Title: Hawkins Electrical Guide v. 03 (of 10)
Author: N. Hawkins
Release date: August 24, 2015 [eBook #49769]
Most recently updated: October 24, 2024
Language: English
Credits: Produced by Juliet Sutherland, tallforasmurf and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
In transcribing this book, the proofreaders found and corrected several minor typographical errors which did not affect the sense of the text. In the caption to Figure 541, the equation for the voltage of a Weston cell at different temperatures was missing a digit "1" and this has been corrected. There is a reference to a Figure 619 but no such figure exists in the original text. There are references to a Figure 119 and a Figure 443; these presumably exist in one of the preceding volumes of the series.
New York.
Printed in the United States.
Action of compass needle--simple galvanometer--difference between galvanoscope and galvanometer--sensibility--action of short and long coil galvanometers--classes of galvanometer--astatic galvanometer--tangent galvanometer--graduation of tangent galvanometer scale--table of galvanometer constants--mechanical explanation of tangent law--sine galvanometer--table of natural sines and tangents--comparison of sine and tangent galvanometers--differential galvanometer--ballistic galvanometer--kick--damping effect--use of mirrors in galvanometers--lamp and scale--damping--D'Arsonval galvanometer: construction, operation; uses--galvanometer constant or figure of merit--shunts.
Pressure measurement--Clark cell--Weston cadmium cell--pressure measurement error with ordinary voltmeter--International volt--hydraulic analogy of amperes--coulombs--current measurement--International ampere--voltameters--Ohm's law and the ohm--International ohm--ohm table--practical standards of resistance--various methods of resistance measurement--direct deflection method--method of substitution--resistance box--fall of potential method--differential galvanometer method--drop method--voltmeter method--Wheatstone bridge--usual arrangement of resistances of Wheatstone bridge--ratio coils of Wheatstone bridge--the decade plan--two plug arrangement--"plug out" and "plug in" type of resistance box--testing sets--direct deflection method with Queen Acme set--[typo:ohmeter:ohmmeter]--fall of potential method with Queen Acme set--apparatus for measuring low resistances--how to check a voltmeter--Kelvin wire bridge--internal resistance measurement--Evershed portable ohmmeter set--L and N fault finder--ammeter test--diagram of Queen standard potentiometer--diagrams illustrating loop testing--the Murray loop--the Varley loop--special loop--the potentiometer--location of opens--to pick out faulty wires in a cable--voltage of cell measurement with potentiometer--care of potentiometer--location of faults where the loop is composed of cables of different cross sections.
Definition of ammeter--classification of ammeter and voltmeters--moving iron type instrument--Keystone voltmeter--winding in ammeters and volts--connections for series and shunt ammeters--voltmeter connections--Westinghouse ammeter shunts--various types of instrument--plunger type instrument--magnetic vane instrument--inclined coil instrument--Whitney hot wire instruments--principle of electrostatic instruments--multipliers--portable shunts--Siemens electro-dynamometer--station instruments--Thompson watt hour meter--how to read a meter--installation of wattmeters--Westinghouse watt hour meter--Thompson prepayment watt hour meter--how to test a meter--Sangamo watt hour meter--Columbia watt hour meter--Duncan watt hour meter.
Before starting a dynamo--adjusting the brushes--brush position--how to set the brushes--method of soldering cable to carbon brush--brush contact pressure--direction of rotation--method of winding cables with marlin--method of assembling core discs--starting a dynamo--tinning block for electric soldering tool--shunt dynamos in parallel--shunt dynamos on three wire system--how to start a series machine--the term "build up"--how to start a shunt or compound machine--"picking up"--indication of reversed connections--how to correct reversed polarity--finding the reversed coil--loss of residual magnetism--remedy for reversed dynamo--attention while running--lead of brushes--method of taking temperature--lubrication--oils--allowable degree of heating--attention to brushes and brush gear.
Series and parallel connections--coupling series dynamos in series; in parallel--equalizer--shunt dynamos in series; in parallel--switching dynamo into and out of parallel--to cut out a machine--dividing the lead--compound dynamos in series; in parallel--equalizer connection--switching a compound dynamo into and out of parallel--equalizing the load--shunt and compound dynamos in parallel.
Various causes--brushes not properly adjusted--defective contacts--incorrect adjustment of regulators--speed too low--testing for break--insufficient residual magnetism; remedy--open circuits--test for field circuit breakers--probable location of breaks--Watson armature discs--Fort Wayne commutator truing device--short circuits--Watson armature--wrong connections--reversed field magnetism.
Causes--how avoided--various faults--short circuit in individual coils--location of faulty coil--test for break in armature lead--bar to bar test for open or short circuit in coil or between segments--short circuits between adjacent coils--alternate bar test for short circuits between sections--short circuits between sections through frame or core of armature; between sections through binding wires--partial short circuits in armatures--method of testing for breaks--burning of armature coils--Watson field coils--grounds in armatures--method of locating grounded armature coil--magneto test for grounded armatures--method of binding armature winding--breaks in armature circuit.
Conditions for satisfactory operation--oil for commutator--attention to brushes--Bissell brush gear--two kinds of sparking--commutator clamp--causes of sparking--bad adjustment of brushes--rocking--bad condition of brushes--brushes making bad contact--bad condition of commutator--detection of untrue commutator--high segments--"flats"--causes of flats; remedy--method of repairing broken joint between commutator segment and lug--segments loose or knocked in--how to re-turn a commutator--Bissell commutators--overload of dynamo--method of repairing large hole burned in two adjacent bars of a commutator--operating dynamos with metal brushes--indication of excessive voltage--method of smoothing commutator with a stone--causes of excessive voltage--loose connections, terminals, etc.,--breaks in armature circuit--sandpaper holder for commutator--short circuits, in armature circuits; in field--breaks in field--sandpaper block--short circuits in commutator.
Various causes--how detected--procedure--heating, of connections; of brushes, commutator and armature--excessive heating--ventilated commutator--self-oiling bearing--some causes of hot bearing--effect of hot bearings--points relating to hot bearings--operation above rated voltage and below normal speed--forced system of lubrication--heating of field magnets--causes of eddy currents in pole pieces--detection of moisture in field coils--indication of short circuits in field coils.
Before starting a motor--starting a motor--various starting resistances--starting boxes--speed regulators--Cutler Hammer starter--time required to start motor--how to start--sliding contact starters--series motors on battery circuits--starting a shunt motor--multiple switch starters--effect of reverse voltage--rheostat with no voltage and overload release--failure to start--starting panel--Cutler Hammer starting rheostats--Allen Bradley automatic starter--Monitor starter with relay for push button control--a remote control of shunt motors--regulation of motor speed; various methods--Monitor printing press controller--speed regulation of series motor, by short circuiting sections of the field winding--varying the speed of shunt and compound motors--Cutler Hammer multiple switch starter--regulation by armature resistance--Compound starter--regulation by shunt field resistance--Holzer Cabot instructions for shunt wound motor--Reliance adjustable speed motor--Cutler Hammer reversible starter--combined armature and shunt field control--selection of starters and regulators--Watson commutators--organ blower speed regulator--General Electric controller--speed regulation of traction motors--controller of the Rauch and Lang electric vehicles--two motor regulation--controller connection diagrams--stopping a motor.
If a compass needle be allowed to come to rest in its natural position, and a current of electricity be passed through a wire just over it from north to south, the north seeking end of the needle will be deflected toward the east. If the wire be placed under the needle and the current continued from north to south the needle will be deflected toward the west. Again, if the current be passed from north to south over the needle, and back from south to north under the needle, as shown in fig. 504, the magnetic effect will be doubled, and the needle deflected proportionately. Upon these phenomena depend the working of galvanometers.
[432] Ques. Describe a simple galvanometer.
Ans. It consists essentially of a magnetic needle suspended within a coil of wire, and free to swing over the face of a graduated dial.
Ques. What is a galvanoscope and how does it differ from a galvanometer?
Ans. A galvanoscope, as shown in fig. 504, serves merely to indicate the presence of an electric current without measuring its strength. It is an indicator of currents where the movement of the needle shows the direction of the current, and indicates whether it is a strong or a weak one. When the value of the readings has been determined by experiment or calculation any galvanoscope becomes a galvanometer.
[433] Ques. For what use are galvanometers employed?
Ans. They are used for detecting the presence of an electric current, and for determining its direction and strength.
Ques. How is the direction and strength of the current indicated?
Ans. When a galvanometer is connected in a circuit, the direction of the current is indicated by the side towards which the north pole of the needle moves, and the current strength by the extent of the needle's deflection.
Ques. How should a galvanometer be set up before using?
Ans. When no current is flowing, the coil should be parallel to the magnetic needle when at rest.
[434] Ques. What is a "sensitive" galvanometer?
Ans. One which requires a very small current or pressure to produce a stated deflection.
It does not follow that a galvanometer which is sensitive for current measurement will also be sensitive for pressure measurement.
Ques. Define the term "sensibility."
Ans. With reference to mirror reflecting galvanometers it may be defined in three ways. First, in megohms, the sensibility being the number of megohms through which one volt will produce a deflection of one millimeter with the scale at one meter distance. Second, in micro-volts, the sensibility being the number of micro-volts which applied directly to the terminals of the galvanometer will produce a deflection of one millimeter on a scale one meter from mirror. The sensibility is best stated in megohms for high resistance galvanometers and in micro-volts for low resistance galvanometers, and is frequently given both for galvanometers for intermediate resistance. Third, in [435] micro-amperes, the sensibility being the number of micro-amperes that will give one millimeter deflection with scale at a distance of one meter.
Ques. Upon what does the sensibility depend?
Ans. 1, Upon the number of times the current circulates around the coil, 2, the distance of the needle from the coil, 3, the weight of the needle, 4, the current strength, and 5, the amount of friction produced by its movement.
The needle is usually quite small, and often a compound one. In very sensitive galvanometers, the coils are wound with thousands of turns of very fine wire, and shunts are generally used in connection with them.
NOTE.--Strong currents must not be passed through very sensitive galvanometers, for even if they be not ruined, the deflections of the needle will be too large to give accurate measurements. In such cases the galvanometer is used with a shunt, or coil of wire arranged so that the greater part of the current will flow through it, and only a small portion through the galvanometer.
Ques. What two kinds of coil are used?
Ans. The short coil and the long coil.
[436] Ques. What is the difference between a short coil and a long coil galvanometer?
Ans. A short coil galvanometer has a coil consisting of a few turns of heavy wire; a long coil galvanometer is wound with a large number of turns of fine wire.
Ques. What is the action of short and long coil galvanometers?
Ans. With a given current, the total magnetizing force which deflects the needle is the same, but with a short coil, it is produced by a large current circulating around a few turns, instead of a small current circulating around thousands of turns as in the long coil. The short coil being of low resistance is used to measure the current, and the long coil with high resistance, is suitable for measuring the pressure. Hence, a short coil instrument with its scale directly graduated in amperes is an ammeter, and the long coil type with graduation in volts is a voltmeter.
[437] Classes of Galvanometer.--There are numerous kinds of galvanometer designed to meet the varied requirements. According to construction, galvanometers may be divided into two classes, as those having:
Either type may be constructed with short or long coil, and there are several ways in which the deflections are indicated. The principal forms of galvanometer are as follows:
[438] Astatic Galvanometer.--It has been pointed out how a compass needle is affected when a wire carrying a current is held over or under it, the needle being turned in one direction in the first instance, and in the opposite direction for the second position of the wire.
The earth's magnetism naturally holds the compass needle north and south. The magnetic field encircling the wire, being at right angles to the needle (when the wire itself is parallel therewith), operates to turn it from its normal position, north and south, so as to set it partially east and west. However, on account of the fact that the earth's magnetism does exert some force tending to hold the needle north and south, it is evident that no matter how strong the current, the latter can never succeed in turning the needle entirely east and west. The accomplishment of this is further prevented by the reason of the points of the needle, where the magnetic effect is greatest, quickly passing out of the reach of the magnetic field, where it is now practically operated on only in a slight degree. Thus it would take quite a powerful current to hold the needle deflected any appreciable distance. The use of a shorter needle is, therefore, more desirable.
[439] It is evident in this style of instrument that the effect of the current cannot be accurately measured, because it acts in opposition to the earth's magnetism, and as this is constantly varying, some method must be employed which will either destroy the earth's magnetism or else neutralize it.
In the astatic galvanometer, the earth's magnetism is neutralized by means of astatic needles. These consist of a combination of two magnetic needles of equal size and strength, connected rigidly together with their poles pointing in opposite and parallel directions, as shown in fig. 510. As the north pole of the earth attracts the south pole of one of the needles, it repels with equal strength the north pole of the other needle, hence, the combination is independent of the earth's magnetism and will remain at rest in any position.
If one of the needles be surrounded by a coil, as shown in fig. 511, the magnetic effect of the current will be correctly indicated by the deflection of the needle.
[440] Sometimes each needle is surrounded by a coil, as in fig. 512, the coils being so connected that the direction of current in each will tend to deflect the needles in the same direction.
Ques. For what use is the astatic galvanometer adapted?
Ans. For the detection of small currents.
It is used in the "nil" or zero methods, in which the current between the points to which the galvanometer is connected is reduced to zero.
Ques. Upon what does the movement of the needles depend?
Ans. Upon the combined effect of the magnetic attraction of the current which tends to deflect the needles, and the torsion [441] in the suspension fibre which tends to keep the needle at the zero position.
Ques. Does the astatic galvanometer give correct readings for different values of the current?
Ans. When the deflections are small (that is, less than 10° or 15°), they are very nearly proportional to the strength of the currents that produce them.
Thus, if a current produce a deflection of 6° it is known to be approximately three times as strong as a current which only turns the needle through 2°. But this approximate proportion ceases to be true if the deflection be more than 15° or 20°.
Ques. Why does the instrument not give accurate readings for large deflections?
Ans. The needles are not so advantageously acted upon by the current, since the poles are no longer within the coils, but [442] protrude at the side. Moreover, the needles being oblique to the force acting on them, part only of the force is turning them against the directive force of the fibre; the other part is uselessly pulling or pushing them along their length.
Ques. How may correct readings be obtained?
Ans. The instrument may be calibrated, that is, it may be ascertained by special measurements, or by comparison with a [443] standard instrument, the amounts of deflection corresponding to particular current strengths.
Thus, if it be once known that a deflection of 32° on a particular galvanometer is produced by a current of 1/100 of an ampere, then a current of that strength will always produce on that instrument the same deflection, unless from any accident the torsion force or the intensity of the magnetic field be altered.
The Tangent Galvanometer.--It is not possible to construct a galvanometer in which the angle (as measured in degrees of arc) through which the needle is deflected is proportional throughout its whole range to the strength of the current. But it is possible to construct a very simple galvanometer in which the tangent of the angle of deflection shall be accurately proportional to the strength of the current.
A simple form of tangent galvanometer is shown in fig. 516. The coil of this instrument consists of a simple circle of stout copper wire from ten to fifteen inches in diameter. At the center is delicately suspended a magnetized steel needle not exceeding one inch in length, and usually furnished with a light index of aluminum. When the galvanometer is in use, the plane of the ring must be vertical and in the magnetic meridian. A horizontal section through the middle of the instrument is shown in fig. 517. For simplicity, the coil is supposed to have but a single turn of wire, the circles surrounding the wire representing the magnetic lines of force. By extending the lines of force until they reach the needle, it will be seen that with a short needle, the [445] deflecting force acts in an east and west direction when the galvanometer is placed with its coil in the magnetic meridian.
If, in fig. 518, ab represent the deflecting force acting on the N end of the needle, the component of this force that acts at a right angle to the needle will be
in which, x is the angle of the deflection.
The controlling force is
and when the needle is in equilibrium, the component ae = H sin x is equal and opposite to ac, hence
from which
Since ab is proportional to the current,
[446] in which k is a constant depending upon the instrument. For any other current C',
This means that the currents passing through the coil of a tangent galvanometer are proportional, not to the angle of deflection, but to the tangent of that angle.
Ques. Upon what does the sensibility of a tangent galvanometer depend?
Ans. It is directly proportional to the number of turns of the coil and inversely proportional to the diameter of the coil.
Ques. How may the tangent galvanometer be used as an ammeter?
Ans. The strength of the current may be calculated in amperes by the formula given below when the dimensions of the instrument are known.
The needle is supposed to be subject to only the earth's magnetism and to move in a horizontal plane. The current is calculated as follows:
amperes = ((H × r)/N) tan x(1)
[447] in which
The constant H, given in the following table represents the horizontal force of the earth's magnetism for the place where the galvanometer is used. Each value has been multiplied by (2π )/10 so that the formula (1) for amperes is correct as given.
Table of Galvanometer Constants.--Values of H.
Boston | .699 |
Chicago | .759 |
Denver | .919 |
Jacksonville | 1.094 |
London | .745 |
Minneapolis | .681 |
New York | .744 |
New Haven | .731 |
Philadelphia | .783 |
Portland, Me. | .674 |
San Francisco | 1.021 |
St. Louis | .871 |
Washington | .810 |
[448] Ques. How is the tangent galvanometer constructed to give direct readings?
Ans. To obviate reference to a table, the circular scale of the instrument is sometimes graduated into tangent values, as in fig. 520, instead of being divided into equal degrees.
Ques. What is the objection to the scale with tangent values?
Ans. It is more difficult to divide an arc into tangent lines with accuracy than into equal degrees.
Ques. What disadvantage has the tangent galvanometer?
Ans. The coil being much larger than the needle, and hence far away from it, reduces the sensitiveness of the instrument.
[449] The Sine Galvanometer.--This type of instrument has a vertical coil which may be rotated around a vertical axis, so that it can be made to follow the magnetic needle in its deflections.
In the sine galvanometer, the coil is moved so as to follow the needle until it is parallel with the coil. Under these circumstances, the strength of the deflecting current is proportional to sine of angle of deflection.
Ques. Describe the construction of a sine galvanometer.
Ans. A form of sine galvanometer is shown in fig. 524. The vertical wire coil is seen at M. A needle of any length less than the diameter of the coil M, moves over the graduated circle N. The coil M, and graduated circle N may be rotated on a vertical [450] axis, and the amount of angular movement necessary to bring the needle to zero, measured on the graduated circle H.
Ques. How is the current strength measured?
Ans. It is proportional to the sine of the angle measured on the horizontal circle H, through which it is necessary to turn the coil M, from the plane of the earth's magnetic meridian to the plane of the needle when it is not further deflected by the current.
Ques. How is the sine galvanometer operated?
Ans. In using the instrument, after the needle has been set to zero, the current is sent through the coil, producing a deflection of the needle. The coil is then rotated to follow the motion [451] of the needle, the current being kept constant, the rotation being continued until the zero on the upper dial again registers with the needle. The current then is proportional to the sine of the angle through which the coil has been turned, as determined by the lower dial.
Ques. Has the sine galvanometer a large range?
Ans. For a given controlling field, it does not admit of a very large range of current measurement, since, for large deflection, on rotating the coil the position of instability is soon reached.
Angle | Sin. | Tan. |
0° | .0000 | .0000 |
1 | .0175 | .0175 |
2 | .0349 | .0349 |
3 | .0523 | .0524 |
4 | .0698 | .0699 |
5 | .0871 | .0875 |
6 | .1045 | .1051 |
7 | .1219 | .1228 |
8 | .1392 | .1405 |
9 | .1564 | .1564 |
10° | .1736 | .1763 |
11 | .1908 | .1944 |
12 | .2079 | .2126 |
13 | .2250 | .2309 |
14 | .2419 | .2493 |
15 | .2588 | .2679 |
16 | .2756 | .2867 |
17 | .2924 | .3057 |
18 | .3090 | .3249 |
19 | .3256 | .3443 |
20° | .3420 | .3640 |
21 | .3584 | .3839 |
22 | .3746 | .4040 |
23 | .3907 | .4245 |
24 | .4067 | .4452 |
25 | .4226 | .4663 |
26 | .4384 | .4877 |
27 | .4540 | .5095 |
28 | .4695 | .5317 |
29 | .4848 | .5543 |
30° | .5000 | .5774 |
31 | .5150 | .6009 |
32 | .5299 | .6249 |
33 | .5446 | .6494 |
34 | .5592 | .6745 |
35 | .5736 | .7002 |
36 | .5878 | .7265 |
37 | .6018 | .7536 |
38 | .6157 | .7813 |
39 | .6293 | .8098 |
40° | .6428 | .8391 |
41 | .6561 | .8693 |
42 | .6691 | .9004 |
43 | .6820 | .9325 |
44 | .6947 | .9657 |
45 | .7071 | 1.0000 |
46 | .7193 | 1.0355 |
47 | .7314 | 1.0724 |
48 | .7431 | 1.1106 |
49 | .7547 | 1.1504 |
50° | .7660 | 1.1918 |
51 | .7771 | 1.2349 |
52 | .7880 | 1.2799 |
53 | .7986 | 1.3270 |
54 | .8090 | 1.3764 |
55 | .8192 | 1.4281 |
56 | .8290 | 1.4826 |
57 | .8387 | 1.5399 |
58 | .8480 | 1.6003 |
59 | .8572 | 1.6643 |
60° | .8660 | 1.7321 |
61 | .8746 | 1.8040 |
62 | .8829 | 1.8807 |
63 | .8910 | 1.9626 |
64 | .8988 | 2.0503 |
65 | .9063 | 2.1445 |
66 | .9135 | 2.2460 |
67 | .9205 | 2.3559 |
68 | .9272 | 2.4751 |
69 | .9339 | 2.6051 |
70° | .9397 | 2.7475 |
71 | .9455 | 2.9042 |
72 | .9511 | 3.0772 |
73 | .9563 | 3.2709 |
74 | .9613 | 3.4874 |
75 | .9659 | 3.7321 |
76 | .9703 | 4.0108 |
77 | .9744 | 4.3315 |
78 | .9781 | 4.7046 |
79 | .9816 | 5.1446 |
80° | .9848 | 5.6713 |
81 | .9877 | 6.3138 |
82 | .9903 | 7.1154 |
83 | .9925 | 8.1443 |
84 | .9945 | 9.5144 |
85 | .9962 | 11.43 |
86 | .9976 | 14.30 |
87 | .9986 | 19.08 |
88 | .9994 | 28.64 |
89 | .9998 | 57.29 |
Ques. What is the position of instability?
Ans. The position of the needle beyond which the rotation of the coil will cause it to turn all the way round.
Ques. How may the range be increased?
Ans. By an adjustable controlling field or a shunt.
