Title: Notes and Queries, Index to Ninth Volume, January-June 1854
Author: Various
Editor: George Bell
Release date: June 12, 2013 [eBook #42922]
Most recently updated: October 23, 2024
Language: English
Credits: Produced by Charlene Taylor, Jonathan Ingram, Keith Edkins
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[For classified articles, see Anonymous Works, Notices of New Books, Epigrams, Epitaphs, Folk Lore, Inscriptions, Photography, Proverbs, Quotations, Shakspeare, and Songs and Ballads. Articles with an asterisk (*) prefixed denote unanswered Queries at the date of Publication.]
Abbott families, 105. 233. 458.
Aberbrothock, or Arbroath, 519.
Abigail, a lady's maid, 359.
Abscond, its primary meaning, 347.
Aches rhyming with artches, 351. 409. 571.
Acrostic in Ash Church, Kent, 146.
—— on Johannes Glanvill, 322.
Addison and Watts, 373. 424.
Ætna, journey to the crater of, 563.
Ague, charm for the, 242.
Ἀιὼν, its derivation, 192.
Alderley, the old clock at, 269.
Alfred (king), pedigree to his time, 233. 338. 552.
* Alibenistic order of freemasons, 56.
Alison (Sir Archibald) in error, 196.
Almanacs, books of, 561.
Altar, reverence to, 566.
Alva (Duke of) noticed, 76. 158.
Ambiguity in public writing, 52.
Ambry, its meaning, 459.
American languages, ancient, 194.
—— poems imputed to English authors, 377.
Amontillado sherry, 222. 336. 474.
Ampers and, its meaning, 43.
Anachronisms, 367.
Anagram on Charles Stuart, 42.
"Ancren Riwle," MSS. of, 5.
André (Major) noticed, 111. 520.
* Andrews (Bishop), puns in his sermons, 350.
Annandale (the last Marquis), 248.
* Anne of Geierstein, noticed, 36.
Anne (Queen), her motto, 20. 78.
Anonymous Works:—
* Adventures in the Moon, 245.
* Athenian Sport, 350.
* Austria as it Is, 542.
Bruce, Robert I., his Acts and Life, 452.
Christabel, the Third Part, 18.
Cobler of Aggawam, 517.
* Cow Doctor, 246.
* Ded. Pavli, 302.
* Es tu Scolaris, 540.
* Gentleman's Calling, 175.
* Historical Reminiscences of O'Byrnes, O'Tooles, and other Irish chieftains, 11.
* Innocents, a drama, 272.
Les Lettres Juives, 160.
Letter to a Member of Parliament, by W. W., 515.
Liber Passionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, 447.
* Life of Lamenther, 173.
* Lights, Shadows, and Reflections of Whigs and Tories, 245.
Lounger's Common-place Book, 174. 258.
* Lydia, or Conversion, 76.
Lyra Apostolica, 304. 407.
Marriage in High Life, 590.
Merciful Judgment of High Church, 97. 160.
* Negro's Complaint, 246.
* New Holland, Account of an Expedition to, 271.
Obsolete Statutes: A Letter to a Member of Parliament, 562.
* Original Poems, by C. R., 541.
* Outlines of the History of Theology, 303.
Pinch of Snuff 408.
* Posthumous Parodies, 244.
Rodondo, or the State Jugglers, 589.
Salmon's Lives of English Bishops, 175.
* Shipwrecked Lovers, 450.
* Soomarokoff's Demetrius, its translator, 246.
Trevelyan, 590.
Turks in Europe, 542.
* Village Lawyer, 493.
Whitelocke's Memorials, 127.
Whole Duty of Man, 551.
Wilkins (Peter), 543.
Ansareys on Mount Lebanon, 169.
Antipodes, what day at our? 288.
Antiquarian documents, 513.
Antiquaries, Society of, annual meeting, 410.
their collection of portraits, 138.
Apocryphal works, 542.
Apparition of the White Lady, 431.
* Apparition which preceded the Fire of London, 541.
Arabian Nights' Entertainments, omission in, 44.
Arabian tales and their sources, 319.
Archaic words, 491.
Arch-Priest of Exeter, 105. 185. 312. 568.
Aristotle on living Law, 373. 457. 529.
Armorial queries, 398. 421.
* Arms, French or Flemish, 541.
Arms, royal, in churches, 327.
* Army lists for seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, 589.
* Army, scarlet regimentals of, 55.
Artesian wells, 222. 283. 499.
Arthuriana, 371.
* Arundel (Richard Fitz-Alan, ninth earl), 516.
* Ascension-day custom, 9.
* Ascham (Roger), his letters, 588.
Asgill on Translation to Heaven, 376.
Ashmans, pictures at, 86.
Ashton (Ralph) the commander, 272. 325.
Aska or Asca, 488.
Asteroids, or recently discovered planets, 36. 129.
* Atchievement in Yorkshire, 349.
Athens, a violet-crowned city, 496. 575.
* Atherstone family, 221.
Atonement, its theological use, 271. 503.
Atterbury (Bishop), his portrait, 163. 395.
Augustine on clairvoyance, 511.
Authors and publishers, hint to, 31.
Authors, remuneration of, 404.
Authors' Trustee Society, 269.
Awkward, its etymology, 480.
Awkward, or awart, a provincialism, 209.
Back, Bristol localities, 517.
Bacon (Lord) and Bishop Andrews, 466.
* Bacon (Lord) and Sir Simon D'Ewes, 76.
Baker (Thomas), letter to Humphry Wanley, 7.
Balaam box, 483.
Bale (John), Bishop of Ossory, 324. 407.
* Bale (John), his work on libraries, 589.
Ballina Castle, Mayo, 311.
Barbour (John), Scottish metrical historian, 453.
Barmecides' feast, 543.
Barrels regiment, 63. 159. 545.
Barrett (Eaton Stannard), poem on Woman, 17.
Barristers' gowns, 323.
* Bart (Jean), his descent on Newcastle, 451.
Barton (Mrs. C.) and Lord Halifax, 18.
Bateman (Christopher), bookseller, 585.
Bathurst (Dr.), Bishop of Norwich, 422.
Battel at the universities, 326.
* Battles, description of, wanted, 246.
Baxter (Richard) on apparitions, 12. 62.
——, inscription on his pulpit, 31.
B. C. Y. characters, 149.
Beattie (Dr.) on the English liturgy, 466.
Bee, the wandering, 370.
Bees, legends respecting, 167.
—— on bartering for, 446.
Belgium ecclesiastical antiquities, 386.
Bell inscriptions, 109. 592.
Bell at Rouen, 233. 529.
Bell literature, 240. 310.
Bell, why tolled on leaving church, 125. 311. 567.
Belle Sauvage, its derivation, 44. 89.
Bellman at Newgate, 565.
* Berkhampstead records, 56.
* Bersethrigumnue, its meaning, 373.
Bible, an illustrated one of 1527, 352. 504.
Bible, Breeches, an imperfect one, 273.
Bible Society of the Roman Catholics, 41. 111.
Bibles, errata in, 391.
—— reprints of early, 487.
Bickford (Wm.), letter to Rev. Mr. Amory, 7.
Bigot, its derivation, 560.
Binding of old books, how polished, 401.
Bingham's Antiquities, queries in, 197. 308.
* Bingham (Sir John) noticed, 450.
* Birds, marvellous combat of, 303.
Birm-bank, its derivation, 12.
Bishops' kennel of hounds, 247. 432.
—— tombs, 146.
* Black cap of the judges, 399.
Blackguard, its original meaning, 15. 153. 503.
Blase (St.), his festival at Norwich, 353.
* Blechenden family, 422.
Blessington (Countess of), her letter to Sir Wm. Drummond, 268.
B. L. M., Italian subscription, explained, 43.
Bloater or herring, explained, 347.
Bloet (Robert) noticed, 105. 181.
Blue Bell and Blue Anchor, sign, 86.
Blue Bells of Scotland, 209. 600.
* Board of Trade in seventeenth century, 562.
* Bohemia (Queen of) and a foreign order, 10.
Böhme (Jacob), 151.
Bolle (Sir John) of Thorpe Hall, 305.
Books burnt by the hangman, 78. 226. 425.
Books in parts not completed, 147. 258.
Books, Notices of New:—
Ackerman's Remains of Pagan Saxondom, 313.
Ada's Thoughts, or the Poetry of Youth, 21.
Addison's Works, by Bishop Hurd, 90. 313. 458.
Arundel Society publications, 289.
Autograph Miscellany, 90.
Banfield's Statistical Companion, 458.
Beauties of Byron, 21.
Bell's edition of the British Poets, 138. 554.
Bray's Peep at the Pixies, 21.
Bristol, Curiosities of, 210.
Brook's Russians of the South, 90.
Condé's Arabs in Spain, 410.
Conversations on Geography, 289.
Croker's Correspondence with Lord John Russell, 210.
Custine (M. de) upon Russia, 289.
D'Arblay's Diary and Letters, 289. 410. 433. 505.
Darling's Cyclopædia Bibliographica, 66. 234. 313. 339. 458. 554.
Dod's Peerage for 1854, 46.
Dryden's Works, by R. Bell, 66. 458.
Durriew's Present State of Morocco, 433.
Essays from The Times, 410.
Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, 21.
Foster's Elements of Jurisprudence, 210.
Gibbon's Rome (Bohn's), 163. 387.
Gibbon's Rome (Murray's), 234. 338.
Giffard's Deeds of Naval Daring, 433.
Göthe's Novels and Tales, 66.
Goldsmith's Works, by Peter Cunningham, 45. 138. 458. 554.
Harley (Lady Brilliana), her letters, 210.
Hunt's Manual of Photography, 458.
Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, 289.
Journal of Sacred Literature, 66. 339.
Keightley's Mythology of Ancient Greece, 288.
Lanman's Adventures in North America, 234.
Lardner's Museum of Science and Art, 162.
Lloyd on the Shield of Achilles, 338.
Locke's Works, 505.
Lower's Contributions to Literature, 162.
Lushington's Points of War, 505.
Macaulay's Critical and Historical Essays, 234. 339. 433. 554.
Macaulay's Speeches on Parliamentary Reform, 21.
MacCabe's Catholic History of England, 504.
Mantell's Geological Excursions, 162.
Marley's Life of Girolamo Cardano, 313.
Munch's Scandinavian History, 410.
Museum of Science and Art, 66.
Netherclift's Autograph Miscellany, 289.
Pepys's Diary and Correspondence, 234.
Petit's Architectural Studies in France, 313.
Pryce's Memorials of the Canynges, 138.
Pulman's Book of the Axe, 387.
Retrospective Review, 162. 458.
Reumont's Carafas of Maddaloni, 210.
Roll of the Household Expenses of Richard de Swinfield, 458.
St. George's Visitation of Northumberland, 21.
Scott's Poet's Children, 505.
Smee on the Eye, 338.
Smith (Sydney), his writings, 554.
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, 66.
Southey's Works and Correspondence of Cowper, 313. 339.
Stratford Shakspeare, by C. Knight, 90.
Strickland's Lives of the Queens, 162. 313. 339. 458. 554.
Tieck's Midsummer Night, 289.
Timbs's Curiosities of London, 21.
Trollope's Illustrations of Ancient Art, 162.
Ure's Dictionary of Arts, &c., 288.
Waagen's Treasures of Art in Great Britain, 433.
Waddington on John Penry the martyr, 410.
Wiffen's Tasso's Jerusalem, 387.
Zeitschrift für Deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde, 505.
Books, on mutilating, 585.
—— varnish for old, 423.
Booty's case, 137.
Bosvill (Ralph) of Bradbourn, Kent, 467.
Botanic names, their derivation, 537.
Bothy system, 305. 432. 527.
Botiller (Theobald le), 336.
Bourbons, the fusion of the, 323. 431.
Bowly (Devreux), horologist, 173. 285.
* Boyle family, 494.
* Braddock (Gen.) noticed, 11. 562.
Bradford (John) the martyr, his writings, 449. 552.
* Bragge (Dr.) noticed, 126.
Braithwait (Richard), 163.
Branks, or gossips' bridles, 149. 336. 578.
Brass in All Saints, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 273.
Brasses, monumental, on their destruction, 268. 326.
Breeches Bible, an imperfect one, 273.
* Brerewood (Edward), his portrait, 173.
Bribery, the first instance, 447.
* Brighton old church, hand in chancel, 148.
Brill near old St. Pancras Church, 288.
* Bristol compliment, 541.
* Britons, works on the early, 399.
Brooks (Rev. Joshua) noticed, 64.
Broom at the mast-head, 518.
Brothers of the same christian name, 43. 185.
Brown (Robert) the separatist, 494. 572.
Brown (Sir Adam and Sir Ambrose), 564.
Browne (Francis) noticed, 41.
Browne (Sir T.) and Bishop Ken, 220.
Bruce, Robert I., his acts and life, 452.
Brydone the tourist, his birth-place, 138. 255. 305. 432. 496.
Buckle, its meaning, 576.
* Bunn's Old England and New England, 451.
Bunyan (John), his manuscripts, 104. 125.
—— descendants, 223.
Buonaparte's abdication, 51. 183.
Burial in erect posture, 88. 279. 407.
Burial service tradition, 451. 550.
Burke (Edmund), his domestic letters, 9. 207.
Burnet (Bishop), his character, 448.
noticed, 175.
Burton family, 19. 183.
Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, 191. 333.
* Butler (Colonel) noticed, 422.
Butler's Lives of the Saints, various editions, 360.
* Button Cap, his legend, 272.
"-by," as a termination, 136. 522.
Byron and Rochefoucauld, 347. 553.
Byron's Childe Harold, 481.
Byron, the fifth Lord, noticed, 18. 232.
Cabbages, when introduced into England, 424. 578.
Calchanti, its meaning, 36. 84. 183.
Caldecott's Translation of the New Testament, 600.
Calves'-head club, 15. 88.
Cambridge Mathematical Questions, 35. 184. 338.
Cambridge Supernatural Phenomena Society, 150.
Camden Society Annual Meeting, 433.
—— Memorial on the Prerogative Office, 215.
Came, its early use, 82. 112.
Campbell (Thomas) quoted, 73.
Canaletto's views round London, 106. 288. 337.
Canne's Bible of 1756, 563.
Cant, origin of the word, 103.
Canterbury see, its privileges, 286.
Canting arms, 146. 256.
Caps at Cambridge, 27. 130.
Captain, Latinized, 543.
"Captivate," its original meaning, 8.
Carausius, his supposed coin, 148. 287.
Carcases, productions of different, 227.
Caricature: A Canterbury Tale, 351. 433.
* Carlos (Sir Wm.), his arms and motto, 10.
Carlos or Careless (William), monumental inscription, 305.
Carol of the kings, 53.
Carronade, its derivation, 246. 408.
Cash, its derivation, 66.
Cassie, a corruption of Causeway, 396. 574.
Cassiterides, origin of the name, 64. 111.
Cassock of the clergy, 101. 337. 479.
Cattle, disease among, 445.
Cawley the regicide, 247. 361.
Celt, its derivation, 86.
Celtic and Latin languages, 14. 137. 356. 492.
Celtic etymology, 40. 136. 205.
* Celtic in Devon, 373.
Cephas, a binder, and not a rock, 368. 500.
Centum sign, 451.
* Chadderton of Nuthurst, 303.
* Chair, or char, a provincialism, 351.
Chamisso's poem quoted, 396.
Chapel Sunday, 527.
Charles I. at Little Woolford, 219.
* Charles I., his commission at Oxford, 495.
—— his officers, 74. 286.
Charles II., his letters to the Grand Masters of Malta, 263. 266. 442.
Charles (Prince), his attendants in Spain, 272. 334.
Charming in Hampshire, 446.
Charteris (Col.) noticed, 115.
Chattel property in Ireland, 394.
Chauncy, or Chancy, noticed, 126. 286.
Chess, antiquity of the game, 224.
Children by one mother, 186. 572.
Children crying at their birth, 343.
"Children in the Wood," the scene of, 305.
* Chintz gowns, 397.
Chisels, stone, 321.
* "Chopping the tree" at Oxford, 468.
Christ-cross row, 162. 231.
Christ's or Cris-cross row, 457.
Christian names doubled, 45. 232. 359.
* Christmas ballad, 325.
Chronograms, 11. 60.
Church porch, right of refuge in, 325. 597.
Church towers detached, 20.
Church usages, ancient, 127. 257. 566.
Churches in Domesday Book, 355.
Churches in the City of London, a plea for, 51.
Churchill's grave, 123. 234. 334.
Churching custom in Hampshire, 446.
Cicero quoted, 111.
Ciss, cissle, &c., 148. 334.
Clairvoyance noticed by St. Augustine, 511.
Clare legends, 73. 145. 490.
Clarence dukedom, 45. 85. 224.
Clarendon (Lord) and the tubwoman, 45.
Clarke (Dr. E. D.), his Charts of the Black Sea, 132. 456.
Classic authors and the Jews, 221. 384. 478.
* Clendon (John) noticed, 56.
Clito, its meaning, 459.
* Clock, an ancient one, 302.
Clubs, origin of, 327. 383.
Clunk, its meaning, 208.
Cobb family, 272. 409.
Cock-and-bull story, 209.
Coincidences, 466.
Cold-Harbour, 107.
Cole (J. W.), his edition of Othello, 375.
Coleridge's Christabel, 455. 529.
—— unpublished MSS., 496. 543. 591.
Coleshill, ancient custom at, 376.
* Collis (Thomas) noticed, 56.
* Columbarium in a church tower, 541.
Commin (Faithful), 515. 578.
"Commons of Ireland before the Union," 35. 160.
Conduitt and Sir Isaac Newton, 195.
Conjunctions joining propositions, 180. 279.
Consilium novem delectorum Cardinalium, &c., 127. 252. 380. 518.
* Consolato del Mare, 271.
* Constable of Masham, 198.
Convocation and the Propagation Society, 574.
* Convocation, perpetual curates not represented in, 351.
* Convocation, the position of suffragan bishops in, 35.
Cook (Capt.), his pedigree, 423.
Copernicus, inscription on his tomb, 447. 553.
* Corbet, a Scottish family, 515.
Cornwalls of London, 304. 576.
Coronation custom, 453.
