; or _gigia_, a fiddle. JEEGLER, _s._ An unfledged bird, Loth. JELLY, adj. 1. Upright, worthy, S. B. _Shirrefs._ 2. Excellent in its kind, Moray. _Popular Ball._ Su. G. _gill_, able; also denoting the moral qualities. JELLILY, _adv._ Merrily, Moray; _jollily_, E. _Popular Ball._ JILLET, _s._ A giddy girl, S. perhaps corr. from E. _jilt_. _Burns._ JEMMIES, _s. pl._ A species of woollen cloth, Aberd. JENEPERE, _s._ Juniper. _K. Quair._ JEOPERD, _s._ A battle. _Bellenden._ ~Jeoparty trot~, _s._ 1. A quick motion between running and walking, Dumfr. 2. A contemptuous designation, perhaps as equivalent to _coward_, _poltroon_, Dumf. IER-OE, _s._ A great grandchild, S. O. _Burns._ Ir. _iar_, after, and _ua_, a grandchild. JEROFFLERIS, GERAFLOURIS, _s. pl._ Gilliflowers. _King's Quair._ Teut. _gheroffel_, Lat. _caryophylla_, id. JESP, _s._ A gap in the woof, S. JEVE, _s._ A shove with the elbow, S. Germ. _scheib-en_, Su. G. _skufw-a_, propellere. _To_ ~Jevel~, _v. a._ To joggle, Ang. _To_ JEVEL, _v. n._ To move obliquely, Loth. JEVEL, JEFWELL, JAVELL, _s._ A contemptuous term; meaning unknown. _Chr. Kirk._ YFERE, _adv._ In company. V. ~Fere~. JIFFIE, _s._ A moment, Loth. _Jiffin_, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ JIMP, _s._ Thin slips of leather, put between the outer and inner soles of a shoe, S. Isl. _skaemt-a_, brevem reddere; so _short_ as to be of no proper use. _To_ JIMP, _v. n._ To leap, S. JYMP, _s._ A quirk. V. ~Gymp~, _s._ JIMP, _adj._ 1. Neat, slender, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ 2. Scanty, S. V. ~Gymp~, _adj._ JIMPS, _s. pl._ A kind of easy stays, S. _Jumps_, E. ~Jimpey~, _s._ The same with _Jimps_. _Pop. Ball._ JINGLE, _s._ The smooth water at the back of a stone in a river, Ang. _To_ JINK, _v. n._ To elude a person who is trying to lay hold of one, S. _jenk_, S. B. _Burns._ 2. To cheat, to trick, S. _P. Buch. Dial._ 3. To make a quick turn. _Burns._ 4. To escape, to avoid, S. _Ferguson._ 5. To spend time idly, S. A. _J. Nicol._ Su. G. _swink-a_, subterfugia quaerere, Germ. _schwink-en_, celeriter movere. ~Jink~, _s._ The act of eluding another, S. _Burns._ ~Jinker~, _s._ 1. A gay sprightly girl. _Ramsay._ 2. A horse quick in its motions. _Burns._ _To_ JIRBLE, _v. n._ To spill liquids, Fife. JIRGLE, _s._ Any small quantity of liquor left in the bottom of a glass, or that has been emptied from one vessel to another, S. _To_ ~Jirgle~, _v. n._ To empty any small quantity of liquor from one vessel to another, S. _To_ JIRK, _v. a._ V. ~Chirk~. JIRT, _s._ Expl. "jerk." _Burns._ JISP, _s._ A flaw, fracture, or small orifice, S. Isl. _geisp-a_, hisco, _geispe_, q. a chink. JIZZEN-BED, GIZZEN, _s._ Child-bed. _To lie in jizzen_, to be on the straw, S. B. _Forbes._ O. Fr. _gesine_, lying in child-bed; _gesir_, to be in child-bed; L. B. _gesina_, puerperium. IK, IC, _pron._ I. A. S. _ic_. _Barbour._ IC, _conj._ Also. _Barbour._ A. S. _ic-an_, to add. ILD, _v. imp._ Would not. _Wyntown._ _Ill they_, _will they_, S. B. Isl. _ill-a_, controvertere. ILK, ILKA, _adj. pron._ Each, every; _ilk-ane_, every one, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _aelc_, _elc_, omnis, singulus. ILK, ILKE, _adj._ The same. _Douglas._ A. S. _ylc_, _ylca_, id. _Of that ilk_, of the same; denoting that he, who is thus designed, has a title the same with his surname. _Bellenden._ ~Ilkaday~, _s._ A lawful day, as distinguished from that which is appropriated to Christian worship, S. from _ilk_, every, and _day_. _Falls of Clyde._ _Ilkadays claise_, the clothes worn on ordinary days, by the working classes, as distinguished from those reserved for Sabbath. S. ILL, _s._ 1. The _evil_, or fatal effects ascribed to the influence of witchcraft, S. 2. Disease, malady. _Barbour._ ILL-BEST, _adj._ The best of those who are bad, S. _Baillie._ ILL-DEEDIE, _adj._ Mischievous, S. _Burns._ ILL-EASED, _adj._ Reduced to a state of inconvenience, S. ILL-GAINSHON'D, _adj._ Mischievous. V. ~Gaishon~. ILL-GAITED, _adj._ Having bad habits, S. _To_ ILL-HEAR, _v. a._ To chide, to scold S. B. ILL-LESS, _adj._ 1. Inoffensive, S. 2. Without evil design. _Spalding._ ILL-MUGGENT, _adj._ Evil-disposed, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Germ. _mog-en_, _moog-en_, to incline. ILL-PRATTIE, _adj._ Mischievous, S. B. V. ~Prat~. ILL-SAR'D, _adj._ Ill-savoured. ILL-SCRAPIT, _adj._ Rude, S. _Forbes._ ILL-WILLIE, ILL-WILLIT, _adj._ 1. Ill-natured, envious, S. _Kelly._ 2. Niggardly, S. _Ferguson._ 5. Reluctant, S. B. _Popular Ball._ Isl. _illvilie_, malevolentia. YMAGE, _s._ Homage. _Wallace._ YMAGERIS, _s. pl._ Images. _Bellenden._ Fr. _imager_, _-ere_, belonging to images. IMBASSET, _s._ L. _inbasset_. Ambassador. _Wallace._ IMMER GOOSE, The greater ducker, Orkn. _Sibbald._ _Barry._ _Immer_, id. Norw. Dan. &c. IMMICK, _s._ An ant, S. apparently corr. from E. _emmet_. IMMIS, _adj._ Variable. V. ~Emmis~. _To_ YMP, _v. a._ To ingraff. _Henrysone._ A. S. _imp-an_, Su. G. _ymp-a_, id. E. _imp_. IMPERTINENT, _adj._ Uncivil, indiscreet, S. _Baillie._ _To_ IMPESCHE, _v. a._ To hinder. Fr. _empescher_, id. _G. Buchanan._ _To_ IMPYRE, _v. n._ To bear sway. _Lyndsay._ _To_ IMPLEMENT, _v. a._ To fulfil, S. _Law Case._ YMPNE, _s._ A hymn. _Douglas._ _To_ IMPONE, _v. a._ To impose. _Lyndsay._ _To_ IMPRIEVE, _v. a._ To disprove; also to impeach; a forensic term. _Acts Sedt._ Lat. _improb-are_, to disallow. IMPRESTABLE, _adj._ What cannot be performed. _Wodrow._ Lat. _in_ neg. and _praest-are_, to perform. IN, _prep._ Into. Moes. G. A. S. _in_, id. _Wallace._ IN, a termination denoting the feminine gender; as in Germ. and Su. G. IN, INNYS, _s._ 1. A dwelling, A. S. Su. G. Isl. _inne_, id. _Barbour._ _Inns_, in vulgar language, S. a house of entertainment. 2. The tents of an army on the field. _Barbour._ IN ANE, _adv._ 1. Together. _Douglas._ 2. Without cessation, always. _Id._ 3. Anon, quickly. _Houlate._ A. S. _on an_, simul, continuo; Teut. _aeneen_, id. INAMITIE, _s._ Enmity. _Knox._ INBEARING, _part._ Embracing every opportunity of ingratiating one's self, S. INBY, _adv._ 1. Nearer to any object, S. _Ross._ 2. In the inner part of a house, S. _To_ INBRING, _v. a._ To import. _Acts Ja. II._ _To_ INCALL, _v. a._ To invoke. _R. Bruce._ INCH, INCHE, _s._ An island, S. _Bellenden._ C. B. _ynis_, Ir. _innshe_, Gael. _insh_, id. INCOME, _s._ Any bodily infirmity, not apparently proceeding from an external cause, S. INCOMIN, _part. pr._ Ensuing, S. INCONTINENT, _adv._ Forthwith, Fr. INCOUNTREY, _s._ The interior of a country. _Spotswood._ IND, for _in_ prep. _Bannatyne P._ INDILLING. V. ~Eldnyng~. _Dunbar._ INDING, _adj._ Unworthy. _Bellenden._ Fr. _indigne_, id. INDRAUGHT, _s._ A strong current. Su. G. _indrag-a_, to draw in. _St. Acc._ INDULT, _s._ A papal indulgence, Fr. id. _Bellenden._ INEFFECTIONAT, _adj._ Candid; from _in_ neg. and _affectionate_, q. without partial attachment. _Crosraguell._ INFAL, _s._ A hostile attack. _Wodrow._ Teut. _in-val_, illapsus. INFANGTHEFE, _s._ 1. A thief apprehended by a baron within his own territory. _Skene._ A. S. _infangenthef_, a thief taken within. 2. The privilege conferred on a landholder of trying a thief taken within his territory. V. ~Fang~. INFAR, INFARE, _s._ 1. An entertainment given by the possessor, on newly entering a house. _Barbour._ 2. The entertainment made for the reception of a bride in the bridegroom's house, S. _Spalding._ A. S. _infaere_, ingress. INFIELD, _adj._ 1. Applied to land receiving manure, and still kept under crop, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. To corn growing on this land, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Infield~, _s._ Land continually cropped, S. _Statist. Acc._ INFORTUNE, _s._ Misfortune. _Lyndsay._ INGAN, _s._ Onion, S. _Ramsay._ INGER, _s._ Expl. as signifying a gleaner, Loth. O. Teut. _inghe_, angustus; _ingher_, exactio. ~Ingher's pock~, a quantity of all kinds of grain dried in a pot, and ground into meal, Loth. INGYNE, ENGYNE, ENGENIE, _s._ 1. Ingenuity, genius, S. _Douglas._ 2. Disposition. _Pitscottie._ 3. Mind in general. _Pitscottie._ 4. Scientific knowledge. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _engin_, _engien_, esprit, volonté, genie, Roquef. _To_ INGYRE, INGIRE, _v. a._ To introduce one's self into any situation, by artful methods. _Douglas._ Lat. _in_ and _gyr-o_, q. to wind one's self into favour. INGLE, INGIL, _s._ Fire, S. A. Bor. Gael. _aingeal_, Lat. _ignis_. _Doug._ ~Ingle-nook~, _s._ The corner of the fireside, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ INHABLE, _v. a._ To render unfit. _R. Bruce._ L. B. _inhabil-itare_, incapacem declarare. INHADDIN, _adj._ Applied to fuel which must be constantly _held in_, or supplied, to the fire, S. B. ~Inhaddin~, _s._ Frugality, S. B. q. _holding in_. INIQUE, _adj._ Unjust, Fr. _Balnaues._ INKIRLIE. V. ~Enkerly~. _To_ INLAKE, _v. a._ To want. _Pitscottie._ _To_ ~Inlake~, _v. n._ 1. To be deficient, S. _Maitland P._ _In_ and Teut. _laeck-en_, diminuere; diminui. 2. To die, S. _Journ. Lond._ ~Inlaik~, ~Inlake~, ~Inlacking~, _s._ 1. Deficiency, of whatever kind, S. _Pitscottie._ 2. Death, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ INLYING, _s._ Childbearing, S. INMEATS, _s. pl._ Those parts of the intestines used for food, S. Sw. _inmaete_, intestines. _To_ INN, _v. a._ To bring in corn from the field, S. O. E. Teut. _inn-en_, colligere. INNERLY, _adj._ Affectionate, compassionate, S. A. Sw. _innerlig_, id. from _inner_, interior. INNYS, _s._ V. ~In~. INOBEDIENT, _adj._ Disobedient, Fr. _Lyndsay._ ~Inobedient~, _s._ A disobedient person. _Lyndsay._ ~Inobedience~, _s._ Disobedience. _Lyndsay._ INNOUTH, _adv._ Within. V. ~Inwith~. YNOM, _pret._ Took. _Wallace._ A. S. _genom_, id. INORE, _s._ Perh. honour. _Sir Gawan._ O. Fr. _enor_, id. INORME, _adj._ Atrocious. _Chr. S. P._ _To_ INPUT, _v. a._ To put in. _Spalding._ INPUT, _s._ 1. Share in a contribution, S. 2. Balance, in change of money, S. 3. Aid, metaph. _Ross._ _To_ IN-RIN, _v. a._ To incur. _Acts Ja. II._ INSCALES, _s. pl._ Racks at the lower end of a cruive. _Law Case._ INSICHT, _s._ 1. Furniture of a house. _Burr. Lawes._ 2. The implements of husbandry on a farm. _Bellenden._ 3. Means of subsistence. _Bellenden._ A. S. _insaete hus_, casa, casula. ~Insight~, _adj._ In relation to household furniture. _Spalding._ 2. As to agricultural implements. _Id._ _To_ INSYLE, _v. a._ To infold. V. ~Syle~. _Douglas._ INSPRAICH, _s._ Furniture of a house, Loth. V. ~Spraichrie~. _Leg. St. Androis._ INSPRENT, _pret. v._ Sprung in. V. ~Sprent~. INSTRUMENT, _s._ A written document, given in proof of any deed of a court, or transaction of an individual in that court, S. 1. _To ask an instrument_, or _instruments_; to demand a legal document with respect to a deed. _G. Buchanan._ 2. _To take instrument_ or _instruments_, to throw down money to the clerk of a court, as claiming the benefit of a deed, or as confirming a protest against it; used improperly, S. _Spalding._ L. B. _instrumentum_, a document. _To_ INSWAKK, _v. a._ To throw in. V. ~Swak~. _Douglas._ _To_ INTAKE, _v. a._ To take a fortified place. _Baillie._ Sw. _intag-a_, to take a town. INTAKE, _s._ 1. The bringing in of the crop, S. 2. A contraction, in sewing, S. 3. That portion of running water which is _taken_ off from the principal stream, S. _Law Case._ 4. A fraud, a swindling trick, S. 5. A swindler, Aberd. _To_ INTEND, _v. n._ To direct one's course. L. B. _intend-ere_, id. _Lyndsay._ _To_ INTEND, _v. a._ To prosecute legally, a forensic term. _Acts Sed._ L. B. _intend-ere_, judicio contendere. _To_ INTENT, _v. a._ Same as the preceding _v._ L. B. _intent-are_, id. _Wodrow._ _To_ INTERCOMMUNE, _v. n._ To have any intercourse with one denounced a rebel. _Wodrow._ ~Intercommuner~, ~Intercommoner~, _s._ 1. One who holds such intercourse. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. One who treats between parties at variance. _Baillie._ INTERKAT, _adj._ Intricate. _Henrysone._ _To_ INTERMELL, _v. n._ To intermingle. V. ~Mell~. _To_ INTERPELL, _v. a._ To importune, Lat. _R. Bruce._ _To_ INSIST, _v. n._ To continue in a discourse, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ _To_ INTERTRIK, _v. a._ To censure. _Douglas._ Fr. _entre_ and _triquer_, to cull out. INSUCKEN, _s._ V. ~Sucken~. INTEST, Perhaps, troubled. _Houlate._ O. Fr. _entest-er_, to trouble. INTHRANG, _pret._ Pressed into. V. ~Thring~. _Dunbar._ INTILL, _prep._ 1. In, S. _Barbour._ 2. Into, as denoting entrance, S. _To_ INTROMIT, _v. n._ To intermeddle with goods that belonged to one deceased, S. _Erskine._ L. B. _intromitt-ere_, id. ~Intromission~, _s._ The act of intermeddling in this way, S. _Erskine._ ~Intromitter~, ~Intrometter~, _s._ One who intermeddles, as defined above, S. _L. Hailes._ _To_ INTRUSS, _v. a._ To intrude. _Henrysone._ Fr. _intrus_, _intruse_, intruded. INVAIRD, L. _Invairt_, inwardly. _Houlate._ _To_ INVAIRD, INWARD, _v. a._ To put inward. _Gl. Sibb._ INUASIBIL, _adj._ Invading. _Douglas._ INVICTAND, _part. pa._ Carrying. _Douglas._ L. B. _invect-are_; or perh. _infecting_. INUNTMENT, _s._ Ointment. _Doug._ Lat. _inungo_. INWITH, INNOUTH, _adv._ Within, S. V. ~Outwith~. _Bellenden._ Sw. _inuti_, within. ~Inwith~, _adj._ Inclining downwards, S. _Ross._ _To_ INYET, _v. a._ To infuse. V. ~Yet~. _Douglas._ JO, JOE, _s._ 1. A sweetheart, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Expressing affection, and some degree of familiarity, S. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _joye_, _joie_; _mon joie_, my darling. JOCKEY-COAT, _s._ A great coat, S. JOCKY-LANDY, _s._ A lighted stick, wisp, or any thing blazing, foolishly given as a plaything to children, S. B. _Jack-a-lent_, E. JOCKTELEG, _s._ A folding knife, S. _Burns._ From _Jacques de Liege_, the name of a celebrated cutler. _To_ JOGILL, _v. a._ To jog, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _schockel-en_, vacillare. JOG-TROT, _s._ 1. Slow motion on horseback, S.; corr. _dog-trot_. 2. A particular mode of operation to which one pertinaciously adheres, S. JOHN'S (St) NUTT, two nuts growing together in one husk; the possession of which is supposed to secure against witchcraft; Dumfr., Perths. _Legend St Androis._ JOHNSTON'S (St) RIBBAND. V. ~Ribband~. IOYALL, _adj._ Causing delight. _Burel._ JOYEUSITY, _s._ Jollity. _Knox._ Fr. _joyeuseté_. JOINT, _s._ A word out of joint, one that is improper in any respect, S. _To_ JOIS, JOYS, IOS, _v. a._ To enjoy. _Douglas._ JONETTE, _s._ Apparently, marsh marigold. Fr. _jaulnette_, id. _K. Quair._ JORDELOO, a cry which servants in the higher stories in Edinburgh were wont to give, after ten at night, when they threw their dirty water, &c. from the windows; also used to denote the contents of the vessel. JORNEYE, JORNAY, JOWRNÉ, _s._ 1. Day's work. _Wyntown._ 2. Battle, fight. _Douglas._ 3. Single combat. _Wyntown._ 4. Warlike expedition. _Wallace._ Fr. _journée_, a day's work; also, a battle, from _jour_, a day. JOT, _s._ A job, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ _To_ JOT, _v. a._ To take short notes, S. E. _jot_, a point, a title. ~Jotting~, _s._ A memorandum, S. JOUCATTE, JOUCAT, _s._ 1. A measure of liquids. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. Now used as synon. with _gill_, Loth. E. _jugg_, Dan. _jugge_, urna. JOUGS, _s. pl._ V. ~Juggs~. JOUGS, _s. pl._ Bad liquors, S. B. _To_ JOUK, JOWK, JOOK, _v. n._ 1. To incline the body forwards with a quick motion, S. _Douglas._ 2. To bend in consequence of a stroke. _Douglas._ 3. To make obeisance. _Knox._ 4. To act deceitfully, S. 5. To yield to any present evil, by making the best of it, S. _Ramsay._ Germ. _zuck-en_, to shrink or shrug, in order to ward off a blow. ~Jouk~, ~Juik~, _s._ 1. An evasive motion, S. _Douglas._ 2. A bow, a genuflexion. _Godly Ball._ 3. A slight curtsey, S. B. _Ross._ 4. A shelter of any kind, Perths. 5. A trick. _Leg. St Androis._ ~Jouking~, ~Jowking~, _s._ 1. Shifting. _Doug._ 2. Artful conduct, S. ~Joukry-pawkry~, _s._ Trick, juggling, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ _To_ JOUNDIE, JUNDIE, _v. a._ To jog with the elbow, S. _junnie_, S. B. _Ross._ Sw. _skynd-a_, to hasten, to push forward. ~Joundie~, ~Jundie~, _s._ A push with the elbow, S. _Ramsay._ JOURDAN, JORDAN, _s._ A chamberpot, S. O. E. A. S. _gor_, stercus, _den_ cubile. JOURNELLIE, _adv._ Daily. _Lyndsay._ _To_ JOW, _v. n._ 1. To move from side to side; _to jow on_, to jog on, S. 2. To toll, S. _Burns._ _To_ ~Jow~, _v. a._ To move, S. B. _Shirrefs._ 2. To toll a large bell by the motion of its tongue. _Gl. Sibb._ 3. To ring. _Knox._ ~Jow~, _s._ A single stroke in tolling, S. _Percy._ JOW, _s._ A juggler. _Dunbar._ Fr. _jou-er_, to play. JOW-JOWRDANE-HEDED, _adj._ V. ~Jourdan~. _Dunbar._ IOWIS, _s. pl._ Jaws. _Douglas._ Fr. _joue_, the cheek. _To_ JOWK, _v. n._ To play tricks. _Houlate._ _To_ IRK, _v. n._ To tire. _Wallace._ ~Irk~, _adj._ Indolent. V. ~Ergh~. _Henrysone._ A. S. _earg_, piger. YRLE, _s._ A dwarf. _Kennedy._ IRNE, YRN, AIRN, _s._ 1. Iron; _ern_, S. _Douglas._ 2. In _pl._ fetters, S. 3. _New aff the airns_, recently come from finishing one's studies, S. Isl. _iarn_, Su. G. _iern_, id. IRRESPONSAL, _adj._ Insolvent. _Rutherford._ IRRITANT, _adj._ Rendering null. _Acts Sedt._ L. B. _irritare_, irritum facere. IRUS, IROWS, _adj._ Angry. _Wyntown._ Lat. _ira_, anger. ~Irusly~, _adv._ Angrily. _Barbour._ IS, _term._ The mark of the genitive sing., as _manis_, of man; in A. S. _es_. _To_ ISCH, ISCHE, _v. n._ To issue. O. Fr. _yss-ir_, id. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Ische~, _v. a._ To cause to issue. Isl. _ys-a_, expellere. _Acts Ja. V._ ~Isché~, _s._ Issue. _Douglas._ ISE, 1. I shall. _Ross._ 2. I am, West of S. q. _I is_. ISECHOKILL, _s._ An icicle, S. _ice-shogle_, S. A. _Douglas._ A. S. _ice-gicel_, Belg. _yskegel_, id. ISILLIS, _pl._ Embers. V. ~Eizel~. ISK, ISKIE, _interj._ The word used in calling a dog, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _icy_, hither; or Teut. _aes_, _aesken_, a dog. ITHAND, YTHEN, YTHAND, _adj._ 1. Busy, diligent; S. _eident_. _Doug._ 2. Steady, uniform. _Barbour._ 3. Constant, continual. _Bellenden._ Su. G. Isl. _idin_, laborious, industrious; _idne_, labour, industry; from _id_, work. ~Ithandly~, ~Ythanly~, ~Ithinglie~, _adv._ 1. Busily, diligently; S. _eidentlie_. _Doug._ 2. Without interruption. _Barbour._ YTHRANGIN, _pret. v._ Thrust upwards. V. ~Thring~, _v. a._ JUCAT, _s._ A measure. V. ~Joucate~. JUFFLER, _s._ Shuffler. _Dunbar._ JUGGS, JOUGS, JOGGES, _s. pl._ A kind of pillory; the criminal being fastened to a wall or post, by an iron collar which surrounds his neck, S. Lat. _jug-um_, a yoke. _Stat. Acc._ IVIGAR, _s._ The Sea Urchin. _Sibb._ JUM, _adj._ Reserved, not affable, S. JUNCTLY, JUNTLY, _adv._ Compactly. _Wallace._ JUNDIE, _s._ A push. V. ~Joundie~. _To_ JUNE, _v. a._ To join. _Bellenden._ JUNT, _s._ A large piece of any thing, S., perhaps q. a _joint_. _Ramsay._ JUPE, _s._ 1. A kind of short mantle for a woman, S. 2. A wide or great coat, S. _Gl. Sibb._ 3. A bed-gown, Clydes. 4. _Jupes_, pl. a piece of flannel, used instead of stays, Ang. Fr. _jupe_, a long coat. JUPPERTY, JEPERTY, _s._ 1. A warlike enterprise. _Barbour._ 2. A battle, or conflict. _Wyntown._ Fr. _jeu parti_, any thing uncertain. JUPSIE, _adj._ Big-headed, dull, and of a slothful appearance, Orkn. JUSTICOAT, _s._ A waistcoat with sleeves, S. B. Fr. _just-au-corps_, a close coat. _To_ JUSTIFIE, _v. a._ To punish with death. _Complaynt S._ L. B. _justificare_, meritis poenis afficere. ~Justifying~, _s._ Subjection to capital punishment. _Pitscottie._ JUSTRY, _s._ 1. Justice. _Wallace._ 2. The justice eyre. _Wyntown._ _To_ JUTE, _v. a._ To tipple, S. Su. G. _giut-a_, A. S. _geot-an_, fundere. ~Jute~, ~Joot~, _s._ Sour or dead liquor, S. Belg. _jucht_, slight beer. _Ramsay._ ~Juttie~, _s._ A tippler, Ang. _To_ ~Juttle~, _v. n._ To tipple, S. JUTE, _s._ A term of reproach applied to a woman, a jade, Clydes. JUXTER, _s._ A juggler; q. _joukster_. V. ~Jouk~, _v._ K KA, _s._ V. ~Kay~. KABBELOW, _s._ Cod-fish salted and hung for a few days, Ang. Belg. _kabbeliauw_, cod fish. KAY, KA, KAE, _s._ A jack-daw, S. _Dunbar._ Teut. _kae_, A. S. _ceo_, Alem. _ka_, id. _Ka-wattie_, _kay-wattie_, S. B. id. Teut. _kauwett-en_, to chatter like a jack-daw. ~Kay-witted~, _adj._ Hare-brained, S.; q. giddy as a jack-daw. KAIL, KALE, _s._ 1. The generic name for colewort, S. _Stat. Acc._ Isl. Dan. _kaal_, id. 2. Broth made of greens, especially of coleworts, S. _Godly Sangs._ ~Kail-brose~, s. A sort of pottage made of meal and the scum of broth, S. V. ~Brose~. ~Kail-stock~, _s._ A plant of colewort, S. _Colvil._ Sw. _kaalstok_, the stem or stalk of cabbage. ~Kail-gully~, _s._ A large knife for cutting and shearing down coleworts, S. _Popular Ball._ ~Kail-runt~. V. ~Runt~. ~Kail-wife~, _s._ A green-woman, S. _Cleland._ ~Kail-yard~, _s._ A kitchen-garden, S. _Stat. Acc._ Sw. _kaalgard_, a garden of herbs. To KAIM, KAME, KEME, _v. a._ To comb, S. _To Kame against the hair_, to oppose, S. _Ross._ ~Kaim~, _s._ A comb, S. _Minstr. Bord._ _Su_. G. Dan. Belg. _kam_, A. S. _camb_, id. ~Kamtster~, _s._ A woolcomber. V. ~Keme~. KAIM, _s._ 1. A low ridge, Lanerks. 2. A camp or fortress, South of S. _Minstr. Bord._ Gael. _cam_, expl. a crooked bill; or rather Mod. Sax. _kam_, the summit of a mound. KAYME, KAME, _s._ A honeycomb. _Barbour._ KAIN, KAIN-FOWLS. V. ~Cane~. KAIR, _s._ A mire, a puddle, Fife. Isl. _ker_, palus; Sw. _kiaerr_, paludes. KAIRD, _s._ A gipsey. V. ~Caird~. KAIRS, _s. pl._ Rocks through which there is an opening, S. A. S. _carr_, a rock. KAISART, _s._ A cheese-vat; also called _chizzard_, S. B. Teut. _kaese-horde_, id. KAY-WATTIE, _s._ A jack-daw. V. ~Kay~. KAY-WITTED, _adj._ Brainish, hot-headed, hair-brained, S. V. ~Kay~. KANNIE, _adj._ Prudent, &c. V. ~Canny~. KAR, _adj._ Left-handed. V. ~Ker~. KARRELYNG. V. ~Caralyngis~ and ~Carolewyn~. KARRIEWHITCHIT, _s._ A fondling term for a child, Ang. KATABELLA, _s._ The Hen harrier, Orkn. _Barry._ KATHERANES, KETHARINES. V. ~Cateranes~. KATOGLE, _s._ The Eagle-owl, Orkn. Sw. _katugl_, id. _Barry._ KATOURIS, _s. pl._ Caters. _Houlate._ KAVEL, KEVEL, CAVEL, _s._ A mean fellow. _Dunbar._ KEADY, _adj._ Wanton. V. ~Caige~, _v._ KEAVIE, _s._ A species of crab. _Sibbald._ _To_ KEB, _v. n._ To cast a lamb immaturely, Bord. ~Keb~, _s._ A ewe that has brought forth immaturely, or been prevented accidentally from rearing. _Complaynt S._ _To_ KEBBIE, _v. a._ To chide, Ang. Su. G. _kifw-a_, id. Su. G. _kif_, a quarrel. _To_ ~Kebbie-lebbie~, _v. n._ To carry on altercation, Ang. KEBBRE, _s._ A rafter. V. ~Cabor~. KEBBUCK, KEBUCK, CABBACK, _s._ A cheese of a larger size, S. _Ramsay._ Gael. _cabag_, a cheese. KEBRACH, _s._ Very lean meat, Loth. V. ~Cabroch~. KECKLING-PINS, _s. pl._ Wires for knitting stockings. Aberd. KED, _s._ The sheep-louse, Tweed. V. ~Kid~. KEDGIE, _adj._ Cheerful, &c. V. ~Caigie~. KEEK, _s._ Linen dress for the head and neck, Ang. _Ross._ _To_ KEEK, KEIK, _v. n._ 1. To look with a prying eye, S. _Dunbar._ 2. To look by stealth, S. _Peblis Play._ Su. G. _kik-a_, Belg. _kyk-en_, intentis oculis videre. _To_ ~Keek through~, _v. a._ 1. To prospiciate, S. 2. To examine with accuracy. _Burns._ ~Keek~, ~Keik~, _s._ A peep, S. _Burns._ ~Keekers~, _s. pl._ A cant term for eyes, S. ~Keek-bo~, _s._ Bo-peep, S. Belg. _kiekebo_, id. ~Keeking-glass~, _s._ A looking-glass, S. _Ritson._ ~Starn-keeker~, _s._ A star-gazer. Su. G. _stiernkikare_, id. KEEL, KEIL, _s._ Ruddle, S. _Douglas._ Gael. _cil_, ruddle; Fr. _chaille_, a rocky earth. _To_ ~Keel~, ~Keil~, _v. a._ To mark with ruddle, S. _Kennedy._ KEELICK, _s._ 1. Anger, vexation, Ang. Isl. _keli_, dolor. 2. A stroke, Ang., also _keelup_. KEELING, KELING, KEILING, KILLING, KILLIN, _s._ Cod of a large size, S. _Sibbald._ Isl. _keila_, Sw. _kolja_, a haddock. KEELIVINE, KEELIVINE-PEN, _s._ A black-lead pencil, S. Perhaps q. _guille de vigne_, a quill made from the vine. _Sir J. Sinclair._ KEEPSAKE, _s._ A token of regard, S. KEEST, _pret._ Puked, S. B. KEETHING SIGHT, the view of the motion of a salmond, by marks in the water, S. B. _Law Case._ This is the same with ~Kythe~, q. v. _To_ KEIR, _v. a._ To drive, S. B. _Bannatyne Poems._ Isl. _keir-a_, S. G. _koer-a_, to drive. KEIR, _s._ In some parts of S., an ancient fortification. C. B. _caer_, a fort. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ KEYRTH, _v. a._ To scratch. Su. G. _kratt-a_, id. _Dunbar._ _To_ KEYTCH, _v. a._ To toss, S. V. ~Cache~. _Ramsay._ ~Keytch~, ~Kytch~, _s._ A toss, S. _Kelly._ KEITH, _s._ A sort of dam, Perths. _Stat. Acc._ Germ. _kette_, Su. G. _ked_, a chain. _To_ KEKKIL, KEKIL, _v. n._ 1. To cackle, S. _Complaynt S._ 2. To laugh aloud, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _kackel-en_, Su. G. _kakl-a_, id. KELCHYN, KELTEN, _s._ A mulct paid by one guilty of manslaughter, generally to the kindred of the person killed. _Reg. Maj._ Gael. _gial_ and _cinnea_, expl. "paid to one's kinsmen;" or A. S. _geld_, compensatio, and _cynn_, cognatio. _To_ KELE, _v. a._ To kill. _Douglas._ A. S. _cwell-an_, id. KELL, _s._ 1. A dress for a woman's head. _Douglas._ 2. The hinder part of a woman's cap, the _caul_, S. Belg. _kovel_, a coif. KELLACH, KELLACHY, _s._ A small cart of wicker, fixed to a square frame and tumbling shafts, Ang. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. Su. G. _kaelke_, a dray or sledge. KELPIE, WATER-KELPIE, _s._ 1. The spirit of the waters, who, as is vulgarly believed, gives previous intimation of the destruction of those who perish within his jurisdiction, by preternatural lights and noises, and even assists in drowning them, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ Alem. _chalp_, Germ. _kalb_, a calf? 2. A raw-boned youth. _Gl. Shirr._ KELT, _s._ Cloth with the nap, generally of native black wool, S. used both as a _s._ and _adj._ _Gl. Shirr._ _Leg. St Androis._ Isl. _kult_, tapestry, or any raised work. KELT, _s._ A salmon that has been spawning, a foul fish, S. _Statist. Acc._ Belg. _kuytvisch_ id. _kuyt_, Teut. _kiete_, spawn. _To_ KELTER, _v. n._ To move in an undulating manner, S. Germ. _kelter_, vivarium. KELTER, _s._ Money, Dumfr. Germ. _gelt_, id. KELTIE, _s._ A large glass or bumper, imposed under the notion of punishment on those who, as it is expressed, do not _drink fair_, S. _Keltie's mends_, id. _Statist. Acc._ KELTIES, _s. pl._ Children, Ang. Su. G. _kullt_, a boy. KEMBIT, _s._ The pith of hemp, Ayrs. Gael. _cainab_, hemp. To KEME, _v. a._ To comb. V. ~Kaim~. KEMESTER, _s._ A wool-comber, S. _Burrow Lawes._ _To_ KEMP, _v. n._ To strive, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _camp-ian_, Su. G. _kaemp-a_, certare. ~Kemp~, _s._ 1. A champion. _Douglas._ A. S. _cempa_, miles; Su.G. _kaempe_, athleta. 2. Sometimes it includes the idea of strength and uncommon size. _Bannatyne Poems._ 3. The champion of a party in controversy. _Winyet._ Dan. _kempe_, a giant; Isl. miles robustus. ~Kemp~, _s._ The act of striving for superiority, S. _J. Nicol._ ~Kemper~, _s._ 1. One who strives; now generally applied to reapers striving on the harvest-field, S. 2. One who is supposed to excel in any respect, S. _Ross._ Isl. _kaemper_, is the pl. of _kaempe_. ~Kempin~, _s._ The act of striving on the harvest-field, S. _A. Douglas._ _To_ KEMPEL, _v.a._ To cut into separate parts, S. B. Su. G. _kappa_, L. B. _kapul-are_, to amputate. KEMPLE, _s._ Forty wisps or bottles of straw or hay, S. _Courant._ _To_ KEN, _v. a._ 1. To know, S. O. E. 2. To make known. _Wyntown._ 3. To direct, in relation to a course. _Douglas._ 4. To direct, as to the means, S. B. Isl. _kenn-a_, docere, instituere. _Barbour._ 5. To be able. _Wyntown._ 6. _To ken a_ widow _to her terce_, to set apart her proportion of the lands which belonged to her deceased husband; a forensic phrase, S. _Fountainhall._ Su. G. _kaenn-a_, cognoscere, sensu forensi. _To_ ~Ken~, _v. n._ To be acquainted. _Wallace._ ~Kennin~, _s._ 1. Acquaintance, S. B. 2. A taste or smack of any thing, S. 3. A small portion, S. _J. Nicol._ 4. A slight degree, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _kaenn-a_, to discover by the senses. ~Kenspeckle~, _adj._ Having so singular an appearance, as to be easily recognised, S. _J. Nicol._ From _ken_, and A. S. _specce_, a mark. KENE, KEYNE, _adj._ 1. Daring. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. Cruel. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _cene_, Su. G. _koen_, audax. KENERED, _pret._ Stirred. _Sir Gawan._ From C. B. _cynhyrv-u_, to move, to stir. KENT, _s._ A long staff used by shepherds for leaping over ditches or brooks, S. _Ross._ _To_ KEP, KEPP, KEIP, _v. a._ 1. To intercept, S. _Douglas._ 2. To receive in the act of falling, S. _Bellenden._ 3. To meet in a hostile way. _Barbour._ 4. To meet in an amicable way, S. B. _Gawan and Gol._ 5. To meet accidentally, S. A. S. _cep-an_, Teut. _kepp-en_, captare. ~Kepar~, _s._ One who catches at a thing. _Dunbar._ KEPE, _s._ Care, heed. _To tak kepe_, to take care. _Wallace._ A. S. _cep-an_, curare, advertere. KER, KAR, _adj._ Left, S. _Skene._ Gael. _caerr_, id. KER, _s._ The soft kernel of suet, Ang. KERB, KIRB STONES, The large stones on the borders of a causeway; or _curb-stones_, because serving as a fence to the rest, S. _Statist. Acc._ KERS, KERSS, _s._ V. ~Carse~. KERSSES, _s. pl._ Cresses, S. A. S. _caerse_, Belg. _kerss_, id. KEST, KEIST, _pret. v._ 1. Threw. _Complaynt S._ 2. Threw off in the chase. _Douglas._ 3. Contrived, formed a plan. _Wallace._ KEST, _part. pa._ Cased. _Houlate._ KET, KETT, _s._ The flesh of animals that have died of disease or from accident, Loth. Bord. Su. G. _koett_, Isl. _kaet_, caro? _To_ ~Ket~. _v. a._ To corrupt. _Henrysone._ KET, KETT, _s._ A matted fleece, S. _Burns._ C. B. _caeth_, bound; Ir. _caitin_, shag. ~Kett~, _s._ The weed called quick-grass. S. A. ~Ketty~, _adj._ Matted, S. A. KETCHE-PILLARIS, _s. pl._ Players at ball. _Dunbar._ Teut. _kaetse-spel_, ludus pilae. KETHAT, _s._ A robe or cassock. _Dunbar._ KETRAIL, KYTRAL, _s._ A term expressive of the greatest contempt and abhorrence. V. ~Kytral~. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _ketter_, haereticus. KETTRIN, _s. pl._ V. ~Cateranes~. _To_ KEVE, _v. a._ To toss. V. ~Cave~. KEVEL. V. ~Kavel~. _To_ KEVEL, _v. n._ To wrangle, S. A. _J. Nicol._ Alem. _kyffel-n_, Su. G. _kifw-a_, _kaeb-la_, id. KEWIS, _s. pl._ Line of conduct. _Dunbar._ Fr. _queue_, conclusion of a business. KY, _s. pl._ Cows, S. O. Fris. _kij_. _Douglas._ _To_ KIAUVE, _v. a._ To work, to knead, Moray. _Popular Ball._ Isl. _kef-ia_, supprimere. KIBBLE, KYBILL, _adj._ Strong and active, S. B. _Wyntown._ KICK, _s._ A novelty. S. Isl. _kaek-r_, gestus indecorus. ~Kicky~, _adj._ 1. Showy, gaudy, S. _Shirrefs._ 2. Aiming at what is above one's station, S. _To_ KID, _v. n._ To toy, Fife. Su G. _kaet-jas_, lascivire. KID, KAID, _s._ The tick or sheep-louse. _Polwart._ KYDD, _part. pa._ Manifested; from _kythe_. _Sir Gawan._ KIDDY, _adj._ Wanton, Ang. V. ~Caigie~. KIDE, _s._ Perh. q. _Kith_, q. v. _Sir Gawan._ KIGH, _s._ A slight tickling cough, S. Germ. _keich-en_, tussire. KIGHENHEARTED, KICKENHEARTED, _adj._ Fainthearted, S. Isl. Sw. _kikn-a_, spiritum amittere. _To_ KIGHER, KICKER, _v. n._ To titter, S. Germ. _kicker-n_, id. KIL, A term entering into the formation of many names of places in S. _Stat. Acc._ From Gael. _cill_, a cell, as denoting that this was once the abode of a religious. KYLE, _s._ A sound, a strait, S. _Martin._ Gael. _caolas_, id. Isl. _kyll_, gurges. KILE, KYLE, _s._ A chance. _Ross._ Corr. from _Cavil_, q. v. KILL, _s._ A kiln, S. _To fire the kill_, to raise a combustion. _Wodrow._ ~Kill-spendin~, _s._ An old term for the fire of a kiln, Ang. from the great _expenditure_ of fuel. _To_ ~Kill~, _v. a._ To kiln dry, S. _Fountainhall._ KILLING, _s._ Cod. V. ~Keeling~. KILLOGIE, _s._ V. ~Logie~. KILLYLEEPY, _s._ The common sandpiper, Loth. KILT, KELT, _s._ A loose dress, extending from the belly to the knee, in the form of a petticoat, S. _Boswell._ Su. G. _kilt_, _kiolt_, Isl. _kellta_, sinus vestis anterior. _To_ ~Kilt~, ~kilt up~, _v. a._ 1. To tuck up, S. _Douglas._ Dan. _kilt-er op_, Su. G. _upkilt-a_, id. 2. To lift up any thing quickly, Ang. _Cleland._ ~Kilting~, _s._ The lap of a woman's petticoat that is tucked up, S. _Kelly._ KILT-RACK, _s._ That which lifts up the rack of a mill, Ang. V. ~Kilt~, _v._ KILTER, _s._ Entertainment. _Ramsay._ The same with E. _kelter_, preparation. KIN, _s._ Kind, S. as _alkin_, all kind of. _Palice Hon._ A. S. _cinne_, Isl. _kin_, id. ~Kinbot~, _s._ The mulct to be paid to survivors for the sudden slaughter of a relative. _Fordun._ A. S. _cin_, kindred, and _bot_, compensation. KYND, _s._ Nature. _Wyntown._ ~Kynd~, ~Kyndly~, _adj._ 1. Natural, kindred. _Wyntown._ 2. Native. _Douglas._ KINGERVIE, _s._ A species of wrasse. _Sibbald._ KING'S-HOOD, _s._ The second of the four stomachs in ruminating animals, S. _Burns._ KING'S-WEATHER, _s._ The exhalations arising from the earth in a warm day, Loth. _To_ KINK, _v. n._ 1. To labour for breath, in a severe fit of coughing, S. Teut. _kink-en_, difficulter spirare. 2. To laugh immoderately, S. _Gl. Sibb._ 3. To puke, Galloway. _Davidson._ ~Kink~, _s._ 1. A violent fit of coughing, attended with suspension of breathing, S. _Morison._ 2. A convulsive fit of laughter, S. A. S. _cincung_, cachinnatio. ~Kinkhost~, _s._ The hooping-cough, S. _Montgomerie._ Belg. _kink-hoest_, Su. G. _kikhosta_, id. KINKEN, _s._ A small barrel, a cag, S. B. _Spalding._ KINNEN, _s._ A rabbit, S. V. ~Cuning~. KINRENT, KYNRENT, _s._ Kindred. A. S. _cynrene_, _cynryn_, id. _Wallace._ KYNRIK, _s._ 1. Kingdom. _Wallace._ 2. Possession of a kingdom. _Acts Ja. I._ A. S. _cynric_, regnum. KINSCH, _s._ Apparently, kindred. _Montgomerie._ KINSCH, KINCH, _s._ 1. The twist or doubling given to a cord or rope, S. 2. A cross rope capped about one stretched longitudinally, and tightening it, S. _Gl. Moray._ 3. An advantage unexpectedly obtained. _Ibid._ Isl. _kinka_, artuum nodus; Belg. _kink_, a bend. _To_ ~Kinsch~, _v. a._ To twist and fasten a rope, as above described, S. KIOW-OWS, _s. pl._ 1. Silly tattles, trifling discourse, S. B. 2. Things of a trivial nature, S. B. Corr. perhaps from E. _gewgaws_. _To_ ~Kiow-ow~, _v. n._ To trifle either in discourse or conduct, S. B. _To_ KIP, _v. a._ To take the property of another by fraud or violence, Loth. Su. G. _kipp-a_, to seize violently. _To_ KIP, _v. n._ To play the truant, Loth. KIPPAGE, _s._ Disorder, confusion, S. Loth. KIPPER, _s._ 1. Salmon in the state of spawning, S. A. _reid fische_, synon. _Acts Ja. IV._ Teut. _kipp-en_, excludere ova. 2. Salmon salted, hung and dried, S. _To_ ~Kipper~, _v. a._ To cure fish by means of salt and pepper, and by hanging them up, S. _Statist. Acc._ KIR, _adj._ Cheerful, Ayrs. Isl. _kirr_, tranquillus. KIRK, _s._ 1. The body of Christians adhering to one doctrine, S. _Scots Confess._ 2. A house appropriated for public worship, S. A. S. _cyrce_, ecclesia. _Knox._ _To_ ~Kirk~, _v. a._ To carry to church; as to _kirk a bride_, &c. S. _Wallace._ ~Kirk the gussie~, a play in which a large ball, called the _gussie_, is beat with clubs into a hole, one party opposing another. When the ball is lodged, the _gussie_ is said to be _kirkit_, Ang. ~Kirkine~, _adj._ Belonging to the church. _Houlate._ ~Kirk-maister~, _s._ A deacon in the church. _Acts Ja. VI._ Teut. _kerk-maester_, aedituus. ~Kirkman~, _s._ A churchman. _Knox._ ~Kirk-town~, _s._ A village or hamlet in which the parish-church is erected, S. _To_ KIRN, _v. a._ 1. To churn, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. _cern-an_, id.; Teut. _kern-en_. 2. To throw any thing into a disorderly state, S. ~Kirn~, _s._ 1. A churn, S. _Kelly._ Teut. _kerne_, id. 2. Metaph. applied to a mire, S. ~Kirnen~, _s._ Familiarity, S. B. _Journal Lond._ ~Kirn-milk~, _s._ Buttermilk, S. Teut. _kern-melck_, id. _Complaynt._ ~Kirn-staff~, _s._ The instrument employed for agitating the cream in churning. S. _Ferguson._ KIRN, _s._ 1. The feast of harvest-home, S. _Burns._ 2. The last handful of grain cut down on the harvest-field S. KIRNEL, KYRNEILL, _s._ An interstice in a battlement. _Barbour._ L. B. _kernellae_, id.; Fr. _crenelé_, embattled. KISH, _s._ A shining powdery matter, which separates from pig-iron long kept in a melted state. KISSING-STRINGS, _s. pl._ Strings tied under the chin, S. _Ross._ KIST, KYST, _s._ 1. A chest. S. _Wallace._ 2. A coffin, S., sometimes _dead-kist_. _Spalding._ A. S. _cest_, Germ. _kist_, Su. G. _kist-a_, Lat. _cist-a_, a chest, in general. A. S. _cyste_, a coffin, Belg. _doodkist_, id. _To_ ~Kist~, _v. a._ To inclose in a coffin, S. _Spalding._ ~Kisting~, _s._ The act of putting a corpse into a coffin, with the entertainment given on this melancholy occasion, S. KIT, _s._ _A' the kit_, or _the haill kit_, all taken together, S. _R. Galloway._ Su. G. _kyt-a_, to exchange, q. _the haill coup_, the whole barter. KITCHEN, KITCHING, _s._ 1. Solids, as opposed to liquids. _Balfour._ 2. Any thing eaten with bread, S. _Statist. Acc._ 3. An allowance instead of milk, butter, small beer, S. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _kiot_, Su. G. _koett_, flesh; or Dan. _kiokken_, dressed food. _To_ ~Kitchen~, _v. a._ To serve as _kitchen_, S. _Burns._ KITCHEN, _s._ A tea-urn, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ KITCHEN-FEE, _s._ The drippings of meat roasted before the fire, S. KYTE, _s._ 1. The belly, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. The stomach, S. _Kelly._ Isl. _kwid-r_, Moes. G. _quid_, venter; Isl. _quidar fylli_, S. _fow kyte_. ~Kyte-fow~, _s._ A belly-full, S. KITH, _s._ 1. Acquaintances or relations, S. _Kith or kin_. _Burns._ 2. Shew, appearance. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _cythe_, notitia. _To_ ~Kythe~, ~Kyith~, _v. a._ 1. To shew, S. _K. Quair._ 2. To practise. _Sir Tristrem._ 3. To cause, to produce. _Id._ A. S. _cyth-an_, ostendere. _To_ ~Kythe, Kyith~, _v. n._ To be manifest, S. _Maitland P._ KYTRAL, _s._ A contemptuous designation. V. ~Ketrail~. _Montgomerie._ KITTIE, KITTOCK, _s._ 1. A loose woman, S. B. _cuttie_, S. A. _Dunbar._ 2. A term of disrespect for a female, though not necessarily implying lightness of carriage, S. V. ~Caigie~. Su. G. _kaett_, wanton. _Chr. Kirk._ KYTTIT, _part. pa._ Daubed with a viscous substance. _Bannatyne P._ Dan. _kitt-er_, Sw. _kitta_, to cement. KITTIWAKE, _s._ The tarrock, S. _Sibbald._ KITTY-WREN, _s._ The wren, S. _To_ KITTLE, _v. a._ 1. To litter. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. To bring forth kittens, S. Su. G. _kitsla_, id. from _katt_, a cat; or Isl. _kad_, foetus recens. ~Kittling~, _s._ A kitten, S. _To_ KITTLE, KITILL, _v. a._ 1. To tickle, S. A. S. _citel-an_, Belg. _kittel-en_, Isl. _kitl-a_, id. Perh. the root is Isl. _kid-a_, molliter fricare. 2. To excite a pleasant sensation in the mind. _Douglas._ 3. To enliven, to excite, S. _Ramsay._ 4. To puzzle, to perplex, S. ~Kittle~, _adj._ 1. Easily tickled, S. Teut. _keteligh_, id. 2. Attended with difficulty, in a literal sense; as, _a kittle gait_, a road that one is apt to lose, or in which one is in danger of falling, S. 3. Not easily managed; as, _a kittle horse_, S. Teut. _ketelig peerd_, id. _Mellvill's MS._ 4. Not easily articulated; as _kittle words_. S. _Hogg._ 5. Variable, applied to the weather, S. 6. Nice, intricate, in a moral sense; as, _a kittle question_. _Wodrow._ 7. Squeamish, applied to the conscience, S. _Spotswood._ 8. Vexatious, implying the idea of danger, S. _Beattie._ 9. Likely, apt. _Burns._ ~Kittlie~, _adj._ Itchy, S. B. ~Kittle-the-cout~, ~Kittlie-cout~, a game among young people, in which a handkerchief being hid, one is employed to seek it, S.; q. puzzle the colt. KIVE, _s._ "Mashing-fat." _Kelly._ KLIPPERT, _s._ A shorn sheep, S. _Journ. Lond._ KNAB, _s._ 1. One who possesses a small independence; _a little laird_, S. _Forbes._ 2. A leader or general. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Germ. _knab_, puer nobilis; Isl. _knap-ar_. vulgus nobilium. ~Knabby~, ~Knabbish~, _adj._ Possessing independence in a middling line, S. _To_ KNACK, KNAK, _v. a._ To taunt. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _knack-a_, to tap, to pat, q. to strike smartly; or Isl. _nagg-a_, litigare. ~Knack~, ~Knak~, _s._ pron. _nack_. 1. A gibe, a sharp repartee, S. _Douglas._ 2. A trick, S. _Ramsay._ ~Knacky~, _adj._ 1. Quick at repartee, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Acute, but at the same time facetious, S. _Ruddiman._ 3. Applied to what is entertaining; as, _a nacky story_, S. _Ramsay._ ~Knackety~, _adj._ Self-conceited, S. KNAG, _s._ A knob on which any thing is hung, S. _Popular Ball._ Su. G. _knoge_, condylus. ~Knaggie~, _adj._ 1. Having protuberances. _Burns._ 2. Tart and ill-humoured, _knaggit_, Fife. _Cleland._ KNAGGIE, _s._ A small cask, Aberd. _Gl. Shirr._ KNAGGIM, _s._ A disagreeable taste, S. _Journal Lond._ KNAIVATICK, _adj._ Mean, from _knave_. _Evergreen._ _To_ KNAP, KNOP, _v. n._ 1. To speak after the English manner, S. _Watson._ _To knap suddrone_, _v. a._ To speak like those who live _South_ from S. _Hamilton._ 2. To clip words by a false pronunciation. E. _knap_, to break short. _Colvil._ KNAP, _s._ A slight stroke, S. _Ramsay._ KNAPE, _s._ 1. A servant. _Douglas._ 2. As equivalent to _valet_. _Douglas._ A. S. _cnapa_, Teut. _knape_, puer, servus. ~Knappare~, _s._ A boor. _Douglas._ KNAPPARTS, _s. pl._ Heath pease, S. B. Teut. _knappen_, mandere, and _worte_, radix. KNAPPEL, _s._ Oak for staves, brought from Memel, Dantzick, &c, S. _Acts Cha. II._ Isl. _knapp-r_, rigidus, q. hard wood. KNAPPISH, _adj._ Tart, snappish. Teut. _knapp-en_, to bite. _Z. Boyd._ KNAPSCHA, KNAPISHAY, KNAPSKALL, _s._ A headpiece. _Stat. Rob. I._ Su. G. _knape_, a servant, and _skal_, a shell, a covering. _To_ KNASH, _v. a._ To gnaw. _Watson._ Isl. _knatsk-a_, arrodo. _To_ KNAW, KNAWE, _v. a._ To know. A. S. _cnaw-an_, id. _Wyntown._ KNAW, KNAWE, KNAIE, _s._ 1. A male child. _Wyntown._ 2. A male under age. _Barbour._ 3. A male servant. _Wyntown._ 4. A man in an inferior rank. V. ~Knape~. _Bannatyne Poems._ ~Knawship~, ~Knaveship~, _of a mill_, the dues given by those who have grain ground, for paying the servants in a mill, vulgarly _kneeship_, S. _Erskine._ Teut. _knaep-schaep_, servitus. KNECHT, KNYCHT, _s._ 1. A common soldier. _Douglas._ 2. A commander. _Douglas._ Franc. _knecht_, A. S. _cneoht_, a boy, a servant. _To_ KNEE, _v. a._ 1. To press down with the knees, Ang. 2. To bend into an angular form, Ang. 3. The wind is said _to knee corn_, when it breaks it down so that it strikes root by the stalk, Ang. Isl. _kny-a_, adigere; _hneig-ia_, flectere. KNEEF, KNEIF, _adj._ Active, alert, S. _Ross._ Isl. _knaef-r_, Dan. _knov_, robustus. ~Kniefly~, _adv._ With vivacity, S. _Ferguson._ KNEEF, _adj._ Arduous, Aberd. Su. G. _knapp_, difficult, strait. KNEE-ILL, _s._ A disease of cattle, affecting their joints, S. KNEESHIP. V. ~Knawship~. KNEEVICK, _adj._ Griping, Fife. Isl. _hnyf-a_, to grasp with the fist. KNEWEL, KNOOL, _s._ A wooden pin in the end of a halter for holding by _To hadd the knewel_, to hold the reins, Ang. Belg. _knevel_, a knot; _knevel-en_, to pinion. KNIBLE, _adj._ Nimble, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. Teut. _knap_, alacer. KNIBLOCH, KNUBLOCK, _s._ 1. A small round stone or hardened clod, S. _Ross._ 2. A knob of wood, S. _Ramsay._ 3. The swelling occasioned by a blow or fall. _Gl. Shirr._ Belg. _knobbel_, a knob, a knurl. ~Knibblockie~, _adj._ Rough, applied to a road in which many small stones rise up, S. B. KNYFF, _s._ A hanger or dagger. _Wallace._ O. Teut. _knyf_, culter, gladius, Kilian. KNYPSIT, _pret._ L. _knappit_. _Knox._ KNITCH. _s._ A bundle, S. Sw. _knyte_, id., _knyt-a_, to tie. ~Knitchell~, _s._ A small bundle. _Dunbar._ KNITTING, _s._ Tape, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ KNOCK, _s._ A clock, S. _Watson._ KNOCKIT BARLEY or BEAR, barley stripped of the husk, by being beaten in a hollow stone with a maul, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ KNOIT, KNITE, NOYT, _v. a._ 1. To strike with a sharp sound, S. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. To amble or hobble in walking, S. Isl. _hniot-a_, _niot-a_, ferire. ~Knoit~, ~Noit~, _s._ A smart stroke, S. _A. Nicol._ 2. The sound occasioned by a stroke or fall on any hard body, S. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ KNOIT, _v. a._ To gnaw; expressive of the manner in which infants eat, Ang. Isl. _hnot-a_, to rub. KNOIT, _s._ A large piece of any thing, S. B. V. ~Knoost~. Isl. _knott-ur_, globus. KNOOP, _s._ 1. A protuberance, S. 2. A pin, on which any thing is hung, S. 3. _Knoop of a hill_, that part which towers above, or projects from the rest, S. Isl. _gnup-r_, jugum montis. KNOOST, KNUIST, _s._ A large lump, Loth. _Ramsay._ Isl. _hnaus_, a lump of earth. _To_ KNOP, _v. n._ To knap. _Burel._ _To_ KNOP, _v. n._ To put forth buds. _Montgomerie._ Su. G. _knopp-u_, gemmas emittere. KNORRY, _adj._ Knotty. _Douglas._ Teut. _knorre_, tuber. KNOT, _s._ A pretty large piece of any thing round or square, S. B. KNOT-GRASS, _s._ Tall oatgrass, S. KNOUL TAES, toes having swellings on the joints. _Evergreen._ Teut. _knovel_, nodus; Su. G. _knoel_, a bump. _To_ KNOW, _v. a._ To press down with the fists, or knees. _Watson._ Sw. _knog-a_, pugnis genibusque eniti. KNOW, KNOWE, _s._ A little hill, S. Teut. _knolle_, a hillock. _Douglas._ KNUBLOCK, _s._ A knob. V. ~Kniblock~. _To_ KNUFF, KNUVE, _v. n._ To converse familiarly, S. Su. G. _knaefwe_, the fist; q. to be "hand and glove." KNURL, _s._ A dwarf, S. O. _Burns._ A metaph. use of E. _knurle_, a knot. ~Knurlin~, _s._ The same as knurl, S. _Burns._ _To_ KNUSE, NUSE, _v. a._ 1. To press down with the knees, S. B. 2. To beat with the knuckles or fists, S. B. 3. To knead, S. B. Isl. _hnos-a_, _knos-a_, contundere, Belg. _knues-en_, to crush. KOBBYD, _pret._ Perhaps, fretted. Belg. _kopp-ig_, stubborn. _Wyntown._ KOBIL, _s._ A small boat. V. ~Coble~. KOY, _adj._ Secluded from view. _Doug._ Teut. _koye_, a cave, Isl. _kui_, id. _To_ KOYT, _v. a._ To beat, to flog, S. B. Isl. _kyt-a_, contendere; _kytla_, ferire. _To_ KOPPIE, _v. a._ To chide, to reprove, Mearns. Su. G. _kapp-as_, certare. KOW, _s._ A goblin. V. ~Cow~, 2. KOW, _s._ Custom. V. ~Kewis~. _Lyndsay._ KOWSCHOT, CUSHAT, _s._ The ringdove; _cushie-dow_, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _cusceote_, id. KRANG, _s._ The body of a whale divested of the blubber. KRINGLE, _s._ Bread brought from Norway. Sw. _kringla_, a kind of bread. _To_ KRUYN, _v. n._ To murmur. V. ~Croyn~. _Douglas._ _To_ KUTER, CUTER, _v. a._ 1. To cocker, to nurse delicately, S. 2. To coax, to wheedle. 3. To converse clandestinely and intimately, S. Germ. _kutter-n_, Su. G. _quittr-a_, garrire. L _L_, in our language, as in Germ., often denotes diminution; as _bagrel_, a child; _gangarel_, _gangrel_, a child beginning to walk, &c. _To_ LA, _v. a._ To lay. _Douglas._ LAB, _s._ A lump, S. E. _lobe_, a division. _To_ LAB, _v. a._ To beat, Loth. C. B. _llab-iaw_, id. ~Lab~, _s._ A stroke, a blow. Loth. C. B. _llab_, id. _To_ LABOUR, _v. a._ To plough, to ear, S. O. Fr. _labour-er_, id. ~Labourin~, _s._ A farm. _Sir J. Sinclair._ LACHTER, _s._ A lecher. _Philotus._ Germ. _laich-en_, lascivire, scortari. LACHTER, _s._ All the eggs laid by a fowl at one time, S. _Lochter_, Perths. _Morison._ Teut. _eyeren legghen_, ova ponere. LACHTER, LAICHTER, _s._ 1. A layer; as a _lachter of hay_, Ang. _lochter_, id. Perths. Tweedd. Teut. _logh-en_, componere foenum in metam. 2. A lock, a flake; a _lachter of woo_, a flake of wool, Ang.; _lochter_, Perths. Isl. _lagdr_, cirrus. LACHTERSTEAD, _s._ The ground occupied by a house, S. B. Su. G. _laegerstad_, a lodging-room. _To_ LACK, _v. a._ To slight. V. ~Lak~. LAD, _n._ 1. A young man-servant, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. A sweetheart, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _leode_, juvenis. Isl. _lydde_, servus. ~Laddie~, _s._ 1. A boy, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. A fondling term, applied to a young man, S. _Ritson._ LADE, LAID, _s._ A load, S. _Ross._ A. S. _hlad_, id. LADE, LEAD, MILL-LADE, _s._ The canal which carries water to a mill, S. _Chalm. Air._ A. S. _lade_, Teut. _leyde_, aquaeductus. LADENIN TIME, the time of laying in winter provisions, S. Su. G. _lad-a_, to heap together. LADE-STERNE, LEIDE-STERNE, _s._ The polestar, E. _Douglas._ Teut. _leyd-sterre_, Isl. _leidar-stiarna_, cynosura, polus. LADNAIRE, LARDNER, _s._ A larder, S., _laidner_. _Barbour._ Fr. _lardier_, id., from _lard_, fat. LADRY, _s._ The rabble. _Priests Peblis._ A. S. _leod-wera_, incola, _leod-weras_, common people, Isl. _lydur_, plebs. LADRONE, LAYDRON, _s._ A lazy knave, a sloven; _laithron_, S. V. ~Lidder~. Su. G. _lat_, lazy. _Lyndsay._ LAFE, LAIFF, LAVE, LAW, _s._ The remainder; _laive_, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _lafe_, Isl. _leif_, id. from the verbs signifying to _leave_. LAGABAG, _s._ The hindmost, Fife; from E. _lag_, and _aback_. LAGENE, LAGGEN, pron. _leiggen_, _s._ 1. The projecting part of the staves at the bottom of a cask, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. The angle within, between the side and bottom of a cask, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _lagg_, id. ~Lagen-gird~, _s._ A hoop securing the bottom of a wooden vessel, S. _To cast a lagen-gird_, to bear a spurious child, S. _Ramsay._ LAGGERY, _adj._ Miry, dirty, S. B. ~Laggerit~, _part. pa._ 1. Bemired, S. _Doug._ 2. Encumbered, from whatever cause, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Su. G. _lag_, Isl. _laug-ur_, water. LAGMAN, _s._ The president in the supreme court formerly held in Orkney. _Barry._ Su. G. _lagman_, judex provincialis. LAGRAETMAN, _s._ One acting as an officer to a _lagman_. _Barry._ Su. G. _lag_, law, and _raett_, right. LAY, _s._ Law. O. Fr. _lai_. _Douglas._ LAY, _s._ Foundation. _Wodrow._ Teut. _laeghe_, positus. LAY, _s._ The slay of a loom, S. _Adam._ Teut. _laede_, pecten; _leggh-en_, ponere. _To_ LAY, _v. a._ To alloy. _Acts Ja. IV._ _To_ LAY ~on~, _v. a._ To strike, S. _R. Bruce._ Su. G. _laegga pa en_, aliquem verberare. _To_ LAYCH, _v. n._ To linger. _Douglas._ Fr. _lach-er_, to unbend. LAICHLY, _adj._ Perh. for _laithly_. _Lyndsay._ LAID, _s._ The pollack. V. ~Lythe~. LAIDLY, _adj._ V. ~Laithlie~. LAID-SADILL, _s._ A saddle used for laying burdens on. _Bannatyne Poems._ LAYER, _s._ The shear-water. V. ~Lyre~. LAIF, LAEF, _s._ A loaf, S. _Pop. Ball._ Moes. G. _hlaifs_, A. S. _hlaef_, _laf_, id. _To_ LAIG, _v. n._ To wade. _Gl. Sibb._ LAIGH, LAYCHE, _adj._ 1. Low, S. _Wyntown._ 2. Not tall, S. Su. G. _laag_, Teut. _laegh_, non altus. ~Laigh~, _s._ Flat, low part, S. B. _Stat. Acc._ LAYIS, _s._ Alloy. _Acts Ja. IV._ Fr. _lier_, id. ~Layit~, _adj._ Base, applied to money. _Knox._ LAIK, LAKE, _s._ Fine linen cloth. _Sir Egeir._ Belg. _lak_, cloth in general. LAIK, _s._ Gift, pledge. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _lac_, munus. LAIK, LAIKE, _s._ 1. A stake at play, S. Isl. _leik_, Su. G. _lek_, id. _Montgomerie._ 2. Used metaph. to denote the strife of battle. _Sir Gawan._ ~Laykyng~, _s._ Justing. _Wyntown._ LAIK, _s._ Lack, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _laecke_, id. Su. G. _lack_, id. LAYKE, _s._ Paint. _Philotus._ Fr. _lacque_, sanguine colour. LAIKIN, LAIKY, _adj._ Intermittent, applied to rain, S. Su. G. _lack-a_, deficere. LAIKS, _s. pl._ Perh. _laits_, gestures. _Dunbar._ LAYME, _adj._ Earthen. V. ~Lame~. LAYNDAR, LAUENDER, _s._ A laundress. Fr. _lavendiere_, id. _Barbour._ _To_ LAYNE, _v. n._ To lie. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ LAYNE, LEIN, _v. a._ To conceal. _Minstrelsy Border._ Su. G. _hlaun-a_, Isl. _leyn-a_, id. LAYNE, _n._ Lawn, fine linen. _Acts Ja. VI._ LAYNERE, _s._ A thong. _Wyntown._ Fr. _laniere_, id. LAING, _s._ A small ridge of land, Orkn. _To_ LAIP, LAPE, _v. a._ To lap, S. _Dunbar._ LAIP, _s._ A plash, Loth. V. ~Lappie~. LAIR, LAYRE, LARE, _s._ 1. A place for lying down, S. _Montgomerie._ 2. The act of lying down. _Douglas._ 3. A burying-place, S. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _laeger_, Germ. _lager_, Dan. _laijer_, a bed; also, a sepulchre. _To_ ~Lair~, _v. a._ To inter. _Ferguson._ LAIR, _s._ A stratum, S. _Ruddiman._ LAIR, LARE, _s._ A mire, S. _Ruddiman._ Isl. _leir_, lutum, coenum. _To_ ~Lair~, _v. n._ To stick in the mire, S. _Law Case._ _To_ ~Lair~, _v. a._ To mire, S. _Pitscottie._ LAIRBAR, LARBAR, _s._ One in a torpid state; _larbitar_, Ang. _Philotus._ ~Larbar~, ~Larbour~, _adj._ 1. Sluggish. _Dunbar._ 2. Ghastly. _Evergreen._ LAIRD, LARDE, _n._ 1. A person of superior rank, a lord. _Wyntown._ 2. A leader, a captain. _Douglas._ 3. A landholder, under the degree of a knight, S. _Acts Ja. I._ A. S. _hlaford_, _lavord_, Isl. _lavard-ur_, Su. G. _Laward_, dominus. ~Lairdship~, _s._ A landed estate, S. _Ramsay._ LAIRT, LEIR, _adv._ V. ~Lever~. LAIT, LAYTE, LATE, LETE, _s._ 1. Manner, gesture. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. Mein, appearance of the countenance. _Barbour._ Isl. _lat_, _laete_, gestus; _laet_, me gero. _To_ ~Lait~, _v. a._ To personate. _Fordun._ Teut. _laet-en_, apparere, prae se ferre. _To_ LAYT, _v. a._ To give heed to. A. S. _laet-an_, estimare. _Sir Tristrem._ LAITH, _adj._ 1. Loathsome. _Douglas._ Isl. _leid-ur_, A. S. _lath_, hateful. 2. What one is reluctant to utter. _Id._ 3. Unwilling, S. _Wyntown._ Isl. _leith-r_, reluctant. ~Laithfow~, _adj._ 1. Bashful, S. _Burns._ 2. Shy of accepting an invitation to eat, or any favour, S. ~Laithles~, _adj._ Arrogant. _Gawan and Gol._ ~Laithlie~, ~Laidly~, _adj._ 1. Loathsome. _Douglas._ 2. Base, vile. _Douglas._ 3. Inelegant, S. B. 4. Applied to a lascivious person, Ang. LAITTANDLY, _adv._ 1. Latently. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ LAK, LACK, LACKIN, _v. a._ 1. To reproach. _Maitland P._ 2. To depreciate. S. B. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _lack-a_, Teut. _laeck-en_, vituperare. ~Lak~, _s._ 1. Reproach. _Pal. Hon._ 2. A taunt, a scoff. _Wallace._ ~Lak~, _adj._ Bad, deficient; comp. _lakker_, worse; superl. _lakkest_. _Douglas._ Isl. _lakr_, deficiens. LAK, _s._ Hollow place. _Houlate._ Isl. _lag_, _laegd_, locus depressus. LAKIE, _s._ Irregularity in the tides. Su. G. _lack-a_, deficere. _Sibbald._ _To_ LAMB, _v. a._ To yean, S. _Kelly._ Sw. _lamb-a_, Germ. _lamm-en_, id. LAMB'S-LETTUCE, _s._ Corn sallad, S. LAMB'S-TONGUE, _s._ Corn mint, S. LAME, _s._ Lameness. _Wyntown._ Isl. _lam_, fractio. LAME, LAYM, LEEM, _adj._ Earthen, S. _Bellenden._ A. S. _laemen_, fictilis: _lam_, lutum. LAMENRY, _s._ Concubinage. V. ~Leman~. _Priests Peblis._ LAMITER, _s._ A cripple, S. LAMMAS-TOWER, _s._ A kind of tower erected by the herds of a district, against the time of Lammas, and defended by them against assailants, Loth. _Trans. Ant. Soc._ LAMMER, LAMER, _s._ Amber, S. Teut. _lamertyn-steen_, amber. _Lynds._ LAMOO, _s. To gang down like lamoo_, to be easily swallowed, S. Fr. _le mout_, new or sweet wine; or from the wassail-bowl, in E. called _lamb's wool_. _To_ LAMP, LEMP, _v. a._ To beat, S. B. Teut. _lomp-en_, id. impingere. _To_ LAMP, _v. n._ To take long steps, Loth. _To_ LAMP, _v. n._ The ground is said to _lamp_, when covered with the cobwebs which appear after dew or slight frost, S. B. LAMPET, LEMPET, _s._ The limpet, S. _Chr. S. P._ LAMSONS, _n. pl._ Expences of the Scots establishment at Campvere. _Baillie._ A. S. _land-socn_, transmigratio. LAND, _s._ A clear level place in a wood. O. E. _Lawnd_, mod. _Lawn_. _Wyntown._ LAND, _s._ A hook in the form of the letter _S_, S. B. LAND, _s._ The country; _on land_, _to land_, in the country. _Acts Ja. II._ A. S. Su. G. _land_, rus. ~Land~, _s._ A house consisting of different stories, generally as including different tenements, S. _Arnot._ ~Land~ _of the leal_, the state of the blessed. _Old Song._ _To_ ~Land~, _v. n._ To end; from the idea of terminating a voyage, S. _Callender._ ~Landbirst~, ~Land-bryst~, _s._ Breakers. _Barbour._ Isl. _brestr_, Su. G. _brist_, fragor. ~Landimer~, _s._ A land-measurer. _Skene._ A. S. _landimere_, properly a boundary of land. ~Landis-lorde~, ~Landslorde~, _s._ A landlord. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Land-louper~, _s._ One who frequently flits from one place or country to another, S. _Polwart._ Teut. _land-looper_, erro vagus. ~Land-man~, _s._ A proprietor of land. _Bannatyne Poems._ Isl. _lender menn_, nobiles terrarum domini. ~Land-tripper~, _s._ The sand-piper, Galloway. _Stat. Acc._ ~Landwart~, ~Landart~, _adj._ 1. Belonging to the country; as opposed to boroughs. _Complaynt S._ 2. Rustic, boorish, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _land_, rus, and _weard_, versus. LANDERS. _Lady Landers_, the insect called the Lady-bird; as appropriated to the Virgin Mary, in Popish times called _Our Lady_, S. _To_ LANE, _v. a._ To lie. V. ~Layne~. _Houlate._ LANE, _n._ A gift. _Henrysone._ Su. G. _laan_, donum. LANE, _adj._ Lone, alone. _Dunbar._ _To_ LANG, _v. n._ To belong, to become. Germ. _lang-en_, pertinere. _Douglas._ _To_ LANG, _v. n._ To long, S. _Ross._ Germ. _lang-en_, A. S. _laeng-ian_, desiderare. ~Lang~, ~Lange~, _adj._ Long, S. _Wyntown._ _To think lang_, to become weary, S. ~Lang~, _adv._ For a long time, S. _Burns._ ~Langare~, ~Langayr~, ~Langere~, _adv._ Long since. _Douglas._ A. S. _lang_, and _aere_, prius. E. _ere-long_. ~Lang-craig~, _s._ An onion that grows all to the stalk S. q. _long neck_. ~Lang-craig~, _s._ A purse, Aberd. _Shirrefs._ _To_ ~Langel~, _v. a._ To entangle. _Poems Buchan Dial._ Su. G. _lang-a_, to retard. ~Langell~, _s._ V. ~Langet~. ~Langis~, _prep._ Along. _Douglas._ Belg. _langs_, id. ~Langer~, ~Langoure~, _s._ 1. Weariness, S. _Douglas._ 2. Earnest desire of. _Rollocke._ ~Langet~, ~Langell~, _s._ A rope by which the fore and hinder feet of a horse or cow are fastened together, S. _Kelly._ Q. _langelt_, entangled. _To lowse a langet_, metaph. to make haste, to quicken one's pace, S. ~Langrin~, ~at langrin~, _adv._ At length, S. _Popular Ball._ ~Langkail~, _s._ Coleworts not shorn, S. _Ritson._ ~Langlins~, _prep._ Alongst, S. B. _Ross._ ~Lang-nebbit~, _adj._ Having a long nose, S. _Ramsay._ ~Lang pare eft~, long after. _Wyntown._ A. S. _lang-faer_, of long duration. ~Langsyne~, _adv._ Long since. _Ferguson._ A. S. _longe siththan_, diu exinde. ~Langsum~, _adj._ Slow, tedious, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _langsum_, id. ~Lang-tongu'd~, _adj._ Babbling, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ LANS, LANCE, _v. a._ To throw out. Fr. _lanc-er_, id. _Wallace._ _To_ ~Lans~, _v. n._ 1. To spring forward. _Douglas._ 2. Denoting the delicate and lively strokes of a musician on his violin. _Chr. Kirk._ ~Lans~, ~Launce~, _s._ A spring. _Barbour._ LANSPREZED, A corporal; used as a term of contempt. _Polwart._ Fr. _lance-pessade_, id. _To_ LAP, _v. a._ 1. To environ in a hostile way. _Wallace._ 2. To embrace. _Douglas._ 3. To fold; in relation to battle. _Doug._ LAP, _pret._ Leaped. V. ~Loup~. LAPPERED, _part. pa._ Coagulated, S. _Ritson._ Isl. _hlaup_, coagulum, _hleipe_, coagulo. LAPPIE, _s._ A plash, a pool, Ang. _Laip_, Loth. LAPRON, _s._ 1. A young rabbit. Fr. _lapreau_, id. _Acts Marie._ 2. A levret, E. Loth. LARD, _s._ A stupid inactive fellow. Belg. _laerd_, _luyaerd_, id. _Dunbar._ LARDUN, _s._ A piece of bacon. _Houlate._ LARE, _s._ Place of rest. V. ~Lair~. _To_ LARE, LERE, LEAR, _v. a._ 1. To teach, S. _Wyntown._ 2. To learn, S. _Kelly._ _Leard_, instructed, S. ~Lare~, ~Lear~, ~Lere~, _s._ Learning, S. _Doug._ A. S. _laere_, Belg. _leer_, id. ~Lare-maister~, _s._ A teacher, S. Belg. _leer-mester_, id. LAREIT, LAUREIT, _s._ A chapel dedicated to _our Lady of Loretto_. _Lyndsay._ LARG, LARGE, _adj._ 1. Liberal. Fr. id. Lat. _larg-us_. _Barbour._ 2. Abundant, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ~Larges~, ~Lerges~, _s._ 1. Liberty. _Barbour._ 2. Liberality. _Wyntown._ ~Largly~, _adv._ Liberally. _Barbour._ LARICK, _s._ A lark. V. ~Laverok~. ~Larick's lint~, _s._ Great golden maiden-hair, S. LARIE, _s._ Laurel. _Colvil._ O. Fr. _lauré_, laureus. LASARE, LASERE, _s._ Leisure. _Doug._ LASCHE, _adj._ 1. Relaxed, from weakness or fatigue, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. Lazy. _Ruddiman._ 3. Devoted to idleness. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _lasche_, Lat. _lax-us_; Germ. _lass_, tired, faint; Isl. _loskr_, ignavus. _To_ ~Lash~ _out_, _v. n._ To break out; in a moral sense. _Z. Boyd._ ~Lashness~, _s._ 1. Relaxation in consequence of great exertion. _Baillie._ 2. Looseness of conduct. _R. Bruce._ ~Lask~, _s._ A diarrhoea in cattle, S. B. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ LASKAR, _s._ A large armful of hay or straw, Tweedd. Isl. _hlas_, a load, Su. G. _lass_, id. LASS, _s._ A sweetheart, S. _R. Galloway._ LAST, _s._ A measure, Orkn. _Skene._ Su. G. _laest_, mensura 12 tonnarum. _To_ LAT, _v. a._ 1. To suffer, to permit, S. B. Belg. _lat-en_, A. S. _laet-an_, id. _Barbour._ 2. _To lat be_, to let alone, S. _Douglas._ 3. _Lat be_, _let be_, much less. _Baillie._ Isl. _lett-a_, Sw. _laet-a_, desinere. _To_ ~Lat~, ~Latt~, _v. a._ To leave. _Wallace._ Sw. _laat-a_, A. S. _laet-an_, id. _To_ LAT, _v. a._ To hinder, E. _let_. A. S. _lat-an_, Su. G. _laet-ia_. _Wyntown._ _To_ LAT, LET, _v. a._ To esteem, to reckon. _Barbour._ A. S. _laet-an_, reputare, estimare. _To_ LAT, _v. n._ To put to hire. _Reg. Maj._ LATCH, _s._ 1. A mire. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. The track of a cart-wheel, S. O. ~Latchy~, _adj._ Full of ruts, S. O. _To_ LATE, LEET, _v. a._ 1. To heat metal, so that it may be bent any way without breaking, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _lith-ian_, to soften, to attemper. 2. To cover with tin, S. _Ruddiman._ Su. G. _laad-a_, _lod-a_, _loed-a_, to solder. _To_ LATHE, _v. a._ To loath. _Wyntown._ A. S. _lath-ian_, id. LATHE, LATHELY, _adj._ V. ~Laith~. LATIENCE, _s._ Leisure; S. B. _leeshins_. _Callender._ LATIOUSE, _adj._ Unrestrained. _S. P. Repr._ LATRON, _s._ A privy. _Spalding._ Fr. _latrine_, id. LATTER, _adj._ Inferior. _Bar. Courts._ LATTER-MEAT, _s._ Meat brought from the master's to the servants' table, S. _Ramsay._ LATTYN, _s._ Impediment. _Wallace._ LATTOUN, _s._ 1. A mixed kind of metal. _Douglas._ 2. Electrum. _Ruddiman._ 3. The colour of brass. _Douglas._ Isl. _laatun_, Belg. _latoen_, orichalcum. LAUCH, LAWIN, LAWING, _pron._ _lauwin_, _s._ A tavern-bill. _Peblis Play._ Teut. _ghe-lagh_, club, or shot. LAUCH, LAUCHT, _s._ 1. Law. _Fordun._ 2. Privilege. _Wyntown._ A. S. _lah_, _laga_, Isl. _laug_, id. _To_ ~Lauch~, _v. a._ To possess legally. _Doug._ ~Lauchfull~, _adj._ Lawful. _Wyntown._ LAUCHT, _part. pa._ Clothed. _Barbour._ ~Lauchtane~, _adj._ Belonging to cloth. V. ~Laik~, _s._ 1. _Barbour._ LAUCHTANE, _adj._ Pale, livid. _Maitland Poems._ Perh. corr. from _lattoun_, q. v. LAUDERY, _s._ Perh. revelling. _Dunbar._ Belg. _lodderigh_, wanton. LAVE, _s._ The remainder. V. ~Lafe~. LAVELLAN, _s._ A kind of weasel, Caith. _Pennant._ LAVER, _s. Fro laver to layre_. _Sir Gawan._ LAVEROK, LAUEROK, _s._ The lark, S. often q. _lerrik_, _larick_. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _laferc_, _Lawerc_, id. LAUGHT, LAUCHT, _pret._ Took. _Wallace._ A. S. _laecc-an_, apprehendere; _laehte_, cepit. LAVY, _s._ The foolish guillemot. _Martin._ Isl. Norw. _lomvie_, _langivie_, id. LAVYRD, _s._ 1. Lord. V. ~Laird~. 2. Applied to the Supreme Being. _Wyntown._ LAURERE, _s._ Laurel. _Douglas._ Fr. _laurier_, id. LAUS, _s._ Perhaps, hair. _Gawan and Gol._ Dan. _lu_, _luv_, id. LAW, _adj._ Low. _Wallace._ Su. G. _lag_, Isl. _lag-r_, id. ~Law~, _s._ Low ground. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Law~, _v. a._ To bring down. _Douglas._ Teut. _leegh-en_, deprimere. ~Law~, ~Lawe~, _A Lawe_, _adv._ Downward. _King's Quair._ ~Lawly~, _adj._ Lowly. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ _To_ LAW, _v. a._ To litigate, S. LAW, _s._ 1. A designation given to many hills or mounts, whether natural or artificial, S. A. Bor. _Statist. Acc._ A. S. _hlaewe_, _hlawe_, agger, acervus. 2. A tomb, grave, or mound. _Sir Gawan._ Moes. G. _hlaiw_ signifies monumentum. LAW, _s._ The remainder. V. ~Lafe~. LAW-BORROIS, LAW-BORROWS, _s. pl._ The legal security which one man is obliged to give, that he will not do any injury to another in his person or property, S. _Acts Ja. II._ _Law_ and _borgh_, or _borrow_, a pledge. LAWCH, _adj._ Low, S. _laigh_. _Wallace._ LAWIN, _s._ A tavern reckoning. V. ~Lauch~, _s._ 1. LAW-FREE, _adj._ Not legally convicted. _Spalding._ LAWIT, LAWD, LAWYD, LEWIT, _adj._ 1. Laic. _Wyntown._ 2. Unlearned, ignorant. _Douglas._ A. S. _laewed_, _lewd_, id. LAWLY, _adj._ Lowly. V. ~Law~, _adj._ LAWRIGHTMEN. V. ~Lagraetman~. LAWTA, LAWTE, LAWTY, LAWTITH, _s._ 1. Loyalty. _Wallace._ 2. Truth, equity. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _leauté_, id. LAWTH, Barbour; L. _Lawch_, low. LAWTING, _s._ The supreme court of judicature in Orkney and Shetland, in ancient times. V. ~Thing~. LAX, _s._ Relief, release. _Pop. Ball._ LAX, _s._ A salmon, _Aberd._ A. S. _leax_, Dan. Su. G. O. E. _lax_, id. ~Lax-fisher~, _s._ A salmon-fisher, Aberd. _Law Case._ LE, LEE, _s._ The water of the sea in motion. _Douglas._ O. Isl. _lae_, _laa_, mare; hodie, unda fluens. LE, LIE, LEE, LYE, _s._ 1. Shelter, security from tempest. _Douglas._ 2. Metaph. peace, tranquillity. _Wynt._ Su. G. lae, locus tempestati subductus; Isl. _hle_, _hlie_, id. ~Le~, ~Lie~, _adj._ Sheltered, warm. _Houlate._ LE, _s._ Law. O. Fr. _ley_. _Wyntown._ _To_ LE, _v. n._ To tell a falsehood. _Wynt._ ~Le~, _s._ A lie. _Wyntown._ LEA, _adj._ Not plowed. _Ramsay._ A. S. _leag_, pasture. LEAGER-LADY, _s._ A soldier's wife, S. Dan. _leyger_, Teut. _lager_, a camp. _To_ LEAM, _v. n._ To shine. V. ~Leme~. LEAP, _s._ A cataract. V. ~Loup~. LEAR, _s._ A liar, S. pron. _leear_. _Wyntown._ LEASH, _s._ Liberty, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _leis-a_, _leys-a_, solvere. _To_ ~Leash away~, _v. n._ To go cleverly off, or on the way, S. B. _Ruddiman._ _To_ LEATHER, _v. a._ To lash, to flog, S. _To_ LEATHER, _v. n._ To move briskly, S. A. _J. Nicol._ LEAUW, _s._ A place for drawing the nets on, composed partly of stones, earth and gravel; Aberd. _Law Case._ Teut. _loo_, locus altus adjacens stagnis, &c. A. S. _hlaew_, agger. LEBBIE, _s._ The fore-skirt of a man's coat, S. B. Loth. A. S. _laeppe_, id. Isl. _laf_, ala pallii. _To_ LECHE, _v. a._ To cure. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _laek-a_, A. S. _lacn-ian_, id. ~Lech~, ~Leche~, ~Leiche~, _s._ A physician. Moes. G. _leik_, _lek_; A. S. _laec_, id. _Barb._ ~Leching~, ~Leiching~, _s._ Cure. _Wallace._ LECK, _s._ Any stone that stands a strong fire, as greenstone, trapp. &c. S. LEDE, _s._ A person. V. ~Leid~. LEDISMAN, LODISMAN, s. A pilot. _Douglas._ A. S. _ladman_, Teut. _leydsman_, Su. G. _ledesman_, id. from the idea of _leading_. LEE, _adj._ Lonely. _Popular Ball._ LEED, _pret._ Left. q. _leued_. _Sir Egeir._ LEEFOW, LIEFU', _adj._ Lonely, _Leefow lane_, quite alone, S. _Ross._ Isl. _hliae_, umbra; _draga a hlie_, occultare, coelare, subducere se; or _lae_, periculum, and _full_. LEEFUL, LEEFOW-HEARTIT, _adj._ Compassionate, sympathizing, S. A. _Kelly._ A. S. _hleo_, warmth; or Isl. _hlif-a_, tueri, parcere. LEE-LANG, _adj._ Livelong, S. _Burns._ LEEN, _interj._ Cease. _Ramsay._ Sw. _linn-a_, to cease. LEENING, _adj._ L. _bening_, benign. _Palice Honour._ LEEPER-FAT, _adj._ Very fat, S. A. C. B. _lleipyr_, flabby; glib, smooth. LEEPIT, _adj._ Meagre; loving the fire, S. B. _Journal Lond._ Isl. _lape_, fungus homo. LEESING, _s._ Allaying. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _lis-a_, requiem dare. LEESOME, _adj._ Pleasant. V. ~Leifsum~. LEET, _s._ 1. One portion of many, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ 2. A nomination of different persons, with a view to an election, S. _Baillie._ 3. A list. A. S. _hlete_, a lot. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Leet~, _v. a._ To nominate with a view to election, S. _Baillie._ LEET, _s._ Language. V. ~Leid~. LEETHFOW, _adj._ Loathsome, S. B. V. ~Laith~. _Journal Lond._ LEEZE ME. V. ~Leis me~. LEFULL, LEIFULL, _adj._ Lawful. _Douglas._ _Leif_, leave, and _full_, q. allowable. _To_ LEG, _v. n._ To run, S. ~Leg-bail~, _s. To take leg-bail_, to run off, instead of seeking bail, and waiting the course of law, S. _Ferguson._ LEG-BANE, _s._ The shin. S. _Callander._ LEGATNAIT, _s._ One who enjoyed the rights of a Papal Legate within his own province or diocese. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ _Legatus natus._ LEGEN-GIRTH, _s._ V. ~Lagen-gird~. LEGIER, _s._ A resident at a court. L. B. _legatar-ius_, legatus. _Spotswood._ LEGLIN, LAIGLIN, _s._ A milk-pail, S. _Ritson._ Teut. _leghel_, id. Isl. _leigill_, ampulla. _To_ LEICH, _v. n._ To be coupled as hounds are. _Godly Sangs._ LEID, LEDE, _s._ People. _Wallace._ Isl. _liod_, A. S. _leod_, populus. LEID, LEDE, _s._ A person. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _leod_, homo, Isl. _lyd_, miles. LEID, _s._ A country. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _laad_, terra, solum. LEID, LEDE, _s._ Language, S. B. _Leet_ is also used. _Douglas._ Isl. _hliod_, sonus, Dan. _lyd_, vox. LEID, LEDE, LUID, _s._ A song, a lay. _Douglas._ A. S. _leoth, lioth_, Belg. _lied_, Isl. _hliod_, _liod_, id. LEID, LIED, _s._ _A leid_ of a thing, is a partial idea of it, S. B. LEID, _s._ Safe-conduct. _Wallace._ Su. G. _leid_, Germ. _leit_, id. _To_ LEIF, _v. n._ To believe. _Maitland P._ A. S. _leaf-an_, credere. _To_ LEIF, _v. a._ To leave. _Douglas._ Isl. _lif-a_, Su. G. _leif-a_, id. ~Leif~, ~Leiff~, _s._ Leave. _Wallace._ _To_ ~Leif~, ~Leiff~, _v. n._ To live. _Wallace._ Su. G. _lefw-a_, Isl. _lif-a_, id. LEIFULL, _adj._ Lawful. V. ~Leful~. LEIF, LIEF, _adj._ 1. Beloved, S. _Doug._ 2. Willing. _Douglas._ _As leif_, _as leive_, as soon, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. _leof_, Su. G. _liuf_, carus, amicus. ~Leifsum~, _adj._ 1. Desirable. _Douglas._ 2. _Leesome_, pleasant, S. _Burns._ A. S. _leof_, charus, and _sum_. 3. _Leesome_, compassionate, S. A. _J. Nicol._ LEISOM, _adj._ Lawful. V. ~Lesum~. LEIL, LEILE, LELE, _adj._ 1. Loyal, faithful, S. _Douglas._ 2. Right, lawful. _Wyntown._ 3. Upright, S. _Reg. Maj._ 4. Honest in dealings. _Priests Peblis._ 5. _A leil stroke_, one that hits the mark, S. B. O. Fr. _leall_, loyal, faithful, honest. _To_ LEIN, _v. a._ To conceal. V. ~Layne~. _To_ LEIN, _v. n._ To cease. _Cleland._ _To_ LEIND, LEYND, LENE, LEND, _v. n._ 1. To dwell. _Barbour._ 2. To tarry. _Douglas._ 3. To continue in any state. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _lend-a_, sedem sibi figere. LEINE, _s._ L. _leme_, gleam. _Houlate._ LEYNE, _pret._ Lied. _Douglas._ LEINEST, most lean. _Evergreen._ _To_ LEIP, _v. n._ To boil. _K. Hart._ _To_ LEIS, _v. a._ To lose. _Douglas._ O. E. _leise_. _To_ LEIS, LEISS, _v. a._ To lessen. _Doug._ _To_ LEIS, _v. a._ To arrange. _Gl. Sibb._ LEIS ME, LEESE ME, LEUIS ME, i. e. _leif is me_, dear is to me; expressive of strong affection, S. _Me_ is the A. S. dative. _Bannatyne Poems._ LEISCH, LESCHE, _v._ 1. A lash, S. _Dunbar._ 2. A thong, by which a dog is held. _Douglas._ 3. A stroke with a thong, S. _Kennedy._ _To_ ~Leische~, ~Leich~, ~Leash~, _v. a._ To lash, to scourge, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ _To_ LEIST, _v. n._ To incline, E. _list_. _Dunbar._ LEIST, _adj._ Least. _Douglas._ LEISTER, LISTER, _s._ A spear, armed with three or more prongs, for striking fish, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _liuster_, id.; _liustra_, to strike fish with a trident. _To_ LEIT, _v. a._ To permit. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ LEIT, _v. n._ To delay. _Henrysone._ Su. G. _laet-ia_, intermittere, A. S. _laet-an_, tardare. _To_ LEIT, LEET, LET, _v. n._ 1. To pretend, to make a shew as if, S. B. _Bannatyne Poems._ Su. G. _laat-as_, Isl. _laet-a_, id. prae se ferre, sive vere sive simulando. 2. To give a hint of. _Nevir leet_, make no mention of it, S. B. V. ~Let on~. _To_ LEIT, LEET, _v. n._ To ooze, S. C. B. _llaith_, that which is run out. Teut. _lyd-en_, transire. LEYT, _pret._ Reckoned. V. ~Lat~. 3. LEYTHAND, L. _seichand_, sighing. _Wallace._ LEKAME, _s._ Dead body. V. ~Licaym~. LELÉ, _s._ The lily. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ LELL, _v. n._ To take aim, S. B. E. _level_, id. LEMANE, _s._ A sweetheart, male or female. _Douglas._ Fr. _l'aimant_, Norm. Sax. _leue-mon_, amasius. _To_ LEME, _v. n._ To blaze, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _leom-an_, Isl. _liom-a_, splendere. ~Leme~, _s._ Gleam. _Lyndsay._ _To_ LEN, _v. a._ To lend, S. _Chron. S. P._ A. S. _laen-an_, Su. G. _laen-a_, id. ~Len~, ~Leane~, ~Lend~, _s._ A loan, S. A. S. _laen_, _lean_, id. _Acts Ja. VI._ _To_ LEND, _v. n._ To dwell. V. ~Leind~. LENDIS, _s. pl._ 1. Loins. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. Buttocks. _Kennedy._ Isl. _lend_, clunis; in _pl. lendar_, lumbi. _To_ LENE, _v. n._ To give. V. ~Lenit~. LENYIE, LENYE, _adj._ 1. Lean. _Barbour._ 2. Of a thin texture. _Douglas._ A. S. _hlaene_, _laene_, macer. LENIT, _pret._ Granted. _Houlate._ Isl. _laen-a_, concedere. LENIT, LENT, _pret._ Abode. V. ~Leind~. LENIT, LENT, _pret._ Leaned. _Doug._ LENT-FIRE, _s._ A slow fire. _Baillie._ Fr. _lent_, slow. LENTFULL, _adj._ Mournful, from _Lent_, the season appropriated to fasting. _Houlate._ LENTRYNE, LENTYRE, _s._ Lent; still used to denote Spring, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _lengten_, Lent, also Spring. ~Lentrin Kail~, broth made without beef, S. _J. Nicol._ LENNO, _s._ A child. _Ritson._ Gael. _leanabh_, id. _To_ LENTH, _v. a._ To lengthen. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _lengh-en_, Sw. _leng-a_, prolongare. LEOMEN, _s._ A leg, Aberd. A. S. _leome_, a limb. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ LEP, _v. n._ To go rapidly. _Barbour._ Isl. _leip-a_, _hleip-a_, to run. _To_ LEPE, LEIP, _v. a._ To heat, to parboil, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _hleap-an_, to leap; q. to wallop in the pot. ~Lepe~, ~Leep~, _s._ A slight boiling, S. LEPER-DEW, _s._ A cold frosty dew, S. B. LEPYR, _s._ The leprosy. V. ~Lipper~, s. _To_ LERE, to learn. V. ~Lare~. LERGNES, _s._ Liberality. _Bannatyne P._ LERROCH, _s._ The site of a building. Gael. _larach_, id. _Ferguson._ LES, _conj._ 1. Unless. _Douglas._ 2. Lest. _Douglas._ _Les than_, id. _Bellenden._ _Les na_, _les nor_, id. _Acts Ja. IV._ A. S. _laes_, _les_, id. LES-AGE, _s._ Non-age. _Buchanan._ LESH PUND, LEISPUND, LISPUND, _s._ A weight used in Orkney, containing eighteen pounds Scots. _Skene._ Su. G. _lispund_, a pound of twenty marks; i. e. _Liwesche_, or the Livonian. LESIT, LESYT, _pret._ Lost. _Barbour._ LESS, lies; _pl._ of LE. _Barbour._ _To_ LEST, _v. n._ To please. _K. Quair._ LEST, _pret._ Tarried. _Barbour._ A. S. _laest-an_, to stay. LESUM, LEISOM, _adj._ What may be permitted. _Douglas._ A. S. _ge-leafsum_, licitus, allowable, from _leaf_, permissio. LESURIS, LASORS, _s. pl._ Pastures. _Bellenden._ A. S. _leswe_, a pasture; Ir. _leasur_, a meadow. _To_ LET, _v. n._ To reckon. _Priests Peblis._ V. ~Lat~, _v._ 3. _To_ ~Let~, _v. n._ To expect. _Wyntown._ _To_ LET, _v. a._ To dismiss. _Houlate._ A. S. _laet-an_, _let-an_, dimittere. _To_ LET BE. V. ~Lat~, _v._ 1. _To_ LET GAE, _v. a._ To raise the tune, S. _Forbes._ TO LET ON, 1. To seem to observe any thing, S. _Burns._ 2. To mention a thing. _Ramsay._ 3. To give one's self concern about any business. Isl. _laet-a_, ostendere. _Kelly._ TO LET WIT, To make known, S. _Dunbar._ Belg. _laat-en weeten_, Sw. _let-a en weta_, id. TO LET WI'T, i. e. with it, _v. a._ To make known, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ LETE, _v. n._ To pretend. V. ~Leit~, _v._ 3. _To_ LETE, _v. n._ To forbear. _Sir Tristrem._ ~Lete~, _s. But let_, without obstruction. _Wyntown._ ~Letles~, _adj._ Without obstruction. _Barbour._ LETE, _s._ Gesture. V. ~Lait~. LETH, LETHE, _s._ 1. Hatred. A. S. _laeththe_, id. _Wyntown._ 2. A disgust, S. B. _Wyntown._ LETTEIS, _s._ Gray fur, Fr. _Acts Ja. II._ LETTER-GAE, _s._ The precentor or clerk in a church, S. _Ramsay._ V. ~Let Gae~. ~Letteron~, ~Lettrin~, _s._ 1. The desk in which the clerk or precentor officiates, S. 2. A writing desk. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _letrin_, the pulpit from which the _lecture_ was anciently read. LEUCH, LEUGH, _pret._ Laughed, S. LEUE, _adj._ Beloved. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _leof_, id. LEUEDI, _s._ Lady. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _hlaefdige_, Isl. _lafda_, id. LEVEFUL, _adj._ Friendly. _Wyntown._ LEVER, _s._ Flesh. V. ~Lyre~. _Sir Gawan._ LEVER, LEUER, LEUIR, LEIR, LEWAR, LOOR, LOURD, _adv._ Rather. The comparative of _leif_, willing; A. S. _leofre_. LEUERAIRES, _s. pl._ Armorial bearings. _Complaynt S._ LEVERÉ, LEVERAY, _s._ 1. Delivery. Fr. _livrée_. _Barbour._ 2. Donation. _Diallog._ LEVIN, _s._ Lightning. _Douglas._ 2. The light of the sun. _Douglas._ A. S. _hlif-ian_, rutilare. LEVIN, _s._ Scorn. _Gawan and Gol._ LEVINGIS, _s. pl._ Remains. _Douglas._ LEUINGIS, _s. pl._ Loins, or lungs. _Douglas._ LEUIT, LEWYT, _pret._ Allowed. A. S. _lef-an_, permittere. _Wallace._ LEVYT, LEWYT, _pret._ Left. _Barbour._ Isl. _leif-a_, linquere. _To_ LEW, _v. a._ To make tepid, S. B. Teut. _lauw-en_, tepefacere. ~Lew~, ~Lew-warme~, _adj._ Tepid, S. _Doug._ Teut. _lauw_, Belg. _liew_, id.; A. S. _hleow-an_, tepere. _To_ LEWDER, _v. n._ To move heavily, S. B. Teut. _leuter-en_, morari. _Ross._ LEWIS, LEWYSS, _s. pl._ Leaves. _Wallace._ LEWIT. V. ~Lawit~. ~Lewitnes~, _s._ Ignorance. _Douglas._ LEWRAND, _part. pr._ Lurking. V. ~Loure~, _v._ _Leg. St Androis._ LEWS, _s. pl._ The island of Lewis. _Watson._ LIAM, LYAM, _s._ 1. A string, a thong. Arm. _liam_, id. _Douglas._ 2. A rope made of hair, Tweedd. LIART, LYART, _adj._ 1. Having grey hairs intermixed, S. _Maitland P._ 2. Grey-haired in general. 5. Spotted, of various hues, Galloway. _Davidson._ LIBART, LIBBERT, _s._ A leopard. _Barbour._ Alem. _libaert_, Belg. _libaerd_, id. LIBBERLAY, _s._ A baton. _Dunbar._ Isl. _luber-ia_, pertundere. LIBBERLY, _s._ Perh. the same as _libberlay_. _Priests Peblis._ LY-BY, _s._ A neutral. _Rutherford._ LICAYM, LIKAME, LECAM, LEKAME, _s._ 1. An animated body. _K. Hart._ 2. A dead body. _Wallace._ A. S. _lichama_, Isl. _lykame_, corpus. LICHELUS, _adj._ Perh. for _licherus_, lecherous. _Maitland Poems._ LYCHLEFUL, _adj._ Contemptuous. V. ~Lichtly~. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ LYCHT, _adj._ Merry. _Douglas._ LICHTER, LICHTARE, _adj._ Delivered of a child, S. B. _Wyntown._ Isl. _verda liettare_, eniti partum. LYCHTLY, _adj._ Contemptuous. _Wallace._ A. S. _liht_ and _lic_, having the appearance of lightness. _To_ ~Lichtlie~, ~Lychtly~, ~Lithlie~, _v. a._ 1. To undervalue, to slight, S. _Complaynt S._ 2. To slight, in love, S. _Ritson._ ~Lichtlie~, _s._ The act of slighting, S. _Ruddiman._ ~Lychtlyness~, _s._ Contempt. _Wallace._ LYCHTNIS, _s. pl._ Lungs, S. A. _Complaynt S._ _To_ LICK, _v. a._ 1. To strike, to beat, S. _Burns._ 2. To overcome, S. Su. G. _laegg-a_, ferire, percutere. ~Lick~, _s._ A blow, S. _To give one his licks_, to beat one, S. _Forbes._ LICK, _s._ A wag, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _liccet-an_, to feign; _lycce_, a liar. LICK-SCHILLING, _s._ A term of reproach expressive of poverty. V. ~Schilling~. _Dunbar._ LIDDER, LIDDIR, _adj._ 1. Sluggish. _Douglas._ 2. Behind others. _Lyndsay._ 3. Loathsome. _Gl. Sibb._ Isl. _leidur_, sordidus, _leid-a_, taedio afficere. ~Lidderlie~, _adv._ Lazily. _Arbuthnot._ LIE, _adj._ Sheltered, warm, S. V. ~Le~. ~Liesome~, _adj._ Warm, sultry, Aberd. V. ~Lithe~. _Shirrefs._ LIFEY, _adj._ Lively, S. _Callander._ LYFLAT, _adj._ Deceased. _Wallace._ Isl. _liflat_, loss of life; _liflat-ast_, perdere vitam. LYFLAT, _s._ Course of life. _Wallace._ A. S. _lif-lade_, vitae iter. LIFT, LYFT, _s._ The atmosphere, S. A. S. _lyft_, Su. G. _luft_, aer. _Douglas._ _To_ LIFT, _v. a._ To carry off by theft, S. _Lett. North S._ _To_ LIG, _v. n._ To recline, Aberd. S. O. _Douglas._ A. S. _licg-an_. Isl. _lig-a_, Su. G. _ligg-a_. ~Liggar~, _s._ A foul salmon, S. A. q. one that _lies_ too long in the fresh water. LIGGAT, _s._ A park gate, Galloway. A. S. _leag_, campus, and _gat_ porta; q. "the _gate_ of the field, or _lea_." LIGLAG, _s._ 1. A confused noise of tongues, S. 2. A great deal of idle talk, S. Su. G. _ligg-a_, to harass by entreaties. LIK, _s._ A dead body. _Wallace._ Isl. _lyk_, Su. G. _lik_, A. S. _lic_, id. LYK, LIKE, the termination of many words in S., which in E. are softened into _ly_. It denotes resemblance; from A. S. _lic_, Goth. _lik_, &c., similis. LYK, LIK, _v. impers. Lyk til us_, be agreeable to us. _Wyntown._ A. S. _lyc-ian_, Su. G. _lik-a_, placere. ~Likand~, _part._ Pleasing. _Dunbar._ ~Likandlie~, _adv._ Pleasantly. _Douglas._ ~Liking~, ~Likyng~, 1. Pleasure. A. S. _licung_, id. _Barbour._ 2. A darling. _Houlate._ A. S. _licung_, pleasure, delight. LYKLY, _adj._ Having a good appearance, S. _Wallace._ Su. G. _lyklig_, Isl. _liklig_, id. _To_ ~Likly~, _v. a._ To render agreeable. _Douglas._ LYKE-WAIK, LIKE WALK, _s._ The watching of a dead body. _Douglas._ A. S. _lic_, a body, and _wac-ian_, to watch. LIL FOR LALL, retaliation. _Wyntown._ A. S. _lael with laele_, stripe for stripe. LILY, _s._ The aphthae, a disease of children, S. LILL, _s._ The hole of a wind instrument, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ LILT, _v. n._ 1. To sing cheerfully, S. _Ritson._ 2. To sing on a high or sharp key, S. 3. Denoting the lively notes of a musical instrument, S. _Ramsay._ 4. _To lilt out_, to take off one's drink merrily, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _lull-a_, canere. ~Lilt~, _s._ A cheerful air, S. _Morison._ ~Lilt~, _s._ A large pull in drinking, frequently repeated, Fife. ~Lilting~, _s._ The act of singing cheerfully. ~Lilt-pype~, _s._ A particular kind of musical instrument. _Houlate._ Teut. _lul-pijpe_, tibia utricularis. LIME, _s._ Glue; Teut. _lijm_, id. _Gl. Sibb._ LIMITOUR, _s._ A begging friar, authorised to hear confession within certain _limits_. _Philotus._ LIMMAR, LIMMER, _s._ 1. A scoundrel. _Bellenden._ 2. Equivalent to _theif_. _Acts Ja. VI._ 3. A woman of loose manners. S. ~Limmery~, _s._ Villany. _Godly Sangs._ LYMMIT, _pret._ Perhaps, bound. Teut. _lym-en_, agglutinare. _K. Hart._ LYMOURIS, LIMNARIS, _s. pl._ Shafts of a carriage. _Douglas._ Isl. _lim_, pl. _limar_, rami arborum. LYMPET, _part. pa._ Perhaps, crippled. Isl. _limp-ast_, viribus deficit. _Houlate._ LIN, LYN, _s._ 1. A cataract, S. _Bellenden._ 2. The pool under a cataract, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ A. S. _hlynna_, a torrent; C. B. _lhynn_, Ir. _lin_, a pool. LIN, LINN, _v. a._ To cease. _Patten._ A. S. _linn-a_, id. LINCUM LICHT, cloth of a _light_ colour, made at _Lincoln_. _Chr. Kirk._ LIND, LYND, _s._ A lime tree. _Licht as the lynd_, very light. _Douglas._ _Under the lind_, in the woods. Isl. _lind_, arbor; tilia. _Bannatyne P._ LINDER, _s._ A short gown, shaped like a man's vest, close to the body, with sleeves, worn by old women and children; Ang. Perh. from Isl. _lendar_, lumbi, as sitting close to the loins. _To_ LINE, _v. a._ To beat, Ang. _To_ LYNE, LYN, _v. a._ To measure land with a line. _Burrow Lawes._ Lat. _lin-eare_, id. ~Lyner~. _s._ One who measures land with a line. _Ibid._ LING, _s._ 1. A species of rush or thin long grass, Ayrs. S. A. _Statist. Acc._ 2. _Pull ling_, cotton grass. _Statist. Acc._ LING, LYNG, _s._ A line, Fr. _ligne_. _In ane ling_. 1. Straight forward. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. Denoting expedition in motion, Aberd. _Douglas._ _To_ LING, _v. n._ To go at a long pace, S. Ir. _ling-im_, to skip. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Link~, _v. n._ 1. To walk smartly, to trip, S. _Ross._ 2. Denoting the influx of money. _Ritson._ LINGEL, LINGLE, _s._ 1. Shoemaker's thread, S. also _lingan_; Fr. _ligneul_. _Ramsay._ 2. A bandage. _Polwart._ Isl. _lengia_, lamina coriacea. ~Lingel-tail'd~, _adj._ Applied to a woman whose clothes hang awkwardly, from the smallness of her shape below, S. LINGET, _s._ A rope binding the fore foot of a horse to the hinder one, Ang. V. ~Langet~. LINGET-SEED, _s._ The seed of flax, S. B. _Acts Ja. VI._ LINGIS, LINGS, a termination by which adverbs are formed; sometimes denoting quality, in other instances extension, as _backlingis_; now pron. _lins_, S. LINGIT, _adj._ Flexible, E. Loth. A. S. _laenig_, tenuis. LINKS, _s. pl._ 1. The windings of a river, S. _Nimmo._ 2. The rich ground lying among these windings, S. _Macneill._ 3. The sandy flat ground on the sea-shore, S. _Knox._ 4. Sandy and barren ground; though at a distance from any body of water, S. Germ. _lenk-en_, flectere. LIN-PIN, LINT-PIN, _s._ The linch-pin. S. Su. G. _lunt-a_, id. LYNTQUHIT, LINTWHITE, _s._ A linnet, S. corr. _lintie_. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _linetwige_, id. LYPE, _s._ A crease, a fold, S. LIPPER, _s._ Leprosy. _Bellenden._ Fr. _lepre_, id. ~Lipper~, _adj._ 1. Leprous. _Stat. Gild._ 2. Applied to fish that are diseased. A. S. _hleapere_, leprosus. _Chalm. Air._ _To_ LIPPER, _v. n._ A term denoting the appearance of foam on the tops of the waves, or of breakers. _Douglas._ ~Lipperis~, ~Lopperis~, _s. pl._ The tops of broken waves. _Ibid._ The same with _lapper_, _lopper_, to curdle; or from Isl. _hleyp-a_, concitare. LIPPIE, _s._ The fourth part of a peck, S. _Statist. Acc._ A. S. _leap_, a basket, Isl. _laup_, id. _To_ LIPPIN, LYPPYN, LIPPEN, _v. n._ 1. To expect, S. _Wyntown._ 2. _To lippen in_, to put confidence in. _Douglas._ 3. _To lyppyn off_, the same. _Barbour._ 4. _To lippen till_, to entrust to one's charge. _Houlate._ 5. _To lippen to_, to trust to, S. 6. _To lippen upon_, to depend on for. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Moes. G. _laub-jan_, credere; _ga-lau-beins_. fides. ~Lypnyng~, _s._ Expectation. _Wyntown._ LIRE, LYR, LYRE, _s._ 1. The flesh or muscles, as distinguished from the bones, S. O. _Wallace._ 2. Flesh, as distinguished from the skin that covers it. _Sir Egeir._ A. S. _lire_, the fleshy parts of the body. LYRE, LYIRE, _s._ That part of the skin which is colourless. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _hleor_, _hlear_, the countenance. LYRE, LAYER, LYAR, _s._ The Shearwater. _Pennant._ _Liere_, id. Feroe Islands. _To_ LIRK, _v. a._ To rumple, S. _To_ ~Lerk~, _v. n._ To contract, to shrivel, S. Isl. _lerk-a_, contrahere. ~Lirk~, _s._ 1. A crease, S. 2. A fold, a double, S. 3. A wrinkle. _Ramsay._ 4. A hollow in a hill. _Minstr. Bord._ _To_ LIS, _v. a._ To assuage. Su. G. _lis-a_, lenire. _Gawan and Gol._ LISK, LEESK, _s._ The groin, S. Dan. Sw. _liuske_, id. _Douglas._ LISS, _s._ Remission, especially of any acute disease. _Gl. Sibb._ Fr. _lisse_, id., Su. G. _lisa_, requies a dolore. LISTARIS, _s. pl._ The small yard arms. _Complaynt S._ LISTER, _s._ A fish spear. V. ~Leister~. _To_ LIT, LITT, _v. a._ To dye, S. _Doug._ Isl. _lit-a_, tingere; _litr_, Su. G. _lit_, color. ~Lit~, ~Litt~, _s._ Dye, tinge, S. _Acts Ja. II._ ~Litstar~, _s._ A dyer, S. _Burrow Lawes._ LITE, LYTE, _adj._ Little. _Douglas._ ~Lite~, ~Lyte~, _s._ 1. A short while. _K. Quair._ 2. A small portion. _Douglas._ A. S. _lyt_, Su. G. _lite_, Isl. _litt_, parum. LYTE, _s._ Elect. V. ~Elyte~. _Wyntown._ LITE, _s._ A nomination of candidates for election to any office. V. ~Leet~. _Spotswood._ _To_ LITH, LYTH, _v. n._ To listen. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _lyd-a_, Isl. _hlyd-a_, audire. LITH, _s._ 1. A joint, S. _Douglas._ 2. Metaphor, the hinge of an argument, S. A. S. _lith_, artus, membrum. _Cleland._ _To_ ~Lith~, _v. a._ To separate the joints one from another, S. LITHE, _adj._ 1. Calm, sheltered, S. _lyde_, S. B. _Ruddiman_. 2. Possessing genial heat. _Wallace._ 3. Metaph. affectionate. _A lithe side_, attachment or regard, S. B. A. S. _hlithe_, quietus, _hlewoth_, apricitas. _To_ ~Lythe~, _v. a._ To shelter, S. B. _Shirrefs._ ~Lythe~, _s._ 1. A warm shelter, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Encouragement, countenance, S. B. _Ross._ ~Lythnes~, _s._ Warmth, heat. _Porteous of Noblenes._ _To_ LITHE, _v. a._ 1. To soften. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. To thicken, to mellow, S. A. S. _lith-ian_, to mitigate. ~Lythe~, _adj._ Assuaging. _Sir Tristrem._ LITHE, _s._ A ridge, an ascent. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _hlithe_, Isl. _leit_, jugum montis. LYTHE, LAID, _s._ The pollack, Gadus Pollachius, S. _Statist. Acc._ LYTHYRNES, _s._ Sloth. V. ~Lidder~. _Wyntown._ LYTHIS, _s. pl._ Perh. manners. _Dunbar._ _To_ LYTHLY. V. ~Lychtlie~. LITHRY, _s._ A despicable crowd, Aberd. _Gl. Shirr._ A. S. _lythre_, malus, nequam. LITTLEANE, _s._ A child, S. _Ross._ Q. _little one_; or A. S. _lytling_, parvulus. LITTLEGOOD, LITTLEGUDY, _s._ Suns-purge, S. LIUE, _s._ Life. _On lyve_, alive. _K. Quair._ _To_ LIVER, _v. a._ To unload; applied to ships, S. Germ. _liefer-n_, Fr. _livr-er_, to deliver. LIVERY-DOWNIE, _s._ A haddock stuffed with _livers_, &c., Ang. LIVER-MOGGIE, _s._ The stomach of the cod filled with _liver_, &c. Shetl. Sw. _lefwer_, liver, and _mage_, the maw. LIUNG, _s._ An atom, Ang. LYWYT, _pret._ Lived. _Barbour._ LOAGS, _s. pl._ Stockings without feet, Stirl. LOAN, LONE, LOANING, _s._ 1. An opening between fields of corn, for driving the cattle homewards, or milking cows, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _lon_, intermissio, q. a break or interval between fields; or C. B. _llàn_, a clear place, an area. 2. A narrow inclosed way, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ LOAN, LONE, _s._ Wages, pay. Su. G. _loen_, Germ. _lohn_, id. _Spalding._ LOCH, LOUCH, _s._ 1. A lake, S. _Barbour._ 2. An arm of the sea, S. _Boswell._ Isl. _laug_, Su. G. _log_, Ir. _louch_, C. B. _lhugh_, a lake, id.; also Gael. _loch_, an arm of the sea. ~Loch-reed~, Common Reed-grass, S. _Lightfoot._ LOCHTER, _s._ A layer; also the eggs laid in one season. V. ~Lachter~. LOCK, LOAKE, _s._ A small quantity, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _lock_, capillus contortus. LOCKMAN, LOKMAN, _s._ The public executioner; still used, Edinburgh. _Wallace._ Teut. _lock-en_, to lock; A. S. _loc_, claustrum. LOFF, _s._ Praise. V. ~Loif~. LOG, _s._ The substance which bees gather for making their works, S. B. A. S. _loge_, Su. G. _lag_, humor. LOGE, _s._ A lodge, Dan. id. _Barbour._ LOGIE, KILLOGIE, _s._ A vacuity before the fire place in a kiln, for drawing air, S. Belg. _log_, a hole. _Watson._ LOY, _adj._ Sluggish. Ang. Belg. _luy_, id. ~Loyness~, _s._ Inactivity, Ang. Belg. _luyheit_. _To_ LUIF, LOIUE, LOVE, LUFF, LOUE, _v. a._ To praise. _Priests Peblis._ Isl. Su. G. _lofw-a_, A. S. _lof-ian_, id. ~Loif~, ~Loff~, _s._ Praise. _Houlate._ A. S. Isl. Belg. _lof_, id. LOIS, _s._ Praise. V. ~Lose~. _Douglas._ LOISSIT, _pret._ Lost. _Gawan and Gol._ LOIT, _s._ A turd, S. Su. G. _lort_, id. _To_ LOKKER, _v. n._ To curl, S. _Doug._ Isl. _lock-r_, capillus contortus. ~Lokker~, ~Lokkar~, _adj._ Curled. _Evergr._ LOKLATE, _adj._ Securing a lock. _Wallace._ LOLLERDRY, _s._ What was deemed heresy. _Bannatyne Poems._ From E. _Lollard_. LOME, LOOM, pron. _lume_, _s._ 1. An utensil of any kind, S. _Douglas._ 2. A tub, or vessel of any kind, S.; as _brew-lumes_, _milk-lumes_, &c. A. S. _loma_, utensilia. LOMPNYT, _part. pa._ Laid with trees. _Barbour._ Sw. _laemp-a_, to fit; or Isl. _lunn_, phalangae. LONE, _s._ Place of shelter. Isl. _logn_, tranquillitas aeris. ~Lony~, _adj._ Sheltered. _Houlate._ LONNACHS, _s. pl._ Quickgrass gathered for being burnt, Mearns. LOOGAN, _s._ A rogue, Loth. LOOPIE, _adj._ Deceitful, S., q. one who holds a _loop_ in his hand. LOOR, _adv._ Rather. V. ~Lever~. _To_ LOPPER, _v. n._ To ripple. V. ~Lipper~, _v._ LOPPIN, LOPPEN, _pret._ Leaped. _Douglas._ A. S. _hleop_, Sw. _lupen_, insiliit. LORE, _part. pa._ Solitary, q. _forlore_. _Sir Gawan._ LORER, _s._ Laurel. Fr. _laurier_. _Sir Gawan._ LOSE, LOSS, _s._ Praise. _Houlate._ _Lofs_ occurs in Isl. _lofs-tyr_, gloria, encomium. LOSEL, _s._ Idle rascal. _Ritson._ Teut. _losigh_, ignavus. LOSYNGEOUR, LOSINGERE, _s._ 1. A deceiver. _Barbour._ Fr. _lozeng-er_, to flatter, to deceive. 2. A sluggard, a loiterer. LOT, _s._ Uncertain. _Bannatyne Poems._ LOT-MAN, _s._ One who threshes for one boll in a certain number, S. _Stat. Acc._ LOTCH, _s._ A snare, S. _Hamilton._ Teut. _letse_, id. LOUABIL, _adj._ Praiseworthy. _Doug._ Fr. _louable_. LOUCH, _s._ (gutt.) 1. A cavity. _Barbour._ 2. A cavity containing water. _Douglas._ Germ. _loch_, apertura, cavitas, latibulum. LOUCHING, _part. pr._ Bowing down. Isl. _lut-a_, pronus flo. _Burel._ _To_ LOUE, LOVE, _v. a._ To praise. V. ~Loif~. LOVEDARG, _s._ Work done from affection, S. V. ~Dawerk~. LOVERY, LUFRAY, _s._ Bounty. _Dunbar._ LOUING, _s._ Praise, A. S. _lofung_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ LOUK, _v. a._ 1. To lock. _Douglas._ 2. To surround. _Douglas._ LOUN, LOWNE, _adj._ 1. Serene, denoting the state of the air, S. _Hudson._ 2. Sheltered, S. _Houlate._ 3. Unruffled; applied to water. _Doug._ 4. Recovered from rage, S. _Ross._ Isl. _logn_, tranquillitas aeris. Su. G. _lugn_, id.; also tranquillitas animi. _To_ ~Loun~, ~Lown~, _v. a._ To tranquillize. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Loun~, ~Lown~, _v. n._ To become calm, S. _Kelly._ LOUN, LOWN, LOON, _s._ A worthless person, male or female. _Dunbar._ A. S. _laewend_, a traitor. ~Lounfow~, _adj._ Rascally, S. ~Loun-like~, _adj._ 1. Having the appearance of a _loun_, S. _Ross._ 2. Shabby; applied to dress, S. ~Lounrie~, _s._ Villany. _Dunbar._ LOUN, LOWN, _s._ A boy, S. _Dunbar._ Isl. _lione_, servus. ~Loun's piece~, the uppermost slice of a loaf of bread, S. _To_ LOUNDER, _v. a._ To beat with severe strokes, S. V. ~Loundit~. _Ramsay._ ~Lounder~, _s._ A swinging stroke, S. _Watson._ LOUNDIT, _part. pa._ Beaten. _Dunbar._ This seems the origin of _Lounder_, apparently allied to Fenn. _lyon_, ferio, verbero. _To_ LOUP, _v. n._ 1. To leap, to spring, S. pret. _lap_. _Chr. Kirk._ Moes. G. _hlaup-an_, saltare; Su. G. _loep-a_, currere. 