[452] Ques. What advantage has the sine galvanometer over the tangent instrument?
Ans. Its advantage is in the case where the relative values of two or more currents are required to be measured, or where the constant of the instrument is obtained by comparison with a standard measuring instrument and not calculated from the dimensions of the coil, because all galvanometers thus used follow the sine law independently of the shape of the coil, while only circular coils will follow the sine law.
The Differential Galvanometer.--This is a form of galvanometer in which a magnetic needle is suspended between two coils of equal resistance so wound as to tend to deflect the needle in opposite directions. The needle of a differential galvanometer [453] shows no deflection when two equal currents are sent through the coils in opposite directions, since under these conditions, each coil neutralizes the other's effects. Such instruments may be used in comparing resistances, although the Wheatstone bridge, in most cases, affords a preferable method.
Ques. What is the special use of the differential galvanometer?
Ans. It is used for comparing two currents.
Ques. What is the method of comparing currents?
Ans. If two equal currents be sent in opposite directions through the coils of the galvanometer, the needle will not move; if the currents be unequal, the needle will be deflected by the stronger of them with an intensity corresponding to the difference of the strengths of the two currents.
Ques. How are the coils adjusted?
Ans. This is done by coupling them in series in such a way that they tend to turn the needle in opposite directions, and when a current is passing through them, they are moved nearer to the needle or farther from it until the needle stands at zero with any current.
If the coils be not movable, a turn or more can be unwound from the coil giving the greatest magnetic effect until a balance is obtained, the wire so unwound can then be coiled in the base of the instrument.
Ballistic Galvanometer.--This type of galvanometer is designed to measure the strength of momentary currents, such for instance, as the discharge of a condenser. In construction the magnetic system is given considerable weight, and arranged to give the least possible damping effect.
[454] The term "damping effect" means the offering of a retarding force to control swinging vibrations, such as the movements of a galvanometer needle, and to bring them quickly to rest.
If a momentary current be passed through a ballistic galvanometer, the impulse given to the needle does not cause appreciable movement to the magnetic system until the current ceases, owing to the inertia of the heavy moving parts, the result being a slow swing of the needle.
Ques. What name is given to the swing of a ballistic galvanometer needle?
Ans. It is called the kick.
Ques. How is the current measured?
Ans. As the needle swings slowly around it adds up, as it [455] were, the varying impulses received during the passage of the momentary current, and the quantity of electricity that has passed is proportional to the sine of half the angle of the first swing or kick.
If a reflecting method be used with a straight scale, the observed deflection depends upon the tangent of twice the angle of movement of the needle. For small deflections, however, the change of flux can be taken as directly proportional to the observed deflection.
Use of Mirrors in Galvanometers.--In order that small currents may be measured accurately, some means must be provided to easily read a small deflection of the needle. Accordingly, it is desirable that the pointer be very long so that a large number of scale divisions may correspond to small deflections. In construction, since sensitive galvanometers must be made with the moving parts of little weight, it would not do to use a long needle, hence a ray of light is used instead, which is reflected on a distant scale by a small mirror attached to the moving part.
[456] In the Thompson mirror reflecting galvanometer, as shown in fig. 528, a small vertical slit is cut in the lamp screen below the scale, and the ray of light from the lamp, passing through the slit, strikes the mirror which is about three feet distant, and which reflects the beam back to the scale. It should be noted that the angle between the original ray of light and the reflected ray is twice the angle of the deflection of the mirror; the deflections of the ray of light on the scale, however, are practically proportional to the strength of currents through the instrument. The mirror arrangement as shown in fig. 528, requires a darkened room for its operation, but such is not necessary when a telescope is used as in fig. 529. Here the scale readings are reflected in the mirror and their value observed by the telescope without artificial light.
Damping.--This relates to the checking or reduction of oscillations. Thus, a galvanometer is said to be damped when so constructed that any oscillations of the pointer which may be started, rapidly die away. Galvanometers are frequently provided with damping devices for the purpose of annulling these [457] oscillations, thus causing the moving part to assume its final position as quickly as possible.
Sometimes the instrument is fitted with a damping coil, or closed coil so arranged with respect to the moving system that the oscillations of the latter give rise to electric currents in the closed coil, whereby energy is dissipated. Again, air vanes are employed, but anything in the nature of solid friction cannot be used.
D'Arsonval Galvanometer.--This instrument has a movable coil in place of a needle, and its operation depends upon the principle that if a flat coil of wire be suspended with its axis perpendicular to a strong magnetic field, it will be deflected whenever a current of electricity passes through it.
[458] Ques. Describe the construction of a D'Arsonval galvanometer.
Ans. The essential features are shown in figs. 532 and 533. The coil, which is rectangular in section is wound upon a copper form, and suspended between a permanent magnet by fine wires to the points A and B. The magnet has its poles at N and S. It is a soft iron cylinder fixed between the poles in order to intensify the magnetic field across the air gaps in which the coil moves.
Ques. Explain its operation.
Ans. An enlarged horizontal cross section of the galvanometer on line XY is shown in fig. 533. The current is flowing in the coil as in fig. 532, up on the left side and down on the right. [459] The position of the coil when no current is flowing is indicated by n' s'. By applying the law of mutual action between magnetic poles, it is seen that when the current is applied, the poles developed at n' s' will move into the position n'' s''. See fig. 119.
Ques. How is the coil affected by a change in the direction of the current?
Ans. The polarity of the coil is reversed and consequently the direction of the deflection.
Ques. Upon what does the sensitiveness of the instrument depend?
Ans. Upon the strength of the field of the permanent magnet, the number of turns in the suspended coil, and the torsion of the wires by which it is suspended.
Ques. When is this galvanometer called "dead beat"?
Ans. When the construction is such that the moving part comes quickly to rest without a series of diminishing vibrations.
[461] Ques. What causes this?
Ans. The instrument is made dead beat by winding the coil on a copper or aluminum frame, so that when in operation, currents are induced in the frame by the motion of the coil in the magnetic field; these currents oppose the motion of the coil.
Ques. For what service is the D'Arsonval galvanometer adapted?
Ans. It is desirable for general use as it is not much affected by changes in the magnetic field. It may be made with high enough period and sensibility to be satisfactory as a ballistic instrument, but for extreme sensibility an instrument of the astatic type is more generally used.
Galvanometer "Constant" or "Figure of Merit."--In order that a galvanometer shall be of value as a measuring instrument, the relation between the current and the deflection produced by it must be known. This may be obtained experimentally by determining the value of the current required to produce one scale division. The galvanometer constant then may be defined as the resistance through which the galvanometer will give a deflection of one scale division when the current applied is at a pressure of one volt.
Accordingly, the deflection as indicated on the scale must be multiplied by its constant or figure of merit, in order to obtain the correct reading. If the scale readings be not directly proportional to the quantity to be measured, the law of the instrument must also be considered.
Thus in a tangent galvanometer as previously explained
where I = current, φ the deflection or scale reading, and K the galvanometer constant.
Galvanometer Shunts.--The sensitiveness of a galvanometer used for measuring current may be reduced to any desired extent by connecting a resistance of known value in parallel with it. Thus, if it be desired to measure a current greater than can be [463] measured directly by the galvanometer, a part of the current can be sent through the resistance or shunt, and the total value of the current calculated.
A galvanometer shunt bears a definite ratio to the resistance of the galvanometer, being usually adjusted so that only .1, .01, or .001 part of the current passes through the galvanometer.
The degree in which a shunt increases the range of deflection of a galvanometer is called its "multiplying power."
If .1 of the current flowing, passed through the galvanometer and .9 through the shunt, then the current in the circuit would be ten times that through the galvanometer. Accordingly the current in the galvanometer must be multiplied by the multiplying power of the shunt to obtain the true value of the current in the circuit.
In order to determine the resistance necessary to be used with a certain galvanometer, the resistance of the latter is to be divided by the multiplying power desired less one.
[464] EXAMPLE.--What must be the resistance of a shunt for a galvanometer of 2,000 ohms resistance where only one fifth of the current is to pass through the galvanometer?
The multiplying power less one is
and the required resistance is
When it is essential that the total resistance of the circuit should not be altered by an alternation of the galvanometer shunt, a compensating box should be used which automatically inserts a resistance for each shunt in series with the shunted galvanometer to bring the total resistance up equal to the unshunted value. Thus the current in the main circuit is not altered.
The practical electrician frequently has to make tests of various kinds which require the rapid and accurate measurement of voltage, current and resistance. It is therefore essential that he understand the methods employed in testing and the operation of the instruments used.
Most tests are made with a galvanometer, and the devices, such as resistances, switches, etc., which are used in connection with the galvanometer may be obtained put up in a neat and substantial box together with the galvanometer, the combination being called a "testing set." Numerous forms of testing set are illustrated in this chapter.
The construction, use, and operation of the various types of galvanometer have been explained in chapter twenty-six. Ammeters and voltmeters, which are simply special forms of galvanometer, and which are largely used are fully described in the preceding chapter.
Pressure Measurement.--An electromotive force has been defined as that which causes or tends to cause a current; it is analogous to water pressure; potential difference corresponds to difference of level. The total electromotive force of a circuit is [466] independent of resistance or current, and cannot be limited to mean the fall of pressure between any two points, as for instance the terminals of a battery.
If the pressure of a battery be two volts when measured on open circuit by a static voltmeter, there will still be two volts on closed circuit, but there will now be a loss of pressure through the internal resistance of the battery and the voltage across the terminals will be less than the total voltage. The static voltmeter, never closing the circuit, actually measures the total voltage.
[467] Ques. What error is introduced in measuring the pressure of a battery with an ordinary voltmeter?
Ans. Since the measurement is made on closed circuit the reading does not give the total pressure of the battery.
The error is very slight because the resistance of the voltmeter is very high and the current so small that the loss of pressure in the battery can be neglected.
Et = E20 - 0.0000406(t-20) - 0.00000095(t-20)2 + 0.00000001(t-20)3
[468] Ques. Define the International volt.
Ans. It is the electromotive force that, steadily applied to a conductor whose resistance is one International ohm, will produce a current of one International ampere, and which is represented sufficiently well for practical use by 1,000/1,434 of the voltage between the poles of the Clark cell at a temperature of 15° C., when prepared as in fig. 540.
[469] Current Measurement.--It is necessary to adopt some arbitrary standard in order to compare currents of different strengths. The term strength of a current, or current strength means the rate of flow past any point in the circuit in a given unit of time. The unit of current, called the ampere, is defined as the unvarying current which, when passed through a solution of nitrate of silver in water (15 per cent. by weight of the nitrate) deposits silver at the rate of .001118 gramme per second.
Ques. How much copper or zinc will one ampere deposit in one second?
Ans. .0003286 gramme of copper in a copper voltameter, or .0003386 gramme of zinc in a zinc voltameter.
[470] Ques. What is the difference between an ampere and a coulomb?
Ans. An ampere is the unit rate of flow of the current, and a coulomb is the unit quantity of electricity, that is, the ampere is the rate of current flow that will deposit .0003286 grammes of copper in one second and a coulomb is the quantity of electricity that passes a given point in one second when the current strength is one ampere. In other words a coulomb is one ampere second.
EXAMPLE.--If an arc lamp require a current of 8 amperes, how much electricity does it consume per hour?
Since one coulomb = one ampere second, the quantity of electricity consumed per hour is
8 amperes × ( 60 × 60 ) = 28,800 coulombs.
[471] Voltameter.--A voltameter is an electrolytic cell employed to measure an electric current by the amount of chemical decomposition the current causes in passing through the cell. There are two classes of voltameter:
Ques. What is the difference between these two classes of voltameter?
Ans. In one, the current strength is determined by the weight of metal deposited or weight of water decomposed, and in the other by the volume of gas liberated.
Ques. How should the plates of a weight voltameter be treated before use?
Ans. They must be thoroughly cleaned and polished with sandpaper, the sand being afterwards removed by placing them in running water. The fingers must not be placed on any part of the plate which is to receive the deposit.
Ques. What form of voltameter has been selected to measure the International ampere?
Ans. The silver voltameter arranged as here specified:
The cathode on which the silver is to be deposited shall take the form of a platinum bowl, not less than 10 cms. in diameter, and from 4 to 5 cms. in depth.
The anode shall be a disc or plate of pure silver some 30 sq. cms. in area, and 2 or 3 cms. in thickness. This shall be supported horizontally in the liquid near the top of the solution by a silver rod riveted through its center.
To prevent the disintegrated silver which is formed on the anode falling upon the cathode, the anode shall be wrapped around with pure filter paper, secured at the back by suitable folding.
The liquid shall consist of a neutral solution of pure silver nitrate containing about 15 parts by weight of the nitrate to 85 parts of water.
[472] Ques. What is the value of the International ampere as measured with the silver voltameter?
Ans. The International ampere is represented sufficiently well for practical use by the unvarying current which, when passed through a silver voltameter (as described above) deposits silver at the rate of .001118 gramme per second.
Ohm's Law and the Ohm.--The various tests here described depend for their truth upon the definite relation existing between the electric current, its pressure, and the resistance which the circuit offers to its flow. This relation was fully investigated by Ohm in 1827. Using the same conductor, he proved not only that the current varies with the pressure, but that it varies in direct proportion.
Ohm's law has already been discussed in a previous chapter and the several ways of expressing it are repeated here for convenience:
1. | Amperes | = | voltsohms ; |
[473] | |||
2. | Volts | = | amperes × ohms ; |
3. | Ohms | = | voltsamperes . |
Various values have been assigned, from time to time, to the ohm or unit of resistance, the unit in use at the present time being known as the International ohm. This was recommended at the meeting of the British Association in 1892, was adopted by the International Electrical Congress held in Chicago in 1893, and was legalized for use in the United States by act of Congress in 1894. The International ohm in graphically defined in fig. 548. The previous values given to the ohm which were more or less generally accepted are as follows:
[474] The Siemens' Ohm.--A resistance due to a column of mercury 100 cm. long and 1 sq. mm. in cross section at 0° C.
B. A. (British Association) Ohm.--A resistance due to a column of mercury approximately 104.9 cm. long and 1 sq. mm. in cross section at 0° C.
Legal Ohm.--A resistance due to a column of mercury 106 cm. long and 1 sq. mm. in cross section at 0° C. This unit was adopted by the Paris conference of 1884.
Date | International Ohm | Legal Ohm | B. A. Ohm | Siemens' Ohm | |
International Ohm | 1893-4 | 1.0000 | 1.0028 | 1.0136 | 1.0630 |
Legal Ohm | 1884 | .9972 | 1.0000 | 1.0107 | 1.0600 |
B. A. Ohm | 1864 | .9866 | .9894 | 1.0000 | 1.0488 |
Siemens' Ohm | .9407 | .9434 | .9535 | 1.0000 |
[A] NOTE.--In the above table to reduce, for instance, British Association ohms to International ohms, multiply by .9866, or divide by 1.0136; to reduce legal ohms to International ohms, multiply by .9972, or divide by 1.0028, etc.
[476] Practical Standards of Resistance.--The column of mercury as shown in fig. 548, is the recognized standard for resistance, however, in practice, it is not convenient to compare resistances with such a piece of apparatus, and therefore secondary standards are made up and standardized with a great degree of precision. These secondary standards are made of wire. The material generally used being manganin or platinoid.
Resistance Measurement.--Resistance is that which offers opposition to the flow of electricity. Ohm's law shows that the strength of the current falls off in proportion as the resistance in the circuit increases. This gives a basis for measuring resistance.
There are various methods by which an unknown resistance may be measured, as by the:
Direct Deflection Method.--This method is based on the fact that the greater the current through a galvanometer the greater the deflection of the needle; it is a simple method and is capable of extended application.
The apparatus required consists of battery, galvanometer, known resistance, and double contact key. The connections are made as in fig. 550. The known resistance is put in circuit with the galvanometer and after noting the deflection, the key is moved so as to cut out the known resistance and throw into circuit the unknown resistance. The deflection of the galvanometer is again noted and compared with the first deflection.
If the deflections be proportional to the current, the unknown resistance will be as many times the known resistance as the deflection with the known resistance is greater than the deflection with the unknown resistance.
[478] Method of Substitution.--This is the simplest method of measuring resistance. The resistance to be measured is inserted in series with a galvanometer and some constant source of current, and the galvanometer deflection noted. A known adjustable resistance is then substituted for the unknown and adjusted till the same deflection is again obtained. The value of the adjustable resistance thus obtained is equal to that of the resistance being tested.
Ques. What kind of adjustable resistance is used in making the above test?
Ans. A resistance box.
[479] Ques. Describe a resistance box.
Ans. It consists of a box containing numerous resistance coils with their ends connected to terminals and provided with plugs so that they may be thrown into or out of circuit at will, thus varying the resistance in the circuit.
Fall of Potential Method.--This is a very simple method of measuring resistances, and one that is convenient for practical work in electrical stations because it requires only an ammeter, voltmeter, battery and switch--apparatus to be found in every station. The connections are made as shown in fig. 555.
In making the test the ammeter and voltmeter readings are taken at the same time, and the unknown resistance calculated from Ohm's law. Accordingly, since:
solving for the resistance,
EXAMPLE.--If in fig. 555 the readings show 6 volts and 2 amperes how many ohms is the resistance being tested?
Substituting in formula (2)
[481] Ques. Can this test be made with any kind of voltmeter?
Ans. Its resistance must be very high to avoid error. When a voltmeter having small resistance is used, it should be connected so as to measure the fall of pressure across both ammeter and unknown resistance as shown in fig. 556.
Differential Galvanometer Method.--This is what is known as a nil or zero method, that is, a method of making electrical measurements in which comparison is made between two quantities by reducing one to equality with the other, the absence of deflection from zero of the instrument scale showing that the equality has been obtained.
[482] The test is made with a differential galvanometer, and resistance box connected as in fig. 557. The current then will divide so that part of it flows through the resistance being tested and around one set of coils of the galvanometer while the other part will flow through the resistance box and the other set of coils as indicated. When the resistance box has been so adjusted that its resistance is the same as the unknown resistance the current in the two branches will be equal, and the needle of the galvanometer will show no deflection.
Ques. What name is given to this method of testing?
Ans. It is called a zero method, distinguishing it from deflection methods.
Ques. For what kind of resistance is the method adapted?
Ans. Since it is a nil or zero method, it is better adapted to the measurement of non-inductive than of inductive resistances.
[483] Ques. What precaution should be taken with inductive resistances?
Ans. The current must be allowed to flow until it becomes steady to overcome the influence of self-induction.
Ques. What may be said with respect to the differential galvanometer method?
Ans. With an accurate instrument it is very reliable.
Drop Method.--This is a convenient method, and one which may be used for measuring either high or low resistances with precision. It is used for many practical measurements, and requires only a voltmeter, battery, known resistance and a two way switch.
The instruments are connected as in fig. 558, and in making the test, the voltmeter is switched into circuit across the known [484] resistance and then across the unknown resistance, readings being taken in each case. The value of the unknown resistance, is then easily calculated from the following proportion:
drop across known resistancedrop across unknown resistance | = | known resistanceunknown resistance |
from which
unknown resistance | = | known resistance × drop across unknown resistancedrop across known resistance |
[485] Ques. What may be substituted for the voltmeter?
Ans. A high resistance galvanometer, whose deflections are proportional to the current, the value of the deflections being substituted in the formula.
Ques. What precaution should be taken in making the test?
Ans. The current used should not be strong enough to appreciably heat the resistance, and if the current be not very steady, several readings should be taken of each measurement and the average values used in the formula.
Ques. How are the most accurate results obtained?
Ans. By selecting the known resistance as near as possible to the supposed value of the unknown resistance.
Voltmeter Method.--This is a direct deflection method and consists in determining first the resistance that will deflect the needle through one division of the scale on a given battery [486] current, then with this as a basis for comparison the voltmeter is connected across the unknown resistance whose value is easily calculated from the reading.
In making the test, the instruments are connected as in fig. 560. The current from battery is first passed through the galvanometer by turning switch as shown.
Assuming that the resistance of the instrument is 8,000 ohms and that the current deflects the needle through 10 divisions of the scale, then for a deflection of one division the resistance is
8,000 × 10 = 80,000 ohms.
Accordingly, if, when the switch is moved to the right, connecting the voltmeter across the unknown resistance, the needle be moved through 6 divisions of the scale, the combined resistance of the voltmeter and unknown resistance is
80,000 ÷ 6 = 13,333-1/3 ohms,
and subtracting the resistance of the voltmeter, the value of the unknown resistance is
13,333-1/3 - 8,000 = 5,333-1/3 ohms.
[487] Ques. For what kinds of test is the voltmeter method best adapted?
Ans. For measuring high resistances, as the insulation of wires, etc.
Ques. What may be said with respect to the current used?
Ans. Its voltage should be as high as possible within the limits of the voltmeter scale.
Ques. In testing cable insulation what is desirable with respect to voltmeter and current?
Ans. A low reading voltmeter should be used in connection with a large battery.
Wheatstone Bridge Method.--For accurate measurements of resistance this method is almost universally used. The so-called "Wheatstone" bridge was invented by Christie, and improperly credited to Wheatstone, who simply applied Christie's invention to the measurement of resistances.
The bridge consists of a system of conductors as shown in fig. 564. The circuit of a constant battery is made to branch at P into two parts, which re-unite at Q, so that part of the current flows through the point M, the other part through the point N. The four conductors A, B, C, D, are spoken of as the arms of the balance or bridge. It is by the proportion existing between [489] the resistances of these arms that the resistance of one of them can be calculated when the resistances of the other three are known. When the current which starts from the battery arrives at P, the pressure will have fallen to a certain value. The pressure in the upper branch falls again to M, and continues to fall to Q. The pressure of the lower branch falls to N, and again falls till it reaches the value at Q. Now if N be the same proportionate distance along the resistances between P and Q, as M is along the resistances of the upper line between P and Q, the pressure will have fallen at N to the same value as it has fallen to at M; or, in other words, if the ratio of the resistance C to the resistance D be equal to the ratio between the resistance A and the resistance B, then M and N will be at equal pressures. To find out if this condition obtain, a sensitive galvanometer is placed in a [490] branch wire between M and N which will show no deflection when M and N are at equal pressure or when the four resistances of the arms "balance" one another by being in proportion, thus:
If, then, the value of A, B, and C be known, D can be calculated. The proportion (1) is reduced to the following equation before substituting.
[491] For instance, if A and C be, as in fig. 565, 10 ohms and 100 ohms respectively, and B be 15 ohms, D will be (15 × 100) ÷ 10 = 150 ohms.