—— stone, 123. 328.
Coroner's inquests, 483.
Corporation enactments, 300. 528. 553.
"Corporations have no souls," &c., 284. 431.
Corpulence a crime, 196.
Cotterell (Sir Charles) noticed, 19. 208.
Cottoner (Ralph), Grand Master at Malta, 264.
* Courtney family, 450.
* Cowperiana, 421.
* Crabb of Telsford, 125.
* Crabbe (Rev. Geo.), his manuscripts, 35.
Crampette, in heraldry, 459.
Cranmer's Bible, 111. 334.
—— martyrdom, 392. 547. 590.
Crecy, the Irish at the battle of, 517.
Crenellate, licences to, 220. 276.
* Crewkerne (Henry) of Exeter, 467.
Cromwell (Bridget), her children by Fleetwood, 36.
Cromwell (Oliver), his carriages, 87. 306.
Cromwellian documents in Lambeth Palace, 386.
Cromwellian gloves, 538.
Cross, its anticipatory use, 360.
Culet explained, 36.
* Cunninghame (Mr. P.) noticed, 75.
Curiosities of Literature, some recent ones, 31. 136. 475.
Dannocks, its derivation, 272.
* Dante in Latin, 467.
* Darcy of Platten, 247.
Dartmouth (first Lord), his monument, 51.
Darwin on Steam, 271. 408.
* Dates of published works, 148.
Daughters taking their mothers' names, 20. 230.
David's mother, 42.
D'Aye (Robert), Cromwell's descendant, 88.
Dead, society for burning the, 76.
Death-warnings in ancient families, 55. 114. 150. 335.
De Beauvoir pedigree, 349. 596.
Defoe (Daniel) on apparitions, 12. 62.
* Degrees in Arts at Edinburgh, 304.
* De Gurney pedigree, 324.
* De la Fond, inscription on his engraving, 272.
De Lauragnois (Duc), a marvellous story of his wife, 538.
Dennis and Pope, 223.
* Denny (Honoria, daughter of Lord), 451.
Dereham manor alienated, 304.
* De Rous family, 222.
Despatches, sententious, 171.
Devil Tavern club, 327.
* Dilamgabendi, its meaning, 516.
* Dinteville family, 198.
Diseases, non-recurring, 38.
Divining rod, 386.
Divinity professorships, 585.
Dixon of Beeston, 221. 275.
* Dixon's Yorkshire Dales, 148.
Dobbs, Francis, a prophet, 71.
Dobney's Bowling-green, 375. 572.
Docwra (Sir Thomas), grand prior, 298.
Dog Latin, 601.
Dog-whippers in churches, 349. 499.
Dog-whipping in Hull, 64.
Dogs in monumental brasses, 126. 249. 312.
D. O. M. explained, 137. 286.
Domestic architecture, 220.
—— chapels, 219.
* Dominus, the title, 222.
Dorset, a beverage, 247. 311.
Dosa (George and Luke), 57.
Dragons' blood, 242.
Drainage by machinery, 183.
* Dramatic and Poetical Works, 173.
Dress of the ancient Scottish females, 271. 502.
Druidism, materials for a history of, 219.
Drummond (Sir Wm.), the Countess of Blessington's letter to him, 268.
Dryden (John) on Shakspeare, 95.
Dryden and Luke Milbourne, 563.
Dublin maps, 174. 287.
Ducking-stool, 232.
* Dumfries, lithographed view of, 516.
Duncon (Dr. Eleazar), his death, 56. 184. 359.
Dutch East India Company, 98.
Dutch, high and low, 132.
Duval family, 285.
* Eastern church, the episcopal insignia of, 222.
Eastern question, 244.
Echo poetry, a dialogue, 51. 153.
Eclipse in the year 1263, 17. 359. 480.
Eden pedigree and arms, 175.
Eden (Robert), Prebendary of Winchester, 374. 553.
* Egger moths, 148.
Electric telegraph, its inventor, 274.
—— at police stations, 270. 360.
Eliminate, its original signification, 119.
Elizabeth (Queen) and the Earl of Essex, 175.
Elstob (Elizabeth), her burial-place, 7. 200.
Elstob family, 553.
Embost, in hunting, 459.
Enareans, 101. 337. 479.
Encore, 601.
Encyclopædia of Indexes, 371. 527.
Enfield Church, 287.
Engravings, early German, 57. 565.
falsely ascribed to Herbert, 301.
four lawyers, 103.
Garrick's funeral, 529.
Greek, 89.
Handel and Bononcini, 445. 550.
how D.D. swaggers, M.D. rolls, 504.
Pope's on Dennis, 223.
Chambers, a dancing-master, 54.
Churchill the poet, 123.
epitaphium Lucretiæ, 112.
Garter King at Arms, 122.
Henbury, in Gloucestershire, 492.
Howleglass, 88.
Kelly (Patrick), 54.
Kingston-Seymour, in Somersetshire, 492.
Lavenham Church, 369.
Morwenstow churchyard, 481.
"Myself," 270. 430.
Pisa, 368.
Politian's, 62.
Prior's on himself, 283.
Shoreditch churchyard, 369.
Tellingham Church, Essex, 9.
Whittlebury Churchyard, 122.
Eternal life, 122.
Etiquette, origin of the word, 106.
Euler's analytical treasures, 75.
Exposition by Cornelius à Lapide, 512.
Eyre (Capt. John), his drawings, 207. 258.
Fairfax (Lord), inquiries respecting, 10. 156. 379. 572.
Families, large, 419. 422.
* Farrant's anthem, "Lord, for thy tender mercies' sake," 9.
* Farre (Captain), noticed, 32.
* Farrington's views, 467.
Fata Morgana, 267.
Faussett collection of antiquities, 386. 554.
* Fawell arms and crest, 374.
Felbrigge (Sir G.), inscription on his brass, 326.
* Female aide-major, 397.
Female parish clerks, 162. 431.
Ferdinand Charles III., Duke of Parma, 417.
Field's Bible of 1658, 563.
Fifteenths, or fystens, 176.
Fire-arms, antiquity of, 80.
* Fitzgerald (Edward), 494.
Fitzherbert (Sir Anthony), not Chief Justice, 285.
* Flasks for wine-bottles, 304.
Fleet prison officers, 76. 160.
Fleurs-de-lys, three, 35. 84. 113. 225.
Floral Directories, Catholic, 568.
Florins and the royal arms, 59.
Folk Lore, 73. 242. 344. 446. 536.
Devonshire, 344.
Hampshire, 446.
Herefordshire, 242.
Somersetshire, 536.
newspaper, 29. 84. 276. 523.
* Foreign orders, 10.
Forensic jocularities, 538.
Forlorn hope, explained, 43. 161.
Forms of Prayer, Occasional, 404.
* "Forms of Public Meetings," 174.
Forster (Dr.), and his Floral Works, 569.
Fountains in foreign parts, 517.
Fox-hunting, 307.
* Fox (Sir Stephen) noticed, 271.
Foxes and Firebrands, 96.
Francklyn Household Book, 422. 575.
* Frankincense in churches, 349.
Fraser (General), 161. 431.
* Freemasonry, on the eligibility of deaf and dumb persons, 542.
* Freemasons, the alibenistic order of, 56.
Freher (Dionysius Andreas), 151.
French refugees in Spitalfields, 516.
French season and weather rhymes, 9. 277.
* Fresick and Freswick, 174.
Friends, their longevity, 243.
* Froissart, passage on the Black Prince, 374.
Funeral customs, 257. 566.
—— in Middle Ages, 89.
Fynnon Vair, or the Well of our Lady, 376.
Gage (Gen. Thomas) noticed, 12.
Gale of rent, 408.
Garble, its present corruption, 243. 359. 407.
Garlands, broadsheets, &c., 347.
* Garlic Sunday, its origin, 34.
Garrick's funeral epigram, 529.
Gay (John), his Acis and Galatea, 12.
Gazette de Londres, 86.
Geering (Richard), 337.
* Genesis iv. 7., 371.
Geneva arms, 44. 110.
Geometrical curiosity, 14.
George (Chevalier de St.), his medal, 105. 311. 479.
George III. baptized, married, and crowned by one prelate, 447.
George IV. and Duke of York, 244. 338. 431.
Gerard (Charles) temp. Charles II., 483.
German tree, 65. 136.
Gerson (John), supposed author of De Imitatione, 87. 202.
Gibbon (Edward) and his father, 511.
Gispen, a leathern pot, 459.
* Glass quarries, initials in, 515.
* Glencairn (Earl of) noticed, 452.
* Glossaries, provincial, in MS., 303.
"Gloucester," wrecked, 87.
Glutton and Echo, dialogue between, 51.
* Gnats, battle of the, 303.
"God's acre," 492.
Goldsmith (Oliver), translation from, 59.
Goloshes, origin of the name, 304. 470.
Gosling family, 82.
Gossip, or sponsor, examples of its use, 399.
Gossiping history, 239.
Government patronage, its abolition, 466.
Governor-General of India, his official style, 327.
Gower (John) the poet, his marriage licence, 487.
Grafts and the parent tree, 327.
Grammar in relation to logic, 21. 180. 279.
Grammar School of St. Mary de Crypt, its master in 1728, 590.
Grammars for public schools, 8. 81. 209. 478.
Grammont's Memoirs, 3. 204. 356. 583.
Granby (Marquis of), popular sign, 127. 360. 574.
* Graves of the Anglo-Saxons, 494.
Greek denounced by the monks, 467. 600.
Green eyes, 112. 432.
* Green stockings, 398.
Greenock fair, custom at, 242. 338.
Gresebrook, in Yorkshire, 285.
Grey (Henry), Duke of Suffolk, his head, 51.
* Grey (Lady Jane), her burial-place, 373.
* Griesbach arms, 350.
Griffin's Fidessa, and Shakspeare's Passionate Pilgrim, 27.
* Grose (Francis) the antiquary, 350.
Gutta percha made soluble, 350. 527.
* Guye, or Gye, of the Temple, 35.
Haas (Mr.) the sand-painter, 217.
Haddon Hall, the heiress of, 452.
Halcyon days, its derivation, 249.
Hale (Sir Matthew), his descendants, 77. 160.
Halifax (Lord) and Mrs. C. Barton, 18.
* Hall (Rev. Robert), temp. James II., 76.
Hallsal, its salubrity, 495.
Hamilton (Comte Antoine) noticed, 3. 356. 584.
Hampton Court pictures, 19. 85.
Handbells at funerals, 478.
Handel, hymn attributed to, 303. 573.
Handwriting, works on, 283.
Hanging, has execution by hanging been survived? 174. 280. 453.
Hardman's Account of Waterloo, 176. 355. 529.
* Harington (Lady), her pedigree, 76.
Harington (Lord) noticed, 336.
* Harrison the regicide, 350.
Hatherleigh Moor, Devon, 538.
* Haviland family, 399.
* Hay-bread recipe, 325.
Hayes (Dr. Philip) noticed, 542.
Haynau (Gen.), his corpse, 171.
* Hayware (Richard) noticed, 373.
Hebrew music, 242.
Henry of Huntingdon's letter to Walter, 371.
Henry I., his arm the yard measure, 200.
Henry IV. of France, his title to the crown, 106.
Henry VIII., his letters to the Grand Masters of Malta, 99.
Heraldic anomaly, 298. 430. 578.
Heraldic queries, 271. 325. 352. 480.
Heraldic Scotch grievance, 74. 160.
Heralds, a puzzle for them, 513.
Heralds' College, 469.
its first members, 248.
Herbert (George), epigram ascribed to him, 301.
—— Church Porch, 173. 566.
—— Helga, 273.
—— on Hope, 541.
Hervie (Christopher) noticed, 272.
Hiel the Bethelite, 452.
Highland regiment, 493.
Hint by a blacksmith of Tideswell, 197.
"Hip, hip, hurrah!" 386.
History, impossibilities of, 392. 547. 590.
Hobbes (Thomas), his Behemoth, 77. 322.
Hoby family, their portraits, &c., 19. 58.
Hodgson's (Rev. F.) translation of the Atys of Catullus, 19. 87.
Hoglandia, 362.
Hogmanay, its derivation, 495.
* Holland, its derivation, 421.
Holy-loaf money, 150. 256. 568.
* Holy Thursday rain-water, 542.
Holy Trinity Church, Minories, 51.
Hooker (Richard), queries in, 77.
* Hooper (Bishop) on the vestment controversy, 221.
* Hopson (Admiral) noticed, 172.
Hour-glass stands, 64. 135. 162. 252.
"Hovd maet of laet," its translation, 148. 257.
Hoveden, mistranslation in, 113.
Howleglass's epitaph, 88.
Huc's Travels, 19.
Huntbach manuscripts, 149.
* Hunters of Polmood, their pedigree, 198.
Hydropathy, 395. 575.
Hydrophobia, cure for, 322.
Iceland, communications with, 53.
Imp, used for progeny, 113. 527.
Imprints, remarkable, 143.
Indexes, or Tables of Contents, Encyclopædia of, 371.
Infant school, inscription for one, 147.
Inglis (Bishop) of Nova Scotia, 527.
Ingulph's Chronicle, an error in, 301.
* Initiative, when first used, 271.
* Ink, fading, 199.
Inman or Ingman family, 198. 353.
Inn signs, 148. 251. 350. 494.
Inscriptions on Bells, 109. 592.
book, 122.
buildings, 492. 552.
Carlos, or Careless (William), 305.
curious one, 369.
door-head, 89.
Homersfield, in Suffolk, 270. 430.
Lindsey Court-house, 492. 552. 602.
Llangollen, North Wales, 513.
pulpit, 31. 135.
St. Stephen's, Ipswich, 270.
Insects in the human stomach, 523.
Irish law in the eighteenth century, 270. 427.
—— legislation, 244.
—— records, 536.
"Isle of Beauty," by T. H. Bayly, 453.
Isolated, its modern use, 171.
Jacobite club, 300.
—— garters, 528.
Jacob's stone, 124.
James II., his army list, 30. 401. 544.
* Jewish names from animals, 374.
Jews and Egyptians, 34.
Job xix. 26. literally translated, 303. 428.
John (King) in Lancashire, 453. 550.
John of Gaunt, his descendants, 432. 576.
John of Jerusalem, Order of, 80. 99. 263. 333. 417. 442.
* John of Jerusalem, proceedings of the Hospital, 451.
* Johnson (Dr.) and the mad bull, 467.
Jonson (Ben), epigram "Inviting a friend to supper," 440.
* Judges practising at the bar, 450.
Judicial rank hereditary, 311.
Juniper as a cant phrase, 224.
Junius, Bohn's reprint of Woodfall's edition, 584.
—— the vellum-bound, 74.
Justice, Russian, 74.
Kalydor, Italian, 537.
Keate family, 19.
* Keats (John), his poems, 421.
* Kemerton Church, its dedication, 271.
* Kemp (Richard) noticed, 373.
Kempis (Thomas à), De Imitatione, 87. 203.
Ken (Bishop) and Sir Thomas Browne, 220. 258.
Kennington Common, 295. 367.
* Kieten (Nicholas) the giant, 398.
* Killigrew family, 199.
King's prerogative, 247.
Kirkpatrick's MSS. of Norwich, 515. 564.
* Kitchen (Anthony), his arms, 350.
Knight's Quarterly Magazine, contributors to, 103. 334.
Knight's numismatic collections, 9.
Knightlow Cross in Warwickshire, 448.
"Knobstick," as used by trades' unions, 373.
Kutchin-kutchu, 304.
* Kynoch families, 148.
Ladylift, a clump of trees, 53.
* Lamb (Charles), his birthplace, 562.
Largesse, a provincialism, 209. 408.
La Rochefoucauld, 320.
Launch of the "Prince Royal" in 1610, 464.
Laurie on Finance, 42.
* Lavidian, a fish, 398.
Law (Edward), lines on his being made Chief Justice, 396.
Lawless Court, Rochford, Essex, 11.
Lawyers' bags, 20. 41.
Lawyers, epigram on four, 103.
* Leapor (Mary), tragedy by, 104.
Le Compère Mathieu, 480.
* Leeming Hall, near Liverpool, 351.
Legal customs, 20. 41.
Legend, its use defended, 44.
* Leger (Col. St.) noticed, 76.
Legh (Sir Urian) of Adlington, 305.
Leicester as ranger of Snowdon, 125. 353.
Leicester (Robert Dudley, eleventh Earl of), 105. 160. 354.
Leighton (Abp.), his burial-place, 8.
* Lemying (Christopher) of Burneston, 325.
Leslie (Charles) and Dr. Middleton, 324. 575.
Lessius (Leonard), his Hygiasticon, 52.
Letters, Irish, Anglo-Saxon, &c., 246. 361.
Letters of eminent literary men, 7. 28.
Lewis family, 86.
* Lewis (Jenkin), his Memoirs of the Duke of Gloucester, its editor, 542.
"Liber Passionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi," 446.
Lichfield Bower, or Wappenschau, 338.
Life and death, 226. 481. 592.
Life-belts, 348.
Life, on living over again, 591.
Lightfoot (Anna), 233.
Lignites, what? 422. 477.
Lincoln episcopal registers, extracts from, 513.
Lindsey Court-house, inscription on, 492. 552. 602.
* Linnæan medal, 374.
* Lipyeatt family, 349.
Literary curiosities, 31.
Literature (English), its components, 244.
* Liveries, red and scarlet, 126.
* Locke (John), his pedigree, 493.
Lode, its meaning, 233.
Lodge (Edmund) the herald, 453.
Logan or rocking stones, 561.
London Churches, a plea for, 51.
* London Corporation, custom of, 34.
* London Corporation, query for, 77.
—— fortifications, 174. 207. 256.
Longfellow families, 174. 255. 424.
—— Hyperion, 495. 602.
—— originality, 77.
—— Reaper and the Flowers, 63.
Long Parliament, lists of its members, 423.
Lovelace (Richard), his Lucasta, 208.
* Lowle family, 350.
* Lowth of Sawtrey, 374.
Lucifer, palace of, 233.
* Ludwell (Thomas) noticed, 373.
"Luke's iron crown," 57.
* Lunsford (Sir Thomas) noticed, 373.
Luther (Martin), his bust, 21.
Lyon (William), Bishop of Cork, 192.