2. To run, to move with celerity, S. B. _Forbes._ 3. To give way; applied to frost, S. 4. Applied to a sore when the skin breaks, S. 5. To cover, S., like Teut. _loop-en_, catulire. 6. _To_ ~Loup~ _on_, to mount on horseback. S. _Spalding._ 7. _To_ ~Loup~ _out_, to run out of doors. _Many._ 8. To pass from one possessor to another; used as to property. _Many._ ~Loup~, _s._ A leap, a spring, S. _Barbour._ ~Loup~, ~Loupe~, _s._ A cataract, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Louping Ague~, a disease resembling St Vitus's dance, Ang. _Stat. Acc._ ~Loupin-on-stane~, _s._ A flight of stone-steps, for assisting one to get on horseback, S. _To cum aff at the loupin-on-stane_, S. to leave off any business in the same state as when it was begun; also, to terminate a dispute, without the slightest change of mind in either party, S. LOUP-HUNTING, _s._ _Hae ye been a loup-hunting?_ a query, addressed to one who has been very early abroad, and contains an evident allusion to the hunting of the wolf in former times, S. B. Fr. _loup_, a wolf. LOURD, rather. V. ~Lever~. _Ritson._ LOURDNES, _s._ Surly temper. V. ~Lowryd~. _Wyntown._ _To_ LOURE, _v. n._ To lurk, Fife. _Doug._ Germ. _laur-en_, Dan. _lur-er_, to lurk. LOUSANCE, _s._ Freedom from bondage. _Kelly._ _To_ LOUT, LOWT, _v. n._ 1. To bow down the body, S. _Douglas._ 2. To make obeisance. _Barbour._ A. S. _hlut-an_, Su. G. _lut-a_, incurvare se. ~Loutshouther'd~, _adj._ Round-shouldered, S. _To_ LOUTHER, _v. n._ 1. To be entangled in mire or snow, Ang. 2. To walk with difficulty, Ang. V. ~Lewder~. _To_ LOW, _v. n._ 1. To flame, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To flame with rage, S. _Kennedy._ Isl. Su G. _log-a_, ardere, flagrare. ~Low~, ~Lowe~. _s._ 1. Flame, S. _Barbour._ 2. Rage, desire, or love. _Evergreen._ Isl. Dan. _lege_, Su. G. loga, id. _To_ LOWDEN, _v. n._ 1. Used to signify that the wind falls, S. B. 2. To speak little, to stand in awe of another, S. B. _To_ ~Lowden~, _v. a._ 1. To cause to fall; applied to the wind, S. B. 2. To bring down, or to silence; applied to persons, S. B. Isl. _hliodn-a_, tristari; submissè loqui. LOWDER, _s._ A wooden lever, Moray; _loothrick_, Stirlings. ~Lowder~, ~Louthertree~, _s._ A hand-spoke for lifting the mill-stones, S. Isl. _ludr_, _luth-r_, q. mill-tree; or _hlod_, fulcra. LOWDING, _s._ Praise, q. _lauding_. _Everg._ LOWE, _s._ Love. _Wallace._ LOWN, _adj._ Calm, &c. V. ~Loun~. LOWNDRER, _s._ A lazy wretch. _Wynt._ Teut. _lunderer_, cunctator, _lunder-en_, cunctari. LOWRYD, _adj._ Surly. _Wyntown._ Isl. _luri_, homo torvus et deformis. LOWRIE, LAWRIE, _s_. 1. A designation given to the fox, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A crafty person; one who has the disposition of a fox. _Godly Sangs._ Arm. _luarn_, vulpes; or Teut. _loer_, one who lays snares. LOZEN, _s_. A pane of glass, S. corr. from E. _lozenge_. LUBBA, _s._ A coarse grass of any kind, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _lubbe_, hirsutus. _To_ LUCK, _v. n._ To have good or bad fortune, S. _Montgomerie._ Teut. _ghe-luck-en_, Isl. _luck-as_, to prosper. * ~Luck~, _s._ _Upon luck's head_, on chance. _Rutherford._ LUCKEN, _part. pa._ 1. Shut up, contracted, S. _Lucken-handed_, having the fist contracted, S. _Gl. Shirr._ _Lucken-taed_, _lucken-footed_, web-footed, S. _Sibbald._ 2. Locked, bolted. _Ruddiman._ The part. of A. S. _luc-an_, to lock. _To_ ~Lucken, Luken~, _v. a._ 1. To lock, S. _Chron. S. P._ 2. To knit the brows. _Pop. Ball._ 3. To pucker, to gather up in folds. _Spalding._ ~Lucken~ or ~Lukin Gowan~, the globe flower, S. _Ramsay._ LUCKIE, LUCKY, _s_. 1. A designation given to an elderly woman, S. _Ross._ 2. A grandmother; often _luckie-minnie_, S. B. _Ramsay._ _Luckie-daddie_, grandfather, S. B. _Kelly._ 3. Used in familiar or facetious language, although not necessarily including the idea of age, S. 4. The mistress of an ale-house, S. _Ramsay._ Perhaps primarily implying the idea of witchcraft; Isl. _hlok_, maga. LUCKY, _adj_. Bulky, S. _Kelly._ ~Lucky~, _adv_. Denoting excess, S. _Ross._ Perh. from the old custom of giving something _to the luck_ of the bargain. LUCK-PENNY, s. A small sum given back by the person who receives money in consequence of a bargain, S. _lucks-penny_, S. B. _Courant._ LUDE, _part. pa._ Loved, S. _Bannatyne P._ ~Lude~, contraction for _love it_, S. _Ibid._ _To_ LUF, LUVE, LUWE, _v. a._ To love, S. _lue_. _Douglas._ A. S. _luf-ian_, id. Su. G. _liuf_, gratus. ~Luf, Luve~, _s._ Love. _Douglas._ ~Lufare~, _adj_. More loving. _King's Quair._ ~Luffar~, _s._ A lover. _Douglas._ ~Luflely~, _adv._ Lovingly. _Barbour._ ~Lufsom~, _adj_. Lovely; S. _lusome_. A. S. _lofsum_, delectabilis. _Sir Gawan._ LUFE, LUIF, LUFFE, LOOF, _s._ The palm of the hand; pl. _luffis_, _luves_, S. _Lyndsay._ Moes. G. _lofa_, Su. G. _lofwe_, Isl. _loofve_, vola manus. ~Lufefow~, ~Luifful~, _s._ As much as fills the palm of the hand, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Luffie~, _s._ A stroke on the palm of the hand, S. _To_ LUFF, _s_. To praise. V. ~Loif~, _v._ ~Lufly~, _adj_. Worthy of praise. Isl. _loflig_, laudabilis. _Gawan and Gol._ LUFRAY, _s._ V. ~Lovery~. LUG, _s._ 1. The ear, S. _Burrow Lawes._ 2. _At the lug of_, in a state of proximity, S. _Ramsay._ 3. _Up to the lugs_ in any thing, quite immersed in it, S. 4. _If he were worth his lugs_, i. e. if he acted as became him, S. Su. G. _lugg-a_, to drag one. LUG, _s._ The worm, called Lumbricus marinus, S. _Statist. Acc._ Fris. _luggh-en_, ignave et segniter agere. LUGGIE, _adj._ Applied to corn which grows mostly to the straw, S. B. Belg. _log_, heavy. LUGGIE, _s._ A lodge or hut, S. B. Teut. _logie_, id. LUGGIE, LOGGIE, _s._ A small wooden vessel, for holding meat or drink, made of staves, one of which projects as a handle, S. _Burns._ From _lug_, the ear; or Belg. _lokie_, a wooden sauce-boat. LUID, _s._ A poem. V. ~Leid~. LUIK-HARTIT, _adj._ Warmhearted. Alem. _lauc_, flame. _Dunbar._ LUIT, _pret._ Let. _Pitscottie._ _Lute of_, reckoned. _R. Bruce._ LUKNYT, _part. pa._ Locked. V. ~Lucken~. LUM, LUMB, _s._ 1. A chimney, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. Sometimes the chimney-top, S. C. B. _llumon_, id. _Brand._ ~Lum-head~, _s._ A chimney top, S. _Ross._ LUME, _s._ An utensil. V. ~Lome~. LUMMLE, _s._ The filings of metal, S. Fr. _limaille_, id. LUNCH, _s._ A large piece of any thing, S. Sw. _luns_, massa. _Burns._ LUND, LWND, _s._ London. _Wallace._ LUNYIE, _s._ The loin. _Dunbar._ Teut. _loenie_. id. ~Lunyie-bane~, _s._ Hucklebone, Fife. LUNKIT, _adj._ 1. Lukewarm, S. 2. Beginning to thicken in boiling, S. Dan. _lunk-en_, to make lukewarm. LUNT, _s._ 1. A match, as in E. _Hist. Ja. Sext._ 2. A column of flaming smoke, S. _Burns._ 3. Hot vapour of any kind, S. _Burns._ Teut. _lonte_, fomes igniarius. _To_ ~Lunt~, _v. n._ To emit smoke in columns, S. _Burns._ ~Luntus~, _s._ A contemptuous designation for an old woman, probably from the practice of smoking tobacco, S. B. LURDANE, LURDON, _s._ 1. A worthless person. _Wyntown._ 2. A fool, a sot. _Baillie._ 3. Conjoined with the idea of sloth, S. 4. Improperly, a piece of folly or stupidity. _Godly Sangs._ Fr. _lourdin_, blockish, from _lourd_, id. Teut. _luyaerd_, _loerd_, ignavus. ~Lurdanry~, _s._ 1. Sottishness. _Douglas._ 2. Carnal sloth. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _lourderie_, stupidity. LURE, _s._ The udder of a cow; properly, as used for food, S. LURE, _adv._ Rather, S. V. ~Lever~. _Ramsay._ LUSCHBALD, _s._ A sluggard. _Kennedy._ Isl. _losk-r_, ignavus, and _bald-r_, potens. LUSKING, LEUSKING, _part. pr._ Absconding. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _luysch-en_, latitare. LUSOME, _adj._ Not smooth, S. B. Su. G. _lo_, _lugg_, rough, and _sum_. LUSOME, _adj._ Desirable. V. ~Lufsom~. LUSS, _s._ Dandruff, Pityriasis capitis, S. LUSTY, _adj._ 1. Beautiful. _Douglas._ 2. Pleasant, delightful. _Douglas._ Teut. _lustigh_, amoenus, delectabilis. ~Lustheid~, _s._ Amiableness. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Lustynes~, _s._ Beauty. _Dunbar._ LUTE, LEUT, _s._ A sluggard. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _loete_, homo insulsus; E. _lout_. LUTE, _pret._ Permitted. V. ~Luit~. LUTHE. Not understood. _Bannatyne Poems._ LUTHRIE, _s._ Lechery. _Bannatyne P._ Belg. _lodderig_, wanton. LUTTAIRD, _adj._ Bowed. _Dunbar._ O. Belg. _loete_, a clown, and _aerd_, nature. _To_ LUVE, LUWE, _v. a._ To love. V. ~Luf~. M MA, MAY, MAA, MAE, _adj._ More in number, S. A. S. _ma_, id. _Barbour._ _To_ MA, _v. a._ To make. _Barbour._ Germ. _mach-en_, facere. MA, _aux. v._ May. _Wyntown._ Sw. _ma_, Isl. _maa_, id. MAAD, MAWD, _s._ A plaid worn by shepherds, S. A. Renfr. _Mannering._ Su. G. _mudd_, a garment made of the skins of reindeers. MABBIE, _s._ A woman's cap, S. B. mob, E. _Ross._ MACH, _s._ Son in law. V. ~MAICH~. _To_ MACHE, _v. n._ To strive. _Douglas._ MACKLACK, _adv._ In a clattering way. _Polwart._ _Mak_, make, and _clack_, a sharp sound. MACRELL, MAKERELL, _s._ 1. A pimp. _Bellenden._ 2. A bawd. _Philotus._ Fr. _maquereau_, leno; fem. _maquerelle_. MACKREL-STURE, _s._ The tunny, a fish. _Pennant._ O. Su. G. _stur_, magnus. _To_ MAE, _v. n._ To bleat softly, S. _Ramsay._ ~Mae~, _s._ A bleat, S. _Ritson._ _To_ MAGG, _v. a._ To carry off clandestinely, Loth. Su. G. _miugg_, clanculum. MAGG, _s._ A cant word for a halfpenny, pl. _maggs_; the gratuity which servants expect from those to whom they drive any goods, Loth. V. ~Maik~. MAGGIES, _s. pl._ Perhaps, _maids_. A. S. _maegth_, virgo. _Philotus._ _To_ MAGIL, MAIGIL, _v. a._ To mangle. _Douglas._ MAGRAVE, MAGRY, _prep._ Maugre. V. ~Mawgre~. _Wyntown._ MAHOUN, _s._ 1. Mahomet, O. S. and E. 2. Transferred to the devil. _Dunbar._ MAY, _s._ A maid, a virgin, S. _Wyntown._ Isl. _mey_, A. S. _maeg_, Norm. Sax. _mai_, Moes. G. _mawi_, id. MAICH, MACH, (gutt.) _s._ Son-in-law. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _mag-us_, a son; A. S. _maeg_, id.; also a father-in-law, a kinsman. MAICH, _s._ (gutt.) Marrow, Ang. MAICHERAND, _part. adj._ (gutt.) Weak, incapable of exertion, Ang. Su. G. _meker_, homo mollis. MAID, _s._ A maggot, S. B. Teut. _made_, Belg. _maade_, id. MAID, _adj._ Tamed. V. ~Mait~. _Acts Ja. III._ MAIDEN, _s._ An instrument for beheading, nearly of the same construction with the _Guillotine_, S. _Godscroft._ MAIDEN, _s._ 1. The last handful of corn cut down by the reapers on a farm; this being dressed up with ribbons, in resemblance of a young woman, S. _A. Douglas._ 2. The feast of harvest-home, S. _Statist. Acc._ MAIDEN, _s._ 1. The honorary designation given to the eldest daughter of a farmer, S. B. 2. The bride's maid at a wedding, S. B. 3. She who lays the child in the arms of the parent, when presented for baptism, Lanerks. MAIGLIT, _part. pa._ Mangled. V. ~Magil~. MAIK, _s._ A cant term for a halfpenny, S. MAIK, MAKE, MAYOCK, _s._ A match, or equal, S. _K. Quair._ A. S. _maca_, Su. G. _make_, aequalis, socius. _To_ ~Maik~, _v. n._ To match. _Douglas._ Germ. _mach-en_, sociare. ~Maikless~, ~Maykles~, _adj._ Matchless, S. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _makaloes_, id. MAIL, MALE, _s._ A spot in cloth, especially what is caused by iron, S. A. S. _mal_, Teut. _mael_, macula. _To_ ~Mail~, ~Male~, _v. a._ To stain, S. MAIL, MEIL, MEEL, _s._ A weight equivalent to about 7½ stones Dutch, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _maal_, a measure. MAIL, _s._ 1. Tribute; pl. _malis_. _Bellend._ 2. Rent paid, in whatever way, for a farm, S. _Erskine._ 3. Rent paid for a house, garden, &c. S. _Acts Sed._ Hence _house-mail_, _stable-mail_, _horse-mail_, _grass-mail_, S. A. S. _male_, Isl. _mala_, Ir. _mal_, tributum. 4. _To pay the mail_, to atone for a crime by suffering, S. _Hogg._ ~Black-mail~, _s._ A tax paid by heritors or tenants, for the security of their property, to those freebooters who were wont to make inroads on estates. _Acts Ja. VI._ Germ. _blackmal_, id. from Alem. _blak-en_, praedari. ~Mailer~, ~Maillar~, _s._ 1. A farmer. _Henrysone._ 2. One who has a very small piece of ground, S. _Statist. Acc._ ~Mail-free~, _adj._ Without paying rent, S. _Rutherford._ ~Mail-garden~, _s._ A garden, the products of which are raised for sale, S. ~Mailin~, ~Mailing~, ~Maling~, _s._ 1. A farm, S. from _mail_, as being rented. _Maitland P._ 2. The term during which a tenant possesses a farm. _Baron Courts._ ~Mail-man~, _s._ A farmer. _Baron Courts._ ~Mail-payer~, _s._ The same, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ ~Mail~, ~Maill~, _v. a._ To rent. _Acts Ja. I._ MAILYIE, _s._ 1. In pl., the plates or links of which a coat of mail is composed. Teut. _maelie_, orbiculus. _Douglas._ 2. Network. _Henrysone._ _To_ MAIN, _v. a._ To bemoan, S. V. ~Mene~, _v._ ~Main~, ~Mayne~, ~Mane~, _s._ Moan, S. _Wallace._ MAYNDIT. V. ~Wayndit~. _Wallace._ MAYNE, MANE, _s._ 1. Strength of body. _Wallace._ 2. Courage, valour. _Douglas._ A. S. _maegen_, Isl. _magn_, magnitudo virium. MAINS, MAINES, _s._ The farm attached to a mansion-house, S. _Skene._ V. ~Manys~. L. B. _Mansus Dominicatus_, id. MAYOCK, _s._ A mate. V. ~Maik~. MAYOCK FLOOK, a species of flounder, S. _Sibbald._ MAIR, MAIRE, MARE, _s._ 1. An officer attending a sheriff for executions and arrestments, S. _Acts Ja. I._ 2. _Maire of fee_, a hereditary officer under the crown, whose power resembled that of sheriff-substitute in our times. _Acts Ja. I._ Gael. _maor_, an officer; C. B. _maer_, a ruler; Arm. _maier_, the head of a village; Fr. _maire_, anc. _maier_, a mayor; Alem. _mer_, a prince. 3. The first magistrate of a royal borough. _Wallace._ MAIR, _adj._ More. V. ~Mare~. MAIRDIL, _adj._ Unwieldy, Ang. Apparently from Gael. _muirtamhuil_, heavy, pron. nearly as the S. term. MAIRATOUR, _adv._ Moreover, S. B. _Ross._ MAIROUIR, MAIROUR, _adv._ Moreover. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ MAIRT, _s._ Winter provision. V. ~Mart~. MAIS, _conj._ But; Fr. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ MAISE, MEYSE, _v. n._ V. ~Meise~. MAYS, MAYSE, MAISS, _3 p.v._ Makes. _Barbour._ MAIST, MAST, _adj._ 1. Most, denoting number or quantity, S. _Barbour._ 2. Greatest in size, S. _Douglas._ 3. Greatest in rank. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _maists_, A. S. _maest_, Isl. _mest_, id. ~Maist~, ~Mast~, _adv._ 1. Most, S. _Wyntown._ 2. Almost, S. _Shirrefs._ ~Maistlins~, _adv._ Mostly, S. V. ~Lingis~. MAISTER, MASTER, _s._ 1. A landlord, S. _Quon. Attach._ 2. A designation given to the eldest son of a baron or viscount, conjoined with the name from which his father takes his title, S. _Spalding._ 3. In composition, denoting what is chief or principal in its kind; as _maister-street_, the principal street; _mayster-man_, equivalent to _Lord_. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _mester_, a landholder, from _maest_, most, greatest. ~Maister~, ~Mastir~, ~Maistry~, _s._ 1. Dominion. _Wallace._ 2. Service. _Wallace._ 3. Resistance, opposition. _Id._ 4. Victory, S. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _maistrie_, authority, power, arrogance, superiority. ~Maistryss~, ~Mastryss~, _s._ 1. Affectation of dominion. _Barbour._ 2. Service. _Id._ 3. Art, ability. _Id._ O. Fr. _maistrise_, affectation of superiority; art, industry. ~Maisterfull~, _adj._ 1. Difficult. _Wallace._ 2. Using violence. _Maisterfull beggaris_, such as took by force. _Acts Ja. II._ MAISTER, s. Stale urine, S. _Maister laiglen_, a wooden vessel for holding urine; _maister-cann_, an earthen vessel applied to the same use, S. Gael. _maistir_, id. _Ferguson._ MAIT, MATE, _adj._ 1. Fatigued. _Bellenden._ 2. Overwhelmed with fear. _Douglas._ 3. Dispirited, dejected. _Wyntown._ 4. Intoxicated. _Wallace._ Teut. _matt_, fessus, id. languidus; Isl. _mod_, lassus, _maed-a_, fatigare. _To_ MAK, MACK, MAKE, _v. n._ 1. To compose poetry. _Kennedy._ Alem. _gimahh-on_, componere. 2. To avail. _It maks na_, it does not signify, S. B. _Ross._ 3. To assume prudish airs. _Peblis Play._ ~Mak~, ~Make~, _s._ 1. Manner. _Wallace._ 2. A poem, or work of genius. _Kennedy._ ~Makar~, ~Makkar~, _s._ A poet. _Wallace._ Alem. _machara_, auctores. ~Making~, _s._ Poetry. _Dunbar._ ~Makdome~, _s._ 1. Shape. _Montgomerie._ 2. Elegance of form. _Dunbar._ _To_ ~Make~ _to_, _v. n._ To approximate. _Baillie._ MAKE, _s._ Mate. V. ~Maik~. MAKINT, pron. _Maikint_, _adj._ Possessing assurance, S. B. Isl. _mak_, ease; Teut. _mak_, tame. ~Makintly~, ~Maikintly~, _adv._ Confidently, S. B. MAKLY, _adv._ Equally. Isl. _makligt_, A. S. _maccalic_, fit, equal. MALDUCK, _s._ The fulmar. MALEGRUGROUS, _adj._ Grim; apparently discontented, S. Gael. _mala_, having gloomy brows, and _gruagach_, a female giant. MALESON, MALISON, _s._ A curse, S. O. Fr. _maleiçon_, _maleison_, id. _Kelly._ MAL-GRACE, _s._ The opposite of being in a state of favour, Fr. _Spotswood._ MALHURE, MALLEUR, _s._ Mischance. _G. Buchanan._ ~Mallewrus~, ~Malheurius~, _adj._ Unhappy. Fr. _malheureux_. _Douglas._ MALICE, MALE-EIS, _s._ 1. Bodily disease. _Barbour._ 2. Trouble of mind. Fr. _malaise_, disease; q. _malum otium_. MALING, _adj._ Malignant. Fr. _Burel._ ~Maling~, _s._ Injury, hurt. _Watson._ MALISON, _s._ A curse. V. ~Maleson~. MALLACHIE, _adj._ Denoting the colour resembling milk and water mixed, S. B. A. S. _meolec_, milk; Belg. _melkachtig_, milky. _To_ MALLAT, _v. n._ To feed. _Watson._ Isl. _maul-a_, masticare; or from _maal_, a meal, and _et-a_ to eat. MALLOW, _s._ Zastera marina, Orkn. MALMOCK, _s._ The Fulmar, Shetl. Norv. id. _Neill._ MALVESY, MAWESIE, _s._ Malmsey wine. Fr. _malvoisie_, id. _Pitscottie._ MALVYTÉ, MAWYTÉ, _s._ Vice. O. Fr. _malvetie_, id. _Barbour._ MALWARIS, _s. pl._ Mowers. _Wallace._ MAMMIE, _s._ 1. A childish term for a mother, S. _Burns._ Teut. _mamme_, mater. 2. A nurse, S. B. _Ross._ Lat. _mamma_, Teut. _mamme_, the breast. 3. A midwife, S. B. MAMUK, _s._ A fictitious bird. _Burel._ Fr. _mammuque_, id. MAN, _s._ 1. A vassal. _Barbour._ A. S. Germ. &c. id. 2. One devoted to the service of another from love. _King's Quair._ 3. A male-servant, S. _Baillie._ 4. A husband, S. _R. Galloway._ MAN, _aux. v._ Must, S. V. ~Mon~. _Doug._ MAND, _s._ Payment. _Acts Sed._ O. Fr. _amande_, a fine. MANDMENT, _s._ An order. Fr. _Doug._ MANDRIT, _part. adj._ Tame. _Houlate._ A. S. _manred_, homage. MANE, _s._ Lamentation. V. ~Main~. MANE, ~Breid of mane~, a very light and savoury white bread. _Dunbar._ Teut. _maene_, a cake of fine flour, shaped like an half moon; or Fr. _pain d'amand_, almond biscuit. MANELET, _s._ Corn marigold. V. ~Guild~. MANER, _s._ Kind. _Wallace._ MANG, _s._ _To mix one's mang_, to join in any thing, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. Su. G. _meng-a_, miscere. _To_ MANG, _v. a._ 1. To stupify. _Douglas._ _To be mang't_, to run into disorder, Ang. 2. To mar, to injure. _Bannatyne P._ 3. To maim, to bruise. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _man-ier_, maltraiter, battre; Roquefort. 4. To overpower, Ang. _A. Nicol._ 5. To render, or become, frantic, Ang. _Douglas._ Alem. _meng-en_, deficere; or A. S. _meng-an_, miscere. MANGE, _s._ Meat, a meal. _Montgomerie._ ~Mangery~, _s._ A feast. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _mangerie_, repas, festin. _To_ MANGLE, _v. a._ To smooth linen clothes by passing them through a rolling press, S. Teut. _manghel-en_, polire lintea. ~Mangle~, _s._ A calender, S. Germ. _mangel_, id. MANYIE, MANGYIE, MENYIE, _s._ 1. A hurt, a maim, S. _Reg. Maj._ 2. A defect, of whatever kind. _Id._ Goth. _mein_, damnum, vitium. ~Manyied~, ~Mainyied~, ~Menyeit~, _part. pa._ Hurt, maimed. _Skene._ MANIORY, MANORIE, _s._ A feast. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _maniairia_, festin de débauche; _maniar_, manger, Roquefort. MANYS, _s._ A mansion, a palace. _Doug._ O. Fr. _manse_, L. B. _mans-us_, mansion. _To_ MANK, _v. a._ 1. To maim. _Wallace._ 2. To impair, in whatever way, S. Teut. _manck-en_, L. B. _manc-are_, mutilare. ~Mank~, _adj._ 1. Deficient, S. 2. _To look mank_, to seem much at a loss, S. L. B. _manc-us_, contractus, imminutus. ~Mank~, _s._ Want, S. _Ramsay._ ~Mankitlie~, _adv._ In a mutilated state. _Crosraguel._ MANLY, _adj._ Human. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ _To_ MANNEIS, _v. a._ To menace. _Complaynt S._ ~Mannessing~, _s._ Threatening. _Compl. S._ MANRENT, MANREDYN, MANRED, MORADEN, _s._ 1. Homage done to a superior. _Barbour._ 2. The power of a superior, in regard to kinsmen and vassals. _Bellenden._ 3. _In manrent_, under engagement to support a superior. _Acts Ja. II._ A. S. _manred_, id.; _man-raedene_, vassals; from _man_, and _raeden_, law, state. MANRITCH, _adj._ Masculine. _A manritch qweyn_, a masculine woman, S. B. From _man_, and A. S. _ric_, expressive of abundance in any quality. MANSE, _s._ The parsonage-house, S. L. B. _mansus_, id. _Erskine._ _To_ MANSWEIR, MENSWEIR, _v. a._ to perjure, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _manswer-ian_, id., from _man_, scelus, and _swer-ian_, to swear. ~Manswearing~, _s._ Perjury, S. _Douglas._ MANSWETE, _adj._ Meek, Lat. _mansuetus_. _Douglas._ _To_ MANT, MAUNT, _v. n._ 1. To stutter, S. _Z. Boyd._ 2. Applied to rough unpolished verse. _Polwart._ 3. As _v. a._ denoting the indistinct mumbling of the Romish litany. _Bannatyne Poems._ C. B. Ir. _mantach_, a stutterer. _To_ MANTEME, _v. a._ To possess. _Douglas._ MANTILLIS, _s. pl._ Large shields used as a covert for archers; Fr. _mantelet_. _Complaynt S._ MAPAMOUND, _s._ A map of the world. _Douglas._ Fr. _mappemond_, L. B. _mappa mundi_. MAR, _adj._ More. V. ~Mare~. MAR, _s._ Hindrance. _Wallace._ A. S. _mar_, damnum. MARBEL, _adj._ Feeble, inactive, Loth. C. B. _marwàawl_, deadening; Gael. _meirble_, slow, weak; _marble_, heavy, benumbed. MARBLE BOWLS, MARBLES, _s. pl._ The play among children in E. called _taw_, S. MARBYR, _s._ Marble. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _marbre_. MARCHE, _s._ 1. A landmark. _Douglas._ 2. In pl. confines; as in E. _Riding the marches_, a practice retained in various boroughs, especially at the time of public markets, S. _Statist. Acc._ ~Marchstane~, ~March-stone~, _s._ A landmark, S. _Fountainhall._ Isl. _markstein_, id. MARCHET, _s._ The fine, which, it is pretended, was paid to a superior, for redeeming a young woman's virginity, at the time of her marriage. _Reg. Maj._ L. B. _marcheta_, O. Fr. _marchet_, id. C. B. _merch_, a daughter. MARCHROUS. L. _marchions_, marquisses. _Houlate._ MARE, _s._ A hod or mason's trough, S. MARE, _adj._ Great. _Wyntown._ A. S. _maere_, Germ. _mar_, _mer_, id. MARE, MAIR, _adj._ 1. Greater, S. _Douglas._ 2. In greater quantity, or number, S. A. S. _mare_, Isl. _meire_, id. ~Mare~, ~Mair~, _s._ More, S. _Wyntown._ ~Mare~, ~Mar~, _adv._ 1. More, S. _Douglas._ 2. Longer. _Barbour._ Sw. _mera_, adv. more. ~Mareattour~, _adv._ Moreover, S. _Douglas._ ~Mar furth~, furthermore, S. _Wallace._ MARES, MARRES, _s._ Marsh. _Pal. Hon._ Moes. G. _marisaius_, Belg. _maerasch_, Fr. _marais_, id. MARENIS, MURENIS, _s. pl._ Perhaps, conger eels. Lat. _muraena_. _Monroe._ _To_ MARGULYIE, MURGULLIE, _v. a._ To spoil, to mangle, to mar, S. Fr. _margouill-er_, to gnaw. _Ramsay._ MARIES, _s. pl._ The designation given to the maids of honour in Scotland. _Knox._ Isl. _maer_, a maid, pl. _meijar_. MARYNAL, _s._ A mariner. _Complaynt S._ MARITICKIS, MARTYKIS, _s. pl._ French soldiers, employed in S. during the regency of Mary of Guise; from the name of the commander. MARK, MERK, _s._ A nominal weight, Orkn. _Skene._ Su. G. _mark_, a pound of thirty-two ounces. MARK, _adj._ Dark, S. B. V. ~Mirk~. _Journal Lond._ ~Mark~, _s._ Darkness, S. B. _Watson._ ~Marknes~, _s._ Darkness, S. B. _Burel._ MARLEYON, MARLION, _s._ A kind of hawk, E. _merlin_. _Dunbar._ MARMAID, MARMADIN, MEERMAID, _s._ 1. The mermaid, S. _Complaynt S._ 2. Used as a ludicrous designation. _Kennedy._ 3. The frog fish, Fife. _Sibbald._ Isl. _mar_, Germ. _mer_, the sea, and _maid_. _To_ MARR UP, _v. a._ To keep one to work, Ang. Germ. _marr-en_, to grin or snarl. MARROT, _s._ The foolish guillemot. _Sibbald._ MARROW, _s._ 1. A companion, S. _Complaynt S._ 2. A married partner. _Henrysone._ 3. One of a pair. _Ruddiman._ 4. An antagonist. _Pitscottie._ Su. G. _mager_, _maghaer_, affinis. _To_ ~Marrow~, _v. a._ 1. To equal, S. _Ruddiman._ 2. To associate with, S. B. _Burns._ 3. To fit, exactly to match. _Maitl. P._ ~Marrowless~, _adj._ 1. Without a match, S. 2. That cannot be equalled, S. _Kelly._ MARSCHAL, _s._ Steward. _Barbour._ Germ. _marschalk_, praefectus servorum. MART, ~Marte~, _s._ War, or the god of war, _Mars_. _Douglas._ MART, ~Marte~, ~Mairt~, _s._ 1. A cow or ox, fattened, killed and salted for winter provision, S. _Acts Ja. IV._ 2. Applied to one, pampered with ease and prosperity. _R. Bruce._ From _Martinmas_, the term at which beeves are usually killed for winter store. MARTIN (~St~) OF BULLION'S DAY, _s._ The fourth day of July O. S., whence our peasantry form their prognostications concerning the weather; believing, that if this day be dry, there will be no rain for six weeks, but if it be wet, there will be rain every day for the same length of time, S. _Festum Sti Martini Bullientis_, vulgo St. Martin _Bouillant_. Du Cange. MARTIN. ~Martynis (Saint) Fowle~, apparently the ring-tail, a kind of kite. Fr. _oiseau de S. Martin_. _Dunbar._ _To_ MARTYR, _v. a._ 1. To hew down. _Wallace._ 2. To bruise severely, S. _Ruddiman._ 3. To bespatter with dirt, Ang. Fr. _martyr-er_, to put to extreme pain. MARTRIK, MERTRIK, _s._ A marten. Fr. _martre_, Belg. _marter_, id. _Bellend._ MASE, _s._ A kind of net with wide meshes, of twisted straw ropes, laid on the back of a horse, Orkn. Dan. _mask_, a mesh. MASER, MAZER, _s._ Maple. V. ~Mazer~. _Ritson._ MASHLIN, MASHLIE, MAISHLOCH, _s._ 1. Mixed grain, S. _mashlum_, Aberd. _Stat. Gild._ Teut. _masteluyn_, farrago. 2. The broken parts of moss; a moss of this description, S. B. _To_ MASK, _v. a._ To catch in a net, Ayrs. Su. G. _maska_, Dan. _mask_, macula retis. _To_ MASK, _v. a._ To infuse, S. Su. G. _mask_, a mash. _Chalm. Air._ ~Masking-fat~, _s._ A mashing-vat, S. ~Masking-pat~, _s._ A tea-pot, S. _Burns._ MASKERT, _s._ _Swines maskert_, an herb, S. Clown's all-heal, S. Perh. q. _maskwort_, the root infused for swine. MASSIMORE, _s._ The dungeon of a prison or castle, S. A. _Minstr. Bord._ In Moorish, a subterranean prison is called _Mazmorra_. MASSONDEW, _s._ An hospital. Fr. _maison Dieu_, id. _Acts Sed._ MAST, _adj._ Most. V. ~Maist~. MASTER, _s._ A landlord, S. V. ~Maister~. MASTIS, MASTICHE, _s._ A mastiff. _Douglas._ MAT, ~Mot~, _aux. v._ May. _Douglas._ Su. G. _maa_, _maatte_, possum, potuit. MATALENT, MATELENT, _s._ Rage. Fr. _mal-talent_, anger. _Wallace._ _To_ MATE, _v. a._ To weary out. V. ~Mait~. _Douglas._ MATERIS, _s. pl._ Matrons; Lat. _matres_. _Douglas._ MAUCH, MACH, MAUK, _s._ A maggot, S. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _matk_, Isl. _madk-ur_, id. MAUCHY, _adj._ Dirty, filthy, S. Su. G. _maegtig_, mawkish. MAUCHT, MAUGHT, MACHT, _s._ 1. Strength, S. _Barbour._ 2. In pl. ability, in whatever sense. _Ross._ 3. Mental ability. _Ross._ Teut. _macht_, _maght_, A. S. _meaht_, id. ~Mauchty~, ~Maughty~, _adj._ Powerful, S. B. Teut. _machtigh_. Alem. _mahtig_. _Ross._ ~Mauchtless~, ~Maughtless~, _adj._ Feeble, S. _Ross._ Sw. _maktlos_, Germ. _maghtlos_, id. MAUK, _s._. A maggot. V. ~Mauch~. MAUKIN, _s._ 1. A hare. S. _Morison._ Gael. _maigheach_, id. 2. Metaph. a subject of discourse or disputation. _Boswell._ MAULIFUFF, _s._ A female without energy. Germ. _mal_, speech, and _pfuffen_ to blow. _To_ MAUM, _v. n._ 1. To soften and swell by means of water, S. 2. To become mellow, S. Teut. _molm_, caries, et pulvis ligni cariosi. ~Maumie~, _adj._ Mellow, S. MAUN, _aux. v._ Must. V. ~Mon~. MAUN, used as forming a superlative, S. _Ferguson._ _Muckle maun_, very big or large. A. S. _maegen_, in composition, great or large. MAUNDRELS, _s. pl._ Idle stuff, silly tales, Perths., Border. Su. G. _men_, vulgatus, and Isl. _draeft_, sermo stultus. MAUSEL, _s._ A mausoleum. _Z. Boyd._ MAW. ~Sea-maw~, _s._ The common gull, S. Dan. _maage_, id. _To_ MAW, _v. a._ 1. To mow, S. _Burns._ 2. To cut down in battle. _Douglas._ A. S. _maw-an_, Isl. _maa_, id. MAWD, _s._ A shepherd's plaid. V. ~Maad~. MAWESIE, _s._ V. ~Malvesie~. MAWGRÉ, MAUGRÉ, MAGRÉ, _s._ 1. Ill-will. _Barbour._ 2. Vexation, blame. _Henrysone._ 3. Hurt, injury. _Douglas._ Fr. _maulgré_, in spite of. MAWMENT, _s._ An idol. _Wyntown._ Chaucer _maumet_, id. corr. from _Mahomet_. MAWSIE, _s._ A drab, a trollop, S. Isl. _mas_, nugamentum, _masa_, nugor. MAWN, _s._ A basket, S. B.; _maund_, E. _To_ MAWTEN, _v. n._ To begin to spring; applied to steeped grain, S. Su. G. _maelt-a_, hordeum potui praeparare, from _miaell_, soft. _To_ ~Mawten~, _v. n._ To become tough and heavy. ~Mawtent~, _part. pa._ 1. Applied to grain which has acquired a peculiar taste, from not being thoroughly dried, Lanerks. 2. Dull, sluggish, Ang. MAZER, MAZER-DISH, _s._ A drinking-cup of mapple. _Z. Boyd._ Germ. _maser_, Su. G. _masur_, the maple; Isl. _mausur bolli_, a mazer-bowl or cup. MAZERMENT, _s._ Confusion, Ang. _Ross._ MEADOWS. _Queen of the meadows_, meadow-sweet, S. MEALMONGER, _s._ A mealman, S. MEAT-GIVER, _s._ One who supplies another with food. _Acts Ja. VI._ MEATHS, _s. pl._ Maggots, S. _Watson._ A. S. _matha_, vermis; S. B. _maid_, a maggot. MEBLE, _s._ Any thing moveable. Fr. _meuble_, id. _Sir Gawan._ MEDCINARE, MEDICINAR, _s._ Physician. _Bellenden._ MEDE, _s._ A meadow. A. S. _maede_. _Doug._ MEDFULL, _adj._ Laudable. _Wyntown._ MEDIS, _v. impers._ Avails. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _maet-a_, retribuere. MEDLERT, _s._ This world. V. ~Myddilerd~. MEDUART, _s._ Meadow-sweet. _Compl. S._ From A. S. _med_, a meadow, and _wyrt_, E. _wort_; Sw. _mioed-oert_, id. MEEL-AN-BREE, Brose, Aberd. _Journ. Lond._ MEERAN, _s._ A carrot, Aberd. V. ~Mirrot~. Gael. _miuron_. MEETH, _adj._ 1. Sultry, S. B. _Pop. Ball._ 2. Warm, S. B. V. ~Mait~. _Ross._ ~Meethness~, _s._ 1. Sultriness, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Soft weather. _Gl. Ross._ MEGIR, _adj._ Small, meagre. _Pal. Hon._ MEGIRKIE, _s._ A woollen cloth worn by old men in winter, for defending the head and throat, Ang. _To_ MEIK, _v. a._ 1. To tame. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Isl. _myk-ia_, Su. G. _moek-a_, mollire. 2. To humble. _Id._ MEIL, MEEL, MIEL, _s._ A weight, Orkn. V. ~Mail~, 2. _To_ MEILL _of_, _v. a._ To treat of. V. ~Mel~. _Wallace._ MEIN, MENE, _adj._ Common. _Kelly._ A. S. _maene_, Su. G. _men_, id. MEIN, _s._ An attempt, S. B. _To_ MEING, MENG, _v. n._ Corn is said to _meing_, when yellow stalks appear here and there, S. B. A. S. _meng-ean_, to mingle. _To_ MEIS, MESE, MEASE, _v. a._ To mitigate. V. ~Ameiss~. _Douglas._ _To_ Meis, Mease, _v. n._ To become calm. _Kelly._ _To_ MEISE, MAISE, _v. n._ To incorporate, S. B. Germ. _misch-en_, to mix. MEIS, _s._ 1. A mess. _Douglas._ 2. Meat. _K. Hart._ Alem. _maz_, Su. G. _mos_, meat. _To_ MEISSLE, _v. a._ To waste imperceptibly, Fife. Belg. _meusel-en_, pitissare. MEITH, _aux. v._ Might. V. ~Mith~. MEITH, MEETH, METH, MYTH, _s._ 1. A mark; _meid_, Ang. _Douglas._ Isl. _mide_, a mark, _mid-a_, to mark a place, to take observation. 2. A sign, of whatever kind, S. _Doug._ 3. A landmark, a boundary. _Skene._ A. S. _mytha_. meta, limes. 4. The boundary of human life. _Doug._ 5. A hint, an innuendo, S. B. V. ~Myth~, _v._ MEKYL, MEIKLE, MYKIL, MUCKLE, _adj._ 1. Great, respecting size, S. _Douglas._ 2. Much; denoting quantity or extent, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _micel_, _mucel_, Alem. Isl. _mikil_, magnus. 3. Denoting pre-eminence, S. Isl. _mikilmenne_, vir magnificus. ~Mekildom~, _s._ Largeness of size, S. _Rams._ ~Mekilwort~, _s._ Deadly nightshade. _Bellenden._ _To_ MEL, MELL, _v. n._ To speak, to mention, S. B. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _mael-a_, Isl. _mal-a_, A. S. _mael-an_, id. MELDER, MELDAR, _s._ 1. The quantity of meal ground at once, S. _Morison._ 2. A salted cake, _mola salsa_. _Douglas._ Isl. _malldr_, molitura, from _mal-a_, to grind. MELDROP, _s._ V. ~Mildrop~. MELYIE, _s._ A coin of small value. Fr. _maille_, a halfpenny. _Evergreen._ MELL, _s._ 1. A maul, S. _Ross._ 2. A blow with a maul. _Pop. Ball._ _To keep mell in shaft_, to keep straight in any course, to retain a good state of health, Loth.; as one cannot strike well, if the handle be loose. Lat. _mall-eus_; Moes. G. _maul-jan_, to beat. _To_ MELL, _v. a._ To mix. V. ~Mellyne~. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Mell, Mel, Mellay~, _v. n._ 1. To intermeddle, S. _Douglas._ 2. To be in a state of intimacy, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ 3. To join in battle. _Wyntown._ Fr. _mel-er_, to meddle; Teut. _mell-en_, conjungi. ~Melle~, ~Mellé~, ~Mellay~, _s._ 1. Contest, battle. Fr. _melée_, id. _Wallace._ 2. _In melle_, in a state of mixture. _Sir Gawan._ ~Mellyne~, ~Melling~, _s._ Mixture. _Barbour._ Fr. _mellange_, id. MELL, _s._ A company. _Statist. Acc._ A. S. Teut. _mael_, comitia, conventus; _mael-en_, conjungi. MELT, _s._ The spleen, S. _Complaynt S._ Su. G. _mielte_, id. _To_ ~Melt~, _v. a._ To knock down; properly, by a stroke in the side, where the _melt_ lies, S. _Gl. Complaynt._ MELTETH, MELTITH, _s._ A meal, S. _meltet_, S. B. _Henrysone._ Isl. _mael-tid_, hora prandii vel coenae. _To_ MELVIE, _v. a._ To soil with meal, S. _Burns._ Isl. _moelv-a_, comminuere; _miolveg-r matr_, fruges. ~Melvie~, _adj._ Soiled with meal, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ MEMBRONIS, L. _marlionis_, merlins. _Houlate._ _To_ MEMER, _v. n._ To recollect one's self. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _mymer-ian_, reminisci. MEMERKYN, MYNMERKIN, _s._ A contemptuous term, expressive of smallness of size. _Evergreen._ MEMMIT, _part. pa._ Allied. _Bannatyne P._ Teut. _moeme_, _memme_, matertera, neptis. MENARE, _s._ A mediatrix, q. _moyaner_, q. v. _Houlate._ MENDS, _s._ 1. Atonement. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. Amelioration of conduct. _Kelly._ 3. Addition. _To the mends_, over and above, S. _Rutherford._ O. E. _amends_, compensation; Fr. _amende_, in pl. _To_ MENE, MEYNE, MEANE, _v. a._ 1. To bemoan, S. _Barbour._ 2. To _mean one's self_, to make known one's grievance. _Ja. VI._ 3. _No to mein_, not an object of sympathy, S. _Ramsay._ 4. To indicate pain or lameness. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ ~Mene~, ~Meane~, _v. n._ 1. To make lamentation, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. To utter moans, S. A. S. _maen-an_, dolere, ingemiscere. _To_ MENE, MEAN, MEEN, _v. a._ 1. To intend, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _maen-an_, Germ. _mein-en_, intendere. 2. To esteem, to prize. _Douglas._ 3. To make mention of. _Sir Egeir._ A. S. _maen-an_, mentionem facere. 4. To make known distinctly. _Lyndsay._ 5. To recognise. _Ywaine and Gawin._ 6. To reflect; with _of_ or _on_. _Barbour._ A. S. _maen-an_, in animo habere. 7. To attempt. _Band Maintenance._ ~Mene~, _s._ Meaning, design. _Douglas._ ~Mene~, ~Mein~, _s._ An attempt, S. B. _Ross._ MENE, _adj._ Intermediate. _Douglas._ MENE, _adj._ Common. V. ~Mein~. _To_ MENG, _v. a._ To mix. V. ~Ming~. _To_ MENGE, _v. a._ To soothe. Teut. _meng-en_, temperare. MENYEIT, _part. pa._ V. ~Manyied~. MENYIE, MENGIE, MENYE, MENYHÉ, _s._ 1. One family. _Bannatyne Poems._ 2. A company, S. B. _Douglas._ 3. Followers of a chieftain. _Barbour._ 4. An army in general. _Douglas._ 5. A multitude, applied to things, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. _menegeo_, Alem. _menigi_, Isl. _meingi_, multitudo. MENYNG, _s._ Compassion. _Barbour._ V. ~Mene~, to lament. MENKIT, _pret._ Joined. _Dunbar._ A. S. _meneg-an_, miscere, concumbere. MENOUN, MENIN, _s._ A minnow, S. _Barbour._ Gael. _meanan_, id.; _meanbh_, little. MENSK, MENSE, _s._ 1. Dignity of conduct. 2. Honour. _Barbour._ 3. Discretion, S. _Burns._ Isl. _menska_, humanitas; A. S. _mennisc_, humanus. ~Menske~, _adj._ Humane. _Sir Tristrem._ _To_ ~Mensk~, ~Mense~, _one_, _v. a._ 1. To treat respectfully. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. To do honour to. _Lyndsay._ ~Menskit~, _part. pa._ Honourably treated. _Gawan and Gol._ ~Menskful~, ~Menseful~, _adj._ 1. Manly. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. Noble. _Gawan and Gol._ 3. Moderate, discreet, S. _Ramsay._ 4. Mannerly, respectful, S. _Ramsay._ ~Menskles~, ~Mensless~, _adj._ 1. Void of discretion, S. _Douglas._ 2. Greedy, insatiable, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ 3. Immoderate, S. _Morison._ ~Menskly~, _adv._ Decently. _Barbour._ A. S. _mennislice_, humaniter. MENSWORN, _part. pa._ V. ~Mansweir~. _To_ MER, _v. a._ To put into confusion. Isl. _mer-ia_, contundere. _Wallace._ MERCAL, _s._ A piece of wood used in the construction of the Shetland plough. _Statist. Acc._ MERCH, MERGH, (gutt.) _s._ 1. Marrow. _Douglas._ 2. Strength, pith, S. _Ferguson._ 3. Transferred to mind, understanding. _Hamilton._ A. S. _merg_, _maerh_, Su. G. _maerg_, id. MERCIABLE, _adj._ Merciful. O. Fr. _King's Quair._ MERCIALL, _adj._ Merciful. _K. Quair._ O. Fr. _merciaule_. MERCIALL, _adj._ Martial. _Bellenden._ MERE, _s._ 1. A boundary. _Wyntown._ A. S. _maera_, Su. G. _maere_, Belg. _meer_, id. MERE, _s._ The sea. _Wyntown._ A. S. _mere_, Isl. _maere_, id. ~Mereswine~, ~Meer-swine~, _s._ 1. A dolphin. _Douglas._ 2. A porpoise, S. Teut. _maer-swin_, delphinus; Su. G. _marswin_, a porpoise. MERGH, _s._ Marrow. V. ~Mergh~. MERY, _adj._ Faithful. _Gawan and Gol._ The phrase _mery men_, applied to adherents or soldiers, may be merely expressive of their hilarity in the service of their chief. A. S. _mirige_, cheerful. MERGIN, _adj._ (_g_ hard). Most numerous, largest, S. B. Su. G. _marg_, multus. MERK, _s._ An ancient Scottish silver coin, in value thirteen shillings and four-pence of our money, or thirteen pence and one-third of a penny Sterling. _Ruddiman._ MERK, MERKLAND, _s._ A denomination of land, from the duty formerly paid to the sovereign or superior, S. Shetl. _Statist. Acc._ MERK, _adj._ Dark. V. ~Mark~. _To_ MERK, _v. n._ To ride. _Gawan and Gol._ Arm. _marck-at_, Ir. _markay-im_, to ride; Germ. _mark_, a horse. _To_ MERK, _v. a._ To design, S. B. _Doug._ A. S. _mearc-ian_, designare. MERKE SCHOT, the distance between the _bow markis_, in the exercise of archery. _Wyntown._ MERKERIN, _s._ The spinal marrow, Ang. _Mergh_, marrow; and Germ. _kern_, pith; q. that which constitutes the pith of the body. MERLE, _s._ The blackbird; Fr. _Compl. S._ MERRY-BEGOTTEN, _s._ A spurious child, Ang. MERRY-DANCERS, _s. pl._ The Aurora Borealis, S. _Encycl. Brit._ MERTRIK, _s._ A marten. V. ~Martrik~. MERVYS, mars. V. ~Mer~. _Barbour._ MES, MESS, _s._ Mass, S. _Godly Ballads._ ~Mes~, or ~Mass John~, a ludicrous designation for the minister of a parish, S.; q. _Mass-priest_. _Poems Buchan Dial._ MESALL, MYSEL, _adj._ Leprous. Fr. _mesel_, id. _Bellenden._ MESCHANT, _adj._ V. ~Mischant~. _To_ MESE, _v. a._ To mitigate. V. ~Meis~. MESE _of herring_, five hundred herrings. _Skene._ Isl. _meis_, a bag in which fish are carried. MESH, _s._ A net for carrying fish, S.; from the same origin with _Mese_. MESSAGE, _s._ Ambassadors, Fr. id. _Wallace._ MESSAN, MESSIN, MESSOUN, MESSAN-DOG, _s._ 1. A small dog. _Dunbar._ 2. A country cur. _Watson._ From _Messina_ in Sicily, whence this species was brought; or Fr. _maison_, a house. _To_ MESTER, _v. a._ Perhaps, to need. V. ~Mister~. _King's Quair._ MESWAND, _s._ A wedge; properly a measuring-rod. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Alem. _mez_, mensura; _wand_, virga. MET, METT, METTE, _s._ 1. Measure, S. _Acts Ja. I._ 2. A determinate measure, S. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. _maat_, A. S. _mete_, mensura. _To_ METE, _v. a._ To paint. _Douglas._ A. S. _met-an_, pingere. METE HAMYS, METHAMIS, _s. pl._ Manors. _Wallace._ A. S. _mete_, meat, and _ham_, a house. METH, _s._ A boundary. V. ~Meith~. METHINK, _v. impers._ Methinks. _Barbour._ A. S. _me thincth_, mihi videtur. MEW, _s._ An inclosure. _Ferguson._ MEWITH, _3. p. v._ Changeth; Fr. _mu-er_. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ MEWT, _v. n._ To mew, as a cat. Fr. _miault_, mewing. _Kelly._ MYANCE, _s._ Means, wages, fee. Fr. _moyen_, mean, q. _moyens_. MYCHE, _adj._ Great, much. _Douglas._ Su. G. _mycken_, id. Isl. _miok_, _mioeg_, valde. MICHEN, _s._ Common spignel, S. Gael. _moiken_, id. _Statist. Acc._ MICHTIE, _adj._ 1. Of high rank. _S. P. Repr._ 2. Stately, haughty, S. 3. Strange, surprising; also as an _adv._ as, _michtie gude_, S. B. Su. G. _maagta_, very; _maagta godt_. MID-CUPPIL, _s._ That ligament which couples or unites the two staves of a flail, S. B. MIDDEN, MIDDYN, MIDDING, _s._ A dunghill, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _midding_, Dan. _moeding_, id. ~Midden-hole~, _s._ 1. A dunghill, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. A small pool beside a dunghill, in which the filthy water stands, S. ~Midden-mylies~, _s. pl._ Orrach, S. B., thus denominated, as growing on _dunghills_. _Mylies_ is allied to Sw. _mell_, _melre_, and _molla_, names for this herb. _To_ MYDDIL, MIDIL, _v. n._ To mix. Belg. _middel-en_, intercedere. _Doug._ MYDDIL ERD, MEDLERT, MIDLERT, _s._ This earth. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _middan-eard_, mundus, Alem. _mittil-gard_, id. MYDDIS, _s._ The middle. _Wyntown._ ~Mydlen~, _adj._ Middle. _Wallace._ ~Mydlest~, _adj._ Middlemost. _Wyntown._ A. S. _midlaesta_, medius. ~Mydlike~, _adj._ Moderate, ordinary. A. S. _medlice_, modicus. _Barbour._ ~Mid-man~, ~Midsman~, _s._ A mediator. _Baillie._ ~Mids~, _s._ 1. Means. _Baillie._ 2. A medium between extremes. _Pardovan._ ~Mydwart~, _s._ Middle ward of an army. _Wallace._ A. S. _midde_, and _weard_, custodia. ~Midwart~, ~Amidwart~, _prep_. Towards the centre. A. S. _midde-weard_. _Douglas._ _To_ MYITH, _v. a._ V. ~Myth~. MYKIL, _adj_. Great. V. ~Mekyl~. MILD, _s._ A species of fish, Orkney. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _mialld-r_, piscis pulcherrimi nomen, sed captu rarus. MILDROP, _s._ 1. The mucus flowing from the nose in a liquid state; _meldrop_, South of S. _Henrysone._ 2. The foam which falls from a horse's mouth, or the drop at the bit, ibid. Isl. _meldrop-ar_, spuma in terram cadens ex fraeno; from _mel_, a bit, and _drop-a_, to drop. 3. The drop at the end of an icicle, or any pendent drop, ibid. MILK, _s._ An annual holiday in a school, on which the scholars present a small gift to their master, which has at first received its designation from _milk_, as the principal part of the entertainment. _To_ ~Milk~ _the tether_, to carry off the milk of any one's cows by milking a _hair-tether_, S., a superstitious idea, also prevalent in Sweden. ~Milker~, _s._ A cow that gives milk, S. ~Milkness~, _s._ 1. The state of giving milk, S. _Ross._ 2. Milk itself, S. _Ferguson._ 3. A dairy, S. A. Bor. 4. The produce of the dairy, in whatever form, S. _Spalding._ ~Milkorts~, ~Milkworts~, _s. pl._ The root of the campanula rotundifolia, S. B. ~Milk-syth~, _s._ A milk-strainer, S. corr. _milsie_, _milsey_. _Bannatyne P._ Also called _the Sey-dish_, from _Sey_, to strain, q. v. ~Milk-woman~, _s._ A wet-nurse, S. B. _To_ MILL _one out of a thing_, to procure it in an artful way, Loth. Isl. _mill-a_, lenire. MILL, _s._ A snuff-box, properly of a cylindrical form. S. Isl. _mel-ia_, contundere; the box being formerly used in the country as a _mill_ for grinding the dried tobacco leaves. MILLER'S THUMB, _s_ The river Bullhead, S. _Sibbald._ MILLOIN, MILLAIN, _adj._ Belonging to mail. _Sir Egeir._ Teut. _maelien;_ or perhaps made in _Milan_. MILL-LADE, _s._ V. ~ Lade~. MILL-LICHENS, _s._ The entry into the place where the inner mill-wheel goes, S. B. V. ~ Lychtnis~. Perh. q. the lungs or lights of a mill. MILL-RING, _s._ The dust of a mill, S. B. MILL-STEW, _s._ The same, S. Teut. _molen-stof_, pollen. MILNARE, _s._ A miller. _Wyntown._ Sw. _moelnare_, id. _To_ MILT, _v. a._ V. ~ Melt~, _v._ MIM, _adj._ 1. Prudish, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Prim, demure. _Ross._ 3. Affecting great moderation in eating or drinking, S. _Ramsay._ This seems originally the same with E. _mum_, used as an adj., mute. MIN, MYN, _adj._ Less. _Kennedy._ Su. G. _minne_, Alem. _min_, id. _To_ MIND, _v. n._ 1. To remember, S. _Wodrow._ A. S. _ge-mynd-gan_, Dan. _mind-er_, meminisse. 2. To design, to intend, S. _Knox._ _To_ ~Mind~, _v. a._ To recollect, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ~Mind~, _s._ Recollection, S. _To keep mind_, S. to keep in mind, E. _Burns._ A. S. _ge-mynd_, Dan. _minde_, memoria. ~Myndles~, _adj._ 1. Forgetful. _Douglas._ 2. Causing forgetfulness. _Douglas._ 3. Acting like one in a delirium. _Doug._ _To_ MYNDE, _v. a._ To undermine. _Doug._ _To_ MYNG, MYNGE, _v. a._ To mix. _Henrysone._ A. S. _meng-an_, Su. G. _meng-a_, id. _To_ MINNE, _v. a._ To contribute. _Sir Tristrem._ Isl. _mynd-a_, procurare; _mund_, dos. MINNIE, MINNY, _s._ Mother; a fondling term, S. _Clerk._ Belg. _minnie_, a nurse; _minne_, love, _minn-en_, to love; Isl. _manna_, matercula. ~Minnie's Mouthes~, _s._ Those who must be wheedled into any measure by kindness; q. by a mother's fondling. _Calderwood._ _To_ MYNNIS, _v. n._ To grow less. _Doug._ Su. G. _minsk-a_, id. from _min_, less. _To_ MINT, MYNT, _v. n._ 1. To aim, to take aim. _Douglas._ 2. To attempt, S. _Gawan and Gal._ _To mint at_, to aim at, S. _Ramsay._ _To mint to_, the same. _Baillie._ A. S. _ge-mynt-an_, disponere, Alem. _meint-a_, intendere. ~Mint~, ~Mynt~, s. 1. An aim. _Douglas._ 2. An attempt, S. _Ramsay_. Alem. _meinta_, intentio. _To_ MIRD, _v. n._ To meddle, S. B. _Ross._ C. B. _ymyryd_, to intermeddle. MIRE-BUMPER, _s._ The bittern, S. _Mire_, and Isl. _bomp-a_, to strike against. MYRIT, _pret._ Stupified. _Douglas._ MIRK, MYRK, MERK, _adj._ Dark, S. A. _mark_, S. B. _Wyntown._ Isl. _myrk_, Su. G. _moerk_, id. ~Mirk~, ~Mirke~, _s._ Darkness, S. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _myrce_, Isl. _myrkur_, id. _To_ ~Mirken~, ~Mirkyn~, _v. n._ To grow dark. Sw. _moerkna_, id. _Douglas._ ~Mirklins~, _adv._ In the dark, S. B. ~Mirkness~, _s._ 1. Darkness. _Barbour._ 2. Mental darkness. _N. Burne._ MYRKEST, _adj._ Most rotten. _Wallace._ Isl. _morkinn_, Su. G. _murken_, rotten. MIKKY, _adj._ Smiling, merry, S. B. _Shirrefs._ A. S. _myrig_, merry; or _myrg_, pleasure. MIRKLES, _v. pl._ The radical leaves of Fucus esculentus, eaten in Orkney. MIRL, _s._ A crumb, S. B. V. ~Murle~. MIRLES, _s. pl._ The measles, Aberd. Fr. _morbilles_, id. MIRLYGOES, MERLIGOES, _s. pl._ One's eyes are said to be _in the mirlygoes_, when one sees objects indistinctly, S. _Ferguson._ Perhaps q. _merrily go_, because objects seem to dance before the eyes. MIRROT, _s._ A carrot, S. B. Su. G. _morrot_, id. MYRTRE, _adj._ Belonging to myrtle. _Douglas._ MYS, MYSS, MISS, _s._ 1. A fault, S. B. _Wallace._ 2. Evil, in a physical sense. _Sir Gawan._ Goth. _missa_, defectus, error. MISBEHADDEN, _part. pa._ Unbecoming or indiscreet, applied to language, S. A. S. _mis_, and _behalden_ wary. _To_ MISCALL, MISCA', _v. a._ To call names to, S. _Rutherford._ MYSCHANCY, _adj._ 1. Unlucky, S. _Douglas._ 2. Causing unhappiness. _Douglas._ MISCHANT, MESCHANT, _adj._ 1. Wicked. _Bellenden._ 2. False. Fr. _meschant_, id. _Lindsay._ ~Mischant~, ~Mishant~, _s._ A worthless person. _Polwart._ ~Mischantlie~, ~Meschantlie~, _adv._ Wickedly. _Bp. Forbes._ ~Mischantnesse~, _s._ Wickedness. _Godscroft._ ~Mischant Youther~, a very bad smell, S. Fr. _meschant odeur_, id. V. ~Prat~. MYSEL, _adj._ Leprous. V. ~Mesall~. MYSELL, _v._ Myself, S. corr. _Wallace._ ~Myselwyn~, _s._ Myself. _Barbour._ From _me_ and _sylfne_, accus. of _sylfe_, ipse. _To_ MYSFALL, _v. n._ To miscarry. _Barbour._ _To_ MISFAYR, ~Misfare~, _v. n._ To miscarry. _Douglas._ _Misfarin_, S. B. ill-grown; A. S. _mis-far-an_, male invenire, perire. ~Mysfar~, _s._ Mischance. _Wallace._ MISGAR, _s._ A kind of trench in sandy ground, from the action of the wind. Orkn. Norw. _mis_ denoting defect, and _giaer_ form. _To_ MISGRUGLE, _v. a._ To rumple; to handle roughly, S. _Journ. Lond._ 2. To disfigure, to deform, S. B. Belg. _kreukel-en_, to crumple. _To_ MISGULLY, _v. a._ To cut clumsily, to mangle, Fife; q. to use the _gully amiss_. MISHANTER, _s._ Misfortune, S. _Ross._ Fr. _misaventure_, O. E. _mysauntre_. MISHAPPENS, _s._ Unfortunateness. _Baillie._ MISHARRIT, _part. pa._ Unhinged. _Palice of Honour._ A. S. _mis_, and _hearro_, a hinge. _To_ MISKEN, _v. a._ 1. Not to know, S. _Douglas._ 2. To overlook, to neglect. _Compl. S._ 3. To seem to be ignorant of, S. _Baillie._ 4. To forbear, not to meddle with. 5. To refuse to acknowledge. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 6. _To misken one's self_, to forget one's proper station, S. _To_ MYSKNAW, _v. a._ To be ignorant of. _Crosraguel._ MISLEARD, _adj._ 1. Unmannerly, S. _Ferguson._ 2. Mischievous, S. _Burns._ _Mis_ and _lear'd_, i. e. learned. _To_ MISLIPPEN, _v. a._ To disappoint, S. _To_ MISLUCK, _v. n._ To miscarry. Belg. _misluck-en_, id. ~Misluck~, _s._ Misfortune, S. _Ramsay._ MISLUSHIOUS, _adj._ Rough, unguarded. _Ramsay._ _To_ MISMAGGLE, _v. a._ To spoil, to disorder, S. B. V. ~Magil~. _Journ. Lond._ MISMAIGHT, _part. pa._ Put out of sorts, mismatched, S. from _mis_ and _maik_, q. v. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ MISMARROW, _v. a._ To mismatch. V. ~Marrow~, _v._ MISNURTURED, _adj._ Ill-bred. _Rutherford._ ~Misnourtournesse~, _s._ Ill-breeding. _Rollocke._ _To_ MISPORTION _one's self_, _v. a._ To eat to excess, S. B. _To_ MISSAYE, _v. a._ To rail at. _Baron Courts._ Teut. _mis-seggh-en_, malè loqui alicui. MYSSEL, _s._ A vail. V. ~Mussal~, _v._ MISSETTAND, _part. pr._ Unbecoming. _Pal. Hon._ Teut. _mis-sett-en_, male disponere. MISSILRY, _s._ Perh. leprosy. V. ~Mesall~. _Roull._ MISSLIE, _adj._ Solitary. V. ~Mistlie~. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ MISSWEAR, _v. n._ To swear falsely, S. MISTER, MYSTER, _s._ Craft, art. O. Fr. _mestier_, id. _Barbour._ MISTER, MYSTER, _s._ 1. Necessity, S. B. _Barbour._ 2. Want of food, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Any thing necessary. _Douglas._ Su. G. _mist-a_, Dan. _mist-er_, to want. _To_ ~Mister~, _v. a._ To need, to be in want of. _Wallace._ _Mister'd_, reduced to difficulties, S. B. _To_ ~Mister~, ~Mystre~, _v. n._ 1. To be necessary. _Barbour._ 2. To be in straits. _Balfour._ ~Mystir~, _adj._ Necessary. _Barbour._ ~Mistirful~, _adj._ Necessitous. _Douglas._ ~Mistry~, _s._ Strait. _Barbour._ MISTLIE, _adj._ 1. Dull, solitary, from the absence of some object to which one is attached. Loth. Roxb.; also _misslie_. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. Bewildered on a road, Roxb. 3. Dreary, ibid. _Eerie_ synon. From Su. G. _mist-a_, to want, and _lik_ expressing state or resemblance: or Teut. _misselick_, incertus in quo errare potest. This closely corresponds with sense 2. _To_ MISTRAIST, _v. n._ To mistrust. V. ~Traist~. _Wallace._ _To_ MISTRYST, _v. a._ To break an engagement with, S. V. ~Tryst~. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ MISTROW, _v. a._ 1. To suspect, to mistrust. _Barbour._ 2. To disbelieve. _Wyntown._ Isl. _misstru-a_, Belg. _mistrouw-en_, id. ~Mistrowing~, _s._ Distrust. Belg. _mistrowen_, id. _Barbour._ _To_ MYTH, _v. a._ To measure. _Douglas._ A. S. _met-an_, metiri. _To_ MYTH, MYITH, _v. a._ 1. To mark. Isl. _mid-a_, locum signo. _Wallace._ 2. To shew. _Gawan and Gol._ ~Myth~, _s._ A mark. V. ~Meith~. MITH, MEITH, _aux. v._ Might, S. B. Su. G. _matha_, id. _Shirrefs._ MYTING, _s._ 1. A term used to express smallness of size. _Evergreen._ Teut. _myte_, _mydte_, acarus, a mite. 2. A fondling designation for a child, pron. q. _mitten_, Ang. MITTALE, MITTAINE, _s._ A kind of hawk. _Acts Ja. II._ MITTENS, _s. pl._ 1. Woollen gloves. Fr. _mitaine_. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 2. _To lay up one's mittens_, to beat out one's brains, Aberd. _Journal Lond._ _To_ MITTLE, _v. a._ To hurt or wound, S. Fr. _mutil-er_, Lat. _mutil-are_, id. MIXT, _part. pa._ 1. Disordered; applied to one in some degree ailing, Banffs. 2. Denoting partial intoxication, S. MIXTIE-MAXTIE, MIXIE-MAXIE, _adv._ In a state of confusion, S. Su. G. _miskmask_, id. _Burns._ MIZZLED, _adj._ Having different colours, S. A. S. _mistl_, varius, Isl. _mislitt_, variegatus. MOBIL, MOBLE, _s._ Moveable goods, S. Fr. _meubles_, id. _Douglas._ MOCH, MOCHY, _adj._ 1. Moist. _Palice Honour._ 2. Close, misty, S. Isl. _mokk-r_, condensatio nubium; _mugga_, aer succidus et nubilo humidus. MOCH, _s._ A heap. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _mucg_, acervus. _To_ MOCHRE, MOKRE, _v. n._ 1. To heap up, to hoard. _Priests Peblis._ Ital. _mucchiare_; Isl. _mock-a_, id. coacervare. 2. To be busy about trifling matters or mean work, S. B. pron. _mochre_. 3. To work in the dark, S. B. MOCHT, _aux. v._ Might. _Wallace._ Alem. _moht-a_, from _mog-en_, posse. MODE, MWDE, _s._ 1. Courage. A. S. Sw. _mod_, id. _Wyntown._ 2. Indignation. _Sir Tristrem._ Su. G. Isl. _mod_, ira, A. S. _mod-ian_, irasci. ~Mody~, ~Mudy~, _adj._ 1. Bold. _Barbour._ Sw. _modig_, bold, daring. 2. Pensive, melancholy. _Douglas._ _To_ MODERATE, _v. n._ 1. To preside in an ecclesiastical court, S. _Acts Assembly._ 2. To preside in a congregation, at the election of a Pastor, S. _Pardovan._ ~Moderator~, _s._ 1. He who presides in an ecclesiastical court, S. _Acts Assembly._ 2. The minister who presides at the election of a Pastor, S. _Pardovan._ ~Moderation~, _s._ The act of presiding in an election, S. MODYR, MODER, _s._ Mother. _Wallace._ A. S. Isl. &c. _moder_, Belg. _moeder_. ~Modyr-nakyd~, _adj._ Stark naked, S. _mother-naked_. _Ramsay._ Teut. _moeder-naeckt_, id. MODYWART, MODEWART, _s._ A mole, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _mold_, terra, and _wrot-an_, versare rostro. MOGGANS, _s. pl._ 1. Long sleeves for a woman's arms, S. B. _Ross._ Teut. _mouwken_, parva manica. 2. Hose without feet, Aberd. _Hairy moggans_, Fife. _Journal Lond._ Gael. _mogan_, boot-hose. MOGH, _s._ A moth, Ang O. E. _mough_. MOY, MOYE, _adj._ 1. Gentle, mild. _Dunbar._ 2. Affecting great moderation in eating or drinking; _mim_, synon. _Kelly._ Gael. _modh_, modest; Dan. _moe_, a virgin. ~Moylie~, _adv._ Mildly. _Montgomerie._ MOYAN, _s._ A species of artillery, of a middle size. _Pitscottie._ Fr. _moyen_, moderate. MOYEN, MOYAN, _s._ 1. Means for attaining any end. _R. Bruce._ 2. Interest, S. _Calderwood._ 3. Means of subsistence. _Spotswood._ _Be the moyan of_, by means of. _R. Bruce._ 4. Temporal substance, property. Fr. _moyen_, a means. _Acts Ja. VI._ _To_ ~Moyen, Moyan~, _v. a._ 1. To accomplish by the use of means. _R. Bruce._ 2. To procure; implying diligence, S. _A weil-moyent man_, one who has good means for procuring any thing, S. B. Fr. _moyenn-er_, to procure. ~Moyener, Moyaner~, _s._ One who employs his interest for another. _R. Bruce._ O. Fr. _moyennere_, mediateur. ~Moeynles~, _adj._ Destitute of interest. _Hume._ _To_ MOIF, _v. a._ To move. _Douglas._ MOYT, _adj._ Many. _King's Quair._ O. Fr. _moult_, _mout_, much, Lat. _multum_. _To_ MOKRE, _v. a._ To hoard. V. ~Mochre~. MOLD, _s._ The ground. V. ~Mulde~. MOLE, _s._ Promontory. V. ~Mull~. _Barbour._ MOLLACHON, _s._ A small cheese, Stirlings. Gael. _mulachan_, a cheese. MOLLAT, MOLLET, _s._ 1. The bit of a bridle. _Dunbar._ 2. The ornament of a bridle. _Douglas._ ~Mollet-brydyl~, _s._ A bridle having a curb. _Bellenden._ Teut. _muyl_, the mouth; Isl. _mull_, Su. G. _myl_, a bridle, a curb. _To_ MOLLET, _v. n._ Perhaps, to curb. V. ~Mollat~. _Lyndsay._ MOLLIGRANT, _s._ Whining, complaining, Ang. _Molligrunt_, Loth. Isl. _mogl-a_, murmur, and _graun_, os et nasus. MOLLIGRUB, MULLYGRUB, _s._ The same with _molligrant_, S. _Ramsay._ _Mulligrub_ is an E. word used in a similar sense in cant language. MOMENT-HAND, _s._ The hand of a clock or watch which marks the seconds, S. MON, MONE, MUN, MAUN, _aux. v._ Must. Isl. _mun_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ MONE, _v. a._ To take notice of. _Barbour._ A. S. _mon-ian_, animadvertere. MONE, _s._ Mane. Isl. _moen_, id. _Palice Honour._ MONE, _s._ The moon; _meen_, Aberd. A. S. _mona_, Germ. _mon_, id. _Barbour._ ~Moneth~, _s._ A month, still the pronunciation of some old people, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _monath_, id., from _mona_, the moon. MONESTING, _s._ Admonition. V. ~Monyss~. _Barbour._ MONY, _adj._ 1. Many, S. _Bellenden._ 2. Great, Border. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _moneg_, Sw. _monga_, many. MONYCORDIS, _s. pl._ A musical instrument. _Houlate._ Gr. μονοχορδος, unica intentus chorda. MONIPLIES, MONNYPLIES, _s. pl._ That part of the tripe of a beast which consists of _many folds_, S.; the omasum. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ S. _mony_ many, and _ply_ a fold. _To_ MONYSS, _v. a._ To warn, to admonish. Fr. _admonest-er_, id. _Barbour._ MONONDAY, MUNANDAY. _s._ Monday, S. _Fordun._ A. S. _Monan daeg_, id. the day consecrated to the Moon. MONTEYLE, _s._ A mount. _Barbour._ Ital. _monticell-o_, L. B. _monticell-us_, colis. MONTH, MOUNTH, _s._ 1. A mountain. _Complaynt S._ 2. The Grampian mountains towards their eastern extremity. _To gang oure the Month_, to cross the Grampians, S. B. _Barbour._ A. S. _monte_, _munt_, a mountain. MONTUR, _s._ Expl. saddle-horse. Fr. _monture_, id. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ MOOL, _v. a._ To crumble. V. ~Mule~. ~Mools~, _s._ V. ~Muldis~. _To_ MOOP, _v. n._ V. ~Moup~. MOOR-FOWL, _s._ Red game, moor-cock, S. _Sibbald._ MOOR-GRASS, _s._ Potentilla anserina, S. _Lightfoot._ MOOSE, _s._ V. ~Mouse~. MOOSEWEB, MOUSEWEB, _s._ 1. The gossamer, S. 2. Improperly, a spider's web. 3. Metaph. phlegm in the throat or stomach, S. _Ferguson._ Fr. _mousse_, moss; Teut. _mos_, moisture. _To_ MOOTER. V. ~Mout~ _awa'_. MOOTH, _adj._ Misty, foggy, S. B. Belg. _mottig_, id. _mottig weer_, drizzling weather. MORADEN, _s._ Homage. V. ~Manrent~. MORE, MOR, _adj._ Great. _Wyntown._ MORE, _s._ A heath. V. ~Mure~. MORGEOUN, _s._ V. ~Murgeoun~. MORIANE, _adj._ Swarthy, resembling a _Moor_. _Diallog._ Fr. _morien_, id. from Lat. _Mauritanus_. MORMAIR, _s._ An ancient title of honour in S. equivalent to _Earl_; from Gael. _mor_, great, and ~Mair~, q. v. MORN, MORNE, _s._ Morrow; _to morne_, to-morrow; S. _the morne_, id. _Douglas._ A. S. _morghen_, _morgen_; Isl. _morgun_, morrow. MORNING-GIFT, _s._ The _gift_ conferred by a husband on his wife, on the _morning_ after marriage. _Acts Ja. VI._ A. S. _morgen-gife_, Germ. _morgan-geba_, Teut. _morghen-gave_, id. MOROWING, MOROWNING, _s._ Morning. _Dunbar._ Moes. G. _maurgins_, A. S. Isl. _morgen_, id. MORT, ~a mort~, Died, or dead. _Bannatyne Poems._ Fr. _meurt_, 3. p. s. ind. improperly used. ~Mort~, _adj._ Fatal; _a mort cold_, i. e. a deadly cold. _Ruddiman._ ~Mort-cloth~, _s._ The pall carried over the corpse at a funeral, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Mortfundyit~, _part. pa_. Cold as death. V. ~Mort~ and ~Fundy~. ~Mortmumlingis~, _s. pl._ Prayers muttered or _mumbled_ for the dead. _Bannatyne P._ MORTAR, _s._ 1. Coarse clay of a reddish colour, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. This clay as prepared for building, S. MORTAR-STONE, _s._ A stone hollowed out, formerly used as a mortar, for preparing barley by separating it from the husks, S. _Pinkerton._ MORTERSHEEN, _s._ A fatal species of glanders; q. _mort aux chien_, a carcase for dogs. _Spalding._ _To_ MORTIFY, _v. a._ To give in mortmain, S. _Erskine._ L. B. _mortificare terras_, id. ~Mortification~, _s._ 1. The act of giving in mortmain, S. _Erskine._ 2. Lands or money thus disponed, S. _Stat. Acc._ MORTYM, MORTON, _s._ Supposed to be the common martin; _mertym_, South of S. _Acts Ja. VI._ MORUNGEOUS, _adj._ In very bad humour; _morungeous cankert_, very ill-humoured, S. B. MOSINE, _s._ The touchhole of a piece of ordnance; metaph. S. _motion-hole_. _Z. Boyd._ MOSS, _s._ 1. A marshy place, S. _Barbour._ 2. A place where peats may be digged, S. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _mose_, _mossa_, id., locus uliginosus. ~Moss-bummer~, _s._ The Bittern, S. A., from its _booming_ sound. ~Moss-cheeper~, _s._ 1. The Marsh Titmouse. _Sibbald._ 2. The Tit-lark, S. _Fleming._ ~Moss-corns~, _s. pl._ Silverweed, S.; also _Moss-crops_, and _Moor-grass_. ~Moss-crops~, _s. pl._ Cotton-rush, and Hare's-tailed Rush, S. _Lightfoot._ ~Moss-troopers~, _s._ Banditti who inhabited the marshy country of Liddisdale, and subsisted chiefly by rapine. _Lay Last Minstrel._ MOSSFAW, _s._ A ruinous building, Fife. MOT, _v. aux._ May. V. ~Mat~. MOTE, _s._ 1. A little hill, or barrow. _Bellenden._ A. S. _mot_, Isl. _mote_, conventus hominum, applied to a little hill, because anciently conventions were held on eminences. Hence our _Mote-hill_ of Scone. 2. Sometimes improperly used for a high hill. _Bellenden._ 3. A rising ground, a knoll, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ MOTE, _v. a._ 1. To pick motes out of any thing, S. 2. To _mote_ one's self, to louse, S. 3. To use means for discovering imperfections, S. _Douglas._ MOTH, _adj._ Warm, sultry, Loth. MOTHER, _s._ _The mother on beer_, &c., the lees working up, S. Germ. _moder_, id. MOTHER-NAKED. V. ~Modyr-nakyd~. MOTHER-WIT, _s._ Common sense, discretion, S. _Ferguson._ MOTTIE, _adj._ Full of motes. _Ross._ MOVIR, MOUIR, MURE, _adj._ Mild, gentle. _Wyntown._ Belg. _morwe_, _murw_, Su. G. _moer_, mollis. ~Movirly~, _adv._ Mildly. _Wyntown._ MOULY HEELS. V. ~Mules~. _To_ MOULIGH, _v. n._ To whimper, to whine, Ayrs. Isl. _mogl-a_, to murmur. MOUNTAIN DULSE, mountain laver, S. MOUNTH, _s._ A mountain. V. ~Month~. _To_ MOUP, MOOP, _v. a._ 1. To nibble, to mump, S. _Douglas._ 2. To impair by degrees. _Ramsay._ Most probably corrupted from E. _mump_. MOUSE, _s._ The bulb of flesh on the extremity of the shank of mutton, S. pron. _moose_. Teut. _muys_, carnosa pars in corpore. MOUSE-WEB, _s._ V. ~Moose-web~. _To_ MOUT, _v. n._ To moult, S. _Acts Ja. II._ Teut. _muyt-en_, plumas amittere. _To_ ~Mout~ _awa'_ (pron. _moot_) _v. a._ To take away piecemeal, S. ~Moutit~, _part. pa._ Diminished, scanty, bare. _Palice Honour._ _To_ MOUTER, _v. a._ To take multure for grinding corn, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ MOUTER, (pron. _mooter_) _v. a._ The same with _mout awa'_, S. MOUTON, _s._ A French gold coin brought into S. in the reign of David II., having the impression of the _Agnus Dei_, which the vulgar mistook for a sheep; hence called _mouton_. _L. Hailes._ MOW, MOUE, _s._ A heap, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _mowe_, acervus. MOW, (pron. _moo_) _s._ 1. The mouth, S. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _moue_; Su. G. _mun_, Teut. _muyl_, id. 2. A distorted mouth. _Roull._ 3. Used in pl. in the sense of jest. _Nae mows_, no jest, S. _Chr. Kirk._ _To_ ~Mow~, _v. n._ To speak in mockery. _Lyndsay._ ~Mowar~, _s._ A mocker. _Palice Honour._ _To_ ~Mow-band~, _v. a._ To mention, to articulate, S. _Ross._ Teut. _muyl-band-en_, fiscellam ori appendere. ~Mow-bit~, _s._ A morsel, S. _Ferguson._ ~Mow-frachty~, _adj._ Palatable, S. B. From _mow_, the mouth, and _fraucht_, perh. a lading. MOWCH, _s._ A spy, an eave-dropper. Fr. _mousche_, _mouche_, id. _Lyndsay._ MOWE, _s._ Dust, S. _peat-mowe_, peat-dust. _Ruddiman._ MOWE, _s._ A motion. _Douglas._ MOWENCE, _s._ Motion, or perhaps dependance. Fr. _mouvance_, id. _Barbour._ MOWSTER, _s._ Muster. _Bellenden._ MOZY, _adj._ Dark in complexion, S. Isl. _mos-a_, musco tingere. _To_ MUCK, _v. a._ To carry out dung, S. Su. G. _mock-a_, stabula purgare. ~Muck-fail~, _s._ The sward mixed with dung, used for manure, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ ~Muck-midden~. V. ~Midden~. MUCKLE, _adj._ Great. V. ~Mekil~. MUD, _s._ A small nail, used in the heels of shoes, Loth. Isl. _mot_, commissura, a joining close. _To_ MUDDLE, _v. a._ To overthrow easily and expeditiously. _Chr. Kirk._ Perh. a dimin. from Teut. _maed-en_, Isl. _maed-a_, secare, desecare; q. to mow down. _To_ MUDDLE, _v. n._ To be busy at work, properly of a trivial kind, while making little progress, S. Teut. _moddel-en_, lutum movere, fodicare. _To_ MUDGE, _v. n._ To stir, to budge, S. ~Mudge~, _s._ The act of stirring, S. O. Fr. _muete_, Lat. _motus_, C. B. _mud_, a motion. MUDYEON, _s._ A motion of the countenance, denoting discontent, scorn, &c. _mudgeon_, Renfr. _Montgomerie._ Isl. _modg-a_, irritare. _To_ MUE, or MOO, _v. n._ To low as a cow, S. Germ. _mu_, vox vaccae naturalis; _muh-en_, mugire. MUFFITIES, _s. pl._ Mittens, either of leather or of knitted worsted, worn by old men, Ang. Orkn. Isl. _muffa_, Dan. _moffe_, chirotheca pellita, hyberna. MUFFLES, _s. pl._ Mittens, S. Fr. _mouffle_. MUGGS, _s. pl._ A particular breed of sheep, S. _Statist. Acc._ MUIR, _s._ A heath, &c. V. ~Mure~. ~Muir-burn~. V. ~Mure-burn~. ~Muir-ill~, _s._ A disease to which black cattle are subject, S. _Statist. Acc._ MUIS, _s. pl._ 1. Bushels. _Complaynt S._ O. Fr. _mui_, a bushel; Lat. _mod-ius_. 2. Heaps, parcels. _Gl. Sibb._ MUIST, MUST, _s._ Musk, Border. Corr. from Fr. _musque_, id. _Douglas._ MUKERAR, _s._ A miser. V. ~Mochre~. _Douglas._ MULDES, MOOLS, _s._ 1. Pulverised earth, in general, S. 2. The earth of the grave, S. _Ramsay._ 3. The dust of the dead. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _mulda_, Su. G. _mull_, A. S. _mold_, dust, _mol-a_, comminuere. ~Mulde-mete~, _s._ 1. A funeral banquet. _Douglas._ 2. The last food eaten before death. _To give one his muld meat_, to kill him, S. _Ruddiman._ MULDRIE, _s._ Moulded work. _Palice Honour._ _To_ MULE, MOOL, _v. a._ 1. To crumble, S. Isl. _mol-a_, id. 2. _To mule in_, to crumble bread into a vessel, for being soaked, S. _Ramsay._ 3. _To mule in with_, to have intimacy with, q. to eat out of the same dish, S. _Ross._ ~Mulin~, ~Mulock~, _s._ A crum, S. Teut. _moclie_, offa; C. B. _mwlwg_, refuse. MULES, _s. pl._ Kibes, chilblains, S. Fr. _mules_, id. MULIS, _s. pl._ A term of contempt. _Montgomerie._ MULL, MAOIL, _s._ A promontory, S. _Barry._ Isl. _muli_, frons montis, promontorium; Gael. _maol_, id. MULL, _s._ A virgin. _Kennedy._ A. S. _meoule_, id. Moes. G. _mawilo_, a damsel. MULL, _s._ A mule. _Knox._ _To_ MULLER, _v. a._ To crumble, S. V. ~Mule~. MULLIS, MOOLS, _s. pl._ Slippers, without quarters, anciently worn by persons of rank. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _mules_, Ital. _mulo_, Teut. _muyl_, sandalium. MULTIPLÉ, MULTIPLIE, _s._ Number, quantity. _Wallace._ Fr. _multiplie_, manifold. MULTURE, MOUTER, _s._ The fee for grinding grain, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _mouture_, L. B. _molitura_. ~Multurer~, _s._ The tacksman of a mill, S. MUM, _s._ A mutter, S. B. Teut. _momm-en_, larvam agere. MUM CHAIRTIS, _s. pl._ Cards with figures: or for _mumchancis_; _mumchance_, being an old game at cards. _Maitland Poems._ MUMMING, _s._ Perh. muttering. _Burel._ _To_ MUMP, _v. n._ To hint, to aim at, S. _Shirrefs._ MUMM'D, _part. pa._ Tingling from cold, Loth.; apparently corr. from E. _numb_, torpid. ~Mumt-like~, _adj._ Having the appearance of stupor, Loth. MUN, _v. aux._ Must V. ~Mon~. ~Mundie~, _s._ Perhaps, prating fool. Teut. _mondigh_, loquacious. _Philotus._ MUNDS, _s._ The mouth. Loth. Germ. _mund_, id. MUNKS, _s._ A halter for a horse, Fife. Isl. _mundvik_, canthus oris; Gael. _muince_, a collar. MUNN, _s._ A short-hafted spoon, Galloway. _Stat. Acc._ Perhaps from Isl. _munn_, the mouth. MUNSIE, _s._ A designation expressive of contempt or ridicule, S. perh. a corr. of Fr. _monsieur_, vulgarly pron. _monsie_. MUR, _adj._ V. ~Movir~. MURALYEIS, _s. pl._ Walls. _Douglas._ Fr. _muraille_, a wall. _To_ MURDRES, MURTHREYS, _v. a._ To murder. _Bellend._ Moes. G. _maurthr-jan_, id. ~Murdresar~, _s._ 1. A Murderer. _Bellend._ 2. A large cannon. _Compl. S._ Fr. _meurtriere_, id. MURE, MUIR, MOR, _anc._ MORE, _s._ A heath, a flat covered with heath, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _mor_, ericetum, heath-ground, Isl. _mòr_, id. ~Mure-burn~, _s._ 1. The burning of heath, S. _Acts Ja. IV._ 2. Metaph. strife, contention, S. ~Mureland~, ~Moorland~, _adj._ Of or belonging to heathy ground. _Ramsay._ _To_ MURGEON, _v. a._ 1. To mock, by making mouths. _Chr. Kirk._ Fr. _morguer_, to make a sour face. 2. To murmur, to grumble, S. ~Murgeon~, ~Morgeoun~, _s._ 1. A murmur, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Muttering, in reference to the Mass. _R. Bruce._ _To_ MURGULLIE. V. ~Margulyie~. MURYT, _pret._ Walled. _Barbour._ Fr. _mur-er_, to wall. MURLAN, _s._ A round narrow-mouthed basket, S. B. V. ~Murling~. _Pop. Ball._ _To_ MURLE, _v. a._ To moulder. C. B. _mwrl_, crumbling. _Priests Peblis._ ~Murlie~, _s._ 1. Any small object, Ang. 2. A fondling term for an infant, also _murlie-fikes_, Ang. MURLING, MORTHLING, MURT, _s._ The skin of a young lamb, or of a sheep soon after it has been shorn. _Gl. Sibb._ This is merely E. _morling_, _mortling_. MURLOCH, _s._ The young piked dogfish. _Statist. Acc._ MURMLED, MURBLED, _adj._ Having sore or tender feet, so as to go lame, Loth. S. A. O. E. _mormall_, a sore, or swelling on the feet, or elsewhere. _To_ MURR, _v. n._. To purr as a cat, a term applied to infants. S. B. Isl. _murr-a_, Teut. _murr-en_, murmurare. ~Murling~, _s._ A soft murmur, Ang. Su. G. _morl-a_, mussitare. MUMRELL, _s._ Murmuring. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _murmul-en_, submurmurare. MURRIOW, MURRIOWN, MURREON, _s._ A helmet. _Knox._ Fr. morion, morrion, id. MURTH, MORTH, _s._ Murder. Su. G. _mord_, id. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ MUSALL, MISSEL, _v. a._ To veil. Su. G. _musla_, occultare. _Acts Ja. II._ ~Mussal~, ~Myssal~, ~Mussaling~, _s._ A veil. _Philotus._ MUSARDRY, _s._ Musing, dreaming. Fr. _musardie_, id. _musard_. _Douglas._ MUSH, _s._ One who goes between a lover and his mistress, Fife. Fr. _mousche_, a fly; metaph. an eave-dropper, a promoter. V. ~Mowch~. MUSHINFOW, _adj._ Cruel, W. Loth. apparently q. _mischantfou_. MUSKANE, MUSCANE, _adj._ 1. Mossy. Teut. _mosch-en_, mucere. _Pal. Hon._ 2. Putrid, rotten. _Bellenden._ MUSLIN-KAIL, _s._ Broth made of water, barley, and greens, S. q. _meslin-kail_. V. ~Maschlin~. _Burns._ MUSSLING, _adj._ Uncertain. _Z. Boyd._ MUST, _s._ Mouldiness. _Henrysone._ Teut. _mos_, _mosse_, mucor. MUST, _s._ Musk. V. ~Muist~. MUST, _s._ Hair-powder, or flour used for this purpose, S.; perhaps as anciently scented with _musk_, S. _must_. MUSTARDE-STONE, _s._ A stone used for bruising _mustard_ seed, S. _Dunbar._ _To_ MUSTUR, _v. n._ To make a great parade; q. To shew one's self. _Douglas._ _To_ MUT, _v. n._ To meet. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _mot-jan_, Su. G. _moet-a_, id. MUTCH, _s._ A head-dress for a female, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _mutse_, Su. G. _myssa_, id. MUTCHKIN, _s._ A measure equal to an English pint, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Belg. _mutsie_, denotes a quart. MUTE, _s._ 1. Meeting. _Wallace._ 2. A parliament, an assembly. _Kennedy._ _To_ MUTE, _v. n._ 1. To plead; an old law term. _Baron Courts._ 2. To treat of. _Barbour._ A. S. _mot-ian_, tractare, discutere. ~Mute~, ~Mote~, _s._ 1. A plea. _Reg. Maj._ 2. A quarrel. _Rutherford._ _To_ MUTE, _v. n._ 1. To articulate. _Lyndsay._ 2. To mention what ought to be kept secret, S. _Godscroft._ 3. To complain, S. _Wallace._ Lat. _mut-ire_, to mutter. Used also as a _v. a._ _Kennedy._ MUTH, _adj._ Exhausted with fatigue. V. ~Mait~. _Wyntown._ N NA, NAE, NE, _adv._ No, not, S. A. S. _na_, _ne_, id. _Barbour._ NA, NE, _conj._ 1. Neither. _Douglas._ 2. Nor. _Barbour._ 3. Used both for neither, and nor. A. S. _na_, _ne_, neque, nec. _Douglas._ NA, _conj._ But. _Douglas._ NA, _conj._ Than. _Wallace._ C. B. Gael. Ir. _na_, id. NA, _adj._ No; none. _Barbour._ _To_ NAB, _v. a._ To strike, S. NACHET, NACKET, _s._ 1. An insignificant person. _Dunbar._ Fr. _nacquet_, a lacquey. 2. _A little nacket_, one who is small in size, S. NACKET, _s._ 1. A bit of wood, stone, or bone, used at the game of _Shinty_, S. Su. G. _kneck_, globulus lapideus, quo ludunt pueri. 2. A quantity of snuff made up, or a small roll of tobacco, S. NACKETY, _adj._ V. ~Knack~. NACKIE, _adj._ V. ~Knacky~. NACKS, _s._ A disease in the throat of a fowl. V. ~Knacks~. NAES, _nae is_, is not, S. B. NAGUS, _s._ An abusive designation, Dunbar. Su. G. _Necken_, _Neccus_, Old Nick. NAIG, _s._ 1. A riding horse, S. _Burns._ 2. A stallion, S. NAIL. _Aff at the nail_, destitute of any regard to propriety of conduct, S. NAILS, _s. pl._ Refuse of wool, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ NAIP, _s._ The summit of a house, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _nap-ar_, prominet, _nauf_, prominentia. NAYSAY, NA-SAY, _s._ A refusal, S. _To_ ~Naysay~, _v. n._ To refuse, S. NAIPRIE, _s._ Table linen, S. _Knox._ Ital. _napparie_, id. NAITHLY, _adv._ Perh. industriously. A. S. _nythlice_, studiosus. _Douglas._ NAKYN, _adj._ No kind of, S. _Barbour._ NAKIT, _pret. v._ Stripped. _Pal. Hon._ NAM, am not, q. _ne am_. Chaucer, _n'am_. _Sir Tristrem._ NAMEKOUTH, _adj._ Famous. _Doug._ A. S. _namcutha_, nomine notus. NANE, _adj._ No, none, S. _Doug._ A. S. _nan_, id. NANES, NANYS, _s._ For the nanys, on purpose. Su. G. _naenn-a_, to prevail with one's self to do a thing. NAPPIE, _adj._ Brittle. _J. Nicol._ Q. what _knaps_, or is easily broken. NAR, _conj._ Nor. _Douglas._ NAR, were not. _Sir Tristrem._ NAR, _adj._ Nigher. _Poems 16th Cent._ A. S. _near_, id. _To_ NARR, NERR, NURR, _v. n._ To snarl as dogs, S. O. _Gl. Sibb._ E. _gnar_, A. S. _gnyrr-an_, id. NARROW-NEBBIT, _adj._ Contracted in one's views with respect to religious matters, S. V. ~Neb~. NARVIS, _adj._ Belonging to Norway. Sw. _Norwegz_, Norwegian. _Skene._ NAS, was not. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _nas_, i. e. _ne was_, non erat. NAT, _adv._ Not. _Douglas._ NAT, know not. _Douglas._ A. S. _nat_, i. e. _ne wat_, non scio. _To_ NATCH, _v. a._ To lay hold of violently, S. B. NATE, _s._ Use. _Douglas._ Isl. _not_, id. V. ~Note~. NATHING, _s._ Nothing, S. _Barbour._ _To_ NAVELL. V. ~Neive~. NAVEN, NAWYN, _s._ A navy. _Barbour._ Germ. _nawen_, navis. NAWISS, NAWYSS, _adv._ In no wise. _Barbour._ NAXTÉ, _adj._ Nasty. _Sir Gawan._ NE, _conj._ Neither. V. ~Na~. NE, _adv._ No. V. ~Na~. NE, _prep._ Nigh. A. S. _neah_. _Douglas._ NE WAR, Unless. _Douglas._ Alem. _ne uuare_, nisi. _To_ NE, _v. n._ To neigh. _Douglas._ Teut. _naey-en_, id. ~Ne~, _s._ Neighing. _Douglas._ NEAR-GAWN, NEAR-BE-GAWN, _adj._ Niggardly, S. _Ferguson._ From _near_ and _gaand_, going. NEASE, _s._ Nose. _R. Bruce._ NEATY, NEATTY, _adj._ 1. Mere, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Identical, S. B. _Ross._ NEB, _s._ 1. The nose, used ludicrously. _Lang-nebbit_, _Narrow-nebbit_, q. v. _Sharp-nebbit_, having a sharp nose, S. A. S. _nebbe_, Isl. _nef_, nasus. 2. The beak of a fowl, S. _Kelly._ A. S. Belg. _nebbe_, rostrum. 3. Applied to the snout. _Kelly._ 4. Any sharp point, S. NECE, _s._ Grand-daughter. V. ~Neipce~. NECKIT, _s._ A tippet for a child, S. B. NECK-VERSE, _s._ The beginning of the 51st psalm, _Miserere mei_. &c. _Lay Last Minstr._ NEDMIST, _adj._ Undermost, S. A. S. _neothemest_, id. NEDWAYIS, _adv._ Of necessity. A. S. _neadwise_, necessary. _Barbour._ NEEDLE-FISH, _s._ The shorter pipe-fish. _Sibbald._ NEEF, _s._ Difficulty. _P. Buch. Dial._ A. S. _naefde_, want. NEERDOWEIL, _s._ One whose conduct gives reason to think that he will _never do well_, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ NEESE, _v. n._ To sneese, S. A. S. _nies-an_, Belg. _niez-en_, id. _To_ NEESHIN, _v. n._ To desire the male, S. B. V. ~Eassin~. NEFFIT, _s._ A pigmy, S. pron. _nyeffit_. Belg. _nufje_, a chit; or from _neive_. _To_ NEYCH, NICH, NYGH, NYCHT, (gutt.) _v. a._ To approach. _Chr. Kirk._ Moes. G. _nequh-jan_, A. S. _nehw-an_, id. NEIDE, _s._ Necessity. _Wallace._ NEID-FYRE, _s._ 1. Fire produced by the friction of two pieces of wood, S. _Gl. Complaynt._ A. S. _nyd_, force, and _fyr_, fire; q. forced fire. 2. Spontaneous ignition, S. _Bellenden._ 3. The phosphoric light of rotten wood, S. A. _Gl. Complaynt._ 4. A beacon, S. A. _Lay Last Minstr._ NEIDFORSE, _s._ Necessity. _Compl. S._ Q. the _necessity_ arising from _force_. NEIDLINGIS, _adv._ Of necessity. _Doug._ _To_ NEIDNAIL, _v. a._ 1. To fasten by clinched nails, S. 2. A window is _neidnail'd_, when so fastened with nails in the inside, that the sash cannot be lifted up, S. Sw. _net-nagla_, to rivet; from _naed-a_, to clinch, and _nagla_, a nail. NEIGRE, _s._ A term of reproach, S. borrowed from Fr. _negre_, a negro. NEIPCE, NECE, _s._ A grand-daughter. Lat. _neptis_, id. _Skene._ NEIPER, _s._ Corr. of E. _neighbour_, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ NEIR, NERE, _v. a._ To approach. _Douglas._ Germ. _naher-n_, propinquare. NEIRS, NERES, _s. pl._ The kidneys, S. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _nyra_, Su. G. _niure_, Teut. _niere_, ren. NEIS, NES, _s._ The nose, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _naese_, _nese_, Su. G. _naesa_, id. ~Neis-thyrle~, ~Nes-thryll~, s. Nostril, S. A. S. _naes-thyrlu_. _Douglas._ NEIST, NAYST, NEST, NIEST, _adj._ Nearest, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _neahst_, Su. G. Dan. _naest_, id. ~Neyst~, _prep._ Next. _Wyntown._ ~Neist~, _adv._ Next, S. _Ramsay._ NEIVE, NEIF, _s._ 1. The fist, S.; pl. _neiffis_, _nevys_, _newys_, _newffys_. _Douglas._ _To fald the nieve_, to clinch the fist, S. 2. _Hand to nieve_, hand and glove, S. _R. Galloway._ Isl. _nefi_, _knefe_, Su. G. _knaef_, _naefwe_, id. ~Nievefu'~, ~Neffow~, _s._ A handful, S. Su. G. _naefwe full_, id. _Burns._ ~Nivvil~, _s._ The same, S. B. _To_ ~Nevell~, ~Navell~, ~Neffle~, _v. a._ 1. To strike with the fists, S. _Philotus._ Su. G. _hnuff-a_, pugnis impetere. 2. To take hold with the fist, S. Isl. _hnyf-a_, pugno prendo. ~Nevel~, ~Nevvel~, _s._ A blow with the fist, S. _Ramsay._ ~Nevelling~, ~Neffelling~, _s._ Fistiecuffs, S. _Knox._ _To_ ~Neiffar~, ~'Niffer~, _v. a._ To barter; properly, to exchange what is held in one _fist_, for what is held in another, S. _Rutherford._ ~Neiffer~, ~Niffer~, _s._ A barter, S. _Burns._ ~Niffering~, i. e. The act of bartering. _Rutherford._ _To_ NEK, _v. a._ To prevent receiving check, a term at chess. _Montgomerie._ Su. G. _nek-a_, to refuse. NEPUOY, NEPOT, NEPHOY, NEPHEW, NEVO, NEVW, NEWU, _s._ 1. A grandson. _Wyntown._ Lat. _nepos_, a grandson. 2. A great grandson. _Douglas._ 3. Posterity, though remote. _Douglas._ 4. A brother's or sister's son. _Wallace._ A. S. _nepos_, _brother sune_, vel _suster sune_. 5. Any relation by blood. _Wyntown._ NER, NERE, _prep._ Near, S. A. S. _ner_, Su. G. Dan. _naer_. ~Nerhand~, ~Near hand~, _prep._ Near, S. _Barbour._ ~Nere hand~, _adv._ Nearly. _Wyntown._ ~Ner til~, _prep._ Near to, S. ~Ner-sichtit~, _adj._ Shortsighted, S. Su. G. _naarsynt_, id. NES, _s._ A promontory; _ness_, S. _Doug._ A. S. _nesse_, Su. G. _naes_, Belg. _neus_, id. ~Nes-thryll~. V. ~Neis-thyrle~. NESS. S. pl. _nessis_, Vallies. _Wallace._ A. S. _nessas_, loca depressa. NET, _s._ The _omentum_, the caul, S. Teut. _net_, A. S. _net_, _nette_, id. NETH, _prep._ Below. _Wallace._ A. S. _neothan_, Su. G. _ned_, infra. NETHELES, _conj._ Nevertheless. A. S. _na the laes_, id. _Douglas._ NETHIRMARE, _adv._ Farther down. A. S. _nither_, and _mare_, more. _Doug._ NETHRING, _s._ Depression. V. ~Nidder~. _Barbour._ NEUCHELD, (gutt.) _part. pa._ With calf, Perths. _To_ NEVELL, _v. a._ To strike with the fist. ~Nevell~, _s._ A stroke of this kind. V. ~Neive~. NEVEW, NEVO, NEVOW. V. ~Nepuoy~. _To_ NEVIN, NEUIN, NYVIN, _v. a._ To name. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _nafn_, Dan. _naffn_, a name; _naevner_, to name. NEVYS, _pl._ Fists. V. ~Neive~. _To_ NEW, _v. a._ To renovate. A. S. _neow-ian_, id. _Gawan and Gol._ NEWCAL, _s._ A cow _newly calved_, Loth. _Ramsay._ NEW'D, _part. pa._ Oppressed, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _nu-a_, conterere, the same with _gny-a_, subigere. NEWYN, Renewing; or perh. naming. _Wallace._ NEWINGS, _s. pl._ Novelties. _Rutherford._ NEWIT, _part. pa._ Renewed. V. ~New~. NEWIS, NEWYS, NEWOUS, _adj._ 1. Earnestly desirous, Loth. 2. Parsimonious, covetous, greedy, Loth. A. S. _hneaw_, tenax, O. E. _niggish_, covetous; Su. G. _nidsk_, _nisk_, avarus, parcus. NEWLINGIS, _adv._ Newly; S. _newlins_. _Barbour._ NEWMOST, _adj._ Nethermost, S. B. A. S. _neothemest_, id. _Journ. Lond._ NEWTH, _prep._ Beneath. V. ~Neth~. _Barbour._ _To_ NYAFF, _v. n._ 1. To yelp, to bark, S. 2. Applied to the pert chat of a saucy child, or of any diminutive person, S. V. ~Niffnaffs~. _To_ NIB, _v. a._ To press or pinch with the fingers. _Montgomerie._ Isl. _hneppe_, coarcto. * NICE, _adj._ Simple. _Bannatyne P._ Fr. _niais_, simple. ~Niceté~, ~Nyceté~, _s._ Simplicity. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _nice_, dull, simple; _niceté_, simplicity. _To_ NICH, NYGH, _v. a._ V. ~Neych~. NYCHBOUR, NYCHTBOUR, _s._ A neighbour. _Bellenden._ A. S. _neah-ge-bure_, Germ. _nach-bauer_, _neah_, _nach_, nigh, id.; and _ge-bure_, _bauer_, an inhabitant. _To_ NICHER, NEIGHER, (gutt.) NICKER, _v. n._ 1. To neigh, S. _Rams._ A. S. _gnaeg-an_, Isl. _hnaegg-ia_, id. 2. To laugh in a loud and ridiculous manner, S. _Minstr. Bord._ ~Nicher~, ~Nicker~, _s._ 1. A neigh, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. A horse laugh, S. NYCHLIT, _pret. v._ Uncertain. _Houlate._ NYCHTYD, _pret._ Drew to night. _Wyntown._ Su. G. Isl. _natt-as_, ad noctem vergere. _To_ NICK, _v. n._ To drink heartily, S. B. _To_ NICKER, _v. n._ V. ~Nicher~. NICKSTICK, _s._ A tally, S. _Trans. Antiq. Soc._ S. _nick_, a notch, and _stick_. NICKET, _s._ A small notch. _Gl. Sibb._ NICK-NACK, _s._ 1. A gim-crack, S. 2. Small wares, S. B. _Morison._ NICNEVEN, _s._ The Scottish Hecate or mother-witch. _Montgomerie._ _To_ NIDDER, NITHER, _v. a._ 1. To depress, S. _Ross._ 2. To straiten; applied to bounds. _Douglas._ 3. _Niddered_, pinched with cold, Ang. Loth. 4. Pinched with hunger, S. 5. Stunted in growth, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ 6. Plagued, warmly handled, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ Su. G. _nedr-as_, _nidr-as_, deprimi; Teut. _ver-nedr-en_, id. _To_ NIDDLE, _v. n._ 1. To trifle with the fingers, S. 2. To be busily engaged with the fingers, without making progress, S. Isl. _hnudl-a_, digitis prensare. NIEVE, _s._ The fist, S. V. ~Neive~. _To_ NIFFER, _v. a._ V. ~Neive~. NIFFNAFFS, (pron. _nyiffnyaffs_), _s. pl._ 1. Small articles of little value, S. 2. Denoting a silly peculiarity of temper, displayed by attention to trifles, S. Fr. _nipes_, trifles, Sw. _nipp_, id. _To_ ~Nifnaff~, _v. n._ To trifle, to speak or act in a silly way, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ NIGHT, _v. n._ To lodge during night. Isl. _natt-a_, pernoctare. _Spalding._ NIGNAYES, NIGNYES, _s. pl._ 1. Gim-cracks, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Whims, peculiarities of temper or conduct, S. _Cleland._ NYKIS, _3. p. pres. v._ _Gawan and Gol._ Perhaps allied to Su. G. _nek-a_, to deny. NILD, L. _could_. _Maitland Poems._ NYMNES, _s._ Neatness. _Burel._ _To_ NIP, NIP _up_, or _awa_, _v. a._ To carry off cleverly by theft, S. _Ross._ Isl. _knippe_, raptim moto. ~Nip~, ~Nimp~, _s._ A small bit of anything, S. Su. G. _nypa_, id. ~Nip~, _s._ A bite, a term used in fishing, S. ~Nipcaik~, _s._ One who eats delicate food clandestinely, S. _Dunbar._ ~Nippit~, _adj._ 1. Niggardly, S. Su. G. _napp_, Isl. _hnepp-er_, arctus. 2. Scanty in any respect, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Niplug~, _s._ _To be at niplug_, to quarrel, S. NIPSHOT, _s._ _To play nipshot_, to give the slip. _Baillie._ Perhaps, q. to _nip_ one's _shot_. V. ~Shot~. NIRL, _s._ 1. A crumb, S. 2. A small knot, S. B. 3. A puny dwarfish person, S. B. Teut. _knorre_, tuber, E. _knurle_. ~Nirled~, _adj._ Stunted; applied to trees, Loth. NIRLES, _s. pl._ A species of measles, S. which has no appropriate name in E. _Montgomerie._ NISBIT, _s._ The iron that passes across the nose of a horse, and joins the _branks_ together, Ang. From _neis_, nose, and _bit_. _To_ NYTE, _v. n._ To deny. _Douglas._ Isl. _neit-a_, Dan. _naegt-er_, id. _To_ NYTE, _v. a._ To strike smartly. V. ~Knoit~. NITHER, NIDDER, _adj._ Nether, S. Isl. _nedre_, id. _Ruddiman._ _To_ NITHER, _v. a._ V. ~Nidder~. NITTIE, NEETIE, _adj._ Niggardly, covetous, S. Su. G. _gnetig_, Mod. Sax. _netig_, id. _To_ NYVIN, _v. a._ To name. V. ~Neven~. NYUM, Houlate. L. _nyvin_, name. NIVLOCK, _s._ A bit of wood, round which the end of a hair-tether is fastened, S. B. From _nieve_, Su. G. _naefwe_, the fist, and _lycka_, a knot. NIVVIL, _s._ V. ~Neive~. NIXT HAND, _prep._ Nighest to. _Doug._ NIZ, _s._ The nose, Ang. V. ~Neis~. NIZZELIN, _part. adj._ 1. Niggardly, S. B. 2. Spending much time about a trifling matter, from an avaricious disposition, S. B. Su. G. _nidsk_, _nisk_, covetous. NOB, _s._ A knob. _Houlate._ NOBLAY, _s._ 1. Nobleness, faithfulness. _Barbour._ 2. Courage, intrepidity. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _noblois_, nobilitas. NOBLES, _s._ The armed bullhead, Loth. NOCHT, _adv._ Not. _Barbour._ A. S. _naht_, _noht_, nihil. ~Nocht for thi~, _conj._ Nevertheless. _Barbour._ NOCK, NOK, NOKK, _s._ 1. The notch of a bow or arrow. _Douglas._ 2. The extremity of the sailyard. _Doug._ 3. The notch of a spindle, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ _Bannatyne Poems._ Teut. _nocke_, crena, incisura. ~Nockit~, ~Nokkit~, _part. adj._ Notched. _Doug._ NOCKIT, NOKKIT, _s._ A luncheon, S. Aust. _To_ NODGE, _v. a._ To strike with the knuckles, S. B. V. ~Gnidge~ and ~Knuse~. _To_ NOY, _v. a._ To annoy. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _noy-en_, _noey-en_, id. ~Noyit~, _part. pa._ 1. Vexed, S. 2. Wrathful, S. B. ~Noy~, _s._ Annoyance. _Barbour._ ~Noyis~, _s._ Annoyance. _Wyntown._ ~Noyous~, _adj._ Noisome. _Houlate._ NOYRIS, NORYSS, NURICE, _s._ Nurse, S. _noorise_. _Wallace._ Norm. Sax. _norice_, Fr. _nourisse_, id. _To_ NOIT, NYTE, _v. a._ To strike smartly, S. V. ~Knoit~. NOK, _s._ A notch. V. ~Nock~. NOLD, would not. _Douglas._ A. S. _nolde_, noluit. NOLDER, _conj._ V. ~Nouther~. _To_ NOLL, NULL, _v. a._ To press, beat or strike with the knuckles, S. B. Alem. _knouel_, a knuckle. ~Noll~, _s._ A strong push or blow with the knuckles, S. B. V. ~Neive~, ~Nevell~. ~Noll~, _s._ A large piece of any thing, S. B. Su. G. _knoel_, tuber, a bump. NOLT, NOWT, _s._ 1. Black cattle. 2. A stupid fellow, S. _Surv. Moray._ Isl. _naut_, Sw. _noet_, an ox. ~Nolthird~, _s._ A neatherd, S. _Douglas._ NOME, _pret._ Taken. _Wallace._ A. S. _nim-an_, to take; part. _nom._ NONE, _s._ 1. Noon. _Barbour._ A. S. _non_, Fr. _none_, id. 2. Dinner. _Diallog._ NON-FIANCE, _s._ Want of confidence. _Baillie._ Fr. _non_, neg. and _fiance_, confidence. NON-SOUNT, _s._ A base coin. _Knox._ Fr. _Messieurs de non sont_, men who are imperfect in a physical sense. NOR, _conj._ Than, S. _Dunbar._ NORIE, _s._ The Puffin, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ NORIES, _s. pl._ Whims, Perths. Sw. _narr-as_, illudere. NORYSS, _s._ Nurse. V. ~Noyris~. NORLAN, NORLIN, NORLAND, _adj._ Belonging to the North country, S. B. _Percy._ Isl. _nordlingr_, Dan. _nordlaend-r_, id. ~Norlins~, _adv._ Northward, S. B. _Ross._ NORLICK, KNURLICK, _s._ A tumor occasioned by a blow, S. A. E. _knurl_, a knot. _Journal Lond._ NORTHIN, NORTHYN, _adj._ Northerly. _Complaynt S._ NOSEWISS, _adj._ 1. Having an acute smell, S. 2. Metaph. denoting one, who either is, or pretends to be, quick of perception. _Bp. Galloway._ Germ. _naseweis_, self-witted, critical. NOST, _s._ Noise; speculation about any subject, S. B. Su. G. _knyst-a_, mussitare; Isl. _hnist-a_, stridere. NOT, know not. V. ~Nat~. _Douglas._ _To_ NOTE, _v. a._ 1. To use, S. B. _Doug._ A. S. _not-ian_. Isl. _niot-a_, id. 2. To use as sustenance, S. B. Teut. _nutt-en_, uti; vesci; Isl. _nautin_, eating, _neitte_, vescor. 3. To need, Ang. Mearns. _Ruddiman._ ~Note~, ~Nott~, _s._ 1. Use. _Douglas._ 2. Occasion for, S. B. Alem. _not_, Su. G. _noed_, id. NOTELESS, _adj._ Unnoticed, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ NOTOUR, NOTTOUR, _adj._ 1. Notorious, S. Fr. _notoire_. _Pardovan._ 2. Avowedly persisted in, notwithstanding all warnings, S. _Erskine._ NOURISKAP, _s._ 1. The place of a nurse, S. 2. The fee given to a nurse, S. From A. S. _norice_, a nurse, and _scipe_. Su. G. _skap_, denoting state. NOUT, _s._ Black cattle. V. ~Nolt~. NOUTHER, NOWTHIR, NOLDER, _conj._ Neither, S. _Douglas._ NOUVELLES, NOUELLES, _s. pl._ News, S. _Complaynt S._ NOW, _s._ The crown of the head. A. S. _hnol_, vertex. _Polwart._ NUB BERRY, _s._ The Knoutberry. _Stat. Acc._ NUCE, NESS, _s._ Destitute, Aberd. _Ib._ Su. G. _noed_, necessity, _nisk_, parsimonious. NUCKLE, _adj._ Applied to a cow which has had one calf, and will calve soon again. V. ~Newcal~. NULE-KNEED, _adj._ Knock-kneed, S. perhaps q. _knuckle-kneed_. V. ~Noll~. NUMMYN, _part. pa._ 1. Taken. _Doug._ 2. Reached, attained. V. ~Nome~. NUNREIS, _s._ A nunnery. _Bellenden._ NURIS, _s._ A nurse. V. ~Noyris~. _To_ NUSE, _v. a._ To knead. V. ~Knuse~. O O, _art._ One, for _a_. _Sir Tristrem._ O, _s._ Grandson. V. ~Oe~. OAM, _s._ Steam, vapour. Su. G. _em_, _im_, vapour. OAT-FOWL, _s._ The name of a small bird, Orkn. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ OBFUSQUE, _v. a._ To darken, Fr. OBIT, _s._ A particular length of slate, Ang. _To_ OBLEIS, OBLYSE, _v. a._ To bind, to oblige. _Oblist_, part. pa. stipulated. _Douglas._ OBLIUE, _s._ Oblivion. _Douglas._ OBSERVE, _s._ A remark, S. _Wodrow._ OCHIERN, _s._ One equal in dignity with the son of a Thane. _Reg. Maj._ Gael. _oge-thierna_, the young lord. OCKER, OCCRE, OKER, _s._ 1. Usury. 2. Interest, even when legal. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Su. G. _ockr_, _okr_, increase, usury; Teut. _oecker_. ~Ockerer~, _s._ An usurer. _Reg. Maj._ Sw. _ockrare_, id. OCTIANE, _adj._ Belonging to the ocean. _Douglas._ ODAL LANDS. V. ~Udal~. ODIN. _Promise of Odin_, a promise of marriage, or particular sort of contract, accounted very sacred by some of the inhabitants of Orkney, the contracting parties joining hands through an orifice in the _Black Stone of Odin_. _Trans. S. Antiq. S._ ODOURE, _s._ Nastiness. _Douglas._ OE, O, ~Oye~, _s._ A grandson, S. _Wallace._ Gael. _ogha_, id. Ir. _ua_, id. O'ERBLADED, _part. pa._ Hard driven in pursuit. V. ~Blad~. _Watson._ O'ERCOME, _s._ The overplus, S. _Ramsay._ O'ERWORD, _s._ Any term frequently repeated, S. OFFSET, _s._ A recommendation, S. _Ramsay._ OFTSYIS, _adv._ Often. OGART, _s._ Pride, arrogance. _Wallace._ Sw. _hogfard_, Alem. _hohfart_, pride. OGERTFUL, OGERTFOW, UGERTFOW, _adj._ 1. Nice, squeamish, S. B. _Journal Lond._ 2. Affecting delicacy of taste, S. B. _Beattie._ A. S. _oga_, Isl. _uggir_, fear, horror. OHON, _interj._ Alas, S. Gael. OYE, _s._ Grandson. V. ~Oe~. OIL ~of~ HAZEL, a sound drubbing, S. OYL-DOLIE, _s._ Oil of olives. Fr. _huile d'olive_. _Chron. S. P._ _To_ OYNT, OYHNT, _v. a._ To anoint. _Wyntown._ OYSE, OYCE, _s._ Inlet of the sea. _Brand._ Isl. _oes_, Su. G. _os_, ostium fluminis. _To_ OYSS, _v. a._ To use. _Wallace._ ~Oyss~, ~Oys~, _s._ 1. Custom. _Wyntown._ 2. Manner of life. _Wallace._ OIST, _s._ Army, Fr. _ost_. _Douglas._ OIST, _s._ A sacrifice, Lat. _host-ia_. _Doug._ OLDER, _conj._ Either. V. ~Othir~. _Crosraguel._ OLY, OLY-PRANCE, _s._ Jollity. _Peblis Play._ OLYE, OYHLÉ, OULIE, ULYE, _s._ Oil; S. B. _ulie_. _Douglas._ Belg. _olie_, Fr. _huile_, id. OLIGHT, OLITE, _adj._ Nimble, active, S. B. _Kelly._ Su. G. _oflaett_, too light; fleet. OLIPHANT, _s._ An elephant. _K. Quair._ Teut. _olefant_, O. Fr. _oliphant_, id. OMAST, _adj._ Uppermost. V. ~Umast~. _Wallace._ OMNE-GATHERUM, _s._ A miscellaneous collection, a medley, S. _Leg. St Androis._ ON, in composition, a negative particle, S. B. Germ. _ohn_, id. