The Project Gutenberg eBook of Notes and Queries, Vol. V, Number 116, January 17, 1852 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Notes and Queries, Vol. V, Number 116, January 17, 1852 Author: Various Editor: George Bell Release date: September 1, 2012 [eBook #40642] Most recently updated: October 23, 2024 Language: English Credits: Produced by Charlene Taylor, Jonathan Ingram and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Library of Early Journals.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NOTES AND QUERIES, VOL. V, NUMBER 116, JANUARY 17, 1852 *** [Transcriber's note: Original spelling variations have not been standardized. Characters with macrons have been marked in brackets with an equal sign, as [=m] for a letter m with a macron on top. _Underscores_ have been used to indicate _italic_ fonts; +plus+ signs indicate +bold+ fonts. Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 4, July-December, 1851, has been made available separately as PG ebook #40166. A list of volumes and pages in "Notes and Queries" has been added at the end.] NOTES AND QUERIES: A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. "When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE. VOL. V.--No. 116. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17. 1852. With Index, Price Tenpence. Stamped Edition, 11_d._ CONTENTS. Page NOTES:-- Mechanical Arrangements of Books 49 Caxton Memorial, by Beriah Botfield 51 Settle's Female Prelate, or Pope Joan; a Tragedy, by James Crossley 52 Historical Bibliography 52 Calamities of Authors 55 Folk Lore:--Valentine's Day; Superstition in Devonshire--Fairies 55 Minor Notes:--Lines in Whispering Gallery at Gloucester Cathedral--Definition of Thunder--Greek Epigram by an uncertain Author 56 QUERIES:-- Burning of the Jesuitical Books at Paris, by H. Merivale 56 Grantham Altar Case 56 Meaning of Groom, by E. Davis Protheroe 57 Minor Queries:--Gregentius and the Jews in Arabia Felix--King Street Theatre--Lesteras and Emencin--Epigram on Franklin and Wedderburn--Plenius and his Lyrichord--Epigram on Burnet--Dutch Chronicle of the World--"Arborei foetus alibi, atque iniussa virescunt Gramina" (Virgil G. I. 55.)--History of Brittany--Serjeants' Rings--The Duchess of Cleveland's Cow-pox--Arms of Manchester--Heraldical MSS. of Sir Henry St. George Garter 58 MINOR QUERIES ANSWERED:--The Pelican, as a Symbol of the Saviour--Bishop Coverdale's Bible--Age of the Oak--Olivarius--Vincent Bourne's Epilogus in Eunuchum Terentii--Burton, Bp., Founder of Schools, &c., at Loughborough, co. Leicester--Hoo 59 REPLIES:-- Modern Names of Places 61 Proverbial Philosophy; Parochial Library at Maidstone, by John Branfill Harrison 61 "A Breath can make them as a Breath has made" 62 Bogatzky 63 Moravian Hymns 63 Replies to Minor Queries:--Inveni portum--Quarter Waggoner--Cibber's Lives of the Poets--Poniatowski Gems--Dial Motto at Karlsbad--Passage in Jeremy Taylor--Aue Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi--Rev. John Paget--Lines on the Bible--Dial Mottoes--Martial's Distribution of Hours--Nelson's Signal--Cooper's Miniature, &c.--Roman Funeral Pile--Barrister--Meaning of Dray--Tregonwell Frampton--Vermin, Parish Payments of, &c.--Alterius Orbis Papa--Dido and Æneas--Compositions during the Protectorate 64 MISCELLANEOUS:-- Notes on Books, Sales, Catalogues, &c. 69 Books and Odd Volumes wanted 70 Notices to Correspondents 70 Advertisements 70 Notes. MECHANICAL ARRANGEMENTS OF BOOKS. All persons who, whatever might be their motive, have followed any subject of literary research, must be aware of the extent to which their labours are facilitated or retarded by the mechanical arrangements of books, such as the goodness of paper, the legibility of type, the size of volumes, the presence or absence of table of contents, indexes, and other means of reference. It is in the possession of these conveniences that the capabilities of typography, and its superiority over manuscript, mainly consist. I propose now to set down a few remarks on this subject, in the hope that any means, however trifling they may seem, by which literary knowledge is rendered more commodious and accessible, will not be deemed unworthy of attention by your readers. With regard to the form of printed letters, it is difficult to conceive any improvement in modern typography, as practised in Italy, France, and England. This is equally true of Roman and Greek characters. The Greek types introduced by Porson leave nothing to be desired. The Germans still to a great extent retain the old black-letter type for native works, which was universal over all the north of Europe in the early period of printing, and is not a _national_ type, as some persons seem to imagine. These letters being imitated from the manuscript characters of the fifteenth century, are essentially more indistinct than the Roman type, and have for that reason been disused by the rest of Europe, Holland and Denmark not excepted. In England this antiquated mode of printing was long retained for law-books, and, till a comparatively recent date, for the statutes. The Anglo-Saxon letters are in like manner nothing but a barbarous imitation of old manuscript characters, and have no real connexion with the Anglo-Saxon language. Their use ought to be wholly abandoned (with the exception of those which are wanting in modern English). Roman numerals, likewise, as being less clear and concise than Arabic numerals, especially for large numbers, ought to be discarded, except in cases where it is convenient to distinguish the volume from the page, and the book from the chapter. English lawyers, indeed, who in general have only occasion to cite the volume and page, invariably make their quotations with Arabic figures, by prefixing the number of the volume, and subjoining the number of the page. Thus, if it were wished to refer to the 100th page of the second volume of _Barnewall and Alderson's Reports_, they would write _2 B. & C. 100_. Roman numerals are still retained for the sections of the statutes. Akin to the retention of antiquated forms of letters is the retention of antiquated orthography. Editors of works of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries sometimes retain the spelling of the period, of which Evelyn's _Diary_ is an example; but this practise is unpleasant to the modern reader, and sometimes, particularly in proper names, perplexes and misleads him. The modern editions of the classical writers of that period, such as Shakspeare, Bacon, Milton, Clarendon, &c., are very properly reduced to the modern standard of orthography, as is done by Italian editors with the works of Dante, Boccaccio, &c. The attempt to introduce the native orthography of foreign proper names naturalised in English, is likewise unsuccessful, and merely offends the eye of the reader, without giving any real information. Mr. Lane and other Orientalists will never succeed in banishing such forms as _vizier_, _caliph_, _cadi_, &c., nor will even Mr. Grote's authority alter the spelling of the well-known Greek names. Names of ancient persons and places which are enshrined in the verses of Milton and other great poets, cannot be altered. The old unmeaning practice of printing every noun substantive with a capital letter (still retained in German) has been abandoned by every English printer, except the printer of parliamentary papers for the House of Lords. Proper names used to be printed in italics; and generally, the use of italics was much greater than at present. In modern reprints, these ancient flowers of typography ought to be removed. The convenient edition of Hobbes' _Works_, for which we are indebted to Sir W. Molesworth, would be more agreeable to read if the italics were less abundant. The use of the folio and quarto size is now generally restricted to such books as could scarcely be printed in octavo, as dictionaries and similar books of reference. The parliamentary blue book, which long resisted the progress of octave civilization, is now beginning to shrink into a more manageable size. With regard to separate volumes, the most convenient practice is to consider them as a mere printer's division, which may vary in different editions; and to number them consecutively, without reference to their contents. The Germans have a very inconvenient practice of dividing a volume into parts, each of which is a volume in the ordinary meaning of the word; so that a work consisting of nine volumes, for example, may be divided into four volumes, one of which consists of three parts, and the other three of two parts each. The result is, that every reference must specify both the volume and the part: thus, Band II. Abtheilung III. S. 108. Frequently, too, this mode of numbering misleads the bookbinder, who (unless properly cautioned) numbers the volumes in the ordinary manner. Volumes, as I have remarked, are merely a printer's division. Every literary composition ought, however, to have an organic division of its own. The early Greeks seem indeed to have composed both their poems and prose works as one continuous discourse. The rhapsodies of Homer and the muses of Herodotus were subsequent divisions introduced by editors and grammarians. But literary experience pointed out the commodiousness of such breaks in a long work; and the books of the _Æneid_ and of the _History of Livy_ were the divisions of the authors themselves. Since the invention of printing, the books of the prose works of the classical writers have been subdivided into chapters; while for the books of poems, as well as for the dramas, the verses have been numbered. The books of the Old and New Testament have likewise been portioned into chapters, and into a late typographical division of verses. In making a division of his work, an author ought to number its parts consecutively, without reference to volumes. The novels of Walter Scott are divided into chapters, the numbering of which is dependent on the volume; so that it is impossible to quote them without referring to the edition, or to find a reference to them in any other edition than that cited. For the same reason, an author ought not to quote his own book in the text by a reference to volumes. The division most convenient for purposes of reference is that which renders a quotation simple to note, and easy to verify. Divisions which run through an entire work (such as the chapters of Gibbon's _History_) are easy to quote, and the quotation can be easily verified when the chapter is not long. The numbering of paragraphs in one series through an entire work, as in the French codes, in Cobbett's writings, and in the state papers of the Indian government, is the simplest and most effectual division for purposes of reference. The Digest can now be referred to by book, title, and paragraph; nevertheless the Germans (who, notwithstanding their vast experience in the work of quoting, seem to have a predilection for cumbrous and antiquated methods) still adhere to the old circuitous mode of quotation, against which Gibbon long ago raised his voice (_Decl. and Fall_, c. 44. n. 1.). Some works have been divided by their authors into chapters, but the chapters have been left unnumbered. Niebuhr's _Roman History_ is in this state. The internal division of a work by its author is not, however, merely for purposes of reference. It may likewise be a _logical_ division; it may follow the distribution of the subject, and assist the reader by visibly separating its several parts. This process, however, may be carried so far as to defeat its purpose (viz. perspicuity of arrangement) by the intricacy of its divisions. Here again we must recur for an example to the Germans, who sometimes make the compartments of their writings as numerous as a series of Chinese boxes all fitted into each other. First, there is the part, then the book, then the chapter, then the section, then the article, and then the paragraph, which is itself subdivided into paragraphs with Roman numerals and Arabic numerals; and these again are further subdivided into paragraphs with Roman letters, and Greek letters, and sometimes Hebrew letters. To refer to a work divided in this manner by any other means than the volume and page, is a labour of as hopeless intricacy as it is to follow the logical cascade down its successive platforms. It is a considerable convenience where the book or chapter is marked at the head or margin of the page; and in histories, or historical memoirs, chronological notation is very convenient. In general no book (not being a book arranged in alphabetical order, as a dictionary, encyclopedia, &c.) ought to be printed without a _table of contents_. The trouble to the author of making a table of contents is very small, and the expense to the publisher in printing it is in general imperceptible. Modern English books rarely sin in this respect; foreign books, however, both French and German, are frequently wanting in a table of contents. The invaluable collection of the fragments of Greek historians lately published in Didot's Series--a work indispensable to every critical student of ancient history--has no table of contents, referring to the pages, prefixed to each volume. The _Poetæ Scenici Græci_ of Dindorf is without a table of contents; and a similar want is a serious drawback to the use of the cheap and portable edition of the Greek and Latin classics published by Tauchnitz at Leipsic. Lastly, an _index_ adds materially to the value of every work which contains numerous and miscellaneous facts. The preparation of a good index is a laborious and sometimes costly task; the printing of it, moreover, adds to the price of the book. Many of the indexes to the English law-books are models of this species of labour; the indexes in the Parliamentary Reports are likewise prepared with great care and intelligence. Even a meagre index, however, is better than no index at all; and where the publisher's means, and the demand for the book, do not admit of the preparation of a copious index of subjects, an alphabetical list of names of persons and places would often be an acceptable present to the reader of an historical or scientific work. L. CAXTON MEMORIAL. The inquiries addressed to me by Mr. BOLTON CORNEY in your paper of the 15th of November appear to amount to this:--Whether the whole or part of the expense of his proposed volume will be defrayed out of the fund appropriated to the Caxton Memorial? To this question, so far as my own information extends, I can only give a negative reply. The Society of Arts, in compliance with a request preferred to them by the subscribers at their last meeting, have accepted the charge of the Caxton Fund; and it is sufficient, for my present purpose, to state that negociations are now in progress between the Council and the Dean and Chapter, for liberty to erect a suitable memorial within the precincts of Westminster to the memory of William Caxton. This is as it should be; the memorial, be it what it may, statue, obelisk or fountain, or even a niche in a wall, should be substantial and enduring, calculated to remind the passing stranger that within the precincts of Westminster, William Caxton first exercised in England the art of printing. This circumstance forms one of those epochs in the history of civilisation which deserve public commemoration; and any memorial of Caxton should be placed as near as possible to the scene of his literary labours. Mr. BOLTON CORNEY says, that I seem to regard his project with somewhat less of disfavour. Now I do not wish to be misunderstood. As a substitute for the Caxton Memorial, originally proposed at the great meeting over which the Earl of Carlisle presided, I am disposed to reject it altogether, for reasons which I have already stated in your columns. But as a literary undertaking I am willing to give it a fair consideration upon its own merits. The apothegm that a man's best monument consists in his own works, is capable of considerable modification from the nature of the works themselves. In the case before us, I believe the interest felt by the public in the works of Caxton to be too limited to justify the republication of his collected works. The proposal which Mr. CORNEY makes for a selection from those works, with a new life of the author, and a glossary, the latter proving how much they are out of date, is much more feasible than his original plan. There is a Caxton Society which has already issued several publications, and whose usefulness would be materially increased by such a publication as that suggested by Mr. CORNEY, if the Society to which he alludes (the Camden, I presume) should not be disposed to undertake it. The true object of these and similar societies is the production of books of interest and value, which are not sufficiently popular to justify a bookseller, or an individual, in incurring the pecuniary risk of their separate publication. Mr. CORNEY's literary memorial of Caxton appears to me to come under this head, and as such might be properly undertaken by any of the clubs or societies formed for the cultivation of early English literature. He might perhaps more easily attain the object of his wishes in this manner than by that which he has hitherto pursued. When a selection is to be made from the works of any author, much will depend upon the taste and discretion of the editor. Now I gather from Mr. CORNEY's letter, that he is fully prepared to undertake that office himself; and I may be permitted to add that his scrupulous accuracy and unwearied diligence afford the best guarantee that the work will be executed in such a manner as to fully satisfy the public interest in Caxton, and to form a graceful and appropriate tribute to the illustrious father of the English press. BERIAH BOTFIELD. Norton Hall, Jan. 3. 