"Lyra Apostolica," its authors and motto, 304. 407.
Lyra's Commentary, 323. 503.
Lysons' manuscripts, 57.
M. A. and A. M. degree, 475. 599.
Macaulay (T. B.) in error, 196.
* MacGregor (Helen) noticed, 350.
Machyn (Henry) noticed, 483.
* Mackerel, blind, 245.
Mackey (Samson Arnold), 89. 179.
Macklin and Pope, 239.
Madden's Reflections and Resolutions, 199.
* Maid of Orleans, 374.
Mairdil or mardle, 233. 336.
* Maisterson's Lords' descents, 76.
Majority, the attainment of, 18. 83.
Maltese knights, 80. 99. 263. 333. 417. 442.
Mammet, its derivation, 43. 82.
Man in the moon, 184.
Mantel-piece, its origin, 302. 385. 576.
* Manuscript catena, 33.
Maps, dates of, 396. 553.
Market crosses, 209.
Marmortinto, or sand-painting, 217. 327.
Marriage agreement, a curious one, 193.
—— ceremony in the fourteenth century, 33. 84.
Marston and Erasmus, 513.
* Martyrs feeling pain, 246. 590.
* Mary Queen of Scots at Auchincas, 325.
Mathew, a Cornish family, 222. 289. 551.
Mattaire (Michael), letter to Earl of Oxford, 28.
Matthew of Westminster, Bohn's edition, 8.
Mawkin, a scarecrow, 303. 385. 601.
* May-day custom, 516.
* Maydenburi, 516.
Mayor of London a Privy Councillor, 137. 158.
Mazarin (Duchess of), her monument, 249.
Medal of Queen Anne, 399.
* Medicine, Eastern practice of, 198.
Meols, name of a parish, 409. 553.
* Mereworth Castle, Kent, 124.
Mermaid Tavern club, 327.
Merryweather's Tempest Prognosticator, 273.
Middleton's Tragi-Comedy, the "Witch," its music, 196.
Milbourne (Luke) and Dryden, 563.
Miller (James) noticed, 496.
"Milton Blind," a poem, 395.
Milton's correspondence, 504.
—— widow, 38. 225.
Minshull (Richard) noticed, 38. 225.
Mirabeau, Talleyrand, and Fouché, their Memoirs, 542.
Miser, its original and present meaning, 12. 161.
Mob, its derivation, 601.
Monaldeschi, 233.
Money, its value in the seventeenth century, 375. 478.
Monicke (Dr.), his Notes and Queries on the Ormulum, 465.
Monster found at Maidstone, 106.
Monteith bowl, 452. 599.
Monumental brasses in London, 200.
* Monumental figures, cross-legged, on the Continent, 77.
Moon superstitions, 430.
* Moral philosophy, writers on, 351.
* Morant (Rev. Philip), his lineage, 34.
Morant (Sir John), his pedigree, 56. 250.
More (Sir Thomas) and equity suitors, 420.
Morrice (Sir Wm.), his papers, 7.
Morwenna, lines on the Minster of, 17. 83. 135.
Mother Russel's post, 299.
Motto on an old damask, 11.
Mount Mill and London fortifications, 174. 207. 256. 288.
Mousehunt described, 65. 135. 385. 477. 602.
Muffins and crumpets, origin of, 77. 208.
Muffs worn by gentlemen, 90.
* Mummy chests, 422.
* Mustard, proclamation for making, 450.
Myddleton (Sir Hugh), his burial-place, 495.
Myrtle bee, 205. 602.
* Nails, the master of the, at Chatham, 36.
Namby-pamby, 161.
Names assumed, 32.
—— long, 312.
—— reversible, 184. 285.
Napoleon's spelling, 203.
Narbrough (Sir John) noticed, 418.
Nash (Beau), lines on visiting his palace, 146.
Nattochiis, its meaning, 36. 84. 183.
* Naval atrocities, 10.
"Ned o' the Todding," 36. 135.
Nelson (Lord), inedited letters of, 241. 337. 344.
—— his death, 297.
"-ness," as a termination, 522.
Newman (Professor) on the Celtic language, 356.
Newspaper folk lore, 29. 84. 276. 523.
Newspaper (foreign) leaders, 218. 463.
Newton and Milton, 122.
New Zealander and Westminster Bridge, 74. 159. 361.
Niagara, its pronunciation, 573.
Nicholas, emperor, anagram on, 561.
Nicholas (St.) Cole Abbey, 107.
Nichols's Collectanea, errata in, 371.
* Niebuhr's "ingenious man," 56.
Nightingale and thorn, 162.
* Noctes Ambrosianæ, 397.
Nonjurors' motto, 87.
* Norman towers in London, 222.
North-west passage, 516.
* Norton, origin of this local name, 272.
Nowell (Dean), his first wife, 300.
Nugent (Earl), his poems, 149.
Nugget, its meaning, 232.
Oaths, 61. 45. 402.
Objective and subjective, 170.
O'Brien of Thosmond, 125. 328.
* "Obtains," its conventional meaning, 589.
Odd Fellows, origin of the union, 327. 578.
* Odevaere's history of an ancient clock, 302.
Odoherty (Morgan), 209.
Offices, the sale of, in the seventeenth century, 562.
Ogborne's History of Essex, MSS. of, 322.
* Ogden (John), noticed, 541.
Oglander (Sir Wm.), his chapel, 17.
* "Old Dominion," or Virginia, 468.
Olympic Plain, &c., 270. 526.
Orange blossoms, 386. 527.
Orchat, or orchard, 400.
* Order of St. David of Wales, 125.
"Ordericus Vitalis," Bohn's edition, 512.
Ordinary, a provincialism, 219.
Oriel, as applied to a window, 400.
* Orme, aide-de-camp to General Braddock, 562.
Ormulum, edited by Dr. White, 465.
Orrery (Earl of), his letter to Dr. Thomas Birch, 29.
Osmotherley in Yorkshire, 152.
* Otterburn, battle of, 348.
Oufle (M.), his history, 57.
Ought and aught, 419.
Oxford Commemoration squib, 113.
Oxford jeu d'esprit, 168.
"Oxoniana," a desirable reprint, 300.
Page, its derivation, 106. 255.
Painting, the English school of, 220.
Paintings of Our Saviour, 270. 550.
Palæologi, the last of, 312. 572.
Paleario (Aonio), "Of the Benefit of the Death of Christ," 321.
Paley's plagiarisms, 64.
Palindrome verses, 343.
Pamphlet, curious old one, 391.
Pandras, its derivation, 334.
Paper water-marks, false dates on, 32. 41. 75.
Papyrus, specimen wanted, 222. 529.
Parallel ideas from poets, 121. 466.
Parallel passages, 345.
Parliament, a member electing himself, 285.
Parma (Ferdinand Charles III., duke of), 417. 598.
Parochial libraries, 186.
—— registers, 590.
Party-similes of the seventeenth century, 96.
Paschal eggs, 483.
Passion of Our Lord dramatised, 373. 528.
Patriarchs of the Western Church, 384.
Paul's (St.) school library, 65.
Pax pennies of William the Conqueror, 562.
* Peckham—"All holiday at Peckham," its origin, 35.
Peckwater quadrangle, 400.
Pedigrees forged, 221. 271.
Pelham (Sir John), his monument, 51.
Pepys's letters on Christ's Hospital, 199.
Perspective, 300. 378. 577.
* Petley (Elias) noticed, 105.
Pettifogger explained, 287.
Philip's (St.), Bristol, priory, 150.
albumenized paper, 332. 502.
albumenized process, 206. 254.
box sawdust for collodion, 358.
calotype on the sea-shore, 134.
calotype process, 16. 40. 134. 230. 502.
cameras, 571.
cameras, light in, 525. 548.
cautions, 525.
céroléine process, 382. 429. 526.
chlorides and silver, their proportions, 358.
collodion, 156. 158. 206. 254. 406. 525. 549.
collodion negatives, 282.
collodion plates, 429.
cotton made soluble, 548. 571.
Crookes (Mr.) on restoring old collodion, 206.
Crystal Palace photographs, 571.
cyanide of potassium, 230. 254.
experiences in photography, 429. 456. 501.
ferricyanide of potassium, 549.
glass rod, how to be used, 62.
gun cotton, 283.
history of photographic discovery, 524. 549.
Hockin's Short Sketch for the Tyro, 16.
Hunt's specimens, 41. 182.
his letter, 524.
hydrosulphite of soda baths, 230.
iodized paper, 62.
iodized solution, 182. 230. 254. 310.
light in cameras, 525. 548.
Lyte on collodion, 156. 333.
Lyte's new instantaneous process, 570.
Mansell (Dr.), his operations, 134. 182. 207.
manuscripts copied, 83.
mounting photographs, 310. 381.
negatives multiplied, 83. 110. 502.
nitrate of silver adulterated, 111.
test for, 181.
photographic excursions, 407.
photographic litigation, 598.
photographic queries, 207. 282. 406.
Photographic Society's exhibition, 16. 83. 181.
positives mounted on cardboard, 332.
printing positives, 406.
Rembrandt, photographic copies of, 359.
sensitive collodion, 158.
silver, its recovery, 476.
slides for the magic lantern, 332.
splitting paper for photographic purposes, 61.
spots on collodion pictures, 310.
stereoscopic note, 282.
tent for collodion purposes, 83.
Talbot's patents, 83. 526. 599.
Townsend's wax-paper process, 598.
Turner's paper, 41.
Towgood's paper, 110.
wax negatives, 456.
waxed-paper pictures, 182. 381. 382. 429.
Pickard family, 10. 87.
Picts' houses, 208.
* Picture queries, 198.
Πιστις, unde deriv., 324. 551.
* "Plain Dealer," original edition, 303.
Planets, recently discovered, 36.
Plantagenets, their demoniacal descent, 494. 550.
* Plants and flowers, 421.
Plants of the months symbolised, 37.
* Plaster casts, 126.
* Pliny's dentistry, 467.
Plowden (Edmund), his portrait, 56. 113.
* Plowden (Sir Edmund) noticed, 301.
* Plumley (Mr.), dramatist, 516.
Plymouth calendar, 585.
Poets Laureate, notices of, 335.
Pocklington (Dr. John) noticed, 247.
Political predictions, 559.
Polygamy, 246. 329. 409.
Pope (Alex.) quoted, 469.
Pope and Dennis, 223. 516.
Pope and Macklin, 239.
Popiana, 445. 568.
Portionists at Merton College, 304.
Portrait painters of the last century, 563.
Postage system of the Romans, 350. 549.
Postmasters at Merton College, 304.
Prayer, occasional forms of, 13.
Precedence, 327. 541.
Precious stones, emblematical meanings of, 37. 88. 284. 408.
* Prelate noticed by Gibbon, 56.
Prerogative office, its exclusive constitution, 215.
Pretenders, their births and deaths, 177. 230. 572.
Pricket, its meaning, 434.
Primers of the reign of Elizabeth, 170.
"Prince Royal" launched, 464.
* Prints of London before the fire, 348.
* Prints, on repairing old, 104.
Prior's epitaph on himself, 283.
* Pronunciation of foreign names, 222.
Property, right of redeeming, 601.
Prophesying before death, 550.
* Prospect House, Clerkenwell, 375.
Prospectuses of works, 45.
Prototype, its misuse, 44.
Proverbs and Phrases:—
All Holiday at Peckham, 35.
As snug as a bug in a rug, 322.
As dead as a herring, 347.
Bath: "Go to Bath," 421. 577.
Begging the question, 136. 284. 359.
Chip in porridge, 45.
Corruptio optimi est, 173.
Cui bono, 76. 159.
Cutting off with a shilling, 198.
Deus ex machinâ, 77.
Feather in your cap, 220. 378.
Fig: "A fig for you!" 149.
Flea in his ear, 322.
Good wine needs no bush, 113.
Hypocrisy the homage, &c., 127.
I put a spoke in his wheel, 45. 601.
Jump for joy, 466.
Kick the bucket, 107.
Obs and sols, 176.
Paid down upon the nail, 196. 384.
Service is no inheritance, 20. 41.
Spoke in his wheel, 45. 601.
* To pass the pikes, 516.
* Turk: "A regular Turk," 451.
Proverbs, unregistered, 392. 527.
* Proxies for absent sponsors, 324.
Psalm cxxvii. 2., its translation, 107.
Psalm, the great alphabetic, 121. 376. 473.
Psalms for the chief musician, 242. 457.
* Psychology, when first used, 271.
Publican's invitation, 448.
Publishers, a hint to, 146.
Pulpits, stone, 79.
Punctuation, errors in, 481.
Pure, its peculiar use, 527.
* "Purlet de Mir. Nat.," 126.
Put, its pronunciation in Ireland, 432.
Quacks, 345.
Quakers' Calendar, 589.
Quakers executed at Boston, 305. 603.
Queenborough borough debts, 448.
Quotations—in Cowper, 247. 402.
A fellow feeling makes us wondrous kind, 301. 402.
All Scotia's weary days of civil strife, 589.
All went merry as a marriage bell, 399.
Bachelors of every station, 301. 402. 477.
* Condendaque Lexica mandat Damnatis, 421.
Convince a man against his will, 107.
Corporations have no souls, 137.
Could we with ink, &c., 179. 256. 482.
Days of my youth, 601.
De male quæsitis gaudet, &c., 600.
Extinctus amabitur idem, 421. 552.
Firm was their faith, &c., 17. 135.
For he that fights and runs away, 137.
Forgive, blest shade, 542.
* He no longer shall dwell, 301.
Hic locus odit, amat, 552.
Homo unius libri, 89.
* Had I met thee in thy beauty, 374.
* Ill habits gather by unseen degrees, 301.
Man proposes, but God disposes, 87. 102. 384.
Marriage is such a rabble rout, 184.
Off with his head! so much for Buckingham, 543.
Of whose omniscient and all-spreading love, 301. 402.
One New Year's Day, 467. 526.
One while I think, 76. 184.
Perturbabantur Constantinopolitani, 452. 576.
* Poeta nascitur, non fit, 398.
Quid facies, facies Veneris, &c., 18. 161.
Quid levius calamo? 301. 402.
Rex erat Elizabeth, sed erat Regina Jacobus, 421.
Sat cito, si sat bene, 137.
* Sir John once said a good thing, 301.
* Sometimes, indeed, an acre's breadth half green, 301.
* The clanging trumpet sounds to arms, 301.
The knights are dust, 301. 402.
The spire whose silent finger points to heaven, 9. 85. 184.
* Then what remains, but well our parts to chuse, 301.
Vita crucem, et vivas, &c., 505.
Wise men labour, good men grieve, 468. 553.
Rain, sign of, 53.
* Raphael's pictures, symbolism in, 589.
Rapping no novelty, 12. 62. 200.
Rat, black, 209.
Rathlin island, in Ireland, 589.
* Rebellion of 1715, trial of the prisoners, 349.
Records, Irish, 536.
Red Cow sign, 87. 306.
Regiment, 10th, or the Prince of Wales's Own, 85.
Registers, parochial, 590.
Reprints suggested, 171.
Repton (Humphry), landscape-painter, 400.
* Restall, its meaning, 539.
Reversible names, 285.
* Review, designation of works under, 516.
Rhymes, French season and weather, 9. 277.
—— Irish, 575.
Rich (Lieut.-Colonel) noticed, 546.
Richard, abbot of St. Victor, 352.
Richard I. noticed, 44.
Richard III., his burial-place, 400.
Richard, King of the Romans, his arms, 185.
Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cambridge, 493. 601.
Ridings and chaffings, 370. 578.
* Ridley (Bp.), his reply to Bp. Hooper, 221.
—— university, 538.
Rigby correspondence, 369.
* Rileys of Forest Hill, 398.
Robinson (Lady Elizabeth) noticed, 148. 234.
Roche (James) of Cork, 217.
Rocking-stones, 561.
Roland the brave, 372. 475.
Roman roads in England, 325. 431.
Romanists conforming to the English Church, 98.
Romford jury, 396.
Rosehill (Lord), who was he? 422. 519.
Rous (William) the Scottish Psalmist, 440.
—— his will, 441.
* Rowe (Owen) the regicide, 449.
Rowley, Old, 235. 457. 477.
* Rubens query, 561.
Ruffins, a fish, 106.
Rush (Dr. Benjamin) noticed, 451. 603.
Russell, or Du Rozel, the house of, 416.
Russia (Emperor of) and the Order of the Garter, 420.
Russia and Turkey, 103. 132.
Russian emperors, 222. 359.
—— manifesto, 463.
—— maps, 433.
Russians, their religion, 86.
* Rutabaga, its etymology, 399.
* Sacheverell (Dr.), his residence in the Temple, 562.
Sack, its qualities, 272. 427.
St. Asaph, ruin near, 375.
Saladin, as described by Scott, 76. 257.
* Sale of offices in seventeenth century, 562.
* Saltcellar, its derivation, 10.
Salutations, 420.
Salutes, royal, 245.
Sanctius (Rodericus) noticed, 530.
* Sandfords of Thorpe Salvine, 303.
Sangarede, its meaning, 495.
* Sanxon (S.), the fee of, 222.
Satin, its derivation, 17.
Savage and Dennis, 223.
* Sawbridge and Knight's numismatic collections, 9.
Saw-dust recipe, 148. 255.
"Sawles Warde," suggested to be printed, 6.
* Scarlet regimentals of the army, 55.
Schindler (Valentine) noticed, 530.
School libraries, 65.
Scotch heraldic grievance, 74. 160. 284.
* Scott (Rev. Dr.), inquiry respecting, 35.
Scott (Sir Walter) and Sir W. Napier, 53.
—— quoting himself, 72. 162.
Scottish airs, original words of, 245.
Screw propeller, 394. 473.
* Scroope family, 350.
Seamen's tickets, 452.
Secker (Abp.) and George III., 447.
Selah, its meaning, 423.
Selleridge, 146.
"Semper eadem," origin of the motto, 78.
Sepulchral monuments, 514. 539. 586.
* Sermon, a short one attributed to Swift, 589.
Seven Sisters Legend, 465.
Sewell family, 86.
Sexes, their separation in church, 336. 566.
Sexton office in one family, 171. 502.
Seymour (Elizabeth), daughter of Sir Edward, 174. 313.