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ONANE, ON-ANE, ONON, _adv._ 1. One in addition. _Douglas._ 2. Forthwith. _Barbour._ A. S. _on-an_, in unum, continuo. ON-BEAST, UNBEIST, VNBEASTE, _s._ 1. A monster. _Sir Eglamour._ 2. Any wild or ravenous creature, S. B. _Z. Boyd._ 3. The toothach, S. B. 4. A noxious member of human society, Ang. ON BREDE, _adv._ 1. Wide open. _Douglas._ 2. Extensively. _Douglas._ A. S. _on_, in, and _braed_, latitudo. ONCOME, _s._ A fall of rain or snow, S. ONCOST, _s._ 1. Expence before profit, Loth. 2. Extra expence, Fife. ONDANTIT, _part. pa._ Untamed. _Complaynt S._ ONDING, _s._ A fall of rain or snow, but especially of the latter, S. B. V. ~Ding on~. ONEITH, _adj._ Uneasy. V. ~Uneith~. ONESCHEWABIL, _adj._ Unavoidable. _Douglas._ ONFALL, _s._ A fall of rain or snow, S. ONFALL, _s._ A disease which attacks without any apparent cause. Germ. _unfall_, casus extraordinarius, sed fatalis. ONFEIRIE, _adj._ Infirm. V. ~Unfery~. ONGOINGS, _s. pl._ Procedure, S. _ongains_, S. B. ONY, _adj._ Any, S. _Wyntown._ ONKEND, _part. adj._ Not known. _Knox._ ONMAUEN, _part. adj._ Unmown. _Complaynt S._ ONSTEAD, _s._ The building on a farm, S. A. _Pennecuik._ A. S. _on_, and _sted_, locus. _To_ ONTER, _v. n._ To rear, used of horses. _Pitscottie._ ON-WAITER, _s._ One who waits patiently. _Rutherford._ ONWAITING, _s._ 1. Attendance, S. _Wodrow._ 2. Patient expectation of what is delayed. _Rutherford._ _To_ ONTRAY, _v. a._ To betray. _Sir Gawan._ _On_ and Fr. _trah-ir_, to betray. ONWALOWYD, _part. pa._ Unfaded. _Wyntown._ OO, _s._ Wool, S. _Aw ae oo_, S. all to the same purpose. OON, UNE, _s._ An oven, S. _Gordon._ Moes. G. _auhn_, S. G. _ugn_, id. OON EGG, _s._ An addle egg, S. O. Sw. _wind-egg_, id. _Mary Stewart._ _To_ OOP, OUP, WUP, _v. a._ To bind with a thread or cord, S. _Gl. Sibb._ Moes. G. _waib-jan_, Su. G. _wef-wa_, to surround. OORIE, OURIE, OWRIE, _adj._ 1. Chill, bleak, S. 2. Having the sensation of cold, S. _Ourlach_, id. Buchan. _Burns._ 3. Having the hair on end, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ Isl. _ur_ rain, Su. G. stormy weather. ~Ooriness~, _s._ Tendency to shivering, S. OPINIOUN, _s._ Party, faction. _Bellend._ L. B. _opinio_, id. _To_ OPPONE, _v. a._ To oppose, Lat. _oppon-ere_. _Knox._ _To_ OPTENE, _v. a._ To obtain. _Douglas._ OR, _adv._ 1. Before, ere, S. _Barbour._ _Or thys_, before this time. _Douglas._ _Or than_, before that time. _Id._ 2. Rather than, S. _Barbour._ The same with _ar_, before. OR, _conj._ 1. Lest. _Wallace._ 2. Than. _Douglas._ ORAGIUS, _adj._ Tempestuous. _Burel._ Fr. _orageux_, id. ORATOUR, _s._ Ambassador. _Bellend._ ORATOURE, ORATORY, _s._ An oracle. _Douglas._ ORCHLE, _s._ A porch, Mearns. Germ. _erker_, projectura aedificii. ORD, _s._ A steep hill or mountain. Gael. _ard_, a hill; Isl. _urd_, montes impervii. ORE, _s._ Grace, favour. _Sir Tristrem._ Isl. _oor_, _aur_, largus, munificus; _aur oc blidr_, largus et affabilis, Verel. ORERE, OURERE, _interj._ Avaunt. Fr. _arriere_, aloof. _Houlate._ ORETOWTING, _part. pr._ Muttering. Teut. _oor-tuyt-en_, susurrare. _Burel._ ORFEVERIE, ORPHRAY, _s._ Work in gold, Fr. _K. Quair._ ORISON, _s._ An oration. _Bellend._ Fr. _oraison_, id. ORLEGE, ORLAGER, ORLIGER, _s._ 1. A clock, a dial. Fr. _horloge_, Lat. _horolog-ium_, id. 2. Metaph. applied to the cock. _Doug._ 3. Denoting strict adherence to the rules of an art. _Douglas._ 4. The dial-plate of a church or town-clock. S. ORLANG, _s._ A complete year, Ang. Su. G. _aar_, _or_, annus, and _lange_, diu. ORNTREN, _s._ The repast taken between dinner and supper, Galloway. A. S. _ondern_, breakfast; also dinner. _To_ ORP, _v. n._ To fret, or chide habitually, S. _Ramsay._ ~Orpit~, _part. adj._ 1. Proud. _Douglas._ 2. Fretful, habitually chiding, S. _Bp. Galloway._ ORPHANY, _s._ Painters gold. Fr. _oripeau_, id. _Pal. of Hon._ ORPHELING, _s._ An orphan. Fr. _orphelin_, id. _Knox._ ORPHIR, _s._ Embroidery. Fr. _orfrais_, id. _Burel._ ORPIE, ORPIE-LEAF, _s._ Orpine, S. ORROW, ORA, _adj._ 1. Not matched, S. 2. What may be viewed as an overplus, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Not appropriated. _Shirrefs._ 4. Not engaged, S. 5. Occasional, accidental, S. Su. G. _urwal_, rejectanea; _urfiall_, lacinia agri separata. ~Orrows~, _s. pl._ Things that are supernumerary, S.; _orels_, Ang. Perh. q. _over alls_. _To_ ORT, _v. a._ 1. To throw aside provender, S. 2. To crumble, S. B. 3. Denoting rejection in whatever sense, S. O. Ir. _orda_, a fragment. OSAN, _s._ Hosannah. _Poems 16th Cent._ OSNABURGHS, _s. pl._ Coarse linen cloth manufactured in Angus, from its resemblance to that made at _Osnaburgh_ in Germany, S. _Stat. Acc._ OSZIL, OSILL, _s._ The ring-ousel, S. A. A. S. _osle_, the blackbird. _Compl. S._ OSTYNG, _s._ Encampment. _Wallace._ OSTLEIR, OSTLER, _s._ An innkeeper. V. ~Hostillare~. _Dunbar._ OSTRYE, OSTRÉ, _s._ An inn. _Wallace._ Ital. _hostaria_, Fr. _hostelerie_, id. OTHEM UPOTHEM, cold flummery, used instead of milk, with boiled flummery, Aberd.; q. _of them_, as well as _upon them_. OTHIR, OTHIRE, ODYR, _adj._ 1. Other. _Wyntown._ 2. The second, also _tothir_. _Wyntown._ 3. Each other, S. _Wyntown._ OTHIR, OWTHYR, _conj._ Either, S. Isl. _audr_, Germ. _oder_, id. _Bellend._ ~Othir~, _adv._ Besides. _Douglas._ ~Othirane~, _conj._ Either, _etherane_, _etherins_, S. _Wallace._ OTTER-PIKE, _s._ The common weever. _Sibbald._ OUER, OUIR, OVIR, _adj._ 1. Upper, _uvir_, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. Superior, as to power. The _uvir hand_, the upper hand, S. B. Su. G. _oefwerhand_, id. _Wyntown._ ~Ouerance~, _s._ Superiority. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ OUER, _prep._ Over. V. ~Our~. OUER ANE, _adv._ In common. _Al ouer ane_, all together. _Douglas._ _To_ OVERBY, _v. a._ To procure indemnity from justice by money. _Priests Peblis._ _To_ OURFLETE, _v. n._ To overflow. Teut. _over-fleit-en_, superfluere. _Doug._ OUERFRETT, _part. pa._ Embroidered. A. S. _fraet-wan_, ornare. _Douglas._ OUERHEDE, _adv._ Without distinction, S. _ourhead_, in the gross. _Douglas._ Su. G. _oefwer hufud_, id. _To_ OUERHEILD, _v. a._ To cover over. V. ~Heild~. _Douglas._ _To_ OUERHIP, _v. a._ To skip over. V. ~Hip~, _v._ _Douglas._ OVERLY, _adj._ Careless, superficial, S. A. S. _overlice_, negligenter. OUERLYAR, _s._ One who oppresses others, by taking free quarters. _Acts Ja. II._ OUERLOFT, _s._ The upper-deck of a ship. _Douglas._ OUERMEST, _adj._ The highest. _Doug._ OVER-RAGGIT, _part. pa._ Overhaled. _Priests Peblis._ Dan. _over_ and _rag-er_, to stir. OUER-RAUCHT, _pret._ Overtook. _Douglas._ _To_ OUER-REIK, _v. a._ To reach over. _Douglas._ _To_ OUERSET, _v. a._ 1. To overcome. _Douglas._ 2. To overpower, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _ofer-swith-an_, praevalere. _To_ OUERSYLE. V. ~Oursyle~. OVERSMAN, OUREMAN, _s._ 1. A supreme ruler. _Wyntown._ 2. An arbiter. _Wallace._ 3. A third arbiter, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Teut. _over-man_, a praefect. OUERSWAK, _s._ The reflux of the waves. V. ~Swak~. _Douglas._ OUER THWERT. V. ~Ourthort~. OUER-VOLUIT, _part. pa._ Laid aside. _Douglas._ OUGHTLINS, _adv._ In the least degree, S. _Ramsay._ OUGSUM, _adj._ Horrible. V. ~Ugsum~. OULIE, _s._ Oil. V. ~Olye~. OULK, OWLK, _s._ A week; S. B. _ouk_. A. S. _uca_, _wuca_, id. _Bellenden._ OULTRAIGE, _s._ An outrage. O. Fr. _oultrage_, id. _Complaynt S._ OUR, OURE, OUER, OWRE, _prep._ 1. Over, beyond, &c., S. _Barbour._ 2. Denoting excess, S. Sometimes used as a _s._ OURBELD, _part. pa._ Covered over. V. ~Beld~. _Houlate._ _To_ OURCOME, _v. n._ To recover, S. _Dunbar._ OURCOME, O'ERCOME, _s._ Overplus, S. _Ramsay._ OURE-MAN, _s._ V. ~Ouersman~. _To_ OURGAE, OURGANG, _v. a._ 1. To overrun, S. 2. To exceed, to surpass, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To master, S. _Many._ 4. _v. n._ To elapse. _The ourgane year_, the past year, S. A. S. _ofer-gan_, excedere. _To_ OURHARL, _v. a._ To overcome. _Maitland Poems._ _To_ OURHYE, _v. a._ To overtake. _Wallace._ A. S. _ofer_ and _hig-an_, to make haste. OURIE, _adj._ Chill. V. ~Oorie~. OURLAY, OWRELAY, _s._ A cravat, S. _Ramsay._ OURLORD, OURE-LARD, _s._ A superior. _Wallace._ OURLOUP, OURLOP, _s._ An occasional trespass of cattle. _L. Hailes._ A. S. _ofer-leop-an_, transire. OURNOWNE, _s._ Afternoon. _Wallace._ A. S. _ofer non_, id. OUR QUHARE, _adv._ V. ~Quhare~. OURRAD. L. _Our rad_. Too hasty. _Wallace._ A. S. _ofer_, nimis, and _hraed_, celer. OUR-RYCHT, OURYCHT, _adv._ Awry. _Dunbar._ Q. _beyond_ what is _right_, Fland. _over-recht_, praeter rectum. _To_ OURRID, _v. a._ To traverse. _Barbour._ A. S. _ofer-ryd-an_, equo aut curru transire. _To_ OURSYLE, OUERSYLE, OVERSILE, _v. a._ 1. To cover, to conceal. V. ~Sile~. _Hudson._ 2. Also rendered, to beguile. OURTANE, _part. pa._ 1. Overtaken, S. 2. Overtaken by justice, brought to trial. _Barbour._ OURTHORT, OUERTHWERT, OUERTHORTOURE, _prep._ Athwart; _athort_, S. _ourter_, Dumfr. _Wallace._ Sw. _twert oefwer_, id. inverted. OURTILL, _prep._ Above, beyond. _Dunbar._ _To_ OUR-TYRVE, OWR-TYRWE, _v. a._ To turn upside down. _Wyntown._ Isl. _tyrv-a_, to overwhelm. _To_ OURWEILL, _v. a._ To exceed. _Evergreen._ A. S. _ofer-well-an_, superfluere. OURWORD, OWERWORD, _s._ 1. Any word frequently repeated, S. _Burns._ 2. The burden of a song. _Dunbar._ OUSEN, OWSEN, _pl._ Oxen, S. _Burns._ Moes. G. _auhsne_, id. _auhs_, bos. ~Ousen milk~, _sowens_, or flummery not boiled; used instead of milk, Dumfr. OUT, OWT, _adv._ Completely. _Wyntown._ _To_ OUT, _v. a._ To expend; or, to find vent for. _Rutherford._ ~Outing~, _s._ A vent for commodities. _Id._ _To_ OUT, _v. n._ To issue. _Barbour._ OUT-ABOUT, _adv._ Out of doors, S. _Ross._ OUT-BY, _adv._ 1. Abroad, without, S. 2. Out from, at some distance, S. _Ross._ A. S. _ut_, ex, extra, and _by_, juxta. _To_ OUT-BRADE, _v. a._ To draw out. _To_ ~Outbrade~, _v. n._ To start out. V. ~Brade~. OUTBREAKING, _s._ 1. Eruption on the skin, S. 2. An open transgression of the law of God, S. _Rutherford._ _To_ OUTBULLER, _v. n._ To gush out with a gurgling noise, S. _Douglas._ OUTCAST, _s._ A quarrel, S. _Rutherford._ OUTCOME, OUTCUM, _s._ 1. Egress. _Barbour._ 2. Termination, S. _R. Galloway._ 3. Increase, product, S. Belg. _uytkomen_, to come out. 4. That season in which the day begins to lengthen. _Watson._ OUTFALL, _s._ A contention, S. _Pennant._ Sw. _utfall_, a hostile excursion. OUTFIELD, _adj._ and _s._ Arable land, which is not manured, but constantly cropped. _Statist. Acc._ OUTFORNE, _pret. v._ Caused to come forth. _Montgomerie._ A. S. _utfore_, egressus est. OUTGAIT, OUTGATE, _s._ 1. A way for egress. _Douglas._ 2. Escape from hardship of any kind. _R. Bruce._ OUTGANE, _part. pa._ Elapsed, S. _Acts Ja. I._ OUT-HAUAR, _s._ One who carries or exports goods from a country. _Acts Ja. I._ OUTHIR, _conj._ Either. V. ~Othir~. OUTHORNE, _s._ 1. The horn blown for summoning the lieges to attend the king in _feir of were_. _Acts Ja. II._ 2. The horn blown to summon the lieges to assist in pursuing a fugitive. _Acts Ja. I._ 3. The horn of a sentinel. _Maitland P._ OUTHOUSE, _s._ An office-house, S. Sw. _uthus_, id. OUTLAY, _s._ Expenditure, S. _Stat. Acc._ Sw. _utlagg-a_, to expend. OUTLAK, _prep._ Except. _K. Hart._ _Out_ and _lack_, to want. OUT-LAIK, OUT-LACK, _s._ The superabundant quantity in weight or measure. _Gl. Sibb._ OUTLER, _adj._ Not housed, S. _Burns._ ~Outler~, _s._ A beast that lies without, S. _Gl. Sibb._ OUTLY, _s._ Applied to money which _lies out_ of the hands of the owner, S. OUTLY, _adv._ Fully, S. B. _Ross._ OUTLYER, OUTLAIR, _s._ A stone not taken from a quarry, but _lying out_ in the field, S. OUT-THE-GAIT, _adj._ Honest; q. one who keeps the straight road, S. OUT-OUR, OUT-OWRE, _adv._ 1. Over, S. _Barbour._ 2. Out from any place, S. OUTOUTH, _prep._ V. ~Outwith~. OUTQUENT, _part. pa._ Extinguished. V. ~Quent~. _Douglas._ OUT-RAKE, _s._ 1. Expedition. V. ~Raik~. 2. An extensive walk for sheep or cattle, S. _Gl. Sibb._ OUTRANCE, _s._ Extremity. _Maitland P._ Fr. _oultrance_, id. _To_ OUT-RED, _v. a._ 1. To extricate, S. 2. To finish any business, S. B. 3. To clear off debt. _Mellvill's MS._ Isl. _utrett-a_, perficere negotium. ~Outred~, _s._ 1. Rubbish, S. 2. Clearance, finishing, S. B. _Ross._ OUTREYNG, _s._ Extremity. _Barbour._ Fr. _outrer_, to carry things to extremity. OUTSCHETT, _part. pa._ Excluded. _Palice Honour._ A. S. _ut_ out, and _scytt-an_, obserare. OUTSET, _s._ 1. Commencement, S. 2. The publication of a book, S. OUTSHOT, _s._ A projection, S. Sw. _utskiutande_, id. _skiut-a ut_, to project, Belg. _uytschiet-en_, id. OUTSIGHT, _s._ Goods, or utensils out of doors, S. _Erskine._ OUTSPECKLE, _s._ A laughing-stock. _Minstrelsy Border._ OUTSPOKEN, _adj._ Given to freedom of speech, S. OUTSTRIKING, _s._ An eruption, S. OUTSUCKEN, _s._ 1. The freedom of a tenant from bondage to a mill, S. _Erskine._ 2. Duties payable by those who are not _astricted_ to a mill, S. _Id._ ~Outsucken~, _adj._ Used in the same sense, S. V. ~Sucken~. _Id._ OUT TAK, OWTAKYN, OWTANE, _prep._ 1. Except. _Douglas._ _Tane_ or _taken out_. 2. Besides, in addition. _Barbour._ OUTTERIT, _pret._ Ran out of the course. Fr. _oultrer_, to run through. _Lyndsay._ OUTWAILE, OUTWYLE, _s._ Refuse, S. Isl. _utvel-ia_, eligere. _Henrysone._ _To_ OUTWAIR, _v. a._ To expend. V. ~Ware~. _Arbuthnot._ OUTWITH, OWTOUTH, WTOUTH, _prep._ 1. Without, on the outer side. _Bellenden._ 2. Outwards, out from. _Barbour._ 3. Separate from. _R. Bruce._ Sw. _utot_, outwards; A. S. _oth_, versus; frequently used in composition. ~Outwith~, _adv._ 1. Abroad, S. _Ross._ 2. Outwards. _Barbour._ OUZEL, OUSEL, _s._ The Sacrament of the Supper, Peebles. E. _housel_, A. S. _husl_, the sacrifice of the Mass; Isl. _husl_, oblatio. OWE, _prep._ Above. _Barbour._ A. S. _ufa_, Isl. _ofa_, supra. _To_ OWERWEIL, _v. a._ V. ~Ourweill~. OWKLY, _adj._ Weekly, S. V. ~Oulk~. _Macneill._ _To_ OWRE-HALE, _v. a._ To overlook. _Montgomerie._ Sw. _oejwerhael-ja_, to cover. OWRESKALIT, _part. pa._ Overspread. V. ~Skale~. _Dunbar._ OWREHIP, _s._ A blow with the hammer brought over the arm, S. O. _Burns._ OWRIE, _adj._ Chill. V. ~Oorie~. _To_ OWRN, _v. a._ To adorn. _Wyntown._ Fr. _orn-er_, id. OWT, _adj._ Exterior. _Wyntown._ A. S. _yte_, exterus. OWTH, _prep._ Above, over. _Wyntown._ OWTING, _s._ An expedition. _Barbour._ OXEE, OX-EYE, _s._ The Tit-mouse, S. _Complaynt S._ OXGATE, OXENGATE, _s._ An ox-gang of land. _Skene._ From _ox_ and _gate_, iter. OXPENNY, _s._ A tax in Shetl. _Stat. Acc._ OXTAR, OXTER, _s._ 1. The armpit, S. _Bellenden._ 2. Used in a looser sense for the arm, S. A. S. _oxtan_, Teut. _oxtel_, id. _Dunbar._ OZELLY, _adj._ Swarthy, resembling an _ousel_, Loth. P _To_ PAAK, _v. a._ To beat. V. ~Paik~. PAAL, _s._ A post, S. B. A. S. _pal_, Su. G. _paale_. PAB, _s._ The refuse of flax, Loth. _pob_, S. B. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ PACE, _s._ 1. The weight of a clock, S. 2. Used metaphorically. _Rutherford._ PACK, _adj._ Intimate, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _pack-a_, constringere. PACKALD, _s._ A pack. _Rutherford._ Belg. _pakkaadie_, luggage. PACKHOUSE, _s._ A warehouse for receiving goods, S. Teut. _packhuys_, id. PACKMAN, _s._ A pedlar, one who carries his _pack_, S. PACT, _s. To spend the pact_, to waste one's substance; _to perish the pact_, S. _Maitland Poems._ PADDLE, _s._ The Lump fish, Orkn. PADDOCK-HAIR, _s._ 1. The down that covers unfledged birds, S. 2. The down on the heads of children born without hair, S. Teut. _padden-hayr_, lanugo. PADDOCK-PIPES, _s. pl._ Marsh horse-tail, S. _Lightfoot._ PADDOCK-RUDE, _s._ The spawn of frogs, S. also _paddock-ride_. _Ramsay._ PADDOCK-STOOL, _s._ The Agaricus in general; especially the varieties of the Agaricus fimetarius, S. Teut. _padden-stoel_, fungus. PADE, _s._ 1. A toad. _Sir Gawan._ 2. Apparently a frog. _Wyntown._ A. S. _pade_, Germ. Belg. _padde_, id. PADELL, _s._ Expl. "a small leathern bag." _Bannatyne Poems._ Teut. _buydel_, bulga. PADYANE, PADGEAN, _s._ A pageant. _Dunbar._ PAFFLE, _s._ A small possession in land, Perths. Isl. _paufe_, angulus. _Stat. Acc._ ~Paffler~, _s._ One who occupies a small farm, Perths. _Statist. Acc._ PAGE, _s._ A boy. _Wyntown._ _To_ PAY, _v. a._ To satisfy. _Wallace._ Fr. _pay-er_, Teut. _pay-en_, id. ~Pay~, _s._ Satisfaction. _Priests Peblis._ ~Pay~, _s._ Drubbing, S. _pays_. _Barbour._ C. B. _puyo_, verbero. PAY. Perh. region. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _pais_, id. PAID, _s._ 1. A path, S. B. _Ross._ Alem. _paid_, via. 2. A steep ascent. V. ~Peth~. _To_ PAIK, _v. a._ To beat, to drub, S. _paak_, S. B. Germ. _pauk-en_, to beat. _Baillie._ ~Paik~, ~Paick~, _s._ A stroke; in pl. _paiks_, a drubbing, S. Isl. _pak_, Su. G. _paak_, fustis, baculus. ~Paikie~, _s._ A piece of doubled skin, used for defending the thighs from the _stroke_ of the _Flauchterspade_, by those who cast turfs or _divots_, Mearns. PAIK, _s._ A trick. _Leg. St Androis._ A. S. _paec-an_, decipere. PAIKER, _s. Calsay paiker_, a street-walker. _Lyndsay._ PAIKIE, _s._ A female street-walker, S. Isl. _piaeck-ur_, a vagabond; _troll-packa_, a witch. ~Paikit-like~, _adj._ Having the appearance of a trull, S. PAILES, Leslaei Hist. V. ~Pele~. PAILIN, PAILING, _s._ A fence made of stakes, S. Lat. _pal-us_, a stake. PAILYOWN, PALLIOUN, _s._ A pavilion. _Barbour._ Gael. Ir. _pailliun_, Fr. _pavillon_. PAYMENT, _s._ Drubbing, S. _Barbour._ PAINCHES, _s. pl._ Tripe, S. V. ~Penche~. _To_ PAYNE, PANE, _v. n._ To be at pains. _Wyntown._ Fr. _se pein-er_, to trouble one's self. PAYNE, _adj._ Pagan. Fr. _payen_. _Doug._ PAYNTIT. L. _paytent_, patent. _Bannatyne P._ PAIP, _s._ Thistledown? _Montgomerie._ Fr. _pappe_, id.; or q. _papingay_, q. v. PAIP, _s._ A cherry-stone picked clean, and used in a game of children, S. E. _pip_; Fr. _pepin_, the seed of fruit. _To_ PAIR, _v. a._ V. ~Pare~. PAIRTLES, _adj._ Free from. _Henrysone._ PAIS, _s. pl._ Retribution. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ PAIS, PASE, _v. a._ 1. To poise. _Douglas._ 2. To lift up. _Chr. Kirk._ Fr. _pes-er_, Ital. _pes-are_, to weigh. ~Paisses~, _s. pl._ The weights of a clock, S. V. ~Pace~. _Z. Boyd._ PAYS, PAS, PASE, PASCE, PASK, PASCH, _s._ Easter; pron. as _pace_, S. B. elsewhere as _peace_. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _pascha_, A. S. _pasche_, &c. id. ~Pascheewyn~, _s._ The evening preceding Easter. _Barbour._ ~Pays-eggs~, Eggs dyed of various colours, given to children to amuse themselves with at the time of Easter, S. Dan. _paaske-egg_, coloured eggs; Belg. _pasch-eyeren_, ova paschalia. ~Patsyad~, _s._ A contemptuous term for a female who has nothing new to appear in at Easter; originating from the custom which prevails among Episcopalians, of having a new dress for this festival, S. B. From _Pays_, and perh. _yad_, an old mare. PAITHMENT, _s._ The pastures. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _padou-ir_, L. B. _padu-ire_, to pasture; whence _padouen_ and _paduentum_, pasture. PAITLATTIS, _s. pl._ Uncertain. _Dunbar._ PALAD, _s._ V. ~Pallat~. PALAVER, _s._ Idle talk, S. Hisp. _palabra_, Fr. _palabre_, a word. _To_ ~Palaver~, _v. n._ To use a great many unnecessary words, S. _To_ PALE, _v. a._ To make an incision in a cheese, S. _Ramsay._ Flandr. _poel-en_, excavare. ~Pale~, _s._ The instrument used for trying the quality of a cheese, S. PALYARD, _s._ A lecher, a rascal. Fr. _paillard_, id. _Lyndsay._ ~Palyardry~, s. Whoredom. _Douglas._ PALL, PEAL, _s._ Any rich or fine cloth. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _pell_, textum pretiosum; O. Fr. _paile_, sericum. PALLACH, PALLACK, _s._ 1. A porpoise, S. _Sibbald._ 2. A lusty person, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ PALLALL, PALLALLS, _s._ A game of children, in which they hop on one foot through different triangular spaces chalked out, driving a bit of slate or broken crokery before them, S.; in E. _Scotch-hop_. PALLAT, PALAD, _s._ The crown of the head, S. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _palet_, sorte d'armure de tête; Roquef. PALLET, _s._ A ball. Fr. _pelotte_, id. _Burel._ PALLET, _s._ A sheep's skin not dressed, S. B. E. _pelt_, Su. G. _palt_, a garment. PALM-SONDAY, _s._ The sixth Sabbath in Lent, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _palm sunnan daeg_. PALM, PALME, _s._ The index of a clock or watch, S. _Z. Boyd._ Fr. _paulme_, or E. _palm_, used as _hand_, S. to denote the index of any time-piece. PALTRIE, _s._ Trash. V. ~Peltrie~. PALWERK, _s._ Spangled work. Fr. _paille_, id. _Sir Gawan._ PAMPHIL, _s._ 1. A square inclosure made with stakes, Aberd. V. ~Paffle~. 2. Any small house, ibid. _To_ PAN, _v. n._ To correspond, to tally, to unite; A. Bor. id. from _pan_, a cross-beam in the roof of a house, closing with the wall. _Maitland P._ PAN, _s._ A hard impenetrable crust below the soil, S.; _till_, _ratchel_, synon. _Statist. Acc._ Teut. _panne_, calva, q. the skull of the soil. PANASH, _s._ A plume worn in the hat. Fr. _panache_, id. _Colvil._ _To_ PANCE, PANSE, PENSE, _v. n._ To meditate. _Dunbar._ O. Fr. _pans-er_, id. PAND, _s._ A pledge, Belg. Synon. _wad_. _Douglas._ _To_ PANDER, _v. n._ Corr. from ~Pawmer~, _v._ Perths. PANDOOR, _s._ A large oyster, caught at the _doors_ of the _salt-pans_, S. _Statist. Acc._ PANE, _s._ Stuff, cloth. _Houlate._ A. S. _pan_, lacinia, pannus. PANE, _s._ Furr; Fr. _panne_, id. _Sir Tristrem._ _To_ PANE, _v. n._ V. ~Payne~. PANFRAY, _s._ A palfrey. _Burr. Lawes._ Fr. _palefroi_, id. _To_ PANG, _v. a._ 1. To throng, S. _Rams._ 2. To cram, in general, S. _Ferguson._ 3. To cram with food to satiety, S. _Ross._ Teut. _bangh-en_, premere. ~Pang~, _adj._ Crammed. _Evergreen._ PAN-KAIL, _s._ Broth made of coleworts hashed very small, thickened with a little oat-meal, S. PANNEL, _s._ One brought to the bar of a court for trial, S. _Erskine._ E. _panel_, a schedule, containing the names of a jury. PANS, _s. pl._ The timbers of a house, extending between the _couples_, parallel to the walls, S. Su. G. _tak-panna_, shingles; _paann_, scandula, a lath, a shingle. PANS, PANSE, covering for the knee. _Acts Ja. I._ PANST, _part. pa._ Cured. _Montgomerie._ Fr. _pans-er_, to apply medicines. PANTENER, _adj._ Rascally. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _pautonnier_, a lewd, stubborn, or saucy knave, Cotgr. PANTOUN, _s._ A slipper. _Dunbar._ PAP ~of the~ HASS, _s._ The uvula, S. PAPE, PAIP, _s._ The Pope. _Wyntown._ Fr. Germ. _pape_, Lat. _pap-a_, id. PAPEJAY, PAPINGAY, PAPINGOE, _s._ 1. A parrot. _King's Quair._ Belg. _papegaai_, Fr. _papegay_, id. 2. A wooden bird, resembling a parrot, at which archers shoot as a mark, West of S. 3. Applied to the amusement itself, ibid. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ PAPPLE, _v. n._ 1. To bubble up like water, S. B. V. ~Pople~. 2. To be in a state of violent perspiration, Lanerks. 3. Denoting the effect of heat on any fat substance toasted before the fire, Renfr. PAPPANT, _adj._ 1. Wealthy, Ang. 2. Extremely careful of one's health, Banffs. 3. Pettish from indulgence, S. B. PAR, _s._ The Samlet, S. _Smollet._ _To_ PAR, _v. n._ To fail. V. ~Pare~. _Wallace._ PARAGE, _s._ Lineage, Fr. _Douglas._ PARAGON, _s._ A rich cloth imported from Turkey. _Watson._ Fr. _parangon de Venise_, id. PARAMUDDLE, _s._ The red tripe of cattle, the atomasum, S. B. _To_ PARBREAK, _v. n._ To puke. V. ~Braik~, _v._ and ~Braking~. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ PARE, PAIR, PEYR, _v. a._ To impair. _Douglas._ Fr. _pire_, _pejeur_, worse; Lat. _pejor_. PAREGALE, PARIGAL, _adj._ Completely equal. _Douglas._ Fr. _par_, used as a superl. and _egal_, equal. _To_ PARIFY, _v. a._ To compare. Lat. _par_ and _fio_. _Wyntown._ _To_ PARIFY, _v. a._ To protect. _Wyntown._ PARITCH, PARRITCH, _s._ Porridge, hasty pudding, S. _Burns._ _To_ PARK, _v. n._ To perch. _Douglas._ Fr. _perch-er_, id. PARK, _s._ A wood; as, a _fir park_, S. A. S. _pearroc_, Su. G. _park_, an inclosure. PARK, _s._ A pole, a perch. _Douglas._ Fr. _perche_, id. PARLE, _s._ Speech, S. O. _Burns._ Fr. _parler_, id. PARLOUR, _s._ Discourse. _Pal. Hon._ Fr. _parleure_, id. PAROCHIN, _s._ Parish, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ Lat. _paroecia_, id. ~Parochiner~, _s._ A parishioner. _Acts Ja. VI._ PARPANE, PERPEN, _s._ A wall in general, or a partition. _Henrysone._ O. Fr. _parpaigne_, a stone which traverses the wall. PARROK, _s._ A small inclosure, Dumfr. A. S. _pearroc_, septum, clathrum. PARROT-COAL, _s._ A species of coal that burns very clearly. S. _Statist. Acc._ PARSEMENTIS, _s. pl._ Perh. for _partiments_, compartments. _Douglas._ PARSENERE, _s._ A partner. _Wyntown._ Fr. _parsonnier_, id. PARTAN, _s._ Common sea crab, S. Gael. _Complaynt S._ _To_ PARTY, _v. a._ To take part with. _Godscroft._ PARTY, _s._ Part, degree. _Barbour._ Fr. _partie_, id. PARTY, PARTIE, _s._ An opponent. Fr. _parti_, id. _Douglas._ PARTY, PARTIE, _adj._ Variegated. _Douglas._ PARTICATE, _s._ A rood of land. L. B. _particata_, id. _Statist. Acc._ PARTYMENT, _s._ Division. _Douglas._ Pr. _partiment_, a parting. PARTISMAN, _s._ A partaker. _Ruddiman._ PARTLES, _adj._ Having no part. _Wynt._ PARTRIK, PAIRTRICK, PERTREK, _s._ A partridge, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _perdrix_, id. PARURE, _s._ Ornament, Fr. _Wyntown._ PAS, PASE, _s._ Easter V. ~Pays~. PAS, _s._ 1. Division of a book. _Wyntown._ 2. A single passage. _Crosraguel._ L. B. _pass-us_, locus. _To_ PASE, _v. a._ To poise. V. ~Pais~. PASH, _s._ The head, a ludicrous term, S. _Watson._ PASMENTS, _s. pl._ 1. Strips of lace or silk sewed on clothes. 2. Now used to denote livery; pron. _pessments_, S. B. _Acts Ja. VI._ 3. External decorations of religion. _Rutherford._ Teut. Fr. _passement_, lace. _To_ ~Pasment~, _v. a._ To deck with lace. _Z. Boyd._ PASSINGEOURE, _s._ A passage boat. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _passageur_, L. B. _passagerius_, a ferryman. _To_ PASSIVERE, _v. a._ To exceed, W. Loth. PASTANCE, _s._ Pastime. _Pal. Hon._ Fr. _passetemps_, id. PASUOLAN, _s._ A small species of artillery; Fr. _passevolant_. _Complaynt S._ PAT, _pret._ of the _v._ ~Put~. _Burel._ PATH, _s._ V. ~Peth~. PATHIT, _part. pa._ Paved. _Douglas._ Teut. _pad_, semita, via trita. PATIENT ~of~ DEATH, _s._ A throe. Perhaps corr. from _passion_, suffering. _To_ PATIFIE, _v. a._ To manifest, Lat. _patefio_. _Bruce._ PATRELL, _s._ 1. Defence for the neck of a war-horse; Fr. _poitral_. _Douglas._ 2. The breast-leather of a horse, S. _Ruddiman._ PATRON, _s._ A pattern, Fr. _Wallace._ _To_ PATTER, _v. a._ To repeat in a muttering way without interruption, S. _Dunbar._ Arm. _pater-en_, to repeat the Lord's prayer. ~Patterar~, _s._ One who repeats prayers. _Douglas._ ~Pattering~, _s._ Vain repetition. _Lyndsay._ PATTLE, PETTLE, _s._ A stick with which the ploughman clears away the earth that adheres to the plough, S. E. _paddle_, C. B. _pattal_. _Burns._ _To_ PAUCE, _v. n._ To prance with rage, S. B. Fr. _pas_, E. _pace_. PAUCHTIE, _adj._ 1. Haughty, S. _Maitland Poems._ 2. Petulant, malapert, S. _Ramsay._ Belg. _pochg-en_, to vaunt. PAVEN, PAUUAN, _s._ A grave Spanish dance, in which the dancers turned round one after another, as peacocks do with their tails. _Lyndsay._ Fr. _pavane_, id., from _paon_, a peacock. PAVIE, PAW, _s._ 1. Lively motion of whatever kind, S. 2. The agile exertions of a rope-dancer. _Birrel._ 3. A fantastic air, S. _Cleland._ 4. Transferred to rage, S. Fr. _pas vif_, a quick step. PAUIS, PAVIS, _s._ 1. A large shield. L. B. _pavas-ium_, id. _Douglas._ 2. A testudo, used in sieges. _Douglas._ Fr. _pavois_, id. PAUK, _s._ Art, a wile, S. _Douglas._ ~Pauky~, ~Pawky~, _adj._ 1. Sly, artful, S. _Callander._ A. S. _paec-an_, decipere, mentiri; _paeca_, deceptor. 2. Wanton, applied to the eye, Ang. _To_ PAUT, _v. n._ To paw, S. _Cleland._ ~Paut~, _s._ A stroke on the ground with the foot. S. _Kelly._ Teut. _pad_, _patte_, the paw of a beast. PAW, _s._ Quick motion. V. ~Pavie~. PAWIS, _s. pl._ Parts in music. _Bannatyne Poems._ PAWN, _s._ A narrow curtain fixed to the roof, or to the lower part of a bed, S. Belg. _pand_, a lappit, a skirt. PAWN, PAWNE, PAWNIE, _s._ The peacock. _Maitland Poems._ Fr. _paon_, Lat. _pavo, onis_. PAWNS, _s. pl._ The same with ~Pans~, q. v. Ang. PAWMER, _s._ A palm tree; Fr. _palmier_. _Wallace._ PAWMER, _s._ One who goes from place to place, making a shabby appearance, S. From _Palmer_, a pilgrim. _To_ ~Pawmer~, _v. n._ To go from place to place in an idle way, S. PAWMIE, PANDIE, _s._ A stroke on the hand with the ferula, S. Fr. _paumée_, a stroke or blow with the hand; Cotgr. _To_ PEAK, PEEK, _v. n._ 1. To speak with a small voice, S. 2. To complain of poverty, S. Isl. _puk-ra_, susurrare; _puk-r_, mussitatio. PEAK, _s._ A triangular piece of linen, binding the hair below a child's cap or woman's _toy_, Ang. PEARIE, _s._ 1. A pegtop, S. as resembling a _pear_. 2. A _French pearie_, a humming-top, S. PEARLIN, PEARLING, _s._ A species of thread lace, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ PEAT-MOW, _s._ The dross of peats, S. B. _Journal Lond._ Su. G. _mo_, terra sabulosa. PEATSTANE, _s._ The corner stone at the top of the wall of a house, S. PECE, _s._ A vessel for holding liquids. Fr. _piece_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ PECH, PEACH, (gutt.) _v. n._ To puff, to pant, S. _Ramsay._ Sw. _pick-a_, Dan. _pikk-er_, to pant. ~Pech~, _s._ The act of breathing hard. _L. Scotland._ PECHAN, _s._ The stomach, Ayrs. _Burns._ PECHLE, _s._ (gutt.) A budget carried clandestinely, Loth. Su. G. _packa_, sarcina. Germ. _paeck-lin_, fasciculus. PEDDIR, PEDDER, _s._ A pedlar. _Douglas._ L. B. _pedar-ius_, nudis ambulans pedibus. _To_ PEEL, PEIL, _v. a._ To equal, to match, Loth, S. O. Teut. _peyl-en_, to measure. ~Peel~, ~Peil~, _s._ A match, Loth. S. O. _Hamilton._ PEEL, _s._ A pool, S. B. _Ross._ PEEL, _s._ A place of strength. V. ~Pele~. PEELIE, _adj._ Thin, meagre, S. Fr. _pelé_, q. peeled; or C. B. _pelaid_, weak, sickly. _To_ PEENGE, PINGE, _v. n._ 1. To complain, to whine, S. _Flemyng._ 2. To pretend poverty, S. Teut. _pynigh-en_, affligere. _To_ PEEP, _v. n._ To pule. V. ~Pepe~, _s._ _To_ PEER, _v. a._ To equal, S. _Burns._ Fr. _pair_, a match. PEERIE, _adj._ Small, Ork. Shetl. Fife, E. Loth. ~Peeriewirrie~, _adj._ Very small, Orkn. PEESWEIP, PEEWEIP, _s._ A lapwing, S. _Statist. Acc._ From the sound; or allied to Sw. _wipa_, id. _To_ PEG _off_, or _away_, _v. n._ To go off quickly, Loth. Dumfr. PEG, _s._ A stroke, Loth. Dumfr. Isl. _piack-a_, frequenter pungo. PEGIL, _s._ The dirty work of a house, Ang. Isl. _pijke_, puella. PEGRALL, PYGRALL, _s._ Paltry. _Lyndsay._ PEIL, _s._ A place of strength. V. ~Pele~. _To_ PEILE, PELE, _v. a. To packe or peile fish_. _Acts Ja. V._ Either to _pile_, or to pair. V. ~Peel~. PEILD, _adj._ Bald. Fr. _pelé_, id. _Gl. Sibb._ PEILOUR, _s._ A thief. V. ~Pelour~. _To_ PEYNE, _v. a._ To forge. V. ~Pene~. _To_ PEYR, _v. a._ To impair. V. ~Pare~. PEIRS, _adj._ Sky-coloured. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _pers_, _perse_, caesius, glaucus. _To_ PEIS, PEISS, PESE, _v. a._ To silence. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _faire pais_, faire silence; from Lat. _pax_; Roquefort. PEYSIE-WHIN, _s._ The E. Greenstone, Ang., _peasie-whin_, Loth.; from the resemblance of the spots in it to _pease_. PELE, PEYLL, PEILL, PEEL, PAILE, _s._ A place of strength, a fortification, properly of earth. _Barbour._ L. B. _pela_, _pelum_, id.; A. S. _pil_, moles, acervus. PELL, _s._ A lazy, lumpish person, S. B. Teut. _pelle_, a husk. PELLACK, PELLOCK, _s._ A porpoise. Gael. _pelog_, id. _Brand._ PELLOCK, _s._ A bullet. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _pelote_; C. B. _pel_, id. PELLOTIS, _s. pl._ _Leg. St Androis._ O. Fr. _pelete_, petite peau; Roquef. PELLOUR, PEILOUR, _s._ A thief. _Dunbar._ _Pillour_, O. E. Fr. _pilleur_, a ravager. PELT, _s._ A term of reproach; _Foul pelt_, q. foul _skin_. _Watson._ PELTIN-POCK, _s._ A _pock_ or bag for guarding the thighs from the _stroke_ given by the _flauchter-spade_, Ang. PELTRY, PALTRIE, _s._ Vile trash, S. _Godly Sangs._ Su. G. _paltor_, old rags, Teut. _palt_, a fragment; or _pelt_, a skin. PELURE, PILLOUR, _s._ Costly fur. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _pelure_, peau; Roquef. PENCH, PENCHE, _s._ 1. Belly. _Semple._ 2. _Penches_, pl. the common name for tripe, S. PEND, _s._ 1. An arch, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. The arch of heaven. _Chron. S. P._ Lat. _pend-ere_; Fr. _pend-re_. PENDE, _s._ A pendant. _Douglas._ PENDICE _of a buckle_, that which receives the one latchet, before the shoe be straitened by means of the other, S. ~Pendle~, _s._ The same. _Ruddiman._ Fr. _pendille_, that which hangs. PENDICLE, _s._ A pendant. _Baillie._ L. B. _pendiclum_, id. PENDICLE, _s._ 1. A small piece of ground, S. _Stat. Acc._ 2. A church dependant on another. L. B. _pendicularis_, capella. _Stat. Acc._ ~Pendicler~, _s._ An inferior tenant, S. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ PENE, PEYNE, POYNE, PYNE, _v. a._ To forge. _Douglas._ Su. G. _paen-a_, to extend, Isl. id. to strike with a hammer. PENHEAD, _s._ The upper part of a _mill-lead_, where the water is carried off from the dam to the mill, S. _Law Case._ A. S. _penn-an_, includere. PENKLE, _s._ A rag or fragment, Perths. Lat. _pannicul-us_, id. _To_ PENNY, _v. n._ To fare, S. B. _Ross._ PENNIE-BRYDAL, PENNY-WEDDING, _s._ A wedding at which the guests contribute _money_ for their entertainment, S. _Acts Assembly._ PENNY-DOG, _s._ A dog that constantly follows his master, S. _Watson._ PENNY-MAILL, _s._ 1. Rent paid in money. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. A small sum paid to a proprietor of land, as an acknowledgment of superiority. V. ~Mail~. _Maitland P._ PENNYSTANE, PENNY-STONE, _s._ A flat stone used as a quoit. _To play at the pennystane_, to play with quoits of this kind, S. _Pennant._ _A pennystane cast_, the distance to which a stone-quoit may be thrown. _Barbour._ PENNYWHEEP, _s._ Small beer, Aberd. V. ~Whip~. _Gl. Shirr._ PENNY-WIDDIE, _s._ V. ~Pin-the-Widdie~. PENNON, _s._ A small banner. _Barbour._ O. Fr. id. Alem. _fanon_, vexillum. PENSEIL, PINSEL, _s._ A small streamer, borne in battle. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _penoncel_, _pencel_, a flag. PENSY, PENSIE, _adj._ 1. Having a mixture of self-conceit and affectation in one's appearance, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Spruce, S. B. _Popular Ball._ Fr. _pensif_, thinking of. ~Pensylie~, _adv._ In a self-important manner, S. _Ramsay._ PENTHLAND, PENTLAND, _s._ The middle part of Scotland, especially Lothian. _Bellenden._ Corr. from _Pichtland_, or _Petland_. _To_ PENTY, _v. a._ To fillip, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _pointer_, blesser, porter des coupes; Dict. Trev. ~Penty~, ~Pentie~, _s._ A fillip, S. PEPE, PEEP, _s._ 1. The chirp of a bird, S. _King's Quair._ _To play peep_, to mutter, S. 2. The act of speaking with a shrill small voice, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _piep-en_, Su. G. _pip-a_, &c. id. PEPPER-DULSE, _s._ Jagged fucus, S. V. ~Dulse~. _Lightfoot._ _To_ PEPPIN, _v. a._ To cocker, Banffs. _pettle_, synon. V. ~Pappant~. O. Fr. _popine_, a puppet. _To_ PER, _v. n._ To appear. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _per-er_, id. PERANTER, _adv._ Peradventure. _Lyndsay._ _To_ PERBREK, _v. a._ To shatter. _Doug._ Formed like Lat. _perfractus_. PERCONNON, PERCUNNANCE, _s._ Condition, proviso, S. B. _Ross._ Fr. _par_, by, and _convine_, condition. PERCUDO, _s._ Some kind of precious stone. _Burel._ PERDÉ, _adv._ Verily. _Douglas._ Fr. _pardieu_, per Deum. PERDEWS, _s. pl._ The forlorn hope. Fr. _enfans perdus_, id. _Melvil's Mem._ PERDURABIL, _adv._ Lasting. Fr. _Complaynt S._ _To_ PERE, _v. a._ To pour, S. B. _Douglas._ PERFAY, _adv._ Verily. _Douglas._ Fr. _par foy_, Lat. per fidem. PERFITE, _adj._ 1. Perfect. _Pal. of Hon._ 2. Applied to one who is exact in doing any work, S. ~Perfytlie~, _adv._ Perfectly. _Lyndsay._ ~Perfiteness~, _s._ Exactness, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ PERFURNIS, PERFURMEIS, _v. a._ To accomplish. _Douglas._ Fr. _parfourn-ir_, id. PERJINK, _adj._ 1. Precise. 2. Trim, so as to appear finical, S. Qu. _parjoinct_; Fr. _par_ and _joinct_. PERLASY, _s._ The palsy. _K. Hart._ Fr. _paralysie_, id. PERLIE, _s._ The little finger, Loth. q. _peerie_, little, and _lith_, joint. PERMUSTED, _part. adj._ Scented. V. ~Muist~. _Watson._ PERNICKITIE, _adj._ 1. Precise in trifles, S. 2. Very trim in dress, S. Fr. _par_, and _niquet_ a trifle. PERONAL, _s._ A girl. _Maitland P._ O. Fr. _perronnelle_. PERPEN, _s._ A partition. V. ~Parpane~. PERQUER, PERQUEIR, PERQUIRE, _adv._ 1. Exactly, S. _Barbour._ 2. Separate as to place. _Baillie._ Fr. _par coeur_; or _per quair_, i. e. by book. ~Perqueir~, ~Perquire~, _adj._ Accurate, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ PERRAKIT, _s._ A sagacious, talkative, or active child, Fife; q. a _parroquet_. PERRE, _s._ Precious stones, O. Fr. _Sir Gawan._ PERSHITTIE, _adj._ Precise, prim, S. O. E. _pergitted_, tricked up. PERSIL, _s._ Parsley, an herb, S. Fr. PERTRIK, _s._ V. ~Partrik~. _To_ PERTROUBIL, _v. a._ To vex very much; Fr. _partroubler_. _Douglas._ ~Pertrublange~, _s._ Great vexation. _Doug._ PESANE, PISSAND, PYSSEN, _s._ A gorget; of uncertain origin. _Acts Ja. I._ PESS, _s._ Easter. V. ~Pays~. _Lyndsay._ PESS. V. ~The~. PESSMENTS, _s. pl._ V. ~Pasments~. _To_ PET, PETTLE, _v. a._ To fondle, to treat as a pet, S. _Z. Boyd._ PETE-POT, _s._ A hole from which _peats_ have been dug, S. _Wyntown._ Teut. _put_, lacuna. PETER'S STAFF (~St.~), Orion's sword, a constellation. _Ruddiman._ PETH, _s._ A steep and narrow way, S. A. S. _paeth_, semita, callis. _Barbour._ PETTAIL, PITTALL, _s._ Rabble attending an army. _Barbour._ Fr. _pitaud_, a clown; _pietaille_, infanterie. PETTLE, _s._ V. ~Pattle~. PEUAGE, PEUIS, PEUISCHE, _adj._ Mean, dastardly. _Douglas._ ~Peuagely~, _adv._ Carelessly. _Douglas._ PEW, _s._ The plaintive cry of birds. _Lyndsay._ _He canna play pew_, he is unfit for any thing, S. _Ramsay._ To ~Pew~, ~Peu~, _v. n._ 1. To emit a mournful sound, applied to birds. _Compl. S._ O. Fr. _piaul-er_, id. 2. To peep or mutter. _Lyndsay._ PEWTENE, _s._ Trull. _Philotus._ Fr. _putain_, Isl. _puta_, scortum. PHARIS, _s._ Pharaoh's. _Godly Sangs._ PHILIBEG, _s._ V. ~Filibeg~. PHINOC, _s._ A species of grey trout. V. ~Finnack~. _Pennant._ PHIOLL, _s._ V. ~Fyell~. PITHONES, _s._ A Pythoness, a witch. _Barbour._ _To_ PHRASE, FRAISE, _v. a._ To talk of with boasting. _Rutherford._ ~Phraser~, _s._ 1. A braggart, braggadocio. _Bp. Galloway._ 2. A wheedling person, S. To ~Phraise~, _v. n._ To use wheedling language, S. ~Phraise~, ~Fraise~, _s. To mak a phraise_, 1. To pretend interest in another, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 2. To use flattery, S. _R. Galloway._ 3. Falsely to pretend to do a thing, to exhibit an appearance without real design, S. _Baillie._ 4. To make great shew of reluctance, when one is really inclined, S. _Ross._ 5. To talk more of a matter than it deserves, S. _Ramsay._ 6. To make much ado about a slight ailment, S. PYAT, PYOT, _s._ The magpie, S. _Houlate._ Gael. _pighaidi_, C. B. _pioden_, id. PIBROCH, _s._ A Highland air, suited to the particular passion which the musician would either excite or assuage; generally applied to martial music, S. _Minstrelsy Border._ Gael. _piobaireachd_, the pipe music. PICHT, PYCHT, PIGHT, _part. pa._ 1. Pitched, settled. _Sir Gawan._ 2. Transferred to a person. _Poems 16th Century._ 3. Studded. _Douglas._ Ital. _appicciar_, castra metari. PICHT, _s._ Pith, force. _Wallace._ Belg. _pitt_, A. S. _pitha_, id. _To_ PICK, _v. a._ To pitch at a mark, S. B. PICK, _s._ The choice, S. E. _pick_, to cull. PICKEN, _adj._ Pungent, S. Su. G. _pikande_, Fr. _piquant_, id. PICKEREL, _s._ The dunlin. _Sibbald._ PICKERY, _s._ V. ~Pikary~. PICKIE-MAN, _s._ A miller's servant, from his work of keeping the mill in order, S. B. V. ~Pik~, _v._ PICKLE, PUCKLE, _s._ 1. A grain of corn, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. A single seed, S. _Z. Boyd._ 3. Any minute particle, S. _Rutherford._ 4. A small quantity, S. _Ross._ 5. A few, S.; Su. G. _pik_, grain when it begins to germinate. _P. Buch. Dial._ PI-COW, ~Pi-ox~, _s._ The game of _Hide and Seek_, Ang. PICTARNIE, _s._ The great tern, S. Sw. _tarna_, Dan. _taerne_. _Pennant._ PIEGE, _s._ A trap, a snare, Perths.; _puge_, Border; Fr. _piege_, id. PIE-HOLE, _s._ An eye-hole, S. Dan. _pig_, _pyg_, a point. PIEL, _s._ An iron wedge for boring stones, S. B. A. S. _pil_, stylus. PIER, _s._ A quay or wharf, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ PIETÉ, PIETIE, _s._ Pity. _Douglas._ PIG, PYG, _s._ 1. An earthen vessel, S. _Douglas._ 2. A potsherd, S. Gael. _pigadh_, _pigin_, an earthen pitcher. ~Pig-man~, _s._ A seller of crokery. _Colvil._ ~Pig-wife~, A woman who sells crokery, S. PIGGIES, _s. pl._ Iron rods from which streamers are hung. _Douglas._ Su. G. _pigg_, stimulus, stilus. PIGGIN, _s._ A small wooden or earthen vessel; Dumfr. V. ~Pig~. _Davidson._ PIGHT, _pret._ Pierced, thrust. Germ. _pick-en_, pungere. _Sir Tristrem._ PYGRAL, _adj._ V. ~Pegrall~. PIGTAIL, _s._ Twisted tobacco, S., resembling the _tail_ of a _pig_. _To_ PIK, _v. a._ To strike lightly with any thing sharp-pointed, S. _Ruddiman._ Su. G. _pick-a_, minutis ictibus tundere. ~Pik~, ~Pyk~, _s._ A light stroke with what is sharp-pointed, S. _Douglas._ PIK, PYK, PICK, _s._ Pitch, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _pic_, Belg. _picke_, id. PIKARY, PICKERY, _s._ 1. Rapine. _Bellenden._ 2. Pilfering, S. _Erskine._ Fr. _picor-ée_, plundering; _picor-er_, to rifle. _To_ PIKE, _v. a._ To select. _Douglas._ _To_ PIKE, _v. a._ To sail close by. _Doug._ Su. G. _pek-a_, to point towards the land. PYKIS, _s. pl._ 1. Prickles. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _pigg_, stimulus. 2. Short withered heath. _Gl. Shirr._ PIKKY, _adj._ Pitchy. _Douglas._ PIKKIT, _part. pa._ Covered with pitch. Teut. _pick-en_, Lat. _pic-are_. _Douglas._ PIKLAND, _part. pr._ Picking up. _Douglas._ From _pick_, or Teut. _pickel-en_, scalpere. PIK-MIRK, _adj._ Dark as pitch, S. corr. _pit-mirk_. _Ramsay._ PYK-MAW, PICK-MAW, _s._ A kind of gull. _Houlate._ PILCH, _s._ 1. A gown made of skin. A. S. _pylece_, toga pellicea. _Douglas._ 2. A tough skinny piece of meat, S. 3. Any thing short and gross, S. ~Pilch~, _adj._ Thick, gross, S. PILE, PYLE, _s._ 1. In pl. the soft hair, which first appears on the faces of young men. _Douglas._ 2. A tender blade, S. _Douglas._ 3. A single grain, S. _Gl. Shirr._ Teut. _pyl_, Fr. _poil_, Lat. _pil-us_, a hair. PYLE, _s._ A small javelin; or an arrow for a cross-bow. _Stat. Will._ Su. G. _pil_, Lat. _pil-um_, a javelin. PYLEFAT, _s._ L. _gylefat_, q. v. _Lyndsay._ PILGET, PILGIE, _s._ A broil, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Belg. _belgh-en_, to combat. PILGREN, PYLGRYNE, _s._ A pilgrim, Fr. _pelegrin_. _Burel._ _To_ PILK, _v. a._ 1. To take out of a husk or shell, S. B. 2. To pilfer, S. B. E. _pluck_, or Teut. _plock-en_, id. PILLAN, _s._ A species of sea-crab, Fife. _Sibbald._ PILLOUR, _s._ V. ~Pelure~. PILLOW, _s._ A tumultuous noise, S. B. V. ~Hillie-billow~. PILTOCK, _s._ The coal fish, a year old, Orkn. PIN, _s._ Summit. _Dunbar._ Teut. _pinne_, Germ. _pfin_, summitas. PINALDS, _s._ A spinet; Fr. _espinet_. _Mellvill's MS._ PINCH, PUNCH, _s._ An iron lever, S. Fland. _pinsse_, Fr. _pince_, id. _To_ PYNE, _v. a._ To subject to pain, S. Isl. _pyn-a_, A. S. _pinan_, torquere. _Wall._ ~Pyne~, _s._ 1. Pain, S. _Wyntown._ 2. Labour, pains. _Douglas._ A. S. _pin_, Teut. _pyne_, cruciatus. PYNE DOUBLET, a concealed coat of mail. Su. G. _pin-a_, coarctare. _Cromerty._ PINERIS, PYNORIS, _s. pl._ Pioneers. _Knox._ _To_ PINGE. V. ~Peenge~. _To_ PINGIL, PINGLE, 1. _v. n._ To strive, to labour assiduously without making much progress, S. _Douglas._ 2. To vie with. _Douglas._ 3. To toil for a scanty sustenance. _Dunbar._ 4. _v. a._ To reduce to straits. _Douglas._ Su. G. _pyng_, labour, anxiety. ~Pingil~, ~Pingle~, _s._ 1. A strife, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Difficulty, S. _Journal Lond._ 3. Hesitation. _Ramsay._ ~Pingling~, _s._ Difficulty, S. _Pitscottie._ PINYIONE, _s._ A handful of armed men. _Acts Marie._ _To_ PINK, _v. n._ To contract the eye, to glimmer, S. Teut. _pinck-ooghen_, oculos contrahere. ~Pinkie~, _adj._ Applied to the eye, when small, or contracted, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ PINK, _v. n._ To trickle, to drop, S. B. _Ross._ PINKIE, _s._ The little finger, Loth. Belg. _pink_, digitus minimus. PINKIE, _s._ The weakest kind of table beer, S. PINKIE, _s._ The smallest candle that is made, S. O. Teut. _pincke_, cubicularis lucerna simplex. PINNER, _s._ 1. A female head-dress, having lappets pinned to the temples reaching down to the breast, and fastened there. _Ramsay._ 2. _A fleeing pinner_, such a head-dress, having the ends of the lappets hanging loose, Ang. O. Fr. _pignoir_ seems to be synon. PINNER-PIG, _s._ V. ~Pirlie-pig~. PINNING, _s._ A small stone for filling a crevice in a wall, S. _Statist. Acc._ Q. employed as a _pin_. PINSEL, _s._ A streamer. V. ~Pensel~. PIN-THE-WIDDIE, _s._ A small dried haddock not split, Aberd. corruptly _penny-widdie_. PINTILL-FISH, _s._ The Pipe-fish; or the Launce. _Monroe._ PYOT, _s._ A magpie. V. ~Pyat~. PIPES. _To tune_ one's _pipes_, to cry, S. _To_ PYRL, _v. n._ To prick. _Wallace._ Su. G. _pryl_, a long needle, _pryl-a_, stylo pungere. _To_ PIRL, _v. n._ To whirl, S. A. V. ~Birle~. _J. Nicol._ PIRL-GRASS, _s._ Creeping wheat-grass, S. _Stat. Acc._ PIRLIE-PIG, PURLIE-PIG, _s._ A circular earthen vessel, which has no opening save a slit at the top, no larger than to receive a halfpenny; used by children for keeping their money, S. B. _Pinner-pig_, S. O. Perh. q. _birlie-pig_, from A. S. _birl-ian_, to drink; as forming a common stock. _Pinner_ may be allied to Teut. _penne-waere_, merx; Dan. _penger_, money. PIRN, _s._ 1. A quill, or reed, S. _Stat. Acc._ 2. The yarn wound on a reed, S. _Ruddiman._ 3. _To wind_ one _a pirn_, to make a person repent his conduct. _Ramsay._ 4. _To redd a ravell'd pirn_, to clear up something difficult, or to get free of some entanglement, S. _Shirrefs._ Isl. _prion-a_, to weave. ~Pirn~, _s._ The wheel of a fishing-rod, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ~Pirnyt~, ~Pyrnit~, _part. pa._ Striped with different colours. _Douglas._ ~Pirnie~, _adj._ Having unequal threads, or different colours, S. _Cleland._ Isl. _prion_, lanificium textile. PIRR, _s._ A gentle breeze, S. Isl. _byr_, _bir_, ventus secundus. PIRRIEHOUDEN, _adj._ Fond, doating, Perths. PIRZIE, _adj._ Conceited, Loth. Fr. _parsoy_, by one's self. PYSAN, _s._ A gorget. V. ~Pesane~. PISMIRE, _s._ A steelyard, Orkn. V. ~Bismar~. _Brand._ PISSANCE, _s._ Power. _Douglas._ Fr. _puissance_, id. ~Pissant~, _adj._ Powerful. _Douglas._ Fr. _puissant_, id. PIT ~and~ GALLOWS, a privilege conferred on a baron, according to our old laws, of having on his ground a _pit_ for drowning women, and _gallows_ for hanging men, convicted of theft. _Bellenden._ Teut. _Put ende Galghe_. PITTAL, _s._ Rabble. V. ~Pettail~. PYTANE, _s._ A young child; a term of endearment, S. Fr. _petit un_, my little one; or _peton_, a fondling term used by nurses in Fr. _To_ PITY, _v. n._ To regret. _Baillie._ ~Pitiful~, _adj._ To be regretted, S. _Id._ PITTIL, _s._ Some kind of fowl. _Houlate._ _To_ PITTER-PATTER, _v. n._ 1. To repeat prayers after the Romish manner. _Watson._ 2. To make a chattering noise by inconstant motion of the feet, S. V. ~Patter~. _L. Hailes._ PLACAD, PLACKET, _s._ A placard, S. _Pitscottie._ Teut. _plackaet_, decretum, from _placken_, to fix. PLACE, _s._ 1. The mansion-house on an estate, S. _Spalding._ 2. A castle, a strong hold. _Keith._ Fr. _place_, a castle. PLACEBOE, _s._ A parasite. _Knox._ Lat. _placebo_, I will please; still used in France. PLACK, PLAK, _s._ 1. A billon coin. _Acts Ja. III._ 2. A small copper coin, formerly current in S., equal to the third part of an English penny. _Morysone._ Fr. _plaque_, Teut. _placke_, L. B. _placa_; a small coin of various value according to the country. ~Plackless~, _adj._ Moneyless, S. PLAGE, _s._ Quarter, point. _Pal. Hon._ Lat. _plag-a_, id. PLAID, _s._ Plea. V. ~Plede~. PLAID, _s._ An outer loose weed of striped and variegated cloth, worn by the Highlanders, S. _Pennant._ Gael. _plaide_, id.; Teut. _plat_, what is plain and broad. PLAIDEN, PLAIDING, _s._ Coarse woollen cloth, that is _tweeled_, S. _St. Acc._ From _plaid_; or C. B. _pleth-u_, to wreath. PLAY-FEIR, PLAY-FERE, PLAY-FAIR, _s._ 1. A playfellow. _Lyndsay._ From _play_, and _fere_, a companion, q. v. 2. Improperly, a toy, S. _Ferguson._ PLAIK, _s._ A plaid, Ang. Su. G. Isl. _plagg_, vestimentum. PLAYN, PLAYNE. _In playne_, 1. Clearly. _Wallace._ 2. Out of hand; like Fr. _de plain_. _Ibid._ _To_ PLAINYIE, _v. n._ To complain. Fr. _plaindre_, id. _Pitscottie._ PLAINSTANES, _s. pl._ 1. The pavement, S. 2. The exchange, as being paved, S. _To_ PLAINT, PLENT, _v. n._ To complain of, S. _Knox._ PLAYOKIS, _s. pl._ Playthings, S. O. _Wyntown._ PLAITINGS, _s. pl._ Pieces of iron which go below the plough-share. Fife. PLANE, _adj._ Full, consisting of its different constituent branches; applied to parliament. _Acts Ja. II._ Fr. _plane_, _pleine court_, id. PLANE-TREE, _s._ The maple, S. _Lightfoot._ _To_ PLASH, _v. n._ 1. To make a noise by dashing water, S. _Pleesk_, S. B. _Ramsay._ 2. To splash, S. 3. Applied to any thing, which, from being thoroughly drenched, emits the noise occasioned by the agitation of water, S. Su. G. _plask-a_, aquam cum sonitu movere. PLASH _of rain_, a heavy fall of rain, S. Belg. _plasregen_, praeceps imber. PLASMATOR, _s._ Maker; Gr. _Complaynt S._ PLASTROUN, _s._ Perhaps, a harp. _Sir Egeir._ Gr. πληκτρον, the instrument with which the strings of an harp are struck. _To_ PLAT, PLET, _v. a._ To plait. _Wyntown._ PLAT, _adj._ 1. Flat, level. _Douglas._ 2. Low, opposed to _heiche_. _Maitland P._ 3. Close, near. _Douglas._ Su. G. _platt_, Teut. _plat_, planus. ~Plat~, _adv._ Flatly. _Douglas._ PLAT, PLATT, _s._ A plan. _Douglas._ Teut. _plat_, exemplar. PLAT, PLATT, PLATE, _s._ 1. A dash. _Douglas._ 2. A blow with the fist. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _plaett-as_, cuffs, blows. _To_ PLAT UP, _v. a._ To erect. _Baillie._ PLATFUTE, _s._ A term of reproach; applied to a _plain-soled_ person, and thence ludicrously to some dance. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _plat-voet_, planipes. PLEDE, PLEID, PLEYD, _s._ 1. Debate. _Wyntown._ 2. A quarrel, a broil. _Chr. Kirk._ 3. Care, sorrow. _Dunbar._ Belg. _pleyte_, lis, Fr. _plaid_. _To_ ~Plede~, ~Pleid~, _v. n._ To contend. _Doug._ _To_ PLEDGE, _v. a._ To invite to drink, by promising to take the cup after another, S.; a vestige of the ancient custom of one drawing his dagger, as a token that he _pledged_ his life for that of another, while he was drinking. To PLEESK, _v. n._ V. ~Plash~. PLEY, PLEYE, _s._ 1. A debate, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ 2. An action at law, whether criminal or civil, S. _Reg. Maj._ A. S. _pleo_, _pleoh_, danger, debate. _To_ ~Pley~, _v. n._ To answer in a court. _Burr. Lawes._ PLEINYEOUR, _s._ A complainer. _Acts Ja. II._ _To_ PLENYE, _v. n._ V. ~Plainyie~. _To_ PLENYS, PLENISH, _v. a._ 1. To furnish a house; to stock a farm, S. 2. To supply with inhabitants. _Wallace._ ~Plennissing~, ~Plenising~, _s._ Household furniture. _Burr. Lawes._ _R. Bruce._ _To_ PLENT, _v. n._ V. ~Plaint~. PLENTEOUS, _adj._ Complaining. _Bar. Courts._ PLEP, _s._ Any thing weak or feeble, S. B. ~Pleppit~, _adj._ Not stiff; creased. A _pleppit dud_, a garment become quite flaccid by wearing or tossing, Ang. Perh. q. _flappit_, E. flapped; or from Isl. _flap-r_, aura inconstans. PLESANCE, _s._ Pleasure. Fr. _K. Quair._ _To_ PLET, _v. a._ To reprehend. _Douglas._ Teut. _pleyt-en_, litigare. PLEVAR, _s._ A plover. _Houlate._ PLEUCH, PLEUGH, _s._ 1. A plough, S. _Douglas._ A. S. Su. G. _plog_, Alem. _pluog_. 2. That constellation called _Ursa Major_; supposed to resemble a plough, S. _Douglas._ ~Pleuch-gang~, ~Plough-gang~, _s._ As much land as can be properly tilled by one plough; also, a _pleuch_ of land, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Pleuch-gate~, ~Plough-gate~, _v._ The same with _plough-gang_, S.; _gate_ being synon. with _gang_. _Stat. Acc._ ~Pleuchgeire~, _v._ The furniture belonging to a plough, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Pleuchgraith~, _s._ The same with _pleuchgeire_, S. _Skene._ ~Pleuch-irnes~, ~Plwyrnys~, _s. pl._ The iron instruments belonging to a plough, S. _Wyntown._ Isl. _plogiarn_, the ploughshare. PLY, _s._ Plight, condition, S. _Dunbar._ Fr. _pli_, habit, state. PLY, _s._ A fold, a plait, S. PLYCHT, _s._ Punishment. _Henrysone._ Belg. _plicht_, judicium. _To_ PLISH-PLASH, _v. n._ To emit the sound produced by successive shocks in any liquid body, S. V. ~Plash~, _v._ _J. Nicol._ ~Plish-Plash~, _adv._ To _play plish-plash_, to make a flashing sound, S. PLISKIE, _s._ A trick, properly of a mischievous kind; though not necessarily including the idea of any evil design, S. _J. Nicol._ A. S. _plaega_, play, sport, with the termination _isc_, or _isk_, expressive of increment. PLODDERE, _s._ A banger, a mauler. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _plaud-er_, to bang, to maul. PLOY, _s._ 1. A harmless frolic, properly of a social kind, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 2. A frolic, which, although begun in jest, has a serious issue, S. _Ross._ A. S. _pleg-an_, to play. _To_ PLOT, _v. a._ 1. To scald, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To make any liquid scalding hot, S. 3. To burn, in a general sense. _Forbes._ PLOTCOCK, _s._ The devil. _Pitscottie._ According to some, _Pluto_, whose Isl. name is _Blotgod_. Our term may be q. _Blotkok_, "the swallower of sacrifices;" from _blot_, sacrificing, and _kok-a_, deglutire. PLOUD, _s._ A green sod, Aberd. _Stat. Acc._ Fland. _plot-en_, membranam exuere. PLOUT, _s._ A heavy shower of rain, S. Belg. _plots-en_, to fall down plump. _To_ PLOUTER, _v. n._ To make a noise among water, to be engaged in any wet and dirty work, S., _plowster_, S. A. Germ. _plader-n_, humida et sordida tractare; Teut. _plots-en_, _plotsen int water_, in aquam irruere. ~Plouter~, _s._ The act of floundering through water or mire, S. _Popular Ball._ PLUCK, _s._ The pogge, a fish, S. PLUCKUP, PLUKUP, _s._ _Poems 16th Cent._ _At the plukup_, q. ready to _pluck up_ every thing by the roots. PLUFFY, _adj._ Flabby, chubby, S. Su. G. _plufsig_, facies obesa. PLUKE, PLOUK, _s._ A pimple, S. Gael. _plucan_, id. _R. Bruce._ ~Plukie-faced~, _adj._ Having a pimpled face, S. _Ritson._ PLUME-DAMES, _s._ A _Damascene_ plumb, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ PLUMP, _adj. A plump shower_, a heavy shower that falls straight down, S. E. _plumb_, perpendicular; q. like lead, Teut. _plomp_, plumbeus. PLWYRNYS, _s. pl._ V. ~Pleuchirnes~. _To_ PLUNK, _v. n._ To plump, S. C. B. _plwngk-io_, id. _To_ PLUNK, _v. n._ To play the truant, S. O. Teut. _plenck-en_, vagari, to straggle. PLUNTED, probably for painted. _Leg. St Androis._ POB, POB-TOW, _s._ Refuse of flax, S. B. also _pab_. _Statist. Acc._ POCK-ARRS, _s. pl._ The marks left by the smallpox. V. ~Arr~. POCKED SHEEP, old sheep having a disease resembling scrofula, S. POCKMANTEAU, _s._ Literally, a _cloak-bag_, S. _Meston._ POCK-SHAKINGS, _s. pl._ The youngest child of a family, S. A very ancient Goth. idiom. Isl. _belguskaka_, ultimus parentum natus vel nata, from _belg-ur_, a bag or _pock_, and _skak-a_, to shake. POD, _s._ Perhaps a toad; Teut. _pode_, id. _Montgomerie._ PODLE, _s._ A tadpole, S.; Teut. _podde_, a frog. PODLIE, PODLEY, _s._ 1. The fry of the coal fish, Loth., Fife, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ 2. The green-backed pollack, Loth., Fife. _Sibbald._ 3. The true pollack, or Gadus pollachius, S.; Fland. _pudde_, mustela piscis. PODEMAKRELL, _s._ A bawd. _Douglas._ Fr. _putte_, meretrix, and _maquerelle_, lena. POID, _s._ V. ~Pod~. _Pal. Hon._ _To_ POIND, POYND, _v. a._ 1. To distrain, S., a forensic term. _Bellenden._ 2. To seize in warfare. _Wyntown._ A. S. _pynd-an_, to shut up; Germ. _pfand-en_, to distrain. ~Poynd~, ~Pownd~, _s._ 1. That which is distrained, S. _Stat. Rob. I._ 2. The prey taken in an inroad. _Wynt._ ~Poindable~, _adj._ Liable to be distrained, S. _Erskine._ ~Poinding~, _s._ The act of poinding, S. ~Poynder~, ~Pundare~, _s._ One who distrains, S. _Stat. Rob. I._ POINER, _s._ One who lives by digging and selling _feal_, _divots_ or clay, Inverness. _Law Case._ O. Fr. _pionnier_ is used in a similar sense. V. Roquefort. POYNIES, _s. pl._ Gloves. _Skene._ Fr. _poing_, the fist. POYNTAL, _s._ 1. A sharp sword or dagger. _Douglas._ Fr. _pointille_, a prick or point. O. Fr. _punhal_, a dagger. 2. A quill for playing on the harp. _Douglas._ _To_ POIST, PUIST, _v. a._ To push. V. ~Poss~. POKE, _s._ A swelling under the jaw; a disease of sheep, S., perhaps as resembling a _pock_ or _bag_. _Statist. Acc._ POLDACH, _s._ Marshy ground lying on the side of a body of water, Ang. Belg. _polder_, a marsh, a meadow on the shore. POLICY, POLLECE, _s._ The pleasure-ground about a gentleman's seat, S. Fr. _police_. _Acts Ja. V._ POLIST, _adj._ Artful; generally as including the idea of fawning, S. E. _polish_; Fr. _polir_, to sleek. POLKE, POK, _s._ A kind of net. _Acts Ja. VI._ POLLAC, s. Apparently the gwiniad, a fish. _Statist. Acc._ POLLIE-COCK, POUNIE-COCK, _s._ A turkey, S. Fr. _paon_, also _poule_, d'Inde, id. POLLIS, _s. pl._ Paws. _Wallace._ POLLOCK, s. The young of the coalfish, Shetl. _Statist. Acc._ POME, _s._ Perhaps pomatum. _Douglas._ POMELL, _s._ A globe; metaph. the breast. _Maitland Poems._ L. B. _pomell-us_, globulus. POYNYE, POYNYHÉ, POYHNÉ, PONYHÉ, s. A skirmish. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _poignée_, id. Lat. _pugna_. PONYEAND, _adj._ Piercing. _Wallace._ Fr. _poignant_, id. PONNYIS, _s._ Weight, influence; Teut. _pondigh_, ponderosus. _Gl. Sibb._ PONNYIS, Leg. _pennyis_, money. _Houlate._ POO, _s._ A crab, E. Loth. _Pulloch_, Ang. O. Fr. _pole_, sorte de poisson. POORTITH, _s._ Poverty. V. ~Purtye~. POPE'S KNIGHTS, _s. pl._ A designation formerly given to priests of the church of Rome, who were at the same time distinguished by the title of _Sir_. V. ~Schir~. _Spotswood._ POPIL, _s._ A poplar. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _peuple_, Lat. _Popul-us_, id. POPIL, _adj._ Perhaps plebeian. Teut. _popel_, plebs. _Bellenden._ POPINGOE, _s._ V. ~Papejay~. _To_ POPLE, PAPLE, _v. a._ 1. To bubble up like water, expressing also the noise of ebullition, S. _Douglas._ 2. To boil with indignation, S. B. V. ~Paple~. Teut. _popel-en_, murmur edere, C. B. _pwmbl-u_, to bubble, _pwmpl_, a bubble. POPLESY, _s._ Apoplexy. _Bellenden._ Teut. _popelcije_, id. POPPILL, POPPLE, _s._ Corn campion or cockle, S. _papple_, C. B. _popple_, id. _Bannatyne Poems._ POR, _s._ A thrust with a sword. Teut. _porr-en_, urgere. _Mellvill's MS._ PORRIDGE, _s._ Hasty-pudding; oat-meal, sometimes barley-meal, stirred on the fire in boiling water till it be considerably thickened, S. _Stat. Acc._ PORT, _s._ A catch, a lively tune, Gael. id. S. _Kelly._ ~Port-youl~, ~Port-yeull~. _To sing Port-youl_, to cry, S. _Kelly._ _Port_, and _youl_ to cry. PORTAGE, _s._ Cargo put onboard ship, Fr. _Douglas._ POTATIBUS, not understood. _Houlate._ PORTEOUS, PORTUOS, PORTOWIS, PORTUISROLL, _s._ A list of persons indicted to appear before the Justiciary Aire, given by the Justice-clerk to the Coroner, that he might attach them in order to their appearance. _Acts Ja. I._ Probably from Fr. _port-er_, as being carried to the _Aires_ or circuit-courts; O. Fr. _porteis_, portatif. PORTIONER, _s._ One who possesses part of a property which has been originally divided among co-heirs. V. ~Parsenere~. _Stat. Acc._ PORTURIT, _adj._ Pourtrayed. _Doug._ PORTUS, _s._ A skeleton, Ang. POSE, POIS, POISE, _s._ A secret hoard of money, S. _Knox._ A. S. _posa_, Dan. _pose_, Su. G. _posse_, a purse. POSNETT, _s._ A bag in which money is put; q. a _net_ used as a _purse_. _Burr. Lawes._ _To_ POSS, _v. a._ To push; S. _pouss_. V. ~Pouss~. _Douglas._ Fr. _pouss-er_, Lat. _pulsare_. POSSODY, _s._ A term of endearment, used ludicrously. V. ~Powsowdie~. _Evergreen._ _To_ POSTULE, _v. a._ To elect one for a bishop who is not in all points duly eligible. L. B. _postulari_. _Wyntown._ POSTROME, _s._ A postern. _Bellenden._ L. B. _posturium_, id. _To_ POT, _v. a._ To stew in a pot, S. POT, POTT, _s._ 1. A pit, a dungeon. _Douglas._ 2. A pond or pit full of water, S. _Rudd._ 3. A pool or deep place in a river, S. _Ruddiman._ 4. A deep hole scooped out in a rock, by the eddies of a river, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 5. A moss-hole from whence peats have been dug. V. ~Pete-pot~. Teut. _put_, fovea; lacuna, palus; given as synon. with _pool_. POTARDS, _s. pl._ L. dotards. _More._ POTENT, _adj._ Wealthy, q. powerful in money, S. _Priests Peblis._ POTENT, _s._ 1. A gibbet. _Compl. S._ 2. A crutch. _Gl. Sibb._ Fr. _potence_, a gibbet; also a crutch. POTTINGAR, _s._ An apothecary. _Evergreen._ L. B. _Potagiar-ius_, coquus pulmentarius. ~Pottingry~, _s._ The work of an apothecary. _Dunbar._ POUDER, POWDER, _s._ Dust; Fr. _poudre_. _R. Bruce._ POUERALL, PURELL, _s._ The rabble. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _povrail_, _paurail_, paupertinus. POUNCE, _s._ Long meadow-grasses, Orkn. _Neill._ Isl. _punt-r_, gramen barbatum, a sharp-pointed grass. POUNE, POWNE, _s._ A peacock; S. _pownie_. _Douglas._ Fr. _paonneau_, a young peacock. _To_ POUNSE, PUNSE, _v. a._ To carve, to emboss. _Douglas._ Teut. _ponts-en_, _punts-en_, caelare, scalpere. POURIN, _s._ A very small quantity of any liquid, S., from E. _to pour_. POURIT, _part. adj._ Impoverished. V. ~Pure~, _v._ _Gl. Sibb._ POURPOURE, _s._ Purple. _Douglas._ Fr. _pourpre_, id. _To_ POUSS, _v. n._ 1. To push, S. _Bp. Forbes._ 2. To drive clothes hastily backwards and forwards in the water in the act of washing, S. Teut. _polss-en int water_, quatere aquas. ~Pouss~, _s._ A push, S. Fr. _pousse_. POUST, _s._ Bodily strength, S. O. Fr. _poesté_, _pooste_, id. ~Pousté~, ~Powsté~, _s._ Power. _Douglas._ _Lege poustie_, full strength, i. e. _legitima potestas_. _Reg. Maj._ ~Pousture~, _s._ Bodily ability. _To lose the pousture_ of a limb, to lose the power of it, S. B. _Ruddiman._ POUT, _s._ 1. A young partridge or moor-fowl, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ Fr. _poulet_, a pullet; Lat. _pullus_. 2. The chicken of any domesticated fowl, S. 3. A young girl, a sweetheart. _Ross._ _To_ ~Pout~, _v. n._ To shoot at young partridges; also, _to go a-pouting_, to go to shoot at _pouts_, S. _Antiquary._ _To_ POUT, POUTER, _v. n._ To poke, to stir with a long instrument, S. _Waverley._ Su. G. _pott-a_, digito vel baculo explorare; Belg. _poter-en_, fodicare. ~Pout~, _s._ A poker, S. A. ~Pout-net~, _s._ A round net fastened to two poles, by means of which the fishers poke the banks of rivers, to force out the fish, S. _Courant._ ~Poutstaff~, _s._ A staff or pole used in fishing with a small net. _Wallace._ _To_ POUZLE, _v. n._ To search about with uncertainty for any thing, S. B.; q. to _puzzle_. _To_ ~Pouzle~, _v. n._ To trifle, Fife. Teut. _futsel-en_, nugari. POW, _s._ The head, the _poll_, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ POW, _v. a._ To pluck, to _pull_, S. _Wallace._ POW, _s._ A pool. _Sir Tristrem._ POW, POU, pron. _poo_, _s._ 1. A slow-moving rivulet in flat lands, S. _Statist. Acc._ 2. A watery or marshy place, Stirlings. _Statist. Acc._ 3. A small creek, affording a landing-place for boats, Clackm. _Statist. Acc._ 4. The wharf itself, ibid. Radically the same with E. _pool_. POWART, _s._ A tadpole; _powrit_, Fife. _Statist. Acc._ POW-EE, _s._ A small fresh haddock, Montrose. POW-HEAD, _s._ A tadpole; pron. _powet_, S. _powie_, Perths. _Gl. Tristrem._ Mod. Sax. _pogghe_, a frog, q. _pogghe-hoofd_, the head of a frog. POWIN, _s._ The peacock. _Evergreen._ Fr. _paon_, id. POWLINGS, _s. pl._ Some disease. _Montgomerie._ POWSOWDIE, _s._ 1. Sheepshead broth, q. _poll-sodden_. _Ritson._ 2. Milk and meal boiled together, S. B. PRAELOQUUTOUR, _s._ An advocate. V. ~Prolocutor~. PRAY, _s._ A meadow. _Douglas._ Fr. _pré_, id. Lat. _pratum_. PRAP, _s._ A mark, S. V. ~Prop~. _To_ ~Prap~, _v. a._ 1. To set up as a mark, S. 2. _To prap stanes_ at any thing, to throw stones, by taking aim at some object, S. B. PRAT, PRATT, _s._ 1. A trick, S. _Doug._ 2. A wicked action, S. _Forbes._ A. S. _praett_, craft, Isl. _prett-ur_, guile. ~Pratty~, _adj._ Tricky, S.; _pretty_, S. B. often _ill-pretty_. _Ruddiman._ PRATTIK, PRETTIK, PRACTIK, PRACTIQUE, _s._ 1. Practice, experience. _Lyndsay._ 2. A stratagem in war; _protick_, S. B. _Douglas._ 3. Form of proceeding in a court of law; a forensic term. Fr. _practique_. _Baillie._ 4. An artful means. _Dunbar._ 5. A trick of legerdemain, S. _Gl. Sibb._ 6. A necromantic exploit, S. _Dunbar._ 7. A mischievous trick, or any wicked act, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _praktik_, craft; Mod. Sax. _practycke_, astrology. _To_ PRECELL, _v. n._ To excel. _Lyndsay._ PRECLAIR, _adj._ Supereminent, Fr. _Lyndsay._ _To_ PREFFER, _v. a._ To excel; Lat. _praefer-o_. _Complaynt S._ _To_ PREIF, PRIEVE, PREVE, PREE, _v. a._ 1. To prove. _Douglas._ 2. To taste; corr. _prie_, S. _Pal. Hon._ 3. To find by examination. _Wallace._ PREYNE, PRENE, PREIN, PRINE, PRIN, _s._ 1. A pin made of wire, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A thing of no value, S. _Wallace._ Su. G. Dan. _pren_, any sharp instrument; Isl. _prionn_, a needle, or large pin. _To_ ~Prein~, ~Prene~, ~Prin~, _v. a._ To pin, S. _Dunbar._ _Ramsay._ ~Prein-cod~, _s._ A pin-cushion, S. PREIS, PRES, _s._ Heat of battle. _Wyntown._ _To_ PREK, PRYK, _v. n._ To gallop. _Douglas._ A. S. _pricc-ian_, Belg. _prick-en_, pungere. _To_ PRENE, _v. a._ V. ~Prein~, _v._ _To_ PRENT, _v. a._ 1. To print, S. _Acts Marie._ Isl. _prent-a_, typis excudo. 2. To coin. _Douglas._ Su. G. _prent-a_, imprimere; from _pren_, a graving tool. ~Prent~, _s._ 1. Print, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. Impression of a die. _Acts Ja. III._ 3. A deep impression made on the mind. _Wallace._ 4. Likeness. _Douglas._ ~Prentar~, _s._ A printer. PRES, _s._ Throng. V. ~Preis~. PRESERVES, _s. pl._ Spectacles which magnify little or nothing, S. PRESOWNE, _s._ A prisoner. _Wyntown._ PRESSYT. L. _prissyt_, praised. _Barbour._ PREST, PRETE, _part. pa._ Ready. Fr. _Douglas._ PRESTABLE, _adj._ Payable. _Act Sed._ Fr. _prest-er_, Lat. _praest-are_. PRETTY, _adj._ 1. Small; pron. _e_ as _ai_ in _fair_, S. B. 2. Including the idea of neatness, conjoined with smallness of size, S. B. 3. Mean, contemptible. _Douglas._ 4. Handsome, well-made, S. _Spalding._ 5. Polite, accomplished, S. V. ~Proty~. _Sir J. Sinclair._ PRETTY-DANCERS, _s. pl._ The aurora borealis, S. B. _To_ PREVADE, _v. n._ To neglect. _Baillie._ _To_ PREVENE, PREVEEN, _v. a._ To _prevent_. Lat. _praevenio_. _Douglas._ PREVENTATIVE, _s._ Preventive, S. _To_ PREVERT, _v. a._ To anticipate. Lat. _praevert-o_. _Douglas._ PREVES, _pl._ 1. Proofs. 2. Witnesses. _Acts Ja. VI._ PRYCE, PRICE, PRYS, PREIS, _s._ 1. Praise. _Henrysone._ Su. G. _prisa_, Dan. _prise_, Belg. _prijs_, id. 2. Prize. Teut. _prijs_, pretium. _Douglas._ PRICK, _s._ 1. A wooden skewer, securing the end of a gut containing a pudding, S. _Kelly._ 2. An iron spoke. _Mellvill's MS._ _To_ ~Prick~, _v. a._ To fasten by a wooden skewer. _Kelly._ ~Pricksworth~, _s._ Any thing of the lowest imaginable value, S. PRICKED HAT, part of the dress required of those who bore arms in this country. _Acts Ja. II._ PRICKER, _s._ The basking shark, S. B. _Brand._ PRICKER, _s. pl._ A light horseman. V. ~Prek~. _Spotswood._ PRICKMEDAINTY, _s._ One who is finical in dress or carriage, S.; q. I _prick_ myself _daintily_. Teut. _pryck-en_, ornare. PRICKSANG, _s._ Pricksong. _Pal. Hon._ PRIDEFOW, _adj._ Proud, S. PRIDYEAND, _part. pr._ _Houlate._ Q. setting themselves off. Su. G. _pryd-a_, id. PRIEST. _To be one's priest_, to kill him, S. B. _To_ PRIEVE, _v. a._ V. ~Preif~. _To_ PRIG, _v. n._ 1. To haggle, S. _Doug._ 2. To importune, S. B. _P. Buch. Dial._ Belg. _prachg-en_, to beg. ~Prigging~, _s._ 1. Haggling, S. _Rutherford._ 2. Entreaty, S. _To_ PRYK, _v. n._ V. ~Prek~. _To_ PRYME, _v. a._ To stuff. _Douglas._ PRIMSIE, _s._ Demure, precise, S. from E. _prim_. _Burns._ _To_ PRIMP, To deck one's self in a stiff and affected manner. ~Primpit~, _part. pa._ 1. Stiffly and affectedly dressed, S. 2. Ridiculously stiff in demeanour, S. Su. G. _pramper-a_, to be proud. _To_ PRIN, _v. a._ V. ~Prein~, _v._ PRYNES, _s. pl._ Cribs of some kind for catching fish. _Acts Ja. III._ _To_ PRINK, To deck, to prick, S. Teut. _pronck-en_, ornare. _Evergreen._ _To_ PRINKLE, _v. n._ To thrill, to tingle, S. _Hogg._ _Kelly._ PRINTS, _s. pl._ Newspapers, S. PRYS, _s._ Praise. V. ~Pryce~. PRIVY SAUGH, Common privet, S. _Lightfoot._ _To_ PRIZE UP, _v. a._ To force open a lock or door, S. Fr. _press-er_, to force. PROBATIONER, _s._ One who is licensed to preach in public, as preparatory to his being called by any congregation, S. _Acts Assembly._ _To_ PROCESS, _v. a._ To proceed legally against one, S. _Baillie._ _To_ PROCH, _v. a._ To approach. _Wallace._ Fr. _proche_, near. PROCHANE, PROCHENE, _adj._ Neighbouring, Fr. _Complaynt S._ PROCURATOR, _s._ 1. An advocate in a court of law. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. A solicitor, who is allowed to speak before an inferior court, although not an advocate; corr. _procutor_, S. L. B. _procurator_. PROD, _s._ A wooden skewer, Ang. Su. G. _brodd_, Dan. _brod_, cuspis, aculeus. ~Prod~, ~Craw-prod~, _s._ A pin fixed in the top of a gable, to which the ropes, fastening the roof of a cottage, were tied, S. B. _Prod_, and perh. _crap_, the top. PROG, PROGUE, _s._ 1. A sharp point, S. 2. An arrow. _P. Buch. Dial._ ~Prog-staff~, _s._ A staff with a sharp iron point in its extremity, S. B. V. ~Brog~, _v._ _To_ PROYNE, PRUNYIE, _v. a._ 1. To deck, to trim; applied to birds. _K. Quair._ 2. Denoting the effeminate care of a male in decking his person. _Doug._ Germ. _prang-en_, to make a shew; Su. G. _prydn-ing_, trimming. PROKET, _s._ _Proket of wax_, apparently a small taper. Fr. _brochette_, a prick or peg. PROLOCUTOR, _s._ An advocate. _Quon. Att._ Lat. _pro_ and _loqui_, to speak for. _Praeloquutour_, id. _Acts Ja. VI._ PROLONG, _s._ Procrastination. _Wallace._ _To_ PROMIT, _v. a._ To promise. Lat. _promitt-o_. _Bellenden._ ~Promit~, _s._ A promise. _Pal. Hon._ _To_ PROMOVE, _v. a._ To promote. Lat. _promov-eo_. _Acts Parl._ PRON, _s._ Flummery, S. B. Gael. _pronn_, pollard. PRON'D, PRAN'D, _part. pa._ Bruised, wounded. _Buchan._ Gael. _pronn-am_, to bruise. PRONEVW, PRONEPUOY, _s._ A great grandson. Lat. _pronepos_. _Wynt._ PROP, _s._ An object at which aim is taken, S. _prap_. _Dunbar._ Q. something supported above the level of the ground as a butt. PROPYNE, PROPINE, _s._ 1. A present, S. _Douglas._ 2. Drink-money. _Rutherford._ 3. The power of giving. _Minstr. Bord._ Gr. προπιν-ω, Lat. _propin-o_, id. Hence Fr. _propine_, drink-money. _To_ ~Propine~, _v. a._ 1. To present a cup to another. _Rollocke._ 2. To present, in a general sense. _Muse's Threnodie._ _To_ PROPONE, _v. a._ To propose. Lat. _propon-o_. _Douglas._ _To_ PROPORTE, _v. n._ To mean. E. _purport_, L. B. _proport-are_. _Doug._ PROSPECT, _s._ A perspective glass, S. Fr. _prospective_; Lat. _prospicio_. _Baillie._ PROT, _s._ A trick. V. ~Pratt~. PROTEIR. L. _protegere_. _Dunbar._ PROTY, PROTTY, _adj._ 1. Handsome, elegant, S. B. _P. Buch. Dial._ 2. Possessing mettle, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _prud-r_, decorus, A. S. _praete_, ornatus. PROTICK, _s._ V. ~Prattick~. PROTTY, _adj._ V. ~Pratty~. PROVENTIS, _s. pl._ Profits. _Knox._ Lat. _provent-us_. PROVOST, _s._ The mayor of a royal burgh, S. PROW, _s._ Profit. _Maitland P._ Fr. _prou_, id. PROWAN, _s._ Provender. _Kelly._ Fr. _provende_, id. PROWDE, _adj._ Magnificent. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _prud_, id. PROWDE, _s._ Fair, beautiful woman. _Maitland P._ Su. G. _prud_, ornatus; Isl. _frid_, pulcher. _To_ PRUNYIE, _v. a._ To trim. V. ~Proyne~. PTARMIGAN, _s._ The white game, S. Gael. _tarmoch-an_. _Sibb._ PUBLIC-HOUSE, _s._ An inn, a tavern, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ PUCK HARY, _s._ A certain sprite or hobgoblin, S. _Colvil._ Isl. Su. G. _puke_, daemon, spectrum. PUD. _Inkpud_, _s._ An inkholder, Loth. Teut. _enck pot_, atramentarium; or _puyd_, suggestus, q. what supports. PUD, _s._ A fondling designation for a child. Isl. _ped_, homuncio, puer. PUDDIE, PUDDY, _s._ A kind of cloth. Teut. _poote_, pellis cervaria. _Ritson._ PUDDILL, _s._ A pedlar's pack or wallet. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _buydel_, Fris. _puyl_, sacculus. PUDDINGFILLAR, _s._ A glutton. _Dunbar._ _To_ PUDDLE, PUDLE, _v. n._ 1. To work diligently in a mean way, S. from E. _puddle_, a mire. _Statist. Acc._ 2. Applied to laborious and frivolous engagement in the Popish ceremonies. _R. Bruce._ PUDGE, _s._ A small house, a hut, Perths. Isl. _bud_, Teut. _boede_, casa; O. Teut. _poest_, an ox-stall. _To_ PUG, _v. a._ To pull, Perths. PUIR, _adj._ Poor. V. ~Pure~. _To_ ~Puir~, _v. a._ V. ~Pure~, _v._ PULAILE, POULAILE, _s._ Poultry. L. B. _poyllayllia_, id. _Barbour._ _To_ PULCE, _v. a._ To impel. Lat. _puls-o_. _Complaynt S._ PULDER, _s._ Powder, dust. O. Fr. _puldre_, id. _Complaynt S._ ~Pulderit~, _part. pa._ Sprinkled. _Douglas._ PULLAINE GREIS, _s._ Greaves worn in war. _Wallace._ L. B. _polena_, pars qua genua muniuntur. PULL LING, _s._ A moss plant, S. PULLISEE, _s._ A pulley, S. _pullishee_. _Ramsay._ PULOCHS, _s. pl._ Patches, S. B. Mod. Sax. _pulten_, id. PULTRING, _part. adj._ Rutting, Perths. Fr. _poultre_, a horse-colt. _To_ PUMP, _v. n._ To break wind softly behind, S. Isl. _prump-a_, pedere. ~Pump~, _s._ The act of breaking wind softly, S. _To_ PUNCH, _v. a._ To jog with the elbow, S. O. E. Sw. _bunk-a_, cum sonitu ferire. ~Punch~, _s._ A jog, a slight push, S. PUNDELAYN, _s._ _Barbour._ Fr. _Pantaleon_, the name of a saint much celebrated in former ages. PUNDIE, _s._ A small tin mug for heating liquids, Perths.; originally containing a _pound_ weight of water. PUNDLAR, PUNDLER, _s._ An instrument for weighing, resembling a steelyard, Orkn. _Barry._ Su. G. _pundare_, statera; from _pund_, libra. PUNDLER, PUNLER, _s._ 1. A distrainer, Ang. V. ~Poinder~. _Bann. MS._ 2. A stalk of peas bearing two pods, Ang. _To_ PUNGE, _v. a._ V. ~Punye~. PUNGER, _s._ A species of crab. _Sibbald._ PUNYE, _s._ A small body of men. _Barbour._ Fr. _poignée de gens_, a handful of people. _To_ PUNYE, PUNGE, _v. a._ 1. To pierce. _Wallace._ 2. To sting. _Fordun._ 3. To sting; applied to the mind. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _poign-er_, Lat. _pungere_. PUNYOUN, _s._ Side, party. V. ~Opinion~. _Wallace._ PUNSIS, PUNCIS, _s. pl._ Pulses. Corr. from _pulse_. _Montgomerie._ PURCHES, _s._ 1. An amour. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _porchaz_, intrigue. 2. Space for exertion, S. 3. _To live on_ one's _purchase_, to live by one's wits, S. PURE, PUIR, _adj._ Poor, S. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _poure_, id. ~Puirlie~, _adv._ Humbly. _K. Hart._ ~Pure man~, _s._ A beggar, S. _K. Quair._ To ~Pure~, ~Puir~, _v. a._ To impoverish. _Wallace._ PURED, _part. adj._ Furred. _Sir Gawan._ PURELLIS, _s. pl._ V. ~Pouerall~. PURFLED, PURFILLIT, _part. adj._ Short-winded, S. PURIE, _s._ A small meagre person, Orkney. PURLE, _s._ A pearl. _Watson._ PURL, _s._ 1. A portion of the dung of sheep or horses, S. _Ess. Highland Soc._ Su. G. _porl-a_, scaturire. 2. Dried cow-dung, used for fuel, Fife, S. A. PURLICUE, PARLICUE, _s._ 1. A flourish at the end of a word in writing, Aberd. Fr. _pour le queue_, q. for the tail. 2. In pl. whims, trifling oddities, Ang. PURLIE-PIG, _s._ V. ~Pirlie-pig~. PURPOSE-LIKE, _adj._ Apparently well qualified for any business, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ PURPRESTRE, _s._ A violation of the property of a superior. _Reg. Maj._ Fr. _pourprendre_, invadere. PURRAY, PURRY, _s._ A species of fur. Fr. _fourrée_, id. _Acts Ja. I._ PURRY, _s._ A kind of porridge, Aberd. _Pop. Ball._ PURRING-IRNE, _s._ A poker, Ang. Teut. _poyer-en_, fodicare. PURSY, _s._ Short-breathed and fat. O. Fr. _pourcif_, id. _Gl. Sibb._ PURSILL, _s._ As much money as fills a purse, S. B. q. _purse-fill_. PURS-PYK, _s._ A pickpocket. _Dunbar._ PURTYE, POORTITH, _s._ Poverty. S. O. Fr. _poureté_. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ PUT, _v. n._ To push with the head or horns, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _bott-en_, C. B. _pwt-iaw_, id. To ~Put~ _at_, _v. a._ To push against. _Knox._ To ~Put~ _on_, _v. a._ To jogg, to give a gentle push, S. _Leg. St Androis._ ~Put~, ~Putt~, _s._ 1. A thrust, a push, S. _Knox._ 2. Metaph. an attempt. _Pennecuik._ _To_ ~Put~, _v. n._ To throw a heavy stone above-hand, S. _Ramsay._ C. B. _pwt-iaw_, to push, to thrust. ~Put~ _and_ ~Row~, _adv._ With difficulty, S. _Ross._ ~Putting-stone~, _s._ A heavy stone used in _putting_, S. _Pennant._ _To_ ~Put~ _out_, _v. a._ To discover, to make a person known who wishes to conceal himself, S. PUTTER, _s._ Acorr. of _petard_. _Spalding._ Q QUAICH, QUEYCH, QUEGH, QUEFF, _s._ A small and shallow drinking cup with two ears. _Ferguson._ Ir. Gael. _cuach_, a cup or bowl. QUAID, _adj._ Evil. _Pal. of Hon._ Alem. _quad_, Belg. _quaad_, malus. QUAIFF, QUEIF, _s._ A coif. _Philotus._ Teut. _koyffe_, Su. G. _kwif_, id. QUAIK, _s._ The wheezing sound emitted in consequence of great exertion. _Douglas._ Teut. _quack-en_, Lat. _coax-are_. QUAILYIE, QUALYIE, _s._ A quail. _Acts Marie._ QUAIR, QUERE, _s._ A book. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _kwer_, libellus, codicillus; O. Fr. _quayer_, a book, id. QUAKING ASH, _s._ The asp or aspen, S. QUALIM, _s._ Ruin. _Douglas._ Alem. _qualm_, excidium. QUARREL, _s._ A stone quarry, S. V. ~Querrell~. QUARTER-ILL, _s._ A disease among cattle, affecting them only in one limb or _quarter_, S. _Pop. Ball._ _To_ QUAT, _v. a._ To quit, S. ~Quat~, _adj._ Released from, S. _Ramsay._ QUAUIR, _s._ A quiver. _Douglas._ QUEET, _s._ The ancle, Aberd. V. ~Cute~. _Ross._ QUEY, QUY, QUOY, QUYACH, QUOYACH, QUEOCK, QUYOK, _s._ A cow of two years old, S. _Acts Malc. II._ Dan. _quie_, Su. G. _quiga_, id. QUEYN, QUEAN, _s._ A young woman, S. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _cwen_, Su. G. _qwinna_, mulier. QUEINT, QUENT, _adj._ 1. Curious. _Douglas._ 2. Strange, wonderful. _Douglas._ 3. Cunning, crafty. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _coint_, bien fait, sage; Arm. _coant_. ~Quentis~, _s._ Elegant device. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _cointise_, ornement, ajustement. ~Queint~, ~Queynt~, _s._ A wile, a device; O. Fr. _cointe_. _Wyntown._ _To_ QUEINTH, QUEITH, _v. a._ To pacify, or to bid farewell to. _Douglas._ Su. G. Isl. _qwaed-ia_, salutare; valedicere. QUELLES, _s. pl._ Yells. _Sir Gawan._ Su. G. Isl. _qwill-a_, ejulare. _To_ QUEME, _v. a._ To fit exactly; _queem_, Lanerks. _Quemit_, _part. pa._ ~Queme~, _adj._ Exactly fitted, used as an _adv._ _Queem_, Lanerks. id. _Douglas._ Teut. _quaem_, _be-quaem_ aptus. QUEMIT, _part. pa._ Exactly fitted. _Pal. of Hon._ Franc. _biquam_ congruit, convenit. QUENRY, _s._ Abundance of bad women. _Chr. S. P._ A. S. _cwen_, mulier, and _ric_, dives. QUENT, QUENTISS. V. ~Queint~. QUENT, _adj._ Familiar, acquainted. Fr. _accoint_, id. _Bellenden._ QUERRELL, QUAREL, _s._ A quarry, S. B. _Bellenden._ Fr. _quarrel-er_, to pave with flat stones. QUERT, _s._ _In quert_, in a state of hilarity. _S. P. Repr._ C. B. _chwaer-u_, to be active; _chwar-eu_, to sport; _chwareuad_, _chwuareuaeth_, sport, merriment; _chwarth_, a laugh; Arm. _choar-i_, jouer. ~Quierty~, ~Querty~, _adj._ 1. Lively, possessing a flow of animal spirits, S. 2. Active, Ayrs., Dumfr. QUESTES, _s. pl._ Noise of hounds. _Sir Gawan._ Fr. _quest-er_, to open as a dog. QUETHING. V. ~Queinth~. _Douglas._ QUH, expressing a strong guttural sound, S. QUHA, QUHAY, _pron._ Who; _quhays_, whose, S. _Douglas._ QUHAYE, _s._ Whey. _Flot quhaye_, a delicate sort of curd which floats at the top of whey when boiled, S. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _hweg_, Belg. _weye_, _huy_. QUHAYNG, WHANG, _s._ 1. A thong, S. A. S. _thwang_. _Bellenden._ _Ay at the whittle and the quhang_, S. Prov. Still in a broil; Sw. _tweng_, id. 2. A thick slice of any thing eatable, S. _Burns._ To ~Quhang~, ~Whang~, _v. a._ 1. To flog, S. 2. To lash in discourse. _Burns._ 3. To cut in large slices, S. QUHAIP, QUHAUP, WHAAP, _s._ A curlew, S. _Acts Marie._ ~Quhaip~, ~Quhaup~, _s._ A goblin supposed to go about under the eaves of houses after night fall, having a long beak, Ayrs. QUHAM, _s._ 1. A dale among hills, S. 2. A marshy hollow, Loth. Isl. _hwamm-r_, convallicula seu semivallis; _hwome_, vorago. QUHARE, _adv._ Where. _S. P. Repr._ ~Quhairintil~, _adv._ Wherein. _R. Bruce._ QUHA-SAY, _s._ A sham, a pretence. _Leg. St Androis._ Corr. perh. from Lat. _quasi_, as if. QUHATKYN, QUHATEN. What kind of; S. _whattin_. V. ~Kin~. _Barbour._ QUHATSUMEUIR, _adj._ Whatsoever. _Crosraguel._ _To_ QUHAUK, _v. a._ To beat, S. E. QUHAUP, _s._ A curlew. V. ~Quhaip~. QUHAUP, WHAAP. _There's a whaap in the raip_, S. Prov. There is something wrong. _Kelly._ QUHAUP, _s._ A pod in the earliest state, S. _To_ ~Whaup~, or to be ~Whauped~, _v. n._ To assume the form of pods, S. B. _To_ ~Quhaup~, _v. a._ To shell peas, S. B. _To_ QUHAWCH, _v. n._ V. ~Quaik~. QUHAWE, _s._ A marsh, a quagmire. C. B. _chwi_, a whirl; _chwiawg_, full of whirls. _Wyntown._ QUHEYNE, QUHENE, QUHOYNE, QUHONE, _adj._ Few, S. _Barbour._ ~Quhene~, S. _wheen_, _s._ A small quantity. A. S. _hwaene_, _hwene_, aliquantum, paulo. _To_ QUHEMLE, WHOMMEL, _v. a._ To turn upside down, S. _whummil_. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _hwiml-a_, vertigine laborare. QUHETHIR, THE QUHETHYR, _conj._ However. _Barbour._ A. S. _hwaethere_, tamen, attamen. _To_ QUHETHIR, _v. n._ V. ~Quiddir~. _To_ QUHEW, _v. n._ To whiz, to whistle. C. B. _chwaw-iaw_, to blow. _Burel._ ~Quhew~, _s._ 1. The sound produced by the motion of any body through the air with velocity; S. B. _few._ _Douglas._ 2. A disease which proved extremely fatal in Scotland, A. 1420; occasioned, as would appear from the description, by the unnatural temperature of the weather. _Fordun._ C. B. _chwa_, _chwaw_, a blast, a gust. V. ~Quhich~. QUHY, _s._ A cause, a reason. _K. Quair._ _To_ QUHICH, QUHIGH, QUHIHHER, (gutt.) _v. n._ To move through the air with a whizzing sound, S. B. _Minstrelsy Bord._ A. S. _hweoth_, _hwith_, flatus, aura lenis. _To_ QUHID, WHUD, _v. n._ 1. To whisk, to move nimbly, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To fib, to equivocate, S. C. B. _chwidraw_, to move quickly; also to juggle; _hwidrar_, pernix fertur. ~Quhyd~, ~Whid~. 1. A quick motion, S. 2. A smart stroke. _Burel._ 3. _In a whid_, in a moment, S. _R. Galloway._ 4. A lie, properly in the way of evasion. Isl. _hwida_, fervida actio; C. B. _chwid_, a quick turn. _To_ QUHIDDIR, QUHETHYR, _v. a._ To whiz, S. V. ~Quhich~. _Barbour._ A. S. _hwother-an_, to make a booming noise. ~Quhidder~, _s._ A whizzing sound, S. _whithir_. _Douglas._ QUHIDDER, _s._ A slight and transient indisposition, S. _quhither_. A. S. _hwith_; q. a passing blast. QUHIG, WHIG, _s._ The sour part of cream, which separates from the rest, S. A. S. _hwaeg_, serum, whey. _Gl. Compl._ QUHILE, QUHILIS, _adv._ At times. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _quheil-a_, A. S. _hwil_, time. ~Quhile~, ~Quhil~, _adv._ Some time, formerly. _Barbour._ ~Quhile~, ~Quhille~, _adj._ Late, deceased. _Barbour._ QUHILK, _pron._ Which, who, S. _Wynt._ A. S. Dan. _hwilc_, Belg. _welk_, id. QUHILK, _s._ An imitative word expressing the cry of a gosling. _Compl. S._ QUHILL, _conj._ Until, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _hwile_, donec, until. QUHILLY BILLY, the noise made in violent coughing or reaching. V. ~Hillie-billow~. _Lyndsay._ QUHYLUM, QUHILOM, _adv._ 1. Some time ago. _Wyntown._ 2. At times. V. ~Umquhile~. _Barbour._ 3. Distributively; now, then. _Dunbar._ A. S. _hwilom_, _hwilum_, aliquando. QUHYN, QUHIN-STANE, _s._ Green-stone; the name given to basalt, trap, &c. S. _Douglas._ Isl. _hwijn-a_, resonare; _hwin_, resonans; q. "the resounding stone." _To_ QUHYNGE, _v. n._ To whine, S. wheenge. _Douglas._ Su. G. _weng-a_; plorare. _To_ QUHIP, WIPP, _v. a._ To bind about, S. Moes. G. _waib-jan_, to surround; Isl. _wef_, circumvolvo. ~Quhippis~, _s. pl._ Crowns. _Gl. Sibb._ Moes. G. _waips_, corona. _To_ QUHIRR, _v. n._ To emit such a sound as that of a partridge or moorfowl, when it takes flight, S. _whurr_. E. _whirring_ is used as an _adj_. Su. G. _hurr-a_, murmurare, cum impetu circumagi. ~Quhirr~, _s._ The sound of an object moving, as above expressed, S. _whurr_. _To_ QUHISSEL, WISSIL, _v. a._ 1. To exchange. _Douglas._ 2. To change; used as to money, S. B. _Acts Ja. V._ Belg. _wissel-en_, Germ. _wechsel-n_, Su. G. _waexl-a_, id. ~Quhissel~, ~Whissle~, ~Wissel~, _s._ Change given for money, S. B. _Burns._ Belg. _wissel_, Germ. _weschell_, id. ~Quhysselar~, _s._ 1. A changer of money. 2. A person employed privately to raise the price of goods sold by auction. Teut. _wisseler_, id. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ QUHYTE, WHEAT, _v. a._ To cut with a knife; usually applied to wood, S. A. S. _thwit-an_, _thweot-an_, id. QUHYTE, _adj._ Hypocritical, dissembling. _Douglas._ _White_ used metaph. like _fair_, specious. QUHITE MONEY, _silver_. _Acts Ja. V._ Su. G. _hwita penningar_, silver money. QUHITHER, _s._ A slight illness. V. ~Quhidder~. QUHYTYSS, _s. pl._ _Barbour._ O. Fr. _heutte_, a hat worn by military men; L. B. _huveti_, vestis species, viewed as a sort of mantle. QUHITRED, QUHITTRET, _s._ The weasel, S.; _whitrack_, Moray. _Sibbald._ Isl. _hwatur_, Su. G. _hwat_, quick, fleet; C. B. _chwidrad_, unsteady motion; _chwid-rawg_, full of giddiness. QUHITSTANE, _s._ A whetstone. _Doug._ Teut. _wet-sten_, cos. _To_ QUHITTER, QUITTER, _v. n._ 1. To warble, to chatter, S. _Douglas._ 2. Applied to the quick motion of the tongue. _Douglas._ Su. G. _qwittr-a_, Belg. _quetter-n_, garrire instar avium. QUHOYNE, _adj._ Few. V. ~Quheyne~. _To_ QUHOMMEL, _v. a._ V. ~Quhemle~. QUHONNAR, _adj._ Fewer. V. ~Quheyne~. _Barbour._ QUHOW, _adv._ How. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ _To_ QUHRYNE, _v. n._ 1. To squeak. _Montgomerie._ 2. To murmur, to whine. _Douglas._ A. S. _hrin-an_, Isl. _hrin-a_, ejulare, mugire. ~Quhryne~, _s._ A whining or growling sound. _Douglas._ QUY, QUYACH, _s._ V. ~Quey~. QUIBOW, _s._ A branch of a tree, S. B. Ir. Gael. _caobh_, id. QUICH, (gutt.) _s._ A small round-eared cap for a woman's head, worn under another, Ang. Su. G. _hwif_; C. B. _penguwch_, id., from _pen_, head, and _cuwch_, the brows, or knitting of them. QUICKEN, _s._ Couch-grass. _Lightfoot._ Sw. _qwick-hwete_, _qwick-rot_, _qwicka_, id. QUIERTY, _adj._ Lively. V. ~Quert~. QUIETIE, _s._ Privacy. _Lyndsay._ _To_ QUIN, _v. a._ To con. _Maitland P._ QUYNYIE, QUYNIE, QUEINGIE, _s._ A corner. O. Fr. _coing_, id. _Journal Lond._ QUINK, QUINCK, _s._ Golden-eyed duck, Orkn. _Acts Marie._ Norw. _quink-e_, to pipe. QUINTER, _s._ A ewe in her third year; q. _twinter_, her second year being completed. _Gl. Sibb._ QUIRIE, _s._ The royal stud. _Spotswood._ Fr. _ecurie_, id. QUISQUOUS, _adj._ Nice, perplexing, S. Lat. _quisquis_. _Wodrow._ QUYTE, _part. pa._ Requited. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ QUITTER, _v. n._ V. ~Quhitter~. _To_ QUYTCLEYME, _v. a._ To renounce all claim to. _Wallace._ ~Qwyt-cleme~, _s._ Renunciation. _Wyntown._ QUOD, _pret. v._ Quoth, said, S. Alem. _quad_, dixi. _Complaynt S._ QUOY, _s._ A young cow. V. ~Quey~. QUOY, _s._ 1. A piece of ground, taken in from a common, and inclosed, Orkn. 2. _Sheep quoy_, a penn; synon. with _bucht_, Orkn. Isl. _kwi_, claustrum, ubi oves includuntur. 3. _A ringit quoy_, one which has originally been of a circular form, ibid. QUOTT, QUOTE, QUOITT, _s._ The portion of the goods of one deceased, appointed by law to be paid for the confirmation of his testament, or for the right of intromitting with his property. _Act Sed._ Fr. _quote_, L. B. _quota_, portion. R RA, RAA, RAE, _s._ A roe. _Acts Ja. I._ Isl. _ra_, Su. G. Dan. _raa_, id. RA, RAY, _s._ The sail-yard. Isl. _raa_, Su. G. _segelraa_, id. ~Rabandis~, ~Raibandis~, _s. pl._ The small lines which fasten the sail to the yard. Su. G. _refband_, robbins. _Douglas._ RABBLE, _s._ A rhapsody, S. _Baillie._ Teut. _rabbel-en_, garrire, nugari. _To_ ~Rabble~, ~Raible~, _v. n._ To rattle nonsense. _Gl. Shirr._ RABIL, _s._ A disorderly train. _Douglas._ _To_ RABETE. V. ~Rebute~. RACE, _pret. v._ Dashed. V. ~Rasch~. _Wall._ RACE, _s._ 1. A current. V. ~Raiss~. 2. The current which turns a mill, S. B. _Law Case._ 3. The train of historical narration. _R. Bruce._ RACE, _s._ Course at sea. _Douglas._ Su. G. _resa_, id. Belg. _reys_, a voyage. RACHE, (hard), _s._ A dog that discovers and pursues his prey by the scent. _Bellenden._ Isl. _racke_, canis sagax, L. B. _racha_; Norm. _racche_, id. RACHE, Houlate. V. ~Raith~. RACHLIE, (gutt.) _adj._ Dirty and disorderly, S. B. Isl. _hrakleg-r_, incomtus, male habitus. RACHLIN, _adj._ 1. Unsettled, hare-brained, S. B. 2. Noisy, clamorous, S. B. Su. G. _ragl-a_, huc illuc ferri; Isl. _ragalinn_, perversè delirans. RACK, _s._ A frame fixed to the wall, for holding plates, &c. S. RACK (of a mill), _s._ A piece of wood used for the purpose of feeding a mill, S. RACKABIMUS, _s._ A sudden or unexpected stroke or fall, Ang. RACKEL, RACKLE, RAUCLE, _adj._ Rash, fearless, S. _Burns._ Isl. _rack-r_, strenuus, arduus. ~Rackel-handit~, _adj._ Careless; rash, S. corr. _rackless-handed_. _Gl. Shirr._ RACKET, _s._ A dress frock, Loth. Su. G. _rocke_, Arm. _roket_, Fr. _rocket_, toga. RACKET, _s._ A smart stroke, S. _Ruddiman._ Isl. _hreck-ia_, propellere; Belg. _rack-en_, to hit. RACKLE, _s._ A chain, S. B. RACKLESS, _adj._ Regardless, S. O. E. V. ~Rak~, _s._ _Kelly._ RACKLIGENCE, _s._ Chance, accident, S. B. _Ross._ RACKMEREESLE, _adv._ Higgledy-piggeldy, Fife. Perths. RACKSTICK, _s._ A stick used for twisting ropes, S. from E. _rack_, to extend. _To_ RACUNNYS, _v. a._ To recognise in a juridical sense. _Wallace._ L. B. _recognosc-ere_. RAD, RADE, RED, _adj._ Afraid; Clydes. Dumfr. _Barbour._ Su. G. _raed-as_, _radd-a_, terreo, timeo; Su. G. _raedd_, Dan. _raed_, _red_, afraid. ~Raddour~, ~Reddour~, _s._ Fear. _Wallace._ Su. G. raedde, id. ~Radness~, _s._ Fear, timidity. _Barbour._ RAD, _s._ Counsel. V. ~Red~. RADDMAN, _s._ A counsellor, Orkney. V. ~Lagraetman~. RADDOWRE, REDDOUR, _s._ 1. Vehemence, violence. _Douglas._ 2. Rigour, severity. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _rador_, the same with _roideur_, dureté. RADE, RAID, _s._ An invasion, an attack by violence. _Wyntown._ A. S. _rad_, _rade_, invasio, incursio. RADE, RAID, _s._ A road for ships. _Douglas._ Fr. _rade_, Belg. _rede_, Su. G. _redd_, id. RADE, _adv._ Rather. V. ~Rath~. _Priests Peblis._ _To_ RADOTE, _v. n._ To rave, particularly in sleep. Fr. _radot-er_. _Burel._ _To_ RADOUN, _v. n._ To return. _Wallace._ Fr. _redond-er_, to return. RAE, WRAE, _s._ An inclosure for cattle, S. B. Isl. _ra_, secessus domus; latibulum. RAE, _s._ A roe. V. ~Ra~. RAF. _In raf_, quickly. Su. G. _rapp_, citus; _rafsa_, celeriter. RAFF, _s._ Plenty, abundance, S. B. _Ross._ A. S. _reaf_, spolia; C. B. _rhav_, diffusion. RAFF, _s._ A flying shower, Ang. Su. G. _rafs-a_, celeriter auferre. RAFFAN, _adj._ Merry, roving. _Ramsay._ Isl. _raf-a_, vagari. RAFFEL, _s._ Doe-skin. _Chr. Kirk._ From _ra_, _rae_, a roe, and _fell_, a skin. _To_ RAG, _v. a._ To rally, to reproach, S. Isl. _raeg-a_, Alem. _ruag-en_, to accuse. _To_ RAGGLE, _v. a._ 1. To ruffle the skin, S. 2. In architecture, to jagg, to groove, S. C. B. _rhugl-aw_, to rub, to chafe; at-terere, Davies; _rhygl-o_, to rub, to fret; Lhuyd: also, to groove, striare. RAGMAN, RAGMENT, _s._ 1. A long piece of writing. _Wyntown._ 2. A rhapsody. _Douglas._ 3. An account, in order to a settlement. _Dunbar._ Ital. _ragionamento_, a discourse. RAGMAN'S ROW, or ROLL, a collection of those deeds by which the nobility and gentry of Scotland were constrained to subscribe allegiance to Edward I. of England, A. 1296. _Rudd._ Isl. _raeg-a_, to accuse, _raege_, an accuser; hence the devil is called _Rageman_, P. Ploughm. RAGWEED, _s._ Ragwort, S. _Burns._ _To_ RAY, _v. a._ To array. _Wallace._ ~Ray~, _s._ Military arrangement. _Id._ RAY, _s._ Uncertain. _Douglas._ Su. G. _ra_, Isl. _raege_, daemon. RAY, REE, _adj._ Mad, wild. V. ~Ree~. _Gl. Sibb._ RAYATT, Barbour. L. _ryotyt_, rioted. RAID, _s._ An inroad, S. V. ~Rade~. RAID, _s._ A road for ships. V. ~Rade~. RAYEN, RAYON, _s._ A ray. _Hume._ Fr. _rayon_, id. RAIF, _part. pa._ Rent. _Pal. Hon._ Su. G. _rifw-a_, to rive. RAIF, _s._ Robbery. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _reaf_, spolia; _reaf-ian_, to rob. _To_ RAIF, _v. n._ To rave. _Douglas._ Belg. _rev-en_, Fr. _resv-er_. _To_ RAIK, RAKE, RAYK, REYKE, _v. n._ 1. To range, S. _Douglas._ 2. To move expeditiously, S. _Sir Gawan._ 3. _To raik on raw_, to march in order. _Douglas._ 4. To be copious in discourse. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _rek-a_, to roam; _rak-a_, to go swiftly. ~Raik~, ~Rayk~, ~Rake~, _s._ 1. The extent of a course or walk, S. Hence, _sheep-raik_, and _cattle-raik_, S. _Wyntown._ 2. A swift pace. _Ross._ 3. The act of carrying from one place to another, S. _Henrysone._ 4. The extent of fishing ground, S. B. _Act Concil._ 5. _Tongue-raik_, elocution, flow of language, S. B. RAIK, RAK, RACK, _s._ Care, reckoning. _Quhat raik?_ what do I care for it? S. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _recce_, cura, O. E. _reck_. RAIL, _s._ A woman's jacket, S. B. _Gl. Sibb._ Belg. _ryglyf_, a boddice stays. _To_ RAILL, _v. n._ To jest. _Burel._ Fr. _raill-er_, id. ~Railyear~, _s._ A jester. _Douglas._ RAIN GOOSE, the red-throated diver, supposed to prognosticate _rain_, Caithn. _Stat. Acc._ RAYNE, _s._ V. ~Rane~. RAING, _s._ Row. V. ~Rang~. _To_ ~Raing~, _v. n._ 1. To rank up, S. _Ferguson._ 2. To follow in a line, S. B. RAIP, _s._ 1. A rope, S. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _raip_, A. S. _rape_, id. 2. A rood; or six ells in length. _Skene._ Su. G. _rep-a_, to measure by a line. RAIR, _s._ A roar. V. ~Rare~. _To_ RAISE, RAIZE, _v. a._ 1. To excite, S. _Burns._ 2. To madden; _rais'd_, delirious, S. Alem. _raiz-en_, irritare; Su. G. _ras-a_, insanire. RAISE-NET FISHING, allowing the lower part of the net to _rise_ and float with the flowing tide, and to fall down with the ebb, Dumfr. _Stat. Acc._ RAISS, RASSE, RASE, RACE, _s._ A strong current in the sea, S. _Barbour._ Teut. _raes_, aestuarium. RAITH, REATH, _s._ The fourth part of a year, S. _Ross._ Gael. _ratha_, _raithe_, id.; Su. G. _ret_, Isl. _reit-r_, quadratum quodvis. RAITH, _adj._ 1. Sudden, quick. _Houlate._ A. S. _hraeth_, celer, Isl. _hradr_, promptus. 