1852. SETTLE'S FEMALE PRELATE, OR POPE JOAN; A TRAGEDY. I have not seen it anywhere noticed that this play, printed under Elkanah Settle's name, with a long dedication by him to the Earl of Shaftsbury, in 1680, 4to., was certainly a mere alteration of an old play on the same subject. It is impossible for any one to read many pages of it, without seeing everywhere traces of a much more powerful hand than "poor Elkanah's," although he needed no assistance in managing the ceremony of pope-burning. Take at random the following quotation, which is much more like Middleton's or Decker's than the debased style after the Restoration: "_Saxony._ And art thou then in earnest? Come, prithee, speak: I was to blame to chide thee; Be not afraid; speak but the fatal truth, And by my hopes of heav'n I will forgive thee. Out with it, come; now wouldst thou tell me all, But art ashamed to own thyself a bawd: 'Las, that might be thy father's fault, not thine. Perhaps some honest humble cottage bred thee, And thy ambitious parents, poorly proud, For a gay coat made thee a page at court, And for a plume of feathers sold thy soul; But 'tis not yet, not yet too late to save it. _Amir._ Oh, my sad heart! _Sax._ Come, prithee, speak; let but A true confession plead thy penitence, And Heaven will then forgive thee as I do. _Amir._ But, Sir, can you resolve to lend an ear To sounds so terrible, so full of fate, As will not only act a single tragedy, But even disjoint all Nature's harmony, And quite untune the world? for such, such are The notes that I must breathe. _Sax._ Oh, my dear murderer, Breathe 'em as cheerfully as the soaring lark Wakes the gay morn. Those dear sweet airs that kill me Are my new nuptial songs. My Angeline Has been my first, and Death's my second bride." _Fem. Prel._ p. 58. Or the following: "_Sax._ Carlo, she must die; The softest heart that yon celestial fire Could ever animate, must break and die. We are both too wretched to outlive this day; And I but send thee as her executioner. _Carlo._ I flie to obey you, Sir. _Sax._ Stay, Carlo, stay; Why all this haste to murder so much innocence? Yet, thou must go. And since thy tongue must kill The brightest form th' enamoured stars can e'er Receive, or the impoverisht world can lose. Go, Carlo, go; but prithee wound her soul As gently as thou canst; and when thou seest A flowing shower from her twin-orbs of light All drown the faded roses of her cheeks; When thou beholdst, 'midst her distracted groans, Her furious hand, that feeble, fair revenger, Rend all the mangled beauties of her face. Tear her bright locks, and their dishevell'd pride On her pale neck, that ravisht whiteness, fall; Guard, guard thy eyes: for, Carlo, 'tis a sight Will strike spectators dead."--_Fem. Prel._ p. 61. In the _Biog. Dram._ (vol. iii. p. 237.), it is stated that the same play, with the same title, was printed in 4to., 1689, except that it was there said to be written by a person of quality. The play is, however, claimed by Settle in his dedication to Lord Shaftsbury, prefixed to the edition of 1680, now before me. I do not, however, believe he had more to do with it than in adapting it, as he did _Philastes_, for representation. The only question seems to be by whom the original play was written? This I will not at present attempt to decide, though I entertain a strong opinion on the subject, but will leave it to be resolved by the critical acumen of your readers. JAS. CROSSLEY. HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. (_Eustache le Noble._) Having been favoured by Mr. Gancia, of 73. King's Road, Brighton, with an opportunity of examining the following work, I venture to send you a notice of its contents, with some account of the author. Such books have, I conceive, their utility to historians and historical readers. We gain through them an accurate idea of party spirit, are brought into more immediate communion with the opinions of the times to which they refer, and can thus trace more closely the means by which parties worked, were consolidated, and advanced their schemes. Even from their personalities, we gain some gleams of truth. In this case, I am assured that perfect copies of the work are _very scarce_. I cannot find that any other copy has recently been offered for sale. This appeared to me an additional reason for submitting a notice of it to your readers. LE PIERRE DE TOUCHE POLITIQUE, OU PASQUINADES. By Eustache le Noble. Rome (Paris), Octobre, 1688; Novembre, 1691. 5 vols. 12mo. Each of the twenty-eight pieces which compose the work should have an engraved title, and a separate pagination. The place of publication is fictitious, and in general satirical. The first volume has a portrait. The following is a collation from what is understood to form a perfect copy: "Tome 1. Rome, chez Francophile Alétophile. Octobre, 1691. Le Cibisme, Le Songe de Pasquin. Londres, Jean Benn, 1689. Le Couronnement de Guillemot et de la Reine Guillemette, avec le Sermon du grand Docteur Burnet. Londres, 1689. Le Festin de Guillemot, 1689. La Chambre des Comptes d'Innocent XI. Rome, F. Alétophile, 1689, with portrait. "'These five dialogues have for interlocutors Pasquin and Marforio, under which names the dialogues are sometimes introduced, as also under the title of Pasquinades.' (Quérard, art. _Le Noble._) "Tome 2. Title (no engraved title). Janvier, 1690. Janvier. La Bibliothèque du Roi Guillemot. Londres, Jean Benn, 1690. Février. La Fable du Renard. Leyde, 1690. Mars. La Diète d'Augsbourg. Vienne, Peter Hansgood, 1690. Avril. La Lotterie de Pasquin. Basle, Eugene Tyrannomostix, 1690. Mai. L'Ombre de Monmouth. Oxford, _James Good King_, 1690. Juin. Les Medaillez. Amsterdam, Eugene Philolethe, 1690. "Tome 3. Title. Juillet. La Clef du Cabinet de Neufbourg. Heidelberg, Neopolo Palatino, 1690. Août. Le Triomphe. Fleuruz, chez Valdekin Bienbattu, 1690. Septembre. Les Ombres de Schomberg et de Lorraine. Dublin, chez Le Vieux, Belle Montaigne. Octobre. La Lanterne de Diogène. Whitehall, chez La Veuve Guillemot. 1690. Novembre. Les Mercures, ou la Tabatière des Etats d'Hollande. Hermstadt, chez Emeric Hospodar, 1690. Décembre. Le Roy des Fleurs. A Bride, chez Leopol la Dupe. "Tome 4. Title. Janvier. Les Estrennes d'Esope ('burnt at Amsterdam, by the hand of the hangman, by order of the States-General. The dialogue had its origin, probably, in the proscription of the History of the Republic of Holland by the same author, which was seized wherever it was found.'--_Peignot._). Bruxelles, chez Jean Gobbin, 1691. Février. L'Ombre du Duc d'Albe, with illustration. Anvers, Antoine Maugouverne, 1691. Mars. Le Carnaval de la Haye, with illustration. A la Haye, chez Guillaume l'Emballeur, 1691. Avril. Le Tabouret des Electeurs, with illustration. Honslar dük, Guillemin Tabouret, 1691. Mai. Le Reveille Matin des Alliez, with illustration. A Monts, Guillaume le Chasseur, 1691. Juin. Les Lunettes pour le Quinze Vingts. Turin, Jean sans Terre, 1691. "Tome 5. Title. Juillet. Nostradamus, ou les Oracles, with illustration. A Liege, Lambert Bonnefoi, 1691. La Fable du Baudet Extraordinaire, with illustration. A Asnières, chez Jean le Singe, 1691. Août. L'Anneau des Giges, with illustration. A Venise, Penetrante Penetranti, 1691. Septembre. L'Avortement, with illustration. Gerpines, chez Guillaume Desloge sur le Quai des Morfondus au Pistolet qui prend un Rat, 1691. Octobre. Le Jean de Retour, with illustration. A Loo, chez Guillaume Pie de Nez, rue Perdue au Bien Revenu, 1691. Novembre. Le Prothée, with illustration. Chez Pedre l'Endormy, 1691." Eustache le Noble, Baron of St. George and of Tenelière, the author of this work, was born at Troyes in 1643, of a good and ancient family. His natural abilities and attainments, combined with political influence, readily obtained for him, at an early age, the post of Procureur-Général to the Parliament at Metz. But a dissolute life soon brought on its consequent evils--duties neglected and discreditable debts--and he was compelled to sell his appointment. The proceeds were insufficient, and he had recourse to forgery to satisfy his creditors. To be successful in such a case, more than ability is required. Le Noble was suspected, arrested, confined in the Châtelet, and condemned to nine years' imprisonment. Upon his appeal, he was removed to the Conciergerie, a place destined to become another scene in his life of uniform villainy. Gabrielle Perreau, known under the name of "La Belle Epicière," was confined here at the instigation of her husband, who indulged in the hope of thus reforming her disorderly conduct. But a prison is hardly a school of reformation, and La Belle Epicière and Le Noble were not characters to receive, even in monastic seclusion, any such impression. He won her affections, or the mastery over her passions: the husband, frantic with jealous rage, obtained for himself the satisfaction of immuring her in a convent of his own selection. From this she escaped, and joined Le Noble, who had similarly evaded the vigilance of his keepers. By living in the vilest and least frequented quarters of Paris, by disguises, false names, and constant changes of residence, they succeeded in baffling the pursuit of the police for three years, when Le Noble was accidentally discovered; the judgment of the Châtelet was confirmed, and he was reconducted to prison. It was then that his great resources were displayed. He retained his gaiety, and assured his friends he still enjoyed "une parfaite tranquillité d'esprit, inséparable de l'innocence!" A man of this kind, with a venal and capacious intellect, and a heart utterly unconscious of the slightest moral feeling, could not with advantage be suffered to remain unemployed. There was work to be done for James II., and the hireling was worthy of his hire. It was simply to lie and libel with ability, with caution, with the appearance of loyalty, and an ardent zeal for religion. Le Noble was equal to the task. He had written histories burnt by the hangman; Bayle had praised him for his skill in judicial astrology; he had composed treatises on money, and on Catholic doctrine; compiled historical romances, and translated the Psalms of David! In poetry he had attempted to rival La Fontaine; written the Eulogy of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and translated Persius,--substituting French customs for the Roman, and praising, or censuring, his contemporaries as though he were the Roman poet and not the Paris scribe! An ability so various was at least well paid. He received from the booksellers, and others by whom he was retained, a hundred pistoles a month; Peignot states, in all, about one hundred thousand crowns. There cannot be the least doubt this was but a portion of his earnings, or that the work I have described was not written for the Jacobite interest of James II. But no success in such characters is ever accompanied with prudence. Although the penalty of banishment from France was suspended, that his venal abilities might assist the designs of others, he was always living between luxury and the direst want. As he advanced in years, he was less useful, and was consequently driven from doors where he had formerly been welcomed. D'Argenson allowed him a louis-d'or for charity per week; but all other resources failed, until, in his sixty-eighth year, after a long period of misery, and of the uttermost mental and bodily degradation, he died on the 31st January, 1711, and was buried at the communal expense. It cannot be denied that Le Noble united many pleasing qualities as a writer. He had read much, could condense ably, and united to a strong memory a rare facility in employing its resources. He touched with light ridicule the weaker points of a case, and could wield both reason, sarcasm and polished inuenda in misstating facts, or damaging the argument of his adversaries. Such a man was well adapted to the French advisers of James. Public attention was to be engaged and won by falsehoods in the disguise of truth; bad designs were to be cloaked under moral purposes; and the revolution was to be discredited in the name of loyalty and religion. All this Le Noble did with infinite ability, and infinite obliquity. I can give but a slight sketch of his work. The _Couronnement de Guillemot_ is a violent tirade against William. Marforio and Pasquin converse about his coronation, and the king is described as one "qui vouloit estre le bourreau du Prince de Galles." Churchill is "l'infame comblé de tant de bienfaitz par son bon maître, et qui l'a vendu, trahi et livré." In the decorations of the abbey, consisting of tapestry, &c., there is stated to be a representation of Pilate placing Jesus Christ and Barabbas before the people, and the choice of Barabbas by the latter; James occupying, in Le Noble's opinion, the place of the former. The people he describes as preferring even "ce voleur public, ce scélérat, ce séditieux de Barabbas, ce meurtrier qui a poignardé les _Withs_ (Witts), à cet aimable maistre qui n'a jamais eu pour eux que de la douceur et de la bonté." The _Sermon du grand Docteur Burnet_ is very clever, light, pungent, and satirical, especially against the king: the text being "Dominus regnavit, exultet terræ, lætentur insulæ." In the _L'Ombre de Monmouth_, William is described as wishing to be "le singe du glorieux Cromwell;" Portland, Shrewsbury, Burnet, and Dykvelt, are "ses quatre Evangélistes;" and the king is made to utter violent complaints against the Parliament, which he calls "une étrange beste," and adds: "Si je n'avois pas cassé celui que j'ai rompu pour en convoquer un autre, toutes mes affaires s'en alloient sens dessus dessous." In the _Estrennes d'Esope_, which was burnt by order of the States-General, there is the following description of England: "L'Angleterre sous son Roi légitime et ne lui donnant qu'avec epargne comme elle faisoit le nécessaire pour son entretien, estoit justement comme ces sages et vertueuses femmes qui, fidèles à leurs époux, gouvernen avec un prudent économie leur ménage reglé, et cette mesme Angleterre, qui s'épuise pour satisfaire à l'avidité d'un tyran, est aujourd'hui comme une de ces infames debauchées qui, emportée de fureur pour une adultère qui l'enlève à son mari, lui fait une profusion criminelle de son bien." In illustrations such as these, Le Noble was most happy, as with the vice he was most familiar. The length of this paper precludes my sending to you a pasquinade, in the epitaph written for Innocent XI., which, considering its purport, is of value as indicating the opinions of the Jacobites against the policy of the Pope. This I will do in another paper. S. H. CALAMITIES OF AUTHORS. The miseries and disappointments of the literary life are proverbial: "Toil, envy, want, the patron and the gaol." To these "calamities