Shakspeare, on his descent from a landed proprietor, 75. 154. 479.
—— digest on critical readings, 540.
—— Othello annotated, 375. 577.
—— Passionate Pilgrim and Griffin's Fidessa, 27.
—— portrait, 571.
—— Rime which he made at the Mytre, 439.
—— Stratford Shakspeare, 90.
Sharers at theatres, 199.
* Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, letter by him, 373.
Shelley's Prometheus Unbound, 351. 481.
Sheridan (Richard Brinsley), his patrimony, 447.
—— translation of a song in his Duenna, 59.
* Sheriff of Somersetshire in 1765, 173.
* Shippen family, 147.
Shropshire ballad, 320.
Shrove-Tuesday customs, 65. 223. 299. 324. 504.
* Σίκερα, 126.
Silo, its derivation, 42.
Simmels, a Viennese loaf, 322.
* Simmons (B.) noticed, 397.
* Skin-flint, its derivation, 34.
Skipwith (Sir Henry) noticed, 326.
Slavery in England, 98. 421.
Slaves, names of, 480.
Slow-worm superstition, 73.
Smith (Col. Michael), his family, 222. 575.
Smith families, 148. 234.
Smith (Ferdinando) of Halesowen, 285.
Smith (John), hydropathist, 395. 575.
Smoke-farthings, 513.
Snake escapes from a man's mouth, 29. 523.
Sneezing, 63. 250.
Snub, antiquity of the word, 219.
* Snush, or snish, 324.
Soldier's Discipline, 218.
Sollerets, armour for the feet, 459.
Songs and Ballads:
Barrels regiment, 63. 159. 545.
Blue Bells of Scotland, 209. 600.
Christmas ballad, 325.
Fair Rosamond, 163. 335.
Horam coram dago, 58. 186.
I could not love thee, dear, so much, 125. 208.
Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre, 56.
One New Year's Day, 467.
Shropshire ballad, 320.
Syddale's execution, 105.
Three cats sat by the fireside, 173. 286. 574.
Truth, an Apology for speaking the, 56.
Songs of Degrees, 121. 376. 473.
Sophocles, passage in, 42.
Sotades, notice of, 18.
Sounds heard at great distances, 561.
South's (Dr.) Sermons, queries on, 515. 578.
—— verses upon Westminster School, 28.
Souvaroff's despatch, 20.
Sovereigns dining in public, 120.
"Spanish Lady's Love," its hero, 305. 573.
Spellings (false) from sound, 113.
Spence (W. S.), his factitious pedigrees, 221. 271.
Spencer (Edward) of Rendlesham, his marriage, 273.
* Σφιδή, its meaning, 541.
* Spinning-machine of the ancients, 515.
Staël (Madame de) noticed, 451. 546.
Standing at the Lord's Prayer, 127. 257. 567.
* Star and Garter, Kirkstall, 324.
Star of Bethlehem, 103.
Starvation, an Americanism, 54. 151.
* Stationers' Company and Almanac, 104.
* Stock-horn, 76.
* Stoke and Upton, 421.
* Stokes (General), his parentage, 34.
Stone-pillar worship, 535.
Storms, ominous, 494.
Stornello, 299.
Stound, as used by Spenser, 459.
Stradling (John), epigrammatist, 483.
Strawberry-Hill gem, 3.
* Suffragan bishops in Convocation, 35.
Sunday, its commencement and end, 198. 284.
Surrey Archæological Society, 21. 433.
Swedish words current in England, 601.
Swift (Dean) and Trinity College, 244. 311.
—— an unpublished letter of, 7.
* Syddale (Thos.), ballad on his execution, 105.
Table-turning, 39. 88. 135. 201. 502. 551.
Tailless cats in the Isle of Man, 10. 111. 209. 479. 575.
Talfourd (Mr. Justice), notices of, 393. 497.
—— on Lamb's Elia, 269.
* "Tarbox for that," its meaning, 324.
Tavern signs, poetical, 58. 330.
Taylor (Dr. John) noticed, 137.
Teddy the Tiler, 248.
Te Deum in the Russian Church, 325. 498.
Teeth superstition, 64.
* Temperature of cathedrals, 56.
Temple (Dame Hester), her descendants, 468.
Tender, a curious one, 196.
Tenure of lands, 173. 309. 448.
Teonge (Henry), his Diary quoted, 418.
Terms, misapplication of, 44. 361. 554.
* Texts preliminary in church service, 515.
Thackeray's anachronisms, 367.
"That," a grammatical puzzle, 300.
Theodore de la Guard, 517.
Thom's Irish Almanac, 219.
Thornton Abbey, 161.
"Three Crowns and Sugar-loaf" sign, 350. 481.
Three maids tradition, 299.
Three Pigeons inns, 331. 423. 528.
Thumb-biting, 88.
* Thurstan (Abp.), his burial-place, 172.
* Tilly, of the Westminster Courts, 35.
Tin, its early use, 64. 111.
Tippet, its derivation, 370. 430.
Tobacco-pipes, their history, 372. 546.
Tom-cat, tortoiseshell, 338.
Tonson (Mons.), its author, 530.
Tooke (Horne) on the meaning of libel, 398. 575.
Tooth, on burning one with salt, 345.
—— the golden, 337.
Trafalgar battle, 297.
* Tremesin (Dompe Peter) noticed, 375.
Trench on Proverbs, 107.
Trinity, the secunde Person of, 56. 114.
Triolet explained, 483.
Trogloditæ, interment of, 278.
Trojan horse, 96.
* Truth, an Apology for speaking the, 56.
Truthteller newspaper, 569.
"Try and get," a vulgarism, 76. 233.
Turkey and France, 397.
—— and Russia, 348.
Turkish language, 352. 456.
* Turlehydes, sea-fish, 10.
Uhland, the German poet, 147.
Universities, foreign, 150.
* University College, Oxford, custom at, 468.
Usher (Sir William) noticed, 576.
Vagrancy, order for its suppression, 6.
Vallancey's Green Book, 347.
Vandyke in America, 228.
Vandyking, its meaning, 452. 599.
* Vane (Lord), his collection of pictures, 171.
"Vanitatem observare," 247. 311. 385.
Varnish for old books, 423.
Vault interments, 278.
Vellum-cleaning, 17.
Vends, or Wends, 434.
Ventilation, an encyclopædia of, 415. 524.
"Verbatim et literatim," 348. 504.
* Vere (Arthur de) noticed, 35.
* Verelst the painter, 148.
Veronica, its derivation, 537.
Verses, satirical, on the French revolution, 538.
Vessel of paper, its meaning, 401.
Villers-en-Couché, battle of, 208.
* Villiers (Geo.), Duke of Buckingham, scandalous letter written to, 56.
Vossioner, its meaning, 224. 334.
Waestart, a provincialism, 349. 571.
Wafers, their antiquity, 376. 409.
* Wagers, celebrated, 450.
* Wallace (Albany) noticed, 323.
* Wallace (Sir J.) and Mr. Browne, 105.
Walpole and Macaulay, 74. 159. 361.
Walters (Lucy), 171.
Walton (Joshua), clerk, 420.
Walton, the son of honest Izaak, 397.
Wandering bee, 370.
Wanley (Humphry), Baker's letter to, 7.
Wappenschau, or Lichfield Bower, 338.
Ward (Dr. John), letter to Bishop Cary, 28.
Ward (Rev. Nathaniel), 517.
Wardrobe House, or the Tower Royal, 6.
Warner (William) the poet, 453.
Warple-way, its meaning, 125. 232. 478.
Warville, its derivation, 112. 209. 335. 480.
Warwick (Henry Beauchamp, Earl of), 517.
* Warwickshire badge, 398.
Water-marks on paper, false dates on, 32. 41.
Watson (Bishop), passage in, 43.
—— his map of Europe, 513.
* Watson (Charles) noticed, 57.
Waugh family, 20. 64.
Waugh of Cumberland, family arms, 272. 482.
Weather-rules, 307.
Weather, social effects of the late severe, 103.
Weckerlin (George Rudolph), German poet, 420.
Weekly Pacquet from Rome, 211. 259.
Wellesley, or Wesley, 576.
Wellington, the late Duke of, 396.
Welsh consonants, 271. 471.
Wentworth (Sir Philip), 161.
* Wesley and Wellington, their relationship, 399.
Weyland Wood in Norfolk, 305.
Wheelbarrows, the inventor of, 77.
Whichcote (Dr.) and Dorothy Jordan, 351. 383.
Whipping school-boys, Latin treatise on, 148.
Whipping a lady, 419.
White (Blanco), sonnet by, 469. 552.
* White (John) of Philadelphia, 147.
White (Samuel), his Commentary, 469.
Whitefield and Kennington Common, 367.
Whitelocke (General), 87. 201. 455.
Whitlocke's Memorials, 127.
Whitewashing in churches, 148. 286.
Whittington's stone on Highgate Hill, 397. 501.
Widderington family, 375. 550.
Wight, the Isle of, its king, 517.
Wilbraham Cheshire MSS., 135.
Wildman (Daniel) noticed, 375. 572.
* Willesdon in Middlesex, families at, 422.
William III., works on his life and times, 542.
Williams (Griffith), Bishop of Ossory, 421.
Willow-bark in ague, 452. 571.
Wills, depository required for, 215.
Wilson (John), doctor of music, 440.
Wingfield (Sir Anthony), 86.
Wither (George), poet, 483.
Witherington (Ralph) family, 375. 550.
* Wolfe (Major-General), his MSS., 468.
Woman, lines on, 17.
Wood (Anthony à), his birthplace, 304.
Wood (Geo.) of Chester, 430.
Wooden tombs and effigies, 17. 62. 111. 457.
Word-minting, 151. 335. 529.
Worm in books, 527.
Wotton (Henry Earl of), 85.
Wotton (Sir Henry) on the Character of a Happy Life, 420.
Wren (Christopher) and the young carver, 20.
Wurm, its meaning in German, 63. 154.
Wylcotes' brass, 19.
Wyseman (Sir Robert), his judicial opinion, 263.
Yard measure taken from the arm of Henry I., 200.
Yarke, its meaning, 459.
Year 1854, 197.
Yew-tree at Crowhurst, its age, 274.
York (Cardinal) noticed, 178.
Zeuxis and Parrhasius, 322.
A. on ciss, cissle, &c., 148.
—— photographic manuscripts, 83.
A. (1.) on cassie, 574.
—— dates of maps, 553.
Abbott (J. T.) on Abbott families, 105. 458.
—— grammars for public schools, 478.
A. (B. H.) on classic authors and the Jews, 385.
Abhba on An Account of an Expedition to New Holland, 271.
—— Asgill on Translation to Heaven, 376.
—— Bibles, errata in, 391.
—— bribery, its first instance, 447.
—— Coleshill, custom at, 376.
—— Commons of Ireland, 160.
—— corporation enactments, 300.
—— Darcy of Platten, 247.
—— divinity professorships, 585.
—— equity suitors, good times for, 420.
—— errors of Mr. Macaulay and Sir A. Alison, 196.
—— Irish law in the eighteenth century, 270.
—— Irish legislation, 244.
—— Lyon (Wm.), bishop of Cork, 192.
—— Madden's Reflections and Resolutions, 199.
—— mutilating books, 585.
—— occasional forms of prayer, 406.
—— "Paid down upon the nail," 196.
—— parochial registers, 590.
—— print of Dublin volunteers, 541.
—— Rathlin island, 589.
—— Ridley's university, 538.
—— separation of sexes in churches, 566.
—— Swift's antipathy to Trinity College, 244.
—— Thom's Irish Almanack, 219.
—— Turks in Europe, &c., 542.
—— vessel of paper, 401.
—— wafers, their antiquity, 376.
A. (C. B.) on Liber Passionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, 446.
Adams (G. E.) on Abbott families, 233.
Adams (S.) on burial service tradition, 451.
Admirer on proclamation for making mustard, 450.
—— Sacheverell's and Lamb's residences, 562.
Advocatus on burial service tradition, 550.
A. (E. H.) on anticipatory use of the cross, 231.
—— Atterbury's lines on Guiscard, 395.
—— Burton family, 19.
—— curious tender, 196.
—— Dr. Eleazar Duncon, 359.
—— Eden (Robert), 553.
—— fusion of the Bourbons, 323.
—— king of the Isle of Wight, 517.
—— Lodge the herald, 453.
—— marvellous story, 538.
—— Salmon's Lives of English Bishops, 175.
—— standing at the Lord's Prayer, 567.
A. (F. S.) on nattochiis and calchanti, 36.
Agares on Colonel Butler, 422.
A. (J . S.) on Russian Te Deum, 498.
—— sententious despatches, 171.
A. (L.) on green stockings, 398.
Alford (B. H.) on dogs in monumental brasses, 126.
Ἁλιεύς on atonement, 504.
—— Chauncy, or Chancy, 286.
—— Crawley (Rev. John), 361.
—— David's mother, 42.
—— Defoe's quotation from Baxter, 62.
—— Dudley (Robert), Earl of Leicester, 160.
—— Faithful Commin, 578.
—— Hawker's Echoes from Old Cornwall, 83.
—— "Hovd maet of laet," 258.
—— Merciful Judgments of High Church, 161.
—— perspective, 379.
—— postal system of the Romans, 549.
—— sack, 427.
—— Sir Charles Cotterell, 19.
—— work on ants, 528.
Allcock (Trevet) on Major André, 111.
—— Mackey (S. A.), 89.
Allcroft (J. D.) on numbers, 492.
—— Stoke and Upton, 421.
Alpha on abolition of government patronage, 466.
—— authors and publishers, 31.
—— English diplomacy v. Russian, 448.
—— leading articles of foreign newspapers, 218. 463.
—— Olympic plain, &c., 270.
—— Oxoniana, 300.
—— wheelbarrows, 77.
Alphege on inn signs, &c., 148.
A. (M.) on custom at University College, 468.
—— Eyre (Capt.), his drawings, 258.
—— pictures at Hampton Court, 20.
—— Shakspeare's Othello, 375.
—— Walpole and Macaulay, 74.
Amateur on a caution to photographers, 283.
—— coloured photographs, 359.
—— proportions of chlorides and silver, 358.
Anat. on Brown the Separatist, 573.
—— Lady Harington, 76.
Andréef (Dmitri) on Souvaroff's despatch, 20.
Andrews (Alex.) on remuneration of authors, 404.
—— Irish law in the eighteenth century, 428.
A. (N. J.) on Fox (Sir Stephen), 271.
—— repairing old prints, 104.
—— Warville, 112. 335.
Annandale on the last Marquis of Annandale, 248.
—— degrees in Arts, 304.
—— Mary Queen of Scots at Auchincas, 325.
Anon. on Ætna, 563.
—— André (Major), 522.
—— anonymous poet, 589.
—— assuming names, 32.
—— Bohn's Ordericus Vitalis, 512.
—— custom at Preston in Lancashire, 562.
—— Dinteville family, 198.
—— Druidism, its history, 219.
—— Holy Thursday rain-water, 542.
—— on King John, 550.
—— Laurie on Finance, 42.
—— longevity, 231.
—— Newton and Milton, 122.
—— "Service is no inheritance," 20.
—— screw-propeller, 394.
—— society for burning the dead, 287.
—— Soldier's Discipline, 218.
—— Virgilian inscription, 147.
—— Walpole and Macaulay, 74.
—— Wentworth (Sir Philip), 161.
Antiquary on Warwickshire badge, 398.
Aquarius on fountains, 516.
A. (R.) on impe, a progeny, 527.
—— Madame de Staël, 451.
—— wooden effigies, 457.
Ardelio on postal system of the Romans, 350.
—— prints of London before the Fire, 348.
—— Whitelocke (Gen.), 202.
Arterus on corporation enactments, 553.
Arthur on the Highland regiments, 493.
A. (S.) on college battel, 326.
—— Courtney family, 450.
—— inn signs, 494.
Ashton (B.) on the introduction of chess into Britain, 224.
Aske (Philip) on Latin Dante, 467.
Atkinson (N. C.) on arch-priest in the Anglican Church, 568.
A. (W.) on Hale's descendants, 77.
—— St. Paul's school library, 65.
Ayre (John) on Paleario's suppressed work, 321.
Azure on royal arms in churches, 327.
B. on Mathew, a Cornish family, 222. 551.
—— Palæologus, 572.
—— Sheridan's Duenna, song translated, 59.
—— Smith of Nevis and St. Kitt's, 575.
B. (A.) on Elizabeth Seymour, 313.
—— O'Brien of Thosmond, 125. 328.
—— Talbot's patents, 83.
—— three fleurs-de-lis, 113.
—— wandering bee, 370.
B. (A. E.) on attainment of majority, 83.
B. (A. F.) on De la Fond engraving, 272.
—— Pepys's original letters, 199.
Baker (Thomas) on Rebellion of 1715, 349.
—— Taylor (Dr. John), 137.
Balch (Thos.) on Fairfax (Lord), 379.
—— Harrison the regicide, 350.
—— Hayware (Richard), 373.
—— Ludwell: Lunsford: Kemp, 373.
—— names of slaves, 480.
—— Shippen family—John White, 147.
—— Skipwith (Sir Henry), 326.
—— Vandyke in America, 228.
—— Wolfe (Major-General), 468.
Balivus on ancient church usages, 567.
—— view of Dumfries, 516.
Balliolensis on distances at which sounds have been heard, 561.
—— epitaph on Sir Henry St. George, 122.
—— Hatherleigh Moor, Devon, 538.
—— Logan, or rocking-stones, 561.
—— Niagara, 573.
—— Plymouth Calendar, 585.
Barnard (R. Cary) on forlorn hope, 161.
—— isolated, 171.
Barry (C. Clifton) on fading ink, 199.
—— Lamenther, 173.
—— medicine practice in the East, 198.
—— wagers, celebrated, 450.
Bass (E. G.) on inedited letter of Lord Nelson, 344.
Bates (Wm.) on "Cui bono," 159.
—— emblematic meanings of precious stones, 88.
—— execution survived, 454.
—— Le Compère Mathieu, 480.
—— "Pinch of Snuff," 408.
—— precious stones, 408.
