The Project Gutenberg eBook of Historical Record of the Sixth, or Royal First Warwickshire Regiment of Foot This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Historical Record of the Sixth, or Royal First Warwickshire Regiment of Foot Author: Richard Cannon Release date: September 26, 2017 [eBook #55629] Most recently updated: October 23, 2024 Language: English Credits: Produced by Brian Coe, John Campbell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE SIXTH, OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT OF FOOT *** TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Italic text is denoted by _underscores_. Some minor changes are noted at the end of the book. HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE BRITISH ARMY. PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL. THE SIXTH, OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT OF FOOT. LONDON: Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES and SONS, 14, Charing Cross. GENERAL ORDERS. _HORSE-GUARDS_, _1st January, 1836._ His Majesty has been pleased to command, that, with a view of doing the fullest justice to Regiments, as well as to Individuals who have distinguished themselves by their Bravery in Action with the Enemy, an Account of the Services of every Regiment in the British Army shall be published under the superintendence and direction of the Adjutant-General; and that this Account shall contain the following particulars: _viz._, ---- The Period and Circumstances of the Original Formation of the Regiment; The Stations at which it has been from time to time employed; The Battles, Sieges, and other Military Operations, in which it has been engaged, particularly specifying any Achievement it may have performed, and the Colours, Trophies, &c., it may have captured from the Enemy. ---- The Names of the Officers and the number of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, Killed or Wounded by the Enemy, specifying the Place and Date of the Action. ---- The Names of those Officers, who, in consideration of their Gallant Services and Meritorious Conduct in Engagements with the Enemy, have been distinguished with Titles, Medals, or other Marks of His Majesty's gracious favour. ---- The Names of all such Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates as may have specially signalized themselves in Action. And, ---- The Badges and Devices which the Regiment may have been permitted to bear, and the Causes on account of which such Badges or Devices, or any other Marks of Distinction, have been granted. By Command of the Right Honourable GENERAL LORD HILL, _Commanding-in-Chief_. JOHN MACDONALD, _Adjutant-General_. PREFACE. The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour, by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted. Nothing can more fully tend to the accomplishment of this desirable object, than a full display of the noble deeds with which the Military History of our country abounds. To hold forth these bright examples to the imitation of the youthful soldier, and thus to incite him to emulate the meritorious conduct of those who have preceded him in their honourable career, are among the motives that have given rise to the present publication. The operations of the British Troops are, indeed, announced in the 'London Gazette,' from whence they are transferred into the public prints: the achievements of our armies are thus made known at the time of their occurrence, and receive the tribute of praise and admiration to which they are entitled. On extraordinary occasions, the Houses of Parliament have been in the habit of conferring on the Commanders, and the Officers and Troops acting under their orders, expressions of approbation and of thanks for their skill and bravery, and these testimonials, confirmed by the high honour of their Sovereign's Approbation, constitute the reward which the soldier most highly prizes. It has not, however, until late years, been the practice (which appears to have long prevailed in some of the Continental armies) for British Regiments to keep regular records of their services and achievements. Hence some difficulty has been experienced in obtaining, particularly from the old Regiments, an authentic account of their origin and subsequent services. This defect will now be remedied, in consequence of His Majesty having been pleased to command, that every Regiment shall in future keep a full and ample record of its services at home and abroad. From the materials thus collected, the country will henceforth derive information as to the difficulties and privations which chequer the career of those who embrace the military profession. In Great Britain, where so large a number of persons are devoted to the active concerns of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, and where these pursuits have, for so long a period, been undisturbed by the _presence of war_, which few other countries have escaped, comparatively little is known of the vicissitudes of active service, and of the casualties of climate, to which, even during peace, the British Troops are exposed in every part of the globe, with little or no interval of repose. In their tranquil enjoyment of the blessings which the country derives from the industry and the enterprise of the agriculturist and the trader, its happy inhabitants may be supposed not often to reflect on the perilous duties of the soldier and the sailor,--on their sufferings,--and on the sacrifice of valuable life, by which so many national benefits are obtained and preserved. The conduct of the British Troops, their valour, and endurance, have shone conspicuously under great and trying difficulties; and their character has been established in Continental warfare by the irresistible spirit with which they have effected debarkations in spite of the most formidable opposition, and by the gallantry and steadiness with which they have maintained their advantages against superior numbers. In the official Reports made by the respective Commanders, ample justice has generally been done to the gallant exertions of the Corps employed; but the details of their services, and of acts of individual bravery, can only be fully given in the Annals of the various Regiments. These Records are now preparing for publication, under His Majesty's special authority, by Mr. RICHARD CANNON, Principal Clerk of the Adjutant-General's Office; and while the perusal of them cannot fail to be useful and interesting to military men of every rank, it is considered that they will also afford entertainment and information to the general reader, particularly to those who may have served in the Army, or who have relatives in the Service. There exists in the breasts of most of those who have served, or are serving, in the Army, an _Esprit de Corps_--an attachment to every thing belonging to their Regiment; to such persons a narrative of the services of their own Corps cannot fail to prove interesting. Authentic accounts of the actions of the great,--the valiant,--the loyal, have always been of paramount interest with a brave and civilised people. Great Britain has produced a race of heroes who, in moments of danger and terror, have stood, "firm as the rocks of their native shore;" and when half the World has been arrayed against them, they have fought the battles of their Country with unshaken fortitude. It is presumed that a record of achievements in war,--victories so complete and surprising, gained by our countrymen,--our brothers--our fellow-citizens in arms,--a record which revives the memory of the brave, and brings their gallant deeds before us, will certainly prove acceptable to the public. Biographical memoirs of the Colonels and other distinguished Officers, will be introduced in the Records of their respective Regiments, and the Honorary Distinctions which have, from time to time, been conferred upon each Regiment, as testifying the value and importance of its services, will be faithfully set forth. As a convenient mode of Publication, the Record of each Regiment will be printed in a distinct number, so that when the whole shall be completed, the Parts may be bound up in numerical succession. INTRODUCTION TO THE INFANTRY. The natives of Britain have, at all periods, been celebrated for innate courage and unshaken firmness, and the national superiority of the British troops over those of other countries has been evinced in the midst of the most imminent perils. History contains so many proofs of extraordinary acts of bravery, that no doubts can be raised upon the facts which are recorded. It must therefore be admitted, that the distinguishing feature of the British soldier is INTREPIDITY. This quality was evinced by the inhabitants of England when their country was invaded by Julius Cæsar with a Roman army, on which occasion the undaunted Britons rushed into the sea to attack the Roman soldiers as they descended from their ships; and, although their discipline and arms were inferior to those of their adversaries, yet their fierce and dauntless bearing intimidated the flower of the Roman troops, including Cæsar's favourite tenth legion. Their arms consisted of spears, short swords, and other weapons of rude construction. They had chariots, to the axles of which were fastened sharp pieces of iron resembling scythe-blades, and infantry in long chariots resembling waggons, who alighted and fought on foot, and for change of ground, pursuit, or retreat, sprang into the chariot and drove off with the speed of cavalry. These inventions were, however, unavailing against Cæsar's legions: in the course of time a military system, with discipline and subordination, was introduced, and British courage, being thus regulated, was exerted to the greatest advantage; a full development of the national character followed, and it shone forth in all its native brilliancy. The military force of the Anglo-Saxons consisted principally of infantry: Thanes, and other men of property, however, fought on horseback. The infantry were of two classes, heavy and light. The former carried large shields armed with spikes, long broad swords and spears; and the latter were armed with swords or spears only. They had also men armed with clubs, others with battle-axes and javelins. The feudal troops established by William the Conqueror, consisted (as already stated in the Introduction to the cavalry) almost entirely of horse; but when the warlike barons and knights, with their trains of tenants and vassals, took the field, a proportion of men appeared on foot, and, although these were of inferior degree, they proved stout-hearted Britons of stanch fidelity. When stipendiary troops were employed, infantry always constituted a considerable portion of the military force; and this _arme_ has since acquired, in every quarter of the globe, a celebrity never exceeded by the armies of any nation at any period. The weapons carried by the infantry, during the several reigns succeeding the Conquest, were bows and arrows, half-pikes, lances, halberds, various kinds of battle-axes, swords, and daggers. Armour was worn on the head and body, and in course of time the practice became general for military men to be so completely cased in steel, that it was almost impossible to slay them. The introduction of the use of gunpowder in the destructive purposes of war, in the early part of the fourteenth century, produced a change in the arms and equipment of the infantry-soldier. Bows and arrows gave place to various kinds of fire-arms, but British archers continued formidable adversaries; and owing to the inconvenient construction and imperfect bore of the fire-arms when first introduced, a body of men, well trained in the use of the bow from their youth, was considered a valuable acquisition to every army, even as late as the sixteenth century. During a great part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth each company of infantry usually consisted of men armed five different ways; in every hundred men forty were "_men-at-arms_," and sixty "_shot_;" the "men-at-arms" were ten halberdiers, or battle-axe men, and thirty pikemen; and the "shot" were twenty archers, twenty musketeers, and twenty harquebusiers, and each man carried, besides his principal weapon, a sword and dagger. Companies of infantry varied at this period in numbers from 150 to 300 men; each company had a colour or ensign, and the mode of formation recommended by an English military writer (Sir John Smithe) in 1590, was:--the colour in the centre of the company guarded by the halberdiers; the pikemen, in equal proportions, on each flank of the halberdiers; half the musketeers on each flank of the pikes; half the archers on each flank of the musketeers; and the harquebusiers (whose arms were much lighter than the musket then in use) in equal proportions on each flank of the company for skirmishing.[1] It was customary to unite a number of companies into one body, called a REGIMENT, which frequently amounted to three thousand men; but each company continued to carry a colour. Numerous improvements were eventually introduced in the construction of fire-arms, and, it having been found impossible to make armour proof against the muskets then in use (which carried a very heavy ball) without its being too weighty for the soldier, armour was gradually laid aside by the infantry in the seventeenth century: bows and arrows also fell into disuse, and the infantry were reduced to two classes, viz.: _musketeers_, armed with matchlock muskets, swords, and daggers; and _pikemen_, armed with pikes, from fourteen to eighteen feet long, and swords. In the early part of the seventeenth century Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, reduced the strength of regiments to 1000 men; he caused the gunpowder, which had heretofore been carried in flasks, or in small wooden bandaliers, each containing a charge, to be made up into cartridges, and carried in pouches; and he formed each regiment into two wings of musketeers, and a centre division of pikemen. He also adopted the practice of forming four regiments into a brigade; and the number of colours was afterwards reduced to three in each regiment. He formed his columns so compactly that his infantry could resist the charge of the celebrated Polish horsemen and Austrian cuirassiers; and his armies became the admiration of other nations. His mode of formation was copied by the English, French, and other European states; but, so great was the prejudice in favour of ancient customs, that all his improvements were not adopted until near a century afterwards. In 1664 King Charles II. raised a corps for sea-service, styled the Admiral's regiment. In 1678 each company of 100 men usually consisted of 30 pikemen, 60 musketeers, and 10 men armed with light firelocks. In this year the king added a company of men armed with hand-grenades to each of the old British regiments, which was designated the "grenadier company." Daggers were so contrived as to fit in the muzzles of the muskets, and bayonets similar to those at present in use were adopted about twenty years afterwards. An Ordnance regiment was raised in 1685, by order of King James II., to guard the artillery, and was designated the Royal Fusiliers (now 7th Foot). This corps, and the companies of grenadiers, did not carry pikes. King William III. incorporated the Admiral's regiment in the Second Foot Guards, and raised two Marine regiments for sea-service. During the war in this reign, each company of infantry (excepting the fusiliers and grenadiers) consisted of 14 pikemen and 46 musketeers; the captains carried pikes; lieutenants, partisans; ensigns, half-pikes; and serjeants, halberds. After the peace in 1697 the Marine regiments were disbanded, but were again formed on the breaking out of the war in 1702.[2] During the reign of Queen Anne the pikes were laid aside, and every infantry soldier was armed with a musket, bayonet, and sword; the grenadiers ceased, about the same period, to carry hand-grenades; and the regiments were directed to lay aside their third colour: the corps of Royal Artillery was first added to the army in this reign. About the year 1745, the men of the battalion companies of infantry ceased to carry swords; during the reign of George II. light companies were added to infantry regiments; and in 1764 a Board of General Officers recommended that the grenadiers should lay aside their swords, as that weapon had never been used during the seven years' war. Since that period the arms of the infantry soldier have been limited to the musket and bayonet. The arms and equipment of the British troops have seldom differed materially, since the Conquest, from those of other European states; and in some respects the arming has, at certain periods, been allowed to be inferior to that of the nations with whom they have had to contend; yet, under this disadvantage, the bravery and superiority of the British infantry have been evinced on very many and most trying occasions, and splendid victories have been gained over very superior numbers. Great Britain has produced a race of lion-like champions who have dared to confront a host of foes, and have proved themselves valiant with any arms. At _Crècy_, King Edward III., at the head of about 30,000 men, defeated, on the 26th of August, 1346, Philip King of France, whose army is said to have amounted to 100,000 men; here British valour encountered veterans of renown:--the King of Bohemia, the King of Majorca, and many princes and nobles were slain, and the French army was routed and cut to pieces. Ten years afterwards, Edward Prince of Wales, who was designated the Black Prince, defeated at _Poictiers_, with 14,000 men, a French army of 60,000 horse, besides infantry, and took John I., King of France, and his son Philip, prisoners. On the 25th of October, 1415, King Henry V., with an army of about 13,000 men, although greatly exhausted by marches, privations, and sickness, defeated, at _Agincourt_, the Constable of France, at the head of the flower of the French nobility and an army said to amount to 60,000 men, and gained a complete victory. During the seventy years' war between the United Provinces of the Netherlands and the Spanish monarch, which commenced in 1578 and terminated in 1648, the British infantry in the service of the States General were celebrated for their unconquerable spirit and firmness;[3] and in the thirty years' war between the Protestant Princes and the Emperor of Germany, the British troops in the service of Sweden and other states were celebrated for deeds of heroism.[4] In the wars of Queen Anne, the fame of the British army under the great MARLBOROUGH was spread throughout the world; and if we glance at the achievements performed within the memory of persons now living, there is abundant proof that the Britons of the present age are not inferior to their ancestors in the qualities which constitute good soldiers. Witness the deeds of the brave men, of whom there are many now surviving, who fought in Egypt in 1801, under the brave Abercrombie, and compelled the French army, which had been vainly styled _Invincible_, to evacuate that country; also the services of the gallant Troops during the arduous campaigns in the Peninsula, under the immortal WELLINGTON; and the determined stand made by the British Army at Waterloo, where Napoleon Bonaparte, who had long been the inveterate enemy of Great Britain, and had sought and planned her destruction by every means he could devise, was compelled to leave his vanquished legions to their fate, and to place himself at the disposal of the British government. These achievements, with others of recent dates in the distant climes of India, prove that the same valour and constancy which glowed in the breasts of the heroes of Crècy, Poictiers, Agincourt, Blenheim, and Ramilies, continue to animate the Britons of the nineteenth century. The British soldier is distinguished for a robust and muscular frame,--intrepidity which no danger can appal,--unconquerable spirit and resolution,--patience in fatigue and privation, and cheerful obedience to his superiors. These qualities, united with an excellent system of order and discipline to regulate and give a skilful direction to the energies and adventurous spirit of the hero, and a wise selection of officers of superior talent to command, whose presence inspires confidence,--have been the leading causes of the splendid victories gained by the British arms.[5] The fame of the deeds of the past and present generations in the various battle-fields where the robust sons of Albion have fought and conquered, surrounds the British arms with an halo of glory; these achievements will live in the page of history to the end of time. The records of the several regiments will be found to contain a detail of facts of an interesting character, connected with the hardships, sufferings, and gallant exploits of British soldiers in the various parts of the world where the calls of their Country and the commands of their Sovereign, have required them to proceed in the execution of their duty, whether in active continental operations, or in maintaining colonial territories in distant and unfavourable climes. The superiority of the British infantry has been pre-eminently set forth in the wars of six centuries, and admitted by the greatest commanders which Europe has produced. The formations and movements of this _arme_, as at present practised, while they are adapted to every species of warfare, and to all probable situations and circumstances of service, are calculated to show forth the brilliancy of military tactics calculated upon mathematical and scientific principles. Although the movements and evolutions have been copied from the continental armies, yet various improvements have from time to time been introduced, to ensure that simplicity and celerity by which the superiority of the national military character is maintained. The rank and influence, which Great Britain has attained among the nations of the world, have in a great measure been purchased by the valour of the Army; and to persons, who have the welfare of their country at heart, the records of the several regiments cannot fail to prove interesting. 1838. FOOTNOTES: [1] A company of 200 men would appear thus:-- __| | | |__| | 20 20 20 30 2|0 30 20 20 20 | Harquebuses. Muskets. Halberds. Muskets. Harquebuses. Archers. Pikes. Pikes. Archers. The musket carried a ball which weighed 1/10 of a pound; and the harquebus a ball which weighed 1/25 of a pound. [2] The 30th, 31st, and 32nd Regiments were formed as Marine corps in 1702, and were employed as such during the wars in the reign of Queen Anne. The Marine corps were embarked in the Fleet under Admiral Sir George Rooke, and were at the taking of Gibraltar, and in its subsequent defence in 1704; they were afterwards employed at the siege of Barcelona in 1705. [3] The brave Sir Roger Williams, in his discourse on war, printed in 1590, observes:--"I persuade myself ten thousand of our nation would beat thirty thousand of theirs (the Spaniards) out of the field, let them be chosen where they list." Yet at this time the Spanish infantry was allowed to be the best disciplined in Europe. For instances of valour displayed by the British Infantry during the Seventy Years' War, see the Historical Record of the Third Foot, or Buffs. [4] Vide the Historical Record of the First, or Royal Regiment of Foot. [5] "Under the blessing of Divine Providence, His Majesty ascribes the successes which have attended the exertions of his troops in Egypt, to that determined bravery which is inherent in Britons; but His Majesty desires it may be most solemnly and forcibly impressed on the consideration of every part of the army, that it has been a strict observance of order, discipline, and military system, which has given the full energy to the native valour of the troops, and has enabled them proudly to assert the superiority of the national military character, in situations uncommonly arduous, and under circumstances of peculiar difficulty."--_General Orders in 1801._ In the General Orders issued by Lieut.-General Sir John Hope (afterwards Lord Hopetoun), congratulating the army upon the successful result of the Battle of Corunna, on the 16th of January, 1809, it is stated:--"On no occasion has the undaunted valour of British troops ever been more manifest. At the termination of a severe and harassing march, rendered necessary by the superiority which the enemy had acquired, and which had materially impaired the efficiency of the troops, many disadvantages were to be encountered. These have all been surmounted by the conduct of the troops themselves; and the enemy has been taught, that whatever advantages of position or of numbers he may possess, there is inherent in the British officers and soldiers a bravery that knows not how to yield--that no circumstances can appal--and that will ensure victory when it is to be obtained by the exertion of any human means." HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE SIXTH, OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT OF FOOT. CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE FORMATION OF THE REGIMENT IN THE YEAR 1674, AND OF ITS SUBSEQUENT SERVICES TO 1838. _ILLUSTRATED WITH PLATES._ LONDON: PUBLISHED BY LONGMAN, ORME, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW; AND BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, 14, CHARING CROSS; AND TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1839. LONDON: Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES and SONS, Stamford Street. THE SIXTH, OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT OF FOOT, BEARS ON ITS COLOURS, AS A REGIMENTAL BADGE, "THE ANTELOPE;" ON THE THREE CORNERS OF THE SECOND COLOUR, "THE ROSE AND CROWN;" ON THE GRENADIER CAPS, "THE KING'S CREST;" ON THE DRUMMERS' COATS, "THE ANTELOPE;" ALSO THE FOLLOWING INSCRIPTIONS ON THE COLOURS: "ROLEIA," "VIMIERA," "CORUNNA," "VITTORIA," "PYRENEES," "NIVELLE," "ORTHES," "PENINSULA," "NIAGARA." CONTENTS. Anno Page 1673-4 Formation of the Regiment in Holland 1 1674 Siege of Grave 3 1676 Siege of Maestricht 4 1677 Battle of Mont-Cassel 7 1678 ---- ---- St. Denis 8 1685 The Regiment proceeds to England 11 ---- Returns to Holland 14 1688 The Revolution.