of authors," I wish to add a new, and as yet unrecorded trial, incidental to this age of cheap postage and extravagant puffs. I am myself _a small author_, and have written on theology and antiquarianism; and my publisher's shelves know the weight of my labours. Conceive then my delight, a few weeks ago, at receiving a "confidential" letter from B. D., requesting the immediate transmission of my theological tomes to a country address; on the representation that, although B. D. well knew that my writings had been favourably received, he judged that "striking recommendations at this moment in influential journals to which he had reviewing access during the parliamentary recess, would prove of essential service." I wrote to my publisher, who coolly answered that it was "no go;" and I even stood the tempting shock of a second application from B. D., remonstratively hinting that, but for the non-arrival of the volumes, a notice would have appeared that very week in an "important quarter." The hopeful mind has difficulty in settling down into a belief that men deceive. Not a month had elapsed before I received another letter, sealed with such a signet as in size would rival the jewel sometimes seen pendent from the waistcoat pocket of a Jew broker on Saturday, and engraven with evidence of illustrious lineage, if quarterings be only half true. I did not break this magnificent seal, but I tore open the envelope, and I found that my antiquarian researches had been most flatteringly estimated by a gentleman with a double surname, which happened to be familiar to me. The communication was, of course, "private;" and it expressed the writer's knowledge, from hearsay, of the "value, merit, and ability" of my book, and the satisfaction it would afford my correspondent, to give it a "handsome an elaborate review in both the widely circulating and reviewing publications with which he had the honour of being connected." A copy of my work was to be sent to his own address, or to that of his bookseller: or, even a third course was obligingly opened to me--"he would send his man-servant to my publisher for the volume!" I sent the book, and the same day communicated with the head of the family who legally bore this very handsome name used by my correspondent, and he told me that he had just received 5_l._ worth of books from a great house in "the Row," which were obviously designed to be the response to an application from the gentleman with a large seal, who was "an impostor." This may be so; but I have received an acknowledgement for the receipt of my little work, so kind and courtly in its tone, that I do not even yet quite despair of one day reading the promised "handsome and elaborate review." A SMALL AUTHOR. FOLK LORE. _Valentine's Day--Superstition in Devonshire._--The peasants and others believe that if they go to the porch of a church, waiting there till half-past twelve o'clock on the eve of St. Valentine's day, with some hempseed in his or her hand, and at the time above-named then proceed homewards, scattering the seed on either side, repeating these lines-- "Hempseed I sow, hempseed I mow, She (or he) that will my true love be, Come rake this hempseed after me;"-- his or her true love will be seen behind, raking up the seed just sown, in a winding-sheet. Do any of your readers know the origin of this superstitious custom? J. S. A. Old Broad Street. _Fairies._--An Irish servant of mine, a native of Galway, gave me the following relations:--Her father was a blacksmith and for his many acts of benevolence to benighted travellers became a great favourite with the fairies, who paid him many visits. It was customary for the fairies to visit his forge at night, after the family had retired to rest, and here go to work in such right good earnest, as to complete, on all occasions, the work which had been left overnight unfinished. The family were on these occasions awoke from their slumber by the vigorous puffing of bellows, and hammering on anvil, consequent upon these illustrious habits of the fairies, and it was an invariable rule for the fairies to replace all the tools they had used during the night; and, moreover, if the smithy had been left in confusion the previous evening, the "good people" always arranged it, swept the floor, and restored everything to order before the morning. I never could glean from her any detailed instances of the labour accomplished in this way, or indeed anything which might aid in the formation of an estimate of the relative skill of the fairies in manual labour; and I must confess that on these subjects I never question too closely,--the reader will know why. On one occasion, one of the family happening to be unwell, the father went back to the smithy at midnight for some medicine which had been left there on the shelf, and put the "good people" to flight, just as they had begun their industrial orgies. To disturb the fairies is at any time a perilous thing; and so it proved to him: for a fat pig died the following day, little Tike had the measles, too, after, and no end of misfortunes followed. In addition to this occult revenge, the inmates of the house were kept awake for several nights by a noise similar to that which would be produced by peas being pelted at the windows. The statement was made with an earnestness of manner which betrayed a faith without scruples. SHIRLEY HIBBERD. Minor Notes. _Lines in Whispering Gallery at Gloucester Cathedral._--The following verse is inscribed in the Whispering Gallery of Gloucester Cathedral; to preserve it, and as a "Note" to the fourth stanza of the "Ditty" I inserted in Vol iv., p. 311., I copied it for "N. & Q." "Doubt not but God who sits on high, Thy secret prayers can hear; When a dead wall thus cunningly Conveys soft whispers to the ear." H. G. D. _Definition of Thunder._--The following singular definition of _thunder_ occurs in Bailey's _Dictionary_, vol. i. 17th edit., 1759:-- "Thunder [Dunder, Sax. &c.], a noise known by persons not deaf." In Bailey's 2nd vol. 2nd edition, 1731 (twenty-eight years previous to the edition of vol. i. above cited), the word is much more scientifically treated. CRANMORE. _Greek Epigram by an uncertain Author._-- Εἴ με φιλοῦντα φιλεῖς, δισσὴ χάρις· εἰ δέ με μισεῖς, Τόσσον μισηθείης, ὅσσον ἐγώ σε φιλῶ. _Imitated._ "Shouldst thou, O Daphne! for my sake, An equal pain endure, A sense of gratitude will make The bond of love secure. But shouldst thou, reckless of my fate, Unkind and cruel prove, Sweet maid, thou'lt never learn to hate So truly as I love." N. N. Queries. BURNING OF THE JESUITICAL BOOKS AT PARIS. The Quarterly Reviewer who endeavours in the number just published to establish the claim of Thomas Lord Lyttelton to the authorship of Junius, instances the following coincidence in support of his theory:-- "Junius tells us directly, 'I remember seeing Busenbaum, Suarez, Molina, and a score of other Jesuitical books, burnt at Paris, for their sound casuistry by the hands of the common hangman.' _We may assume_ that this took place in 1764, as it was in that year that Choiseul suppressed the Jesuits. Thomas Lyttelton was on the continent during the whole of 1764, and for part of that time resided at Paris."[1] [Footnote 1: [The burning of the books referred to by BIFRONS not Junius (unless it be proved that JUNIUS and BIFRONS are one, which is not yet universally admitted), took place on 7th August, 1761. See a very curious note on the subject in Bohn's recently published edition of _Junius_, vol. ii. pp. 175-6.--ED. "N. & Q."]] But the orders of the parliament of Paris against the Jesuits, one of which condemned some thirty of their books to be burnt, were issued three years before the suppression of their order in France, viz., in the early part and summer of 1761. That Thomas Lyttelton could then have been in Paris is highly improbable; he was only seventeen, and it was a time of war. Will any one take the trouble to ascertain where Francis was? I believe he was appointed secretary to the Portuguese embassy in 1760, and returned to London in 1763. H. MERIVALE. GRANTHAM ALTAR CASE. An old book now lies before me, intituled _England's Reformation from the time of King Henry VIII. to the end of Oates's Plot, a Poem in four Cantos, with large Marginal Notes according to the Original. By Thomas Ward. London: Printed for W. B. and sold by Thomas Bickerton, in Little Britain._ 1716. In Canto IV., and beginning at p. 353., there is an account of a brawl in the parish church of Grantham, anno 1627, arising, as appears by a marginal note, out of circumstances connected with the "removal of the Communion table from the upper part of the quire to the altar place." A master alderman Wheatley, assisted by "an innkeeper fat as brawn," and "a bow-legged tailor that was there," appears to have taken an active part in the scuffle which ensued upon the vicar's persisting in his determination. The alderman and his mob seem to have been triumphant on this occasion, for we read, p. 356.: "The alderman, by help of rabble, Brought from the wall communion table; Below the steps he plac'd it, where It stood before, in midst of quire." A pamphlet war followed; for there was immediately _A Letter to the Vicar of Grantham about setting his Table altarwise_. In answer to this came _A Coal from the Altar_; which was in its turn assailed by _The Quench Coal out_, and _The Holy Table, Name and Thing_ (said to have been written by Williams, Bishop of Lincoln.) A Dr. Pocklington (who was he?) espoused the side of the Altar party, and published his _Altare Christianum_. During this literary contest the vicar appears to have died, and, some twelve months after his death, out comes _The Dead Vicar's Plea_. The affair seems to have created what we should now call a great sensation in the "religious world:" for, says our author: "Scarce was a pen but what has try'd, And books flew out on every side, Till ev'ry fop set up for wit, And Laud, and Hall and Heylin writ, And so did White and Montague, And Shelford, Cousins, Watts, and Dow, Lawrence and Forbis, and a crew Whose names would"---- Master Ward did not like these men, and therefore I omit his rather uncharitable conclusion. Is there any record left of the notable quarrel, which appears to have engaged the attention and pens of some of the learned men of the age? Perhaps some of your correspondents at Grantham could throw some light upon this question. L. L. L. Kirton-in-Lindsey. [This celebrated altar controversy occurred during the reign of Charles I., and its origin will be found in Clarendon's _History of the Rebellion_. The Puritans contended that the proper place for the table, when the eucharist was administered, was in the body of the church before the chancel door, and to be placed _tablewise_, and not _altarwise;_ that is, that one of the _ends_ of the table was to be placed towards the east, so that one of the larger sides might be to the north, the priest being directed to stand at the north side, and not at the north _end_ of the table. The Church party, on the contrary, contended that as the Injunctions ordered that the table should stand where the altar used to stand, it should consequently be placed as the altar was. This matter was the source of much violent contention, and tracts were published neither remarkable for courtesy of language nor for accurate statements of facts. It appears to have originated in a dispute between Mr. Titly, the Vicar of Grantham, and his parishioners, respecting the proper place for the table. The vicar insisted that it ought to stand at the upper end of the chancel, against the east wall. Some of the parishioners contended that it should stand in the body of the church. The vicar removed it from that situation, and placed it in the chancel. The alderman of the borough and others replaced it in its former situation, when a formal complaint was made to the bishop (Williams). In 1627 the bishop published his judgment on the question, in _A Letter to the Vicar of Grantham_. The visitation of 1634 tempted Peter Heylyn to republish this _Letter_, together with an answer under the title of _A Coal from the Altar_, &c. Williams replied in 1637 by a treatise entitled _The Holy Table, Name and Thing, more anciently and literally used under the New Testament than that of Altar_. Heylyn rejoined by his _Antidotum Lincolniense; or an Answer to a Book entitled "The Holy Altar, Name and Thing," &c._ The bishop was preparing for his further vindication, when he was prevented by his troubles in the Star Chamber, in consequence of which his library was seized. "And how," says Hacket, "could he fight without his arms? or, how could the bell ring when they had stolen away the clapper?" During the controversy Dr. Pocklington, Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, published his _Altare Christianum; or, the Dead Vicar's Plea, wherein the Vicar of Grantham being dead yet speaketh, and pleadeth out of Antiquity against him that hath broken down his Altar_, 4to. 1637. The best historical notice of this controversy is given in Hacket's _Life of Archbishop Williams_, pt. ii. pp. 99-109., and was particularly referred to by the counsel on the Cambridge stone altar case, 1844-1845, as well as by Sir Herbert Jenner Fust in his judgment on it.] MEANING OF GROOM. In investigating the descent of two Devonshire families, I save met with four instances of persons designating themselves as _groom_. They were certainly well connected, and in fortune apparently much above the class of people who accept the care of horses in this present day. If they were grooms of horses, society was in a very different state from that in which it is at the present day; if they were not such grooms, what then were they? I believe they were unmarried persons. First, there is Samuel Weeks, of South Tawton, groom; will proved in the Archdeacon of Exeter's Court, 1639. His father was Richard Weeks, styled gentleman in the parish register; and Samuel Weeks signs his name in a peculiarly fine Italian hand, that I do not remember to have seen in any instance of that time except in that of a thorough gentleman. Francis Kingwell, of Crediton, groom. His will was proved in the Bishop's Court in 1639; his sister married a Richard Hole, of South Tawton, yeoman of substance; her second husband was John Weeks, of South Tawton, gentleman, and his sons were gentlemen. These Weekses were, I doubt not, nearly related to the Wykes or Weeks, of North Wyke, in the same parish, a family of great antiquity. Thirdly, here is John Hole, of South Tawton, groom, 1640. His inventory is 180_l._, of which 4_l._ was for his clothes, whereas a gentleman in one case in this neighbourhood has his clothes valued at ten shillings; Kingwell's inventory was the same. Robert Hole, of Zeal Monachorum, groom, is the fourth instance. His will was proved at Westminster in 1654; he was the son of a wealthy yeoman, and his brother, Thomas Hole, was a gentleman. I trouble you that I may learn, through your kindness, whether _groom_, in these instances, was used with the meaning which we attach to it; or at that time, or in the English language, or the vernacular tongue of central Devonshire, meant anything else. E. DAVIS PROTHEROE. Minor Queries. _Gregentius and the Jews in Arabia Felix._-- "We have a remarkable instance to this purpose in ecclesiastical history, which is attested by many and great authors. It seems, about 400 years after our Saviour's ascension, one Gregentius, a bishop, endeavoured the conversion of those Jews which lived in Arabia Felix. After a tedious disputation of three days' continuance some of the Jews desired the bishop to show them Jesus alive, and it would convince them. Immediately upon this the earth began to tremble, and the sky to shine and echo with lightnings and thunder. After these ceased, the gates of the celestial palace opened, and a bright serene cloud appeared, darting forth beams of an extraordinary lustre. At last our blessed Saviour showed himself walking on this bright cloud, and a voice was heard from this excellent glory saying, 'I am He who was crucified by your fathers.' This glorious appearance cast all the Jews prostrate on the ground, and, beating their breasts, they cried with a loud voice, 'Lord have mercy on us!' and afterwards were baptised into the faith of Christ."