The Project Gutenberg eBook of Bird Children: The Little Playmates of the Flower Children This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Bird Children: The Little Playmates of the Flower Children Author: Elizabeth Gordon Illustrator: M. T. Ross Release date: November 5, 2014 [eBook #47293] Most recently updated: October 24, 2024 Language: English Credits: Produced by Turgut Dincer (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BIRD CHILDREN: THE LITTLE PLAYMATES OF THE FLOWER CHILDREN *** Bird Children The Little Playmates of the Flower Children [Illustration: Children playing] By Elizabeth Gordon Drawings by M.T.Ross [Illustration: Printer’s Mark] Published by P.F.Volland & Company Chicago Copyright 1912 P. F. Volland & Company All Rights Reserved Sixth Edition _To all children who love Birds and Flowers, and especially to my little friend Dorothy Virginia, this book is lovingly dedicated._ FOREWORD Birds are only another expression of God’s love, and we are told that not even a sparrow shall fall to the ground without the notice of the Father. Birds are poetry come to life and set to music. If you should stand at the edge of a forest at sundown and hear the birds singing their good-night songs, hear the sleepy little notes grow fainter and fainter until the silence came,—then when the dusk had deepened, you should hear the night birds begin their plaintive songs, you would realize what a different place our beautiful world would be without birds. Even in great cities we have always some birds. The saucy little sparrow, who comes so boldly begging crumbs at your window, likes the cities best. Only very thoughtless people, or those who do not understand, would harm or frighten a bird. They are real little people, and I am sure that when you have come to know them you will love them as much as you have learned to love the Flower Children. The publishers and the author have received so many letters from parents commending Flower Children for its instructive features, and from children, demanding “more” delightful play-mates, that they offer “Bird Brothers and Sisters,” believing that “The little playmates of the Flower Children” will prove as welcome visitors as “The Little Cousins of the Fields and Garden.” The author and the artist wish to thank the children for their many expressions of interest and for their loyal support. ELIZABETH GORDON M. T. ROSS [Illustration] [Illustration: Rooster] Sir Rooster is a noisy chap, He wakes you from your morning nap; He sleeps but little all night through, Crows at eleven, one and two. [Illustration] [Illustration: Hen] Mrs. Hen, the kind old dame, Always dresses just the same; She talks all day about her joys And lays nice eggs for girls and boys. [Illustration] [Illustration: Guinea Hen] Said Guinea Hen: “I like to eat Three-cornered grains of nice buckwheat; I only want good, simple food To feed my Huffy little brood.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Gosling] Dear little, downy Gosling said: “I can’t get learning through my head; I really don’t see what’s the use— When I grow up I’ll be a goose.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Goose] Said Father Goose: “I think I ’ll take A stroll this morning to the lake.” Mother Goose said: "Then I ’ll go, too, And maybe take a swim with you.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Duckling] Said Yellow Duckling to his brother: “Come on, let’s hide away from mother,” But he replied: “Oh, dear me, No! We’d better not, she’d worry so.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Snow Goose] “Honk-honk, Honk-honk,” old Snow Goose said, “I think tonight we ’ll go to bed A hundred miles due south from here,— The snow is on the way, I fear.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Mallard Duck] In Shallow water Mallard Duck At fishing sometimes tries his luck; At other times he thinks it’s nice To nibble at the sweet wild rice. [Illustration] [Illustration: Swan] Madam Swan’s a graceful lady, Likes to float where banks are shady; When Father Swan goes out to swim He takes the cygnets out with him. [Illustration] [Illustration: Golden Pheasant] Golden Pheasant took a notion To take a trip across the ocean, Got a nice room at the zoo And said he’d stay a year or two. [Illustration] [Illustration: Turkey Cock] Taking his family for a walk We see old Mr. Turkey Cock; He dresses up in colors gay,— His wife wears quiet tones of gray. [Illustration] [Illustration: Stork] Old Doctor Stork, the kind old bird, Brings the new babies, I have heard; If you should ask him, he may bring You one to keep, beneath his wing. [Illustration] [Illustration: Rook] Sir Rook is English, don’t you know? Says: “Do not confound me with the Crow.” His family tree is large and old, Which makes his manner proud and cold. [Illustration] [Illustration: Paradise Bird] Paradise Bird, in her new clothes, Said: “They ’re expensive, goodness knows! I ’spose, because they were so dear, I ’ll have to wear them all this year.” (_Red Paradise Bird_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Peacock] Peacock’s a bird of much renown And wears a lovely cap and gown; They say he’s very, very vain And likes to show his sweeping train. [Illustration] [Illustration: Nightingale] Said Nightingale: “It’s not my way To practice singing in the day, But wait till all the rest are through And I will gladly sing for you.