As constructed, Wheatstone bridges are provided with some resistance coils in the arms A and C, as well as with a complete set in the arm B. The advantage of this arrangement is that by adjusting A and C, the proportionality between B and D can be determined, and can, in certain cases, be measured to fractions of an ohm. In fig. 565 resistances of 10, 100, and 1,000 ohms are included in the arms A and C.
Ques. Describe the method of testing with the bridge.
Ans. Fig. 567 illustrates the general arrangement of resistances to be found in an ordinary bridge. The connections are made as shown. In testing, first depress the battery key, then tap the galvanometer key. This should be repeated adjusting the resistances till no deflection is obtained. The resistance then in the arm B × (C ÷ A) will give the value of the unknown resistance.
Ques. Why should the battery key be depressed before the galvanometer key?
Ans. To avoid the sudden swing of the galvanometer needle, which occurs on closing circuit in consequence of self-induction.
[493] Ques. How is it known whether too much or too little resistance be unplugged?
Ans. The galvanometer needle will be deflected to one side for too much resistance, and to the opposite side for too little resistance.
Ques. What is the meaning of "Inf.," marked on the bridge?
Ans. It stands for "infinity," because the resistance coil at the point marked infinity is omitted so that adjacent sections of the arm are disconnected when the plug is taken out.
In fact, the air gap interposed by the removal of the plug by no means provides an infinitely great resistance, but is usually called such because it is vastly greater than any of the other resistances of the bridge.
[495] The Decade Plan.--In this method of combining resistance coils, there are 9 or 10 one ohm coils for the units place, 9 or 10 ten ohm coils for the tens place, 9 or 10 one hundred ohm coils for the hundreds place and so on. Each series of coils of the same value is designated a decade. The connections are usually made as shown in figs. 570 and 571.
It is apparent from the figure that any value in any one decade can be obtained by inserting between a bar and a block, only one plug; moreover if several decades be in series, any value up to the limit of the set can be read off directly from the position of the plugs without having to add up the unplugged resistance as in the ordinary arrangement.
[497] Ques. What other advantages are gained with the decade arrangement?
Ans. The single plug used with each decade is never out of use, being either in the zero position or set on some value, and is therefore not easily lost by being laid aside. The use of only one plug in a decade makes it easy to ascertain that the plug is making good contact as only one block in a row is plugged at a time, the other blocks are not kept under a strain by having plugs forced tightly between them.
This strain on the blocks, which always exists in those sets in which a resistance is thrown in by removing a plug, tends to separate or loosen them and often to warp the hard rubber upon which they are mounted. Another advantage of the decade plan is that it permits obtaining a succession of values by means of sliding contacts or dial switches, a method which is becoming deservedly more appreciated.
[498] Ques. What is the difference between "plug out" and "plug in" types of resistance box?
Ans. In the plug out type, resistance is put in the circuit by removing plugs, as in fig. 565; in the plug in type, resistance is put in the circuit by inserting plugs as in figs. 570 and 571.
[499] Testing Sets.--For convenience in testing, a combination of the instruments used is put up in a neat and substantial case, and known as a testing set. There are innumerable forms of testing set, a few of which are shown in the accompanying illustrations. The usual combination is a Wheatstone bridge, galvanometer, battery and necessary keys and connections.
Ques. Describe the operation of the Queen Acme testing set figs. 576 and 577, in measuring resistance.
Ans. Connect the terminals of the resistance to be measured to the line posts C and D. Place the battery connections on the two upper tips 0 and 1, thus throwing one end of the battery into circuit, which is sufficient until an approximate balance is obtained. Employ the 100 ohm coil in each bridge arm, and place the commutator plugs in the position PQ, or in the position ST. Then remove plugs from the rheostat until the value of total resistance employed, or nearly as may be guessed is equal to that of the unknown resistance. Now press the battery key Ba, and holding it down momentarily, press the galvanometer key Ga. If the galvanometer needle swing to the right toward the symbol + the resistance employed in the rheostat is too high and must be reduced. If the needle swing to the left toward -, the resistance employed is too low and must be increased. By altering the resistance of the rheostat accordingly, [501] a value will soon be found, which when varied slightly either way, will reverse the deflection of the galvanometer needle. Now remove the battery connection from tip 1, and place it on the tip 4, thus throwing the whole battery into circuit. Then press the keys again as before, first the battery key, then the galvanometer key. This will increase the deflection of the galvanometer needle for the same variation in the rheostat, thus [502] enabling the making of a more accurate adjustment. The measurement thus made will be the best result that can be obtained with bridge arms of equal value, but by selecting more suitable values of the two arms from the following table of bridge ratios a much higher degree of accuracy may be obtained.
Table Showing the Best Values of Bridge Arms for Measuring any Desired Resistance
Value of Resistance being measured | Best values of | Position of Commutator Plugs as shown in fig. 582 |
A = | B = | ||
Below 1.5 ohms | 1 | 1,000 | PQ |
Between 1.5 and 11 ohms | 1 | 100 | PQ |
" 11 and 78 ohms | 10 | 100 | PQ |
" 78 and 1,100 ohms | 100 | 1,000 | PQ |
" 1,100 and 6,100 ohms | 100 | 100 | PQ or ST |
" 6,100 and 110,000 ohms | 1,000 | 100 | ST |
" 110,000 and 1,110,000 ohms | 1,000 | 10 | ST |
" 1,110,000 and 11,110,000 ohms | 1,000 | 1 | ST |
Ques. In testing with the Queen Acme set how should the plugs be placed in the commutator?
Ans. Always make the arm A the smaller except when the two arms are of equal value.
Ques. If the resistance being measured is higher than 6,100 ohms, or lower than 1,100 ohms, how should the commutator plugs be placed?
Ans. If higher than 6,100 ohms, they should be placed in the position ST; if lower than 1,100 ohms, in position PQ.
[503] When the plugs are placed in the ST position, the unknown resistance is found by dividing the value of the larger bridge arm by that of the smaller, and multiplying the total employed resistance in the rheostat by the quotient. When the plugs are placed in the PQ position, the employed resistance in the rheostat is divided by the quotient.
Direct Deflection Method with Queen Acme Set.--To measure for instance, insulation resistance by direct deflection connect a known high resistance, say 100,000 ohms between the line post C (fig. 577), and the positive battery post. Remove all plugs from the commutator, and place all plugs in the rheostat, as any employed resistance in the rheostat will be in circuit [504] with the galvanometer and the battery. Place the battery connection so as to throw only one cell into circuit. Now press the keys and obtain a deflection of the galvanometer needle. For example: assume that the needle to be deflected about 8 divisions of the scale. Since this deflection is due to the current from one cell passing through a resistance of 100,000 ohms, then 100,000 × 8 = .8 megohms represents the resistance through which one cell will produce a deflection of one division on the scale. Hence, .8 megohms is the constant of the galvanometer.
[505] Now, replace the known high resistance (100,000 ohms) by the unknown resistance (for instance such as a cable) the value of which is to be determined. Add enough cells to produce as large a deflection of the needle as possible. Assume that 75 cells give a deflection of 1.5 scale division. Then, the galvanometer constant multiplied by the number of cells and the product divided by the deflection will give the insulation resistance of the cable; or
as the resistance of the cable.
Fall of Potential Method with Queen Acme Set.--To compare electromotive forces by this method, place the battery connection (fig. 577), so as to throw into circuit all the cells, taking care not to reverse them by crossing the battery cords. Plug the commutator as shown in fig. 582, and remove 1,000 ohms from bridge arm B. Place all plugs in arm A. From the rheostat unplug 5,000 ohms. Then connect one of the cells being tested, with its positive terminal to the + battery post and its negative terminal to the line post C.
[506] When the keys are pressed, the galvanometer needle will swing either to the right or to the left. If it swing toward +, reduce the resistance in the rheostat; if it swing toward -, add resistance to the rheostat. When a value is found wherein a variation of an ohm either way reverses the deflection, add to this value the resistance unplugged in arm B, and divide the sum by the resistance in arm B. The result gives the ratio between the voltages of the testing set battery and cell being tested respectively. The division is decimal and may be readily accomplished by merely pointing off as many places as there are ciphers in the resistance employed from arm B. This operation repeated with any number of different cells, will give their voltages in terms of the voltage of the testing set battery, and from these ratios their relative values may be readily obtained.
[507] If the testing set battery be replaced by a standard cell, the first measurement gives at once the voltage of the cell tested.
If the voltage of the cell or battery being tested exceed that of the testing set battery, reverse the position of the two batteries, and the subsequent operations, as outlined above, will give the desired results.
How to check a Voltmeter with the Queen Acme Set.--In using a set as in fig. 576, first remove about 10,000 ohms from the rheostat, plug the commutator as shown in fig. 582, remove 100 ohms from the arm B, of the bridge, and connect a standard cell with the positive terminal to the + battery post and the negative terminal to the line post C. Then, connect the circuit to the battery posts of the testing set the positive lead to the + post and the negative lead to the - post. Now, press both keys and note the direction of the deflection of the galvanometer needle. If it move toward +, the rheostat resistance is too high; if toward -, too low.
[508] Change the rheostat resistance accordingly until the balance attained is such that a very slight variation of the rheostat resistance one way or the other will reverse the galvanometer deflection. To find the pressure on the circuit, add 100 to rheostat resistance and point off two places. Multiply this value by the voltage and the product will be the desired voltage.
If the voltage of the standard cell be exactly one volt, the total employed resistance represents the voltage on the circuit.
For instance, in making a measurement on a 110 volt circuit, assume that the employing of 7,840 ohms rheostat resistance produces balance, and that increasing or decreasing this resistance by two ohms, reverses the galvanometer deflection. This indication that the setting 7,840 is uncertain, about 1/40 of 1 per cent. Since the rheostat coils are adjusted to an accuracy of only 1/5 of 1 per cent., that will be about the accuracy of the measurement.
[509] If the pressure of the standard cell be 1.018 volts, then 7,840 + 100 = 7,940. Pointing off two places, gives 79.40, which multiplied by 1.018 gives 80.82 for the voltage on the circuit.
To Measure Internal Resistance of Cell with Queen Acme Set.--First compare its voltage on open circuit with the pressure of the testing set battery. Then, shunt the cell with a known resistance, about 100 ohms, and again measure its terminal voltage. The difference between the two values thus obtained, divided by the value of the shunt resistance, will give the value of the current. To find the internal resistance, multiply the value of the shunt resistance by the ratio between the first and second measured values.
[510] For instance, assume that the open circuit voltage of the cell being tested as compared with the voltage of the testing set battery is .212 of the latter, and that when it is shunted with a resistance of 1,000 ohms, its terminal voltage is .179. Then, the total resistance is to the 1,000 ohms shunt resistance as .212 is to .179 or (.212/.179) × 1,000 = 1,184, from which deducting the 1,000 ohms shunt resistance, gives 184 ohms as the internal resistance of the cell.
Ammeter Test with Queen Acme Set.--Connect a low resistance in series with the ammeter and run leads from it to the testing set, the positive lead to the + battery post and the negative lead to the line post C (fig. 577). Insert a standard cell [511] between the battery posts, with positive terminal to + battery post, and negative terminal to - battery post. Plug commutator as shown in fig. 582. Remove 10,000 ohms from rheostat, and 100 ohms from bridge arm B. Determine a balance in the usual way by changing the value of the resistance in the [512] rheostat. This operation will balance the difference of pressure at the terminals of the shunt resistance against the standard cell, and its value is equal to
To determine the current flowing, divide the value of the difference of pressure thus obtained by the value of the shunt resistance.
[515] Loop Test.--This is a method of locating a fault in a telegraph or telephone circuit when there is a good wire running parallel with the defective one. In the process, the good and bad wires are joined at their distant ends and one terminal of the battery is connected to a Wheatstone bridge, while the other terminal is grounded. There are different ways of making loop tests as by:
The Murray Loop.--In this test only one of the two regular bridge arms is used, the other being replaced by the rheostat giving an arm of large adjustment.
[516] The connections are shown in fig. 595. In making the test, close key and note the deflection of the needle due to pressure of chemical action at fault, if any. This is called the false zero.
Now apply the positive or negative pole of the battery by depressing the battery key, and balance to the false zero previously obtained by varying the resistance in arms A or B. Then by Wheatstone bridge formula: RX=AY, and L=X+Y; Y=L-X, whence
X = A/(R+A)
Y = L( R/(B+A) )
Ques. How may the distance from 2 to the fault be determined in knots or miles.
Ans. Divide Y by resistance per knot or mile.
[517] The Varley Loop.--This is a method of locating a cross or ground in a telephone or telegraph line or other cable by using a Wheatstone bridge in a loop formed of a good wire and the faulty wire joined at their distance ends. One terminal of the battery is grounded and the other connected to a point on the bridge at the junction of the ratio arms. The rheostat arm then includes the resistance of the rheostat plus the resistance of the fault, while the unknown arm includes the resistance of the good wire plus the resistance of the bad wire beyond the fault. When the bridge is balanced, the unknown resistances may be readily determined by a simple equation.
[518] In making the Varley loop test, the resistance of looped cable or conductors is measured, and then connected as in fig. 598. Close the battery key and adjust R for balance.
When earth current is present, the best results are obtained when the fault is cleared by the negative pole, and just before it begins to polarize. If X be the resistance from 2 to the fault, then
X = (L - R) / 2
also, X divided by the resistance of the cable or conductor per knot or mile gives the distance of fault in knot or miles.
When the resistance of the good wire used to form a loop with the defective wire, together with that portion of the defective wire from the joint to the fault is less than the resistance of the defective wire from the testing station to the fault, the resistance R must be inserted between point 1 and the good conductor, the defective wire being connected directly to point. The formula in this case is
X = (L + R) / 2
[519] Special Loop.--This method may be used to advantage where the length of the cable or faulty wire only is known and where there are two other wires which may be used to complete the loop. It is not necessary that the resistance of the faulty wire and the length and resistance of the other wires be known. Figs. 601 to 604 show the connections and method of testing.
EXAMPLE.--All the wires in a cable 10,852 ft. long were found to be grounded so that none of them could be used as good wires. Two wires were selected out of another cable going to the same place by a different route and securely joined to one of the grounded wires at the distant end. This grounded wire and one of the good ones were connected as shown in figs. 601 and 602 and the reading A was found to be 307. [520] Connections were then made as shown in figs. 603 and 604 and A was found to be 610. What is the value of d?
According to formula
d = AL/A = (307 × 10,853)/610 = 5,461 ft.
The Potentiometer.--For the rapid and accurate measurement of voltage, current, and resistance, the potentiometer can be recommended. Those in charge of electric light and power companies, and also those who purchase large amounts of electrical energy are realizing, more and more, the necessity of having satisfactory primary standards with which to check their volt-, ampere-, and watt-meters.
[521] When it is realized that an error of one per cent. in a commercial instrument means an error of one dollar one way or the other in every one hundred dollars charged, the need of such standardization apparatus becomes at once apparent.
The potentiometer, it should be noted, relies for its accuracy, only upon the constancy and accuracy of resistances and upon standard cells.
With the materials now available, and the skill which has been acquired in their manufacture, both the resistances and the standard cells are obtainable which are remarkably constant, and both can be readily checked for accuracy.
[522] Location of Opens.--These measurements are based on the fact that the capacity of wires in a cable is ordinarily a measurable quantity, which, in wire of uniform diameter, is proportionate to length. In making these tests, a fault finder is used together with a buzzer, dry cells to operate it, small induction coil, and telephone receiver. These instruments are to be found in any telephone exchange. It is best to locate the buzzer at some distance from the fault finder in order that it cannot be heard by the operator.
[523] Before attempting locations for opens it is well to make the following measurements:
1. The insulation of the broken wire and the insulation of the good wire with which it is to be compared.
This may be done as shown in fig. 606. It is best that the insulation resistance be fairly good, but experiments indicate that good results can be obtained by the methods which follow, even when the insulation is as low as 100,000 ohms, and fair results when as low as 50,000 to 100,000 ohms.
2. The resistance between the two sections of the broken wire should be measured.
This may be done by joining the broken wire and a good wire at the distant end of the cable and measuring the resistance of the loop. To ensure close locations, this resistance should be over 100,000 ohms. Fair [524] locations can be made when the resistance is much lower and it is worth while to attempt it even if the resistance be as low as 10,000 ohms. The difficulty of determining the balance point increases as the resistance decreases.
Ques. Describe the method of locating an open with a fault finder.
Ans. (Case I) The broken wire will be one of a pair. Select another pair in the cable that will have the same capacity per mile and join together the mate of the broken wire and one wire of the other pair. Make the connections as shown in fig. 607, then depress the battery key and move the contact to the point of minimum sound in the telephone. The distance to the break is equal to LA ÷ (1,000 - A), where L is the length of the good wire.
[525] EXAMPLE: A cable 1.45 miles long contained a broken wire. It was found that the insulation resistance of the end of this wire was over 10 megohms, as was that of the good pair selected to test against it. The resistance between the two pieces of the good wire was also over 10 megohms. Connections were made as in fig. 607, and it was found that the balance point was 476. Accordingly from the table
A / (1,000 - A) = 0.9084
d = 1.45 × .9084 = 1.317 + miles.
Location of Opens.--(Case II) Open wire in telegraph or other cables in which the wires are not grouped in pairs. The connections are made as in fig. 608, and the measurement and calculation exactly as in the preceding case.
The accuracy of the location of both of the above methods depends on the good and broken pair, or the good and broken wires having equal and uniform capacity per unit length. It is not always possible to select [526] wires that are alike in this respect. In such cases, as for instance, where there is no good wire in the cable containing the broken wire, and a good wire has to be selected from another cable, the method of Case III may be used.
Location of Opens.--Case III, in which the broken wire and good wire are not in the same cable. Connect the good wire and broken wire in the same way as shown in fig. 607, and set the pointer for a balance. Call the reading A. Then connect the good wire and the broken wire at the distant end and set the pointer for a new balance. Call this A'. The connections for this reading are shown in fig. 609. The distance to the break will be
where L is the total length of the broken wire.
EXAMPLE: A pair of wires containing one broken wire was connected with a good pair in a different cable as shown in fig. 607. The reading A was found to be 180. The good and bad wires were then joined at the distant end as in fig. 609, and the reading A was found to be 88. The total length of the bad wire MN was 1.44 miles. Required, the distance to the break. Substituting the values in the formula:
d = 180 × 88 × 1.44 / 1,000(180 - 88) + 180 × 88 = .211 + mile.
[529] To Pick Out Faulty Wires in a Cable.--Short circuit the coils E and R with switches U and V. Set the pointer at 1,000. Connect the post Gr. to ground or the cable sheath and apply the wires one after another to the binding post 2. The galvanometer will deflect for a faulty wire.
Ques. What is a potentiometer?
Ans. An arrangement of carefully standardized resistances for measuring voltages in comparison with a standard cell. It is used for accurate measurement of voltages, currents, and resistances.
In place of a series of standardized resistances, a slide wire may be used as in fig. 614.
Ques. Describe one form of potentiometer.
Ans. As shown in fig. 614, it consists of a fine German silver wire about 3 feet long stretched between the binding posts A, B, [530] which are attached to a wooden base carrying a scale divided into 1,000 equal parts. There are three circuits, the terminal A being included in each, one including the battery, and the other two the galvanometer. A three point switch connects the galvanometer in series with the standard cell SC, or the cell to be tested C, the circuits being completed by leads terminating in the sliding contacts M and S.
Ques. Describe the method of measuring the voltage of a cell with a potentiometer.
Ans. Fig. 614 shows a method of comparing a pressure with that of a standard cell and is applicable whether the pressure of the cell to be tested be greater or less than that of the standard cell. In making the test the switch F is first closed, then the other switch is moved to D, and M adjusted till galvanometer shows no deflection; similarly, the switch is moved to G, and S adjusted till galvanometer shows no deflection. Then, C:SC = AS:AM. from which C = SC × AS ÷ AM.
[531] EXAMPLE.--Let 1.016 volts be the known voltage of the standard cell SC, and the scale reading of AS be 657, and of AM, 225 as in the figure, then
C = (1.016 × 657) / 225 = 2.966 volts
The arrangement may, however, be made direct reading, that is, the slide wire may have a scale of volts instead of lengths or resistances, as follows: Suppose the standard cell to have a pressure of 1.434 volts, the sliding contact M is placed at the reading 1.434, and the adjustable resistance varied till the galvanometer shows no current. This means that the pressure between A and M is 1.434, and consequently the pressures all along the slide can be read off the scale in volts. Hence, when S has been adjusted to balance, the pressure of C is read off the scale in volts.
How to Use a Potentiometer.--All connections must be made as indicated by the stamping on the instrument. Particular attention must be given to the polarity of the standard cell, of the battery, and of the voltage, the corresponding + and - signs being marked. If used with a wall galvanometer having a telescope and scale, it will be found convenient to place the potentiometer so that the telescope is directly over the glass index of the extended wire, thus permitting the observer to read the galvanometer deflections and potentiometer settings without changing his position.
Potentiometer Current.--A medium sized storage cell will be found desirable, producing a steady current. Errors in measurements are frequently made by using an unsteady current.
Setting for Standard Cell.--Set the standard cell to correspond with the certified pressure of the standard cell as given in its certificate. In using the potentiometer shown in fig. 610, place the plug in hole 1, and see that it is always in this position when checking against the standard cell. Place the double throw switch at STD. CELL.
Adjust the regulating rheostat until the galvanometer shows no deflection. In making the first adjustment use the key marked R1; when a balance is almost attained, use key R2, and for the final adjustment use key marked R0. This cuts out the resistance in series with the galvanometer and gives the maximum sensibility.
Measurement of Unknown Pressure.--The potentiometer (fig. 610), as ordinarily used, gives direct readings for voltages up to and including 1.6 volts. For pressures higher than 1.6 volts, a volt box or multiplier should be used. After obtaining the standard cell balance, [532] as previously described, place the double throw switch in the position marked E.M.F. The balance for the unknown E.M.F. is obtained by manipulating the tenths switch and rotating the contact on the extended potentiometer wire. The final position of the two contacts in conjunction with the position of the plug at the left of the instrument indicates the voltage under test.
As directed above, use key R1 for rough adjustment, R2 for intermediate adjustment, and key R0 for final adjustment.
Plug at 1 gives readings for voltage directly from settings of tenths switch and extended wire contact.
Plug at .1 shunts the potentiometer circuit so that the voltage measured is .1 of the reading taken directly from the scale. Hence, the readings taken from the setting of the tenths switch and the slide wire contact must be divided by 10.