--_Sermons_ by John March, B.D., late Vicar of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 2nd ed. 1699, p. 235. Who are the "many and great authors" who have attested this extraordinary apparition? E. H. A. _King Street Theatre._--Among a large collection of medallic tickets of admission to theatres, I am unable to fix the precise attribution of the following: Ob.: A group of dramatic emblems, mask, sword, mirror, scourge, and a legend: "Spectas et tu spectabere. King Street Theatre." Rev.: "Admit Mr. Cooper, or bearer, to any part of the house before the curtain." The ticket is of silver, and is evidently of the time of Garrick; it cannot therefore apply to the theatre in King Street, St. James's, which is of recent erection; nor am I aware of any other King Street in London which contained a theatre. Its situation will most probably be found in some provincial town. If any of your obliging correspondents could furnish information as to its locality, they would confer a favour on the writer. B. N. _Lesteras and Emencin._--In an old MS. I meet with the following words:-- "One (a pillar) was made of _Lefteras_ (I do not know whether the third letter is an _s_ or an _f_ in the original) which would not burn." "After they came to the land of _Emencin_, which is the country of Jerusalem." Can any of your readers give me any information as to either of the words _Lesteras_ or _Emencin_? O. OGLE. Oxford. _Epigram on Franklin and Wedderburn._--Will any of your correspondents acquaint me with the name of the author of the following lines, written shortly after Dr. Franklin's attendance at the Privy Council in January, 1774, in allusion to Wedderburn's severe remarks upon him?-- "Sarcastic Sawney, full of spite and hate, On modest Franklin poured his venal prate; The calm philosopher without reply Withdrew--and gave his country liberty." The lines were repeated to me by the late Francis Maseres, Esq., Cursitor Baron of the Court of Exchequer. W. S. Richmond, Surrey. _Plenius and his Lyrichord._--May I hope to ascertain, through the medium of your journal, where to look for information on the subject of the "lyrichord of Plenius," referred to in Rees' _Encyclopædia_, art. "Basse Fondamentale," as having been "tuned by weights instead of tension?" The point left in doubt by this, is whether a single weight was substituted for tension, or whether the different notes in the musical scale were produced by altering the weight according to the rules for that purpose. Was Plenius an ancient, a Middle-Age man, or was he _Herr Plen_, who latinized his name, as was the fashion a century or two ago? T. _Epigram on Burnet._--A friend of mine across the Atlantic wishes to ask, whether any one knows where the following epigram, which he remembers in MS. in an old folio copy of Burnet's _History_, comes from:-- "If Heaven is pleas'd when sinners cease to sin, If Hell is pleas'd when sinners enter in, If men are pleas'd at parting with a knave, Then all are pleas'd--for Burnet's in his grave." C. B. _Dutch Chronicle of the World._--Will any of your readers oblige me with information respecting a Dutch work, professing to be an historical chronicle of the world from the creation to the time in which it was printed, which was in the days of _Merian_, the celebrated engraver, father to the naturalist Madame Merian, who was also an artist of some repute. The work I allude to was illustrated by numerous spirited engravings (supposed to have been executed on _pewter_), and of which I possess several hundred, which had been cut out of the letter-press which surrounded the prints, and bought at a stall in London many years back. I question whether there is a copy of the work to be found in England, except it be in the British Museum. JOHN FENTON. "_Arborei foetus alibi, atque injussa virescunt Gramina_" (_Virgil G._ I. 55.).--Amongst my school reminiscences, I retain very distinctly the remembrance of the surprise we felt in the sixth form, when we were desired by our revered and excellent master to construe the above words as follows: "'Arborei foetus,' _flourish unbidden in one situation, grass in another_." Or, more literally: "'Arborei foetus,' _flourish unbidden in situations different from those in which grass (flourishes unbidden)_." I well remember too, that some of us, while we admired the ingenuity, ventured to doubt the correctness of the translation. Will some of your learned correspondents kindly favour me with their opinions? W. S. _History of Brittany._--I shall feel obliged to any one who can refer me to a good history or histories of Brittany; more especially to those which relate to the genealogies and heraldry of the Breton families, or which contain pedigrees. T. H. KERSLEY, B.A. _Serjeants' Rings._--T. P. would be obliged to any of your antiquarian readers who could inform him, through the medium of your paper, whether the custom of serjeants-at-law presenting rings with mottoes, on taking the coif, prevailed so long back as A.D. 1670-80, and, if so, whether there are any records, or other sources, from which he could ascertain the motto used by an individual who was admitted to that degree about that period? _The Duchess of Cleveland's Cow-pox._--In Baron's _Life of Jenner_, Vol. i. p. 123., there occurs the following note, extracted from one of Dr. Jenner's note-books of 1799: "I know of no direct allusion to the disease in any ancient author, yet the following seems not very distantly to bear upon it. When the Duchess of Cleveland was taunted by her companions, Moll Davis (Lady Mary Davis) and others, that she might soon have to deplore the loss of that beauty which was then her boast, the small-pox at that time raging in London, she made a reply to this effect,--that she had no fear about the matter, for she had had a disorder which would prevent her from ever catching the small-pox. This was lately communicated by a gentleman in this county, but unfortunately he could not recollect from what author he gained his intelligence." Can any reader of "N. & Q." supply this missing authority for a fact which is very important in the history of medicine--if true? ONETWOTHREE. _Arms of Manchester._--What are the arms of Manchester? and are they of ancient usage? or only assigned to the town since its incorporation? and if the latter, whence did the bearings originate? H. H. H. V. _Heraldical MSS. of Sir Henry St. George Garter._--What has become of these valuable MSS.? and if the place of their deposit is known, can access be obtained to them for literary purposes? They were, as Noble relates, originally sold into the Egmont family, and descended to John James, the third Earl; but some time after his death, about the year 1831, all the personal property of the family was disposed of; the effects at Enmore Castle were sold by auction on the spot; and the writer of this well remembers seeing the old family pictures preparing for the same fate in a sales-room in Conduit Street, he thinks of Mr. Abbots. Mr. Braithwaite, of Great Russell Street, was the auctioneer employed at Enmore, and an inquiry was made of him at the time relative to these MSS., and the answer was, that they also were destined to the hammer. A catalogue also was promised whenever it should come out. The writer was subsequently informed that the MSS. were withdrawn, and he could never learn what became of them. M----N. Minor Queries Answered. _The Pelican, as a Symbol of the Saviour._--Is the pelican now, or was it formerly considered as a symbol of Our Saviour? I have seen it used in the ancient decorations of churches, but never looked on it as such; nor can I remember ever having seen it mentioned as an emblem of the Saviour, with the exception of one passage in Dante's Vision (Canto xxv.) of Paradise. ROBERT NELSON. [In the _Calendar of the Anglican Church Illustrated_, p. 328., will be found an engraving of "a pelican feeding her young with blood from her own breast, signifying the Saviour giving Himself up for the redemption of mankind;" and in the foot-note references to Aringhi's _Roma Subterranea_, and other works, in which other representations of the same symbol are to be found. Our correspondent may also be referred to Alt's _Heiligenbilder_, s. 56.] _Bishop Coverdale's Bible._--When did Bishop Coverdale _commence_ his translation of the Bible? Where was the first edition printed? Is any copy in existence which possesses the _original_ title-page, i.e. _not_ the one added in England, stating that it is translated from the "Douche and Latyn?" H. H. H. V. [We have submitted H. H. H. V.'s Query to our obliging correspondent, GEORGE OFFOR, ESQ., whose library is particularly rich in early English versions of the Bible, and who has kindly favoured us with the following communication]:-- In reply to your correspondent H. H. H. V.'s very curious question to know when Myles Coverdale _commenced_ his translation, I beg to state that he was born in 1488, and that it has not yet been discovered when his mind was first led to contemplate the translation of the Sacred Scriptures, nor whether he _commenced_ with the New or the Old Testament. The facts known are, that he finished the translation or the printing of it on the 4th day of October, 1535,--probably at Cologne, because other books printed there about that time have the same initials, wood-cuts, and type. A copy, with the original title-page, is in the Holkham library, having, on the reverse, part of the list of books, showing that originally it was without a dedication; this has the words, "Douche and Latyn." When the dedication was printed, this title was cancelled and a new one printed, still with the words "Douche and Latyn," with the reverse blank. A fine copy of this is in the possession of Earl Jersey, and one with the title-page repaired is in the British Museum. Perfect copies have a map of Palestine. In 1537, this book was reprinted, both in folio and quarto, probably at Antwerp, and in these the words "from the Douche and Latyn" were very properly omitted, Coverdale being still living to see them through the press; these are ornamented with large initial letters with a dance of death, and are the rarest volumes in the English language. In these the dedication is altered from Queen Anne to Queen Jane, as the wife of Henry VIII. They were all dedicated to the king and to the queen; the two latter are all in Old English type. These were followed by an edition dedicated to Edward VI. in a Swiss type, 4to., printed at Zurich by Chr. Froschover, and published under three titles--1st, as the translation of Thos. Matthewe; 2nd, as the translation of Myles Coverdale, London, by Andrew Hester, 1550; and 3rd, London, by Jugge, 1553. These are books of great rarity, and may be all seen in my library by any of your readers, sanctioned by a note from you or any minister of religion. My first edition has several uncut leaves. The introduction of the words "from the Douche (meaning Luther's German) and Latyn" has never been accounted for; they probably were inserted by the German printer to make the volume more popular, so as to interest reformers by the German of Luther, and Romanists by the Vulgate Latin. The translation is certainly from the Hebrew and Greek, compared with Luther's and the Vulgate. GEORGE OFFOR. Grove Street, Victoria Park. _Age of the Oak._--The late Queries respecting the age of trees, remind me of some lines of which I have been long in search-- "The monarch oak, the patriarch of the trees, Shoots rising up, and spreads by slow degrees: Three centuries he grows, and three he stays Supreme in state; and in three more decays." I think it probable that they are from a play of Dryden or Otway; but some of your readers may probably be able to answer this Query. T. C. Durham. [In Richardson's _Dictionary_, as well as in the _Encyclopædia Metropolitana_, these lines are quoted under the word _Patriarch_, as from _The Cock and the Fox_, by Dryden; whereas Bysshe, in his _Art of English Poetry_, under the word _Oak_, refers us to Dryden's _Ovid_. In neither of these pieces do they occur; our correspondent, however, will find them in Dryden's _Palamon and Arcite, or the Knight's Tale_, line 2334.] _Olivarius._--Can any of your readers inform me what is the title of a book written by Olivarius, a French astrologer, 1542, in which there is a prophecy relative to France, and somewhat similar to that of St. Cæsarius (p. 471.)? What was his christian name, and in what library is the work to be found? CLERICUS D. Dublin. [Maittaire, in his _Annales Typograph._, tom. v. pt. ii. p. 102., notices the following work: "Olivarius (Petrus Joannes) Valentinus de Prophetiâ. Basileæ ex officinâ Joannis Oporini, 1543, mense Augusto." From the catalogues of the British Museum and the Bodleian, it does not appear to be in either of these libraries.] _Vincent Bourne's Epilogus in Eunuchum Terentii._--Will any of your readers inform me whether an Epilogue to the _Eunuch_ of Terence, written by V. Bourne, and spoken in 1746, has ever been printed in any, and what, edition of Bourne's _Poems_? Gnatho appears on the stage, dressed as a recruiting sergeant, with several recruits, and thus begins: "Siste--tace--Gnatho sum Miles, cum gloria cives Evocat ad Martem, quis parasitus erit? Aut quis venari coenas et prandia malit, Nobile cui stimulet pectus honoris amor?" And the concluding lines are: "Arma viros facient--Vosmet simul arma geratis, Seribatis, jubeo, protinus armigeros: Hâc lege, ut conclametis, Rex Vivat; idemque Tu repetas, Stentor noster, utrâque manu." This epilogue is in my possession in MS., the handwriting of my father, who was, in 1746, a scholar of Westminster College. It should seem, from a letter written to the _Gentleman's Magazine_ by the late Archdeacon Nares, in April, 1826, and reprinted in Nichols's _Illustrations_, vol. vii. p. 656., that he was in possession of a copy, as he there tenders it to the editor of the sixth edition of _Bourne_, which had then (1826) recently issued from the Oxford press. W. S. Richmond, Surrey. [The Epilogue referred to will be found in the beautiful edition of Vinny Bourne's _Poems_, published by Pickering in 1840, and in the _Gentleman's Magazine_, May, 1826, p. 450, where, however, the first line reads-- 'Siste, tace; Gnatho sum Miles, cum gloria _pulchra_,' &c.] _Burton, Bp., Founder of Schools, &c., at Loughborough, co. Leicester._--Can any of your genealogical readers give a clue to his family, and their armorial bearings? J. K. [Thomas Burton was a French merchant, not a prelate. A short notice of him and his gifts will be found in the _Reports of Commissioners of Inquiry into Charities_, and in Carlisle's _Endowed Charities_; but no account of his family has been given by his namesake, William Burton, in his _History of Leicestershire_, or by Nichols in his _History_.] _Hoo._--What is the meaning of this word? In Bedfordshire there are two houses and estates called by this name, Luton Hoo and Pertenhall Hoo; and in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Kent are villages so called. ARUN. [Luton Hoo, in Bedfordshire, was the manor of the family of Hoo, or De Hoo, who are said by Sir Henry Chauncy to have been settled there before the Norman Conquest. Hasted, in his Kent, says, "Hoo comes from the Saxon _hou_, a hill." Ihre derives the word from _hoeg_, high. Spelman, vo. _Hoga_, observes that _ho_, _how_, signifies mons, collis. Jamieson says "_How_ is certainly no other than Isl. _haug_, Suio-Gothic _hoeg_, the name given to sepulchral mounds." See also Lemon's _English Etymology_, s. v. _Hough_, _how_.] Replies. MODERN NAMES OF PLACES. (Vol. iv., p. 470.) Your correspondent L. H. J. T. has noticed the corruption of Greek topographical names, arising from the use of the definite article, which the ear of a traveller not skilled in the language supposes to be a part of the name, and so makes _Statines_ or _Satines_ from Athens, _Stives_ from Thebes, &c. It may be interesting to some readers of "NOTES AND QUERIES" to know that exactly the same thing has happened in Ireland, and that the recognised Anglicised forms of several proper names, now stereotyped, are a combination of the definite article _an_, of the Gaelic or Irish language, with the name of the