--The Regiment accompanies the Prince of Orange to England 15 ---- Four companies captured by the Swallow 19 1689 Encamps on Hounslow Heath 20 1690 Proceeds to Ireland 21 ---- Siege of Charlemont -- ---- Battle of the Boyne 22 ---- Detached against Athlone -- 1691 Capture of Ballymore and Athlone 23 ---- Battle of Aghrim 24 ---- Capture of Galway and Castleconnell 25 ---- ---- ---- Limerick -- ---- Returns to England -- 1692 Embarks for the Netherlands -- ---- Battle of Steenkirk 26 ---- Returns to England 27 1693 Embarks for the Netherlands -- 1695 Siege of Namur -- 1696 Proceeds to England 30 1697 Embarks for the Netherlands, but returns to England after the Peace of Ryswick -- 1698 Proceeds to Ireland -- 1702 Expedition to Cadiz -- ---- Storming the Forts at Vigo 32 ---- Returns to England -- 1703 Proceeds to the West Indies, but returns to England in the same year 33 1705 Capture of Barcelona -- ---- Services in Catalonia and Valencia 38 1706 Defence of Barcelona 39 ---- Capture of Requena and Cuenza 41 1707 Battle of Almanza 42 ---- Action at Tortosa 46 1708 Capture of Minorca 48 1710 Battle of Almanara 50 ---- ---- ---- Saragossa 51 ---- Advances to Madrid 53 ---- Disaster at Brihuega 54 1713 Proceeds to Ireland 55 1719 Capture of Vigo, Rondondella, and Pont-a-Vedra 57 ---- Returns to Ireland -- 1739 Embarks for England 58 1740 Proceeds to the West Indies -- 1741 Attack on Carthagena -- ---- Descent on Cuba 61 1742 Returns to England, and proceeds to Scotland -- 1745 The Rebellion in Scotland -- ---- Defence of Ruthven Redoubt 63 ---- Battle of Preston-pans 65 1746 Defence of Forts Augustus and William 67 1747 Proceeds to England 68 1751 Description of the Colours -- 1753 Embarks for Gibraltar -- 1763 Returns to England 69 1765 Proceeds to Scotland -- 1769 Returns to England -- 1772 Embarks for the West Indies -- ---- Serves against the Charibbees of St. Vincent -- 1776 Proceeds to New York 71 1777 Embarks for England -- 1782 Obtains the title of Sixth, or First Warwickshire Regiment of Foot -- 1783 Embarks for Ireland -- 1786 ---- ---- Nova Scotia -- 1793 Embarks for the West Indies 71 1794 Capture of Martinico 72 ---- ---- ---- St. Lucia -- ---- ---- ---- Guadaloupe -- 1795 Returns to England 73 1796 Embarks for Ireland 74 1798 Services during the Rebellion in Ireland -- 1799 Embarks for Canada 75 1804 A Second Battalion added to the Regiment -- 1806 First Battalion returns to England -- 1807 ---- ---- ---- embarks for Gibraltar 76 1808 ---- ---- ---- proceeds to Portugal -- ---- ---- ---- ---- Battle of Roleia -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Vimiera 77 ---- ---- ---- ---- advances into Spain 78 1809 ---- ---- ---- Battle of Corunna 79 ---- ---- ---- ---- returns to England 80 ---- ---- ---- ---- expedition to Walcheren -- 1810 ---- ---- ---- proceeds to Ireland -- 1812 ---- ---- ---- embarks for the Peninsula -- 1813 ---- ---- ---- Battle of Vittoria 81 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- the Pyrenees 82 ---- ---- ---- ---- distinguished conduct at Echalar 84 ---- ---- ---- ---- Battle of the Bidassoa 86 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Nivelle -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Nive -- 1814 ---- ---- ---- actions at Hastingues and Oyergave 87 ---- ---- ---- ---- battle of Orthes -- ---- ---- ---- ---- advances to Bordeaux 88 ---- ---- ---- ---- embarks for Canada 89 ---- ---- ---- ---- siege of Fort Erie -- 1815 ---- ---- ---- proceeds from Canada to the Netherlands 91 1815 The Second Battalion disbanded -- 1816 The Regiment forms part of the Army of Occupation in France -- 1818 Returns to England 93 1819 Proceeds to Scotland -- ---- Returns to England -- 1821 Embarks for the Cape of Good Hope 93 1825 Proceeds to the East Indies 95 1832 Obtains the title of _Royal_ 98 1838 The Conclusion 99 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. 1673 Sir Walter Vane 101 1674 Luke Lillingston 103 1675 Thomas Ashley -- 1678 Sir Henry Bellasis -- 1689 William Babington 105 1691 George Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt -- 1694 Henry Marquis de Rada 107 1695 Ventris Columbine -- 1703 James Rivers -- 1706 William Southwell 108 1708 Thomas Harrison -- 1716 Robert Dormer -- 1720 James Dormer 109 1738 John Guise -- 1765 William Rufane -- 1773 John Gore 110 1773 Sir William Boothby, Baronet -- 1787 Lancelot Baugh 111 1792 Sir Ralph Abercromby -- 1795 Prince William Frederick of Gloucester 114 1806 Sir George Nugent, Baronet 115 LIST OF PLATES. The Regimental Colours to follow the Regimental Title Page. The present Costume of the Regiment to follow Page 100. [Illustration: SIXTH (THE ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE) REGIMENT OF FOOT.] HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE SIXTH REGIMENT OF FOOT. The spirit of enterprise, intrepidity, firmness, endurance, physical strength, and innate love of fame exhibited by the British troops, have not only contributed to elevate this Kingdom to its present exalted station among the nations of Europe, but in the numerous wars which have taken place in Christendom, other States have evinced strong desires to obtain British aid. In the Dutch war of independence, from 1572 to 1648, British valour was eminently displayed in procuring the advantages of civil and religious liberty for the inhabitants of the United Provinces: British courage gave important aid to Henry IV. of France in his struggles for the throne: in the splendid achievements of the great Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, the British had an important share: many of the conquests of Louis XIV., surnamed "The Great," were achieved by the aid of British troops; and the regiment which forms the subject of this memoir is one of the English corps raised for the service of a foreign state under the following circumstances. [Sidenote: 1673] The only remaining corps[6] of the numerous bands of English lancers, cuirassiers, carabineers, archers, musketeers, harquebusiers, pikemen, and battle-axemen, who fought in the Dutch war of independence from 1572 to 1648, was recalled from Holland on the breaking out of hostilities between the English and Dutch in 1665: during the negociations for the peace of London in the winter of 1673-4, the States General pressed King Charles II. to recall his troops from the service of France[7], and solicited permission again to employ in their army a British division. The king refused to recall his regiments from France; but his majesty engaged not to permit any additional British corps to be levied for the service of Louis XIV., and to prevent the others being recruited: at the same time permission was given to the States to raise for their service a body of troops in England and Scotland, to be commanded by the colonel of the old HOLLAND REGIMENT, SIR WALTER VANE, who was promoted to the rank of major-general in the Dutch army, and appointed colonel of one of the regiments to be raised for this service, now the SIXTH REGIMENT OF FOOT, his commission bearing date the 12th of December, 1673. [Sidenote: 1674] The interests of the United Provinces and those of the reformed religion being intimately connected, their cause was popular in England; and when the king disbanded a great part of his army on the settlement of the peace in 1674, many officers and men voluntarily entered the Dutch service, particularly from the old HOLLAND REGIMENT, which was reduced on that occasion from eighteen to ten companies. Among the most zealous in this service were Captains Sir Henry Bellasis, Thomas Monk, John Morgan, Philip Savage, Roger M'Eligott, Alexander Cannon, and four others, who arrived at the Briel during the summer of 1674 with a number of men, who were formed into ten companies. The Prince of Orange had in the meantime taken the field with the army, and Sir Walter Vane proceeding to the camp to complete some arrangements with his Highness, served as a volunteer at the battle of Seneffe on the 1st of August, 1674 (O. S.), and was killed. Sir William Ballandyne was next appointed to command the British division, and the ten companies marched from the Briel to Bois-le-duc; from whence they were suddenly called to join the army and take part in the siege of _Grave_. They were commanded, while on this service, by Captain Hugh Mackay (afterwards lieutenant-general and commandant of the Scots brigade), who had transferred his services a few weeks previously from the French to the Dutch army; and was appointed major-commandant of the ten companies _pro tempore_. On the second day after their arrival before Grave, the ten companies were on duty in the trenches; and such was the fervour and eagerness of some of the officers and soldiers to signalize themselves, that Captain Savage and a few men stormed the counterscarp in the night without orders: they evinced great bravery, and gained some advantage, but were eventually repulsed, and Captain Savage was put in arrest, and reprimanded for his over-heated valour. After the surrender of Grave on the 28th of October, the ten companies returned to Bois-le-duc, where four British regiments were formed during the winter;--two English, commanded by Colonels Lillingston and Disney;--one Scots, commanded by Colonel Graham;--and one Irish, of which the Viscount of Clare was colonel. Two old Scots regiments in the Dutch service were purged of foreigners and added to the above four: the six regiments formed as fine a body of troops as any in Europe, and they soon had opportunities of proving that they possessed the same heroic spirit and contempt of danger as their predecessors in the war of independence, and as the valiant English and Scots who so highly distinguished themselves under the great Gustavus Adolphus. Such was the origin of the SIXTH REGIMENT OF FOOT. Its commanding officer was Colonel LUKE LILLINGSTON, whose appointment was dated in August, 1674. [Sidenote: 1675] The campaign of 1675 was passed in marching, manœuvring, and watching the operations of the enemy. During the winter the regiment was in garrison in Holland, and the colonelcy was conferred on Lieut.-Colonel THOMAS ASHLEY; the command of the second English regiment was conferred on Colonel Ralph Widdrington; and the Irish regiment having previously been given to Colonel John Fenwick, it lost its designation of Irish, and the three were accounted English regiments. [Sidenote: 1676] In the summer of 1676 the regiment marched to Bois-le-duc, where, in the early part of July it was suddenly aroused about midnight by the drums beating to arms; and assembling on its parade ground, it immediately proceeded towards the province of Limburg. After several days' march it arrived in the vicinity of _Maestricht_, and, the Prince of Orange having joined the army, the siege of this celebrated city was commenced. The three English regiments were commanded by Brigadier-General John Fenwick. Being proud of their national character, and jealous of their fame, they obtained permission to act separately, and to have a particular point of attack allotted them; "and they made it appear, by their fierce attacks, that they deserved this distinction[8]." They signalized themselves by the spirit with which they beat back the sallies of the garrison; and on the 30th of July they furnished two hundred men, in equal proportions from each regiment, to storm the Dauphin Bastion. A lodgment was effected; but the troops afterwards lost their ground, and they had one hundred and fifty men killed and wounded out of the two hundred. Colonel Widdrington was killed, and the command of his regiment was given to Lieut.-Colonel Dolman. The brigade was again on duty in the trenches on the 2nd of August, when Brigadier-General Fenwick was wounded. At three o'clock on the morning of the 4th of August, a storming party of one hundred and eighty-three officers and men, with a support of sixty men, furnished in equal proportions from each of the three regiments, paraded at the head of the brigade; a similar detachment of the blue Dutch foot-guards was also in readiness, and at five this little band rushed forward in the face of a storm of fire, and made a second attack on the Dauphin Bastion with signal gallantry. The English, being emulous of fame, gained the lead of the Dutch, and throwing forward a shower of hand-grenades, assaulted the breach sword in hand, and effected a lodgment. Suddenly the ground under the soldiers' feet was agitated, a tremendous explosion blew a number of men into the air, and the bursting of the mine being succeeded by a fierce attack of the enemy, the storming party was driven back. Instantly rallying, and being exasperated by this repulse, the English and Dutch returned to the charge breathing vengeance and slaughter, by a powerful effort drove back their antagonists, and re-established themselves on the bastion, but with the loss of more than half their numbers killed and wounded. English valour shone conspicuously on this occasion, and the Dutch authorities acknowledged the superior gallantry of the brigade. In the Hague Gazette it was stated "_the English gained very great honour_;" and in the Brussels Gazette it was stated, "the Prince of Orange having resolved to retake the Dauphin Bastion, appointed two hundred English, and as many of his guards, to make the attack, which they did with great courage and resolution, and _with very great honour to the English, who first entered the breach_." Sir William Temple, Harris, Boyer, Carleton, Bernardi, and other authors, bore ample testimony to the native valour of the English soldiers. A Scots regiment, commanded by Sir Alexander Colyear, also distinguished itself at this siege. A desperate sally was made from the town, on the morning of the 6th of August, by three hundred Swiss infantry, who, owing to the neglect of a sentry, surprised and made prisoners the English guard on the bastion; but a reinforcement coming forward, the Swiss were overpowered and destroyed, except about twenty men, who escaped into the town. The Prince of Orange complimented the English on their bravery: and being desirous of conferring on merit a special mark of his approbation, and of inciting other corps to emulate the English brigade, he made each of the three regiments a present of a fat ox and six sheep, which, however, occasioned some murmuring among the Dutch. A strong horn-work was afterwards captured by the Dutch, and preparations were made for a general storm of the main breach; but Marshal de Schomberg advancing at the head of a powerful French army to relieve the town, the siege was raised, and the three English regiments, having sustained a severe loss, were sent into quarters in Holland. [Sidenote: 1677] The French monarch commenced the campaign of 1677 with great vigour; and the advantage derived from an army being under the sole direction of, and conducted by immediate orders from one head, over a confederate force, which meets with delays and obstructions from different interests, councils, negligences, and tempers, was very conspicuous,--the feeble preparations of the Dutch, and the apathy of the Spaniards, having left the Prince of Orange without a force capable of contending with the immense army of the enemy. Colonel ASHLEY'S regiment, after replacing its losses with recruits from England, quitted Holland, and advanced with the remainder of the brigade to West Flanders. It formed part of the army, under the Prince of Orange, employed in the attempt to relieve the town of St. Omer; and was engaged on the 11th of April at the battle of _Mont-Cassel_, which was fought under great disadvantages in numbers and the nature of the ground. Two newly-raised regiments of Dutch marines, posted between the Prince's foot-guards and the English brigade, gave way at the first onset, and, confusion ensuing, the Prince retreated with the loss of his baggage and artillery. [Sidenote: 1678] At the close of the campaign, the ministers of the confederate states pressed King Charles II. to recall his troops from the service of France, attributing many of the French monarch's successes to the bravery of the British regiments; and in 1678 the king acceded. At the same time the gallant Earl of Ossory, eldest son of the Duke of Ormond, was appointed to the command of the British brigade; and SIR HENRY BELLASIS succeeded Colonel Ashley in the command of the regiment which is now the SIXTH FOOT. Ten thousand English troops were also embarked for Flanders, to take part in the war. During the early part of the campaign of 1678, the British brigade, under the Earl of Ossory, was employed on detached services in Brabant and Flanders; and on the morning of Sunday, the 14th of August, it moved from its camp near the little river Senne, to attack the French army, commanded by Marshal Luxemburg, before Mons. The French commander imagined himself safe in inaccessible entrenchments; but he was surprised by a party of Dutch dragoons while at dinner in the Abbey of _St. Denis_, near the village of that name, and his army was unexpectedly attacked, with great fury, about three o'clock in the afternoon. The Dutch, under Count Waldeck, assaulted and carried the abbey; the Spaniards, commanded by the Duke of Villa Hermosa, advanced by the village of Castehau; and the Dutch foot-guards, with the Earl of Ossory's brigade, prolonged the attack on the heights of Castehau, where the action was maintained with particular obstinacy. The Earl of Ossory drew his sword, and, pointing to the dark masses of the enemy, whose polished arms gleamed on the distant heights, led his British bands to the attack with signal intrepidity: his gallant mien and lofty bearing infused a noble ardour into the breasts of his officers and men, who urged, with resolute tread, their way through every difficulty to encounter their adversaries. The grenadiers of BELLASIS'S regiment (now SIXTH FOOT) headed by Major William Babington, led the attack on a body of French troops, posted in a hop-garden, with a spirit and resolution which were imitated by the musketeers and pikemen, and a vehement struggle ensued among the trees and umbrageous foliage which adorned the scene of conflict. Sir Henry Bellasis and Lieutenant-Colonel Monk were wounded, Major Babington was also wounded and taken prisoner, and the contest was fierce and sanguinary; but British valour prevailed, and the French were driven from among the hop-poles with great slaughter. Another stand was made by the enemy beyond the enclosure, and the storm of battle was renewed with additional fury. The Scots, under Major-General Kirkpatrick, Sir Alexander Colyear, and Colonel Mackay, vied with the English in their gallant efforts, and the Prince of Orange and Duke of Monmouth arriving at that part of the field, witnessed their heroic behaviour. Attack succeeded attack, and as the shades of evening gathered over the scene of conflict, the blaze of musketry and showers of hand-grenades indicated the fury of the opposing ranks of war. At length darkness put an end to the fight; and the French forsook their entrenchments and retreated. The excellent conduct of the British troops was appreciated by the Prince of Orange and the States-General; and in the narratives of the battle, published at the time, they received their meed of praise: in one account it was stated,--"_the Earl of Ossory and his troops performed wonders_;" in another,--"_the English and Scots regiments did things to the admiration of those that beheld them_;" and in a third,--"_they behaved themselves with that courage and bravery which are so natural to them_." The regiment which forms the subject of this memoir lost many non-commissioned officers and private soldiers, and had the following officers killed and wounded:--Captains Richardson and Vanderstraet, Lieutenants Price, Paul, and Lepingault, and Ensign Drury, killed: Colonel Sir Henry Bellasis, Lieutenant-Colonel Monk, Captain Penford, Lieutenant Lunnemon, and Ensign Nelson, wounded. Major Babington was wounded and taken prisoner: he was, in the first instance, included in the list of the slain[9]. Preliminary articles for a treaty of peace had, in the mean time, been agreed upon at Nimeguen; and the aspect of affairs was suddenly changed, the spot of ground where fury and bloodshed raged a few hours before was transformed, by the news of peace, to a scene of hilarity and jocund mirth, which was only alloyed by the remembrance of the loss of so many companions in arms, whose blood had stained the grassy fields. [Sidenote: 1679] When the States-General reduced the strength of their army to a peace establishment, the estimation in which the British troops were held occasioned their being retained in the service of the United Provinces; and in a treaty on this subject, the States agreed to send the six regiments to England, when the King should require their services. [Sidenote: 1680] During the five years succeeding the treaty of Nimeguen, SIR HENRY BELLASIS'S regiment was employed in garrison duty. In 1680, its Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas Monk, was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment, which is now the fifth foot, in succession to Colonel Wisely, who was drowned on his passage to England; and Major William Babington was appointed to the lieutenant-colonelcy. [Sidenote: 1684] In 1684, when the French aggressions in the duchy of Luxemburg occasioned some alarm in the Netherlands, the regiment marched to the vicinity of Brussels, where a body of troops was encamped a short time, and subsequently near Malines: no war taking place, the camp was broken up in November, and the regiment was again employed in garrison duty. [Sidenote: 1685] In the summer of 1685, events transpired which occasioned the removal of the regiment from the Netherlands to England: the Earl of Argyle, and a number of other political exiles, who were zealous advocates for civil liberty and the reformed religion, proceeded in May from the Netherlands to Scotland, where they attempted to organize a rebellion against the government of King James II., who was a professed papist. His Majesty, in a letter to the Prince of Orange, dated Whitehall, the 22nd of May, stated;--"I make no doubt, by God's help, that the rebels will soon be mastered, yet there is no harm in providing for the worst; and, therefore, I have charged Mr. Skelton to propose to you the lending me the three Scots regiments that are in your service, to be sent over to Scotland; and if this is a thing you can do, the sooner it is done the more reason I shall have to take it very kindly of you[10]." The States acceded to this request: but before the Scots regiments embarked, the Duke of Monmouth had landed at Lyme, in Dorsetshire, and having erected his standard in the market-place, summoned the people to join him in an appeal to arms against the government: the destination of the three regiments was then changed to England. At the same time the King made the following application to the Prince of Orange, in a letter dated Whitehall, the 17th of June, 1685. "When I wrote to you yesterday, I thought the militia would have kept the Duke of Monmouth shut up in Lyme; but by the fault of those of Devonshire, or Somersetshire, he has opened his way towards Taunton, which is a very factious town, and where he may increase his numbers; and though, with those troops I have raised, and am raising, I make no doubt of mastering him in some small time, yet, to make all sure, I desire you to lend me the three English regiments that are in your service, and they may be sent over with all speed[11]." Some of the towns of Holland were, however, so jealous of King James's predilection to papacy, and viewing the Duke of Monmouth in the light of a champion for the reformed religion, their secret wishes for his grace's success were so strong, that the Prince of Orange found some difficulty in obtaining the consent of the States for the regiments to proceed to England[12]; and when their consent had been procured, a new obstacle arose. The officers and soldiers of SIR HENRY BELLASIS'S regiment (now SIXTH FOOT) were so devoted to the protestant interest, and so averse to becoming instruments by which the ascendency of popish principles should be established, that they objected to proceed to England[13]. Their scruples were, however, overcome, and the King expressed the gratification which he experienced on hearing they were ready for embarkation, in a letter to the Prince of Orange, in the following terms. "I received on Wednesday yours of the 6th, by which I see the English regiments were to be embarked by the beginning of this week, and must again thank you for them, and if they be but as good as the Scots regiments, which I saw this morning, I shall be doubly pleased; for, as to these I have seen, there cannot be, I am sure, better men than they are, and they do truly look like old regiments; and one cannot be better pleased with them than I am, and must again thank you for them[14]." His Majesty, however, declined the Prince of Orange's proposal to accompany the brigade to England, fearing that His Highness might acquire too much influence in this country. The three English regiments arrived in the early part of July; and the rebel army having been overthrown at Sedgemoor on the 6th of that month, they were not required to draw their swords in the contest; but the presence of this celebrated body of men, at this critical juncture, could not fail to strengthen the interest of the court and overawe the disaffected. The brigade was encamped at Blackheath, and subsequently on Hounslow-heath, where the King reviewed it, and expressed his approbation of its warlike appearance, discipline, and good conduct; but the known staunch protestant principles of many of the officers and men gave his Majesty some concern. The three regiments (two of them now the FIFTH and SIXTH foot) obtained rank in the English army from the date of their arrival in England, and took precedence of the regiments raised by King James during the rebellion, in consequence of the latter not being completely organized when the brigade arrived. The rank of SIR HENRY BELLASIS'S regiment (now SIXTH FOOT) was afterwards disputed in consequence of the refusal, in the first instance, to proceed to England[15]; but a board of general officers decided this question in its favour in 1694. The rebellion having been suppressed, the English brigade returned to the Netherlands in August[16]; and the Scots a short time afterwards. The King was desirous of procuring the appointment of the Earl of Pembroke to the command of the six regiments, which was acceded to; but soon afterwards his Majesty pressed the Prince of Orange and States of the United Provinces to confer this important trust on the Earl of Carlingford, who was objected to (as the Earl of Dunbarton had been in the time of Charles II.), in consequence of his being a papist: his Majesty was particularly urgent on the subject; but the States did not acquiesce. [Sidenote: 1686] [Sidenote: 1687] Soon afterwards events transpired which occasioned SIR HENRY BELLASIS to be removed from his regiment, which was commanded, _ad interim_, by the Lieut.