To Balance Galvanometer for Unknown Voltage.--Place plug in hole 1 (fig. 610) for voltages up to 1.6, and in hole .1 for voltages up to .16. Rotate the tenths switch until a condition of balance is obtained exactly or approximately. To secure an exact balance, rotate the contact on the extended wire. The unknown voltage can now be read directly from the position of the tenths switch and the extended wire contact if plug be at 1, or by dividing by 10 if plug be at .1.
[533] EXAMPLE.--A balance was obtained with the tenths switch at 1.3, the extended wire contact at 176 and the plug at 1. The voltage under test, therefore, is 1.3176. If the plug at .1 had been used, the same reading would have indicated .13176.
To ascertain if the current in the potentiometer circuit has altered during a measurement, it is only necessary to plug in at 1, place the double throw switch on STD. CELL and close the galvanometer key. No deflection indicates that the current has not changed. If the galvanometer deflect, the regulating rheostat must again be adjusted until the galvanometer shows no deflection.
To Measure Voltages from 1.6 to 16.--Pressures up to 16 volts may be measured by using a greater voltage across the BA posts (fig. 615). For this purpose a battery of about 20 volts should be used. Insert the large plug at .1 and throw the switch to STD. CELL, then balance the galvanometer by means of the regulating rheostat. When the rheostat has been set to secure a balance, insert the large plug at 1, set the switch on E.M.F. and read the voltage in the usual manner. Multiply the reading by 10.
Care of Potentiometer.--The slide wire, although protected to a great extent by the hood, in time accumulates dust and dirt with a thin film of oxide. This will tend to increase [534] the resistance in this part of the circuit owing to poor contact. This wire should, therefore, be cleaned occasionally.
To do this, unscrew the stop against which the hood strikes when turned to read zero; then remove the hood and rub the entire slide wire vigorously with a soft cloth dipped in vaseline. Do not use emery or sand paper as this will destroy the uniformity of the slide wire. Clean also the steel contact which rubs on the wire, as this becomes glazed after much use. When the potentiometer is not in use, the hood should be screwed all the way down, and the lid put in place to exclude dust.
If it be used in a chemical factory, laboratory, or any place where acid fumes are prevalent, this latter precaution is important, because the fumes may attack the slide wire.
It is also well to keep the contact surfaces of the switch studs clean and bright by wiping them occasionally with a soft cloth dipped in vaseline.
[535] Location of Faults where the Loop is Composed of Cables of Different Cross Sections.--Faults in loops of this character may be located with the same degree of accuracy as those in loops of a uniform cross section, provided the length and cross section of each length of cable are known. An example will illustrate the method:
In the diagram, fig. 617, assume the length of the cable AE to be 550 yards of 25,000 cir. mil., EF, 500 yards of 40,000 cir. mil., and FC, 1,050 yards of 30,000 cir. mil. These lengths must be reduced by calculation to equivalent lengths of one [536] size, and for this purpose it is best to select the largest size. The results of this calculation are as follows:
This makes the total resistance of the loop equivalent to 2,780 yards of 40,000 cir. mil. If the contact show a balance for a reading of 372.5, this indicates that the fault is at a distance of 372.5/1,000 of 2,780 = 1,035.5 equivalent yards. Of this, 880 are in the stretch A E. Consequently the fault is:
An ammeter or ampere meter is simply a commercial form of galvanometer so constructed that the deflection of the needle indicates directly the strength of current in amperes. A good ammeter should have a very low resistance so that very little of the energy of the current will be absorbed; the needle should be dead beat, and sufficiently sensitive to respond to minute variations of current.
According to the principle of operation, ammeters and voltmeters are classified as:
Again, they are divided according to their use into two classes:
[538] Milli-ammeters or milli-voltmeters are instruments in which the scale is graduated to read directly in thousandths of an ampere or thousandths of a volt respectively.
Ques. Describe the moving iron type instrument.
Ans. The arrangement of the working parts are shown in fig. 620. A soft iron needle N, is pivoted inside of a coil C, and is held out of line with the axis of the coil by means of a permanent magnet M, when the instrument is idle. In this position, a pointer P, which is attached to the needle, stands at the zero mark of the scale S. If a current be passed through the coil, magnetic lines of force are set up in its center, which tend to pull the needle into line with them, and therefore with the axis of the coil. This pull is resisted by the permanent magnet M, and the amount of deflection of the needle from the zero position depends upon the strength of the current or the voltage according as the coil is wound to indicate amperes or volts.
Ques. Describe a moving coil instrument.
Ans. This type of instrument is shown in fig. 621. It consists of a moving coil C, to which is attached the pointer, and which is pivoted between the poles of a permanent magnet M. The coil moves between these poles and a fixed soft iron core K, and is held in the normal position by two spiral springs A, above and below the core. The springs also serve to make electrical connection with the coil C.
When a current passes through the coil, magnetic lines are set up in it which are at an angle to those passing from one pole of the permanent magnet to the other. The lines of force, which formerly passed from one pole of the magnet to the other by straight lines or by short curved ones, are "stretched" on account of the field produced by the current in the coil, and, in trying to shorten themselves, tend to twist the coil through an angle. This tendency to move is resisted by the two spiral springs, hence the coil moves until equilibrium is established between the two opposing forces.
The amount of deflection of the pointer depends, either upon the current strength, or the voltage according to the winding of the coil.
[541] Ques. How does the winding differ in ammeters and voltmeters?
Ans. An ammeter coil consists of a few turns of heavy wire (when designed to carry the full current), while a voltmeter coil is wound with many turns of fine wire. Thus, the ammeter is of low resistance, and the voltmeter of high resistance.
[542] Ques. Why is a high resistance coil used with a voltmeter?
Ans. As actually constructed, most voltmeters are simply special forms of ammeter. From Ohm's law, the current through a given circuit equals the pressure at its terminals divided by its resistance. Hence, if a high resistance be connected in series with a sensitive ammeter that will measure very small currents, then the current passing through the circuit is directly proportional to the voltage at its terminals, and the instrument may be calibrated to read volts.
Ques. Into what two classes may ammeters be divided?
Ans. They are classed as series or shunt according to the way they are designed to be connected with the circuit.
Ques. What determines the mode of connecting ammeters?
Ans. When the wire of the ammeter coil is large enough to carry the whole current, it is connected in the circuit in series as shown in fig. 625. If, however, the wire be small, the instrument is connected in parallel with a shunt of low resistance, so that it only carries a small part of the current, as in fig. 626.
[543] For circuits which carry large currents, the shunt connection is always used, because otherwise the coil of the ammeter would have to be very heavy and the instrument correspondingly bulky.
Ques. How are shunt ammeters arranged to correctly measure the current?
Ans. The coil is arranged so that a definite proportion of the whole current passes through it. A large conductor of low resistance is connected directly between the two terminals or binding posts of the instrument; the coil is connected as a shunt around a definite part of this main conductor; then, since the two are connected in parallel and each branch has a definite resistance, the current divides between the two branches directly in proportion to their relative conductivities, or inversely according to their resistances. The coil, therefore, takes a definite part of the whole current, and the force moving it and its pointer away from the zero position is directly proportional to the whole current. Hence, by providing a proper scale, the value of the entire current will be indicated.
Ques. How is a voltmeter connected?
Ans. A voltmeter is always connected to the two points, whose difference of potential is to be measured.
[544] For instance, to measure the voltage between the two sides A and B of the circuit shown in fig. 629, one terminal of the voltmeter is connected to wire A, and the other to wire B. If the "drop" or difference in voltage through a certain length of wire L, of a circuit, as from A to B in fig. 630 is to be determined, one terminal of the voltmeter is connected to A and the other to B. In a similar manner is found the drop through a lamp.
Ques. What is the difference between a voltmeter and an ammeter?
Ans. A voltmeter measures pressure, while an ammeter measures current. As actually constructed, most voltmeters are simply special forms of ammeter.
If a high resistance be connected in series with a sensitive ammeter that will measure very small currents, then the current passing through the circuit is directly proportional to the pressure or voltage at its terminals and the instrument may be calibrated to read volts.
Ques. Explain the term "calibrate."
Ans. To calibrate a measuring instrument is to determine the variations in its readings by making special measurements, or by comparison with a standard.
[546] Ques. Describe a solenoid or plunger ammeter.
Ans. This type consists of a "plunger" or soft iron core arranged to enter a solenoid. Current being passed through the wire of the solenoid causes the core to be more or less attracted against a restraining force of gravity or springs. A pivoted pointer attached to the core indicates the current value on a graduated dial as shown in fig. 633.
Ques. What are the objections to plunger instruments?
Ans. They are not reliable for small readings, and are readily affected by magnetic fields.
Ques. Describe a magnetic vane instrument.
Ans. It consists of a small piece of soft iron or vane mounted on a shaft that is pivoted a little off the center of a coil as shown in fig. 634. The principle upon which the instrument works is [547] that a piece of soft iron placed in a magnetic field and free to move will move into such position as to conduct the maximum number of lines of force. The current to be measured is passed around the coil producing a magnetic field through the center of the coil. The magnetic field inside the coil is strongest near the inner edge, hence, the vane will move against the restraining force of a spring so that the distance between it and the inner edge of the coil will be as small as possible. A pointer, attached to the vane shaft moves over a graduated dial.
Ques. Describe an inclined coil instrument.
Ans. As shown in fig. 635, a coil carrying the current, is mounted at an angle to a shaft to which is attached a pointer. A bundle of iron strips is mounted on the shaft. A spring restrains the shaft and holds the pointer at the zero position when no current is flowing. When a current is passed through the coil, [548] the iron tends to take up a position with its longest sides parallel to the lines of force, which results in the shaft being rotated and the pointer moved on the dial, the amount of movement depending upon the strength of the current in the coil.
The coils for large sizes are generally wound with a few turns of flat insulated copper ribbon. The instruments are adapted to either direct or alternating currents but are recommended for alternating currents.
Ques. What is the principle of the hot wire instrument?
Ans. Its action depends upon the heating of a conductor by the current flowing through it, causing it to expand and move an index needle or pointer, the movements of which, by calibration, are made to correspond to the pressure differences producing the actuating currents.
Ques. What are the characteristics of hot wire instruments?
Ans. Voltmeters of this type are not affected by magnetic fields, and as their self-induction is small, they can be used on [549] either direct or alternating currents; but they possess certain serious defects: they consume more current than the other types; cannot be constructed for small readings; are liable to burn out on accidental overloads; and are somewhat vague in the readings near the zero point and are sometimes inaccurate in the upper part of the scale.
Ques. Describe the construction and operation of the Whitney hot wire instruments.
Ans. As shown in fig. 638, a wire AX, of non-oxidizable metal, of high resistance and low temperature coefficient, passes over a pulley B mounted on the shaft C. The ends of the wire are attached to the plate E at its ends F and G, the wire being insulated from the plate at G. A spring H holds the wire in tension and takes up the slack due to the expansion caused by the heating of the wire when a current passes through it. The current [550] flows only in the portion of the wire marked A, between the plate E and the pulley B up to the point K where the connection is shown. When a current flows through the wire A, the spring takes up the slack, pulls A around B, and causes B to rotate upon its shaft C. It is clear, that a pointer attached to C, would indicate on a scale the movement of B and C, but as this movement is very slight, a magnifying device will be required. This device consists of a forked rod L, rigidly attached to the shaft C, and carrying at its lower end a silk fibre fastened to the fork and passing around a pulley M, to which a pointer N is attached. For direct current measurements only an electromagnetic system is used.
Ques. What is the principle of electrostatic instruments?
Ans. The action of these instruments depends upon the fact that two conductors attract one another when any difference of [551] electric pressure exists between them. If one be delicately suspended so as to be free to move, it will approach the other.
Ques. Describe the Kelvin electrostatic voltmeter.
Ans. A simple form consists, as shown in fig. 639, of a metal case containing a pair of highly insulated plates, between which a delicately mounted paddle shaped needle is free to move. When the needle is connected to one side of a circuit and the stationary plates to the other side, the needle is attracted and moves between them as indicated by the pointer. Adjusting screws at the lower end of the needle allow it to be balanced so that its center of gravity is somewhat below the center of suspension. Gravity then is the restraining force.
[552] The range of the instrument may be changed by hanging different weights upon the needle. By increasing the number of blades the instrument can be made to measure as low as 30 volts. The form having two stationary blades and one movable blade is suitable for measuring from 200 to 20,000 volts. The quadrant electrometer or laboratory form will measure a fraction of a volt.
Ques. Explain the construction and principle of the Thompson astatic instruments.
Ans. The fields of these instruments are electromagnets wound for any specified voltage and provided with binding posts separate from the current posts of the instrument. The moving coils are mounted upon an aluminum disc and are located in a magnetic field which is parallel to the shaft and astatically arranged. Two small pieces of magnetic metal are rigidly [553] mounted on the shaft and the astatic components of the magnetic field, which are perpendicular to the shaft, tend to keep the pieces of magnetic metal in their initial positions. When current passes through the coils of the moving element, the lines of force parallel to the shaft produce a torque which tends to turn the shaft and cause the needle to travel across the scale. This action is, of course, opposed by the magnetic field at right angles to the shaft acting on the two pieces of magnetic metal. There are thus no restraining springs, current being conveyed to the moving coil by torsionless spirals of silver wire. Thompson astatic instruments can be provided with polarity indicators, a red disc showing on the scale card where the poles are reversed.
[554] The effect of external fields is eliminated by the astatic arrangement of the fields and the moving parts. A field which tends to increase the torque on one side of the armature diminishes it to a corresponding degree on the other side. The damping effect in these instruments is produced by an aluminum disc moving in a magnetic field.
Ques. What are multipliers?
Ans. These are extra resistance coils which are connected in series with a voltmeter for increasing its capacity or readings. They are put up in portable boxes, and must be adjusted for each particular voltmeter as the resistance of a multiplier coil must be a multiple of the resistance of the voltmeter itself.
[555] Ques. What is an electro-dynamometer?
Ans. An instrument for measuring amperes, volts, or watts by the reaction between two coils when the current to be measured is passed through them. One of the coils is fixed and the other movable.
Ques. Describe the Siemens' electro-dynamometer.
Ans. The essential parts are shown in fig. 646. The fixed coil A, composed of a number of turns of wire is fastened to a vertical support, and surrounded by the movable coil B of a few turns, or often of only one turn. The movable coil is suspended by a thread and a spiral spring C, below the dials which are fastened at one end to the movable coil and at the other end to a milled headed screw D, which can be turned so as to place the planes of the coil at right angles to each other, and to apply torsion to the spring to oppose the deflection of the movable coil for this position when a current is passed through the coils. The [556] ends of the movable coil dip into two cups of mercury E, E', located one above the other and along the axis of the coils so as to bring the two in series when connected to an external circuit. The arrows show the direction of current through the two coils. An index pointer F is attached to the movable coil. The upper end of this pointer is bent at a right angle, so that it swings over the dial between two stop pins G, G', and rests directly over the zero line when the planes of the coils are at right angles to each other. A pointer H is attached to the torsion screw D, and sweeps over the scale of the dial. The spring is the controlling factor in making the measurement.
Ques. Explain the operation of the Siemen's electrodynamometer.
Ans. In fig. 646, when a current is passed through both coils, the movable coil is deflected against a stop pin, then the screw D is turned in a direction to oppose the action of the current until the deflection has been overcome and the coil brought back to its original position. The angle through which the pointer of the torsion screw was turned is directly proportional to the square root of the angle of torsion. To determine the current strength [559] in amperes, the square root of the angle of torsion is multiplied by a calculated constant furnished by the makers of this instrument.
Ques. How is the electrodynamometer adapted to measure volts or watts?
Ans. When constructed as a voltmeter, both coils are wound with a large number of turns of fine wire making the instrument sensitive to small currents. Then by connecting a high resistance in series with the instrument it can be connected across the terminals of a circuit whose voltage is to be measured. When constructed as a wattmeter, one coil is wound so as to carry the main [560] current, and the other made with many turns of fine wire of high resistance suitable for connecting across the circuit. With this arrangement, the force between the two coils will be proportional to the product of amperes by volts, hence, the instrument will measure watts.
Ques. Describe briefly the construction of the Thompson recording wattmeter.
Ans. It consists of four elements: 1, a motor causing rotation; 2, a dynamo providing the necessary load or drag; 3, a registering device, the function of which is to integrate the instantaneous values of the electrical energy to be measured; and 4, means of regulation for light and full load.
[562] Ques. What is the action of the motor in the Thompson watt hour meter?
Ans. It rotates at very slow speed, and since there is no iron in its fields and armature, it has very little reverse voltage. Its armature current, therefore, is independent of the speed of rotation, and is constant for any definite voltage applied at its terminals.
The torque of this motor being proportioned to the product of its armature and field currents, must vary directly as the energy passing through its coils. In order then, that the motor shall record correctly it is necessary only to provide some means for making the speed proportional to the torque. This is accomplished by applying a load or drag, the strength of which varies directly as the speed.
[563] Ques. Explain the operation of the Thompson recording wattmeter.
Ans. There being no iron in either field or armature of the motor element, no considerations of saturation are involved. The torque or pull of the armature is dependent upon the product of the field and armature strength. The strength of the field--there being no iron--varies directly with the current in the field. Thus the strength of the field with 10 amperes flowing to the load is exactly twice the strength of the field with 5 amperes flowing to the load. The strength of the armature is dependent on the voltage of the system to which it is connected, the armature element of the meter being practically a voltmeter. There is, therefore, a torque or pull varying directly with the strength of the armature multiplied by the strength of the field, or, in other words, varying directly with the watt load, and except in so far as influenced by friction, the speed of rotation varies directly with the torque or pull. The currents generated in the disc armature consist of eddy currents, which circulate within the mass of the disc.
Installation of Wattmeters.--The various types of wattmeter differ so widely either in mechanical details, or operating principles, that it is customary for manufacturers to furnish detailed instructions for the installation of their meters. Such instructions should be carefully followed in all cases, but the following will be found generally applicable to all types of motor meter:
[B] NOTE.--The most practical and accurate method of plumbing a meter is to level it by means of a small brass weight placed upon the retarding disc. Place the weight upon the front or back upper surface of the disc, close to the edge. If the disc and weight rotate toward the right, move the bottom of the meter in the same direction so as to raise the disc on the right. When the disc is level, the weight and disc will remain stationary when the weight is placed on either the front or the back of the disc. Next, place the weight on the disc close to the edge on either side. If the disc rotate towards the front, swing the bottom of the meter away from the wall or board until the disc remains stationary when the weight is placed upon it on either side. If the disc rotate toward the back, raise it up on that side by bringing the top of the meter away from the wall or board. It is possible that the second levelling operation will alter the position of the disc obtained by the first operation, therefore, the first should be repeated, and after that the second also, until the disc remains stationary when the weight is placed at any point upon its surface. This method of levelling is more reliable than any method in which a spirit level is employed.
How to test a meter.--A simple test for ascertaining whether a customer's meter is fast or slowC, may be applied as follows:
The difference between the first and second readings of the dial will be the indicated consumption of two hours, and if this be greater than the amount of power that ought to be consumed by the number of lamps turned on, the meter is fast, but if it be less, the meter is slow.
The best results obtained by this method are only approximations, however, on account of the variations in the watts consumed by the different makes of lamp, the uncertainty as to the actual voltage on the line at the time of the test, and the lack of knowledge as to the age of the lamps. Therefore, if the meter test within five per cent., or do not record more nor less than one-twentieth of the assumed lamp consumption it is safe to assume that the meter is correct as the result of the test is not likely to be any closer to the truth.
[C] NOTE.--A meter operates under more varied and exacting conditions than almost any other piece of apparatus. It is frequently subjected to vibration, moisture and extremes of temperature; it must register accurately on varying voltages and various wave forms; it must operate for many months without any supervision or attention whatever; and, in spite of all these conditions, it is expected to register with accuracy from a few per cent. of its rated capacity to a 50 per cent. overload. As a meter is a type of machine, its natural tendency is to run slow; but occasionally, through accident, a meter may run fast. When a meter runs fast the consumer is paying a higher rate per kilowatt hour than his contract calls for. He is being discriminated against. The periodic testing of meters is therefore a necessity and is an indication of the honesty of intention of the manager toward the customers of his company. Meters controlling a very large amount of revenue may be tested as often as once a month, while the ordinary run of meters should be tested at least once a year, once in eighteen months, or once in two years, the period varying with different companies, different types and different civic requirements. Commutator type meters, having comparatively heavy moving elements with consequent rapid increase in friction due to wear on the jewel and bearings, and a commutator also increasing in friction with age, must have frequent and expert attention to insure their accuracy under all conditions.
Ques. How should a roughened commutator be cleaned and smoothed?
Ans. By means of tape.
[572] Waste of Electricity in Lighting.--In large residences where a good many servants are employed or in any place where the power consumed is not directly under the supervision of the person who must pay the bills, a great deal of waste usually occurs.
If the meter be read before retiring, the reading in the morning will show how much energy was consumed during the night, which will show in turn how many lamps were burning all night.
A great deal of light can be saved by placing the lamps so that they will throw the light where it is needed and by placing small lamps such as 8 candle power and 4 candle power in places where not much light is needed, such as bathrooms, halls, cellars, etc.
When the lamps get old and dim they should be replaced with new ones, as it costs about the same to burn an old lamp as a new one. An old 16 candle power lamp which is very dim will give only about 8 candle power and use about as much current as is required for a new 16 candle power. If the dim light be light enough, it should be replaced by an 8 candle power lamp, which will not consume as much power as the old 16 candle power.
Before Starting a Dynamo or Motor.--When the machine has been securely fixed, it should be carefully examined to see that all parts are in good order. The examination should be made as follows:
In the subsequent working of the dynamo it will of course be unnecessary to follow the whole of these proceedings every time the machine is started, as it is extremely unlikely that the machine will be damaged from external causes while working without the attendant being aware of the fact.
Adjusting the Brushes.--The adjustment of the brushes upon the commutator requires careful attention if sparking is to be avoided. There are two adjustments to be made:
Ques. At what point on the commutator should the brushes bear?
Ans. The points upon the commutator at which the tips of the brushes (carried by opposite arms of the rocker) bear, should [575] be, in bipolar dynamos, at opposite extremities of a diameter. In multipolar dynamos the positions vary with the number of poles and the nature of the armature winding.
Ques. What provision is made to facilitate the correct setting of the brushes?
Ans. Setting marks are usually cut in the collar of the commutator next to the bearing.