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Canary] Canary-Bird said to his mother: “Is that bird in the tree my brother?” Mama Canary said: “Oh, no! He’s just a cousin—wild, you know.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Oriole] Oriole, flashing wings of flame, In the spring like sunshine came, Hung his nest away up high So his babes could see the sky. (_Orchard Oriole_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Baltimore Oriole] Baltimore Oriole, pretty thing, Builds his nest of bits of string; He’s sociable and likes to stay Where people live and children play. [Illustration] [Illustration: Meadow Lark] Meadow Lark has a flute-like voice, Sings a song that’s very choice; Builds his nest low, near the ground, With woven grasses arched around. [Illustration] [Illustration: Crow] Black, solemn-looking Mr. Crow Steals the good farmer’s corn, you know; If you ask why he breaks the laws, He answers, wisely: “Caws, caws, caws.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Chickadee] Friendly little Chickadee Is just as cunning as can be; Upon your window-sill he ’ll come And thank you kindly for a crumb. [Illustration] [Illustration: Cardinal] Cardinal Bird wears vivid red, He’s very amiable, ’tis said; He likes fresh fruits and seeds to eat And has a song that’s very sweet. [Illustration] [Illustration: Magpie] Magpie’s a gossip—that’s the truth— A naughty, disobedient youth; We must not judge him, but suppose He does the very best he knows. [Illustration] [Illustration: Great Blue Heron] Great Blue Heron likes to fly, And so he builds his house up high, Way in the tops of tallest trees Where he lives, happy as you please. [Illustration] [Illustration: Bob-o-link] Bob-o-link, among the clover, Tells his name over and over; He doesn’t stay North very long And when he goes we miss his song. [Illustration] [Illustration: Indigo Bunting] Indigo Bunting comes in May, Saying cheerfully: “I’m here to stay.” He’s a nice, friendly little thing, Willing at any time to sing. [Illustration] [Illustration: Eagle] Eagle has piercing yellow eyes, He’s very strong and very wise; He’s king and master over all The other birds, both great and small. (_Golden Eagle_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Turkey Buzzard] Turkey Buzzard, on the wing, Is a most graceful-looking thing; Like scavengers, who come each day, He does much good in his own way. [Illustration] [Illustration: Vermilion Flycatcher] Vermilion Flycatcher’s a beauty, You’ll always find him right on duty; Searches for food early and late, Bringing it to his pink-clothed mate. [Illustration] [Illustration: Yellow Warbler] Yellow Warbler comes to stay Along about the first of May; He likes to live by pond or rill And builds his nest with care and skill. [Illustration] [Illustration: Curlew] Curlew runs along the shore, To him, perhaps, it’s like a floor; Whistle, and he will answer you Something like this: “Kerloo, Kerloo.” (_Long-Billed Curlew_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Partridge] Sir Partridge is a drummer bold, You’ll hear him drum when days are cold. He says the nicest things to eat Are red thorn apples, ripe and sweet. (_Ruffed Grouse_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Snowy Heron] The Snowy Heron’s used to be A very fine, large family; I tell you this with great regret: Men hunt the birds their plumes to get. [Illustration] [Illustration: King-Fisher] Said King-Fisher: "The choicest dish I know of is a fresh caught fish; I love to fish, and, if you’ll wait, I’ll get you some—I need no bait.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Brown Thrasher] Brown Thrasher is a cheerful bird, His sweet, clear carol may be heard All through the pleasant summer day; We’re sorry when he goes away. [Illustration] [Illustration: Goldfinch] Said Goldfinch: “I believe in weeds; I live all winter on the seeds; In my snug coat of black and gold I really do not feel the cold.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Robin] “Cheer up, cheer up, it’s going to rain,” Sang plump Sir Robin, “but ’tis plain We need some moisture for the ground, So dinners may be better found.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Red-winged Black-Bird] Flitting ’round the swimming pool, Where the air is nice and cool, Red-winged Black-Bird sings in glee: “Gloogle-ee, Gloogle-ee-e.