-Colonel, WILLIAM BABINGTON. Although this officer was not appointed to the colonelcy, it was usually styled BABINGTON'S regiment. The prevalence of French councils at the British court, and the advances made by the king towards the establishment of papacy and arbitrary government, occasioned the nation to look to the Prince of Orange as the only source from whence deliverance could be expected, and on the 27th of May, 1687, Sir Henry Bellasis wrote to the Prince as follows: "I have presumed by this worthy bearer to give your Highness the assurance of my devotion to your service in particular. The testimony I have given to the world of my loyalty and sufferings for the crown, obliges me in duty to pay the same to those who are so nearly related to it as the Princess Royal and your Highness. Though my hand be weak to express it, or enlarge myself upon the subject, my heart shall supply that defect, in the profession I make[17]." [Sidenote: 1688] The King felt some distrust at so efficient a body of British troops being in the service of a protestant republic at the time when he was meditating the subversion of the protestant religion and established laws of the kingdom: he was desirous of recalling them from Holland, and of transferring so many of them as would return, particularly the officers and men who were of the Roman Catholic religion, to the service of France. Louis XIV. had experienced the inconvenience of having the regiments in his service suddenly recalled, as the English and Scots corps were in 1678, and he declined the offer; but as the re-uniting of England in the communion of the church of Rome would further his projects of personal aggrandisement, he proposed to maintain a body of two thousand men in England, to be principally of the Roman Catholic church. This subject being arranged, King James wrote to the Prince of Orange on the 17th of January, 1688, as follows: "I have charged my envoy, Mons. d'Abbeville, who will give you this letter, to give you an account that I think it for my service to call home the six regiments of my subjects that are under your command in the States' service; and have written to the States to the same purpose, and hope you will do your part to further their being embarked as soon as may be. What else I have to say on this subject I refer to my envoy; which is all I shall say now, but that you shall find me as kind to you as you can desire[18]." The States well knowing the value of these favourite corps, and anticipating the speedy arrival of a period when they would have urgent occasion for the services of every regiment, refused to comply with the King's demand, alleging they were not bound by the treaty with the Earl of Ossory to send the six regiments to England, unless the King was engaged in a foreign war, or an insurrection at home, which was not the case. His Majesty was, however, determined, if possible, to deprive the States of the services of this select body of men; and, after some further correspondence on the subject, the following proclamation appeared in the London Gazette:-- "JAMES R. "WHEREAS we think it for our service to call home all our natural-born subjects who are now in the service of the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, being either mariners and seafaring men, or officers and soldiers serving at land, We do, therefore, by this Our royal proclamation, by and with the advice of Our privy council, streightly charge, require, and command all and singular masters of ships, pilots, mariners, seamen, shipwrights, and other seafaring men whatsoever, and wheresoever, and also all commanders, officers, and soldiers serving at land, being our natural-born subjects, who have betaken themselves unto, and now are in the pay or service of, the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, or in the pay or service of any of their subjects,--That upon their known and bounden duty and allegiance, they, and every of them, do quit the said respective services by sea or land, and return home to their native countries, within the times hereby prescribed,--that is to say, that all officers and commanders at land, whatsoever, who are now in the service of the said States General, in any place or part of the Netherlands or Low Countries, do quit the said service and return home within the space of two calendar months from the date hereof, and all other persons hereinbefore mentioned, wherever they are or shall be hereafter, in as short a time, and with as much speed, as they shall be able, wherein We do and will expect all due obedience and conformity. And we do hereby further publish and declare, that all and every the offenders to the contrary shall not only incur our high displeasure, but be rigorously proceeded against for such their offence, by all ways and means, according to the utmost severities of the law.--And we do hereby also authorize and command all and every Our captains, masters, and other officers serving and employed in any of our ships or vessels at sea, or elsewhere, and all and every other Our subjects whom it may concern, to seize, take, and bring away all such officers, mariners, and soldiers, and other persons aforesaid, as shall be found to be employed, or continue in the service aforesaid, in contempt of, and contrary to, the true intent and meaning of this Our proclamation. "Given at Our Court at Whitehall, 14th March, "1687-8, in the fourth year of Our reign." Notwithstanding this proclamation, the States continued stedfast in their determination not to send the six regiments home; but as some of the officers were members of the Roman Catholic church, and it being probable a rupture on the subject of religion would shortly take place, they gave permission for as many of the officers to return to England as chose. About forty availed themselves of this opportunity and quitted the Dutch service. The King sent a frigate to bring them home. A few soldiers also withdrew from Holland, and three regiments[19] were formed, of nearly all papists, and taken into the pay of the King of France, but they remained in England. The six British regiments in the Dutch service were thus purged of Roman Catholics, the vacancies were filled with men of staunch protestant principles, and this distinguished body of men was considered stedfastly devoted to the protestant interest. The Prince of Orange having been induced to proceed to England with a powerful armament for the purpose of rescuing the kingdom from the power of papacy, the six regiments were selected to form part of the expedition, and they were considered the most formidable and efficient portion of his army. They mustered about four thousand officers and men, were commanded by Major-General Hugh Mackay, and sailed under a red flag. A declaration was published, setting forth the reasons which induced the Prince of Orange to engage in this undertaking; and Captain LANGHAM of BABINGTON'S regiment[20] (now SIXTH FOOT), arriving privately in England, was seized and imprisoned, and a number of the declarations were found in his portmanteau, which were shown to the King. When the expressions importing that the Prince of Orange was "most earnestly invited to come to England by divers of the lords, both temporal and spiritual, and by many gentlemen and others," were read, the King expressed great indignation, and sent for such noblemen and bishops as were in London, but none of them would acknowledge that they had given such an invitation. [Sidenote: 1689] The Dutch armament passed Dover and proceeded westward, while the English fleet, under the Earl of Dartmouth, lay wind-bound at the mouth of the Thames; but a tender, on board of which were four companies of the regiment which forms the subject of this memoir, commanded by Major Ventris Columbine, was separated from the remainder of the Dutch fleet by a gale of wind, and captured by Captain Aylmer in His Majesty's ship the Swallow. The four companies were landed in Devonshire; they were treated as prisoners, and measures were adopted to constrain them to enter King James's service. Meanwhile the other eight companies of the regiment continued their course, and landed on the 5th of November with the remainder of the Prince's army on the Devonshire coast, from whence they advanced to Exeter. The result may be told in a few words. The English army refused to fight against the best interests of the country. King James and his family fled to France, and the Prince and Princess of Orange were elevated to the throne. Thus the SIXTH REGIMENT had the honour of taking a conspicuous part in the enterprise by which the established religion and laws of Great Britain were preserved. After his accession to the throne King William detained this regiment in the south of England, and kept it upon the Dutch establishment: consequently, in the lists of the army given by Story and other historians of this period, it is designated a Dutch regiment. Major Columbine, and the other officers and men who were captured by the Swallow, were restored with honour. In May, 1689, the regiment was quartered in London; in August it was encamped on Hounslow heath; it afterwards returned to London and was quartered in the Tower Hamlets. Sir Henry Bellasis having been appointed to succeed the Duke of Norfolk in the colonelcy of a newly-raised regiment (now twenty-second foot), the colonelcy of the SIXTH was conferred on the lieutenant-colonel, WILLIAM BABINGTON, by commission dated the 28th of September, 1689; and Major Columbine was appointed lieutenant-colonel. [Sidenote: 1690] Although England was delivered from the power of papacy and despotism, a great part of Ireland was subject to King James and his adherents, whose cruel proceedings towards the protestants awakened the sympathies of the English nation, and King William resolved to proceed to the rescue of the unoffending sufferers. Colonel BABINGTON'S regiment was one of the corps selected to proceed to Ireland: it embarked at Highlake on the 12th of April, 1690, and immediately on landing marched to the siege of _Charlemont_--a strong castle situate on the angle formed by the confluence of the river Canlin with the Blackwater, on the eastern side of the county of Armagh, and erected in 1602 by Lord Mountjoy, as a curb on the Earl of Tyrone, whose chief mansion-house, with a strong fort, was at Dungannon, about five miles north-west of it. Under the shelter of this fort a town was built, which in 1689 was a corporation, sending members to parliament. It contained a good garrison under Teague O'Regan, an old soldier and a great humorist, who made a resolute defence. The garrison being in want of provision, King James sent a small supply, accompanied by a detachment of five hundred men under Colonel M'Mahon, who was permitted to enter the castle, but not to return. On the third night they attempted to force their way through the besieging force, but were repulsed with the loss of an officer and eight men; a second attempt made on the following day was also unsuccessful; and during the succeeding night they made another attempt, and were driven back with the loss of sixteen men. O'Regan was so incensed at their ill success, that he fastened the gates upon them, and refused to admit them into the castle; and they were forced to make huts in the dry ditch within the palisadoes and on the counterscarp. The place being closely invested, the garrison was forced to surrender in the middle of May for want of provision; and four companies of the SIXTH, commanded by the major, took possession of the castle, where they found seventeen pieces of cannon and a large mortar, also a good supply of ammunition: but the fortress was found in so filthy a condition, that the officers and men were forced to encamp until it was thoroughly cleansed. In the early part of June the regiment pitched its tents on the undulating grounds near Armagh; and the regiments of Lloyd, Cutts, Hastings, and Fowkes, eleven regiments of Danish horse and foot, and a brigade of Dutch cavalry, afterwards joined the camp. King William arrived in Ireland, and, advancing to the banks of the _Boyne_, forced the passage of that river on the 1st of July, and overthrew the army of King James in a general engagement, in which the SIXTH foot had the honour to take part. The regiment was in Sir Henry Bellasis's brigade, and shared in the glory of this memorable victory. The number of killed and wounded has not been ascertained; but, as the regiment only mustered four hundred and eighteen men at the general review at Finglass on the 7th and 8th of July, its loss may be supposed to have been great. After delivering Dublin from the power of the papists, the regiment was detached against _Athlone_ with the division commanded by Lieut.-General Douglas, who was a brave but rough soldier of fortune, and had served under King William in the Netherlands. On arriving before Athlone, a drummer was sent to summon the garrison to surrender. The governor, Colonel Richard Grace, of Moyelly castle, fired a pistol at the messenger, and said, "These are my terms; these only will I give or receive; and, after my provisions shall be consumed, I will defend Athlone until I eat my boots." The siege was afterwards commenced; and a battery opened its fire against the works: but the train of artillery proved too weak to make a practicable breach; and, ammunition becoming scarce, Lieut.-General Douglas raised the siege and retired. He did not preserve strict discipline in the division committed to his charge, which was accused of many outrages on the peasantry. On arriving at Ballymore, in the county of Westmeath, BABINGTON'S (now SIXTH) regiment was removed from Lieut.-General Douglas's command, and ordered to proceed to Dublin to replace the regiments of Trelawny (now fourth) and Hastings (now thirteenth), which were ordered to embark for England. The regiment remained a short time in garrison at Dublin, from whence it was detached to occupy a line of posts along the frontiers; and in November Lieut.-Colonel Columbine, advancing from Roscrea, made an incursion into the enemy's quarters near the Shannon, and in the neighbourhood of Nenagh, where he destroyed a quantity of corn and captured two castles. [Sidenote: 1691] In April, 1691, Colonel Babington was succeeded in the colonelcy of the regiment by GEORGE PRINCE OF HESSE D'ARMSTADT--an officer of distinguished merit, who was appointed to serve on the staff of the army in Ireland, with the rank of brigadier-general. The regiment took the field with the army in May. The first service of importance was the siege of _Ballymore_, which fortress surrendered in the middle of June. The troops subsequently advanced against _Athlone_, a large and well-fortified town, divided into two unequal portions, or towns, by the river Shannon. Here the regiment was formed in brigade with Lloyd's (now fifth), Cutts', Nassau's, and three Danish battalions, commanded by Major-General the Count of Nassau and Brigadier-General the Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt. It furnished a detachment to attack by storm that part of Athlone which stood on the side of the river next to the army, called the English Town, which was captured in gallant style on the 20th of June. Its grenadier company, and a detachment of pikemen and musketeers, also formed part of the storming party selected to attack the opposite side of the town on the 30th of June. The tolling of the church-bell at six minutes after six o'clock in the evening gave the signal for the attack, when the forlorn hope, consisting of three officers and sixty grenadiers in armour, sprang out of the trenches and plunged into the river, which was waist deep, and rendered difficult by large stones. Three thousand men, under Major-General Mackay, seconded their efforts with signal intrepidity; and the soldiers, scrambling up the breach in the face of a heavy fire, one helping another up, soon overpowered all opposition, and in less than half an hour were masters of the town. This gallant exploit was performed with the loss of twelve men killed, and five officers and thirty men wounded: among the latter was the colonel of this regiment--the Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt, and Lieut.-Colonel Columbine. The regiment remained at Athlone while the works were being put in repair; and, during a severe thunder-storm on the 9th of July, it had two men killed and three dangerously injured by lightning[21]. The Irish army, commanded by General St. Ruth, retired and took up a position near _Aghrim_, where it was attacked on the 12th of July, and the regiment had another opportunity of signalizing itself in action. The Prince of HESSE D'ARMSTADT headed his own corps, and his characteristic intrepidity was so conspicuous on this occasion, that he has been accused of rashness. He was again wounded; but had the gratification of witnessing the heroism of his men, who emulated his example, and the overthrow of the Irish army, before he quitted the field. Night having put an end to the pursuit, the regiment halted on the scene of conflict: its loss was ten men killed, and six officers and forty-five men wounded. General St. Ruth having been killed in action, the main body of the Irish army fled in terror and dismay towards Limerick, and King William's forces followed. On arriving at _Galway_ the garrison was summoned, and refused to surrender; but the river having been passed in boats, and a fort captured by storm, the governor capitulated on the 21st of July. The next service in which the regiment was engaged was the second siege of _Limerick_: it was one of the corps which appeared before the town on the 15th of August, and on the 25th it was detached with the regiments of Tiffin (twenty-seventh foot) and St. John, seven hundred horse and dragoons, and five pieces of cannon, under its colonel, the Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt, against _Castleconnell_, a strong fortress on the river Shannon, four miles north of Limerick, which surrendered after a siege of two days. The siege of Limerick was afterwards prosecuted with vigour, and it was delivered up in the beginning of October. This event terminated the war in Ireland. The regiment marched from Limerick to Dublin, where it embarked for England on the 20th of December, and after its arrival commenced recruiting its numbers. [Sidenote: 1692] After reposing a short time in comfortable quarters in England, the regiment received orders to embark for the Netherlands, to take part in the war with France; and it served the campaign of 1692 with the army commanded by King William in person, by whom it was reviewed at the camp at Genappe on the 29th of June, in presence of the Elector of Bavaria and other distinguished persons. It was engaged in the manœuvres of the main army, and formed part of the division which attacked the French forces under Marshal Luxemburg, in their position near _Steenkirk_, on the 24th of July. It was one of the corps which supported the leading column under the Duke of Wirtemberg, and, having traversed some difficult grounds, formed with the cavalry of the left wing on the verge of a large wood. A narrow valley appeared in front, beyond which were several thick hedges, and the glittering arms and waving colours of the French infantry were seen through the thick foliage. After a sharp cannonade, the second battalion of the first foot guards, the first battalion of the Royals, the regiments of Fitzpatrick and O'Ffarrel, and two battalions of Danes, commenced the attack: they were supported by the regiments of HESSE D'ARMSTADT (SIXTH), Cutts, Mackay, Leven's (twenty-fifth foot), Angus (twenty-sixth foot), Graham, and Lawder. These corps behaved with an intrepidity and valour which redounded to their honour: they drove the enemy from hedge to hedge, and gained considerable advantage. They were, however, not promptly sustained by the main body of the army under Count Solms, who neglected the King's orders, and occasioned the loss of the battle. Harris, in his History of the Life of King William, states, "The King, enraged at the disappointment of the vanguard, expressed his concern by often repeating, 'Oh! my poor English, how they are abandoned!' nor would he admit Count Solms to his presence for many months after." The SIXTH nobly sustained their reputation, and fought manfully, resisting the superior numbers of the enemy with signal firmness: their commanding officer, Lieut.-Colonel Foxon, fell mortally wounded: the French legions--dragoons, musketeers, pikemen, and grenadiers--crowded round this devoted corps in great numbers, and it sustained considerable loss. The King ordered a retreat, and the regiment withdrew from the field a mere skeleton. Its loss in killed and wounded was so great, that on the 8th of August it was ordered into quarters at Malines, and in September it embarked for England. After landing at Gravesend, a number of officers and serjeants were sent to various parts of England to procure recruits. [Sidenote: 1693] [Sidenote: 1694] During the winter of 1693 the regiment again embarked for the Netherlands. It was employed in garrison duty in Flanders; and its colonel, the Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt, being a Roman catholic, transferred his services to the crown of Spain. He was succeeded, in February, 1694, by Henry Marquis de Rada, son of the Marquis de Montpouillan. During the winter of this year the regiment was in garrison at Bruges. [Sidenote: 1695] On taking the field in May, 1695, the regiment left its colonel, the Marquis de Rada, dangerously ill of a fever in Bruges. It was encamped a short time on the canal between Ghent and Bruges, under the orders of Lieut.-General Sir Henry Bellasis; and subsequently with the main army, commanded by King William in person, near Arseele, where it was formed in brigade with a battalion of the Royals, and the regiments of Seymour, Granville, Saunderson, and Colyear, commanded by Brigadier-General Sir David Colyear. The King was at the head of one hundred and twenty thousand men, and the French generals headed upwards of a hundred thousand men. These two powerful armies confronted each other; and his Majesty, having by skilful movements drawn the enemy to the Flanders side of their line of entrenchments, invested _Namur_. This fortress was accounted one of the strongest and most important in the Netherlands, both by its situation and fortifications: it commanded two great rivers, the Sambre and the Maese; and its castle, which stood on a hill in an angle formed by the confluence of these rivers, was deemed almost impregnable. Such stupendous fortifications, defended by a numerous garrison, supplied with every thing requisite for a protracted defence, and commanded by a governor who was esteemed by his king, and beloved by the soldiers, seemed to defy the most powerful and best-appointed army that could be brought against it; and, when the veteran Marshal Boufflers had thrown himself with a large reinforcement into the town, this mass of fortifications was looked upon as a rock on which the grand confederacy of the allies would split. These difficulties stimulated the British monarch to greater exertions; and the SIXTH, after remaining a short time with the covering army commanded by Charles Henry of Lorraine, Prince of Vaudemont, was ordered to join the forces employed in the siege, and to take part in the attack of this vast fortress. While on the march the Marquis de Rada died at Bruges, and King William conferred the colonelcy on an officer who had formerly served with distinction in the regiment, VENTRIS COLUMBINE, from captain and lieutenant-colonel in the foot guards. This officer was highly esteemed in the corps, and, assuming the command of it before Namur, he had additional opportunities of signalizing himself. The regiment was on duty in the trenches on the 6th, 10th, and 13th of July; and on the 17th it lost a number of men while engaged in storming the counterscarp: it had also Captain Young killed, and Lieut. Dorrington and Ensign Drobas wounded. On the 19th it was again on duty in the trenches, and lost several men; and during the night of the 23rd it was engaged in extending the lodgment to the right. A practicable breach having been made, the enemy surrendered the town on the following day, and retired to the castle, resolving to make a desperate defence. This was one of the regiments engaged in the siege of the castle, and was encamped at a place called Maison Blanche; but, having sustained considerable loss, it was relieved on the 11th of August, and joined the covering army under the Prince of Vaudemont, who had recently quitted his position at Waterloo, and was encamped within seven miles of Namur. A detachment from the grenadier company was engaged in storming the breaches of the Terra Nova and Cohorne on the 20th of August, under Lord Cutts. This proved a most severe service; a lodgment was made along the covered way and entrenchments, but with the loss of above a thousand English, besides Bavarians, Prussians, and Dutch. The grenadier company of this regiment lost several men, and had Captain Cummins killed, and Lieutenant Twinhoe wounded. The fire against the castle was continued, and preparations made for another assault, when the garrison beat a parley, and agreed to surrender. Thus the capture of this important fortress, which was accounted the bulwark of Brabant, was achieved, and the reputation of the British monarch and his troops exalted. After the works were repaired, Colonel COLUMBINE marched with his regiment into quarters at Bruges, where he expected to pass the winter; but circumstances occurred which occasioned his return to England. [Sidenote: 1696] The French monarch, finding his ambitious projects frustrated, attempted to excite a rebellion in England in favour of King James, who was residing at the French court, and prepared an armament to second the malcontents. At the same time a plot was formed to assassinate King William when on his return from hunting. On the discovery of these designs, this, with a number of other regiments, was ordered home. The SIXTH embarked at Ostend in the early part of March, 1696, landed at Gravesend in the middle of that month, and went into quarters. The plot was discovered, the designs of the enemy were frustrated, and the King proceeded to the Netherlands to take the command of the army. In June, 1696, the regiment was on duty at Windsor; and in July it was encamped in Windsor forest. [Sidenote: 1697] [Sidenote: 1698] [Sidenote: 1699] [Sidenote: 1700] [Sidenote: 1701] After passing twelve months in England, the regiment received orders to return to the Netherlands: it landed at Williamstadt in the beginning of July, 1697, and joined the confederate army before Brussels, where it was reviewed by his Majesty: it remained before Brussels until hostilities were terminated by the treaty of Ryswick, when it was ordered to return to England. It landed at Gravesend in November, 1697, and marched to Huntingdon. It subsequently proceeded to Ireland, where it arrived in August, 1698, and remained until, another war breaking out in Europe, its services were again required abroad in the defence of the crown and kingdom against the projects of the court of France. [Sidenote: 1702] The hope of continued tranquillity, with the prospect that this country would be enabled to develop its resources and make rapid advances in arts, manufactures, and commerce, under the auspices and benign influence of peace at home and abroad, soon passed away: a Bourbon prince ascended the Spanish throne, when preparations for war were made, and Colonel COLUMBINE received orders to recruit his regiment to seven hundred rank and file. The decease of King William, and the accession of Queen Anne, on the 8th March, 1702, produced no alteration in the foreign policy of the British court; and in a few weeks after Her Majesty's accession the regiment proceeded to the Isle of Wight, where it pitched its tents preparatory to some expedition, the destination of which was kept secret. In the early part of June it was reviewed, with nine other battalions of infantry, and two hundred dragoons, by Prince George of Denmark, generalissimo of her Majesty's land and sea forces, and was complimented on its appearance and discipline. The Duke of Ormond assumed the command of the expedition, and the regiment embarked on board the St. George, Jacob, and Gosport transports[22], and put to sea. Arriving off the coast of Andalusia, in Spain, the troops ascertained they were destined to make an attempt on the strong fortress of _Cadiz_: a landing was effected in the middle of August, during a high wind, and about thirty boats, crowded with soldiers, were overturned by the surge. The town of _Rota_, on the north side of Cadiz bay, the town of _Port St. Mary's_, at the mouth of the river Guadalete, and _Fort St. Catherine_, were captured. The wealthy and flourishing town of Port St. Mary's was found deserted by the inhabitants; positive orders had been given against plundering; but the officers neglecting to enforce strict obedience occasioned the most unfortunate results. The hungry and thirsty soldiers forced open the houses in search of refreshment; finding abundance of excellent wine, they drank freely, and, under its influence, commenced plundering the town. An immense quantity of valuable merchandize and other property was removed on board the fleet, and some of the officers were guilty of securing for themselves many costly articles: thus, such of the inhabitants as were previously disposed to favour the allies became hostile, and the public cause suffered by the want of strict discipline. Cadiz was found better prepared for resistance than had been expected, and the expedition proved of insufficient strength for the capture of this fortress. The troops were re-embarked, and they subsequently proceeded to _Vigo_, where a valuable Spanish fleet had arrived from the West Indies, in charge of a French convoy. The grenadiers and eight battalions of infantry landed on the south side of the river, seven miles from the town: this regiment formed part of the first brigade, which landed under the Duke of Ormond and Brigadier-General Hamilton; a strong fort and a battery were carried by storm, the fleet forced an entrance, and the French and Spanish shipping were all taken and destroyed. Many Spanish seamen escaped on shore and took with them much valuable property: a soldier of Captain Brown's company of this regiment captured a Spanish mariner who was carrying off an immense silver dish of curious workmanship, which was delivered up to the proper authorities[23]. The expedition returned to England, where the regiment arrived in the early part of November, and was stationed at Canterbury; it received £561. 