B. (B.) on General Whitelocke, 455.
B. (C.) on quotation in Byron, 399.
B. (C. W.) on Cornelius à Lapide's moral exposition, 512.
—— grammar for public schools, 81.
—— Hobbes' Behemoth, 77.
—— Rogers's poem, "A Wish," 85.
—— Talfourd (Judge), his letter, 269.
B. (E.) on gutta percha made soluble, 350.
Beal (Wm.) on etymology of pettifogger, 288.
Bealby (H. M.) on Mr. Justice Talfourd, 393.
—— Whitefield and Kennington Common, 367.
Bede (Cuthbert) on anachronisms, 367.
—— ague charm, 242.
—— bothy, 432.
—— hour-glass stand, 64.
—— inscriptions on bells, 593.
—— inscriptions on old pulpits, 31.
—— literary curiosities, 31.
—— parallel passages, 346.
—— sexton office in one family, 502.
Bee (Tee) on errata in Nichols's Collectanea, 371.
—— heraldic anomaly, 430.
—— Rowe the regicide, 449.
—— Whittington's stone on Highgate-hill, 397.
Bell (J.) on Shakspeare's inheritance, 479.
Betula on Latin treatise on whipping, 148.
B. (F. C.) on Roland the brave, 476.
B. (F. R.) on origin of clubs, 327.
B. (G. M.) on Dr. Johnson, 467.
B. (H.) on echo poetry, 51.
—— ridings and chaffings, 578.
B. (H. F.) on mantel-piece, 385.
—— saltcellar, a corruption, 10.
—— warple-way, 479.
Bibliothecar. Chetham. on Bradford's writings, 552.
—— Cassiterides, 111.
—— Celtic and Latin languages, 356.
—— Consilium Delectorum Cardinalium, 252. 518.
—— "De male quæsitis," &c., 600.
—— vault interments, &c., 278.
Billington (G. H.) on tavern signs, 330.
Bingham (C. W.) on Greek denounced by the monks, 600.
—— sneezing, 250.
Bingham (Richard) on literary queries, 197.
B. (J.) on ancient tenure of lands, 173.
—— Chadderton of Nuthurst, 303.
—— "Cant," its origin, 103.
—— Sandford of Thorpe Salvine, 303.
B. (J. B.) on numismatic collections, 9.
B. (J. C.) on Gen. Fraser, 161.
B. (J. H.) on atonement, 271.
—— brass in All Saints, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 273.
—— coincidences, 466.
—— coronation custom, 453.
—— Herbert's Church Porch, 566.
—— holy-loaf money, 256.
—— wooden tombs and effigies, 111.
B. (J. M.) on arm of Edward I., 200.
—— Coleridge's Christabel, 529.
—— Fair Rosamond, 335.
—— Juniper letter, 224.
B. (J. O.) on Brougham and Horne Tooke, 575.
—— false spellings from sound, 113.
—— Leslie and Dr. Middleton, 575.
—— Petley (Elias), 105.
B. (J. R.) on Lewis's Memoirs of the Duke of Gloucester, 542.
B. (M. A.) on Atherstone family, 221.
B. (N.) on table-turning, 135.
Bobart (H. T.) on Crabbe manuscripts, 35.
Bockett (Julia R.) on anecdote of George IV., 244.
—— "Bachelors of every station," 477.
—— clock at Alderley, 269.
—— female dress, 502.
—— Hale (Sir Matthew), his descendants, 160.
—— "Three cats sat," &c., 173.
Boole (G.) on conjunctions joining propositions, 180.
Borderer on Sir Walter Scott's quotations, 72.
Bowmer (C.) on yew-tree at Crowhurst, 274.
B. (P.) on books on bells, 310.
Braybrooke (Lord) on Hoby family, 58.
—— Old Rowley, 477.
Breen (Henry H.) on "Corporations have no souls," &c., 284.
—— English school of painting, 220.
—— "Les Lettres Juives," 160.
—— "Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre," 56.
—— Napoleon's spelling, 203.
—— Obs and sols, 176.
—— political predictions, 559.
—— Prior's epitaph on himself, 283.
—— Prophets: Francis Dobbs, 71.
—— reversible names, 285.
—— Warville, 209.
Brent (Fras.) on acrostic in Ash Church, 146.
—— tavern signs, 331.
Brent (J.) on Churchill's grave, 123.
B. (R. H.) on epitaphs, 54.
Bridger (Charles) on Edward Spencer's marriage, 273.
Bristoliensis on "Paid down upon the nail," 384.
Briton (A.) on burial of Richard III., 400.
Brockie (William) on Jean Bart's descent on Newcastle, 451.
Broctuna on Geneva arms, 44.
—— Henry, Earl of Wotton, 85.
Brookthorpe on mediæval furniture, 80.
—— "Good wine needs no bush," 113.
—— stone pulpits, 79.
Brown (Charles) on myrtle-bee, 205.
Brown (J. W.) on monumental brasses in London, 200.
—— Norman towers in London, 222.
Browning (Oscar) on the Emperor of Russia and the Garter, 420.
Bruce (John) on order for suppressing vagrancy, 6.
B. (R. W.) on "All holiday at Peckham," 35.
Bryce (J. P.) on Bruce, Robert I., 452.
B. (S.) on Manx cats, 575.
Buckton (T. J.) on the alphabetic psalm, 121.
—— Artesian wells, 283.
—— Begging the question, 136.
—— Celtic language, 492.
—— Cephas, a binder, and not a rock, 500.
—— eternal life, 122.
—— Lichfield bower or wappenschau, 338.
—— money, its value in the seventeenth century, 478.
—— polygamy, 329.
—— psalms for the chief musician, 242.
—— Russian "Justice," 74.
—— Russian Te Deum, 498.
—— Songs of Degrees, 473.
—— "Σφιδή," its meaning, 541.
—— standing at the Lord's Prayer, 567.
—— star of Bethlehem, 103.
—— Talfourd (Mr. Justice), 394.
—— ventilation, 524.
B. (W. S.) on B. L. M., 43.
C. on fusion in France, 431.
—— George IV., anecdote of, 431.
—— King James's Irish Army List, 544.
—— Lord Mayor not a privy councillor, 158.
—— Nelson's inedited letter, 337.
—— Roman roads in England, 431.
—— screw propeller, 473.
—— Swift (Dean), his suspension, 311.
—— Warville (Brissot de), 480.
C. de D. on blackguard, 503.
—— double christian names, 359.
—— goloshes, 471.
C. (A.) on hand in Brighton Church, 148.
C. (A. B.) on Genesis iv. 7., 371.
Camelodunensis on three fleurs-de-lys, 225.
Cantab on Buonaparte's abdication, 54.
—— "violet-crowned" Athens, 575.
Cantianus on Lovelace's Lucasta, 208.
—— old Mereworth Castle, 124.
Carnatic on "Cui bono," 159.
Carruthers (R.) on Popiana, 568.
Causidicus on lawyers' bags, 20.
C. (B. H.) on Aristotle, 529.
—— Charles I. at Little Woolford, 219.
—— Cephas, a binder, and not a rock, 500.
—— Cicero quoted, 111.
—— classic authors and the Jews, 221.
—— epitaphs, 369.
—— goloshes, 470.
—— Greek denounced by the monks, 600.
—— page, its derivation, 106.
—— Passion of our Lord dramatised, 528.
—— psalms in the Syriac version, 457.
—— Stationers' Company and Almanac, 104.
—— table-turning, 201. 551.
—— termination "-by," 136. 523.
—— Whole Duty of Man, its author, 551.
—— "Wise men labour," 553.
C. (E.) on willow-bark in ague, 452.
Celcrena on "to try and get," 233.
—— Verelst the painter, 148.
Cervus on burial in erect posture, 279.
—— custom of the London corporation, 34.
—— standing at the Lord's Prayer, 127.
Cestriensis on Lord Bacon, 76.
—— Geo. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, 56.
Ceyrep on door-head inscription, 89.
—— pretenders, their births and deaths, 177.
—— weather rhymes, 9.
C. (F.) on Cornwalls of London, 304.
C. (G. A.) on factitious pedigrees, 275.
—— gravestone inscriptions, 270.
Chadwick (John Nurse) on J. Farrington, R. A., 467.
Charlecote on inheritance, 155.
Chateau (J. H.) on "cutting off with a shilling," 198.
—— "Fig for you," 149.
C. (H. B.) on aches, 409.
—— American poems imputed to English authors, 377.
—— Barrel's regiment, 63.
—— Cranmer's martyrdom, 392. 590.
—— demoniacal descent of the Plantagenets, 494.
—— German coloured engravings, 565.
—— gossiping history, 239.
—— Hardman's account of Waterloo, 176.
—— impossibilities of history, 392. 590.
—— Leslie and Dr. Middleton, 324.
—— Mackey's Theory of the Earth, 179.
—— Madame de Staël, 546.
C. (H. C.) on Hoby family, 19.
—— Hodgson's translation of the Atys of Catullus, 19.
—— Keate family, 19.
—— three fleurs-de-lys, 84.
Cheverells on "abscond," 347.
—— right of refuge in church porch, 325.
Cid on armorial queries, 398.
—— canting arms, 146.
—— Fawell arms and crest, 374.
—— Griesbach arms, 350.
—— Smiths and Robinsons, 234.
—— Three Crowns and Sugar-loaf, 350.
C. (J.) on Bishop Atterbury, 395.
—— lavidian, a fish, 398.
—— saw-dust recipe, 255.
C. (J. T.) on Merryweather's Tempest Prognosticator, 273.
Clarus on ambiguity in writing, 52.
Clazey (James O.) on tent for collodion purposes, 83.
Clericus on Captain Latinized, 543.
Clericus (D.) on Burton family, 183.
Clericus Rusticus on nuggets, 232.
C. (L. S.) on illustrated Bible, 352.
C. (M. J.) on General Whitelocke, 456.
C. (N.) on recovery of silver, 476.
Cokely on splitting photographic paper, 61.
Cole (Henrietta M.) on May-day custom, 516.
Coleman (F.) on "Ded. Pavli," 302.
Collis (Thomas) on T. Collis and J. Clendon, 57.
Collyns (W.) on lines on Edward Law, 396.
Comes Stabuli on constable of Masham, 198.
Conder (Alfred) on Quakers executed at Boston, 305.
Constant Reader on London fortifications, 207.
Cook (J.) on collodion, 525.
Cooper (C. H.) on books burnt by the common hangman, 226. 426.
—— caps at Cambridge, 130.
—— Hobbes' Behemoth, 332.
Cooper (Thompson) on Irish letters, 361.
—— Three Pigeons inn, 528.
Cooper (Wm. Durrant) on Rev. John Waugh, 64.
Corbie on Corbet family, 515.
Corner (G. R.) on Robert Brown, 494.
Corney (Bolton) on Conduitt and Newton, 195.
—— Dryden on Shakspeare, 95.
—— Encyclopædia of ventilation, 415.
—— Strawberry-Hill gem, 3.
Cowley (H. C.) on spots on collodion pictures, 310.
Cpl. on bell at Rouen, 529.
—— binding of old books, 401.
—— Greek denounced by the monks, 467.
—— survival of execution, 455.
—— Theodore de la Guard, 517.
—— word-minting, 529.
C. (R.) on marriage ceremony in fourteenth century, 33.
C. (R. E.) on Lowth of Sawtrey: and Robert Eden, 374.
C. (R. E. G.) on Leicester as ranger of Snowdon, 353.
Crookes (Wm.) on restoring old collodion, 206.
Crosfield (Thos.) on Russian emperors, 222.
Crossley (Francis) on Button Cap, 272.
—— cassiteros, its etymology, 64.
—— Celtic etymology, 136.
—— Silo, its etymology, 42.
Crossley (James) on epigram on Handel and Bononcini, 550.
C. (R. W.) on bell inscription, 593.
C. (S. G.) on coronation stone, 328.
—— Herefordshire folk lore, 242.
—— inheritance, 155.
—— oaths, 403.
—— sexton office in one family, 171.
C. (T.) on quotation from Hudibras, &c., 107.
C. (T. Q.) on "Myself," 430.
Ctus (I.) on ancient tenure of lands, 309.
Cunningham (Peter) on the black-guard, 15.
Currey (G.) on Admiral Hopson, 172.
C. (W.) on Amontillado sherry, 474.
—— longevity in the Society of Friends, 243.
Cymro on consonants in Welsh, 471.
D. on dates of published works, 148.
—— "Plain Dealer," 303.
—— Quakers' calendar, 589.
Dale (S. Pelham) on ferricyanide of potassium, 549.
D'Alton (John) on James I.'s Irish army list, 30. 401.
Darling (James) on Encyclopædia Bibliographica, 526.
Daveney (Henry) on Belgium ecclesiastical antiquities, 386.
Davies (F. R.) on Clare legends, 73. 145. 490.
—— cure for hydrophobia, 322.
Dawson (J.) on S. A. Mackey, 179.
D. (B.) on sack, 427.
D. (C. H.) on the "Commons of Ireland," 35.
D. (D.) on Dr. Eleazar Duncon, 56.
D. (E.) on Anna Lightfoot, 233.
—— Chamisso, 396.
—— Cornwall family, 576.
—— heraldic query, 325.
—— John of Gaunt, 576.
—— Monaldeschi, 233.
—— Quakers executed in North America, 603.
—— Walton (Josh.), 420.
—— Walton (Mr. Canon), 397.
—— whipping a lady, 419.
Deck (Norris) on parallel ideas from poets, 121.
D. (E. H. D.) on Hoby family, 231.
De la Pryme (C.) on Copernicus' inscription, 553.
—— "Perturbabantur," 576.
—— "Poscimus in vitâ," &c., 87.
De Mareville (Honoré) on Blue Bells of Scotland, 600.
—— Clarence dukedom, 85.
—— Gentile names of the Jews, 374.
—— Gosling family, 82.
—— holy-loaf money, 568.
—— "La Langue Pandras," 334.
—— right of redeeming property, 602.
—— slow-worm superstition, 73.
—— Te Deum in the Russian service, 325.
—— thumb-biting, 88.
—— tortoiseshell tom-cat, 338.
Denton (Wm.) on double Christian names, 232.
—— Lord Brougham and Horne Tooke, 575.
—— Whitelocke (Gen.), 202.
Devoniensis on three fleurs-de-lys, 35.
D. (F.) on Major André, 520.
D. (G.) on Herbert's poem on Hope, 541.
—— saw-dust recipe, 148.
—— whapple or wapple-way, 232.
D. (H. W.) on the Alibenistic order of Freemasons, 56.
—— monster found at Maidstone, 106.
—— paper water-mark dates, 32.
Diamond (Dr. H. W.) on calotype process, 40.
—— double iodide solution, 230.
—— mounting positives, 381.
—— sensitive collodion, 158.
Dixon (R. W.) on Dixon of Beeston, 221.
D. (J.) on Barmecides feast, 543.
—— Wallace, the dramatist, 323.
D. (J. W. S.) on freemasonry, 542.
D. (L. C.) on arms of Geneva, 110.
D. (M.) on Burton's Anatomy, 333.
—— Lyra Apostolica, 407.
—— unfinished works, 258.
D'O. (C. B.) on Longfellow's Reaper, 63.
—— Paley's plagiarisms, 64.
—— wurm, in German, 63.
Dobson (Wm.) on churches in Domesday Book, 355.
D. (Q.) on voisonier, 335.
D. (R. W.) on Dixon's Yorkshire Dales, 148.
—— D. O. M., 137.
D. (S.) on pedigrees to the time of Alfred, 233.
—— on pictures from Lord Vane's collection, 171.
Duane (William) on Sheridan's patrimony, 447.
Dunkin (A. J.) on ancient tenure of lands, 448.
Durandus on portrait painters, 563.
Duthus on glass rod, 62.
D. (W. B.) on detached church towers, 20.
Dymond (Geo.) on Longfellow, 425.
—— Turkey and France, 397.
E. (A.) on Pope, 469.
Eastwood (J.) on "Go to Bath," 577.
—— "Perturbabantur," 576.
Ed. on Turner's paper, 41.
Edwards (H.) on short sermon, 589.
E. (F. E.) on blackguard boy, 154.
—— quotations, 402.
E. (F. S. B.) on sepulchral monuments, 587.
E. (H.) on Anglo-Saxon graves, 494.
—— City commission, 77.
Eirionnach on legends respecting bees, 167.
—— carronade, 408.
—— Catholic Floral Directories, 568.
—— children crying at their birth, 343.
—— Christ-cross row, 162.
—— "Homo unius libri," 89.
—— inscriptions on bells, 595.
—— life, 591.
—— life and death, 296.
—— man in the moon, 184.
—— productions of different carcases, 227.
—— Roche (John) of Cork, 217.
Elcock (B. S.) on pedigree to time of Alfred, 552.
Ellacombe (H. T.) on arch-priest in the diocese of Exeter, 312.
—— bell at Rouen, 233.
—— bell literature, 240.
—— inscriptions on bells, 595.
—— ecclesiastical usages, 257.
—— Rous the Scottish psalmist, 440.
Ellfyn ap Gwyddno on Eden pedigrees, 175.
—— Leicester as ranger of Snowdon, 125.
—— St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, 107.
Elliot (R. W.) on dog-whipping day in Hull, 64.
Ellis (Sir Henry) on letters of eminent literary men, 7. 28.
Ellum on Clarke's Charts of the Black Sea, 456.
Erica on "Corporations have no souls," 431.
Eryx on German tree, 65.
Escutcheon on Heralds' College, 248.
Evans (Lewis) on City commission, 84.
E. (W. P.) on Halcyon days, 249.
—— St. Blaise at Norwich, 353.
—— Teddy the Tiler, 248.
Experto Crede on gutta percha, 527.
F. on Ansareys in Mount Lebanon, 169.
Fairfax Kinsman on Lord Fairfax, 380.
Falstaff on sack, 272.
Farrer (J. W.) on bellman at Newgate, 565.
—— burial in erect posture, 279.
—— Duke of Wellington, 396.
—— epigram on four lawyers, 103.
—— "spires, whose silent finger," &c., 184.
F. (C.) on Capt. Farre, 32.
F. (C. E.) on albumenized process, 206. 332.
—— calotype process, 16.
—— hyposulphite of soda baths, 230.
—— printing positives, 406.