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Quail] Quail sings a song of sheer delight: “Bob White, Bob White, Bob-Bob-Bob White.” I wonder who Bob White may be To whom he calls so merrily. [Illustration] [Illustration: King-Bird] King-Bird, like some other boys, Likes to make a lot of noise; He’s a bit boisterous in play And sometimes quarrelsome, they say. [Illustration] [Illustration: Catbird] Catbird is good at imitations, He mimics all his small relations; And, safely perched upon a bough, He imitates the cat’s “Me-ow.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Purple Martin] Said Purple Martin to his lady: “Here’s a house all cool and shady; I surely am a lucky swallow— This beats my building plans all hollow.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Redstart] “Che-Wee, che-wee, che-wee-che-wee,” Said Redstart, “Will you look at me? I do not sing so well by note But see my black and orange coat!” (_American Redstart_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Bluebird] With a flash of bright-hued wing, Bluebird comes to say it’s spring; Sets about to build his nest Upon the tree which suits him best. [Illustration] [Illustration: Screech Owl] Little Sir Screech Owl and his wife Live such a cheerful, useful life; They nest among the apple trees, Saying: “May we eat the bugs here, please?” [Illustration] [Illustration: Barn Owl] “Who, Who, who, who?” asks Sir Barn Owl, When he comes out at dusk to prowl; He has great shiny yellow eyes, And looks so very, very wise. [Illustration] [Illustration: Cassowary] Ostrich’s cousin, Cassowary, Wears a coat peculiar, very; It’s half like feathers, half like hair,— There’s not one like it anywhere. [Illustration] [Illustration: Ostrich] Ostrich grows to be immense But has so very little sense, For when an enemy’s at hand He covers up his head with sand. [Illustration] [Illustration: Penguin] Said Penguin, pensively, one day: “Come, fishie dear, come out and play,” But fishie answered, in a fright: “I ’ve heard about your appetite.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Albatross] Albatross has wings so strong That he could fly the whole day long; But if he’s tired, he can float Upon the waves, just like a boat. [Illustration] [Illustration: Parrakeet] The dainty Misses Parrakeet A Dress all in green and look so sweet; From South America they came And “Love Bird” is their other name. (_Red-Faced Lovebirds_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Humming Bird] Humming Bird, the dainty thing, Has no voice and cannot sing, He lives daintily, and sips Honey from the flowers’ lips. (_Ruby Throated Humming Bird_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Spoonbill] Here’s a good joke about Spoonbill: Never had hair and never will; His head is absolutely bare,— He’s happy though—he doesn’t care. (_Roseate Spoonbill_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Ibis] Madame Ibis, stately bird, Stands and thinks without a word; She can’t forget that long ago She was a sort of queen, you know. (_Scarlet Ibis_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Sandpiper] Sandpiper lives beside the water With her little son and daughter; Shows the cunning little brood Exactly where to look for food. (_Least Sandpiper_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Stormy Petrel] Said Stormy Petrel: “This is fine! I do enjoy the gale called ‘line’; No matter how the storm may thicken It just suits ‘Mother Carey’s Chicken.’” [Illustration] [Illustration: Cockatoo] Said fussy Madam Cockatoo: “I always find enough to do; I’m such a busy, useful dame, I know these folks are glad I came.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Parrot] Parrot’s a very wise old bird, She can speak English well, I’ve heard; Laughs and says in manner jolly: “Have you a cracker for Miss Polly?” (_Gray Parrot_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Blue Jay] A Dreadful thief is old Blue Jay, He robs the other birds, they say; He wears a handsome suit of blue, And calls a gay “Good-day” to you. [Illustration] [Illustration: Sparrow] Sparrow’s an Englishman, I’m told, His manners are both rude and bold; Other birds wish he’d go away, But he says: “No, I’ve come to stay.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Whip-Poor-Will] At evening, when the world is still, Mournfully sings the Whip-Poor-Will In his brown suit, all trimmed with white, He slips so softly through the night. [Illustration] [Illustration: Eave Swallow] Eave Swallow, in his nest of clay, Always has lots of things to say; He and his brothers often race, Catching the insects ’round the place. [Illustration] [Illustration: Sea Dove] Sea Dove, sometimes called “Little Auk,” Flies very little, likes to walk; He wears a coat of feathers warm And doesn’t seem to mind the storm. [Illustration] [Illustration: Loon] Loon is a fearless diver bold, He does n’t mind the heat or cold; He dives and swims—oh, very far, And then bobs up and laughs “Ha-Ha!” [Illustration] [Illustration: Mocking bird] Mocking bird is very clever, Uses her own notes hardly ever, But saucily sings bits of song Which to the other birds belong. [Illustration] [Illustration: Wood-Pecker] “O dear, dear me!” Wood-Pecker