10_s._ prize-money. Queen Anne went in triumphal cavalcade to St. Paul's cathedral to return thanks for this success; and the troops received the thanks of parliament for their conduct. [Sidenote: 1703] In a few weeks after its return from Vigo the regiment was ordered to hold itself in readiness to proceed to the West Indies; and in January, 1703, it marched to Portsmouth, where it embarked on board the fleet under Vice-Admiral Graydon. The object of the expedition was the capture of Placentia and Newfoundland; but the enemy's force was found too strong, and, after remaining a short time in the West Indies, the regiment returned to England. It landed in October following at Portsmouth, from whence it was removed into quarters at Southampton and other towns in that neighbourhood. On the decease of Colonel Ventris Columbine, Her Majesty conferred the colonelcy on the lieutenant-colonel, JAMES RIVERS, by commission dated the 2nd of November, 1703: at the same time Major WILLIAM SOUTHWELL was appointed lieutenant-colonel. [Sidenote: 1704] The quarters were extended to Worcester in April, 1704, and a detachment was sent to the Isle of Wight: in August following the regiment proceeded to Plymouth, where it passed the succeeding winter. [Sidenote: 1705] Meanwhile the war was raging in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and other parts of the continent, and an attempt was being made to place Archduke Charles of Austria on the throne of Spain by force of arms. Gibraltar had been captured by the combined English and Dutch fleets, and in connexion with these events the regiment was embarked at Plymouth in May, 1705, under the Earl of Peterborough, to take part in the war. The design of this expedition was either to aid the Duke of Savoy in driving the French out of Italy, to make an attempt on Naples and Sicily, or to further the progress of the Archduke in Spain. The fleet arrived at the capital of Portugal in June, and additional forces were embarked: at the same time Archduke Charles went on board the fleet to share in the toils and dangers of the enterprise. From Lisbon the expedition proceeded to Gibraltar, where it was joined by the former colonel of the SIXTH--the Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt, and a reinforcement from the garrison. From Gibraltar the fleet proceeded to the bay of Altea, in Valencia; and while at this small port the officers and soldiers had opportunities of observing the attachment of the inhabitants of that part of Spain to the house of Austria. A thousand Catalonians and Valentians, who had thrown off their allegiance to the house of Bourbon, and had acknowledged Archduke Charles as the sovereign of Spain, seized on the town of Denia, while others made demonstrations of giving effectual aid to the expedition; and such a spirit of enterprise was evinced by King Charles, the Earl of Peterborough, the Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt, and others, that every officer and man caught the ardent zeal of the superior officers, and resolved to do something great and noble. Under these feelings the famous city of _Barcelona_, the capital of Catalonia, and one of the most ancient towns in Spain, was selected to be the scene of the first attempt. Its situation, on a plain near the sea,--with a mole capable of containing only galleys and small ships,--defended by ten bastions, several old towers and other works,--with a strong castle and citadel, called _Montjuich_, on a hill on the west side and commanding the town; the garrison consisting of between five and six thousand men, under the viceroy of Catalonia, Don Francis de Velasco;--and the besieging army being unable to bring more than seven thousand men into the lines; these circumstances, with the fact, that, in 1697, this fortress resisted a French army of thirty thousand men eight weeks with open trenches, and cost the French monarch twelve thousand men, gave an interesting and romantic character to this enterprise, in which the SIXTH gained much honour, and which produced a great sensation throughout Europe. The troops landed near the river Bassoz, about three miles east of _Barcelona_, on the 23rd and 24th of August. On the 28th King Charles came on shore, when the inhabitants of the neighbouring towns and villages flocked to the camp with demonstrations of joy, and many took arms to act as guerilla bands and miquelets; but the progress of the siege was delayed by opposite opinions and views among the superior officers. "Such were the unhappy circumstances of the Earl of Peterborough in the camp before Barcelona: impossibilities proposed; no expedients to be accepted; a court reproaching; councils of war rejecting; and the Dutch general refusing the assistance of the troops under his command."[24] Yet all these difficulties were overcome; and an attack by storm on the detached fortress of _Montjuich_ was resolved upon, in which the grenadiers of the SIXTH, headed by their Lieutenant-Colonel, WILLIAM SOUTHWELL, had the honour to take the lead. The storming party of four hundred grenadiers, with a support of six hundred musketeers, commanded by the Earl of Peterborough and the Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt, commenced their march about ten o'clock on the night of Sunday the 13th of September, round the mountains, and were followed by another detachment and a party of dragoons. After traversing many miles of rugged mountain scenery by difficult tracts, the storming party appeared before the fortress, and received a discharge of small arms and artillery from the garrison. The Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt and Lord Charlemont directed Lieut.-Colonel SOUTHWELL of the SIXTH to commence the attack; and instantly springing forward at the head of the grenadiers, this gallant officer led the storming party to the assault with signal intrepidity and resolution. The native energy and contempt of danger of the British soldier was eminently displayed: SOUTHWELL and his grenadiers climbed the steep rock in the face of a storm of fire from the garrison,--entered the covered way and the ditch, sword in hand,--ascended to the top of a curtain which was not quite finished, one soldier helping another up, and, notwithstanding the vigorous resistance of the enemy, gained the bulwark of a new fortification. Here some sharp fighting took place: thrice Lieut.-Colonel SOUTHWELL was surrounded, but he overthrew his adversaries with matchless valour, and the enemy was driven from that post into the castle. The men, at the other points of attack, had also proved successful,--a considerable portion of the outworks were carried,--a temporary breastwork and entrenchment were speedily constructed,--and three pieces of cannon, which had been captured, were made use of to defend it. The Prince of Hesse d'Armstadt afterwards advanced with a body of men along the curtain which led to the ditch of the inward fort, and fell mortally wounded; two hundred and fifty of the men were made prisoners by the enemy; at the same time a large reinforcement was seen advancing from the town to aid the garrison in the castle, and the soldiers received orders to retire from some of the inferior officers. The Earl of Peterborough rushed to the spot, countermanded the order, seized the half-pike out of Lord Charlemont's hands, and rallied and led back the soldiers to the posts they had so nobly won: the Spaniards who were advancing from the town turned back, and the out-works of the fortress of Montjuich were thus gained. Batteries were constructed, and the inner works were assailed with cannon-balls, bombs, and grenades. On the 17th of September, Lieut.-Colonel SOUTHWELL of the SIXTH, being on duty in the trenches with his regiment, observed that the bombs, thrown by a Dutch bombardier from a small mortar, fell to the left of the fort, and concluding there was a magazine in the place, he traversed the mortar a little to the right, himself, and fired it; and the bomb falling into a little chapel where the garrison had stored a great quantity of powder, it blew up, and the governor, a Neapolitan named Don Charlete Caracholi, with a number of other officers and men, were buried in the ruins. The intrepid SOUTHWELL called a few soldiers forward, and, advancing sword in hand to take advantage of the confusion, was met by the surviving officers and men of the garrison, who laid down their arms and surrendered the fortress; Lieut.-Colonel SOUTHWELL took possession of the works; and King Charles hastened to the spot and embraced the lieut.-colonel in a transport of joy. Thus the strong castle and citadel of Montjuich was captured; and Lieut.-Colonel SOUTHWELL of the SIXTH was rewarded with the appointment of governor.[25] The capture of Montjuich facilitated the siege of the city of Barcelona, which was persecuted with vigour: the miquelets and armed Catalonians blocked up the avenues of the town, and the soldiers were incessant in their exertions. "The admirals forgot their element, and acted as general officers at land; they came every day from their ships with a body of men formed into companies, and commanded by captains and lieutenants of their own."[26] Cannon and mortars were dragged up steep precipices by men; and a practicable breach having been made, a body of soldiers prepared to attack the city by storm; but the effusion of blood, which would have attended this enterprize, was spared by the surrender of the garrison. A number of miquelets entered the city through the breach with the design of plundering the partisans of the Bourbon dynasty. The governor being very unpopular, and suspected of a design to remove many of the prisoners, was surrounded by an enraged mob: but the Earl of Peterborough entered the town on the 14th of October with a troop of dragoons and the grenadiers of the army, put a stop to the plundering of the miquelets, and prevented the slaughter of the governor and his garrison; at the same time such excellent order and discipline were preserved among the English soldiers, that their conduct has been lauded by historians. The capture of Barcelona gave additional reputation to the arms of the allies, and this splendid achievement was the theme of conversation and a subject of astonishment throughout Europe. It was accompanied by the submission of nearly all Catalonia, the largest and richest province of Spain; and, as Boyer, the historian of these wars, observes, "all the generals, admirals, officers, private soldiers, and seamen, engaged in this memorable expedition, deserved each their share of the honour." King Charles commenced forming a Spanish army for his service: he soon had five hundred dragoons for a guard, and six regiments of foot. He was joined by Colonel Nebot, who forsook the service of King Philip with a regiment of horse; and in a short time the province of Valencia submitted to the Austrian prince. [Sidenote: 1706] The regiment continued under the immediate directions of the Earl of Peterborough, with whose achievements its services are connected; and his raising the siege of _St. Mattheo_, the capture of _Morviedro_, his exploits in _Valencia_, and the relief of the capital of that province--successes gained with a small body of soldiers over a numerous army--carry with them the appearance of fiction and romance more than of sober truth; but being supported by abundance of collateral and direct evidence, the truth of these achievements cannot be doubted. Unfortunately, no documents have been met with to prove what particular corps his lordship left in garrison, and what corps he took with him in his daring enterprise in Valencia; the part taken by the first royal and eighth dragoons, the thirteenth, thirtieth, and thirty-fourth foot, and a few other corps, can be clearly made out from history; but whether the SIXTH remained in garrison in Catalonia, or was employed in the enterprise in Valencia, has not been ascertained. While employed in this part of Spain, the colonel of the regiment, JAMES RIVERS, died, and Lieut.-Colonel WILLIAM SOUTHWELL, having been sent to England with despatches, was promoted by Queen Anne to the colonelcy: he kissed her Majesty's hand on the appointment on the 14th of March, 1706, and hastened back to Spain to join his regiment. King Charles and his counsellors, instead of exerting themselves to provide for the security of the towns which had come into their possession, and collecting the means for future conquests, spent their time and money in balls and public diversions. The breaches in Barcelona and the detached fortress of Montjuich were left unrepaired, and the garrison unprovided for a siege. Meanwhile King Philip was obtaining reinforcements from the frontiers of Portugal, from Italy, Provence, Flanders, and the Rhine, and he soon appeared at the head of above twenty thousand men to re-capture the provinces he had lost. A powerful French and Spanish force approached _Barcelona_ by land; a French fleet appeared before the town; and, the garrison being weak in numbers, regiments were hurried from other places, one English regiment travelling one hundred and twenty miles on mules, in two days, to take part in the defence of Barcelona. The siege was commenced in the beginning of April, 1706, when the soldiers repaired the breaches, and a desperate and resolute defence was made. The Earl of Peterborough hastened from Valencia with a body of select troops, but found the town so closely beset that he was unable to force his way into it, when he took to the mountains, and harassed the enemy with skirmishes and night-alarms. The SIXTH was one of the corps which had the honour of sharing in the defence of this important city, and British valour was conspicuously displayed. When the garrison was nearly exhausted, its numbers decreased from deaths, wounds, sickness, and other causes, to about a thousand effective men, and a practical breach was ready for the enemy to attack the place by storm, the English and Dutch fleet arrived with five regiments of foot, the French fleet hurried from before the town, and the reinforcements were landed. Barcelona being thus relieved, the enemy, having lost five thousand men before the town, made a precipitate retreat on the 12th of May, leaving two hundred brass cannon, thirty mortars, and vast quantities of ammunition and provision behind them, together with the sick and wounded of their army, whom Marshal de Tessé recommended to the humanity of the British commander. During the siege, the roads by which the enemy could return into the heart of Spain had been broken up, and other obstructions raised among the mountains and defiles, and the line of retreat so crowded with armed peasantry, that the French army was forced to return to France, and re-enter Spain by the passes of the Pyrenean mountains. Thus Barcelona was preserved by British skill, valour and perseverance; that part of Spain was delivered from the presence of the enemy; and the forces were at liberty to engage in new enterprises. An immediate advance upon Madrid was resolved upon, and the Marquis das Minas and Earl of Galway, who commanded a British, Portuguese, and Dutch force on the frontiers of Portugal, were requested to penetrate boldly to the capital of Spain. To engage in this enterprise the SIXTH embarked from Barcelona, and proceeded by sea to Valencia, where King Charles was expected to arrive with the cavalry by land. While in Valencia the regiment furnished a detachment of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, which, with similar detachments from other regiments of foot, were formed into a regiment of dragoons, called the Earl of Peterborough's regiment. From Valencia the regiment was detached, under the orders of Major-General Wyndham, to besiege _Requena_ and _Cuenza_, which places lay on the line of march from Valencia to Madrid, and were both captured after a short resistance. Meanwhile the army from Portugal had penetrated to Madrid, and was anxiously awaiting the arrival of King Charles, who, following the pernicious advice of his Italian counsellors, delayed his journey, and eventually proceeded by way of Arragon. This gave time for the French and Spanish troops under King Philip to re-enter Spain; and, uniting with the forces under the Duke of Berwick, the enemy had a great superiority of numbers. The allies were forced to retire from their forward position; and on the 13th of September, the SIXTH and other corps under Major-General Wyndham joined the army at Veles. The troops continued their route towards the frontiers of Valencia and Murcia, where they remained during the winter. [Sidenote: 1707] The SIXTH now formed part of the allied army, which was composed of English, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Dutch, commanded by the Marquis das Minas and the Earl of Galway, and took the field for offensive operations in the early part of April, 1707. After destroying several of the enemy's magazines, the siege of the castle of _Villena_ was undertaken; and while this was in progress, a French and Spanish force, of very superior numbers, commanded by the Duke of Berwick, advanced to the plains of _Almanza_. As the enemy expected the arrival of reinforcements under the Duke of Orleans, the allied generals, though much inferior in numbers to their opponent, resolved to attack him without delay[27]. Advancing in four columns, on the 25th of April, over many miles of rugged ground, and exposed to a burning sun, the army entered a large plain, and about half-past two in the afternoon the advanced-guard arrived in front of the enemy's camp: at three, the soldiers, though faint, and their bodily strength exhausted with the march, advanced boldly to the attack. The SIXTH were formed in brigade with the seventeenth, thirty-third, and Lord Montjoy's regiments, under Major-General Wade, and were posted between two brigades of cavalry, in the left wing of the front line. The Earl of Galway commenced the action by leading the left brigade through a hollow way to attack the enemy's right: the British dragoons, after gaining some advantage, and ascending a height on which a battery was placed, were overpowered by superior numbers and forced to retire. The SIXTH and thirty-third advanced to support the dragoons, and opening a sharp fire on the flank of the French horse and Spanish life-guards, put them in disorder; at the same time the English dragoons rallied and returned to the charge, and the enemy was driven back with great slaughter. The French and Spanish horsemen returned to the charge; but were again driven back by the fire of the SIXTH and thirty-third regiments. Meanwhile the battle was extending along the line; the ground was contested with varied success; but the British and Dutch battalions, in the centre, obliged the enemy to give way. A few French squadrons advanced to charge the cavalry on the right; the Portuguese squadrons faced about and fled from the field without waiting to be attacked; and several battalions of Portuguese infantry followed the example. Nine battalions of French and Spanish infantry advanced to that part of the field where the SIXTH and thirty-third were engaged; the two regiments confronted the overwhelming numbers of the enemy nobly, and being joined by the ninth, seventeenth, and Lord Montjoy's regiments, disputed the ground with sanguinary obstinacy; but while the contest was still raging, a body of fresh French and Spanish cavalry overpowered and drove back the allied squadrons on the left. The five regiments (SIXTH, ninth, seventeenth, thirty-third, and Lord Montjoy's) were thus left unsupported: they were attacked by nine battalions of the enemy, and, while bravely contending with the seven battalions which assailed them in front, they were charged in flank by the other two, broken, and driven from the field with great loss: a few only of the officers and men of the SIXTH escaped being killed or taken prisoners. The two French battalions which attacked them in flank, pursuing with eagerness, were cut to pieces by Harvey's horse, now second dragoon guards, who were in turn overpowered by the superior numbers of the enemy. The fight still raged in the centre; but the flanks being defeated, the enemy surrounded the centre and made a great slaughter. Major-General Shrimpton, Brigadier-General Macartney, Colonels Britton and Hill, and several other officers, collected the broken remains of the English regiments, which fought in the centre, into a body, and united them with some of the Dutch and Portuguese, who had been rallied by Count de Dhona and Don Juan Emanuel, and formed a body of nearly four thousand men, who retreated two leagues; but were pursued by the enemy, whom they repeatedly repulsed. Arriving at the woody hills of Caudete, the men were so exhausted with fatigue that they were unable to proceed; they passed the night in the wood, where they were surrounded by the enemy; and on the following morning, being without ammunition, ignorant of the country, destitute of provisions, and without the hope of a supply, they surrendered prisoners of war. Such was the result of this unfortunate battle, where the faint and wearied soldiers were hurried forward to fight superior numbers of fresh troops, commanded by a renowned general: but, notwithstanding these disadvantages, the author of the Annals of Queen Anne observes:--"Had the Portuguese bravely seconded the English and Dutch, who, with unparalleled resolution and undauntedness broke the enemy's centre, it is the opinion of many that victory would have inclined to the confederate side; or, at least, that the latter might have made an honourable retreat, and, considering the vast disproportion of the forces, have gained the glory of the day." The loss of the SIXTH was very great: Lieutenant-Colonel M'Neal, Captains Columbine, Drake, Campbell, and Justiene, Lieutenants Harvey and Emmery, and Ensigns Sarracen and Watts were killed; Captains Bennett and Hussey were taken prisoners; and Lieutenants Beauford, Columbine, Babington, Magee, M'Neal, and Campbell, Ensigns Beckwith, Morgan, and Reynolds, Quarter-Master Begham, Surgeon Dilpach, and Surgeon's-Mate Macdonald, were wounded and taken prisoners. The few officers and men of the regiment who escaped from the field of battle proceeded to Alcira, a strong town on the river Xucar, where they joined the cavalry with which the Earl of Galway had made good his retreat; and the approach to the town being by almost inaccessible mountains, they halted a few days to re-organise the army. On the advance of the French and Spanish forces commanded by the Duke of Orleans, the Earl of Galway placed a garrison in Alcira, and removed to _Tortosa_, and the SIXTH were among the troops which encamped on the banks of the river Ebro, about two miles above the city. Meanwhile many of the men who had been taken prisoners, escaped and returned to their regiments; detachments were called in, and the troops took up a position beyond the Ebro. On the 22nd of May the French light cavalry appeared on the hills; on the following day their army encamped against the town, and the SIXTH were engaged in the defence of a small village and _tête de pont_ to the bridge of boats, which last post was held for several days. The enemy having passed the Ebro, the regiment was removed to Tarragona, and subsequently to Las Borgues. The Duke of Orleans having besieged _Lerida_, some arrangements were made to attempt to relieve the garrison, and the army encamped within a few miles of the town; but a sufficient number of troops could not be assembled to enable the Earl of Galway to attack the besieging army with any hope of success. After the surrender of the castle, the regiment marched back to Tarragona for winter quarters, and its ranks were completed by drafts from the second foot and other regiments which were ordered to return to England to recruit. [Sidenote: 1708] During the winter the Earl of Galway proceeded to Portugal, where he remained in a diplomatic capacity. The British troops in Spain were commanded by Major-General Carpenter, and in the spring of 1708 by Major-General Stanhope--afterwards Earl Stanhope: the united English, Germans, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Dutch, comprising the army of King Charles in Spain, were commanded by Marshal Count Guido de Staremberg, an officer who had commanded the imperial troops in Hungary. After quitting their quarters the SIXTH were encamped on the river Francoli, between Monblanco and Tarragona, to defend a defile leading to the plain near the town: they brought about eight hundred officers and men into the field, and their weather-beaten, hardy, and warlike appearance excited admiration. In a letter from the army, dated 23rd of April, 1708, and published at the time, it was stated:--"We cannot yet give any certain account of the number of our forces, but those we have are the finest in the world: such are the regiments of SOUTHWELL (SIXTH) commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Hunt; that of Blood (seventeenth), commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Bourguet; and that of Mordaunt (twenty-eighth), commanded by Colonel Dalziel[28]." The regiment was subsequently stationed with the army at Constantino, from whence it proceeded to Cervera; and while in the field, its colonel, WILLIAM SOUTHWELL, was succeeded by Colonel THOMAS HARRISON, who was performing the duty of adjutant-general to the British troops in Catalonia. Tortosa and Denia were besieged and taken by the enemy; the allies captured the fertile island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean; and the SIXTH were withdrawn from the army in Catalonia to engage in an expedition, under Major-General Stanhope, against _Minorca_, the second of the Balearic islands, situate in the Mediterranean, near the coast of Spain. This island had fallen successively under the Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Moors, Arragonese, and Castilians; and the object of the expedition was to rescue it from King Philip, and place it under the dominion of King Charles. The regiment marched from the camp to Barcelona, where it embarked on board the fleet. The land forces consisted of the SIXTH, and a few dismounted English dragoons, making 750 private men; 760 English marines, 750 Portuguese, 700 Neapolitans, 300 Spaniards, and a train of English artillery, commanded by Major-General Stanhope and Brigadier-General Wade. A landing was effected on the island in the middle of September: Cuidadella, the capital, and fort Fornellia, were captured with little opposition, and the inhabitants declared in favour of King Charles; but a thousand French and Spaniards garrisoned _Port Mahon_, situated on a rocky promontory, very difficult of access on the land side, and defended by _Fort St. Philip_, erected at the entrance of the harbour, which has been stated to be one of the finest in the world. After dragging the artillery along rocky and difficult roads, the siege of _Fort St. Philip_ was commenced; the artillery destroyed two small towers, and made a practicable breach in the outer wall, which was built a quarter of a mile from Fort St. Philip, and, extending from sea to sea, covered the approach to the citadel. Major-General Stanhope intended that the breach should be stormed on the following day; but the grenadiers of the SIXTH, and another corps, being on duty near the spot, rushed forward with such ardour and intrepidity, that the garrison was terrified and dismayed. Ascending the breach sword in hand, they overpowered all opposition, captured a redoubt, and, being supported by a detachment under Brigadier-General Wade, effected a lodgment at the foot of the glacis. A battery was constructed immediately, and the garrison was so confused and alarmed at the fury and resolution of their assailants, that they capitulated on the following day (29th of September); but when, on marching out, they saw the small body of men to whom they had surrendered, they were ashamed of having given up so strong a fortress. Thus this valuable island was captured with the loss of about forty men; and the SIXTH foot and other troops were honoured with the thanks and approbation of King Charles, and of her Majesty Queen Anne. Minorca was garrisoned by English troops, and the SIXTH was one of the corps selected to take charge of this important conquest. [Sidenote: 1709] In the following year Lieut.