place. For instance, _Nenagh_ in the co. Tipperary is properly _Aonach_ [pron. _eenagh_], but generally spoken of by the people with the definite article _an Aonach_, the Aonach, _i.e._ fair, place of a fair or assembly; and hence by the English made _Nenagh_. So also the river _Ainge_ [pron. nearly as _Anny_] is usually called an Ainge, _the_ Ainge; and therefore is now _Nanny_, the Nanny, or Nanny water, in the co. Meath. In like manner, the island _Aondruim_ in Loch Cuan, on which stood once a celebrated monastery, is in Irish always called _an Aondruim_, the Aondruim, and is now Nandrum or Nantrim Island. The town of _Newry_ is another instance. It has its name from an ancient yew tree [in Irish _Iubhair_, pron. nearly as the word _your_] which stood near it, and was said to have been planted by St. Patrick. Hence the town is always called _an Iubhair_, the yew tree; which, by incorporating the article, has been Anglicised _Newry_. The river _Nore_ in Ossory, is properly _an Eoir_, the Eoir [pron. _Ore_]. So also the _Navan_ fort near Armagh, is _an Eamhain_, the Eamhain [pron. nearly as _Avan_]. I might fill a page with other instances, but I shall only mention another similar corruption in proper names, where after dropping the _Mac_ the _c_ is retained, in cases where the patronymic begins with a vowel. Thus the descendants of the Danish family of _Ottar_ became _Mac Ottar_, and are now Cotter. So _Mac Etigan_ became _Gettigan_; _Mac Eeoghegan_, Geoghegan; the _c_ being further transmuted into _g_. And hundreds of similar instances could be given. It may also be observed that the English very generally caught the genitive, or oblique case, of the Irish proper names, and from it formed the name which is now in use amongst the English speaking population. Thus they heard the Irish speak of the isles _Araun_, _i.e._ the isles _of Ara_, for _Araun_ is the genitive; and hence they are now the _Aran Isles_. So also the ford Trim or Druim, in Irish _Ath-Druim_ (the ford of the long low hill, _vadum Dorsi_), where _Druim_ [pron. nearly _Trim_] is the genitive of _Drom_ or _Drum_, a long low hill, a back. The names given to Ireland by medieval writers, after the ancient name of Scotia had been transferred to _Alban_ (which, by the way, is itself a genitive, from _Alba_), afford instances of the same thing. One of the native names of Ireland is _Eri_, or _Eire_, genitive _Erinn_. From this the Greeks and Romans formed the name _Ierne_, from the old word _I_, an island--_I-Erinn_, the island _of Eri_. And so we now have also the genitive _Erin_, as a poetical name of the island. The Danes, however, retained the absolute form, and called it _Eri-landt_, Ireland. So also from the old word _Ibh_, or _Hibh_, a tribe, or country, we have _Hibh-Erinn_, the tribe, or people of Eri, and hence evidently _Hibernia_ and _Ivernia_. T. D. PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY.--PAROCHIAL LIBRARY AT MAIDSTONE. (Vol. iv., p. 92.) As some of your readers may be aware, there is an old and somewhat valuable library in the vestry of All Saints Church, Maidstone, which was partly purchased by the parishioners of the executors of Dr. Bray (who bequeathed his books to any parish which would advance fifty pounds as a consideration for the value of them), and was afterwards increased by the munificence of several benefactors. Up to the year 1810, when the present catalogue was made, it would appear that but little, or at any rate very insufficient, care was taken of these books; for Mr. Finch, who rearranged the library and wrote the catalogue, carefully correcting the inaccuracies in the former one, declares, in a note that he has placed at the commencement, dated October 1, 1810, that he "found many valuable books missing, and a still larger number irretrievably damaged by the incursions of worms and damp." The number of volumes missing and decayed amounted to about 100, whilst the number remaining in the library appears to have been 710, and their gross value about 165_l._ Since 1810 far greater care seems to have been bestowed on them, for but few, very few, volumes mentioned in the catalogue then made are missing, and a daily fire during the winter months tends greatly to prevent their further injury by damp. I will not, however, trouble you with any further remarks about the library itself, but proceed at once to the subject of my note, which is to offer for your acceptance three proverbs (which I have met with in reading one of the books) as an addition to the valuable collection lately sent by your correspondent COWGILL. The book from which I have derived them is a small quarto, containing the following tracts or treatises; but whether any or all of them are now but rarely to be met with, I know not. 1st. "The Heresiography, or a description of the Hereticks and Sectaries of these latter times, by E. Pagitt. 5th edit. London, 1654." 2nd. "An apologie for our publick ministerie and infant baptism, by William Lyford, B.D. and Minister of the Gospel at Sherborn in Dorcetshire. London, 1653." 3rd. "The Font guarded with XX arguments, containing a compendium of that great controversie of Infant Baptism, proving the lawfulness thereof; as being grounded on the word of God, agreeable to the Practice of all Reformed churches: together with the concurrent consent of a whole jury of judicious and pious divines. With a word to one Collier and another to Mr. Tombs, in the end of the Book. Birmingham, 1651." 4th. "Vindiciæ, Pædo-Baptismi, or A Vindication of Infant Baptism in a Full Answer to Mr. Tombs his twelve arguments alleaged against it in his exercitation, and whatsoever is rational or material in his answer to Mr. Marshall's sermon. By John Geree, M.A. and Preacher of the Word sometime at Tewksbury, but now at St. Albanes. London, 1646." 5th. [Title-page wanting, but it appears to have been this:] "The Gangrene of Heresie, or A catalogue of many of the Errours, Blasphemies, and Practices of the Sectaries of the time, with some observations upon them. By Thomas Edwards, 1650." 6th. "The Patrimony of Christian Children, or A defence of Infants Baptisme prooved to be consonant to the Scriptures and will of God against the erroneous positions of the Anabaptists. By Robert Cleaver, with the joynt consent of Mr. John Dod. London, 1624." These six treatises contain from 80 to 220 pages each, and in reading them I have noted the three following "sententious truths," which I hope may be thought worthy to be added to the much larger number contributed by COWGILL. The first is from the lines of Beriah Philophylax to his friend Mr. Thomas Hall, which is prefixed to his "Font Guarded;" and the other two from Edwards' "Gangrene of Heresie,"-- 1st. "Answers are Honours to a Scold, And make her spirit much more bold." 2nd. "A spark not quenched may burn down a whole house." 3rd. "Little sins make way for great, and one brings in all." JOHN BRANFILL HARRISON. Maidstone. "A BREATH CAN MAKE THEM AS A BREATH HAS MADE." (Vol. iv., p. 482.) With reference to the observations of HENRY H. BREEN upon a well-known passage in Goldsmith's _Deserted Village_, a little consideration will convince him that the view taken by D'Israeli and himself is not only extremely superficial, but that the proposed emendation would entirely destroy the poet's meaning. The antithesis is not between flourishing and fading, but between the difficult restoration of a bold peasantry and the easy reproduction of princes and lords. The first branch of the antithesis is between _wealth_ and _men_: "Where wealth accumulates and men decay." It then proceeds to set forth that it matters little whether nobles flourish or fade, because a breath can make _them_ as easily as it has originally made them: but not so with a bold peasantry. When once _they_ are destroyed, _they_ can never be replaced. In fact, so far from the sense requiring the alteration of "makes" into "_un_makes," the substitution, if we would preserve the author's meaning, should be "remakes:" "Princes and lords may flourish or may fade, A breath _remakes them_, as a breath has made." I only put this in illustration: Heaven forbid I should recommend it as an improvement! As for the cited "parallel passages," the best answer that can be given to _them_ is, that they cease to be parallel passages! I shall therefore take the liberty to repeat a sentence from MR. BREEN, with a slight alteration: "That Goldsmith wrote the line in question with the word 'unmakes,' there seems (_every_) reason to doubt." A. E. B. Leeds. P.S.--As a mere matter of fact, apart from other considerations, although a breath from the fountain of honour may create a noble, it may be questioned whether it would not require something more than a breath to _un_make him? [We have received many other excellent defences of the original reading of this passage in Goldsmith. We have selected the present as one of the shortest among those which first reached us. We will add to it a postscript from the communication of another correspondent, J. S. W., showing a curious typographical error which has crept into the recent editions of Goldsmith.] _Passage in the Traveller._--There is a line in the _Traveller_, I may observe, into which an error of the press, or of some unlucky critic, has intruded. Goldsmith, speaking of the Swiss, says that he "_Breasts_ the keen air, and carols as he goes." In some editions it is given-- "_Breathes_ the keen air," &c. _Breasts_ was doubtless the original word, for it is quoted in Johnson's _Dictionary_, under the word _Breast_. This alteration, however, does not, like the supposed change of _unmakes_ into _can make_, affect the sense. J. S. W. Stockwell. BOGATZKY. (Vol. iii., pp. 478., 526.; Vol. iv., p. 44.) Perhaps the following Note may prove interesting, as a contribution to the literary history of Bogatzky's popular work, and as explanatory of the statement of R. D. H. (Vol. iii., p. 526.), that the book was almost entirely re-written _by the Rev. H. Venn_. _The Golden Treasury_ was introduced to English readers through the late excellent John Thornton, Esq. This gentleman having met with a copy of the German work, caused it to be translated into English. Of this translation (in which many of Bogatzky's papers are exchanged for extracts from English writers) a single copy was printed, interleaved, and sent to the _Rev. John Berridge_, of Everton, for final revision. This copy is now before me. The title runs thus: _A Golden Treasury for the Children of God, whose Treasure is in Heaven; consisting of select Texts of the Bible, with practical Observations in Prose and Verse, for every Day in the Year. By C. H. v. Bogatzky: with some Alterations and Improvements by various Hands. Also a Preface on the right Use of this Book. Together with a few Forms of Prayer for private Use. "Where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be also." Matt._ vi. 21. _London: Printed in the Year_ MDCCLXXV. Then follows the Preface (pp. iii.-xvi.), written by Mr. Thornton. The rest of the book extends to 374 pages of a small oblong form. The whole is very copiously annotated by Mr. Berridge, whose corrections are most important and judicious. He greatly improved and simplified the language, his chief aim evidently being to accommodate the book to the use of as large a number of readers as possible. The humour of the man breaks out ever and anon in cutting rebukes and sarcasms directed against unsound doctrine: neither Calvinist nor Arminian, Pharisee nor Antinomian, escape his lash. A considerable number of papers are either entirely re-written, or very largely altered; _e.g._ Jan. 29 (by J. Thornton); Feb. 10, 19; April 8, 26; May 2, 3, 16, 20; June 19, 22; Sept. 9, 17, 18, 21, 25; Oct. 10; Nov. 18; Dec. 1, &c. About forty-three papers are left untouched, and twenty others have only some verses added by Mr. Berridge. Next, as to the extracts from English authors: in the interleaved copy the sources are indicated in Mr. Thornton's handwriting for the first six months; beyond which there is no indication of the kind. I subjoin a list of the authors from whom extracts have been made:-- _Aberdeen Bible_, Feb. 17, 22, April 1, 18, June 8; _Mr. Adams_, March 28; _Mr. Bentley_, Jan. 1, 12, April 21; _Mr. Brewer_, April 15; _Darracot's Scripture Marks_, March 5, April 3; _Mr. De Coetlogon_, June 5; _Mr. Fletcher_, May 4, 5; _Mr. Forster_, Feb. 10, 20; _Dr. Guise_, June 11; _Bishop Hall_, Feb. 12, 26, March 12, May 3, June 9; _Mr. Howe_, March 1, April 6; _Mr. Keash (?)_, Feb. 1; _Mr. King_, Jan. 31, Feb. 8; _Mr. Law_, June 4; _Mr. Mason_, March 29, 30; _Mr. Newton_, April 17; _Dr. Owen_, Feb. 21, March 15, 21; _Mr. Romaine_, Jan. 29; _Spencer's Storehouse_, Feb. 16, March 19, 31, April 20, 30, May 29, June 14, 17; _Mrs. Thornton_, March 10; _Mrs. Wills_, April 19. I will only add that most of the corrections of Mr. Berridge were adopted by Mr. Thornton, and have consequently appeared in the London editions in current use. C. P. PH***. MORAVIAN HYMNS. (Vol. iv., p. 502.) John Wesley was at one time of his life a pupil of the Moravians, and Southey's _Life_ of that remarkable man, like most of his works, pregnant with interest and erudition, affords a satisfactory answer to your correspondent's Query. I quote from the 3rd edition of the _Life_, 2 vols., 1846. Of the Moravians he says:-- "Madness never gave birth to combinations of more _monstrous and blasphemous obscenity_ than they did in their fantastic allegories and spiritualizations. In such freaks of perverted fancy the abominations of the Phallus and the Lingam have unquestionably originated; and in some such abominations Moravianism might have ended, had it been instituted among the Mingrelian or Malabar Christians, where there was no antiseptic influence of surrounding circumstances to preserve it from putrescence. Fortunately for themselves, and for that part of the heathen world among whom they have laboured, and still are labouring with exemplary devotion, the Moravians were taught by their assailants to correct this perilous error in time."--Vol. i. p. 173. He adds in a note: "The reader who may have perused Rimius's _Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Herrnhuters_, and the 'Responsorial Letters of the Theological Faculty of Tübingen' annexed to it [the 2nd edition was published London, 1753], will not think this language too strong." In the Appendix, p. 481., Southey further says: "The most characteristic parts of the Moravian hymns are _too shocking_ to be inserted here: even in the humours and extravagances of the Spanish religious poets there is nothing which approaches to the monstrous perversion of religious feeling in these astonishing productions. The copy which I possess is of the third edition printed for James Hutton, 1746. An interesting account of James Hutton, who published the _Moravian Hymns_, may be seen in the great collection of _Literary Anecdotes_ by Mr. Nichols, vol. iii. p. 435. Of their _silliness_ I subjoin only such a specimen as may be read without offence:-- 'What is now to children the dearest thing here? To be the Lamb's lambkins and chickens most dear; Such lambkins are nourished with food which is best, Such chickens sit safely and warm in the nest.' 'And when Satan at an hour Comes our chickens to devour, Let the children's angels say, Those are Christ's chicks--go thy way.' "Yet even the _Moravian Hymns_ are equalled by a poem of Manchester manufacture in the _Gospel Magazine_ for August, 1808, entitled the 'Believer's Marriage in Christ.'"--Southey's _Life of Wesley_. See also Crantz's _History of the Brethren_, translated by Latrobe, 8vo. London, 1780; _A True and Authentic Account of Andrew Frey_, translated from the German, London, 1753, an extremely curious work; also _A Solemn Call on Count Zinzendorf_, by Henry Rimius, London, 1754. JARLTZBERG. December 30th, 1851. Replies to Minor Queries. _Inveni portum_ (Vol. v., p. 10.).