F. (E.) on letters of Irish, Anglo-Saxon, &c., 246.
Ferguson (J. F.) on chattel property in Ireland, 394.
—— Duval family, 285.
—— Irish records, 536.
—— Nugent's (Earl) poems, 149.
—— oaths, 61. 403.
—— Rigby correspondence, 369.
—— "To jump for joy," 466.
Ferrey (Benj.) on perspective, 378.
F. (H. B.) on Roland the brave, 476.
Fisher (P. H.) on grammars for public schools, 8.
Fitch (J. G.) on sneezing, 63.
Fitzroy (Lord John) on Copernicus, 447.
F. (J. F.) on French refugees, 516.
F. (M. R.) on George III., 447.
Fogie (Old) on muffins and crumpets, 77.
Forbes (C.) on Byron and Rochefoucauld, 553.
—— classic authors and the Jews, 478.
—— "Quid facies, facies Veneris," 18.
—— Watson's map of Europe, 513.
Forbes (Edward) on Manx cats, 112.
Foss (Edward) on Edward Bloet, 181.
—— clubs, their origin, 383.
—— legal customs, 41.
Fox (George) on Abp. Thurstan's burial-place, 172.
Fraser (Archibald) on mousehunt, 385.
Fraser (Malcolm) on the Bristol Backs, 517.
Fraser (W.) on "aches" a dissyllable, 571.
—— arch-priest at Exeter, 105. 185.
—— Bishop Atterbury's portrait, 163.
—— books burnt by the hangman, 227.
—— Convocation and the Propagation Society, 574.
—— Dominus, at Cambridge and Oxford, 222.
—— Herbert (Sir Anthony), 285.
—— orange blossoms, 527.
—— perpetual curates in convocation, 351.
—— proverbs unregistered, 527.
—— suffragan bishops in convocation, 35.
—— symbolism in Raphael's pictures, 589.
Frere (Geo. E.) on Garrick's funeral epigram, 529.
—— rubric in the Holy Communion, 566.
Frideswide on Purlet de Mir. Nat., 126.
Furvus on Bunyan's descendants, 223.
F. (W. D.) on acrostic on John Glanvill, 322.
F. (W. M.) on the Pax pennies, 562.
G. on canting arms, 256.
—— Clarence dukedom, 45.
—— Francis Browne, 41.
—— Leeming Hall, 351.
—— prospectuses, 45.
—— quotations from Horace, 552.
—— Scotch grievance, 284.
—— "Semper eadem," motto, 78.
Γ. on criminals restored to life, 282.
G. (A.) on letter of the Countess of Blessington, 268.
Gantillon (P. J. F.) on ballad on Thos. Syddale, 105.
—— Calves' Head Club, 88.
—— Cambridge mathematical questions, 338.
—— Cromwellian gloves, 538.
—— Greek epigram, 89.
—— quotations wanted, 421.
—— tavern signs, 331.
Gardner (J. D.) on the conventional term miser, 12.
Gatty (Alfred) on "A feather in your cap," 220.
—— Amontillado sherry, 222.
—— heiress of Haddon Hall, 452.
—— martyrs feeling pain, 246.
—— polygamy, 330.
—— Shrove Tuesday, 504.
G. (C.) on coin of Carausius, 148.
G. (C. M.) on Christmas ballad, 325.
George of Munster on the Legend of the Seven Sisters, 465.
G. (F.) on monumental brasses, 268.
—— Sir G. Felbrigge's brass, 326.
G. (F. J.) on judges' black cap, 399.
G. (H.) on arms of Richard, King of the Romans, 185.
—— Lord Fairfax, 156. 572.
—— Whittington's stone, 501.
G. (H. T.) on forlorn hope, 161.
—— miser, 161.
—— nightingale and thorn, 162.
—— starvation, 152.
—— Thornton Abbey, 161.
Gill (Thomas) on Osmotherley, in Yorkshire, 152.
—— Widdrington family, 550.
Gillott (Mordan) on Longfellow's Hyperion, 495.
G. (J.) on heraldic bearings, 480.
—— Plowden's portrait, 113.
G. (J. M.) on Griffin's Fidessa, 27.
G. (J. R.) on book inscriptions, 122.
—— broom at mast-head, 518.
—— inscription at Llangollen, 513.
—— Songs of Degrees, 376.
G. (J. W. G.) on Prospect House, Clerkenwell, 375.
—— Tremesin's portrait, 375.
G. (L.) on General Whitelocke, 455.
Glan Tywi (Gwilym) on consonants in Welsh, 471.
Gloucestrensis on the use of pure, 527.
Glywysydd on the Red Cow sign, 87.
Godwin (E. W.) on De Gurney pedigree, 324.
—— St. Philip's, Bristol, 150.
Goedes de Grüter (Professor) on high and low Dutch, 132.
Goldencross on Clarence dukedom, 224.
Gole (Russell) on attainment of majority, 18.
—— inheritance, 154.
—— Lawless Court, Rochford, 11.
Gondola on Canaletto's views round London, 106.
Gordon (G. J. R.) on bell inscriptions, 109.
Gough (H.) on books burnt by the hangman, 227.
—— hunting bishops, 432.
G. (R.) on Bingham's Antiquities, 308.
—— Consilium Delectorum Cardinalium, 252.
Grantham on calotype negatives, 502.
Graves (James) on John Bale, Bishop of Ossory, 324.
—— De Rous family, 222.
—— Dutch East India Company, 98.
—— Griffith (Wm.), Bishop of Ossory, 421.
Graves (J. T.) on books burnt by the hangman, 227.
—— table-turning in early times, 88.
Green (E. Dyer) on bell inscriptions, 109.
Green (Joseph Henry) on Coleridge's unpublished MSS., 543.
Grimalkin on nursery rhyme, 286.
G. (R. H.) on Consolato del Mare, 271.
—— "Vanitatem observare," 247. 311.
G. (S. C.) on the origin of etiquette, 106.
G. (S. E.) on foreign orders, 10.
Gunner (W. H.) on Gower's marriage licence, 487.
—— queries on South's Sermons, 515.
Gwillim on the Blechenden family, 422.
H. on Caricature; A Canterbury Tale, 351.
—— German engravings, 57.
—— "I could not love thee," &c., 125.
—— medal of Chevalier St. George, 311.
—— motto on old damask, 11.
—— sheriff of Somersetshire in 1765, 173.
H. of Morwenstow on Carol for the Kings, 53.
—— legend of the hive, 231.
—— lines on life and death, 481.
—— Sunday, its commencement and ending, 284.
Halle (Dr. H. F.) on botanic names, 537.
Halliwell (J. O.) on critical readings in Shakspeare, 540.
—— Shakspeare a landed proprietor, 75.
Hammack (J. T.) on Longfellow, 424.
H. (A. O.) on mistranslation in Hoveden, 113.
Hardwick (C.) on Consilium Delectorum Cardinalium, 380.
Harris (John Wm.) on the asteroids, &c., 129.
Harry (James Spence) on battle of Villers-en-Couché, 208.
—— General Whitelocke, 201.
Hart (Percy M.) on female parish clerks, 162.
Hartley (Leonard L.) on poets-laureate, 335.
Hartley (L.) on Lord Mayor a privy councillor, 137.
Harvardiensis on anonymous works, 244.
Hassan on the Turkish language, 352.
Hawker (R. S.) on "Firm was their faith," 135.
Hawkins (Edward) on Scotch grievance, 160.
Hawkins (John) an ominous storms, 494.
Hayes (Geo.) on Pliny's dentistry, 467.
Hayman (Samuel) on corporation enactment, 528.
—— passage in Sophocles, 42.
—— Roland the brave, 476.
—— wurm, in modern German, 154.
Hazel (W.) on ancient church usages, 567.
—— mousehunt, 602.
—— myrtle-bee, 602.
—— "Putting a spoke in his wheel," 601.
H. (C.) on Board of Trade, 562.
—— Brown (Sir Adam and Sir Ambrose), 564.
—— cabbages, 424. 576.
—— Dublin maps, 174.
—— sale of offices in seventeenth century, 562.
—— Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave's letter, 373.
—— value of money in the seventeenth century, 375.
—— voisonier, 334.
H 1. (C.) on demoniacal descent of the Plantagenets, 550.
—— wapple, or whapple-way, 232.
H 2. (C.) on Longfellow, 255.
H. (D.) on Fresick and Freswick, 174.
H. (E.) on Barrel's regiment, 159.
—— Dr. Bragge, 126.
—— "Had I met thee in thy beauty," 374.
—— Knight's Quarterly Magazine, 103.
H. (E. C.) on Celtic etymology, 40. 205.
Hele (Henry) on albumenized paper, 254.
—— Dr. Mansell's process, 182.
—— mounting of photographs, 381.
Hesleden (William S.) on the fifth Lord Byron, 232.
Hewett (J. W.) on columbarium in a church tower, 541.
—— ancient usages of the Church, 566. 567.
H. (F.) on Burke's domestic correspondence, 207.
H. (F. C.) on Butler's Lives of the Saints, 360.
—— Catholic Bible Society, 111.
—— "Could we with ink," &c., 482.
—— dogs in monumental brasses, 249.
—— hour-glasses and pulpit inscription, 135.
—— inn signs, 251.
—— Kirkpatrick's Norwich MSS., 564.
—— marmortinto, or sand-painting, 217.
—— mawkin, 601.
—— "Ned o' the Todding," 135.
—— progress of the war, 538.
—— Roman Catholic patriarchs, 384.
—— Shelley's Prometheus Unbound, 481.
—— Three Crowns and a Sugar-loaf, 481.
H. (H.) on Talbot's patents, 83.
Hibberd (Shirley) on gutta percha, 527.
—— tailless cats in the Isle of Man, 10.
—— willow-bark in ague, 571.
Higgins (Wm.) on female parish clerk, 432.
H. (J.) on Cranmer's martyrdom, 547.
H. (J. A.) on "What is truth?" 466.
—— word-minting, 335.
Hoare (G. T.) on perspective, 300. 577.
Hockin (J. B.) on cyanide of potassium, 230.
Hodges (Geo.) on branks, or gossips' bridles, 149.
Hooper (Richard) on plea for the City churches, 51.
—— reprints of early Bibles, 487.
—— Σίκερα, 126.
Hospes on Gresebrok, in Yorkshire, 285.
Howlett (W. E.) on right of refuge in church porch, 597.
H. (P. A.) on "Perturbabantur," 577.
H. (R.) on papyrus, specimen wanted, 222.
—— Vallancey's Green Book, 347.
H. (T. B. B.) on tavern signs, 331.
Hufreer on Hunter of Polmood, 198.
Hughes (T.) on Edward Brerewood, 173.
—— brothers of the same Christian name, 43.
—— Cobb family, 409.
—— double Christian names, 359.
—— Inman family, 353.
—— Milton's widow, 225.
—— parochial libraries, 186.
—— Wood of Chester, 430.
Hunt (Robert) on photographic studies, 182.
Husenbeth (Dr. F. C.) on Lyra's Commentary, 503.
—— "Vanitatem observare," 385.
Hutchinson (P. O.) on bell inscriptions, 592.
H. (W.) on anecdotes of George IV., 338.
H. (W. D.) on hour-glass in pulpits, 253.
—— master of the nails, 36.
H. (W. W.) on Henry IV. of France, 106.
Hypatia on translation from Goldsmith, 59.
I. (B. R.) on Culet, 36.
I. (E. W.) on Longfellow, 256.
Ignoramus on an imperfect Bible, 273.
Indian Subscriber on coronation stone, 123.
Ingleby (C. Mansfield) on begging the question, 284.
—— Cambridge Apparition Society, 150.
—— Cambridge mathematical questions, 184.
—— Coleridge's Christabel, 455.
—— Coleridge's unpublished MSS., 496. 591.
—— designation of works under review, 516.
—— eliminate, its correct meaning, 119.
—— grammar in relation to logic, 21.
—— "initiative" and "psychology," 271.
—— Job xix. 26., 303.
—— newspaper folk lore, 276.
—— perspective, 379.
—— proverbs, unregistered, 392.
Inquest on Humphry Repton, 400.
Inquirer on Benjamin Rush, 451.
Investigator on ruin near St. Asaph, 375.
—— chintz gowns, 397.
—— Irish law in the eighteenth century, 427.
—— varnish for old books, 423.
Iota on Cambridge mathematical questions, 35.
Ith. on B. Simmons, 397.
J. on florins and the royal arms, 59.
—— garlands, broadsheets, &c., 347.
—— Kynoch as a surname, 148.
Jacob (Eustace W.) on battle of the gnats, 303.
—— folk lore, 299.
—— Hampshire folk lore, 446.
—— Nelson's inedited letter, 241.
James on a female aide-major, 397.
James (John) on apparition of the white lady, 431.
—— domestic chapels, 219.
—— female parish clerk, 431.
Jarltzberg on party similes of the seventeenth century, 96.
Jaydee on blackguard, 503.
Jaytee on Ralph Ashton, 272. 325.
J. (C.) on Granby sign, 360.
—— John Locke, 493.
Jessop (Augustus) on Honoria, daughter of Lord Denny, 451.
J. (E. W.) on hay-bread recipe, 325.
—— hydropathy, 395.
—— salutations, 420.
—— tolling bell on leaving church, 312.
J. (G.) on tailless cats, 480.
J. (H.) on survival of execution, 454.
—— willow-bark in ague, 572.
J. (J. C.) on the Passion of our Lord dramatised, 529.
J. (J. W.) on parallel passages, 346.
J. (L.) on waestart, 571.
John o' the Ford on an anagram, 42.
—— death-warnings in ancient families, 55.
—— heraldic anomaly, 298.
—— Morant family, 250.
—— publican's invitation, 448.
—— termination "-by," 523.
—— three fleurs-de-lys, 225.
Johnson (Goddard) on Cris-cross row, 457.
—— inscriptions on bells, 596.
—— right of refuge in church porch, 597.
J. (P.) on "Luke's iron crown," 57.
J. (T.) on Caldecott's New Testament, 600.
Juverna on brothers of the same Christian name, 185.
—— Elstob family, 553.
—— recent curiosities of literature, 136. 475.
J. (W.) on the salubrity of Hallsal, 495.
K. on Charta Hen. II., 323.
—— licences to crenellate, 276.
—— whitewashing in churches, 148.
K. (C. F.) on hospital of John of Jerusalem, 451.
Kelly (Wm.) on criminals restored to life, 280.
—— inn signs, 252.
—— whitewashing in churches, 286.
K. (G. H.) on derivation of Silo, 42.
K. (J.) on Berkhampstead records, 56.
—— Fleet prison officers, 76.
—— Francklyn Household Book, 422.
—— Guye, or Gye, of the Temple, 35.
—— Tilly of the Westminster Courts, 35.
—— Willesdon in Middlesex, 422.
K. (J. M.) on manuscript catena, 33.
K. (L. P.) on Authors' Trustee Society, 269.
Knight (J.) on Cobb family, 409.
L. on Aristotle on living Law, 457.
—— Cowper, quotations in, 247.
—— garble, 360.
—— inscription on Lindsey Court-house, 552. 602.
—— mawkin, 385.
—— Page, its etymology, 255.
—— paper water-marks, 75.
—— Πίστις, its derivation, 551.
—— polygamy, 409.
—— postage system of the Romans, 549.
—— Vandyking, 599.
—— "Vanitatem observare," 386.
Λ. on scarlet regimentals, 55.
L. (1.) on Darwin on Steam, 408.
L. (A.) on wurm, in modern German, 154.
Laicus on sangarede, 495.
Lammin (W. H.) on Grammont's Memoirs, 204. 356. 584.
Lamont (C. D.) on carronade, its derivation, 246.
—— Greenock fair, 242.
—— mantel-piece, 302.
—— Scottish female dress, 271.
Lancastriensis on Alva's portrait, 158.
—— Sir Matthew Hale's descendants, 160.
Lane (Harley) on waxed-paper pictures, 182.
Lathbury (Thomas) on Primers temp. Queen Elizabeth, 170.
Lawrie (James) on Benjamin Rush, 603.
L. (C.) on Mr. Plumley, 516.
L. (C. P.) on Lemying of Burneston, 325.
L. (D.) on society for burning the dead, 76.
Leachman (J.) on deepening collodion negatives, 282.
—— double iodide solution, 182.
—— nitrate of silver, 181.
Leachman (Francis J.) on classic authors and the Jews, 384.
L. (E. H. M.) on the cassock, 479.
Leyton on mother of thirty children, 419.
L. (G. R.) on Celtic in Devon, 373.
—— Dorset, a beverage, 311.
L. (H.) on Hoglandia, 362.
—— retainers of seven shares and a half, 199.
L. (J.) on life and death, 481.
L. (J. H.) on Bp. Andrews' sermons, 350.
—— Politian's epitaph, 62.
L. (L. B.) on wafers, 410.
—— "Wise men labour," &c., 468.
Llewelyn (J. D.) on photographic experience, 456.
L. (L. L.) on inscriptions on buildings, 492.
L. (Ma.) on lines on Woman, 17.
Loccan on heraldic query, 271.
Locke (J.) on Russia and Turkey, 103.
—— Wallace (Sir J.) and Mr. Browne, 105.
Lodbrok on Earl of Glencairn, 452.
Londoner on newspaper folk lore, 29.
L. (R.) on standing at the Lord's Prayer, 257.
L. (T. P.) on Lysons' MSS., 57.
—— Maisterson's Lords' descents, 76.
Luccus on rutabaga, 399.
Lux in Camera on photographic cautions, 525.
Lyte (F. Maxwell) on collodion, 157.
—— new instantaneous process, 570.
M. on starvation, 152.
μ. on arms and motto of Col. William Carlos, 10.
M. (2) on charade on Whitelocke, 458.
—— Christopher Wren and the young carver, 20.
—— newspaper folk lore, 277.
—— non-recurring diseases, 38.
M. A. (Baliol) on Somersetshire folk lore, 536.
M. (A. C.) on Aska or Asca, 488.
—— Enareans, 101.
—— "Feather in your cap," 378.
MacCulloch (Edgar) on De Beauvoir pedigree, 596.
—— French season rhymes, 277.
—— hand-bells at funerals, 478.
—— mantel-piece, 576.