-General Stanhope having formed a design against Cadiz, embarked two regiments of foot from Minorca, and sailed for Gibraltar, where he expected to be joined by eight battalions of foot and a regiment of dragoons from England; but these troops were so long delayed by contrary winds, that the enterprise was abandoned. The SIXTH proceeded to Barcelona, where they landed, and reposed in quarters in Catalonia until the following spring. [Sidenote: 1710] When the army took the field in the summer of 1710, the SIXTH proceeded to the camp at Balaguer, where they were reviewed by King Charles on the 10th of June. The two claimants to the throne of Spain headed their respective armies, and King Philip had the advantage in point of numbers; but after reconnoitring his adversaries' fortified camp at Balaguer he retired. King Charles moved forward, and on the 27th of July a cavalry action was fought on the grounds near _Almanara_, when upwards of forty squadrons of the enemy's best cavalry, and a brigade of infantry, were overthrown with great slaughter. Harvey's horse (now second dragoon guards), the royal dragoons, and several other corps, gained great honour. The SIXTH foot hastened to the scene of conflict; but the enemy was routed before the infantry had an opportunity to deploy their ranks. Several corps, however, joined in the pursuit, and made great slaughter. This victory gave the allies an ascendancy over their opponents. King Philip called in his detachments and retired, and was followed by the forces under King Charles. In this advance the troops underwent great fatigue and privation with patient resolution and perseverance which redounded to their honour. At the town of Candasmas the soldiers suffered from the scarcity of water and wine. "We were glad to march out of this place" (observes an officer who was present) "on the next morning; but found ourselves in as great distress from the want of water as the day before, till we came to Bacarolos, where we encamped, the enemy still retiring before us. At break of day our army marched on in four columns, in expectation of overtaking the enemy, but we were disappointed, and had to encounter, on our march to Usera on the Ebro, violent thirst and heat, without a drop of water; and to incommode us more, the enemy had set fire to a very long heath we had to pass over. It cannot be conceived what we suffered upon such a march, smothered all the day with clouds of ashes, especially the foot[29]." At night the men reached the banks of the Ebro, and quenched their thirst at the stream. Continuing the march, on the 19th of August they discovered the united French and Spanish forces in order of battle in front of the city of _Saragossa_, and preparations were made to attack the enemy on the following day. Several men, who were so pressed with hunger and thirst as to venture to gather grapes in a vineyard situated between the two armies, were shot by the enemy's out-posts. The enemy's lines extended from the banks of the Ebro to the brow of a steep hill on their right; and the SIXTH, being formed in Major-General Wade's brigade, were destined to attack the enemy's right. The sun had scarcely risen on the morning of the memorable 20th of August, 1710, when the guns of both armies opened a tremendous fire, and the deep tones of the artillery reverberated in the mountains and valleys. The allied army stood prepared for action, and King Charles rode along the ranks to stimulate the officers and men to deeds of heroism. The SIXTH and other war-worn veterans in Wade's brigade excited his Majesty's attention: fatigue and privation had not quenched the native valour which glowed in their breasts and beamed in their sun-burnt countenances, and the King complimented the brigade as he passed. About mid-day, Lieut.-General Stanhope, whose conduct on this occasion excited applause[30], led forward a brigade of cavalry, and commenced the action by a gallant charge on the squadrons on the enemy's right; but the opposing horsemen having a great superiority of numbers, gained some advantage. Six squadrons of Portuguese dragoons in English pay, and clothed in scarlet uniforms, fled from the field; the French and Spanish troopers pursued with eagerness, and imagining they had routed the British cavalry, they concluded that victory was certain; but the British, Dutch, and Palatine foot, opposed to the enemy's right wing, were brought forward, and they soon gave a decisive turn to the fortune of the day. Advancing steadily up the rising ground, the SIXTH, and three other battalions under Major-General Wade, gained the crest of the enemy's position, and while the dragoons fought with deadly fury in the vale below, the four regiments raised a British shout, and rushing upon a brigade of the enemy's foot, broke its ranks with a fearful crash. A few battalions made a resolute resistance, but were overpowered and nearly annihilated. While the SIXTH were fighting on the high grounds on the left, the battle became general along the line; and eventually, King Charles gained a most decisive victory. The wreck of the opposing army fled from the field, leaving twenty-two pieces of cannon, a number of standards and colours, all their baggage, and King Philip's equipage and plate in possession of the victorious allied army. The behaviour of the British troops was applauded: they exhibited thirty standards and colours which they had captured from the enemy, as trophies of their valour; and were thanked by King Charles for the eminent service they had rendered to his cause. Colonel THOMAS HARRISON of the SIXTH was sent to England with the news of this victory to Queen Anne[31]. King Philip fled in consternation and dismay, and the allied army advanced in triumph to the capital. A crisis had arrived, and the destiny of Spain appeared to depend on the speedy advance to Madrid of a body of British and Portuguese troops which were manœuvring on the frontiers of Portugal; but the Portuguese generals disappointed the hopes of the allies, and sent their troops into quarters. Meanwhile King Charles occupied Madrid with a small army; the enemy called to his aid additional troops; new armies and new generals appeared in Spain, and the forces of King Philip were soon so superior in numbers to the allies, that the latter were forced to retire from the capital towards Catalonia. King Charles consulted his own safety and proceeded to Barcelona, accompanied by a detachment of the royal dragoons. The army was pressed by the enemy in its retiring movements; the country people withheld supplies of provisions and forage, and availed themselves of every opportunity to attack small parties and to plunder the baggage. Thus harassed on every side--worn out with the fatigues of a long campaign--in a country hostile to their cause--exposed to inclement weather, and without tents--the condition of the soldiers may be more easily conceived than expressed. On the 6th of December, the SIXTH and several other corps, forming the rear column on the left, under Lieut.-General Stanhope, arrived at the village of _Brihuega_, consisting of about a thousand houses, and situate on the side of a hill near the river. Here the troops halted on the following day, and at the moment when the officers and men were expecting orders to march, the village was surrounded by the French and Spanish forces under the Duke of Vendosme. The English, finding their retreat thus cut off, prepared for a vigorous defence; but unfortunately they had no artillery, and very little ammunition, and the ruinous old wall which surrounded the village was but a feeble bulwark to oppose to a powerful train of artillery. The enemy forced one of the gates with their cannon, made a practicable breach in the wall, and attacked the place by storm. But British courage did not quail before the host of foes by which the village was surrounded; and the enemy was driven back with great slaughter. A second attack was made: eight hundred French infantry gained access to the village, and a sharp conflict was maintained in the houses and streets; and when the English had expended all their ammunition, they hurled bricks, stones, and other missiles from the tops of the houses upon their opponents. But being pent up in a small village by a numerous army, and without ammunition, they were forced to surrender prisoners of war. Such was the fate of two thousand brave men, whose achievements are immortalized in history; and the veterans of the SIXTH, who had so often signalized themselves, were consigned to surveillance and to prison: but their honour was preserved untarnished. [Sidenote: 1711] [Sidenote: 1712] [Sidenote: 1713] [Sidenote: 1714] Lieut.-Colonel John Ramsay and about three hundred officers and men of the regiment were thus made prisoners at the little walled town of Brihuega, in the mountains of Castile; but the officers and men on command and on detachment in the towns through which the army advanced escaped this disaster. The enemy used every means to induce the English, German, and Palatine soldiers, taken prisoners, to enlist into their service, and withheld provision from such as refused: this, however, proved advantageous to the allies; the soldiers availed themselves of every opportunity to desert the enemy's service, and returned in parties of thirty and forty to their own army.[32] Recruits also arrived from England; the officers and men who remained in captivity were exchanged, and several of the corps were re-organized; but the SIXTH do not appear to have been engaged in any important service in the years 1711 and 1712. On the decease of the Emperor of Germany, King Charles was elevated to the imperial throne; one of the competitors for the crown of Spain was thus removed; a cessation of hostilities took place between the English and French in the campaign of 1712, which was followed by a treaty of peace, called the peace of Utrecht; and the SIXTH proceeded to Ireland. [Sidenote: 1715] [Sidenote: 1716] After the decease of Queen Anne, and the accession of King George I., several alterations were made in the army, and Colonel Harrison was succeeded in the command of the SIXTH by Colonel ROBERT DORMER, from the lieut.-colonelcy of the first troop (now first regiment) of life-guards, by commission dated the 7th of March, 1716. [Sidenote: 1717] [Sidenote: 1718] [Sidenote: 1719] During the rebellion of the Earl of Mar, and the alarm occasioned by the proceedings of the courts of Spain and Sweden in favour of the Pretender, the SIXTH remained in Ireland; but when the rash and unjust proceedings of the Spanish minister, Cardinal Alberoni, involved Great Britain and France in a war with Spain, the regiment was selected to form part of an expedition against the coast of Spain. The capture of Sardinia and the invasion of Sicily by the Spaniards was followed by a naval war in the Mediterranean; and the British government projected the capture of Corunna in Biscay, and of Peru in South America. The attack on Corunna was first determined on; and the SIXTH formed part of a land-force of four thousand men, placed under the orders of General Viscount Cobham for this service. The troops embarked in the beginning of September, 1719; but, on arriving off the coast of Gallicia, circumstances occurred which occasioned the attack on Corunna to be laid aside, and an attempt on _Vigo_ determined on. The fleet entered the harbour of Vigo on the 29th of September, and seized on seven ships, three of which were fitting up as privateers; on the following day the grenadiers landed on the south side of the river, three miles above the town; a sharp fire of musketry was opened upon them from the mountains, but at too great a distance to produce effect, and the battalion companies having gained the shore, the troops passed the night under arms. On the 1st of October the army approached the town, and encamped with its left to the sea near the village of Boas, and its right extending towards the mountains; abundance of wine being found in the houses, which were left without inhabitants, the soldiers drank freely, and it was found necessary to enforce strict discipline to prevent irregularities. The town of Vigo, and fort St. Sebastian, were abandoned by the enemy and taken possession of by Brigadier-General Honeywood, with eight hundred men. A thousand Spaniards retired to the citadel, and held out; but after a heavy battery had opened its fire, and the garrison had lost nearly three hundred men, the lieut.-governor surrendered. Two thousand barrels of powder, eight thousand muskets, and fifteen fine brass guns, which had been prepared for the invasion of Britain in favour of the Pretender, were found in the castle: the troops in garrison were also part of the force which had been selected to serve in the expedition under the Duke of Ormond. While the siege of the castle of Vigo was in progress, five hundred men were detached against _Rondondella_, and they captured and burnt the town. A thousand men embarked under Major-General Wade, on the 12th of October, and, proceeding to the upper end of Vigo bay, landed and marched thirty miles to _Pont-a-Vedra_; thirteen companies of Spaniards in garrison fled in a panic; the country was thrown into confusion, and the principal inhabitants hurried from their homes. The town of Pont-a-Vedra, the arsenal, barracks for two thousand men, thirteen pieces of brass, and eighty-six of iron ordnance, five thousand small arms, three hundred barrels of powder, and abundance of other stores, were captured. The arsenal, barracks, and Fort Marine, four miles from Pont-a-Vedra, with the iron ordnance, were destroyed; the more valuable stores were removed on board the transports, and the detachment returned to Vigo. The king of Spain, being oppressed on every side, his sources exhausted, and his projects defeated, dismissed his turbulent minister and made pacific overtures. A treaty of peace was concluded before the projected expedition against Peru was undertaken, and the SIXTH were again stationed in Ireland. [Sidenote: 1720] [Sidenote: 1738] On the 9th of April, 1720, Colonel Robert Dormer was succeeded in the command of the regiment by his brother, Colonel JAMES DORMER, from the fourteenth dragoons, who was promoted in February, 1738, to the first troop of horse grenadier guards: the colonelcy appears to have remained vacant until November following, when it was conferred on Lieut.-Colonel JOHN GUISE. [Sidenote: 1739] [Sidenote: 1740] The regiment was withdrawn from Ireland in the autumn of 1739, and, after its arrival in England, another war between Great Britain and Spain having become inevitable, its establishment was augmented, and it was ordered to hold itself in readiness to proceed on foreign service. A formidable armament was prepared for the attack of the Spanish colonies in the West Indies, and the land forces were placed under the orders of General Lord Cathcart, a nobleman of approved courage and experience in war. The troops having embarked in October, 1740, sailed under the convoy of a naval force commanded by Sir Chaloner Ogle; and the colonel of the SIXTH, JOHN GUISE, was appointed to serve as brigadier-general in the expedition. This regiment did not form part of the first embarkation, but it was subsequently ordered to proceed to the West Indies to reinforce the troops employed in this enterprise. A tempest dispersed the fleet, consisting of about one hundred and seventy sail, in the bay of Biscay; but the greater part of the vessels were re-collected and proceeded on the voyage. Arriving at the neutral island of Dominica, to provide wood and water, the troops sustained the loss of their gallant leader, Lord Cathcart, who died of dysentery; and the command devolved on Brigadier-General Thomas Wentworth. [Sidenote: 1741] On arriving at Jamaica in January, 1741, the expedition was joined by Vice-Admiral Vernon; but the season of the year for active service in the West Indies was fast passing away, and several circumstances concurred to create further delay. At length an attempt on _Carthagena_, the capital of an extensive and wealthy province in the country of Terra Firma in South America, was resolved upon; and, although this place was found strongly fortified, and the garrison reinforced by the crews of a squadron of large ships, commanded by Don Blas de Leso; yet, the fleet having silenced several small forts, eight regiments landed on the 10th of March, on the island of Tierra Bomba, near the mouth of the harbour, and commenced the siege of the principal fort, or castle, called _Bocca-chica_. On the evening of the 25th of March the grenadiers mounted the breach to storm the fortress, when the Spanish garrison fled, and the place was captured without loss. Two channels having been made through the sunk vessels with which the Spaniards had blocked up the entrance of the harbour, the troops and artillery were re-embarked, and commenced landing, on the 5th of April, near the city. The country round Carthagena was found covered with trees and herbage of the most luxuriant growth, and the interwoven branches formed a shelter impenetrable both to heat and light; as the troops, led by Brigadier-General Blakeney, advanced along a narrow defile, several men were wounded by shots from the tracts and openings into the wood; and, on diverging from the defile, six hundred Spaniards were seen advantageously posted to dispute the passage: but they were speedily driven from their ground, and the British bivouacked within a mile of the castle of _St. Lazar_, which commanded the town. The men passed three nights in the open air, for want of tents and tools, which could not be landed sooner, and the health of the soldiers was in consequence seriously injured. As the men were fast diminishing in numbers from hard duty and the effects of climate, Brigadier-General Wentworth resolved to attack _St. Lazar_ by escalade; to which dangerous experiment he was urged by Vice-Admiral Vernon, who accused him of want of resolution. Twelve hundred men, commanded by Brigadier-General Guise, stormed the enemy's intrenchments under the walls of the fort, and though assailed by a heavy fire of musketry, the grenadiers, led by Colonel Grant, rushed forward with astonishing bravery, and leaping into the lines among the thickest of their adversaries, carried the works in gallant style. The Spaniards fled over a drawbridge into the fort; the British pursued under a heavy fire, and called for the ladders to storm the works; but so hot was the fire, that the Americans who carried the ladders threw them down and fled back to the camp. Meanwhile the soldiers were exposed to a most destructive fire, and were unable to cover themselves: at length three ladders were brought forward, and a serjeant and ten grenadiers mounted the walls, but were instantly cut to pieces, excepting the serjeant, who saved himself by leaping down again. Several of the ladders were found too short; it was ascertained that, owing to a guide having been killed, the attack was made on the strongest part of the works; Colonel Grant fell mortally wounded; and after sustaining a most destructive fire for several hours with intrepidity and perseverance, the troops were ordered to retreat, having lost six hundred men in killed and wounded. This repulse was followed by the violent periodical rains, the country was deluged with water, and the change of atmosphere (which is always attended with epidemical distempers and the climate becomes extremely unhealthy) produced the most fatal effects. The soldiers were so drenched with rain, and their health so seriously impaired, that they re-embarked, and all hope of further success immediately vanished. The admiral was blamed for not stationing four or five of his large ships within pistol-shot of the town, when the troops advanced to attack fort St. Lazar; and if this had been done (Smollett observes), "in all probability the town would have surrendered." After re-embarking, the distempers peculiar to the climate produced great havoc among the soldiers. Smollett states,--"Nothing was heard but complaints and execrations: the groans of the dying, and the service for the dead: nothing was seen but objects of woe and images of dejection." Such are the sufferings often endured by the British soldier in the various countries to which he is called upon to proceed, and are generally borne with exemplary fortitude. The forts and castles of the harbour of Carthagena having been demolished, the fleet sailed to Jamaica; and subsequently to the south-east part of the island of Cuba, where the soldiers landed, and a camp was formed twenty miles up one of the large rivers of this island. At this camp the SIXTH were stationed some time, and it was in contemplation to form a British settlement on this part of Cuba; the country was reconnoitred, detachments were sent out, and the Spanish villages were found deserted. For a short time a plentiful supply of fresh provisions was procured; but the men were afterwards rationed with salt and damaged meat and biscuit, and their numbers were so reduced by sickness, that in November they were put on board again, and re-conveyed to Jamaica. [Sidenote: 1742] [Sidenote: 1745] The SIXTH, having suffered severely from the effects of climate, returned to England in December, 1742, and commenced recruiting their numbers. They subsequently proceeded to Scotland, where they were stationed in the summer of 1745, when Charles-Edward, eldest son of the Pretender, raised his standard in the Highlands, and asserted his father's pretensions to the throne. The head-quarters of the SIXTH were at Aberdeen; two companies were at Inverness, which has been termed the capital of the Highlands, being the only town of importance north of Aberdeen; three companies were at Fort Augustus, situated on a plain at the head of Loch Ness, between the rivers Tarff and Oich, and built at the spot where they discharge themselves into the lake; a strong party, commanded by Captain Millar, occupied Fort William, which was built in the reign of King William III., in a plain on a navigable arm of the sea, called Loch Eil, near the influx of the Lochy and Nevis, in the county of Inverness; a serjeant's party occupied a redoubt at Ruthven; and a working party was employed on the newly-constructed roads in the Highlands. While in these quarters information was received of the arrival of the Pretender's eldest son with a few Scottish and Irish adventurers on the coast of Lochabar, and of their being joined by a number of Highlanders, under their respective chiefs. The news of this bold and hazardous undertaking was at first disbelieved, but Captain SWEETMAN of the regiment, walking out from Fort Augustus to gain information, entered an inn in the Highlands, where he was surrounded by eight rebels and conveyed a prisoner to the young Pretender's camp. There he was civilly treated, and suffered to go away on his parole; one of the Pretender's manifestos was given him, with a passport directed to all sheriffs, sheriff-deputies, and constables in Scotland, and signed _Charles Pr. Custos Reg._ After his release Captain Sweetman proceeded by post to London, where he was examined by the Privy Council, and the tidings of the rebellion were no longer doubted. The working parties of the SIXTH and other corps were then ordered to rejoin their regiments. The young adventurer having assembled about fifteen hundred men, encamped in the neighbourhood of Fort William: two newly-raised companies, of the regiments of St. Clair and Murray, proceeding to Fort William, were attacked by a body of mountaineers, and after a resolute resistance, the soldiers, having expended all their ammunition, were forced to surrender. Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope, the commander-in-chief in Scotland, assembled the disposable force under his orders at Stirling, and advanced towards the road leading through the Highlands to Inverlochy, taking with him a thousand arms, in the expectation of being joined at Crieff by a body of well-affected Highlanders. A detachment of the SIXTH accompanied Sir John Cope in this advance through a wild country, where the soldiers were obliged to take their provision with them, and being disappointed of the Highlanders, the spare arms were sent back for want of carriage. On arriving at Dalwhinnie,--the place where the Fort Augustus and Inverness roads meet, information was received that the rebels were in force in a position in the winding of the road up the mountain, of such difficult approach and natural strength, that it was thought impossible to force it, and the soldiers, having only two days' provision with them, retired by Ruthven to Inverness. A veteran serjeant of the regiment, named MOLLOY, and twelve men were left in charge of the little fort at _Ruthven_, which they defended against the rebel host with such distinguished bravery, that the following letter from this brave man to Sir John Cope deserves a place in this memoir. "_Ruthven Redoubt, 30th August, 1745._ "HON. GENERAL, "This goes to acquaint you, that yesterday there appeared in the little town of Ruthven about three hundred of the enemy, and sent proposals to me to surrender this redoubt upon condition that I should have liberty to carry off bag and baggage. My answer was, '_I was too old a soldier to surrender a garrison of such strength without bloody noses_.' They threatened hanging me and my men for refusal. I told them I would take my chance. This morning they attacked me about twelve o'clock (by my information) with about a hundred and fifty men: they attacked fore-gate and sally-port; and attempted to set sally-port on fire with some old barrels and other combustibles, which took place immediately, but the attempter lost his life by it. They drew off about half an hour after three. About two hours after they sent word to me that two of their chiefs wanted to talk to me; I admitted and spoke to them from the parapet: they offered conditions; I refused; they desired liberty to carry off their dead men; I granted. There are two men since dead of their wounds in the town, and three more they took with them, as I am informed. They went off westward about eight o'clock this morning; they did the like march yesterday in the afternoon, but came back at night-fall. They took all the provisions the poor inhabitants had in the town, and Mrs. M'Pherson, the barrack-wife, and a merchant of the town, who spoke to me this moment, and who advised me to write to your honour, and told me there were above three thousand men, all lodged in the corn-fields west of the town, last night, and their grand camp is at Dalwhinnie. They have Cluny M'Pherson with them prisoner, as I have it by the same information. I lost one man, shot through the head by foolishly holding his head too high over the parapet. I expect another visit this night, I am informed, with their pateraroes; but I shall give them the warmest reception my weak party can afford. I shall hold out as long as possible. I conclude, honourable general, with great respect, "Your most humble servant, "J. MOLLOY, SERJT. 6TH.[33]" From Inverness Lieut.-General Sir John Cope marched to Aberdeen, where he embarked the troops in transports, in order to proceed by sea to Leith, to oppose the progress of the rebels southwards; and two companies of the SIXTH, commanded by Captains Pointz and Holwell, were employed in this service. Arriving at Dunbar, on the 16th of September, they landed on the south side of the Firth, and, to their great mortification and disappointment, learnt that the rebel highlanders and their adventurous chief had gained possession of Edinburgh, towards which city Sir John Cope commenced his march on the 19th of September. Information having been received of the approach of a rebel force of very superior numbers, the King's troops took up a position a short distance to the east of the village of _Preston-pans_, near the sea, and seven miles from Edinburgh. Several changes of ground were made as the rebels menaced various parts of the line; but the attack was delayed, and the soldiers passed the night under arms: the two companies of the SIXTH, and eight companies of Lascelles' (forty-seventh) regiment, formed one battalion, and were posted in the right centre of the front line[34]. About three o'clock on the morning of the 21st of September, large bodies of rebel Highlanders were seen in motion, and before day-break a chosen band of these hardy mountaineers was discovered through the thick atmosphere, moving like a dusky phantom swiftly along the undulating grounds to attack the right. As they drew near they raised a dismal yell, fired a volley, threw down their muskets, and rushed sword in hand upon the troops which guarded the artillery. The sudden advance of the Highlanders in the dark, their superior numbers, and peculiar mode of fighting, struck with dismay the two hundred soldiers appointed to guard the artillery on the right, who saw themselves assaulted by more than three times their own numbers, and as they caught the gleam of steel flashing in their faces, they gave way and fled. The two hundred and fifty dragoons on the right, seeing the artillery lost, became disheartened; they advanced to charge a large mass of Highlanders; but observing the disparity of numbers, they were seized with a panic and galloped out of the field. Their conduct damped the courage of the infantry, and the panic spread from rank to rank; but several companies made resistance, and feats of valour were nobly displayed by individuals and small parties; all semblance of order was, however, soon lost, and a confused rout ensued. The two companies[35] of the SIXTH were among the troops who resisted the Highlanders; Captain Hollwell was killed; Captain Pointz was surrounded, dangerously wounded, and taken prisoner; Lieutenants Cumming and Paton, and Ensigns Wakeman and Irwine, were also made prisoners; and the two companies had nearly every man either killed, wounded, or taken prisoner: such were the disastrous results of this battle, that of the King's forces, not more than one-half escaped from the field. The prisoners were removed to Edinburgh, and afterwards to the Highlands. [Sidenote: 1746] With the advance of the rebels into Derbyshire, their precipitate retreat back to Scotland, and the battle of Falkirk, the services of the SIXTH are not immediately connected; but in the early part of 1746, after the Duke of Cumberland had forced the young Pretender to raise the siege of Stirling castle, and to retreat to the Highlands, the three companies of the regiment stationed in _Fort Augustus_ were besieged by the rebel army. As the young Pretender had obtained a train of artillery, and the services of a few French officers and engineers, the reduction of the fort was not a difficult operation, and the three companies were made prisoners: the works were afterwards blown up and abandoned by the enemy. [Sidenote: 1747] A lieutenant and about fifty men of the regiment had, in the mean time, assembled at Edinburgh: some of these men had escaped from captivity, others were the remains of the two companies which had fought at Preston-pans, and they were directed to proceed, by forced marches, to Inverlochy, and throw themselves into _Fort William_: a drummer and three men of the regiment, who were made prisoners at Fort Augustus, also escaped from custody and took refuge in Fort William. In March, 1746, the enemy besieged the fort, and the garrison made a most resolute defence. By a well-directed fire from the works, by sallies and other devices, with the co-operation of a small naval force, the enemy was forced to raise the siege and retire. This success was followed by the overthrow of the rebel army at Culloden, which extinguished the hopes of the Pretender, and the insurrection was thus finally suppressed. The officers and men of the SIXTH were liberated from captivity, the companies in garrison were relieved, and the regiment proceeded to England to recruit its numbers, where it remained for six years. [Sidenote: 1751] In the warrant of King George II., bearing date the 1st of July, 1751, for regulating the uniform, colours, and distinctions of regiments, the facing of the SIXTH was directed to be of DEEP YELLOW. "The first colour to be the great Union; and the second to be of deep yellow, with the union in the upper canton; in the centre of the colours the ANTELOPE, being the ancient badge of the regiment, and in the three corners of the second colour the _rose and crown_. The front of the grenadier caps to be of deep yellow, with the antelope, as in the colours; the little flap to be red, with the white horse, and motto, _Nec aspera terrent_, over it; the back part of the cap to be red, and the turn-up deep yellow. The same badge of the antelope to be painted on the drums and bells of arms, with the rank of the regiment underneath." [Sidenote: 1753] [Sidenote: 1755] [Sidenote: 1756] The SIXTH were employed on home duty until the winter of 1753, when they embarked for Gibraltar to relieve the thirty-second regiment; and they were employed on garrison duty at that important fortress during the whole of the Seven years' war. Hostilities commenced in America in 1755, and in 1756 a French armament, commanded by Marshal Duke of Richelieu, invaded the island of Minorca, in the capture of which the SIXTH took so distinguished a part in 1708; and a detachment of the regiment was held in readiness to proceed to Port Mahon to reinforce the garrison. This service was, however, delayed; and Lieut.-General Fowke, who commanded the forces at Gibraltar, was dismissed the service for neglecting to strengthen the troops in Minorca by a battalion from his garrison. [Sidenote: 1763] After the peace of Fontainebleau the SIXTH were relieved from duty at Gibraltar, and returned to England, where they arrived in the summer of 1763. Two years afterwards they proceeded to Scotland. [Sidenote: 1765] On the 14th of June, 1765, the colonelcy was conferred by King George III. on Major-General William Rufane, from the half-pay of the seventy-sixth foot (a corps raised in 1756, and disbanded after the peace in 1763), in succession to General Guise, deceased. [Sidenote: 1769] [Sidenote: 1772] The regiment left Scotland in 1769, and was stationed in England during the three succeeding years: in October, 1772, it embarked for the West Indies, to assist in reducing to submission to the British government the refractory Charibbees in St. Vincent. This island was ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of 1763, and was found to contain two tribes of natives, called the red and black Charibbees; the former being the aborigines, and the latter having sprung from a cargo of African slaves who escaped from a vessel which was wrecked on the island. The Charibbees were found devoted to the French interest, and were dangerous and troublesome neighbours to the English planters. A resolution was taken to restrain their ambulations to a smaller range in the island, and to enforce obedience to several necessary regulations: and if this was found impracticable, to remove them to some other island, or to the continent of Africa. The Charibbees were, however, of a resolute spirit: they possessed many thickly-wooded fastnesses, and they resisted the attempt to restrict the indulgence of their roving propensities and mode of life so powerfully, that it was found necessary to augment the military force on the island. [Sidenote: 1773] Soon after arriving at St. Vincent the SIXTH lost their colonel, Lieut.-General RUFANE, who died on the 14th of February, 1773, and was succeeded by Lieut.-General JOHN GORE from the sixty-first regiment: this officer died in November following, when his Majesty conferred the colonelcy of the SIXTH on Lieut.-General Sir WILLIAM BOOTHBY, Baronet, from the fiftieth foot. [Sidenote: 1774] The regiment was employed in operations against the Charibbees of St. Vincent; several skirmishes occurred among the thickly-wooded parts of the country, and a few men were killed and wounded in the bush-fighting which took place daily. At length the natives were reduced to submission, and an agreement was concluded with their chiefs in February, 1774, by which further hostilities were prevented. Having reduced the two refractory tribes to submission, the SIXTH and forty-eighth regiments were stationed at the Charibbee islands until after the breaking out of the war of independence in North America. [Sidenote: 1775] [Sidenote: 1776] [Sidenote: 1777] Hostilities commenced in 1775, when the establishment of the SIXTH was augmented from ten companies of thirty-eight private men each, to twelve companies of fifty-six private men each. In the following year they were withdrawn from the West Indies, and joined the army commanded by Lieut.-General Sir William Howe at New York. The health of the soldiers had, however, been impaired by their residence in a tropical climate, and after transferring a few men to other corps, they returned to England, where they arrived in March, 1777. [Sidenote: 1778] [Sidenote: 1779] [Sidenote: 1780] During the summer of 1778, the regiment was encamped, with the twenty-fifth, sixty-ninth, seventy-ninth, and ten militia corps, at Warley, under the orders of Lieut.-General Pierson. In the following year the regiment was encamped at Coxheath, with the fourteenth, fiftieth, sixty-fifth, sixty-ninth, and sixteen corps of militia; and in 1780 it was encamped at Rye, under Major-General Sloper. [Sidenote: 1782] In 1782 county titles were given to regiments, in order to facilitate the procuring of recruits; and the SIXTH were designated the FIRST WARWICKSHIRE regiment: at the same time the officers were directed to cultivate a connection with that division of the county, so as to create a mutual attachment between the inhabitants of Warwickshire and the regiment. [Sidenote: 1783] The SIXTH had previously proceeded to the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, from whence they were removed to Ireland in the autumn of 1783. [Sidenote: 1786] On the 5th of May, 1786, the regiment embarked from Ireland for North America, to relieve the seventeenth at Nova Scotia, and was stationed in that island for several years. [Sidenote: 1787] [Sidenote: 1792] General Sir William Boothby, Baronet, died at Bath on the 15th of April, 1787, and was succeeded in the colonelcy of the SIXTH by Lieut.-General LANCELOT BAUGH, from the fifty-eighth regiment; after whose decease in 1792, Sir RALPH ABERCROMBY was appointed colonel of the SIXTH, from the sixty-ninth regiment. [Sidenote: 1793] While the regiment was stationed in Nova Scotia a revolution took place in France, and in 1793 the King and Queen were beheaded. The dangerous doctrines of liberty and equality extended to the French West India islands, and the SIXTH were withdrawn from Nova Scotia and employed in delivering these valuable possessions from the power of the republican government. [Sidenote: 1794] The forces engaged in this enterprise rendezvoused at Barbadoes in January, 1794, under the orders of General Sir Charles Grey, K.B. (afterwards Earl Grey), and the battalion companies of the SIXTH constituted part of the third brigade, the flank companies being formed in grenadier and light infantry battalions. A landing was effected at three different points on the island of _Martinico_ in the early part of February, and after some sharp fighting, in which the SIXTH had about half a dozen men killed and wounded, this valuable possession was delivered from the power of republicanism. Sir Charles Grey observed in his public despatch:--"The spirit, unanimity, and perseverance of the navy and army never were more conspicuous; nor has more cordial co-operation ever been manifested between his Majesty's naval and land forces. In a word, the general, and field-officers, and the commanding officers of corps, have set such an example of zeal, activity, and animation in this service, which has been so laudably imitated by all the officers and soldiers of this little army, that they merit the greatest praise." From Martinico the grenadiers under Prince Edward (afterwards Duke of Kent), the light infantry under Major-General Thomas Dundas, with the SIXTH, ninth, and forty-third regiments, commanded by Colonel Sir Charles Gordon, re-embarked on the 30th of March, and arriving at _St. Lucia_ on the 1st of April, completed the conquest of that fine island in three days. A detachment of the regiment was next employed in the reduction of the island of _Guadaloupe_: a determined resistance was made by the enemy, but the island was captured before the end of April, and Sir Charles Grey declared in his public despatch, that he "could not find words to convey an adequate idea, or to express the high sense he entertained, of the extraordinary merit evinced by the officers and soldiers in this service." Although the extension of revolutionary power in Europe engaged the attention of the regicide government of France, yet the loss of these valuable colonial possessions was not regarded with indifference, and an expedition was fitted out at Brest for the recovery of the conquered islands. In June a body of French troops arrived at Guadaloupe, and the doctrines of liberty and equality were so successfully disseminated among the mulattoes and blacks, that they quickly flocked to the republican standard. The posts occupied by the British were attacked, and in October the whole island, except Fort Matilda, was re-captured by the French. This fort was defended by the troops under Major-General Prescott until December, when it was evacuated. The SIXTH had several men killed and wounded in the defence of Guadaloupe, and had also Lieutenant Ekins wounded. [Sidenote: 1795] The regiment having sustained considerable loss from the effects of climate, transferred its service-men to the ninth foot, and embarked for England, where it arrived in July, 1795, and landed at Portsmouth, from whence it proceeded into Warwickshire to recruit. In this service it was not, however, very successful, in consequence of having transferred a number of Warwickshire men to the ninth regiment in the West Indies. The regiment marched to Southampton in September, for the purpose of embarking for Gibraltar; but the order was subsequently countermanded, and it returned to Warwickshire to re-commence recruiting. In November of the same year Sir Ralph Abercromby was removed to the seventh dragoon guards, and the colonelcy of the SIXTH was conferred on Prince WILLIAM FREDERICK, afterwards Duke of Gloucester. [Sidenote: 1796] Ireland being, at this period, in a state bordering on rebellion, the SIXTH, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Colin Campbell, were ordered to proceed to that country. They embarked at Bristol in February, 1796, landed at Waterford, and in May proceeded to Kilkenny. The French directory cherished a decided antipathy to the British government, and sent a body of troops to Ireland to aid the malcontents in an appeal to arms. In December, when the French armament appeared in Bantry Bay, the SIXTH marched to oppose the enemy, who returned to France without effecting a landing. [Sidenote: 1797] [Sidenote: 1798] The regiment returned to Kilkenny in January, 1797, from whence it marched in April to Loughlinstown, near Dublin, where a considerable force was assembled in huts: it was subsequently encamped in Phœnix Park, Dublin, and being very weak in numbers, it was united to the first light infantry battalion in October it returned to its huts at Loughlinstown; and in the early part of 1798, marched to Nenagh, and subsequently to Galway. The long-suppressed rebellion broke out in May, 1798, and Ireland became the scene of conflagration, rapine, and bloodshed, the conduct of the insurgents being of the most cruel and inhuman character. The SIXTH, and light battalion attached to them, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Colin Campbell, were employed in suppressing this unnatural warfare. Scarcely was this accomplished, when the French directory endeavoured to revive the contest by sending General Humbert with about a thousand men to Ireland; and Major Macbean, with eighty men of the SIXTH (who were not attached to the light battalion) formed part of the force sent against the French. In the action at _Castlebar_, on the 27th of August, the eighty men of the SIXTH were the last that quitted their ground; their commanding officer, Major Macbean, was taken prisoner by the French and very cruelly treated; but he escaped a few days afterwards and joined the regiment at Tuam. The French having been surrounded and made prisoners, the rebellion was finally suppressed, and the regiment passed the winter at Moate and Athlone, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Bowes. [Sidenote: 1799] Tranquillity having been restored in Ireland, the regiment embarked at Cork in June, 1799, for Canada, and landed on the 14th of October at Quebec, where its ranks were completed by a draft from the third battalion of the sixtieth regiment. [Sidenote: 1803] The SIXTH remained at Quebec until 1803, when they proceeded, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Bowes, up the country to Montreal, Kingston, and St. John's. [Sidenote: 1804] [Sidenote: 1806] In 1804 a second battalion was added to the regiment, and was embodied at Liverpool, under the superintendence of the colonel, His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. It was formed of men raised in the county of Lancaster for limited service, under the additional force act, passed on the 29th of June, 1804; and was placed on the establishment of the army from the 25th of December, 1804. In the same year the first battalion returned to Quebec, from whence it embarked, in 1806, for England: it landed at Portsmouth on the 7th of September, and marched to Deal barracks, where it was joined by the second battalion. His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester was removed in May, 1806, to the third foot-guards; and the colonelcy of the Sixth was conferred on Major-General Sir GEORGE NUGENT, Baronet, from the sixty-second regiment. [Sidenote: 1807] The first battalion having been completed to the war-establishment by drafts from the second, marched, in October, to Dover Castle; and in January, 1807, returned to Deal. In April following it embarked for Gibraltar, where it arrived on the 2nd of June, in a very complete and efficient state, and it passed the succeeding twelve months at that important fortress. [Sidenote: 1808] While the SIXTH were in garrison at Gibraltar, the tyrannical proceedings of Bonaparte in Portugal and Spain, and the resistance which he met with in those countries, induced the British Government to aid the patriots in their endeavours to shake off the French yoke; and in June, 1808, this regiment, mustering upwards of eleven hundred men, was placed under the orders of Major-General Brent Spencer, with the view of being employed in this service. For some time, however, the point at which a landing should take place was not decided, and the troops appeared first off Ceuta, then proceeded to Cadiz, subsequently to Lisbon, and back to Cadiz. At length circumstances occurred which induced Major-General Spencer once more to proceed to the vicinity of Lisbon, where he learnt that Lieut.-General Sir Arthur Wellesley had arrived, with eight thousand men from Ireland, in the Mondego river, and immediately proceeded thither to join him. Having landed on the shores of Portugal, the SIXTH were formed in brigade with the thirty-second regiment, under Brigadier-General Bowes; the advanced guard quitted the banks of the Mondego river, on the 9th of August, and on the 17th attacked the French under General Laborde in their position at _Roleia_. On the morning of this day, which is memorable for being the first of a series of victories gained by the British troops in the Peninsula, the SIXTH issued from Obidos, a town with a Moorish castle, built on a gentle eminence in the middle of a valley, and, directing their march to the left, gained the ridge of heights on the enemy's right. They formed part of the left column of attack under Major-General Ferguson, destined to turn all the enemy's posts on the left of the valley, and the right of his post at Roleia; also to oppose the efforts of a body of French troops under General Loison, should they arrive from Rio Major during the action. The heights were cleared, the column descended from the higher grounds in the rear of the centre, and joining Brigadier-General Fane's brigade, were directed through the mountains to outflank the French right. Meanwhile the troops which attacked the enemy's centre were triumphant; the SIXTH and other corps in the left column turned his right flank, and he fell back fighting to the Quinta de Bugaliera, and soon after four o'clock the action had ceased. The SIXTH were not seriously engaged: their only loss was Captain John Currey and two men wounded, and one man missing; but their gallant bearing, and eagerness to engage their adversaries were conspicuous, and they were rewarded with the honour of bearing the word "ROLEIA" inscribed on their colours. On the 19th of August the SIXTH marched into position at _Vimiera_, a village near the sea-coast, and situate in a valley through which runs the little river Maceira; and the regiment was one of the corps posted on a large mountain which commenced at the coast. At seven o'clock on the morning of the 21st of August a cloud of dust was observed beyond the nearest hills, and soon afterwards the French army, commanded by Marshal Junot, was seen advancing in order of battle. The SIXTH, and several other corps, were directed to cross the valley behind the village, and to take post on another height, which overtopped the hill in front of the village; and, before the regiment reached the summit, the battle had commenced. A sternly contested action among rugged rocks and broken grounds ended in an entire defeat of the French army; and the SIXTH were rewarded with the honour of bearing the word "_Vimiera_" inscribed on their colours. These successes were followed by the convention of Cintra, and the British soldiers saw their gallant efforts succeeded by the deliverance of Portugal from the power of the enemy. On the departure of the French, the SIXTH marched up the country to the strong fortress of Almeida, situate on the river Coa, in the province of Beira, where they remained in garrison four months. [Sidenote: 1809] In the mean time reports were circulated of the insurrection against the French, and it was affirmed that enthusiastic multitudes of Spaniards were pressing forward from every quarter to complete the destruction of the legions of Napoleon, which were stated to be baffled, dispirited, and on the eve of quitting Spain. Although the accounts given by the Spaniards of their own strength and power were absurdly exaggerated, yet the British government, placing some confidence in the immense numbers of the patriots, and in the goodness of their cause, sent Lieut.