--This couplet, which occurs at the close of the second volume of _Gil Blas_, is a version of the following Greek epigram among those of uncertain authors in the _Anthologia_: Εἰς τύχην Ἐλπὶς καὶ σὺ Τύχη, μέγα χαίρετε· τὸν λιμέν' εὗρον. Οὐδὲν ἐμοὶ χ' ὑμῖν· παίζετε τοὺς μετ' ἐμέ. It is a slight alteration of the translation given by William Lilly, Sir Thomas More's friend and schoolfellow, and occurs, with Sir Thomas More's version, in the _Progymnasmata_ prefixed to the first edition of More's _Epigrams_, a very elegant volume, printed under the care of Beatus Rhinanus by Frobenius, at Basle, in 1520: small 4to. The frontispiece is by Holbein: "T. MORI DE CONTEMPTU FORTUNÆ. "Jam portum inveni, Spes et Fortuna valete. Nil mihi vobiscum est, ludite nunc alios." "G. LILII. "Inveni portum. Spes et Fortuna valete. Nil mihi vobiscum, ludite nunc alios." There is a longer epigram, also by an uncertain author, in the First Book of the _Anthologia_, the first lines of which differ but slightly. It runs thus: Ἐλπὶς καὶ σὺ Τύχη, μέγα χαίρετε· τὴν ὁδὸν εὗρον· Οὐκ ἔτι γὰρ σφετέροις ἐπιτέρπομαι· ἔῤῥετε ἄμφω, Οὕνεκεν ἐν μερόπεσσι πολυπλανέες μάλα ἐστέ. κ. τ. λ. The epigram has been very frequently translated. We have Latin versions by W. Morel, Grotius, and others; and several Italian and French versions. Mr. Merivale has thus rendered it: "Fortune and Hope farewell! I've found the port: You've done with me: go now, with others sport!" Thomas Moore has given us a spirited paraphrase of it. S.W. SINGER. Manor Place, South Lambeth. _Quarter Waggoner_ (Vol. v., p. 11.).--As the editor, in the exercise of his official functions, may class this scrap with the _Replies_, it cannot be amiss to state that I offer its contents as mere conjectures. In the _Sea grammar_ of captain John Smith, which was published in 1627, we have a list of books adapted to the use of those who would _learn to observe the altitude_, to _prick_ their _card_, or _say_ their _compass_. It is as follows: "Master _Wrights_ Errours of nauigation. Master _Tapps_ Sea-mans kalender. The art of nauigation. The sea regiment. The sea-mans secret. _Waggoner_. Master _Gunters_ workes. The sea-mans glasse for the scale. The new attracter for variation. Master _Wright_ for vse of the globe. Master _Hewes_ for the same." It thus appears that _Waggoner_ was either the title of a book, or the name of an author; and we may infer, from the absence of particulars, that it was quite familiar to the seamen of that period--as much so as _Charles'-wain_. May it not indicate Lucas Jansz _Wagenaer_ of Enchuisen, author of the _Spieghel der zeevaerdt_, or mirror of navigation, published at Leyden in 1585. The _Spieghel_ became a standard work; and a translation of it by Anthony Ashley was printed at London, with a dedication to sir Christopher Hatton, about the year 1588. Mr. Joseph Ames, who gives the title of this translation, observes: "Perhaps the sailors from this book call their sea charts _Wagenars_." He was the son of a merchant-captain, and passed his life as a ship chandler in Wapping: I need not search for a better witness. With regard to the word _Quarter_, it seems to be an abbreviation of quarter-deck; and if so, _Quarter Waggoner_ would mean the quarter-deck charts, or the charts which were supplied to the commander of a ship for the use of himself and the other officers. BOLTON CORNEY. _Cibber's Lives of the Poets_ (Vol. v., p. 25.).--MR. CROSSLEY says that none of Johnson's biographers appear to have known that the prospectus which he has sent you was furnished by Dr. Johnson; but of this fact he gives no other proof than his own opinion that "the internal evidence is decisive." Now I really must say, that to my poor judgment nothing can be less like Johnson's peculiar style; and, moreover, MR. CROSSLEY, who quotes Mr. Croker's note (p. 818., ed. 1848) on this subject, has certainly not read that note accurately, for the object of that note was to endeavour to account for Johnson's having frequently and positively asserted that _Cibber had nothing to do with these lives_, of which MR. CROSSLEY would have us suppose he wrote the prospectus for Cibber. If MR. CROSSLEY will read more carefully the note referred to, which is half Boswell's and half Croker's, and also another note (also referred to), p. 504., he will see that it is impossible that Johnson could have written this prospectus. As I happen to be addressing MR. CROSSLEY, I take the liberty of asking whether he has yet been able to lay his hands on Pope's Imitation of Horace, _printed by Curll_ in 1716 (see "N. & Q.," Vol. iv., pp. 122. 139.), and which he tells us he possesses. I wonder and should be sorry that _such a curiosity_ should be lost or even mislaid. C. _Poniatowski Gems_ (Vol. v., p. 30.).--A. O. O. D. is informed that a portion of these gems were sold by Christie and Manson about the second week in June of last year, under an order of the Court of Chancery, on account of the estate of the late Lord Monson. The contents of one cabinet were alone put up, and the auctioneers can, no doubt, supply the particulars that A. O. O. D. requires; or more general information might possibly be obtained from the solicitors, Messrs. Pooley and Beisly, 1. Lincoln's Inn Fields. M----N. _Dial Motto at Karlsbad_ (Vol. iv., pp. 471. 507.).--I do not think it difficult to throw light upon the Karlsbad inscription sent to you by HERMES. I believe that there is a mistake either by the inscriber or the transcriber, and that the word CEdIt ought to be written CeDIt. The chrono-grammatic letters or numerals would then be MDCCVVVVIIIIIIIIII = MDCCXXX = 1730. There are, however, as you have printed it, three other capital letters, but I observe they are not in the same type as the numerals. The question then arises, how do they appear in the original inscription? do they all appear there, or only the first two. It is possible that they, _i.e._ H. H. T., may be the initials of the name of the then owner of the house I should like this explanation better if the only capitals, not numerals, were H. H., the initials of the first two words of the inscription, and unmingled with the numerals. It would then be H. H. MDCCXXX, or as it would appear upon a house of the present day: H. H. 1730. It is probable that by inquiry at Karlsbad, if it were worth while, the name of the owner and date of the house might afford a certain solution of his difficulty. The doubtful letters may be the initials of the maker of the dial. GRIFFIN. P.S. Upon what authority does your correspondent E. H. D. D. (Vol. iv., p. 507.) assert that "E in such compositions stands for 250?" _Passage in Jeremy Taylor_ (Vol. iv., p. 435.).--I have to thank your correspondent F. A. for calling my attention to a passage in the present edition of Jeremy Taylor, in which the bishop cites a "common saying" concerning Repentance. I had already discovered the error which F. A. alludes to, my attention having been called to the words in question, by finding them quoted by Jackson (Sermon on Luke, xiii. 6. _et seq._); and a MS. note in the margin by a former possessor of the volume gave me the true account of the sentence. I am living at a distance from libraries, and without the opportunity of examining questions; but I believe F. A. will find that he has slightly misunderstood L'Estrange; the sentence in question _not_ being found in Coverdale's translation of the Bible. C. P. E. _Aue Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi_ (Vol. i., pp. 215. 267.).--These two nuns belonged to the convent of St. Margaret at Gouda. In 1714 there still existed in the library of that city a book entitled _Coll==tarius_ (Commentarius) _supra Psalmos_.[2] This work, written by Peter Por of Floref, and dedicated to John of Arckel, bishop of Utrecht, was transcribed on parchment in the year 1454 by seven nuns of the above convent, these were: Maria Joannis, _Geza Yzenoude_, _Aua Trici_, Jacoba Gerardi, Agatha Nicolai, Maria Martini, en Maria Gerardi. [Footnote 2: Sic in MSS. Legendumne co[=m]tarius?] On the back of the MS. is a list of the books belonging to the convent: these were then seventy in number. Lambertus Wilhelmi, a monk of Sion Abbey, and director of these nuns, composed in the year 1452 a _History of the Convent of St. Margaret at Gouda_, by order of its superintendent, Heymanus Florentii, a monk of 'S. Gravezande. This convent was burnt in 1572 by one of Lumey's captains, Hans Aulterman, who for his many crimes was condemned on the 11th of April, 1573, and burnt alive at the gates of Gouda. The Nicholas de Wit mentioned in the Query was prior of the monastery of St. Michael, near Schoonhoven. (See further T. Walvisch, _Beschrÿving van Gouda_, II. pp. 123-172.) ELSEVIER. Leyden, Navorscher, Jan. 1852. _Rev. John Paget_ (Vol. iv., p. 133.).--Of this clergyman the following mention is made in the _Resolutions of the States General_: "9 January, 1607. Op te requeste van John Paget, predikand van de Engelsche regimenten, is geordonneert de selve te stellen in handen van den Ovesten Horace Vere, Ridder, omme ordre te stellen, dat den suppl. van syn tractament mach worden betaelt." 9 January, 1607. Touching the request of John Paget, chaplain of the English regiments, is ordained that the same be placed in the hands of the Colonel Horace Vere, Knight, that provision may be made for the payment of the suppliant's salary. From the register of a marriage celebrated at Leyden the 7th of January, 1649, between Mathys Paget, smith, and Maria Picters Del Tombe, both of that city, it would appear that other members of the Paget family have resided there. ELSEVIER. Leyden, Navorscher, Jan. 1852. The Rev. John Paget doubtless belonged to an English or Scotch family, sometimes also called Pagett, or Pagetius. John Paget, who was the first minister of the English church in Amsterdam, came there in 1607, and preached his introductory sermon on the 5th of February, in the chapel prepared for that purpose: his formal induction took place in the month of April, in the same year, and here he remained twenty-nine years. Thomas Paget, invited from Blackeley in England, was inducted in November 1639, and departed the 29th of August 1646, for Shrewsbury. Robert Paget, or Pagetius, minister of the Scotch congregation at Dordrecht from 1638 to 1685, "was a man of extensive biblical knowledge, but of extreme modesty." When the English church in Amsterdam was offered him, he could not be prevailed upon to accept it. With Jacob Borstius he lived on terms of close intimacy. Consult the _Kerkelÿk Alphabeth_ of Veeris, Wagenaar, _Beschrÿving van Amsterdam_, and Balen _Beschrÿving van Dordt_; also _The History of the Scottish Church at Rotterdam_, by the Rev. William Steven, M.A., Edinburgh and Rotterdam, 1832, and Schotel, _Kerkelÿk Dordrecht_, vol. i. p. 457., and the note (2), vol. ii. p. 217., where many particulars concerning the Pagets, especially Robert, are found. It is, however, probable that CRANMORE may obtain more information touching his family in England than in this country. In Töcher's _Gelehrten Lexicon_ mention is made of Ephraim, Eusebius, and Wilhelmus Paget, all of whom resided in England. We also read in the _Lÿste van de Namen der Predikanten in de Provincie van Utrecht_, by H. van Rhenen, 1705, p. 66., that Robert Paget, an Englishman, and English preacher at Dordt, nephew of Thomas Paget, was invited to Utrecht in 1655, but declined. He remained at Dordrecht, and died there in 1684. V. D. N. Rotterdam, Navorscher, Jan. 1852. _Lines on the Bible_ (Vol. iv., p. 473.).--"Within that awful volume lies," &c. These lines are Walter Scott's. They are spoken by the White Lady of Avenel, in _The Monastery_. It appears that they were copied by Lord Byron into his Bible, for they are inserted at the end of Galignani's 1-vol. edition of Byron's Works (Paris, 1826), among the "_attributed_ pieces," as "lines found in Lord Byron's Bible." This I believe is the only authority on which the compiler of the volume referred to by your correspondent can have supposed his lordship to have been the author. In Murray's editions they have no place, nor even in Galignani's later editions. B. R. I. [We are indebted to many other correspondents for similar replies.] _Dial Mottoes_ (Vol. iv., p. 471.).--The following is an inscription which I copied from a dial-plate in the churchyard of Kirk-Arbory, Isle of Man: "Thomas Kirkall de Bolton Fecit. Horula dum quota sit Quæritur hora fugit. 1678." There is a coat of arms also, but the tinctures are not marked; viz. Quarterly of three coats: first and fourth, three roundels in fess, between two barrulets; second, on a bend three mullets; third, a chevron between three lozenges. T. H. KERSLEY, B.A. _Martial's Distribution of Hours_ (Vol. iv., pp. 273., 332.).--I ought perhaps to thank THEOPHYLACT for good intention in answering, not the question I did ask, but that which he thinks I "might have asked." My real question was based upon an assumption, the truth of which THEOPHYLACT denies: his reply therefore is rather a challenge to premiss, than an answer to the question. I totally dissent from him in understanding "quies lassis" in any sense short of absolute _recumbent_ repose: "finis," which he takes as the real commencement of the siesta, I understand as its conclusion: nor am I aware of any, except the last final quies, to which the term _finis_ would be applicable. Neither can I admit, upon the authority of THEOPHYLACT, that there was any gradual or partial cessation of business in Rome during the hour which we call "between eleven and twelve o'clock in the forenoon." Julius Cæsar left home, commenced the business of the senate, was surrounded by thronging applicants, and was assassinated--all during that hour: and, unless THEOPHYLACT can show that therefore, and on that account, it became distasteful to succeeding emperors, he must excuse me from admitting his interpretation. A. E. B. _Nelson's Signal_ (Vol. iv., p. 473.).--I send you Nelson's exact words as conveyed by signal at Trafalgar, as noted down by several ships in the fleet: England [253] expects [269] that [863] every [261] man [471] will [958] do [220] his [370] d [4] u [21] t [19] y [24] Let me add, that the refrain of the best song on the Battle of Trafalgar, gives the exact words of the signal: "From line to line the signal ran, England expects that every man This day will do his duty." You should have heard this chanted in the singing-days of W. H. S. _Cooper's miniature, &c._ (Vol. v. p. 17.).--I have a painting on copper of Oliver Cromwell. It is oval, and about six inches by four. It resembles the engravings of him which have Cooper's name attached to them. In the distance is a "white horse," faintly sketched in. My father, in whose possession it long was, set a very great value upon it. I have not had sufficient opportunity to inquire--Did ever Cooper paint in oil? B. G. _Roman Funeral Pile_ (Vol. iv., p. 381.).--The ceremony of a Roman funeral concluded with a feast, which was usually a supper given to the friends and relatives of the deceased; and sometimes provisions were distributed to the people. (Vid. Adams' _Roman Hist._, 3rd edit. p. 283.) Basil Kennett, in his _Antiquities of Rome_, published 1776, further observes (p. 361.) that-- "The feasts, celebrated to the honour of the deceased, were either private or publick. The private feasts were termed _silicernia_, from _silex and coena_, as if we should say _suppers made on a stone_. These were prepared both for the _dead_ and the _living_. The repast designed for the dead consisting commonly of beans, lettuces, bread and eggs, or the like, was laid on the tomb for the ghosts to come out and eat, as they fancied they would; and what was left they burnt on the stone." No authority is cited either by Adams or Kennett for the custom, but your correspondent _John ap William ap John_ might perhaps refer to "_Petri Morestelli Pompa Feralis, sive justa Funebria Veterum_," with some probability of success in finding the subject there treated at large. FRANCISCUS. _Barrister_ (Vol. iv., p. 472.).--The derivation of this word proposed by W. Y. can only be looked upon as a joke, as he himself seems to regard it. "Roister" can have no more to do with it than "oyster" has with such words as "songster, spinster, maltster, punster, tapster, webster," &c., in which "ster" is the A.S. termination to denote one whose business is "song, or spinning," &c. Thus from the Mediæval Latin "barra" we get "barraster, one whose business is at the bar;" this is confirmed by the old mode of spelling the word, viz., "barrester and barraster." See Spelman's _Glossary_, v. Cancellarius-- "Dicuntur etiam _cancelli_ septa curiarum quæ _barras_ vocant; atque inde Juris candidati causas illic agentes, Budæo _Cancellarii_, ut nobiscum _Barrestarii_." And again-- "_Barrasterius_, Repagularis Causidicus." J. EASTWOOD. _Meaning of Dray_ (Vol. iv., p. 209.).