Ques. How are the brushes set by these marks?
Ans. The tips of all the brushes carried by one arm of the rocker are set in correct line with the commutator segments marked out by one setting mark, and the tips of the brushes carried by the other arm or arms are set in correct line with the segments marked out by the other mark or marks.
If one or more of the brushes in a set be out of line with their setting mark, it will be necessary to adjust the brushes up to this mark by pushing them out or drawing them back, as may be required, afterwards [576] clamping them in position. When adjusting the brushes, the armature should always be rotated, so that the setting marks are horizontal. The rocker can then be rotated into position, and the tips of both sets of brushes conveniently adjusted to their marks. In those brush holders provided with an index or pointer for adjusting the brushes, the setting marks upon the commutator are absent, length of the pointer being so proportioned that when the tips of the brushes are in line with the extreme tips of the pointers, the brushes bear upon the correct positions on the commutator.
Ques. What should be done after adjusting the brushes to their correct positions upon the commutator?
Ans. Their tips or rubbing ends should be examined while in position to see that they bed accurately on the surface of the commutator.
In many instances it will be found that this is not the case, the brushes sometimes bearing upon the point or toe, and sometimes upon the heel, so that they do not make contact with the commutator throughout their entire thickness and width. The angle of the rubbing ends will therefore need to be altered by filing to make them lie flat.
[577] Ques. How is the proper brush contact secured?
Ans. When the brushes do not bed properly they should be refitted to secure proper contact.
Ques. How is the pressure adjustment made?
Ans. This is effected by regulating the tension of the springs provided for the purpose upon the brush holders.
Ques. With what pressure should the brushes bear against the commutator?
Ans. The tension of the springs should be just sufficient to cause the brushes to make a light yet reliable contact with the commutator.
The contact must not be too light, otherwise the brushes will vibrate, and thus cause sparking; nor must it be too heavy, or they will press too hard upon the commutator, grinding, scoring and wearing away the latter and themselves to an undesirable extent, and moreover, giving rise to heating and sparking.
The correct pressure is attained when the brushes collect the full current without sparking, while their pressure upon the commutator is just sufficient to overcome ordinary vibration due to the rotation of the commutator.
Direction of Rotation.--This is sometimes a matter of doubt and often results in considerable trouble. As a general rule, a dynamo is intended to run in a certain direction; either right handed or left handed according to whether the armature, when looked at from the pulley end, revolves with or against the direction of the hands of a clock. Dynamos are usually designed to run right handed, but the manufacturers will make them left handed if so desired.
It may be necessary to reverse the direction of rotation of a dynamo, if the driving pulley to which it has to be connected happen to revolve left handed, or if it be necessary to bring the loose side of the belt on top of the pulley, or to place the machine [579] in a certain position on account of limited space. The direction of rotation of ordinary series, shunt, or compound bipolar dynamos may be reversed by simply reversing the brushes without changing any of the connections, then changing the point of contact of the brush tips 180°.
In multipolar dynamos, a similar change, amounting to 90° for a four pole machine, and 45° for an eight pole machine, will reverse their direction of rotation. It will be understood that under these conditions, the original direction of the current and the polarity of the field magnets will remain unchanged.
This rule does not apply to arc dynamos and other machines, which have to be run in a certain direction only, in order to suit their regulating devices.
If the direction of current generated by a dynamo be opposite to that desired, the two leads should be reversed in the terminals, or the residual magnetism should be reversed by a current from an outside source.
[580] Starting a Dynamo.--Having followed the foregoing instructions, all keys, spanners, bolts, etc., should be removed from the immediate neighborhood of the machine, and the dynamo started.
[581] Ques. How should a dynamo be started?
Ans. A dynamo is usually brought up to speed either by starting the driving engine, or by connecting the dynamo to a source of power already in motion. In the first case, it should be done by a competent engineer, and in the second case by a person experienced in putting on friction clutches to revolving shafts, or in slipping on belting to moving pulleys.
[582] Ques. Should the brushes be raised out of contact in starting?
Ans. The brushes should not be in contact in starting if there be any danger of reverse rotation, as might happen when the dynamo is driven by a gas engine. Aside from this, it is desirable that the brushes be in contact, because they are more easily and better adjusted, and the voltage will come up slowly, so that any fault or difficulty will develop gradually and can be corrected, or the machine stopped before any injury is done.
Ques. How should a series machine be started?
Ans. The external circuit should be closed, otherwise a [583] closed circuit will not be formed through the field magnet winding and the machine will not build up.
Ques. What is understood by the term "build up"?
Ans. In starting, the gradual voltage increase to maximum.
Ques. How should a shunt or compound machine be started?
Ans. All switches controlling the external circuits should be opened, as the machine excites best when this is the case. If [584] the machine be provided with a rheostat or hand regulator and resistance coils, these latter should all be cut out of circuit, or short circuited, until the machine excites, when they can be gradually cut in as the voltage rises.
When the machine is giving the correct voltage, as indicated by the voltmeter or pilot lamp, the machine may be switched into connection with the external or working circuits.
Ques. In starting a shunt dynamo, should the main line switch be closed before the machine is up to voltage or after?
Ans. If the machine be working on the same circuit with other machines, or with a storage battery, it is, or course, necessary to make the voltage of the machine equal to that on the line before connecting it in the circuit. If the machine work alone, the switch may be closed either before or after the voltage comes up. The load will be thrown on suddenly if the switch be closed after the machine has built up its voltage, thus causing a strain on the belt, and possibly drawing water over the engine cylinder. On the other hand, if the switch be closed before the voltage of the machine has come up, the load is picked up gradually, but the machine may be slow or may even refuse to pick up at all.
Ques. Why does a shunt machine pick up more slowly if the main switch be closed first?
Ans. Because the resistance of the main line is so much less than that of the field that the small initial voltage due to the residual magnetism causes a much larger current in the armature than in the shunt field. If this be too large, the cross and back magnetizing force of the armature weakens the field more than the initial field current strengthens it, and so the machine cannot build up.
[585] Ques. If a shunt dynamo will not pick up, what is likely to be the trouble?
Ans. The speed may be too slow; the resistance of the external circuit may be too small; the brushes may not be in proper position; some of the electrical connections in the dynamo may be loose, broken or improperly made; the field may have lost its residual magnetism.
Ques. What is the indication that the connections between the field coils and armature are reversed?
Ans. If the machine build up when brought to full speed, the connections are correct, but if it fail to build up, the field coils may be improperly connected.
[587] This can be tested by connecting a voltmeter across the terminals of the armature, or by means of a magnetic needle placed at a short distance from one of the pole pieces in such a position that it does not point to the north pole. If the field coils be improperly connected, the current due to the initial voltage will weaken the field magnetism and thus prevent the machine building up, and when the field circuit is closed the voltmeter reading will be reduced, or the magnetic needle will be less strongly attracted.
Ques. What will be the result if the connections of some of the field coils of a dynamo be reversed?
Ans. If one-half the number of coils oppose the other half, the field magnetism will be neutralized and the machine will not build up at all; but if one of the coils be opposed to the others, the machine might build up, but the generated voltage will be low, and there will be considerable sparking at some of the brushes.
Ques. How may it be ascertained which coil is reversed?
Ans. In all dynamos there should be an equal number of positive and negative poles, and in almost all of them the poles should be alternately positive and negative. Therefore, if a pocket compass be brought near the pole pieces, and it show that there are more poles of one kind than the other, the indication is that one or more of the coils are reversed, and the improper sequence of alternation will determine which one is wrongly connected.
Ques. When a dynamo loses its residual magnetism, how can it be made to build up?
Ans. By temporarily magnetizing the field. To do this a current is passed through it from another dynamo, or from the cells of a small primary battery. Usually, this will set up sufficient initial magnetism to allow the machine to build up. The battery circuit should be broken before the machine has built up to full voltage.
[588] Ques. What should be done if a dynamo become reversed by a reversal of its field magnetism due to lightning, short circuit, or otherwise?
Ans. The residual magnetism should be reversed by a current from another dynamo, or from a battery; but if this be not convenient, the connections between the machine and the line should be crossed so that the original positive terminal of the dynamo will be connected to the negative terminal of the line, and vice versa.
[589] Ques. Can a dynamo be reversed by reversing the connections between the field coils and the armature?
Ans. No, for if these connections be reversed, the machine will not build up.
Ques. Will a dynamo build up if it become reversed?
Ans. Yes.
Ques. Then what is the objection to a reversed dynamo?
Ans. Since the direction of current of a reversed dynamo is also reversed, serious trouble may occur if it be attempted to connect it in parallel, with other machines not reversed.
Attention while Running.--When a dynamo is started and at work, it will need a certain amount of attention to keep it running in a satisfactory and efficient manner. The first point to be considered is the adjustment of the brushes. If this be neglected, the machine will probably spark badly, and the commutator and brushes will frequently require refitting to secure good contact.
Ques. What may be said with respect to the lead of the brushes?
Ans. The lead in all good dynamos is very small, and varies with the load and class of machine. The best lead to give to the brushes can in all cases be found by rotating the rocker and brushes in either direction to the right or left of the neutral plane until sparking commences, increasing with the movement. The position midway between these two points is the correct position for the brushes, for at this position the least sparking occurs, and it is at this position that the brushes should be fixed by clamping the rocker.
Ques. How does the lead vary in the different types of dynamo?
Ans. In series dynamos giving a constant current, the brushes require practically no lead. In shunt and compound dynamos the lead varies with the load, and therefore the brushes must be rotated in the direction of rotation of the armature with an increase of load, and in the opposite direction with a decrease of load.
In cases where the dynamos are subjected to a rapidly varying or fluctuating load, it is of course not possible to constantly shift the brushes as the load varies, therefore the brushes should be fixed in the positions where the least sparking occurs at the moment of adjustment. [591] If at any time violent sparking occur, which cannot be reduced or suppressed by varying the position of the brushes by rotating the rocker, the machine should be shut down at once, otherwise the commutator and brushes are liable to be destroyed, or the armature burnt up. This especially refers to high tension machines.
Ques. What should be done if the brushes begin to spark excessively?
Ans. First, look at the ammeter to see if an excessive amount of current is being delivered; second, see if the brushes make good contact with the commutator, and if the latter have a bar too high, or too low, and an open circuit.
Ques. What should be done if the current be excessive?
Ans. If the current exceed the rated capacity by more than 50 per cent., and continue for more than a few minutes, the main switch should be opened, otherwise the machine may be seriously injured.
[592] Ques. How does an excessive current injure a dynamo?
Ans. By causing it to overheat which destroys the insulation of the armature, commutator, etc.
Lubrication.--The shaft bearings of dynamos may be lubricated by sight feed oilers or oil rings. The latter method is almost universally used. An oil well is provided in the hollow casting of the pedestals as shown in fig. 728. Oil rings revolve with the shaft and feed the latter with oil, which is continuously brought up from the reservoir below. The dirt settles to the bottom and the upper portion of the oil remains clear for a long period, after which it is drawn off through the spigot and a fresh supply poured in through openings provided in the top. The latter are often located directly over the slots in which the rings are placed, so that the bearings can be lubricated directly by means of an oil cup, if the rings fail to act or the reservoir become exhausted.
[593] Ques. What kind of oil can should be used in filling the reservoir, or oil cups?
Ans. One made of some non-magnetic material such as copper, brass, or zinc.
If iron cans be used, they are liable to be attracted by the field magnets, and thus possibly catch in the armature.
Ques. What is the indication of insufficient lubrication?
Ans. The bearings become unduly heated.
Ques. What precaution should be taken with new dynamos?
Ans. They are liable to heat abnormally and for the first few days they should be carefully watched and liberally supplied with oil.
After a dynamo has been running for a short time under full load, its armature imparts a certain amount of heat to the bearings, a little more also to the bearing on the commutator end of shaft; beyond this there is no excuse for excessive heating. The latter may result from various causes, some of which are given with their remedies, as follows:
- A poor quality of oil, dirty or gritty matter in the oil;
- Journal boxes too tight;
- Rough journals, badly scraped boxes;
- Belt too tight;
- Bearings out of line;
- Overloaded dynamo;
- Bent armature shaft.
Ques. What is the allowable degree of heating?
Ans. It may be taken as a safe rule that no part of a working dynamo should have a temperature of more than 80° Fahr. above that of the surrounding air.
Accordingly, if the temperature of the engine room be noted before applying the thermometer to the machine, it can at once be seen if the latter be working at a safe temperature. In taking the temperature, [594] the bulb of the thermometer should be wrapped in a woolen rag. The screws and nuts securing the different connections and cables should be examined occasionally, as they frequently work loose through vibration.
Instructions for Stopping Dynamos.--When shutting down a machine, the load should first be gradually reduced, if possible, by easing down the engine; then when the machine is supplying little or no current, the main switch should be opened. This reduces the sparking at the switch contacts, and prevents the engine racing.
When the voltmeter almost indicates zero, the brushes should be raised from contact with the commutator. This prevents the brushes being damaged in the event of the engine making a backward motion, which it often does, particularly in the case of [595] a gas engine. On no account, however, should the brushes be raised from the commutator while the machine is generating any considerable voltage; for not only is the insulation of the machine liable to be damaged, but in the case of large shunt dynamos, the person lifting the brushes is liable to receive a violent shock.
Ques. What attention should the machine receive after it has been shut down?
Ans. It should be thoroughly cleaned. Any adhering copper dust, dirt, etc., should be removed from the armature by dusting with a stiff brush, and the other portions of the machine should be thoroughly cleaned with linen rags. Waste should not be used, as it is liable to leave threads or fluff on the projecting parts of the machine, and on the windings of the armature, which is difficult to remove.
Ques. What attention should be given to the brushes and brush gear?
Ans. They should be examined and thoroughly cleaned. If necessary the brushes should be refitted and readjusted. All terminals, screws, bolts, etc., should be carefully cleaned and screwed up ready for the next run. The brush holders should receive special attention, as when dirty, they are liable to stick and cause sparking. All dirt and oil should be removed from the springs, contacts, pivots, and other working parts.
It is advisable at stated intervals to entirely remove the brush holders from the rocker arms, and give them a thorough cleaning by taking them to pieces, and cleaning each part separately with emery cloth and benzoline or soda solution.
Another point to which particular attention should be given is the cleaning of the brush rocker. This being composed wholly of metal, and the two sets of positive and negative brushes being only separated from it by a few thin insulating washers, it follows that if any copper dust given off by the brushes be deposited in the neighborhood of these washers, there is considerable liability for a short circuit of the machine to occur by the dust bridging across the insulation.
[596] Ques. What further attention should be given?
Ans. It is a good plan, when the machine has been thoroughly cleaned and all connections made secure, to occasionally test the insulation of the different parts. If a record be kept of these tests, any deterioration of the insulation can at once be detected, localized and remedied before it has become sufficiently bad to cause a breakdown.
As a means of protecting the machine from any moisture, dirt, etc., while standing idle, it is advisable to cover it with a suitable waterproof cover.
Series and Parallel Connections.--When it is necessary to generate a large and variable amount of electrical energy, as must be done in central generating stations, apart from the question of liability to breakdown, it is neither economical nor desirable that the whole of the energy should be furnished from a single dynamo. Since the efficiency of a dynamo is dependent upon its output at any moment, or the load at which it is worked (the efficiency varying from about 95 per cent. at full load to 80 per cent. at half load), it is advisable in order to secure the greatest economy in working, to operate any dynamo as near full load as possible.
Under the above circumstances, when the whole of the output is generated by a single dynamo this can evidently not be effected, for the load will naturally fluctuate up and down during the working hours, as the lamps, motors, etc., are switched into and out of circuit; hence, although the dynamo may be working at full load during a certain portion of the day, at other times it may probably be working below half load, and therefore the efficiency and economy in working in such an arrangement is very low.
Ques. How is maximum efficiency secured with variable load?
Ans. It is usual to divide up the generating plant into a number of units, varying in size, so that as the load increases, it can either be shifted to machines of larger size, or when it exceeds the capacity of the largest dynamo, the output of one [598] can be added to that of another, and thus the dynamos actually at work at any moment can be operated as nearly as possible at full load.
Ques. What should be noted with respect to connecting one dynamo to another?
Ans. It is necessary to take certain precautions (as later explained) in order that the other dynamos may not be affected by the change, and that they may work satisfactorily together.
Ques. What are the two methods of coupling dynamos?
Ans. They are connected in series, or in parallel.
In coupling dynamos in series, the current capacity of the plant is kept at a constant value, while the output is increased in proportion to the pressures of the machines in circuit.
When connected in parallel, the pressures of all the machines are kept at a constant value, while the output of the plant is increased in proportion to the current capacities of the machines in circuit.
Coupling Series Dynamos in Series.--Series wound dynamos will run satisfactorily together without special precautions when coupled in series, if the connections be arranged as in fig. 685.
The positive terminal of one dynamo is connected to the negative terminal of the other, and the two outer terminals are connected directly to the two main conductors or bus bars through the ammeter A, fuse F, and switch S. If it be desired to regulate the pressure and output of the machines, variable resistances, or hand regulators R, R1, may be arranged as shunts to the series coils as shown, so as to divert a portion or the whole of the current therefrom.
Series Dynamos in Parallel.--Simple series wound dynamos not being well adapted for the purpose of maintaining a constant pressure, are in practice seldom coupled in parallel; the conditions or working, however, derive importance from the fact that [599] compound dynamos, being provided with series coils, are subject to similar conditions when working in parallel, which is frequently the case.
Ques. What may be said with respect to coupling two or more plain series dynamos in parallel?
Ans. The same procedure cannot be followed as in the case of plain shunt dynamos, for the reason that if the voltage of the dynamo to be coupled be exactly equal to that of the bus bars when connected in parallel, the combination will be unstable.
Ques. Why is this?
Ans. If, from any cause, the pressure at the terminals of one of the dynamos fall below that of the others, it immediately takes a smaller proportion of the load; as a consequence, the [600] current in its field coils is reduced, and a further fall of pressure immediately takes place. This again causes the dynamo to relinquish a portion of its load, and again occurs a further fall of pressure. Thus the process goes on, until finally the dynamo ceases to supply current, and the current from the other dynamos flowing in its field coils in the reverse direction reverses its magnetism, and causes it to run as a motor against the driving power in the opposite direction to that in which it previously ran as a dynamo.
Under such circumstances the armature is liable to be destroyed if the fuse be not immediately blown, and in any case it is subjected to a very detrimental shock. This tendency to reverse in series dynamos can be effectually prevented by connecting the field coils of all the dynamos in parallel.
Ques. How are the field coils of all the dynamos connected in parallel?
Ans. This is effected in practice by connecting the ends of all the series coils where they join on to the armature circuit by a [601] third connection, called the "equalizing connection," or "equalizer," as shown in fig. 686.
Ques. What is the effect of the equalizer?
Ans. The immediate effect is to cause the whole of the current generated by the plant to be divided among the series coils of the several dynamos in the inverse ratio of their resistance, without any regard as to whether this current comes from one armature, or is divided among the whole. The fields of the several dynamos being thus maintained constant, or at any rate being caused to vary equally, the tendency for the pressure of one dynamo to fall below that of the others is diminished.
Shunt Dynamos in Series.--The simplest operation in connection with the coupling of dynamos, and the one used probably more frequently in practice than any other, is the coupling of two or more shunt dynamos to run either in series or in parallel. When connected in series, the positive terminal of one machine is joined to the negative of the other, and the two outer terminals are connected through the ammeter A, fuses F, F', and switch S, to the two main conductors or omnibus bars as represented in fig. 687. The machine will operate when the connections are arranged in this manner, if the ends of the shunt coils be connected to the terminals of their respective machines.
Shunt Dynamos in Parallel.--The coupling of two or more shunt dynamos to run in parallel is effected without any difficulty. This method of coupling dynamos is one that is very frequently used. Fig. 688 illustrates diagrammatically the method of arranging the connections. The positive and negative terminals of each machine are connected respectively to two massive insulated copper bars, shown at the top of the diagram, called omnibus bars, through the double pole switches, S, S', and [602] the double pole fuses F, F'. Ammeters, A, A' are inserted in the main circuit of each machine, and serve to indicate the amount of current generated by each. An automatic switch or cutout, Ac, Ac', is also shown as being included in the main circuit of each of the machines, although this appliance is sometimes dispensed with. The pressure of each of the machines is regulated independently by means of the hand regulators R, R', inserted in series with the shunt circuit.
The shunt circuits are represented as being connected to the positive and negative terminals of the respective machines, but in many cases where the load is subjected to sudden variations, and when a large number of machines is connected to the bus bars, the shunt coils are frequently connected direct to these. In such circumstances this method is preferable, as by means of it the fields of the idle dynamos can be excited almost at once direct from the bus bars by the current from the working dynamos; hence, if a heavy load come on suddenly, no time need be lost in building up a new machine previous to switching it into parallel. The pressure of the lamp circuit is given by a voltmeter [603] whose terminals are placed across the bus bars; and the pressure at the terminals of each of the machines is indicated by separate voltmeters or pilot lamps, the terminals of which are connected to those of the respective machines.
Ques. Describe a better method of parallel connection.
Ans. Better results are obtained by connecting both the shunt coils in series with one another, so that they form one long shunt between the two main conductors, the same as in fig. 687.
When arranged in this way, the regulation of both machines may be effected simultaneously by inserting a hand regulator (R) in series with the shunt circuit as represented.
Switching Dynamo Into and Out of Parallel.--In order to put an additional dynamo in parallel with those already working, it is necessary to run the new dynamo up to full speed, and, when it excites, regulate the pressure by means of a hand regulator until the voltmeter connected to the terminals of the machines registers one or two volts more than the voltmeter [604] connected to the lamp circuit, and then close the switch. The load upon the machine can then be adjusted to correspond with that upon the other machines by means of the hand regulator.
Ques. In connecting a shunt dynamo to the bus bars, must the voltage be carefully adjusted?
Ans. There is little danger in overloading the armature in making the connection hence the pressure need not be accurately adjusted.
It is, in fact, common practice in central stations to judge the voltage of the new dynamo merely by the appearance of its pilot lamp.
Ques. How is a machine cut out of the circuit?
Ans. When shutting down a machine, the load or current must first be reduced, by gradually closing the stop valve of the engine, or inserting resistance into the shunt circuit by means of the hand regulator; then when the ammeter indicates nine or ten amperes, the main switch is opened, and the engine stopped.
By following this plan, the heavy sparking at the switch contacts is avoided, and the tendency for the engine to race, reduced.
Ques. What precaution must be taken in reducing the current?