-General Sir John Moore with an army into Spain to aid them in their laudable exertions to effect their emancipation; and the SIXTH were withdrawn from Almeida to take part in this hazardous enterprise. After passing the frontiers of Portugal and pushing forward boldly into Spain, the British troops met with disappointment and disaster. Bonaparte had passed the Pyrenees with a powerful army, and rushing like a tempest upon the undisciplined multitudes of patriots, he quickly broke, destroyed, and dispersed them; then bending his course to Madrid, entered the capital in triumph. Little remained to be done to complete the conquest of Spain, but the destruction of the army of Britons, who, by long and toilsome marches through a difficult country, had ventured to menace his lines, and were the only troops in Spain capable of resisting his veteran legions. Quitting Madrid, he advanced with an immense army capable of enveloping and of swallowing up the handful of British troops; but Sir John Moore, with his characteristic energy and skill, withdrew towards the coast, and escaped the toils of his adversary. The SIXTH were nearly eight hundred strong; they were commanded by Major Gordon, and were brigaded with the ninth, twenty-third, and forty-third regiments, under Major-General Beresford: they suffered most severely in the long and harassing retreat over mountains and rivers, through narrow defiles, and along roads covered with snow; but on arriving at _Corunna_, the men obtained shelter in the neighbouring villages and recruited their wasted strength. While the troops were waiting the arrival of transports, the French army approached, and, on the 16th of January, 1809, was fought the hard-contested battle of _Corunna_, in which British valour and endurance were conspicuously displayed, and this disastrous expedition was terminated by a glorious victory, which reflected lustre on the British arms; but the officers and soldiers had to lament the loss of their gallant leader, Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, who was mortally wounded during the heat of the action. After this victory the troops embarked for England: the SIXTH were one of the last corps which went on board the transports, having lined the walls of Corunna during the embarkation; and, on arriving in England, it was ascertained that they had lost about four hundred men in this arduous enterprise, in which they earned the honorary distinction of bearing the word "CORUNNA" inscribed on their colours. The regiment remained in England until the middle of July, when the first battalion, having been completed to its establishment by drafts from the second, embarked with the expedition against Holland commanded by Lieut.-General the Earl of Chatham. In the siege and capture of Flushing and the reduction of the island of Walcheren, the regiment had only Ensign Addison and a few men wounded; but when the Walcheren fever broke out among the troops, its ranks were thinned by the ravages of that pestilential disease. The object of the expedition having been frustrated by delays, the island was evacuated; and in December the SIXTH returned to England so reduced in numbers, and the sick men so numerous, as to be unable to furnish the usual reliefs of the ordinary regimental guard. [Sidenote: 1810] [Sidenote: 1811] [Sidenote: 1812] In August, 1810, the first battalion embarked at Dover, for Ireland, and was stationed at Cork and Kinsale until October, 1812, when it embarked for the Peninsula. Previous to going on board the transports it was inspected by Lieut.-General Sir John Hope, the Commander of the Forces in Ireland, who was pleased to express himself much gratified at witnessing the high state of discipline, and the general appearance and efficiency of the corps. The SIXTH, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Archibald Campbell, arrived at Corunna on the 28th of October; but as the allied army, commanded by Field-Marshal the Marquis of Wellington, had evacuated Madrid, and was retiring from Burgos upon Salamanca, the transports again put to sea, and proceeded to Lisbon, where the regiment landed on the 15th of November, on which day it was joined by four hundred men from the second battalion at Jersey. [Sidenote: 1813] After halting a short period at the capital of Portugal, the regiment marched up the country to join the allied army; and taking the field in May, 1813, had the honour of serving in one of the most brilliant campaigns on record, in which the legions of Buonaparte were overthrown in a pitched battle, the barrier of the Pyrenees was forced, and the victorious British soldiers trod the soil of France in triumph. The SIXTH, with a provisional battalion (formed of the second battalions of the Twenty-fourth and Fifty-eighth regiments), and the light infantry of the Brunswick Oels, composed the brigade of Major-General Edward Barnes, in the seventh division commanded by Lieut.-General the Earl of Dalhousie. The Marquis of Wellington appeared at the head of a magnificent and well-appointed army, and, after passing the frontiers of Portugal, the tide of war, directed by the comprehensive mind of so able a commander, flowed onwards with majestic violence: formidable positions were turned; the rivers Esla, Tormes, Carion, Pisuerga, Arlanzan, and Ebro, were crossed in succession; and the obstructions of rocks, mountains, and deep ravines were overcome with a facility which bespoke the ability of the commander and the excellent quality of the troops serving under his directions. As the allied army advanced, the enemy fell back in tumult and disorder, evacuating strong posts without firing a shot, destroying defensive works, and calling in detachments with precipitation, until his forces were concentrated in the valley of _Vittoria_, where he prepared to make a resolute stand. On the morning of the memorable 21st of June, 1813, the SIXTH moved from their camp on the river Bayas, and traversed the mountains in the direction of _Vittoria_, to engage in the attack of the enemy's formidable position; but so rugged was the country, and the tracts along the hills so difficult, that the battle was raging with great violence when the division, led by the Earl of Dalhousie, arrived at their appointed station. They were, however, in time to take part in forcing the passage of the Zadora; and the seventh division, with one brigade of the third, having passed the river, formed the left of the British line, and were engaged with the French right in front of the villages of Margarita and Hermandad. Finally a complete and most decisive victory was gained. The conduct of the Earl of Dalhousie and his division was commended in the public despatch; the commanding officer of the SIXTH, Lieut.-Colonel Archibald Campbell, was presented with a gold medal, and the gallantry of the regiment was rewarded with the honour of bearing the word "VITTORIA" inscribed on its colours. The SIXTH moved forward in pursuit of the wreck of the French army in the direction of Pampeluna; but were subsequently detached against a division of the enemy under General Clausel, who was not at the battle, and had taken post at Logroño, from whence he made a precipitate retreat to Saragossa, and effected his escape by the pass of Jaca. After returning from this enterprise the regiment penetrated the _Pyrenean_ mountains; and the light and seventh divisions occupied the heights of Santa Barbara, the town of Vera, and the Puerto de Echalar, and communicated with the troops in the valley of Bastan. The French army, having been re-organised under Marshal Soult, attacked the British posts on the 25th of July. The SIXTH, with the remainder of their brigade, moved forward to support two brigades of the second division which had been forced from their ground at the head of the valley of Bastan, and the enemy was driven back with loss. But the brigades in Roncesvalles having been obliged to retire, the troops in the valley of Bastan also fell back to a very strong post in the mountains behind Irueta. The regiment lost several men on this occasion, and had Major Gomm and Ensign Radcliff wounded. Its conduct, with that of the other corps engaged, was commended by the Marquis of Wellington, who observed in his despatch:--"Notwithstanding the enemy's superiority of numbers, they acquired but little advantage over these brave troops during the seven hours they were engaged. All the regiments charged with the bayonet." From Irueta the SIXTH retired with their division to the Lizasso, and on the 29th of July took post in the mountains near Marcolain, to connect the operations of the main body of the army with Lieut.-General Sir Rowland Hill's corps. Some sharp fighting took place in the mountains on the following day. The SIXTH were engaged in carrying the height which separated the enemy's right flank, and had Lieutenant Sandys and several men wounded. When Marshal Soult found himself frustrated in his attempt to relieve Pampeluna, and retired with the main body of his army, leaving a strong corps in an excellent position in the pass of Donna Maria, the SIXTH moved forward in pursuit, and, with the remainder of the seventh division and Sir Rowland Hill's corps, ascended the two flanks of the mountain on the 31st of July, and dislodged the enemy in gallant style. The army continued to press on the rear of the French, and the fourth and seventh divisions proceeded by the valley of the Bidassoa towards the frontiers of France. The SIXTH, with the remainder of the Earl of Dalhousie's division, marched on the morning of the 2nd of August a distance of ten miles over mountains and ridges, along paths frequented only by shepherds and wild goats, from Sumbilla towards the Puerto de Echalar, where two French divisions were found in a formidable position on the height, with nearly the whole of their army posted behind the Puerto. The division was in advance, and the enemy appeared in force. But military ardour, with confidence in the prowess of the officers and men, occasioned the prudential caution of waiting the arrival of additional troops to be disregarded, and Major-General Barnes formed his brigade for the attack. The SIXTH composed more than half the brigade: having received drafts regularly from the second battalion on home service, they appeared a fine and gallant body of men, all eager to engage their opponents. The provisional battalion and Brunswickers forming the remainder of the brigade, though inferior in numbers, were animated with the same spirit as the SIXTH, and the gallant Major-General Barnes led the three battalions up a ridge which it appeared almost madness to have attacked. The officers and men, ascending the heights with cheerful alacrity, confronted, with firm and steady ranks, their numerous opponents, and advanced to the charge with that determined resolution for which Britons have been celebrated, and which occasioned a distinguished officer to say, "Barnes set at the French as if every man had been a bull-dog, and himself the best bred of all." It was a moment of trial: the innate bravery of the officers and men was put to the test; but by a powerful effort, in which the national character was eminently displayed, they forced the two divisions of the enemy from these formidable heights, and were pursuing their victorious career, when orders were received to halt. The Marquis of Wellington witnessed this brilliant achievement with feelings of exultation, and expressed his admiration in terms which occasioned the following order to be issued immediately. "_Heights above Echalar, half-past three o'clock,_ _2nd August, 1813_. "DIVISION ORDER.--The Lieutenant-general has just been desired by Lord Wellington to say to the brigade under Major-General Barnes' command, that '_Their attack on the enemy is the most gallant, and the finest thing he ever witnessed_.' These were the words of the Commander of the forces, and Lord Dalhousie feels the highest satisfaction in communicating them to Major-General Barnes, the officers, and men." In his public despatch, the Marquis of Wellington observed:--"Major-General Barnes's brigade was formed for the attack, and advanced before the fourth and light divisions could co-operate, with a regularity and gallantry which I have seldom seen equalled, and actually drove the two divisions of the enemy, notwithstanding the resistance opposed to them, from those formidable heights. It is impossible that I can extol too highly the conduct of Major-General Barnes and these brave troops, which was the admiration of all who were witnesses of it."[36] On this memorable occasion, of which every officer and soldier of the SIXTH may be justly proud, the regiment had Captain William Brownlow, two serjeants, and thirteen rank and file killed; Major Guy Campbell, Lieutenants Everest, Tarleton, and Addison, four serjeants, and one hundred and thirty-six rank and file wounded. Majors Guy Campbell, Hugh Maurice Scott, and Henry Gomm were promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and the regiment was rewarded with the honour of bearing the word "PYRENEES" inscribed on its colours. The SIXTH were stationed several weeks in the lofty Pyrenean mountains: the corps at Roncesvalles and Maya stood in a most commanding situation, and the Marquis of Wellington resolved to place his left in an equally menacing position, by dispossessing the enemy of some strong ground on the right of the _Bidassoa_, the key of which was a steep mountain, called La Rhune. The attack was commenced on the 7th of October, and completely succeeded. A detachment of the SIXTH, sent forward through the Puerto de Echalar, was partially engaged, and had Captain Shawe and one man killed; Captain Rogers, one serjeant, and five rank and file wounded. In the attack of the enemy's position on the _Nivelle_, on the 10th of November, the SIXTH were in the column under Marshal Sir William Beresford, which carried the redoubts on the left of the enemy's centre; advanced on the left of the river upon St. Pé; crossed the stream at that place, and drove a body of French from the heights beyond the village: in which service the regiment had one man killed and six wounded; and its gallant bearing was rewarded with the privilege of displaying the word "NIVELLE" on its colours. In the passage of the _Nive_, and the actions of the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th of December, the regiment co-operated, but was not brought into contact with the enemy; and the army afterwards went into quarters until the severity of the weather was abated. [Sidenote: 1814] Operations were, however, recommenced in February, 1814, and the regiment formed part of the corps under Sir William Beresford, who attacked, on the 22nd of that month, the fortified posts at _Hastingues_ and _Oyergave_, and obliged the enemy to retire within the _tête de pont_ at Peyrehorade. The enemy being in position at _Orthes_, the SIXTH, and other corps under Sir William Beresford, crossed the Gave de Pau on the morning of the 26th of February, and moved along the high road from Peyrehorade towards Orthes. On the following day they advanced to attack the enemy's right, on the heights on the high road to Dax, and at the village of St. Boes. The village was carried by the fourth division; and the SIXTH advanced in column to turn the head of a ravine between themselves and the enemy; but on emerging from the village they were ordered to form line. Colonel Ross's brigade of horse artillery came up at full speed and unlimbered in the rear of the regiment, when sections were thrown back to permit the fire of the artillery to pass through the line. The ground was, however, so low that the troops could not deploy to attack the heights. The SIXTH moved forward, and in the after descent of the back of the ravine the French fire told heavily on the regiment. Several officers and many men fell; Lieut.-Colonel Gardiner, of the SIXTH[37], who commanded the brigade on this occasion, had his horse killed under him while leading the regiment forward, and as a serjeant and a private were extricating him from under the animal, the private was shot through the chest and died instantly, and the serjeant's hands were both pierced by musket-balls: one of the colour-staves was also damaged by a ball. At this moment the Marquis of Wellington came galloping past the regiment, and cried, "SIXTH, incline to your right;" which was obeyed; but the ground was so rugged, and the enemy's fire so heavy, that some confusion took place: the road was, however, boldly gained; and from a ditch and earthen bank the regiment opened a destructive fire on the enemy, who were in line on each flank, and, some kneeling and others lying on the ground, kept up a heavy cross fire. Meanwhile the left of the height on which the enemy's right stood had been carried; Sir Rowland Hill had also forced the passage of the Gave above Orthes; and the troops opposed to the SIXTH eventually gave way, when the regiment moved forward in pursuit. The regiment lost, on this occasion, Lieutenants Patullo and Scott, five serjeants, and nineteen rank and file killed; Captains Rogers, Thompson, Smith, and Fitzgerald, Lieutenants Jones, Craufurd, and Gilder, with Ensigns St. Clair and Blood, sixteen serjeants, one drummer, and a hundred and four rank and file wounded. Colonel Gardiner, who commanded the brigade, and Lieut.-Colonel Scott, who commanded the regiment, were presented with gold medals; and the word "ORTHES" was inscribed on the regimental colours as a testimony of its gallantry. On the 8th of March the regiment was detached, with other forces under Sir William Beresford, towards _Bourdeaux_: the French troops in garrison withdrew to the right of the Garonne, and on the 12th of that month, as the British approached the town, they were met by the civil authorities and population of the place, and were received into the city with acclamations; the magistrates and city-guards removing the tri-coloured and displaying the white cockade. The SIXTH were subsequently employed against the French troops on the Garonne and Dordogne; and on the 5th of April two companies attacked the rear of a column of the enemy and took many prisoners. The regiment was afterwards employed in investing the fort of Blaye, which commanded the navigation of the Garonne; in which service it was engaged when Buonaparte abdicated the throne of France, and the Bourbon dynasty was restored, which gave peace to Europe. The distinguished part which the SIXTH had taken in the splendid achievements by which the kingdoms of Portugal, Spain, and France had been delivered from the despotic rule of Buonaparte was rewarded with the honour of bearing the word "PENINSULA" on their colours. Soon after the termination of the contest in Europe they were destined to transfer their services across the Atlantic, to take part in the war between Britain and the United States of America, which commenced in 1812, in consequence of the resistance of the Americans to the British orders in council respecting the trade of neutral nations, and to the impressing of British seamen on board of American ships. The regiment embarked from Bourdeaux on the 5th of May, arrived in Canada in the beginning of July, and proceeded to Montreal, from whence it was removed to the Niagara frontier to reinforce the division commanded by Lieut.-General Gordon Drummond, who was engaged in the siege of _Fort Erie_. Having joined this division of the army, the SIXTH formed part of the reserve brigade; and on the 6th of September the eighth company, commanded by Captain Pattison, cut off a strong piquet of Americans close under the walls of the fort, in a manner very creditable to the discipline, spirit, and enterprise of the officers and men. On the 17th of the same month the regiment was engaged in repelling a very bold sortie made by a numerous body of Americans, with the view of carrying by assault, and afterwards destroying, the British works and batteries; on which occasion the following order was issued:-- "_Camp before Fort Erie, 18th September, 1814._ "DISTRICT GENERAL ORDER.--Lieut.-General Drummond, having received the report of the general officer in the immediate direction of the troops engaged yesterday, begs to offer his best acknowledgments for their very gallant conduct in repulsing the attack made by the enemy on our batteries with his whole force, represented as consisting of not less than five thousand men, including the militia. "The brilliant style in which the battery No. 2 was recovered, and the enemy driven beyond our entrenchments by seven companies of the Eighty-second, under the command of Major Proctor, and three companies of the SIXTH regiment, detached under Major Taylor, excited Lieut.-General Drummond's admiration, and entitle those troops to his particular thanks." Thus the SIXTH were triumphant in the interior of France and on the frontiers of Canada in the same year, and their gallantry on the last occasion procured for them the royal permission to bear the word "NIAGARA" inscribed on their colours. This honour was, however, purchased with the loss of many lives: Captain Pattison was numbered among the slain; Captain Smith and Lieutenant Andrews were wounded, and the last-mentioned officer died of his wounds. A treaty of peace having been concluded with the Americans, hostilities ceased, and the SIXTH reposed a short period in quarters. [Sidenote: 1815] In the summer of 1815, the return of Buonaparte to France having rekindled the flame of war in Europe, the SIXTH were directed to embark from America, in order to engage once more in actual warfare. They left Canada in the beginning of July, landed at Ostend on the 10th of August, and proceeded to Ghent, from whence they continued their march to Paris, and joined the army commanded by Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington, encamped near that city. The SIXTH, sixteenth, fifty-eighth, and eighty-second regiments formed the fifteenth brigade, and were posted in the seventh division, commanded by Major-General Thomas Brisbane. When the definitive treaties between France and the allied powers were settled, the SIXTH were selected to form part of the army of occupation in France, and constituted, with the twenty-ninth and seventy-first regiments, the sixth brigade of infantry, under Major-General Sir Thomas Bradford, in the second division, commanded by Lieut.-General Sir Henry Clinton. The SIXTH were quartered at Versailles, from whence they marched, in December, to Ecouen, a village on the road from Paris to Luzarches. On the 24th of December, 1815, the second battalion was disbanded at Winchester. [Sidenote: 1816] The SIXTH remained in the neighbourhood of Ecouen until the 23rd of January, 1816, when they marched for St. Pol in the _Pas de Calais_, and in February three companies occupied Lillers, and seven the adjacent villages. In August, 1816, the regiment proceeded to the vicinity of St. Omer, and encamped, with the remainder of the second division of the British contingent of the army of occupation, on Helfant Heath. In October it proceeded to the plains of Denain, near Valenciennes, where the British contingent was reviewed by Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington on the 22nd of that month. After the review the regiment returned to its former cantonments at Lillers and the neighbouring villages. [Sidenote: 1817] [Sidenote: 1818] The SIXTH were again encamped on Helfant Heath in July, 1817; in September they pitched their tents on the glacis of Valenciennes, near the Quesnoy gate; and on the 6th of that month were reviewed, with the remainder of the British infantry, by the King of Prussia. They removed in October to the plains of Denain, where the British contingent was reviewed by the Duke of Wellington on the 15th of October; on the 20th the SIXTH returned to their former quarters at Lillers, &c. In these quarters they remained until June, 1818, when they once more pitched their tents on Helfant Heath, where they were reviewed by Lieut.-General Lord Hill on the 24th of June, and by the Duke of Wellington on the 31st of July. In August they again pitched their tents on the glacis at Valenciennes. On the 10th of September the British, Saxon, Danish, and Hanoverian armies, commanded by the Duke of Wellington, were reviewed by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent; and on the 23rd of October, the same troops, and also the Russian contingent, were reviewed by the Emperor of Russia, King of Prussia, &c. After the review, the army of occupation was withdrawn from France. The SIXTH embarked at Calais on the 29th of October, landed on the morning of the 30th at Dover, and marched to Romford in Essex, where the establishment was reduced to ten companies, of thirty-nine officers, thirty-five serjeants, thirty corporals, twenty-two drummers, and six hundred and twenty private men. [Sidenote: 1819] [Sidenote: 1820] From Romford the SIXTH marched in November to Sunderland and Carlisle, and in June, 1819, to Edinburgh Castle, with one company detached to Stirling, another to Aberdeen, and in the autumn a company was detached to Berwick. In consequence of the disturbed state of the northern counties of England, seven companies were ordered into Yorkshire--four companies proceeding to Leeds, and three to Halifax: the company left at Berwick arrived at Halifax, and the two companies left at Edinburgh at Leeds, in January, 1820. At an inspection on the 27th of April following, Lieut.-General Sir John Byng expressed his approbation of the appearance, discipline, and interior economy of the regiment; and also at the inspection on the 22nd of May, 1821. [Sidenote: 1821] The SIXTH remained at Leeds and Halifax until June, 1821, when they proceeded to Hull, and embarked for the island of St. Helena. Two companies had sailed for their destination when information arrived of the death of Napoleon Buonaparte in exile at St. Helena. The remainder of the regiment then proceeded to the Downs, where its destination was changed to the Cape of Good Hope, and after a tedious voyage arrived on the 3rd of November at Table Bay, where it was joined by the two companies from St. Helena. Having landed, the regiment was inspected by Lieut.-General Sir Rufane Donkin, K.C.B., at Cape Town, and was commended for its appearance, conduct, and efficient state--its effectives being only one man less than on its embarkation from England. After remaining a few days on shore, five companies, under Brevet-Major Rogers, re-embarked and sailed to Algoa Bay, from whence they proceeded to Graham's Town, and marched from thence to several posts and forts along the frontier line. The establishment had, in the mean time, been reduced to eight companies of thirty-three officers and six hundred and eighteen non-commissioned officers and private soldiers. [Sidenote: 1822] In January, 1822, the head-quarters, under Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Scott, embarked from Cape Town, and arrived at Graham's Town towards the end of the same month; at the same time Lieut.-Colonel Scott took the command of the troops on the frontier line of Caffreland. The regiment was stationed along the frontiers, and was much employed in patrolling and other duties to prevent the aggressions of the natives. When not thus occupied, the men were engaged as labourers and artificers at the government works. [Sidenote: 1823] In October, 1823, the flank companies proceeded to Cape Town, and were followed by the head-quarters in November. Colonel Mark Napier, having arrived at the Cape, assumed the command of the regiment; Lieut.