2. Ready, prepared. _Douglas._ ~Raith~, _adv._ Quickly. A. S. _rath_, id. _Doug._ RAIVEL, _s._ A rail, S. Fr. _verre-vel_, id. _To_ RAK, _v. a._ To reach. _Montgomerie._ A. S. _raec-an_, Su. G. _raeck-a_, id. _To_ RAK, REK, _v. a._ To regard. _Doug._ A. S. _rec-an_, Isl. _raek-ia_, curare. ~Rak~, _s._ Care. V. ~Raik~. RAK, RAWK, ROIK, ROOK, _s._ A thick mist or fog, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _rak-ur_, humidus; Teut. _roock_, vapor. RAK, RAWK, _s._ The rheum which distils from the eyes during sleep, S. B. Isl. _hrak_, rejectaneum quid. _Rudd._ RAK, RAWK, _s._ The greenish scum on stagnated water, S. B. _Ruddiman._ RACK, _s._ A shock; a blow. _Douglas._ Isl. _rek-a_, _hreck-ia_, propellere, quatere. RAK-SAUCH, _s._ A reproachful term; q. applied to one who deserves to _rack_, or stretch, a withy. _Dunbar._ RAKE. L. _wrake_, wreck. _Sir Tristrem._ RAKE, _s._ A swift pace. V. ~Raik~. RAKYNG, _part. pr._ Perhaps wandering. _Dunbar._ RAKKET, _s._ Uncertain. _Bannatyne P._ RAKLESS, _adj._ Careless, rash, S. A. S. _recceleas_, id. ~Rakleslie~, _adv._ Unwittingly. _Lyndsay._ _To_ RALE, _v. n._ To spring, to gush forth. Isl. _ryll_, rivus tacitè labens. _Doug._ _To_ RALEIFF, _v. n._ To rally. _Wallace._ RALIS, _s. pl._ Nets. _Douglas._ Franc. _regil_, vectis, obex. RALLION, _s._ Clattering, noise, S. B. Isl. _ragl-a_, incedere; _ragl_, gressus. RAMAGIECHAN, _s._ Expl. a large raw-boned person, speaking and acting heedlessly, Ang. _To_ RAMBARRE, _v. a._ To repulse; Fr. _rembarr-er_, id. _Godscroft._ _To_ RAME, _v. n._ To shout, to roar, S. B. _Douglas._ A. S. _hream-an_, Su. G. _raam-a_, clamare. ~Rame~, _s._ A cry; especially as denoting reiteration of the same sound, S. ~Ramyng~, _s._ A loud cry. _Douglas._ RAMEDE, _s._ Remedy; Fr. _remede_. _Wallace._ RAMFEEZLED, _part. adj._ Fatigued, exhausted, S. _Burns._ Teut. _ramme_, aries, and _futsel-en_, agitare. RAMFORSIT, _part. pa._ Crammed. _N. Burne._ RAMGUNSHOCH, _adj._ Rugged. _Kelly._ Isl. _ram-r_, fortis, and _gunni_, vir pugnax. RAMMASCHE, _adj._ Collected; Fr. _rammassé_. _Complaynt S._ RAMMEKINS, _s._ A dish made of eggs, cheese, and crumbs of bread, mixed in the manner of a pudding. _Gl. Sibb._ Flandr. _rammekin_, panis escharites. RAMMEL, RAMEL, _s._ Small branches. Fr. _ramilles_, id. _Burel._ ~Rammel~, _adj._ 1. Branchy; Fr. _ramillé_. _Complaynt S._ 2. Rank, applied to straw, S. B. RAMMEL, RAMBLE, _s._ Mixed grain, S. _Statist. Acc._ Teut. _rammel-en_, tumultuari. RAMMER, _s._ A ramrod, S. _To_ RAMMIS, _v. n._ To be driven about under the impulse of any powerful appetite, S. B. Alem. _romisch pfaerd_, equus salax. ~Rammist~, _part. adj._ Raging. _Bellenden._ _To_ RAMORD, _v. n._ V. ~Remord~. _To_ RAMP, _v. n._ 1. To be rompish, S. 2. To rage. _Wallace._ A. S. _rempend_, praeceps. ~Ramp~, _adj._ 1. Riotous. _Fountainhall._ 2. Vehement, violent, S. _Pennecuik._ _To_ RAMP, _v. n._ Applied to milk when it becomes ropy, S. B. Fr. _ramp-er_, to climb. _To_ RAMP, _v. a._ To trample. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ RAMPAGE, _v. n._ To prance about with fury, S. _Ross._ _Ram_, and _pauge_; q. to prance like a ram. RAMPAR EEL, a lamprey, S. _Statist. Acc._ RAMPS, _s. pl._ A species of garlick, Loth. Sw. _rams_, id. RAM-RAIS, RAM-RACE, _s._ The act of running in a precipitous manner, with the head inclined downwards, S. Teut. _ramey-en_, arietare. _Douglas._ RAMSH, _adj._ 1. Strong, robust, S. B. Su. G. _ram_, Isl. _ramm-ur_, id. 2. Lascivious, salacious, S. Teut. _ramm-en_, salire; Alem. _romisch_, salax. 3. Harsh to the taste, S. B. Norw. _romms_, rank; Isl. _rammr_, bitter. RAM-STAM, _adj._ Forward, thoughtless, S. _Burns._ ~Ram-stam~, _adv._ Precipitately, S. _Ram_, and _staemm-a_, tendere. RAMUKLOCH. _To sing ramukloch_, to cry. _Bannatyne Poems._ Gael. _ra_, denoting motion, _muich_, sadness, and _loch_, dark, or _laoi_, day; q. "deep sorrow," or "the day of sadness comes." _To_ RANCE, _v. a._ To prop with stakes, S. Su. G. _raenn-a_, to fasten a door with a stake. ~Rance~, _s._ 1. A wooden prop, S. 2. The cross bar which joins the lower part of the frame of a chair together. Ang. 3. The cornice of a wooden bed, S. Su. G. _ren_, a stake. RANDER, _s._ Order, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _rand_, margo, linea, pl. _rander_. RANDERS, _s. pl._ 1. Idle rumours, S. 2. Idle conversation, S. Fland. _rand-en_, delirare, nugari. RANDY, RANDIE-BEGGAR, _s._ 1. A beggar who exacts alms by threatening language, S. _Ritson._ 2. A scold, S. Su. G. _ran_, spoil, and _tiuf_, a thief; Gael. _ranntaich_, a songster. ~Randy~, _adj._ Quarrelsome, scolding, S. _Meston._ RANDOUN, _s._ Swift motion. _Barbour._ Fr. _randon_, the force of a violent stream. _To_ ~Randon~, _v. n._ To flow swiftly in a straight line. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _randonn-er_, id. RANE, RAYNE, RAIN, REANE, _s._ 1. Tedious idle talk. _Wyntown._ 2. Metrical jargon. _Douglas._ 3. A frequent repetition of the same sound. _Houlate._ Germ. _raun_, an incantation. Isl. _runa_, sermo non intermissus. _To_ ~Rane~, _v. a._ To cry the same thing over and over, S. O. _rainie_, Ang. _Douglas._ RANEGALD, _adj._ Acting as a _renegado_. _Kennedy._ RANG, RAING, _s._ A row, a rank, S. Fr. _rang_, id. Sw. _rang_, C. B. _rhenge_, ordo, series. RANG, _pret._ Reigned, S. _Garden._ RANGALE, RANGALD, RINGALD, RANGAT, _s._ 1. The rabble. _Barbour._ 2. A crowd, a mob, S. B. _Douglas._ 3. Anarchy, disorder. _Dunbar._ Isl. _hraungl_, strepitus; or _ran_, rapina, and _gild_, societas. RANGE, _s._ 1. A company of hunters. Fr. _rang_, _rangée_, a row. _Douglas._ 2. The van of an army. _Wallace._ RANK, _adj._ 1. Strong, able-bodied. _Bellenden._ 2. Harsh; applied to the voice. _Doug._ RANNOK FLOOK, a species of flounder. Perhaps for _Bannock_. _Sibbald._ RANSOUNE, RANSOWN, _s._ Ransom. Fr. _ranson_, id. _Wallace._ _To_ RANTER, _v. a._ 1. To sow a seam across neatly, S. Fr. _rentraire_, id. 2. To darn in a coarse manner, Ang. RANTY-TANTY, _s._ A weed which grows among corn with a reddish leaf, S. B. _Ritson._ RANTLE-TREE, RANDLE-TREE, _s._ 1. The beam which extends across a chimney, on which the crook is suspended, S. _Ran-tree_, Fife. _Journ. Lond._ Sw. _rundel_, a round building. 2. The end of a rafter or beam. _Gl. Shirr._ Su. G. _rand_, extremity, and _tilia_, A. S. _thil_, a joist. 3. A tall raw-boned person, S. A. _Mannering._ RANTREE, _s._ V. ~Rountree~. RAP, RAPE, _s._ A rope. V. ~Raip~. _To_ RAP, _v. n._ To fall in quick succession. _Ross._ Su. G. _rap-a_, praeceps ruo, procido. RAP, _s._ 1. A cheat, an impostor, S. 2. A counterfeit coin; _a mere rap_, S. Su. G. _rapp-a_, vi ad se protrahere. RAP, _s. In a rap_, immediately, S. _Ross._ Su. G. _rapp_, Belg. _rap_, quick. _To_ ~Rap~ _aff_ a thing, to do it expeditiously, Loth. _To_ ~Rap~ _forth_, or _out_, _v. a._ To throw out forcibly. _Douglas._ ~Rape~, _adv._ Hastily. _Montgomerie._ RAPEGYRNE, _s._ The name anciently given to the little figure made of the last handful of grain cut on the harvest field, now called the _Maiden_. _Fordun._ Su. G. _rep-a_, to reap; and _gerna_, greedily; Isl. _girn-a_, cupere; q. what is reaped with great eagerness. RAPLACH, RAPLACK, RAPLOCK, REPLOCH, _s._ Coarse woollen cloth, homespun, and not dyed, S. _Lyndsay._ Su. G. _rep-a_, vellere, and _lock_, cirrus; q. the _lock_ of wool, as _plucked_ from the animal. ~Raploch~, _adj._ Coarse. _Burns._ _To_ RAPPLE _up_, _v. a._ To do work in a hurried and imperfect manner, S. B. Isl. _hrap-a_, festinare. _To_ RARE, RAIR, _v. n._ To roar. A. S. _rar-an_, id. _Wyntown._ ~Rare~, ~Rair~, _s._ 1. A roar. _Lyndsay._ 2. A loud report of any kind, S. _To_ RAS, _v. a._ To raise. _Wyntown._ _To_ RASCH, _v. a._ To dash, to beat. Isl. _rask-a_, frangere. _Bellenden._ ~Rasch~, _s._ 1. Dash, collision. _Douglas._ 2. The clashing of arms. _Douglas._ A. S. _hraes_, impetus. _To_ RASCH, RASHE, _v. n._ To make any forcible exertion, to rush, S. A. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _raes-an_, to rush. RASCH, RASH, _adj._ Agile, active, Loth. Su. G. _rask_, celer, promtus. RASCH, RASH, _s._ A rush, S. A. S. _resc_, juncus. _Complaynt S._ ~Raschen~, ~Rashen~, _adj._ Made of rushes, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ ~Rashy~, _adj._ Covered with rushes, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ RASE _out_, _v. a._ To pluck. _Douglas._ Germ. _reiss-en_, Alem. _raz-en_, rapere. RASIT, _part. pa._ Abashed. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _rask-a_, perturbare. RASPS, _s. pl._ Raspberries, S. RASSE, _s._ A current. V. ~Raiss~. RAT, _s._ 1. A scratch, S. 2. Metaph. a wrinkle. _Douglas._ 3. A rut; _cart-rat_, S. B. Teut. _rete_, incisura; Su. G. _ratta_, a path. _To_ ~Rat~, ~Ratt~, _v. a._ 1. To scratch, S. 2. To make deep ruts, S. _Ruddiman._ RAT, _s._ A wart, S. V. ~Wrat~. RATCH, _s._ The lock of a musket. _Colvil._ RATCH, _s._ The little auk, Orkn.; _rotch_, Shetl.; _Rotges_, Martin. _Neill._ RATCHEL, _s._ A hard rocky crust below the soil, S. Fr. _rochaille_, rocks. RATH, _adj._ Quick. V. ~Raith~. RATH, _adj._ Strange, savage in appearance. A. S. _rethe_, savage. _Houlate._ RATIHABITION, _s._ Confirmation; a forensic term, S. L. B. _ratihabitio_, id. RATT, RATTE, _s._ A file of soldiers. _Baillie._ Germ. _rat_, series; Dan. _rad_, a file. RATTLESCULL, _s._ One who talks much without thinking, S. _Shirrefs._ RATT RIME, _s._ Any thing metrical repeated by rote, S. _Douglas._ E. _rote_; Isl. _rot-a_, circumagere. RATTS, _s. pl._ A wheel on which criminals are set, after being put to death. _Dunbar._ Belg. _op een rad gezet_, set upon a wheel. RATTON, _s._ A rat, S. _Bellenden._ Gael. _radan_, Hisp. _raton_, id. RAUCHAN, _s._ A plaid worn by men, S. Gael. _riachan_, any thing grey. RAUCHT, _pret. v._ Reached. _Douglas._ A. S. _rachte_, porrigebat. RAUCHTIR, _s._ Perh. a rake. _Dunbar._ Gael. _racaire_, id. _To_ RAVE, _v. a._ To take by violence. A. S. _ref-an_, id. _Pitscottie._ RAVE, _s._ A vague report, S. B. Fr. _reve_, a dream, Teut. _rev-en_, delirare. RAVELLED. _A ravell'd hesp_, a troublesome or intricate business, S. _Kelly._ _To red a ravell'd hesp_, to engage in any perplexed business, attended with difficulty, S. _Ross._ RAVERY, _s._ Delirium. _Wodrow._ Fr. _resverie_, id. RAUGHT, _s._ The act of reaching, S. B. A. S. _raec-an_, to reach. _Journ. Lond._ RAUCLE, _adj._ Rash. V. ~Rackel~. RAVIN, _adj._ Ravenous. _K. Quair._ RAUISANT, _part. pr._ Violent. Fr. _ravissant_, id. _Complaynt S._ RAUN, RAWN, _s._ Roe of fish, S. Dan. _raun_, Teut. _rogen_, id. _K. Ja. VI._ ~Rauner~, _s._ The female salmon, which has the roe, Loth. S. A. RAUNS, _s. pl._ The beard of barley, S. B. C. B. _rhawn_, long or coarse hair, bristles. _To_ RAUNG, _v. n._ To range. _Barbour._ Sw. _rang_, ordo. RAW, _adj._ 1. Damp and chill, S. Su. G. _raa_, madidus. 2. Unmixed; as _raw spirits_, spirits not diluted, S. Su. G. _raa_, crudus. RAW, _s._ 1. A row, a rank, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _raewa_, id. 2. A kind of street. V. ~Rew~. 3. Parallel ridges, S. B. _Ramsay._ RAWMOUD, _adj._ Beardless, simple; q. _raw-mouthed_. _Kennedy._ _To_ RAX, _v. n._ 1. To extend the limbs, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. To make efforts to attain. _Ramsay._ ~Rax~, _s._ The act of stretching, S. _Morison._ A. Bor. _wrax_, id. ~Raxes~, _s. pl._ Andirons, S. _Ramsay._ READ FISH. V. ~Reid Fische~. READILY, _adv._ Probably. _Baillie._ REAKE, REAK, _s._ A trick, a prank, S. A. _Z. Boyd._ _To play reakes_, to play tricks. Isl. _hreck-r_, dolus; nequitia. REALE, _adj._ Royal. O. Fr. _Wyntown._ ~Realté~, ~Reawté~, ~Ryawté~, _s._ 1. Royalty. _Wyntown._ 2. Royal retinue. _Wyntown._ REAM, REYME, _s._ Cream, S. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _ream_, Isl. _riome_, id. _To_ ~Ream~, _v. a._ To cream, S. Germ. _rahm-en_, id. _To_ ~Ream~, ~Reme~, _v. n._ 1. To be creamed, S. _Ross._ 2. To froth, S. _Douglas._ REASON, _s._ Right, justice. _Baillie._ REAVEL-RAVEL, _s._ A rhapsody. _Cleland._ Belg. _revel-en_, to rave, to talk idly. REAVER, _s._ Robber. V. ~Reyffar~. REAWS, _s. pl._ Royal personages. O. Fr. _reaulx_, id. _Wyntown._ _To_ REBET, _v. a._ To abate. _Acts Ja. IV._ Fr. _rebattre_, id. REBALD, _s._ A low worthless fellow; Fr. _ribauld_. _Kennedy._ ~Rebaldale~, _s._ The rabble. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _ribaudaille_, canaille. ~Rebaldie~, ~Rybbaldy~, _s._ Vulgarity of conversation. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _ribaudie_, libertinage. REBAT, _s._ Cape of a mantle. _Watson._ Fr. _rabat_, id. REBAWKIT, _pret. v._ Rebuked. _Houlate._ REBBIT, _s._ A polished stone for a window, door, or corner, S.; _reybit_, Lanerks. O. Fr. _rabot-ir_, unir, polir. _To_ REBET, _v. n._ To make a renewed attack. _Wallace._ Fr. _rabat-re_, to draw back again. REBOURIS. _At rebouris_, _adv._ Cross, quite contrary to. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _à rebours_, id. _To_ REBUT, RABUT, REBOYT, _v. a._ 1. To repulse. _Douglas._ 2. To rebuke, to taunt. _Wallace._ Fr. _rebut-er_ is used in both senses. ~Rebute~, _s._ A repulse. _Douglas._ RECHAS, _s._ A call to drive back the game. _Sir Gawan._ Fr. _rechass-er_, to repel. RECK, _s._ Course, tract, border. Teut. _reck-en_, tendere. _Pennant._ RECORDOUR, _s._ A wind instrument. _Houlate._ _To_ RECOUNTIR, _s._ To encounter. _Wyntown._ _To_ RECULE, _v. n._ To recoil. _Doug._ Fr. _recul-er_, id. RECURE, _s._ Redress, remedy. Fr. _recours_, id. _To_ RED, _v. n._ To suppose, to guess, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ A. S. _raed-an_, to conjecture, to divine. _To_ RED, REDE, _v. a._ To counsel, S. A. S. _raed-an_, Isl. _rad-a_, id. _Ritson._ ~Rede~, ~Reide~, ~Rad~, _s._ Counsel, S. _Burns._ ~Will of rede~, destitute of counsel. _Barbour._ A. S. Teut. _raed_, Isl. _rad_, id. ~Rede~, _adj._ Aware, Fife. _A. Douglas._ ~Redles~, _adj._ In a confused state. _Wallace._ A. S. _raed-leas_, praeceps. _To_ REDE, _v. a._ To determine one's fate. A. S. _raed-an_, decernere. _Houlate._ ~Reid~, _s._ Fate, lot. _Pal. Hon._ _To_ RED, REDE, READ, _v. a._ To explain; as, to _red a riddle_, or a _dream_, S. _Minstr. Bord._ Su. G. _raad-a_, _red-a_, interpretari. _To_ REDE, REID, _v. n._ To discourse. Isl. Su. G. _raed-a_, loqui. _Barbour._ ~Rede~, _s._ 1. Voice. _Wallace._ 2. Religious service. _Houlate._ Isl. _roedd_, vox; _raeda_, sermo. _To_ RED, _v. a._ To disentangle; as, _to red a ravell'd hesp_, to unravel yarn that is disordered; to _redd_, South E. id. _Doug._ _To red the head_, or _hair_, to comb out the hair, S. Su. G. _reda_, explicare, is used in both these senses. _To_ RED, REDD, REDE, RID, _v. a._ 1. To clear, to put in order; as, _to red the road_, to clear the way; _to red up_ one's self, to dress; to _red up_ a house, to put it in order; _to red marches_, to fix boundaries, also, to compose differences, S. _Wyntown._ 2. To part combatants; also, _to red a pley_, to settle a broil, S. _Chr. Kirk._ ~Redder~, ~Ridder~, _s._ 1. One who endeavours to settle a dispute. _Baillie._ 2. One who settles a dispute by force of arms. _Monro._ A. S. _ge-raed-ian_, Su. G. _red-a_, parare. ~Red~, ~Redd~, _s._ 1. Clearance. _Wallace._ 2. Order, S. Isl. _raud_, id. 3. Rubbish, S. V. ~Outredd~. ~Red~, ~Redd~, _part. adj._ 1. Put in order, S. A. S. _hraed_, paratus. 2. Used as E. _ready_, S. B. 3. Distinct; opposed to confusion, S. B. ~Redding-straik~, _s._ The stroke which one often receives in attempting to separate those who are fighting, S. _Kelly._ ~Redsman~, _s._ One who clears away rubbish, Loth. _To_ RED, _v. a._ 1. To disencumber, E. _rid._ _Knox._ 2. To rescue from destruction. _Barbour._ 3. Denoting the act of persons who remove from a place. _Keith._ Su. G. _raedd-a_, A. S. _hredd-an_, liberare. ~Red~, _s._ Riddance. _Maitland P._ _To_ RED, _v. a._ To overpower. _Barbour._ A. S. _raed-an_, regere. RED, _adj._ Afraid. V. ~Rad~. _Burns._ ~Reddour~, _s._ Dread. _Douglas._ RED, REDD, _s._ 1. Spawn, S. C. B. _rhid_, _rhith_, sperma; _rhid-io_, coire. 2. The place in which salmon or other fish deposit their spawn, S. A. To ~Red~, _v. n._ To spawn, S. _To_ REDACT, _v. a._ To reduce. Lat. _redact-us_. _Spotswood._ RED-BELLY, RED-WAME, _s._ The charr, S. B. _Stat. Acc._ REDCAP, _s._ A name given by the vulgar to a domestic spirit, S. A. _Minstr. Bord._ REDE, _adj._ Fierce, furious. _Wallace._ A. S. _reth_, ferox, saevus. REDE, _s._ A being, apparently of the fairy kind, S. A. _Gl. Compl._ Isl. _rad_, a demon or genius. _To_ REDY, _v. a._ To make ready. _Barbour._ REDYMYTE, REDEMYTE, _adj._ Decked, beautiful. _Douglas._ Lat. _redimit-us_, crowned. RED LAND, ground turned up by the plough, S. RED-SHANK, _s._ A nick-name for a Highlander, from his bare legs. _Colvil._ RED-WARE, _s._ Sea-girdles, S. _Neill._ RED-WARE COD, Asellus varius. _Sibbald._ RED-WARE FISHICK, the whistle-fish, Orkn. _Barry._ RED WATER, The murrain in cattle, S. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ REE, _s._ 1. Half drunk, S. _R. Galloway._ 2. Crazy, delirious, S. Isl. _hreif-r_, elatus, ebrius. REE, _s._ A small riddle, S. O. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ REED, REDE, _v. a._ To fear. V. ~Rad~. _Ross._ ~Reed~, _conj._ Lest, S. B. _Ross._ REEFORT, RYFART, _s._ A radish, S. Fr. _raifort_, strong radish. _Ritson._ REEFU', _adj._ Rueful, S. B. _Ross._ REEGH, _s._ A harbour, Loth. _To_ REEK, _v. a._ V. ~Reik out~. REEK HEN, perhaps a hen fed in the house. _Stat. Acc._ REEKIM, _s._ A smart stroke, Fife. REEL, REILL, _s._ 1. Violent or disorderly motion, S. _Guthrie._ 2. A particular kind of dance, S. _Rudd._ 3. Bustle, hurry. _Diallog._ 4. A loud sharp noise, S. Isl. _ryl-a_, to be blended; Su. G. _ragl-a_, to stagger. REEL-RALL, _adv._ Topsy-turvy, S. REEL-TREE, _s._ The piece of wood to which the top of a stake is fixed, in an ox's stall, Fife. _Revel-tree_, Border. _To_ REESE, _v. a._ To extol. V. ~Ruse~. _Ramsay._ REESIN, _adj. A reesin fire_, one that burns well, S. Teut. _raes-en_, to burn. REESK, _s._ 1. Coarse grass that grows on downs, Fife. A. S. _risc_, a rush. _Stat. Acc._ 2. Waste land, yielding only benty grasses, Aberd. 3. A marshy place, Ang. V. ~Reyss~. _To_ REEVE, _v. n._ 1. To talk with great vivacity, S. Teut. _rev-en_, delirare. 2. _A reevin wind_, a high wind, S. REEVE, _s._ A pen for cattle, Aberd. V. ~Rae~. _Law Case._ REEZIE, _adj._ Tipsy, S. A. V. ~Ree~. _J. Nicol._ _To_ REFE, _v. a._ To rob. V. ~Reif~. REFECKIT, _part. pa._ Repaired. O. Fr. _refaict_, id. _Wallace._ REFEIR, _To the refeir_, _adv._ In proportion, S. O. Fr. _raffiert_, convient. REFF, _s._ Spoil. V. ~Reif~. REFUT, _s._ Shift, expedient. _Wallace._ Fr. _refuite_, evasion, avoidance. REGENT, _s._ A professor in an university, S. _Stat. Acc._ L. B. _regens_, Fr. _regent_, id. _To_ REHABLE, REABILL, _v. a._ To reinstate; a law term. _Skene._ REHATOURE, _s._ Uncertain. _Douglas._ _To_ REHETE, _v. a._ To revive, to cheer; Fr. _rehait-er_. _Gawan and Gol._ REID, REDE, _s._ The fourth stomach of a calf, used for runnet, S. _Monro._ Teut. _roode_, id. a _rubedine_ dictus. REID ETIN. V. ~Eyttyn~. _To_ REID, _v. n._ To discourse. V. ~Rede~, _v._ REID, _adj._ Red, S. B. _Barbour._ ~Reid hand~, a legal phrase, denoting that one is taken in the act of committing a crime, or immediately after. _Quon. Att._ ~Reid fische~, Fish in a spawning state, S. V. ~Red spawn~. _Acts Ja. I._ REIDSETT, _adj._ Placed in order. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _ge-rad sett-en_, in ordine ponere. REID-WOD, RED WOD, _adj._ 1. In a violent rage, S. _Montgomerie._ 2. Furious, distracted. _Hamilton._ Isl. _reid-ur_, iratus; _reide_, ira. REIF, REFE, _s._ 1. An eruption on the skin, S. 2. The itch is, _by way of eminence_, called _the reif_, S. A. S. _hreof_, scabies. _To_ REIFE, REYFF, _v. a._ To rob. _Wallace._ A. S. _reaf-ian_, Isl. _hreif-a_, id. ~Reif~, ~Reiff~, ~Reff~, _s._ 1. Robbery. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. Spoil, plunder. _Barbour._ A. S. _reaf_, Isl. _rif_, rapina. ~Reyffar~, ~Reaver~, ~Reuer~, _s._ A robber. _Wallace._ A. S. _reafere_, Su. G. _roefware_, id. To REIK, _v. a._ To reach, S. _Douglas._ Belg. _reyck-en_, A. S. _recc-an_, id. _To_ REIK _out_, _v. a._ 1. To fit out, S.; also _reek foorth_. _R. Bruce._ 2. To dress, to accoutre. E. _rig_; Sw. _rikt-a_, Moes. G. _riht-an_, instruere. _To_ REIK, _v. n._ To smoke, S. A. S. _rec-an_, Sw. _roek-a_, id. ~Reik~, ~Reek~, _s._ 1. Smoke, S. _Compl. S._ 2. A disturbance, a tumult. _Lyndsay._ _A reik in the house_, S. id. _Kelly._ A. S. _rec_, Isl. _reikr_, id. ~Reikie~, _adj._ 1. Smoky, S. 2. Vain, empty. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ REYKE, _v. n._ To range. V. ~Raik~. REIK, _s._ A blow, S. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ REILE, RELE, _v. n._ To roll. Isl. _rill-a_, volutare. _Douglas._ REILING, _s._ 1. Bustle. _Peblis Play._ 2. A loud clattering noise, S. V. ~Reel-rall~. REIME, _s._ Realm. _Gawan and Gol._ REIMIS, REEMISH, _s._ Rumble. Isl. _rym-ia_, to bellow or roar. _Ross._ _To_ REIOSE, _v. a._ To possess. _Bellenden._ REIRBRASSERIS, _s. pl._ Armour for the back of the arms. _Acts Ja. I._ Fr. _arriere_, behind, and _brassart_, a defence for the arm. _To_ REIRD, RERDE, _v. n._ 1. To make a loud noise. _Douglas._ 2. To break wind, S. 3. To make a crashing noise. _Douglas._ A. S. _rar-ian_, Teut. _reer-en_, fremere. ~Reird~, ~Rerde~, s. 1. Noise, shouting. _Douglas._ 2. The act of breaking wind, S. 3. A falsehood, a gasconade, S. B. REIRDIT, _part. pa._ Reared. _Gawan and Gol._ REYSS, _s. pl._ Coarse grass in marshy ground, or on the sea-shore. V. ~Reesk~. _Wallace._ _To_ REISSIL, _v. n._ To make a loud clattering noise, S. Teut. _ryssel-en_, A. S. _hristl-an_, crepere. _To_ ~Reissil~, ~Rissle~, _v. a._ To beat soundly. Su. G. _ris-a_, virgis caedere. _Rudd._ ~Reissil~, _s._ 1. A loud clattering noise, S. 2. A blow, a stroke, S. _To_ REIST, _v. a._ To dry by the heat of the sun, or in a chimney, S. _Dunbar._ Dan. _rist-er_, to broil or toast. _To_ REIST, _v. n._ 1. To wait for another. Lat. _rest-are_, id. _Douglas._ 2. To become restive, S. _Burns._ 3. Applied to the drying up of a well. _Pop. Ball._ REIST, _s._ Rest. _Douglas._ REIST, REYST, _s._ 1. The socket in which the bolt of a door _rests_. _Douglas._ 2. The hinge of a door. _Gl. Sibb._ 3. The support of a warlike instrument. _Wallace._ _To_ RELE, _v. n._ To roll. V. ~Reile~. _To_ RELEISCH, _v. n_. To go at large. Fr. _relasch-er_, to enlarge. _Douglas._ _To_ RELEVE, _v. n._ To raise, to exalt; Fr. _relev-er_. _Wyntown._ _To_ RELEVE, _v. n._ To resemble. Fr. _relev-er_, colligere. _Wallace._ _To_ RELY, _v. a._ To rally. _Barbour._ _To_ REME, _v. n._ To foam. V. ~Ream~. _To_ REMEID, _v. a._ To remedy. _Baillie._ REMEMBRIE, _s._ Remembrance. _Burel._ _To_ REMENT, _v. a._ To remember. _Burel._ Fr. _ramentevoir_, id. REMYLLIS, _s. pl._ Blows. _Houlate._ Teut. _rammel-en_, Su. G. _raml-a_, tumultuari. _To_ REMORD, _v. a._ 1. To have remorse for; Fr. _remord-re_. _Wallace._ 2. To disburden the conscience. _Wallace._ RENDAL, RENNAL, RENNET, RUN-DALE, _s._ A division of land, equivalent to _run-rig_, S. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _ren_, palus limitaneus, and _del_, a division. _To_ RENDER, _v. a._ To beat butter, Ayrs. V. ~Rind~. _To_ RENG, RING, _v. n._ To reign. _Doug._ _To_ RENYE, _v. a._ To rein. _Complaynt S._ ~Renye~, _s._ A rein; Fr. _resne_. _Douglas._ RENYIT, _part. pa._ Forsworn. _Barbour._ Fr. _renié_, id. RENK, RYNK, RINK, _s._ 1. A course, a race; also _reik_, Gl. Shirr. _Douglas._ 2. The act of running. _Bellenden._ 3. The course of a river. _Douglas._ 4. Station allotted to each party at the commencement of a tournament. _Wynt._ 5. A distinct encounter in a tournament. _Bellenden._ 6. The course in the diversion of curling, S. A. A. S. _hrincg_, a ring. _Davidson._ RENK, _s._ A strong man. V. ~Rink~. _Gawan and Gol._ RENOMMÉ, _s._ Renown, Fr. _Barbour._ RENTAL, _s._ A favourable lease, S. _Erskine._ REPAIR, _s._ Concourse, S. _Priests Peb._ _To_ REPAYRE, _v. n._ To return; O. Fr. _repair-er_. _Wyntown._ _To_ REPARELL, _v. a._ To refit; Fr. _repareill-er_. _Douglas._ _To_ REPATER, _v. n._ To feed; Fr. _repaitre_. _Douglas._ REPENDE, _part. adj._ Dispersed; Fr. _repand-u_. _Wallace._ _To_ REPLEDGE, REPLEGE, _v. a._ To replevin; a forensic term. _Bellenden._ L. B. _repleg-iare_, to redeem on _pledge_. _To_ REPLEID, _v. a._ To resist. _Priests Peblis._ L. B. _replaud-are_, repulsare. REPLOCH GRAY. V. ~Rapplack~. _To_ REPONE, _v. a._ To replace. _Baillie._ Lat. _repon-o_. _To_ REPOSE, _v. a._ Same with _Repone_. _Baillie._ _To_ REPREME, _v. a._ To repress; Lat. _reprim-ere_. _Complaynt S._ REPRISE, _s._ The indentation of stones in building, Fr. _Pal. Hon._ RERIT, _pret. v._ Fell back. _Wallace._ Fr. _riere_, back. _To_ RESCOURS, _v. a._ To rescue. O. Fr. _rescourr-er_, id. _Bellenden._ ~Rescours~, _s._ Rescue. _Wyntown._ _To_ RESETT, _v. a._ 1. To harbour, S. _Ruddiman._ 2. To receive stolen goods. _Stat. Alex._ ~Reset~, ~Resett~, _s._ 1. Abode. _Wyntown._ 2. The act of harbouring. _Wallace._ 3. One who harbours another. _Id._ 4. One who keeps an inn. _Acts Ja. I._ 5. The reception of goods known to be stolen, a law-term, S. _Erskine._ 6. The receiver of stolen goods. _Rudd._ Fr. _recette_, receiving; O. Fr. _recept_, retreat. ~Resetter~, _s._ 1. He who entertains. _Ruddiman._ 2. Receiver of stolen goods. _Erskine._ RESH, _s._ A rush. _Sir Egeir._ _To_ RESILE, _v. n._ 1. To flinch, S. _Wodrow._ 2. To resist, in reasoning. _Cleland._ Fr. _resil-er_, id. RESING, _adj._ Perhaps foolish. _Dunbar._ Teut. _ries-en_, temere agere. RESP, RISP, _s._ A kind of coarse grass, S. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ RESP, RISP, _v. n._ To make a noise resembling that of a file, S. _Douglas._ RESPONSALL, _adj._ Responsible. _Acts Parl._ _To_ RESSOURSS, RESURSE, _v. n._ To rise again. Fr. _resourd-re_. _Wallace._ RESSUM, _s._ A small fragment, S. B. Fr. _resson_, gouté. _To_ REST, _v. n._ To be indebted, S. Fr. _en rest_, in arrears. _Acts Sed._ ~Restes~, _s. pl._ Arrears, Fr. _Acts Mar._ REST. _Auld rest_, perhaps old sprain. _Watson._ _Wrest_, _rest_, S. A. S. _wraestan_, to distort. _To_ RESTYN, _v. a._ To refresh. _Doug._ RESTING-CHAIR, a long chair shaped like a settee, used in farm-houses, Ang. Perths. _To_ RETENT, _v. a._ To cause to resound. Fr. _retent-ir_, to resound. _Hudson._ RETH, _adj._ Fierce. A. S. _rethe_. _Wallace._ ~Rethnas~, _s._ Ferocity. _Houlate._ A. S. _rethnes_, id. _To_ RETOUR, RETOWRE, _v. a._ 1. To make a return in writing, as to the service of an heir, S. _Skene._ 2. To make a legal return as to the value of lands, S. _Baillie._ 3. _v. n._ To return. _Wyntown._ ~Retour~, ~Retoure~, _s._ 1. Return. _Doug._ 2. The legal return made to a brief, emitted from Chancery. _Skene._ 3. That made as to the value of lands, S. _Baillie._ O. Fr. _retour_ is used in a sense nearly allied. _To_ RETREAT, _v. a._ To retract. O. F. _retraitt-ier_, revoquer. _Crosraguel._ REVAY, _s._ Festivity. _Gawan and Gol._ O. Fr. _reviaus_, fêtes, divertissements. REVE, _s._ A colour between yellow and grey; Lat. _rav-us_. _Sir Gawan._ REUER, RYVIR, _s._ V. ~Reyffar~. REUERÉ, REURY, _s._ Robbery. _Wallace._ REVERENCE, _s._ Power, S. _Rutherford._ REUERY, _s._ 1. Uproar. _Douglas._ 2. The crackling noise made by flames. Fr. _resverie_, raving. _Douglas._ REVERS. _At the revers_, at random; Fr. _au revers_, cross. _Evergreen._ _To_ REVERSE, REUERSE, _v. a._ To strike from behind; Fr. _revers_, a stroke of this kind. _Barbour._ _To_ REVERT, _v. n._ 1. To revive. _Palice Honour._ 2. To recover from a swoon, S. B. O. Fr. _revert-ir_, id. _To_ REUEST, REWESS, RAWESS, _v. a._ 1. To clothe. _Douglas._ 2. To clothe anew. _Douglas._ Fr. _revest-ir_, id. ~Revestré~, _s._ A vestry. _Douglas._ Fr. _revestiare_, id. REUK, _s._ Atmosphere. V. ~Rak~. _Barbour._ REURY, _s._ Robbery. V. ~Reueré~. _To_ REW, _v. n._ 1. To repent, S. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. _v. a._ To have compassion for. _Barbour._ A. S. _hreow-ian_, poenitere; lugere. ~Rew~, _s._ Repentance. _Maitland Poems._ A. S. _hreowe_, poenitentita. ~Reuth~, ~Rewth~, _s._ 1. Cause for repentance. _King Hart._ 2. Pity, or cause of pity. _Bellenden._ REW, _s._ 1. A row. _Palice Honour._ 2. A street; S. _raw_; Fr. _rue_. _Doug._ REWAR, _s._ A robber. _Wallace._ REWELYNYS, ROWLYNGIS, RILLINGS, _s. pl._ Shoes made of undressed hides, with the hair on them; S. _rullions_. _Wyntown._ A. S. _rifling_, obstrigillus. REWELL, _adj._ Haughty; O. Fr. _revelé_, fier, hautain. REWELLYT, _pret. v._ Revealed. _Wallace._ REWERS, _3. pl. s._ Stops; O. Fr. _ravoir-er_, to stop, to arrest. _Wallace._ _To_ REWESS, _v. a._ V. ~Reuest~. REWID, _pret. v._ Reaved. _Barbour._ _To_ REWM, _v. n._ To roar. V. ~Rame~. O. Fr. _ruim-er_, id. _Wallace._ ~Rewmour~, _s._ Tumult. _Wallace._ Germ. _rumor_, id. REWME, _s._ Realm; O. Fr. _reaume_. _Wyntown._ RHIND MART, RYNMART, a carcase from the herd. _Russel._ Teut. Isl. _rind_, bos. RIACH, _adj._ Dun, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ Gael. id. brindled. RIAL, RIALLE, _adj._ Royal. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ RIB, _v. a._ To rib land, to give it half plowing, S. Belg. _gerib_, ridged. ~Ribbing~, _s._ A slight plowing. _Stat. Acc._ RIBBALDAILL, RYBBALDY, _s._ Low dissipation. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _ribauderie_, libertinage, conduite de bandits. RIBBAND. _St Johnston's ribband_, a halter, S. _Muse's Threnodie._ RYBEES, _s. pl._ Shoes called Turn-overs. _Sir Gawan._ O. Fr. _ribé_, trepointe de soulier. RIBBLIE-RABBLIE, _adj._ Disordered, Loth. Teut. _rabbel-en_, praecipitare verba. RIBUS, _s._ A musical instrument. _Houlate._ C. B. _ribib_ is expl. a reed-pipe, a hautboy. RICE, _s._ A twig. V. ~Ryss~. _To_ RICH, _v. a._ To enrich. _Wyntown._ _To_ ~Rich~, _v. n._ To become rich. _Kelly._ RICHT, _adj._ 1. In health, S. Germ. 2. In the exercise of reason, S. _Fountainhall._ _To_ ~Richt~, _v. a._ To put to rights; often to mend, S. Franc. _rihtente_, rectificantes. RICHT NOW, _adv._ Just now. _Barbour._ A. S. _nu rihte_, jam, nunc. ~Rychtswa~, _adv._ In the same manner. _Acts Ja. II._ RICHTS. _At rights_, straight. _Douglas._ Su. G. _raett waeg_, via recta. RICHTWYS, _adj._ 1. Righteous. _Wynt._ 2. Legitimate, not spurious. _Wallace._ A. S. _rihtwis_, Isl. _rettvis_, id. RICK, _s._ L. _relik_, relic. _Lyndsay._ RICKLE, RICKILL, _s._ 1. A heap, S. _Philotus._ 2. _A rickle of banes_, a very meagre person, S. A. S. _ricg_, a heap; Su. G. _ben-rangel_, a skeleton. _To_ ~Rickle~, _v. a._ To put into a heap, S. _Statist. Acc._ RID, RIDE, _adj._ Severe. _Barbour._ A. S. _reth_, ferox, saevus. RIDE, _adj._ Rough. V. ~Roid~. _To_ RIDE, _v. a._ In curling, to drive a stone with such force, as to carry before it another, which is nearest the mark, or blocks up the way, S. RIDE, _s._ The act of sailing, S. Isl. _redskap_, carriage on shipboard. _To_ RIFE, RIFFE, _v. n._ To rive. Su. G. _rifw-a_, id. _Douglas._ RIFF-RAFF, _s._ The rabble, S. Dan. _ripsraps_, id., faex hominum. RYFART, _s._ V. ~Reefort~. RIFT, L. _rist_, a musical instrument. _Houlate._ _To_ RIFT, _v. n._ To belch, S. _Ramsay._ Dan. _raev-er_, eructare; _raeven_, eructatio. ~Rift~, _s._ An eructation, S. _Ferguson._ RIG, _s._ A tumult; also, a frolic, Loth. V. ~Reake~. RIG, RIGG, _s._ 1. The back of an animal, S. _Douglas._ 2. A ridge, S. _Douglas._ 3. _Rig and Fur_, ribbed stockings, S. A. S. _hricg_, Isl. _hrigg-r_, Su. G. _rygg_, id. ~Ryg-bayne~, _s._ The back-bane, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _hricgban_, Dan. _rigbeen_, id. ~Rigging~, ~Riggin~, _s._ 1. The back, S. _Doug._ 2. The ridge of a house, S. _Ross._ ~Riggin-tree~, _s._ The roof-tree, S. Sw. _tak-ryggen_, the ridge of a house; A. S. _hricg_, fastigium. RIGLAN, RIGLAND, _s._ An animal half castrated, S. _Pop. Ball._ RIG-MARIE, _s._ A base coin, Loth. Dumfr. _Watson._ From the words _Reg. Maria_, on one of the billon coins of Queen Mary. RIGWIDDIE, _s._ The rope or chain that crosses the _back_ of a horse when yoked in a cart, S. _Rig_, back, and _widdie_, a twig. RYK, RYKE, _adj._ 1. Potent. _Wyntown._ 2. Rich. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _reiks_, A. S. _rica_, princeps. RIK, RYKE, _s._ A kingdom. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _reiki_, A. S. _ryce_, regnum. RILLING, _s._ V. ~Rewelynys~. RIM, _s._ A rocky bottom in the sea, Orkn. Isl. _rimi_, colliculus. _Statist. Acc._ RIMBURSIN, _s._ A rupture in an animal, in consequence of which the belly sometimes bursts, Bord. _Roull._ From _rim_ (of the belly), and _burst_. _To_ RIN, _v. n._ 1. To run, S. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _rinn-an_, Su. G. Isl. _rinn-a_. 2. To become curdled, S. Su. G. _raenn-a_, _renn-a_, coagulare. 3. _To rin in_ one's head, to intoxicate, S. ~Rin~, _s._ 1. A run, S. _Ross._ 2. _A rin of water_, a waterfall; also, a stream, S. Germ. _rinne_, fluvius. ~Rinnin darn~, a disease in cows, in which they are severely affected with a flux, S. B. _Darn_, secret. ~Rin-waw~, _s._ A partition, S. _To_ RIND, RYNDE, _v. a._ To dissolve any fat substance by the heat of the fire, S.; also, _render_. _Acts Ja. V._ Isl. _rind-a_, pellere, because _beaten_; or _raenn-a_, _rinde_, liquefacere. _To_ RYND, _v. n._ 1. To pertain. _Crosraguel._ 2. To tend. _Acts Marie._ Su. G. _rind-a_, tangere. RYNN, _s._ Territory. _Gawan and Gol._ Teut. _reyn_, limes, confinium. _To_ RING, _v. a._ To reign, S. _Douglas._ ~Ring~, _s._ 1. Kingdom. _Pal. Hon._ 2. It also signifies reign, S. _Lyndsay._ RING, _s._ The meal which fills the crevices in the circle round the millstones, Loth. _Law Case._ To ~Ring~ _the mill_, to fill these with the first grain that is ground, after the stones are picked, S. RING, _s._ A race. V. ~Renk~. _Rutherford._ RING, _s._ A circular fort, S. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. _ring_, the place where public conventions were held. To ~Ride at the ring~, to strive, at full gallop, to carry off, on the point of a rod, a ring suspended on a cross-beam resting on two upright posts, S. Su. G. _rida till rings_, hastiludium exercere. RING DANCIS, circular dances, in which the parties frequently join hands, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _ringh-dans_, orbis saltatorius. RING-SANGIS, tunes adapted to _ring dances_. _Douglas._ RINGALD, _s._ Crowd. V. ~Rangald~. RINGE, _s._ A whisk made of heath, S. corr. from E. _rinse_. ~Ringe-heather~, _s._ Cross-leaved heath, S. B. RINGIT-QUOY. V. ~Quoy~. RINGLE-EE'D, RYNGIT, _adj._ Having a great proportion of white in the eye, S. _Ruddiman._ From _ring_; or Teut. _ringel-en_, annulo circumdare. RINK, RYNK, _s._ A strong man. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _rinc_, vir strenuus, miles. RINK, _s._ A course. V. ~Renk~. To ~Rink~, _v. n._ To scamper about, S. B. V. ~Renk~. _Ruddiman._ ~Rinker~, ~Rinketer~, _s._ A tall, thin, long-legged horse, S.; q. _race-horse_. ~Rinkroume~, _s._ Place of tournay. _Lyndsay_. RINO, _s._ Ready money, S. B. _Shirrefs._ RINS, RINNES, RHYNS, _s. pl._ A tract of country on the coast of Galloway, which runs out into the sea. _Stat. Acc._ Gael. _rinn_, a point, C. B. _rhyn_, id. a cape. RIOLYSE, _s. pl._ Nobles; q. Lat. _regales_. _Gawan and Gol._ RIOT, _s._ Noise. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _riot_, _riote_, bruit, tapage. _To_ RYOT, _v. a._ To ravage. _Barbour._ Isl. _riod-a_, Teut. _ruyt-en_, vastare. RYOT, _s._ Contest. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _riote_, combat. RIP, RIPP, REIP, _s._ A handful of corn not thrashed, S. _Burns._ A. S. _ripe_, id. RIP, _s._ An ozier basket, Ang. Isl. _hrip_, id. formio. RIP, _s._ 1. Any thing base or useless, S. 2. A cheat, S. Isl. _ref-iaz_, fidem fallere. _To_ RIPE, RYPE, _v. a._ 1. To search, S. _Knox._ 2. To probe. _Douglas._ 3. To investigate; respecting the mind. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 4. To poke, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _hrypan_, dissuere. RIPPET, RIPPAT, _s._ 1. The noise of great mirth, S. _Douglas._ 2. Uproar in a bad sense, S. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _hrip-a_, tumultuarie agere. RIPPIE, _s._ A pock-net fixed to a hoop for catching crabs, Mearns. V. ~Rip~, a basket. Isl. _hrip_. _To_ RIPPLE, _v. a._ To separate the seed of flax from the stalks, S. _Ross._ Teut. _rep-en_, stringere semen lini. Germ. _riffel-n_, to hatchell flax. ~Ripplin-caimb~, _s._ A flax-comb, S. _Kelly._ _To_ RIPPLE, _v. n._ To drizzle, S. Isl. _hrafl_ in _sniohrafl_, nix recens et rara. RIPPLES, RIPPLIS, _s. pl._ 1. A weakness in the back and reins, S. _Roull._ Fr. _ribauld_, rabauld, rei venereae intentus ut enervetur. 2. The King's evil, improperly, Bord. _Gl. Complaynt._ RISE, _s._ A coarse kind of grass. V. ~Reyss~. _Douglas._ RISE, RYS, RICE, RYSS, _s._ 1. A small twig, S. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. In _pl._ brushwood, S. _Dunbar._ ~Stake and rice~, 1. Stakes driven into the earth, and thin boughs nailed across, S. _Acts Ja. II._ 2. A partition-wall in a cottage, S. _Ruddiman._ Isl. _hrys_, Su. G. _ris_, virgultum. _To_ RISK, _v. n._ To make a noise like the tearing of roots, S. O. _Burns._ A. S. _hrisc-ian_, stridere, rispare. _To_ RISP, _v. a._ 1. To rub with a file, S. _rasp_, E. 2. To rub hard bodies together; as _to risp the teeth_, S. ~Risp~, _s._ Coarse grass that grows in marshy ground, S.; q. grass for _rasping_. _Dunbar._ _To_ ~Risp~, _v. n._ Denoting the sound caused by the friction of hard bodies, S. RITMASTER, _s._ A captain of horse. _Wodrow._ Belg. _rit-meester_, Teut. _rid-meester_, magister equitum. RITTOCH, _s._ The greater tern, Orkn. _Barry._ RIVE, _s._ A rent or tear, S. Isl. _ryf_. RIVE, _s._ Shallows. _Sir Tristrem._ Isl. _rif_, _reif_, brevia. _To_ RYVE, _v. a._ To rob. _Barbour._ ~Ryuer~, _s._ A robber. V. ~Reif~. _Douglas._ _To_ RIZAR, _v. a._ To dry in the sun, S. Fr. _ressoré_, dried by the sun. ~Rizar~, _s._ Drying by means of heat, S. RIZARDS, RIZZER-BERRIES, _s. pl._ Currants, S. _Brand._ ROBIN-HOOD, a sport, condemned in our old acts of Parliament; in which the predatory exploits of this celebrated outlaw and his companions were represented. _Evergreen._ ROCH, ROCHE, ROTCHE, _s._ A rock; Fr. _roche_. _Douglas._ ROCKAT, _s._ A surplice, E. _rochet_. _Gl. Sibb._ Arm. _rocket_, Fr. _rochet_, an outer garment. ROCKING, _s._ A friendly visit, in which neighbours meet, during the moon-light of winter or spring, and spend the evening, alternately in one another's houses. Ayrs. _Burns._ Supposed to have had its name from females formerly bringing their _rocks_ or distaffs with them. ROCKLAY, ROKELY, _s._ A short cloak, S. Ang. _Ritson._ Su. G. _rocklin_, a surplice. RODDEN-FLOUK, ROAN-FLOOK, _s._ The turbot, S. B. _roan-fleuk_, Loth. _Pinkerton._ RODDIKIN, _s._ The fourth stomach of a cow, or other ruminating animal, S.; the same with ~Reid~, q. v. RODDING-TIME, the time of spawning. V. ~Red~, ~Redd~, _s._ _Stat. Acc._ RODEN-TREE, _s._ The mountain-ash, S. B. V. ~Roun-tree~. ~Rodens~, _s. pl._ The berries of the roan-tree, S. B. ROEBUCK-BERRY, _s._ The stone-bramble berry, S. _Stat. Acc._ ROY, _s._ King; Fr. _roi_. _Wallace._ _To_ ROY, _v. n._ To rave. _Dunbar._ ROID, ROYD, RIDE, _adj._ 1. Rude, severe. _Barbour._ 2. Large. _Wallace._ A. S. _reothe_, _rethe_, rough. ROYET, ROYIT, _adj._ 1. Wild. _Doug._ 2. Dissipated, S. _Ferguson._ 3. Romping, much given to sport, S. _Ramsay._ Fr. _roid_, _roide_, fierce, ungovernable. ~Royetness~, _s._ Romping, S. ROIF, ROVE, RUFF, _s._ Rest. _Houlate._ Alem. _rauua_, Su. G. _ro_, Isl. _roi_, quies. ROIK, _s._ A thick mist. V. ~Rak~. ROIK, _s._ A rock. _Douglas._ _To_ ROIP, _v. a._ To sell by auction. V. ~Roup~. ROIS, ROISE, _s._ A rose. _Douglas._ ROISS. V. ~Roif~. _Bannatyne P._ ROIST, _s._ A roost. _Kennedy._ ROYSTER, _s._ 1. A freebooter. _Buchanan._ L. B. _Rustarii_, the same with _Rutarii_, freebooters who committed great devastation in France, in the eleventh century; O. Fr. _rustre_, a ruffian; _ruster-ie_, brigandage, devastation. 2. A dog, apparently of the bull-dog species. _Cleland._ _To_ ROYT, _v. n._ To go about idly, S. B. Su. G. _rut-a_, discurrere, vagari. ROYT, _s._ Perh. rambling fellow. _Polwart._ ROK, _s._ Perhaps, a storm. _S. P. Repr._ Isl. _rok_, _roka_, id. procella. _To_ ROLE, _v. a._ To ply the oar. _Doug._ ~Rollar~, _s._ A rower. _Douglas._ ROLK, _s._ A rock. _Douglas._ ROLLYD, _part. pa._ Enrolled. _Wyntown._ ROLLOCHIN, (gutt.) _adj._ Lively, free-spoken, S. _Rallack_, to romp, A. Bor. Isl. _rugl-a_, effutire; Sw. _rolig_, merry. _To_ ROLP, _v. n._ To cry. V. ~Roip~. ROMANYS, ROMANIS, _s._ 1. A genuine history. _Barbour._ 2. A work of fiction. Ital. _romanze_, Fr. _roman_, id. ROMBLE, _s._ A blow. _Barbour._ Teut. _rommel-en_, strepere. ROME-RAKARIS, _s. pl._ Those who pretend to bring relics from Rome. _Bannatyne P._ RONDELLIS, _s. pl._ Small round targets; Fr. _rondelles._ _Complaynt S._ RONE, _s._ Sheep-skin dressed so as to appear like goat-skin; S. _roan_. _Wynt._ Perh. from _Roan_, _Rohan_, in France; like _cordovan_, from Cordova. RONE, RON, _s._ 1. A shrub. _Wallace._ Isl. _runn_, a bush or shrub. 2. Brushwood. _Henrysone._ RONE, _s._ A coarse substance adhering to flax, which, in hackling, is scraped off with a knife, Perths. Isl. _hrion_, roughness. RONE, _s._ The mountain-ash. V. ~Rountree~. _Maitland P._ RONE, _s._ A run of ice, S. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _hroenn_, sparsa congeries ex nive. RONE, _s._ A spout for carrying from the roof, S. O. Sw. _raenna_, id.; Mod. Sax. _ronne_, a canal. RONGED, _part. adj._ Gnawed. _Knox._ Fr. _rongé_, id. RONGIN, _pret._ Reigned. _Bellenden._ RONK, _s._ Moisture. _K. Hart._ RONKIS, _s. pl._ Folds. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _rynka_, a wrinkle, a fold. RONNACHS, _s. pl._ Couch-grass, Aberd. RONNYS. V. ~Rone~, 2. ROOD-DAY, _s._ V. ~Rude-day~. ROOD GOOSE, RUDE GOOSE, the brent goose, Ross. _Statist. Acc._ Dan. _radgaas_, Norw. _raatgaas_. ROOF-TREE, _s._ 1. The beam which forms the angle of a roof, S. 2. A toast, expressive of a wish for prosperity to one's family, S. B. ROOK, _s._ A sort of uproar, Loth. Germ. _ruck-en_, movere; _ruck_, impetus. ROOK, _s._ Thick mist, S. V. ~Rak~, _s._ 3. ~Rooky~, _adj._ Misty, S. _Hamilton._ ROOM, _adj._ and _s._ V. ~Rowme~. ROON, _s._ A shred. V. ~Rund~. _To_ ROOSE, _v. a._ To extol. V. ~Ruse~. _To_ ROOSE _fish_, to throw a large quantity of fish together, with salt among them; allowing them to lie in that state for some time, before curing them, S. ROOST, _s._ 1. The inner roof of a cottage, composed of spars reaching from the one wall to the other, S. 2. A garret, S. B. Su. G. _roste_, the highest part of a building. ROOT-HEWN, _adj._ Perverse, S. B. Sw. _rothugg-a_, to root up. _Ross._ _To_ ROOVE, RUVE, RUIFF, _v. a._ 1. To rivet, to clinch, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. To settle a point beyond the probability of alteration. _Baillie._ Fr. _riv-er_, id.; Isl. _rauf-a_, perforare. ROPEEN, _s._ A hoarse cry. V. ~Roup~. _Complaynt S._ ROSE, _s._ The erysipelas, a disease, S. _Buchan._ Su. G. _ros_, Germ. _rose_, id. from the colour of the eruption. ROSEIR, _s._ A rose-bush; or arbour of roses. Fr. _rosier_. _Gl. Sibb._ ROSET, _s._ Rosin, S. _Douglas._ ROSIGNELL, _s._ A nightingale. _Burel._ Fr. _rosignol_, id. ROST, _s._ A current. V. ~Roust~, _s._ 2. ROTCOLL, _s._ Horse-radish, S. B. Su. G. _rot_, root, and _koll_, fire. ROTE, _s._ An instrument, in Fr. now called _vielle_, in low E. _hurdygurdy_. _Houlate._ According to Ritson and Roquef. from Lat. _rota_, a wheel. ROTHOS, _s._ A tumult, Ang. V. ~Ruthar~. ROTTACKS, _s. pl._ 1. Grubs in a beehive, Moray. 2. Old musty corn, ibid. _Pop. Ball._ ROUBBOURIS, _s. pl._ Perh. hampers. Dan. _rubbe_, a basket? ROUCH, _adj._ 1. Rough, S. _Douglas._ 2. Hoarse, S. Germ. _rauh_, id. 3. Plentiful, S. _Kelly._ _Rouch and round_, id. Clydes. 4. As denoting immoral conduct, S. ~Rouch~, _s._ The coarser and larger part of any thing, S. O. ~Rouch-rider~, _s._ A horse-breaker, S. ROUCH, _s._ Rowing. V. ~Routh~. ROUCHT, _pret. v._ Reached. _Barbour._ ROUCHT, _pret. v._ Cared. V. ~Rak~. _Wallace._ ROUDES, _adj._ Haggard. _Minst. Bord._ ~Roudes~, _s._ An old, wrinkled, ill-natured woman, Fife; pron. _rudes_. _Ramsay._ Fr. _rudesse_, harshness; or C. B. _rhaadair_, noisy. _To_ ROVE, _v. n._ To be in a delirium, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ~Roving~, _s._ Delirium, S. _Rutherford._ _To_ ROVE, _v. a._ To card wool or cotton into flakes, S. _Statist. Acc._ ROVE, _s._ Rest. V. ~Roif~. _To_ ROUK, ROWK, _v. n._ To crouch. Isl. _hruk-a_, coarctatio. _Lyndsay._ ROUK, _s._ Mist, S. ~Rouky~, _adj._ Misty, S. V. ~Rak~. ROULK, ROLK, _adj._ Hoarse. Fr. _rauque_, Lat. _rauc-us_. _Houlate._ _To_ ROUM, _v. a._ V. ~Soum~ and ~Roum~. ROUN, _s._ Roe of fish. V. ~Raun~. _Bellenden._ ROUN, ROUNE, _s._ 1. Letters, characters. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. Isl. _run_, Su. G. _runa_, litera. 2. A tale, a story. _Sir Tristrem._ 3. Speech in general. _Ibid._ _To_ ~Roun~, ~Roune~, ~Round~, ~Rown~, _v. n._ To whisper, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _run-a_, A. S. _run-ian_, id. ~Rounar~, ~Rownar~, ~Roundar~, _s._ A whisperer. _Dunbar._ ~Rounnyng~, ~Rownnyng~, _s._ The act of whispering. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Round~, _v. n._ V. ~Roun~, _v._ ROUND, _adj._ Abundant. V. ~Rouch~. ROUN-TREE, ROAN-TREE, ROWAN-TREE, _s._ The mountain-ash, S. _Lightfoot._ Su. G. _ronn_, _runn_, sorbus aucuparia. ROUND, _s._ 1. A round dance, S. _roundel_. Fr. _dance à la ronde_. 2. The tune appropriated to a dance of this kind. _Douglas._ ROUND-ABOUT, _s._ A _circular_ fort. _Statist. Acc._ ROUNDAL, _s._ A poetical measure, generally of eight verses. _Douglas._ Fr. _rondeau_, Teut. _rondeel_, rhythmus orbicularis. ROUNDAR, _s._ V. ~Rounar~. ROUNDEL, _s._ A table. _Priests Peblis._ Teut. _rondeel_, id. ROUNG, _s._ A cudgel. V. ~Rung~. ROUNGED, _part. adj._ V. ~Ronged~. _To_ ROUP, ROWP, ROPE, ROIP, ROLP, _v. n._ 1. To cry, to shout. _Doug._ 2. To cry hoarsely. _Knox._ 3. _v. a._ To sell by auction, S. Teut. _roep-en_, clamare. _Fountainhall._ ~Roup~, ~Rouping~, _s._ An outcry, S. _Pennant._ ~Rouper~, _s._ One who cries. _Montgomerie._ ~Rouping-wife~, _s._ A female auctioneer, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ ROUP, _s._ 1. Hoarseness, S. _Beattie._ Isl. _hroop_, vociferatio. 2. The disease otherwise called the _croup_, S. B. _Watson._ 3. A disease affecting hens in the mouth or throat, S. ~Roupy~, ~Roopit~, _adj._ Hoarse, S. _Burns._ ROUP, _s._ A close mist, Border. ROUST, _s._ Rust, S. _Douglas._ ~Rousty~, _adj._ Rusty, S. Teut. _roest_, and _roestigh_. ROUST, ROST, _s._ A strong tide or current, Orkn. _Brand._ Isl. _roest_, _raust_, aestuaria. _To_ ROUST, _v. n._ 1. To cry with a rough voice, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. To bellow; applied to cattle, S. B. _Douglas._ Isl. _raust_, vox canora; Dan. _roest_, a cry. ~Roust~, _s._ The act of roaring, S. B. ~Rousty~, _adj._. 1. Hoarse. _Ruddiman._ 2. Not refined. _Pal. Hon._ ROUSTREE, _s._ The cross bar on which the crook is hung, Aberd. Su. G. _roeste_, suprema aedificii pars. _To_ ROUT, ROWT, _v. n._ 1. To bellow, S. _Burns._ Isl. _raut-a_, rugire belluarum more. 2. To make a great noise. _Douglas._ ~Rout~, ~Rowt~, _s._ 1. The act of bellowing, S. _Douglas._ 2. A roar, a loud noise, S. _Douglas._ _To_ ROUT, _v. a._ To strike, S. _Ross._ Isl. _rot-a_, percutio; _rot_, ictus. ~Rout~, ~Rute~, _s._ A severe blow, S. _Barbour._ ROUTAND, _part. pr._ Assembling. Isl. _rot-ast_, conglobare. _Barbour._ ROUTH, ROUCH, _s._ 1. The act of rowing. _Douglas._ 2. A stroke of the oar. _Douglas._ A. S. _rewete_, _rowette_, remigatio. ROUTH, ROWTH, _s._ Plenty, S. _Ramsay._ C. B. _rhwth_, large, capacious. ~Routhie~, _adj._ Plentiful, S. _Burns._ ROUTHLESS, _adj._ Profane, Fife. E. _ruthless_ used in a particular sense. ROUTHURROK, _s._ The bernacle goose, Orkn. _Leslie._ Isl. _hrota_, bernacla. _To_ ROW, _v. a._ 1. To roll. _Douglas._ 2. To elapse. _Douglas._ 3. To revolve. _Id._ _To_ ~Row About~, to be in an advanced state of pregnancy, S. ROWAN, ROWING, _s._ A flake of wool, S. _Edin. Encycl._ _To Cast a Rowan_, to bear an illegitimate child. _Gl. Sibb._ ROWAN, _s. Auld rowan_, a bawd, who, by wheedling, endeavours to entice a young woman to marry an old man. _Philotus._ Germ. _rune_, Su. G. _runa_; _al-runa_, or _alte-runa_, mulier fatidica. ROWAN, _s._ A turbot, Fife. _Stat. Acc._ ROWAR, _s._ A moveable wooden bolt; q. a _roller_. _Wallace._ ROWY, _s._ King; Fr. _roi_. _Bannatyne P._ ROWKAR, _s._ A whisperer, a tale-bearer. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ Zeland. _roeck_, delator, Alem. _ruog-en_, to defame. _To_ ROWME, ROUME, _v. n._ To roam. _Douglas._ A. S. _ruman_, Belg. _ruym-en_, diffugere. _To_ ROWME, _v. a._ 1. To clear. _Wyntown._ 2. To enlarge. _Wyntown._ Teut. _ruym-en_, vacuare; ampliare. 3. To place. _Keith._ Germ. _raum-en_, in ordine disponere. ~Rowme~, ~Roume~, _s._ 1. Space. _Wyntown._ 2. A possession in land. _Bellenden._ 3. Situation as to preaching. _Spotswood._ 4. Official situation. _Baillie._ 5. Ordinal relation. _R. Bruce._ 6. Place in a literary work. _Wodrow._ A. S. Su. G. _rum_, place of any kind. ~Rowme~, ~Roume~, ~Room~, _adj._ 1. Large. _Wallace._ A. S. Su. G. _rum_, Teut. _ruym_, amplus. 2. Clear, empty. _Ferguson._ Teut. _ruym_, vacuus. ~Rowmly~, _adv._ Largely. _Wyntown._ _To_ ROWMYSS. V. ~Rummyss~. _To_ ROWT, _v. n._ To snore. _Barbour._ A. S. _hrut-an_, Isl. _hriot-a_, id. ROZET, _s._ Rosin. V. ~Roset~. RUBIATURE, _s._ Robber. _Leg. St Androis._ L. B. _rubator_, Ital. _rubatore_, latro. _To_ RUCK, _v. n._ To belch. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _roeck-en_, Lat. _ruct-are_. RUCK, _s._ A heap of corn, S. B. _Acts Ja. VI._ Isl. _hrauk_, Su. G. _roek_, cumulus. RUCK-RILLING. V. ~Rewelynys~. RUD, _adj._ Red. _Wallace._ A. S. _rude_, _reod_, Alem. _ruod_. ~Rude~, _s._ 1. Redness. _Douglas._ 2. Those parts of the face, which in youth and health have a ruddy colour, S. B. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _ruda_, rubor, vultus. _To_ RUDDY, _v. n._ To make a loud reiterated noise, S. B. Isl. _hrid_, a storm; force in general. RUDE, _adj._ Strong, stout. _Douglas._ RUDE, _s._ Spawn, Ayrs. V. ~Redd~. _Kennedy._ RUDE, RWD, _s._ The cross. _Douglas._ A. S. Su. G. _rod_, Germ. _rode_. ~Rude-day~, _s._ The third day of May, S. B. called the Invention of the Cross. RUDE-GOOSE. V. ~Rood-goose~. _To_ RUFE, _v. n._ To rest. V. ~Roif~. _Chron. S. P._ ~Ruff~, _s._ Rest. V. ~Roif~. _To_ RUFF, _v. n._ To roll a drum, S.; also _ruffle_. _Wodrow._ Germ. _ruff-er_, to cry. 2. To give a plaudit, S. ~Ruff~, s. 1. Roll of the drum, S. _R. Galloway._ 2. Beating with the feet, as expressive of applause. ~Ruffe~, _s._ Fame, celebrity. _Godscroft._ RUFFIE, _s._ A ruffian, Ang. _Lyndsay._ Su. G. _rof-wa_, to rob. RUFFY, _s._ 1. A wick clogged with tallow, Tweed. _Stat. Acc._ 2. The blaze used in fishing by night, with the lister, S. A. Sw. _roe-lius_, a rush light. RUFFILL, _s._ Loss, injury. _Dunbar._ Teut. _ruyffel-en_, terere, verrere. RUFLYT, _pret. v._ Annoyed. _Barbour._ _To_ RUG, _v. a._ 1. To pull hastily or roughly, S. _Pop. Ball._ 2. To tear, S. _Douglas._ 3. To spoil, to plunder. Teut. _ruck-en_, Dan. _rag-er_, to pluck. RUG, _s._ 1. A rough or hasty pull, S. 2. A great bargain, S. ~Ruggair~, _s._ A depredator. _Monroe._ RULLION, _s._ 1. A shoe made of untanned leather. V. ~Rewelynys~. 2. A coarse-made masculine woman, Fife. RUM, _adj._ Excellent, Loth. Cant E. RUMBLEGARIE, _adj._ Disorderly, S. _Ramsay._ Qu. _ready_ (A. S. _gear-u_) to _rumble_. RUMGUMPTION, RUMMILGUMTION, _s._ Common sense, S. _Beattie._ A. S. _rum_, _rum-well_, spatiosus, and _geom-ian_, curare. _To_ RUMMIL, RUMLE, _v. n._ To make a noise, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _rommel-en_, strepere. _To_ RUMMYSS, RUMMES, ROWMYSS, _v. n._ To bellow, S. _Henrysone._ Isl. _rym-a_, id. RUMPLE, RUMPILL, _s._ 1. The rump, S. _Ramsay._ 2. The tail, S. _Bellenden._ RUNCHES, _s. pl._ Wild mustard; also, wild radish, S. A. Bor. _Polwart._ RUND, ROON, _s._ 1. A border, a selvage, S. _Burns._ 2. A shred, a remnant, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ Isl. _rond_, _raund_, margo, extremitas. _To_ RUNDGE, _v. n._ To gnaw. V. ~Ronged~. _Evergreen._ RUNG, _s._ 1. Any long piece of wood, S. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. A coarse heavy staff, S. _Maclaurin._ 3. Used to denote the stroke of poverty. _J. Nicol._ Moes. G. _hrung_, virga; Isl. _raung_, pl. _rungor_, the ribs of a ship. _To_ RUNK, _v. a._ To deprive of, whether by fair or foul means, S. B. Isl. _rank-or_, fraud; or perh. corr. from E. _rook_, to cheat. RUNK, _adj._ Wrinkled, Aberd. _Journal Lond._ Su. G. _rynka_, Dan. _rincke_, a wrinkle. _To_ RUNKLE, _v. a._ 1. In part. pa. _runkled_, wrinkled, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To crease, to crumple, S. A. S. _wrincl-ian_, Su. G. _rynck-a_, rugare. ~Runkle~, ~Runkill~, _s._ 1. A wrinkle, S. _Douglas._ 2. A rumple, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ RUNRIG, lands are said to lie _runrig_, where the alternate ridges of a field belong to different proprietors, or are occupied by different tenants, S.; qu. _ridges running_ parallel. _Erskine._ RUNT, _s._ 1. Trunk of a tree. _Pal. Hon._ 2. A hardened stalk; as, _a kail runt_, the stem of colewort, S. _Burns._ 3. The tail of an animal, Galloway. 4. A contemptuous designation for a female, more generally applied to one advanced in life, with _auld_ prefixed, S. Germ. _rinde_, bark, crust. _Davidson._ RUNT, _s._ An old cow, S. B., one that has given over breeding, Caithn. Germ. _rinde_, an ox, or cow. RURYK, _adj._ Rural, rustic. _Wallace._ _To_ RUSCH, RWYSS, _v. a._ To drive. _Barbour._ Su. G. _rus-a_, _rusk-a_, irruere. ~Rusche~, ~Rwhys~, _s._ Drive. _Wyntown._ _To_ RUSE, ROOSE, _v. a._ To extol; sometimes _reese_, S. _Douglas._ _Ill rused_, discommended. _Kelly._ Isl. _raus-a_, jactabundè multa effutio, _ros-a_, extollere. RUISE, RUSSE, RUSS, _s._ 1. Boast. _Douglas._ Isl. _raus_, gerrae, loquacitas. _To mak a tume ruse_, to boast where there is no ground for it, but the reverse, Ang. 2. Commendation, praise, S. _Ritson._ Su. G. _ros_, _roos_, praise. ~Ruser~, _s._ One habituated to self-commendation. _Kelly._ RUSHIE, _s._ A broil, Fife. Teut. _ruysch_, Isl. _rusk-a_, strepitus. RUSKIE, _s._ 1. A basket, made of twigs and straw, for carrying corn, Perths. Loth. 2. A vessel made of straw for holding meal. _Kelly._ 3. A bee-hive, S. B. Su. G. _rusk_, congeries virgultorum; _rysia_, Germ. _reusche_, a bee-hive. RUTE, _s._ A blow. V. ~Rout~. RUTE, _s._ A fowl. V. ~Rood-goose~. _Acts Marie._ RUTHER, _s._ An uproar, S. _Ross._ A. S. _hruth_, commotio, C. B. _rhuthr_, impetus. RUTHER, RUTHYR, _s._ Rudder. _Wallace._ RUTILLAND, _part. pr._ Croaking. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _rotel-en_, grunnire, murmurare. RUTOUR, _s._ A spoiler. V. ~Roysters~. _Bellenden._ _To_ RUVE, _v. a._ V. ~Roove~. RUWITH, Uncertain. _Sir Gawan._ S This letter, as occurring in the beginning of words, cannot, in many instances, be viewed as a radical. While prefixed in some Goth. dialects, it was thrown away in others; especially before _k_. The same term sometimes appears with _s_, and sometimes without it; as in _cry_ and _scry_; _creek_ of day, and _skreek_. _Ss_ is often used by our old writers as the mark of the pl.; as, _horss_ for _horsis_, horses. SA, SUA, SWA, _conj._ 1. So, consequently, S. _sae_. _Gawan and Gal._ 2. In such a manner. _Barbour._ 3. As, in like manner. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _swa_, _swe_, A. S. _swa_, Su. G. Dan. _saa_, ita. _To_ SA, _v. n._ To say. _Douglas._ Alem. Germ. _sag-en_, A. S. _saeg-an_, id. SACKE, _s._ Sackcloth. _Godly Sangs._ SACK, _s._ V. ~Sak~. SACKET, SAKKET, _s._ A small sack, S. B. _Complaynt S._ _To_ SACRÉ, _v. a._ To consecrate. Fr. _sacrer_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ SACRIFY, _v. a._ 1. To sacrifice. Fr. _sacrifi-er_, id. _Douglas._ 2. To consecrate. _Douglas._ 3. To appease, to propitiate. _Id._ SAD, _adj._ 1. Grave. _Wallace._ 2. Wise, prudent. _Wallace._ 3. Firm, steady. _Wallace._ C. B. _sad_, firm, wise, discreet, sober. 4. Close, compact, S. C. B. _sathru_, calcare, to tread; _syth_, solidus. 5. Heavy, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 6. Weighty, applied to evidence. _Buchanan._ 7. Flat, close to the ground, S. 8. Denoting a grave colour. _Inventories._ ~Sadly~, _adv._ 1. Steadily. _Wallace._ 2. Closely, compactly. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Sad~, _v. n._ To become solid, S. _To_ SAD, _v. a._ To make sad. _Baillie._ SAEBIENS, SAEBINS, _conj._ Since, i. e. _being sae_, or _so_. _Ramsay._ SAFER, _s._ Damages. V. ~Sefor~. _Spotsw._ SAFT, _adj._ 1. Opposed to what is fatiguing, S. _Ritson._ 2. Pleasant. _Ritson._ 3. Tranquil, at rest, S. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _saft_, suavis, mollis. ~Saft~, ~Saftly~, _adv._ Softly. _Ferguson._ 2. Lightly. _Minstr. Bord._ _To_ ~Saft~, _v. n._ To mollify. _Dunbar._ _To_ SAGHTIL, _v. n._ To be reconciled. A. S. _sahtl-ian_, reconciliare. _Sir Gawan._ ~Saghtlyng~, _s._ Reconciliation. V. ~Saucht~. _Ibid._ _To_ SAY, _v. n._ _I yow say_, I tell you. A. S. _sege me_, dic mihi. _Barbour._ _To_ SAY, SEY, _v. a._ 1. To put to trial, S. _Pitscottie._ 2. _v. n._ To endeavour, S. O. Fr. _say-er_, essayer, tenter. SAY, SAYE, _s._ A water-bucket, Inverness, Orkn.; a milk-pail, Dumfr. _Acts Ja. I._ Su. G. _saa_, vas quo aqua portatur. SAYARE, _s._ A poetical writer. _Doug._ A. S. _saeg-an_, narrare; _sage_, narratio. SAIKYR, HALFSAIKYR, a species of cannon, smaller than a demi-culverine, named from a species of hawk. _Complaynt S._ Fr. _sacre_, "the hawk, and the artillerie so called;" Cotgr. SAIKLESS, SAYKLES, _adj._ 1. Guiltless, S. _Douglas._ 2. Free, in a general sense. _Douglas._ A. S. _sacleas_, Isl. _saklauss_, sine culpa. SAIL-FISH, _s._ The basking shark, S., denominated from a large fin which it carries above water. _Stat. Acc._ SAILYE, _s._ An assault. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _sail-ir_, to assault. SAILL, _s._ Happiness. V. ~Seile~. SAYN, _s._ Narrative. _Wallace._ Dan. _sagn_, saying. _To_ SAIN, _v. a._ To bless. V. ~Sane~. SAYND, _s._ Message or messenger. _Barbour._ A. S. _sand_, legatio; legatus. _Send_, an embassy, S. B. ~Sayndis-man~, _s._ Messenger. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _sandes-man_, nuntius. SAIP, _s._ Soap, S. _Lyndsay._ A. S. Dan. _saepe_, id. SAIR, SAYR, SARE, _adj._ 1. Painful, S. 2. Sorrowful; as, a _sair heart_. 3. Violent. _Wallace._ 4. Severe; as _sair sickness_, S. _Wallace._ Su. G. _saar_, A. S. _sar_, gravis, molestus. 5. Niggardly, as, _sair master_, _a sair merchant_, S. ~Sair~, _s._ A sore, a wound, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. Isl. _sar_, Su. G. _saar_, dolor; vulnus. ~Sair~, ~Sar~, ~Sare~, _adv._ 1. Sorely, S. A. S. _sare_, graviter. _Barbour._ 2. In a great degree, S. _Douglas._ Germ, _sehr_, Belg. _seer_, valde. ~Sair Head~, a headach, S. _A. Nicol._ ~Sairly~, _adv._ Sorely. _Douglas._ _To_ SAIR, _v. a._ 1. To serve, S. _Ross._ 2. To fit, to be large enough, S. 3. To satisfy; as, with food, S. _Ross._ ~Sairing~, _s._ What satisfies one, S. _Ross._ SAIRLES, SARELESS, _adj._ Tasteless, S. B. V. ~Sawr~. _Diallog._ SAIT, _s._ The Court of Session in S. _Dunbar._ SAK, SACK, _s._ The privilege of a baron to prosecute, try and judge his vassals in his own court. _Reg. Maj._ A. S. _sac_, actio, causa forensis. SAKE, _s._ Blame, guilt. _Sir Tristrem._ Su. G. _sak_, guilt, crime. SALE, SAIL, SAILL, _s._ 1. A palace. _Douglas._ 2. A hall, a chamber. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. Su. G. _sal_, aula, palatium. SALEBROSITY, _s._ A rough place. _Baillie._ SALIKE, SAELIKE, _adj._ Similar, of the same kind, S. B. Moes. G. _swaleiks_, Isl. _slyke_, talis. SALER, _s._ A salt-cellar. _Sir Gawan._ SALERIFE, _adj._ Saleable, S. SALERYFE, _adj._ Abounding with sails or ships. _Douglas._ SALL, L. _stal_, stole. _Houlate._ SALSS, _s._ Sauce. _Barbour._ Germ. _salz-en_, sale condire. SALT, SAWT, _s._ Assault. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _saut_, id. SALT, _adj._ 1. Having bitter consequences, S. _Douglas._ 2. Costly, expensive, S. ~Salt Se~, or ~Sea~, the sea; from the ancient use of the term as denoting the sea itself. _Douglas._ _To_ SALUS, _v. a._ To salute. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _salus_, salutation. SALUT, _s._ Health, safety; Fr. _Compl. S._ SAMBUTES, _s. pl._ Housing for a horse. O. Fr. _sambue_, id. _Sir Gawan._ SAMIN, SAMYN, _adj._ The same, S. Abl. of Moes. G. _sama_, idem. _Compl. S._ SAMYN, SAMIN, _adv._ 1. Together. _Barbour._ 2. At the same time. _Douglas._ 3. As soon, with _as_. _Douglas._ A. S. _samne_, Belg. _samen_, simul, una. SANAPÉ, _s._ Mustard. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. Dan. _senep_, Gr. σιναπις, id. SAND-BLIND, _adj._ Having that weakness of sight which often accompanies a very fair complexion, S. synon. _blind-fair_. SANDE, _part. pa._ Girt. _Sir Gawan._ O. Fr. _saint_, from _saind-re_, ceindre, environner. SANDY-GIDDOCK, _s._ The launce, a fish, Shetl. _Neill._ Probably a dimin. from Dan. _giedde_, Isl. _gedda_, a pike, from its resemblance in shape; q. the _little ged_ or pike. SAND-LARK, The sea lark, Orkn. _Barry._ _Sandy lerrick_, or _laverock_, of S. SAND-LOWPER, _s._ A small species of crab, Fife. _Sibbald._ _To_ SANE, _v. n._ To say. V. ~Seyne~. _Dunbar._ _To_ SANE, SAYN, SAINE, SEYN, _v. a._ 1. To make the sign of the cross. _Barbour._ 2. To bless. _Dunbar._ Germ. _segen_, a sign; _segn-en_, to bless. ~Sain~, _s._ Blessing, S. B. SANG, _s._ Song, S. A. S. _Wyntown._ SANGLERE, _s._ A wild boar; Fr. _sangliere_. _Douglas._ SANGUANE, SANGUYNE, _adj._ Having the colour of blood; Fr. _sanguin_. _Douglas._ SANOUROUS, _adj._ Healing. _Houlate._ O. Fr. _san-er_, to heal. SANRARE, L. _thesaurare_, treasurer. _Houlate._ SANS, _prep._ Without, Fr. _Douglas._ SAP, _s._ Liquid of any kind, taken with solid aliment, S. Belg. _Morison._ ~Sapmoney~, _s._ Money allowed to servants for purchasing _sap_, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Saps~, _s. pl._ Bread soaked or boiled in some nourishing liquid, as, _ale-saps_, _butter-saps_, S. _Gl. Sibb._ Isl. _saup_, Gael. _sabhs_, soup. _To_ SAR, _v. a._ To vex, to gall. _Wallace._ A. S. _sar-ian_, dolere. SARBIT, _interj._ A kind of exclamation, S. A. Supposed to be corr. from _sorrow a bit_. _To_ SARD, _v. a._ To rub, to chafe. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _sard-a_, _serd-a_, cutem contrectare. SARDE, _pret._ Galled. V. ~Sar~. SARE, _adj._ Sore. V. ~Sair~, and _s_. ~Sare~, _s._ 1. A sore, S. _Douglas._ 2. Mental pain, sorrow. _Douglas._ A. S. _sar_, Sw. _saer_, dolor. _To_ SARE, _v. n._ To soar. _Douglas._ _To_ SARE, _v. n._ To savour. V. ~Sawer~. ~Sareless~, _adj._ Unsavoury, S. B. V. ~Sair~, _v._ _Ross._ SARGEAND, _s._ A squire. _Bannatyne P._ O. Fr. _sergeant_, homme de guerre. SARY, SAIRY, _adj._ 1. Sorrowful. _Douglas._ A. S. _sari_, _sarig_, tristis, moestus. 2. Sorry, wretched. _Wyntown._ SARIOLLY, SARRALY, _adv._ Artfully. _Barbour._ A. S. _searolice_, artificiose; _sear_ ars. SARIT, _pret._ Vexed. V. ~Sar~. SARK, _s._ A shirt, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _syrc_, Su. G. _saerk_, indusium. ~Sarked~, ~Sarkit~, _part. pa._ 1. Provided with shirts or shifts, S. _Gl. Shirr._ 2. Covered with thin deals, S. ~Sarkin~, _s._ The covering of wood above the rafters, S. ~Sarking~, _adj._ A designation of cloth for making coarse shirts, S. _Spalding._ SARRALY, _adv._ V. ~Sariolly~. _To_ SASE, _v. a._ To seize; Fr. _sais-ir_. _Douglas._ SAT, _s._ A snare. _Sir Tristrem._ Su. G. _saett_, _sata_, id. SATE, _s._ Omission, trespass. _Douglas._ Fr. _saut_, a leap. ~Satoure~, _s._ A transgressor. _King's Quair._ _To_ SATIFIE, _v. a._ To satisfy. O. Fr. _sattifier_, id. _Crosraguel._ SATTERDAY, SATERDAY, _s._ Saturday. A. S. _saeter daeg_, the day of Saturn. ~Setterdayis slop~, a gap ordained to be left in the cruives for catching salmon, in fresh waters, from Saturday after the time of Vespers, till Monday after sun-rise. _Acts Ja. I._ SAUAGE, SAWAGE, _adj._ Intrepid. _Wallace._ SAUCH, SAUGH, _s._ The willow, S. _Lightfoot._ Sw. _saelg_, A. S. _salh_, O. Fr. _saulg_. SAUCHT, SAUGHT, _part. pa._ 1. Reconciled. _Barbour._ A. S. _saeht_, id. Su. G. _saett-a_, conciliari. 2. At ease, in peace. _Douglas._ Su. G. _sackta_, tranquillus, pacificus. ~Saucht~, ~Saught~, _s._ Ease, tranquillity, S. A. S. _sahte_, _saett_, peace. _Ross._ ~Sauchning~, ~Saughtening~, ~Sawchnyng~, _s._ 1. Reconciliation. _Douglas._ 2. A state of quietness. _Wallace._ SAUDALL, _s._ A companion. _Burel._ Lat. _sodal-is_. _To_ SAUF, _v. a._ To save. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _sauf_, safe. SAUF, ~To Sauf~, _prep._ Saving. _Wyntown._ ~Saufe~, _s._ Salve. _Douglas._ ~Sauyn~, _s._ L. _saysin_, seizin. _Douglas._ SAUL, SAWL, _s._ The soul, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _saul_, _sawel_, Moes. G. _saiwala_. ~Saules~, _adj._ Dastardly, mean, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ ~Saull-prow~, _s._ Spiritual profit. V. ~Prow~. _Gawan and Gol._ SAULLIE, SAULIE, _s._ A hired mourner, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ From the repetition of _Salve Regina_. _To_ SAUR, _v. n._ V. ~Sawer~. * SAVOUR, _s._ Unction in preaching, S. * ~Savoury~, _adj._ Possessing unction, S. SAUT, _s._ Salt, S. _Ramsay._ ~Saut-fat~, _s._ A salt-cellar, S. A. S. _sealt-faet_, id. SAW, SAWE, _s._ 1. A saying, a proverb, S. O. E. A. S. _saga_, _sage_, dictum. _Doug._ 2. A discourse, an address. _Barbour._ 3. Language in general. _Wyntown._ 4. A legal decision. _Dunbar._ Dan. _sag_, a suit. 5. An oracle, a prediction. _Douglas._ A. S. _sage_, a foretelling. _To_ SAW, _v. n._ To sow. _Douglas._ A. S. _saw-an_, Su. G. Isl. _saa_, id. _To_ SAW, _v. a._ To save. _Douglas._ SAWCHYNG. V. ~Sauchning~. _Wallace._ SAWELY, L. _fawely_, few. _Wallace._ _To_ SAWER, SAWR, SAUR, SARE, _v. n._ To savour. _Barbour._ ~Sawr~, _s._ Savour. _K. Hart._ SAWSLY, _adv._ In pickle. _Dunbar._ SAWT, _s._ Assault. V. ~Salt~. SAWTH, _p. v._ Saveth. _Wallace._ SAX, _adj._ Six, S. _Burns._ Moes. G. _saihs_, id. ~Saxt~, _adj._ Sixth. _N. Burne._ ~Saxté~, _adj._ Sixty, S. _Wallace._ Moes. G, _saihstis_, id. * SCAB, _s._ A gross offence. _Z. Boyd._ SCAD, _s._ Any colour seen by reflection; or the reflection itself, S. _Rutherford._ A. S. _scade_, umbra. SCADLIPS, _s._ Thin broth, S. B.; hence more apt to _scald_ the _lips_. _Ritson._ SCAFF, SKAFFIN, _s._ 1. Food of any kind, S. _Ross._ Su. G. _skap_, provision. 2. Expl. merriment, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Scaffar~, _s._ A parasite. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _skaffare_, one who provides food. ~Scafferie~, _s_. V. ~Skafrie~. SCAIL, _s._ A sort of tub. V. ~Skeel~. _Sir Egeir._ SCALDRICKS, _s. pl._ Wild mustard, Loth. V. ~Skelloch~. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SCALE, _v. a._ V. ~Skail~. SCALKT, _pret. v._ Bedaubed. V. ~Skaik~. _Dunbar._ SCALLIARD, _s._ A stroke, W. Loth. Isl. _skell-a_, to strike, _skell-r_, a stroke. SCALP, SCAWP, _s._ 1. Land of which the soil is very thin, S. _Ramsay._ A metaph. use of E. _scalp_. 2. A bed of oysters or muscles, S. _Sibbald._ ~Scalpy~, ~Scaupy~, _adj._ Having thinness of soil, S. _To_ SCAM, _v. a._ To scorch, S. V. ~Skaumit~. SCAMP, _s._ A cheat, a swindler, Loth. Perths; Teut. _schamp-en_, to slip aside. _To_ SCANSE, SKANCE, _v. n._ 1. To shine, to make a great show. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _skin-a_, splendere. 2. To make a great shew in conversation, S. B. 3. To magnify in narration, S. B. Su. G. _beskoen-a_, causam ornare verbis. _To_ SCANCE, SKANCE, _v. a._ 1. To reflect on, S. _Philotus._ Su. G. _skoen-ia_, mentis acie videre. 2. To reproach; to make taunting or censorious reflections on the character of others, especially in an oblique manner, S. _J. Nicol._ 3. To give a cursory account of any thing, S. _A. Douglas._ ~Scance~, _s._ 1. A cursory calculation, S. 2. A rapid sketch in conversation, S. SCANSYTE, _part. pa._ Seeming. Su. G. _skin-a_, apparere. _Wallace._ SCANT, _s._ Scarcity. V. ~Skant~. SCANTLINGS, _s. pl._ Rafters which support the roof of a projection, Ang. Teut. _schantse_, sepimentum muri. ~Scantlins~, _adv._ Scarcely, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ ~Scantlishin~, _s._ 1. Scanty increase, W. Loth. 2. Small remainder, ibid. SCAPE, _s._ A bee-hive. V. ~Skepp~. SCAR, SKAIR, SCAUR, _s._ 1. A bare place on the side of a steep hill, from which the sward has been washed down by rains, Loth.; also, _skard_. _Lay Last Minstr._ 2. A cliff, Ayrs. _Burns._ Su. G. _skaer_, rupes, C. B. _esgair_, a ridge. SCARCHT, _s._ A hermaphrodite, S. _Scart_. A. S. _scritta_, id. _Pitscottie._ SCARF, _s._ The corvorant; also, the shag, Orkn. V. ~Scart~. _Barry._ SCARMUS, _s._. A skirmish. _Bellenden._ Ital. _scarramuccia_, L. B. _scaramutia_. SCARPENIS, _s. pl._ Pumps; Fr. _escarpines_. _Maitland P._ SCARSEMENT, _s._ The edge of a ditch on which thorns are to be planted, S. _To_ SCART, _v. a._ 1. To scratch, S. _Cleland._ 2. To scrape a dish with a spoon, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To scrape together money. _More._ A. Norm. _escrat_; A. Bor. _scraut_. ~Scart~, _s._ 1. A scratch, S. _Ramsay._ 2. A niggard, S. 3. A puny person, S. ~Scart-free~, _adj._ Without injury, S. _Cleland._ ~Scart~, _adj._ Puny. _Dunbar._ ~Scartle~, _s._ An iron instrument for cleaning a stable, Tweedd. _J. Nicol._ SCART, SKART, SCARTH, SCARF, _s._ The corvorant, S. _Houlate._ Norw. _skarv_, Isl. _skarf-ur_, id. SCAS, _s._ Portion? _Sir Gawan._ Alem. _scaz_, a penny; treasure. _To_ SCASHLE, _v. a._ To use any piece of dress carelessly, S. B. Isl. _skuasl_, quisquiliae. SCATT, _s._ The name of a tax paid in Shetland. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. Isl. _skatt_, A. S. _sceat_, a tax, E. _shot_, _Scot and lot_. SCAUD-MAN'S-HEAD, _s._ Sea urchin, S. SCAUR, _s._ V. ~Scar~. SCAURIE, SCOREY, _s._ The young of the herring-gull, Orkney. _Neill._ Sw. _skiura_, Norw. _skiure_, id. SCAWP, _s._ V. ~Scalp~. SCELLERAR, _s._ One who has the charge of the _cellar_. _Houlate._ L. B. _cellerar-ius_, id. SCHACHT, _s._ Property. _Henrysone._ Fland. _schacht lands_, a rood of land. SCHAFTMON, SHAFTMON, SCHATHMONT, _s._ A measure of six inches in length. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _scaeft-mund_, half a foot. SCHAGHES, _s. pl._ Groves. V. ~Schaw~. SCHAIFE, SCHEIF, _s._ 1. A bunch of arrows, twenty-four in number. Alem. _scaph_, a quiver. _Stat. Rob. I._ 2. A certain quantity of iron or steel. _Skene._ SCHAIK, TO-SCHAIK, _pret._ Shook. _Douglas._ SCHAKERIS, SHAIKERS, _s. pl._ 1. Thin plates of gold, silver, &c. hanging down. _Douglas._ Teut. _schaeckier-en_, alternare. 2. Moisture distilling from flowers. _Id._ SCHAKER-STANE, _s._ The stone-chatter, S. _stane-chacker_. _Burel._ SCHALD, _adj._ Shallow; _shaul_, S. A. S. _scylf_, a shelve. _Barbour._ ~Schald~, ~Shauld~, _s._ A shallow place. _Douglas._ SCHALIM, SHALM, SHALIN, SHAWME, _s._ The cornet. _Houlate._ Su. G. _skalmeia_, Teut. _schalmey_, a pipe. SCHALK, _s._ 1. A servant. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _scalc_, Su. G. Isl. _skalk_, id. 2. A knight. _Gawan and Gol._ SCHAMON'S DANCE, Some kind of dance anciently used in S. _Peblis to the Play._ SCHAND, SCHANE, _adj._ Elegant. V. ~Scheyne~. ~Schand~, _s._ Elegance. _Houlate._ SCHANK, _s._ 1. The leg. _Douglas._ 2. The trunk of a tree. _Douglas._ 3. The stalk of an herb, S. _Ruddiman._ 4. In pl. stockings, Aberd. _Ruddiman._ A. S. _sceanc_, Su. G. _skank_, id. _To_ ~Shank~, _v. a._ 1. To travel on foot, S. 2. To knit stockings, Aberd. _Ferguson._ ~Shanker~, _s._ A female knitter of stockings, Aberd. SCHANT, _part. adj._ Soiled. _Maitl. P._ Teut. _schend-en_, to pollute. _To_ SCHAPE, _v. n._ 1. To contrive. _Douglas._ 2. To purpose, to intend. _Id._ 3. To endeavour. _Id._ 4. _v. a._ To prepare. _Id._ 5. To direct one's course. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _sceap-ian_, facere, ordinare. ~Schapyn~, _part. pa._ Qualified. _Barbour._ A. S. _sceapen_, ordinatus. SCHARETS V. ~Scherald~. SCHAVELLING, _s._ One who has the Romish tonsure, one _shaven_. _Charteris._ _To_ SCHAW, _v. a._ To shew. _Douglas._ A. S. _sceaw-an_, id. SCHAW, SCHAGH, _s._ 1. A wood, a grove. _Wallace._ Su. G. _skog_, Ir. Gael. _saeghas_, id. 2. Shade, covert. _Douglas._ Su. G. _skugga_, umbra. ~Schawaldouris~, _s. pl._ Wanderers in the woods, subsisting by hunting. _Wynt._ _Schaw_, S. a wood, and A. S. _weallian_, to roam. SCHAWME, _s._ V. ~Schalim~. _To_ SCHED, _v. a._ 1. To divide. A. S. _scead-an_, id. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. _To sched the hair_, to divide the hair in combing, S. _To_ ~Sched~, ~Shed~, _v. n._ To part. _Burel._ ~Sched~, _s._ One quantity separated from another. _Douglas._ ~Sched~, ~Schede~, _s._ The division of the hair, S. _Hudson._ SCHEIDIS, _s. pl._ Distances. _Gawan and Gol._ Germ. _scheide_, intervallum loci. _To_ SCHEYFF, _v. n._ To escape. _Wallace._ Teut. _schuyff-en_, to fly. SCHEILD, _s._ A common shore. _Bellenden._ A. S. _scelle_, terrae concavitas. SCHEYNE, SCHENE, SCHANE, SCHAND, _adj._ 1. Shining, bright. _Douglas._ 2. Beautiful. _Wyntown._ A. S. _scen_, Su. G. _skon_, _skion_, id. ~Schene~, ~Schyne~, _s._ Beauty. _Houlate._ SCHEIP-KEIPAR, _s._ Steward. V. ~Scaff~. _Bannatyne P._ SCHEL, SHEL, _s._ Shed for sheep. V. ~Sheal~. _Lyndsay._ SCHELL-PADDOCK, _s._ The land-tortoise. _Watson._ Teut. _schild-padde_, testudo. SCHELTRUM, _s._ V. ~Schiltrum~. SCHENKIT, _part. pa._ Agitated. _Gawan and Gol._ Germ. _schwenck-en_, motitare. SCHENT, _part. pa._ 1. Confounded. _Douglas._ 2. Overpowered, overcome. _Id._ 3. Degraded. _Id._ A. S. _scend-an_, confundere. _To_ ~Schent~, _v. a._ To destroy. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Schent~, _v. n._ To go to ruin. _Evergr._ SCHERALD, SCHERET, SCHARET, _s._ A green turf; _shirrel_, _shirret_, Aberd. Banffs. _Bellenden._ Germ. _scherr-en_, terras scalpere; _scharte_, fragmentum. SCHERE, SHEER, _adj._ Waggish, S. Teut. _scheer-en_, illudere, nugari. _To_ SCHERE, _v. n._ To divide. _Doug._ ~Schere~, ~Shear~, _s._ The parting between the thighs, S. _Douglas._ ~Schere-bane~, ~Shear-bane~, _s._ The _os pubis_, S. SCHERENE, _s._ Syren. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ SCHETE, _v. a._ To shut. _Douglas._ A. S. _scytt-an_, id. SCHEWE, _pret._ Shove. _Douglas._ SCHIDE, SCHYDE, SYDE, _s._ 1. A billet of wood. _Douglas._ 2. A chip, a splinter. _Id._ 3. A large piece of flesh cut off. _Id._ A. S. _scide_, a billet of wood. ~Schidit~, To ~Schid~, _part. pa._ Cloven. Teut. _scheyd-en_, dividere. _Douglas._ SCHIERE, _s._ Visage, mien. _Gawan and Gol._ O. Fr. _chiere_, id.; Isl. _kioer_, conditio. SCHILDERNE, SCHIDDEREM, _s._ A wild fowl. _Acts Ja. VI._ SCHILTHRUM, SCHILTRUM, SCHYLTRUM, _s._ An host ranged in a round form. _Barbour._ A. S. _sceoltruma_, coetus, cohors. SCHILL, _adj._ Shrill, S. _Douglas._ Alem. _scill-en_, _schell-en_, sonare; Belg. _schelle_, shrill. SCHILL, SCHIL, _adj._ Chill. S. B. _Douglas._ SCHYNBANDES, _pl._ Perhaps, armour for the ancles or legs. _Sir Gawan._ Teut. _scheen-plaete_, ocrea. SCHIP-BROKIN, _part. pa._ Shipwrecked. Teut. _schip-broke_, shipwreck. _Doug._ SCHIPFAIR, _s._ Navigation. _Barbour._ A. S. _scip-fyrd_, navalis expeditio. SCHIPPAR, _s._ A shipmaster. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ SCHIR, SCHYR, SYRE, SERE, _s._ 1. Sir, lord. _Wyntown._ 2. In comp. in the sense of _father_, S. V. ~Gudschyr~. Goth. _sihor_, lord; Isl. _saera_, _Sira_, a praenomen expressive of dignity. SCHIRE, SCHYRE, SHIRE, _adj._ 1. Bright, E. _sheer_. _Douglas._ 2. Clear, not muddy, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ 3. Thin in the texture, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ 4. Pure, mere, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _scire_, Isl. _skir_, Germ. _schier_, purus. _To_ SCHIRE, _v. a._ To pour off the thinner or lighter part of any liquid, Loth. Su G. _skaer-a_, purgare, _skir-a_, emundare. * SCHIREFF, _s._ A messenger. _Buchanan._ SCHLUCHTEN, _s._ A hollow between two hills, Tweedd. Su. G. _slutt_, declivis; Germ. _schluchte_, a ravine. SCHO, _pron._ She, S.; _o_ as Gr. υ. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _so_, _soh_, Isl. _su_, A. S. _seo_, id. _To_ SCHOG, _v. a._ To jog, S. _Bannatyne P._ Teut. _schock-en_, _schuck-en_, id. _To_ ~Schog~, ~Shog~, _v. n._ To move backwards and forwards, S. _To_ ~Schog about~, _v. n._ To survive, S. B. _Ross._ ~Schog~, ~Shog~, _s._ A jog, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Schoggle~, _v. a._ To shake, S. Teut. _schockel-n_, id. _To_ ~Schoggle~, ~Shogle~, _v. n._ To dangle. _Evergreen._ SCHOIR, _s._ V. ~Schor~, _s._ SCHONE, _pl._ Shoes, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _sceon_, Teut. _schoen_, id. SCHONKAN, _part. pr._ Gushing. Teut. _schenck-en_, fundere. _Wallace._ SCHONKIT. _To schonkit_, shaken. _Wallace._ Germ. _schwenk-en_, motitare. SCHOR, SCHORE, SCHOIR, _adj._ 1. Steep, abrupt. _Barbour._ Isl. _skoer_, Germ. _schor-en_, eminere. 2. Rough, rugged. _Wallace._ _To_ SCHOR, _v. a._ To soar. _Douglas._ Fr. _essor-er_, Ital. _sor-are_, in altum volare. _To_ SCHOR, SCHORE, SCHOIR, _v. n._ To threaten, S. _Douglas._ ~Schor~, ~Schore~, ~Schoir~, _s._ A threatening, Loth. V. ~Schor~, _adj._ _Barbour._ SCHORE, _s._ Shower. _Douglas._ SCHORE CHIFTANE, High chieftain. _Gawan and Gol._ Germ. _schor_, altus, eminens. _To_ SCHORT, _v. n._ To grow short. Isl. _skort-a_, to be deficient. _Dunbar._ _To_ ~Schort~, _v. a._ 1. To curtail. _Cleland._ 2. To abbreviate, in regard to time. _Douglas._ 3. To amuse one's self, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Schorte~, _s._ A sneer; Teut. _scherts_, jocus. _Douglas._ ~Schortsum~, _adj._ 1. Cheerful, S. B. 2. Causing cheerfulness, S. B. _Rudd._ 3. Applied to a pleasant situation. _Buchan._ SCHOT, SCHOTE, SHOT, _s._ A projected window. _Douglas._ Isl. _skirt-a_, prominere. SCHOURE, _s._ A division in music. Teut. _scheur_, _shore_, ruptura. _Houlate._ SCHOURIS, SCHOWRIS, _s. pl._ Sorrows, throes. _Philotus._ 2. The pangs of childbirth, S. Germ. _schaur-en_, tremere; _schaur_, tremor. _To_ SCHOW, _v. a._ 1. To shove. _Doug._ 2. _v. n._ To glide or fall down. _Doug._ A. S. _scuf-an_, Belg. _schuyff-en_, trudere. _To_ SCHOWD, SHOWD, _v. n._ To waddle in going, S. B. _Ross._ Teut. _schudd-en_, quatere, agitare. SCHREW, SCHROW, _s._ A worthless person. _Douglas._ Germ. _be-schrey-en_, incantare; or A. S. _syrew-an_, insidiari. _To_ SCHREW, SCHRO, _v. a._ To curse. _Bannatyne P._ ~Schrewit~, _part. adj._ 1. Wicked, accursed. _Douglas._ 2. Unhappy, ill-boding. _Id._ 3. Poisonous, venomous. _Id._ _To_ SCHRYFF, SCHRYWE, _v. a._ To hear a confession. _Barbour._ A. S. _scryf-an_, Su. G. _skrift-a_, id. SCHROUD, _s._ Apparel. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _scrud_, id. _To_ SCHUDDER, _v. a._ To withstand. E. to _shoulder_. _Douglas._ SCHUGHT, SHUGHT, _part. adj._ Sunk, covered, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ Su. G. _skygg-a_, obumbrare; or from _Seuch_. q. v. SCHULE, SHUIL, SHOOL, _s._ A shovel, S. Belg. _school_, id. _Monroe._ SCHUPE, _pret. v._ V. ~Schape~. SCHURDE, _part. pa._ Dressed. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _scrydde_, _scrud_, indutus. SCHURLING, SHORLING, _s._ The skin of a sheep that has been lately shorn. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ SCHUTE, _v. a._ 1. To push. Su. G. _skiut-a_, Teut. _schutten_, propellere. 2. To put off. _To shute by_, to delay, S. Su. G. _skiut-a upp_, differre. 3. _To shute by_, to pass any particular time that is attended with difficulty, S. 4. _To schute about_, to be in ordinary health, S. 5. _No ill to shoot by_, or easily _shot about_, satisfied with a slight or homely meal, S. _To_ SCHWNE, _v. n._ To shrink. _Wyntown._ A. S. _scun-ian_, vitare, timere. V. ~Scunner~. SCLADYNE, _s._ A chalcedony. _Sir Gawan._ SCLAFFERT, _s._ A stroke on the side of the head, with the palm of the hand, S. L. B. _eclaffa_, alapa; Languedoc, _esclafa_, to beat. Lat. _colaph-us_. SCLAFFERT, _s._ The mumps, Loth. SCLAITE, SKLAIT, _s._ Slate, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ L. B. _sclata_, assula; Fr. _esclat_, id. _To_ SCLANDER, SKLANDER, _v. a._ To slander, S. B. _Scots Confess._ ~Sclander~, ~Sklandyr~, _s._ Slander, S. B. Fr. _esclaundre_, id. _Wallace._ ~Sclanderar~, _s._ 1. A slanderer, S. 2. One who brings reproach on others, by his conduct. _Crosraguel._ _To_ SCLATCH, _v. a._ To huddle up, S. V. ~Clatch~. _To_ SCLATCH, _v. n._ To walk heavily, S. ~Sclatch~, _s._ A lubberly fellow, S. SCLATCH, _s._ A stroke with the palm of the hand, Ang. V. ~Clash~. SCLATER, _s._ The wood-loose, S. _Sibb._ SCLAVE, _s._ A slave. _Douglas._ Fr. _esclave_, L. B. _sclav-us_. SCLENDER, _adj._ Slender, S. B. _Knox._ _To_ SCLENT, SKLINT, _v. n._ 1. To slope, S. 2. To move obliquely, S. _Douglas._ 3. To hit obliquely, S. _Knox._ 4. Denoting immoral conduct. _Semple._ Sw. _slant_, obliquus; _slint-a_, lapsare. ~Sclent~, ~Sklent~, _s._ 1. Obliquity, S. 2. Acclivity, ascent, S. _Ross._ ~A-Sklent~, _adv._ Obliquely. _Polwart._ ~Sclentine Ways~, _adv._ Obliquely, S. B. _Morison._ SCLAYS, _s._ A slice, S. B. _Wyntown._ Germ. _schleiss-en_, rumpere. SCLITHERS, _s. pl._ Loop stones lying in great quantities on the side of a rock, or hill, S. A. _J. Nicol._ Germ. _schlitz-en_, disjungere. _To_ SCOB, _v. n._ To sew clumsily, S. SCOB, _s._ 1. A splint, S. 2. In pl. the ribs of a basket, Ang. Teut. _schobbe_, squama. _To_ ~Scob~ _a skepp_, to fix cross rods in a bee-hive, S. SCOB, _s._ An instrument for scooping, Clydes. SCOB-SEIBOW, _s._ 1. An onion that is allowed to remain in the ground during winter, S. 2. The young shoot from an onion, of the second year's growth, S. SCOLL. V. ~Skul~. SCOLDER, _s._ The oyster-catcher, Orkn. _Barry._ SCOMER, SKOMER, _s._ A smell-feast. Belg. _schuymer_, id. _Dunbar._ _To_ SCOMFICE, SCONFICE, _v. a._ 1. To suffocate, S. _Ross._ 2. _v. n._ To be stifled, S. _Ibid._ Ital. _sconfigg-ere_, to discomfit. SCON, _s._ A cake. V. ~Skon~. _To_ SCONCE, _v. a._ To extort, Ang. _To_ SCONE, _v. a._ To beat with the open hand, S. _Ruddiman._ Isl. _skoyn-a_, Su. G. _sken-a_, leviter vulnerare. SCOPIN, _s._ A quart-vessel. V. ~Scoup~, _v._ _Dunbar._ SCOREY, _a._ The brown and white gull. Orkn. V. ~Scaurie~. _Barry._ _To_ SCORN, _v. a._ To rally a young woman, by pretending that such a one is in suit of her. S. _Ritson._ ~Scorning~, _s._ Rallying of this kind, S. _To_ SCORP, SCROP, SKARP, SKRAP, SKRIP, _v. n._ To mock, to gibe; _scrape_, Fife. _Knox._ Su. G. _skrapp-a_, jactare se; Teut. _schrobb-en_, convitiari. SCOTCH-GALE, _s._ Myrica gale, S. _Lightfoot._ Belg. _gaghel_, pseudo-myrtus. SCOTTE-WATTRE, SCOTTIS-WATTRE, the Frith of Forth. _Goodal._ SCOTTIS SE, the Frith of Forth. A. S. _Scottisc-sae_, id. _Barbour._ SCOTTISWATH, _s._ Solway Frith. V. ~Scotte-wattre~. _Pinkerton._ A. S. _wad_, a ford. _To_ SCOUG, _v. n._ V. ~Skug~, _v._ 2. _To_ SCOUNGE, _v. n._ 1. To go about like a dog, especially as catering for food, S. Su. G. _skynd-a_, procurare. 2. To pilfer, Strathmore. SCOUNRYT. V. ~Scunner~. _Barbour._ _To_ SCOUP, or ~Skoup aff~, _v. a._ To drink off, S. B. O. Teut. _schoep-en_, to drink. ~Scoup~, _s._ A draught of any liquor, S. B. SCOUP, SCOWP, _s._ 1. Abundance of room, S. 2. Liberty of conduct, S. V. ~Scoup~, _v._ _Ferguson._ _To_ SCOUP, SCOWP, _v. n._ To leap or move hastily from one place to another, S. B. _Burel._ Isl. _skop-a_, discurrere. ~Scoup-hole~, _s._ A subterfuge. _Cleland._ ~Scouppar~, ~Skouper~, _s._ 1. A dancer. _Knox._ 2. A light unsettled person. _Polwart._ SCOUR, _s._ The diarrhoea, whether in man or beast, S. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ _To_ SCOUR _out_, _v. a._ To drink off, S. A metaph. use of the E. _v._ _J. Nicol._ _To_ SCOURGE _the ground_, to exhaust the strength of the soil, S. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SCOUT, _v. a._ 1. To pour forth any liquid substance forcibly, S. _J. Nicol._ 2. _v. n._ To fly off quickly, S. _Ibid._ Su. G. _skiut-a_, jaculare. SCOUTH, SCOWTH, _s._ 1. Liberty to range, S. _Dalrymple._ 2. Freedom to converse without restraint, S. _Ross._ 3. Room. _Poems Buch. Dial._ 4. Abundance; as _scouth of meat_, &c. S. Isl. _skott_, an uninterrupted course, jugis cursus; _skott-a_, frequenter cursitare. SCOUTHER, _s._ A flying shower, Loth. Isl. _skiot-a_, cito vehere. SCOUTI-AULIN, _s._ The Arctic gull, Orkn. V. ~Skaitbird~. _Neill._ _To_ SCOWDER, SKOLDIR, _v. a._ To scorch, S. pron. _scowther_. _Dunbar._ Isl. _swid-a_, Dan. _swid-er_, Su. G. _swed-a_, adurere. ~Scowder~, _s._ A hasty toasting, so as slightly to burn, S.; Isl. _swide_, adustio. SCOWMAR, _s._ A pirate, a corsair. _Barbour._ Belg. _zee-schuymer_, a sea-rover. SCOWRY, _adj._ Showery, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. _scur_, imber. SCOWRY, SCOURIE, _adj._ 1. Shabby in appearance, S. _Dunbar._ 2. Mean in conduct, niggardly, S. O. 3. Appearing as if dried or parched, S. A. Corr. from E. _scurvy_. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Scowrie~, _s._ A scurvy fellow, S. O. _R. Galloway._ SCRAB, _s._ 1. A crab-apple. _Douglas._ Belg. _schrabb-en_, mordicare. 2. In pl. stumps of heath or roots, S. B. _Ross._ SCRABBER, _s._ The Greenland dove. _Martin._ _To_ SCRALL, _v. n._ To crawl. _Hudson._ _To_ SCRAPE, _v. n._ To express scorn, Fife. V. ~Scorp~. SCRAPIE, _s._ A miser, S. _To_ SCREED, SKREED, _v. a._ 1. To rend, S. _Ross._ 2. To defame. _Morison._ Isl. _skrida_, ruina montium; _skridn-a_, lacerari. 3. To talk frequently and facetiously, S. _Farmer's Ha._ ~Screed~, ~Skreed~, _s._ 1. The act of rending, S. 2. The sound made in rending, S. 3. Any loud shrill sound, S. _J. Nicol._ 4. The thing that is torn off, S. 5. A dissertation, a harangue, S. _Glenburnie._ 6. A long list or catalogue, S. _Beattie._ 7. A hard bout at drinking, S. 8. Regarding immorality in general. _Burns._ _To_ ~Screed aff~, _v. a._ To do any thing quickly, S. _Ferguson._ SCREG, _s._ A cant term for a shoe, S. _To_ SCREIGH, SKREIGH, _v. n._ To shriek, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _skrik-a_, vociferari. ~Screik~, ~Scryke~, _s._ Shriek, S. B. _Douglas._ SCRENOCH, _s._ V. ~Scroinoch~. SCRY, _s._ Noise. V. ~Skry~. SCRIBAT, _pret. v._ Jeered. V. ~Scorp~. _Dunbar._ _To_ SCRIBBLE, SCRABBLE, _v. a._ To tease wool, S. _Stat. Acc._ Teut. _schrabb-en_, to scrub. SCRIDDAN, _s._ A mountain torrent. _Ross._ Isl. _skridn-a_, labascere. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SCRIEVE, _v. a._ To scratch, scrape, Ang. Flandr. _schraeff-en_, radere. ~Scrieve~, _s._ A large scratch, Ang. _To_ SCRIEVE, SKRIEVE, _v. n._ To move swiftly along. _Burns._ Isl. _skref-a_, gradi; _skref_, gressus, passus. SCRIEVE, _s._ Any thing written, S. Teut. _schrijv-en_, to write. _To_ SCRIEVE, _v. n._ To talk familiarly in continuation, S. ~Scrieve~, _s._ A conversation of this kind, S. Su. G. _skraefw-a_, to rant, to rattle. _To_ ~Scrift~, ~Skrift~, _v. n._ To magnify in narration, to fib, S. Isl. _skraf-a_, fabulari, _scraef_, nugae. ~Scrift~, _s._ A fabrication, S. _To_ ~Scrift~, ~Skrift~, _v. n._ To rehearse from memory, Ang. Isl. _skrift_, scriptura, q. to rehearse from writing. ~Scrift~, ~Skrift~, _s._ A recitation, properly from memory, S. _A. Nicol._ SCRIM, _s._ Very thin coarse cloth, used for making blinds for windows, buckram, &c. S. B. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SCRYM, _v. n._ To skirmish. _Barbour._ Germ. _schirm-en_, _scrim-en_, pugilare. ~Scrymmage~, _s._ A skirmish. _Wallace._ _To_ SCRIMP, SKRIMP, _v. a._ 1. To straiten, as to food or money, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To straiten, in a general sense, S. _Ross._ Germ. _schrump-en_, Su. G. _skrump-a_, corrugari. ~Scrimp~, _adj._ 1. Scanty, narrow, S. _scrimpit_. _Ross._ 2. Contracted; applied to clothes, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Limited, not ample. _Wodrow._ 4. Deficient, as to mind. _Ramsay._ ~Scrimply~, _adv._ Sparingly, S. _Walker._ SCRYNOCH, _s._ V. ~Scroinoch~. SCRIP, _s._ A mock. V. ~Scorp~. _Wallace._ SCRIPTURE, _s._ A pencase. Fr. _escriptoire_, id. _Douglas._ SCROG, _s._ A stunted shrub, S. _Lyndsay._ Germ. _schrag_, obliquus. ~Scroggy~, ~Skroggy~, _adj._ 1. Stunted, S. _Douglas._ 2. Abounding with stunted bushes, S. _Ramsay._ SCROINOCH, SCRYNOCH, _s._ Noise, tumult, Aberd. _Shirrefs._ Sw. _skraen_, clamor stridulus. SCROOFE, SCRUFE, _s._ 1. A thin crust of any kind, S. _R. Bruce._ 2. Money that is both thin and base. _Knox._ Su. G. _skorf_, the _scurf_ of a wound. ~Scrufan~, _s._ A thin scurf; as, a _scrufan of ice_, S. B. Su. G. _skrof_, glacies rara. SCROPPIT, _adj._ Sordid. _Bannatyne P._ Belg. _schrobben_, to scrub, _schrobber_, a mean fellow. SCROW, SKROW, _s._ A scroll, S. _Kennedy._ SCROW, _s._ The minute cancri observed in pools and springs, S. _Sibbald._ SCRUBBIE, _s._ V. ~Scrab~. SCRUBIE, _s._ The scurvy, S. Su. G. _skoerbiug_, id. ~Scrubie-grass~, _s._ Scurvy-grass, S. _To_ SCUD, _v. a._ 1. To dust with a rod, S. Su. G. _skudd-a_, excutere. 2. To beat with the open hand, S. _To_ SCUD, _v. a._ To quaff. Loth. _Ramsay._ Teut. _schudden_, Su. G. _skudd-a_, fundere. SCUDLER, SCUDLAR, _s._ A scullion. Teut. _schotel_, a plate, a dish. _Wallace._ _To_ ~Scuff~, _v. a._ 1. To graze, S. _Ross._ Teut. _schuyv-en_, Su. G. _skuff-a_, E. _shove_. 2. To tarnish by frequent wearing, S. 3. _To scuff_, or _scuff about_, to wear as a drudge, S. _To_ SCUG, _v. a._ To shelter. V. ~Skug~. SCULDUDRY, _s._ A term used in a ludicrous manner, to denote those causes which respect some breach of chastity, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _skulld_, a fault; Ir. _sgaldruth_, a fornicator. SCULL, _s._ A shallow basket, S. V. ~Skul~. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SCULT, SKULT, _v. a._ To beat with the palm of the hand, S. Isl. _skell_, _skellde_, diverbero palmis. SCUM, _s._ A greedy fellow, a mere hunks, Fife. SCUMFIT, _part. pa._ Discomfited. Ital. _sconfigg-ere_, id. _Wallace._ SCUNCHEON, _s._ A stone forming a projecting angle, S. Germ. _schantse_, E. _sconce_, q. a bulwark. _To_ SCUNNER, SCOUNER, _v. n._ 1. To lothe, S. _Cleland._ 2. To surfeit, S. B. 3. To shudder at any thing. _Pitscottie._ 4. To hesitate from scrupulosity of mind. _Wodrow._ 5. To shrink back from fear. _Barbour._ A. S. _scun-ian_, vitare, aufugere, timere. ~Scunner~, ~Skunner~, ~Skonner~, _s._ 1. Lothing, S. _Ross._ A. S. _scunnung_, abomination. 2. A surfeit, S. B. SCURDY, _s._ A moorstone, S. _Stat. Acc._ Isl. _skord-a_, colloco firmiter. SCURL, SKURL, _s._ A dry scab, S., from _scurf_. SCURLY, _adj._ Opprobrious, Loth. Fr. _scurrile_. SCURROUR, SKOURIOUR, SKURRIOUR, s. 1. A scout. _Wallace._ Fr. _escur-er_, to scour. 2. An idle vagrant. _Ruddiman._ SCUSHIE, _s._ A cant term for money, Aberd. _Shirrefs._ SCUSIS, _pl._ Excuses. _Burel._ Ital. _scusa_, an excuse. SCUTARDE, _s._ One who has lost the power of retention. V. ~Scout~. _Dunbar._ _To_ SCUTCH, _v. a._ 1. To beat. _Baillie._ 2. _To scutch lint_, to separate flax from the rind, S. Ital. _scutic-are_, id. E. _Scotch_. _To_ SCUTLE, _v. a._ To pour from one vessel to another, often including the idea of spilling, S. Isl. _gutl-a_, liquida moveo, et agito cum sonitu. ~Scutles~, _s. pl._ Any liquid that has been tossed from one vessel to another, S. SE, _s._ Seat, residence. _Douglas._ SE, _s._ The sea. _Barbour._ SEA-COULTER, _s._ The puffin. _Sibbald._ SEA-HEN, _s._ The lyra, a fish. _Sibbald._ SEA-PIET, _s._ Pied oyster-catcher, S. _Stat. Acc._ SEA-SWINE, _s._ The wrasse, S. _Sibb._ SEA-TOD, _s._ A species of wrasse. _Sibb_. SEAM, _s._ The work at which a woman sews, S. Fr. _seme_, id. SEATER, _s._ A meadow, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ Norw. _saeter_, pasture for cattle; Isl. _saetur_, pascua. SEATH, SEETH, SETH, SAITH, SEY, _s._ The coal-fish, S. _Stat. Acc._ Isl. _seid_, fœtura asellorum minuta. SECRET, _s._ A coat of mail concealed under one's usual dress. _Cromarty._ SEDEYN, _adj._ Sudden. _Wallace._ SEDULL, _s._ A schedule. _Wallace._ SEED-BIRD, _s._ A sea-fowl, S. A. _Statist. Acc._ SEED-FOULLIE, _s._ The wagtail. S. Q. _seed-fowl_; Su. G. _saed_, and _fugl_. _To_ SEEK, _v. a._ To attack. V. ~Soucht~. _To_ SEEK one's _meat_, to beg, S. SEELFU', _adj._ Pleasant. V. ~Seilfu'~. To SEETHE, _v. n._ To be nearly boiling, S. B. To SEFOR, _v. a._ To save. V. ~Safer~. _Priests Peblis._ _To_ SEG, SEYG, _v. n._ 1. To fall down. 2. Metaph. applied to the influence of intoxicating liquor, S. B. _Morison._ Su. G. Isl. _sig-a_, subsidere, delabi. SEG, SEGG, _s._ The yellow flower-de-luce, S. _Lightfoot._ A. S. _secg_, Fland. _segge_, id. SEGE, _s._ 1. A soldier. _Wallace._ A. S. _secg_, id. 2. Man, in a general sense. _Douglas._ SEGE, _s._ 1. A seat; properly, of dignity; Fr. _siege_. _Barbour._ 2. A see. _Acts Ja. V._ ~Segyt~, _part. pa._ Seated. _Wyntown._ SEGG, _s. Bull-seg_, an ox that has been gelded at his full age, S. Isl. _sag-a_, secare; _sigd-a_, gramen secare falculo. _To_ SEY, _v. a._ To assay. V. ~Say~. ~Sey~, ~Say~, _s._ 1. A trial. _Wallace._ 2. An attempt of any kind, S. ~Sey-piece~, ~Say-piece~, _s._ A piece of work performed by a craftsman, as a proof of skill, S. _Ferguson._ SEY, _s._ The coal-fish. V. ~Sye~. _To_ SEY, _v. a._ To strain any liquid, S. Isl. _sy-a_, A. S. _se-on_, percolare. ~Sey-dish~, _s._ The searce used for straining, S. Isl. _sij_, Teut. _sijgh_, a strainer. SEY, _s._ 1. The seam which runs under the arm, S. 2. The back bone of a beeve being cut up, the one side is called the _fore-sey_, the other the _back-sey_. The latter is the surloin, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _sega_, portiuncula; Dan. _seje_, a muscle. SEY, _s._ A woollen cloth, formerly made by families for their own use, S. _Ritson._ SEY, _s._ The sea. _Douglas._ ~Sey-fair~, _adj._ Sea faring. _Act Sed._ SEIBOW, SEBOW, _s._ A young onion, S. O. Fr. _cibo_, id. _Calderwood._ SEYD, _s._ A sewer, Ang. Teut. _sode_, canalis; Su. G. _saud_, a well. _To_ SEYG, _v. n._ To sink. V. ~Seg~. _To_ SEIL, _v. a._ To strain. _Kelly._ Su. G. _sil-a_, id. _sil_, a straining dish. SEILDYN, SELDYN, _adv._ Seldom. _Wallace._ A. S. _seldan_, Isl. _sialldan_, id. SEILE, SEYLE, SELE, _s._ Happiness, S. B. _Barbour._ Su. G. _saell_, happy, Isl. _saela_, happiness. ~Seily~, ~Seely~, _adj._ Happy. _Seely Wights_, and _Seely Court_, name given to the fairies. _Pop. Ball._ Teut. _seelig_, _selig_, beatus. ~Seilfu'~, ~Seelfu'~, _adj._ Pleasant, S. B. _Ross._ To SEYN, _v. a._ To consecrate. V. ~Synd~. SEYNDILL, SEINDLE, SENDYLL, _adv._ Seldom; pron. _sindle_, Loth. _senil_, S. O. _seenil_, S. B. _Bellenden._ Su. G. _saen_; _saender_, singulus. ~Seindle~, ~Sindle~, _adj._ Rare, S. _seenil_, S. B. _Ramsay._ _To_ SEYNE, _v. a._ To see. _Wallace._ SEYNE, _s._ A sinew. _Wallace._ Germ. _sene_, id. SEINYE, SENYE, SENYHÉ, SEINGNY, _s._ A synod, a consistory. _Knox._ O. Fr. _sane_, A. S. _seonath_, a synod; Teut. _seyne_, id. _To_ SEJOYNE, _v. a._ To disjoin. Lat. _sejung-o_. _R. Bruce._ SEIR, SERE, _adj._ Several. _Wallace._ Su. G. _saer_, adv. denoting separation. SEYNITY, L. _seynily_, signal. _Gawan and Gol._ SEIR, _s._ Uncertain. _Gawan and Gol._ SEIS, _pl._ 1. Seats. _Pal. Hon._ 2. Thrones. V. ~Se~, _s._ 1. _Lyndsay._ SEIS, _s. pl._ Times. V. ~Syis~. SEISTAR, _s._ The sistrum. _Burel._ Fr. _sistre_, a kind of brazen timbrell. SEITIS, _s. pl._ Plants or herbs. _Doug._ A. S. _seten_, planta. _Sets_, S. slips of flowers. SEKER, _adj._ Firm. V. ~Sicker~. SELABILL, _adj._ Delightful. _Douglas._ SELCHT, SELCHIE, _s._ A seal, S. _selch_. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _selc_, _seolc_, phoca. SELCOUTH, _adj._ Strange. _Wyntown._ A. S. _sel-cuth_, rarus, insolitus. SELE, _s._ Happiness. V. ~Seile~. SELE, _s._ A yoke for binding cattle in the stall, S. Su. G. _sele_, a collar, a yoke. SELF, SELFF, _adj._ Same. _Barbour._ A. S. _self_, Su. G. _sialf_, ipse. SELY, _adj._ Poor, wretched, S. _silly_. Su. G. _selig_, id. _Wallace._ SELY, _adv._ Wonderfully. _Maitl. P._ A. S. _sellic_, id. SELKHORN, _s._ V. ~Shilfcorn~. SELLAT, _s._ A head-piece for foot-soldiers. Fr. _salade_, Hisp. _celada_. _Doug._ SELLOCK, _s._ A fish. V. ~Silluk~. SEMBLANT, SEMBLAND, _s._ Appearance, shew. Fr. _semblant_, id. _Douglas._ _To_ SEMBLE, _v. n._ To assemble. _Doug._ ~Semblay~, ~Semlay~, ~Semble~, ~Semele~, _s._ 1. Meeting, interview. _Wallace._ 2. Act of assembling. _Wallace._ 3. An assembly. _Wyntown._ 4. Hostile rencountre. _Wallace._ Su. G. _saml-a_, Dan. _saml-er_, id. ~Sembland~, _s._ An assembly. _Wyntown._ _To_ SEMBYL, _v. n._ To make a wry mouth, in derision or scorn, S. _to shamble_. _Douglas._ Lat. _simul-are_, to counterfeit. SEMPLE, _adj._ V. ~Sympill~. SEN, _conj._ Since, seeing, S. _Douglas._ SEN, _prep._ Since, S. _Douglas._ ~Sen Syne~, since that time. _Wallace._ Contr. from A. S. _seoth-than_, Su. G. _sidan_, postea. SEN, _s._ Filth. Lat. _san-ies_, id. _Douglas._ SEND, _adv._ Then, thereafter. _Priests Peblis._ Teut. _sind_; Su. G. _sendan_, deinde, the same with _Syne_, q. v. SEND, _s._ 1. Mission, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. The messengers sent for the bride at a wedding, S. B. V. ~Saynd~. SENDYLL, _adv._ Seldom. V. ~Seindle~. SENYHÉ, _s._ An assembly. V. ~Seinye~. SENYHÉ, _s._ Badge worn in battle. O. Fr. _seingnie_, Lat. _sign-um_. _Wynt._ SENON, _s._ A sinew, S. _Wallace._ Belg. _senuwen_, Sicamb. _senen_, id. SENS, _s._ Incense. _Bellenden._ _To_ SENSE, _v. n._ To scent. _Kelly._ SENSYMENT, SENSEMENT, _s._ Sentiment, judgment. _Douglas._ SENSYNE, _adv._ V. ~Sen~. SENTHIS, _adv._ Hence. _Gl. Sibb._ SERD, _pret. v._ Served. V. ~Sair~, _v._ _Wallace._ SERE, _adj._ Several. V. ~Seir~. SERE, _adv._ Eagerly; A. S. _sare_, id. _Douglas._ SERE, _s._ Sir, Lord. V. ~Schir~. _To_ SERF, _v. a._ V. ~Serve~. _Douglas._ SERGE, SIERGE, _s._ A taper, a torch. _Wyntown._ Fr. _cierge_, a large wax-candle, a flambeau. SERGEAND, _s._ 1. A squire; O. Fr. id. _Wyntown._ 2. An inferior officer in a court of justice. _Skene._ SERYT, L. _cryt_, cried. _Wallace._ SERMONE, SERMOND, _s._ Discourse. O. Fr. id. _Bellenden._ SERPLATHE, _s._ Eighty stones of wool. Fr. _sarpilliere_, E. _sarp-cloth_. _Skene._ _To_ SERS, SEIRS, _v. a._ To search. _Douglas._ _To_ SERVE, SERF, SERWE, _v. a._ To deserve. _Wallace._ SERUIABLE, _adj._ Active. _Douglas._ SERVITE, SERVYTE, _s._ A table napkin, S. _Spalding._ Fr. _serviette_, Teut. _servett_, id. SESSION, SESSIOWN, _s._ The consistory, or parochial _eldership_ in Scotland, S. _Knox._ ~Sessioner~, _s._ A member of the _session_ or consistory. _Wodrow._ _To_ SET, _v. a._ To lease, S. _Wyntown._ ~Set~, _s._ A lease, S. _Spotswood._ ~Setter~, _s._ One who lets out any thing for hire, S. _Baillie._ _To_ SET, _v. a._ 1. To beset. _Wyntown._ 2. To lay snares. _Douglas._ Su. G. Isl. _saett-a_, insidias struere. ~Set~, _s._ A gin or snare. _Barbour._ Su. G. _sata_, insidiae feris positae. SET, _s._ 1. The spot in a river, where stationary nets are fixed, S. _Law Case._ 2. The net thus set, S. _Ibid._ Su. G. _saett-a ut et naet_, to spread a net. SET, _s._ Attack, onset, S. _Ross._ SET, _s._ Kind, manner, S. Su. G. _saett_, id. _To_ SET, _v. a._ 1. To become one, as to manners, rank, merit, &c. S. _Barbour._ 2. To become, as to dress, S. _Bannatyne P._ 3. _Setting_, _part. pr._ Having a prepossessing appearance, or natural gracefulness of manner, S. _Ross._ Su. G. _saet-a_, convenire. SET, _s._ The chartered constitution of a borough, S. _Stat. Acc._ A. S. _saet-an_, constituere. _To_ SET _after ane_, _v. a._ To pursue one, S. Su. G. _saetta after en_, id. _To_ SET _aff_, _v. n._ To go away, S. SET, SETT, _conj._ Though. _Wallace._ Perh. the imperat. of the _v._ * SET, _part. pa._ Disposed, S. _Douglas._ _Ill set_, cross-grained. _Ruddiman._ SETH, _s._ Coalfish. V. ~Seath~. SETHILL, _s._ A disease affecting sheep in the side, S. B. A. S. _sid-adl_, lateris dolor; or q. _side-ill_. SETT, _pret._ Ruled. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _sett-an_, disponere. SETTING, _s._ A weight in Orkney, containing 24 marks. _Skene._ SETTREL, SETTEREL, _adj._ Thickset, S.B. _Journal Lond._ SETTRIN, SET RENT, _s._ The portion of a servant or cottager, consisting of different kinds of food, Ang. Perths. _Ruddiman._ SETS, _s. pl._ Corn in small stacks, Loth. Isl. _sate_, Su. G. _saata_, cumulus foeni. SEUCH, SEWCH, _s._ 1. A furrow, S. _Douglas._ 2. A gulf. _Pal. Hon._ Sw. _sog_, colluvies, Lat. _sulc-us_. _To_ ~Seuch~, _v. a._ To divide. _Douglas._ Lat. _sulc-are_. SEUIN STERNES, the Pleiades, S. _Douglas._ SEW, _pret. v._ Sowed. _Douglas._ SEWANE, _s._ Uncertain. _Douglas._ SEWAN BELL, Perh. recollection-bell. Fr. _souvient_. _Dunbar._ SEWANS, L. _sewaris_, sewers. _Houlate._ SEX, _adj._ Six. V. ~Sax~. _Wyntown._ SH. For words not found printed in this form, V. ~Sch~. SHABLE, SHABBLE, _s._ 1. A crooked sword, or hanger. _Colvil._ Su. G. Dan. Belg. _sabel_, id. 2. An old rusty sword, S. 3. Any little person or thing, Strathm. _To_ SHACH, _v. a._ To distort; pret. _shacht_, S. Isl. _skag-a_, deflectere, _skack-ur_, obliquus. ~Shach-end~ _of a web_, the fag-end, S. B. _To_ ~Shachle~, _v. a._ To distort from the proper shape or direction, S. _Burns._ _Shachlin_, unsteady, infirm, S. ~Shachle~, _s._ Any thing worn out, S. B. _To_ ~Shachle~, ~Shochel~, _v. n._ To shuffle in walking, S. _Kelly._ SHACKLE-BANE, _s._ 1. The wrist, S. _Ramsay._ Q. the bone on which shackles are fixed. SHAFT, _s._ A handle, S. Su. G. _skaft_. SHAFTS, _s._ A kind of woollen-cloth, Aberd. _Stat. Acc._ SHAG, _s._ The refuse of barley, S. Su. G. _shaegg_, hair. _To_ SHAK _one's crap_, to give vent to one's ill humour, S. B. _Shirrefs._ _To_ SHAK _a fa'_, to wrestle, S. _Ross._ SHAKE-DOWN, _s._ A temporary bed made on the floor, S. _Pop. Ball._ SHALE, _s._ Alum ore, S. SHALLOCH, _adj._ Plentiful, Mearns. Isl. _skiol-a_, operire, tegere. _To_ SHAM, _v. a._ To strike, Loth. _To_ SHAMBLE, _v. n._ 1. To rack the limbs by striding, Ang. 2. To make a wry mouth, S. _Shamble chafts_, wry mouth, S. B. _Forb._ SHAMLOCK, _s._ A cow that has not calved for two years, W. Loth. Gael. _simlach_, id. SHAMS, _s. pl._ Legs. Fr. _jambes_, id. SHAN, _adj._ Silly, paltry, Loth. _Ramsay._ A. S. _scande_, Teut. _schande_, dedecus. SHANGAN, _s._ A stick cleft at one end, for putting the tail of a dog in, S. V. ~Shangie~. _Burns._ _To_ ~Shangie~, _v. a._ To inclose in a cleft piece of wood, S. A. _J. Nicol._ SHANGIE, _s._ A shackle that runs on the stake to which a cow is bound in the _byre_. SHANGIE, _adj._ Thin, meagre, S. Gael. _seang_, small, slender. SHANK _of a hill_, the projecting point of a hill, S. SHANK _of a coal mine_, the pit sunk for reaching the coals, S. A. S. _senc-an_, to sink. SHANKS, _s. pl._ V. ~Schank~. ~Shankum~, _s._ A man or beast that has long small legs, Orkn. SHANNACH, _s._ A bonfire lighted on Hallow-eve, Perths.; also _shinicle_. Gael. _samhnag_, _samh'-in_, the great festival observed by the Celts at the beginning of winter. _To_ SHAPE _away_, _v. a._ To drive away. _Godly Sangs._ Germ. _schieb-en_, _schupf-en_, to drive. SHARGAR, SHARGER, _s._ 1. A lean person, a scrag. Belg. _scraghe_, id. _Ross._ 2. A weakly child, S.; also _shargan_. _Ross._ Gael. _seirgne_, sickly; _seirg_, a consumption. SHARN, SHEARN, _s._ The dung of oxen or cows, S. _R. Galloway._ A. S. _scearn_, Fris. _scharn_, dung. ~Sharny~, _adj._ Bedaubed with cows' dung, S. _Ramsay._ ~Sharny-peat~, _s._ A cake of cows' dung mixed with coal-dross. S. SHARRACHIE, _adj._ Cold, chill, Ang. SHATHMONT, _s._ A measure of six inches. V. ~Schaftmon~. _Ritson._ SHAVE, SHEEVE, _s._ A slice, S. Belg. _schyf_, a round slice. _Ramsay._ _To_ SHAVE, _v. a._ To sow, Aberd.; _shaw_, Buchan. SHAVER, _s._ A wag, S. _Gl. Shirr._ SHAULING, _s._ The act of killing salmon by means of a leister, S. A. from E. _shallow_. _Stat. Acc._ SHAUP, _s._ 1. The husk, S. 2. An empty person. _Ramsay._ Teut. _schelp_, putamen, Isl. _skalp_, vagina. SHAWS, _pl._ The foliage of esculent roots, S. _Courant._ Teut. _schawe_, umbra. SHEAL, SCHELE, SHEIL, SHIELD, SHIELLING, SHEELIN, _s._ 1. A hut, or residence for those who have the care of sheep, S. _Pennant._ 2. A hut for fishermen, S. _Law Case._ 3. A shed for sheltering sheep during night, S. 4. A cottage for sportsmen, S. _Statist. Acc._ 5. _Wynter schelis_, winter quarters. _Bellenden._ 6. A nest for a field mouse. _Henrysone._ Isl. _sael_, domuncula aestiva in montanis; Su. G. _skale_, Isl. _skali_, a cottage. _To_ ~Sheal~, ~Shiel~, _v. a._ To put sheep under cover, S. _Ross._ _To_ SHEAL, _v. a._ To take the husks off seeds, S. _Statist. Acc._ Belg. _scheel-en_, A. S. _sceal-ian_, to shell. _To_ SHEAR, SCHEIR, _v. a._ 1. To cut down corn with the sickle, S. 2. To reap, in general, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Shearer~, _s._ 1. One employed in cutting down corn, S. _Hudson._ 2. In a general sense, a reaper, S. Su. G. _skaer-a_, metere, falce secare. ~Shearin~, _s._ 1. The act of cutting down corn, S. _A. Douglas._ 2. Harvest in general, S. SHEAR-KEAVIE, _s._ The cancer depurator. Loth. SHEARN, _s._ V. ~Sharn~. SHEAVE, _s._ A slice, S. V. ~Shave~. SHED, _s._ A portion of land, as distinguished from that which is adjacent, S. A. S. _scead-an_, Teut. _scheyd-en_, separare. SHED, _s._ The interstice between the different parts of the warp in a loom, S. _Adam._ SHEDE, _s._ A slice, S. B. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ ~Sheed~, _v. a._ To cut into slices, S. B. SHEEN _of the ee_, the pupil of the eye, S. B. SHEEVE, _s._ A slice. V. ~Shave~. SHEIMACH, _s._ A kind of bass made of straw or _sprot_-ropes plaited, on which panniers are hung, Mearns. _Gl. Sibb._ Gael. _sumag_, a pack-saddle, A. S. _seam_, sarcina jumentaria. SHEIMACH, _s._ A thing of no value, S. B. SHEEP-ROT, _s._ Butterwort, an herb, S. B. SHEEPS-SILLER, _s._ Common Mica, S. SHELL. _Scarcely out of the shell yet_; applied to young persons who affect something beyond their years, S. SHELLYCOAT, _s._ 1. A spirit, supposed to reside in the waters, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. A bum-bailiff, Loth. _Ferguson._ SHELM, _s._ A rascal. Fr. id. _Melvil._ SHELTIE, _s._ A horse of the smallest size, S. _Martin._ Perh. corr. from _Shetland_, Dan. _Hialtland_. SHEPHROA, _s._ A piece of female dress. _Watson._ SHEUCH, _s._ A furrow, S. V. ~Seuch~. _To_ ~Sheuch~, ~Shugh~, _v. a._ To lay plants in the earth, before they are planted out, S. _To_ SHEVEL, _v. a._ To distort, S. _Shevelling-gabbit_, q. having a distorted mouth. V. ~Showl~. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Shevel~, _v. n._ To walk in an unsteady and oblique sort of way, S. SHIACKS, _s. pl._ Light black oats, variegated with grey stripes, having beards like barley, S. B. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. _skaeck_, variegated. SHILFA, SHILFAW, _s._ The chaffinch, S. _Mary Stewart._ SHILFCORN, S.; SELKHORN, _s._ A thing which breeds in the skin, resembling a small maggot. S. _Colvil._ SHILLING, SCHILLING, SHILLEN, _s._ Grain that has been freed from the husk, S. _Dunbar._ ~Shillin Seeds~, the outermost husk of corn that is ground, after being separated from the grain, S. SHILMONTS, SHELMENTS, _s. pl._ 1. The frame or rail laid on a common cart, for carrying a load of hay, S. 2. The longitudinal bars of the sides of a muck-bodied or close cart, Loth. SHILPIE, SHILPIT, _adj._ 1. Insipid, applied to fermented liquors, S. _Waverly._ Su. G. _skaell_, insipidus, aquosus. 2. Of a sickly colour, often _shilpit-like_, S. _Gl. Sibb._ 3. Applied to ears of corn not well filled, S. B. Teut. _schelp_, putamen. SHILVINS, _s. pl._ Rails that fixed the _rungs_ which formed the body of a cart, Ang. Su. G. _skelwing_, paries intergerinus. _To_ SHIMMER, _v. n._ To shine. V. ~Skimmerin~. _Ritson._ SHINICLE, _s._ V. ~Shannach~. SHINTY, _s._ 1. An inferior species of _golf_, S. _Stat. Acc._ 2. The club or stick used in playing, S. Ir. _shon_, a club. SHIPPER, _s._ A shipmaster. _Pitscottie._ SHIRLES, _s. pl._ Turfs for fuel, Aberd. V. ~Scherald~. SHIRROT, _s._ A turf or _divot_, Banffs. V. ~Scherald~. SHIRT, _s._ Wild mustard. _Gl. Sibb._ SHIRRAGLIE, _s._ A broil, Loth. Su. G. _skurigla_, increpare. SHIT, _s._ A contemptuous designation for a child, S. _Polwart._ E. _chit_; Ital. _cito_, puer, puella. SHOCHLING, _part. pr._ Used metaph., apparently in the sense of mean, paltry. V. ~Shachle~. _Ramsay._ SHODE-SHOOL, _s._ A wooden shovel, shod with iron, S. B. _Watson._ SHOES, _s. pl._ The rind of flax, S., same with _shaws_. _To_ SHOOT, _v. n._ To push off from the shore in a boat, or to continue the course in casting a net, S. B. _Law Case._ _To_ SHOP, _v. n._ To rap. V. ~Chap~. _R. Bruce._ SHORE, _s._ The prop used in constructing _flakes_ for inclosing cattle, S. A. _Battle Flodden._ Teut. _schoore_, fulcimen, Isl. _skur_, suggrundia. _To_ SHORE, _v. a._ To count, to reckon, S. Su. G. _skor-a_, to mark. ~Shore~, _s._ Debt. _Godly Sangs._ _To_ SHORE, _v. a._ 1. To threaten. V. ~Schor~, _v._ 2. To offer, S. O. _Burns._ SHORT, _adj._ Laconic and tart, S. _R. Bruce._ SHOT, _s._ 1. A stroke or move in play, S. _Graeme._ 2. Aim, object in view. _Baillie._ SHOT, _s. To begin new shot, new bod_, to begin any business _de novo_, S. B. SHOT. _To come shot_, to succeed, S. Teut. _schot_, proventus. _Gl. Shirr._ SHOT, _s. Shot of ground_, plot of land, Loth. Su. G. _skoet_, angulus. SHOT, _s._ The wooden spout by which water is carried to a mill, S. SHOT, _s._ A kind of window. V. ~Schott~. SHOT, s. 1. The spot where fishermen are wont to let out their nets, S. B. _Law Case._ 2. The sweep of a net, S. B. _Ibid._ Teut. _schote_, jaculatio. SHOT, _s._ V. ~Elfshot~. SHOT-ABOUT, _adj._ Striped of various colours, S. A. from _shooting_ shuttles alternately. _Gl. Sibb._ SHOT-BLED, _s._ The blade from which the ear afterwards issues, S. _shot-blade_. _Z. Boyd._ SHOTS, _s. pl._ The buckets of a mill-wheel, S. B. SHOTT, _s._ An ill-grown ewe, S.O. _Statist. Acc._ SHOTTLE, _adj._ Short and thick, S. B. SHOTTLE, _s._ A drawer. V. ~Shuttle~. SHOULFALL, _s._ The chaffinch, S. _Sibbald._ _To_ SHOWD, _v. n._ To waddle. V. ~Schowd~. SHOWERS, _s. pl._ Throes, S. _Rutherford._ _To_ SHOWL, _v. a._ To showl one's mouth, to distort the face, S. B. _Shevel_, S. O. Su. G. _skaelg_, Germ. _scheel_, obliquus. SHUCKEN, _s._ Mill-dues. V. ~Sucken~. _To_ SHUE, _v. a._ To scare fowls, S. Germ. _scheuch-en_, id. SHUE, _s._ The amusement in E. called _Tettertotter_, S. _To_ ~Shue~, _v. n._ To play at see-saw, S. ~Shuggie-shue~, _s._ A swing, S. from _shog_ and _shue_. SHUIL, _s._ A shovel. V. ~Schuil~. SHUNNERS, _s. pl._ Cinders, Aberd. _To_ SHUTE ~a-dead,~ to die, S. B. SHUTTLE, SHOTTLE, _s._ 1. A small drawer, S. _Hamilton._ 2. A till in a shop, S. 3. A box in a chest, S. Isl. _skutill_, mensa parva. SIB, SIBB, _adj._ Related by blood, S. A. S. _sib_, consanguineus. _Skene._ ~Sibman~, _s._ A relation. _Barbour._ ~Sibnes~, _s._ 1. Propinquity of blood, S. _Reg. Maj._ 2. Relation, metaph. used, S. _Guthrie._ SIBBENS, _s._ V. ~Sivvens~. SIC, SICK, SIK, _adj._ Such, S. V. ~Swilk~. _Douglas._ ~Sickin~, ~Sikkin~, _adj._ Such kind of. _Maitland P._ ~Sicklike~, _adj._ Of the same kind, S. ~Sicklike~, _adv._ In the same manner. _Baillie._ ~Sicwyse~, _adv._ On such wise. _Douglas._ SYCHT, _s._ 1. Sight, S. 2. Regard, respect. _Bellenden._ _To_ ~Sicht~, ~Sight~, _v. a._ To inspect, S. _Baillie._ ~Sicht~ _of the ee_, the pupil, S. ~Sight~, _s._ A station whence fishers observe the motion of salmon in a river, S. _Law Case._ _To_ ~Sight~, _v. a._ To spy fish in the water from the banks, in order to direct the casting of the net, S. B. _Ibid._ ~Sightman~, _s._ A fisherman who watches the approach of salmon, S. _Statist. Acc._ SICK, _s._ Sickness, S. B. Su. G. _siuk-a_, Germ. _seuche_, id. SICKER, SIKKER, SIKKIR, SIKKAR, SEKER, _adj._ 1. Secure, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. Free from care. _Douglas._ 3. Denoting assurance of mind. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 4. Denoting the effect. _Wallace._ 5. Cautious in mercantile transactions, S. _Pop. Ball._ 6. Possessing a solid judgment, S. B. _Ross._ 7. Denoting preciseness in speech, S. Su. G. _seker_, _siker_, Isl. _seigr_, Germ. _sicher_, Belg. _zeker_, C. B. _sicer_, id. ~Sickerly~, _adv._ 1. Firmly, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. Smartly, regarding a stroke, S. _Baillie._ ~Sickerness~, _s._ Security, S. B. _Bur. Lawes._ SICKRIFE, _adj._ Slightly sick, S. SIDE, SYDE, _adj._ 1. Hanging low, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _sid_, Isl. _sidr_, demissus. 2. Late, S. B. Moes. G. _seitho_, sero; A. S. _sidesta_, serissime. SIDE-ILL, _s._ V. ~Sethill~. _Pop. Ball._ SYDIS, _pl._ Cuts of flesh. _Douglas._ SYDLINGIS, SIDELINS, _adv._ 1. Side by side. _Lyndsay._ 2. Obliquely, not directly, S. ~Sideling~, _adj._ 1. Having a declivity, S. 2. Oblique, as to discourse, S. _Ross._ SYE, _s._ The sea. _Douglas._ SYE, _s._ A coalfish. V. ~Seath~. _Stat. Acc._ SIERGE, _s._ A taper. V. ~Serge~. SIGNIFERE, _s._ The Zodiac, Lat. _K. Quair._ SIGONALE, _s._ L. as in MS., _suponale_, perhaps a plate, or basket; Lat. _sup-pon-ere_. _Houlate._ SYIS, SYISS, SYSS, SEIS, _s. pl._ Times; _fele syis_, _oft syss_. V. ~Syith~. _Barbour._ SYISS, SYSE, _s._ Sice, at dice; Fr. _six_. _Bannatyne P._ SYITH, SYTH, _s._ Times. _Douglas._ A. S. _sithe_, Moes. G. _sintha_, vices. SIKE, SYIK, SYK, _s._ 1. A rill, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _sic_, sulcus aquarius; Isl. _sijk_, rivulus. 2. A marshy bottom, with a small stream in it. _Wyntown._ _To_ SIKE, _v. a._ To cause to sigh. _K. Quair._ ~Siking~, _s._ Sighing. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _sic-an_, id. Su. G. _sikt_, a sigh. SIKKIN, _adj._ V. under ~Sic~. SIL, SILL, _s._ A billet. _Douglas._ A. S. _syl_, a post. SILDER, _s._ Silver, Ang. _A. Nicol._ _To_ SILE, SYLE, SYLL, _v. a._ 1. To blindfold. _More._ 2. To hide, to conceal. _Godly Sangs._ O. Fr. _cill-er_, _sil-ir_, _sill-er_, fermer les yeux; Lat. _cil-ium_. ~Syling~, _s._ Ceiling. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ SYLE, _v. a._ 1. To circumvent. _Dunbar._ 2. To betray. _Maitland P._ A. S. _syl-an_, to betray. _To_ SILE, SYLE, _v. a._ To strain, Loth. Su. G. _sil-a_, colare; _sil_, a strainer. SILIT, _part. pa._ Perhaps, given; A. S. _syllan_, dare. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ SYLL, _v. a._ To cover. V. ~Sile~. SYLL, _s._ A seat of dignity. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _sylla_, a seat, a chair. SILLABE, _s._ A syllable, S. A. S. _R. Bruce._ SILLER, _s._ A canopy. _Sir Gawan._ O. Fr. _ciele_, a canopy. SILLER, _s._ 1. Silver, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Money in general, S. _Mary Stewart._ ~Siller~, _adj._ Belonging to silver, S. _Statist. Acc._ SILLY, _adj._ 1. Lean, meagre, S. 2. Weak, from disease, S. _Montgomerie._ 3. Frail, as being mortal. _Z. Boyd._ 4. In a state which excites compassion, S. _Rutherford._ 5. Fatuous, S. V. ~Sely~. _Wodrow._ 6. Timid, pusillanimous. _Spalding._ SILLIK, SILAK, SELLOK, _s._ The fry of the coal-fish, Orkn. _Statist. Acc._ SILLIST, _adj._ Released from labour for a time, Perths. Moes. G. _sil-an_, tranquillus esse. SYLOUR, _s._ Canopy. V. ~Siller~. _Gawan and Gol._ SILVER-MAILL, _s._ Rent paid in money. V. ~Maill~. _To_ SILVERIZE, _v. a._ To cover with _silver-leaf_, S. SYMER, SIMMER, _s._ Summer. _Bellenden._ ~Simmer treis~, _s. pl._ May-poles. _Acts Ja. VI._ SIMMONDS, _s. pl._ Ropes made of heath and of empetrum nigrum, Orkn. Isl. _sime_, funiculus. SYMPILL, SEMPILL, SEMPLE, _adj._ 1. Low-born, S. _Wallace._ 2. Low in present circumstances. _Wynt._ 3. Not possessing strength. _Barbour._ 4. Mean, vulgar. _Henrysone._ Fr. _simple_, common, ordinary. 5. A term exciting pity. _Chr. S. P._ ~Sympylly~, _adv._ Meanly. _Barbour._ SINACLE, _s._ A vestige, S. B. _Ross._ Fr. id. from Lat. _signacul-um_. SYND, _s._ Appearance, aspect. _Burel._ Su. G. _syn_, facies. _To_ SYND, SIND, SEIN, _v. a._ 1. To wash slightly, S. originally suggesting the idea of making the sign of the cross. V. ~Sane~. _Morison._ 2. To dilute; as, _to synd down_ one's _meat_, S. ~Synd~, ~Syne~, _s._ 1. A slight ablution, S. _A. Scott._ 2. Drink, as washing the throat, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ SINDER, _v. a._ To sunder, S. _To_ ~Sinder~, _v. n._ To part, to separate, S. A. S. _syndr-ian_, separare. ~Sindry~, _adj._ 1. Sundry, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _sindrig_, id. 2. In a state of disjunction, S. ~Syndrely~, _adv._ Severally. _Wyntown._ ~Syndrynes~, _s._ A state of separation or dispersion. _Wyntown._ SINDILL, _adv._ V. ~Seindle~. SYNE, _adv._ 1. Afterwards, S. _Barbour._ 2. Late, as opposed to _soon_. _Baillie._ A. S. _saene_, tardus; Teut. _sind_, post. ~Syne~, _conj._ Seeing, S. _Wyntown._ _To_ SING, _v. a._ To singe. _Cleland._ A. S. _saeng-an_, Germ. _seng-en_, id. ~Singit-like~, _adj._ Puny, shrivelled. S. SINGIN-EEN, _s._ The last night of the year; from the carols sung on this evening, Fife. _A. Douglas._ SINGLAR, _adj._ Unarmed. _Wallace._ SINGLE, _adv._ V. ~Seindle~. SINGLE, _s._ A handful of gleaned corn, S.; also _sindle_. _Gl. Sibb._ _Dunbar._ Su. G. _sin_, singularis, and _del_, pars; or Lat. _singul-us_. SINKIL, _s._ L. _finkil_, fennel. _Compl. S._ SYNLE, _adv._ Seldom. V. ~Seindle~. SYNOPARE, _s._ Cinnabar. _Douglas._ SINSYNE, _adv._ Since, S. V. ~Syne~. _Burns._ _To_ SIPE, SEIP, _v. n._ 1. To ooze, S. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. _v. a._ To let out any liquid, S. _Magopico._ Teut. _sijpen_, id., stillare, manare. ~Sypins~, _s. pl._ Liquor that has oozed from an insufficient cask, S. _To_ SYPYRE, SUPIR, _v. n._ To sigh. Fr. _souspir-er_, id. _Burel._ SIRDONING, _s._ The singing of birds. _A. Hume._ Fr. _sourdine_, the pipe of a trumpet. SYRE, _s._ V. ~Schir~. SYRE, _s._ A sewer, S. _syver_. V. ~Syver~. _Watson._ SIR JOHN, a close stool, S.; _knight_, synon. SIRKEN, _adj._ Tender of one's flesh, S. Gael. _seirc_, affection; _seircin_, a darling. _To_ SIRPLE, _v. a._ To sip often, S. Sw. _sorpl-a_, Germ. _schurfl-en_, id. SISE, SYSS, _s._ 1. Assize, O. Fr. _Barbour._ 2. Doom, judgment. _Montgomerie._ SYSE, _s._ Six at dice. V. ~Syiss~. _To_ SIST, _v. a._ To stop. _To sist procedure_, to delay judicial proceeding, S. Lat. _sist-ere_, id. _Pardovan._ ~Sist~, _s._ A suspension of diligence, a forensic term, S. _Act Sed._ _To_ SIST, _v. a._ 1. To cite, to summon, S. _Wodrow._ 2. To take a place, as at the bar of a court; generally used in regard to one's engagement in divine worship, S. _To_ SIT, _v. n._ 1. To stop in growth, S. 2. To shrink, S. 3. Applied to the sinking of a wall, S. ~Sit~, _s._ The state of sinking, as applied to a wall, S. _To_ SIT _an offer_, not to accept of it, S. _Guthrie._ _To_ SIT _to_, _v. n._ Applied to food dressed in a vessel, when, from not being stirred, it is allowed to burn, S. _To_ SIT, SITT, _v. a._ To grieve. _Wallace._ ~Site~, ~Syte~, _s._ 1. Grief, S. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _syt-a_, to mourn; _sut_, sorrow, _syting_, id. 2. Suffering, punishment. _Douglas._ ~Sitful~, ~Sitefull~, _adj._ Sorrowful. _Palice Hon._ ~Sitfully~, _adv._ Sorrowfully. _Wallace._ SITFASTS, _s. pl._ Restharrow, S. SYTH, times. V. ~Syith~. _To_ SITHE, SYITH, _v. a._ V. ~Assyith~. SITHE, SYITH, _s._ Satisfaction. _Sat. Invis. World._ ~Sithement~, _s._ V. ~Assythment~. SYTHENS, _conj._ 1. Although. _K. Hart._ 2. Since, seeing. _Balnavis._ SYTHYN, _adv._ Afterwards. _Barbour._ SYVER, SIVER, _s._ A covered drain, S. also _syre_; E. _sewer_. _Stat. Acc._ Teut. _suyver-en_, mundare. ~Rumbling Syver~, a drain filled with stones thrown loosely together, S. SIVVEN, _s._ The Raspberry, S. Gael. SIVVENS, SIBBINS, _s. pl._ 1. A disease viewed as of the venereal kind, S. From its resembling a raspberry; Gael. _sivven_. _Pennant._ 2. The itch, Orkn. pron. _sibbens_. SYVEWARM, _s._ L. _Syvewarin_, the sovereign or first magistrate of a town. _Sovereign_, quaestor, Kilian. _Barbour._ SKADDINS, _s. pl._ Turfs, Banffs. Teut. _scadde_, cespes, gleba. _To_ SKAFF, SKAIFF, _v. a._ To collect by dishonourable means. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _skaff-a_, to provide food. ~Skaff~, _s._ Provision. V. ~Scaff~. ~Skafrie~, ~Scafferie~, _s._ 1. Extortion. _Acts Marie._ 2. The contents of a larder; Sw. _skafferi_, cella penuaria. _Gl. Sibb._ ~Skaffay~, _adj._ Eager for gain. _A. Hume._ SKAICHER, _s._ A term of gentle reprehension applied to a child, Ang. Gael. _sgiogair_, a jackanapes. _To_ SKAIK, _v. a._ 1. To separate in an awkward or dirty manner, S. B. 2. To bedaub, S. B. Isl. _skecke_, dispar facio. _To_ SKAIL, SKAILL, SKALE, _v. a._ 1. To disperse. _Wyntown._ 2. To dismiss, S. _Acts Ja. III._ _To skail the byke_, to disperse an assembly, S. 3. To diffuse; applied to rumours. _Doug._ 4. To scatter, applied to the mind. _Wyntown._ 5. To spill, to shed, S. 6. To unrip, S. B. _Ross._ 7. _To skale doun_, to pour out. _Doug._ 8. _To skale doun_, to dishevel. _Doug._ 9. _To skail house_, to disfurnish. _Rutherford._ 10. _To skale a rig_, to plough ground so as to make it fall away from the crown of the ridge, S. 11. _To skale a sege_, to raise a siege. _Poems 16th Cent._ 12. _To skail a proclamation_, to recall it. _Balfour._ 13. _To skail a gun_, to empty it, S. Su. G. Isl. _skil-ia_, separare; Gael. _scaoil-am_, id. _To_ ~Skail~, ~Skale~, ~Scale~, _v. n._ 1. To part one from another. _Barbour._ Isl. _skil-iast_, unus ab altero recedere. 2. To be diffused. _Wallace._ ~Skail~, ~Scail~, _s._ 1. A dispersion, S. 2. A scattered party. _Barbour._ ~Skailin~, ~Scailin~, _s._ Dispersion, S. _J. Nicol._ ~Skail-wind~, _s._ That which causes dispersion, S. _M. Bruce._ SKAILDRAIK, SKELDRAKE, _s._ The shieldrake. _Acts Ja. VI._ SKAILLIE, SKAILYIE, _s._ Blue slate. S. B. _Acts Ja. VI._ Belg. _schalie_, id. Moes. G. _skal-jos_, tiles. ~Skillie pen~, a pencil of soft slate, S. _To_ SKAIR, _v. n._ V. ~Skar~. SKAIR, _s._ A share, Ang. Loth. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _skiaer_, id.; _skaer-a_, dividere. SKAIR, _s._ 1. One of the parts of a fishing-rod, S. B. 2. The slice at the end of each part, to which the sliced end of another is fastened, S. A. Isl. _skar-a_, asseres reciproce adaptare. SKAIR, _s._ A bare place on the side of a hill. V. ~Scar~. SKAIRS, SKARS, _s. pl._ Rocks through which there is an opening, S. Su. G. _skaer_, a rock; _skaer-a_, to divide. SKAITBIRD, _s._ The Arctic gull. Su. G. _skit-a_, cacare. _Kennedy._ SKAITH, _s._ 1. Hurt, damage, S. _Doug._ Isl. _skade_, Su. G. _skada_, id. 2. Injury supposed to proceed from witchcraft, S. _Stat. Acc._ SKAIVIE, _adj._ Harebrained, S. _Gl. Sibb._ Sw. _skef_, Dan. _skiaev_, obliquus; A. Bor. _scafe_, wild. SKALLAG, SCALLAG, _s._ A kind of bond-servant, West. Isl. _J. L. Buchanan._ Gael. _sgallag_, a man-servant; Isl. _skalk_, servus. SKAMYLL, SKAMBLE, _s._ 1. A bench. A. S. _scaemel_, id. _Wallace._ 2. In pl. shambles; _skemmils_, S. B. _Maitland P._ _To_ SKANCE. V. ~Scance~. SKANT, SCANTH, _s._ Scarcity. _Doug._ Dan. _skan-a_, parcere; or Isl. _skam-r_, brevis. SKAP, _s._ Head, _scalp_. _Evergreen._ _To_ SKAR, SKAIR, _v. n._ To take fright, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _skiar_, vitabundus; Su. G. _sky_, vitare. ~Skar~, ~Scar~, _adj._ 1. Timorous; _skair_, S. B. _Bannatyne P._ 2. Shy, affectedly modest, S. _Pop. Ball._ ~Skar~, ~Skare~, _s._ 1. A fright, S.; _skair_, S. B. _Shirrefs._ 2. A scarecrow. _Lyndsay._ SKARRACH, _s._ 1. A flying shower, a blast of wind and rain, Ang. Fife. Moes. G. _skura_, procella magna. 2. A considerable quantity of drink, Loth. SKARSMENT, _s._ Some kind of fortification. _Pal. Hon._ Germ. _schaur-en_, to defend. SKART, _s._ A cormorant. V. ~Scarth~. SKARTFREE, _adj._ V. ~Scart~, _v._ SKARTH, _s._ Puny creature, S. _scart_. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _skort-a_, deficere; _skard-a_, diminuere. _To_ SKAT, _v. a._ To tax. _Henrysone._ Teut. _schatt-en_; Su. G. _skatt-a_, taxare. _To_ SKAUDE, _v. a._ To scald, S. _Doug._ Fr. _eschaud-er_, Ital. _scald-are_, id. _To_ ~Skaude~, ~Skad~, _v. n._ To be galled, from heat, S. SKAUM, _s._ 1. The act of singing clothes. 2. A slight mark of burning, S. Sw. _skamm-a_, a stain; Isl. _kaam_, id. ~Skaummit~, ~Scamed~, _part. adj_. Having a mark produced by fire or a hot iron, S. _Spalding_. SKAW, _s._ A scall of any kind, S. _Bellenden_. SKEEBRIE, _s._ Thin light soil, Ang. ~Skeebroch~, _s._ Very lean meat, Galloway. Ir. _scabar_, thin, lean. _To_ SKEEG, _v. a._ To lash, S. B. _Minstr. Bord._ Celt. _skig-ia_, to strike; Arm. _skei_, to bang. ~Skeeggers~, _s. pl._ A whip; properly one made of sedges, Ang. SKEELY, _adj._ Skilful. V. ~Skilly~. SKEELING GOOSE, the shieldrake, Orkn. _Sibbald_. _To_ SKEY _off_, _v. n._ To fly. _Wallace_. Su. G. _sky_, Alem. _ski-en_, vitare. SKEICH, SKEIGH, _adj._ 1. Apt to startle, S. _Douglas._ 2. Unmanageable, skittish, S. _Douglas._ 3. Shy; applied to women, S. _Ross._ 4. Proud, disdainful, S. _Burns._ Germ. _scheuch_, shy; Su. G. _skygg_, startling. _To_ ~Skeich~, _v. n._ To startle. _Douglas._ Su. G. _skygg-a_, meticulose recedere. _To_ SKEYG, _v. n._ To move nimbly in walking, S. B. Moes. G. _skeu-jan_, iter facere. ~Skeyg~, _s._ _At the skeyg_, in a quick motion, Ang. SKEIGH, _adv_. V. ~Skeich~. SKEIL, SKEILL, (pron. _skeel_), _s._ 1. A tub for washing, S. _Dunbar_. 2. A wooden drinking vessel with a handle, Orkn. Isl. _skiola_, a milk-pail; mulctra, haustorium. SKEIR, SKEER, _adj._ Hare-brained, S. Isl. _skiar_, pavidus, id. SKEITCHES, _s. pl_. Scates, S. Teut. _schatse_. _To_ ~Skeitch~, _v. n._ To scate, S. ~Skeitcher~, _s._ A scater, S. SKELB, _s_. A splinter, S. V. ~Skelve~. SKELDRAKE, _s_. V. ~Skaildrake~. SKELF, _s._ 1. A shelf, S. A. S. _scelf_. _Ross_. 2. A wooden frame, containing several shelves, S. _Pennecuik, N._ SKELLAT, _s_. 1. A small bell. _Dunbar_. 2. An iron rattle, used by public criers, Loth. O. Fr. _eschelette_, id.; Su. G. _skaella_, nola, tintinnabulum. SKELLIE, SKEELY, _s._ A squint look, S. A. S. _sceol-age_, Isl. _skialg-ur_, id. _To_ ~Skellie~, _v. n._ To squint, S. Isl. _skael-a_, Germ. _schiel-en_, limis intueri. SKELLY, _s._ The chub, a fish, Roxb. _Stat. Acc._ Ital. _squaglio_, Lat. _squal-us_, id. SKELLY, _s._ Slate. V. ~Skaillie~. SKELLYIS, _s. pl._ Rugged rocks. V. ~Skelve~. _Douglas._ SKELLOCH, SKELLIE, _s._ 1. Wild mustard, S. _Stat. Acc._ Ir. _sgeallagach_, id. 2. Sometimes, wild radish, S. A. _To_ SKELLOCH, _v. n._ To cry with a shrill voice, S. B. Isl. _skell-a_, clangere. ~Skelloch~, _s._ A shrill cry, S. B. _To_ SKELP, _v. n._ 1. To beat, as a clock. _Ramsay._ 2. Denoting strong pulsation, S. B. Isl. _skialf-a_, Dan. _skiaelv-e_, tremere. 3. To move quickly on foot, S. _Burns._ Isl. _skialf-a_, concutere, quatere. _To_ ~Skelp~, _v. a._ 1. To strike with the open hand, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To beat, to drub, S. _Ferguson._ Isl. _skelf-a_, id., percello. ~Skelp~, _s._ 1. A stroke, a blow, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. A misfortune in trade or otherwise, S. _Burel._ ~Skelpie-limmer~, _s._ An opprobrious term applied to a female, S. _Burns._ SKELT, _part. pa._ Unript. V. ~Skail~, _v._ _To_ SKELVE, _v. n._ To separate in _lamina_, S. B. Su. G. _skaell-a_, Isl. _skel-iast_, in tenues laminas dissilire; _skil-ia_, separare. ~Skelve~, _s._ A thin slice, S. B. Teut. _schelve_, segmen. ~Skelvy~, _adj._ 1. Having various _lamina_, S. B. _Minstr. Bord._ 2. Shelvy, S. _Burns._ SKEO, _s._ A hut for drying fish, Orkn. Isl. Norw. _skia-r_, id. pergula siccatoria. SKEP, SKEPPE, SCAPE, _s._ 1. A bee-hive made of twisted straw, S. A. _Hume._ 2. Transferred to industry. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _skaepp-a_, a seed-vessel; Gael. _sgeip_, a bee-hive. SKER, perhaps, a rock. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _skaer_, scopulus maris. SKERRY, _s._ 1. An insulated rock, Orkn. _Barry._ 2. A flat rock, over which the sea flows when the tide rises. _Stat. Acc._ Isl. _skaer_, a rock, and _ey_, an island. SKERTER, _s._ The sea-belt, a fucus, Orkn. _Neill._ SKET. _Ful sket_, full hastily. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _on scyte_, in praecipiti; Isl. _skiot-ur_, celer. SKEW, SKEU, _s._ The oblique part of a gable, S. V. ~Shach~. _J. Nicol._ _To_ ~Skew~, _v. a._ 1. To build in an oblique form, S. 2. To cover gables with sods, Tweedd. SKEW'D, _adj._ Acting like one deprived of reason, Perths. V. ~Skaivie~. SKEW, _s._ _Skew and reskew_; q. "take and retake." _Wallace._ Fr. _secou-er_, to move violently; O. Fr. _rescou-er_, to take again. _To_ SKEWL, _v. a._ To distort, S. B. V. ~Showl~. SKY, _s._ A small board, used in the Shetland plough in place of a _mould-board_. _Stat. Acc._ SKY, _s._ Shadow. _Douglas._ Su. G. _sky_, nubes, nebula. SKYBALD, _s._ A mean worthless fellow, S. _Knox._ Dan. _skabhals_, a rascal, a base man. ~Skybald~, _adj._ 1. Mean, low. _Polwart._ 2. Tattered, in rags, Clydes. SKIBE, _s._ A low or niggardly fellow, West and South of S. V. ~Skybald~. _To_ SKIFF, SKIFT, _v. n._ To move lightly and smoothly along, S. _Maitland P._ Q. to move as a _skiff_; or Isl. _skaf-a_, _skef_, radere, q. to graze. _To_ ~Skiff~, _v. a._ To cause a flat stone _skip_ along the surface of a body of water, S. _To_ ~Skift~, _v. a._ To glide over, S. B. SKIFFIE, _s._ The tub used for bringing up coals from the pit, S. _Stat. Acc._ SKIFT, _s._ A flying shower, S. B. Su. G. _skifw-a_, mutare; _skift_, intervallum. SKIFT, _s._ Facility in operation, S. B. Moes. G. _ga-skaft_, making; _skap-an_, facere. SKIFT, _s._ A broad ridge of land, Orkn. Su. G. _skift_, intervallum. SKYLAND, _part. pr._ Not retaining. Dan. _skyll-a_, eluere. _Dunbar._ _To_ SKYLE, _v. a._ To conceal. _Henrysone._ Su. G. _skyl-a_, Dan. _skyl-er_, occultare. SKILL, _s._ Return. _King Hart._ Isl. _skill_, redditio. SKILL, SKYLL, _s._ 1. Reason. _Barbour._ 2. Proof. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _skil_, ratio, probatio. 3. Approbation, or regard, S. B. ~Skilly~, ~Skeely~, _adj._ Intelligent, skilful, S. _Ross._ Su. G. _skaelig_, rational; Isl. _skiallig-r_, prudent. _To_ SKILT, _v. n._ To move quickly and lightly. _Cleland._ From the sound made; Isl. _skell-a_, _skelldi_, verberando sonum edere. SKIMMERIN, _part. adj._ Denoting that peculiar look which characterises an idiot or a lunatic, S. B. Germ. _schimmer_, a dim or faint glare. SKINY, _s._ Packthread, pron. q. _skeengyie_, E. _skain_, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ SKINK, _s._ Strong soup made of cows hams, S. A. S. _scenc_, potus. _Shirrefs._ _To_ SKYNK, _v. a._ 1. To pour out liquor for drinking. _Douglas._ Su. G. _skaenk-a_, Franc. _skenk-en_, potum infundere. 2. To make a libation to the gods. _Douglas._ 3. To serve drink. _Douglas._ 4. _To scink over_, to renounce. _Rutherford._ _To_ SKINKLE, _v. n._ To sparkle, S. _Burns._ ~Skinklin~, _s._ 1. The sparkling of a bright irradiation, Ayrs. 2. A small portion, ibid. _Burns._ SKIP, a termination denoting state or condition; Su. G. _skap_, A. S. _scipe_, E. _ship_, id., from Su. G. _skap-a_, creare, &c. SKIPPARE, SKIPPER, _s._ 1. A shipmaster, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _skeppare_, anc. _skipare_, A. S. _scipar_, id. 2. Now generally appropriated to the master of a sloop, barge, or passage-boat, S. 3. In the fisheries, one of the men who superintends other four, having the charge of a _coble_, S. _Stat. Acc._ SKIRDOCH, _adj._ Flirting, Fife. Isl. _skryd-a_, ornare; _skreitt-r_, ornatus; _skart-a_, magnifice vestiri. SKYRE, _s._ A schirrus. _Dunbar._ Fr. _scyre_, id. SKYRIN, _part. pr._ 1. Shining, S. B. _Poems Buchan Dial._ 2. Making a great show, S. _Burns._ A. S. _scir_, Su. G. _skir_, shining. _To_ SKIRL, SKIRLE, _v. n._ To cry with a shrill voice, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _skrall-a_, sonum streperum edere. ~Skirl~, _s._ A shrill cry, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _skrall_, Dan. _skraal_, vociferatus. _To_ SKYRME, _v. n._ To make a feint. Isl. _skrum-a_, fingo. _Houlate._ _To_ SKIRP, _v. a._ To mock. V. ~Scorp~. SKIST, _s._ Chest; for _kist_. _Gl. Sibb._ SKIST, _s._ Perhaps, _skift_, art. _K. Hart._ SKIT, _s._ 1. A vain, empty creature, S. _Dancing skit_, a contemptuous designation for a female dancer on a stage. _G. Buchanan._ Isl. _skiot-r_, celer, citus. 2. A piece of silly ostentation, S. SKIT, _s._ An oblique taunt, S. Isl. _skaeting-r_, dicteria acerba. _To_ SKITE, SKYTE, _v. a._ 1. To eject any liquid forcibly, S. Isl. _skvett-a_, id. Sw. _skijt-a_, exonerare ventrem. 2. To squirt, to throw the spittle forcibly through the teeth, S. ~Skite~, _s._ The dung of a fowl, S. B. ~Skyte~, _s._ A nasty person, S. B. Dan. _skyden_, sordidus. _To_ ~Skyte~, _v. n._ To glide swiftly, S. Su. G. _skiut-a_, id. _Ramsay._ SKIVERS, SKEEVERS, _s. pl._ The leather now generally used for binding school books, which is sliced into two, S. Su. G. _skifva_, a slice, pl. _skifvar_. SKLAFFORD HOLES, apertures in the walls of a barn, Ang. Perh. corr. from L. B. _sclopet-um_, a harquebuss, as originally applied to the loopholes of a castle. SKLAIF, _s._ A slave. _Bannatyne P._ SKLAIT, _s._ Slate, S. V. ~Sclaite~. ~Sklater~, _s._ A slater, S. SKLANDYR, _s._ Slander. V. ~Sclandyr~. SKLEFF, _adj._ Shallow. V. ~Skelve~. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ SKLENT, _v. n._ V. ~Sclent~. _To_ SKLICE, _v. a._ 1. To slice, S. _J. Nicol._ 2. Denoting the abbreviation of time. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ SKLYRE, _v. n._ To slide, Loth. ~Sklyre~, _s._ A slide, ibid. _To_ SKLOY, _v. n._ To slide on ice, Loth. Fr. _escoul-er_, id. ~Skloy~, _s._ A slide, Loth. SKLOUT, SKLOUTER, _s._ Cows' dung in a thin state, Fife. SKLUTE, _s._ 1. In pl. large clumsy feet, S. B. Perhaps from _klute_, S. a hoof. 2. A lout, S. B. _To_ ~Sklute~, _v. n._ To set down the feet clumsily, S. SKODGE, SKODGIE, _s._ A kitchen drudge, S. Su. G. _skoswen_, literally, a _shoe-servant_. _To_ ~Skodge~, _v. n._ To act as a drudge, S. SKOLDIRT, SKOWDERT. V. ~Scowder~. _To_ SKOLE, SKOLT, _v. n._ To drink hard, S. B. V. ~Skul~. _Ruddiman._ SKOMER, _s._ V. ~Scomer~. SKON, SCONE, _s._ 1. A thin cake of wheat or barley meal, S. _Douglas._ 2. Metaph. denoting a specimen, S. Isl. _skaun_, cortex lactis. _Kelly._ _To_ SKONCE, _v. a._ To guard. _Evergr._ Su. G. _skans-a_, Teut. _schants-en_, munire. SKORE, _s._ A line to mark the goal, S. _Douglas._ SKORPER, _s._ A round kind of bread, Shetl. Su. G. _skorpa_, pl. _skorper_, biscuits. SKOUPER, _s._ V. ~Scouppar~. SKOUR, _s._ A slight shower, Dumfr. SKOUR _of wind_, a gust, S. _Callander._ Isl. _skur_, nimbus, typhon. SKOURIOUR, _s._ V. ~Scurrour~. SKOUTT, _s._ A small boat. _A. Hume._ Isl. _skuta_, Belg. _schuyt_, Ir. _scud_, id. SKOWURAND, _part. pr._ Shuddering. Germ. _schaur-en_, tremere. _Barbour._ SKRAE, SKREE, _s._ A searce made of wire for cleansing grain, Loth. Gael. _criathar_; a bolter, Su. G. _skraed-a_, to bolt, to sift. SKRAE, _s._ A thin meagre person, S. _Minstr. Bordr._ Su. G. _skraf_, a skeleton, _skral_, scanty. SKRAE-FISH, SCRAE-FISH, _s. pl._ Fishes dried in the sun, without being salted, Orkn. _Neill._ Isl. _skrael-a_, to dry; _skreid_, pisces indurati. _To_ SKRAIK, SCRAIGH, _v. n._ 1. Denoting the cry of a fowl when displeased, S. _J. Nicol._ 2. To cry with importunity and in a discontented tone, S. Su. G. _skrik-a_, Isl. _skraeka_, id. ~Skraik~, ~Scraik~, _s._ 1. The screaking of fowls, S.; also _skraich_. _Douglas._ 2. A loud or shrill sound, caused by musical instruments. _A. Hume._ Isl. _skraek-r_, clamor, ploratus. SKRAN, _s._ 1. _Fine skran_, a phrase used by children, in commendation of any thing they are fond of, especially if edible, Lanerks. Isl. _skran_, supellex leviusculus. 2. The offals or refuse of human food, thrown to dogs, Loth. SKRANKY, _adj._ 1. Lank, slender, S. 2. Applied to an empty purse. _Ramsay._ Germ. _schrank-en_, to confine; A. S. _scrunc-en_, contracted. SKRAPIT, _pret._ Mocked. V. ~Scorp~. _To_ SKREED, _v. n._ To cry, to scream. _Watson._ Franc. _screiot_, Sw. _skrijt_, clamor. _To_ SKREED, _v. n._ To lie, to magnify in narration, S. Su. G. _skryt-a_, jactare, Isl. _skreit-a_, fingere. ~Skreed~, _s._ A lie, a fabrication, S. SKREEK, SCREAK, _of day_, the dawn, S. B.; also _skrieh_. V. ~Creek~. _Ross._ _To_ SKREENGE, _v. a._ To scourge, S. ~Skreenge~, _s._ A lash, a stroke, Fife. _To_ SKRY, _v. a._ To cry, to proclaim, S. B. _Ruddiman._ Su. G. _skri-a_, vociferari, _skri_, clamor. ~Skry~, ~Scry~, _s._ 1. Noise. _Wallace._ 2. The crying of fowls. _Douglas._ _To_ SKRIFT, _v. n._ To fabricate. V. ~Scrift~. Isl. _skraf-a_, fabulari, nugari, _skraef_, nugae. SKRILLES, _s. pl._ Shrieks. V. ~Skirl~. To SKRIM, _v. a._ To scud, to move quickly, S. SKRYMMORIE, _s._ Apparently, the name of a mischievous fairy. _Pal. Hon._ Isl. _skrumari_, a braggart; O. Fr. _es-crimour_, a good tugger. SKRINE, _s._ Unboiled _sowens_, Ang. _Stat. Acc._ Teut. _krinse_, purgamentum frumenti. SKRINKIE, SKRINKYT. V. ~Skrankie~. SKROPIT, _pret. v._ Mocked. V. ~Scorp~. SKROW, _s._ A scroll. V. ~Scrow~. SKROW, _s._ A slight shower, S. B.; Isl. _skur_. V. ~Skarrach~. SKRUFE, _s._ Wealth, acquired by parsimony or exaction. _Bannatyne P._ Teut. _schrobb-en_, scalpere. SKRUMPLE, _s._ A wrinkle. _Dunbar._ Germ. _schrumple_, id. Su. G. _skrump-en_, to wrinkle. _To_ SKRUNT, _v. n._ To make a creaking noise, Clydes. Isl. _skruning-r_, _skrudning-r_, strepitus. SKRUNTY, _adj._ Meagre, raw-boned, Fife, Loth. Su. G. _skrin_, dried, Dan. _skranten_, infirm. SKUBE, _s._ Any thing that is hollowed out, S. B.; allied to E. _scoop_. Su. G. _skopa_, Arm. _scob_, haustrum. SKUG, SCUG, SCOUG, _s._ 1. A shade, what defends from the heat, S. _Doug._ 2. A shelter from storm, S. _Spalding._ 3. Protection, S. _Pop. Ball._ 4. Metaph. applied to ghosts, in relation to the place of their residence. _Douglas._ 5. A pretence, a cloak, S. _Mellvill's MS._ Su.G. _skugga_, umbra; _skyggd_, tegmen. _To_ ~Skug~, _v. a._ 1. To shade, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. Isl. _skygg-a_, obumbrare. 2. To shelter, to skreen, S. 3. _To skoog a shower_, to seek shelter from it, S. B. 4. In a moral sense, to expiate. _Minstr. Bord._ _To_ ~Skug~, ~Scoug~, _v. n._ To flee for shelter. _Ferguson._ ~Skuggy~, _adj._ Shady. _Ruddiman._ ~Skugry~, _s._ _In skugry_, under covert. _Henrysone._ SKUL, SKULL, SKOLL, _s._ 1. A goblet or large bowl, for containing liquor. _Douglas._ 2. The salutation of one who is present, or the respect paid to an absent person, by expressing a wish for his health, when one is about to drink. _Cromarty._ Isl. _skal_, _skaal_, Su. G. _skol_, Dan. _skaal_, a cup, a bowl, a drinking vessel. Su. G. _dricka skala_, bibere pateram, quando bibitur alicujus honori et memoriae; Loccen. _Dricka ens skol_, id. Ihre. SKUL, _s._ A scullion. _Godscroft._ Ir. _sguille_, id. Su. G. _skoel-ja_, eluere. SKULE, _s._ An inflammatory disease affecting the palate of a horse, S. Teut. _schuyl_, Su. G. _skalla_, id. SKULE, SCULE, SKULL, _s._ A great collection of individuals, as of fishes, S. _Burel._ A. S. _sceole_, coetus magnus, multitudo. SKULES, _s. pl._ Stalls where cattle are fed, S. B. Isl. _skiol_, Su. G. _skiul_, a covert. SKULL, _s._ A shallow basket of a semicircular form, S. _Dunbar._ Isl. _skiola_, vas quo arida vel liquida metiri consueverunt. _To_ SKULT, _v. a._ To beat. V. ~Scult~. SKUR, _s._ 1. A small horn, not fixed to the scull of an animal, but hanging by the skin, Ang. 2. The rough projecting part of a stone, Ang. Su. G. _skoer-a_, rumpere. SKUR, _s._ Perh. a scar, Mearns. Isl. _skor_, incisura. SKURYVAGE, _s._ 1. A dissipated fellow, a lecher. _Douglas._ 2. A vagabond, Loth. Lat. _scurra_ and _vag-or_. SKURRIOUR, _s._ A scout. V. ~Scurrour~. SKUWES, _s. pl._ Groves. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _scua_, umbra. _To_ SLA, _v. a._ 1. To strike. V. ~Slew~. 2. To slay, to kill. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _slahan_, Isl. _sla-a_, Belg. _sla_, to strike. SLABBER, _s._ A slovenly fellow, Dumfr. Teut. _slabber-en_, E. _to slabber_. SLACK, _s._ An opening between hills. V. ~Slak~. * SLACK, _adj._ 1. Slow, S. B. 2. Transferred to money, when payments are made slowly, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ 3. Thinly occupied, regarding place, S. 4. Not trust-worthy; loose in conduct, S. 5. Reluctant to pay a debt, S. A. S. _sleac_, Su. G. _slak_, remissus. SLADE, SLAID, _s._ A hollow, a den, S. B. _Douglas._ Isl. _slaed_, vallis; A. S. id. via in convallibus; Dan. _slet_, Isl. _sletta_, planities. SLAE, SLA, _s._ The sloe, S. _Lightfoot._ A. S. _sla_, Belg. _slee_, Germ. _schleh_, id. SLAG, _s._ A portion of any soft substance lifted up from the rest, S. B. Isl. _slagi_, humiditas, _slagn-a_, humescere. SLAG, SLOG, _s._ A gust. _Maitland P._ Su. G. _slagg_, intemperies; Teut. _slegghe_, nebula. SLAID, _s._ A valley. V. ~Slade~. To SLAIGER, _v. n._ To waddle in the mud, S. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _sleggerigh_, madidus; radically the same with _Laggery_. _To_ SLAIK, SLAKE, _v. n._ 1. To carry off and eat any thing clandestinely, especially sweetmeats, &c. S. _Tannahill._ Germ. _schleck-en_, ligurire, suavia et dulcia appetere. 2. To kiss in a slabbering way, S. _Lyndsay._ 3. To bedaub, S. _Glenburnie._ 4. To lounge like a dog, and be content to feed on offals, S. SLAINES, SLAYANS. _Letters of Slaines_, letters subscribed, in case of slaughter, by the wife or executors of one who had been _slain_, acknowledging that satisfaction had been given, or otherwise soliciting for the pardon of the offender. _Acts Ja. VI._ _To_ SLAIRG, SLAIRY, SLARY, _v. a._ To bedaub, S. Teut. _sloore_, sordida ancilla; Belg. _slorig_, sordidus; O. E. _slorie_, sordidare. ~Slairy~, ~Slarie~, _s._ 1. Any thing that bedaubs, S. 2. A part of one's food, taken so carelessly as to dirty one's clothes, S. _To_ ~Slairt~ _about_, to go about sluggishly, S. B. Teut. _sloordigh_, sordidus. _To_ SLAISTER, SLYSTER, _v. n._ 1. To do any thing in an awkward and dirty way, S. _Antiquary._ 2. To work in any thing moist or unctuous, S. 3. To move clumsily through a miry road, S. Su. G. _slask-a_, humorem sordidum effundere. _To_ ~Slaister~, _v. a._ To bedaub, S. _Ferguson._ ~Slaister~, ~Slyster~, ~Slaistery~, _s._ A heterogeneous mass, S. _Ferguson._ SLAIT, _pret._ Slitted, cut. _Evergreen._ _To_ SLAIT, _v. a._ 1. To level. Su. G. _slaet-a_, id. 2. To depreciate, W. Loth. 3. To abuse grossly, to maltreat. _Guthrie._ 4. To wipe. _Ritson._ SLAITIT, _part. pa._ Exhausted with fatigue. _Balnevis._ Teut. _slete_, tritus, _slet-en_, atterere. SLAK, SLACK, SLAKE, _s._ 1. An opening in the higher part of a hill or mountain, where it becomes less steep, and forms a sort of pass, S. _Barbour._ 2. A gap or narrow pass between two hills or mountains. _Wyntown._ 3. _The slack of the hass_, the narrowest part of the throat, Loth. Su. G. _slak_, remissus; also, the hollow of the side. SLAKE, SLAIK, SLEEGH, SLOKE, _s._ 1. The oozy vegetable substance in the bed of rivers, S. B. _slauk._ _Stat. Acc._ 2. Navel laver, S. B. _Lightfoot._ Su. G. _slak_, laxus; as being soft and flaccid. SLAKE, _s._ A blow on the chops. _Kelly._ A. S. _slaege_, Su. G. Belg. _slag_, ictus. _To_ SLAIK, _v. n._ To slacken. _Wallace._ SLAM, SLAMMACH, _s._ A share of any thing acquired by forcible or artful means, S. B. Su. G. _slam-a_, coacervare; _slem_, craft. _To_ ~Slammach~, _v. a._ To seize. _To_ SLAMMACH, SLAMACH, _v. n._ To slabber, S. B. _Shirrefs._ Su. G. _slem_, slime, _slemig_, slimy. SLAMMIKIN, _s._ A drab, Loth. Su. G. _slem_, turpis, eluvies, faex, id. SLANG, _s._ A species of cannon coinciding with the culverine. _Complaynt S._ Teut. _slanghe_, serpens, bombarda longior. _To_ SLANGER, _v. n._ To linger, Berwicks. Su. G. _slingr-a_, repere. SLAP, _s._ 1. A narrow pass between two hills, S. Gl. Shirr. _Pennecuik._ Su. G. _slapp_, remissus; Isl. _sleppi_, praecipitium convallis. 2. A breach in a wall, hedge, &c. S. _Law Case._ _To_ ~Slap~, _v. a._ To break into gaps, S. _Law Case._ _To_ SLAP, v. a. To separate threshed grain from the broken straw, &c. by means of a riddle, S. B. Su. G. _slaepp-a_, to permit any thing to escape. ~Slap~, _s._ A riddle for thus separating grain, S. B. _To_ SLASH, _v. n._ To give a slabbering kiss, S. Isl. _slefs-a_, allambo, alligurio. _To_ SLASH, _v. n._ To work in what is wet or flaccid, Lanerks. Dan. _slask-er_, to paddle, to puddle. ~Slash~, _s._ A great quantity of broth, or any other sorbillaceous food, Loth. ~Slashy~, _s._ Applied to work that is both wet and dirty, S. Sw. _slask_, wet. SLATE, _s._ One who is slovenly and dirty, Loth. Border; _slaid_, Clydes. _Ramsay._ Isl. _sladde_, vir habitu et moribus indecorus. _To_ SLATE, _v. a._ To let loose; applied to dogs in hunting. _Pal. Hon._ A. S. _slaetinge_, vestigia ferarum. SLAUKIE, _adj._ 1. Flaccid, unctuous, S. B. V. ~Slake~. 2. Slimy, covered with _slake_, S. 3. Slow, whether in speech or motion, Ang. Isl. _slaeki_, foemina piger. SLAUPIE, _adj._ Indolent and slovenly, S. B. Su. G. _slapp_, remissus; Isl. _slap-r_, homuncio sordidus. SLAW, _adj._ Slow, S. _K. Ja. VI._ SLE, SLEY, _adj._ 1. Sly, S. _slee_. _Doug._ 2. Skilful, dexterous. _Barbour._ 3. Ingenious. _Wallace._ Su. G. _sloeg_, Isl. _slaeg-r_, id. SLED-SADDLE, _s._ That which is borne by a horse yoked in a cart, S. from _sled_, a sledge. SLEDERIE, _adj._ V. ~Sliddery~. SLEEK, _s._ Mire, slime, S. V. ~Slik~. SLEEK, _s._ A measure of fruits, roots, &c. containing forty pounds, S. Perh. originally a measure of liquids; Germ. _schlauch_, a jack, a leathern bottle. SLEEKIT, SLEKIT, _adj._ Parasitical, deceitful, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _sleker_, homo blandus; Isl. _slikiare_, parasitus. SLEENIE, _s._ A guinea, Aberd. _Skinner._ A. S. _slean_, to strike; _slaegen_, struck. SLEEPERY, _adj._ V. ~Slippery~. SLEEPIES, _s. pl._ Field brome grass, from its supposed soporific quality, S. SLEETH, _s._ A sluggard, Aberd. _Forbes._ A. S. _slaewth_, sloth; Isl. _sliar_, hebes, sleita, torpor animi. _To_ SLEIF, _v. n._ To slip. _K. Hart._ Alem. _sliaf-an_, to glide. SLEITCHOCK, _s._ A nattering woman, Perths. Dan. _sledsk-er_, to wheedle. SLEKIT, _adj._ Deceitful. V. ~Sleekit~. SLENK, _s._ A piece of low craft. _Sir Gawan._ Germ. _schlaenke_, doli; Isl. _slungin_, callidus. SLEPERYE, _adj._ V. ~Slippery~. _To_ SLERG, _v. a._ To bedaub, Loth. Belg. _slorig_, sordidus. _Ramsay._ SLETT, _s._ L. _flet_, q. v. _Kelly._ SLEUTH, _s._ Sloth; A. S. _slewth_. _Doug._ ~Sleuth~, ~Slueth~, _adj._ Slothful. _Diallog._ _To_ ~Sleuth~, _v. a._ To neglect, or to do work carelessly, S. B. _Pitscottie._ _To_ ~Sleuth~, _v. n._ To linger. _Douglas._ SLEUTH, _s._ The tract of man or beast, as known by the scent. _Barbour._ ~Sleuth-hund~, ~Slouth-hund~, ~Sloith-hund~, ~Sloth-brache~, ~Slough-dog~, _s._ A blood-hound. _Barbour._ Isl. _slod_, semita, vestigia; Ir. _sliocht_, a tract. SLEW FYR, struck fire. _Barbour._ Teut. _vier-sla-en_, excutere ignem. SLEWYT, _pret._ Slipped. _Wallace._ Su. G. _slaa knut_, nodum nectere. _To_ SLICHT, _v. a._ To contrive. _Doug._ Isl. _slaegd_, fraus, dolus. SLICHT, SLIGHT, _adj._ Worthless, S. _Spalding._ Su. G. _slaet karl_, homo flocci. SLICK-WORM, _s._ A worm bred in the ooze of rivers, S. V. ~Slik~. _Statist. Acc._ SLID, SLYD, SLIDE, _adj._ 1. Slippery, S. _Douglas._ 2. Mutable, uncertain. _Pal. Hon._ 3. Cajoling, wheedling, S. A. S. _slith_, sliddery. ~Slidness~, _s._ 1. Slipperiness, S. 2. Smoothness of versification. _Ramsay._ ~Slidder~, _adj._ Unstable, variable. _Lynds._ ~Slidder~, _s._ Slipperiness. _Pal. Hon._ _To_ ~Slidder~, _v. a._ To pronounce indistinctly, S. Teut. _slidder-en_, celeriter tendere; Isl. _slodr-ar_, balbutio. ~Sliddery~, ~Sliddry~, ~Slederie~, _adj._ 1. Slippery, S. _Douglas._ 2. Escaping one's grasp, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 3. Deceitful, S. ~Slidernes~, _s._ Slipperiness. _Henrysone._ SLIDDER, _adj._ Slow, inactive. _Maitland P._ Isl. _slidra_, torpor; _slidrulegr_, tardus, lentus. SLIDDERY, _adj._ (pron. _slithry_) Loose and flaccid; a term applied to food, S. B. Teut. _slodder-en_, flaccescere; _slodder_, laxus. * _To_ SLIDE, _v. n._ To fib, S. SLIEVE-FISH, _s._ The cuttle-fish. Loth. _Sibbald._ _To_ SLIGHT, _v. a._ To dismantle. _Wodrow._ Teut. _slicht-en_, solo aequare, diruere. SLYGOOSE, _s._ The shieldrake, Orkn. _Pennant._ SLIK, SLIKE, _s._ 1. Slime, S. _sleek_. _Barbour._ 2. The slimy shore. _Douglas._ Teut. _slyck_, Germ. _schlick_, coenum, lutum. SLIK, Perhaps, slipped. _Sir Gawan._ Su. G. _slink-a_, slip, from _slik-a_, to creep. SLIM, _adj._ 1. Slight, not sufficient, S. 2. Naughty, worthless, S. Isl. _slaem-r_, vile, Dan. _slem_, bad, naughty. _To_ ~Slim o'er~, _v. a._ To do anything carelessly and insufficiently, S. _To_ SLING, _v. n._ To walk with a long step, S. Su. G. _slaeng-a_, jactare, valide movere. ~Sling~, _s._ A long walk. Loth. SLINK, _s._ 1. The flesh of an animal prematurely brought forth, S. _Stat. Acc._ 2. Ill-fed veal in general, S. Sw. _slyn-a_, carion; Germ. _schlenk-en_, abjicere. 3. A worthless character, S. _Antiquary._ ~Slink~, _adj._ Not fed. _Statist. Acc._ SLINKIE, _adj._ Tall and slender, lank, S. Dan. _slunken_, lank, scraggy. SLINKIN, _s._ Deceit, Fife. _A. Douglas._ ~Slinkin~, _part. adj._ Deceitful, ibid. A. S. _slinc-an_, to creep. SLIP, _s._ A certain quantity of yarn, as it comes from the reel; containing twelve _cuts_, S. SLIP, SLYP, _s._ 1. A low draught carriage, a dray without wheels. _Wallace._ Germ. _schleife_, traha, _schleif-en_, to draw. 2. A wooden frame set on the top of a cart, for enlarging its size, S. B. SLYP, SLYPE, _s._ A coarse fellow, Aberd. Gl. Skinner. _Journ. Lond._ Isl. _slap-r_, homuncio sordidus; _slaep-a_, longurio. _To_ SLYPE, _v. a._ To fall over, as a wet furrow from the plough, Ayrs. E. _slip_. Teut. _slipp-en_, delabi. _Burns._ SLIPPERY, SLEPERYE, SLEEPERY, _adj._ 1. Causing sleep. _Doug._ 2. Overpowered with sleep, S. _Minstr. Bord._ Teut. _slaeperigh_, somnolentus. SLYRE, _s._ A kind of fine lawn. _Acts Ja. VI._ Germ. _schleyer_, a scarf, a vail. _To_ SLYSTER. V. ~Slaister~. _To_ SLYTE, _v. n._ To move easily or smoothly, Loth. Isl. _slitta_, aequare, planum reddere. _To_ SLO, _v. a._ To slay. _Maitland P._ SLOGAN, _s._ War-cry, or gathering word of a clan, S. V. ~Slughorn~. _Minstr. Bord._ SLOGG, SLAGG, _s._ A slough. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _slog_, id. ~Sloggy~, _adj._ Slimy, marshy. _Douglas._ SLOGGIS, _s. pl._ Blasts. V. ~Slag~. SLOITH, _s._ V. ~Sleuth-hund~. SLOKE, _s._ V. ~Slake~. _To_ SLOKIN, _v. a._ 1. To quench, in regard to fire, S. _Douglas._ 2. To allay thirst, S. _Hudson._ 3. To assuage heat of passion. _Dunbar._ 4. To extinguish the claims of an opponent; in a forensic sense. _Balfour._ Su. G. _slockn-a_, extinguere; from _slaeck-a_, id. SLONG, SLOUNG, _s._ A sling; slung, S. B. _Bellenden._ Isl. _slunga_, _sloengwa_, Su. G. _sliunga_, id. SLONK, _s._ A mire, a ditch. _Wallace._ Belg. _sleyncke_, lacuna, fovea. _To_ ~Slonk~, ~Slunk~, _v. n._ 1. To wade through a mire, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To sink in mind, S. O. _To_ SLOOM, _v. n._ To slumber, S. B. _Pop. Ball._ Teut. _sluym-en_, leviter dormire. ~Sloomy corn~, grain which is not well filled, S.; q. what slumbers in the growth. _Callander._ SLOP, _s._ A gap. V. ~Slap~. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Slop~, _v. a._ 1. To make a gap. _Doug._ 2. To hew down. _Douglas._ 3. _To slop throw_, to pierce. _Bellenden._ SLOP, _s._ A compact body. _Wallace._ Teut. _slepp_, agmen. _To_ SLORP, _v. a._ To swallow ungracefully; making a noise with the mouth or throat, S. A. Isl. _slupra_, id.; or O. Teut. _slorpe_, vorago. SLORPING, _adj._ Tawdry, Roxb. _Gl. Sibb._ Su. G. _slurfwig_, incuriosus, sordidus. _To_ SLOT, _v. a._ To fasten by a bolt, S. _Ruddiman._ Belg. _sluyt-en_, Su. G. _slut-a_, claudere. ~Slot~, _s._ 1. A bar, a bolt, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _slot_, Belg. _sluyt_, sera, obex. 2. Applied to the mind. _Rutherford._ 3. A cross-spar fastening the _bulls_ of a harrow, Ang. SLOT, _s._ 1. _Slot of a hill_, a hollow in a hill, or between two ridges, S. Isl. _slod-r_, res humilis et depressa. 2. _Slot of the breast_, pit of the stomach, S. SLOT, _s._ Uncertain. _Barbour._ SLOT, _s._ A sum of money, S. B. _To_ SLOTH, _v. a._ V. ~Sleuth~, _v._ _To_ SLOTTER, _v. n._ 1. To pass time sluggishly, S. _Douglas._ 2. To act in a slovenly manner, Loth. _Douglas._ Teut. _slodder-en_, flaccescere. ~Slottry~, _adj._ Drowsy, inactive, Loth. _Douglas._ SLOUNG, _s._ A sling. V. ~Slong~. _To_ SLOUNGE, _v. n._ To go about in an indolent way, especially as catering for a dinner, S. Dan. _slong-er_, Germ. _schlungel-n_, to saunter. ~Sloungin-like~, _adj._ Having a downcast look; or moving like one much fatigued, S. SLOUPE, _s._ A stupid silly fellow, S. A. _Gl. Complaynt._ Isl. _sliov-r_, _sliof_, hebes; or the same with ~Slyp~, q. v. SLOUSSIS, L. _floussis_. V. ~Flouss~. _Barbour._ SLOUTH-HUND, _s._ V. ~Sleuth-hund~. _To_ SLUBBER, _v. a._ 1. To swallow, so as to make a noise with the throat, S. 2. To do any thing carelessly. _Z. Boyd._ Su. G. _slabbr-a_, avide deglutire, Isl. _slupr-a_, Dan. _slubr-e_, mollia ingurgitare. ~Slubber~, _s._ The act of swallowing as described above, S. ~Slubbery~, _adj._ Applied to flaccid food, in swallowing which a noise is made by the throat, S. Teut. _slobber-en_, flaccidum esse. _To_ SLUDDER, (pron. _sluther_), _v. a._ The same with ~Slubber~, S. sense 1. ~Sluddery~, _adj._ Soft, flaccid, Fife. Teut. _slodder-en_, flaccescere. _To_ SLUDDER, _v. a._ To slur, to articulate indistinctly, S. B. V. ~Slidder~, _v._ SLUGGIED, _pret._ Swallowed greedily, Moray. _Pop. Ball._ Teut. _slock-en_, Su. G. _sluk-a_, Dan. _slug-e_, deglutire. SLUGHORNE, SLOGGORNE, _s._ 1. The watch-word used by troops in the field, S., _slogan_, S. A. _Douglas._ 2. Hereditary designation, appellation of a tribe. _Bellenden._ Ir. _sluagh_, an army, and _corn_, a horn. 3. A peculiar quality viewed as inherent in those of one family or race. _Ruddiman._ SLUMP, _s._ A remnant, S. B., Sw. id. SLUMP, _s._ _By slump_, altogether, S. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _slump_, totum aliquod. ~Slump~, _adj._ Taken in gross, S. _Wodrow._ ~Slumpert~, _s._ A large quantity; properly, what is not measured, S. B. SLUNG, _s._ A sling. V. ~Slong~. SLUNKIE, _s._ A tall thin person. V. ~Slinkie~. SLUSCH, SLUSH, _s._ 1. Plashy ground, S. _Ruddiman._ 2. Snow, in a state of liquefaction, S. _Gl. Complaynt._ Su. G. _slask_, humor quicunque sordidus. SLUTE, _adj._ Slovenly. _Dunbar._ Teut. _slodde_, sordida et inculta mulier. ~Sluttrie~, _adj._ Slovenly, Loth. SMA, _adj._ Small, S. Alem. _sma_, Su. G. _smaa_, tenuis. SMACHRY, _s._ Trash; a hodge-podge, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ Isl. _smaelke_, quisquiliae. _To_ SMAD, _v. a._ To stain, to discolour. _Houlate._ Su. G. _smet-a_, Belg. _smett-en_, to soil. ~Smad~, _s._ A stain of any kind, S. B. Belg. _smette_, id.; Teut. _smadde_, convitium. SMAICHER, _s._ (gutt.) A fondling term for a child, S. B. Su. G. _smekr-a_, blandiri. _To_ SMAICHER, _v. n._ To eat clandestinely, especially what is agreeable to the palate, Ang. Alem. _smechare_, delicatus; _smak-a_, gustare. SMAIK, _s._ A mean fellow, S. _Chr. Kirk._ Isl. _smeik-r_, pusillanimis. ~Smaik~, _adj._ Small, puny. _Dunbar._ ~Smaikrie~, _s._ 1. Pusillanimity. _P. 16th Cent._ 2. Roguery. _Leg. St Androis._ SMAIR-DOKEN, _s._ Common dock, S. B. Teut. _smaer_, Isl. _smyr_, unguentum. _To_ SMAIRIE, _v. a._ To besmear, S. B. Teut. _smeer-en_, linere, unguere. SMALE FOLK, those of the lower class. _Wyntown._ SMALIE, _adj._ Little, puny, S. B. Isl. _smalig_, Germ. _smalik_, id. _To_ SMASH, _v. a._ 1. To shiver, S. 2. To hew down, in battle, S. _Burns._ 3. To beat severely, S. Germ. _schmeiss-en_, to beat. ~Smash~, _s._ 1. The state of being shivered, S. _Journal Lond._ 2. The shreds of any thing broken, S. 3. The sound of breaking, S. Gael. _smuais_, broken in shivers. SMATCHET, SMATCHED, SMATCHER, _s._ 1. A contemptuous term for a man. _Leg. St Androis._ 2. Applied in the same sense to a child, S.; perhaps from _small_ and _chit_. _Montgomerie._ _To_ SMATTER, _v. n._ 1. To be busily engaged about trivial matters, S. 2. To deal in small wares, S. 3. _To smatter awa'_, to spend in a trifling way, S. 4. _To smatter awa'_, to consume victuals, by eating often, and little at a time, S. ~Smatters~, _s. pl._ 1. Trifles. S. 2. Small sums, S. SMATTIS, _s. pl._ New ale. _Maitland P._ Teut. _smets_, praedulcis, mulseus. SMEDDUM, _s._ 1. The powder of ground malt, Ang. 2. Powder, of whatever kind, S. O. _Burns._ 3. Quickness of apprehension, S. _Morison._ 4. Spirit, mettle, S. _Skinner._ 5. Good sense and spirit united, S. B. _Gl. Moray._ A. S. _smedma_, similago, pollen, the finest part of grain; thence transferred to the mind. _To_ SMEEK, _v. a._ 1. To smoke, S. A. S. _smec-an_. _Ferguson._ 2. To dry by smoke, S. B. ~Smeek, Smeik~, _s._ Smoke, S. A. S. _smec_, id. _Burns._ SMEETH, _adj._ Smooth, S. B. A. S. _smethe_, id. _Wyntown._ ~Smeethly~, ~Smethely~, _adv._ Smoothly, S. B. _Wyntown._ SMELT, _s._ The fry of salmon, S. V. ~Smolt~. SMERGH, _s._ 1. Marrow, S. B. 2. Vigour of body in general, S. B. 3. Transferred to the mind, S. B. _Beattie._ Gael. _smior_, id. Isl. pinguedo; Teut. _merghe_, with the sibilation prefixed. ~Smerghless~, ~Smearless~, _adj._ 1. Pithless, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Insipid, languid, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ 3. Senseless, S. B. _Shirrefs._ SMERVY, _adj._ Savoury, S. B. _Ross._ Dan. _marv_, marrow; _s_ prefixed. SMEWY, _adj._ Savoury, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ Dan. _smag_, savour, _smag-e_, to taste. SMY, _s._ Perhaps, flatterer. _Dunbar._ Dan. _smy-er_, to fawn, to flatter. SMIDDY, _s._ A smith's work shop, S. _Ruddiman._ Sw. _smedia_, A. S. _smiththe_, fabrile. _To_ SMIKKER, _v. n._ To smile in a seducing manner. _Gl. Sibb._ Sw. _smikr-a_, Dan. _smigr-e_, blandiri. SMIRIKIN, SMEERIKIN, _s._ A hearty kiss, S. _smurachin_, Fife. Su. G. _smirk-a_, to caress. _To_ SMIRKLE, SMIRTLE, SMURTLE, _v. n._ To laugh in a suppressed way, S. _Knox._ A. S. _smerc-ian_, subridere. SMIT, _s._ A clashing noise. _Minstr. Bord._ Teut. _smete_, ictus concussio. _To_ SMIT, SMYT, _v. a._ 1. To stain. _Wyntown._ 2. To infect, S. _Acts Ja. I._ A. S. _smit-an_, Su. G. _smitt-a_, inquinare. ~Smittle~, _adj._ Infectious, S. _Ramsay._ Belg. _smettelick_, id. ~Smit~, ~Smyt~, _s._ 1. A stain. _Bannatyne P._ 2. Used in a moral sense. _Wyntown._ A. S. _smitta_, Belg. _smette_, macula. SMYTRIE, _s._ A numerous collection of small individuals, Ayrs. V. ~Smatters~. _Burns._ SMLEFANGER, _s._ Sibbald. SMOKE, _s._ An inhabited house, S. _Stat. Acc._ SMOLT, SMOUT, _adj._ Clear, mild; applied to the weather. _Douglas._ A. S. _smolt_, Su. G. _smylter_, serenus. SMOLT, SMELT, SMELTE, _s._ 1. The fry of salmon, S. _smout_. _Acts Ja. VI._ Su. G. _smol-a_, to crumble; _smotti_, frustulum. 2. Used to denote a child. S. SMOOTRIKIN, _adj._ Tiny and active. _Old Song._ Allied perhaps to _smiadr-a_, adulari. _To_ SMORE, SMURE, SMOIR, _v. a._ 1. To smother with smoke, S. _Journ. Lond._ 2. To choke, to suppress. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 3. To extinguish, Aberd. 4. To conceal, to hide, S. _Douglas._ 5. To prevent legal prosecution. _Balfour._ A. S. _smor-an_, Teut. _smoor-en_, suffocare, extinguere. _To_ ~Smore~, ~Smure~, _v. n._ To suffocate, S. _Lyndsay._ ~Smor'd thow.~ V. ~Thow~. SMOT, SMOTE, SMOIT, _s._ 1. A stain, in general, S. B. _Bannatyne P._ 2. The mouldiness which gathers on what is kept in a damp place. _Ibid._ 3. The distinguishing mark put on sheep, S. A. 4. Moral pollution. _Knox._ Su. G. _smuts_, Germ. _schmutz_, macula. _To_ ~Smot~, _v. a._ 1. To stain. V. ~Smad~. _Douglas._ 2. To mark with ruddle, tar, &c. S. SMOTTRIT, _part. pr._ Besmeared. V. ~Besmottrit~. _Douglas._ SMOUPSIE, _s._ A stripling, S. B. _To_ SMOUTTER, _v. n._ To eat often, although little at a time, S. B. Su. G. _smutt-a_, pitissare, from _smaa_, parvus. _To_ SMUE, or SMUDGE, _v. n._ To laugh in one's sleeve. Loth. Germ. _schmuts-en_, subridere. SMUGLY, _adj._ Amorous, sly, being at the same time well dressed. _Gl. Sibb._ Su. G. _smyck-a_, Belg. _smuyck-en_, ornare. SMULACHIN, _adj._ Puny, looking poorly, S. B. Gael. _smeilag_, a pale puny female. SMURACHIN, _s._ V. ~Smirikin~. _To_ SMURE, _v. a._ V. ~Smore~. SMURR, _s._ A drizzling rain, Ayrs. Lanerks. Teut. _smoor_, fumus, vapor. _To_ SMURTLE, _v. n._ V. ~Smirtle~. SMURLIN, _s._ The Mya truncata. _Neill._ SMUSH, _s._ A sulphurous smell, caused by smoke and dust, Fife. Germ. _schmutz_, dirt, nastiness. SNAB, _s._ The projecting part of a rock or hill, S. _Stat. Acc._ Belg. _snabbe_, a beak or snout. SNAB, _s._ A shoemaker's or cobler's boy, S. A. _snob_, S. B. Teut. _snipp-en_, to cut. SNACK, _adj._ 1. Quick in action. _Semple._ Isl. _snogg_, celer, citus. 2. Quick of apprehension, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Applied to the product of genius. _Id._ ~Snackly~, _adv._ 1. Cleverly, S. 2. With intelligence, S. _Ramsay._ ~Snackie~, _adj._ Full of tricks and quirks. _Pop. Ball._ SNACK, _s._ A slight repast, S. V. ~Snak~. _Ramsay._ _To_ SNACK, _v. n._ To snap as a dog. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ SNAG, _v. n._ To snarl, Fife. Teut. _snack-en_, latrare, gannire; Isl. _snagg-a_, litigare. ~Snaggy~, _adj._ Sarcastical, Fife. _A. Doug._ ~Snaggin~, _s._ Raillery. _A. Douglas._ _To_ ~Snagger~, _v. n._ To snarl. _Ruddiman._ SNAK, _s._ The gnashing of a dog's teeth, when he aims at his prey, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _snack-en_, hianti ore captare. _To_ SNAP _up, v.a._ 1. To eat hastily, S. 2. To lay hold of suddenly, S. _Baillie._ Su. G. _snapp-a_, to catch hastily. _To_ SNAP, _v. n._ To make a hasty attempt to speak. _A. Nicol._ Belg. _snapp-en_, to tattle impudently. ~Snapsy~, _adj._ Tart, S. B. _A. Nicol._ ~Snappert~, _adj._ Tart, hasty, S. B. Isl. _snaefur_, tart, Teut. _snapper_, loquacious. SNAP. _In a snap_, in a moment, S. B. Belg. _met een snap_, id. _Ross._ ~Snaply~, _adv._ hastily, S. B. _Ross._ Teut. _snap_, raptus. SNAP DYKE, a stone fence, from four to six feet in height, strong and firmly locked together at the top, S. O. Teut. _snap_, interceptio. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SNAPPER, _v. n._ 1. To stumble, S. _Kelly._ 2. To get into a scrape, S. _Maitland P._ Su. G. _snafw-a_, titubare; _snabb_, celer. ~Snapper~, _s._ 1. A stumble, S. 2. A failure as to morals, S. _R. Bruce._ SNAP-WORK, SNAPWARK, _s._ A firelock. _Cleland._ Belg. _snaphaan_, a _cock_ that _snaps_. SNARRE, _adj._ 1. Tart, severe. S. B. 2. Rigid, firm to the grasp, S. B. Isl. _snar_, acer; Belg. _snar_, snarling. _To_ SNASH, _v. n._ To talk saucily, S. Su. G. _snaes-a_, verbis asperioribus corripere. ~Snash~, _s._ Abuse, Billingsgate, S. _Burns._ ~Snash~, _adj._ Pert, saucy, S. _Morison._ SNATCH, _s._ A hasty repast. V. ~Snack~, _s._ _Boswell._ SNAW, _s._ Snow, S. _snauw_, S. B. _Minstr. Bord._ A. S. _snaw_, id. Belg. _sneeuw_. ~Snaw-bru~, ~Snaw-broo~, _s._ Snow-water, S. _Burns._ ~Snawie~, _adj._ Snowy, S. _Burns._ _To_ SNECK, SNEG, _v. a._ 1. To cut with a sudden stroke of a sharp instrument, S. _Ramsay._ 2. _To sneg off at the web's end_, to cut off one's hopes, S. _Ramsay._ Germ. _schneck-en_, scindere. 3. _To sneck_ with lime, to make indentations in a wall, filling the blanks with lime; or, in building, to insert a small quantity between the stones in the outer side, S. ~Sneck, Sneg~, _s._ A small incision, a cut suddenly given, S. _Ross._ SNECK, SNICK, _s._ 1. The latch of a door, S. _Ross._ Teut. _snack-en_, captare. 2. A small bolt, S. _To_ ~Sneck~ _the door_, to fix it by a latch, S. _Ross._ ~Sneck-drawer~, ~Snick-drawer~, _s._ _Auld sneck-drawer_, one who, from long experience, has acquired great facility in doing any thing; generally used in a bad sense, S. _Pop. Ball._ ~Sneck-drawin~, _adj._ Crafty, S. _Burns._ _To_ SNED, _v. a._ 1. To prune; S., _snath_, S. Bor. _Ruddiman._ 2. To lop off, S. _Burns._ 3. To remove excrescences. _Z. Boyd._ 4. To emasculate, S. Teut. _snijd-en_, secare; castrare. ~Sneddins~, _s. pl._ Prunings, or twigs lopped off, S. Teut. _snede_, a slice. SNEER, _s._ 1. The act of inhalation by the nostrils, Fife. 2. A snort, S. _Minstr. Bord._ SNEESHIN, SNEEZING, _s._ 1. Snuff, S. _Ritson._ 2. A pinch of snuff, S. _Meston._ ~Sneeshin-mill~, ~Snishin-box~, _s._ A snuff-box, S. _Colvil._ _To_ SNEG, _v. a._ To cut. V. ~Sneck~. _To_ SNEIR, _v. n._ Perh. move swiftly. _Bannatyne P._ Isl. _snar-a_, celeriter auferre. SNEIRLY, _adv._ In derision. _Burel._ SNEIST, _s._ A taunt, Loth. V. ~Snisty~. SNEITH, _adj._ Uncertain. _Douglas._ SNELL, _adj._ 1. Keen, severe, S. _Wallace._ 2. Sharp, piercing; applied to the temperature of the air, S. _Douglas._ 3. Sarcastic; transferred to language. _Ross._ 4. Firm, determined, S. _Ramsay._ 5. Acute; in relation to mind, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _snel_, Su. G. Teut. _snell_, acer, alacer. ~Snelly~, _adv._ 1. Sharply, S. _Shirrefs._ 2. Keenly; applied to the weather, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ SNERE, SNEER, _v. a._ To breathe forth. Isl. _snerri_, sternutatio. _Doug._ SNET. L. _suet_, q. v. _Barbour._ _To_ SNIB _a door_, to fasten it with a small bolt, S. E. and S. _snib_, q. to put a _check_ on it. _To_ SNIB _a candle_, to snuff it, Loth. Su. G. _snopp-a_, emungere; de candela. _To_ SNIFFLE, _v. n._ To be slow in motion or action, S. Belg. _snefel-en_, to hesitate. SNIFTER, _s._ 1. A severe blast, S. _Ross._ Isl. _snaefur_, frigidus, austerus. 2. Any sudden reverse of fortune, S. 3. A cutting repartee, S. B. 4. The effect of a strong purgative, S. B. _To_ SNIFTER, _v. n._ To sniff, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _snyfst-a_, id. ~Snifters~, _s. pl._ Stoppage of the nostrils from cold. _To_ SNYP, _v. n._ To nip. _Douglas._ Belg. _snipp-en_, id. SNIPE, _s._ A sarcasm, Loth. Isl. _sneipa_, convitium; _sneip-a_, contumelia afficere. ~Snippy~, _adj._ Tart in speech, S. Isl. _snaef-ur_, acer, austerus. SNIPPY, _s._ One who, in using the scissars, gives too short measure, Ang. Teut. _snipp-en_, secare. SNIPPIT, _adj._ Applied to a horse with a white face, S. B. SNIPPIT, _adj._ _A snippit niz_, a snub nose, Ang. Isl. _snoppa_, rostrum. SNISTER, _s._ A severe blast in the face, Ang. SNISTY, _adj._ Saucy in language or demeanour, S. B. Su. G. _snaes-a_, Isl. _snefs-a_, to chide severely. _To_ SNITE, _v. a._ To snuff; applied to a candle, S. Su. G. _snyta liuset_, emungere lucernam. SNYTH, _s._ The coot, Orkn. _Barry._ Su. G. _snoed_, bald, from its head. _To_ SNOCKER, _v. n._ To snort, S. _Minstr. Bord._ Dan. _snorck-er_, Belg. _snork-en_, id. ~Snocker~, _s._ A snort, S. SNOD, _adj._ 1. Lopped, pruned, S. _Hudson._ 2. Neat; regarding the shape. _Doug._ 3. Trim, S.; synon. _trig_. _R. Galloway._ 4. Transferred to literary compositions. The pret. of the _v._ ~Sned~. _R. Galloway._ _To_ ~Snod~, _v. a._ 1. To prune, S. 2. To put in order, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ SNOIF, _v. a._ To whirl, applied to the spindle. V. ~Snoove~. _Douglas._ Su. G. _sno_, contorquere. SNOIT, _s._ Mucus from the nose. A. S. _snote_, id. _Watson._ _To_ SNOKE, SNOOK, SNOWK, _v. n._ 1. To smell at objects like a dog, S. Douglas. 2. To range, prying into every corner, S. Su. G. _snok-a_, insidiose scrutari. SNOOD, _s._ A short hair-line, to which a fishing-hook is tied, S. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _snod_, funiculus; _sno_, to twist. SNOOD, SNOID, SNUDE, _s._ A fillet with which the hair of a young woman's head is bound up, S. _Pennant._ A. S. _snod_, vitta. _To_ ~Snood~, _v. a._ To bind up the hair with a fillet, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ SNOOK, _v. n._ V. ~Snoke~. _To_ SNOOL, _v. a._ To subjugate by tyrannical means, pron. _snule_, S. Dan. _snovl-er_, to snub. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Snool~, _v. n._ To submit tamely, S. _Burns._ ~Snool~, _s._ One who meanly subjects himself to the authority of another. _Ramsay._ _To_ SNOOVE, (pron. _snuve_), _v. n._ 1. To move smoothly and constantly, S. 2. To walk with an equal and steady pace, S. _Burns._ 3. _To snuve awa'_, to sneak off, S. Ir. _snoimh-am_, nere, torquere. SNORL, _s._ A difficulty, a scrape, S. B. Su. G. _snoere_, Teut. _snoer_, funis. SNOTTER, _s._ 1. Snot at a child's nose, S. 2. Any thing that has no value. _Cleland._ Fland. _snotter_, rheuma, catarrhus. _To_ ~Snotter~, _v. n._ To breathe hard through the nostrils. _Ramsay._ SNOW-FLAKE, SNOW-FLIGHT, SNOW-FOWL, _s._ Snow-bunting, S. _Statist. Acc._ SNUDE, _s._ V. ~Snood~, _s._ 2. SNUFFE, _s._ A disorder in the nostrils. _Watson._ Teut. _snuf_, defluxio capitis ad nares. _To_ SNUG, _v. a._ 1. To push with the head or horn, Ang. 2. To reprimand with severity, Ang. Isl. _snaegg-ia_, duris et asperis verbis excipere. ~Snug~, _s._ A stroke, a push, Ang. SNUGS, _s. pl._ Small branches lopped off from a tree, S. B. V. ~Sneck~. SNUK, SNUKE, _s._ A small promontory. Teut. _snoecks_, nasutulus. _Wallace._ _To_ SNURL, _v. a._ To ruffle or wrinkle. Dan. _snurd-a_, ruga. _Ramsay._ _To_ SNURL, _v. n._ To contract like hard twisted yarn, S. O. _Gl. Sibb._ Isl. _snurd-a_, id. ~Snurlie~, _adj._ Knotty, S. B. SOAKIE, _adj._ Plump, in full habit, Loth. SOAM, _s._ V. ~Sowme~. SOB, _s._ A land-storm, S. B. V. ~Summer-sob~. SOBIR, SOBYR, SOBER, _adj._ 1. Poor, mean, S. Belg. _sobere_, id. _Douglas._ 2. Little, small, S. _Rollocke._ 3. Weak, feeble. _Bannatyne P._ 4. In a poor state of health, S. 5. Sometimes denoting a moderate state of health, S. 6. Applied to a person or thing that does not merit commendation, S. _To_ ~Sober, Sobyr~, _v. a._ To compose, to keep under, S. _Wallace._ SOC, SOCK, SOK, _s._ The right of a baron, to hold a court within his own domains, S. A. S. _soc_, curia, jurisdictio. ~Soccoman~, ~Sockman~, _s._ 1. One who holds lands by soccage. _Reg. Maj._ 2. A tenant subjected to certain restrictions, and bound to perform certain services, Aberd. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ SOCHER, (gutt.) _v. n._ To make much of one's self, to live delicately, particularly by the use of palatable draughts, S. Gael. _socair_, ease, rest; _sogh_, delicacy. SOCK, SOK, _s._ A ploughshare, S. Fr. _soc_, id. _Pal. Hon._ SODDIS, SODDS, _s. pl._ A sort of saddle used by the lower classes, made of cloth stuffed, S. _Maitland P._ A. S. _seod_, pl. _seodas_, a sack. SODIOUR, _s._ A soldier. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _sodoier_, id. SODROUN, SUDROUN, SOTHROUN, _s._ 1. Englishmen. _Wallace._ 2. The English language, as distinguished from the Scottish. _Douglas._ Q. _southern_, A. S. _sutherne_. SOY, _s._ Silk. Fr. _soye_. _Ritson._ SOILYIE, _s._ Soil. V. ~Sulye~. SOYME, _s._ A rope. V. ~Sowme~. SOIT, SOYT, _s._ 1. An assize. _Stat. Rob. II._ 2. Attendance on an overlord by his vassals, in the court held by him. _Skene._ Fr. _suite_, sequela. ~Soytour~, ~Soyter~, _s._ 1. One appearing in a court, as the vassal of another. _Skene._ 2. One employed by another to manage his business in court. _Quon. Att._ SOITH, _s._ Truth. A. S. _soth_. _Douglas._ ~Soithfast~, _adj._ V. ~Suthfast~. _To_ SOKE, _v. n._ To slacken, Pink. Teut. _swijck-en_, to subside. _K. Hart._ SOLACE, _s._ Sport. _Douglas._ ~Solacious~, _s._ Cheerful. _Barbour._ SOLAND, SOLAND GOOSE, _s._ The gannet, S. _Houlate._ Norw. _sule_, Isl. _sula_, id. _To_ SOLD, _v. a._ To solder. _Acts Ja. IV._ Fr. _soud-er_, Ital. _sold-are_, id. SOLD, _s._ 1. A weight, ingot, S. _sowd_. _Douglas._ 2. Money in general. _Wallace._ Teut. _sold_, _soud_, stipendium; A. S. _seod_, a purse. SOLESHOE, _s._ A piece of iron on that part of a plough on which the share is fixed, Fife. Su. G. _sko_, denotes whatever strengthens the extremity of any thing. SOLYEING, _s._ The act of solving. O. Fr. _sol-er_, soivere. _Priests Peblis._ SOLIST, _adj._ Careful, anxious; Lat. _solicit-us_. _Compl. S._ _To_ SOLIST, _v. a._ To solicit. _Douglas._ ~Solistare~, _s._ A solicitor. _Acts Ja. V._ SON, _s_. The sun. Belg. _son_, id. _Douglas._ SONCE, _s._ Prosperity. V. ~Sons~. _To_ SONYIE, SUNYIE, _v. n._ 1. To care, to regard. _Bannatyne P._ 2. To be anxious, as implying a fearful apprehension of the future. _Wallace._ 3. To be diligent. _Lyndsay._ 4. Denoting hesitation, in consequence of anxious thought. _Bellenden._ Fr. _soign-er_, to care, to be diligent. ~Sonyhe~, ~Sunye~, _s._ 1. Care. _Wallace._ 2. Anxiety. _Priests Peblis._ 3. Pains, industry. _Montgomerie._ Fr. _soing_, care, diligence. _To_ SONK, _v. n._ To drivel, to loiter. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _siunk-a_, to sink; _sink-a_, tardare. SONK, _s._ 1. Such a seat as may be used as a couch. _Douglas._ A. S. _song_, Su. G. _saeng_, a couch. 2. A grassy seat, S. _Douglas._ 3. A wreath of straw, used as a cushion, or a load saddle. _Godscroft._ SONOUNDAY, _s._ Sunday. _Barbour._ A. S. _sunnan-daeg_, id. SONS, SONCE, _s._ 1. Prosperity, felicity, Loth. _Dunbar._ 2. Abundance. _Wyntown._ Gael. Ir. _sonas_, prosperity, happiness. ~Sonsy~, ~Sonse~, _adj._ 1. Lucky, fortunate, S. B. _Lyndsay._ 2. Good-humoured, well-conditioned, S. _Pop. Ball._ 3. Having a pleasant look, S. _Burns._ 4. Plump, thriving, S. _Ramsay._ 5. Denoting fullness, conjoined with cordiality in the host. _Kelly._ _To_ SOOCH, (gutt.) _v. n._ To swill, S. E. _swig_; Isl. _siug-a_, sorbeo. ~Sooch~, _s._ A copious draught, S. _To_ SOOGH, _v. n._ V. ~Souch~, _v._ SOOTH, _adj._ True, S. V. ~Soith~. _Kelly._ SOOTY-SKON, _s._ A cake baked with _soot_, to be eaten on _Halloween_, S. B. SOP, _s._ A slight meal. V. ~Soup~. _Barbour._ SOP, _s._ Juice, moisture. _Douglas._ Teut. _sop_, liquamen, liquor. SOP, SOPE, _s._ 1. A crowd. _Barbour._ 2. Any body, consisting of a variety of parts or particles conjoined. _Douglas._ Isl. _sopp-ur_, pila, sphaera. _To_ SOPE, SOUP, _v. n._ To become weary, to faint. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _swaif_, cessavit; A. S. _swaef-ian_, deficere. SOPHAM, SOPHINE, _s._ A sophism; Fr. _sophime_. _Wallace._ SOPPES DE MAYN, some restorative cordial. _Sir Gawan._ SORDANE, _adj._ Perhaps, private. Fr. _sourdine_, id. Dunbar. SORDES, _s._ Filth, S. B. _Law Case._ Lat. _sordes_, id.; Isl. _saurd-a_, to defile. ~Sordid~, _pret._ Defiled. _Barbour._ SORE, _adj._ A sorrel or reddish colour. Fr. _saure_, id. _Douglas._ SORY. L. _scry_, cry. _Wallace._ SORING, _part. pr._ Bewailing. _Burel._ A. S. _sorg-ian_, lugere. _To_ SORN, SORNE, _v. n._ 1. To obtrude one's self on another for bed and board, S. _Macbean._ 2. Denoting the depredations made by an invading army. _Muse's Thren._ O. Fr. _sejourn-er_, commorari. _To_ ~Soiorne~, _v. a._ To quarter, to lodge forcibly. _Acts Ja. I._ ~Sornare~, ~Sorner~, _s._ One who takes free quarters, S. _Acts Ja. II._ SORROW, _s._ A term unwarrantably used in imprecations, or strong asseverations, equivalent to E. _plague_, _pox_, &c. or _fiend_, _de'il_. _Leg. St Androis._ SOSS, _s._ A mixture of incongruous kinds of food, S. O. Fr. Teut. _sausse_, condimentum, _sauss-en_, condire. _To_ ~Soss~, _v. a._ To mix in a strange manner, S. _To_ ~Soss~, _v. n._ To use incongruous aliments or medicines mixed together, S. SOSS, _s._ The flat sound caused by a heavy but soft body, when it comes hastily to the ground, or squats down, S. _souse_, E. _Ramsay._ SOT, _s._ A fool, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ _To_ SOTTER, _v. n._ 1. To boil slowly, S. A. S. _seoth-an_, Isl. _siod-a_, to boil. 2. Used to denote the bubbling noise made by any thing in boiling, S. _To_ SOUCH, SOOGH, SWOUCH, (gutt.) _v. n._ 1. To emit a rushing or whistling sound, S. _Douglas._ 2. To breathe long as in sleep, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Sough~, _v. a._ To con over a tune, S. A. _J. Nicol._ A. S. _swog-an_, sonare, tinnire; part. pr. _swogend_, S. _souchand_. ~Souch~, ~Sowch~, ~Sugh~, ~Swouch~, _s._ 1. A rushing or whistling sound, S. _Burns._ 2. The sound emitted during profound sleep. _Douglas._ 3. A deep sigh, S. O. _Burns._ 4. Equivalent to E. _cant_, S. _Meston._ A. S. _sweg_, _swege_, sonus, clangor. SOUCH, _adj._ Silent, quiet, S. _To keep souch_, to be silent. A. S. _swig-an_, _swug-an_, id. ~Souch~, _s._ Silence, S. A. S. _swig_, id. SOUCH, _pret. v._ Deserted. _Barbour._ A. S. _swic-an_, to deliver up; or Su. G. _swig-a_, loco cedere. SOUCHT, _pret._ Assailed by arms. _Barbour._ Su. G. _soek-a_, violenter invadere. SOUCYE, _s._ The heliotrope, S. _Compl. S._ Fr. _souci_, _soulsie_, a marigold, a heliotrope, q. _sol sequens_. SOUD, _s._ A quantity, S. B. V. ~Sold~. _Stat. Acc._ SOUDIE, _s._ A gross heavy person, S. Isl. _sodi_, homo sordidus. SOUDLAND, _s._ One who comes from the south country, S. B. SOUDLY, _adj._ Soiled. V. ~Suddle~. _Wall._ SOUDOUN LAND, the land of the Soldan or Sultan. _Bannatyne P._ SOVER, SOVIR, _adj._ Secure; Fr. _seur_. _Bannatyne P._ ~Souerance~, _s._ 1. Assurance. _Wallace._ 2. Safe conduct. _Wallace._ SOVERANIS, _s._ L. _severanis_, difference; O. Fr. _sevr-er_, to separate. _Dunbar._ _To_ SOUF, SOUFF, _v. n._ 1. To sleep in a disturbed manner, S. B. Su. G. _sofw-a_, A. S. _swef-an_, id. 2. To breathe high in sleep, S. B. Teut. _soeff-en_, spirare; A. S. _seof-ian_, to moan. 3. To whistle in a low tone, S. A. _Ferguson._ 4. To con over a tune on an instrument. _Ramsay._ ~Souf~, ~Souff~, _s._ 1. A disturbed sleep, S. B. 2. High breathing in sleep, S. B. 3. Low whistle, S. _Gl. Shirr._ 4. Strain, humour, S. _To_ SOUFF, _v. n._ To strike, S. B. Isl. _sweip-a_, percutere. SOUKS, SOUKIES, _s. pl._ The flower of red clover, S., from being _sucked_ by children. SOULDER CRAB, the cancer bernardus. _Sibbald._ SOULE, _s._ A swivel. V. ~Sule~. _Lyndsay._ SOUM, SOWME, _s._ The relative proportion of cattle or sheep to pasture, or _vice versa_, S. 1. _A soum of sheep_, five sheep, in some places ten, S. _Stat. Acc._ 2. _A soum of grass_, as much as will pasture one cow, or five sheep, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ Sw. _sum_ is equivalent to _tal_, number. _To_ ~Soum~ _land_, to calculate and fix what number of cattle or sheep it can support, S. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ ~Soum~ and ~Roum~, to pasture in summer, and fodder in winter, S. V. ~Rowme~, v. _Stat. Acc._ SOUMS, _s. pl._ The _sounds_ of the cod dried for food, Shetl. Dan. _swomm-e_, to swim. SOUNDS (of a fish), _s. pl._ The swimming bladder, S. _Stat. Acc._ Isl. _sund_, natatio. _To_ SOUP, SOOP, _v. a._ To sweep, S. Su. G. _sop-a_, id. _Lyndsay._ SOUP, SUP, _s._ 1. The quantity of spoonmeat taken into the mouth at once, S. 2. A mouthful of liquor, S. _Dunbar._ 3. A considerable quantity of drink, or of any thin food, S. _Forbes._ Isl. _sope_, a draught, _saup_, spoonmeat. SOUPAND, _part. pr._ Sobbing, or groaning. _Dunbar._ A. S. _seof-ian_, ingemiscere. SOUPLE, _s._ The part of a flail which strikes the grain, S. _Pop. Ball._ Isl. _sweip-a_, to strike. SOUR-KIT, _s._ A dish of coagulated cream, S. _Compl. S._ SOURMILK, _s._ Buttermilk, S. Sw. _sur mioelk_, id. SOUROCK, SOURACK, _s._ Sorrel, S. _Lightfoot._ Germ. _saurach_, Teut. _suerick_, id. ~Sheep's Sourock~, a species of sorrel. _Lightfoot._ _To_ SOURSE, _v. n._ To rise. _Douglas._ Lat. _surg-o_, _-exi_, id. SOUSE, _s._ A French sol, O. Fr. _solz_. _Evergreen._ SOUST FEET, cow-heel, S. _Shirrefs._ SOUTAR, SOUTER, _s._ 1. A shoemaker, S. A. S. _sutere_, Lat. _sutor_. _Evergr._ 2. One who makes _brogues_ or shoes of horse-leather, Ang. ~Souter's Brandy~, a cant phrase for buttermilk, Aberd. _Shirrefs._ SOUTH, _s._ A whistling sound. _Dunbar._ Teut. _sucht_, a sigh; or a corr. of ~Souch~. SOUTHRON, SOTHERON, SOUDRON, _s._ A contemptuous designation for an Englishman, corr. _Southern_. V. ~Sodrown~. _Minstr. Bord._ _To_ SOUTT, _v. n._ To sob, S. B. Teut. _sucht-en_, suspirare, gemere. SOW, _s._ A military engine anciently used in sieges, for covering those who were employed to undermine walls. _Barbour._ Isl. _graf-suin_, q. the _digging sow_, as meant to cover those who dug under the wall. SOW, HAY-SOW, _s._ A large stack of hay erected in an oblong form, S. pron. _soo_. _L. Hailes._ Teut. _soeuw_, gleba qua agger conficitur. _To_ ~Sow~, ~Soo~, _v. a._ To stack, S. SOW, _s._ 1. One who makes a very dirty appearance, S. B. Teut. _souwe_, a common shore. 2. Any thing in a state of disorder, S. B. _To_ SOW, _v. a._ To pierce, to gall. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Sow~, _v. n._ To smart, to feel tingling pain, S. _Wyntown._ Sw. _swid-a_, Dan. _swi-e_, to smart. ~Sowing~, _s._ The act, or effect, of piercing or galling, S. _sooin_; tingling pain. _Barbour._ SOW-BACK, _s._ A head-dress worn by old women, Ang. probably denominated from its curved shape. SOWCE, _s._ Flummery; such as _brose_, _sowens_, or oat-meal pottage. _Gl. Sibb._ SOW-DAY, _s._ The name given to the 17th of December, in Sandwick, Orkney, from the custom of killing a sow, on that day, in every family that has a herd of swine. _Statist. Acc._ SOWE, _s._ A winding-sheet. _Second Sight._ Gael. _soadh_, a bed. SOWEN, _s._ The paste employed by weavers for stiffening their yarn in working, S. A. S. _seawe_, Belg. _sogh_, paste. ~Sowens~, _s. pl._ Flummery, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Sowens-porridge~, _s._ Pottage, made of cold _sowens_, by mixing meal with them while on the fire, Ang. SOWERIT, _part. pa._ Assured. _Wallace._ SOWLIS, _s. pl._ Swivels. _Lyndsay._ SOWLPIT, drenched. V. ~Sowp~. _To_ SOWME, _v. n._ To swim, S. _Philotus._ SOWME, _s._ Number. _Wyntown._ SOWME, _s._ A load carried by a horse. _Wallace._ Teut. _somme_, A. S. _seom_, onus. ~Sowmir~, _s._ A sumpter-horse. _Wallace._ Fr. _sommier_, id. SOWME, SOYME, _s._ 1. The rope or chain that passes between the horses, by which the plough is drawn, S. _soam_. _Douglas._ 2. The rope by which hay is fastened on a cart. _Barbour._ Su. G. _soem_, that which conjoins two bodies. _To_ SOWP, _v. a._ 1. To drench, S. _Doug._ 2. Metaph. in reference to grief. _Houlate._ 3. Applied to one who is much emaciated, S. Teut. _sopp-en_, intingere; Fr. _soupi_, dull. _To_ SOWTH, _v. n._ To whistle in a low tone, S. O. V. ~Souch~. _Burns._ SPAAD, _s._ A spade, Aberd. Dan. _spaad_. _To_ SPACE, _v. a._ 1. To measure by paces, S. 2. To take long steps with a solemn air. _Knox._ Belg. _pass-en_, to measure; with _s_ prefixed. ~Space~, _s._ A pace, S. B. _Law Case._ _To_ SPACIER, _v. n._ To walk, S. Belg. _spacier-en_, id. _Complaynt S._ _To_ SPAE, SPAY, _v. n._ 1. To foretel, S. _Shirrefs._ 2. To foretoken. _Douglas._ 3. To bode, to forebode. _Ramsay._ Isl. _spa_, Dan. _spaa-er_, to foretel. ~Spae-book~, _s._ A book of necromancy. _Minstr. Bord._ ~Spae-craft~, _s._ The act of foretelling. S. _Ramsay._ ~Spayman, Spaman~, _s._ 1. A prophet, a diviner. _Bellenden._ 2. A male fortuneteller, S. _Kelly._ Isl. _spamadr_; Dan. _spaamand_, vates. ~Spaywife~, _s._ A female fortuneteller, S. _Ferguson._ Isl. _spakona_, Dan. _spaakone_, q. a _spay-quean_. SPAIG, _s._ A skeleton, Clydes. Teut. _spoocke_, Su. G. _spok_, phantasma. SPAIK, SPAKE, _s._ 1. The spoke of a wheel, S. _Douglas._ 2. A bar (or lever) of wood. _Acts Ja. III._ Teut. _spaecke_, vectis; radius rotae. 3. In pl. the wooden bars, on which a dead body is carried to the grave, S. _Spalding._ 4. Metaph. a personal designation, S. _Lyndsay._ SPAIL, _s._ V. ~Spale~. _To_ SPAIN, SPANE, SPEAN, To wean, S. _Monroe._ Germ. _spen-en_, Belg. _speen-en_, ablactare. ~Spaining-brash~, _s._ A disorder of children, in consequence of being weaned, S. _To_ SPAYN, SPAN, _v. a._ To grasp. _Barbour._ Isl. _spenn-a_, amplecti, arripere. _To_ SPAIRGE, _v. a._ 1. To dash, applied to liquids, S. 2. To bespatter by dashing any liquid, S. 3. To sully by reproach, S. _Burns._ Lat. _sparg-ere_, Fr. _asperg-er_, to besprinkle. ~Spairge~, _s._ 1. A sprinkling, S. 2. The liquid that is sprinkled, or squirted, S. 3. A dash of contumely, S. SPAIT, SPATE, SPEAT, _s._ 1. A flood, S. _Douglas._ 2. Any thing that hurries men away like a flood. _More._ 3. Fluency of speech, S. _Ruddiman._ Gael. _speid_, a great river flood; perh. from _spe_, froth. SPALD, SPAULD, SPAWL, _s._ 1. The shoulder. _Polwart._ 2. A joint; as, _lang spauls_, long limbs, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _espaule_, C. B. _yspolde_, the shoulder. ~Black spauld~, a disease of cattle, S. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ SPALE, SPAIL, SPEAL, _s._ 1. A lath used in wooden houses for filling up the interstices betwixt the beams, S. B. Su. G. _spiaell_, segmentum, lamina. 2. A chip; Sw. _spiaela_, id. _Douglas._ 3. A shaving of wood, S. Fr. _spolla_, the shavings of wood. _To_ SPAN, _v. a._ To grasp. V. ~Spayn~. _To_ SPANG, _v. n._ 1. To leap with elastic force, to spring, S. _Douglas._ 2. _v. a._ To cause to spring. _Douglas._ 3. _To spang o'er_, metaph. to overleap. _Ramsay._ Isl. _spenn-a_, Germ. _spann-en_, to extend. ~Spang~, _s._ 1. The act of springing, S. _Douglas._ 2. A fillip. _Ruddiman._ ~Spangie~, _s._ The game in E. called _Boss and Span_. ~Spangie-hewit~, _s._ A barbarous operation of boys to young yellow-hammers, S. SPANGIS, _s. pl._ Spangles. _K. Quair._ Teut. _spanghe_, Isl. _spaung_, lamina. SPANYEART, _s._ A spaniel. _Douglas._ _To_ SPANYS, _v. n._ To blow fully. _Wyntown._ Fr. _espanouissement_, full blow of a flower. _To_ SPANK, _v. n._ To move with quickness and elasticity, S. From _Spang_, v.; or Isl. _spink-a_, decursitare. ~Spanker~, _s._ 1. One who walks with a quick and elastic motion, S. 2. _Spankers_, in pl. long and thin legs, S. _To_ SPANK, _v. n._ To sparkle or shine. Teut. _spange_, lamina. _Gl. Sibb._ SPAR, ~A-Spar~, _adv._ In a state of opposition, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _sperr-a_, distendere; repagulis munire. SPARE, _s._ 1. An opening in a gown or petticoat. _Skene._ 2. The slit, formerly used in the forepart of breeches, S. _spaiver_, S. B. SPARE, _adj._ 1. Barren. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. Lean, meagre. _Morison._ A. S. _spaer_, parcus. _To_ SPARK, To soil, by throwing up small spots of mire, S. ~Spark~, _s._ 1. A small spot of mire, S. 2. A small portion of any thing. _Wife of Auchtermuchty._ SPARKLE, _s._ A spark. SPARKLIT. V. ~Spreckled~. SPARLING, SPIRLING, _s._ A smelt, S. _Sibbald._ Germ. _spierling_; Lat. _eperlan-us_, id. _To_ SPARPELL, SPERPLE, _v. a._ To disperse; Fr. _esparpill-er_. _Douglas._ _To_ SPARS, _v. a._ To spread, to propagate. _Knox._ Lat. _sparg-o_, _spars-um_, id. _To_ SPARTLE, _v. n._ To move with velocity and inconstancy, S. B. _Ruddiman._ V. ~Sprattle~. SPAT, _s._ The spawn of oysters, Loth. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _spad_, jus, humor. _To_ SPAVE, _v. a._ To spay, Galloway. _Statist. Acc._ Lat. _spad-o_, C. B. _dyspaddu_, id. SPAUL, _s._ A limb. V. ~Spald~. SPEANLIE, _adv._ Uncertain. _Houlate._ SPECHT, _s._ A wood-pecker, S. _Houlate._ Germ. _specht_, Sw. _specke_, id. SPECIALTÉ, _s._ Peculiar regard. _Barbour._ SPECTACLES (of a fowl), _s. pl._ The merry-thought, S. _To_ SPEDE, _v. n._ To speed, E. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _sped-ian_, Alem. id., Belg. _spoed-en_. ~Spede~, _s._ _To cum spede_, to have success, S. _Douglas._ SPEEN-DRIFT, SPINDRIFT, _s._ The snow when drifted from the ground by a whirling motion, S. B.; _spune-drift_, S. A. _Journ. Lond._ Q. _spinning_ drift, from its whirling motion. SPEERE, _s._ A hole in the wall of a house, through which the family received and answered the inquiries of strangers. V. ~Spire~, s. _Ritson._ SPEICE, _s._ Pride. _Dunbar._ SPEIDFUL, _adj._ Expedient. _Barbour._ From A. S. _sped_, success. SPEIK, _s._ Speech. V. ~Spek~. SPEIKINTARE, _s._ Supposed to be the sea-swallow. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SPEIL, _v. n._ To climb. V. ~Spele~. _To_ SPEIR, _v. a._ To ask, S. V. ~Spere~. SPEK, SPEIK, _s._ Speech. _Barbour._ _To_ SPELD, _v. a._ To expand. _Henrysone._ Germ. _spelt-en_, Su. G. _spial-a_, to divide. ~Spelding~, ~Speldev~, ~Speldrin~, _s._ A small fish split, and dried in the sun, S. _Boswell._ _To_ ~Spelder~, _v. a._ To spread open, S. _To_ SPELE, SPEIL, _v. n._ To climb, S. _Douglas._ SPELING, _s._ Instruction. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _spell-ian_, docere. _To_ SPELK, _v. a._ To support by splinters, S. _Rutherford._ A. S. _spelc-ean_, Su. G. _spiaelk-a_, id. _To_ SPELL, _v. a._ To tell, to narrate. _Houlate._ A. S. _spell-ian_, Isl. _spial-a_, narrare. _To_ ~Spell~, _v. n._ To discourse. _Pop. Ball._ ~Spell~, ~Spele~, _s._ Narrative. _Wyntown._ Alem. _spel_, a discourse, a history. _To_ SPEND, _v. n._ 1. To spring, Loth. 2. To gallop, Loth. V. ~Spyn~. SPENS, SPENCE, _s._ 1. The place where provisions are kept, S. Fr. _despence_, id. _Henrysone._ 2. The interior apartment of a country-house, S. 3. The place where the family sit at meat, S. B. _Pop. Ball._ ~Spens~, ~Spensar~, ~Spensere~, _s._ The clerk of a kitchen. _Wyntown._ _To_ SPERE, SPEIR, SPYRE, _v. n._ 1. To search out. _Barbour._ A. S. _spyr-ian_, investigare. 