Ans. Care must be taken not to reduce the current too much.
Ques. Why is this necessary?
Ans. There is danger that the machine may receive a reverse current from the other dynamos, resulting in heavy sparking at the commutator, and in the machine being driven as a motor.
Ques. What provision is made to obviate this danger?
Ans. Dynamos that are to be run in parallel are frequently provided with automatic cutouts, set so as to automatically [605] switch out the machine when the current falls below a certain minimum value.
Dividing the Load.--If a plant, composed of shunt dynamos running in parallel, be subjected to variations of load, gradual or instantaneous, the dynamos will, if they all have similar characteristics, each take up an equal share of the load. If, however, as is sometimes the case, the characteristics of the dynamos be dissimilar, the load will not be shared equally, the dynamos with the most drooping characteristics taking less than their share with an increase of load, and more than their share with a decrease of load. If the difference be slight, it may be readily compensated by means of the hand regulator increasing or decreasing the pressures of the machines, as the load varies. If, however, the difference be considerable, and the fluctuations of load rapid, it becomes practically impossible to evenly divide the load by this means.
Under such circumstances, the pressure at the bus bars is liable to great variations, and there is also liability of blowing the fuses of the overloaded dynamos, thus precipitating a general breakdown. To cause an equal division of the load among all the dynamos, under such circumstances, it is needful to insert a small resistance in the armature circuits of such dynamos as possess the straightest characteristics, or of such dynamos as take more than their share of an increase of load. By suitably adjusting or proportioning the resistances, the pressures at the terminals of all the machines may be made to vary equally under all variations of load, and each of the machines will then take up its proper share of the load.
Coupling Compound Dynamos in Series.--Since compound dynamos may be regarded as a combination of the shunt and series wound machines, and as no special difficulties are [606] encountered in running these latter in series, analogy at once leads to the conclusion that compound dynamos under similar circumstances may be coupled together with equal facility.
Ques. How are compound dynamos connected to operate in series?
Ans. The series coils of each are connected as in fig. 685, and the shunt coils are connected as a single shunt as in fig. 687, which may either extend simply across the outer brushes of the machines, so as to form a double short shunt, or may be a shunt to the bus bars of external circuit, so as to form a double long shunt.
Compound Dynamos in Parallel.--Machines of this type will not run satisfactorily together in parallel unless all the series coils are connected together by an equalizing connection, as in series dynamos. The method of arranging the connections [607] as adopted in practice, being illustrated in fig. 690. By means of it idle machines are completely disconnected from those at work.
Ques. How is the equalizer connected?
Ans. The equalizer is connected direct to the positive brushes of all the dynamos, a three pole switch being fitted for disconnecting it from the circuit when the machine to which it is connected is not working. The two contacts of the switch are respectively connected to the positive and negative conductors, while the central contact is connected to the equalizer.
Switching a Compound Dynamo Into and Out of Parallel.--If the characteristics of all the dynamos be similar, and the connections arranged as in figs. 690, or 691, the only precaution [608] to be observed in switching a new machine into parallel is to have its voltage equal, or nearly equal to that of the bus bars previous to closing the switch. If this be the case, the new machine will take up its due share of the load without any shock.
Ques. How is a compound dynamo, running in parallel, cut out of circuit?
Ans. The load is first reduced to a few amperes, as in the case of shunt dynamos, either by easing down the engine, or by [609] cutting resistance into the shunt circuit by means of the hand regulator, and then opening the switch. Previous to this, however, it is advisable to increase the voltage at the bus bars to a slight extent, as while slowing down the engine the load upon the outgoing dynamo is transferred to the other dynamo armatures, and the current in their series coils not being increased in proportion, the voltage at the bus bars is consequently reduced somewhat.
Equalizing the Load.--When a number of compound dynamos of various output, size, or make, are running together in parallel, it frequently happens that all their characteristics are not exactly similar, and therefore the load is unequally distributed, some being overloaded, while others do not take up their proper share of the work.
NOTE.--The action of an equalizing bar in equalizing the load on compound dynamos run in parallel may be explained as follows: The compound winding of a dynamo raises the pressure in proportion to the current flowing through it, and if, in a system of parallel operated compound dynamos without the equalizing connection, the current given by one machine were slightly greater than the currents from the others, the pressure of that machine would increase. With this increase in pressure above the other machines, a still greater current would flow, and so raise the pressure further. The effect is therefore cumulative, and in time the one dynamo would be carrying too great a proportion of the whole current of the system. With the equalizing connection, whatever the current flowing from each machine, the currents in the various compound windings are all equal, and so the added pressure due to the compound winding is practically the same in each machine. Any inequality in output from the machines is readily eliminated by adjusting the shunt currents by means of the shunt rheostats. When compound wound dynamos are operated in parallel, the equalizer bar insures uniform distribution among the series coils of the machines.
NOTE.--To secure the best results in parallel operation, dynamos should be of the same design and construction and should possess as nearly as possible the same characteristics; that is, each should respond with the same readiness, and to the same extent, to any change in its field excitation. Any number of such machines may be operated in parallel. The usual practice is to connect the equalizer and the series field to the positive terminal, though if desired, they may be connected to the negative terminal; both however, must be connected to the same terminal. The resistance of the equalizer should be as low as possible, and it must never be greater than the resistance of any of the leads from the dynamos to the bus bar. Sometimes a third wire is run to the switchboard from each dynamo and there connected to an equalizer bar, but the usual practice is to run the equalizer directly between the dynamos and to place the equalizer switches on pedestals near the machines. This shortens the connections and leads to better regulation. The positive and equalizer switches of each machine differ in pressure only by the slight drop in the series coil, and in some large stations these two switches are placed side by side on a pedestal near the machine. In such cases, the equalizer and positive bus bars are often placed under the floor near the machines, so that all leads may be as short as possible. If all the dynamos be of equal capacity, all the leads to bus bars should be of the same length, and it is sometimes necessary to loop some of them.
[610] If the difference be small, it may be compensated by means of the hand regulator; if large, however, other means must be taken to cause the machines to take up their due proportion of the load.
If the series coils of the several dynamos be provided with small adjustable resistances, in the form of German silver or copper ribbon inserted in series with the coils, the distribution of the current in the latter may be altered by varying the resistance attached to the individual coils. The effect of the series coils upon the individual armatures in raising the pressure may be adjusted, and the load thus evenly divided among the machines.
Shunt and Compound Dynamos in Parallel.--It is not practicable to run a compound dynamo and a shunt dynamo in parallel, for, unless the field rheostat of the shunt machine be adjusted continually, the compound dynamo will take more than its share of the load.
This trouble is of frequent occurrence in both old and new machines. If a dynamo fail to excite, the operator should first see that the brushes are in the proper position and making good contact, and that the external circuit is open if the machine be shunt wound, and closed if series wound.
In starting a dynamo it should be remembered that shunt and compound machines require an appreciable time to build up, hence, it is best not to be too hasty in hunting for faults.
The principal causes which prevent a dynamo building up are:
Brushes not Properly Adjusted.--If the brushes be not in or near their correct positions, the whole of the voltage of the armature will not be utilized, and will probably be insufficient to [612] excite the machine. If in doubt as to the correct positions, the brushes should be rotated by means of the rocker into various points on the commutator, sufficient time being given the machine to excite before moving them into a new position.
Defective Contacts.--If the different points of contact of the connections of the machine be not kept thoroughly clean and free from oil, etc., it is probable that enough resistance will be interposed in the path of the exciting current to prevent the machine building or exciting. Each of the contacts should therefore be examined, cleaned, and screwed up tight.
Ques. Which of the contacts should receive special attention?
Ans. The contact faces of the brushes and surface of the commutator. These are very frequently covered with a slimy coating of oil and dirt, which is quite sufficient to prevent the machine exciting.
Incorrect Adjustment of Regulators.--When shunt and compound machines are provided with field regulators, it is possible that the resistance in circuit may be too great to permit the necessary strength of exciting current passing through the field windings. Accordingly, the fault is corrected by cutting out more or less of the resistance. The field coils of series machines are sometimes provided with short circuiting switches or resistances arranged to shunt the current across the field coils. If too much of the current be shunted across, the switch should be opened, or if there be a regulator, it should be so adjusted that it will pass enough current through the field windings to excite the machine.
[613] Speed too Low.--In shunt and compound dynamos there is a certain critical speed below which they will not excite. If the normal speed of the machine be known, it can be seen whether the failure to excite arises from this cause, by measuring the speed of the armature with a speed indicator. In all cases it is advisable, if the machine do not excite in the course of a few minutes, to slightly increase the speed. As soon as the voltage rises, the speed may be reduced to its regular rate.
[614] Insufficient Residual Magnetism.--This fault is not of frequent occurrence; it takes place chiefly when the dynamo is new, and may be remedied by passing the current from a few storage cells, or from another dynamo, for some time in the proper direction through the field coils. If a heavy current, such as is obtainable from a storage battery, be not available, and the machine be shunt or compound wound, a few primary cells arranged as in fig. 693 will generally suffice.
Open Circuits.--Dynamos are affected by open circuits in different ways, depending upon the type. Series machines require closed circuit to build up, while an open circuit is necessary [615] with the shunt machine. An open circuit may be due to: 1, broken wire or faulty connection in the machine; 2, brushes not in contact with commutator; 3, safety fuse blown or removed; 4, circuit breaker open; 5, switch open; 6, external circuit open. If the trouble be due merely to the switch or external circuit being open, the magnetism of a shunt machine may be at full strength, and the machine itself may be working perfectly, but if the trouble be in the machine, the field magnetism will probably be very weak. Open circuits are most likely to occur in:
When the open circuit is due to the brushes not making good contact, simple examination generally reveals the fact.
Ques. What causes breaks in the field circuit?
Ans. Bad contacts at the terminals, broken connections, or fracture of the coil windings.
Ques. How is the field circuit tested for breaks?
Ans. The flexible leads attached to the brushes are removed from their connections with the field circuit, and the latter is then tested for conductivity with a galvanometer.
Ques. Where is a break likely to occur in a shunt machine?
Ans. In the hand regulator through a broken resistance coil or bad contact.
Very frequently the fault occurs in the connecting wires leading from the machine to the hand regulator fixed upon the switchboard, or in the short wires connecting the field coils to the terminals or brushes.
[616] The insulation of a broken wire will sometimes hold the two ends together so as to defy any but the most careful inspection or examination; therefore, in order to avoid loss of time, it is advisable to disconnect the wires if possible, and test each separately for conductivity with a battery and galvanometer connected, as in fig. 694. If the fault be not located in the various connections, the magnet coils should be tested with the battery and galvanometer coupled up as in fig. 706, care being first taken to disconnect the ends of each of the coils. A faulty coil will not show any deflection of the galvanometer.
Ques. At what point of a shunt coil does a break usually occur?
Ans. At the point where the wire passes through the flanges of the spool or bobbin.
[617] Ques. How should the coil be repaired?
Ans. In most cases a little of the wood or metal of which the flange is made can be gouged or chipped out, and a new connecting wire soldered on to the broken end of the coil without much difficulty.
If it be necessary to take the magnets apart at any time, care should be taken in putting them together again to wipe all faces perfectly clean, and screw up firmly into contact, and to see that the connections of the coils are made as they were before being taken apart.
If the faulty coil cannot be repaired quickly, and the machine is urgently required, the coil may be cut out of circuit entirely, or short circuited, and the remaining coils coupled up so as to produce the correct polarity in the pole pieces.
Ques. What trouble is liable to be encountered in operating after cutting out a coil?
Ans. The remaining coils are liable to heat up to a greater extent than formerly, owing to the increased current, hence it is advisable to proceed cautiously in starting the dynamo, since the temperature may exceed a safe limit. If this occur, a resistance may be put in circuit with the field coils, or the speed of the dynamo reduced.
[619] Ques. What kind of dynamo is affected by breaks in the external circuit?
Ans. A series dynamo.
Ques. Name the kind of break that is difficult to locate.
Ans. A partial break.
Short Circuits.--In a series or compound dynamo a short circuit or heavy load will overload the machine and cause the fuses to blow. A shunt machine will not excite under these circumstances, for the reason that practically the whole of the current generated in the armature passes direct to the external circuit, and the difference of potential between the shunt terminals is practically nil.
Ques. What should be done if it be suspected that the failure to excite arises from this cause?
Ans. The main leads should be taken out of the dynamo terminals, then, if due to this cause, the machine will excite.
Ques. What parts of a dynamo are specially liable to be short circuited?
Ans. The terminals, brush holders, commutator, armature coils and field coils.
Ques. How are the terminals liable to be short circuited?
Ans. The terminals of the various circuits of the machine are liable to be short circuited, either through metallic dust bridging across the insulation, or through the terminals making direct contact with the frame of the machine.
The various terminals should be examined, and if the fault cannot be located by inspection, they should each be disconnected from their circuits and tested with a battery and galvanometer arranged as in fig. 694.
[620] Ques. What precaution should be taken with the brush holders?
Ans. Since, they are liable to be short circuited through the rocker by metallic dust lodging in the insulating washers, they should be kept clean.
Ques. How are the brush holders tested?
Ans. A galvanometer and battery are connected in series with one terminal of the galvanometer connected to one set of brushes; the unconnected terminal of the battery is then connected with the other set of brushes. A deflection of the needle will indicate a short circuit.
Ques. What is the effect of a short circuit in the field coils or field circuit?
Ans. The machine generally refuses to excite.
Ques. How are the field coils tested for short circuit?
Ans. By measuring the resistance of each coil with an ohmmeter or Wheatstone bridge. The faulty coils will show a much less [621] resistance than the perfect coils. The fault may also be discovered and located by passing a strong current from a battery or another dynamo through each of the coils in turn, and observing the relative magnetic effects produced by each upon a bar of iron held in their vicinity.
The short circuit may be in the terminals or connections, and these should first be examined and tested.
Some series dynamos are provided with a resistance, arranged in parallel or shunt with the field coils, to divert a portion of the current therefrom, and thus regulate the output.
When making a series dynamo excite, all resistances and controlling devices should be temporarily cut out of circuit by opening the shunt circuit. Series machines have frequently a switch which short circuits the field coils. Care should be taken that this is open, or otherwise the machine will not excite.
Wrong Connections.--When a machine is first erected, the failure to build up may be due to incorrect connections. The whole of these latter should therefore be traced or followed [622] out, and compared with the diagrams of dynamo connections given in figs. 190 to 198.
Sometimes errors are made in connecting the field coils, causing them to act in opposition. This may occur when the dynamo is a new one or the coils have been removed for repairs. It may be caused either through the coils having been put on the field cores the wrong way, or through incorrect coupling up. Under these circumstances, the dynamo, if bipolar, will fail to excite; and if multipolar, poles will be produced in the yokes, etc. It may be remedied by removing one of the coils from the core and putting it on the reverse way, or by reversing its connections. The correctness of connections of all the coils should be verified.
In compound dynamos it sometimes happens that the machine will excite properly, but that the series coils tend to reverse the polarity of the dynamo, thus reducing the voltage as the load upon the machine increases. This may be detected when the machine is loaded by short circuiting the series coils, not the terminals. If the voltage rise in doing this, the series coils are acting in opposition to the shunt coils, and the connections of the series coils must be reversed.
Reversed Field Magnetism.--This is sometimes caused by the nearness of other dynamos, but is generally due to reversed connections of the field coils. Under such conditions the field coils tend to produce a polarity opposed to the magnetization to which they owe their current, and therefore the machine will refuse to excite until the field connections are reversed, or a current is sent from another dynamo or a battery through the field coils in a direction to produce the correct polarity in the pole pieces.
A large proportion of the mishaps and breakdowns which occur with dynamos and motors arise from causes more strictly within the province of the man in charge than in that of the designer. The armature, being a complex and delicately built structure, is subject in operation to various detrimental influences giving rise to faults.
Many of the faults which occur are avoided by operators better informed as to the electric and magnetic conditions which obtain in the running of the machine, especially the mechanical stresses on the copper inductors due to the magnetic field and the necessity of preserving proper insulation.
The chief mishaps to which armatures are subject are as follows:
[624] Short Circuit in Individual Coils.--This is a common fault, which makes its presence known by a violent heating of the armature, flashing at the commutator, flickering of the light on lighting circuits, and by a smell of burning varnish or overheated insulation. When these indications are present, the machine should be stopped at once, otherwise the armature is liable to be burnt out. The fault is due either to metallic dust lodging in the insulation between adjacent bars of the commutator, or to one or more convolutions of the coils coming into contact with each other, either through a metallic filing becoming embedded in the insulation or damage to the insulation.
Ques. How is the faulty coil located?
Ans. When the machine is stopped, the faulty coil, if not burnt out, can generally be located by the baked appearance of the varnish or insulation, and by its excessive temperature over [625] the rest of the coils, being detected also by the baked appearance of the varnish or insulation.
Ques. What should be done if the machine do not build, and it be suspected that the fault is due to short circuited armature coils?
Ans. The field magnets should be excited by the current from a storage battery or another dynamo, and, having raised the brushes from contact with the commutator, the armature should be run for a short time. In stopping, the faulty coil or coils may be located by the heat generated by the short circuit.
When the dynamo is started for the purpose of localizing a short circuit, precautions should be taken, and the machine only run for a few minutes at a time until the faulty coil is detected.
When the faulty coil has been located, the insulation between the segments of the commutator to which its ends are connected should be carefully examined for anything that may bridge across from segment to segment, and scraped clean. If the commutator be apparently all [626] right, the fault probably lies in the winding. The insulation of the winding should be carefully examined, and any metallic filings or other particles discovered therein carefully removed, and a little shellac varnish applied to the faulty part.
Ques. If the insulation on adjacent conductors has been abraded, how should it be repaired?
Ans. A small boxwood or other hardwood wedge, coated with shellac varnish should be driven in tightly between the wire; this will generally be sufficient.
Ques. If a faulty coil cannot be quickly repaired and the dynamo be needed, what should be done?
Ans. The coil may be cut out of circuit, and the corresponding commutator segments connected together with a piece of wire (of a size proportionate to the amount of current to be carried), soldered to each. It will not be necessary to cut out and remove the entire coil.
[627] If the active portions only be separated so that they do not form a closed circuit, it will answer the purpose. If the wires be cut with a chisel at the point where they pass over the ends of the core, and the ends separated, it will be quite as effective as removing the entire coil. It is wise, of course, to rewind the coil at the first opportunity.
Short Circuits between Adjacent Coils.--In ring armatures the presence of this fault does not necessarily imply that the machine will not build; in drum armatures, wound into a single layer of conductors, it entirely prevents this occurring.
Reference to a winding diagram will show that adjacent coils are during a certain period of the revolution at the full difference of pressure generated by the machine. Hence, if any two adjacent coils be connected together or short circuited, the whole of the armature will be practically closed on itself, any current generated flowing within the armature only.
[628] Large drum armatures wound with compressed and stranded bars and connectors are particularly susceptible to this fault, a slight blow generally forcing one or more of the strands into contact with the adjacent bars, thus short circuiting the armature, and rendering it practically useless so far as the generation of current is concerned. In this class of short circuit in drum armatures, the method of locating the faulty coils by exciting the field, and running the armatures on open circuit, does not apply, for the reason that the whole armature will be heated equally.
A method of locating such fault is illustrated in fig. 704. This applies to drum wound armatures. Faults of this description can frequently be discovered by a careful inspection of the windings of the armature without recourse to testing. When located, the fault can usually be repaired with a hardwood wedge, as explained above, or a piece of mica or vulcanized fibre cemented in place with shellac varnish.
[629] Short Circuits between Sections through Frame or Core of Armature.--Detection of this fault can be effected by the methods described above, and by disconnecting the whole of the armature coils from the commutator and from each other, and testing each separately with a battery and galvanometer coupled up as in fig. 705, one wire being connected to the shaft and the other to the end of the coil under test. As a rule, there is no way of remedying this fault other than unwinding the defective coils, reinsulating the core, and rewinding new coils.
Short Circuits between Sections through Binding Wires.--This fault is the result of a loose winding, and is caused by the insulation upon which the binding wires are wound giving way, thus bringing coils at different pressures together. As a consequence of the heavy current which flows, the binding wires are as a rule unsoldered or burned. The location of the fault can [630] therefore be effected by simple inspection. To remedy, it will be necessary to unwind and rewind on new binding wires, on bands of mica or vulcanized fibre, soldering at intervals to obviate flying asunder.
Partial Short Circuits in Armatures.--This is usually due to the presence of moisture in the windings. To remedy the fault, the armature should be taken out and exposed to a moderate heat, or subjected to a current equal to that ordinarily given by the dynamo. Under the action of heat or of this current the moisture will be gradually dispersed. When thoroughly dry, and while still warm, a coat of shellac should be applied to the whole of the windings.
[631] Burning of Armature Coils.--The reason for the burning of an armature coil may be explained as follows: The coil, segments, and the short circuit between the segments form a closed circuit of low resistance so that it is only necessary to have a low pressure set up in the active portion of the coil to force a very large current through the coil and the short circuited commutator bars. The heating effect of this current is sufficient to burn out the coil.
Cutting Out Damaged Armature Coils.--To cut out a damaged coil from an armature, first, disconnect the coil from the commutator, and after cutting off the leads, insulate the exposed parts with tape. Then connect the commutator bars (which were connected with the leads) with a wire of the same size as the wire winding.
To remove the coil entirely, cut the band wire or remove the wedges, and lift up a sufficient number of leads and coils to permit of the removal of the damaged coil.
[632] Grounds in Armatures.--These faults occur when the armature coils become connected to the frame or core of the armature. When this grounding is confined to a single coil, it is not in itself liable to do damage. A simple method of locating a grounded coil is illustrated in fig. 708.
Ques. What is the advantage of this test?
Ans. The damaged coil can be located without unsoldering the coils from the commutator, which is sometimes a difficult operation without proper tools; further, the fault can frequently be repaired without disconnecting any of the wires if its exact position be determined.
[633] Magneto Test for Grounded Armatures.--A magneto test for grounded armatures is not to be recommended, as armatures often possess sufficient static capacity to cause a magneto to ring even though there be no leak. This is due to the alternating current given by the magneto for when the circuit has capacity it acts as a condenser and at each revolution of the armature of the magneto a rush of current goes out and returns, charging the surfaces of the conductor alternately in opposite directions, and ringing the bell during the process.