said, “The birds all shout at me, ‘Redhead’; It makes me feel so very sad, No wonder that my temper’s bad!” [Illustration] [Illustration: Crested Flycatcher] To save his little home from harm, Crested Flycatcher has a charm: He finds and places in his nest A piece of Mr. Snake’s old vest. [Illustration] [Illustration: Ivory-billed Woodpecker] Ivory-billed Woodpecker said: “Dear me! They’re cutting down my family tree; Where can I live, I’d like to know, If men will spoil the forest so?” [Illustration] [Illustration: Night Hawk] Night Hawk is lazy, sleeps all day, And then comes out at night to play; He always wears his evening clothes And when it’s daylight, home he goes. [Illustration] [Illustration: Barn Swallow] Barn Swallow is a graceful thing, Catches his food upon the wing; Perhaps that’s why he is so fond Of skimming lightly o ’er the pond. [Illustration] [Illustration: Laughing Gull] Laughing Gull seems free from care, He’s always laughing everywhere; He never tells what it’s about And no one yet has found it out. [Illustration] [Illustration: Starling] Starling’s a pretty little dear, He lives in Europe, too, we hear; The folks in Ireland, so we’re told, Think that he’s worth his weight in gold. [Illustration] [Illustration: Jenny Wren] Said busy little Jenny Wren: “I like to live where there are men; I come each year to the same place So I can see some friendly face.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Mourning Dove] Mourning Dove is very sweet, She likes nice grains and seeds to eat; In her soft voice she calls: “Coo, coo,” Which means in Dove talk, “I love you.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Red-Shafted Flicker] Red-Shafted Flicker hops around, Eating the ants upon the ground; He builds in any hollow tree Where he’s as snug as snug can be. [Illustration] [Illustration: Green Jay] Green Jay lives in Rio Grande, A member of a robber band; He’s very beautiful, but oh! We wish he would n’t plunder so! [Illustration] [Illustration: Cow-Bird] Cow-Bird is lazy, sad to say, She lives in quite a selfish way; She’s neither pretty nor polite And never tries to do what’s right. [Illustration] [Illustration: Cuckoo] Cuckoo’s a quiet, useful bird, He eats the naughty worms, I’ve heard, And from the woods he calls to you His simple song:—“Cuckoo, cuckoo.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Snow Bird] The Snow Bird said: “Let’s have some fun, The storm is over—there’s the sun.” He rolled and tumbled in the snow, Like other little ones you know. (_Snow-Flake_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Phoebe Bird] Under a bridge, where all day long The brooklet sings its happy song, Phoebe Bird builds her nest of clay To which she comes each year to stay. [Illustration] [Illustration: Scarlet Flamingo] Scarlet Flamingo said: “Just think! I really thought this gown was pink, But when you see it in this light, It’s red—I fear it’s rather bright.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Pelican] Here is old Mr. Pelican, He is a famous fisherman; Said he: “I do not mind wet feet If I catch fish enough to eat.” [Illustration] [Illustration: Puffin] Puffin walks better than he flies, He has red feet and queer white eyes; He’s such a funny little fellow With his great beak of red and yellow. (_Sea Parrot_) [Illustration] [Illustration: Lyre Bird] Lyre Bird’s an Australian child, She lives in lonely places wild, And builds upon the rocky ground The queerest nest which can be found. INDEX Albatross 61 American Redstart 54 Baltimore Oriole 29 Barn Owl 57 Barn Swallow 81 Black-Bird 49 Blue Heron 35 Blue Jay 70 Bluebird 55 Bob-o-Link 36 Brown Thrasher 46 Canary Bird 27 Cardinal Bird 33 Cassowary 58 Catbird 52 Chickadee 32 Cockatoo 68 Cow-Bird 88 Crested Flycatcher 78 Crow 31 Cuckoo 89 Duckling 16 Eave Swallow 73 Golden Eagle 38 Golden Pheasant 20 Goldfinch 47 Goose 15 Gosling 14 Gray Parrot 69 Green Jay 87 Guinea Hen 13 Hen 12 Indigo Bunting 37 Ivory-Billed Woodpecker 79 Jenny Wren 84 King Bird 51 King Fisher 45 Laughing Gull 82 Least Sandpiper 66 Long-Billed Curlew 42 Loon 75 Lyre Bird 95 Magpie 34 Mallard Duck 18 Meadow Lark 30 Mocking Bird 76 Mourning Dove 85 Night Hawk 80 Nightingale 26 Orchard Oriole 28 Ostrich 59 Parrakeet (_Red Faced Love Bird_) 62 Partridge (_Ruffed Grouse_) 43 Peacock 25 Pelican 93 Penguin 60 Phoebe Bird 91 Puffin 94 Purple Martin 53 Quail 50 Red Paradise Bird 24 Red-Shafted Flicker 86 Robin 48 Rook 23 Rooster 11 Roseate Spoonbill 64 Ruby-Throated Humming Bird 63 Scarlet Flamingo 92 Scarlet Ibis 65 Screech Owl 56 Sea Dove 74 Snow Bird (_Snow Flake_) 90 Snow Goose 17 Snowy Heron 44 Sparrow 71 Starling 83 Stork 22 Stormy Petrel 67 Swan 19 Turkey 21 Turkey Buzzard 39 Vermilion Flycatcher 40 Whip-Poor-Will 72 Wood-Pecker 77 Yellow Warbler 41 *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BIRD CHILDREN: THE LITTLE PLAYMATES OF THE FLOWER CHILDREN *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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