2. To investigate. _Barbour._ 3. To ask, to inquire, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _spyr-ian_, Isl. _spyr-ia_, to inquire. In this general sense, it is used in various forms. _To speir at_, to interrogate, S. Isl. _spyr-ia ad_, id. _To speir after_, to inquire for, S. A. S. _spyrian aefter_. _To spier for_, especially as denoting an inquiry concerning one's welfare, S. _To speir about_, id. S. ~Speryng~, _s._ Information in consequence of inquiry. _Barbour._ Teut. _speuringhe_, indagatio. SPERE, SPEIR, _s._ A sphere. _Douglas._ L. B. _spaer-a_, id. SPERK-HALK, _s._ A sparrow-hawk. A. S. _spaer-hafoc_, id. _Houlate._ To SPERPLE, _v. a._ To disperse, S. V. ~Sparpall~. SPERTHE, _s._ A battle-axe. _Minstr. Bord._ Isl. _sparda_, spatha, securis genus. SPETIT, _part. pa._ Pierced. _Douglas._ Isl. _spiot_, hasta; Teut. _spet-en_, fodicare. SPEWEN, _s._ Spavin. _Montgomerie._ SPICE, _s._ 1. Appropriated to pepper, S. _Baillie._ 2. Metaph. pride; from the stimulating effect of strong spices. V. ~Speice~. ~Spicy~, _adj._ Proud, testy, S. _L. Hailes._ SPYLE, A palisado. _Douglas._ Su. G. _spiale_, lamina lignea. SPILGIE, _s._ Long and slender, Ang. ~Spilgie~, _s._ 1. A tall meagre person, S. 2. A long limb, S. Isl. _spilk-ur_, assulae; laths, splinters. Gael. _spealg_, a splinter. _To_ SPILL, SPYLL, _v. a._ 1. To destroy, in whatever way, S. 2. To mar, S. 3. To kill. _Douglas._ A. S. consumere, interficere. 4. To defile, to deflower. _Wallace._ A. S. _spill-an_, corrumpere, vitiare. _To_ ~Spill~, ~Spille~, _v. n._ 1. To perish. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. To corrupt, to putrify, S. 3. To be galled, as the effect of heat, S. _To_ SPYN, _v. n._ To glide, S. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Spynner~, _v. n._ 1. To run or fly swiftly, S. _Douglas._ 2. To ascend in a spiral form, S. B. From the motion of the distaff. SPYNDILL, _adj._ Thin, slender. Q. resembling a _spindle_. _Maitland._ SPYNDLE, SPINDLE, _s._ A certain quantity of yarn, including four _hanks_, S. pron. _spynle_. _Stat. Acc._ Perhaps q. _spin-del_, A. S. _spinn-an_, to spin, and _del_, a portion. SPYNIST, _part. pa_. Fully spread. V. ~Spanys~. _Dunbar._ SPINK, _s._ 1. The maiden pink, S. 2. Denoting pinks in general, S. _A. Douglas._ SPINKIE, _s._ A glass of ardent spirits, Fife. SPINKIE, _adj._ Slender, and at the same time active, Fife. Su. G. _spinkog_, gracilis. SPINTIE, _adj._ Lean, thin, Loth. SPIRE, _s._ 1. The stem of an _earth-fast couple_, reaching from the floor to the top of the wall, partly inserted in, and partly standing out of, the wall, S. B. _Pop. Ball._ 2. A wall between the fire and the door, with a seat on it; also called the _spire-wa_, S. B. _Ross._ Isl. _spira_, tigillum; C. B. _yspyr_, the chimney-post. _To_ SPIRE, _v. a._ To wither; denoting the effect of wind or heat, Loth. ~Spiry~, _adj._ Warm, parching, ibid. O. Fr. _espir-er_, Lat. _spir-are_, to blow. SPIRLING, _s._ V. ~Sparling~. SPIRLING, _s._ A broil, Perths. SPITTAL, L. _pitall_. V. ~Pettail~. _Barbour._ _To_ SPITE, _v. a._ To provoke, S. _Kelly._ SPITTER, _s._ 1. A very slight shower, S. 2. Snow in small particles, forcibly driven by the wind, S. A. _A. Scott._ ~It's spitterin~, _v. imp._ A few drops of rain are falling, S. from _spit_, spuere. SPLECHRIE, _s._ 1. Furniture of any kind, S. 2. More generally, the clothes and furniture provided by a woman, in her single state, or brought by her to the house of her husband, when married, S. 3. The executory of a defunct person, S. Lat. _supellex_, _supellectilis_, household goods. SPLENDRIS, _s. pl._ Splinters. _Wallace._ Belg. _splenters_, Dan. _splinde_, id. SPLENTIS, _s. pl._ Armour for the legs; so denominated from their being applied as splints. _Acts Ja. I._ SPLEUCHAN, _s._ A tobacco pouch, S. Gael. _Davidson._ SPLIT-NEW, _adj._ That which has never been used or worn, S. _Persec. Ch. Scot._ Germ. _splitter-neu_, _new_ as a _splinter_ from the block. SPLORE, _s._ 1. A frolic, S. O. _Burns._ 2. A quarrel ending in blows, S. A. _Antiquary._ Ital. _esplor-are_; q. to search for sport. _To_ SPLUNT, _v. n._ To court, S. A. _J. Nicol._ SPOYN, _s._ A spoon. _Wallace._ SPON, _s._ Shavings of wood. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _spon_, Isl. _sponn_, id., assula. SPONK, _s._ Spark, &c. V. ~Spunk~. SPONSIBLE, _adj._ Admissible as a surety, S. _Wodrow._ Lat. _spond-eo_, _spons-um_, to be surety. SPOOTRAGH, _s._ Drink of any kind, Loth. Gael. _sput_, bad drink. _To_ SPORNE, _v. n._ To stumble. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _sporn-an_, to stumble at. SPOURTLIT, V. ~Sprutillit~. SPOUT, _s._ The razor-fish, S. _Sibbald._ SPOUT, _s._ A boggy spring in ground, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Spouty~, _s._ Marshy, S. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SPRACKLE, _v. n._ To clamber, S. V. ~Sprattle~. Isl. _sprikl-a_, membra concutere. SPRAICH, SPRACH, SPREICH, _s._ 1. A cry, a shriek, S. B. _Douglas._ Su. G. _sprak-a_, strepere. 2. A multitude; as, a _spraich of bairns_, Ang. _To_ SPRAICH, _v. n._ To cry with a voice of lamentation, Ang. SPRAYGHERIE, SPRECHERIE, _s._ Moveables of an inferior description; such especially as have been collected by depredation, S. _Waverley._ Gael. _spreidh_, cattle. SPRAYNG, SPRAING, _s._ 1. A long stripe, including the idea of variegation, S. _Douglas._ 2. The tail of a comet. _Spalding._ Teut. _spreng-en_, spargere, variare. ~Spraing'd~, ~Spraingit~, _part. adj._ Striped, streaked, S. _Journal Lond._ SPRAT, SPREAT, SPRETT, SPRIT, _s._ Jointed-leaved rush, S. _sprot_, S. B. Isl. _sproti_, a reed. _Lightfoot._ ~Spritty~, _adj._ Full of _sprats_, S. _Burns._ _To_ SPRATTLE, _v. n._ To scramble, S. _J. Nicol._ Belg. _spartel-en_, to shake one's legs to and fro. SPRECKL'D, _adj._ Speckled, S. Su. G. _sprecklot_, id. _Ferguson._ SPREE, _s._ Innocent merriment, _Loth._ Fr. _esprit_, spirit, vivacity. SPREE, _adj._ Trim, gaudy, spruce, S. Sw. _spraeg_, formosus. _A. Douglas._ SPREITH, SPRETH, SPRAITH, SPREATH, SPREICH, _s._ Prey, booty. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Spreith~, ~Spreth~, _v. a._ To plunder. V. ~Spraigherie~. _Wyntown._ SPRENT, _part. pa._ Sprinkled. _Douglas._ A. S. _spreng-an_, spargere. SPRENT, _pret. v._ 1. Sprung. _Douglas._ 2. Ran, darted forth. _Barbour._ 3. Rose up, ascended. _Douglas._ A. S. _spring-an_, to spring. ~Sprent~, _s._ 1. A leap. _Douglas._ 2. The elastic force of any thing, S. 3. Any elastic body, S. 4. The clasp of iron that fastens down the lid of a chest or trunk, S. _Trans. Antiq. S. Edin._ The back-bone is called the _back-sprent_, S. SPRETE, _s._ Spirit. _Douglas._ ~Sprety~, _adj._ Sprightly, S. _sprity_. _Douglas._ ~Spretit~, _adj._ Spirited. _Bellenden._ SPRETT, _s._ V. ~Sprat~. _To_ SPREUL, _v. n._ To sprawl. _Douglas._ SPRIG, _s._ A thin nail, without a head, S. SPRING, _s._ A quick and cheerful tune on a musical instrument, S. _Lyndsay._ O. Fr. _espring-ier_, to dance. SPRINGALD, _s._ A stripling, S. B. _Douglas._ From _spring_, germinare, q. viri germen. SPRYNGALD, _s._ 1. An ancient warlike engine, used for shooting large arrows, pieces of iron, &c. _Barbour._ 2. The materials thrown from this engine. _Wallace._ Fr. _espringalle_, L. B. _springald-us_, id. _To_ SPRINKIL, SPRYNKIL, _v. n._ To move with velocity and unsteadiness, or in an undulatory way. _Douglas._ Teut. _sprenckel-en_, variegare. SPRIT-NEW, _adj._ Entirely new, S. SPRITTY, _adj._ V. under ~Sprat~. _To_ SPROSE, _v. n._ 1. To make a great shew, S. E. _spruce_. 2. To commend one's self ostentatiously, Fife, Ayrs. 3. To magnify in narration, Fife. SPROT, _s._ V. ~Spratt~. SPRUSH, _adj._ Spruce, S. _Shirrefs._ SPRUTILL, _s._ A speckle. _Douglas._ ~Sprutillit~, ~Spourtlit~, _part. pa._ Speckled. S. _sprittilt_. _Douglas._ Fland. _sprietel-en_, spargere. SPUG, _s._ A sparrow, S. B. SPULE, _s._ A weaver's shuttle, S. Su. G. _spole_, Isl. _spola_, Ir. _spol_, id. SPULE-BANE, _s._ The shoulder-bone, S. V ~Spald~. _To_ SPULYE, SPULYIE, _v. a._ 1. To lay waste, S. 2. To carry off a prey, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _spol-ir_, Lat. _spol-iare_. ~Spulye~, ~Spulyie~, _s._ 1. Spoil, S. 2. Illegal intermeddling with moveable goods, S. _Balfour._ ~Spulyear~, _s._ A depredator. _Acts Marie._ SPUNG, _s._ 1. A purse with a spring, S. _Bannatyne P._ 2. A fob, S. _Ramsay._ Moes. G. _pugg_, A. S. Su. G. _pung_, a purse. _To_ ~Spung~, _v. a._ To pick one's pocket, S. _R. Galloway._ SPUNK, SPUNKE, SPONK, _s._ 1. A spark of fire, S. _Godly Sangs._ 2. A very small fire, S. _Burns._ 3. A match, S. _Johnson._ 4. Spirit, vivacity, S. _Antiquary._ 5. _A mere spunk_, a lively creature, S. 6. A small portion of any principle of action, or intelligence, S. _More._ 7. A very slender ground. _Bellenden._ _To_ ~Spunk~ _out_, _v. n._ To be gradually brought to light, S. ~Spunkie~, _s._ 1. An _ignis fatuus_, S. _Burns._ 2. A lively young fellow, S. _J. Nicol._ 3. An erroneous teacher. _Walker._ ~Spunkie~, _adj._ Mettlesome, S. _Burns._ SPURDIE, _s._ Any thin object nearly worn out, S. B. Su. G. Isl. _spiaur_, a worn-out garment. _To_ SPURE, _v. a._ To investigate. _Doug._ A. S. _spurian_, id. SPURGYT, _pret._ Spread itself. _Wallace._ The same with S. _Sparge_, q. v. SPUR-HAWK, _s._ The sparrow-hawk, Loth. Dan. _spurve-hoeg_, id. SPURTILL, SPIRTLE, _s._ 1. A wooden or iron spattle, for turning bread, Ang. _Knox._ 2. A stick with which pottage, broth, &c. are stirred, when boiling, S. A. S. _sprytle_, assula. _Ritson._ SQUAD, SQUADE, _s._ 1. A squadron, S. _Wodrow._ 2. A party, S. Teut. _ghe-swade_, cohors, turma. _To_ SQUATTER, _v. n._ To flutter in water, as a wild duck, &c., S. V. ~Swatter~. _To_ SQUATTLE, _v. n._ To sprawl, S. O. _Burns._ Su. G. _squalt-a_, moveri motu inequali. SQUIRBILE, SQURBUILE, _adj._ Ingenious, S. B. _Cant._ O. Fr. _escoriable_, courant, fluant; q. versatile. _To_ SQUISHE, _v. a._ To squash. _Dunbar._ _To_ SQUISS, _v. a._ To beat up. _Z. Boyd._ Fr. _escoussée_, shaken. SRAL. ~Stones of sral~. _Sir Gawan._ STAB, _s._ A stake. V. ~Stob~. ~Stab and stow~, _adv._ Completely, S. _Hamilton._ _Stab_, a stake; Su. G. _stuf_, the remaining part of the stock. STABLE, _s._ Station, where hunters placed themselves. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _establies_, companies appointed to a certain station. STACK, _s._ A columnar rock, Caithn. Orkn. _Pennant._ Teut. _staeck_, columna; Gael. _stuaic_, a round promontory. _To_ STACKER, STAKKER, _v. n._ To stagger, S. _stacher_, (gutt.) _Dunbar._ Sw. _stagr-a_, Isl. _stak-a_, id. STACKYARD, _s._ The inclosure in which stacks of corn or hay are erected, S. STAFFAGE, STAFFISCH, _adj._ 1. Obstinate, unmanageable. _Douglas._ Ital. _staffeg-iare_, to lose the stirrup. 2. Not easily swallowed, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ STAFF SUERD, a sword for thrusting. _Wallace._ Teut. _staf-sweerd_, sica, dolon. STAGE, _s._ A step. _Douglas._ Germ. _steg_, Isl. _stigi_, gradus, scala. STAY, STEY, _adj._ 1. Steep, S. _Barbour._ Teut. _steygh_, _steegh_, acclivus; A. S. _stig-an_, ascendere. 2. Lofty, haughty. _Maitland P._ STAID, STADE, _s._ A furlong. Fr. _stade_, Lat. _stad-ium_. _Lyndsay._ STAIG, STAG, _s._ 1. A horse of one, two, or three years old, not yet broken for riding, nor employed in work, S. _Forrest Lawes._ 2. A riding horse. _Montgomerie._ 3. A stallion; sometimes a young one, S. _Pop. Ball._ 4. A young courtier. _Cleland._ Isl. _stegg-r_, the male of birds, and of most wild beasts. _To_ STAIK, _v. a._ To accommodate, S. Teut. _steck-en_, figere. _Acts Marie._ STAILL, _s._ V. ~Stale~. STAINYELL, _s._ The wagtail. _Burel._ Dan. _stengylp_, id. STAIT, _s._ Obeisance. _Dunbar._ _To_ STAIVE, STAIVER, STAVER, _v. n._ 1. To go about with an unstable and tottering motion, S. Germ. _staub-ern_, to range as a dog. 2. To stagger, S. B. _staivell_, Loth. _Journal Lond._ STAKE _and_ RISE. V. ~Rise~. _To_ STAKKER, STACHER. V. ~Stacker~. STALE, STAILL, STEILL, STALL, _s._ 1. A body of armed men, stationed in a particular place; such especially as lie in ambush. _Wallace._ Germ. _stell-en_, Su. G. _staell-a_, collocare. 2. The centre of an army, as distinguished from the wings. _Pitscottie._ 3. Any ward of an army, in battle array. _Wallace._ 4. A compact body of armed men. _Barbour._ 5. _In stale_, in battle array. _Douglas._ 6. The principal body employed in the chace. _Bellenden._ 7. _Staill_, the mother-hive; also, _staill-skep_, S. STALE, _s._ A prison. _K. Quair._ A. S. _horsa steal_, carceres. STALE FISHING, _s._ Fishing with a _stell-net_, q. v. S. _Statist. Acc._ STALKAR, STALKER, _s._ 1. A huntsman. _Douglas._ 2. One who illegally kills deer. _Acts Ja. I._ From the use of a _stalking_ horse. STALL, _s._ Main army. V. ~Stale~. STALL, _pret. v._ Stole. _Douglas._ STALLENGE, _s._ Duty paid for liberty to erect a _stall_ during a market. _Skene._ ~Stallanger~, _s._ One who sets up a stall for selling his goods during a market. L. B. _stallangiar-ius_, id. STALLIT, _part. pa._ Set. V. ~Stell~. _K. Quair._ STALWART, _adj._ 1. Brave. _Douglas._ A. S. _stal-ferhth_, chalybei animi homo. 2. Strong, powerful. _Douglas._ 3. Strong, applied to inanimate objects. _Barbour._ 4. Hard, severe. _Wyntown._ 5. Stormy, tempestuous. _Lyndsay._ ~Stalwartly~, _adv._ Bravely. _Barbour._ STAMFISH, _adj._ Unruly, unmanageable, W. Loth. Teut. _stamp-en_, to kick. STAMMACK, STAMMA, _s._ The stomach, S. ~Stammagust~, _s._ A disgust at food, S. B. S. _stamma_, and _gust_, q. v. _To_ STAMMER, _v. n._ To stagger, S. Isl. _stumr-a_, collabi. _Sir J. Sinclair._ STAMMEREL, _s._ Friable stone, S. B. STAMP, _s._ A trap, S. Su. G. _stampa_, Dan. _stomp_, id. STAMP, _s._ Demur. _Spalding._ Belg. _stemp-en_, sistere. STANCE, _s._ 1. A station, S. Fr. _Muses' Thren._ 2. A pause, a stop, S. _Cleland._ ~Stanc'd~, _part. pa._ Stationed. _Ritson._ _To_ STANCHE, _v. a._ To assuage. _Doug._ Fr. _estanch-er_, id. STANCHELL, _s._ A kind of hawk. _Dunbar._ Apparently the _Steingal_ of Turner. STAND, _s._ 1. The gaol. _Douglas._ Teut. _stand_, statio. 2. A stall, as in a market, S. _Burr. Lawes._ STAND, _s._ A barrel set on end, S. STAND _of claise_, a complete suit, S. _Spalding._ _To_ STAND _one_, _v. a._ To cost, S. STANDFORD, _s._ Perhaps, one of mean extraction. _Dunbar._ A. S. _stand-an feoran_, stare procul. STANE, _s._ A stone, S., _steen_, S. B. _Chr. Kirk._ A. S. _stan_, Su. G. _sten_, Isl. _stein_, id. ~Stane-cast~, _s._ The distance to which a stone may be thrown, S. Isl. _steinkast_, id. ~Stane-chaker~, ~Stone-checker~, _s._ 1. The stone-chatter, S. _Stat. Acc._ 2. The wheat-ear, S. the _chack_ or _check_, of Orkn. _Fleming._ Sw. _stens-quette_, Germ. _steinsch-waker_, the wheat-ear. ~Staneraw~, ~Steinraw~, _s._ Rock-liverwort, S. _Neill._ A. S. _stan_, Isl. _stein_, stone, and _rawe_ hair. STANERIE, _adj._ V. ~Stannery~. _To_ STANG, _v. a._ To sting, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _stanga_, pungere. _To_ ~Stang~, _v. n._ To thrill with acute pain, S. ~Stang~, _s._ 1. The act of stinging, S. 2. The sting of a bee, S. _Douglas._ 3. An acute pain. _Sir Egeir._ 4. The beard of grain, S. B. _To_ ~Stank~, _v. n._ To ache smartly, Fife. STANG, _s._ A long pole, S. _Antiquary._ Isl. _staung_, Dan. _stang_, Belg. _stange_, id. _To_ ~ride the stang~. He who beats his wife, is sometimes set astride on a long pole, which is borne on the shoulders of others. In this manner he is carried about from place to place. _Ramsay._ Goth. _nidstaeng_, the pole of infamy, Sw. _stong-hesten_, the roddle horse. ~Stang~ _of the trump_, the best member of a family, the most judicious or agreeable person in a company, S. B. ~Stang~, or ~Sting~, _s._ The shorter pipe-fish. _Sibbald._ ~Stangril~, _s._ An instrument for pushing in the straw in thatching, Ang. STANK, _s._ 1. A pool or pond, S. _Doug._ Su. G. _staang_, Arm. _stanc_, id. 2. The ditch of a fortified town. _Dunbar._ _To_ STANK, _v. n._ To gasp for breath, S. B. Isl. Su. G. _stank-a_, id. _To_ STANK, _v. n._ V. under ~Stang~, _s._ 2. STANERS, STANIRS, STANRYIS, _s. pl._ 1. The small stones and gravel on the margin of a river or lake. _Complaynt S._ 2. Those within the channel of a river, which are occasionally dry, S. _Spalding._ Su. G. _stenoer_, gravel; glarea, locus scrupulosus; Norw. _steinur_, sand and stones together; _oer_, _ur_, signifying gravel. ~Stanner-bed~, _s._ A bed of gravel, S. B. ~Stannery~, ~Stanerie~, _adj._ Gravelly, S. _Pal. Hon._ STANSSOUR, _s._ An iron bar for defending a window, S. _stenchin_. _Wallace._ Fr. _estançon_, a prop. STANT, _s._ A task. V. ~Stent~. _To_ STANT, _v. n._ To stand. _Douglas._ STAP, STEPPE, _s._ A stave, S. Su. G. _staaf_, id. _Acts Ja. VI._ _To_ STAP, _v. a._ 1. To stop, S. 2. To cramm, to stuff, S. _Ross._ Su. G. _stopp-a_, obturare. STAPALIS, _s. pl._ Fastenings. _Gawan and Gol._ Teut. _stapel-en_, stabilire. STAPPIL, _s._ A stopper or stopple, S. STARE, _adj._ Stiff, rough. _Douglas._ Su. G. Germ. _starr_, rigidus, durus. STARF, _pret._ Died. V. ~Sterue~. STARGAND, _adj._ Perhaps, startling. _Sir Gawan._ _To_ STARK, _v. a._ To strengthen. _Wallace._ Sw. _staerk-a_, Teut. _starck-en_, id. STARN, STERNE, _s._ 1. A star, S. B. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _Stairno_, Isl. _stiorn-a_, Su. G. _stierna_, Dan. _stierne_, id. 2. A single grain, a particle, S. _Bellenden._ 3. A small quantity, S. 4. The outermost point of a needle, S. B. ~Starny~, ~Sterny~, _adj._ Starry, S. STARNOTING, _part. pr._ Sneezing. Lat. _sternut-are_, id. _Burel._ STASSEL, STATHEL, _s._ 1. A prop for a stack of grain, to raise it from the ground, S. B. 2. The corn which lies undermost in a stack, S. B. Belg. _stutsel_, a support; _stathel_, a foundation. STATERIT, L. _stakerit_, staggered. V. ~Stacker~. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ STAVE, _v. a._ To thrust. _Dunbar._ _To_ STAVER. V. ~Staive~. STAUMREL, _adj._ Half-witted. V. ~Stummer~. _Burns._ _To_ STAW, _v. a._ To surfeit, S. _Ferguson._ Belg. _het tegen me staat_; I am disgusted at it. ~Staw~, _s._ A surfeit, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ STAW, _pret. v._ Stole, S. _Wallace._ STAW, _s._ Stall in a stable, S. _Dunbar._ STEAD, STEADING, STEDDYNG, _s._ 1. The ground on which a house stands, or the vestiges of a former building, S. _Ruddiman._ 2. A farm-house and offices, S. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _sted_, Su. G. _stad_, locus, situs. 3. A farm itself. _Diallog._ STEADABLE, _adj._ Available. _Rollocke._ _To_ STECH, STEGH, (gutt.) _v. a._ 1. To cram, S. _Burns._ O. Teut. _staeck-en_, stipare; to cram. 2. To confine one with a great quantity of body-clothes, S. B. 3. To confine one's self in a very warm room, S. B. Germ. _stick-en_, suffocare, suffocari. 4. _v. n._ _To stech in bed_, to indulge sloth in bed, S. B. _To_ ~Stech~, _v. n._ To gormandize, S. ~Stech~, _s._ 1. A heap, or crowd, S. B. 2. A confused mass, S. B. _stechrie_, id. 3. It often conveys the idea of heat, as connected with that of a crowd, S. B. _To_ STED, _v. a._ 1. To place. _Wyntown._ 2. To establish. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _stad-ga_, id. STEDDYNG, _s._ V. ~Stead~. STEDE, _s._ 1. Place. 2. Fute stede, a footstep. _Douglas._ _To_ STEEK, _v. a._ To shut. V. ~Steik~. STEELBOW GOODS, those goods on a farm, which may not be carried off by a removing tenant, as being the property of the landlord, S. _Erskine._ Corresponding with Alem. _stahline viehe_, q. immoveable goods. STEEP-GRASS, _s._ Butterwort, S. _Lightfoot._ _To_ STEER, STIR, _v. a._ 1. To meddle with so as to injure, S. 2. To give ground a slight ploughing, S. _Stat. Acc._ 3. To plough ground a second time, when it is to be ploughed thrice, S. A. S _styr-ian_, to stir. STEEVE, _adj._ 1. Firm, referring to a bargain, S. 2. Compacted, regarding the frame of an animal, S. _Burns._ 3. Trusty; as, _a steeve friend_, S. 4. Sometimes used for obstinate, S. Germ. _steif_, firm, stable. ~Stievelie~, _adv._ Firmly, S. _J. Nicol._ STEY, _adj._ Steep. V. ~Stay~. STEIDDIS, _s. pl._ States. _Dunbar._ Teut. _stad_, _stede_, urbs. _To_ STEIK, STEKE, _v. a._ 1. To pierce with a sharp instrument. _Barbour._ A. S. _stic-an_, Teut _stick-en_, pungere. 2. To stitch, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _stick-a_, acu pingere. 3. To fix, to fasten. _Douglas._ Germ. _steck-en_, Teut. _stick-en_, figere. ~Steik~, ~Steek~, ~Styk~, _s._ 1. The act of stitching with a needle, S. _Ferguson._ 2. The threads in sewed work. _Burns._ 3. A small portion of work, S. _N. Burne._ 4. _To the steeks_, completely. _A. Doug._ To STEIK, _v. a._ 1. To shut, to close, S. _Douglas._ 2. To stop, to choke up. _Barbour._ Teut. _steck-en_, claudere ligneis clavis. STEIK, _s._ A piece of cloth. _Acts Ja. V._ A. S. _sticce_, a piece; Su. G. _staeck-a_, decurtare. STEIKIS, _s. pl._ Money. _P. 16th Cent._ A. S. _styc_, _styca_, a small brass coin. STEIL, _s._ Handle, as, of a plough. Teut. _steel_, caudex. STEILBONET, _s._ A kind of helmet. _Acts Ja. V._ STEILD. _part. pa._ Set. V. ~Stell~. STEIN, _s._ A stone. V. ~Stane~. STEIN-BITER, _s._ The lump-fish, Orkn. Sw. _stenbit_, id. _Stat. Acc._ STEING, _s._ A pole. V. ~Sting~. STEINRAW, _s._ V. ~Staneraw~. _To_ STEIR, _v. a._ To govern. V. ~Stere~. STEIR, _adj._ Stout. _Priests Peblis._ Su. G _starr_, rigidus. STEIT, _pret._ V. ~Stoit~. STEKILL, _s._ 1. A latch. _Peblis Play._ 2. The trigger of a musket, S. A. S. _sticcel_, Teut. _stekel_, aculeus. _To_ STELL, STEIL, STILE, _v. a._ 1. To place, to set. _Wallace._ 2. _To stell a gun_, to take aim with it, Loth. _To stell to the horne_, to put to the horn, to declare one a rebel. _Act Sed._ Belg. _stell-en_, Su. G. _staell-a_, to place. ~Stell-fishing~, _s._ Fishing with a stell-net, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Stell-net, Still-net~, _s._ A net stretched out by stakes into, and sometimes quite across, the channel of a river, S. _Stat. Acc._ STELL, STILL, STOLL, _s._ 1. A covert, a shelter, S. A. _Stat. Acc._ 2. An inclosure for cattle, higher than a common fold, S. A. _J. Nicol._ Teut. _stelle_, locus tutus. STELLIFYIT, _part. pa._ Converted into a star. _King's Quair._ STELLFITCH, STELLVITCH, _adj._ Dry, coarse; applied to rank grain, Fife. Teut. _stael_, _stele_, caulis, stipes herbae. STEM, _s._ The utmost extent of any thing, Loth. Su. G. _staemm-a_, cohibere. _To_ STEM, _v. a._ To stanch, as, to _stem blude_, S. Su. G. _steamm-a bloden_, id. STENCHEN, _s._ V. ~Stanssour~. _To_ STEND, _v. n._ 1. To spring, S. _Ramsay._ 2. To rise to elevation. _Ramsay._ Fr. _estend-re_, Ital. _stend-ere_, to extend. ~Stend~, _s._ 1. A spring, S. _Douglas._ 2. A long step or stride, S. _Ruddiman._ ~Stendling~, _s._ The act of springing with great force. _Compl. S._ _To_ STENYE, _v. a._ To sting. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ STENT, _v. a._ 1. To stretch, S. _Barbour._ 2. To straiten; _stent_, at full stretch, S. 3. To restrain, to confine, S. _Ramsay._ 4. To erect. _Douglas._ Fr. _estend-re_, from Lat. _extend-ere_. ~Stent-net~, _s._ A net stretched out and fixed by stakes or otherwise, S. B. _Law Case._ _To_ STENT, _v. n._ To stop, to cease. S. _Douglas._ O. Sw. _stynt-a_, Isl. _stunt-a_, abbreviare. _To_ STENT, _v. a._ To assess, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ L. B. _extend-ere_, aestimare, appretiare. ~Stent~, ~Stant~, _s._ 1. A valuation of property, in order to taxation. _Bellenden._ L. B. _extent-a_, aestimatio. 2. A taxation, S. _Bellenden._ 3. A task, S. _stint_, E. _Ruddiman._ ~Stentmasters~, _s. pl._ Those appointed to fix the quota of any duty payable by the inhabitants of a town or parish, S. _Act Sed._ ~Stent-roll~, _s._ Cess-roll, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ STENT, _s._ Aperture for receiving a bar. _Wallace._ STEP IN AGE, advanced in years. Teut. _stap_, climacter, scalae. _Doug._ STEPPE, _s._ A stave. V. ~Stap~. STER, the termination of various names of trades, as _Baxster, Webster_, &c. Germ. id. STER, a termination of many names of places in Caithness. _Ster_ is said to signify an estate. _Stat. Acc._ STERDE, STERDY, _adj._ Strong. _Douglas._ Su. G. _starr_, Isl. _styrd_, rigidus. _To_ STERE, STEER, _v. a._ To govern, to rule. _Henrysone._ Teut. _stier-en_, Su. G. _styr-a_, id. ~Ster~, ~Stere~, ~Steir~, ~Stering~, _s._ 1. Government. _Douglas._ 2. The helm. _Barbour._ A. S. _steor_, Su. G. _styre_, gubernaculum. ~Sterand~, _part. pr._ Active, lively. _Doug._ _To_ STERE, STEIR, _v. n._ To stir, S. _steer_. A. S. _styr-ian_, id. _Lyndsay._ ~Stere~, ~Steir~, _s._ Commotion, S. _Doug._ ~Sterage~, _s._ 1. Stir, motion. _Douglas._ 2. Commotion caused by a throng. _Id._ STERK, _adj._ Strong. _Barbour._ Isl. _sterk-ur_, Germ. _stark_, robustus. STERK, _s._ A bullock. V. ~Stirk~. STERLING, STRIUELING, _adj._ A term used to denote English money. _Bellenden._ _Esterling_, a name given to those Germans who are said to have been the first that brought the art of refining silver into England. STERLING, _s._ The name of a fish; apparently for _spirling_, a smelt. _St. Acc._ STERN, _s._ A star. V. ~Starn~. ~Sternyt~, _part. adj._ Starry. _Douglas._ _To_ STERUE, STERF, _v. n._ To die. _Wallace._ Belg. _sterv-en_, Germ. _sterf-en_, id. _To_ ~Steruen~, _v. a._ To kill. _K. Quair._ A. S. _steorf-an_, Germ. _sterf-en_, id. STEUG, STEWG, _s._ 1. A thorn; any thing sharp-pointed, S. B. Germ. _stich_, punctum; _stech-en_, pungere. 2. A rusty dart, Aberd. _P. Buch. Dial._ 3. A hasty stitch with a needle, S. B. _To_ ~Steug~, _v. a._ To sew slightly and coarsely, S. B. STEUEN, _s._ Judgment. _Sir Tristrem._ STEUIN, STEVEN, _s._ 1. The voice, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. Sound, a note. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _stibna_, A. S. _stefne_, vox. STEUIN, _s._ The prow of a ship. _Doug._ Isl. _stafn_, _stefn_, Belg. _steven_, prora. _To_ ~Steuin~, _v. a._ To direct the course of a ship towards a certain point. _Doug._ Isl. _stefn-a_, proram aliquo dirigere. STEW, STEWE, _s._ 1. Vapour, S. _Barbour._ 2. Smoke, S. _Charteris._ 3. Dust. _Douglas._ Isl. _styfa_, vapor; Su. G. _stoef_, dust. ~Mill-stew~, _s._ The dust which flies about a mill, S. Germ. _muhlstaub_. ~Stewatt~, _s._ One in a state of violent perspiration. V. ~Stuvat~. _Gl. Sibb._ STEWYN, _s._ Doom. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _stau-an_, to judge; Isl. _stef-na_, an action at law. STY, _s._ A strait ascent. _Sir Tristrem._ Su. G. Isl. _stig_, A. S. _stiga_, semita. STIBBLE, _s._ Stubble. S. _Kelly._ ~Stibble-rig~, _s._ The reaper in harvest who takes the lead, S. _J. Nicol._ ~Stibbler~, _s._ 1. A horse turned loose, after harvest, to feed among the stubble, S. 2. A ludicrous designation given to a probationer, as having no settled charge, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ STICHLE, (gutt.) _v. n._ To rustle, S. _Pal. Hon._ _To_ STICK, _v. a._ To bungle, S. Germ. _steck-en_, impedire. _Hamilton._ STICK, _s._ A temporary obstacle. _Baillie._ STICK ~and~ STOWE, completely, S. V. ~Stab~ and ~Stow~. _Burns._ STICKLE, _s._ V. ~Stekill~. _To_ STYE, _v. a._ To climb. _Hudson._ Moes. G. _steig-an_, A. S. Alem. _stig-an_, id. STIFFENIN, _s._ Starch, linens, &c. being _stiffened_ by it, S. Belg. _styffel_, Isl. _stivelsi_, id. STYK, _s._ A stitch. V. ~Steik~. STILE, STYLE, _s._ A sparred gate, S. _P. Buchan Dial._ STYLIT, _part. pa._ Honoured. _Lyndsay._ _To_ STILL, _v. n._ To be at rest, S. _Ross._ Teut. _still-en_, sistere. _To_ STILP, _v. n._ 1. To go on crutches, S. B. Su. G. _stolpe_, a prop, a support. 2. To stalk, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ Isl. _stalpleg-r_, praecox. ~Stilper~, _s._ 1. One who has long legs, and of course a long step, S. B. 2. _Stilpers_, _pl._ crutches, S. B. 3. Poles for crossing a river dry-shod, S. B. _To_ STILT, _v. n._ 1. To go on crutches, S. 2. To halt, to cripple, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _stylt-a_, grallis incedere. 3. To cross a river on poles, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Stilt~ _of a plough_, _s._ The handle of it, S. _Brand._ ~Stilts~, _s. pl._ Poles for crossing a river. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ STYME, _v. n._ 1. To look as one whose vision is indistinct, S. B. 2. Denoting the awkward motions of one who does not see well, S. B. STYME, _s._ 1. The faintest form of any object, S. _Peblis Play._ Su. G. _stomm_, the elementary principle of any thing; C. B. _ystum_, form, figure. 2. Improperly, a disease of the eye. _Gl. Surv. Mor._ ~Stymie~, _s._ One who sees indistinctly, S. B. STIMIKET, Perh. for _stinket_, stunk. _Dunbar._ _To_ STIMMER, _v. n._ To go about in a confused manner, S. B. V. ~Stammer~. STIMPART, _s._ 1. The fourth part of a peck, Ayrs. _Burns._ 2. A young person who reaps the fourth part of a ridge instead of a half, which is the work of one full grown, ibid. 3. As much ground as will grow the fourth part of a peck of flax-seed, ibid. STING, STEING, _s._ 1. A pole, S. _Wallace._ Isl. _stanga_, Su. G. _staeng_, fustis, pertica. 2. A pike or spear. _Douglas._ Isl. _stang_, _steing_, hasta. 3. An instrument for thatching, S. _Pennecuik N._ ~Sting~ _and_ ~ling~, 1. _To carry sting and ling_, to carry with a long pole, resting on the shoulders of two persons, S. _Bann. Journ._ 2. _To carry off sting and ling_, to do so entirely, S. V. ~Ling~. _Gl. Sibb._ 3. The use of both pole and rope, especially in managing unruly horses or cattle. _Watson._ ~Stinger~, _s._ A mender of thatched roofs, S. ~Stingisdynt~, _s._ A stroke with a baton. _Burr. Lawes._ STINKING-WEED, _s._ Common ragwort, S. _Lightfoot._ _To_ STYNT, _v. n._ To stop. _Douglas._ _To_ STIR, _v. a._ To plough slightly. V. ~Steer~. STIRK, STERK, _s._ 1. A bullock or heifer between one and two years old, S. _Dunbar._ 2. A stupid fellow, S. _Ramsay._ A. S. _styrc_, _styric_, juvencus, juvenca. _To_ ~Stirk~, _v. n._ To be with calf, S. B. STIRKIN, _part. pa._ Wounded, stricken. _Douglas._ STIRLIN, _s._ A silver coin, apparently ascribed to David I. of Scotland. V. ~Sterling~. _Stat. Rob. III._ STIRLING, _s._ The starling, S. Teut. _sterlinck_, sturnus. _Lyndsay._ STIRRAH, _s._ 1. A stout boy, S. _Ross._ 2. A young fellow. _Ferguson._ Isl. _strak-r_, pusio, puellus; _smastrak-r_, a boy who is beginning to run. STITH, STYTH, _adj._ 1. Steady, S. _Barbour._ 2. Strong. _Wyntown._ A. S. _stith_, _styth_, durus, rigidus. 3. Dead, having the stiffness of death, Aberd. _Ross._ STITHILL, Perh. eagerly. _Gawan and Gal._ A. S. _stithlice_, strenuè. STIVAGE, _adj._ Stout, fit for work, Aberd. Perh. q. _stiffish_. _Gl. Shirr._ STIVE, _adj._ Firm. V. ~Steive~. STOB, _s._ 1. A prickle, or small splinter of wood, S. _Rutherford._ 2. The puncture made by a prickle, S. Germ. _stupf_, _stipp_, punctum. _To_ ~Stob~, _v. a._ 1. To pierce with a pointed instrument, S. 2. To point with iron. _Chr. S. P._ STOB, _s._ 1. Stump of a tree. _Lyndsay._ 2. A palisade, S.; also _stab_. _Douglas._ 3. A pole, a stake. _Spalding._ A. S. _stubb_, Belg. _stobbe_, stipes, truncus. ~Stob~, _s._ The stump of a rainbow; viewed as a prognostic of an approaching storm, S. Su. G. _stubb_, a part of any thing broken off. ~Stob-feathers~, _s. pl._ 1. The short unfledged feathers which remain on a fowl after it has been plucked, S. 2. Those which appear first on a young bird, S. ~Stobbed~, ~Stob-feather'd~, 1. Unfledged, S. 2. Having no provision or furniture; applied to a young couple, S. ~Stob-thacker~, _s._ One who forms or mends thatched roofs with a _stob_, or stake, S. B. ~Stob-thacking~, ~Stob-thatching~, _s._ The act of thatching in this way, S. B. _Statist. Acc._ ~Stob-thackit~, ~Stob-thatched~, _adj._ Thatched, as described above, S. _Statist. Acc._ _To_ STOCK, _v. n._ To become stiff, S. Su. G. _stock-a_, to harden. ~Stock~, _s._ One whose joints are stiffened by age or disease, S. Belg. _stok-oud_, decrepid. ~Stock~, _s._ The hardened stem of a plant, as _a kail-stock_, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _kaalstock_, id. STOCK, BED-STOCK, _s._ The forepart of a bed. _Z. Boyd._ Su. G. _stock_, pars lecti anterior. STOCK-DUCK, _s._ The mallard, Orkn. _Barry._ Germ. _stock ent_, Kramer; Norw. _stok-and_. STOCK ~and~ HORN, a musical instrument composed of the _stock_, which is the hinder thigh-bone of a sheep; the horn, the smaller end of a cow's horn, and an oaten reed. _Ramsay._ STOCK-HORNE, _s._ A horn anciently used by foresters in S. _Skene._ STOCK-OWL, _s._ The eagle owl, Orkn. _Barry._ STOCK-STORM, _s._ Snow continuing to lie on the ground, Aberd. Isl. _stakastormur_, id. STOCKERIT, _pret._ V. ~Stacker~. STOCKIE, _s._ A piece of cheese, or a bit of fish, between two pieces of bread, Fife. STOER-MACKREL, _s._ The tunny fish, S. _Sibbald._ Sw. _stor_, great, and _makrill_, mackerell. STOG SWORD. V. ~Stok~. STOIP, _s._ A measure. V. ~Stoup~. _To_ STOIT, STOT, STOITER, _v. n._ 1. To stagger, to totter, S. _J. Nicol._ 2. To stumble, S. _Sir Tristrem._ 3. Applied to public affairs. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _stoet-a_, allidere, offendere. ~Stoiter~, _s._ The act of staggering, S. _To_ STOK, _v. a._ To thrust. V. ~Stug~. _Douglas._ ~Stok~, ~Stok swerd~, ~Stog sword~, _s._ A long small sword. _Bellenden._ Teut. _stocke_, sica, ensis. STOKEN, _part. pa._ Inclosed. V. ~Steik~, _v._ _To_ STOLL, _v. a._ To place in safety, or in ambush. _Douglas._ Teut. _stell-en_, ponere. ~Stoll~, _s._ A place of safety. _Gl. Sibb._ STOLLING, STOLLIN, _s._ The act of stowing a cargo on shipboard. _Acts Ja. III._ O. Teut. _stouw-en_, acervare. STOLUM, _s._ As much ink as a pen takes up, S. STOMOK, _s._ A shred. _Evergreen._ Su. G. _stumpig_, mutilated, id. _To_ STONAY, STUNAY, _v. a._ To astonish. _Barbour._ STONE-CHECKER, _s._ V. ~Stane-chaker~. STONE-FISH, _s._ The spotted blenny, S. _Sibbald._ STONE-RAW, _s._ V. ~Staneraw~. STONKERD, _adj._ Silent and sullen, S. _stunkart_. _Ramsay._ Isl. _slygg-r_, id.; Belg. _stug_, surly; Dan. _stenkerd_, litigator. _To_ STOO, _v. a._ To crop. V. ~Stow~. STOOK, STOUK, _s._ A rick of corn, consisting of twelve sheaves, S. Teut. _stock_, meta, a heap. _Courant._ _To_ ~Stook~, _v. a._ To put into shocks, S. _R. Galloway._ STOOL-BENT, _s._ Moss-rush, S. _Lightfoot._ _To_ STOOM, _v. n._ To frown, S. B. Su. G. _stumm_, Belg. _stum_, dumb. STOOP, STOUPE, _s._ 1. A post fastened in the earth, S. _J. Nicol._ 2. A prop, a support, S. 3. One who supports another, S. _Knox._ Su. G. _stolpe_, columna, fulcrum. STOR, _adj._ Severe. V. ~Sture~. STORE, _s._ Applied to sheep or cattle, S. ~Store farm~, A farm principally consisting of a walk for sheep, S. ~Storare, Storour~, _s._ One who has the charge of flocks. _Douglas._ * STORY, _s._ A softer term for a falsehood, S. * STORM, _s._ Snow, Aberd. _Spalding._ STORM-STEAD, STORM-STAID, _adj._ Stopped, or stayed, in a journey, by reason of a storm. _Spalding._ STOT, _s._ 1. A young bull or ox, S. _Douglas._ 2. A bull of any age, S. B. Su. G. _stut_, juvencus; Dan. _stud_, a bull. _To_ ~Stot~, _v. n._ To take the bull, S. B. _To_ STOT, _v. n._ 1. To rebound from the ground, S. 2. To bounce in walking, S. Belg. _stuyt-en_, to bounce; Sw. _stutt-a_, to rebound. _To_ ~Stot~, _v. a._ To cause to rebound; as, _to stot a ball_, S. ~Stot~, _s._ 1. The act of rebounding, S. _Monro._ 2. A bounce or spring, in walking, S. 3. Quick or sudden motion. _Rutherford._ _To_ STOT, _v. n._ To stumble. V. ~Stoit~. _To_ STOT, _v. a._ To stop. _Barbour._ Belg. _stuyt-en_, impedire. _To_ ~Stot~, _v. n._ To stop, to cease; pret. _stotit_. _Gawan and Gol._ To STOVE, _v. a._ To stew, S. _Ramsay._ Germ. _stov-en_, Su. G. _stufw-a_, id. STOVE, STOUE, _s._ A vapour. V. ~Stew~. _Douglas._ STOUND, _s._ A small portion of time, a moment. _Douglas._ A. S. Su. G. Isl. Teut. _stund_, tempus, momentum. _To_ STOUND, _v. n._ To ache, S. _Doug._ Isl. _styn_, doleo, _stunde_, dolui. ~Stound~, _s._ 1. An acute pain, affecting one at intervals, S. 2. Transferred to the mind, denoting any thing that causes a smarting pain, S. _Douglas._ STOUP, STOIP, _s._ 1. A deep and narrow vessel for holding liquids, S. _Dunbar._ A. S. _stoppa_, a pot or flagon; Teut. _stoop_, urna. 2. A pitcher or bucket used for carrying water, narrower at the top than at the bottom, for securing the iron-hoops. This is denominated a _water-stoup_, S. STOUP, _adj._ Stupid. V. ~Stupe~. STOUP and ROUP, _adv._ Completely, S. i. e. _stump_ and _rump_. _Ramsay._ STOUPE, _s._ A prop. V. ~Stoop~. STOUR, STOURE, STOWR, STURE, _s._ 1. The agitation of any body, the parts of which are easily separable. _Douglas._ 2. Dust in motion, S. pron. _stoor_. _Burns._ 3. Used improperly, with respect to dust that is laid, S. A. _Douglas._ 4. The spray driven, in consequence of the agitation of a body of water. _Douglas._ 5. Trouble, vexation. _To raise a stour_, to cause disturbance, S. _Ross._ 6. Battle, fight, S. _Barbour._ Isl. _styr_, pugna, praelium; O. Fr. _estour_, id. 7. Perilous situation, hardship, S. _Wallace._ 8. Force, violence. _Bellenden._ 9. A paroxysm of rage. _Douglas._ 10. Severe reproof, S. B. _Ross._ A. S. _steore_, reproof, correction. 11. A fright, Dumfr. Belg. _stoor-en_, Teut. _stoer-en_, A. S. _styr-an_, turbare, E. to _stir_. ~Stourie~, _adj._ Dusty, S. _To_ ~Stour, Stowre, Stoor~, _v. n._ 1. To rise in foam or spray. _Douglas._ 2. To move swiftly, making the dust or water fly about, S. _Watson._ ~Stoor~, _adv._ Avast, get away, S. STOUR, STOURE, _s._ A stake, a long pole, Dumfr. _Douglas._ Su. G. Dan. _stoer_, _staur_, id. STOURNE, _adj._ Stern; used as a s. A. S. _styrne_, id. _Sir Gawan._ STOUSSIE, _s._ A strong healthy child, S. Corr. from _stout_, or Germ. _stutz-en_, to support. STOUTH, _s._ 1. Theft, S. _Bellenden._ 2. Stealth. Su. G. _stoeld_, id. _Douglas._ ~Stouthreif~, ~Stouthrie~, _s._ Theft accompanied with violence; robbery. _Acts Ja. V._ 2. _Stouthrie_ now denotes theft merely, S. STOUTHRIE, _s._ Provision, furniture, Fife. Teut. _stouw-en_, acervare; and _ryck_, A. S. _ric_, rich. STOUTLYNYS, _adv._ Stoutly. V. ~Lingis~. _Barbour._ _To_ STOW, STOWE, STOO, _v. a._ To crop, to lop, S. _Douglas._ Su. G. _stufw-a_, amputare. ~Stowins~, _s. pl._ The tender blades or sprouts nipt from colewort or any other vegetable, S. STOWLINS, _adv._ Clandestinely, from _stouth_, stealth, S. _Morison._ STOWN, STOWIN, _part. pa._ Stolen. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ STRA, STRAY, _s._ 1. A straw, S. _strae_. _Douglas._ 2. A thing of no value. _Douglas._ 3. _To draw a strae before ane_, to attempt to deceive one, S. _Godscroft._ Su. G. _draga straa for gamla kattor_, to deceive an old cat. 4. _To bind with a strae_, applied to one who is so overcome with laughter, as to be incapable of the slightest exertion or resistance, S. ~Strae-death~, _s._ A natural death on one's bed, as opposed to a violent or accidental one, S. _Skinner._ Su. G. _straadoe_, morte sicca obire. ~Straein~, _adj._ Of or belonging to straw, S. STRABBLE, _s._ Any thing hanging loosely; a tatter, S. B. Germ. _straublein_, a fritter. STRABUSH, _s._ Tumult, uproar, S. Ital. _strabalz-are_, to hurry up and down, to abuse; _strapazz-are_, id. O. Fr. _strapass-er_, quereller. STRACK, _adj._ Strict, S. B. A. S. _strac_, id. STRACUMMAGE, _s._ The same with _strabush_, Fife. Ital. _stracciamento_, pulling to pieces. STRAE, _s._ Straw. V. ~Stra~. STRAY. _On stray, adv._ Astray. _Gawan and Gol._ STRAICT, STRAYTE, _s._ A narrow pass. _Wyntown._ STRAIGHT, _s._ A straight line, S. _Law Case._ _To_ STRAIK, STRAYK, _v. a._ 1. To stroke, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _strac-an_, Germ. _streich-en_, molliter fricare. 2. To anoint with any unctuous substance, S. _To straik bread_, to put butter on it. 3. Applied to the measurement of grain, S. ~Straik~, _s._ 1. The act of stroking, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ 2. The act of anointing, S. STRAIK, STRAKE, _s._ 1. A blow, S. _Douglas._ Germ. _streich_, Sw. _streek_, ictus. 2. Metaph., remorse. _R. Bruce._ 3. Engagement in the field of battle. _Wallace._ 4. Coinage. _Acts Ja. II._ STRAIK, _s._ 1. _Upo' straik_, in a state of activity, S. B. 2. An extent of country, S. B. 3. Ground travelled over, S. B. Belg. _streek_, Germ. _strecke_, a tract. STRAIK, _pret. v._ Struck. _Gawan and Gol._ STRAIKEN, _s._ Linen made of coarse flax, S. O. _R. Galloway._ Isl. _stryge_, linum rarum et vile, linum vilissimum. STRAITIS, _s. pl._ Coarse woollen cloth, or kersey. _Chr. Kirk._ STRAK, _adv._ Straight. _Barbour._ A. S. _strac_, right, direct. STRAMASH, _s._ Disturbance, broil, Loth. Fr. _estramaçon_, a blow; Ital. _stramayz-are_, to beat, to strike down. _To_ STRAMP, _v. a._ To trample, S. Germ. _strampf-en_, id. _Lyndsay._ ~Stramp~, _s._ The act of trampling, S. STRAMULLION, _s._ A strong masculine woman, Fife. STRAND, _s._ 1. A rivulet. _Douglas._ 2. A gutter, S. _Wallace._ STRANG, _adj._ 1. Strong. _Minstr. Bord._ A. S. _strang_, Alem. _streng_, robustus. 2. Harsh to the taste, bitter, S. B. Germ. _streng_, id., Isl. _straung_, asper. _To_ STRANGE, _v. n._ To wonder, S. _Shirrefs._ STRAPPING, STRAPPAN, _part. adj._ Tall and handsome, S. _Burns._ STRATH, _s._ A valley of considerable size, through which a river runs, S. _Statist. Acc._ Gael. _srath_, a country confined by hills on two sides of a river. _To_ STRAVAIG, _v. n._ To stroll, to go about idly, S. _Ferguson._ Ital. _stravag-are_, Lat. _extravag-are_, to wander abroad. STRAUCHT, _pret._ Stretched. _Doug._ STRAUCHT, _adj._ Straight, S. A. S. _straecc_, Germ. _streck_, rectus. ~Straucht~, _s._ 1. A straight line, S. B. 2. A district, S. B. ~Straucht~, ~Strawcht~, _adv._ 1. Straight. _Wyntown._ 2. Directly, immediately. _K. Quair._ Germ. Belg. _strack_, cito. STREAMERS, _s. pl._ The Aurora Borealis, S. _Minstr. Bord._ STREAPE, _s._ V. ~Stripe~. STREASE, _s. pl._ Straws. _Leg. St Androis._ _To_ STREEL, _v. n._ To urinate forcibly, Fife. V. ~Strull~. STREICH, _adj._ Stiff and affected in speaking. _Dunbar._ Fr. _estrechi_, contracted, restrained. _To_ STREIK, STREEK, _v. a._ 1. To stretch, S. 2. To lay out a dead body, S. _Pop. Ball._ 3. To engage in any work, S. B. _Morison._ A. S. _strecc-an_, expandere. _To_ ~Streik~, _v. n._ To extend. _Douglas._ _To_ STREIK, STREEK, _v. n._ To go quickly, S. B. _Ross._ Su. G. _stryk-a_, currere, vagari. ~Streik~, _s._ 1. Speed, S. B. Isl. _strok-a_, fuga. 2. Exertion in whatever way, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ 3. Bustle, tumultuous noise, S. B. STREIN, STREEN, _s._ _The strein_, yesternight. V. ~Yistrene~. _Sir Egeir._ STREK, _adj._ Tight, strait. _Maitland P._ Germ. _strack_, tensus, intensus. STREMOURIS, _s. pl._ Streams of light. Q. resembling _streamers_ or flags. _Doug._ STRENEWITÉ, _s._ Fortitude, stoutness. Lat. _strenuit-as_. _S. P. Repr._ _To_ STRENYIE, _v. a._ 1. To strain, to sprain. _Douglas._ 2. To constrain. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _estraind-re_, Lat. _string-ere_. ~Strenyeabill~, _adj._ Applied to one who is possessed of so much property, that he can relieve his bail by being distrained. _Quon. Att._ O. Fr. _estren-er_, _straind-re_, to force. _To_ STRENKEL. V. ~Strinkil~. _To_ STRENTH, _v. a._ To strengthen. _Bellenden._ ~Strenthly~, _adv._ By main strength. _Barbour._ STRESS, _s._ 1. An ancient mode of taking up indictments for circuit courts. _Erskine._ 2. The act of distraining. _Acts Ja. II._ A. S. _strece_, violentia; or O. Fr. _straind-re_. STRESTELY, _adv._ Perh. for _trestely_, faithfully. V. ~Traist~. _Wallace._ _To_ STRY, _v. a._ To overcome. _Sir Gawan._ O. Fr. _estri-er_, presser, empêcher d'échapper. STRIAK. _Striak of the swesch_, sound of the trumpet. _Stat. Gild._ Perh. for _straik_, q. stroke; or like ~Streik~, _s._ sense 2. _To_ STRICK _lint_, to tie up flax in small handfuls, for being milled, S. B. Teut. _strick-en_, nectare, connectare; Isl. _strik-a_, lineam ducere. ~Strick~, _s._ A handful of flax knit at the end, in order to its being milled, S. B. Teut. _strick_, vinculum. STRICT, _adj._ Rapid, applied to a stream, S. _Z. Boyd._ Sw. _streke_, main current of a river. _To_ STRIDDLE, _v. n._ To straddle, S. Dan. _strett-a_, pedibus divaricare. STRIDE-LEGS, _adv._ Astride, S. _J. Nicol._ STRIDELINGIS, _adv._ Astride. _Lyndsay._ _To_ STRYK _a battle_, or _field_; to fight. _Wyntown._ STRYND, STREIND, _s._ 1. Kindred, race. _Wyntown._ E. _strain_, id., A. S. _strynd_, stirps, genus; _strin-an_, gignere. 2. A particular cast or disposition of any person, who in this respect is said to resemble another, generally used as to those related by blood, S. _Rudd._ ~Strynd~, _s._ A spring; shallow run of water; synon. _strype_. _Douglas._ _To_ STRING, _v. a._ To hang by the neck, S. _Burns._ _To_ ~String~, _v. n._ To be hanged, S. _Carnwath._ STRINGIE, (_g_ soft), _adj._ Stiff, affected, Loth. O. Fr. _estrang-ier_, difficult of access; Lat. _extrane-us_. _To_ STRINKIL, STRENKEL, _v. a._ 1. To sprinkle, S. _Douglas._ 2. To scatter, to strew, S. _Sir Gawan._ Teut. _strekel-en_, leviter tangere. STRIP, STRYPE, STREAPE, _s._ A small rill, S. _Bellenden._ Ir. _sreuv_, rivus; Lhuyd. _To_ STROY, _v. a._ To destroy. _Wyntown._ Ital. _strugg-ere_, id. STROKOUR, _s._ A flatterer. _Dunbar._ Isl. _striuk-a_, to flatter. _To_ STROMMEL, _v. n._ To stumble. V. ~Strummal~. _Gl. Sibb._ STRONACHIE, _s._ A stickleback, S. _Sibbald._ _To_ STRONE, STROAN, _v. n._ 1. To spout forth as a water-pipe, S. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. To urine, to stale, S. synon. _strule_. _Burns._ Isl. _streing-r_, cataracta; _stroningum_, sparsim. STRONTLY, _adv._ Strictly. _S. P. Repr._ Fr. _estreinct_, _estreint_, id. STROP, STROAP, _s._ Treacle. Belg. _stroop_, id. STROUL, _s._ Any stringy substance found among sorbile food, Fife. Isl. _strial_, rarum quid; _strial-ast_, dispergere; Gael. _strabil-am_, to draw after. STROUNGE, STROONGE. _adj._ 1. Harsh to the taste, S. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. Surly, morose, S. Isl. _striug-r_, asper; O. Fr. _truang-er_, indignum in modum excipere. STROUP, STROOP, _s._ The spout of a pump, tea-kettle, &c. S. Su. G. _strupe_, Isl. _strup_, guttur. STROW, (pron. _stroo_), _s._ 1. A fit of ill-humour, a tiff, Ang. 2. A quarrel, a state of variance, S. 3. Bustle, disturbance, S. A. _A. Scott._ Su. G. _strug, stru_, displeasure, secret hatred; O. Fr. _estrois_, fracas, bruit eclatant. ~Strow~, _adj._ Hard to deal with. _Kelly._ STROWBILL, _adj._ Stubborn. _Wallace._ Germ. _streubel_, _strobel_, id. STROWD, _s._ A senseless silly song, S. B. _To_ STRULE, _v. n._ 1. To urine, S. 2. To pour water from one vessel to another, to emit any liquid in a stream, S. _streel_. Fife. Fris. _struyl-en_, _strull-en_, _streyl-en_, reddere urinam, mejere. STRUM, _s._ A pettish humour, S. B. ~Strum~, _adj._ Pettish, sullen, S. B. From, _strow_, q. v. or Isl. _strembinn_, difficilis, superbus. ~Strummal~, ~Strummil~, _adj._ Stumbling, S. _stumral_. _Dunbar._ Teut. _striemel-en_, cespitare, nutare gressu. ~Strummel~, ~Strumbell~, _s._ A person so feeble that he cannot walk without stumbling. _Dunbar._ _To_ STRUNT, _v. n._ 1. To walk sturdily, S. _Burns._ 2. To walk with state, to strut, S. _Old Song._ STRUNT, _s._ Spirituous liqour of any kind, S. O. _Burns._ STRUNT, _s._ A pet, a sullen fit. _Ramsay._ O. Fr. _estront-oier_, attaquer, injurier; or, in contempt, from _estrouen_, L. B. _strunt-us_, stercus humanum. STRUNTAIN, _s._ A sort of woollen network. _Stat. Acc._ Sw. _strunt_, trash, refuse. STRUNTY, _adj._ Short, contracted, Ang. Fr. _estreint_, pinched, shrunk up. STRUTE, STROOT, _adj._ 1. Stuffed full, crammed, S. 2. Drunken, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Metaph. vain-glorious. O. E. _strout_, to protuberate, Germ. _strotz-en_, turgere. STUDY, STUTHY, STYDDY, _s._ An anvil; _stiddie_, S. _studdie_, S. B. _Doug._ Isl. _stedia_, incus. _To_ STUFF, _v. a._ 1. To supply, to provide. _Bannatyne P._ Fr. _estoff-er_, id. Germ. _stoff_, apparatus. 2. To supply with men; referring to warfare. _Douglas._ ~Stuff~, _s._ 1. Corn or pulse of any kind, S. _Burns._ 2. Vigour, whether of body or mind; mettle, S. O. Fr. _gens d'estoffe_, gens de courage. 3. The men placed in a garrison for its defence. _Wyntown._ 4. A reserve in the field of battle. _Wallace._ STUFF, _s._ Dust, Ang. Teut. _stuyve_, _stof_, pulvis. STUFFET, _s._ 1. A lackey, a foot-boy. _Dunbar._ O. Fr. _estaffier_, id., Ital. _staffetta_, a courier. _To_ STUG, _v. a._ To stab, to prick with a sword. _Wodrow._ O. Belg. _stocke_, sica, ensis. V. ~Stok~, _v._ STUGGY, _adj._ Applied to stubble of unequal length, in consequence of carelessness in cutting down the corn, S. B. Germ. _stucke_, pars a toto separata; Isl. _stygg-r_, asper. STUGHIE, _s._ What fills very much; as, food that soon distends the stomach, Loth. ~Stughrie~, _s._ Great repletion, ibid. V. ~Stech~. STULT, _adj._ Having the appearance of intrepidity, or of haughtiness. _Wallace._ Su. G. _stolt_, Isl. _stollt-ur_, magnificus, fastuosus. STUMFISH, _adj._ Strong, rank; applied to grain when growing, Loth. Tweed. Germ. _stumpf_, blunt, denoting a trunk wanting the top. _To_ STUMMER, _v. n._ To stumble. Isl. _stumr-a_, cespitare. _Douglas._ _To_ STUMP, _v. n._ 1. To go on one leg, S. Teut. _stompe_, mutilatum membrum. 2. To go about stoutly; at times implying the idea of heaviness, clumsiness, or stiffness in motion, S. _Burns._ ~Stumpie~, _adj._ Mutilated, S. Su. G. _stumpig_, curtus, mutilatus. ~Stumpie~, _s._ Any thing that is mutilated, S. _To_ STUNAY, _v. a._ V. ~Stonay~. _To_ STUNGLE, _v. a._ Slightly to sprain any joint or limb, S. B. E. _stun_, or Fr. _estonn-er_. STUNKARD, _adj._ V. ~Stonkerd~. STUPE, _s._ A foolish person, S. B. Teut. _stuype_, defectio animi. STURDY, _s._ A vertigo, a disease to which black cattle when young, as well as sheep, are subject, S. _Stat. Acc._ O. Fr. _estourdi_, dizzy-headed, Su. G. _stort-a_, to fall or rush headlong. STURE, STUR, STOOR, _adj._ 1. Strong, robust, S. _Barbour._ 2. Rough in manner, austere, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 3. Rough, hoarse, S. _Gl. Shirr._ Su. G. _stor_, anc. _stur_, ingens, Isl. _styrdr_, asper. STURNE, _s._ Trouble, vexation. _Barbour._ Belg. _stoor-en_, to trouble, _stoorenis_, disturbance. STUROCH, _s._ Meal and milk, or meal and water stirred together, Perths. Teut. _stoor-en_, to stir. _To_ STURT, _v. a._ To vex, to trouble, S. _Burns._ Su.G. _stoert-a_, Germ. _sturz-en_, praecipitare, deturbare. ~Sturt~, _s._ 1. Trouble, vexation, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. Wrath, indignation, S. B. _Chr. Kirk._ Dan. _stird_, _styrt_, strife. _To_ ~Sturt~, _v. n._ To startle, S. _Burns._ ~Sturtsumnes~, _s._ Crossness of temper. _Maitland P._ _To_ STUT, _v. a._ To prop, to support with stakes or pillars, S.; _steet_, Aberd. Isl. _styd-ia_, _stod-a_, id. _Pop. Ball._ ~Stut~, _s._ A prop, a support, S. Belg. _stut_, A. S. _studu_, Isl. _stud_, id. STUTHERIE, _s._ A confused mass, S. B. perhaps the same with ~Stouthrie~, _s._ 2. STUVAT, STEWAT, _s._ A person in a state of violent perspiration. _Lyndsay._ O. Fr. _estuv-er_, to stew; Ital. _stufat-o_, stewed. SUAWE, SWAY, _conj. adv._ So. V. ~Sa~. _Barbour._ SUBCHETT, SUBDITT, _s._ A subject. _Dunbar._ Fr. _soubject_; Lat. _subdit-us_. SUBERBYLLIS, _s. pl._ Suburbs. O. Fr. _suborbies_, id. _Bellenden._ SUBMISSE, _adj._ Submissive; O. Fr. _soubmis_. _Godscroft._ SUCCUR, SUCCURE, SUCCRE, _s._ Sugar, S. _sucker_. _Compl. S._ Fr. _sucre_, Dan. _sucker_, id. _To_ ~Succre~, _v. a._ To sweeten with sugar, S. _Z. Boyd._ SUCKEN _of a mill_, _s._ 1. The jurisdiction attached to a mill, S. _Erskine._ 2. The dues paid at a mill, S.; _shucken_, Moray. _Pop. Ball._ A. S. _soc_, Su. G. _sokn_, exactio, jurisdictio. ~Suckener~, _s._ One who is bound to grind his grain at a certain mill, S. SUCKIES, _s. pl._ The flowers of clover, S. V. ~Souks~. _A. Douglas._ SUCKUDRY, SUKUDRY, SUCQUEDRY, _s._ Presumption. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _surcuiderie_, _surquiderie_, id.; from _surcuid-er_, presumer. SUDDAINTY, _s._ 1. Suddenness, S. _R. Bruce._ 2. _Slauchter of suddantie_, accidental homicide. _Acts Ja. III._ _To_ SUDDILL, SUDDLE, _v. a._ To sully, to defile, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _sodel-en_, Germ. _sudel-en_, inquinare. SUDEREYS, _s. pl._ A name given to some of the Hebudae. _Pennant._ Isl. _sudreyia_, id.; from _sudr_, south, and _ey_, island; as lying to the south of the point of Ardnamurchan. SUELLIEG, _s._ Burning ague. _Compl. S._ A. S. _swael-an_, urere, to burn, and _ece_, dolor. SUERD, SWERD, _s._ A sword. _Wallace._ Su. G. Belg. _swaerd_, Isl. Dan. _swerd_, id. SUET, SWETE, _s._ Life. _Barbour._ Su. G. _swett_, sudor; also sanguis. * _To_ SUFFER, _v. n._ To delay. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _se souffr-ir_, to forbear. ~Suffer~, _adj._ Patient in bearing injurious treatment. _Wallace._ SUFFISANCE, _s._ Sufficiency; Fr. _K. Quair._ SUFRON, _s._ Sufferance. _Houlate._ Fr. _soufr-ir_, to suffer. _To_ SUGG, _v. n._ To move heavily, somewhat in a rocking manner, S. Su. G. _swig-a_, loco cedere. SUGGIE, _s._ 1. A young sow, S. B. 2. A person who is fat, S. B. A. S. _suga_, Su. G. _sugga_, a sow. SUGH, _s._ Whistling sound. V. ~Souch~, _s._ _To_ SUIT, _v. a._ To sue for. V. ~Soyt~. _R. Bruce._ SUITH, _adj._ Credible, honest. A. S. _soth_, true. _Montgomerie._ SUKERT, _adj._ Sweet, sugared, fondled, caressed. _Dunbar._ SUKUDRY, _s._ V. ~Suckudry~. _To_ SULE, _v. a._ To soil. V. ~Suddill~. SULE, _s._ A ring with a _swivel_, S. B. Isl. _sweif_, volva, Su. G. _soelia_, a ring into which a thong is put. SULE, _s._ Perhaps for _scule_, school. _Kennedy._ SULFITCH, _adj._ Suffocating, applied to smell, Ang. Isl. _swael-a_, fumigare, suffocare. SULYE, SOILYIE, _s._ Soil, ground, country; O. Fr. _soille_. _Douglas._ SULYEART, _adj._ Clear, bright. _Doug._ Fr. _soilier_, splendens, rutilus. SUM, a termination of adjectives. 1. Denoting conjunction; as, _threesum_, three together, S. _Compl. S._ Su. G. _sam_, plurium unitas. 2. Signifying similitude; as, _lufsum_, amiable, S. A. S. _sum_, id., _sibsum_, pacificus, paci similis. 3. In some degree, S. A. S. _sum_, Su. G. _sam_, id., _lang-sum_, diuturnus aliquantum. SUM, _adj._ Some; used distributively, A. S. id. _Bellenden._ SUMDELL, SUMDELE, _adv._ 1. Somewhat, in some degree. _Barbour._ 2. Respecting quantity or number. _Barbour._ A. S. _sum daele_, aliqua parte, partim. SUMER, _s._ A sumpter-horse. _Barbour._ O. Fland. Fr. _sommier_, id. SUMMER-BLINK, _s._ 1. A transient gleam of sunshine, S. 2. Used metaph. in relation to religious feelings. V. ~Blenk~. _Rutherford._ SUMMER-COUTS, SIMMER-COUTS, _s. pl._ The exhalations, seen to ascend from the ground in a warm day, S. B. _Ross._ Perhaps q. _summer-colts_, in allusion to the frisking of young horses. SUMMER-SOB, _s._ A summer storm, Ang. _Ross._ Teut. _soeff-en_, flare; Gael. _siob-am_, id.; _siob-an_, drift, blast. SUMMYN, _adj._ Some. _Douglas._ _All and summyn_, all and every one. A. S. _sumne_, aliquot. SUMP, _s._ The pit of a mine. _Stat. Acc._ SUMPH, _s._ A soft blunt fellow, S. _Ramsay._ Germ. _sumpf_, Teut. _sompe_, a marsh; or Su. G. _swamp_, a spunge; also, a mushroom. _To_ ~Sumph~, _v. n._ To be in a state of stupor. _Cleland._ ~Sumphish~, _adj._ Stupid, blockish, S. _Ramsay._ SUMPHION, _s._ A musical instrument. O. Fr. _symphonie_. _Gl. Sibb._ SUNDAY'S CLAISE, dress for going to church in, S. _Ferguson._ SUN-FISH, _s._ The basking shark, S. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ SUNYE, _v. a._ To care. V. ~Sonyie~. SUNK, _s._ Sunks, _s. pl._ V. ~Sonk~. SUNKETS, _s. pl._ Provision of whatever kind, S. A. Perhaps a corr. of E. _somewhat_. _Ramsay._ _To_ SUOUFE, _v. n._ To slumber. V. ~Souf~. _Burel._ _To_ SUP, _v. a._ To take food with a spoon, S. _Rutherford._ Su. G. _sup-a_, sorbillare. Usurpatur de cibis jurulentis. SUPERFLEW, _adj._ Superfluous. Fr. _superflu,-ue_, id. _Bellenden._ SUPERSAULT, _s._ The somerset. Fr. _soubresault_, id. _Mellvill's MS._ _To_ SUPIR, SYPYR, _v. n._ To sigh. Fr. _soupir-er_, id. _Burel._ _To_ SUPPEDIT, _v. a._ To supply; Lat. _suppedit-o_. _Compl. S._ SUPPOIS, SUPPOSE, _conj._ Although, S. _Douglas._ SUPPOIST, SUPPOST, _s._ 1. A supporter, an abettor. _Knox._ Fr. _suppost_, one put in the room of another. 2. A scholar in a college. _Spotswood._ L. B. _suppositum_, id. _To_ SUPPOSE, To substitute, in a supposititious way. _Spotswood._ Fr. _suppos-er_, to suborn, to forge. SUPPOWALL, _s._ Support. _Barbour._ SURCOAT, _s._ An under-waistcoat, S. _Ross._ O. Fr. _surcot_, changed, unmeaning. SURFET, _adj._ Extravagant in price. Fr. _surfaire_, to overprize. _Bellenden._ SURGET, _s._ Perh. a debauched woman; O. Fr. _surjet_, id. _Sir Gawan._ SURNOWME, SURNOWNE, _s._ Surname; Fr. _surnom_. _Wyntown._ SURS, _s._ A hasty rising upwards. _Doug._ Lat. _surg-o_, _surs-um_, to rise. _To_ SUSHIE, _v. n._ To shrink, W. Loth. SUSKIT, _adj._ Much worn, threadbare, S. B. Dan. _siaske_, nastiness, _siasket_, nasty, negligent. SUSSY, SUSSIE, _s._ Care, S. _Pitscottie._ Fr. _souci_, id. ~Sussie~, _adj._ Careful, attentive to. _Maitland P._ _To_ ~Sussy~, _v. n._ To care, S. B. _Chr. S. P._ SUTE, _adj._ Sweet, pleasant. _Wyntown._ SUTE, _s._ A company of hunters. _Doug._ Fr. _suite_, a chace, pursuit. SUTE HATE. V. ~Fute Hate~. SUTHFAST, _adj._ True. _Barbour._ A. S. _sothfaest_, id. ~Suthfastnes~, _s._ Truth. _Barbour._ SUWEN, _3 pl. v._ Attend; wait on. Fr. _suivent_, id. _Sir Gawan._ SWA, SWAY. V. ~Sa~. SWACK, _adj._ 1. Limber, pliant, S. _Ross._ 2. Clever, active, nimble, S. B. Teut. _swack_, flexilis; Isl. _sweigia_, incurvare. SWACK, _s._ A large quantity, S. O. Isl. _swack_, turba, motus. SWADRIK, _s._ Sweden. _Bannatyne P._ In Sw. _Swerike_, from _Swea rike_, i. e. the kingdom of the Suiones. SWAGAT, _adv._ So, in such way. A. S. _swa_, so, and _gat_, a way. _Barbour._ _To_ SWAY, SWEY, _v. n._ (pron. _swey_). 1. To incline to one side. S. _Doug._ Isl. _sweig-ia_, Su. G. _swig-a_, inclinare. 2. To swing, S. ~Sway~, _s._ 1. A moveable instrument of iron, of a rectangular form, fastened to one of the jambs of a chimney, on which pots and kettles are suspended over the fire, S. 2. A swing, S. SWAIF, _v._ Perh. ponder. _Bannatyne P._ Isl. _sweif-a_, librari. SWAIF, SUAIF, _s._ A kiss. _Chr. S. P._ Lat. _suav-ium_, id. _To_ SWAYL, _v. a._ To swaddle, S. B. _sweal_, S. _Ross._ A. S. _swaethil_, fascia; _swed-an_, vin-cire. SWAITS, _s._ New ale or wort, S. _swats_. A. S. _swate_, ale, beer. _Ramsay._ SWAYWEYIS, _adv._ Likewise. _Acts Ja. I._ _To_ SWAK, SWAKE, _v. a._ 1. To cast with force. _Douglas._ 2. To strike, S. B. Teut. _swack-en_, vibrare. ~Swak~, ~Swake~, _s._ 1. A throw. _Ruddiman._ 2. A hasty and smart blow. _Wyntown._ 3. A violent dash. _Douglas._ 4. Metaph. a little while. _Douglas._ _To_ SWAK _away_, _v. n._ To decay, to waste. _Bannatyne P._ Dan. _swackk-er_, to waste; Teut. _swack-en_, to fail. SWAK, _s._ Errat. for ~Snuk~, q. v. _Wallace._ SWALE, _part. pa._ Fat, plump. _Douglas._ Isl. _swell-r_, tumidus. _To_ SWALL, SWALLY, _v. a._ To devour. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _swaelg-a_, A. S. _swelg-an_, devorare. SWALME, _s._ A tumor, an excrescence. _Dunbar._ A. S. _swam_, Teut. _swamme_, tuber, fungus. SWAMP, _adj._ 1. Thin, not gross, S. 2. Not swelled, S. SWANE, SWAYN, _s._ 1. A youngman, S. 2. A man of inferior rank. _Douglas._ Isl. _swein_, Su. G. _swen_, juvenis; servus. SWANGE, _s._ Perh. groin. _Sir Gawan._ Su. G. _swange_, ilia. SWANK, _adj._ 1. Slender, not big-bellied, S. 2. Limber, pliant, agile, S. _Ferguson._ Dan. _swang_, lean, meagre; Germ. _schwank-en_, motitare. ~Swanky~, _s._ An active or clever young fellow, S. _Douglas._ ~Swanky~, _adj._ 1. Perh. empty, hungry. _Dunbar._ 2. Applied to one who is tall, but lank, Fife. _To_ SWAP, _v. a._ To exchange, S. Isl. _skipt-a_, mutare. _To_ SWAP, _v. a._ 1. To draw. _Barbour._ 2. To throw with violence. _Barbour._ 3. To strike. _Wallace._ Isl. _swip-a_, vibrare; _sweip-a_, percutere. ~Swap~, _s._ A sudden stroke. _Sir Gawan._ SWAP, SWAUP, _s._ The cast or lineaments of the countenance, S. Isl. _swip-ur_, imago apparens; _swipad-r_, vultu similis. _Sax. and Gael._ ~Swapit~, _part. adj_. Moulded. _Dunbar._ SWAPPIS, Perh. sedges. _Pal. Hon._ Teut. _schelp_, carex. SWAPPYT, _part. pa._ Rolled or huddled together. _Wallace._ Isl. _sweip-a_, Su. G. _swep-a_, involvere. SWAR, _s._ A snare. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _swer-an_, insidiari. SWARE, SWIRE, SWYRE, _s._ 1. The neck. _Douglas._ 2. The declination of a mountain or hill, near the summit, S. corr. _squair_. _Dunbar._ 3. The most level spot between two hills, Loth. A. S. _sweor_, a pillar; cervix, the neck. _To_ SWARF, _v. n._ 1. To faint, to swoon, S. _swarth_, Ang. _Ross_. 2. To become languid. _Douglas._ Su. G. _swoerfw-a_, in gyrum agitari. ~Swarff~, ~Swerf~, _s._ 1. Stupor, insensibility. _Wallace._ 2. A fainting-fit, a swoon; _swarth_, Ang. _Cleland._ SWARFE, _s._ The surface. _Rollocke._ SWARYN, _s._ V. ~Syvewarm~. SWARRACH, _s._ A large unseemly heap, Ang. Su. G. _swaer_, gravis. SWARTBACK, _s._ The great black and white gull, Orkn. _Barry._ Norw. _swartbag_, id. SWARTH, _s._ A faint. V. ~Swarf~. SWARTRYTTER, _s._ Properly, one belonging to the German cavalry. _G. Buchanan._ Teut. _swerte ruyters_, milites nigri. SWASH, _s._ The noise made in falling upon the ground S.; _squash_, E. _Ruddiman._ _To_ SWASH, _v. n._ To swell. _Z. Boyd._ Su. G. _swassa_, to walk loftily. ~Swash~, _s._ 1. One of a corpulent habit, S. 2. A large quantity viewed collectively, S. ~Swash~, ~Swashy~, _adj._ 1. Of a broad make, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ 2. Fuddled; q. swollen with drink, S. _Ramsay._ SWATCH, _s._ 1. A pattern, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 2. A specimen of whatever kind, S. _Wodrow._ 3. Metaph. a mark, S. SWATHEL, _s._ A strong man. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _swithlic_, ingens, vehemens. SWATS, _s. pl._ New ale, S. V. ~Swaits~. _To_ SWATTER, SQUATTER, _v. a._ 1. To move quickly in any fluid, generally in an undulating way, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. To move quickly in an awkward manner. _Watson._ Teut. _swadder-en_, turbare aquas, fluctuare; Su. G. _sqwaettr-a_, spargere. ~Swatter~, _s._ A large collection, especially of small objects in quick motion, Loth. SWATTLE, _s._ The act of swallowing with avidity, Stirlings. _To_ SWAVER, _v. n._ To walk feebly, as one who is fatigued, S. B. _Ross._ Teut. _sweyv-en_, vacillare, nutare; _sweyver_, vagus. _To_ SWEAL, _v. a._ To swaddle, S. V. ~Swayl~. _To_ SWEAP, _v. a._ To scourge, S. Isl. _swipa_, a scourge. _Ruddiman._ SWECHT, _s._ The force of a body in motion. Su. G. _swigt-a_, vacillare. _Doug._ _To_ SWEE, SWEY, _v. n._ To incline to one side. ~Swey~, _s._ V. ~Sway~. SWEEK, _s._ The art of doing any thing properly, S. B. Su. G. _swik_, _swek_, dolus; Isl. _mer-um swig_, ultra meas vires. _To_ SWEEL, _v. n._ To drink copiously. S. _swill_, E. * SWEET, _adj._ Not salted, S. _A. Douglas._ SWEETBREAD, _s._ The diaphragm in animals, S. SWEETIES, _s. pl._ Sweetmeats, S. _Ramsay._ ~Sweetie-bun~, ~Sweetie-scon~, _s._ A cake baked with sweetmeats, S. _Pop. Ball._ SWEG, SWEIG, _s._ A quantity, a considerable number, Loth. This seems merely a variety of ~Swack~, q. v. SWEY, _s._ A long crow for raising stones, Ang. Isl. _sweig-ia_, inclinare. SWEYNGEOUR, SWYNGEOUR, _s._ A drone, a sluggard, S. A. S. _sweng_, lazy; _swongornes_, torpor. SWEIR, SWERE, SWEER, SWEAR, _adj._ 1. Lazy, indolent, S. _Dunbar._ A. S. _swaer_, _swere_, piger, deses. 2. Reluctant, unwilling, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Niggardly, unwilling to part with any thing, S. O. ~Dead-sweir~, _adj._ Extremely lazy, S. _Rutherford._ ~Sweir-kitty~, _s._ An instrument for winding yarn, S. B. _Sweir_, and _Kitty_, a contemptuous term for a woman. ~Sweirnes~, _s._ Laziness, S. _Dunbar._ ~Sweir-tree~, _s._ An amusement, in which two persons are seated on the ground, and holding a stick between them, each tries who shall first draw the other up; Fife. SWELCHIE, _s._ A seal. V. ~Selch~. _Brand._ SWELCHIE, _s._ A whirlpool, Orkn. V. ~Swelth~, s. SWELL, _s._ A bog, S. B. V. ~Swelth~. _To_ SWELLY, _v. a._ To swallow, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _swelg-an_, Su. G. _swael-ja_, vorare. _To_ SWELT, _v. n._ To die. _Barbour._ A. S. _swealt-an_, _swelt-an_, mori. _To_ SWELT, _v. n._ To have a sense of suffocation, especially from heat, S. _Ross._ Isl. _swael-a_, _swaelt_, suffocare. SWELTH, _adj._ Voracious. _Douglas._ A. S. _swelgeth_, devorat, q. that which _swalloweth_; Isl. _swaelt-a_, esurire. SWELTH, _s._ A gulf, a whirlpool. _Doug._ Su. G. _swalg_, Teut. _swelgh_, a gulf; Isl. _swelg-r_, Dan. _swaelg_, vorago, gurges. SUENYNG, _s._ Dreaming. V. ~Sweuin~. SWERD, _s._ A sword. V. ~Suerd~. SWERF, _s._ A swoon. V. ~Swarf~. SWERTHBAK, _s._ The great black and white gull. V. ~Swartback~. _Houlate._ Isl. _swartbak-ur_, the lesser guillemot. SWESCH, _s._ A trumpet. _Stat. Gild._ A. S. _sweg_, pl. _swegas_, sound in general, any musical instrument; Moes. G. _swiga-jon_, to pipe. SWEUIN, SWEVING, SWEVYNYNG, SWENYNG, _s._ A dream, the act of dreaming. _Douglas._ A. S. _swef-en_, Isl. _sueffn_, id. from _swaef-a_, dormire. SWYCHT, _adj._ Perh. for _wicht_, powerful, with _s._ prefixed. _Barbour._ SWICK, _adj._ Clear of any thing, Banffs. Su. G. _swig-a_, loco cedere. _To_ SWICK, _v. a._ 1. To deceive, to illude, Fife. 2. To blame, Ang. A. S. _swic-an_, decipere; also, offendere. ~Swick~, ~Swyk~, _s._ 1. Fraud, S. B. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _swik_, anc. _swick_, id. 2. Blameableness. _I had nae swick o't_, I had no blameableness in it, S. B. A. S. _swica_, _swic_, offensa. 3. A deceiver, Fife. A. S. _swice_, deceptor. ~Swicky~, _adj._ 1. Deceitful, Ang. 2. Sportively, tricky, Ang. V. ~Swik~. _To_ SWIDDER, _v. n._ To hesitate, pron. _swither_, S. _Ross._ A. S. _swaether_, which of the two; Su. G. _swaefw-a_, fluctuare. _To_ ~Swidder~, _v. a._ To cause to be irresolute. V. _v. n._ _Douglas._ ~Swidder~, ~Swiddering~, ~Swither~, _s._ Doubt, hesitation, S. _Ross._ SWIFF, _s._ Rotatory motion, or the humming sound produced by it, Loth. Isl. _swef-ast_, Su. G. _swaefw-a_, circumagere. _To_ SWIG, _v. n._ To turn suddenly, S. A. ~Swig~, _s._ The act of turning suddenly, S. A. Isl. _sweig-a_, to bend. _Gl. Complaynt._ _To_ SWIK, _v. a._ To assuage pain or grief, by fixing the attention upon some interesting object. _Douglas._ A. S. _swic-an_, fallere. SWYK, _s._ Fraud, deceit. V. ~Swick~. _To_ SWYKE, _v. a._ To cause to stumble. _Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._ A. S. _swic-an_, facere ut offendat. SWIKFUL, _adj._ Deceitful. _Wyntown._ ~Swikfully~, _adv._ Deceitfully. _Wyntown._ SWILK, _adj._ Such. _Barbour._ A. S. _swilk_, talis; Moes. G. _swaleik_, id. from _swa_, so, and _leik_, like. _To_ SWILL, _v. a._ to swaddle; S. _sweal_. V. ~Swayl~. _Montgomerie._ SWINE-FISH, _s._ The wolf-fish, Orkn. _Barry._ SWINE'S ARNUTS, _s._ Tall oat grass, with tuberous roots, S. SWINE'S MOSSCORTS, _s._ Clown's allheal, S. Sw. _swinknyl_, from _swin_, swine, and _knyl_, a lump. SWING, _s._ A stroke. A. S. id. _Barbour._ SWYNGYT. L. _fwyngyt_, foined, pushed. O. Fr. _foine_, a sword. _Barbour._ _To_ SWINGLE _lint_, to separate flax from the core, by beating it, S. _A. Scott._ Teut. _swinghel-en het vlas_, id.; A. S. _swing-an_, flagellare. ~Swingle-wand~, _s._ The instrument with which flax is _swingled_, S. B. SWINGLE-TREE, _s._ 1. One of the moveable pieces of wood put before a plough or harrow, to which the traces are fastened, S. 2. Used improperly for the poles of a coach. _Journ. Lond._ Teut. _swinghel-en_, to move backwards and forwards. _To_ SWINK, SWYNK, _v. n._ To labour. A. S. _swinc-an_, laborare. _Henrysone._ ~Swink~, _s._ Labour. _Sir Tristrem._ SWIPPER, _adj._ 1. Nimble; S. B. _swippert_. _Douglas._ 2. Sudden, S. B. _Ross._ 3. Hasty, tart, S. B. A. S. _swip-an_, Isl. _swip-a_, cito agere; Isl. _swipr_, subita apparentia. ~Swipperlie~, ~Swippertly~, _adv._ Swiftly. _Douglas._ SWYRE, _s._ The neck, &c. V. ~Sware~. _To_ SWIRK, _v. n._ To spring with velocity. Allied perh. to E. _jerk_, or Belg. _schrikk-en_, to start. _Dunbar._ _To_ SWIRL, _v. n._ 1. To whirl like a vortex, S. 2. Used improperly to denote the motion of a ship in sailing. _P. Buch. Dial._ Su. G. _swarfw-a_, Isl. _swirr-a_, to be hurried round. ~Swirl~, _s._ The whirling motion of a fluid body, S. _Douglas._ SWIRL, _s._ A twist or contortion in the grain of wood, S. ~Swirlie~, _adj._ 1. Full of twists, contorted; applied to wood. _Burns._ 2. Entangled; applied to grass that lies in various positions, S. SWITH, SWYTH, SWYITH, _adv._ 1. Quickly; _als swyth_, as soon. _Douglas._ 2. Equivalent to "be gone," "avast," S. _Shirrefs._ Isl. _swey_, apage; Su. G. _swig-a_, loco cedere. ~Swithnes~, _s._ Swiftness. _Bellenden._ _To_ SWOICH, SWOUCH, _v. n._ To emit a hollow whistling sound. V. ~Souch~, _v._ SWONCHAND, _part. pr._ Vibrating. Germ. _swenck-en_, motitare. _Houlate._ SWOON, _s._ Corn is _in the swoon_, when, although the strength of the seed is exhausted, the plant has not fairly struck root, S. B. In this state, the blade appears sickly and faded. A. S. _swinn-an_, to decay. SWORDICK, _s._ Spotted blenny; so denominated from its form, Orkn. _Barry._ SWORDSLIPERS, _s. pl._ Swordcutlers. _Knox._ Teut. _slyp-en_, acuere, exterere aciem ferri; Su. G. _slip-a_, id. SWORL, _s._ A whirling motion. V. ~Swirl~. _Douglas._ SWOURN. L. _smoryt_, smothered. _Wall._ T _To_ TA, _v. a._ To take. _Barbour._ TA, _adj._ One after _the_. _Barbour._ TA ~and~ FRA, To and fro. _Barbour._ TAANLE, _s._ V. ~Tawnle~. _To_ TAAVE, _v. a._ 1. To make tough, by working with the hands, Moray. Banffs. Dan. _tave_, a filament, _taved_, stringy; or a variety of ~Taw~, _v._ 2. 2. To touse. _Gl. Surv. Mor._ 3. To entangle. _Ibid._ ~Taavin~, ~Tawin~, _s._ Wrestling, tumbling. Teut. _touw-en_, agitare. _Journ. Lond._ TAAVE, TYAAVE, _s._ Difficulty, Banffs. V. ~Tawan~. TAAVE-TAES, _s. pl._ Pitfir split into fibres for making ropes, Moray. V. ~Taave~, _v._ TABETS, TEBBITS, _s._ Bodily sensation, S. B. C. B. _tyb-io_, _tyb-ygio_, to feel. ~Tabetless~, ~Tapetless~, ~Tebbitless~, _adj._ 1. Benumbed, S. B. 2. Heedless, S. O. _Burns._ TABRACH, _s._ Animal food nearly in a state of carion, Fife. Dan. _tab-e_, to lose; or corr. from ~Cabrach~, q. v. _To_ TACH, TATCH, _v. a._ To arrest. _Wallace._ Fr. _attach-er_, id.; Isl. _tak-a_, _tak-ia_, to take. TACHT, _adj._ Tight, S. B. Sw. _tact_, id. TACK, TAK, _s._ Act of seizure. _Acts Ja. IV._ TACK, _s._ A slight hold, S.; E. _tack_, _v._ TACK, _s._ Act of catching fishes, S. Isl. _tek-ia_, captura. _Monroe._ TACK, TAKKE, TACKE, _s._ 1. A lease, S. _Acts Ja. II._ 2. Possession for a time, S. ~Tacksman~, _s._ 1. One who holds a lease, S. _Erskine._ 2. In the Highlands, a tenant of the higher class. _Stat. Acc._ TACKET, _s._ A nail for the shoe, S.; E. _tack_, id. _Morison._ TACKIT. _Tongue-tackit_, _adj._ Having the tip of the tongue fastened by a small film, S. 2. Tongue-tied, S. TAE, _s._ 1. The toe, S. A. Bor. 2. Prong of a fork, &c. S. TAFFIL, TAIFLE, _s._ A table, S. B. Germ. _tafel_, tabula cujuscunque generis. _Spalding._ TAFT, TAFTAN, _s._ A messuage, S. B. Su. G. _tofft_, Isl. _topt-r_, area domus. TAG, _s._ 1. A latchet, S. 2. Any thing used for tying, S. _Balfour._ 3. A long and thin slice, S. 4. In pl. Trumpery. _Chron. S. P._ TAGGIT, _part. pa._ Confined. _Priests Peb._ TAGGLIT, _adj._ Harassed; encumbered, S. B. V. ~Taigle~. TAY, TAE, _s._ A toe, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _ta_, id. TAID, _s._ A toad, S. A. S. _tade_. TAIDREL, _s._ A puny creature. _Polwart._ A. S. _tedre_, imbecillis. TAIGIE, TEAGIE, TYGIE, _s._ A cow with some white hairs in her tail, Fife; also _taigit_. _A. Douglas._ _To_ TAIGLE, _v. a._ To detain, S. Sw. _taaglig_, slow of motion; Isl. _toegl-a_, taediose instare alicui rei. TAIL, TALE, _s._ Account. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _tael-ia_, A. S. _tel-an_, to reckon. TAIL-ILL, _s._ An inflammation of the _tail_ of cattle, Loth. TAIL-RACE, _s._ V. ~Race~. _To_ TAILE, _v. a._ To flatter one's self. V. ~Teal~. _Barbour._ TAILE, _s._ A tax; Fr. _taille_. _Barbour._ TAILE, TAILYE, TAILYIE, TAILLIE, TAYLYHE, _s._ 1. A covenant. _Barbour._ 2. An entail, S. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _taillier_, id. Du Cange. _To_ ~Tailye~, ~Tailie~, _v. a._ 1. To bind by a bond or indenture. _Wyntown._ 2. To entail, S. _Bellenden._ L. B. _talli-are_. TAILYIE, TELYIE, _s._ A piece of meat, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _tailler_, Su. G. _taelia_, to cut. _To_ TAILYEVÉ, _v. n._ To reel, shake. _Douglas._ TAINCHELL, _s._ _Tainchess, pl._ A mode of catching deer. V. ~Tinchell~. _Monroe._ _To_ TAYNT, _v. a._ 1. To convict. _Wynt._ 2. Legally to prove. _Acts Ja. I._ O. Fr. _attaind-re_. ~Taint~, _s._ Proof. _Acts Ja. I._ O. Fr. _attaint_, L. B. _attaynt-um_. _To_ TAIR, _v. n._ To bray. _Compl. S._ Teut. _tier-en_, vociferare. _To_ TAIS, _v. a._ To poise. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _tes-er_, to bend a bow. TAIS, TAS, TASSE, _s._ A cup, S. Alem. Fr. _tasse_, id. _Douglas._ ~Tassie~, _s._ A cup, S. O. _Burns._ TAISSLE, TEASLE, _s._ 1. The fatigue and derangement of dress, produced by walking against a boisterous wind, S. _Ross._ 2. A severe brush, S. A. S. _taes-an_, to tease, whence _taesl_, fuller's thistle, used in raising a nap. _To_ TAIST, _v. n._ To grope. _Barbour._ Belg. _tast-en_, Su. G. _tast-a_, id. TAISTE, _s._ The black guillemot. V. ~Tyste~. TAIT, TYTE, _adj._ Gay. _Douglas._ Isl. _teit-r_, hilaris, exultans. TAIT, _s._ A small portion. V. ~Tate~. _To_ TAIVER, _v. n._ 1. To wander. V. ~Dauren~. 2. To rave as mad, S. Teut. _toover-en_, incantare. ~Taiversum~, _adj._ Tiresome, S. ~Taivert~, _part. adj._ Fatigued, S. TAIVERS, _s. pl._ Tatters; as, boiled to _taivers_, Fife. _To_ TAK, _v. a._ To take, S. _To_ ~Tak~ _upon_, _v. a._ To conduct one's self. _To_ ~Tak~ _in hand, v. a._ To make prisoner. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Tak~ _on, v. a._ To buy on credit, S. _To_ ~Tak~ _on, v. n._ To enlist, S. _Spalding._ _To_ ~Tak~ _on hand, v. n._ 1. To affect state. _Wallace._ 2. To undertake. _Barbour._ _To_ ~Tak~ _the fute, v. n._ To begin to walk as a child, S. _To_ ~Tak~ _the gate, v. n._ To set off on a journey, S. _To_ ~Tak~ _with, or wi', v. n._ To catch fire, as fuel of any kind, S. TAKYL, TACKLE, _s._ An arrow. C. B. _tacel_, id. _Douglas._ TAKIN, _s._ A token, S. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _taikns_, Isl. _takn_, id. _To_ ~Takin~, _v. a._ To mark. _Acts Ja. II._ Isl. _teikn-a_, Su. G. _tekn-a_, signare. ~Takennar~, _s._ A portent. _Douglas._ ~Takynnyng~, _s._ Notice. _Barbour._ TALBRONE, TALBERONE, _s._ A kind of drum. _Acts Marie._ Fr. _tabourin_, a small drum. TALE, _s._ Account. V. ~Tail~. TALENT, _s._ Desire, purpose. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _talent_, id. TALE-PIET, _s._ A talebearer, S. Perhaps from _piet_, the magpie, because of its chattering. TALER, TALOR, _s._ State, condition, S. B., Fife. O. Fr. _taillier_, disposition, état, pouvoir. TALLOUN, _s._ Tallow, S. _Acts Ja. V._ _To_ ~Tallon~, _v. a._ To cover with tallow or pitch, to caulk. _Douglas._ TALTIE, _s._ A wig, Angus. TAMMEIST, L. _rammeist_. V. ~Rammis~. _Montgomerie._ TAMMY-HARPER, _s._ The cancer araneus, Loth. TAM-TARY. _To hold ane in tamtary_, to disquiet him, S. B. _Ruddiman._ Perh. originally a military term, q. to keep on the alert; from Fr. _tantarare_, a word formed to represent a certain sound of the trumpet. TANE, TAYNE, _adj._ One, after the, S. _Douglas._ TANE, _part. pa._ Taken, S. _Douglas._ ~Tane-awa~, _s._ A decayed child, S. TANG, _s._ Large _fuci_, Orkn. Shetl. Su. G. _tang_, Isl. _thang_, id. ~Tangie~, _s._ A sea-spirit, Orkn. ~Tangle~, _s._ 1. The same with tang. 2. A tall lank person, S. B. _Ross._ TANGLE, _s._ An icicle, S. Isl. _din-gull_, id. TANG-WHAUP, _s._ The whimbrel, Orkn. TANGS, TAINGS, _s. pl._ Tongs, S. A. S. _tang_, Belg. _tanghe_, forceps. TANNER, _s._ 1. The part which goes into a mortice, S. 2. In pl. small roots of trees, Loth. Isl. _tannari_, laths, chips. TANNERIE, _s._ A tan-work. Fr. id. TANTERLICK, _s._ A severe stroke, Fife. TANTONIE BELL, _s._ A small bell. Fr. _tinton-er_, to resound. _Godly Sangs._ TANTRUMS, _s._ High airs, S. Cant E. Fr. _tantran_, nick-nack. TAP, _s._ 1. The top, S. 2. Head, S. _Gl. Shirrefs._ 3. Crest of fowls, S. 4. The quantity of flax put upon the distaff at one time, S. 5. A playing top. _Colvil._ _To_ TAPE, _v. a._ To use sparingly, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _tept-r_, restrained; Su. G. _taepp-a_, to stop up. TAPEIS, _s._ Tapestry. Fr. _tapis_. _Maitland Poems._ TAPETLESS, _adj._ Heedless. V. ~Tabets~. TAPETTIS, _s. pl._ Tapestry. _Douglas._ Lat. _tapetes_. TAPISHT, _part. pa._ In a lurking state. Fr. _tappiss-ant_, lurking. _A. Hume._ TAPONE-STAFF, _s._ The stave in which the bung-hole is. _Acts C. II._ Q. _tapping-staff_. TAPOUN, _s._ A long fibre at a root, S. B. Belg. _tappen_, to draw out. _Baillie._ TAPPIE-TOUSIE, _s._ A play among children, S., exhibiting a memorial of the ancient feudal mode of receiving a person as a bondman, by taking hold of the hair of his forehead. From _tap_, and _tousie_ dishevelled. TAPPILOORIE, _s._ Any thing raised high on a slight tottering foundation, S. Teut. _tap_, extremitas rotunda et acuta, and _loer-en_, speculari. TAPPIN, _s._ A crest, S. O. _Falls of Clyde._ Dimin. from _tap_, top. TAPPIT HEN, _s._ 1. A crested hen, S. 2. A measure containing a quart, S. A. _Ritson._ TAPSALTEERIE, _adv._ Topsyturvy, S. _Burns._ TAPTHRAWN, _adj._ Perverse, S. Q. having the _tap_, or top _thrawn_, or distorted. _To_ TAR, _v. n._ _Balnevis_. Perhaps allied to Isl. _taera_, donare; Su. G. nutrire. TARANS, _s. pl._ Souls of unbaptized children. _Pennant._ Gael. _taran_, id. _To_ TARGAT, _v. a._ To border with tassels. Su. G. _targ-a_, lacerare. _Knox._ ~Targat~, _s._ 1. A tatter, S. _Ferguson._ 2. A tassel. _Minstrelsy Border._ 3. A long thin slice of dried fish, Ang. Su. G. _targ-a_, to split by light strokes. TARY, _s._ Delay. _Douglas._ ~Tarysum~, _adj._ Lingering. _Douglas._ _To_ TARY, _v. a._ To distress. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _targ-a_, lacerare. ~Tarye~, _s._ Vexation. _Maitland P._ TAR-LEATHER, _s._ A strong slip of a hide, salted and hung, used for uniting the staves of a flail, S. B. perh. from Isl. _tarf-r_, taurus, q. a _bull's_ hide. TARLIES, _s._ A lattice, S. _tirless_. Fr. _treillis_. _Hist. Ja. Sext._ TARLOCH, _s._ Perhaps, a begging friar. A. S. _thearflic_, poor. _Philotus._ TARLOCH, _adj._ Slow at meat, squeamish, Clydes. V. ~Tarrow~. TARRY-FINGERED, _adj._ Light-fingered, S. From _tarry_, _adj._ belonging to tar. _To_ TARROW, _v. n._ 1. To delay. _Henrysone._ 2. To haggle in a bargain. _Bann. P._ 3. To feel reluctance. _Ross._ 4. To complain, Clydes. A. S. _teor-ian_, to fail, to tarry. TARTAN, _s._ Cloth checkered with stripes of various colours, S. _Chr. S. P._ Fr. _tiretaine_, linsey-woolsey. ~Tartan~, _adj._ Of or belonging to tartan, S. _Ritson._ ~Tartan-purry~, _s._ A pudding of red colewort mixed with oat-meal. _Forbes._ _Tartan_, q. parti-coloured colewort, and Teut. _purreye_, jus, sive cremor pisorum. _To_ TARTLE _at ane_, _v. n._ 1. To view as not recognising with certainty, Loth. Perths. 2. To boggle, Loth. 3. To hesitate as to a bargain. _Ramsay._ 4. To scruple. _Cleland._ Perh. allied to Isl. _tortallit_, difficult to reckon. TARTUFFISH, _adj._ Sulky, stubborn, Renfrews. Fr. _tortu_, perverse; or _tartuffe_, a hypocrite; _tartuffi-er_, to assume a false appearance. _To_ TARVEAL, _v. a._ 1. To fatigue, S. B. _Ross._ 2. To vex. _Gl. Sibb._ Fr. _travaill-er_, to vex, to trouble. ~Tarveal~, _adj._ Fretful, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ TASH, _v. a._ 1. To soil, S. _Ritson._ Fr. _tacher_, id. 2. To injure by calumny, S. 3. To upbraid, S. B. ~Tash~, _s._ 1. A stain, S. Fr. _tache_. 2. An affront, S. _Wodrow._ TASK, _s._ Angel or spirit of any person, Ross-shire. Gael. _taisc_, ghosts. _Stat. Acc._ TASKER, _s._ A labourer who receives his wages in kind, for a certain task, E. Loth. _Stat. Acc._ TASS, TASSIE, _s._ A cup, S. V. ~Tais~. ~Tasses~, _s. pl._ V. ~Tishe~. _Sir Gawan._ TASTER, _s._ A sea-fowl. _Sibbald._ TATE, TAIT, TEAT, TATTE, _s._ 1. A small portion of any thing not liquid, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Lock, applied to hair. _Douglas._ 3. Division, applied to a precept. _Skene._ Isl. _taeta_, lanugo; minimum quid; Sw. _tott_, _totte_, handful of lint or wool. TATH, TAITH, TAITHING, _s._ 1. Cow's dung, S. Isl. _tada_, dung, manure. 2. The luxuriant grass arising from the application of manure, S. _To_ ~Tath~, _v. n._ To dung, S. _To_ ~Tath~, _v. a._ To make a field produce grass in rank tufts by the application of any manure, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Tathing~, _s._ A raising of rank grass by manure, S. _Stat. Acc._ TATHIS, _s. pl._ Fragments. _Sir Gawan._ Isl. _taet-a_, lacerare; _tet-ur_, tatters, shreds. TATTER-WALLOPS, _s. pl._ Fluttering rags, S. TATTY, TATTIT, TAWTED, _adj._ Matted. Isl. _taatt-a_, to tease wool. _Doug._ TAVART, _s._ A short coat without sleeves. V. ~Talbart~. TAUCHEY, _adj._ Greasy, S. V. ~Taulch~. TAUCHT, _pret. v._ Gave, committed. _Barbour._ S. _Betaucht_, abbreviated, q. v. TAUDY, TOWDY, _s._ 1. A child, Aberd. Isl. _tata_, a baby, or puppet. 2. Podex, Perths. _Gl. Everg._ ~Taudy-fee~, _s._ Fine paid for having a child in bastardy. _Forbes._ TAULCH, TAUGH, _s._ Tallow, S. _tauch_. _Acts Ja. I._ Belg. _talgh_, Su. G. Germ. _talg_, id. TAUPIE, TAWPIE, _s._ A foolish woman; generally as implying the idea of inaction and slovenliness, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _tapig_, simple, foolish; Dan. _taabe_, a fool. _To_ TAW, _v. n._ To lay hold of, to tumble about. _Gl. Sibb._ Su. G. _tae-ja_, Isl. _tae-a_, carpere lanam. _To_ TAW, _v. a._ 1. To make tough by kneading, Ang. 2. To work, like mortar, Ang. Teut. _touw-en_, depsere. TAW, _s._ The point of a whip, S. V. ~Tawis~. TAWAN, _s._ Reluctance, hesitation, Ang. Isl. _tauf_, _toef_, mora; _tef-ia_, morari, impedire. TAWBERN, TAWBURN, _s._ The tabour or tabret. V. ~Talbrone~. _Doug._ TAWIE, _adj._ Tame, tractable, S. O. _Burns._ Su. G. _tog-a_, trahere, ducere; q. allowing itself to be led. TAWIS, TAWES, TAWS, 1. A whip, a lash. _Douglas._ Isl. _taug_, _tag_, vimen, lorum. 2. The ferula used by a schoolmaster, S. _tawse_. _Montgomerie._ 3. An instrument of correction of whatever kind, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Taz~, _v. a._ To whip, to scourge, to belabour, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ TAWM, _s._ A fit of ill-humour, so as to render one unmanageable, S. Gael. _taom_, a fit of sickness, madness, or passion. TAWNLE, TAANLE, _s._ A large fire, kindled at night about Midsummer, especially at the time of Beltein, S. O. _Statist. Acc._ C. B. _tanial_, to set on fire, _tannli_, a fire glow, _tanlhuyth_, a burning flame. TAWPY, _s._ A foolish woman. V. ~Taupie~. TAWSY, _s._ A cup or bowl. V. ~Tais~. _Evergreen._ TEAGIE, _s._ A designation for a cow. V. ~Taigie~. _To_ TEAL, TILL, _v. a._ To wheedle, to inveigle by flattery, Ang. _Chr. S. P._ Su. G. _tael-ja_, Isl. _tael-a_, pellicere, decipere. ~Tealer~, ~Tealer~ _on_, _s._ One who entices, Ang. TEASICK, _s._ A consumption; E. _phthysick_, id. _Montgomerie._ TEAZLE, _s._ A severe brush. V. ~Taissle~. TEBBITS, _s. pl._ Sensation. V. ~Tabbets~. TEDD, _adj._ Ravelled, entangled, S. B. Su. G. _tudd-a_, intricare. TEE, _s._ 1. A mark set up in playing at coits, &c. S. B. Isl. _ti-a_, demonstrare, Teut. _tijgh-en_, indicare. 2. The nodule of earth, from which a ball is struck off at the hole in the play of golf. S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Tee~, _v. a._ _To tee a ball_, to raise it a little on a nodule of earth, giving it the proper direction, S. _Ramsay._ TEE, _adv._ Too, also. Aberd. _To_ TEEN, _v. a._ To provoke. V. ~Teyne~. TEENGE, _s._ A colic in horses, S. perh. from E. _twinge_. TEES, _s. pl._ Perh. cords. _Sir Egeir._ TEES, _s. pl._ Apparently for _taes_, toes. _Leg. St Androis._ TEESIE, _s._ A gust of passion, Fife. Teut. _tees-en_, vellicare. _To_ TEET, _v. n._ To peer. V. ~Tete~. ~Teet-bo~, _s._ V. under ~Tete~. _To_ TEETH, _v. a._ To indent a wall with lime on the outside, S. _Stat. Acc._ TEETHY, _adj._ Crabbed, ill-natured, S. Q. to shew the _teeth_. TEEWHOAP, _s._ The lapwing, Orkn. TEHEE, _s._ 1. A loud laugh, S. _Ross._ 2. _interj._ Expressive of loud mirth. _Watson._ TEICHER, _s._ A dot, a small spot, S. _ticker_. Teut. _tick_, a point, or Belg. _tikk-en_, to touch lightly. To TEIL, _v. a._ To cultivate the soil, S. _Chart. Ja. V._ A. S. _til-ian_, to labour, to cultivate. _To_ TEYM, TEME, _v. a._ To empty, teem, S. B. V. ~Tume~. _Wallace._ Isl. _taem-a_, evacuare. TEINDIS, TENDIS, _s. pl._ Tithes, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Moes. G. _taihund_, the tenth part, Belg. _teind_. _To_ ~Teind~, ~Teynd~, _v. a._ To tithe, S. _Godly Sangs._ Sw. _tiend-a_, Belg. _teind-en_, decimare. TEYND, _s._ Uncertain. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ TEIND, TYNDE, TINE, _v. n._ To kindle, S. A. S. _tend-an_, _tynan_, Su. G. _taend-a_, accendere. ~Teind~, ~Tynd~, ~Tine~, _s._ 1. A spark of fire, S. B. 2. A spark at the side of the wick of a candle, S. B. _To_ TEYNE, TENE, TEEN, _v. a._ To vex, to irritate. _Charteris._ A. S. _teon-an_, Belg. _ten-en_, irritare. ~Teyne~, ~Tene~, _adj._ Mad with rage. _Wallace._ ~Teyne, Tene~, _s._ 1. Anger, rage, S. _Barbour._ 2. Sorrow, vexation, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _teon_, injuria, irritatio. ~Teynfull~, _adj._ Wrathful. _Lyndsay._ TEIR, _s._ Fatigue. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _teor-ian_, _tir-ian_, to tire. ~Teirfull~, _adj._ Fatiguing. _Gawan and Gol._ TEIS, _s. pl._ Ropes, by which the yards of a ship hang; q. _ties_. _Douglas._ _To_ TELE, _v. a._ To cultivate. V. ~Teil~. _Maitland P._ TELYIE, _s._ A piece of meat. V. ~Tailyie~. TELLYEVIE, _s._ A violent or perverse humour. _Semple._ Fr. _talu-er_, to take an oblique direction; or O. Fr. _taillier_, disposition, and _vif_, lively, spurting. _To_ TEME, _v. a._ To empty. V. ~Teym~. TEMED, _pret._ Enticed. _Sir Tristrem._ Isl. _tem-ia_, assuefacere. TEMPER-PIN, _s._ The wooden pin used for _tempering_, or regulating the motion of a spinning wheel, S. _Ritson._ TENCHIS, _s. pl._ Taunts, reproaches. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _tence_, _tance_, _tenche_, querelle, dispute. TEND, _adj._ The tenth. V. ~Teinds~. _Wyntown._ _To_ TEND, _v. n._ To intend. _Acts Ja. V._ Fr. _tend-re_, id. * TENDER, _adj._ Sickly, S. _Baillie._ Fr. _tendre_, puling, delicate. TENE, _s._ Anger. V. ~Teyne~, _s._ _To_ TENE, _v. a._ V. ~Teyne~, _v._ TENEMENT, _s._ A house; often denoting a building which includes several separate dwellings, S. L. B. _tenementum_. _Ruddiman._ _To_ TENT, _v. a._ To stretch out. _Douglas._ Fr. _tend-re_, id. TENT, _s._ Care, attention. 1. _To tak tent_, to be attentive, S. _Barbour._ 2. _To tak tent to_, to exercise concern about, S. _Lyndsay._ 3. _To tak tent of_, to be on one's guard against, S. _Herd._ _To_ ~Tent~, _v. n._ To attend, generally with the prep. _to_, S. _Gawan and Gol._ Fr. _attend-re_, or Lat. _attend-ere_. _To_ ~Tent~, _v. a._ 1. To observe, to remark, S. _Burns._ 2. To put a value on, S. _Ramsay._ ~Tentie~, _adj._ 1. Watchful, attentive, S. Fr. _attentif_. _Maitland Poems._ 2. Intent, keen, Galloway. _Davidson._ ~Tentily~, _adv._ Carefully, S. _Ross._ ~Tentless~, _adj._ Inattentive, S. _Burns._ TER, _s._ Tar. _Barbour._ Teut. _terre_, Su. G. _tiaera_, id. TERCE, _s._ A liferent competent by law to widows who have not accepted of a special provision, of the _third_ of the heritable subjects in which their husbands died infeft. _Erskine._ Lat. _tertia_, Fr. _tiers_. ~Tercer~, _s._ A widow who enjoys a _terce_, S. _Balfour._ TERE, _s._ Perhaps, expense. Teut. _teer_, sumptus. _Douglas._ TERE, _adj._ Tender, delicate. _Pal. Hon._ Teut. _tere_, tener, delicatus. TERLYST, TIRLLYST, _part. pa._ Grated. O. Fr. _trellicié_, id. _Wallace._ TERNE, TERNED, _adj._ Fierce, choleric. _Dunbar._ Belg. _toornig_, wrathful, _toorn_, anger. TERNYTE, _s._ Corr. of _Trinity_. _Wynt._ TERSE, _s._ A debate, a dispute, S. B. _To_ ~Terse~, _v. n._ To debate, to contend, S. B. Teut. _trots-en_, irritare, instigare. TERSEL, _s._ Table companion. _Montgomerie._ Teut. _teer-ghe-selle_, id., from _teer_, sumptus, and _selle_, _ghe-selle_, socius. TESTOON, TESTONE, _s._ A Scottish silver coin, varying in value. _Cardonnel._ O. Fr. _teston_, capitatus nummus. _To_ TETE, TEET, _v. n._ 1. To peep out, to look in a sly or prying way, S. _teet_. _Ruddiman._ 2. _v. a._ To cause to peep out. _Douglas._ Su. G. _titt-a_, inspicere, per transennam veluti videre. ~Teet-bo~, _s._ 1. Bo-peep, S. _Ferguson._ 2. Used metaph. to denote inconstancy, or infidelity. _Morison._ TETH, _s._ Temper, disposition. _Ill-teth'd_, ill-humoured, Fife. A. S. _tyht_, instructio, _teting_, disciplina. TETHERFACED, _adj._ Having an ill-natured aspect, S. Isl. _teit-a_, rostrum beluinum. TEUCH, TEUGH, TEWCH, _adj._ 1. Tough, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _toh_, id., from Moes. G. _tioh-an_, to draw. 2. Tedious, lengthened out, S. 3. Dry as to manner, stiff in conversation, S. _Bannatyne Poems._ 4. Pertinacious, S. _A. Douglas._ 5. _To make any thing teuch_, to do it reluctantly. _Gawan and Gol._ TEUCH, _s._ A draught of any kind of liquor, S. Su. G. _tog_, haustus, potantium ductus; from _tog-a_, trahere; Teut. _teughe_, haustus. TEUG, TUG, _s._ A rope, a halter, Loth. Su. G. _tog_, Isl. _tog_, _taug_, id. TEUKIN, _adj._ Quarrelsome, including the idea of fraud, S. B. Teut. _tuck_, fraus; Isl. _tulk-a_, pellicere. _To_ TEW, _v. a._ To make tough, S. O. V. ~Taave~ and ~Taw~, _v._ 1. _To_ ~Tew~, _v. n._ Grain is said _to tew_, when it becomes damp, and acquires a bad taste, S. B. Su. G. _taef_, odor, _taefk-a_, gustare. ~Tew~, _s._ A bad taste, S. B. THA, THAY, THEY, _pron._ These, S. A. S. _thaege_, id. _Wyntown._ THACK, _s._ Thatch. V. ~Thak~. ~Thacker~, _s._ A thatcher, S. _Ramsay._ ~Thack-stone~, _s._ Stone fit for covering houses. _Acts Ja. VI._ THAFTS, _s. pl._ The benches of a boat, on which the rowers sit, S. Isl. _thopte_, trabs seu sedile in nave. THAI, THAY, _pron._ Pl. of _he_ or _she_. _Gawan and Gol._ THAINS, _s. pl._ Perhaps, gossamer. A. S. _than_, madidus, humidus. _A. Hume._ THAIR, used in composition, like E. _there_. Originally the genit., dat. and abl. of the A. S. article, _thaere_; Isl. dat. and abl. _theirre_. ~Thairanent~, _adv._ Concerning that. _Acts Sed._ ~Thairattour~, _adv._ Concerning. _Priests Peblis._ ~Thairbefor~, ~Tharbefor~, _adv._ Before that time. _Barbour._ ~Thairben~, ~There-ben~, _adv._ In an inner apartment of a house; sometimes _the-ben_. S. _Acts Sed._ ~Thair-but~, _adv._ In an outer apartment; also, _the-but_, S. _Many._ Teut. _daer-binnen_, intro, intus. Belg. _daar-buyten_, without that place. ~Thairby~, ~Thare-by~, _adv._ 1. Thereabout, as to place. _Barbour._ 2. Thereabout, regarding time, S. _Wynt._ 3. Denoting number or quality, S. Belg. _daerbey_, ad hoc, penes, prope. ~Thair-doun~, ~Ther doun~, _adv._ Downwards, S. _Dunbar._ ~Thair-east~, _adv._ In the east, towards the east, S. _Baillie._ ~Thairfurth~, _adv._ In the open air, S. _Bellenden._ ~Thairintill~, _ad._ Therein. _Acts Sed._ ~Thairour~, ~Thar our~, _adv._ On the other side, in relation to a river, _Wallace._ ~Thairowt~, ~Tharout~, _adv._ Without; denoting exclusion from a place, S. _Wall._ _To lie thairout_, to lie in the open air during night, S. ~Thairtill~, ~Thertyll~, _adv._ Thereto. _Douglas._ ~Thair up~, _adv._ Out of bed. _G. Buchanan._ THAK, _s._ 1. Thatch, a covering of straw, rushes, &c., _thack_, S. _Douglas._ _Thack and rape_, the covering of a stack, S. _Burns._ _In thack an' rape_, in order. _Burns._ _Out of aw thack and raip_, applied to one who acts quite in a disorderly way, S. 2. The covering of a roof, whatever be the materials. _Acts Ja. V._ A. S. _thac_, _thaec_, Isl. _thak_, Lat. _tectum_. _To_ ~Thak~, ~Thack~, _v. a._ To thatch, S. ~Thakburd~, _s._ The thatch-board, the roof. _Barbour._ THAN, _adv._ Then, at that time, S. _Barbour._ _Be than_, by that time; _Or than_, before that time. V. ~Be than~. THANE, THAYNE, _s._ 1. A title of honour, used among the ancient Scots, which seems to have been at first equivalent to Lat. _comes_, as denoting presidency in a county, and sometimes in a province; as well as the command of the forces, and collection of the royal revenues raised in the district. _Wyntown._ 2. An officer, not superior in rank to a knight, who has been viewed as serving under the superior _Thane_. _Stat. Alex. II._ A. S. _thegen_, _thegn_, primarily a servant. _Cyninges thegen_; Thanus regius; _medmera thegen_, mediocris vel inferior Thanus. Isl. _thegn_, dominus. ~Abthane~, _s._ A title of honour, the meaning of which is uncertain. _G. Buchanan._ ~Thanedom~, ~Thanage~, ~Thanrie~, _s._ The extent of the jurisdiction of a _Thane_. _Wyntown._ ~Abthanrie~, _s._ The jurisdiction of an _Abthane_. _Harl. MS._ THANE, _s._ Apparently, a fane. _Pal. Hon._ THANE, THAIN, _adj._ Not thoroughly roasted, rare, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ A. S. _than_, moist, humid. _To_ THARF, _v. n._ To need, to require. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _thearf-an_, indigere, opus habere. THE, THEY, _s._ Thigh. _Douglas._ A. S. _theo_, _thegh_, id. ~The-pess~, _s._ Thigh-piece, or armour for the thigh. _Wallace._ _To_ THE, _v. n._ To thrive, to prosper. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _the-an_, proficere, vigere. THEDE, _s._ 1. A nation, a people. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. Su. G. _thiod_, _thiud_, populus. 2. A region, a province. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _theod_, gens; provincia. 