—— meals, meols, 553.
—— separation of sexes in churches, 336.
—— weather rules, 307.
Mackenzie (Kenneth R. H.) on ancient American languages, 194.
Macray (John) on Brydone the tourist, 138. 305.
—— Cunningham (Mr. P.), 75.
—— electric telegraph, 360.
—— Fata Morgana, 267.
—— La Rochefoucauld, 320.
—— occasional Forms of Prayer, 13.
—— Olympic Plain, 526.
—— Russell, or Du Rozel, the house of, 416.
—— Russia, Turkey, and the Black Sea, 132.
—— Turkey and Russia, 348.
—— table-turning, 39.
—— Wotton (Sir Henry), his "Character of a Happy Life," 420.
Madden (Sir Frederick) on the "Ancren Riwle," 5.
Maitland (Dr. S. R.) on Bunyan's MSS., 104.
—— rapping no novelty, 12.
M‘Allister (W. G.) on pedigree of Capt. Cook, 423.
Mansel (H. L.) on conjunctions joining propositions, 279.
—— gravelly wax negatives, 456.
Mansell (M. L.) on the calotype on the sea-shore, 134.
Mansell (T. L.) on double iodide solution, 310.
—— photographic experience, 501.
Margoliouth (Moses) on Cephas, a binder, and not a rock, 368.
—— Job xix. 26., 428.
—— Psalm cxxvii. 2., its translation, 107.
Mariconda on a hint to publishers, 146.
—— reprints suggested, 171.
Markland (J. H.) on Addison's Hymns, 424.
—— Sir Thomas Browne and Bishop Ken, 258.
Marsh (J. F.) on grammars for public schools, 209.
—— Milton's widow, 38.
Martin (H.) on the aboriginal Britons, 399.
—— Bohn's reprint of Woodfall's Junius, 584.
Martin (John) on Dramatic and Poetical Works, 173.
—— Historical Reminiscences of O'Byrnes, &c., 11.
—— Outlines of the History of Theology, 303.
Matthews (Wm.) on John Bale, Bishop of Ossory, 407.
—— fire-irons, antiquity of, 80.
—— Longfellow's originality, 77.
—— terminations "-by," and "-ness," 522.
Mayor (J. E. B.) on Ascham's Letters, 588.
—— epigram ascribed to Herbert, 301.
—— St. Augustine on clairvoyance, 511.
M. (B.) on Three Pigeons inn, 528.
M. (C. R.) on cissle, its meaning, 334.
—— stone pulpits, 79.
—— whitewashing in churches, 287.
McC. on "that," a grammatical puzzle, 300.
McNab (Kennedy) on branks, 578.
—— mawkin, 601.
—— Mirabeau, Talleyrand, and Fouché, 542.
—— Odd Fellows, 578.
M. (E.) on "Corruptio optimi," &c., 173.
—— Fairfax (Lord), 380.
—— proxies for absent sponsors, 324.
M. (E. J.) on "Man proposes," &c., 203.
Melville (N. L.) on starvation, 151.
Metcalfe (T.) on vellum-bound Junius, 74.
Mewburn (F.) on the king's prerogative, 247.
—— provincial glossaries in MS., 303.
M. (F. R.) on quotation from Wordsworth, 85.
M. (G. R.) on hour-glass stand, 64.
M. (H.) on Richard Fitz-Alan, 516.
M. (H. H.) on General Stokes, 34.
—— Philip Morant, 34.
—— Sir John Morant, 56.
Middleton (F. M.) on the bothy system, 305.
—— fox-hunting, 307.
—— mousehunt, 385.
—— Roland the brave, 476.
—— Selah, 423.
Mills (James) on per centum sign, 451.
M. (J.) on books not completed, 147.
—— church service, preliminary texts, 515.
—— death-warnings in ancient families, 335.
—— English literature, 244.
—— English liturgy, 466.
—— Huc's Travels, 19.
—— Notes and Queries on the Ormulum, 465.
—— New Zealander and Westminster Bridge, 159.
—— precious stones, 284.
—— Scott (Sir W.) and Sir W. Napier, 53.
—— table-turning, 502.
—— Talfourd (Justice) and Dr. Beattie, 497.
—— Uhland, the German poet, 147.
M. (J. F.) on an edition of Othello, 577.
M. (J. H.) on tolling bell on leaving church, 125.
M‘K. (J.) on eclipse in the year 1263, 17.
—— member of parliament electing himself, 285.
—— vellum-cleaning, 17.
—— wooden tombs, 17.
M. (L.) on M. Oufle's History, 57.
M. (L. B.) on funeral customs, 89.
M-n (J.) on consonants in Welsh, 271.
Monson (Lord) on Brydone, 496.
—— factitious pedigrees, 275.
Morgan (Octavius) on an ancient clock, 302.
Morgan (Professor A. De) on "Book of Almanacs," 561.
—— geometrical curiosity, 14.
Morris (F. O.) on Braddock and Orme, 562.
Mountjoy on egger moths, 148.
M. (P. M.) on quacks, 345.
M. (S.) on Addison and Watts, 373.
M. (S. R.) on Cranmer's Bible, 119.
M. (S. S.) on "Forgive, blest shade," 542.
Mummery (John) on Haas, the sand-painter, 327.
M. (W. H.) on Lord Fairfax, 10.
M. (W. M.) on Hervie (Christopher), 272.
—— "One while I think," &c., 76.
M. (W. P.) on Col. St. Leger, 76.
M. (W. T.) on bell inscription, 593.
—— cassie, 396.
—— hogmanay, 495.
—— judges practising at the bar, 450.
—— preliminary texts in church service, 515.
—— satin, its derivation, 17.
—— tippet, its derivation, 370.
M. (Y. S.) on army lists of seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, 589.
—— Bishop Bathurst, 422.
—— Bosvill (Ralph) of Bradbourn, 467.
—— Boyle family, 494.
—— buckle, 576.
—— Crewkerne (Henry) of Exeter, 467.
—— Geering (Richard), 337.
—— Fitzgerald (Edward), 494.
—— golden tooth, 337.
—— grafts on the parent tree, 337.
—— Harrington (Lord), 336.
—— heraldic puzzle, 513.
—— Heralds' College, 469.
—— Irish rhymes, 575.
—— John of Gaunt's descendants, 432.
—— Long Parliament, 423.
—— "obtains," its conventional use, 589.
—— "Put," its pronunciation, 432.
—— Temple (Dame Hester), 468.
—— Theobald le Botiller, 336.
—— Usher (Sir William), 576.
—— Wellesley or Wesley, 576.
N. on the Belle Sauvage, 89.
—— origin of the name of Norton, 272.
Narro on tenth regiment of light dragoons, 85.
N. (D.) on French London Gazette, 86.
Neglectus on inscription on Lindsey court-house, 602.
Newburiensis on quotation, 402.
—— Shrove Tuesday custom, 324.
—— tolling bell on leaving church, 312. 567.
N. (G.) on blackguard boy, 153.
—— Nelson and Trafalgar, 297.
—— starvation, 152.
N. (G. E. T. S. R.) on bell inscriptions, 109.
—— stone pulpits, 80.
Nimmo (Thomas) on disease among cattle, 445.
N. (L. M.) on an edition of Othello, 577.
Notary on dog-whippers, 499.
—— north-west passage, 516,
Nourse (Wm. E. E.) on communications with Iceland, 53.
Novice on Governor-General of India, 327.
Novus on archaic words, 491.
—— Consilium Delectorum Cardinalium, 381.
N. (S.) on "Cow Doctor," its author, 246.
—— "Innocents," a drama, 272.
—— Scroope family, 350.
—— Soomarokoff's "Demetrius," its translator, 246.
N. (T. L.) on "oriel," 400.
N. (T. S.) on Devereux Bowly, 285.
—— Longfellow, 424.
. (
.) on ordinary, 219.
N. (W. M.) on D. O. M., 286.
O. on photographic query, 406.
Oakden on John Ogden, 541.
O'Coffey (Thos.) on consonants in Welsh, 472.
Odd Fish on blind mackerel, 245.
Offor (George) on John Bunyan, 129. 223.
—— Canne's Bible, 563.
—— Field's Bible, 563.
O. (Geo.) on licences to crenellate, 276.
O. (J.) on books burnt by the hangman, 425.
—— curious old pamphlet, 391.
—— Dryden and Milbourne, 563.
—— Lord Rosehill, 519.
—— Obsolete Statutes, 562.
—— remarkable imprints, 143.
—— "Rodondo, or the State Jugglers," 589.
O. (J. B.) on Oxford jeu d'esprit, 168.
O. (J. P.) on Secunde Personne of the Trinitie, 114.
Oldbuck on marriage agreement, 193.
—— Queen Anne's medal, 399.
O. (N.) on domestic letters of Edmund Burke, 9.
O. (R.) on Irish law in the eighteenth century, 428.
Orde (J. P.) on "Horam coram dago," 186.
Osmanli on Turkish language, 456.
Oxoniensis on Longfellow families, 174.
—— teeth superstition, 64.
P. on Monteith, 452.
—— "Perturbabantur Constantinopolitani," 452.
Paget (Arthur) on Cobb family, 272.
—— picture queries, 198.
Paling (E. P.) on significant hint, 197.
—— tailless cats, 209.
—— tavern signs, 331.
Parker (J. H.) on Domestic Architecture, 220.
Patonce on Amontillado wine, 336.
—— atchievement in Yorkshire, 349.
—— bell inscriptions, 594.
—— fifteenths or fystens, 176.
—— Killigrew family, 199.
—— Red Cow—Cromwell's carriages, 306.
—— Seymour (Elizabeth), 174.
—— Young Pretender, 230.
Pattison (S. R.) on Arthuriana, 371.
—— stone chisels, 321.
P. (C. F.) on tolling bell on leaving church, 567.
P. (C. H.) on Ἀιὼν, its derivation, 192.
P. (C. K.) on epitaph in Tillingham Church, 9.
P. (C— S. T.) on Cotterell (Sir Charles), 208.
—— epitaphium Lucretiæ, 112.
—— hour-glass stand, 253.
Peacock (Edward) on Calves'-head club, 15.
—— dog-whipping custom, 65.
—— Lyra's Commentary, 323.
—— newspaper folk lore, 523.
—— Palæologi, the last of, 312.
Pemberton (Oliver) on criminals restored to life, 280.
Penn on French or Flemish arms, 541.
—— "Old Dominion," 468.
P. (E. O.) on Charles II.'s attendants in Spain, 272.
Perthensis on Richard of St. Victor, 352.
P. (H.) on Aristotle, 373.
—— costume of the clergy not Enarean, 337.
—— inheritance, 155.
—— Moral Philosophy, works on, 351.
—— nattochiis and calchanti, 183.
—— oaths, 45.
—— Passion of our Lord dramatised, 373.
—— tenure of lands, 309.
—— Thomas à Kempis, 87. 384.
Φ. on the derivation of πίστις, 551.
Φ. (1) on sovereigns dining in public, 120.
Φιλομαθὴς on spinning-machine of the ancients, 515.
Phipps (Edmund) on Canaletto's views, 288. 337.
Pinkerton (W.) on emblems of precious stones, 37.
P. (J.) on "ingenious man," in Niebuhr, 56.
—— paintings of Our Saviour, 270.
—— "Poeta nascitur, non fit," 398.
P. (J. H.) on the launch of the Prince Royal, 464.
P. (J. R.) on the antiquity of "snub," 219.
P. (J. T.) on funeral customs, 566.
P. (M.) on the Irish at the battle of Crecy, 517.
Potter (T. R.) on Bersethrigumnue, 373.
—— De Beauvoir pedigree, 349.
—— Lady Jane Grey, 373.
—— ridings and chaffings, 370.
Powell (John H.) on map of Dublin, 287.
P. (P.) on albumenized paper, 502.
—— ancient church usages, 567.
—— imp, its singular use, 113.
—— Jacobite garters, 528.
—— Monteith, 599.
—— papyrus, 529.
—— Pickard family, 87.
—— reversible masculine names, 184.
—— tailless cats, 209.
P. (P. P.) on Robert Hall, temp. James II., 76.
—— Plowden's portrait, 56.
P. (R.) on Dorset, a beverage, 247.
Prestoniensis on armorial supporters, 421.
—— "A regular Turk," 451.
—— Chapel Sunday, 527.
—— Holland, 421.
—— King John, 453.
—— knobsticks, 373.
—— Meols, a parish, 409.
—— Roman roads in England, 325.
—— slavery in England, 421.
—— Wesley and Wellington families, 399.
Probert (C. K.) on light in cameras, 548.
Ψ. on πίστις, unde deriv., 324.
P. (S. L.) on Ferdinand Charles III., 598.
Pumphrey (W.) on the céroléine process, 429.
Q. on the early use of "came," 112.
—— Lord Brougham and Horne Tooke, 398.
—— starvation, an Americanism, 54.
Q. (S. P.) on Shropshire ballad, 320.
—— Shrove Tuesday custom, 299.
R. (A. B.) on Bible of 1527, 504.
—— Caricature: A Canterbury Tale, 433.
—— epitaph in Lavenham Church, 369.
—— "Es tu Scolaris," 540.
Rawlinson (Robert) on the social effects of severe weather, 103.
R. (C.) on criminals restored to life, 282.
R. (C. T.) on Cawley the regicide, 247.
Reader on a photographic query, 41.
—— prize for best collodion, 254.
Reading on "Hovd Maet of Laet," 148.
Reed (James) on Jacobite club, 300.
R. (E. G.) on A. M. and M. A., 599.
—— chair, or char, 351.
—— mousehunt, 135.
—— starvation, 152.
Regent M. A. on caps at Cambridge, 27.
Relton (F. B.) on the Eastern question, 244.
Respondens on privileges of Canterbury see, 286.
R. (F. R.) on Dorset, a beverage, 311.
—— quotation, "Firm was their faith," 17.
R. (G.), York, on initials in glass quarries, 515.
—— Three Crowns and Sugar-loaf, 481.
R. (G. D.) on Rev. Joshua Brooks, 64.
R. (G. W.) on Cranmer's martyrdom, 548.
Riley (Henry T.) on Athenian sport, 350.
—— barristers' gowns, 323.
—— flasks for wine bottles, 304.
—— Froxhalmi, &c., 304.
—— Ingulph's Chronicle, correction, 301.
—— snush, when obsolete, 324.
—— "Tarbox for that," its meaning, 324.
—— tobacco-pipes, 372.
Rimbault (Dr. E. F.) on Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, 191.
—— Canaletto's views in London, 288.
—— "Could we with ink," &c., 256.
—— Dobney's Bowling-green, 572.
—— Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 354.
—— Handel, hymn attributed to him, 573.
—— Hero of the "Spanish Lady's Love," 573.
—— "Hip, hip, hurrah!" 386.
—— Middleton's "Witch," its music, 196.
—— Passion of our Lord dramatised, 528.
—— Prince Charles's attendants in Spain, 334.
—— pulpit hour glasses, 252.
—— Shakspeare's portrait, 571.
—— Shakspeare's Rime at the Mytre, 439.
—— tavern signs, 331.
—— Walters (Lucy), Duke of Monmouth's mother, 171.
R. (I. R.) on children by one mother, 186.
—— cock-and-bull story, 209.
—— Kemerton Church, its dedication, 271.
—— largesse, a provincialism, 209.
—— lode, its meaning, 233.
—— Maid of Orleans, 374.
—— market crosses, 209.
—— Miller (James), 496.
—— palace of Lucifer, 233.
—— reverence to the altar, 566.
—— Warner the poet, 453.
—— White (Samuel), 469.
Rix (S. W.) on Sir Anthony Wingfield, 86.
R. (J. C.) on Booty's case, 137.
—— "Horam coram dago," 186.
—— prophesying before death, 550.
—— "Sat cito, si sat bene," 137.
—— tavern signs, 330.
R. (J. C. H.) on foreign universities, 150.
R. (J. J.) on stone pulpits, 79.
R. (J. M.) on Rileys of Forest Hill, 398.
R. (L.) on Whitelocke's Memorials, 126.
R. (L. M. M.) on Hiel the Bethelite, 452.
—— Knightlow Cross, 448.
—— Scottish airs, 245.
R. (L. N) on branks, 336.
R. (M. H.) on dogs in monumental brasses, 312.
—— door-head inscription, 89.
—— paintings of our Saviour, 550.
—— Whitelocke (Gen.), 87.
R. née F. (H.) on Brydone the tourist, 255.
—— coronation stone, 329.
Robert (Prior) of Salop on restall, 539.
Robson (W.) on Duchess of Mazarin's monument, 249.
Ross (C.) on the definition of garble, 407.
R. (R.) on "Go to Bath," 421.
—— Roland the brave, 475.
R. (R. I.) on derivation of Celt, 86.
R. (T.) on "Cui bono," 76.
—— "Deus ex machinâ," 77.
Ruby on weather rules, 308.
Ruding on heraldic query, 352.
Rumbold (W. E. W.) on red and scarlet liveries, 126.
Rusticus on ashes of lignites, 422. 477.
R. (W. B.) on dog-whippers, 500.
R. (W. D.) on Lord Rosehill, 422.
—— seamen's tickets, 452.
S. on awkward, awart, 209.
—— Catholic Bible Society, 41.
—— Fleet prison, 160.
—— royal salutes, 245.
Σ. on Arthur de Vere, 35.
—— "Horam coram dago," 58.
—— largesse, 408.
—— prelate fond of quoting Procopius, 56.
S. (A.) on right of refuge in church porch, 597.
—— Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 105.
—— ruffin, a fish, 106.
Sage (E. J.) on Romford jury, 396.
St. Aubyn (J. P.) on Enfield Church, 287.
St. Clair (Haughmond) on a Bristol compliment, 541.
—— Devonshire superstitions, 344.
Salmon (Robert S.) on execution survived, 454.
Sands (H. C.) on photographic litigation, 598.
Sansom (J.) on antiquarian documents, 513.
—— arch-priest at Haccombe, 185.
—— Robert Bloet, 105.
—— Dr. Eleazar Duncon, 184.
—— daughters taking their mothers' names, 20.
—— marriage in the fourteenth century, 84.
—— passage in Bishop Watson, 43.
—— "Perturbabantur," 576.