Breaks in Armature Circuit.--A partial or complete break in the armature circuit is always accompanied by heavy sparking at the commutator, but not, as a rule, by an excessive heating of the armature or slipping of the belt, and this enables the fault to be distinguished from a short circuit. The faulty part can always be readily located by the "flat" which it produces [634] upon the surface of the commutator. The armature circuit being open at the faulty part, heavy sparking results at every half revolution as the brushes pass over it, and as a consequence the corresponding segments become "pitted" or "flattened" with respect to the others; they may easily be discovered on examination.
Breaks in the armature circuit may occur in either the commutator or in the coils of the armature. To ascertain whether it be in the latter, carefully examine the winding of the faulty coil.
The defect may be sought for more particularly at the commutator end of the armature, as breaks in the wire are most frequent where the connections are made with the commutator segments. If no break can be discovered, try passing a heavy current through the faulty coil by means of the brushes.
If a partial break exist with sufficient contact to pass a current, the coil will be heated at that point and may be discovered by running the fingers over the coil.
When located, the fault may be repaired by rewinding the coil, or carefully cleaning the broken ends and jointing.
The fault may also be temporarily repaired by soldering the adjacent commutator segments together without disconnecting the coil.
For satisfactory operation, the brushes and commutator must be kept in good condition. To this end the main thing to be guarded against is the production of sparks at the brushes. If care be taken in the first instance to adjust the brushes to their setting marks, and to regulate their pressure upon the commutator, and afterwards to attend to the lead as the load varies, so that little or no sparking occurs, and also to keep the brushes and commutator free from dirt, grit, excessive oil, etc., the surface of the commutator will assume a dark burnished appearance and wear will practically cease. Under these circumstances the commutator will run cool, and will give very little trouble.
In order to maintain these conditions it will only be necessary to see that the brushes are kept in proper condition and fed forward to their setting marks, as they wear away, and that the commutator is occasionally polished.
If the pressure of the brushes upon the commutator be too great, or their adjustment faulty, or the commutator be allowed to get into a dirty condition, sparking will result, and, if not at once attended to and remedied, the brushes will quickly wear away, and the surface of the commutator will be destroyed. As this action takes place, in the earlier stages, the surface of the commutator will become roughened or scored, resulting in [636] jumping of the brushes, and increased sparking; in the later stages, the commutator will become untrue and worn into ruts, moreover, owing to the violent sparking which takes place through this circumstance, the machine will quickly be rendered uselessD.
[D] NOTE.--In operating dynamos having metal brushes, it is of importance to keep the commutator smooth and glossy. To accomplish this, it is necessary to keep the commutator and brushes clean and free from grit, and to occasionally lubricate the commutator with some light oil, such as ordinary machine oil. This should be done daily if the machine be in constant use. Keep the brushes resting upon the commutator with just enough pressure to insure a good firm contact. This will be found to be much less than the springs are capable of exerting. A good method to follow in cleaning the machine is as follows: Loosen the brush holder thumb screws and tilt the brushes off the commutator (or, if box brush holders be used, take them out of their holders). Then run the machine and hold a clean cloth against the commutator. After the commutator is clean, hold against it a cloth or piece of waste moistened with machine oil and reset the brushes. If for any reason the brushes begin to cut or score the commutator, it may be readily detected by holding the finger against the commutator; the ridge may be easily felt by the finger. This should be attended to at once in the following manner: Tilt back the brushes (or if box brushes are used take them out of their holders), and hold lightly against the commutator a piece of No. 00 sandpaper well moistened with oil, passing it back and forth until the surface is perfectly smooth. Then wipe off the commutator with a clean piece of cloth or waste and lubricate with another clean piece moistened with oil and reset the brushes.
Ques. How is the commutator easily tested as to the condition of its surface?
Ans. It is readily tested by resting the back of the finger nail upon it while in motion; the nail being very sensitive to any irregularities, indicates at once any defect.
Ques. What causes grooves or ridges to be cut in the commutator?
Ans. They result from using brushes with hard burnt ends which are not pliable; also by too great a pressure of the brush upon the commutator surface.
Sparking at the brushes is expensive and detrimental, chiefly because it results in burning the brushes and also the commutator, necessitating their frequent renewal. Every spark consumes a particle of copper, torn from the commutator or brush. The longer the sparking continues, the greater the evil becomes, and the remedy must be applied without delay.
Ques. What kind of oil should be used on the commutator?
Ans. Mineral oil.
Ques. What attention should be given to the brushes?
Ans. At certain intervals, according to the care taken to reduce sparking and the length of time the machine runs, the brushes will fray out or wear unevenly, and will therefore need trimming. They should then be removed from the brush holders and their contact ends or faces examined. If not truly square, [637] they should be filed or clipped with a pair of shears, the course of treatment differing with the type of brush.
If the machine be fitted with metal strip brushes, frayed ends should be clipped square with a pair of shears, the ends thoroughly cleaned from any dirt or carbonized oil, and replaced in their holders. Gauze and wire brushes require a little more attention. When their position on the commutator has been well adjusted and looked after, so that little or no sparking has taken place, it is generally only necessary to wipe them, clean the brushes and clip off the fringed edges and corners with the shears, or a pair of strong scissors. If, however, the machine has been sparking, the faces will be worn or burnt away, and probably fused. If such be the case, they will need to be put in the filing clamp, and filed true.
A convenient method of trimming carbon brushes, or of bedding a complete new set of metal brushes, is to bind a piece of sandpaper, face outwards, around the commutator after the current has been shut off, and then mount the carbon or metal brushes in the holders, adjusting the tension of the springs so that the brushes bear with a moderately strong pressure upon the sandpaper. Then let the machine run slowly until the ends of the brushes are ground to the proper form. Care should be taken, however, that the metal dust given off does not get into the commutator connections or armature windings, or short circuiting will result.
If the contact faces of the brushes are very dirty and covered with a coating of carbonized oil, etc., it will be necessary to clean them with benzoline or soda solution before replacing.
[638] Ques. Describe a filing clamp.
Ans. As usually constructed, it consists of two pieces of metal, both shaped at one end to the correct angle, to which the brushes must be filed. One of the pieces of metal (the back part) has a groove sufficiently large to accommodate the brush, which is clamped in position by the other piece of metal and a pinching screw.
If the clamp be not supplied with the machine a convenient substitute can be made out of two pieces of wood about the same width as the brush. One end of each piece is sawn to the correct angle, and the brush placed between the two.
In filing, the brush is fixed in the clamp, with the toe or tip projecting slightly over the edge of the clamp, and the latter being fixed in a vise, the brush is filed by single strokes of a smooth file made outwards, the file being raised from contact with the brush when making the back stroke.
Sparking.--In all well designed machines there are certain positions upon the commutator for the brushes at which there will be no sparking so long as the commutator is kept clean and in good condition. In other dynamos, badly designed or constructed, sparking occurs at all positions, no matter where the [639] brushes are placed, and in such dynamos it is therefore impossible to prevent this no matter how well they are adjusted.
Ques. What two kinds of sparking may be generally distinguished?
Ans. One kind of sparking is that due to bad adjustment of the brushes, and a second kind, that due to bad condition of the commutator.
Sparks due to bad adjustment of the brushes are generally of a bluish color, small when near the neutral plane, and increasing in violence and brilliancy as the brushes recede from the correct positions upon the commutator.
When sparks are produced by dirty or neglected state of the commutator, they are distinguished by a reddish color and a spluttering or hissing. When due to this last mentioned cause, it is impossible to suppress the sparking until the commutator and brushes have been cleaned. In the former case, the sparks will disappear as soon as the brushes have been rotated into the neutral points.
Another class of sparks appear when there is some more or less developed fault, such as a short circuit, or break in the armature or commutator. [640] These are similar in character to those produced by bad adjustment of the brushes, but are distinguished from the latter by their not decreasing in violence when the brushes are rotated towards the neutral plane.
Having distinguished the classes of sparks which appear at the commutator of a dynamo, it remains to enumerate the causes which produce them. These are:
Bad Adjustment of Brushes.--When sparking is produced by bad adjustment of the brushes, it may be detected by rotating or shifting the rocker, by the indication that the sparking will vary with each movement.
To obtain good adjustment of the brushes, it will be necessary to rock them gently backwards and forwards, until a position is found in which the sparking disappears.
Ques. If, in rocking the brushes, a position cannot be found at which the sparking disappears, what is the probable cause of the trouble?
Ans. The brushes may not be set with the proper pitch, that is they may not be separated a correct distance, or the neutral plane may not be situated in the true theoretical position upon the commutator through some defect in the winding, etc.
In this last named case, the brushes may be strictly adjusted to their theoretically correct positions before starting the machine; then, when [641] the machine is started and the load put on, violent sparking occurs, which cannot be suppressed by shifting the rocker. If, however, one set of brushes only be observed, it will generally be found that, at a certain position, the sparking at the set of brushes under observation ceases or is greatly reduced, while sparking still occurs at the other set. When this position is found, the rocker should be fixed by the clamping screw, and the brushes of the other set at which sparking is still occurring adjusted by drawing them back or pushing them forward in their holders until a position is found at which the sparking ceases. Correct position of the brushes and the suppression of sparking is a matter of importance, and any time spent in carefully adjusting the brushes will be amply repaid by the decreased attention and wear of the brushes and commutator.
Bad Condition of Brushes.--If the contact faces of the brushes be fused or covered with carbonized oil, dirt, etc., there will be bad contact which is accompanied by heating and sparking. Simple examination will generally reveal whether this be the case. The remedy is to remove the brushes, one at a time if the machine be running, clean, file if necessary, trim, and readjust.
If the brushes be exceedingly dirty, or saturated with oil, it will be necessary to clean them with turpentine, benzoline, or soda solution, before replacing.
Bad Condition of Commutator.--If the surface of the commutator be rough, worn into grooves, or eccentric, or if there be one or more segments loose or set irregularly, the [642] brushes will be thrown into vibration, and sparking will result. A simple examination of the commutator will readily detect these defects. A rough and uneven commutator is due to bad adjustment of brushes, bad construction of commutator, and to neglect generally. If allowed to continue, it results in heavy sparking at the brushes, and the eventful destruction of the commutator. The fault may be remedied by filing or re-turning the commutator.
Ques. How is an untrue commutator detected?
Ans. If the commutator be untrue, the fact will be indicated when the machine is slowed down by a visible eccentricity, or by holding the hand, or a stick in the case of a high tension machine, against the surface while revolving, when any irregularity or eccentricity will be apparent by the vibration or movement of the stick. The only remedy for an untrue commutator is to re-turn it in the lathe.
[643] Ques. What should be done in case of high segments?
Ans. They should be gently tapped down with a mallet, and if possible the clamping cones at the commutator end should be tightened.
If it be impossible to hammer the segments down, they should be filed down to the same diameter as the rest of the commutator, or the commutator re-turned. For low segments, the only remedy is to pull out the segments, or turn commutator down to their level.
Ques. Explain the term "flats on the commutator."
Ans. This is the name given to a peculiar fault which develops on one or more segments of the commutator. It is not confined to dynamos of bad design or construction, but frequently appears on those of the highest class, and may be recognized as a "pitting" or "flattening" of one or more segments.
Ques. What is the effect of flats on the commutator?
Ans. Sparking at the brushes.
Ques. What are the causes which produce flats?
Ans. Periodical jumping of the brushes due to a bad state of the commutator, bad joint in the driving belt, a flaw, or a difference in the composition of the metal of the particular bar upon which it appears. But more frequently flats may be traced to a more or less developed fault, such as a break, either partial or complete, in the armature coil.
The break may occur either in the coil itself, or at the point where its ends make connection with the lug of the commutator, or at the point where the lug is soldered to the segment.
Ques. What should be done in case of flats?
Ans. The brushes should be examined to see if any periodical vibration take place. If such be the case, the cause should be removed, the flat carefully filed or turned out, and the brushes readjusted.
[644] If it be due to a difference in the composition of the metal of which the segment is made, the flat will exist as long as the particular segment is in use, and will need periodic attention.
With hard drawn copper or phosphor bronze segments, this fault is rarely due to this last mentioned cause. It is more frequently due to bad soldering, of the conductors to the lugs, or of the lugs to the segments. In all cases of flats, if the disconnection in the armature circuit be not complete, and cannot be readily located, the effect of re-soldering or sweating the ends of the coils into the lugs should be tried. Flats may also frequently be cured by drilling and tapping a small hole in the junction between the lug and the segment, and inserting a small screw, or bit of screwed copper or brass wire, afterwards filing down level with the surface of the commutator.
Segments Loose or Knocked In.--When the segments are loose, it is an indication that the clamping ring or cone has worked loose. This should therefore be tightened up, and the commutator re-turned if necessary.
[645] Ques. How should low commutator segments be treated?
Ans. The commutator surface may be turned down to the level of the low segment, or the latter may be pulled out again to its former level, this latter being the preferable method, if it can possibly be effected.
Ques. How is a commutator segment pulled out to its correct position?
Ans. A hand vise is firmly clamped to the lug, or a loop of copper wire is passed round the conductor where it joins the commutator. A bar of iron, to act as a lever, is supported on a fulcrum over the commutator, and one end of the bar is passed through the loop or vise. Pressure is applied to the other end which will generally bury the segment up to its proper position.
How to Re-turn a Commutator.--In re-turning the commutator, the armature should first be carefully taken out of the armature chamber, avoiding knocks or blows of any kind. The whole of the winding should then be wrapped in calico or canvas before the armature is put into the lathe, to prevent any particles of metal becoming attached to the surface of the armature at the time the commutator is being turned. The armature should on no account be rolled upon the floor, or subjected to blows or knocks while being put into the lathe.
In re-turning the commutator, a sharp pointed tool should be used with a very fine feed. A broad nosed tool ought not to be used, as it is liable to burr over the segments. After turning, the commutator should be lightly filed with a dead smooth file, and finally polished with coarse and fine sandpaper. After the commutator has been turned and polished, the insulation between the segments should be lightly scraped with the tang of a small file to remove any particles of metal or burrs which might short circuit the commutator.
[646] The points where the armature wires are soldered to the lugs should also be carefully cleaned with a brush, and should then receive a coat or two of shellac varnish.
While the commutator is being turned, care should be taken that the setting marks for the adjustment of the brushes are not turned out if these be present. The same care should be used in putting the armature back into the armature chamber as was used in taking it out, otherwise the insulation may be damaged.
Ques. Should the commutator be run without any lubricant?
Ans. In most cases it will be found that a little lubricant is needed in order to prevent cutting the brushes, cutting the commutator; this is especially the case when hard strip brushes are used. The quantity of oil applied should be very small; a few drops smeared upon a piece of clean rag, and applied to the commutator while running, being quite sufficient.
Ques. What kind of oil should be used on the commutator?
Ans. Mineral oil, such as vaseline, or any other hydrocarbon. Animal or vegetable oils should be avoided, as they [647] have a tendency to carbonize, and thus cause short circuiting of the commutator, with attendant sparking.
Overload of Dynamo.--It may happen, through some cause or other that a greater output is taken from the machine than it can safely carry. When this is the case, the fact is indicated by excessive sparking at the brushes, great heating of the armature and other parts of the dynamo, and possibly by the slipping of the belt (if it be a belt driven machine), resulting in a noise. The causes most likely to produce overload are:
Ques. What is the indication of excessive voltage?
Ans. It is indicated by the voltmeter, or by the brilliancy of the pilot lamp.
Ques. What are the causes of excessive voltage?
Ans. Over excitation of the field magnet or too high speed.
In the former case, resistance should be introduced into the field circuit to diminish the current flowing therein if a shunt machine; or if a series machine, a portion of the current should be shunted across the field coils by means of a resistance arranged in parallel with the series [649] coils; or the same effect may be produced in both cases by reducing the speed of the armature if this be possible.
If due to excessive speed, which will be indicated by a speed indicator, the natural remedy is to reduce the speed of the engine driving the dynamo, or, if this be not easily done, insert resistance into the dynamo circuit, as described above.
Ques. What are the causes of excessive current?
Ans. If the dynamo be supplying arc lamps, the excessive current may possibly be caused by the bad feeding of the lamps. If this be the case, the fact will be indicated by the oscillations of the ammeter needle, and the unsteadiness of the light.
If incandescent lamps be in the circuit, the fault may be caused by there being more lamps in circuit than the dynamo is designed to carry. Under such circumstances, another dynamo should be switched into circuit in parallel, or, if this be not possible, lamps should be switched off until the defect is remedied.
When motors are in the circuit, sparking frequently results at the dynamo commutator, owing to the fluctuating load. In such cases the brushes should be adjusted to a position at which the least sparking occurs with the average load.
Ques. What may be said with respect to reversal of polarity of dynamos?
Ans. When compound or series wound dynamos are running in parallel, their polarity is occasionally reversed while stopping by the current from the machines at work.
Loose Connections, Terminals, etc.--When any of the connecting cables, terminal screws, etc., securing the different circuits are loose, sparking at the brushes, as a rule, results, for the reason that the vibration of the machine tends to continually alter the resistance of the various circuits to which they are connected.
When the connections are excessively loose, sparking also results at their points of contact, and by this indication the [650] faulty connections may be readily detected. When this sparking at the contacts is absent, the whole of the connections should be carefully examined and tested.
Breaks in Armature Circuit.--If there be a broken circuit in the armature, as sometimes happens through a fracture of the armature connections, etc., there will be serious flashing or sparking at the brushes, which cannot be suppressed by adjusting the rocker. As a rule it results in the production of "flats" upon one or more bars of the commutator.
Ques. How may such sparking be reduced without stopping the machine?
Ans. By placing one of the brushes of each set a little in advance of the others, so as to bridge the gap.
Short Circuits in Armature Circuit.--This fault is indicated by sparking at the commutator, and in bad cases by an excessive heating of the armature, dimming of the light and [651] slipping of the belt, and in the case of a drum armature, by a sudden cessation of the current.
Short Circuits or Breaks in Field Magnet Circuit.--Either of these faults is liable to give rise to sparking at the commutator. If one of the coils be short circuited, the fact will be indicated by the faulty coil remaining cool while the perfect coil is overheated. The fault may arise through some of the connections to the coils making contact with the frame of the machine or with each other. To ascertain this, examine all the connections, and test with a battery and galvanometer. A total break in one or more of the field coils may readily be detected by means of the battery and galvanometer.
A partial break is not, however, so readily discovered, for the reason that the coil wires may be in sufficiently close contact to give a deflection of the galvanometer needle. The only methods of detecting this fault is by measuring the resistance of the coils with an ohmmeter or [652] Wheatstone bridge, or by placing an ammeter in circuit with each coil in turn, and comparing the amount of current flowing in each. If the partial break be not accessible, the only way to remedy the fault is to rewind the coil, and the same applies to a break in the interior of the coil.
Short Circuits in Commutator.--These are of frequent occurrence, and result in heating the armature and sparking at the brushes. They are caused either by metallic dust or particles lodging in the insulation between the segments, or by the deterioration of the commutator insulation.
To remedy, the insulation between the segments should be carefully examined, and any metallic dust, filings, or burrs cleaned or scraped out. When the commutator is insulated with asbestos or pasteboard (as is oftentimes the case in dynamos of European make), short circuits very frequently occur through the insulation absorbing moisture or oil, which is subsequently carbonized by the sparking at the brushes. In faults of this description the only remedy is to expel all moisture from the commutator insulation by means of heat, and scrape out all metallic dust which may be embedded in the surface of the insulation. If this do not effect a cure, it will be necessary to dig out the insulation, as far as possible, with a sharp tool, and drive in new insulation. Oil should not be used on commutators insulated with these materials, but only asbestos dust or French chalk.
The excessive heating of the parts of dynamos and motors is probably the most frequent and annoying fault which arises in operation. When the machine heats, it is a common mistake to suppose that any part found to be hot is the seat of the trouble. Hot bearings may cause the armature or commutator to heat, or vice versa.
All parts of the machine should be tested to ascertain which is the hottest, since heat generated in one part is rapidly diffused. This is best done by starting with the machine cold; any serious trouble from heating is usually perceptible after a run of a few minutes at full speed with the field magnets excited.
Heating may be due to various electrical or mechanical causes, and it may occur in the different parts of the machine, as in:
Ques. How is heating detected?
Ans. By applying the hand to the different parts of the machine if low tension, or a thermometer if high tension, and also by a smell of overheated insulation, paint, or varnish.
[654] Ques. What should be done if the odor of overheated insulation, paint or varnish be noticeable?
Ans. It is advisable to stop the machine at once, otherwise the insulation is liable to be destroyed.
Ques. What is the allowable rise of temperature in a well designed machine?
Ans. It should not exceed 80° Fahr., above the surrounding air, and in the case of the bearings, this temperature ought not to be reached under normal conditions of working.
If this limit be exceeded after a run of six hours or less, it indicates a machine either badly designed and probably with the material cut down to the lowest possible limit with a view to cheapness, or some fault or other which should be searched for and remedied as early as possible, otherwise the machine will probably be destroyed.
Ques. How should the rise of temperature be measured?
Ans. It is not sufficient to feel the machine with the hand, but special thermometers must be placed on the armature winding, immediately on stopping the machine, covering them with cotton or wool to prevent cooling. Readings must be taken at short intervals, and continued till no further rise of temperature is indicated.
Heating of Connections.--A rise of temperature of the connections may be due to either excessive current, or bad contacts, or both. The terminals and connections will be excessively heated if a larger current pass through them than they are designed to carry. This nearly always proceeds from an overload of the dynamo, and if this be rectified, the heating will disappear.
If the contacts of the different connections of the dynamo be not kept thoroughly clean and free from all grit, oil, etc., and the connections themselves be not tightly screwed up, heating will result, and the connections may even become unsoldered.
[655] Heating of Brushes, Commutator and Armature.--When heating occurs in these parts, it may be due to any of the following causes: 1, excessive current; 2, hot bearings; 3, short circuits in armature or commutator; 4, moisture in armature coils; 5, breaks in armature coils; 6, eddy currents in armature core or conductor.
Ques. What may be said with respect to excessive current?
Ans. When a dynamo is overloaded, the temperature of the armature will rise to a dangerous extent, depending upon the degree to which the safe capacity of the machine is exceeded, and heavy sparking of the brushes will also result. If the overload be not removed, the insulation of the armature may be destroyed.
Ques. State some causes of hot bearings.
Ans. Lack of oil; presence of grit or other foreign matter in the bearings; belt too tight; armature not centred with respect to pole pieces; bearings too tight; bearings not in line; shaft rough or cut.
Ques. What is the effect of hot bearings?
Ans. Besides giving trouble themselves, the heat may be conducted along the armature shaft and core, thus giving rise to excessive heating of the armature.