--_Dray_ is a squirrel's nest. "A boy has taken three little young squirrels in their nest or _drey_."--White's _Selborne_, p. 333. Bohn's edition. To which is appended the following note:-- "The squirrel's nest is not only called a _drey_ in Hampshire, but also in other counties; in Suffolk it is called a bay. The word _drey_, though now provincial, I have met with in some of our old writers."--_Mitford_. PANTAGRUEL. _Tregonwell Frampton_ (Vol. iv., p. 474.; Vol. v., p. 16.).--In the _History of the British Turf_, by James Christie Whyte, Esq. (London, Colburn, 2 vols. 8vo. 1840), T. R. W. will meet with a sketch of the life of Mr. Frampton, together with an inquiry into the truth of the well known anecdote respecting his cruelty to his horse Dragon. Mr. Chafin, in his _Anecdotes of Cranbourne Chase_ (London, 1818), p. 47., refers to him, and prints one or two curious original letters from him. Mr. Whyte illustrates his first volume by a portrait of Mr. Frampton. CRANMORE. _Vermin, Parish Payments of, &c._ (Vol. iv., p. 208.).--There is no doubt but that nearly all country parishes paid at one time for the destruction of different kinds of vermin; but this practice is now entirely discontinued. The following are the prices paid twenty-five years ago by the parish of Corsham, Wilts:-- Vipers, 6_d._ each; slowworms or blindworms, 3_d._ each; rats, 1_d._ each (the tails only were required to be brought); sparrows' heads, 6_d._ per dozen, (meaning the old birds); sparrows' eggs and young birds, 4_d._ per dozen. I shall never forget, when a boy, and my father was churchwarden, the tricks the young lads and boys used to play in order to palm off other birds' eggs and young birds for sparrows. One young rascal actually painted the eggs very cleverly to imitate the sparrows, till I discovered it. Young birds of all kinds were brought, and many dozens paid for that were not sparrows; as it was impossible to tell the young birds of many of the hard billed kinds from the sparrow. At last the parish gave up paying for the eggs or young birds, but gave 1_s._ per dozen for the heads of old sparrows, and vast numbers were brought throughout the winter; and then attempts were made to substitute other birds' heads, which were in many cases paid for. The next year the parish agreed only to pay for the whole birds, so that no deception could be practised. When the New Poor Law came into operation, all these payments were stopped. Glead was a provincial term for the kite and buzzard, the ringtail for the hen harrier hawk, and greashead or greyhead for the female kestrel or greyheaded falcon. In most of the Wiltshire parishes 6_d._ per head was paid for the hedgehog, as the farmers always believed they sucked the teats of cows when laid down in the fields. The badger was also paid for in some places. J. K. North Wilts. _Alterius Orbis Papa_ (Vol. iii., p. 497.).--The origin of this title is, I think, still open to explanation, and in offering one which I find recorded in Lambard's _Perambulation of Kent_, 1596, pp. 80, 81. I trust the quaint but interesting style of that learned antiquary and historian will be a sufficient excuse to your readers for its insertion at length _verbatim et literatim_: "The whole Province of this Bishopricke of Canterbury, was at the first divided by Theodorus (the seventh Bishop) into five Dioceses only: howbeit, in processe of time it grew to twentie and one, besides itselfe, leaving to Yorke (which by the first institution should have had as many as it) but Durham, Carleil, and Chester only. And whereas by the same ordinance of Gregorie, neither of these Archbishops ought to be inferiour to other, save onely in respect of the priority of their consecration, Lanfranc (thinking it good reason that he should make a conquest of the English clergie, since his maister, King William, had vanquished the whole nation), contended at Windsor with Thomas Norman (Archbishop of Yorke) for the primacie, and there (by judgement before Hugo, the Pope's Legate) recovered it from him: so that ever since the one is called _Totius Angliæ primas_, and the other _Angliæ primas_, without any further addition. Of which judgement, one (forsooth) hath yielded this great reason: that even as the Kentish people, by an auncient prerogative of manhood, do challenge the first front in each battel, from the Inhabitants of other countries; so the Archbishop of their Shyre, ought by good congruence to be preferred before the rest of the Bishops of the whole Realme. Moreover, whereas before time, the place of this Archbishop in the generall Councell was to sit next to the Bishop of Sainct Ruffines, Anselmus, the successor of this Lanfranc (for recompence of the good service that hee had done, in ruffling against Priests' wives, and resisting the King for the investiture of clerks) was by Pope Urbane endowed with this accession of honour, that he and his Successours should from thencefoorth have place in all generall councels, at the Pope's right foote, who then said withall. 'Includamus hunc in orbe nostro, tanquam alterius orbis Papam.'" FRANCISCUS. _Dido and Æneas_ (Vol. iv., p. 423.).--I beg leave to transcribe for A. A. D. the following passage from the _Facetiæ Cantabrigiensis_, p. 95. (London, Charles Mason, 1836): "Porson observing that he could pun on any subject, a person present defied him to do so on the Latin gerunds, which however he immediately did in the following admirable couplet: 'When Dido found Æneas would not come, She mourned in silence, and was DI-DO-DUM.'" I have also seen these lines attributed to Porson in an old volume of _The Mirror_. Of any other authorities I have no knowledge. J. S. W. Stockwell. _Compositions during the Protectorate_ (Vol. iv., pp. 406. 490.).--W. H. L. suspects that there is an error in the list of these compositions for Lincolnshire, as given in Oldfield's _History of Wainfleet_, and asks, "Where is there any account or list of these?" H. F. refers W. H. L. to a small volume entitled _A Catalogue of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen that have compounded for their Estates_. London, 1655. I have compared Oldfield's list with the reprint of the _Catalogue_ (Chester, 1733), and find that, with some slight exceptions, they agree. Oldfield, however, omits the following compositions for Lincolnshire: £ _s._ _d._ "Benson, Clement, of North Kelsey, Gent. 120 0 0 Burcroft, Thomas, late of Waltham, _pro_ Frances and Jane, his sisters 70 0 0 Dalton, John, late of Barton on _Humber_ 46 0 0 Fines, Morris, of Christhead (Kirkstead) 50 0 0 Leesing, Thomas, of North Somercotes 12 7 6 Monson, Sir John, of South Carleton 2642 0 0 Moore, Alexander, of Grantham 350 0 0 Manson, Sir John, Jun., of North Thorpe 133 0 0 Thorold, Joseph, of Boston, Gent. 96 0 0 Whichcoat, Edward, of Bishop's Norton, Esq., with 50_l._ per annum settled 513 0 0." There are also a few discrepancies in the amounts of the compositions, but none of any importance. Roger Adams, the publisher of the edition of the _Catalogue_ printed at Chester in 1733, says, in the preliminary address to his subscribers, that-- "The Catalogue was printed five years before the miserable scene of oppression (by sequestration) closed. To supply the defects of it, I apply'd many ways, first to _Goldsmith's Hall_, where I was told the latter sequestrations were generally imposed; but the haste my friend was in, and some discouragements he met with, rendered this application unsuccessful." The error which W. H. L. suspects in Oldfield's list, may probably be corrected by application at Goldsmith's Hall. P. T. I was aware of the work, _A Catalogue, &c._, which contains also the error alluded to at p. 406. Will H. F. be so obliging as to say from what materials that work was compiled, and how the whole business of the compositions was managed? Some part of it was carried on at Goldsmith's Hall. Evelyn probably alludes to the compositions at p. 311. of vol. i. of his _Diary_, edition of 1850. W. H. L. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, SALES, CATALOGUES, ETC. When we consider how many indications are still discoverable, by those who know how to look for them, of the influence which the incursions of the Danes and Northmen into Britain have exercised upon our language, customs, and social and political condition; and that even the most cursory glance at the map of these islands will show in so many local names indisputable evidence of Danish occupation--evidence which is amply confirmed by many of our archaisms or provincialisms, our popular customs and observances,--when these things are considered, it is obvious that a work which should give us the result of these incursions, if written by a competent hand, must prove of great and general interest. Just such a book has been issued by Mr. Murray, under the title of _An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland_, by J. J. A. Worsaae. All who had the pleasure of making Mr. Worsaae's acquaintance when he visited this country in 1846-47, were aware that he possessed two qualifications essentially necessary for the proper execution of the task which he had undertaken. For his archæological acquirements were made patent (even to those who were unable to study his various antiquarian publications in Danish and German) by the English version of his _Primæval Antiquities of Denmark_; while his thorough mastery over our language was such as to enable him to pursue his researches into the period of our country's history which he proposed to illustrate, without the slightest let or hindrance. With a theme, then, which may be considered as novel as it is interesting (for it is the first attempt to view the subject _from the Danish side_), and with such abilities to do it justice, it is no wonder that Mr. Worsaae has produced a work which will, we are sure, be found to possess the double merit of not only gratifying the antiquary, but also of interesting, instructing, and amusing the general reader. To form a complete Encyclopædia of Classical Antiquity, it was necessary that to the _Dictionaries of Greek and Roman Antiquities_, and of _Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology_, should be added a _Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography_. That want is in the course of being supplied. The first Quarterly Part of such a _Dictionary_, called, for the sake of uniformity, "_of Greek and Roman Geography_," but including even Scriptural names, and so being in reality a _Dictionary of Ancient Geography_, edited by Dr. Smith, written by the principal contributors to the former works, and illustrated by numerous woodcuts, has just been issued. It equals its predecessors in its claims to the support of all students and lovers of classical learning; and we know no higher praise. We learn from _The Athenæum_ that Mr. George Stephens, the translator of Tegner's beautiful epic _Frithiof's Saga_, and whose intimate acquaintance with the early literature of Sweden has been shown by the collection of legends of that country which he has edited in conjunction with Hylten-Cavallius, and by the various works superintended by him for the _Svenska Fornskrift-Sällskapet_, a sort of Stockholm Camden Society, has removed to Copenhagen in consequence of his having been appointed Professor of the English Language and Literature in the University there. The subject of his first course of lectures--to be delivered in the present month--is, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. After this we shall be quite prepared to hear of a Danish translation of this masterpiece of the Father of English Poetry, as a companion to the recently published Swedish translations of Shakspeare. BOOKS RECEIVED.--_The Rhymed Chronicle of Edward Manlove concerning the Liberties and Customs of the Lead Mines within the Wapentake of Wirksworth, Derbyshire_, &c., edited by Thomas Tapping, Esq. This little tract (which with its valuable Glossary, List of Cases, &c., occupies but forty pages) is an extremely curious book; and the manner in which it has been edited reflects great credit upon Mr. Tapping.--_Neander's General History of the Christian Religion and Church_, vol. vi., forms the new volume of Bohn's _Standard Library_. The same indefatigable publisher has issued, as the new volume of his Classical Library, _The Odes of Pindar, literally translated into English Prose_, by Dawson W. Turner, M.A.; and, as if this was not sufficient, he has added the _Metrical Version by the late Abraham Moore_--a translation which he pronounces, and with great justice, to be distinguished for "poetry, scholarship, and taste." BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF DUBLIN. Vol. I. Part I. (Several Copies are wanting, and it is believed that many are lying in London or Dublin.) CH. THILLON (DE HALLE) NOUVELLE COLLECTION DES APOCRYPHES. Leipsic, 1832. THEOBALD'S SHAKSPEARE RESTORED, ETC. 4to. 1726. A SERMON preached at Fulham in 1810 by the REV. JOHN OWEN of Paglesham, on the death of Mrs. Prowse, Wicken Park, Northamptonshire (Hatchard). FÜSSLEIN, JOH. CONRAD, BEYTRÄGE ZUR ERLÄUTERUNG DER KIRCHEN-REFORMATIONS-GESCHICHTE DES SCHWEITZERLANDES. 5 vols. Zurich, 1741. [Star symbol] Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, _carriage free_ to be sent to MR. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street. Notices to Correspondents. _We have to regret being compelled to postpone until next week a valuable communication from the_ REV. JOSEPH MENDHAM _on the_ INDEX EXPURGATORIUS. W. F. S. _will find the subject of_ MORGANATIC MARRIAGES _treated in our_ 2nd Vol., pp. 72. 125. 231. 261. WILHELM, FRANZ ADOLPH, GERMANUS. _A letter will reach the accomplished lady to whom our correspondents refer, if addressed to_ 69. _Dean Street, Soho; or Craven Hill Cottage, Bayswater._ D. E. N. _will find the lines_: "Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low, An excellent thing in woman." _in_ King Lear, Act V. sc. 3. G. S. M. (Dublin) _will, we think, find all the information of which he is in search, in the Rev. J. C. Robertson's_ How shall we Conform to the Litany, _of which a new edition has, we believe, recently been published by Pickering._ ED. S. JACKSON. _We hope to write privately to this correspondent._ Sir J. EMERSON TENNENT'S _Reply to_ DN. _reached us at too late a period for insertion in this Number._ JOHN N. BAGNALL _will find his Query replied to in our last_ No. p. 39. W. P. A. _We hope to be able to give a very satisfactory Reply in a short time._ REPLIES RECEIVED--_Damasked Linen--Cabal--Planets of the Month--Apple Pie Order--Wyle Cop--Quarter Waggoner--Priory of Hertford--Epigram on Erasmus, &c., from_ J. R., _Cork--Number of the Children of Israel--Lowey of Tonbridge--Three Estates of the Realm--Richly deserved--Parish Registers--Objective and Subjective--Passage in Goldsmith--Conjunction of Planets, &c., from_ A. A. D.--_Lines on the Bible--Many Children at a Birth--Meaning of Stickle--Head of the Saviour, and others, from_ CLERICUS, _Dublin--John of Halifax--Portraits of Wolfe--Introduction of Stops, and Lives of the Poets--Preached in a Pulpit--Royal Library, &c., from our valued correspondent_ C.--_They that touch pitch, &c., from_ ESTE--_Marriage Tithe in Wales--Cockney--Smothering Hydrophobic Patients--Moravian Hymns--Old Morm--Age of Trees--New Zealand Legend--Chattes of Hazelle, &c., from_ J. K.--_Dictionary of Quotations--Dr. Johnson and Cibber's Lives--Praed's Charade--Verses on Clarendon._ _Neat Cases for holding the Numbers of_ "N. & Q." _until the completion of each Volume are now ready, price_ 1_s._ 6_d._, _and may be had by order of all booksellers and newsmen._ "NOTES AND QUERIES" _is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday._ Just published, 18mo. cloth, with Wood Engravings, price 2_s._ JOURNAL of the BISHOP of COLOMBO through a PORTION of his DIOCESE: including an Account of the First Episcopal Visit to the Islands of Mauritius and the Sechelles, from February to September 1850. In fcp. 8vo. price 1_s._ 6_d._ with a New Map of the Bishop's Route. JOURNAL of the BISHOP of CAPETOWN'S VISITATION TOUR in 1850. The Journal herein recorded occupied nine months and was performed mostly in a waggon or on foot, through the Karroo, the Orange Sovereignty, British Kaffraria, and the Eastern Province. The above, with the Bishop's Journal of 1848, in One Volume, cloth, price 36s. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, sewed, price 2_s._; cloth, gilt edges 2_s._ 6_d._ VERSES for 1851; in Commemoration of the Third Jubilee of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Edited by the Rev. ERNEST HAWKINS. Fcp. 8vo. with Wood Engravings, price 5_s._ cloth. INDIAN MISSIONS in GUIANA. By the Rev. W. H. BRELL. "A publication like this is peculiarly well-timed at the moment when the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel is celebrating its Jubilee. The volume before us will tell the nature of the work which is being quietly done by the missionaries of this Society in foreign parts. There is an immensity of much interesting detail throughout this volume, and we trust it may obtain a wide circulation."--_English Review._ THE GOSPEL MISSIONARY: a Magazine of Missionary and Colonial Intelligence, addressed chiefly to the Humbler Members of our Congregations and the Children of our Schools. Published Monthly, price One Half-penny. Vol. I., containing Nos. 1. to 12. neatly bound in cloth, is now ready, price 1_s._ Country Subscribers are requested to order through their Booksellers. Published for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, by GEORGE BELL. 186. Fleet Street, London. IRISH ETHNOLOGY SOCIALLY AND POLITICALLY CONSIDERED; embracing a General Outline of the Celtic and Saxon Races, with Practical Inferences. By GEORGE ELLIS, M.B., T.C.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland. Dublin: HODGES & SMITH. London: HAMILTON, ADAMS & CO. Second edition, 12mo., cloth 3_s._, with Illustrations. THE BELL, its Origin, History, and Uses. By the Rev. 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Price Fourpence of any Bookseller, PERMANENTLY ENLARGED TO TWENTY-FOUR LARGE QUARTO PAGES. THE ANTHENÆUM JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART; (Stamped to go free by post, 5d.) CONTAINS:-- +Reviews+, with copious extracts, of every important New English Book, and of the more important Foreign Works. +Reports+ of the Proceedings of the Learned and Scientific Societies, with Abstracts of all Papers of Interest. +Authentic Accounts+ of all Scientific Voyages and Expeditions. +Criticisms on Art+, with Critical Notices of Exhibitions, Picture Collections, New Prints, &c. +Music and Drama+, including Reports on the Opera, Concerts, Theatres, New Music, &c. +Biographical Notices+ of Men distinguished in Literature, Science, and Art. +Original Papers and Poems+. +Miscellanea+, including all that is likely to interest the informed and intelligent. THE ATHENÆUM is so conducted that the reader, however far distant, is, in respect to Literature, Science, and the Arts, on an equality in point of information, with the best-informed circles of the Metropolis. [Star symbol] The ATHENÆum is published every SATURDAY, but is re-issued each Month stitched in a wrapper. Wholesale Agents: for SCOTLAND, Messrs. Bell & Bradfute, Edinburgh; for IRELAND, Mr. John Robertson, Dublin; for FRANCE, M. Baudry, 3. Quai Malaquais, Paris. STATE PAPERS AND AUTOGRAPHS. PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on TUESDAY, January 20th, an important assemblage of State Papers and Documents, enriched with numerous Royal and other Autographs: many of them relating to interesting and memorable periods, persons, and incidents in British History during the last three centuries. Catalogues will be sent on application (if in the country, on receipt of six stamps). 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It is a book which we can, on this account, safely and warmly recommend to all who are interested in the antiquities of their native land."--_Literary Gazette._ "A book of such utility--so concise, so clear, so well condensed from such varied and voluminous sources--cannot fail to be generally acceptable."--_Art Union._ COINS. An Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins. By J. Y. AKERMAN. Fcp. 8vo. with numerous wood engravings, from the original coins, 6_s._ 6_d._ COINS OF THE ROMANS RELATING TO BRITAIN, described and illustrated. By J. Y. AKERMAN, F.S.A. Second edition, 8vo. greatly enlarged with plates and woodcuts, 10_s._ 6_d._ cloth. BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA LITERARIA; or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in Chronological Order. By THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., F.S.A., Member of the Institute of France. 2 thick vols. 8vo. cloth. Vol. I. Anglo-Saxon Period. Vol. II. Anglo-Norman Period. 6_s._ each, published at 12_s._ each. 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By JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, F.R.S., F.S.A., &c., 2 vols. 8vo. containing upwards of 1,000 pages, closely printed in double columns, cloth. 1_l._ 1_s._ It contains about 50,000 Words (embodying all the known scattered Glossaries of the English language), forming a complete key to the reading of the works of our old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other authors, whose works abound with allusions, of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries and books of reference. Most of the principal Archaisms are illustrated by examples selected from early inedited MSS. and rare books, and by far the greater portion will be found to be original authorities. A DELECTUS IN ANGLO-SAXON. intended as a first Class-book in the Language. By the Rev. W. 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BOSWORTH'S (REV. DR.) COMPENDIOUS ANGLO-SAXON AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 8vo. closely printed in treble columns, cloth, 12_s._ "This is not a mere abridgment of the large Dictionary, but almost an entirely new work. In this compendious one will be found, at a very moderate price, all that is most practical and valuable in the former expensive edition, with a great accession of new words and matter."--_Author's Preface._ ANALECTA ANGLO-SAXONICA. Selections in Prose and Verse from Anglo-Saxon Literature, with an Introductory Ethnological Essay, and Notes, critical and explanatory. By LOUIS F. KLIPSTEIN, of the University of Giessen, 2 thick vols. post 8vo. cloth. 12_s._ (original price 18_s._) A LITTLE BOOK OF SONGS AND BALLADS, gathered from Ancient Musick Books, MS. and Printed. By E. F. RIMBAULT, LL.D., &c. Post 8vo. pp. 240, half-bound in morocco, 6_s._ ----Antique Ballads, sung to crowds of old, Now cheaply bought for thrice their weight in gold. BIBLIOTHECA MADRIGALIANA; a Bibliographical Account of the Music and Poetical Works published in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, &c. By DR. RIMBAULT. 8vo. cloth, 5_s._ CONSUETUDINES KANCIÆ. A History of GAVELKIND, and other remarkable Customs in the County of KENT, by CHARLES SANDYS, Esq., F.S.A. (Cantianus), illustrated with fac-similes, a very handsome volume, 8vo. cloth, 15_s._ BRUCE'S (REV. J. C.) HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF THE ROMAN WALL FROM THE TYNE TO THE SOLWAY. Thick 8vo. 35 plates and 194 woodcuts, half morocco, 1_l._ 1_s._ Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.--Saturday, January 17., 1852. [Transcriber's Note: List of volumes and content pages in "Notes and Queries", Vol. I.-V.] +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. I. | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 1 | November 3, 1849 | 1 - 17 | PG # 8603 | | Vol. I No. 2 | November 10, 1849 | 18 - 32 | PG # 11265 | | Vol. I No. 3 | November 17, 1849 | 33 - 46 | PG # 11577 | | Vol. I No. 4 | November 24, 1849 | 49 - 63 | PG # 13513 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 5 | December 1, 1849 | 65 - 80 | PG # 11636 | | Vol. I No. 6 | December 8, 1849 | 81 - 95 | PG # 13550 | | Vol. I No. 7 | December 15, 1849 | 97 - 112 | PG # 11651 | | Vol. I No. 8 | December 22, 1849 | 113 - 128 | PG # 11652 | | Vol. I No. 9 | December 29, 1849 | 130 - 144 | PG # 13521 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 10 | January 5, 1850 | 145 - 160 | PG # | | Vol. I No. 11 | January 12, 1850 | 161 - 176 | PG # 11653 | | Vol. I No. 12 | January 19, 1850 | 177 - 192 | PG # 11575 | | Vol. I No. 13 | January 26, 1850 | 193 - 208 | PG # 11707 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 14 | February 2, 1850 | 209 - 224 | PG # 13558 | | Vol. I No. 15 | February 9, 1850 | 225 - 238 | PG # 11929 | | Vol. I No. 16 | February 16, 1850 | 241 - 256 | PG # 16193 | | Vol. I No. 17 | February 23, 1850 | 257 - 271 | PG # 12018 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 18 | March 2, 1850 | 273 - 288 | PG # 13544 | | Vol. I No. 19 | March 9, 1850 | 289 - 309 | PG # 13638 | | Vol. I No. 20 | March 16, 1850 | 313 - 328 | PG # 16409 | | Vol. I No. 21 | March 23, 1850 | 329 - 343 | PG # 11958 | | Vol. I No. 22 | March 30, 1850 | 345 - 359 | PG # 12198 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 23 | April 6, 1850 | 361 - 376 | PG # 12505 | | Vol. I No. 24 | April 13, 1850 | 377 - 392 | PG # 13925 | | Vol. I No. 25 | April 20, 1850 | 393 - 408 | PG # 13747 | | Vol. I No. 26 | April 27, 1850 | 409 - 423 | PG # 13822 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 27 | May 4, 1850 | 425 - 447 | PG # 13712 | | Vol. I No. 28 | May 11, 1850 | 449 - 463 | PG # 13684 | | Vol. I No. 29 | May 18, 1850 | 465 - 479 | PG # 15197 | | Vol. I No. 30 | May 25, 1850 | 481 - 495 | PG # 13713 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. II. | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 31 | June 1, 1850 | 1- 15 | PG # 12589 | | Vol. II No. 32 | June 8, 1850 | 17- 32 | PG # 15996 | | Vol. II No. 33 | June 15, 1850 | 33- 48 | PG # 26121 | | Vol. II No. 34 | June 22, 1850 | 49- 64 | PG # 22127 | | Vol. II No. 35 | June 29, 1850 | 65- 79 | PG # 22126 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 36 | July 6, 1850 | 81- 96 | PG # 13361 | | Vol. II No. 37 | July 13, 1850 | 97-112 | PG # 13729 | | Vol. II No. 38 | July 20, 1850 | 113-128 | PG # 13362 | | Vol. II No. 39 | July 27, 1850 | 129-143 | PG # 13736 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 40 | August 3, 1850 | 145-159 | PG # 13389 | | Vol. II No. 41 | August 10, 1850 | 161-176 | PG # 13393 | | Vol. II No. 42 | August 17, 1850 | 177-191 | PG # 13411 | | Vol. II No. 43 | August 24, 1850 | 193-207 | PG # 13406 | | Vol. II No. 44 | August 31, 1850 | 209-223 | PG # 13426 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 45 | September 7, 1850 | 225-240 | PG # 13427 | | Vol. II No. 46 | September 14, 1850 | 241-256 | PG # 13462 | | Vol. II No. 47 | September 21, 1850 | 257-272 | PG # 13936 | | Vol. II No. 48 | September 28, 1850 | 273-288 | PG # 13463 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 49 | October 5, 1850 | 289-304 | PG # 13480 | | Vol. II No. 50 | October 12, 1850 | 305-320 | PG # 13551 | | Vol. II No. 51 | October 19, 1850 | 321-351 | PG # 15232 | | Vol. II No. 52 | October 26, 1850 | 353-367 | PG # 22624 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 53 | November 2, 1850 | 369-383 | PG # 13540 | | Vol. II No. 54 | November 9, 1850 | 385-399 | PG # 22138 | | Vol. II No. 55 | November 16, 1850 | 401-415 | PG # 15216 | | Vol. II No. 56 | November 23, 1850 | 417-431 | PG # 15354 | | Vol. II No. 57 | November 30, 1850 | 433-454 | PG # 15405 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 58 | December 7, 1850 | 457-470 | PG # 21503 | | Vol. II No. 59 | December 14, 1850 | 473-486 | PG # 15427 | | Vol. II No. 60 | December 21, 1850 | 489-502 | PG # 24803 | | Vol. II No. 61 | December 28, 1850 | 505-524 | PG # 16404 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. III. | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 62 | January 4, 1851 | 1- 15 | PG # 15638 | | Vol. III No. 63 | January 11, 1851 | 17- 31 | PG # 15639 | | Vol. III No. 64 | January 18, 1851 | 33- 47 | PG # 15640 | | Vol. III No. 65 | January 25, 1851 | 49- 78 | PG # 15641 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 66 | February 1, 1851 | 81- 95 | PG # 22339 | | Vol. III No. 67 | February 8, 1851 | 97-111 | PG # 22625 | | Vol. III No. 68 | February 15, 1851 | 113-127 | PG # 22639 | | Vol. III No. 69 | February 22, 1851 | 129-159 | PG # 23027 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 70 | March 1, 1851 | 161-174 | PG # 23204 | | Vol. III No. 71 | March 8, 1851 | 177-200 | PG # 23205 | | Vol. III No. 72 | March 15, 1851 | 201-215 | PG # 23212 | | Vol. III No. 73 | March 22, 1851 | 217-231 | PG # 23225 | | Vol. III No. 74 | March 29, 1851 | 233-255 | PG # 23282 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 75 | April 5, 1851 | 257-271 | PG # 23402 | | Vol. III No. 76 | April 12, 1851 | 273-294 | PG # 26896 | | Vol. III No. 77 | April 19, 1851 | 297-311 | PG # 26897 | | Vol. III No. 78 | April 26, 1851 | 313-342 | PG # 26898 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 79 | May 3, 1851 | 345-359 | PG # 26899 | | Vol. III No. 80 | May 10, 1851 | 361-382 | PG # 32495 | | Vol. III No. 81 | May 17, 1851 | 385-399 | PG # 29318 | | Vol. III No. 82 | May 24, 1851 | 401-415 | PG # 28311 | | Vol. III No. 83 | May 31, 1851 | 417-440 | PG # 36835 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 84 | June 7, 1851 | 441-472 | PG # 37379 | | Vol. III No. 85 | June 14, 1851 | 473-488 | PG # 37403 | | Vol. III No. 86 | June 21, 1851 | 489-511 | PG # 37496 | | Vol. III No. 87 | June 28, 1851 | 513-528 | PG # 37516 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. IV. | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 88 | July 5, 1851 | 1- 15 | PG # 37548 | | Vol. IV No. 89 | July 12, 1851 | 17- 31 | PG # 37568 | | Vol. IV No. 90 | July 19, 1851 | 33- 47 | PG # 37593 | | Vol. IV No. 91 | July 26, 1851 | 49- 79 | PG # 37778 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 92 | August 2, 1851 | 81- 94 | PG # 38324 | | Vol. IV No. 93 | August 9, 1851 | 97-112 | PG # 38337 | | Vol. IV No. 94 | August 16, 1851 | 113-127 | PG # 38350 | | Vol. IV No. 95 | August 23, 1851 | 129-144 | PG # 38386 | | Vol. IV No. 96 | August 30, 1851 | 145-167 | PG # 38405 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 97 | Sept. 6, 1851 | 169-183 | PG # 38433 | | Vol. IV No. 98 | Sept. 13, 1851 | 185-200 | PG # 38491 | | Vol. IV No. 99 | Sept. 20, 1851 | 201-216 | PG # 38574 | | Vol. IV No. 100 | Sept. 27, 1851 | 217-246 | PG # 38656 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 101 | Oct. 4, 1851 | 249-264 | PG # 38701 | | Vol. IV No. 102 | Oct. 11, 1851 | 265-287 | PG # 38773 | | Vol. IV No. 103 | Oct. 18, 1851 | 289-303 | PG # 38864 | | Vol. IV No. 104 | Oct. 25, 1851 | 305-333 | PG # 38926 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 105 | Nov. 1, 1851 | 337-358 | PG # 39076 | | Vol. IV No. 106 | Nov. 8, 1851 | 361-374 | PG # 39091 | | Vol. IV No. 107 | Nov. 15, 1851 | 377-396 | PG # 39135 | | Vol. IV No. 108 | Nov. 22, 1851 | 401-414 | PG # 39197 | | Vol. IV No. 109 | Nov. 29, 1851 | 417-430 | PG # 39233 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 110 | Dec. 6, 1851 | 433-460 | PG # 39338 | | Vol. IV No. 111 | Dec. 13, 1851 | 465-478 | PG # 39393 | | Vol. IV No. 112 | Dec. 20, 1851 | 481-494 | PG # 39438 | | Vol. IV No. 113 | Dec. 27, 1851 | 497-510 | PG # 39503 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. V. | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 114 | January 3, 1852 | 1-18 | PG # 40171 | | Vol. V No. 115 | January 10, 1852 | 25-45 | PG # 40582 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol I. Index. [Nov. 1849-May 1850] | PG # 13536 | | INDEX TO THE SECOND VOLUME. MAY-DEC., 1850 | PG # 13571 | | INDEX TO THE THIRD VOLUME. JAN.-JUNE, 1851 | PG # 26770 | | INDEX TO THE FOURTH VOLUME. JULY-DEC., 1851 | PG # 40166 | +------------------------------------------------+------------+ *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NOTES AND QUERIES, VOL. V, NUMBER 116, JANUARY 17, 1852 *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. 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