—— sonnet of Blanco White, 552.
Saxa on "Firm was their faith," 17.
S. (C.) on the forlorn hope, 43.
S. (C. F.) on Ascension-day custom, 9.
—— Farrant's anthem, 9.
Scott (Francis John) on Celtic and Latin languages, 137.
Scott (Jas. J.) on death-warnings, 114.
—— echo poetry, 153.
Scott (Thos.) on photographic slides, 332.
Scott (W. H.) on coin of Carausius, 287.
—— curious inscription, 369.
Scribe (John) on "Gentleman's Calling," 175.
—— Russian emperors, 359.
—— tavern signs, 331.
S. (D. W.) on namby-pamby, 161.
—— "Quid facies," &c., 161.
S. (E. G. F.) on Edward Gibbon, 511.
Seleucus on consonants in Welsh, 472.
—— goloshes, and kutchin-kutchu, 304.
—— Herbert's Helga, 273.
—— Longfellow's Hyperion, 602.
—— mounting photographs, 310.
Serviens on Gen. Braddock, 11.
—— Campbell (Thomas), 73.
—— Gage (Gen. Thomas), 12.
S. (G. J.) on London fortifications, 288.
—— Ogborne's History of Essex, 322.
S. (G. L.) on Hardman's account of Waterloo, 355. 529.
—— long names, 312.
—— Marquis of Granby, 574.
Shadbolt (Geo.) on cameras, 571.
—— cyanide of potassium, 254.
—— improvement in collodion, 406.
—— mounting positives on cardboard, 332.
—— multiplying negatives, 110.
—— soluble cotton, 571.
—— Towgood's paper, 110.
S. (H. E.) on Maydenburi, 516.
S. (H. F.) on Bale's work on libraries, 589.
—— Marston and Erasmus, 513.
Shirley (Ev. Ph.) on factitious pedigrees, 275.
Sigma on Byron and Rochefoucauld, 347.
—— Canne's Bible, 563.
—— life and death, 592.
—— plants and flowers, 421.
Sigma (1.), on grammar-school at St. Mary de Crypt, 590.
—— "Original Poems," by C. R., 541.
—— "Shipwrecked Lovers," 450.
—— "The Village Lawyer," 493.
Silex on the céroléine process, 526.
Simpson (W. Sparrow) on burial in erect posture, 407.
—— chronograms from the banks of the Rhine, 60.
—— Churchill's grave, 234.
—— dogs in monumental brasses, 249.
—— God's acre, 492.
—— hour-glass stand, 253.
—— Kennington Common, 295.
—— licences to crenellate, 276.
—— occasional Forms of Prayer, 404.
—— stone pulpits, 80.
Singer (S. W.) on Dr. Whichcote and Dorothy Jordan, 383.
—— Blanco White's sonnet, 469.
Singleton (S.) on Herbert's Church Porch, 173.
Sisson (J. Lawson) on mairdil or mardle, 336.
—— stereoscopic note, 282.
S. (J.) on New Zealander and Westminster Bridge, 159.
S. (J. D.) on derivation of mammet, 43.
—— three fleurs-de-lys, 113.
S. (J. J.) on a Rubens query, 561.
S. (J. L.) on bell inscription, 110.
—— dannocks, 273.
—— mawkin, a provincialism, 303.
—— photographic query, 282.
S. (J. L.), sen., on Star and Garter, Kirkstall, 324.
—— waestart, a provincialism, 349.
S. (J. P.) on an expression in a Homily, 56.
—— Shrove Tuesday custom, 223.
Skyring (G. William) on "One New Year's Day," 467.
—— ridings and chaffings, 578.
S. (M—a.) on green eyes, 112.
Smith (Alfred) on Luther's bust, 21.
Smith (J. Gordon) on stock-horn, 76.
Smith (J. H. K.), jun., on Smiths and Robinsons, 148.
Smith (W. J. Bernhard) on clay tobacco-pipes, 546.
—— Nonjurors' motto, 87.
—— Wilbraham Cheshire MSS., 135.
S. (M. J.) on Spielberg, 302.
S. (M. N.) on multiplying negatives, 83.
Smokejack on nursery rhyme, 286.
Smythe (Wm.) on warple-way, 125.
Sneyd (Walter) on wafers, 409.
Snob on precedence, 327.
S. (N. W.) on hydropathy, 575.
—— "spoke in his wheel," 45.
S. (O.) on the Young Pretender, 572.
S. (P. C. S.) on commissions by Charles I. at Oxford, 495.
—— "Service is no inheritance," 41.
—— tippet, its derivation, 430.
—— Vandyking, 452.
Squeers on misapplication of terms, 44. 554.
S. (R. J.) on the commencement and ending of Sunday, 284.
S. (S.) on aches, 351.
Σ. ς. on combat of birds, 303.
—— execution survived, 174.
—— Grose the antiquary, 350.
Ss. (J.) on mousehunt, 136. 477.
—— Whitelocke (Gen.), 202.
S. (S. S.) on tolling bell on leaving church, 312.
S. (S. Z. Z.) on "Children in the Wood," 305.
—— East Dereham manor, 304.
—— epigram on Dennis, 223.
—— hero of "The Spanish Lady's Love," 304.
Steinmetz (Andrew) on a collodion difficulty, 549.
Stephens (Henry) on artesian wells, 499.
—— Blue Bells of Scotland, 209.
—— clunk, its meaning, 208.
—— draining by machinery, 183.
—— mairdil, 233.
—— Negro's complaint, 246.
—— Picts' houses, 208.
—— standing at the Lord's Prayer, 567.
Stillwell (John P.) on Cranmer's martyrdom, 590.
—— day at our antipodes, 288.
—— Francklyn's Household-book, 575.
—— Longfellow, 424.
—— perspective, 379.
Storer (W. P.) on blackguard, 503.
—— books burnt by the hangman, 227.
—— Cowperiana, 421.
—— hymn attributed to Handel, 303.
—— Longfellow, 256.
—— Mount Mill, 256.
—— Oxford Commemoration squib, 113.
—— St. John's Gate, arms on, 578.
—— tolling bell on leaving church, 312.
Strange (Philip) on anagram on Emperor Nicholas, 561.
Streether (S. F.) on Sir Edmund Plowden, &c., 301.
Stylites on artesian wells, 222.
—— polygamy, 246.
Subscriber on Bridget Cromwell, 36.
—— Inman, or Ingman family, 198.
—— Waugh of Cumberland, 272.
Suecas on Swedish words in England, 601.
Suum Cuique on precedence, 541.
S. (W.) on apocryphal works, 542.
—— tolling bell on leaving church, 311.
S. (W. H.) on Lounger's Common-place Book, 174.
S. (W. R. D.) on "Chip in porridge," 45.
—— Lewis and Sewell families, 86.
—— Warville, 112.
S. (Y.) on Dean Nowell's first wife, 300.
T. on temperature of cathedrals, 56.
Taylor (G.) on Manx cats, 111.
—— pudding-bell, 567.
—— quotation, 402.
—— Three Pigeons inn, 423.
—— "To pass the pikes," 516.
T. (C.) on bloaters and herrings, 347.
—— sepulchral monuments, 514. 539. 586.
T. (D. F.) on arms of Anthony Kitchen, 350.
—— Haviland, 399.
T. (E. A.) on Athens, "the violet-crowned," 496.
Temple (Harry Leroy) on parallel passages, 345.
—— Popiana, 445.
Tennyson (G.) on mousehunt, 65.
T. (E. S. T.) on garble, 243.
T. (G.) on "Days of my Youth," 601.
—— Gay's Acis and Galatea, 12.
—— poetical tavern signs, 58.
T. (G. W.) on New Zealander and Westminster-bridge, 361.
T. (H. G.) on quotations, 402.
Thinks I to myself on battles, 246.
—— electric telegraph, 270.
—— encyclopædia of indexes, 371.
—— life-belts, 348.
—— pronunciation of foreign names, 222.
Thomas (J. W.) on Arabian Tales and their sources, 319.
—— "Could we with ink," &c., 179.
—— derivation of mammet: came, 82.
—— Gerson (J.) and De Imitatione, 202.
—— misapplication of terms, 361.
Thornbury (G. W.) on inn signs, 251.
Thornton (L. M.) on Bayly's "Isle of Beauty," 453.
—— Beau Nash's palace, 146.
Thrupp (John) on nattochiis and calchanti, 84
—— New Zealander and Westminster-bridge, 361.
Timon on Nicholas Kieten, 398.
T. (J. G.) on Postmaster at Merton College, 304.
T. (J. W.) on "The spire whose silent finger," 9.
T. (N. L.) on charade on Whitelocke, 456.
—— gossip, 399.
—— "Go to Bath," 578.
—— largesse, 408.
—— mummy-chests, 422.
—— "Old Rowley," 457.
—— orchard, 400.
—— Peckwater quadrangle, 400.
—— sack, 427.
—— Sir Walter Scott and his quotations, 162.
—— "verbatim et literatim," 504.
Tomkins (H. G.) on Longfellow, 256.
Tonna (L. H. J.) on "Verbatim et literatim," 348.
Townsend (A.) on Bradford's writings, 449.
—— Bp. Hooper's argument on the vestment controversy, 221.
Traveller on Brydone the tourist, 432.
—— Dilamgabendi, 516.
Trevelyan (W. C.) on bothy, 527.
—— Field's Bible, 563.
T. (R. V.) on garble, 359.
—— ridings and chaffings, 578.
T. (T. A.) on derivation of "bigot," 560.
—— children by one mother, 572.
—— forensic jocularities, 538.
—— "Hic locus odit, amat," 552.
—— Kirkpatrick's Norwich MSS., 515.
—— palindrome verses, 343.
—— stone pillar worship, 535.
—— stornello verses, 299.
—— "Three cats sat," &c., 574.
T. (T. E.) on Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cambridge, 601.
T. (T. H.) on Celtic and Latin languages, 14.
T. (W.) on "Ned o' the Todding," 36.
T. (W. J.) on simmels, 322.
T. (W. T.) on ancient tenure of lands, 309.
T. (W. W. E.) on blue bell and blue anchor, 86.
—— cash, its derivation, 66.
Tyro on Lyra Apostolica, 304.
Υ. on ought and aught, 419.
U. (H.) on soluble cotton, 548.
Umbra on criminals restored to life, 281.
Uneda on ampers and, 43.
—— birm-bank, its derivation, 12.
—— "captivate," its old meaning, 8.
—— Darwin on Steam, 271.
—— Devreux Bowly, 173.
—— Dog Latin, 601.
—— ducking-stool, 232.
—— encore, 601.
—— epigrams, 504.
—— Fairfax (Lord), 379.
—— Fraser (General), 431.
—— gale of rent, 408.
—— green eyes, 432.
—— Inglis (Bishop) of Nova Scotia, 527.
—— life and death, 592.
—— "Marriage in High Life," 590.
—— "Milton Blind," a poem, 395.
—— Milton's correspondence, 504.
—— "mob," its derivation, 601.
—— "Off with his head!" 543.
—— Queen Anne's motto, 20.
—— selleridge, 146.
—— tailless cats, 479.
—— "To try and get," 76.
—— "Trevelyan," 590.
—— Wilkins (Peter), his Adventures, 543.
Ursus on Huntbach MSS., 149.
U. (U.) on Garlic Sunday, 34.
—— Turlehydes, 10.
Viator on warple-way, 478.
Vokaros on Clarence dukedom, 224.
V. (P.) on Ferdinand Charles III., 598.
W. on the order of St. David, 125.
—— objective and subjective, 170.
—— standing at the Lord's Prayer, 257.
on lawyers' bags, 21.
W. (A. C.) on "Hypocrisy is the homage," &c., 127.
Wake (H. T.) on epitaph at Whittlebury, 122.
Walcott (Mackenzie) on atonement, 503.
—— bishops' tombs, 146.
—— burial in erect posture, 279.
—— coincidences between Sir T. Browne and Bp. Ken, 220.
—— grammars for public schools, 81.
—— Hale (Sir Matthew), his descendants, 160.
—— Hooker quoted, 77.
—— inn signs, 251.
—— muffins and crumpets, 208.
—— muffs worn by gentlemen, 90.
—— newspaper folk-lore, 84.
—— New Zealander and Westminster-bridge, 361.
—— stone pulpits, 80.
—— three fleurs-de-lys, 84. 226.
—— tolling bell on leaving church, 312.
—— Waugh of Cumberland, 482.
—— word-minting, 335.
Walrond (J. W.) on double iodide of silver and potassium, 254.
Walter (Henry) on the asteroids, 36.
Warden (J. S.) on Abigail, 359.
—— Arabian nights, 44.
—— awkward, its etymology, 480.
—— Ballina Castle, Mayo, 311.
—— "Begging the question," 359.
—— Bingham (Sir John), 450.
—— Black Prince, 374.
—— Byron, the fifth Lord, 18.
—— Byron's Childe Harold, 481.
—— Christabel, the Third Part, 18.
—— Clarendon and the tub-woman, 45.
—— divining-rod, 386.
—— double Christian names, 45.
—— eclipse of 1263, 480.
—— Grammont's Memoirs, 584.
—— Helen MacGregor, 350.
—— Henry of Huntingdon's Letter to Walter, 371.
—— Jews and Egyptians, 34.
—— judicial rank hereditary, 311.
—— maps, their dates, 396.
—— Matthew of Westminster (Bohn's edit.), 8.
—— moon superstitions, 430.
—— naval atrocities, 10.
—— orange blossoms, 386.
—— Otterburn battle, 348.
—— personal descriptions, 76.
—— punctuation, errors in, 482.
—— Richard I., 44.
—— Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cambridge, 493.
—— Roman Catholic patriarchs, 384.
—— Shelley's Prometheus Unbound, 351.
Waugh (Geo.) on the Waugh family, 20.
Way (Albert) on Leighton's burial-place, 8.
W. (C. F.) on dog-whippers and frankincense, 349.
W. (C. F. A.) on Odd Fellows, 327.
Webb (Geo. Bish) on pedigree to the time of Alfred, 338.
Weir (Arch.) on "Corporations have no souls," 137.
—— Zeuxis and Parrhasius, 322.
W. (E. S. S.) on Ferdinand Charles III., 417.
—— medal of Chevalier St. George, 479.
West Indian on Col. M. Smith's family, 222.
West Sussex on "Myself," 430.
W. (G.) on Russian religion, 86.
W. (H.) on conjunctions joining propositions, 279.
—— table-turning, 201.
Wharton (J. M.) on Granby sign, 127.
Whitborne (J. B.) on William Carlos's inscription, 305.
—— Elizabeth Elstob, 200.
—— sign of rain, 53.
—— vossioner, its meaning, 224.
—— wooden tombs and effigies, 62.
Whitworth (Chas.) on box saw-dust for collodion, 358.
Wiccamicus on "Perturbabantur," 577.
Wilkinson (C.) and Sons on Buonaparte's abdication, 183.
Wilkinson (T. T.) on Cambridge mathematical questions, 184.
Williams (F. J.) on Scotch grievance, 160.
Willo on saw-dust recipe, 255.
Winthrop (Wm.), Malta, on Fairfax barony, 156.
—— German song on Truth, 56.
—— Haynau (Gen.), his corpse, 171.
—— longevity, 232.
—— Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 80. 99. 263. 333. 417. 442.
—— parallel passages, 347.
—— rapping no novelty, 200.
—— royal letters to Grand Masters of Malta, 99. 333. 417. 442.
—— Saladin, the great Sultan, 257.
—— year 1854, 197.
W. (J.) on derivation of skin-flint, 34.
W. (J. K. R.) on epitaphs, 492.
—— "One New Year's Day," 526.
W. (J. M.) on saw-dust recipe, 255.
W. (J. O.) on Sir Hugh Myddelton, 495.
W. (J. R.) on Lounger's Common-place Book, 258.
Wmson (S.) on lines attributed to Hudibras, 137.
—— "marriage a rabble rout," 184.
—— Noctes Ambrosianæ, 397.
W. (M. T.) on Churchill's grave, 334.
—— Cranmer's Bibles, 334.
—— Knight's Quarterly, contributors to, 334.
Woodman (E. F.) on books burnt by the hangman, 426.
—— "Hovd maet of laet," 257.
—— Linnæan medal, 374.
Woodward (B. B.) on "Consilium novem delectorum Cardinalium," &c., 127. 519.
—— Kirkpatrick's Norwich MSS., 564.
Wreford (J. R.) on Ferdinand Charles III., 598.
W. (T. I.) on holy-loaf money, 150.
W. (T. T.) on Queen Elizabeth and the ring, 175.
—— Sunday, its commencement and end, 198.
W. (W. F.) on iodized paper, 62.
W. (W. S.) on daughters taking their mothers' names, 230.
X. on reversible names, 285.
Ξανθος on Dr. Whichcote and Dorothy Jordan, 351.
—— Keats's Poems, 421.
X. (S.) on Lord Halifax and Mrs. C. Barton, 18.
X. (W.) on Widderington family, 375.
Y. (B. R. A.) on inscription on Lindsey Court-house, 602.
—— Lyra Apostolica, 407.
—— Mount Mill, 174.
Yeowell (James) on bell mottoes, 109.
Y. (H.) on B. C. Y., 149.
Y. (J.) on Bishop Burnet's character, 448.
—— Chauncy, or Chancy, 126.
—— cross-legged figures, 77.
—— electric telegraph in 1753, 274.
—— Whitelocke (Gen.), 202.
Y. (K.) on tailless cats, 480.
Y. (Z.) on Forms of Public Meetings, 174.
Z. on extracts from Registers of Lincoln see, 513.
Z. (A.) on Leapor's Tragedy, 104.
—— Lydia, or Conversion, 76.
—— Watson (Charles), 57.
Zachary (M.) on Hervie's Synagogue, 184.
Zeus on Belle Sauvage, 44.
—— criminals restored to life, 281.
—— German tree, 136.
—— goloshes, 470.
—— inn signs, 252.
—— mantel-piece, 576.
—— muffins and crumpets, 208.
—— Sotades, 18.
Z. (X. Y.) on Dr. John Pocklington, 247.
—— Roland the brave, 372.
Printed by Thomas Clark Shaw, of No. 10. Stonefield Street, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by George Bell, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.