3. Species, kind. _Sir Tristrem._ THEETS, _s. pl._ V. ~Thetis~. THE-FURTH, _adv._ Out of doors, abroad, S. _Ross._ THEGITHER, _adv._ Corr. of together, S. _Ross._ _A' thegither_, altogether. _Macneill._ THEI, _conj._ Though. _Sir Tristrem._ _To_ THEIK, THEK, _v. a._ 1. To give a roof, of whatever kind, S. _Wyntown._ 2. To cover with straw, &c. to thatch, S. A. S. _thecc-an_, Alem. _thek-en_, Isl. _thaeck-a_, id. THEIVIL, THIVEL, _s._ A stick for stirring a pot; as, in making porridge, broth, &c. S. B. _thivel_, Ayrs. Fife, A. Bor. _theil_. _Ross._ A. S. _thyfel_, stirps, a stem or stalk. THEME, THAME, _s._ 1. A serf, one attached to the soil. _Wyntown._ 2. The right of holding servants in such a state of bondage, that their children and goods might be sold. _Skene._ A. S. _team_, offspring; or from Isl. _thi-a_, in servitutem reducere. THEN, _conj._ Than, S. THERE-BEN, _adv._ V. ~Thairben~. THETIS, THETES, _s. pl._ 1. The ropes or traces, by which horses draw in a carriage, plow or harrow, S. _Douglas._ 2. _To be quite out of thetes_, to be quite disorderly in one's conduct, S. _Rudd._ Isl. _thatt-r_, a thread, cord, or small rope. THEW, _s._ Custom, manner, quality. A. S. _theaw_, mos, modus. _Wyntown._ ~Thewit~, _part. pa._ Disciplined, regulated. A. S. _theaw_, institutum. _Pal. Hon._ ~Thewless~, ~Thowless~, ~Thieveless~, _adj._ 1. Unprofitable. _Douglas._ A. S. _theow_, a servant, or _theow-ian_, to serve, and the privative particle _les_, less. 2. Inactive, remiss, S. _Ramsay._ 3. Not serving the purpose; as, _a thieveless excuse_, S. 4. Cold, forbidding, S. _Burns._ _To look thieveless_ to one, to give one a cold reception, S. O. 5. Shy, reserved, Renfrews. 6. Applied to weather in an intermediate or uncertain, state, Renfrews. 7. Feeble. _J. Nicol._ 8. Insipid, destitute of taste, S. _Ramsay._ THEWTILL, THEWITTEL, _s._ A large knife. _Wallace._ A. S. _hwitel_, id.; _thwitan_, cultello resecare. THICK, _adj._ Intimate, familiar, S. _Burns._ THIEVELESS, _adj._ V. ~Thewles~. _To_ THIG, THIGG, _v. a._ 1. To ask, to beg. _Wallace._ Alem. _thig-en_, Su. G. _tigg-a_, petere. 2. To go about, receiving supply, not in the way of common mendicants, but rather as giving others an opportunity of manifesting their liberality, S. _Rudd._ Isl. _thygg-ia_, gratis accipere, dono auferre. 3. To beg, to act the part of a common mendicant, S. _Henrysone._ 4. To borrow; used improperly. _Ramsay._ ~Thiggar~, _s._ A beggar, a common mendicant. Su. G. _teggare_, id. _Acts Ja. I._ THIMBER, _adj._ Gross, heavy. _Ritson._ Isl. _thungber_, gravis, portatu molestus. THINARE, _s._ A title of honour, apparently equivalent to _Lady_. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _the-on_, vigere, pollere; _theond_, potens; _theonden_, dominus; _theonest_, potentissimus. _Thinare_, q. _theonare_, the comparative. THINE, THYNE, _adv._ Thence. A. S. _thanon_, inde, illinc. _Barbour._ THINE-FURTH, _adv._ Thenceforward. _Wyntown._ A. S. _thanon furth_, deinceps. THING, _s._ 1. Affairs of state. _Barbour._ 2. It seems to signify a meeting, or convention, concerning public affairs. _Wallace._ Isl. _thing_, Su. G. _ting_, a meeting of the citizens concerning public affairs. _To_ THINK SHAME, to feel abashed, to have a sense of shame, S. _Priests Peblis._ THIR, _pron. pl._ These, S. _Barbour._ Isl. _theyr_, illi; _thaer_, illae. _To_ THIRL, THYRL, _v. a._ 1. To perforate, to drill, S. _P. Buch. Dial._ 2. To pierce, to penetrate. _Wyntown._ 3. To pierce, to wound. _Bannatyne P._ A. S. _thirl-ian_, perforare. _To_ ~Thirl~, _v. a._ To thrill, to cause to vibrate, S. _Burns._ _To_ ~Thirl~, ~Thirle~, _v. n._ To pass with a tingling sensation, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ THIRL, _v. a._ To furl. _Complaynt S._ Teut. _drill-en_, _trill-en_, gyrare, conglomerare. _To_ THIRL, THIRLL, _v. a._ 1. To enslave, to thrall. _Bellenden._ A. S. Isl. _thrael_, a bond-servant. 2. To bind or subject to, S. _Bar. Courts._ 3. To bind, by the terms of a lease, or otherwise, to grind at a certain mill, S. _Erskine._ ~Thirl~, _s._ The term used to denote those lands, the tenants of which are bound to bring all their grain to a certain mill, S. _Erskine._ ~Thirlage~, _s._ 1. Thraldom, in a general sense. _Douglas._ 2. Servitude to a particular mill, S. _Erskine._ ~Thirldome~, _s._ Thraldom. _Barbour._ THO, _adv._ At that time. _Douglas._ A. S. Isl. _tha_, Su. G. Dan. _da_, tum, tunc. THO, _pron. pl._ These. _Pal. Hon._ Moes. G. _tho_, nom. and acc. pl. of the article. THOCHT, THOUCHT, _conj._ Although. V. ~Allthocht~. _Wallace._ THOCHTY, _adj._ Thoughtful. _Wyntown._ THOF, _conj._ Although, Loth.; Provincial E. _Ferguson._ THOILL, TOLL, _s._ Ancient privilege of a baron; denoting, either an immunity from payment of custom in buying, or the liberty of buying and selling on his own lands. _Reg. Maj._ _To_ THOLE, THOILL, _v. a._ 1. To bear, to suffer, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _thol-ian_, Moes. G. _thul-an_, Isl. _thol-a_, id. 2. To bear with, not to oppose. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 3. To bear patiently, S. _Douglas._ 4. To restrain one's self; as a _v. n._ _Wallace._ 5. To tolerate, in relation to heresy. _Knox._ 6. To exempt from military execution. _Barbour._ 7. To permit, to allow, S. _Wallace._ 8. To wait, to expect, S. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 9. _To thole the law_, to be subjected to a legal trial. _Acts Ja. I._ ~Tholmude~, ~Thoilmude~, _adj._ Patient; _tholemoody_, S. B. _Douglas._ A. S. _thole-mod_, _tholmoda_, patiens animi. THONE, _pron._ Yonder, Loth. _yon_, S. Moes. G. _thana_, id.; O. Su. G. _thoen_, ille, iste. THOR, _s._ Durance, confinement. Sw. _thor_, carcer. _Gl. Sibb._ THORROWS. _s. pl._ Troubles. _Burel._ A. S. _threow-ian_, pati. _To_ THORTER, _v. a._ To oppose, to thwart, S. _Calderwood._ ~Thortour~, _s._ Opposition, resistance, S. _Bellenden._ ~Thorter-ill~, ~Thwarter-ill~, _s._ A kind of palsy to which sheep are subject, Tweedd. _Stat. Acc._ ~Thortour~, ~Thuortour~, _adj._ Cross, transverse. _Wallace._ Su. G. _twertoefwer_, transverse; Dan. _twertover_, transversely. _To_ THOW, _v. a._ To address in the singular number, as a token of contempt. _Wallace._ THOUGHT, THOUGHTY, _s._ 1. A moment, as respecting time, S. 2. At a little distance, in respect of place, S. B. _Ross._ _To_ THOUT, _v. n._ To sob, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ ~Thout~, _s._ A sob. S. B. _Ross._ _To_ THOW, _v. n._ To thaw, S. _To_ ~Thow~, _v. a._ To remove the rigour produced by cold, S. _Ramsay._ ~Thow~, ~Thowe~, _s._ Thaw, S. _Burns._ ~Smore thow~, A heavy snow, accompanied with a strong wind, which, as it were, threatens to _smore_, or smother one, Ang. THOWEL, _s._ The nitch or hollow in which the oar of a boat acts, Loth. A. S. _thole_, scamnus a quo pendet remus; E. _thole_. THOWLESS, _adj._ Inactive. V. ~Thewles~. ~Thowlesnes~, ~Thowlysnes~, _s._ Inactivity. _Wyntown._ THOWRROURIS, _s. pl._ Perh. _skorrowris_. V. ~Scurrour~. _Wallace._ THRA, THRO, _adj._ 1. Eager, earnest. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. Brave, courageous. _Wallace._ 3. Obstinate, pertinacious. _Barbour._ 4. Reluctant, averse. _Douglas._ Isl. _thra_, pertinacia; _thraa-r, thra_, pertinax. ~Thra~, _s._ 1. Eagerness. _Wallace._ 2. Debate, contention. _Douglas._ Isl. _thrai_, rancor. ~Thra~, ~Thraw~, ~Thraly~, _adv._ Eagerly. _Houlate._ THRAFTLY, _adv._ In a chiding or surly manner. _Pitscottie._ A. S. _thraf-ian_, increpare; Isl. _thref-a_, sublitigare. THRAIF, THRAVE, THREAVE, _s._ 1. Twenty-four sheaves of corn, including two shocks, S. _Stat. Acc._ 2. A considerable number, S. _Dunbar._ Sw. _trafwe saad_, strues segetum _viginti quatuor_ fascibus constans. _To_ THRAIP, _v. n._ Apparently, to thrive, to prosper. _Dunbar._ Isl. _thrif-ast_, Su. G. _trifw-a_, id. _To_ THRAM, _v. n._ To thrive, Aberd. Moray. _Gl. Shirr. Ross._ Isl. _thro-a_, incrementum capere; _throan_, _throtte_, incrementum. THRANG, _pret._ and _part. pa._ Pressed. V. ~Thring~. _To_ THRANG, _v. a._ To throng, S. Sw. _traang-a_, to crowd; A. S. _thring-en_, to press. _To_ ~Thrang~, _v. n._ to crowd towards a place, S. ~Thrang~, _adj._ 1. Crowded, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ Isl. _thraung-ur_, Su. G. _traang_, arctus. 2. Intimate, familiar, S. _Morison._ 3. Busily engaged, S. _Hutcheson._ ~Thrang~, _s._ 1. A throng, a crowd, S. 2. Constant employment, S. _Ramsay._ 3. State of hardship or oppression. _Wall._ 4. Pressure of business, S. A. S. _thrang_, turba; Isl. _thraeng_, angusta. _To_ THRAPPLE, _v. a._ To throttle or strangle, S. V. ~Thropill~. THRASH, _s._ A rush. V. ~Thrush~. _To_ THRATCH, _v. n._ To gasp convulsively, as in the agonies of death, S. B. _Pop. Ball._ Isl. _threyte_, certo, laboro; _thraute_, labor. ~Thratch~, _s._ The oppressed and violent respiration of one in the last agonies, S. B. _Bp. Forbes._ THRAVE, _s._ V. ~Thraif~. _To_ THRAW, _v. a._ To cast, to throw. A. S. _thraw-an_, jacere. _Douglas._ _To_ THRAW, _v. a._ 1. To wreathe, to twist, S. _Ferguson._ 2. To wrench, to sprain, S. _Gl. Shirr._ 3. To wrest, metaph. used. _Crosraguel._ 4. To oppose, to resist. _Hist. Ja. Sext._ 5. _To thraw out_, to extort. _R. Bruce._ A. S. _thraw-ian_, torquere. ~Thrawin~, _part. adj._ 1. Distorted, S. 2. Having the appearance of ill-humour; applied to the countenance, S. _Douglas._ 3. Cross-grained, of a perverse temper, S. _Anderson._ 4. Expressive of anger or ill humour, S. _Ramsay._ ~Thrawynlye~, _adv._ In a manner expressive of ill humour. _Douglas._ ~Thrawn-muggent~, _adj._ Having a perverse disposition, Ang. V. ~Ill-muggent~. THRAW, _s._ A pang, an agony, S.; throe, E. _Douglas._ A. S. _threa_, poena, inflictio; _threow-an_, agonizare. THRAW, _s._ Anger, ill humour, S. V. ~Thra~, _s._ _R. Galloway._ THRAW, _s._ A little while, a trice. _Doug._ A. S. _thrah_, Isl. _thrauge_, cursus temporis. THRAW, _s._ Perh. favour. _Douglas._ Su. G. _traa_, Isl. _thra_, desiderium. THRAW, _adv._ V. ~Thra~. THRAWART, THRAWARD, _adj._ 1. Froward, perverse. _Balnavis._ 2. Backward, reluctant, S. _Baillie._ Isl. _thrayrdi_, pervicax contentio. ~Thrawart~, _prep._ Athwart, across. _Doug._ THRAW-CRUK, _s._ An instrument for twisting ropes of straw, hair, &c. S. _Bannatyne P._ THREFT, _adj._ Reluctant, perverse, Loth. V. ~Thraftly~. _To_ THREPE, _v. n._ To aver with pertinacity, in reply to denial, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _threap-ian_, redarguere. ~Threpe~, ~Threap~, _s._ A pertinacious affirmation, S. _Ross._ THRESUM, _adj._ Three together. V. ~Sum~. THRESWALD, _s._ Threshold. _Doug._ A. S. _threscwald_, id.; _thresc-an_, ferire, and _wald_ lignum. THRETE, _s._ 1. A throng, a crowd. _Douglas._ 2. _In thretis_, in pairs. _Douglas._ A. S. _threat_, caterva; _on threate_, in choro. _To_ ~Threte~, _v. n._ To crowd, to press. A. S. _threat-an_, urgere. _Douglas._ THRETE. _In threte_, in haste, eagerly. _Douglas._ Isl. _threyte_, certo, laboro; _thraa_, _thratt_, assiduus. THRETTENE, _adj._ Thirteen, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _threottyne_, Isl. _threttan_, id. ~Thretteint~, _adj._ Thirteenth. _Crosraguel._ THRETTY, _adj._ Thirty, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _thrittig_, Isl. _thriatio_, id. THREW, _pret. v._ Struck. _Wallace._ Isl. _thrug-a_, premere, vim inferre. THRY, _adj._ 1. Cross, perverse, S. B. _Ross._ 2. Reluctant, S. B. V. ~Thra~. THRID, _adj._ Third, S. _Barbour._ A. S. _thridda_, Isl. _thridie_, id. _To_ ~Thrid~, _v. a._ To divide into three parts. _Acts Ja. II._ _To_ THRYFT, _v. n._ To thrive. _Dunbar._ Isl. _thrif-ast_, Su.G. _trifw-as_, proficere. ~Thryft~, _s._ Prosperity. _Douglas._ Isl. _thrif_, nutritio. _To_ THRYLL, _v. a._ To enslave, to enthrall. V. ~Thirl~, _v._ _Bellenden._ ~Thryll~, ~Thril~, ~Threll~, _s._ A slave. A. S. Isl. _thrael_, Su. G. id. _Barbour._ ~Thrillage~, _s._ Bondage. _Wallace._ THRILWALL, _s._ The name of the wall, between Scotland and England, erected by Severus. _Fordun._ Lat. _murus perforatus_; because of the gaps made in it. _To_ THRIMLE, THRIMBLE, _v. a._ To press, to squeeze. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Thrimle~, ~Thrimmel~, ~Thrumble~, _v. n._ To press into, or through, with difficulty and eagerness, S. _R. Bruce._ Teut. _dromm-en_, premere; or V. next word. _To_ THRIMLE, _v. n._ To wrestle, to fumble, S. B. _Muse's Thren._ Isl. _eg thrume_, certo, pugno. THRYNFALD, _adj._ Threefold. _Doug._ A. S. _thrynen_, trinus. _To_ THRING, _v. a._ To press, to thrust. _K. Quair._ A. S. _thring-an_, Isl. _threing-ia_, urgere. _To_ ~Thring~, _v. n._ To press on, or forward. _Barbour._ THRISSILL, THRISLE, _s._ The thistle, S. _Lyndsay._ THRISSLY, _adj._ Testy, crabbed, S. B. Germ. _verdriesslich_, fretful, uncivil, rude. _To_ THRIST, _v. a._ 1. To thrust. _Doug._ 2. To oppress, to vex. _Douglas._ Isl. _thrijst-a_, _thriost-a_, trudere, premere. ~Thrist~, _s._ Difficulty, pressure. _Douglas._ _To_ THRIST, _v. n._ To spin; often, _to thrist a thread_, S. B. A. S. _thraest-an_, to wreathe, to twist. _To_ THRIST, _v. a._ To trust, to give on credit. _Bur. Lawes._ THROCH, THROUCHE, THRUCH, (gutt.) _s._ 1. A sheet of paper. _Pitscottie._ 2. A small literary work; as we now say, _a sheet_. _L. Scotland._ THROLL, _s._ A hole, a gap. _Douglas._ A. S. _thyrel_, foramen. THROPILL, _s._ 1. The windpipe, S. thrapple. _Barbour._ 2. Used improperly for the throat, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ A. S. _throt-boll_, id. q. the throat-bowl. THROUCH, _s._ Faith, credit. _Barbour._ Su. G. _trogen_, _trygg_, faithful. THROUCH, (gutt.) _prep._ Through, S. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Throuch~, ~Through~, (gutt.) _v. a._ To carry through. _Baillie._ _To_ ~Through~, _v. n._ To go on, literally; _To mak to through_, to make good, S. _Burns._ ~Through~, _adj._ Thorough. _Mellvill's MS._ ~Throuch~, ~Thruch~, _adj._ Active, expeditious; as, _a throuch wife_, an active woman, S. B. from the _prep_. Isl. _thrug-a_, however, signifies, vim inferre. ~Through other~, ~Throw ither~, _adv._ Confusedly, promiscuously; S. _throuther_. _Pitscottie._ ~Throwgang~, _s._ A thoroughfare, S. _Doug._ Belg. _doorgang_, a passage. ~Throwgang~, _adj._ Affording a thoroughfare, S. ~Throughpit~, _s._ Activity. _Throughpit of wark. Through_ and _put_. _To_ THROW, _v. a._ To twist. V. ~Thraw~. THRUCH-STANE, _s._ A flat gravestone, Loth. Ayrs. _Satchels._ A. S. _thruh_, _thurruc_, sarcophagus, a grave, a coffin, Isl. _thro_, id. Alem. _steininer druho_. THRUNLAND, _part. pr._ Rolling, tumbling about. _Peblis Play._ A. S. _tryndled_, orbiculatus. _To_ THRUS, THRUSCH, _v. n._ 1. To fall, or come down, with a rushing or crashing noise. _Wallace._ 2. To cleave with a crashing noise. Isl. _thrusk-a_, strepere. _Wallace._ THRUSH, THRUSH-BUSH, _s._ The rush; Loth. _thrash_. _Cleland._ THUD, _s._ 1. The forcible impression made by a tempestuous wind; as including the idea of the loud, but intermitting, noise caused by it, S. _Burel._ 2. _Impetus_, resembling that of a tempestuous wind. _Douglas._ 3. Any loud noise, as that of thunder, cannons, &c. _Polwart._ 4. A stroke, causing a blunt and hollow sound. _Douglas._ 5. A violent assault of temptation. _Rollocke._ A. S. _thoden_, turbo, noise, din; Isl. _thyt-r_, fremitus venti proruentis. _To_ ~Thud~, _v. n._ 1. To rush with a hollow sound. _Montgomerie._ 2. To move with velocity, S. _Rudd._ _To_ ~Thud~, _v. a._ 1. To beat, to strike, S. _Ruddiman._ 2. To drive with impetuosity, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ THUMB, _v. a._ To wipe any thing by applying the _thumbs_ to it, S. _Ross._ THUMBIKINS, _s. pl._ An instrument of torture, applied as a screw to the thumbs, S. _Stat. Acc._ THUMBLICKING, _s._ An ancient mode of confirming a bargain, S. _Ersk._ THUNNERIN, _adj._ _A thunnerin drouth_, a strong drought, S. B., apparently expressing that which is viewed as the effect of fire in the air, or lightning. THOURT, THOURTOUR. V. ~Thortour~. THURCH, uncertain. _Barbour._ THURST, _s._ Could. _Barbour._ Su. G. _troesta_, valere, posse. THUS-GATE, _adv._ In this manner. _Wyntown._ THWAYNG, _s._ A thong, S. _whang_. _Wyntown._ A. S. _thwang_, Isl. _thweing_, id. THWARTER-ILL. V. ~Thorter-ill~. TYAL, _s._ Any thing used for tying a latchet. S. B. Isl. _tigill_, ligula. TYBER, _s._ Perh. warrior. _Sir Gawan._ Isl. _tifar_, viri alacres. TIBRIC, TIBRICK, _s._ The young of the coal-fish, Orkn. _Stat. Acc._ TICHT, _pret._ Tied. V. ~Tight~. _To_ TICK, _v. n._ To click, as a watch, S. Belg. _tikk-en_, id. TICK, TICKER, _s._ 1. A dot of any kind, S. Teut. _tick_, punctus. 2. A very small spot on the skin, S. B. V. ~Teicher~. TICKET, _s._ A pat, a slight stroke, S. Belg. _tik_, a pat, _tikk-en_, to pat. TID, _s._ 1. Proper time, season, S. 2. Humour, S. as, _I'm just in the tid_. _Ferguson._ A. S. Su. G. _tid_, time, season. _To_ ~Tid~, _v. a._ To choose the proper season, S. TID, TYD, _v. impers._ Happened. _Doug._ A. S. _tid-an_, Su. G. _tid-a_, contingere. TYDY, TYDIE, _adj._ 1. Neat, S. 2. Plump, fat, S. _Douglas._ 3. Lucky, favourable. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _tidig_, decorus; Teut. _tydigh_, in season, ripe. TIFT, _s._ Condition, plight, S. _Wodrow._ Isl. _tif-a, tyf-a_, manus celeriter movere. _To_ ~Tift~, _v. a._ To put in order, S. B. _Morison._ TIFT, _s._ Used as expressive of tediousness, S. Isl. _tef-ia_, Su. G. _toefw-a_, to delay. TIFT, _s._ 1. The act of quarrelling, Loth. _tiff_, E. 2. The act of struggling in a wanton or dallying way, Loth. 3. The action of the wind. _Ritson._ Isl. _tyft-a_, to chastise. _To_ TIFT, _v. a._ To quaff. _Hamilton._ E. _tiff_, drink, or a draught. _To_ TIG, _v. n._ 1. To touch lightly, to dally, S. _Evergreen._ 2. To trifle with, to treat in a scornful and contemptuous manner. _Rutherford._ Isl. _teg-ia_, _teig-ia_, lactare, allicere. ~Tig-tow~, _s._ _To play at tig-tow_, to pat backwards and forwards, to dally, S. _Tig_, and Su. G. _toefw-a_, morari. TIG, TEYG, _s._ A pet, a fit of sullen humour. _Ferguson._ Gael. _taoig_, a fit of passion; Su. G. _tig-a_, to be silent. ~Tiggy~, _adj._ Petty, prone to pettishness, S. _To_ TIG-TAG, _v. n._ To trifle, to be busy while doing nothing of importance. E. _ticktack_, a game at tables. _Baillie._ TIGHT, TICHT, _part. pa._ and _pret._ 1. Tied. _Sir Gawan._ 2. Prepared, girt for action. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _tyg-an_, to bind, Isl. _ty-ia_, instruo. TYISDAY, _s._ Tuesday. V. ~Tysday~. TIKE, TYKE, TYK, _s._ 1. A dog, a cur; properly one of a larger and common breed, S. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _tik_, Isl. _tyk_, a little bitch. 2. A selfish snarling fellow, S. _Gl. Surv. Moray._ ~Tike-tyrit~, _adj._ Dog-weary, tired like a dog after coursing or running, S. _Minstr. Bord._ ~Tyked~, _adj._ Having the disposition of a degenerate dog, currish. _Watson._ TYKE ~and~ TRYKE, _adv._ Higgledy-piggledy, in an intermingled state, S. B. Su. G. _tiock_, densus; and _tryck-a_, angustare. TIL, TILL, _prep._ 1. To, S. _Barbour._ Moes. G. A. S. Isl. _til_, Su. G. _till_, id. 2. With, in addition to. _Wyntown._ 3. From, improperly. _Wyntown._ TIL, TILL, as a mark of the infinitive, instead of _to_. _Douglas._ _To_ TYLD, _v. a._ To cover, S. B. _Pal. Hon._ Isl. _tialld-a_, tentorium figere, aulaeum extendere. ~Tyld~, _s._ Covert. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _tyld_, Isl. _tiald_, a tent, an awning. TYLD, _s._ Tile. _Bellenden._ TILL, _adv._ While, during the time that. _Barbour._ _To_ TILL, _v. a._ To entice. V. ~Teal~. TILL, _s._ A cold unproductive clay, S. _Stat. Acc._ TILLIESOUL, _s._ A place, to which a gentleman sends the servants and horses of his guests, when he does not choose to entertain the former at his own expense, Loth. Fr. _tillet_, a ticket, and _sould_, soldiers' pay. TILLING, _s._ Perh. for _titling_ the titlerk. _Statist. Acc._ TILLIT, _pret. v._ Coaxed. _Wallace._ Isl. _tael-ia_, pellicere. TILT, _s._ L. _tint_, proof, as in first edition. V. ~Taint~, _s._ _Ross._ TYMBER, TYMMER, TYMBRELL, TYMBRILL, _s._ Crest of a helmet. Fr. _timbre_, id. _Douglas._ ~Tymbrit~, _part. pa._ Crested. _Douglas._ TIMEABOUT, _adj._ Alternately, S. _Spalding._ TIMMER, _s._ 1. Timber, S. Sw. _timmer_, id. 2. A legal quantity of forty skins packed up within two boards of _timber_. _Skene._ ~Timmertuned~, _adj._ Having a harsh unmusical voice, S. TIMMING, TEMMING, _s._ A kind of coarse thin woollen cloth, S. _Stat. Acc._ Fr. _etamine_, id. TYMPANE, _s._ The sistrum. _Douglas._ Lat. _tympanum_. TIN, _s._ Loss. _Sir Tristrem._ TINCHELL, TINCHEL, _s._ A circle of sportsmen, who, by surrounding a great space, and gradually narrowing, brought great quantities of deer together. _Pittscotie._ Ir. Gael. _tinchioll_, circuit, compass. _To_ TYND, _v. n._ To kindle. V. ~Teind~. ~Tynd~, _s._ A spark. TYND, _s._ 1. A harrow-tooth, S. Isl. _tindr_, Su. G. _tinne_, id. 2. One course of the harrow over a field, S. 3. _Tyndis_, _s. pl._ The horns of a hart. _Douglas._ Su. G. _tinne_, any thing sharp like a tooth. TINDE, _s. On tinde_, in a collected state. Isl. _tynt_, collectum. _Sir Tristrem._ _To_ TINE, TYNE, _v. a._ 1. To lose. _Wallace._ 2. To forfeit. _Acts Ja. I._ 3. To kill or destroy. _Wyntown._ 4. _To tine the saddle_, to lose all, S. Isl. _tyn-ast_, perdere. _Baillie._ ~Tineman~, _s._ An appellation given to one of the Lords of Douglas, from his being unfortunate in losing almost all his _men_ in battle. _Godscroft._ ~Tynar~, ~Tiner~, _s._ A loser, S. _Acts Ja. V._ ~Tynsaill~, ~Tinsall~, ~Tynsell~, _s._ 1. Loss, S. _Barbour._ 2. Forfeiture. _Acts Ja. I._ _To_ ~Tinsall~, _v. a._ To injure, from the _s._ _Baron Courts._ _To_ TING, _v. a._ To ring, S. _Henrysone._ ~Ting-tang~, _s._ Sound of a bell, S. Teut. _tinghe-tangh-en_, tintinare. _To_ ~Tinkle~ _on_, _v. n._ To ring chimes about. _Baillie._ TINT NOR TRIAL. V. ~Taint~. TIP, _s._ A ram. Galloway. _Davidson._ _To_ ~Tip~, _v. n._ To take the ram, S. _Kelly._ Used also actively. _To_ TIP, _v. a._ To nettle from disappointment. S. A metaph. use of E. _tip_, to strike slightly. _To_ TIPPENIZE, _v. n._ To tipple small beer, S. from _two-penny_. _Ramsay._ TIPPERTY, _adj._ 1. Unstable, S. B. 2. _To gang tipperty-like_, to walk in a flighty, ridiculous manner, S. B. V. ~Tippertin~. TIPPERTIN, _s._ A bit of card, with a pin passed through it, resembling a _te-totum_, Loth. Hence, _to loup like a tippertin_. TYRANE, _s._ A tyrant. _Bellenden._ Fr. _tyran_, id. Hence, ~Tyrane~, _adj._ Tyrannical. _Lyndsay._ ~Tyrandry~, _s._ Tyranny. _Wallace._ ~Tyranlie~, _adv._ Tyrannically. _Douglas._ TYRE, _s. A hat of tyre_, part of the dress of Bruce at Bannockburn. _Barbour._ A. S. _tyr_, tiara. TYREMENT, _s._ Interment. _Douglas._ Abbrev. from _entyrement_, id., used by the same writer. TIRL, _s._ A substitute for the trundle of a mill, Shetl. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _trill-a_, to trundle. TIRL, TIRLE, _s._ 1. A smart stroke, S. V. ~Dirle~. 2. A touch, in the way of intermeddling, _Cleland._ 3. A dance. _Ramsay._ 4. A gentle breeze, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ TIRL, TIRLE, _v. a._ 1. To uncover, S. _Burns._ 2. To pluck off expeditiously; applied to dress. _Priests Peblis._ 3. To strip; applied to property. _Ramsay._ Isl. _thyrl-a_, turbidire versari subito. _To_ TIRLE, _v. n._ To produce a tremulous sound by slightly touching, S. E. _trill_, _v. n._ _Muse's Threnodie._ TIRLES, _s. pl._ Some disease. _Montgomerie._ Fr. _tarle_, a wood-worm. TIRLESS, TIRLASS, TIRLIES, _s._ 1. A lattice, S. _Baillie._ 2. A wicket, S. B. _Law Case._ Fr. _treillis_; Teut. _traelie_. ~Tirlest~, _part. adj._ Trellised, S. TIRLIEWIRLIE, _s._ 1. A whirligig, S. 2. An ornament consisting of a number of intervolved lines, S. _Forbes's Shop Bill._ Su. G. _trill-a_, and _hworl-a_, rotare. TIRMA, _s._ The sea-pie. _Martin._ _To_ TIRR, TIRUE, _v. a._ 1. To tear. _Douglas._ 2. To uncover forcibly. _Douglas._ 3. To unroof. _Spalding._ 4. To strip one of his property. _Morison._ 5. To pare off the sward, S. _Stat. Acc._ A. S. _tyr-an_, _tyrw-an_, to tear. _To_ TIRR, _v. n._ To snarl, S. Teut. _tergh-en_, to irritate. ~Tirr~, _adj._ Crabbed, S. B. V. _v._ TIRRIVEE, _s._ A fit of passion, S. Fr. _tir-er_, to dart forth, and _vif_, lively; denoting the lively action of rage. TIRWIRR, TIRWIRRING, _adj._ Habitually growling, S. Teut. _tergh-en_, to irritate, and _werren_, to contend. TISCHE, TYSCHE, TYSCHEY, TUSCHÉ, _s._ A girdle. _Douglas._ Fr. _tissu_, id.; Belg. _tessche_, a scrip. TYSDAY, TYISDAY, _s._ Tuesday, S. _Knox._ A. S. _Tiwesdaeg_, from _Tuisco_, a Saxon deity; or Goth. _Tijs_; Isl. _Tijsday_, id. TYSE, TYIST, TYST, _v. a._ To entice, S. B. _Douglas._ Arm. _tis_, a train. Su. G. _tuss-a_, to incite dogs. TYST, TAISTE, (Orkn.) TYSTIE, (Shetl.) _s._ The sea-turtle. _Barry._ Isl. _teist-a_, Norw. _teiste_, id. TYSTRE, _s._ A case, a cover. _Wyntown._ L. B. _tester-um_, covering of a bed. TIT, _s._ A snatch. V. ~Tyte~, _s._ TIT. _A tit_, a gog. V. ~Tid~. _Bruce._ _To_ TYTE, _v. a._ 1. To snatch, to draw suddenly, S. _Wyntown._ 2. To move by jerks, S. A. S. _tiht-an_, Teut. _tyd-en_, trahere. ~Tyte~, ~Tyt~, _s._ 1. A quick pull. _Wyntown._ 2. A tap, S. V. the _v._ TYTE, _adj._ Direct, straight, S. B. _Ross._ Sw. _taett_, close, thick. TYTE, TYT, _adv._ Soon. _Barbour._ Isl. _titt_, ready. ~Titly~, _adv._ Speedily. _Sir Tristrem._ ~Tyttar~, _adv._ Rather, sooner. _Barbour._ Isl. _tidari_, compar. of _tid-r_, frequentior. TITHING, TITHAND, _s._ Tidings. _Houlate._ Belg. _tijding_, Isl. _tidende_, id. TITGANDIS. L. _tithandis_, as in MS. tidings. _Houlate._ _To_ TITLE, _v. n._ To prate idly, S. _Melvil._ Su. G. _twetalen_, double-tongued. ~Titlar~, ~Tittillar~, _s._ A tatler. _Henrysone._ TITLENE, TITLING, _s._ The hedge-sparrow. Isl. _tytling-r_, id. _Compl. S._ TITTY, _s._ Dimin. of _sister_, S. _Ritson._ TITTY, _adj._ 1. Coming in gusts, S. B., from _tit_, a stroke. V. ~Tyte~. 2. Testy, ill-humoured, Renfr. ~Tittish~, _adj._ Captious, testy, S. B. TITTS, _s. pl._ A disease in the dugs of cows. Teut. _titte_, udder. _Montgomerie._ TITUP, _s._ A trigger. _Bellenden._ From _tit_, a tap, and the prep. _up_. TO, _adv._ Too, A. S. id. _Barbour._ TO, _adv._ Preceding a _v. part._ or _adj._ quite, entirely, very. _Wyntown._ _To_ is prefixed to many A. S. words, and has various powers; _to-faegen_, perlaetus, _to-braecan_, disrumpere, _to-cwys-an_, quatere, dissipare. TO, shut. _The door is tue_, S. Belg. _toe_, id. _De duur is toe._ TOCHER, TOUCHQUHARE, TOCHER-GOOD, _s._ The dowry brought by a wife, S. _Bellenden._ Ir. _tochar_, a dowry. _To_ ~Tocher~, _v. a._ To give a dowry to, S. _Pitscottie._ ~Tocherless~, _adj._ Having no portion, S. _Shirrefs._ _To_ TO-CUM, _v. n._ To approach. _Doug._ A. S. _to-cum-an_, advenire. ~Tocum~, ~To-cumming~, _s._ 1. Approach. _Douglas._ 2. Encounter. _Douglas._ A. S. _to-cyme_, an approaching. TOD, _s._ The fox, S. _Acts Ja. I._ Isl. _toa_, _tove_, vulpes. ~Tod's birds~, an evil brood; sometimes _Tod's Bairns_. _R. Bruce._ ~Tod and lambs~, a game played on a perforated board, with wooden pins, S. ~Tod's tails~, _s. pl._ Alpine club-moss, an herb, S. _To_ TODLE, TODDLE, _v. n._ 1. To walk with short steps, in a tottering way, S. _Burel._ 2. To purl, to move with a gentle noise, S. _Ferguson._ 3. It denotes the murmuring noise caused by meat boiling gently in a pot, Fife; more generally _tottle_, S. _A. Douglas._ Isl. _dudd-a_, segnipes esse; Su. G. _tult-a_, minutis gressibus ire. TOFALL, TOOFALL, _s._ 1. A building annexed to the wall of a larger one. _Wyntown._ 2. It now properly denotes one, the roof of which rests on the wall of the principal building, S. _Spalding._ Teut. _toe-vall-en_, adjungere se, adjungi. TO-FALL, TOO-FALL, _s._ The close. _To-fall o' the day_, the evening, S. Teut. _toe-val_, eventus; _toe-vall-en_, cadendo claudi. _Pop. Ball._ TOFORE, _prep._ Before. _Douglas._ A. S. _to-for_, ante, coram. ~Tofore~, _adv._ Before. _Douglas._ TOHILE. L. _to hile_, to conceal. Isl. _hyl-ia_, occultare. _Wyntown._ TOY, _s._ A head-dress of linen or woollen, that hangs down over the shoulders, worn by old women of the lower classes, S. _Burns._ Su. G. _natt-tyg_, a night-cap; Belg. _tooij-en_, to tire, to adorn. _To_ TOIR, _v. a._ To beat, S. _toor_. Su. G. _torfw-a_, verberare. _Douglas._ TOIT, _s._ A fit, whether of illness, or of bad humour. V. ~Tout~. _Semple._ TOYT, _s. Toyts of Tay_, the fresh water mussels found in Tay. _Muse's Thren._ Teut. _tote_, _tuyt_, cornu, extremitas instar cornu. _To_ TOYTE, TOT, _v. n._ To totter like old age, S. V. ~Todle~. _Burns._ * TOKEN, _s._ A ticket of lead or tin, which every private Christian receives as a mark of admission to the Sacrament of the Supper, S. _Spalding._ TOKIE, _s._ An old women's head-dress, resembling a monk's cowl, S. B. Fr. _toque_, a bonnet or cap; _tocqué_, coiffed. TOKIE, _s._ A fondling term applied to a child, S. B. Germ. _tocke_, a baby, a puppet. TOLL, _s._ A turnpike, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ TO-LOOK, TOLUIK, _s._ A prospect, matter of expectation, S. _Knox._ A. S. _to-loc-ian_, adspicere. _To_ TOLTER, _v. n._ To move unequally, to totter. _King's Quair._ Su. G. _tult-a_, vacillare; Lat. _tolutaris_, ambling. ~Tolter~, ~Toltir~, _adj._ Unstable, in a state of vacillation. _K. Quair._ TO-LUCK, _s._ Boot, what is given above bargain, S., from the vulgar idea of giving _luck_ to a bargain. V. ~Lucks-penny~. TOME, _s._ A line for a fishingrod, including the whole length, S. O. TOMMY NODDIE, TOM-NODDY, The puffin, a bird, S., Orkn. The _Tam Norie_ of the Bass. _Barry._ TO-NAME, _s._ A name added, for the sake of distinction, to one's surname; or used instead of it. _Minstr. Bord._ TONE, _part. pa._ Taken. _Dunbar._ TONGUE-FERDY, _adj._ Loquacious, glib of the tongue, Ang. Su. G. _tung_, lingua, and _faerdig_, paratus. TONGUE-RAKE, _s._ Elocution, S. Su. G. _tung_, and _rek-a_, vagari. _To_ TOOBER, _v. a._ To beat, to strike, S. O. _tabour_, E. and Loth. Fr. _tabour-er_, to strike or bump on the posteriors, q. as on a drum. ~Toober~, _s._ A quarrel, S. O. TOOFALL, _s._ V. ~To-fall~. TOOLYE, _s._ A broil. _To_ ~Toolye~, _v. n._ To quarrel. V. ~Tuilyie~. TOOM, _adj._ Empty. V. ~Tume~. _To_ TOOT, TOUT, _v. a._ To blow or sound a horn, S. _Fountainhall._ Su. G. _tut-a_, Isl. _taut-a_, ululare; Su. G. _tuta i horn_, to blow a horn. _To_ ~Toot~, _v. n._ 1. To cry by prolonging the voice, S. _Urquhart._ 2. To make a plaintive noise, as when a child cries loud and mournfully, S. ~Toot~, ~Tout~, _s._ The blast of a horn or trumpet, S. _Ramsay._ ~Touting horn~, a horn for blowing, S. _J. Nicol_ _To_ TOOT, _v. n._ To express dissatisfaction or contempt. Isl. _taut-a_, murmurare. TOOTHFU', _s. To tak a toothfu'_, to take a moderate quantity of strong liquor, S. _J. Nicol._ TOOT-NET, _s._ A large fishing-net anchored, Ang. _Law Case._ Belg. _tootebel_, a certain square net. ~Tootsman~, _s._ One who gives warning, by a cry, to haul the _toot-net_, S. TOP OUR TAILL, _adv._ Topsyturvy. _Lyndsay._ TOP ANNUEL, a certain annuity paid from lands or houses. _Acts Marie._ _To_ TOPE, _v. a._ To oppose. _Baillie._ TOPFAW, _s._ Soil that has _fallen_ in, or sunk from the _surface_, Fife. TO-PUTTER, _s._ Taskmaster. _Ramsay._ TOR (of a chair), _s._ Perhaps the round, or the semicircular arm of a chair of state. _Knox._ Fr. _tour_, Teut. _toer_, circulus. TORE (of a saddle), _s._ The pommel, the forepart of which is somewhat elevated, S. _Colvil._ A. S. _tor_, a tower, an eminence. _To_ TORE, _v. a._ To tear. _Douglas._ A. S. _teor-an_, rumpere. TORFEIR, TORFER, _s._ Hardship, difficulty. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _torfaer-a_, iter difficile et impeditum. _To_ TORFEL, TORCHEL, _v. n._ To pine away, to die. _Gl. Sibb._ Isl. _torfellde_, _torvellde_, difficilis, arduus. TORYT. L. _taryt_, tarried. _Wallace._ _To_ TORN, _v. a._ To turn. _Douglas._ TORN BUT, retaliation. _Barbour._ Fr. _tourn-er_, to turn, _but a but_, on equal terms. TORNE, _s._ A turn, an action done to another. _Douglas._ TORRIE, _s._ A term applied to peas roasted in the sheaf, Fife. Lat. _torreo_, q. what is scorched. TORRY-EATEN, _adj._ _Torry-eaten land_, poor moorish soil, exhausted by cropping, very bare, and bearing only scattered tufts of sheep's fescue, S. B. Isl. _torgiat-r_, aegre reparabilis; or Fris. _torre_ vermis, and _eet-en_, q. worm-eaten. TORRIS, _pl._ Towers. _Gawan and Gol._ TORT, _part. pa._ Tortured; distorted. O. Fr. _tort_, Lat. _tort-us_. _Douglas._ TOSCH, TOSCHE, _adj._ Neat, trim, S. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _touzé_, clipped; Belg. _doss-en_, to clothe. TOSCHEODERACHE, _s._ 1. The deputy of a _Mair of fee_. _Reg. Maj._ 2. The name given to the office itself. _Skene._ Gael. Ir. _teachdaire_, a messenger; _teachdairacht_, a message. TOSIE, _adj._ 1. Tipsy, intoxicated in some degree, S. _Meston._ 2. Intoxicating. _Hamilton._ Mod. Sax. _dosig_, giddy; Isl. _dus_, drunken. TOSTIT, _part. adj._ Tossed with severe affliction, S. B. TOT, _s._ A fondling designation for a child, S. V. ~Toyte~. _Ramsay._ TOTHIR, TOTHYR, _adj._ 1. The other, S. pron. _tither_. _Wallace._ 2. The second. _Wyntown._ 3. Indefinitely, in the sense of another, or posterior. _Barbour._ TOTTIE, _adj._ Warm, snug, Perths. Gael. _teoth-am_, to warm. TOTTIS, _s._ Refuse of wool. _Leg. St Androis._ Su. G. _totte_, a handful of flax or wool. _To_ TOTTLE, _v. n._ 1. A term used to denote the noise made by any substance, when boiling gently, S. _A. Nicol._ 2. To purl, applied to a stream, Dumfr. V. ~Todle~. _Nithsdale Song._ _To_ TOVE, _v. n._ To talk familiarly, prolixly, and cheerfully, S., often, _to tove and crack_. _A. Scott._ Norw. _toeve_, to prattle, to be talkative. ~Tovie~, _adj._ Tipsy, Loth. TOUK, _s._ A hasty pull, a tug, S. A. S. _twicc-an_, vellicare. _Ruddiman._ _To_ TUCK, _v. a._ To beat. _Spalding._ Teut. _tuck-en_, icero. _To_ ~Touk~, ~Tuck~, _v. n._ To emit a sound, in consequence of being beaten. _Evergr._ ~Touk~, _s._ 1. A stroke, a blow. _Douglas._ 2. _Touk of drum_, beat of drum, S. _Gl. Sibb._ TOUNDER, _s._ Tinder. _Lyndsay._ Alem. _tundere_, Isl. _tunthere_, id. TOUSIE, TOWZIE, _adj._ 1. Disordered, dishevelled, S., sometimes _touslie_. 2. Rough, shaggy, S. _Burns._ _To_ ~Tousle~, _v. a._ 1. To put into disorder; often, to rumple, S. 2. To handle roughly, as dogs do each other. _Polwart._ Isl. _tusk-a_, luctari, _tusk_, lucta lenis et jocosa. ~Tousle~, ~Touzle~, _s._ Rough dalliance, S. _R. Galloway._ _To_ TOUT, _v. a._ V. ~Toot~. _To_ TOUT, TOOT, _v. n._ To take large draughts, S. _Ferguson._ ~Tout~, _s._ 1. A copious draught, S. 2. A drinking match, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ Perh. from Teut. _tocht_, a draught. _To_ TOUT, TOWT, _v. a._ 1. To toss, to put in disorder, S. _Chron. S. P._ 2. To throw into disorder by quibbling or litigation. _Melvill's MS._ 3. To teaze, to vex, S. ~Tout~, _s._ 1. An ailment of a transient kind, S. Belg. _tocht_, _togt_, wind; _een zwaare togt_, a sore bout. 2. A transient displeasure, a fit of ill-humour, Ang. _Shirrefs._ ~Touttie~, _adj._ 1. Throwing into disorder; as, _a touttie wind_, S. Belg. _togtig_, windy. 2. Irritable, easily put in disorder, S. TOW, _s._ 1. A rope of any kind, S. _Leg. St Androis._ Su. G. _tog_, Isl. _tog_, _taug_, Belg. _touw_, id. 2. A halter, S. _Muse's Thren._ _To_ TOW, _v. n._ To give way, to fail, to perish, S. B. Alem. _douu-en_, Su. G. _do_, to die. _To_ TOWEN, _v. a._ To tire, to weary out, Fife. Isl. _thion-a_, laborare. _To_ TOWIN, TOWN, _v. a._ To tame, Loth. Berwicks. _Ramsay._ Teut. _touw-en_, premere, subigere. TOWMONT, TOWMON, TOWMOND, _s._ A year; corr. of _twelve-month_, used in the same sense, S. ~Towmontell~, _s._ A cow of a year old, Ayrs. TOWNNYS, _pl._ Tuns, large casks. _Barbour._ TRACED, _adj._ Laced; as _a traced hat_, S. O. Fr. _tress-ir_, faire un tissu. _To_ TRACHLE, TRAUCHLE, _v. a._ 1. To draggle, to trail, S. _Mellvill's MS._ Alem. _dregel-en_, per incuriam aliquid perdere. 2. To dishevel. _Complaynt S._ Gael. _trachladh_, to loosen. 3. To drudge, to overtoil, S. B. Sw. _traal-a_, duro labore exerceri. TRACK, _s._ Feature, lineament, S. Belg. _trek_, id. from _trekk-en_, to dilineate. TRACK-BOAT, _s._ A boat used on a canal, S. Belg. _trek-schuyt_, id. from _trekk-en_, to draw. TRACK-POT, _s._ A tea-pot, S. From Belg. _trekk-en_, to draw. TRACTIUE, _s._ A treatise. _Crosraguel._ Fr. _traité_, id. TRAD, _s._ Track, course in travelling or sailing. _Wyntown._ Isl. _troeda_, terra, quod teratur et calcetur. TRAGET, TRIGGET, _s._ A trick, a deceit, S. _triget_. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _trigaud-ier_, to embroil. TRAY, _s._ Trouble, vexation. _Barbour._ A. S. _treg_, Su. G. _traege_, Alem. _trege_, dolor. _To_ TRAIK, _v. n._ To go idly from place to place, S. ~Trackit~, _part. adj._ Much fatigued, S. _Dunbar._ ~Traikit-like~, _adj._ Having the appearance of great fatigue from ranging about. Belg. _treck-en_, to travel; Sw. _traek-a_, niti. TRAIK, _s._ 1. A plague, a mischief. _Douglas._ 2. The flesh of sheep that have died of disease or by accident, S. _Pennecuik, N._ _To_ TRAIK, _v. n._ To be in a declining state of health. _Baillie._ Su. G. _trak-a_, cum difficultate progredi. TRAILSYDE, _adj._ So long as to _trail_ on the ground. V. ~Side~. _Douglas._ _To_ TRAYN, _v. a._ To draw, to entice. Fr. _train-er_, to draw. _Barbour._ ~Train~, _s._ A rope used for _drawing_, Orkn. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ TRAIST, TREST, TREIST, _v. a._ 1. To trust. _Lyndsay._ 2. _v. n._ To pledge faith, by entering into a truce. _Gawan and Gol._ Isl. _treist-a_, Su. G. _traest-a_, confidere. ~Traist~, ~Trest~, _s._ Trust, faith. _Complaynt S._ Isl. _traust-r_, Su. G. _troest_, fiducia. ~Traist~, ~Traisty~, _adj._ 1. Trusty, faithful. _Wallace._ Isl. _traust-r_, Su. G. _troest_, fidus, fidelis. 2. Confident. _Barbour._ Germ. _treist_, Su. G. _troest_, audax. 3. Secure, safe. _Barbour._ ~Traist~, _s._ An appointed meeting. V. ~Tryst~. _Barbour._ ~Traistis~, _s. pl._ A roll of the accusations brought against those who, in former times, were to be legally tried. _Acts Ja. III._ ~Traistly~, _adv._ Confidently, securely. _Barbour._ TRAIST, _s._ Frame of a table. V. ~Trest~. TRAYT, _s._ Bread of _trayt_, a superior kind of bread made of fine wheat. Panis de _Treyt_, Fleta. _Chalm. Air._ TRAKIT, _part. pa._ Much fatigued. V. ~Traik~. TRAM, _s._ 1. The shaft of a cart or carriage of any kind, S. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _traam_, that part of a tree, which is cut into different portions. 2. A beam or bar. _Spalding._ 3. In a ludicrous sense, the leg or limb; as, _lang trams_, long limbs, S. TRAMALT NET, corr. from E. _trammel_. _Lyndsay._ TRAMORT, _s._ A corpse. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _tra_, to consume, _mort_, dead. _To_ TRAMP, _v. a._ 1. To tread with force, S. _Lyndsay._ Sw. _trampa pa_, conculcare. 2. To tread, in reference to walking, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ ~Tramp~, _v. n._ 1. To tread with a heavy step, S. Su. G. _tramp-a_, id. 2. To walk; as opposed to any other mode of travelling, S. _Pop. Ball._ ~Tramp~, _s._ 1. The act of striking the foot suddenly downwards, S. 2. An excursion, properly a pedestrian one. S. _Burns._ TRANCE, TRANSE, _s._ 1. A passage within a house, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ 2. Used metaph. in relation to death. _Rutherford._ _To_ TRANE, _v. n._ To travel. _Burel._ Su. G. _tren-a_, incedere, gressus facere. _To_ TRANONT, TRANOYNT, TRANOWNT, TRANENT, TRAWYNT, _v. n._ 1. To march suddenly in a clandestine manner. _Barbour._ 2. To march quickly, without including the idea of stratagem or secrecy. _Wallace._ 3. To return, to turn back. _Pal. Hon._ Fr. _traine_, a snare, an ambush. ~Tranowintyn~, _s._ A stratagem of war. _Barbour._ _To_ TRANSE, _v. n._ To determine, to resolve. _Burel._ Fr. _tranch-er_, decider, parler franchement. TRANSS, _s._ A species of dance anciently in use. _Chr. Kirk._ To TRANSMUGRIFY, _v. a._ To transform, to transmute, S. _Burns._ * _To_ TRANSPORT, _v. a._ To translate a minister from one charge to another, S. _Pardovan._ ~Transportation~, _s._ The act of translating a minister, S. _Acts Assembly._ TRANTLE, _s._ The rut made by a cartwheel, when it is deep, Ang. TRANTLES, TRITLE-TRANTLES, TRANTLIMS, _s. pl._ 1. Trifling or superstitious ceremonies. _Cleland._ 2. Moveables of little value, petty articles of furniture, S. _Ross._ 3. Toys used by children, S. Loth. _trantles_. V. ~Trentalis~. TRAP, _s._ A sort of ladder, S. Sw. _trappa_, Teut. _trap_, gradus. TRAPPYS, _s. pl._ Trappings. _Douglas._ L. B. _trap-us_, Hisp. _trop-o_, cloth. TRAPPOURIS, TRAPOURIS, _s. pl._ Trappings. _Douglas._ L. B. _trappatura_, ornatus è _trapo_ seu panno. TRAS, _s._ The tract of game. _Sir Gawan._ Fr. _trace_, id. _trasses_, the footing of a deer. TRAST, TREST, _s._ A beam. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _traste_, a cross-beam. TRAT, TRATTES, _s._ An old woman; a term generally used in contempt, S. _Douglas._ Isl. _draett-ur_, Su. G. _drott_, a servant; Germ. _trot_, an old woman, a witch. _To_ TRATTIL, TRATLE, _v. n._ 1. To prattle, to tattle. _Dunbar._ 2. To repeat in a rapid and careless manner. _Lyndsay._ C. B. _tryd-ar_, to prattle. ~Trittell trattell~, pshaw. _Lyndsay._ ~Trattils~, _s. pl._ Trattles, idle talk. _Pitscottie._ TRAVESSE, _s._ V. ~Treviss~. TRAWART, _adj._ Perverse. V. ~Thrawart~. _Dunbar._ TRAWYNTIT. V. ~Tranont~. TRAZILEYS, _s. pl._ The props of vines. _Douglas._ L. B. _trestell-us_, fulcrum mensae. _To_ TREADLE, _v. n._ To go frequently and with difficulty, Fife. TREE, _s._ A barrel, S. _Acts Ja. V._ Su. G. _trae_, mensura aridorum. ~TREE and TRANTEL~, a piece of wood that goes behind a horse's tail, for keeping back the _sunks_ or _sods_, used instead of a saddle, Perths. TREGALLION, _s._ Collection, assortment, Dumfr. C. B. _treigliant_, a strolling; _treiglian-nu_, to effect a circulation; O. Fr. _trigalle_, a lodging-house. TREIN, TRENE, _adj._ Wooden; _treein_, S. _Bellenden._ A. S. _treowen_, arboreus, ligneus. ~Trein mare~, a barbarous instrument of punishment, formerly used in the army. _Spalding._ _To_ TREISSLE, _v. a._ To abuse by treading, Loth. O. Fr. _tressaill-ir_, to leap or skip. _To_ TREIT, TRETE, _v. a._ To entreat, Lanerks.; pret. _tret_. _Dunbar._ O. Fr. _traict-er_, id. Lat. _tract-are_. ~Treyter~, _s._ A messenger for _treating_ of peace. _Barbour._ TREITCHEOURE, _s._ A traitour; Fr. _trichear_. _Douglas._ TRELLYEIS, TRELYEIS, _s. pl._ Currycombs. Fr. _etrille_, Lat. _strigil-is_. _Doug._ TREMBLING FEVERS, the ague, Ang. _Trembling aixes_, Loth. from A. S. _ace_, dolor. TRENSAND, _part. pr._ Cutting. Fr. _trenchant_, id. _Wallace._ TRENTAL, _s._ A service of thirty masses, which were usually celebrated upon as many different days, for the dead. _Bannatyne P._ Fr. _trentel_, id. from _trente_, thirty. _To_ TREST, to trust. V. ~Traist~. TREST, TRAIST, TRIST, _s._ 1. The frame of a table, S. _tress_. _Pal. Hon._ 2. A tripod. _Douglas._ 3. The frames for supporting artillery. _Acts Ja. V._ Fr. _tresteau_, fulcrum mensae. TREST, _s._ A beam. V. ~Trast~. TRET, _adj._ Long and well proportioned. _Wallace._ Fr. _traict_, _trait_, drawn out, lengthened. TRETABYL, _adj._ Tractable, pliable. _Douglas._ _To_ TRETE, _v. a._ To entreat. V. ~Treit~. ~Tretie~, _s._ Entreaty. _Henrysone._ TRETIE, _s._ A treatise. Fr. _traité_. _Dunbar._ TREVALLYIE, _s._ A train or retinue, implying the idea of its meanness, Clydes. C. B. _trafull-iaw_, to bustle extremely. TREVISS, TREVESSE, TRAVESSE, _s._ 1. Any thing laid across by way of bar, S. 2. A counter or desk in a shop, S. B. L. B. _travacha_, _travayso_, Fr. _travaison_, intertignium. 3. Hangings, a curtain. _King's Quair._ _To_ TREW, _v. a._ To trust. V. ~Trow~. TREW, _s._ Often in pl. _trewis_, a truce. O. Fr. _treu_, also _treves_, id. _Barbour._ ~Trewyd~, _part. pa._ Protected by a truce. _Wyntown._ TREWS, _s. pl._ Trouse, trousers, S. Ir. _trius_, Gael. _triubhas_, Fr. _trousse_. TREWAGE, _s._ Tribute. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _truage_, _treuage_, toll, custom. TREWANE, _adj._ _Auld trewane_, anciently credited. V. ~Tronie~. _Knox._ Su. G. _troen_, fidus. TREWBUT, _s._ Tribute. _Wallace._ TRY, _s._ Means of finding any thing that has been lost, S. B. * TRIAL, _s._ Proof, S. _Spalding._ TRIAPONE, _s._ _Burel._ TRIG, _adj._ Neat, trim, S. _Macneill._ _To_ TRIGLE, TRIGIL, _v. n._ To trickle. Isl. _tregill_, alveolus. _Douglas._ * _To_ TRIM, _v. a._ To drub, to beat soundly, S. TRIMMIE, _s._ A disrespectful term applied to a female, S. B. TRYNE, _s._ Art, stratagem. _Godly Sangs._ Fr. _traine_, id. TRYNE, _s._ Train, retinue. _Burel._ Teut. _treyn_, comitatus. TRINES, _s. pl._ Drinking matches. _Polwart._ TRINKETING, _s._ Clandestine correspondence with an opposite party. _Baillie._ O. Fr. _trigaut_, one who uses shifts and tricks. _To_ TRINKLE, TRYNKLE, _v. n._ To trickle, S. _Douglas._ _To_ TRINKLE, _v. n._ To tingle, to thrill. _Baillie._ _To_ TRINSCH, _v. a._ 1. To cut, to hack. Fr. _trench-er_, id. _Douglas._ 2. To cut off, to kill. _Douglas._ _To_ TRINTLE, TRINLE, _v. a._ to trundle or roll, S. Fr. _trondel-er_, id.; A. S. _trendel_, globus. TRIP, _s._ A flock, a considerable number. C. B. _tyrfa_, a flock. _Henrysone._ TRIST, _adj._ Sad, melancholy. _Douglas._ Fr. _triste_, Lat. _trist-is_. TRYST, TRIST, TRISTE, TRYIST, _s._ 1. An appointment to meet, S. _Wynt._ _To set tryst_, to make an appointment to meet, S. _To keep tryst_, to fulfil an engagement to meet, S. _To break tryst_, to break an engagement, S. _Spalding._ _To crack tryst_, id. _Z. Boyd._ 2. An appointed meeting, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 3. The appointed time of meeting. _Wallace._ 4. The place appointed, S. _Houlate._ 5. A concurrence of circumstances or events. V. ~Traist~, _v._ _Fleming._ 6. A trial, an affliction. _K. Hart._ _To_ ~Tryst~, _v. a._ 1. To engage a person to meet one at a given time and place, S. _Fountainhall._ 2. To meet with; used in relation to a divine ordination. _Baillie._ _To_ ~Tryst~, _v. n._ 1. To agree to meet at any particular time or place, S. _Wodrow._ 2. To concur with; used metaph. as to circumstances or events. _Fleming._ 3. Often used in a passive sense, in relation to one's meeting with adverse dispensations, S. _Fleming._ ~Tryster~, _s._ A person who convenes others, fixing the time and place of meeting. _Baillie._ ~Trysting-place~, _s._ The place of meeting previously appointed, S. _Minstr. Bord._ ~Tristres~, _s. pl._ The stations allotted to different persons in hunting. _Sir Gawan._ L. B. _tristra_, id. _To_ TRODDLE, _v. n._ To walk with short steps, as a little child does, Ang. _Morison._ Germ. _trottel-n_, tarde et pigre incedere. TRODWIDDIE, _s._ The chain that fastens the harrow to what are called the _Swingle-trees_, S. B. Isl. _troda_, terra, and _vijd-er_, vimen; q. the _withe_ which touches the earth. TROGGERS, _s. pl._ The designation given to one species of Irish vagrants, q. _trokers_, Wigton. _Statist. Acc._ TROISTRY, _s._ The entrails of a beast, offals, S. B. Isl. _tros_, trash, Sw. _trastyg_, trumpery. TROYT, _s._ An inactive person, S. B. Su. G. _tryt-a_, pigere, taedere; _troett_, fessus, lassus. _To_ TROKE, _v. a._ 1. To bargain in the way of exchange, to barter, S. _truck_, E. Fr. _troqu-er_, to exchange. _Ferguson._ 2. To do business on a small scale, S. 3. To be busy about little, in whatever way, S. ~Trock~, ~Troque~, _s._ 1. Exchange, barter, S. Fr. _troc_, id. 2. _Troques_, pl. small wares, S. B. _Shirrefs._ 3. Small pieces of business that require a good deal of stirring, S. B. 4. Familiar intercourse, S. B. _Morison._ TROLY, TRAWLIE, _s._ A ring through which the _sowme_ passes betwixt the two horses, or oxen, next the plough, Ang. V. ~Sowme~. Isl. _travale_, impedimentum; Teut. _traelie_, clathrus, a bar. TROLOLLAY, _s._ A term which occurs in a rhyme used by young people, on the last day of the year, S. It has been viewed as a corr. of Fr. _trois rois allois_, three kings are come. TRONACH, _s._ The crupper used with a pack-saddle; formed of a piece of wood, connected with the saddle by a cord at each end; Mearns. TRONE, _s._ 1. An instrument, consisting of two horizontal bars crossing each other, beaked at the extremities, and supported by a wooden pillar; used for weighing heavy wares, S. _Stat. Dav. II._ L. B. _trona_, statera publica; Isl. _tra-na_, a crane; rostrum longiusculum. 2. The pillory, S. _Acts Sed._ ~Trone-weight~, _s._ The standard weight used at the _Trone_, S. ~Tronare~, _s._ The person who had the charge of the _Trone_. L. B. _tronar-ius_. _Stat. Dav. II._ ~Trone-men~, _s._ Those who carry off the soot sweeped from chimneys; denominated from their station at the _Trone_, Edinburgh. _To_ ~Trone~, _v. a._ To subject to the disgraceful punishment of the pillory. _Kennedy._ TRONE, _s._ A throne. Fr. id. _Douglas._ TRONIE, _s._ A traditionary saw, generally in rhyme; any thing frequently repeated, S. B. apparently the same with ~Trewane~. TROOD, _s._ Perh. wood for fences. _Statist. Acc._ Su. G. _trod-r_, lignum, quod materiam praebet saepibus construendis. TROPLYS, _s. pl._ Expl. _troops_. _Barbour._ Teut. _troppel_, globus, congeries. _To_ TROSS, _v. a._ 1. To pack up, to truss, S. 2. To pack off, to set out, S. B. also _turs, truss_, S. A. Fr. _trouss-er_, to truss. TROSSIS, _s. pl._ The small round blocks in which the lines of a ship run. _Complaynt S._ Sw. _trissa_, Dan. _tridse_, a pulley. * TROT, _s._ 1. _Schaik a trot_, seems to have been an old phrase for, _Take a dance_. _Complaynt S._ 2. An expedition by horsemen, synon. _raid_. _Spalding._ Teut. _trot_, cursus, gressus. TROTCOSIE, _s._ A piece of woollen cloth, which covers the back part of the neck and shoulders, with straps across the crown of the head, and buttoned from the chin downwards on the breast; for defence against the weather, S. properly _throatcosie_, as keeping the throat warm. _Waverley._ TROTTERS, _s. pl._ Sheeps' feet, S. _Ferguson._ TROVE, _s._ A turf, Aberd. _toor_, Ang. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. Isl. _torf_, id. _torfa_, effodere. TROW, _s._ The wooden spout in which water is carried to a mill-wheel, S. Su. G. Belg. _trog_, Dan. _trou_, E. _trough_. _To_ TROW, TREW, _v. a._ 1. To believe, S. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _traw-an_, Isl. _tru-a_, credere. 2. To confide in. _Barbour._ 3. To make believe; often in sport, S. TROW, _s._ 1. The devil, Orkn. 2. In pl. an inferior order of evil spirits, ibid. O. Goth, _troll_, a spectre, an incarnate goblin. _To_ ~Trow~, _v. a._ Apparently, to curse. _Wallace._ _To_ TROW, _v. a._ To season a cask, by rinsing it with a little wort, before it be used, Ang. A. S. _ge-treow-ian_, purgare. TROWENTYN, L. _tranouwintyn_. V. ~Tranont~. _Barbour._ TROWIE GLOVES, a name given to sponges, Caithn. _Stat. Acc._ Q. _make-believe gloves_. TROWTH, _s._ 1. Truth. _Wyntown._ 2. Belief. _Wyntown._ TRUBLY, _adj._ Dark, lowering. _Doug._ Fr. _troublé_, overcast, obscure. TRUCKER, _s._ V. ~Trukier~. TRUDGE-BAK, a humpback. _K. Hart._ Su. G. _trutn-a_, to swell. TRUDGET, _s._ A trick, a mischievous prank, Loth. Alem. _trug_, fraud; O. Fr. _trick-er_, to deceive. TRUE-BLUE, _adj._ An epithet given to those accounted rigid Presbyterians, from the colour of the cockade worn by the Covenanters, S. _True Bleu Presb. Loyalty._ TRUFF, _s._ Corr. of E. _turf_, S. _Ferguson._ TRUFF, _s._ A trick, a deceit. _Douglas._ Ital. _truffa_, id. _truff-are_, to cheat. _To_ ~Truff~, _v. a._ To steal. _Gl. Shirr._ ~Truffure~, _s._ A deceiver. _Douglas._ TRUGS, _adv._ A mode of profane swearing, used among the vulgar, S. B. Moes. G. _triggua_, Su. G. _trigg_, faithful. TRUKIER, TRUCKER, _s._ 1. A deceitful person. _Polwart._ O. Fr. _trikeur_, a deceiver. 2. A designation often given to a female in contempt, as equivalent to "worthless hussy," S. TRULIE, _adj._ True, not factitious. _A trulie story_, S. B. Su. G. _trolig_, credibilis. TRULIS, _s. pl._ Some kind of game. _Dunbar._ TRULLION, _s._ A sort of crupper, Mearns. Teut. _treyl-linie_, helcium, the trace of a cart-horse. _To_ TRUMP, _v. n._ To march, to trudge, S. _Barbour._ Isl. _tramp-a_, calcare; Germ. _trump-en_, currere. _To_ TRUMP _up_, _v. n._ 1. To trumpet forth. _Douglas._ Teut. _tromp-en_, canere tuba. 2. To break wind backwards. _Wynt._ TRUMP, _s._ A Jews-harp. _Kelly._ Teut. Fr. _trompe_, Germ. _trompff_, id. _To_ TRUMP, _v. a._ To deceive. _Barbour._ Fr. _tromp-er_, Teut. _tromp-en_, id. ~Trumpe~, _s._ 1. A trifle, a thing of little value. _Douglas._ 2. In pl. goods. _Douglas._ Belg. _tromp_, a rattle for children. ~Trumpour~, ~Trumper~, _s._ 1. A deceiver. Fr. _trumpeur_, id. _Dunbar._ 2. Used as a contemptuous designation, without any definite meaning. _Philotus._ TRUMPH, _s._ The principal card, S. _trump_, E. _To_ ~Play trumph~ _about_, to be on a footing with, to retaliate, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ TRUNCHER SPEIR, a pointless spear. Fr. _tronc-ir_, to cut off. _Evergreen._ TRUNSCHEOUR, _s._ A plate, a trencher, S. _Douglas._ Fr. _trencheoir_, quadra mensaria. TRUSTFUL, _adj._ Trust-worthy. _Baillie._ TUAY, _adj._ Two. V. ~Twa~. TUCK, _s._ _Tuck of drum_, beat of drum, S. V. ~Touk~. _Wodrow._ TUEIT, _s._ An imitative word, expressing the short shrill cry of a small bird, _Complaynt S._ TUFF, _s._ A tuft of feathers or ribbons. _Watson._ Fr. _touffe_, a tuft, applied to hair, ribbons, feathers, &c. TUFFING, TOFFIN, _s._ Tow, ockam; wadding. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _estoupe_, O. Fr. _stoupe_, id. Lat. _stupa_. _To_ TUFFLE, _v. a._ To ruffle, to put any thing in disorder by frequent handling, S. _Tifle_, A. Bor. _tyfell_, O. E. to employ the fingers much about any thing. _Nithsdale Song._ Isl. _tif-a_, manus celeriter movere; or O. Fr. _touell-er_, souiller, gâter; to soil, to waste, to turn upside down; also, _touill-er_, salir, tacher. TUG, _s._ Raw-hide, of which formerly plough-traces were made, S. O. V. ~Teug~. _Burns._ _To_ TUGGLE, TUGLE, _v. a._ 1. To pull by repeated jerks, S. _Ross._ 2. To toss backwards and forwards, to handle roughly. _Polwart._ 3. To fatigue with travelling or severe labour, to keep under, S. B. _Gawan and Gol._ From Su. G. _toeg-a_, to draw, or E. _tug_. TUG-WHITING, _s._ A species of whiting. _Spalding._ TUIGH, _s._ Suspicion. _S. P. Repr._ A. S. _tweog-an_, dubitare, _tweo_, a doubt. TUILYIE, TULYE, TOOLYIE, _s._ A quarrel, a broil, S. _Polwart._ Fr. _touill-er_, to mix in a confused manner. _To_ ~Tuilyie~, ~Toolie~, _v. n._ To quarrel, to squabble, S. _Skene._ ~Tuilyie-mulie~, _s._ The same with _Tuilyie_, S. B. Teut. _muyl-en_, to quarrel. ~Tuilyeour~, _s._ One who is addicted to fighting or engaging in broils. _Chalm. Air._ ~Tuilyiesum~, _adj._ Quarrelsome, S. Prov. TILL, _s._ Toil, trouble. _Maitland P._ Teut. _tuyl_, labor. TULCHANE, TULCHIN, _s._ 1. A calf's skin, in its rough state, stuffed with straw, and set beside a cow to make her give her milk, S. ~Tulchane bishop~, one who received the episcopate, on condition of assigning the temporalities to a secular person. _Calderwood._ 2. A bag or budget, generally of the skin of an animal, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ 3. Applied to a chubby, sometimes to a dwarfish, child, Ang. Isl. _tulk-a_, pellicere. TULSURELIKE, _adj._ Apparently, fierce or furious. _Henrysone._ Gael. _tulchoir_, obstinate. TUMDEIF, _s._ Perh. swooning. _Roull._ Isl. _tumb-a_, cadere praeceps; and _deyfa_, hebetudo. _To_ TUME, _v. a._ To empty, S. V. ~Teym~. Dan. _tomm-er_, Su. G. Isl. _toem-a_, vacuare. ~Tume~, ~Toom~, ~Tome~, _adj._ 1. Empty, S. _Wyntown._ 2. Untenanted, S.; as, a _tume house_. _S. Prov._ 3. In a state of inanition, as to food, S. 4. Lank, tall and meagre, S. 5. Shadowy, unsubstantial. _Douglas._ 6. Vain, having no real cause for boasting. _Douglas._ 7. Unprofitable, what brings no return, S. _Ramsay._ 8. Deficient in mind, S. ~Tume~, _s._ _A tume of rain_, a sudden and heavy fall of rain, S. B. ~Tume-handit~, _adj._ Empty handed, in whatever respect, S. _Ross._ Dan. _tomhaendet_, id. TUMFIE, _s._ A dumpish sort of fellow. ~Tumfie~, _adj._ Dull and stupid, S. O. Dan. _dumt-fae_, a blockhead. TUP, _s._ 1. The common term for a ram, S. 2. A foolish fellow, S. 3. An unpolished store-farmer, S. A. _Mannering._ TUQUHEIT, TEUCHIT, _s._ The lapwing, S. _Houlate._ Probably meant to imitate the sound made by this bird. TURBOT, _s._ The name commonly given, in our markets, to halibut, S. _Stat. Acc._ TURCHIE, _adj._ Short and thick, squat, Perths. Gael. _dorcha_, gross; or radically the same with ~Durgy~. TURCUME, _s._ Clotted filth. _Lyndsay._ C. B. _tywarchen_, a covering, a stratum, Owen; clotty, Richards. TURDION, _s._ A species of galliard or gay dance; Fr. _tordion_. _Compl. S._ TURKAS, TURKES, TURKESSE, _s._ Pincers, nippers, S. _Dunbar._ Arm. _turcques_, _turkes_, id. TURN, _s._ _To do the turn_. 1. To perform any piece of work or business, S. _Reg. Maj._ 2. To be sufficient for any purpose; to give satisfaction, S. _Ross._ TURNER, _s._ A copper coin, formerly current in S., in value two pennies Scots money, and equivalent to a _Bodle_. _Spalding._ Fr. _tournois_, the _tenth_ part of a penny Sterling. TURNGREYS, _s._ A winding stair. _Wallace._ Fr. _tourn-er_, to turn, and _gre_, a step. TURN-TAIL, _s._ A fugitive. _Spalding._ TURNE-PYK, TURNEPECK, TURNPIKE, _s._ 1. The winding stair of a castle. _Wyntown._ 2. Any stair of a spiral form, built without a house, S. _Cant._ Teut. _torn_, a tower; _baecke_, a place for observation. _To_ TURS, TURSS, _v. a._ 1. To pack up in a bale or bundle, S. 2. To carry off hastily. _Wallace._ 3. To take one's self off quickly. _Doug._ 4. _To turss furth_, to bring out what has been kept in store. _Wallace._ ~Tursable~, _adj._ What may be carried away. _Spalding._ TURTOUR, TURTURE, _s._ The turtle-dove. Lat. _turtur_. _King's Quair._ TUSCHÉ, _s._ A girdle. V. ~Tische~. _To_ TUSH, _v. n._ To express displeasure. _Rutherford._ E. _tush_, Su. G. _tyst_, silens; _tyst-a_, silere. TUSK, _s._ The _torsk_ of Pennant, S. Isl. _thosk-r_, asellus. _Martin._ TUSKER, _s._ An instrument made of iron, with a wooden handle, for casting peats, Orkn. Perhaps, q. _twaeskaer_, Sw. _twae_, two, and _skaer-a_, to cut. TUSSOCK (_of wheat_), _s._ A tuft of wheat in a corn-field, generally owing to the vegetating of the nest or granary of a field-mouse, Loth. C. B. _tusw_, a tuft; _tuswawg_, having a wisp or bundle. _To_ TUTE, _v. n._ To jut out, to project, S. B. ~Tute~, _s._ A jutting out, a projection, S. B. Su. G. _tut_, Teut. _tuyte_, rostrum, a beak. ~Tute-mowitt~, _adj._ Having the nether jaw projected. _Dunbar._ Teut. _tuyte-muyl_, having the nether jaw projecting more than the upper. TUTIE TATIE, _interj._ Pshaw. Isl. _taut-a_, murmurare. TUTIVILLARIS, _s. pl._ Perh. rustics. Ir. _tuatamhail_, _tuatavail_, rustic. TUTIWING, _s._ L. _tutilling_, a blast or blowing of a horn. V. ~Toot~. _Barbour._ TUT-MUTE, _s._ A muttering or grumbling between parties, that has not yet assumed the form of a broil, S. B. Teut. _tuyt-en_, to buzz; _muyt-en_, Su. G. _mutt-a_, to mutter. TWA, TUAY, TWAY, _adj._ Two, S. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _twa_, _twai_, A. S. _twa_, id. ~Twa-faced~, _adj._ Double, deceitful, S. ~Twa-fald~, ~Twa-fawld~, _adj._ Double, twofold, S. _Wyntown._ A. S. _twe-feald_, Sw. _twefallt_, duplex. ~Twa-handed crack~, a familiar conversation between two persons, S. ~Twa part~, two-thirds. _Douglas._ _The twa part and third_, i. e. two-thirds, S. B. ~Twasum~, _adj._ Two in company. V. ~Sum~, _term_. ~Twa-three~, _s._ A few, S. q. _two or three_. TWAY, _adj._ Two. V. ~Twa~. TWAL, _adj._ Twelve, S. _Barbour._ _To_ TWEDDLE, TWEEL, _v. a._ To work cloth in such a manner, that the woof appears to cross the warp vertically, kersey-wove, S. A. S. _twaede_, duplex; or _twa_, and _dael_, part. ~Tweddlin~, _s._ Cloth that is _tweeled_. ~Tweddlin~, _adj._ Used in the same sense, S. _To_ TWICHE, TWITCH, _v. a._ 1. To touch, S. B. _R. Bruce._ 2. To engage with. _Douglas._ ~Twiching~, _prep._ Touching, concerning. _Douglas._ _To_ TWIG, _v. a._ To pull hastily, S. B. _Morison._ E. _tweag_, _tweak_; A. S. _twicc-ian_, vellicare; Germ. _twick-en_, id. ~Twig~, _s._ A quick pull, a twitch, S. TWYN, _adj._ _In twyn_, in twain, asunder. _Wallace._ A. S. _twegen_, twain, from _tweg_, two. _To_ ~Twin~, ~Twine~, _v. n._ To part, to separate. _Wallace._ _To_ ~Twin~, _v. a._ _To twin_ one out of a thing, to deprive him of it, S. B. TWYNRYS, _s. pl._ Pincers, nippers. Teut. _dwingh-en_, arctare. _Douglas._ TWINTER, _s._ A beast that is two years old, S, corr. _quinter_. _Douglas._ A. S. _twy-winter_, duos annos natus. TWIST, TWYST, _s._ A twig. _Barbour._ Teut. _twist_, rami abscissi, ramalia. _To_ TWITCH, _v. a._ To touch. V. ~Twiche~. TWITTER, 1. That part of a thread that is spun too small, S. 2. Any person or thing that is slender or feeble, S. _Kelly._ TWO-PENNY, _s._ A weak kind of beer, sold at two-pence the Scots pint, or two quarts, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Two-penny~, (or ~Tippeny-~) ~house~, _s._ An ale-house, S. V VADMELL, _s._ A species of woollen cloth manufactured and worn in the Orkneys. _Statist. Acc._ Isl. _vadmaal_, pannus rusticus. VAGEIT, _part. pa._ Mercenary, waged. _Pitscottie._ VAGER, VAGEOURE, _s._ A mercenary soldier. V. ~Wageour~. _To_ VAIG, _v. n._ 1. To wander, to roam. _Vagit_, pret. _Complaynt S._ 2. Metaph. applied to discourse. _Mellvill's MS._ Isl. _vag-a_, _vakk-a_, vagor; Lat. _vagari_. ~Vaiger~, _s._ A stroller. _Baillie._ _To_ VAIK, VAICK, WAKE, _v. n._ To be vacant, to be unoccupied. _Crosraguel._ Fr. _vaqu-er_, Lat. _vac-are_. _To_ VAIL, VALE, _v. n._ To make obeisance, to bow. _Priests Peblis._ Fr. _veill-er_, to watch, studiously to attend. VAILYE QUOD VAILYE, at all adventures, be the issue as it will. _Doug._ Fr. _vaille que vaille_, Lat. _valeat quantum valere potest_. _To_ VAKE, _v. n._ To watch, to observe. Lat. _vac-are_. _Douglas._ VALE, _s._ The gunwale of a vessel. V. ~Wail~. _Douglas._ _To_ VALE, _v. n._ To descend. _K. Quair._ O. Fr. _aval-er_, id. VALENTINE, _s._ 1. A billet, which is folded in a particular way, and sent by one young person to another, on St Valentine's day, the 14th of February, S. 2. A sealed letter sent by royal authority, for the purpose of apprehending disorderly persons. _Acts Ja. VI._ VALISES, _s. pl._ Saddlebags, S. _wallees_. V. ~Wallees~. _Godscroft._ VALOUR, VALURE, _s._ Value; Fr. _valeur_. _Quon. Att._ _To_ VAMPER, _v. n._ To make an ostentatious appearance, S. A. C. B. _gwemp_, splendid. VANE, _s._ 1. A vein. _Douglas._ 2. A fibre, or shoot. _Douglas._ ~Vane-organis~, _s. pl._ The veins of the flank. _Dunbar._ Fr. _veines organiques_, id. VANHAP, WANHAP, _s._ Misfortune, S. _Complaynt S._ Isl. _van_, signifies want, privation. VANQUISH, _s._ A disease of sheep, caused by a species of grass which debilitates or _vanquishes_ them, Galloway. _Stat. Acc._ VARIANT, _adj._ Variable, Fr. _K. Quair._ VARLOT, VERLOT, _s._ 1. An inferior servant. _Priests Peblis._ 2. It sometimes denotes a groom. _Doug._ O. Fr. _varlet_, jeune homme, jeune galant. VASSALAGE, WASSELAGE, _s._ 1. Any great achievement. _Bellenden._ 2. Fortitude, valour. _Barbour._ Fr. _vasselage_, valour; a valiant deed. _To_ VAUCE, _v. a._ To stab, to kill. _Doug._ O. Fr. _fauss-er_, to pierce through. VAUDIE, WADY, _adj._ 1. Gay, showy, S. B. 2. Vain, Aberd. _Forbes._ 3. It sometimes denotes any thing great or uncommon, Ang. O. Fr. _vaud-ir_, rejouir, egayir. VAUENGEOUR, _s._ An idler, a vagabond. _Acts Ja. II._ L. B. _wayv-iare_, relinquere; or corr. from O. Fr. _vavasseur_, the subject of a vassal. VAUNTY, _adj._ Boastful, S. Fr. _vanteux_. _Ritson._ UDAL, _adj._ A term applied to lands held by uninterrupted succession, without any original charter, and without subjection to feudal service, or the acknowledgment of any superior. _Barry._ Isl. _odal_, bona avita, fundi, _allodium_; from _od_, anc. _aud_, _oed_, possession. ~Udal-man~, ~Udelar~, ~Udaller~, _s._ One who holds property by _udal_ right. _Fea._ VEES, _s._ Some kind of disease. _Montgomerie._ Teut. _vaese_, delirium; Isl. _vas_, tumultuarius impetus et gestus. VEYLE, _adv._ Well. _Barbour._ VEIR, VER, WERE, WAIR, VOR, _s._ The spring; _wair_, S. A. _Barbour._ Isl. _vor_, Su. G. _waar_, Lat. _ver_, Gr. εαρ, Gael. _earrach_, id. VELE, VEYL, _s._ A violent current or whirlpool. _Bellenden._ The same with S. _wele_, _wallee_; Isl. _vell_, ebullitio. V. ~Wele~. VELVOUS, _s._ Velvet; Fr. _velous_. _Maitland P._ VENDACE, _s._ The gwiniad, salmo lavaretus, Linn. S. _Stat. Acc._ VENENOWS, WENENOUS, _adj._ Venomous. _Wyntown._ O. Fr. _veneneus_, Lat. _venenos-us_. VENESUM, _adj._ Venomous. _Complaynt S._ VENALL, VINELL, _s._ An alley, a lane, S. Fr. _venalle_, id. _Skene._ VENT, _s._ A chimney, S. as being a place of egress for the smoke. VENTAILL, _s._ The breathing part of a helmet; Fr. _ventaille_. _Gawan and Gol._ VENUST, _adj._ Beautiful, pleasant; Lat. _venust-us_. _Douglas._ VER, VERE, _s._ The spring. V. ~Veir~. VER, _adj._ Worse. _S. P. Repr._ VERES, _s. pl._ Glasses. Fr. _verre_. _Sir Gawan._ VERGELT, WERGELT, _s._ Ransom, or restitution legally made for the commission of a crime. _Reg. Maj._ A. S. _wergeld_, the payment of the _were_, or price at which the life of every individual was estimated. VERGER, _s._ An orchard. _Pal. Hon._ Fr. _vergier_, Lat. _viridar-ium_, a green place inclosed. VERLOT, _s._ V. ~Varlot~. VERNAGE, WERNAGE, _s._ A kind of white wine. _Wallace._ L. B. _vernachia_, _vernac-ia_, O. Fr. _garnache_, id. VERRAYMENT, _s._ Truth. V. ~Werrayment~. VERT, WERT, _s._ A term used in old charters, to signify a right to cut green wood. _Chart. Q. Anne._ Fr. _verd_, Lat _virid-is_. VERTUE, _s._ Thrift, industry, S. ~Vertuous~, _adj._ Thrifty, industrious, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ VESIE, VISIE, VISYE, WESY, WISIE, _v. a._ 1. To visit. _Douglas._ 2. To examine accurately, S. _Gawan and Gol._ 3. To send good or evil judicially. _Wallace._ 4. To take aim, to mark, S. Fr. _viser_, id. Lat. _vis-o_, to visit; also, to survey. VETIT, _adj._ Forbidden; Lat. _vetit-us_. _S. P. Repr._ VEUG, _s._ Amorous. _Houlate._ A. S. _fog_, conjunctio; whence _fogere_, a wooer. _To_ UG, _v. a._ To feel abhorrence at, S. _Ramsay._ ~Ugertfow~, _adj._ Nice, squeamish. V. ~Ogertful~. ~Ugsum~, ~Ougsum~, _adj._ 1. Frightful. _Doug._ 2. Exciting abhorrence. _Wyntown._ ~Ugsumnes~, _s._ Frightfulness, horror. _Doug._ VICTUAL, _s._ Grain of any kind, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Victualler~, _s._ A corn-factor, S. VIER, VYER, _s._ One who _vies_ with. _Watson._ VIFELIE, _adv._ In a lively manner. _A. Hume._ VYIS, YYSS, _adj._ Wise. _Henrysone._ VYLAUS, _adj._ Perh. deceitful, q. _wilous_. _Wyntown._ VYLD, _adj._ Vile, S. _Burel._ VYLT, _s._ Apparently, vault. _Monroe._ _To_ VIOLENT, _v. a._ To do violence to. Fr. _violent-er_, id. _Fleming._ VIOLER, _s._ One who plays on the fiddle or violin, S. O. Fr. VIRE, _s._ The arrow called a _quarrel_, used only for the crossbow. Fr. _vire_, id. V. ~Wyr~. _Douglas._ VYREENIN, _part. pr._ Veering, turning or winding about. Fr. _vironnant_, id. _N. Burne._ VIRIDEER, _s._ The keeper of the grass or green wood in a forest. _For. Lawes._ L. B. _viridar-ius_, Fr. _verdeur_, id. VIRLE, _s._ A small ring put round any body, to keep it firm, S. _ferrule_. O. E. _vyroll_, Fr. _virolle_. _Ramsay._ VIRR, VIR, _s._ Force, impetuosity, S. B. V. ~Bir~. _Shirrefs._ VIRROCK, _s._ A corn, or bony excrescence on the feet, S. _wirrock_. Lat. _ver-ruc-a_, a wart; A. S. _wearrig_, callosus, nodosus. _Dunbar._ VYSE. _Bowys of vyse_, bows worked by screws. Fr. _vis_, Belg. _vijs_, a screw. _Wynt._ _To_ VISIE, _v. a._ V. ~Vesie~. VISORNE, _s._ A mask or visor. _Knox._ VIVDA, _s._ Beef or mutton hung and dried without salt, Orkney. VIVE, VIUE, _adj._ 1. Lively, representing to the life, S. Fr. _vif_. _Rollocke._ 2. Brisk, vigorous, S. ~Vively~, _adv._ In a vivid light, S. _Ross._ VIVERIS, VIEVERS, _s. pl._ Provisions for the sustenance of life, victuals, S. Fr. _vivres_, id. _Knox._ ULIE, _s._ Oil. V. ~Olye~. ULISPIT, _pret. v._ Lisped; MS. _wlispit_. A. S. _wlisp_, dentiloquus. _Barbour._ UMAN, the pron. of _woman_, Ang. UMAST, UMEST, UMAIST, _adj._ Uppermost, highest. _Wyntown._ A. S. _ufemest_, supremus; from _ufa_, above, and _mest_, most. ~Umast claith~, a perquisite claimed by the vicar, in the time of popery, on occasion of the death of any person. _Lyndsay._ _To_ UMBEDRAW, _v. n._ To turn about. _Douglas._ Belg. _omdraaij-en_, to turn about. UMBERAUCHT, _pret._ Encompassed. _Douglas._ A. S. _umb_, circa, and _raucht_, from _raec-an_, to extend. UMBERSORROW, _adj._ 1. Hardy, resisting disease, or the effects of severe weather, Border; sometimes _number-sorrow_. 2. Rugged, of a surly disposition, Loth. Teut. _on-be-sorght_, negligens curae; or Su. G. _ombaer-a_, portare, and _sorg_, aerumna. _To_ UMBESCHEW, _v. a._ To avoid. _Douglas._ A. S. _umb_, about, prefixed to _eschew_. _To_ UMBESET, _v. a._ To beset on every side. _Douglas._ A. S. _ymb-saet-an_, id. circumdare. _To_ UMBESEGE, _v. a._ To encompass with armed men. _Douglas._ _To_ UMBETHINK, _v. n._ To consider attentively. _Barbour._ A. S. _ymbe-thinc-an_, cogitare de. UMBEWEROUND, _part. pa._ Environed. _Barbour._ A. S. _ymbe-hwearf-an_, circumcingere. UMBOTH, _adj._ Alternate; as belonging to different possessions by rotation, Shetl. _MS. Acc. P. of Unst._ Isl. _um-bod_, tutela, procuratio. UMBRE, _s._ Shade. Fr. _ombre_, Lat. _umbra_. _King's Quair._ UMQUHILE, _adv._ 1. Sometimes, at times. _Barbour._ A. S. _hwilum_, aliquando, inverted; from _umb_, circum, and _hwile_, intervallum temporis. 2. Used distributively, in the sense of _now_ as contrasted with _then_. _Priests Peblis._ 3. Sometime ago, formerly. _Douglas._ ~Umquhile~, _adj._ Former. _Reg. Maj._ UMWYLLES, _s._ Reluctance. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _un-willes_, cum reluctatione. UN, a negative particle in composition. V. ~On~. UNABASYT, _part. pa._ Undaunted, E. _unabashed_. _Douglas._ ~Unabasitlie~, _adv._ Without fear or dejection. _Pal. Honour._ _To_ UNABILL, _v. a._ To incapacitate. _Knox._ UNAMENDABLE, _adj._ What cannot be remedied. _Baillie._ UNBEIST, _s._ A monster. V. ~Onbeist~. UNBEKENT, _part. pa._ Unknown, S. B. Belg. _onbekend_, Germ. _unbekaunt_, id. UNBODIN, _adj._ Unprovided. V. ~Bodin~. _Acts Ja. II._ UNCAIRDLY, _adv._ Carelessly, without care. _Burel._ UNCANNAND, _adj._ Possessing preternatural power. _Sir Egeir._ UNCANNY, _adj._ 1. Not safe, dangerous, S. _Poems Buchan Dial._ 2. Not tender, harsh, S. _Ferguson._ 3. Incautious, imprudent, S. _Baillie._ 4. Mischievous, not safe to meddle with, S. _Baillie._ 5. Applied to one supposed to possess preternatural powers, S. V. ~Canny~. _Mannering._ 6. Severe; applied to a fall or blow, S. _Waverley._ UNCASSABLE, _adj._ What cannot be annulled. _Reg. Maj._ _In_ negat. and L. B. _cass-are_, irritum reddere. UNCHANCY, _adj._ Not lucky, not fortunate, S. _Bellenden._ UNCO, _adj._ 1. Unknown. _Ramsay._ A. S. _uncuth_, id. 2. Not acquainted, being in the state of a stranger, S. _Bellenden._ 3. Not domestic, S. _Ross._ 4. So much changed as scarcely to be recognised, S. _Glenburnie._ 5. Unusual, surprising, S. A. S. _uncuth_, alienus. 6. Strange, as applied to country, S. _Mannering._ 7. Distant, reserved in one's manner towards another, S. ~Unco~, _adv._ Very, S. _Ross._ ~Uncos~, used as a _s. pl._ News, S. B. _Morison._ UNCOFT, _adj._ Unbought, S. V. ~Coff~, v. _Bellenden._ UNCORDUALL, _adj._ Incongruous. _Wallace._ UNCORNE, _s._ Wild oats, S. B. _Doug._ UNCOUDY, _adj._ 1. Dreary, causing fear, S. B. 2. Under the influence of fear, S. B. V. ~Coudy~. UNCOUNSELFOW, _adj._ Unadviseable, S. B. UNCOUTHNESSE, _s._ Strangeness, want of acquaintance. _Ferguson._ UNCREDYBLE, _adj._ Unbelieving. _Douglas._ L. B. _incredibilis_, incredulus. _To_ UNCT, _v. a._ To anoint. Lat. _unct-us_. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ ~Uncting~, _s._ Anointing. _Hamilton._ UNCUNNANDLY, _adv._ Unknowingly. V. ~Cunnand~. _Dunbar._ UNCUNNANDNES, _s._ Ignorance. _Douglas._ UNDEGEST, _adj._ 1. Rash, imprudent. _Douglas._ 2. Untimely, premature. _Douglas._ UNDEIP, _s._ A shallow place. _Douglas._ Teut. _on-deipte_, vadum, brevia. UNDEMIT, UNDEMMYT, _adj._ Uncensured. _Gl. Sibb._ UNDEMUS, _adj._ Incalculable, inconceivable; _undeemis_, _undeemint_, S. B. _Bellenden._ A. S. _un_ negat. and _dem-an_, to judge, to reckon. _To_ UNDERLY, _v. a._ To undergo, S. Belg. _onderlegg-en_, to lie under. _To_ UNDERLOUT, WNDYRLOWTE, _v. n._ To stoop, to be subject. A. S. _underlut-an_, id. _Wyntown._ ~Underlout, Wndyrlowte~, _adj._ In a state of subjection. _Wyntown._ _To_ UNDO, _v. a._ 1. To cut off. _Douglas._ 2. To unravel. _Douglas._ 3. To disclose, to uncover. _Douglas._ A. S. _un-do-en_, aperire, solvere. UNDOCH, UNDOCHT, UNDOUGHT, WANDOUGHT, _s._ 1. A weak or puny creature; applied both to body and mind, S., _wandocht_, S. B. _Calderwood._ 2. Expl. as signifying a coward. _Rudd._ Teut. _on-deughd_, vitium; _on_ negative, and _deughd_, virtus. UNDON, WNDON, _part. pa._ Explained. _Wyntown._ UNE, _s._ Oven, S. V. ~Oon~. _Bellenden._ UNEGALL, _adj._ Unequal. Fr. _inegal_. _G. Buchanan._ UNEITH, ONEITH, UNETH, S. UNETHIS, UNEIS, UNESE, WNESS, UNEIST, _adv._ Hardly, with difficulty. _Wallace._ A. S. _un-eathe_, vix, scarcely. UNERDIT, _part. adj._ Not buried. _Doug._ UNESCHEWABIL, _adj._ Unavoidable. _Douglas._ UNESS, _adv._ V. ~Uneith~. UNFANDRUM, _adj._ Bulky, unmanageable, Ang. UNFERY, ONFEIRIE, _adj._ Infirm, unweildy, S. V. ~Fery~. _Pop. Ball._ Su. G. _wanfoer_, imbecillis. UNFLEGGIT, _part. pa._ Not affrighted. _Ferguson._ UNFORLATIT, _part. adj._ 1. Not forsaken. _Ruddiman._ 2. Fresh, new. _Douglas._ Belg. _wyn verlaat-en_, to rack wine. UNFORSAIN'D, _adj._ Undeserved. _Ross._ Perhaps originally, irremediable; Teut. _on_, negat., and _versoen-en_, Sw. _foerson-a_, to expiate. UNFRE, _adj._ Discourteous. _Sir Tristrem._ UNFRELIE, UNFREELY, _adj._ Not handsome. V. ~Frely~. _Houlate._ UNFRELIE, UNFREELIE, _adj._ 1. Frail, feeble, S. B. 2. Heavy, unweildy, S. B. Isl. _un_, negat., and _fralig-r_, fleet; also powerful. UNFREND, UNFRIEND, _s._ An enemy, O. E. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _on-vriend_, inimicus, parum amicus. UNFUTE-SAIR, _adj._ _Priests Peblis._ A. S. _fota-sare_, dolor pedum, with the negat. prefixed. UNGAND, _part. pr._ Unfit, not becoming, _Douglas._ UNGEIR'D, UNGEARIT, _adj._ Not clad, unharnessed. V. ~Geir~. _Gl. Shirr._ UNGLAID, _adj._ Sorrowful. _Douglas._ A. S. _un-gladu_, tristis. UNHALSIT, _part. pa._ Not saluted. V. ~Halles~. _Douglas._ UNHEARTSOME, _adj._ Melancholy. _Rutherford._ _To_ UNHEILD, _v. a._ To uncover. V. ~Heild~. _Pal. Hon._ A. S. _unhel-an_, revelare. UNHELE, _s._ Pain, suffering. _Houlate._ A. S. _un-hele_, crux, tormentum. UNHIT, _part. pa._ Not named. V. ~Hat~. _Douglas._ UNHONEST, _adj._ Dishonourable. _Bellenden._ Lat. _inhonest-us_; Fr. _inhoneste_. ~Unhonestie~, _s._ Injustice. _Acts Ja. VI._ UNIRKIT, _adj._ Unwearied. _Douglas._ UNKENSOME, _adj._ Unknowable. _Minstr. Bord._ UNKNAW, _part. pa._ Unknown. _Douglas._ UNLATIT, _part. pa._ Undisciplined, destitute of proper breeding. V. ~Lait~. _Fordun._ UNLAUCHFUL, _adj._ Unlawful. _Acts Ja. VI._ UNLAW, UNLACH, _s._ 1. Any transgression of the law, O. E. _Quon. Att._ A. S. _unlaga_, _unlage_, quod contra legem est. 2. A fine exacted from one who has transgressed the law. _Wallace._ 3. Used improperly, to denote a law which has no real authority. _Baillie._ _To_ ~Unlaw~, _v. a._ To fine. _Burr. Lawes._ UNLEIF, _adj._ Unpleasant, ungrateful. V. ~Leif~. _Douglas._ UNLEILL, _adj._ Dishonest. V. ~Leil~. _Lyndsay._ UNLESUM, _adj._ What cannot be permitted. V. ~Lesum~. _Douglas._ UNLUSSUM, _adj._ Unlovely. V. ~Lufsom~. _Douglas._ UNMODERLY, _adj._ Unkindly. _Wyntown._ _Un_ negat. and A. S. _mothwaere_, meek. UNPAUNDED, _part. adj._ Unpledged. _Baillie._ UNQUART, _s._ Sadness. _Gawan and Gol._ The reverse of _Quert_, q. v. UNRABOYTYT, _part. pa._ Not repulsed. V. ~Rebut~, _v._ _Wallace._ UNREASON, UNRESSOUN, _s._ 1. Injustice, iniquity. _Priests Peblis._ 2. Disorder. _Acts Marie._ UNREDE, UNRIDE, _adj._ Cruel, severe. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _un-ge-reod_, _un-ge-ridu_, barbarous, cruel. UNREST, _s._ 1. Trouble. _Wallace._ 2. A person or thing that causes disquietude. _Baillie._ Teut. _on-raste_, _on-ruste_, inquies. UNRYCHT, _s._ Injustice, iniquity. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _un-richt_, Teut. _on-recht_, injustitia. UNRUDE, _adj._ Vile, impure. _Douglas._ Teut. _on-raed_, sordes, immundities. UNSALL, _adj._ V. ~Unsel~. UNSAUCHT, UNSAUGHT, _adj._ Disturbed, troubled. _Gawan and Gol._ Teut. _on-saecht_, durus, asper, rudis. ~Unsaucht~, _s._ Dispeace, trouble, S. B. A. S. _un-saeht_, _un-seht_, discordia, inimicitia. _To_ UNSCHET, _v. a._ To open. V. ~Schete~. _Douglas._ UNSEY'D, _part. adj._ Not tried, S. V. ~Sey~, _v._ _Ferguson._ UNSEL, UNSALL, UNSILLY, _adj._ 1. Unhappy, wretched. _Dunbar._ A. S. _un-saelig_, Su. G. _usel_, infelix. 2. Naughty, worthless. _Montgomerie._ Moes. G. _unsel_, malus. ~Unsele~, ~Unsell~, _s._ 1. Mischance, misfortune. _Barbour._ A. S. _un-saelth_, infelicitas, infortunium. 2. A wicked or worthless person. _Bannatyne P._ Moes. G. _unsel_, evil, wickedness. UNSELYEABLE, _adj._ Unassailable. _Houlate._ UNSETT, _s._ An attack, for _onset_. _Doug._ UNSIKKIR, UNSICKER, _adj._ 1. Not secure, not safe. _Douglas._ 2. Unsteady, S. V. ~Sikkir~. _Burns._ UNSILLY, _adj._ V. ~Unsel~. UNSNARRE, _adj._ Blunt, not sharp, S. B. V. ~Snarre~. UNSNED, _part. pa._ Not pruned or cut, S. UNSONSIE, _adj._ 1. Unlucky, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Mischievous, S. V. ~Sonsy~. _Ramsay._ _To_ UNSNECK, _v. a._ To lift a latch, S. _Pop. Ball._ UNSOUND, _s._ A pang. _Gawan and Gol._ Teut. _on-ghe-sonde_, morbus. UNTELLABYLL, UNTELLIBYLL, _adj._ What cannot be told. _Bellenden._ ~Untellably~, _adv._ Ineffably. _Douglas._ UNTHINKABILL, _adj._ Inconceivable. _Lyndsay._ UNTHOCHT, _To haud_ one _unthocht lang_, to keep one from wearying. _Pop. Ball._ Teut. _ondeuchtigh_, curae et timoris expers. UNTHRIFTY, _adj._ Unfriendly. V. ~Thryft~. _Douglas._ UNTILL, _prep._ Unto. V. ~Skair~. UNTYNT, _part. pa._ Not lost. V. ~Tyne~. _Douglas._ UNTRAIST, _adj._ Unexpected. V. ~Traist~, _adj._ _Lyndsay._ UNTRETABYLL, _adj._ Unmanageable, untractable. _Douglas._ Lat. _intractabil-is_. UNTROWABILL, _adj._ Incredible. V. ~Trow~, _v._ _Lyndsay_. UNWAR, UNWER, _adj._ or _adv._ Unwary; or unawares. _Douglas._ A. S. _unwar_, _unwaer_, incautus; Isl. _war-a_, videre. UNWARYIT, _part. pa._ Not accursed. V. ~Wary~. _Douglas._ UNWARNYST, _part. pa._ Not warned, S. V. ~Warnis~. _Unwarnistly_, _adv._ Without previous warning. _Douglas._ UNWEMMYT, _part. adj._ Unspotted, unstained. _Douglas._ A. S. _un-waemme_, _un-waemmed_, immaculatus. UNWERD, _s._ Sad fate, misfortune, S. V. ~Weird~. _Ruddiman._ A. S. _un-wyrd_, infortunium. UNWYNNABILL, _adj._ Impregnable. _Bellenden._ A. S. _un-winna_, invincibilis. UNWINNE, _adj._ Extreme. _Sir Tristrem._ V. ~Win~. A. S. _un-winna_, invincibilis, injucundus, inamoenus, asper. UNWROKIN, _part. pa._ Unrevenged. A. S. _un-wrecen_, inultus. _Douglas._ UNYEMENT, _s._ Ointment. _Bellenden._ O. Fr. _oignement_, id. VOCE, _s._ Voice, S. B. _Douglas._ VODE, _adj._ 1. Empty, void. _Douglas._ 2. Light, indecent. _Douglas._ _To_ ~Vode~, _v. a._ To void, to empty. _Douglas._ VOE, _s._ A long narrow bay, Orkn. Shetl. _Barry._ Isl. _vog-r_, sinus maris angustus. VOGIE, VOKIE, _adj._ 1. Vain, S. _Ross._ Fr. _vogue_, Ital. _voga_, fame. 2. Merry, cheerful, S. B. VOICER, _s._ A voter. _Baillie._ VOLE MOUSE, the short-tailed field mouse, Orkn. _Barry._ A. S. _wold_, planities; Su. G. _wall_, solum herbidum; Isl. _voell-r_, campus, pratum. VOLLAGE, _adj._ Fickle; Fr. _volage_. _Complaynt S._ VOLOUNTÉ, _s._ The will; Fr. _volonté_. _Douglas._ VOLT, _s._ Perh. cupola or dome. Fr. _voulte_, a vaulted or embowed roof. _Maitland P._ VOR, _s._ The spring, Orkn. V. ~Veir~. VOSTING, _s._ Boasting. _Hamilton._ VOTE, _s._ A vow. _Bellend. Cron._ O. Fr. _vot_, _vote_; Lat. _vot-um_. _To_ VOTE, _v. a._ To devote. _Votit_, part. pa. _Bellenden._ VOTH, _s._ Outlawry. V. ~Vouth~. _Skene._ _To_ VOUST, _v. n._ To boast, S. _P. Buch. Dial._ ~Voust~, ~Voist~, ~Vosting~, _s._ Boasting; a boast, S. C. B. _bostio_, to boast. _Douglas._ ~Vouster~, _s._ A boaster, S. _Ruddiman._ ~Vousty~, _adj._ Vain, given to boasting. _Beattie._ VOUT, _s._ A vault, S. O. E. id. Fr. _voute_, id.; Sw. _hwalfd_, arched. VOUTH, _adj._ Prosecuted. _Skene._ A. S. _wothe_, clamor. ~Vouth~, _s._ Prosecution in course of law. _Skene._ ~Vouthman~, _s._ An outlaw; one who has been legally called, but not having presented himself in court, has been outlawed. _Skene._ VOW, _interj._ Expressive of admiration or surprise, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _vo_, metuendum quid. VOWBET, WOUBIT, OUBIT, _s._ 1. A hairy worm, S. A. V. ~Wobat~. A. S. _wibba_, a worm. _Gl. Sibb._ 2. A puny dwarfish creature. _Montgom._ _To_ UP-BANG, _v. a._ To force to rise, especially by beating. _Watson._ _To_ UPBRED, _v. a._ To set in order. V. ~Braid~ _up_. _Houlate._ _To_ UP-BULLER, _v. a._ To boil or throw up. V. ~Buller~, _v._ UPCAST, _s._ Taunt, reproach, S. _Henrysone._ UPCASTING, _s._ The rising of clouds above the horizon, especially as threatening rain, S. UPCOIL, _s._ A kind of game with balls. _Evergreen._ UPCOME, _s._ Promising appearance, perh. from the first appearance of the blade after sowing. _Godscroft._ A. S. _up-cyme_, ortus. _To_ UPDAW, _v. n._ To dawn. _Dunbar._ Belg. _op-daag-en_, to rise, to appear. UPGANG, _s._ An ascent, an acclivity. A. S. _up-gang_, ascensus. _Barbour._ UPGASTANG, _s._ A species of loom anciently used in Orkney. _Stat. Acc._ UPHALD, _s._ Support, S. _uphadd_. _G. Buchanan._ Isl. _uphellde_, sustentatio, victualia. _To_ ~Uphald~, ~Uphadd~, _v. a._ To warrant; as, _to uphadd a horse sound_, to warrant him free of defect, S. _To_ UP-HÉ, UPHIE, _v. a._ To lift up, to exalt; pret. _upheit_. _Dunbar._ Dan. _ophoy-er_, Belg. _ophoog-en_, to exalt. UPHEILD, _part. pa._ Carried upwards. _Douglas._ A. S. _up_, and _hyld-an_, inclinare. _To_ UPHEIS, _v. a._ To exalt, S. V. ~Heis~. _Douglas._ _To_ UPHEUE, _v. a._ To lift up. _Doug._ A. S. _up-hef-an_, levare, Isl. _upphef-ia_, exaltare. UPHYNT, _part. pa._ Snatched up. V. ~Hint~. _Douglas._ UPLANDS, UP OF LAND, UPON-LAND, UPPLANE, _adj._ 1. One who lives in the country, as distinguished from the town. _Burr. Lawes._ 2. Rustic, unpolished. _Dunbar._ A. S. _up-land_, highland; also, a midland country. _To_ UPLOIP, _v. n._ To ascend with rapidity. V. ~Loup~, _v._ _Montgomerie._ Teut. _oploop-en_, sursum currere. UPPIL ABOON, clear over-head, S. B. Sw. _uphaalls vaeder_, dry weather; from _uphaalla_, to bear up. _To_ ~Uppil~, _v. n._ To clear up, S. B. UPPISH, _adj._ Aspiring, ambitious, S. Su. G. _ypp-a_, elevare; _yppig_, superbus. UP-PUT, _s._ The power of secreting, so as to prevent discovery. _Cleland._ _To_ UPRAX, _v. a._ To stretch upward, to erect. V. ~Rax~. _Douglas._ _To_ UPREND, _v. a._ To render or give up. _Douglas._ UPREUIN, _part. pa._ Torn up. _Doug._ _To_ UPSET, _v. a._ To recover from; applied to a hurt, affliction, or calamity, S. _A. Douglas._ _To_ UPSET, _v. a._ To overset; as, _a cart_, _boat_, &c. S. _To_ UPSET, _v. n._ To be overturned, S. UPSET, _s._ Insurrection, mutiny. _Wynt._ Su. G. _uppsaet_, machinatio. UPSIDES, _adv._ Quits, q. on an equal foot, S. _Pop. Ball._ _To_ UPSKAIL, _v. a._ To scatter upwards, S. V. ~Skail~, _v._ _Dunbar._ _To_ UPSTEND, _v. n._ To spring up. V. ~Stend~. _Douglas._ UPSTENT, _part. pa._ Erected. _Douglas._ Teut. _op_ and _stenn-en_, fulcire. _To_ UPSTOUR, _v. n._ To rise up in a disturbed state, as dust in motion. _Doug._ V. ~Stour~, _v._ UPSTRAUCHT, _pret._ Stretched up. V. ~Straucht~. _Douglas._ UPTAK, UPTAKING, _s._ Apprehension, S. _Bp. Galloway._ UPWELT, _pret._ Threw up. V. ~Welt~. UPWITH, _adv._ Upwards, S. _Kelly._ ~Upwith~, _s._ _To the upwith_, taking a direction upwards, S. Isl. _uppvid_, sursum tenus. ~Upwith~, _adj._ Uphill, S. _Wallace._ _To_ UPWREILE, _v. a._ To raise or lift up with considerable exertion. V. ~Wreil~. _Douglas._ VRAN, _s._ The wren, Loth. A. S. _wraen_. _Complaynt S._ WRANDLY, _adv._ Without intermission; or, with much contention. _Wallace._ Fris. _wrant_, a litigious person, _wrant-en_, to litigate. URE, _s._ Chance, fortune. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _eur_, hazard; Teut. _ure_, vicissitudo. URE, _s._ Practice, toil. _Maitland P._ Teut. _ure_, commoditas, temporis opportunitas. URE, _s._ The point of a weapon. _Acts Ja. I._ Su. G. _or_, anc. _aur_, a weapon; Isl. _aur_, an arrow. URE, _s._ 1. Ore; in relation to metals, S. _Douglas._ 2. The fur or crust which adheres to vessels, in consequence of liquids standing in them, S. B. ~Ury~, _adj._ Furred, crusted, S. B. URE, _s._ A denomination of land in Orkney and Shetland. _Stat. Acc._ Isl. _auri_, octava pars marcae, tam in fundo, quam in mobilibus. URE, _s._ Colour, tinge, S. B. Belg. _verw_, Sw. _ferg_, id. URE, _s._ Soil. _An ill ure_, a bad soil, Ang. Ir. Gael. _uir_, mould, earth. URE, _s._ Sweat, perspiration, Ang. ~Ury~, _adj._ Clammy, covered with perspiration, ibid. URISUM, URUSUM, _adj._ 1. Troublesome, vexatious. _Douglas._ 2. Frightful, terrifying, S. _Ruddiman._ Su. G. _orolig_, inquietus; _oro_, inquies. URLUCH, _adj._ Having a feeble and emaciated appearance, S. B. V. ~Wroul~. Perh. q. _wurl-like_. _Ross._ _To_ URN, _v. a._ To pain, to torture, Ang. _Wallace._ Isl. _orne_, calor, _orn-a_, calefacio. To USCHÉ, _v. n._ To issue. _Dunbar._ V. ~Ische~, _v. n._ _To_ ~Ushe~, _v. a._ To clear. _Acts Sed._ USTE, _s._ The host, the sacrifice of the mass. O. Fr. _oiste_. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ UTASS, WTAST, corr. of _Octaves_. _Wallace._ UTELAUY, WTELAUY, _s._ An outlaw. _Barbour._ A. S. _ut-laga_, Isl. _utlaeg-r_, exul. UTERANCE, _s._ 1. Extremity, in any respect. _Douglas._ 2. Extremity, as respecting distress. V. ~Outrance~. _Douglas._ UTGIE, UTGIEN, _s._ Expense, expenditure, S. Belg. _uytgaave_, id. UTOUTH, _prep._ V. ~Outwith~. UTTERIT. V. ~Outterit~. UVER, UVIR, _adj._ 1. Upper, in respect of situation, S. _Bellenden._ 2. Superior in power. _The uver hand_, the superiority, S. V. ~Ouer~. VULT, _s._ Aspect. _Wallace._ O. Fr. _vult_, Lat. _vult-us_. _To_ VUNG, _v. n._ To move swiftly with a buzzing or humming sound, Aberd. _bung_, S. O. _Shirrefs._ W WA, WAY, _s._ Wo, grief, S. _wae_. _Doug._ A. S. _wa, wae_, Moes. G. _wai_. ~Wayis me~, wo is me. _Lyndsay._ Isl. _vaes mer_, va mihi sit. ~Wae worth you~, wo befal you, S. V. ~Worth~. WA, _adj._ Sorrowful, S. _wae_; comp. _waer_, superl. _wayest_. _Barbour._ A. S. _wa_, moestus, afflictus. WAAH, _s._ Any thing that causes surprise and admiration, Orkn. Isl. _va_, any thing unexpected; commonly used in a bad sense. WABRAN LEAVES, Great plantain or waybread, S. A. S. _waeg-braede_, Teut. _wegh-bree_, plantago. _To_ WACHLE, _v. n._ To move backwards and forwards, S.; E. _waggle_. Teut. _wagghel-en_, id. _To_ WACHT, _v. a._ To quaff. V. ~Waucht~. WAD, WED, WEDDE, _s._ 1. A pledge, S. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. A wager. _Kelly._ Su. G. _wad_, A. S. _wed_, Isl. _vaed_, pignus. ~Wadds~, _s. pl._ A youthful amusement, in which much use is made of pledges, S. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ ~Wad~, ~Wed~, _v. a._ 1. to pledge, to bet, to wager, S. _Chr. Kirk._ 2. To promise, to engage, S. _Shirrefs._ A. S. _wedd-ian_, to be surety, spondere. WADSET, _s._ A legal deed, by which a debtor gives his heritable subjects into the hands of his creditor, that the latter may draw the rents in payment of the debt; a forensic term, S. _Reg. Maj._ _To_ ~Wadset~, _v. a._ To alienate heritable property under reversion, S. _Skene._ Su. G. _wadsaett-a_, Isl. _vaedsett-ia_, oppignerare. ~Wadsetter~, _s._ One who holds the property of another in _wadset_, S. _Erskine._ ~Wad-shooting~, _s._ Shooting at a mark for a _wad_, or prize which is laid in pledge, Ang. _Stat. Acc._ WADAND, _part. pr._ Expl. fearful. Ir. _uath_, fear. _Wyntown._ WADD, _s._ Woad, used in dyeing. _Chalm. Air._ A. S. _wad_, _waad_, Teut. _weede_, woad. WADDER, _s._ Weather. V. ~Weddyr~. WADDIN, _part. pa._ Vigorous. _Henrysone._ Isl. _valld-r_, validus, potens. WADER, _s._ A bird, supposed to be the water-hen, or the water-rail, Aberd. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ WADGE, _v. a._ To shake in a threatening manner, to brandish, S. B. Su. G. _waeg-a_, Belg. _weeg-en_, librare. WADY, _adj._ Vain. V. ~Vaudie~. WAE, _s._ Wo. V. ~Wa~. ~Waeful~, _adj._ 1. Woful, sorrowful; _waefu'_, S. _Burns._ 2. Causing sorrow, S. _Ritson._ ~Waeness~, _s._ Sorrow, vexation, S. ~Waesucks~, _interj._ Alas, Clydes. _Falls of Clyde._ A. S. _wa_, and Dan. Sax. _usic_, vae nobis. WAFF, WAIF, WAYF, _adj._ 1. Strayed, and not as yet claimed. _Quon. Att._ Fr. _guesves_, _vuayves_, strays; Isl. _vof-a_, to wander. 2. Solitary, denoting the awkward situation of one who is in a strange place where he has not a single acquaintance, S. 3. Worthless in conduct, immoral, S. 4. Low-born, ignoble, S. A. _Mannering._ ~Waff-like~, _adj._ Having a very shabby or suspicious appearance, S. ~Waffie~, _s._ A vagabond, Ang. _To_ WAFF, WAIF, _v. n._ To wave, to fluctuate, S. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _waf-ian_, Sw. _weft-a_, vacillare. _To_ ~Waff~, ~Waif~, _v. a._ To wave, S. _Douglas._ ~Waff~, ~Waif~, _s._ 1. A hasty motion, the act of waving, S. _Arnot._ 2. A signal, made by waving. _Cromarty._ 3. A transient view; as _I had just a waff o' him_, S. _Guthrie._ 4. A slight stroke from any soft body, especially in passing, S. 5. A sudden affection, producing a bodily ailment; as _a waff of cauld_, S. 6. The contagion of evil example. _Walker._ WAFT, WEFT, WOFT, _s._ The woof in a web, S. _Adam._ A. S. _wefta_, Su. G. _waeft_, id., from _waefw-a_, to weave. WA-GANG, WAYGANG, _s._ 1. A departure. _Ramsay._ 2. A disagreeable taste in swallowing, or after a thing is swallowed, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ Teut. _wegh-ga-en_, abire, _wegh-ganck_, abitus. WAGE, _s._ A pledge, a pawn. _Douglas._ O. Fr. _guaige_, sureté. ~Wageoure~, _s._ A stake, E. _wager_. _Doug._ O. Fr. _guaigiere_, gage. ~Wageour~, ~Vageoure~, ~Vager~, _s._ A mercenary soldier. _Barbour._ WAGGLE, _s._ A bog, a marsh, S. B., also _wuggle_. _Law Case._ Teut. _waggel-en_, agitare, motitare. WAG-STRING, _s._ One who dies by means of a halter. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ WAIDE, _v. a._ To render furious. _Douglas._ A. S. _wed-an_, insanire, furere. _To_ WAIDGE, _v. a._ To pledge. _Montgomerie._ Su. G. _waedja_, sponsionem facere; L. B. _guag-iare_, id. WAYEST, _adj._ Most sorrowful. V. ~Wa~. _To_ WAIF. V. ~Waff~, _v._ _To_ WAIGLE, WEEGGLE, _v. n._ To waddle, to waggle, S. Belg. _waegel-en_, _waggel-en_, Su. G. _wackl-a_, motitare. _To_ WAIK, _v. a._ To enfeeble. _Douglas._ Su. G. _wek-a_, vacillare. _To_ WAIK, _v. a._ To watch, S. _wauk_. A. S. _wac-ian_, vigilare. _Barbour._ _To_ WAIL, WALE, _v. a._ To veil. _Doug._ WAIL, _s._ The gunwale of a ship. A. S. _weal_, munimentum. _Douglas._ WAILE, WALE, _s._ Vale, avail. V. ~Wale~, _v._ _Wallace._ WAILE, _s._ A wand or rod. _K. Hart._ Su. G. _wal_, C. B. _gwal-en_, id. WAILYE QUOD WAILYE. V. ~Vailye~. WAILL, _s._ A vale, or valley. _Wallace._ WAILL, _s._ Advantage, contr. from _avail_. _Wallace._ WAYMYNG, WAYMENT, _s._ Lamentation. _Sir Gawan._ O. Fr. _guement-er_, se plaindre. WAYN, WAYNE, _s._ Plenty. _Wallace._ Su. G. _winn-a_, sufficere. WAYN, _s._ A vein. _Wallace._ _To_ WAYND, _v. n._ To change, to swerve. _Houlate._ A. S. _waend-an_, mutare, vertere. _To_ WAYND, _v. n._ To care, to be anxious about. _Wallace._ A. S. _wand-ian_, Isl. _vand-a_, curare. WAYNE. _In wayne_, in vain. _Wallace._ WAYNE, _s._ Help, relief. _Wallace._ A. S. _wen_, spes, expectatio. _To_ WAYNE, _v. n._ To strike. _Sir Gawan._ Su. G. _waan-a_, to labour, _winn-a_, id., also to fight. _To_ WAYNE, _v. a._ To remove. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _wan-ian_, demere, auferre. _To_ WAIR, _v. a._ To spend. V. ~Ware~. WAISTY, _adj._ Void, waste. _Douglas._ WAISTLESS, _adj._ Without a waist. _Dunbar._ _To_ WAIT, VAIT, WATE, _v. n._ To know, S. _wat_. _Compl. S._ Su. G. _wet-a_, A. S. Moes. G. _wit-an_, pret. _wait_. _To_ WAYT, WATE, _v. a._ To hunt, to persecute. _Wyntown._ A. S. _waeth-an_, Su. G. _wed-a_, venari. WAITER, _s._ A token, Border. V. ~Witter~. WAITH, _s._ 1. Raiment. _Philotus._ Su. G. _wad_, A. S. _waede_, indumentum. 2. Such a plaid as is worn by women, S. B. _Ross._ WAITH, _s._ Danger. _Barbour._ O. Su. G. _wade_, danger. WAITH, WAITHE, WAITHING, _s._ 1. The act of hunting. _Sir Gawan._ 2. The game taken in hunting, or the sport in fishing. _Wallace._ Isl. _veid-a_, venari, piscari; _veidi_, venatio, vel praeda venatione capta. ~Waith~, ~Wayth~, _adj._ 1. Wandering, as _a waith horse_, S. 2. Impertinent. _Douglas._ 3. Wandering, roving. _Wyntown._ A. S. _wathe_, vagatio, a straying, a wandering. ~Waithman~, ~Waythman~, _s._ A hunter. _Wyntown._ Teut. _weyd-man_, venator, auceps. WAK, _adj._ 1. Moist, watery, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. Rainy; _A wak day_, a rainy day, S. _Bellenden._ 3. Damp, S. _Chalm. Air._ Teut. _wack_, id., _wack weder_, aër humidus. ~Wak~, _s._ The moistness and density of the atmosphere. _Douglas._ ~Waknes~, _s._ Humidity, S. B. _Lyndsay._ _To_ WAKE, _v. n._ To be unoccupied. Lat. _vac-are_. _Wyntown._ WAKERIFE, _adj._ V. ~Walkrife~. WALA, WALÉ, _s._ Vale. _Wallace._ WALAGEOUSS, WALEGEOUSS, _adj._ Wanton, lecherous. _Barbour._ A. S. _gal_, libidinosus; L. B. _volagius_, levis. WALD, _s._ The plain, the ground. A. S. _wold_, planities. _Douglas._ WALD, _v. aux._ 1. Would. _Barbour._ A. S. _wold_, vellem, from _will-an_, velle. 2. Should; as denoting necessity. _Crosraguel._ _To_ WALD, WALDE, _v. a._ 1. To wield, to manage. _Wyntown._ 2. To govern. A. S. _weald-an_, Su. G. _wald-a_, dirigere, dominari. 3. To possess. _Wyntown._ ~Waldyn~, _adj._ Able, powerful. _Bellenden._ ~Walding~, _s._ Government. _Burel._ _To_ WALE, _v. a._ To choose, to select; also _wyle_, S. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _wal-jan_, Su. G. _wael-ia_, eligere. ~Wale~, ~Wail~, _s._ 1. The act of choosing, S. _Rutherford._ 2. That which is chosen in preference to other objects, S. _Douglas._ 3. A person or thing that is excellent, S. _Ritson._ Su. G. _wal_, O. Belg. _waele_, electio. WALE, _s._ A well, a fountain; S. _wall_. _Skene._ _To_ WALE, _v. n._ To avail. _Douglas._ _To_ WALE, _v. a._ To veil. V. ~Wail~. ~Wale~, _s._ A veil. _Wyntown._ WALGIE, _s._ A wool-sack made of leather, S. B. Isl. _belg-ur_, any thing made of a skin. WALIE, WALLY, _adj._ 1. Excellent. A. S. _waelig_, rich. _Hamilton._ 2. Large, ample; A _waly bairn_, a fine thriving child, S. _Forbes._ Germ. _wal-en_, to grow luxuriantly; Belg. _weelig_, luxuriose crescens. ~Waly~, _s._ A toy, a gewgaw, S. _Ferguson._ WALY, _interj._ Expressive of lamentation. _Ramsay._ A. S. _wa-la_, eheu, ah; from _wa_, woe, and _la_, O, oh! WALY, _s._ Prosperity. _Waly fa_, or _faw_, may good fortune _befall_, or betide; a phrase not yet entirely obsolete, S. B. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _waela_, _wela_, felicitas, prosperitas. WALYCOAT, _s._ The same with ~Wylicot~. _Spalding._ WALIT, _pret. v._ Travelled. _K. Hart._ A. S. _weall-ian_, Teut. _wal-en_, peregrinari. _To_ WALK, _v. a._ To watch. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _wak-an_, A. S. _wac-ian_, vigilare. ~Walkrife~, _adj._ 1. Watchful, S. _wakrife_. _Mellvill's MS._ 2. Metaph., kept still alive. _Douglas._ A. S. _waecce_, watchfulness; and _rife_, abundant. To ~WALL up~, _v. n._ To boil up, S. Su. G. _waell-a_, A. S. _weall-an_, aestuare, fervere. ~Wall~, _s._ A wave. _Douglas._ O. Teut. _walle_, unda, fluctus. ~Wally~, _adj._ Billowy, full of waves. _Doug._ _To_ WALL, _v. a._ To beat two masses into one, S. V. ~Well~. _To_ WALLACH, (gutt.) _v. n._ To use many circumlocutions, Ang. Su. G. _wall-a_, to roam. _To_ WALLACH, _v. n._ To cry as a child out of humour, to wail, Ang. Ir. _walligh-im_, to howl. WALLAWAY, _interj._ Alas; S. _walawa_; E. _welaway_. _Douglas._ A. S. _welawa_, Su. G. _waleva_, proh dolor. WALLEE, _s._ V. ~Well-ey~. WALLEES, WALISE, _s._ Saddlebags, S. Belg. _valleys_, Fr. _valise_, a portmanteau. WALLY, _adj._ V. ~Waly~. WALLIDRAG, _s._ 1. A feeble ill-grown person; S. _wallidraggle_, S. B. _warydraggel_. _Dunbar._ 2. A drone, an inactive person. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _gaell_, testiculus, and _dregg_, faex. _Wary-draggel_, might seem allied to Isl. _warg draege_, filius ab exule genitus. _To_ WALLOP, WALOP, _v. n._ 1. To move quickly, with much agitation of the body or clothes, S. B. _Ruddiman._ 2. To gallop. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _wal-oppe_, cursus gradarius. _To_ WALLOW, WALOW, _v. n._ 1. To wither, to fade. _Douglas._ 2. Metaph. applied to the face. _Hardyknute._ 3. Transferred to the mind. _Wyntown._ A. S. _wealow-ian_, marcescere, Germ. _welw-en_. WALROUN, _s._ V. ~Wolroun~. WALSH, WELSCHE, _adj._ Insipid, S. _walsh_. _Douglas._ Teut. _gaelsch_, ingratus, insuavis sapore aut odore. ~Walshness~, _s._ Insipidity of taste, S. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ WALTER, _v. a._ To overturn. V. ~Welter~. ~Walterar~, _s._ One who overturns. _Poems 16th Cent._ WAMBE, WAME, WAIM, WEAM, WAYME, _s._ 1. The womb. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ 2. The belly, S. _Bellenden._ 3. The stomach. _A fow wame_, a full stomach; _a wamefow_, a bellyful, S. _Henrysone._ Moes. G. _wamba_, A. S. Isl. _wamb_, venter, uterus. ~Weam-ill~, _s._ The belly-ache. _Montgomerie._ ~Wamyt~, ~Grete Wamyt~, ~Grete Wame~. 1. Big-bellied. _Douglas._ 2. Pregnant. _Wyntown._ _To_ WAMBLE, _v. n._ To move in an undulating manner, S. _Cleland._ Isl. _vambl-a_, aegre protrahere se humi ventre. WAMBRASSEIRIS, _s._ Armour for the forepart of the arm. _Acts Ja. I._ Fr. _avant_, before, and _brassart_, a vambrace. _To_ WAMFLE, _v. n._ To move like a tatterdemallion, whose rags are flapping, Fife. Germ. _waffel-n_, motitari, with _m_ inserted. WAMFLER, WANFLER, _s._ A rake, a wencher. _Philotus._ WAMYT, _adj._ V. under ~Wambe~. WAN, _adj._ Deficient. _Houlate._ A. S. _wan_, deficiens. WAN, _pret. v._ Came, &c. V. ~Wyn~. WAN, _adj._ 1. Black, gloomy. _Wallace._ A. S. _wan_; _wan wolcen_, atra nubes. 2. Dark-coloured; or rather, filthy. _Wallace._ A. S. _wan_, _wonn_, also signify filthy. WAN BAYN, the cheek-bone. _Wallace._ A. S. _wang_, Belg. _weng_, the cheek. WANCHANCHIE, _adj._ 1. Unlucky, S. _Burns._ 2. Dangerous, apt to injure, S. _Ferguson._ WANCOUTH, _adj._ Uncouth. _Rudd._ WAND, WANDE, _s._ 1. A sceptre; or badge of authority. _Sir Tristrem._ _Under the wand_, in a state of subjection. _Douglas._ 2. The rod of correction. _Lyndsay._ 3. A fishing rod, S. _Acts Ja. VI._ Su. G. _wand_, Dan. _vaand_, baculus, virga. ~Wand-bed~, _s._ A wicker-bed. _Spalding._ WAND, _pret._ of the _v._ _To wind_. _Wallace._ _To_ WANDYS, _v. n._ To feel the impression of fear; also to indicate this. _Barbour._ A. S. _wand-ian_, to fear; to become remiss from fear. WANDIT. L. _wanderit_. _S. P. Repr._ WANDOCHT, _s._ A weak or puny creature, S. B. V. ~Undoch~. WANDRETHE, _s._ Misfortune, great difficulty or danger. _K. Hart._ Isl. _vandraedi_, Su. G. _wandraede_, discrimen, difficultas. WANE, _s._ Defect, want. _Gl. Complaynt._ WANE, _s._ Manner, fashion. _Barbour._ Su. G. _wana_, Isl. _vane_, consuetudo, mos. WANE, _s._ A wain. _Maitland P._ WANE, _s._ 1. A habitation. _Wallace._ 2. Denoting different apartments in the same habitation. V. ~Won~, _v._ Teut. _woon_, habitatio. WANE, _s._ Opinion, estimation. _Wallace._ A. S. _wen_, _wena_, opinio. _To_ WANEISE _one's self_, _v. a._ To put one's self to trouble, S. B. A. S. _uneathe_, vix, moleste. WANGYLE, _s._ The gospel; contr. from _evangyle_. _Wyntown._ WANGRACE, _s._ Wickedness, S. WANHAP, _s._ Misfortune. V. ~Vanhap~. ~Wanhappie~, _adj._ 1. Unlucky, unfortunate, S. B. 2. Dangerous, fatal. _Burel._ WANHOPE, _s._ Delusive hope. _Doug._ WANYS, _pl. s._ The jaws; used for the stomach. _Barbour._ A. S. _wang_, Isl. _wangi_, maxilla. WANYS, _pl. s._ Habitation. V. ~Wane~, _s._ 4. WANKILL, _adj._ Unstable. _Pop. Ball._ A. S. _wancle_, _wancol_, inconstans; Su. G. _wank-a_, Germ. _wank-en_, fluctuare. WANLAS, _s._ _At the wanlas_, without design; or, by mistake. _Wyntown._ A. S. _leasa wena_, falsa opinio; Isl. _wonlaus_, exspes. WANLUCK, WANLUK, _s._ Misfortune, S. B. _Maitland P._ WANREST, _s._ 1. Inquietude, S. Belg. _onrust_. _Mellvill's Mem._ 2. Cause of inquietude, S. B. _Ross._ 3. _Wanrest of a clock_, the pendulum, S. Prov. ~Wanrestfu'~, _adj._ Restless, S. _Burns._ WANRUFE, _s._ Disquietude, uneasiness. V. ~Roif~. _Henrysone._ WANRULY, _adj._ Unruly, S. _Ferguson._ WANSUCKED, _s._ A child that has not been properly suckled. _Montgomerie._ ~Wansucked~, _adj._ Used in the same sense. _Kennedie._ WANTER, _s._ A bachelor; also a widower; from the circumstance of wanting, or being without, a wife, S. _Ramsay._ WANTHRIFT, _s._ 1. Prodigality, S. _Maitland P._ 2. A personal designation, denoting a prodigal. _Montgomerie._ WANTHREVIN, _part. pa._ Not thriven, in a state of decline, S. _Watson._ Sw. _vantrifne_, not thriving. WANWEIRD, WANWERD, _s._ Unhappy fate, hard lot, S. V. ~Weird~. _Douglas._ WANWYT, _s._ Want of knowledge. _Wyntown._ Belg. _wanwete_, Isl. _vanvitska_, id. WANWORTH, WANWORDY, _adj._ Unworthy, S. _Dunbar._ Isl. _vanvurde_, dedignor; _vanvirda_, dedecus. ~Wanworth~, _s._ An undervalue, S. _Ferguson._ _To_ WAP, _v. a._ 1. To throw quickly, S. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. To throw, in a general sense. _Ramsay._ 3. To flap. _Pop. Ball._ ~Wap~, _s._ 1. A throw, S. _P. Buch. Dial._ 2. A quick and smart stroke, S. _Chr. Kirk._ Isl. _veif-a_, Teut. _wipp-en_, vibrare. _To_ WAP, _v. a._ To wrap, to envelop. _Minstr. Bord._ Su. G. _wep-a_, Moes. G. _waib-an_, to lap about. WAPPIN, WAPPYN, _s._ A weapon, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _waepen_, Su. G. _wapn_, Belg. _wapen_, arma. ~Wapinschaw~, ~Wapinschawing~, _s._ An exhibition of arms, made at certain times in every district, S. _Stat. Will._ A. S. _waepn_, weapon, and _sceaw-ian_, to shew. WAPPIT, _part. pa._ Enveloped. _Houlate._ Su. G. _wep-a_, to lap about. WAR, WARR, WARE, WERE, _adj._ Worse, S. _Ross._ Su. G. _waerre_, _werre_, A. S. _waerra_, Isl. _verre_, id. _To_ ~War~, ~Waur~, _v. a._ To overcome, to outdo, S. _Douglas._ WAR, _subst. v._ Were. _Barbour._ Sw. Germ. _war_, id. WAR, _adj._ Aware, wary. V. ~Wer~. WAR, _v. imp._ _War him_, befal him. _Barbour._ Su. G. _war-a_, to be; Isl. _verda_, _vard_, fieri. _To_ WAR, WARE, WAIR, WAYR, _v. a._ 1. To lay out as expense, S. _Dunbar._ 2. To expend, to bestow, in whatever sense, S. _Maitland P._ 3. To waste, to squander. _Wallace._ Isl. _ver-ia_, negotiari. Hence E. _ware_, _wares_, merchandise. _To_ WARAND, _v. a._ To protect, S. and E. _warrant_. _Wyntown._ A. S. _waren-ian_, cavere sibi, defendere se. ~Warand~, ~Warrand~, _s._ A place of shelter or defence. _Barbour._ WARBLE, _s._ A sort of worm that breeds betwixt the outer and inner skin of beasts, S. A. S. _wear_, Teut. _weer_, a knot or bunch. _To_ WARBLE, _v. n._ To wriggle, &c. V. ~Wrabil~. WARD, _s._ 1. A division of an army. _Douglas._ 2. A small piece of pasture ground, inclosed on all sides, S. _Watson._ Su. G. _waard_, sepes, sepimentum. _To_ WARD, _v. a._ To imprison. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. _waerd-a_, custodire. ~WARD and WARSEL~, security for, pledge, S. B. _Ross._ _Ward_, keeping; and _warsel_, perh. _wardsel_, from A. S. _weard_, custodia, and _sell-an_, tradere. WARDE, _s._ A decision; a forensic term. _Quon. Att._ L. B. _warda_, E. _award_. WARDOUR, _s._ Verdure. _Dunbar._ O. Fr. _vardors_, id. WARDREIP, _s._ A wardrobe. _Dunbar._ ~Wardraipper~, _s._ The keeper of the _wardrobe_. _Maitland P._ _To_ WARE, _v. a._ To expend, &c. V. ~War~. ~Ware~, _s._ Price, estimation. _Houlate._ A. S. _wer_, _were_, capitis estimatio; or rather Su. G. _wara_, merx. ~Whole-ware~, _s._ The whole of any thing, the whole lot or assortment. _R. Bruce._ WARE, _s._ A tough and hard knot in a tree. _Douglas._ A. S. _wear_, Belg. _weer_, callus, nodus. WARE, WAR, _pret. v._ Wore. _Douglas._ WARE, WAIR, _s._ 1. The sea-weed called _alga marina_; sometimes _sea-ware_, S. _Monroe._ 2. Fucus vesiculosus. _Lightfoot._ A. S. _war_, _waur_; _sae-waur_, alga marina. ~Wared~, _part. pa._ Manured with sea-weed, Orkn. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ WARY, WARYE, WERRAY, _v. a._ 1. To curse, to execrate. _Barbour._ 2. To bring a curse upon; _wareit_, really accursed. _Bellenden._ A. S. _weri-an_, _waerig-an_, maledicere, execrari. ~Warying~, _s._ Execration. _Abp. Hamiltoun._ _To_ WARY, _v. a._ To alter; for vary. _Douglas._ WARYDRAGGEL, _s._ 1. Expl. one who is draggled with mire, S. B. _Forbes._ 2. The youngest of a brood, S. B. V. ~Wallidrag~. _To_ WARYS, _v. a._ To guard, to defend. _Gawan and Gol._ Su. G. _waer-a_, _waer-ia_, id. WARISON, WARYSOUN, WARESONE, _s._ Reward, O. E. _Barbour._ O. Fr. _guarison_, garantie, paiement. WARISON, _s._ Note of assault. _Lay Last Minstr._ Perh. q. _war-sound_; Fr. _guerre_, and _son_. _To_ WARK, WERK, _v. n._ To ache; _yerk_, S. _Wallace._ A. S. _waerc_, Su. G. _waerk_, dolor; _waerk-a_, dolere. WARK, WARKE, _s._ Work, S. _R. Bruce._ ~Warkly~, _adj._ Given to work, diligent, S. Germ. _wirklich_, effective. ~Warkloom~, _s._ A tool or instrument for _working_, in whatever way, S. V. ~Lome~. _Polwart._ ~Warkman~, _s._ A labourer, S. _R. Bruce._ WARLD, _s._ 1. The world, S. _Wallace._ Su. G. _wereld_, id. 2. A great multitude, S. _K. Quair._ WARLIEST, _adj._ Most wary. A. S. _waerlic_, cautus. _Gawan and Gol._ WARLO, _s._ A wicked person. _Dunbar._ ~Warlo~, _adj._ Evil; especially in regard to temper. _Evergreen._ A. S. _waer-loga_, a wicked person. WARLOCK, _s._ A wizzard, a man who is supposed to be in compact with the devil, S. _Sat. Invis. World._ Isl. _vardlok-r_, a magical song used for calling up evil spirits. WARM, _s._ The act of warming, S. _Ross._ _To_ WARNE, _v. a._ To refuse. _Wallace._ A. S. _wern-an_, to refuse, to deny. _To_ WARNIS, _v. a._ To warn, S. B. A. S. _warnig-an_, id. _To_ WARNYS, _v. a._ To furnish a fortified place with the provision necessary for defence, or for the support of the defenders. _Barbour._ Su. G. _waern-a_, to defend; _waern_, a fortification. ~Warnstor~, _s._ Provisions laid up in a garrison. _Wallace._ Su. G. _waern-a_, defendere; and _store_, vectigal. _To_ WARP, _v. a._ 1. To throw. _Barbour._ 2. _To warp wourdis_, to speak, to utter. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _wairp-an_, A. S. _weorp-an_, abjicere. ~Warp~, _s._ A designation in reckoning oysters, denoting four, Loth. _Stat. Acc._ From _warp_, to throw, to cast. _To_ ~Warp~, _v. n._ To open. _Douglas._ _To_ WARP, _v. a._ To surround, to involve. Isl. _verp-a_, contrahere. _Douglas._ _To_ WARRACH, _v. n._ (gutt.) To scold, to use abusive language, S.B. Probably the same with ~Wary~, q. v. WARRAY, WERRAY, _adj._ True, real. _Wyntown._ Belg. _waar_, Germ. _wahr_; O. Fr. _ve-raie_, Lat. _ver-us_. ~Warraly~, ~Werraly~, _adv._ Truly. Belg. _waarlyk_, id. _Wyntown._ WARREN, _adj._ Of or belonging to the pine tree. _Douglas._ Belg. _vueren_, id. WARRER, compar. of _war_, wary. WARS, _adj._ Worse. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _wairs_, A. S. _wers_, id. WARSCHE, WERSH, _adj._ 1. Insipid to the taste, S. _Bellenden._ 2. Insipid to the mind. _Cleland._ 3. Having a sickly look, S. V. ~Walsh~. _Henrysone._ Teut. _versch_, fresh, q. tasteless. ~Warsh-stomach'd~, _adj._ Having a delicate or squeamish stomach, S. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ WARSELL, WERSILL, _v. n._ To wrestle, to strive, S. _Dunbar._ Teut. _wersel-en_, reniti, obniti; _wars_, contrarius. ~Warsell~, ~Warstle~, _s._ Struggle, S. _Burns._ WARSET, _adj._ A dog employed by a thief for watching deer. _For. Lawes._ A. S. _ware_, observation, and _sett-an_, to set. WART, in composition of adverbs, is the same with _ward_, E.; as, _inwart_, inward, Moes. G. _wairths_, A. S. _weard_, Isl. _vert_, versus. WART, WARD, _s._ A tumulus or mound thrown up on high ground, in the Orkney and Shetland islands, for the purpose of conveying intelligence. _Barry._ Isl. _vard_, Su. G. _waard_, excubiae, custodia. WARTWEIL, WRATWEL, _s._ The skin above the nail, when fretted, S. WARWOLF, WERWOUF, _s._ 1. A person supposed to be transformed into a wolf. _Philotus._ 2. A puny child, or an ill-grown person of whatever age; pron. _warwoof_, Ang. A. S. _were-wulf_, Su. G. _warulf_, Germ. _werwolf_, vir-lupus, lycanthropos, man-wolf. WASH, WESCHE, _s._ Stale urine; especially as used for the purpose of steeping clothes, in order to their being washed, S. Teut. _wasch_, lotura. _Lyndsay._ WASIE, _adj._ Sagacious, quick of apprehension, Ang. Alem. _wass_, Su. G. _hwass_, denoting quickness of apprehension. WASSALAGE, _s._ Great achievement; also valour. V. ~Vassalage~. WASTELL, _s._ Bread used with the wastell-bowl. _Chalm. Air._ L. B. _wastell-us_, id. Fr. _gasteau_. WASTING, _s._ A consumption, a decline, S. _To_ WAT, _v. n._ To know. V. ~Wait~. WATE, _adj._ Wet, moist, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _waet_, humidus; _waet-an_, humectare. WATE, _s._ 1. A watchman, a centinel; wait, S. _Douglas._ 2. Now applied to the minstrels who go about playing in the night season, S. Teut. _wachte_, excubiae; et vigiles, excubitores. 3. A place of ambush. _At the wate_, in wait. _Douglas._ WATER, WATTER, _s._ 1. A river, or pretty large body of running water, S. _Bellenden._ 2. Any body of running water, whether great or small, S. _Pennant._ 3. The ground lying on the banks of a river, S. _Minstr. Bord._ 4. The inhabitants of a tract of country watered by a certain river or brook, S. _Ibid._ ~Water-brash~, _s._ A disease consisting in a sense of heat in the epigastrium, with copious eructations of aqueous humour, S. ~Water-craw~, _s._ The water ouzel, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Water-kelpie~, _s._ The spirit of the waters. _Minstr. Bord._ ~Water-mouth~, _s._ The mouth of a river, vulgarly _Watter-mow_, S. B. _Chart. Ja. VI._ ~Watergang~, _s._ The race of a mill. _Acts Ja. I._ ~Water-purpie~, _s._ Common brooklime, an herb, S. ~Water-shed~, _s._ The highest ground in any part of a country, from which rivers descend in opposite directions, S. _Ess. Highl. Soc._ ~Water-slain moss~, peat earth carried off by water, and afterwards deposited, S. _Walker._ ~Water-wraith~, _s._ The spirit of the waters, S. B. V. ~Wraith~. WATH, _s._ A ford. _Stat. Acc._ A. S. _wad_, Belg. _waede_, Lat. _vad-um_. WATLING STRETE, VATLANT STREIT, a term used to denote the milky way, from its fancied resemblance of a broad street or causeway. _Doug._ WATTIE, _s._ A blow, Ang. Su. G. _hwat_, celer? WATTLE, _s._ A tax paid in Shetland; said to have been introduced in return for the distribution of holy _water_. _Stat. Acc._ To WAUBLE, _v. n._ To swing, to reel, S. O. Isl. _veifl-a_, saepius vibrare. _Burns._ WAUCH, _s._ Wall. _Peblis Play._ A. S. _wah_, paries; A. Bor. _wogh_, id. _To_ WAUCHT, WACHT OUT, WAUGHT, WAUCH, _v. a._ To quaff, to swig, S. _N. Burne._ A. S. _veaht_, irriguus; Isl. _vokua_, madefieri. ~Waucht, Waught~, _s._ A large draught of any liquid, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ WAUE, _v. a._ To toss, to agitate. A. S. _waf-ian_, fluctuare. _Douglas._ _To_ WAVEL, _v. a._ To move backwards and forwards, to wave. V. ~Weffil~. _Cleland._ * _To_ WAVER, WAWER, _v. n._ To wander; from A. S. _waf-ian_, id. _Wyntown._ WAUGH, WAUCH, _adj._ Unpleasant to the taste, nauseous, S. _Journ. Lond._ Teut. _walghe_, nausea, _walgh-en_, Isl. _velg-ia_, nauseare. WAUINGEOUR, WAUYNGOUR, _s._ A vagabond, a fugitive. V. ~Waff~. _Doug._ _To_ WAUK, WAULK, WALK, _v. a._ To full cloth, S. pron. _wauk_. _Garnet._ Su. G, _walk-a_, Belg. _walck-en_, Ital. _guale-are_, id. _To_ ~Wauk~, _v. n._ To shrink in consequence of being wetted, S. ~Wauker~, ~Waulk-miller~, _s._ A fuller, S. Belg. _walcker_, Su. G. _walkare_, Germ. _waukmuller_, id. ~Wauk-mill, Waulk-mill~, _s._ A fulling-mill, S. _Stat. Acc._ Germ. _walk-muhle_, id. WAUKER, _s._ A watchman, one who watches clothes during night, S. A. S. _waecer_, Belg. _waaker_, id. _To_ WAUL, _v. n._ To look wildly, to roll the eyes, S. O. _Douglas._ A. S. _wealw-ian_, to roll, Lat. _volv-ere_. WALD, _s._ Government, power. _In wald_, under sway. _Wallace._ Isl. _vellde_, _valld_, power. _To_ WAUR, _v. a._ To overcome. V. ~War~, _v._ 1. WAW, _s._ Wave; pl. _wawys_. _Barbour._ A. S. _waeg_, _weg_, id. pl. _waegas_. WAW, _s._ Wall, S. pl. _wawis_. _Wallace._ A. S. _wag_, _wah_, id. WAW, _s._ Wo, sorrow. _Maitland Poems._ WAW, _s._ A measure of twelve stones, each stone weighing eight pounds. _Stat. Rob. III._ E. _wey_; as, a _wey of wool_, _cheese_, &c., from A. S. _waeg_, _waga_, _weg_, a load. _To_ WAW, _v. n._ To caterwaul, S. E. _waul_; Isl. _vaele_, ejulo, plango. _To_ WAW, _v. n._ To wave, to float. V. ~Waff~, _v._ _Barbour._ WAWAR, _s._ A wooer. _Peblis Play._ A. S. _wogere_, id. WAWARD, _s._ The vanguard. _Barbour._ WAWIL, _adj._ Not well knit. V. ~Weffil~. _Dunbar._ WE, WEY, WIE, _s._ Conjoined with _litill_; 1. As denoting time. _Barbour._ 2. In relation to place. _Wyntown._ 3. As expressing degree. _Douglas._ ~A wee,~ 1. A short while, S. _Ramsay._ 2. In a slight degree, S. ~We~, ~Wee~, ~Wie~, _adj._ Small, little, S. _Henrysone._ WEAM-ILL, _s._ The belly-ache. V. ~Wambe~. WEAN, WEEANE, _s._ A child, S. _Ross._ Q. _wee ane_, synon. with _little ane_, S. id. _To_ WEAR IN, _v. a._ 1. To gather in with caution, as a shepherd conducts his flock into the fold, S. _The Ew-bughts._ Teut. _weer-en_, propulsare. 2. As a _neut. v._, to move slowly and cautiously. WEARY, _adj._ 1. Feeble; as, _a weary bairn_, a child that is declining, S. A. S. _werig_, lassus. 2. Vexatious, causing trouble, S. A. S. _werig_, malignus. _Gl. Sibb._ 3. Vexed, sorrowful. _Ritson._ ~Weariful~, _adj._ Causing pain or trouble; pron. _wearifow_, S. WEASSES, _s. pl._ A species of breeching for the necks of work-horses, Orkn. _Barry._ Su. G. _wase_, Isl. _vasi_, a bundle of twigs. WEAVIN, _s._ A moment, Aberd. _Journ. Lond._ A. S. _wiffend_, breathing; as we say, _in a breath_, S. WEB, _s._ The covering of the entrails, the cawl, or omentum, S. Isl. _vef-a_, involvere. WEBSTER, _s._ A weaver, S. A. Bor. _Ferguson._ A. S. _webbestre_, textrix, a female weaver. WECHE, _s._ A witch. _Bellenden._ A. S. _wicca_, _wicce_, id. WECHT, WEIGHT, WEGHT, _s._ 1. An instrument for winnowing corn, made in the form of a sieve, but without holes, S. _Bannatyne P._ Belg. _vecher_, a fanner; from Germ. _wech-en_, ventum facere. 2. A sort of tambourin. _Evergreen._ ~Wechtful~, _s._ As much as a _wecht_ can contain, S. pron. _wechtfow_. WED, _s._ A pledge. ~To Wed~, _v. a._ To pledge. V. ~Wad~. ~Wedkeeper~, _s._ One who preserves what is deposited in pledge. _R. Bruce._ WEDDYR, WEDDIR, WEDDER, s. 1. Weather; as a general term. _Barbour._ 2. Wind. _Wyntown._ A. S. _waeder_, Teut. _weder_, coeli temperies, Su. G. _waeder_, id., also the wind. ~Weddir-gaw~, _s._ Part of one side of a rainbow, appearing immediately above the horizon, viewed as a prognostic of bad weather; pron. _weather-gaw_, S. Germ. _wasser-gall_, repercussio iridis; _wasser_, humour, and _gall_, splendor. ~Weddir-glim~, _s._ Clear sky near the horizon; spoken of objects seen in the twilight or dusk; as, _between him and the weddir-glim_, or _weather-gleam_, i. e. between him and the light of the sky. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _weder_, coelum, and _gleam_, splendor. _To_ WEDE, WEID, WEYD, _v. a._ To rage, to act furiously, part. pr. _wedand_. _Wallace._ A. S. _wed-an_, insanire, furere. WEDEIS, _pl. s._ Withes. V. ~Widdie~. _Wallace._ WEDONYPHA, _s._ The _onfall_ or attack of a _weid_; _wedonfaw_, S. A. _wytenonfaw_, S. B. V. ~Weid~. _Roull._ WEE, _s._ Wight. V. ~Wy~. _Sir Gawan._ WEEBO, _s._ Common ragwort, S. WEFT, _s._ Woof. V. ~Waft~. WEEGLE, _v. n._ To waggle. V. ~Waigle~. ~Weegglie~, _adj._ 1. Waggling, unstable, S. 2. Having a wriggling motion in walking, S. Belg. _be-weeglik_, unstable, pliable. WEEM, _s._ 1. A natural cave, Fife, Ang. _Stat. Acc._ 2. An artificial cave, or subterraneous building, Ang. _Stat. Acc._ From Gael, _uamha_, a cave. WEEPERS, _s. pl._ Stripes of muslin or cambric, stitched on the extremities of the sleeves of a black coat or gown, as a badge of mourning, S. _Burns._ WEER, _s._ Fear. V. ~Were~. _To_ WEESE, WEEZE, _v. n._ To ooze, to distil gently, S. B. _Morison._ Isl. _veisa_, Dan.-Sax. _waes_, A. S. _wos_, humor. WEFFIL, _adj._ Limber, not stiff, S. A. S. _waefol_, fluctuans; Teut. _weyfel-en_, vacillare. WEFFLIN, WEFFLUM, _s._ The backlade, or course of water at the back of the mill-wheel, Ang. _To_ WEY, _v. a._ To throw. _Wallace._ Teut. _wegh-en_, movere. _To_ WEY, _v. a._ To bewail; Teut. _weeh-en_, to cry as a child, vagire. _Wallace._ _To_ WEID, _v. n._ To become furious. V. ~Wede~. ~Weid~, _adj._. Furious, synon. _wod_. _Dunbar._ WEID, _s._ A kind of fever to which women in child-bed, or nurses, are subject, S. Germ. _weide_, or _weite_, corresponds to Fr. _accablé_, as signifying that one is oppressed with disease. WEID, L. _theid_, region. V. ~Thede~. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ WEIF, _v. a._ To weave; part. pa. _weyff_, woven. _Douglas._ A. S. _wef-an_, Su. G. _waefw-a_, id. WEYES, WEYIS, _s. pl._ A balance with scales for weighing. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _waeg_, Teut. _waeghe_, libra, trutina. ~Weigh-bauk~, _s._ 1. A balance, S. _Ferguson._ 2. One is said to be in the _weigh-bauks_, when in a state of indecision, S. Teut. _waegh-balck_, scapus librae. ~Weights~, _s. pl._ Scales, S. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ ~Weight~, _v. a._ 1. To weigh, S. 2. To burden, to oppress, S. _Baillie._ WEIGHT, WEGHT, _s._ A kind of sieve. V. ~Wecht~. WEIK, WEEK, _s._ A corner or angle. _The weiks of the mouth_, the corners or sides of it, S. _The weik of the ee_, the corner of it, S. _Ramsay._ Su. G. _wik_, angulus, _oegen wik_, the corner of the eye. WEIL, _s._ Prosperity, advantage. _Doug._ ~Weil is me~, happy am I, S. ~Weil is yow~, happy are you. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _wel_, _well_, bene; Su. G. _waeles mig_, O! me felicem. WEIL, _s._ An eddy. V. ~Wele~. WEIL, WELE, WELLE, _adv._ Very. V. ~Feil~. _Wyntown._ _To_ WEILD, _v. a_. 1. To obtain, by whatever means. _Douglas._ 2. To enter on possession of an estate. _Barbour._ WEILL, _adj._ Many. _Barbour._ Germ. _viel_, Belg. _vel_, id. WEILL-FARAND, _adj._ Having a goodly appearance. V. ~Farand~. WEILL-HEARTIT, _adj._ Not dejected, S. WEILL-WILLIE, WEILL-WILLIT, _adj._ Liberal, not niggardly, S. _Ruddiman._ Su. G. _waelwillig_, A. S. _wellwillenda_, benevolus. WEIN, _s._ L. _wem_, stain, q. v. _Barbour._ WEIR, _s. Weir of law_, the act of a person, charged with a debt, of which there is no legal evidence; who gives a pledge to clear himself of it, in the next court, by his own oath, supported by the oaths of five compurgators, who shall attest their belief that he swears truly. _Stat. Ja. I._ It is synon. with the E. forensic phrase, _Wager of Law_, and L. B. _vadiare legem_. The E. phrase is from O. Fr. _gagiere_, an engagement, a pledge; ours from A. S. _waere_, foedus, pactum; whence _waer-borh_, _wer-borh_, fidejussor, sponsor. WEIR, _s._ ~War~; ~Weir-men~, ~Weir-hors~, ~Weirly~, ~Weir-wall~. V. ~Were~. WEIRD, WERD, WERDE, WEERD, _s._ 1. Fate, S. _Wyntown._ 2. Prediction. _P. Buch. Dial._ A. S. _wyrd_, fatum; _wyrde_, parcae. _To_ ~Weird~, ~Weerd~, _v. a._ 1. To destine. _P. Buch. Dial._ 2. To predict. _Minstr. Bord._ ~Weirdless~, ~Wierdless~, _adj._ Unprosperous, through something cross in one's lot, S. _To_ WEISE, WYSE, _v. a._ 1. To use policy, for attaining any object, S. _Watson._ 2. To lead, direct, S. _Ramsay._ 3. To turn by art, rather than strength, S. _Ramsay._ 4. _To weise awa'_, to wheedle; as, to entice a tradesman to leave his master; Clydes. Teut. _wys-en_, to teach, to show; or O. Fr. _vois-ier_, _ves-ier_, tromper, ruser; _wiseux_, fin, subtil. _To_ ~Weise~, ~Wyse~, _v. n._ To incline, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ WEIT, _v. n._ To make inquiry. A. S. _wit-an_, providere; Su. G. _wit-a_, probare. WEIT, WEET, _s._ Rain, wetness, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _waeta_, humidity, Isl. _vaeta_, rain. _To_ ~Weit~, ~Weet~, _v. a._ To wet, S. _Burns._ ~Weet~, ~Weit~, _adj._ Wet, S. ~Weetie~, _adj._ Wet, S. B. WELANY, _s._ Damage, disgrace. _Barb._ O. Fr. _vilainie_, injure, insulte, affront. WELCOME-HAME, _s._ Repast presented to a bride, when she enters the door of the bridegroom, S. _To_ WELD, _v. n._ To possess. V. ~Weild~. WELE, _s._ A whirlpool, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _wael_. Teut. _weel_, _wiel_, id. ~Weilhead~, _s._ The vortex of a whirlpool, S. _To_ WELL, WALL, WALD, _v. a._ 1. To weld, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _well-en_, to be very hot. 2. _v. n._ To be incorporated. _More._ WELL, _s._ Good, weal. _Z. Boyd._ WELLE, _s._ Green sward. V. ~Fail~. _Sir Gawan._ WELL-EY, _s._ That part of a quagmire, in which there is a spring, S. _wall-ee_. _Bellenden._ Q. the _eye_ of the _wele_. V. ~Wele~. WELLIT, _part. pa._ Drowned. _Houlate._ WELL-KERSES, _s. pl._ Water-cresses, S. A. S. _wille-cerse_, id. WELL-WILLAND, _s._ A well-wisher. V. ~Weill-willie~. _Wyntown._ ~Well-willing~, _adj._ Complacent. _Mellvill's MS._ WELSCHE, _adj._ Insipid. V. ~Walsh~. _To_ WELT, _v. a._ 1. To throw. _Douglas._ 2. _v. n._ To roll. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _walt-ian_, to roll. _To_ WELTER, _v. a._ 1. To roll. _Doug._ Teut. _welter-en_, Sw. _weltr-a_, id. 2. To overturn. _Douglas._ WELTH, _s._ 1. Welfare. _Wyntown._ 2. Abundance, S. WEM, _s._ Stain. A. S. _wem_, _wemm_, labes, macula. _Barbour._ ~Wemeless~, _adj._ Blameless. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _wemleas_, faultless. ~Wemmyt~, _part. pa._ Scarred. _Barbour._ A. S. _wemm_, a scar, a blemish. _To_ WENDIN, _v. n._ To wane. A. S. _wan-ian_, to decrease. WENE, _s._ _But wene_, doubtless. A. S. _wene_, conjecture. ~Wene~, _s._ A mark by which one traces his way. A. S. _wene_, conjecture. _Douglas._ WENG, _v. a._ To avenge. _Barbour._ Fr. _veng-er_, id. WENNYNG. V. ~Wonnyng~, _s._ _Barbour._ WENSDAY, _s._ Wednesday, S. Belg. _Weensdagh_, Isl. _Wonsdag_, the day consecrated to _Woden_. _To_ WENT, _v. n._ To go. _Barbour._ A. S. _wend-an_, to go. ~Went~, _s._ 1. A course. _Douglas._ 2. A passage. _Douglas._ 3. The course of affairs. _Id._ Alem. _went-en_, vertere. _To_ WER, WERE, WEIRE, _v. a._ To guard. _Barbour._ A. S. _wer-ian_, Belg. _weer-en_, to defend. WER, WAR, _adj._ Wary. _Douglas._ Su. G. _war_, videns. WERD, _s._ Fate. V. ~Weird~. WERDY, _adj._ Worthy. _Lyndsay._ Teut. _weerdig_, Sw. _werdig_, id. WERDIE, _s._ The youngest bird in a nest, Fife. Isl. _wardt_, what is deficient. WERE, WER, WEIR, WEER, _s._ 1. Doubt, S. B. _Barbour._ 2. Apprehension, fear. _Dunbar._ A. S. _waere_, caution; Belg. _vaer_, fear. WERE, WER, WEIR, _s._ War, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _waer_, O. Belg. _werre_, id. ~Wereman~, ~Weir-man~, ~Wer-man~, _s._ A soldier. _Douglas._ ~Were-horse~, ~Weir-horse~, _s._ 1. A war-horse. _Pop. Ball._ 2. A stallion, Moray. _Ibid._ ~Werely~, ~Weirly~, _adj._ Warlike. _Doug._ ~Were-wall~, ~Weir-wall~, _s._ A defence in war. _Houlate._ ~Weriour~, ~Weryer~, _s._ 1. A warrior. _Gawan and Gol._ 2. An antagonist. _Douglas._ _To_ WERY, WERRY, WYRRIE, _v. a._ 1. To strangle. _Douglas._ 2. To worry. _Wyntown._ Teut. _worgh-en_, strangulare. WERY, _s._ Vexation, Orkn. A. S. _werig_, execrabilis. WERIOUR, _s._ A maligner. _Douglas._ V. preceding word. _To_ WERK, _v. n._ To ache. V. ~Wark~. _To_ WERK, _v. n._ To work. V. ~Wirk~. ~Werk~, _s._ Work. _Wallace._ Belg. _werk_, A. S. _weorce_. WERKLOME, WARKLOOM, _s._ A working tool. V. ~Lome~. WERLY, _adj._ Warily. _Douglas._ WERLOT, _s._ Knave. V. ~Verlot~. _Kennedy._ WERNAGE, _s._ Provision laid up in a garrison. V. ~Vernage~. WERNOURE, _s._ A miser. _Douglas._ A. S. _georn_, avidus, compar. _geornor_; Su. G. _warn-a_, to defend. V. ~Warnstor~. _To_ WERRAY, _v. a._ To make war upon. Su. G. _haer_, an army. _Barbour._ _To_ WERRAY, _v. a._ To curse. V. ~Wary~. WERRAY, _adj._ True. V. ~Warray~. ~Werrament~, ~Verrayment~, _s._ Truth. Fr. _vrayement_, in truth. _Wallace._ WERSH, _adj._ Insipid. V. ~Warsch~. _To_ WERSIL, _v. n._ To wrestle. V. ~Warsell~. WERSLETE, _s._ Uncertain. _Wyntown._ WERTH, _s._ Fate; for _weird_. _Henrysone._ WERTHAR, _adj._ More worthy. _Wallace._ Moes. G. _wairths_, worthy. WESAR, WYSAR, _s._ A visor. _Wallace._ _To_ WESCHE, _v. a._ To wash, S. _Doug._ WESCHE, _s._ Stale urine. V. ~Wash~. WESELY, _adv._ Cautiously. V. ~Vesie~. _Wallace._ _To_ WESY, _v. a._ To examine. V. ~Vesie~. WESTER, _s._ A fish-spear, Loth. WESTLAND, WESTLIN, _adj._ Western, S. _Wallace._ WESTLINS, WESTLINES, _adv._ Westwards, S. _Ramsay._ WETHY, _s._ A halter. V. ~Widdie~. _Wyntown._ WETING, _s._ Knowledge. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _weot-an_, to know. WEUCH, _s._ Wo, mischief. V. ~Wouch~. _To_ WEVIL, _v. n._ To wriggle. V. ~Weffil~. ⁂ WH. For words not found here, see ~Quh~. WHANG, _s._ 1. A thong, S. 2. A slice, S. _To_ ~Whang~, _v. a._ To flog, to scourge, S. V. ~Quhaing~. _To_ WHAISLE, WHOSLE, _v. n._ To wheeze in breathing, S. _Pop. Ball._ Su. G. Isl. _hwaes-a_, id. WHATY, _adj._ Indifferent. _Thomas of Ercildone._ _To_ WHAUK, _v. a._ 1. To thwack, S. 2. Metaphor., to harass. _Ramsay._ WHAUP, _s._ A curlew. V. ~Quhaip~. WHAURIE, _s._ A fondling designation for a child, Ang. C. B. _chuarae_, ludere. _To_ WHEAK, WEEK, _v. n._ 1. To squeak, S. 2. To whine, S. 3. To whistle at intervals, S. Isl. _quak-a_, leviter clamitare. ~Wheak~, ~Week~, _s._ A squeak, S. WHEELIN, _s._ Coarse worsted, S., as spun on the large _wheel_. _To_ WHEEP, _v. n._ 1. To give a sharp, intermittent whistle, S. 2. To squeak, S. Su. G. _hwip-a_, to whoop. _To_ WHEEPLE, _v. n._ 1. To attempt ineffectually to whistle, S. 2. To whistle in a low flat tone, S. WHEEPLE, _s._ A shrill intermittent whistle, S. _Stat. Acc._ WHEEPS, _s. pl._ An instrument for raising the _brig-heads_ of a mill, S. B. WHELEN, Perh. an error for _whelcen_, who; Su. G. _hwilken_, id. _Sir Gawan._ WHID, _s._ A lie, S. V. ~Quhid~. _Burns._ _To_ WHIG, _v. n._ To go quickly, Loth. WHIG, WHIGG, _s._ 1. An acetous liquor subsiding from soured cream, S. 2. A name given by rigid Episcopalians to Presbyterians; and by members of the Kirk of Scotland to Presbyterian dissenters, S. Perh. from _wiggam_, a term used in driving horses. WHIG, WIG, _s._ A fine wheaten bread, S. _Sir J. Sinclair._ WHIGMELEERIE, _s._ 1. The name of a game occasionally played at a drinking club, Angus. A pin was stuck in a circle, having as many _radii_ drawn from the centre as there were persons in the company, with the name of each person at the radius opposite to him. An index, placed on the top of the pin, was moved round by every one in his turn; and at whose name soever it stopped, that person was obliged to drink off a glass. Perhaps so denominated from contempt of the severe sobriety attributed to the _Whigs_. 2. In pl. whims, fancies, S. _Burns._ _To_ WHIHHER, _v. n._ To titter, Ang. _Minstr. Bord._ _To_ WHILLY, WHULLY, _v. a._ To gull, S. _Ramsay._ ~Whilliwha~, ~Whillywhae~, _s._ A person who deals in ambiguous promises, S. _Ramsay._ WHILT, _s._ _A-whilt_, in a state of perturbation. _Watson._ ~Whiltie-whaltie~, _adv._ In a state of palpitation. _My heart's a' playin whiltie-whaltie_, S. Isl. _vallt_, volutor; _hwell-a_, resonare. WHIN, WHINSTANE, _s._ Ragstone, or toadstone, S. V. ~Quhyn~. _Stat. Acc._ _To_ WHINGE, _v. n._ To whine, S. V. ~Quhinge~. _Ramsay._ WHINGER, WHINGAR, _s._ A short hanger used as a knife at meals, and as a sword in broils. _Lay Last Minstr._ Isl. _hwin_, furunculus, and _gerd_ actio; q. a weapon for _secret deeds_. WHINKENS, _s. pl._ Flummery, S. B. Su. G. _hwink-a_, to vacillate. _To_ WHINNER, _v. n._ To pass with velocity, giving a humming sound, S. Isl. _hwyna_, to resound. _To_ WHIP _aff_, or _awa_, _v. n._ To fly off with velocity, S. Su. G. _wipp-a_, to be rapidly carried upwards and downwards; C. B. _chwip-iaw_, to move briskly. WHIP, _In a whip_, _adv._ In a moment, S. Alem. _uuipphe_, nictus oculi; C. B. _chwip_, quickly. WHIPPER-TOOTIES, _s. pl._ Silly scruples about doing any thing, S. Fr. _apres tout_, after all. WHIPPERT, _adj._ Hasty and tart in demeanour, or in the mode of doing any thing, S. ~Whippert-like~, _adj._ Indicating irritation, by the manner of expression or action, S. Isl. _hwop-a_, lightness, inconstancy; or ~Whip~, _v._ WHISH, WHUSH, _s._ 1. A rushing or whizzing sound, S. B. 2. A whisper, S. B. _whisht_, Loth. _Ferguson._ Su. G. _hwaes-a_, to whizz; Isl. _qwis_, susurrus. _To_ WHISH, _v. a._ To hush; part. pa. _whist_. _Godscroft._ ~Whisht~, _interj._ Hush, be silent, S. _Ramsay._ Sw. _wysch_, O. Fr. _houische_, id. WHISTLE, _s._ Change of money, S. V. ~Quhissel~. _Ramsay._ WHISTLE, _s._ _To weet_ one's _whistle_, to take a drink, sometimes applied to tipplers, S. O. E. WHISTLE-BINKIE, _s._ One who attends a penny-wedding, but without paying any thing, and therefore has no right to take any share of the entertainment; who is as it were left to sit on a _bench_ by himself, and may _whistle_ for his own amusement, Aberd. WHISTLE-THE-WHAUP, a phrase addressed to one who is supposed to play upon another, West of S. _To_ WHITE, _v. a._ To cut with a knife, S. V. ~Quhyte~. _Burns._ WHITE-ABOON-GLADE, _s._ The Henharrier, Stirlings. _Stat. Acc._ Corresponding with Lanarius _albus_, Le Lanier _cendrè_, &c. WHITE BONNET, one who, in a sale by auction, bids for his own goods, or who is employed by the owner for this purpose, S. WHITE FISH IN THE NET, a sport in which two persons hold a plaid pretty high, over which the rest of the company are obliged to leap. The object is to entangle the person who leaps; and if thus intercepted he loses the game, Ang. WHITE-HORSE, the Fuller ray, a fish. _Sibbald._ WHITIE-WHATIES, _s. pl._ Silly pretences, from a design to procrastinate, or to blind S.; _whittie-whaws_, S. B. A. S. _hwata_, omina, divinationes, auguria; Belg. _wisiewasie_, fiddle-faddle; C. B. _chwit-chwat_, a sly pilferer. WHITLIE, QUHITELY, _adj._ Having a delicate or fading look, S. _Henrysone._ A. S. _hwit_, albus, and _lic_, similis. WHITLING, WHITEN, WHITING, _s._ A species of sea-trout, S. _Stat. Acc._ Sw. _hwitling_, a whiting. WHITRACK-SKIN, _s._ A purse made of the skin of a weasel, Moray. V. ~Quhitred~. _Pop. Ball._ WHITTER, _s._ A hearty draught of liquor, S. O. _Burns._ Q. _whetter_, from E. _whet_. WHITTLE, _s._ 1. A knife, S. as in E. 2. Applied to the harvest-hook, S. _A. Douglas._ WHITTRET, _s._ The weasel. V. ~Quhitred~. WHORLE, _s._ 1. A very small wheel, S. 2. The fly of a spinning-rock, made of wood, sometimes of a hard stone, S. _whirl_, E. _Barry._ Su. G. _harfwel_, _hwirfwel_, id., verticillum; O. Sw. _hworla_, rotare. _To_ WHOSLE, _v. n._ To breathe hard, to wheeze, Aberd. V. ~Wheasle~. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ WHUMMIL, WHOMEL, _v. a._ To turn upside down. V. ~Quhemle~. WHUNN, _s._ The stone called trap, &c. V. ~Quhin~. _A. Hume._ WHUSH, _s._ A rushing noise. V. ~Whish~. WY, WYE, WIE, _s._ A man or person. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _wig_, primarily, fit for war; in a secondary sense, an adult; A. S. _wiga_, a hero, a man. WIAGE, WYAGE, _s._ A military expedition or incursion. _Barbour._ _Vyage_, a journey, S. B. Fr. _voyage_, id. WYANDOUR, _s._ _A gud wyandour_, one who lives or feeds well. _Wyntown._ Fr. _viand-er_, to feed. WICHT, _adj._ 1. Strong, powerful. _Wallace._ 2. Active, clever, S. O. E. id. _Wyntown._ 3. Denoting strength of mind, or fertility of invention. _Wyntown._ 4. Strong, as applied to inanimate objects. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _wig_, potens; alacer, agilis, _vegetus_; Lat. _vig-ere_. ~Wichtlie~, ~Wichtely~, _adv._ 1. Stoutly. _Douglas._ 2. With strength of mind. _Douglas._ ~Wychtness~, ~Wightness~, _s._ Strength, S. B. _Wyntown._ WICHT, _s._ A man or person, S. _Doug._ A. S. _wiht_, creatura, animal, res. WICK, WIC, _s._ A termination of the names of places, signifying a kind of bay, S. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. _wik_, A. S. _wic_, sinus maris. _To_ ~Wick~, _v. n._ To strike a stone in an oblique direction, a term in _curling_, S. _Graeme._ Su. G. _wik-a_, flectere; _wika af_, a via deflectere. WICK, _adj._ _Wick to slo_, hard to slay. _Sir Tristrem._ The same with ~Wicht~; or allied to C. B. _gwich_, brave. WICKER, _s._ 1. A twig, S. _Burns._ 2. A wand, a small switch, S. Dan. _vigre_, vimen; _vig-er_, to be pliant. WICKET, _s._ The back-door of a barn, Ang. Belg. _wicket_, portula, Fr. _guichet_. WIDDEN-DREME, WINDREM, WIDDRIM, _s._ _In a widden-dream_, or _windream_, all of a sudden; also, in a state of confusion, S. B. _Pop. Ball._ A. S. _woda-dream_, furor, madness. WIDDERSINNIS, WEDDERSHYNNYS, WIDDERSINS, WIDDERSHINS, WITHERSHINS, WODERSHINS, _adv._ The contrary way, contrary to the course of the sun, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _wither_, contra, _sunne_, sol; or rather, Teut. _weder-sins_, contrario modo. WIDDIE, WIDDY, _s._ 1. A rope made of twigs of willow; used to denote a halter, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. The term is vulgarly understood in S. as if it denoted the gallows itself. 3. A twig, having several smaller shoots branching out from it; which being plaited together, it is used as a whip, the single grain serving for a handle, Caithn. Su. G. _widia_, vimen, from _wide_, salix; A. S. _withig_, id. ~Widdifow~, ~Viddiful~, _s._ 1. Properly, one who deserves to _fill_ a _widdie_ or halter, S. _Lyndsay._ 2. In pl. equivalent to _brave boys_, in sea language. _Compl. S._ 3. A romp, S. ~Widdifow~, _adj._ Wrathful, S. A. and O. _Burns._ _To_ WIDDILL, _v. n._ pron. _wuddil_. 1. Generally used in connexion with some other _v._; as, _to widdil and ban_, _to widdil and flyte_, &c., S. _Montgomerie._ 2. To wriggle or waddle, S. 3. _v. a._ To introduce by shifting motion, or (metaph.) by circuitous courses, S. _Cleland._ Germ. _wedel-n_, caudam motitare. ~Widdle~, _s._ 1. Wriggling motion, S. 2. Metaph. struggle or bustle, S. _Burns._ WIDDRIM, _s._ V. ~Widdendreme~. WYDE, _s._ Dress. V. ~Gide~. WIDE-GAB, _s._ The fishing frog, Shetl. * WIDOW, _s._ A widower, S. _Rutherford._ WIE, _adj._ Little. V. ~We~. WIEL, _s._ A small whirlpool. V. ~Wele~. * WIFE, WYF, WYFE, _s._ A woman, whether married or single, generally, one past middle age, S. _Lyndsay._ A. S. Su. G. _wif_, mulier, foemina. ~Wiflie~, ~Wyfelie~, _adj._ Feminine, belonging to woman. _Bellenden._ A. S. _wiflic_, muliebris, foemineus. WYG, WEIG, WHIG, _s._ A small oblong roll, baked with butter and currants, S. Teut. _wegghe_, panis triticeus; libum oblongum, et libum lunatum. WIG, WYG, _s._ Apparently, a wall. A thing is said to _gang frae wyg to waw_, when it is moved backwards and forwards from the one wall of a house to the other, S. B. _Ross._ A. S. _wag_, Su. G. _waegg_, Belg. _weeg_, paries. WIGG, WHIG, _s._ The thin serous liquid, which lies below the cream, in a churn, after it has become sour, and before it has been agitated, S. B. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ WIGGLE, _v. n._ To wriggle. V. ~Waigle~. WIGHT, _s._ The shrew-mouse, Orkn. _Stat. Acc._ Su. G. _wickt_, any thing very small. WILD COTTON, cotton-grass, a plant, S. B.; also called _Moss-crops_, S. WILDFIRE, _s._ The common name for the Phlyctenae of Sauvages, S., vulgarly _wullfire_. A. S. _wild-fyr_, erysipelas. _To_ WILE, WYLE, _v. a._ Used in relation to what is accomplished by caution or artful means; as, _I'll try to wile him awa'_, I will endeavour to get him enticed to go with me, S. _Lyndsay._ Su. G. _wel-a_, Isl. _vael-a_, decipere. _To_ WILE, WYLE, _v. a._ To select. ~Wile~, _s._ Choice, selection. V. ~Wale~. WYLECOT, WILIE-COAT, _s._ 1. An undervest, generally worn during winter, S. _Douglas._ 2. An under-petticoat. _Maitland Poems._ WYLFULL, _adj._ Willing; q. _full of will_. _Wyntown._ ~Wilfully~, _adj._ Willingly. _Barbour._ * WILL, _s._ _What's your will?_ a common Scotticism for, "What did you say?" _K. Hart._ WILL, _s._ Apparently, use, custom; pl. _willis_. _Barbour._ It may, however, signify study; A. S. _will_. Teut. _willa_, studium. WILL, _aux. v._ 1. Be accustomed, make a practice of. Still a common idiom in S.; borrowed from those whose native tongue is Gaelic. 2. It is often used for _shall_, S. 3. It is sometimes equivalent to _must_, S. WILL, WYLL, WIL, WYL, _adj._ 1. Lost in error, uncertain how to proceed, S. _Wyntown._ _To go wyll_, to go astray, S. _Douglas._ _Will of wane_, at a loss for a habitation. _Barbour._ Su. G. _will_, Isl. _vill-a_, error; Isl. _vill-az_, to lead astray. 2. Desert, unfrequented. _Douglas._ Isl. _ville_, ferus; Su. G. _willa diur_, wild animals. ~Wilsum~, _adj._ In a wandering state, implying the ideas of dreariness, and of ignorance of one's course, S. pron. _wullsum_. _Pop. Ball._ Sw. _en villsam vaeg_, an intricate road. ~Willyart~, ~Wilyart~, _adj._ 1. Wild, shy, flying the habitations and society of men. _Burel._ 2. Bashful and reserved, avoiding society, or appearing awkward in it, S. _Burns._ From the _adj._ and Belg. _geaard_, q. of a wild disposition. V. ~Art~. 3. Obstinate, wilful, Loth. Berwicks. WILLAN, _s._ The willow or saugh, S. B. WILLAWINS, _interj._ Welladay, S. _Ferguson._ A. S. _wyn_, infortunium; q. _wa la wyn_, eheu calamitas! WILLICK, _s._ The puffin, or alca arctica, Loth. _Neill._ WILLIE-POWRET-SEG, _s._ The name given by children in Fife to the Porpoise. WILLIE WHIP-THE-WIND, a species of hawk, the Falco tinnunculus, or kestrel; in O. E. the _Wind-vanner_, Ang. WILRONE, _s._ A wild boar. _Chr. S. P._ Su. G. _vild_, wild, and _rune_, a young boar. WIMBLEBORE, _s._ A hole in the throat, which prevents one from speaking distinctly, S.; in allusion to a hole _bored_ by a _wimble_. _To_ WYMPIL, WOMPLE, _v. a._ 1. To wrap, to fold, S. _Douglas._ 2. To move in a meandrous way, applied to a stream, S. _Ramsay._ Teut. _wimpel-en_, involvere, implicare; Flandr. _wompel-en_. _To_ ~Wimple~, _v. n._ To use such circumlocution in narration, as shews a design to deceive, S. ~Wympil~, ~Wimple~, _s._ 1. A winding or fold, S. _Douglas._ 2. A wile, a piece of craft, S. B. _Poems Buch. Dial._ ~Wympled~, _adj._ Intricate. _Ross._ ~Wimpler~, _s._ A waving lock of hair. _Evergreen._ _To_ WIN, _v. n._ To dwell. V. ~Won~. _To_ WIN, WYN, WINNE, _v. a._ 1. To dry corn, hay, peats, &c. by exposing them to the air, S. pret. _won_, _wonne_. _Godscroft._ Belg. _winn-en_, A. S. _wind-wian_, ventilare; Su. G. Isl. _winn-a_, to wither. 2. Often used to denote harvest-making in general. _Barbour._ Teut. _winn-en_, colligere fructus terrae. _To_ WIN, _v. a._ 1. To raise from a quarry, S. _won_, part. pa. _Skene._ 2. To work a mine of any kind. _Bellenden._ A. S. _winn-an_, Su. G. _winn-a_, laborare, labore acquirere. _To_ ~Win out~, _v. a._ To raise as from a quarry; metaph. used. _Rutherford._ _To_ ~Win~ one's _bread_, to gain it, properly by _labour_, S. _To_ WIN, WYN, WON, pron. _wun, v. n._ To have any thing in one's power, to arrive at any particular state or degree with some kind of labour or difficulty, S. pret. _wan_. _Sir Tristrem._ It is often joined with an _adj._; as, _to win free_, _to win loose_; sometimes with a _s._, as, _to win hame_, to get home, S. It is also used with a great variety of prepositions. 1. _To_ ~Win aboon~, (1.) To get the pre-eminence, S. (2.) To obtain the mastery, to get the better of, S. (3.) To recover from disease, S. (4.) To recover one's spirits, S. _Skinner._ 2. _To_ ~Win about~, to circumvent in any way; especially by wheedling, S. 3. _To_ ~Win aff~, (1.) To get away, in a local sense; implying the idea of some obstacle or danger, in one's way, S. _Ross._ (2.) To be acquitted in a judicial trial, S. (3.) To be able to dismount, S. 4. _To_ ~Win a-flot~, to break loose, to be set adrift. _Balfour._ 5. _To_ ~Win afore~, or before, to outrun, S. _Douglas._ 6. _To_ ~Win at~, to reach to, S. _Guthrie._ 7. _To_ ~Win at liberty~, to get free; to be released from restraint. _Spalding._ 8. _To_ ~Win away~, (1.) To get off; often, to escape, to get off with difficulty, S. _Barbour._ (2.) To set off, as opposed to delay, S. _Franck._ (3.) To die; as, _He's wun awa'_, S. _Rutherford._ 9. _To_ ~Win before~, to get the start of, S. _Ritson._ 10. _To_ ~Win ben~, to be able to go to, or to obtain admittance into, the inner apartment, S. 11. _To_ ~win butt~, to be able to go to the outer apartment, S. _Ramsay._ 12. _To_ ~win by~, to get past, S. 13. _To_ ~win down~, (1.) To reach, to extend, downwards. _Pitscottie._ (2.) To get down, S. _Spalding._ 14. _To_ ~Win farrer~, to get further, S. 15. _To_ ~Win farrer ben~, to be admitted to greater honour, S. _Tales Landlord._ 16. _To_ ~Win forrat~, to get forward, S. 17. _To_ ~Win gae~, to break loose, to obtain liberation, Buchan. _Forbes._ 18. _To_ ~Win in~, (1.) To obtain access, S. _Sir Egeir._ (2.) To be able to return home. _Pop. Ball._ 19. _To_ ~Win nere~, to get near, S. _Douglas._ 20. _To_ ~Win on~, to be able to ascend, or to mount, as on horseback, S. _Rutherford._ 21. _To_ ~Win on ahint~ _one_, to get the advantage in a bargain, to impose on one, S. 22. _To_ ~Win our~, or ~over~, (1.) To get over, in a literal sense, to be able to cross; implying difficulty, S. _Barbour._ (2.) To surmount, metaph. S. _Persec. Church Scotl._ 23. _To_ ~Win out~, to escape; as, from a field of battle, &c. _Wallace._ 24. _To_ ~Win throw~, (1.) To get through, S. _Ramsay._ (2.) To cross a river, S. _Monro._ (3.) To be able to finish any business, S. _Baillie._ (4.) Metaph., to recover from disease, S. 25. _To_ ~Win to~, (1.) To reach, S. _Wallace._ (2.) To take a seat near a table; or rather, to begin to eat of what is set on it, S. (3.) To attain; as denoting the state of the mind, S. _Rutherford._ 26. _To_ ~Win to foot~, to get on one's legs, S. B. _Ross._ 27. _To_ ~Wyn togidder~, to attain to a state of conjunction. _Wallace._ 28. _To_ ~Win up~, (1.) To be able to ascend, S. _Barbour._ (2.) To rise, to get out of bed, S. _Pop. Ball._ (3.) To rise from one's knees. _Minstr. Border._ 29. _To_ ~Win up to~, or ~with~, to overtake, S. 30. _To_ ~Win within~, to get within. _Chr. Kirk._ Su. G. _hwinn-a_, _winn-a_, pergere; aliquem praegressum assequi. _To_ ~Win~, _v. a._ 1. To reach, to gain; as, _to win the door_. S. B. _Spalding._ _To_ ~Win by~, _v. a._ 1. To get past; used in a literal sense, S. 2. To escape; in relation to danger, S. _Tales Landlord._ WIN, _s._ Gain. _Lyndsay._ _To_ WIN, _v. a._ To wind (yarn), S. _Burns._ WINACHIN, _1._ Equivalent to _winnowing_. _Buchan._ 2. Metaph. used. _Poems Buch. Dial._ WINCHEAND, _part. pr._ Wincing. _Peblis Play._ WYND, _s._ An alley, a lane, S. _Wynt._ A. S. _wind-an_, to turn. WYND, _s._ A warrior. _Gawan and Gol._ Germ. _winn_, _winne_, certator, bellator. _To_ WIND, _v. n._ To magnify in narration, to tell marvellous stories, S.; perhaps from _wind_, ventus, as a person of this description is said to _blow_. ~Winder~, _s._ One who deals in the marvellous, S. WINDCUFFER, _s._ The name given to the kestrel, Orkn. _Barry._ WINDFLAUCHT, _adj._ With impetuous motion, as driven by the wind, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _wind-vlaeghe_, turbo, procella. WYNDEL-STRAY, WINDLE-STRAE, _s._ 1. Smooth-crested grass, S. _Ross._ 2. Any trifling obstacle. _Rutherford._ A. S. _windel-streowe_, a wheat or oaten straw. _To_ WINDLE, _v. a._ To make up (straw or hay) into bottles, S. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _windel-en_, fasciis vel fasciolis involvere. ~Windlen, Wonlyne~, _s._ A bottle of straw or hay, S. _Ramsay._ Norw. _vandel_, a portion of hay or straw. WINDOCK, WINNOCK, _s._ A window, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _vindauge_, Su. G. _windoega_; from _wind_, the higher part of a house, and _oega_, an eye. WIND-SKEW, _s._ An instrument used for preventing smoke, Mearns. Su. G. _wind_, and _skufw-a_, _sky_, vitare. WYNE ~and~ ONWYNE, _adv._ To the right and left hand, every where, S. B. From E. _wind_, to turn. _Ross._ WINE-BERRY, _s._ The common currant, S. B. _Pop. Ball._ WINED, L. _urned_. V. ~Urn~. _Wallace._ _To_ WINFREE, _v. a._ To raise from the ground, to disentangle, Aberd. _Forbes._ From the v. _win_, and _free_. _To_ WYNIS, _v. n._ To decay, to pine away, S. B. Perh. corr. from E. _vanish_. WINK, _s. In a wink_, in a moment, S. B. _Morison._ WINKERS, _s._ The eye-lashes, S. WINKIT, _part. adj._ Somewhat turned; a term applied to milk, when it has lost the sweet taste, Loth. It may refer to the supposed influence of an evil eye. WINKLOT, _s._ A young woman, a wench. _Peblis Play._ A. S. _wencle_, _wincle_, a handmaid. WYNLAND, _part. pr._ Whirling, moving in a circular manner. _Barbour._ Teut. _windel_, trochlea; _windtel-en_, volvere. WINRAW, _s._ Hay or peats put together in long thin heaps, for the purpose of being more easily dried, S.; q. a _row_ for _winning_. _Gl. Sibb._ WINS, _prep._ Towards, in the direction of, Ang. WINSEY, _adj._ Of or belonging to wool, S. B., apparently corr. from E. _woolsey_. WINSOME, _adj._ 1. Gay, merry, cheerful, S. B. _Burns._ A. S. _winsum_, jucundus, laetus; from _wyn_, joy. 2. Comely, agreeable, engaging, S. _Ritson._ Su. G. _waen_, Isl. _vaenn_, pulcher, amoenus. WYNSIK, _s._ Covetousness. _S. P. Repr._ Teut. _win_, _ge-win_, gain, and _soeck-en_, to seek. WINT, _pret. v._ Weened. _Pitscottie._ WYNTIT, _part. adj._ The same with ~Winkit~, Dumfr. Perh. as denoting the effect of exposure to the air; Fr. _vent-er_, to blow. WYNTYR, _s._ 1. Winter. _Wyntown._ 2. A year. _Wyntown._ A. S. _winter_ occurs in both senses. ~Wintrous~, _adj._ Wintry, stormy. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ WINTLE, _v. n._ To stagger, to reel, S. O. _Burns._ Teut. _windtel-en_, circumagere, circumvolvere. ~Wintle~, _s._ A staggering motion, S. O. _Burns._ WINZE, _s._ A curse or imprecation, S. _To let a winze_, to utter a curse. _Burns._ Teut. _wensch_, imprecatio. _To_ WIP, WYP, _v. a._ To bind round, S. _Dunbar._ ~Wyp~, _s._ A wreath, a garland. _Douglas._ Moes. G. _waip_, _wipja_, corona. WYR, _s._ An arrow. _Barbour._ Fr. _vire_, the arrow called a quarrell; Isl. _aur_, telum, sagitta. _To_ WYR, _v. a._ To wreathe, to let down by a whirling motion. _Barbour._ Mod. Sax. _wyr-en_, Fr. _vir-er_, Lat. _gyr-are_. _To_ WIRK, WYRK, _v. a._ 1. To work, to cause to accomplish. _Douglas._ 2. To make, to form. _Dunbar._ A. S. _wirc-an_, _wyrc-an_, facere. ~Wirk~, ~Werk~, _s._ Work. _Wallace._ WYROCK, _s._ A sort of hard excrescence. V. ~Virrok~. WIRRY-COW, _s._ 1. A bugbear, a scarecrow, S. _Ramsay._ 2. The devil, S. _Ramsay._ From _wirry_, to worry, and _Cow_, q. v. WIRRY-HEN, _s._ Perhaps, one who swallows up the property of others, as a hen gobbles up what is thrown out. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ WYRRIE, _v. a._ To strangle. V. ~Wery~. WIRSCHIP, _s._ V. ~Worschip~. WYSAR, _s._ The visor. V. ~Wesar~. WISCH, _pret. v._ Washed. _Houlate._ _To_ WYSE, _v. a._ To incline by caution or art. V. ~Weise~. _To_ WISEN, WYSSIN, _v. n._ 1. To wither, to become dry and hard, S. pron. _wizzen_; A. Bor. id. _Douglas._ 2. To be parched; in consequence of thirst. _Douglas._ A. S. _wisn-ian_, tabescere, marcescere; Isl. _visn-a_, id. _To_ ~Wisen~, _v. a._ To cause to fade, or make dry. _Douglas._ WISHY-WASHIES, _s. pl._ Shuffling language; a cant term for being slow in coming to the point, S. B. _Shirrefs._ Belg. _wisiewasie_, fiddle-faddle, whim-wham. _To_ WISY, _v. a._ To examine, &c. V. ~Vesy~. _To_ WISK, _v. a._ To hurry away, as if one quickly swept off any thing with a besom. _Douglas._ Germ. _wisch-en_, to wipe; Su. G. _wiska_, _hwisk_, a besom. _To_ ~Wisk~ _away_, _v. n._ To move off nimbly, S.; _whisk_, E. _Douglas._ ~Wysk~, _s._ A quick motion; S. _whisk_. _Barbour._ _With are wysk_, _adv._ Quickly. _K. Hart._ _To_ WISS, WISSE, _v. a._ To direct, to guide, to put one in the way of obtaining any thing, S. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _wiss-ian_, instruere, monstrare; Isl. _vys-a_, Dan. _vys-er_, ostendere. _To_ WISS, _s._ To wish, S. WISS, _s._ The moisture that exudes from bark, in preparing it for being tanned; Perths. Isl. _vaes_, _vos_, humiditas. WYSS, _adj._ 1. Wise, prudent, S. _Wall._ 2. Knowing, informed; _wysser_, better informed, S. A. S. _wis_, sapiens; Su. G. _wiss_, certus. 3. In the full exercise of reason; more commonly used with a negative, S. _Ferguson._ ~Wyss-wife~, ~Wise-wife~, _s._ A periphrasis for a witch, S. _Spotswood._ Germ. _weissen-frauen_, witches. ~Wyss-like~, _adj._ Possessing the appearance of propriety, prudent, S. A. S. _wis-lic_, prudens. ~Wyss-like~, _adv._ Properly, decently, S. Germ. _weislich_, discreetly, judiciously. _To_ WISSEL, _v. n._ 1. To exchange. 2. To club in drinking, Ang. ~Wissel~, _s._ Change. V. ~Quhissel~. _To_ ~Wistel~, _v. a._ To wager, to stake, to bet, Ang.; an improper use of the _v._ _Quhissel_, to exchange. WYSURE, _s._ Perh. consideration; Teut. _visouwe_, id. _Dunbar._ _To_ WIT, WITT, _v. a._ To know. _Wall._ Moes. G. A. S. _wit-an_, scire, noscere. ~Wit~, ~Witt~, _s._ Intelligence, information, tidings, S. _To get wit of a thing_, to obtain information with respect to it, S. _Wallace._ _To let wit_, to make known, to communicate intelligence, S. A. S. _wit_, _ge-wit_, scientia, notitia. _To_ WYT, _v. a._ To shun, to avoid. Lat. _vit-are_, id. _Barbour._ WITCH-BELLS, _s. pl._ Round-leaved bell-flower, S. Sw. _maerebiael_, i. e. the bell of the Night-mare, viewed as an incubus. _To_ WITE, _v. a._ To blame, to accuse; the prep. _with_, or _for_, being added, S. _Kelly._ A. S. _wit-an_, Su. G. _wit-a_, imputare, exprobrare. ~Wite~, ~Wyte~, _s._ Blame, S. _Douglas._ ~Wyteless~, _adj._ Blameless. _Ramsay._ WYTENONFA, _s._ A disease. V. ~Wedonypha~. WITH. _To gae with_, _v. n._ To miscarry, to fail, as respecting either one's circumstances, or moral conduct, S. A. S. _with_, Su. G. _wid_, against; A. S. _with-ga-en_, to oppose. WITH THAT, _adv._ Upon that, thereupon. Isl. _vid that_, id. _Wallace._ WITH THI, _conj._ 1. Wherefore. _Poems 16th Cent._ 2. Provided, on condition. _Barbour._ A. S. _with_, propterea, and _thy_, quod. WITHERWECHT, _s._ The weight thrown into one scale, to counterbalance the paper, or vessel, in the opposite scale, which contains the goods bought, S. B. A. S. _wither_, against, and _wiht_, weight, q. opposite weight. WITH-GANG, _s._ Toleration, permission to pass with impunity. _Skene._ From _gang_, to go, and the prep. _with_. WITH-GATE, _s._ Liberty, toleration. _Acts Ja. VI._ S. _with_, and _gate_, A. S. _gat_, via. _To_ WITHHALD, _v. a._ 1. To withhold, S. _l_ quiescent. 2. To hold, to possess. _Douglas._ WITHOUTYN, _prep._ Without. _Wall._ A. S. _with_, versus, and _utan_, extra. WITHLETTING, _s._ Obstruction. _Barbour._ A. S. _with_, and A. S. _let-an_, to permit. _To_ WITHSAY, _v. a._ To gainsay, to oppose. _Barbour._ A. S. _with-saegg-an_, to deny, to gainsay. _To_ WITHSET, _v. a._ To beset. _Barbour._ A. S. _with-sett-an_, to resist. _To_ WITHTAK, _v. a._ To lay hold of, to seize. _Knox._ A. S. _with-taec-an_, ad capere. _To_ WITTER, WYTYR, _v. a._ To inform, to make known. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _witr-a_, notum facere, indicare. ~Wittir~, _s._ 1. A mark, a sign. _Douglas._ 2. A pennon, a standard. _Godscroft._ 3. In _curling_, the mark towards which the stones are pushed, S. A. _Davidson._ ~Witterly~, _adv._ According to good information. _Barbour._ ~Wittryng~, ~Wyttring~, ~Wittering~, _s._ 1. Information, knowledge. _Douglas._ 2. Information with respect to future events, or of a prophetic kind. _Barbour._ Isl. _vitr-a_ is synon. with Sw. _foreboda_, to prognosticate. ~Witter-stone~, _s._ Apparently, a stone originally placed as a _witter_ or mark. _Fountainhall._ WITTER, _s._ The barb of an arrow or fishhook, S. _To_ WITTER, _v. n._ To fight, to fall foul of one another, Gl. Sibb.; perh. to take one by the throat. V. next word. Belg. _veter_, a point; Teut. _wette_, acies cultri. WITTER, _s._ The throat, Aberd. _Journ. Lond._ This seems corr. from Lat. _guttur_. WITTINS, _s. pl._ Knowledge. _Without my wittins_, without my knowledge, S. A. S. part. _wittende_, knowing. WITTIS, _s. pl._ The senses. _Henrysone._ WIZEN, _s._ The throat. S. _Journ. Lond._ E. _weasand_, the windpipe. _To_ WIZZEN, _v. n._ To become dry. V. ~Wisen~. WLONK, _adj._ 1. Gaudily dressed; superl. _wlonkest_. _Sir Gawan._ 2. Rich. _Ibid._ ~Wlonk~, _s._ A woman of rank, or one splendidly dressed. _Dunbar._ A. S. _wlonce_, _wlance_, gay, splendid, rich. WOAGE, _s._ A military expedition. V. ~Wiage~. WOB, _s._ A web, S. _wab_. _Douglas._ ~Wobster~, ~Wobstar~, _s._ A weaver, S. _wabster_. _Lyndsay._ WOBAT, _adj._ Feeble, decayed; _wobart_, Ang. V. ~Vowbet~. _Dunbar._ WOCE, _s._ Voice. _Barbour._ WOD, WODE, WOUD, _s._ A wood. _Douglas._ A. S. _wudu_, Belg. _woud_, S. _wud_, id. WOD, WODE, VOD, _adj._ 1. Mad, S. _wud_. _Wallace._ A. S. _wod_, amens, insanus. 2. Furious with rage; denoting the act, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _wod_, furiosus; Isl. _od-ur_, insanus, ira percitus. 3. Having a fierce or fiery temper; expressive of the habit, S. 4. Ravenous; in relation to appetite. _Douglas._ 5. Wild, as opposed to an animal that is domesticated. _Wallace._ ~Wod~, ~Wud~. _In the wud o't_, an expression applied to a person, when eager to obtain or do any thing, or when greatly in need of it, S. B. ~Wodnes~, _s._ Fury, madness, S. _Wyntown._ Alem. _uuotnissa_, dementia. ~Wodspur~, _s._ A forward, unsettled, and fiery person, S. WODERSHINS, _adv._ V. ~Widdersinnis~. WODEWALL, WOOD WEELE, _s._ Variously explained, as a thrush, a wood-lark, a redbreast. _Pop. Ball._ WODROISS, _s._ A savage; perh. rather _wodwiss_. _Houlate._ A. S. _wude-wase_, satyra, faunus. WOFT, _s._ The woof. V. ~Waft~. _To_ WOID, _v. a._ To divide. _Wallace._ WOYELEY, _adv._ Wickedly. _Sir Gawan._ A. S. _wolice_, prave, inique; _wo-lic_, pravus. WOIK, _pret. v._ Fled, wandered. _Doug._ A. S. _woc_, _woce_, ortus est, from _waec-an_, suscitari. WOYNE, _s._ Perh. labour. _Maitland P._ Sw. _wonda_, difficultas; _wond-a_, laborare. WOISTARE, WOUSTOUR, _s._ A boaster, S. _vouster_. V. ~Voust~. _Doug._ WOLK, _pret._ Walked. _Douglas._ WOLROUN, _s._ Perh. impotent person. _Dunbar._ Su. G. _gall_, testiculus; Teut. _ruyn-en_, castrare. _To_ WOLTER, _v. a._ To overturn. _Maitland P._ Teut. _woelter-en_, volutare. ~Wolter~, _s._ An overturning, a change productive of confusion; S. _walter_. _Knox._ WOMENTING, _s._ Lamentation. V. ~Wayming~. _Douglas._ _To_ WOMPLE, _v. a._ To wrap. V. ~Wimpil~. _To_ WON, _v. n._ To be able, to have any thing in one's power. V. ~Win~, _v. n._ _To_ WON, WIN, WYN, _v. n._ To dwell, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _wun-ian_, Germ. _won-en_, id. ~Wonnyng~, ~Wyning~, _s._ A dwelling. A. S. _wununge_, mansio. _Barbour._ _To_ WON, _v. a._ To dry by exposure to the air. ~Wonnyn~, _part. pa._ Dried. V. ~Win~, _v._ 2. WON, _part. pa._ Raised from a quarry; also, dug from a mine. V. ~Win~, _v._ 3. _To_ WOND, _v. n._ To depart; used for _wend_. _Gawan and Gol._ WONGE, _s._ The cheek. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _waeng_, Isl. _vong_, maxilla. WONNYT. L. _wemmyt_, q. v. _Barbour._ WOO, _s._ Wool, S. _Kelly._ _It's aw ae woo_, S. Prov. It is all one. WOOD-ILL, _s._ A disease of cattle, the same with ~Muir-ill~, q. v. WOOERBAB, _s._ The garter-knot below the knee, with a couple of loops, S. O. _Burns._ WOR, _pret._ Guarded, defended. V. ~Wer~. _Wallace._ WOR, _adj._ Worse. V. ~War~. _Kennedy._ WORDY, _adj._ Worth, worthy, S. _Ramsay._ WORDIS, _v. imp. It wordis_, it behoves, it becomes. _Wallace._ _Bee worde of_, become of. V. ~Worth~, _v._ _Z. Boyd._ Belg. _word-en_, O. Su. G. _woerd-a_, Isl. _verd-a_, interesse, pertinere. WORLIN, _s._ A puny and feeble creature. _Dunbar._ A dimin. from _worl_, _wurl_, _wroul_, all corr. from _Warwolf_, q. v. _To_ WORRIE, _v. a._ To strangle. _Kennedy._ _To_ ~Worry~, _v. n._ To choak, to be suffocated, S. _Ramsay._ WORRI-COW, _s._ V. ~Wirrycow~. WORRYOURIS, _s. pl._ Warriors. _Gawan and Gol._ WORSCHIP, WIRSCHIP, _s._ 1. A praiseworthy deed, a valorous act. _Barbour._ 2. Honour, renown. _Henrysone._ A. S. _weorthscipe_, honour, estimation. WORSET, _s._ Corr. of E. _worsted_, S. _Spalding._ _To_ WORSLE, _v. n._ To wrestle. _Z. Boyd._ ~Worsling~, _s._ Wrestling. V. ~Warsell~. _Z. Boyd._ _To_ WORT, WORT UP, _v. a._ To dig up. _Bellenden._ A. S. _wrot-an_, versare rostro; Belg. _vroet-en_, _wroet-en_, id. _To_ WORTH, WOURTH, _v. n._ 1. To wax, to become; part. pa. _wourthin_. _Barbour._ A. S. _weorth-an_, Teut. _word-en_, fieri, esse, fore. 2. _It worthis_, _v. imp._ It becomes. _Him worthit_, it was necessary for him, &c. V. ~Wordis~. _Barbour._ WORTHELETH. Perh. for _worthelich_. A. S. _weorthlic_, insignis. _Houlate._ WORTHYHED, _s._ The same as _worschip_. _Barbour._ WOSCHE, WOUSCHE, _pret. v._ Washed; S. _woosh_, pron. _wush_, S. B. _weesh_. _Douglas._ WOSTOW. _Wotest thou_, knowest thou. _K. Quair._ WOT, _s._ Intelligence, S. _wat_. _Ferguson._ WOTLINK, _s._ A wench; used in a bad sense. _Dunbar._ WOUCH, WOUGH, _s._ 1. Evil, pravity. _Sir Tristrem._ 2. Injustice, injury. _Quon. Att._ 3. Trouble, fatigue. _Sir Tristrem._ 4. Wo, mischief; in a physical respect. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _wo_, _woh_, _wohg_, _weoh_, perversitas, pravitas, error. WOUDE, _pret._ Waded. _Dunbar._ A. S. _wad-an_, vadere; imperf. _wod_. WOUF, WOWF, _s._ The wolf, S. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Wouff~, _v. n._ To bark, S. Su. G. _ulfw-a_, ululare, from _ulf_, a wolf; Belg. _guyv-en_, to howl as a dog. _To_ ~Wow~, _v. n._ To howl, Moray. _Pop. Ball._ WOUK, _pret._ Watched. _Barbour._ WOUK, WOUKE, _s._ A week, S. B. _ook_. _Sir Tristrem._ A. S. _wuca_, Dan. _uge_, _wge_, id. WOUND, used as a superlative. _Gawan and Gol._ Perhaps from _wond_, the pret. of A. S. _wand-ian_, vereri, to dread. WOUNDER, WONDIR, _adv._ Wonderfully. _Douglas._ WOUNDRING, _s._ A monster, a prodigy. _Douglas._ A. S. _wundrung_, admiration. WOURSUM, WORSUM, _s._ Purulent matter, S., pron. _wursum_. _Douglas._ A. S. _wyr_, pus, and _sum_, as denoting quality. WOUSTOUR, _s._ A boaster. V. ~Woistare~. WOUT, _s._ Countenance, aspect. V. ~Vult~. _Gawan and Gol._ _To_ WOW, _v. a._ To woo or make love to. _Bannatyne Poems._ A. S. _wog-an_, nubere; _wogere_, procus, amasius, a wooer. _To_ WOW, _v. n._ V. under ~Wouf~. WOW, _interj._ Expressive of admiration, S., often _vow_. V. ~Vow~. _Douglas._ WOWN, _s._ Wont, custom. _Wyntown._ A. S. _wuna_, Alem. _uuone_, mos. ~Wowne~, _adj._ Wont, accustomed. _Wynt._ WRA, _s._ Hiding-place. _Douglas._ Dan. _vraae_, a corner, a lurking-hole. _To_ WRABIL, _v. n._ To move in a slow undulating manner, like a worm; to wriggle; S. _warble_, _wurble_. _Douglas._ _Warple_ is used in the same sense, S. B. _Ross._ Teut. _wurbel-en_, Belg. _wervel-en_, gyros agere, in orbem versare. WRACHYS, ghosts. V. ~Wraith~. _Doug._ WRACK, _s._ For its different senses, V. ~Wrak~. WRAIGHLY, _adv._ Strangely, or awkwardly. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _wraeclice_, peregre. WRAIK, WRAK, _s._ 1. Revenge, vengeance. _Douglas._ 2. Anger, wrath. _Douglas._ 3. Destruction; _wreck_, E. _Wyntown._ 4. Denoting one who threatens or brings vengeance or destruction. _Douglas._ A. S. _wraec_, _wraece_, Belg. _wraecke_, ultio, vindicia. WRAITH, WRAYTH, WRAITHE, WRETH, _s._ 1. Properly, an apparition in the exact likeness of a person, supposed by the vulgar to be seen before, or soon after death, S. _K. James._ 2. Sometimes used, but improperly, to denote a spirit supposed to preside over the waters. _Lewis._ Moes. G. _ward-jan_, A. S. _weard-an_, custodire; as the apparition, called a _wraith_, was supposed to be that of one's _guardian_ angel. A. S. _weard_, a guardian, a keeper. WRAITH, _s._. Provision, food. _Henrysone._ Su. G. _ward_, Isl. _verd_, id.; from Su. G. _war-a_, to eat. WRAITH, _adj._ Wroth. _Douglas._ ~Wraithly~, _adv._ Furiously. _Wallace._ WRAK, WRAIK, WRACK, WRECK, WREK, _s._ 1. Whatever is thrown out by the sea, as _broken_ pieces of wood, sea-weed, &c., S. 2. Often appropriated to sea-weed, S. _Barry._ This receives different names in different parts of S.; as, _button wrack_, _lady wrack_, &c. _Stat. Acc._ 3. The weeds gathered from land, and generally piled up in heaps for being burnt, S. _Pennecuik._ 4. Trash, refuse of any kind. _Bannatyne Poems._ Su. G. _wrak_, E. wreck; also, any thing that is of little value, mere trash; Dan. _vrag_, id. _To_ WRAMP, _v. a._ To sprain any part of the body, S. Cumb. Belg. _wremp-en_, to distort the mouth. ~Wramp~, _s._ A twist or sprain, S. _Watson._ WRANG, _s._ Wrong, S. _Barbour._ ~Wrangwis~, ~Wrangwiss~, _adj._ 1. Wrong, not proper. _Wallace._ 2. Wrongful, unjust. _Wyntown._ A. S. _wise_, manner, used as a _term._, changes the _s._ to which it is affixed into an _adj._ as _riht-wise_, whence E. _righteous_. WRANGIS, WRAYNGIS, _s. pl._ The ribs or floor timbers of a ship; Fr. _varangues_, id. _Douglas._ Radically the same with S. _rung_. _To_ WRAPLE, _v. a._ To entangle, to warp, also _warple_, S. B. _Ross._ Originally the same with _Wrabil_, q. v. WRAT, _s._ A wart or hard rough excrescence, chiefly on the fingers, S.; the _Verruca_ of physicians. Belg. _wratte_. _Z. Boyd._ WRATACK, _s._ A dwarf, S. B. _Ross._ Gael. _bridach_, _cruitecan_, id.; Dan. _vreden_, tortus. _To_ WRATCH, WRETCH, _v. n._ To become niggardly, S. _Kelly._ Belg. _vrek_, _vrekkig_, niggardly. WRATE, _pret. v._ Apparently, died. _Wyntown._ Moes. G. _wrat-on_, Isl. _rat-a_, peregrinari. WRE. L. _vre_, chance. _Barbour._ WREAD, WREATH, _s._ A place for inclosing cattle, Ang. A. S. _wraeth_, an inclosure. Su. G. _wreit_, _reit_, Isl. _reit-r_, id. WREE, _s._ An instrument for cleansing grain, by separating that which is shelled from what retains the husks, Loth.; pron. also ~Ree~, q. v. _To_ ~Wree~, _v. a._ To separate shelled from unshelled grain, Loth. _To_ WREE, _v. a._ To writhe. V. ~Wry~. WREGH, _s._ Wretch. _S. P. Repr._ A. S. _wraecca_, an exile; also, a wretch. _To_ WREIL, WRELE, _v. n._ To wriggle, to turn about. _Douglas._ Perhaps merely a corr. of E. _wriggle_. _To_ WREIST, WRIST, WREST, _v. a._ To sprain any part of the body, S. _wramp_, synon. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _wraest-an_, intorquere. ~Wreist~, _s._ 1. A writhe or twist. _Pal. Hon._ 2. A sprain, S.; _wramp_, synon. _Watson._ WREK, _s._ Refuse. V. ~Wrak~. WRETCH, WRECHE, _s._ A niggard, a covetous person, S. _Lyndsay._ _To_ WRETH one's self, _v. a._ To be wroth, or filled with indignation. _Barbour._ A. S. _wraeth-ian_, indignare; or _wreoth-ian_, _wreth-ian_, intorquere. ~Wrethly~, _adv._ Wrathfully. _Henrysone._ _To_ WRY, WREYE, _v. a._ To turn, to twist, O. E. _Douglas._ A. S. _writh-an_, intorquere. _To_ WRY, _v. a._ To cover, to conceal. _Douglas._ A. S. _wre-on_, _wri-on_, _wrig-an_, tegere, celare. WRIBLE, _s._ A quaver, the act of warbling; also, _werble_. _Douglas._ Teut. _wervel-en_, to twirl; literally, to turn round. V. ~Wrabil~. WRIG, _s._ 1. The youngest or feeblest bird in a nest, S. 2. A weak or puny child, or the youngest of the family, S. Isl. _warg_, an exile. V. ~Wallidrag~. WRIGGLE, _s._ V. ~Windskew~. WRIGHT, _s._ The general name used for a common carpenter, S., Yorks. _Gawan and Gol._ A. S. _wryhta_, a workman, one by whom any thing is framed; from _wryc-an_, to work. _To_ WRIK, _v. a._ To wreck, to avenge. A. S. _wric-an_, id. _King Hart._ WRINGLE, _s._ A writhing motion, S. B. V. next word. WRINK, WRYNK, _s._ 1. A turning or winding. _Douglas._ 2. A trick, a subterfuge. _Lyndsay._ A. S. _wrenc_, _wrence_, fraus, dolus, stratagema; Isl. _reinki_, fraudulentus; Teut. _renck-en_, to bend, to turn; _rencke_, flexus; also, fallacia. ~Wrinklit~, _part. adj._ Intricate, having many turnings. _Douglas._ WRITER, _s._ An attorney, S. _Burns._ WRO, WROO, _s._ Perhaps inclosure; S. B. _wrae_. V. ~Rae~. _Pop. Ball._ WROIK, _s._ Spite, revenge. _Douglas._ WROKEN, _part. pa._ Revenged. _Doug._ A. S. _wraec-an_, ulcisci. WROUL, _s._ An ill-grown person, or puny child, S. V. ~Warwolf~. WUGGLE, _s._ A bog or marsh, S. B. V. ~Waggle~. _To_ WURBLE, _v. n._ To wriggle. V. ~Wrabil~. WURDY, _adj._ Worth, deserving. V. ~Werdy~. WULLCAT, _s._ A wild cat, S. _To tumble the wullcat_, to whirl heels over head, S. WULLSOME, _adj._ Wild. V. under ~Will~, _adj._ Y Y consonant corresponds to A. S. _G_ before a vowel. This has generally in S. been printed Ʒ, from the resemblance of the A. S. letter to the form of the Roman Ʒ, although there is not the least affinity as to power. This, I apprehend, must be ascribed to the inaccuracy, or to the ignorance of the writers or copyists of MSS., who, misled by the very near resemblance of the letters, substituted the long _z_, or Ʒ, for the A. S. _g_. In the south of S., _y_ consonant is prefixed to a variety of words which are elsewhere pronounced without it; as, _yaik_ for _ache_, _yield_, age, for _eild_, &c. YA, YHA, _adv._ Yea, yes, Moray. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _ja_, _jai_, Su. G. _ja_, A. S. _ia_, _ya_, id. _To_ YABBLE, _v. n._ To gabble, Fife. YAD, _s._ A piece of bad coal, which becomes a white ashy lump in the fire, Fife; _gaist_, synon. YAD, YADE, YAUD, _s._ Properly, an old mare, S.; E. _jade_, a worn-out horse. A. Bor. _yaud_. _Dunbar._ Isl. _jad_, or _jada_, denotes the failure of the teeth. ~Yad-skyvar~, _s._ Apparently, one who drives an old mare. _Dunbar._ _Yad_, and perh. Su. G. _skiufwa_, to drive. _To_ YAFF, _v. n._ 1. To bark; properly denoting the noise made by a small dog, to yelp, S. _A. Scott._ 2. To prate, to talk pertly; used as expressive of contempt, S. A. S. _gealp-an_, exclamare, gloriari; Isl. _gialf-ra_, incondita loqui. _To_ YAIK, YAICK, _v. n._ To ache, S. A. _L. Scotland._ _To_ YAIK, _v. n._ To quiver, to shake. _Burel._ YAIR, YAIRE, YARE, _s._ 1. An inclosure, stretching into a tideway, for the purpose of detaining the fish when the tide ebbs, S. _Stat. Rob. I._ 2. A sort of scaffolding, which juts out into a river or frith in a straight line, S. _Stat. Acc._ A. S. _waer_, _wer_, piscina, septum; Su. G. _fisk-gaerd_, id. ~Yair-net~, ~Yare-net~, _s._ A long net extending into the bed of a river inclined upwards, and fixed by poles, S. B. _Law Case._ YAKEE, _s._ A double tooth, whether in man or beast, Orkney. Isl. _iaxl_, dens molaris. _To_ YALD, _v. a._ To yield; pret. _yald_. _Douglas._ Isl. _gialld-a_, retribuere, luere. YALD, YAULD, _adj._ 1. Sprightly, alert; active, vigorous, S. A. Loth. Isl. _gilld-r_ expresses the same idea; viribus et virtute praestans. 2. Niggardly, parsimonious, Galloway. YALLOCH, _s._ A shout, a shrill cry; the act of _yelling_. S. also _yalloch_. _Doug._ Su. G. _gal-a_, to cry; _gell-a_, to resound. _To_ YAMER, YAMMER, YAWMER, _v. n._ 1. _To_ shriek, to yell. _Douglas._ 2. Now generally used, as signifying, to fret, to whine, to whimper. S. Germ. _jammer-en_, plangere; A. S. _geomr-ian_, _geomer-ian_, to grumble. ~Yamer~, ~Yawmer~, _s._ A cry, a yell. _Dunbar._ ~Yamering~, _s._ A continued whining, S. _To_ YAMPH, YAMF, _v. n._ To bark, S. _Ramsay._ Isl. _gamb-r_, gannitus; _gamb-ra_, gannire. YAPE, YAP, YAIP, _adj._ 1. Having a keen appetite for food, S. _Ross._ 2. Eager, having an earnest desire for any thing, S. _Henrysone._ 3. Forward, S. B. _Skinner._ Isl. _gypa_, vorax, from _gap-a_, hiare. _To_ ~Yape~, _v. n._ To be hungry. _Ramsay._ _Yaply_, _adv._ Keenly, with a sharp appetite, S. _Ross._ YARD, YAIRD, _s._ A garden; properly of pot-herbs; also called a _kail-yard_, S. _Douglas._ A. S. _geard_, Su. G. _gaerd_, Belg. _gaarde_, sepes, area clausa. YARE, YHAR, YORE, _adj._ Ready, alert, in a state of preparation, S. B. O. E. _Barbour._ It is evidently the same with ~Gare~, q. v. YARE, _s._ A wear, for catching fish. V. ~Yair~. _To_ YARK, _v. a._ To beat. V. ~Yerk~. YARNE, YERNE, _adv._ Eagerly, diligently. _Barbour._ A. S. _georne_, _georn_, studious, careful, _earnest_; Su. G. _gerna_, libenter. YARNETS, _s. pl._ An instrument for winding yarn, S. YARPHA, _s._ 1. Peat full of fibres and roots, Orkn. 2. Peat combined with clay or sand; a denomination of soil, Orkn. _Barry._ Isl. _joerfi_, lutum; Norw. _joerme_, black marshy earth, by the common change of _f_ into _m_. V. Haldorson. Isl. _jarp-ur_, black, dark-coloured, seems to be the root. YARR, _s._ Spurrey; a weed found in poor land, S. YARRING, _adj._ Snarling, captious, troublesome. V. ~Yirr~. _Gl. Shirr._ _To_ YARROW, _v. a._ To earn, to gain by industry, S. B. A. S. _gearw-ian_, to prepare; Su. G. _garfw-a_, _gora_, id. YAAVE, _s._ Awe, Banffs. YAVIL, _adj._ Flat, Aberd. V. ~Auale~, ~Awail~, and ~Awalt~. _Journ. Lond._ YAUD. _Far yaud_, the signal made by a shepherd to his dog, when he is to drive away some sheep at a distance. _Minstr. Bord._ A. S. _eode_, ivit, from _gan_, ire; or from _gath_, accede. _To_ YAUL, _v. n._ To yell. V. ~Yalloch~. _Sir Gawan._ YAULD, _adj._ Alert, &c. V. ~Yald~. _To_ YAUP, _v. n._ 1. To yelp, S. 2. Denoting the incessant crying of birds, S. A. _Gl. Sibb._ Teut. _galp-en_, gannire instar vulpis. YAWS, _s. pl._ Apparently the disorder called _Syphilis_; also _Sivvens_, Orkn. Galloway. YAXE, _s._ An axe, Buchan. YE, YIE, (corr. printed _zei_.) This seems to have originated from an imitation of the liquid sound used in Fr., in consequence of _g_ preceding _n_; or, where this was not the case, in consequence of the S. noun following the form of the verb which retained the sound of the Fr. infinitive or participle; as, _en-chainer_, _en-chainé_; whence S. _chenyie_. YEABLES, _adv._ Perhaps, Loth. Border; _yeablesea_, A. Bor. V. ~Able~. YEALD, _adj._ Barren. V. ~Yeld~. _To_ YED, _v. n._ To contend, to wrangle, Loth. Isl. _odd-a_, _ydd-a_, excerto. _Ramsay._ ~Yed~, _s._ Strife, contention, Loth. _Ramsay._ ~Yealings~. V. ~Yieldins~. YEDDLE, _adj._ Thick, muddy; applied to water, Loth. V. ~Adill~. YEDE, YEID, YHED, YHUDE, YOWDE, _pret. v._ Went. _Yede_ is still used in Ang., _gaid_, S. _Barbour._ Norm. Sax. _gede_, A. S. _geode_, Moes. G. _idd-ja_, Isl. _od_, ibat. YIEL, _s._ (Printed _zeil_.) _Bellenden._ Apparently the same with next word. YIELD, _s._ 1. Recompence, or rather compensation. _Priests Peblis._ 2. A subsidy. _Acts Ja. I._ A. S. _geld_, _gild_, a tax, tribute; from _geld-an_, _gild-an_, to pay. YIELDINS, YEALINS, _s. pl._ Persons who are coeval, S. V. ~Eildins~. YEILL, _s._ "Age." V. ~Eild~. _Douglas._ It may, however, be the same with _yeil_, q. return. _To_ YEISK, YESK, YISK, _v. n._ 1. To hiccup, S. _Douglas._ 2. To belch; S. B. _eesk_. _Douglas._ A. S. _geocsa_, singultus; Germ. _gax-en_, _gix-en_, singultire. ~Yeisk~, ~Yesk~, _s._ A single affection of hiccup, S. _eesk_, S. B. YELD, YEALD, YELL, EILD, _adj._ 1. Barren, S.; _yell_, _eill_, Border. A. Bor. _yell_. _Montgomerie._ 2. A cow, although with calf, is said to _gang yeld_, when her milk dries up, S. B. _A yeld nurse_, a dry nurse. _Stat. Acc._ 3. Denoting cattle or sheep that are too young to bear, Dumfr. 4. Applied metaph. to broth without meat. _Kelly._ Isl. _gelld_, _gall_, infaecundus, effaetus; Dan. _gald_, Su. G. _gall_, id. _galko_, vacca sterilis. YELDRING, YELDRIN, _s._ A yellow-hammer, S. tautologically _yellow-yeldrin_, also _yellow-yite_. _Sibbald._ A. S. _geole_, yellow, and _ring_; perh. from the yellow _ring_, which at least partly adorns the neck of this bird. _To_ YELL, _v. n._ To roll, a term applied to a ship. _Yawl_, E. _Mellvill's MS._ YELLY, YEALTOU, used as an _interj._ expressive of surprise, S. B. _Yelly_, yea will ye? _yealtou_, yea wilt thou? _Shirrefs._ _To_ YELLOCH, _v. n._ To scream, to shriek, S. B. Fife. _Gl. Shirr._ ~Yelloch~, ~Yellough~, _s._ A yell, S. _Cleland._ ~Yellowchin~, _s._ Yelling, S. _Ferguson._ YELLOW GOWAN, the name given in S. to different species of the ranunculus. V. ~Gowan~. _To_ YEME, YHEME, YYM, _v. a._ To keep, to take care of. _Barbour._ A. S. _gem-an_, _gym-an_, to take care of, to keep; Isl. _geym-a_, animum attendere, custodire. ~Yemar~, ~Yhemar~, _s._ A keeper, one who has any object in charge. _Barbour._ ~Yemsell~, ~Yhemsell~, _s._ 1. The act of keeping, custody. _Skene._ 2. Used nearly in the same sense with E. _wardship_, _guardianship_, _tutorage_. _Barbour._ Isl. _geimsla_, Su. G. _goemsel_, custodia. YERD, YERTH, _s._ Earth, soil. V. ~Erd~. Also, _To_ ~Yerd~, to bury. V. ~Erd~, _v._ ~Yerd-fast~, _adj._ Firmly fastened in the ground, S. _Poems Buch. Dial._ A. S. _earde-faest_, settled, grounded, Isl. _iardfastr stein_, saxum in terra immotum. ~Yerd-meal~, _s._ Earth-mould, church-yard dust, Aberd. _Gl. Shirr._ YERE, _adv._ Certainly. _To yere_, too surely, or truly. _Douglas._ A. S. _geare_, _gere_, certo. YERESTRENE, _s._ The night before last, S. A. V. ~Here-yestreen~; also ~Here-yesterday~. _Gl. Sibb._ To YERK, _v. a._ To bind tightly, as with a small cord, S. _Gl. Sibb._ A. S. _gearc-ian_, parare. To YERK, _v. n._ 1. To be in a state of fermentation, a term applied to beer, Ang. Germ. _gaer-a_, Su. G. _goer-a_, effervescere. 2. To do any thing with agility, S. B. _Gl. Shirr._ 3. To be busy, or keenly engaged, applied to the mind. _Kelly._ Su. G. _yrk-a_, postulare, insistere. _To_ YERK, YARK, _v. a._ To beat, to strike smartly, S. _jerk_, E. _Ferguson._ Isl. _hreck-ia_, to beat, pulsare; _jarke_, pes feriens. ~Yerk~, _s._ A smart blow, a _jerk_, S. YERN-BLITER, _s._ The name given to the snipe. S. B., sometimes pron. _yern-bluter_. _Journ. Lond._ _To_ YESK, _v. n._ To hiccup. S. V. ~Yeisk~. _To_ YESTER, _v. a._ To discompose, to disturb. Ang. Su. G. _yster_, ferox, or A. S. _ge-styr-an_, turbare. YESTREEN, YISTRENE, _s._ Yesternight. V. ~Here-yesterday~. _Douglas._ YET, YETT, YHATE, _s._ A gate, S. A. Bor. _yete_. _Wallace._ ~Yet chekis~, door-posts. _Douglas._ A. S. _geat_, O. Belg. _gat_, id. Su. G. _gaatt_, postis januae. _To_ YET, YETT, YYT, _v. a._ 1. To pour, S. _yet_, _yett_, poured. _Douglas._ Belg. _giet-en_, A. S. _geot-an_, Isl. Su. G. _giut-a_, fundere. 2. To cast metals. _Yyt_, molten, cast. ~Yetland~, ~Yettlin~, _adj._ Of or belonging to cast iron, S. _Stat. Acc._ ~Yettlin~, _s._ Cast metal, S. Su. G. _giuta en klocka_, to cast a bell; _giuta stycken_, to cast guns; Teut. _ghiet-en_, id. YETHER, _s._ The mark left by tight binding, as with a small cord. Border; allied perhaps to A. Bor. _yeather_, a flexible twig, used for binding hedges; Grose. _To_ YETT, _v. a._ To fasten in the firmest manner, to rivet, Loth. Isl. _gat-a_, perforare. YEVERY, _adj._ Greedy, voracious. _Bellenden._ A. S. _gifer_, _gifra_, _gifre_, avidus, vorax, rapax, gulosus; _gifer_, a glutton. _To_ YHARN, _v. a._ Eagerly to desire. _Barbour._ Moes. G. _gairn-an_, A. S. _georn-ian_, _gyrn-an_, desiderare, cupere. ~Yharne~, ~Yherne~, _adj._ Eager, keen. _Wyntown._ YHEMAR, _s._ A keeper. V. ~Yemar~. YHEMSEL, _s._ Custody. V. ~Yemsel~. YHIS, _adv._ Yes. _Barbour._ A. S. _gese_, _gise_, _gyse_, immo, etiam. YHUDE, _pret._ Went. V. ~Yede~. YHULL, _s._ Christmas. V. ~Yule~. YHUMAN, YUMAN, YOMAN, YEOMAN, _s._ 1. A person of inferior station; as, a husbandman or farmer. _Reg. Maj._ Teut. _ghe-meyn_, A. S. _geman_, communis, vulgaris. 2. It seems to signify a farmer's servant. _Barbour._ 3. A peasant or inhabitant of the country employed as a foot-soldier. _Barb._ 4. A soldier on horseback. _Wallace._ ~Yhumanry~, _s._ The peasantry armed as foot soldiers. _Barbour._ YIE, _term_ (printed _Zie_). V. ~Ye~. YIELD OF THE DAY, the influence of the sun; also the height of the day, Ang. From E. _yield_, as denoting that the frost gives way. YILL, _s._ Ale, S. O. and A. _Burns._ A. S. _eale_, id. ~Yill-wife~, _s._ A woman who brews and sells ale, S. _Gl. Sibb._ _To_ ~Yill~, _v. a._ To entertain with ale, a term commonly used by the vulgar, S. O. to denote one special mode in which a lover entertains his _Dulcinea_ at a fair or market. YIM, _s._ A particle, an atom; the smallest portion of any thing, Ang.; at times pron. as if _nyim_; perhaps q. _ane yim_. Su. G. _em_, _im_, _ime_, vapour; Isl. _hióm_, the most minute object. _To_ YYM, _v. a._ To keep. ~Yimmit~, kept. V. ~Yeme~. YING, YYNG, _adj._ Young. O. E. id. _Douglas._ YIRDIN, _s._ Thunder, S. B. V. ~Erddyn~. _To_ YIRM, _v. n._ 1. To whine, to complain, S. 2. To ask in a querulous tone; implying the idea of continuation, S. Isl. _harm-a_, lugeo, plango; _harm-r_, luctus; G. Andr. p. 107. _Jarm-a_, balare, _jarm-r_, lamentatio. _To_ YYRNE, _v. n._ To coagulate, to curdle. V. ~Earn~. _Bannatyne P._ _To_ YIRR, _v. n._ To snarl, to growl as a dog, S. _yarr_, E. Isl. _verr-a_, id. whence _verre_, a dog; Lat. _hirrire_. _To_ YISK, _v. n._ To hiccup. V. ~Yeisk~. YISTRENE, _s._ Yesternight. V. ~Yestrene~. YYT, _part. pa._ Molten, cast. V. ~Yet~, _v._ YIWYN. Perh. for _ewyn_, even. _Barbour._ * _To_ YOKE, _v. n._ To engage with another in a dispute, in a quarrel, or in warfare, S. _Baillie._ YOLDYN, YOUDEN, _pret. v._ Yielded, surrendered. _Barbour._ YOLK, _s._ A round, opaque and radiated crystallization in window-glass, in consequence of being too slowly cooled, S.; probably denominated from its supposed resemblance of the _yolk_ of an egg. _To_ YOLL, _v. a._ To strike; as, _to yoll with an axe_, S. B. _To_ YOMER, _v. n._ To shriek. V. ~Yamer~, _v._ _Sir Gawan._ YONT, _prep._ Beyond. V. ~Yound~. YORE, _adj._ Ready, alert. V. ~Yare~. YOUDEN, _part. pa._ V. ~Yoldyn~. YOUDEN-DRIFT, _s._ Snow driven by the wind, S. B. _Morison._ Perh. from _yolden_, or _youden_, the old part. pa. of _yield_, q. snow which is _driven_ as _yielding_ to the force of the wind. YOUDITH, _s._ Youth, S. A. V. ~Youth-heid~. _Ramsay._ _To_ YOUF, YUFF, _v. n._ To bark, S. V. ~Wouff~. _Ferguson._ YOUFF, YOWFF, _s._ A swinging blow, Loth. the same with _Gouff_. _Ramsay._ _To_ YOUK, YUKE, YUCK, _v. n._ To itch, to be itchy, S. _Hamilton._ Germ. _juck-en_, Belg. _jeuck-en_, id. prurire. ~Youk~, ~Yeuk~, ~Yuke~, ~Yuck~, _s._ 1. The itch, S. _Ramsay._ 2. Itchiness; without any relation to the cutaneous disease denominated the _itch_, S. ~Youky~, _adj._ 1. Itchy, S. _Davidson._ 2. Metaph. eager, anxious. _Ramsay._ _To_ YOUL, YOULE, _v. n._ To howl, to yell, S. A. Bor. V. ~Goul~, _v._ _Douglas._ ~Youl~, ~Yowl~, _s._ A yell, the act of howling, S. _Dunbar._ YOULRING, _s._ A yellow-hammer. V. ~Yeldrin~. YOUND, _adj._ Opposite, what is on the other side, S. _yont_. _Douglas._ A. S. _geond_, illuc, ultra. ~Yont~, _adv._ Farther, S. ~Yontermost~, _adv._ Still farther, Fife. From _yonder_, S. _yonter_, and _mair_, more. YOUP, _s._ A scream. V. ~Yout~, _s._ YOUSTIR, YOUSTER, _s._ Putrid matter, corrupt blood. _Douglas._ A. S. _geolster_, virus, sanies; _geolstru_, virulentus. _To_ YOUT, _v. n._ To cry, to roar, S. B. _Houlate._ Teut. _iuyt-en_, _iuycht-en_, jubilare, vociferari. ~Yout~, ~Yowt~, _s._ A cry, a scream, S. B. _youp_, synon. _Lyndsay._ YOUTHEID, YHOUTHADE, YOWTHHEID, _s._ Youth. _Wyntown._ A. S. _geogeth-had_, the state of being young. YOUTHIR OF THE SOD, the red ashes of turf, Ang. YOW, YOUE, _s._ A ewe. _Complaynt S._ A. S. _eowu_, Belg. _oye_, _ouwe_, id. YOWDE, _pret._ Went. V. ~Yede~. YUIK, _s._ Itchiness. V. ~Youk~. _G. Buchanan._ _To_ YUKE, _v. n._ To be itchy. V. ~Youk~. YULE, YHULE, YUYLL, _s._ The name given to Christmas, S. A. Bor. _Wynt._ Su. G. _jul_, Dan. _jule_, _juledag_, Isl. _jol_, A. S. _geola_, _gehul_, id. This name was originally given to the great annual feast, celebrated among the northern nations, at the time of the winter solstice, in honour of the Sun. Hence Odin was denominated _Julvatter_, or the _Father_ of _Yule_. Many conjectures have been formed as to the origin of the name. The most probable are, that it is from Su. G. _j_ demonstrative, like A. S. _ge_, and _oel_, commessatio, q. _the feast_; or from Isl. Su. G. _hwel_, _hiul_, a wheel, in reference to the retrogradation of the sun; or from Moes. G. _uil_, Arm. _hiaul_, Gr. ἥλ-ιος, the name of this luminary. _To_ ~Yule~, ~Yool~, _v. n._ To observe Christmas, especially as regarding the festivities of this season. _Spalding._ ~Yule-e'en~, ~Yhule-ewyn~, _s._ The night preceding Christmas, the wake of _Yule_, S. _Barbour._ YUMAN, YUMANRY. V. ~Yhuman~. FINIS. * * * * * TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES Formatting has been used in order to make each entry easier to read, and an effort has been made to retain the spirit of the formatting in the original dictionary. Word sources are given in italics, inset by two spaces. Etymological information normally appears in a separate line, inset by four spaces. All the main entries are capitalised, but sub-entries and cross-references are in small capitals to distinguish them from the main entries. This distinction has been retained. Italics are indicated by _this_ markup. Small capitals are indicated by ~this~ markup. Although the note preceding the entries for the letter 'Y' clearly describes the letter 'yogh', the character used throughout is Ʒ (the 'ezh' or 'Latin long z'). Numerous minor errors in punctuation have been silently corrected. There are also many inconsistencies in punctuation which have been difficult or impossible to resolve, and many undoubtedly remain. Consistency is not a feature of this text. This particularly applies to the etymologies: etymologies are sometimes included with word definitions, separated by a comma or semi-colon, rather than presented in a separate paragraph; also although many commas appear to be missing in the etymologies (especially in the opening sections of the dictionary), none have been inserted. Spelling has been left unchanged unless a definite typo has ocurred, as it probably reflects spelling of the early 19th century. This includes variant spellings of the same word. Hyphens were commoner within compound words than they are today, and there is also inconsistency in their use throughout this text. There is also inconsistency in the hyphenation of Latin words, where hyphenation is sometimes, but not always, used to indicate Latin roots or noun/verb endings. Hyphens have been retained unless there is a clear indication that the word should be unhyphenated. The spelling "Lanerks[hire]" for "Lanarks[hire]" appears to be the accepted spelling for this period, and therefore has been left unchanged. Five instances of _Kings Quair_ have been corrected to _King's Quair_. _St_ (no period) _Androis_ is the normal spelling in this text. The spelling _St. Androis_ appears only once (s.v. INSPRAICH), and has been left unchanged. The cited source is often abbreviated, through lack of space: for example _Doug._ for _Douglas_, _Houl._ for _Houlate_. These abbreviations have been left unchanged. There are also numerous inconsistencies in the abbreviation of recurring phrases, which have been left unchanged. For example _Palice of Honour_, _Palice Honour_, _Pal. of Hon._, _Pal. Hon._. In entries where the numbers "1." "2." "3." &c. are clearly missing, they have been inserted. In the original dictionary, capital E acute looks like Eˊ e.g. p. 69: BOUNTEˊ, for BOUNTÉ. There is also Aˊ representing Á (in FAˊ and FORSTAˊ). But this has to be distinguished from such phrases as "A' the kit" (p. 226) which is an apostrophe indicating missing letters (usually "ll"): "All the kit". Only two of the Greek words have accents and breathings. No changes have been made to the presence or absence of accents in any Greek words. In the phrase "A bursen belch or bilch" (s.v. BELCH) there is a missing closing quotation mark. The precise location of the missing mark is uncertain, and the text has therefore not been changed. The cross-reference "V. ~Get~" under "GATE, s. Jet." cannot be linked correctly since the only entry for "GET" has nothing to do with "Jet". The cross-reference to "~Skair~" for the word "UNTILL, prep. Unto" may be an error, as there is no obvious connection with "UNTILL". However it is impossible to suggest a logical amendment. The entry "GRAVIN, GRAWYN, Interred." gives a cross-reference to "~Graif~" but most of the entry for ~Graif~ is missing. The following words exist as cross-references but do not appear in the Dictionary: Asterne Bad Best Aucht Boytour Brid Coles Doud Forowth Hebrun Hillie-billow Knacks Seyne Talbart Trentalis Wayndit Occasionally the only definition offered for a word is "uncertain" or "not understood". There are also several words for which there is no definition at all (presumably this is accidental). A list of all undefined words appears below: BAZE BEDOWIN BELLIS BIGS BLAIDS BLINNYNG BORN CATINE CLARCHE PIPE COUBROUN (Uncertain, both as to signification and etymon.) DGUHARE DOOR FAINY (Not understood.) FIFT FLIRDON FLYRIT (Not understood.) FLURDOM GLASHIE GORGÉ (Not understood.) GRYLLES HAMMELL (Not understood.) HEGGERBALD (Not understood.) HENSEIS (Uncertain.) HOAS (Not understood.) KNYPSIT LAVER LOT (Uncertain.) LUTHE (Not understood.) MAYNDIT MUSSLING (Uncertain.) NYCHLIT (Uncertain.) PAITLATTIS (Uncertain.) RAY (Uncertain.) RAKKET (Uncertain.) REHATOURE (Uncertain.) RUWITH (Uncertain.) SEIR (Uncertain.) SEWANE (Uncertain.) SLOT (Uncertain.) SNEITH (Uncertain.) SPEANLIE (Uncertain.) TEYND (Uncertain.) THURCH (Uncertain.) WERSLETE (Uncertain.) There follows a list of specific amendments to the text: s.v. ATTELED: "Sir Gawan and Sir Gal." has been italicised. s.v. AWSTRENE: "_auster us_" changed to "_auster-us_". s.v. BELD CYTTES: "receives it" changed to "receives its". s.v. BLEACH: "Gl. Shirr." changed to "_Gl. Shirr._" s.v. _To_ BLETHER: "stulte" changed to "stultè". s.v. _To_ BLOCK: "before he begin" changed to "before he begins". s.v. _To_ BLUSTER: "~Bluddeb~" changed to "~Bludder~". s.v. BRAIS, _s. pl._: "fraus" changed to "fraud". s.v. _To_ BROIGH: "_Brothe_" changed to "~Brothe~". s.v. BUISTY: "Gl. Shirr." changed to "_Gl. Shirr._" s.v. BUT: "extra. foras" changed to "extra, foras". s.v. _To_ BUSK: "_butz frauu_" changed to "_butz frau_". s.v. CHANDLER: "candle-dlestick" changed to "candle-stick". s.v. CHIEL: "expressive of disrepect" changed to "expressive of disrespect". s.v. CHILD: "tranferred" changed to "transferred". s.v. CLEVERUS: "~Cleuck~" changed to "~Cleuch~". s.v. COUPLE: "_kupul ty_" changed to "_kupul-ty_". s.v. _To_ CRAK: "V. ~Crak~" changed to "V. ~Crack~". s.v. _To_ DRANT: "enunnunciation" changed to "enunciation". s.v. EITHER: "Ang." has been moved up from the following line, to read "EITHER, Or, Ang." s.v. FIEL: "Burns" changed to "_Burns_". s.v. GALYEARD: "In a spright manner." changed to "In a sprightly manner." s.v. GRUTTEN: "_Romsay_" changed to "_Ramsay_". s.v. HARRAGE: "land-land" changed to "landlord". s.v. HITHER ~and~ YONT: "~anb~" changed to "~and~". s.v. JONETTE: "_jaulnettv_" changed to "_jaulnette_". s.v. KILT-RACK: "_Kilt_" changed to "~Kilt~". s.v. KINSCH, KINCH: "S. S." changed to "S." s.v. _To_ KNAP: "_Hamiltoun._" changed to "_Hamilton._" s.v. LUCK-PENNY: "bargain, _S._" changed to "bargain, S." s.v. MAUCHT: "Feeble, S. S." changed to "Feeble, S." s.v. MERCH: "_Hamiltoun._" changed to "_Hamilton._" s.v. MOSS: "_Moss-crops, and Moor-grass_" changed to "_Moss-crops_, and _Moor-grass_". s.v. MUSH: "eave-droper" changed to "eave-dropper". "_To_ EK" changed to "_To_ NEK". s.v. NOCK: "Gl. Shirr." changed to "_Gl. Shirr._" s.v. PADDOCK-HAIR: "_s._ 2." changed to "_s._ 1." s.v. PERJINK: "apper" changed to "appear". "To QUAT": changed to "_To_ QUAT". s.v. QUOY: "origiginally" changed to "originally". s.v. REVE: "Lat. _ravus_" changed to "Lat. _rav-us_" (to show stem and ending). s.v. _To_ ROIP: "V. ~Ronp~" changed to "V. ~Roup~". s.v. RAITH: "RAITH, RAITH" changed to "RAITH". s.v. ROUN: "_arbour_" changed to "_Barbour_". s.v. ROW: "To ~row about~" changed to "_To_ ~Row About~". s.v. SKALLAG: the letter "_s._" has been added after "SCALLAG" in place of an obliterating blob. s.v. SAWTH: "SAWTH, Ʒ _p. v._" changed to "SAWTH, _p. v._". s.v. _To_ SOPE: "SOPE SOUP" changed to "SOPE, SOUP"; also after "To become weary", the incomplete phrase "to fa " has been changed to "to faint". s.v. SOUCYE: "_e._" changed to "_s._". s.v. _To_ SPANYS: "Er. _espanouissement_" changed to "Fr. _espanouissement_". s.v. _To_ SPELL: "_spial a_" changed to "_spial-a_". s.v. TERCE: "_Esrkine._" changed to "_Erskine._" s.v. _To_ TING: "~Ting~" changed to "TING"; and "_To_ ~Tinkle~, _on_" changed to "_To_ ~Tinkle~ _on_". s.v. UNSEL: "infortutunium" changed to "infortunium". s.v. _to_ WADGE: "To shake in a threating" changed to "To shake in a threatening". s.v. WRAK: "_Pennecuick._" changed to "_Pennecuik._" My thanks to the proofers and formatters for noting most of these _errata_ and _corrigenda_. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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