Ques. What troubles are encountered with short circuits in the armature or commutator?
Ans. This results in sparking at the brushes, and in the heating of one or more of the armature coils, and even in the burning up of the latter if a bad case.
When the armature is overheated, and the defect does not proceed from an overload or the causes mentioned below, the dynamo should be immediately stopped and tested for this fault.
Ques. What will happen with an overheated commutator?
Ans. It will decompose carbon brushes and cover the commutator with a black film, which offers resistance and increases the heat.
Ques. What should be done if carbon brushes become hotter than the other parts?
Ans. Use higher conductivity carbon. Reduce length of brush by adjusting holder to grip brush nearer the commutator. Reinforce brushes with copper gauze, sheet copper or wires, or use some form of combined metal and carbon brush. Increase size or number of brush if necessary, so the current does not exceed 30 amperes per square inch of contact.
[658] Brushes heat sometimes due to too much friction. They should not press against the commutator more than is necessary for good contact.
Ques. Give some causes for heating of armature.
Ans. Eddy currents; moisture; short circuits; unequal strength of magnetic poles; operation above rated voltage, and below normal speed.
Ques. What trouble is encountered with eddy currents?
Ans. Considerable heating of the whole of the armature results, which may even extend to the bearings.
Ques. How can this be overcome?
Ans. There is no remedy for eddy currents other than the purchase of a new armature, or reconstruction.
The fault may be detected by exciting the field magnets and running the machine on open circuit, with the brushes raised off the commutator for some time, when the armature will be found to be excessively heated.
[659] Ques. How does moisture in the armature coils affect the armature?
Ans. The effect of this fault being to practically short circuit the armature, a heating of the latter results. In bad cases, steam or vapor is given off.
Ques. What is the effect of short circuits in the armature?
Ans. It produces overheating.
Ques. What trouble is likely to occur when the armature is not centered in the armature chamber?
Ans. A heating of the bearings is liable to be occasioned through the attractive forces developed by the center of the armature core not being parallel with the centre of the armature chamber or bore, or through the core being nearer one pole piece than the other.
This may result from unequal wearing of the bearings, and therefore the bearings should either be relined or the bolt holes of the bearings readjusted, or the bearings packed up until the armature is correctly centered.
Ques. What happens in case of breaks in the armature coils?
Ans. This fault results in local heating of the armature, for the reason that resistance is interposed in the path of the current at the fracture. It always results in sparking at the brushes, and the heating being confined to the neighborhood of the break.
Ques. What are the effects of operation above the rated voltage and below normal speed?
Ans. Voltage above normal is a possible cause of heating, and operation below normal speed calls for an increase of field strength and reduces the effective ventilation, thus tending to cause heating.
[661] Ques. How may the field magnets become heated?
Ans. By excessive field current; eddy current in pole pieces; moisture; short circuits.
Ques. What may be said with respect to excessive field current?
Ans. When heating results from this cause, all the exciting coils will be heated equally. It may be due to excessive voltage, in the case of shunt dynamos; or to an overload in the case of compound and series dynamos. In either case it may be remedied by reducing the voltage or overload. If due to the coils being incorrectly coupled up, that is, coupled up in parallel instead of in series, it will be necessary to rectify the connections or insert a resistance in series.
Ques. State the causes of eddy currents in the pole pieces?
Ans. This fault may be due to defective design or construction of the armature. Slotted armatures are particularly liable to cause this fault, if the teeth and air gap be not properly proportioned. The defect may also be occasioned by variation in the strength of the exciting current.
If due to this latter cause, it will be accompanied by sparking at the brushes. If a shunt dynamo, insert an ammeter into the shunt circuit, and note if the deflection be steady. If this be not the case, the variation in the current most probably proceeds from imperfect contacts thrown into vibration.
Ques. How is the insulation affected by moisture?
Ans. Moisture tends to decrease the insulation resistance, thus in effect producing a short circuit with its attendant heating.
Ques. How is moisture in the field coils detected?
Ans. It is easily detected by applying the hand to the coils, [662] when they will be found to be damp, and in addition steam or vapor will be given off where the machine is working.
The fault may be remedied by drying and varnishing the coils.
Ques. What is the indication of short circuits in the field coils?
Ans. This fault is characterized by an unequal heating of the field coils. If the coils be connected in series, the faulty coil will be heated to a less extent than the perfect coils; if connected in parallel, the faulty coil will be heated to a greater extent than the perfect coils. The former can thus be easily located.
In operating motors of any considerable size, whether connected to the public supply mains of a central generating station for combined lighting and power service, or to power service mains only, there are certain precautions to be observed in starting, stopping, and regulating the motor, in order that the efficiency of the supply, and indirectly the working of other motors and lamps connected to the mains in the immediate neighborhood, may not be affected by abnormal variations of pressure. These precautions should be observed also to prevent any danger of the motor itself being subjected to detrimental mechanical shocks and excessive temperatures in the working parts.
Before Starting a Motor.--The general instructions relating to inspection and adjustment, lubrication, etc., which have already been given, should be carefully followed preparatory to startingE.
[E] NOTE.--In starting a motor, first see that the bearings contain sufficient oil and that the brushes bear evenly on the commutator. If a circuit breaker be used, close it; then close the main switch. Rotate slowly the handle of the starting rheostat as far as it will go. Care should be taken, in starting the motor, that the handle of the rheostat be not rotated too fast. To stop a motor, open the circuit breaker or switch, which will cut in the resistance of the starting box. Never attempt to stop a motor by forcibly pulling open the starting box, Disregard of these instructions may cause burning out of the field coils.
Starting a Motor.--In starting a motor, resistance must be put in series with the armature because, since there is no reverse electromotive force to counteract the applied voltage when the motor is at rest, the switching of the latter direct to the motor would result in an abnormal rush of current. This, in addition to being uneconomical and productive of a drop of voltage in [664] the mains, would injure all except the smallest motors. Hence motors above two horse power usually require a rheostat.
Ques. Describe a rheostat or "starting box."
Ans. It consists essentially of a suitable resistance to be inserted at starting to reduce the initial rush of current, and which can be cut out in sections by successive movements of a lever as the speed increases.
Ques. Describe what occurs in starting a motor.
Ans. When the lever of the starting box is moved to the first contact some of the resistance is cut out of the circuit and current flows through the motor. This produces a torque and starts the armature rotating. The movement of the armature induces a reverse voltage, which, as the speed increases, gradually reduces [665] the applied current. With this reduction of current, the torque is reduced and the speed not accelerated as quickly as at first. When the applied current has been reduced to a certain value by the increasing reverse current, the handle of the starting box is moved to the next contact, and so on till all the resistance in the starting box has been cut out, the motor then attaining its normal speed.
Ques. What is the difference between a starting box and a speed regulator?
Ans. Motor starting rheostats or "starting boxes," are [666] designed to start a motor and bring it gradually from rest to full speed. They are not intended to regulate the speed and must not be used for such purpose.
Failure to observe this caution will result in burning out the resistance which, in a motor starter, is sufficient to carry the current for a limited time only, whereas in the case of speed regulators sufficient resistance is provided to carry the full load current continuously.
Ques. For what kinds of service are speed regulators used?
Ans. In cases when the speed must be varied, as in traction motors, organ blowers, machine tool drive, etc.
Ques. How long does it take to start a motor?
Ans. Usually from five to ten seconds.
[667] Ques. How is the starting lever operated?
Ans. It is moved progressively from contact to contact, pausing long enough on each contact for the motor to accelerate its speed before passing to the next.
Ques. What are the conditions at starting in a series motor?
Ans. There is a rush of current, the magnitude of which depends on the amount of resistance cut out at each movement of the starting lever.
Ques. How are small series motors started on battery circuits?
Ans. By simply closing a switch to complete the circuit, the resistance of the battery being sufficient to prevent a great rush of current while starting.
[668] Ques. How is a shunt motor started?
Ans. In starting a shunt motor, no trouble is likely to occur in connecting the field coils to the circuit. Since the resistance of the armature is very low, it is necessary on constant voltage circuits to use a starting rheostat in series with the armature.
The necessary connections are shown in fig. 756. The switch is first closed thus sending current through the field coils, before any passes through the armature. The rheostat lever P is then moved to the first contact to allow a moderate amount of current to pass through the armature. The resistance of the rheostat is gradually cut out by further movement of the lever P, thus bringing the motor up to speed.
Ques. How does the reverse voltage affect the starting of a motor?
Ans. When a motor is standing still, there is no reverse voltage, and the current taken at first is governed principally by the resistance of the circuit. If the motor be series wound, there is a momentary reverse voltage, due to self-induction while [669] the field is building up. If the motor be shunt wound, self-induction delays the current through the field coils, but that through the armature is not impeded by such cause. When the armature begins to revolve, reverse voltage is developed which increases with the speed. The resistance of the starting box may be gradually cut out as the armature comes to speed. Thus the reverse voltage gradually replaces ohmic drop in limiting the current as the motor comes to speed.
Failure to Start.--This fault, which is liable to occur in a motor of any description, is similar to failure to excite in a dynamo, and is liable to be produced by any of the causes mentioned in connection with the latter fault, excluding insufficient speed, and insufficient residual magnetism.
When a motor fails to start, it should first be ascertained if a supply of electrical energy be available in the [670] mains. This may readily be discovered by means of a voltmeter, or if low tension service, by means of the fingers bridging across the main terminals. If the supply of energy be present, the contact arm of the starter should be moved into such position that all resistance is inserted into circuit with the motor. This is important, as the motor may start suddenly while trying to ascertain the cause of the stoppage.
Having closed the switch, if the motor fail to start, it will be advisable to remove the load if possible, as the failure may arise from an overload of the machine. This being effected and the motor not starting, the terminals of the latter should be tested by the means already described for voltage. If no voltage be [671] generated, a broken circuit or a defective contact may be looked for in the main fuse, switch, or starting box. The resistance coils of the latter, through the heat developed, frequently break in positions out of sight. If a defective contact of this nature cannot readily be seen, the contact arm should be moved slowly over the contacts, as it is possible the broken coil may be cut out of circuit by this means.
If a difference of pressure exist between the motor terminals, the field magnets will, if shunt or compound wound and in good order, be excited, which may be ascertained by means of a bar of iron. If no magnetism be present, it will of course, indicate a broken or bad connection, either between the terminals of the field coils, or one or more of the coils themselves. If the bar pull strongly, the position of the brushes upon the commutator in regard to the neutral points should be ascertained, and the rocker adjusted, if necessary, to bring them into their correct positions. If this fail to start the motor, the connecting leads from the motor terminals to the brushes and the brushes themselves should be carefully examined for broken or bad connections, and defective contact of the [672] brushes with the commutator. In the latter case, it may arise from a dirty state of the commutator, or from the brushes not being fed properly. If due to these causes, pressing the brushes down upon the commutator with the fingers will probably start the motor. If the failure to start arise from none of these causes, it is probably due to the field coils acting in opposition, or to a short circuited armature. This latter remark applies more especially to motors provided with drum armatures.
Precautions with Shunt Motors.--With motors of this type, because of the large amount of self-induction in the shunt windings, it is important to note: 1, that in switching on the field magnet, the current may take an appreciable time to grow to its [674] normal value, and 2, that in switching off, especially with quick break switches, high voltages are induced in the windings, which may break down the insulation.
Ques. What provision is made so that the magnetizing current will have time to reach its normal value?
Ans. The field connections are generally separated from the actual starter, and taken to the main switch, so that wherever the main switch is closed, the current flows through the field coils, before the starting lever is moved.
[675] Ques. How are the connections arranged to avoid excessive voltage in the windings due to self-induction?
Ans. Generally the armature and field magnet circuits are placed in a closed circuit that is never opened.
In other cases, in order that the rise of voltage may not injure the insulation when the shunt is opened, a special form of main switch is sometimes used which, before breaking from the supply, puts a non-inductive resistance across the shunt of the motor. This is known as a flashing resistance.
[677] Ques. How can shunt motors be controlled from a distant point?
Ans. The starter and switch are placed at the desired point and the two main wires and the field wires run from that point to the motor.
This requires additional wire which increases the cost and line loss.
Regulation of Motor Speed.--Motors are generally run on constant voltage circuits. Under these conditions, the speed of series motors varies with the load and at light loads becomes excessive. Shunt motors run at nearly constant speeds.
For many purposes, particularly for traction, and for driving tools, it is desirable to have speed regulation, so that motors running on constant voltage circuits may be made to run at different speeds.
The following two methods are generally used for regulating the speed of motors operated on constant voltage circuits:
1. By inserting resistance in the armature circuit of a shunt wound motor;
2. By varying the field strength of series motors by switching sections of the field coils in or out of circuit.
Ques. Describe the first method.
Ans. This method is illustrated in fig. 756. When the main switch is closed, the field becomes excited, then by moving the lever P of the starting rheostat the various contacts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), more or less of the rheostat resistance is cut out of the armature circuit, thus varying the speed correspondingly.
This is the same as the method of starting a motor, that is, by variation of resistance in armature circuit, but it should be noted that when this method is used for speed regulation, a speed regulating rheostat should be used instead of the ordinary starting box, because the latter, not being designed for the purpose, will overheat and probably burn out.
[679] Ques. Describe the second method.
Ans. This method of regulating the speed of a series motor is shown in fig. 757. The current through the armature will flow through all the field windings when the position of the switch lever S, is on contact 4, and the strength of the field will be the maximum. By moving the arm to contact 3, 2, etc., sections of the field winding are cut out, thus reducing the strength of field and varying the speed.
Ques. How does the speed vary with respect to variation of field strength?
Ans. Decreasing the field strength of a motor increases its speed, while increasing the field strength decreases the speed.
Under the conditions of maximum field strength, as with switch S on point 1, the torque will be greatest for any given current strength and the reverse voltage also greatest at any given speed. The current through the armature of the motor, to perform any given work, will thus be a minimum, as well as the speed at which the motor has to run, in order to develop sufficient reverse voltage to permit this current to flow. Regulation of speed by varying the field strength is limited in range of action, since the field saturation point is soon reached, moreover, with too low a field strength, armature reaction produces excessive field distortion, sparking, etc.
Ques. How is the speed of shunt and compound motors varied with respect to the normal speed in the two methods?
Ans. The first method (variable resistance in armature circuit) reduces the speed below the normal or rated speed of the machine, while the second method increases the speed above the normal.
In the first method the amount of speed reduction depends partly upon the amount of resistance introduced into the armature circuit, and partly upon the load.
In the second method the amount of speed increase depends entirely upon the amount of resistance placed in the shunt winding circuit.
[682] Eighty-five per cent. is about the maximum speed reduction obtainable by armature resistance but so great a reduction is seldom satisfactory since comparatively slight increases in the load will cause the motor to stall.
Shunt field regulation may be obtained up to any point for which the motor is suited, the only limitation in this case being the maximum speed at which the motor may be safely operated.
It should be remembered, however, that speed increase by shunt field weakening increases the current in proportion to the increase in speed, and care should be taken not to overload the armature.
NOTE.--A compound motor may be made to run at constant speed, if the current in the series winding of the field be arranged to act in opposition to that of the shunt winding. In such case, an increase of load will weaken the fields and allow more current to flow through the armature without decreasing the speed of the armature, as would be necessary in a shunt motor. Such motors, however, are not very often used, since an overload would weaken the fields too much and cause trouble. If the current in the series field act in the same direction as that in the shunt fields, the motor will slow up some when a heavy load comes on, but will take care of the load without much trouble.
NOTE.--Motors have much the same faults as dynamos, but they make themselves manifest in a different way. An open field circuit will prevent the motor starting, and will cause the melting of fuses or burning out of the armature. A short circuit in the fields, if it cut out only a part of the winding, will cause the motor to run faster and very likely spark badly. If the brushes be not set exactly opposite each other, there will also be bad sparking. If they be not at the neutral point, the motor will spark badly. Brushes should always be set at the point of least sparking. If it become necessary to open the field circuit, it should be done slowly, letting the arc gradually die out. A quick break of a circuit in connection with any dynamo, or motor is not advisable, as it is very likely to break down the insulation of the machine. The ordinary starting box for motors is wound with comparatively fine wire and will get very hot if left in circuit long. The movement of the arm from the first to the last point should not occupy more than thirty seconds and if the armature do not begin to move at the first point, the arm should be thrown back and the trouble located.
Ques. How is a wide range of speed regulation secured?
Ans. By a combination of the two methods.
Regulation by Armature Resistance.--Speed regulators for this method of regulation, are designed to carry the normal current on any contact without overheating and when all the resistance is in the circuit, they will reduce the speed of the motor about 50 per cent. provided the motor be taking the normal current. When operating without resistance in the armature circuit, shunt wound and compound wound motors will regulate to approximately constant speed regardless of load. This [684] characteristic of inherent regulation is lost, however, when armature resistance is employed to reduce the speed of the motor, fluctuations in load resulting in fluctuations in speed, which become more noticeable as the amount of resistance inserted in the armature circuit is increased. Accordingly, it becomes necessary to move the lever of the speed regulator forward or backward to again obtain the speed at which the machine was operating before the load changed.
[685] When the speed of a motor driving a constant torque machine is reduced by inserting resistance in the armature circuit there is no corresponding reduction in current consumed. The motor runs more slowly simply because a part of the energy impelling it is shunted into the resistance and there dissipated in the form of heat. Hence, whether the motor be operating at full speed or half speed, the amount of current consumed is the same; the only difference being that in the one case all the energy taken from the line is expended in driving the motor while in the other case only one half is utilized for power, the other half being dissipated in the resistance. Speed regulation by armature resistance only is therefore open to two objections: 1, the difficulty of maintaining constant speed under varying load conditions, and 2, the necessity of wasting energy to secure speed reduction. These objections are, in part, offset by the fact that speed reduction by armature resistance may be applied to any motor of standard design and requires nothing more than the simplest and least expensive speed regulating rheostat.
In cases where the motor will be operated nearly always at full speed, the difference in first cost of the installation may justify the use of the armature resistance method of control. As a rule, speed regulation by shunt field resistance is preferable.
Regulation by Shunt Field Resistance.--Since regulation by this method is for speeds above normal, a starter must be used to bring the motor up to its rated speed. Usually the starter is combined with the regulator, as shown in fig. 761, the device being called a compound starter.
The weakening of the shunt field of a motor by the insertion of resistance in the shunt field circuit causes the armature to revolve more rapidly. One advantage of this method of control is that the motor will inherently regulate to approximately constant speed under widely varying load conditions. Another advantage is found in the fact that all of the current taken from the line is utilized for power, the changes in speed being obtained not by dissipating a portion of the effective energy in the resistance (as in the case of the armature resistance method of [690] control) but by weakening the reverse voltage by inserting resistance in the shunt field circuit. Speed increase by shunt field weakening is limited, however, to about 10 to 15 per cent. above the normal speed in motors of standard construction. Greater ranges of speed can be obtained from motors especially designed for shunt field control but should not be attempted with motors of standard design without first ascertaining from the manufacturer the maximum safe speed.
Combined Armature and Shunt Field Control.--Regulation by combined armature and shunt field resistance is by far the easiest way of obtaining a wide range of speeds. Rheostats embodying these methods are known as compound speed regulators, one form being shown in fig. 762. Standard regulators can be obtained giving a wide range of speed variation, and special regulators may be constructed giving practically any desired range.
Selection of Starters and Regulators.--Unsatisfactory operation of these devices is, in nearly all cases, due to lack of precaution in selecting the proper piece of apparatus for the work to be done. One of the commonest errors is to select a rheostat of insufficient capacity. If the current required to operate the motor at full speed with no resistance in circuit be greater than the rated capacity of the rheostat, overheating of the resistance will result. An increase in temperature even to a point where the hand cannot be held on the enclosing case need cause no apprehension, but should the resistance become red hot it indicates that the apparatus is being worked far beyond its capacity, and the load on the motor should be reduced or a regulator of greater capacity substituted.
If the current required to operate the motor at full speed with no resistance in circuit be less than the rated capacity of the [691] rheostat no overheating will occur, but it will not be possible to secure the full 50 per cent. speed reduction the rheostat is designed to give with all resistance in circuit.
In ordering a starter or regulator, the manufacturer should be furnished with the following information:
Speed Regulation of Traction Motors.--The speed regulator for motors of this class is called a controller, and being located in an exposed place is enclosed in a metal casing. Controllers are designed to be used for starting, stopping, reversing, and regulating the speed of motors where one or more of these operations have to be frequently repeated.
[694] The controller used with a single motor equipment is practically the same as any other single motor starting box, excepting that the resistance has sufficient carrying capacity to be left in the circuit some time. When the motor is to operate at full speed all the resistance is cut out. To reverse, a reversing notch is placed in the armature or field circuit, but not in both.
Ques. What provision is made to overcome the arc when the circuit is opened?
Ans. A magnetic field is used with such polarity that it blows out the arc.
Magnetic blow out coils are used on all controllers designed for 500 volt circuits, and on types designed for lower voltages requiring more than 60 amperes normal capacity.
The coils are wound with either copper wire or flat strips of sufficient capacity to carry full load current continuously without undue heating, and after being wound they are treated with an insulating compound making them moisture proof.
[695] Ques. What provision is made to prevent reversal before bringing the controller lever to the "off" position?
Ans. Controllers having separate reversing cylinders are fitted with mechanical interlocks making it necessary to place lever in off position before reversing.
Two Motor Regulation.--With a two motor equipment, the controller becomes more complicated because it must be arranged to switch the motors in series or in parallel, so as to secure economy at half and full speed. The various connections of series-parallel regulation are shown in figs. 772 to 782.
[696] From these diagrams it is seen that the motors are first operated in series until all the resistance is cut out by the controller (figs. 772 to 777).
The next point on the controller puts the two motors in parallel with some resistance in the circuit (fig. 778), which resistance is gradually short circuited on the remaining controller points, until at full speed all the resistance is cut out, the two motors remaining in parallel (figs. 778 to 782).
Stopping a Motor.--If it be desired to stop a motor, the main switch is opened. As the armature of the motor continues to operate, due to its inertia, it generates an electromotive force which sends a current through the shunt connected field circuit and helps to maintain the field excitation. When the speed of the motor has decreased sufficiently so as not to endanger the motor should the main switch be thrown, the current in the series magnet becomes weakened, and the spring throws back the starting box arm.
It should be noted that in stopping a motor having a starting box provided with a no voltage release simply open the main switch and do not touch the lever because otherwise, the self induced voltage of the field circuit may puncture the field winding or the insulation of the adjoining wires in the starting box.
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