-Colonel Scott was nominated commandant at Simonstown, and the command of the six companies left on the frontiers of Caffreland devolved on Captain Cox. [Sidenote: 1824] [Sidenote: 1825] In August and September, 1824, four companies were withdrawn from the frontiers and joined the head-quarters: in January, 1825, the regiment was inspected at Cape Town by Lieut.-General Lord Charles Henry Somerset, who was pleased to express himself much gratified at witnessing its good appearance after being so long detached, and the men employed in working parties. The regiment had in the mean time been placed on the India establishment; and the usual augmentation of officers arrived at the Cape of Good Hope in March, 1825. On the 22nd of March it embarked at Table Bay on board the Windsor and Vansittart, Indiamen, and landed on the 31st of May at Bombay. It occupied the barracks at Fort George, and, Colonel Napier having been appointed commandant of the fort and garrison, it was commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Scott. It was inspected on the 9th of June by Major-General Samuel Wilson, of the Hon. East India Company's service, who expressed himself much pleased with the steady and veteran appearance of the men, and particularly commended its interior economy. In June, 1825, the establishment was augmented to a thousand and eight rank and file. During that and the following months the regiment suffered severely from the cholera morbus, which carried off many of the finest and strongest men: the mortality was particularly great among the women and children. At the close of the rainy season, in September, the regiment was suddenly ordered from Bombay to form part of a field-force assembling at Cutch, with a view to the invasion of Scinde, between the umeers of which country and the Bombay government serious differences had arisen, in consequence of the incursions of a tribe of Mayanas on the Cutch frontier. The regiment embarked from Bombay on the 21st of September, four hundred and sixty-eight strong, landed at Mandavie, in the gulf of Cutch, between the 10th and 15th of October, and marched towards Bhooj, the capital, beyond which city it pitched its tents, on the 2nd of November, near the village of Juruck, where eight thousand men were assembled under the command of Colonel Mark Napier of the SIXTH. It was formed in brigade with the Twenty-first regiment of Sipahees and the flank companies of the second Bombay European regiment, under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel Scott of the SIXTH; and the command of the regiment devolved on Major Algeo. On the 3rd of December the troops moved from Juruck to the neighbourhood of Raddiapoor, and, Colonel Napier being obliged to leave the army from indisposition, the command devolved on Lieut.-Colonel Scott of the SIXTH. While at this camp six officers and seventy-seven fine recruits, from Yorkshire and Lancashire, joined the regiment. [Sidenote: 1826] In January, 1826, the army removed to Madapoor; in February it encamped near the fort and city of Bhooj; and, in March, the umeers of Scinde having yielded to the demands of the Bombay government, the regiments were ordered back to their different stations. The SIXTH embarked from Mandavie on the 20th and 21st of March, in pattimars (small craft with open decks); arrived at the presidency on the 26th and 30th of that month, and occupied the barracks on the little island of Colaba. Its loss from sickness, during the first six months after its arrival in India, was one officer and sixty-nine men, and forty-one invalided. Brevet-Major Thompson, Lieutenant Gordon, and one hundred and forty-six recruits, joined from England in the beginning of May; and, at the inspection on the 18th of that month, Major-General Wilson commended the appearance and orderly conduct of the regiment in quarters, which he repeated at the inspection on the 14th of December. During the year 1826 the regiment lost four officers and fifty men. [Sidenote: 1827] Lieut.-Colonel Scott, commandant of the fort and garrison of Bombay, inspected the regiment on the 3rd of May, 1827, and expressed his satisfaction at its appearance and condition. On the 8th of that month six officers and one hundred and eighty men joined from England. The decease of Lieut.-Colonel Scott occurred in October following, and Major Algeo of the SIXTH assumed the command of the fort and garrison of Bombay, until the arrival of Colonel Henry Sullivan in November, when Major Algeo resumed the command of the regiment. Colonel Sullivan inspected the regiment on the 15th of December, and every department met with his approval. During the year 1827 the regiment lost two officers and forty men; and invalided twenty-three men. [Sidenote: 1828] Seven officers and two hundred and eleven men joined from England in May, 1828. During the heavy rains many men were carried off by the cholera morbus; in the month of July alone the SIXTH lost fifty-eight men from this disease. This was a year of general sickness all over India; but at no station did any regiment suffer so much as the SIXTH on Colaba island; their loss being two officers and one hundred and twenty one men, and they sent sixty-two invalids to England. [Sidenote: 1829] The very sickly state of the regiment, from its having been stationed during four monsoons at Bombay, occasioned it to be removed to the more healthy station of Poona in the Deccan: it embarked from Colaba on the 6th of February, 1829, landed at Panwell on the opposite coast in the evening, and marched for Poona, where it arrived on the 17th, and was stationed in the lines then recently occupied by the twentieth regiment. The health of the men began to improve rapidly, and in a few months the SIXTH were one of the most healthy and efficient corps in India. In May one hundred and thirty-five volunteers from the forty-seventh regiment joined the SIXTH in camp at Poona; and at the inspection, on the 10th of June, Major-General Sir Lionel Smith, K.C.B., expressed himself much gratified with the appearance and efficiency of the corps. The loss from disease during this year was thirty-two men. [Sidenote: 1830] The condition of the regiment was also much commended by Sir Lionel Smith at the inspections in January and June, 1830. In July the flank companies were ordered to be completed to one hundred rank and file each, under the command of Captain Murphy, with the second or Queen's royal, and flank companies of the eleventh and thirteenth native infantry, the whole to be commanded by Colonel Willshire, to march against Ukkulcote; but this fort having surrendered to the troops under the President of Sattara (Lieut.-Colonel A. Robertson, the Resident at the court), the march was countermanded. In December the strength of the regiment was increased by the arrival at the camp at Poona of fourteen volunteers from the first, or the royals, and ninety-two from the eighty-ninth regiment. Its loss from disease this year was three officers and twenty-four men. [Sidenote: 1831] At the inspections in January and June, 1831, Colonel Henry Sullivan, commanding the Poona division, expressed his unqualified approbation of the condition of the regiment. This year it was particularly healthy, its loss being only one officer and eight men; and when inspected in November, by Major-General Sir James Stevenson Barns, K.C.B., commanding the forces in the Bombay presidency, its appearance, discipline, efficiency, and general good conduct in quarters, were commended. [Sidenote: 1832] The regiment remained at Poona during the year 1832, and on the 24th of May, 1832, His Majesty King William IV. was graciously pleased to confer upon it the title of SIXTH, OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT OF FOOT[38]; at which time its facings were changed from yellow to blue. [Sidenote: 1833] [Sidenote: 1834] [Sidenote: 1835] [Sidenote: 1836] [Sidenote: 1837] [Sidenote: 1838] In January, 1833, the regiment was at Panwell, in February it was encamped near Dungah, and in March at Deesa, where it remained during that and the two succeeding years, when it proceeded to Colaba. It was stationed at Colaba during the years 1836 and 1837[39]; and in the beginning of 1838 returned to cantonments at Poona, where it has remained until the end of the year; which brings this record to a conclusion. The formation of the SIXTH, OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT, in 1674, to support the cause of civil and religious liberty in Holland against the power of the ambitious Louis XIV. of France, gives an interesting character to its origin, and also to its early services in support of the Protestant interests. At the Revolution, in 1688, it had the honour to compose part of the army which appeared in England to rescue the country from the dangers by which it was menaced. It aided in delivering Ireland from the power of papacy, and afterwards fought under King William III. in the Netherlands. In the war of the Spanish succession it performed much sharp fighting and arduous duty in Spain. Its services at home, and in the West Indies, have been of an important character. It had the honour to gain laurels under Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, and also under the Duke of Wellington, in Portugal, Spain, and France, and acquired distinction on the distant shores of Lake Erie in North America. During the last eighteen years it has been employed in protecting the British colonial possessions in Africa and Asia, a service from which important commercial advantages are derived by the country. [Illustration: SIXTH (THE ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE) REGIMENT OF FOOT, M DCCC XXXIX.] FOOTNOTES: [6] Then called the _Holland Regiment_, and now the _Third Foot_, or the _Buffs_. [7] A corps of cavalry, and two brigades of infantry, one English, and one Scots, of which the _First_, or _the Royal Regiment_, is the only remaining corps. [8] Boyer's Life of King William III. [9] Return of officers of the Earl of Ossory's brigade killed and wounded at the battle of St. Denis, 14th August, 1678. Killed. | Wounded. --------+--------- The Earl of Ossory's regiment 3 | 10 Colonel Henry Wisely's ditto (now 5th foot) 2 | 10 Sir Henry Bellasis's ditto (6th) 6 | 6 Sir Alexander Colyear's ditto 2 | 4 Major-General Kirkpatrick's ditto 3 | 6 Colonel Hugh Mackay's ditto 4 | 3 --------+--------- Total 20 | 39 --------+--------- [10] Appendix to Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. [11] Appendix to Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. [12] Bishop Burnet. [13] Millan. [14] Appendix to Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. [15] Millan. [16] The pay of the Regiment _for sixty days_, from the 5th June to the 3rd August, 1685, amounting to £1014. 8_s._, was charged in the Accounts of the Army in England. [17] Appendix to Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. [18] Appendix to Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. [19] The first was an English regiment, commanded by Colonel John Hales, and contained ten officers and two hundred soldiers of the Roman Catholic religion; the second was commanded by John Wachop, and contained twelve Roman Catholic officers and about three hundred soldiers, who were principally Scots; and the third was commanded by Roger M'Eligott: it was an Irish corps, and nearly every officer and man was of the Roman Catholic religion. [20] In the list of the Prince of Orange's army published by authority, the regiment, which is now the SIXTH FOOT, is styled "The regiment which was formerly Bellasis's;" in the ephemeral publications of that date it is styled "Babington's regiment." [21] Story's History of the War in Ireland. [22] The original embarkation return of the regiment is preserved among the Harleian Manuscripts, No. 7025. [23] A note acknowledging the receipt of this dish is preserved in the British Museum.--Bibl. Harl., 7025. [24] Carleton's Memoirs. [25] It seems remarkable that the distinguished conduct of Lieut.-Colonel SOUTHWELL of the SIXTH has not been alluded to by many historians who have written accounts of the capture of _Barcelona_: his personal bravery and success were, however, recorded in the "Annals of Queen Anne;" in the "Present State of Europe;" and in a few other works published at the time. [26] Carleton. [27] Effective strength of the British forces in Spain at the time of the battle of Almanza, from the weekly return dated 22nd of April, 1707. AT THE BATTLE Men. Harvey's Horse, now 2nd Dragoon Guards 227 Carpenter's Dragoons, now 3rd Light Dragoons } 292 Essex's ditto, now 4th Light Dragoons } Killegrew's ditto, now 8th Hussars 51 Pearce's ditto, disbanded 273 Peterborough's ditto, ditto 303 Guiscard's ditto, ditto 228 Foot Guards 400 Portmore's, now 2nd Foot 462 Southwell's, 6th ditto 505 Stewart's, 9th ditto 467 Hill's, 11th ditto 472 Blood's, 17th ditto 461 Mordaunt's, 28th ditto 532 Wade's, 33rd ditto 458 Gore's, 35th ditto 616 Alnutts', 36th ditto 412 Montjoy's, disbanded 508 Macartney's, ditto 494 Bretton's, ditto 428 John Caulfield's, ditto 470 Lord Mark Kerr's, ditto 419 Count Nassau's, ditto 422 ---- Total 8910 _In Garrison and Quarters._ Royal Dragoons, at Culera 302 Royal Fusiliers, } at Girone 1200 Two Battalions Marines, } Hotham's, } Sybourg's, } at Alicant 1200 Blossett's, } One Battalion Marines, } Eliott's, } at Gibraltar 800 Watkin's, } Detachments at Denia 200 ---- Total 3702 [28] State of Europe, for June, 1708. [29] Journal of the War in Spain, by a Chaplain of the army. [30] See Lieut.-General Carpenter's letter, published in the Daily Courant of the 16th of September, 1710. [31] Tradition has connected the badge of the ANTELOPE, borne on the colours of the regiment, with its services in Spain; and as the SIXTH captured several colours at SARAGOSSA, which colours were taken to England by their Colonel, THOMAS HARRISON, and presented to Queen Anne, it is not improbable but that an ANTELOPE was on one of the captured colours, and that Colonel HARRISON obtained her Majesty's permission for his regiment to bear the badge of an ANTELOPE in commemoration of the event. No documentary evidence has, however, been met with to substantiate the tradition. [32] The Complete History of Europe, vol. 22, pages 111 and 152. [33] Martial Recorder. [34] The following return of the strength of the King's forces at Preston-pans was published in Douglas' History of the Rebellion: Gardiner's (13th) and Hamilton's (14th) dragoons 567 2 Companies of Guise's (6th) and 8 of Lascelles'(47th) foot 570 5 Companies of Lee's (44th) 291 Murray's (46th) regiment 580 Highlanders 183 ---- Total 2191 [35] In the account of this battle, published by the rebels, it is stated that four companies of the regiment were present. [36] Tradition affirms that the SIXTH formerly bore the Motto of "VI _et_ ARMIS," and on no occasion did the regiment more vigorously support its claim to bear it than at the Heights of Echalar. A pack, bearing that Motto under the Antelope, was preserved by the regiment so late as the year 1825. [37] Now Major-General Sir John Gardiner, K.C.B., Deputy Adjutant-General of the Forces. [38] The SIXTH foot, previous to their being styled "ROYAL," bore on their colours and appointments many "ROYAL" marks of favour, viz. "The Rose and Crown"--"The King's Crest"--"_Nec aspera terrent_"--"The Antelope within the Garter," and motto "_Honi soit qui mal y pense_." See page 68. [39] On the 15th of June, 1837, authority was given for the badge of the "ANTELOPE" being resumed on the coats of the drummers of the SIXTH OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT. SUCCESSION OF COLONELS OF THE SIXTH REGIMENT OF FOOT. SIR WALTER VANE, _Appointed 12th December, 1673_. SIR WALTER VANE, fifth son of the celebrated Sir Henry Vane, secretary to King Charles I., served in the royal cause during the rebellion. He afterwards distinguished himself on the continent, and having acquired the character of a brave and meritorious officer, was advanced to the rank of marshal of the field in the Spanish service. On the decease of Colonel Robert Sidney, in 1668, King Charles II. conferred the colonelcy of the Holland regiment (now third foot, or the buffs) on Sir Walter Vane; who, in the winter of 1673-4, was promoted to the rank of major-general in the English army, and appointed commandant of the British troops in the pay of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, and colonel of one of the English regiments (now SIXTH foot) ordered to be raised for the service of the States-General. He joined the army in the field, commanded by the Prince of Orange, and signalized himself on the 1st of August, 1674, at the battle of Seneffe, where he was mortally wounded. He was interred in the great church at the Hague, and a mural monument was erected in the cloister of the said church, with the following inscription:-- Hic juxta reponuntur exuviae WALTERI VANE, militis, filii quinti; Henrici Vane militis, Carolo Primo Magnae Britanniae Regi A sacris conciliis et secretarii Principal. Qui a serenissimo principe Auriaco Campo præfectus, media inter agmina, forti manu, sed fortiori animo in Prælio Seneffensi Hostium impetum et rabiem repellens, Cæco sed inexpugnabili marte percussus, Montii oppido quod est Hannoniæ Anno Dom. CIƆ.IƆC.LXXIIII Ætatis suæ LV. III Nonas Augusti Invictam ver vulnera reddidit Animam Deo[40]. TRANSLATION. Close to this spot are deposited the remains of WALTER VANE, a soldier, Fifth son of Henry Vane soldier, Privy Councillor and chief secretary to Charles the first, King of Great Britain. He was made marshal of the field, by his serene highness Auriacus. And while repelling, in the midst of his troops, with a brave hand, but with a braver soul, a furious attack of the enemy, at the battle of Seneffe, was struck with a blind, but inevitable blow, and in the town of Montium, which is a town of Hannonia, In the year of our Lord 1674 In the 55th year of his own age On the 3rd day of August, He gave up his soul, unconquered by his wounds, To God. LUKE LILLINGSTON, _Appointed in 1674_. This officer commanded a company in one of the regiments raised by King Charles II, in 1672; after the peace of London his regiment was disbanded, when he proceeded to Holland with a number of men of his company, and entered the Dutch service. He served at the siege of Grave, and during the following winter he was appointed colonel of one of the English regiments raised on that occasion, now the SIXTH foot; but his decease occurred before he attained any higher rank. THOMAS ASHLEY, _Appointed 13th September, 1675_. THOMAS ASHLEY held a commission in the English army previous to the treaty of London in 1674; when his regiment was disbanded, and he entered the Dutch service. He served under the Prince of Orange (afterwards William III.), and towards the end of the campaign of 1675 he was promoted to the colonelcy of a regiment, now the SIXTH foot. He distinguished himself at the siege of Maestricht in 1676, and was at the disastrous battle of Mont-Cassel in the following year. SIR HENRY BELLASIS, KNIGHT[41], _Appointed 3rd April, 1678_. SIR HENRY BELLASIS was educated in strict principles of loyalty and attachment to monarchical government, and though but a youth at the time, he suffered in the royal cause during the usurpations of Cromwell. Soon after the restoration he was appointed captain of an independent company of one hundred men, in garrison at Hull, of which fortress the Lord Bellasis (or Belasyse) was appointed governor; who resigned, in 1673, in consequence of the Test-act, he being a Roman Catholic. In the summer of 1674 Sir Henry Bellasis raised a company of musketeers and pikemen for the service of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, and was engaged at the siege of Grave in the autumn of that year. He also served at the siege of Maestricht in 1676; at the battle of Mont-Cassel in 1677; and in the following spring he succeeded Colonel Ashley in the command of the regiment which is now the SIXTH foot. At the battle of St. Denis, in 1678, he evinced signal valour and ability, vying in feats of gallantry with his commanders the Prince of Orange and the celebrated Earl of Ossory, and was wounded. During the rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth, in 1685, he accompanied his regiment to England; and in 1687 circumstances occurred which occasioned him to withdraw from the Dutch service; but he preserved his attachment to the protestant interest and to the Prince of Orange. In 1689 he succeeded the Duke of Norfolk in the colonelcy of a newly-raised regiment (now twenty-second foot), with which corps he served in Ireland under the veteran Duke Schomberg. He served as brigadier-general under King William in 1690; was at the battle of the Boyne; and at the siege of Limerick, where he again distinguished himself. In 1691 he acquired new honours at the siege of Athlone; he also displayed bravery and judgment at the battle of Aghrim; and on the reduction of Galway he was appointed governor of that fortress, and took possession of the town on the 26th of July, with his own and two other regiments of foot. The rank of major-general was conferred on this distinguished officer in April, 1692, and he commanded a brigade under King William in Flanders, in the autumn of that year. He acquired additional reputation at the battle of Landen, in 1693; also in the command of a brigade under King William during the following campaign; and in October, 1694, his Majesty rewarded him with the rank of lieutenant-general. His meritorious conduct procured him the favour and confidence of his sovereign, by whom he was employed on important services. He commanded the camp on the Bruges canal in May, 1695; and a division of the covering army was placed under his orders during the siege of Namur. At the close of the campaign he was appointed president of the general court-martial which tried the officers who surrendered Dixmude and Deinse to the enemy, and sentenced Major-General Ellemberg to be shot. He continued to serve in the Netherlands until the peace of Ryswick. In 1701 he obtained the colonelcy of the Queen Dowager's regiment (now second foot) in exchange with Colonel Selwyn. In 1702 he was second in command of the British troops in the expedition to Cadiz; and having been charged with participating in the plunder of Port St. Mary, he was tried by a court-martial and dismissed the service. His reputation was thus unfortunately tarnished; but his crime does not appear to have been considered of a heinous nature, as he was subsequently elected a member of parliament for the city of Durham; was appointed by Queen Anne, in 1711, one of the commissioners to inquire into several particulars respecting the accounts of the army in Spain; and in June, 1713, he was appointed governor of Berwick. He died on the 14th of December, 1717. WILLIAM BABINGTON, _Appointed 28th September, 1689_. This officer served with distinction under the Prince of Orange in the Netherlands; he was rewarded with the lieut.-colonelcy of Sir Henry Bellasis' regiment (now SIXTH foot), and in September, 1689, he was promoted to the colonelcy. He commanded the regiment in Ireland; but retired in 1691, and his decease appears to have occurred before he attained any higher rank than that of colonel. GEORGE PRINCE OF HESSE D'ARMSTADT, _Appointed 15th April, 1691_. GEORGE PRINCE OF HESSE D'ARMSTADT descended from an ancient and illustrious family in Germany, and was brother of the reigning landgrave of that name. Having entered the service of the emperor of Germany, he gave early proofs of innate valour in 1685, in the war with the Turks; he also signalized himself in the three succeeding campaigns,--particularly at the famous siege of Negropont; and in 1689 he served against the French with the army on the Rhine, and was wounded at the siege of Bonn, and also at the siege of Mentz. In the following year he visited England, and attending King William during the campaign in Ireland, he was wounded on the evening preceding the battle of the Boyne, by the cannon-ball which grazed his Majesty's shoulder. In April, 1691, the King rewarded him with the colonelcy of the SIXTH foot, and the appointment of brigadier-general on the staff of the army in Ireland, where he highly distinguished himself at the head of the grenadiers at the storming of Athlone; and led his regiment to the charge with surprising intrepidity at the battle of Aghrim, and was wounded. He also added to his rising reputation by his conduct during the siege of Limerick. King William was anxious to reward such distinguished merit, but the Prince, being a Roman Catholic, was not eligible for promotion in the British army: his Majesty, therefore, procured him an appointment in the Spanish service; and having signalized his valour, zeal for the confederate cause, and ability to command, during the siege of Barcelona, in 1697, the King of Spain constituted him viceroy of Catalonia. The Prince quitted Spain on the accession of the Duke of Anjou, in 1701, to the throne of that kingdom, and proceeding to England, was consulted by King William respecting the best mode of recovering that monarchy from the power of the house of Bourbon. He accompanied the expedition commanded by the Duke of Ormond, to Cadiz, in 1702, in the capacity of plenipotentiary from the emperor of Germany; and he was subsequently employed on a mission to the court of Portugal. He had the honour of taking a distinguished part in the capture of Gibraltar in 1704; and the valour, skill, indefatigable industry, and unshaken resolution, with which he afterwards defended that fortress, were commended by the historians of that period. He accompanied the Archduke Charles of Austria in the expedition against Barcelona in 1705, and was killed at the head of the storming party at the capture of Fort Montjuich on the 13th August, 1705. HENRY MARQUIS DE RADA, _Appointed 1st February, 1694_. This nobleman was the son of the Marquis de Montpouillan; he served at the head of the SIXTH foot, under King William, in the Netherlands, and died of a fever at Bruges, in the beginning of the campaign of 1695. VENTRIS COLUMBINE, _Appointed 23rd June, 1695_. VENTRIS COLUMBINE served with reputation under the Prince of Orange in the Netherlands, and was promoted to the commission of major in the regiment which is now the SIXTH foot. He accompanied the Prince in the expedition to England in 1688, but the transport in which he was embarked was captured by the British ship, the Swallow. He was rewarded with the lieut.-colonelcy of the regiment in 1689; served under King William in Ireland, in 1690; and, in 1691, was wounded at the storming of Athlone. He subsequently exchanged to the foot guards; served under King William in the Netherlands, and while engaged in the memorable siege of the strong fortress of Namur he was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment in which he had formerly served with honour to himself and advantage to his Majesty's interest. He served at the head of his regiment in 1702, in the expedition to Cadiz, and was engaged in storming the forts at Vigo; but his decease occurred before he was promoted to a higher command. JAMES RIVERS, _Appointed 2nd November, 1703_. JAMES RIVERS had the honour of serving under King William in Ireland and the Netherlands, and his meritorious conduct was rewarded with the lieut.-colonelcy of the regiment which now ranks as SIXTH foot, with which corps he served in the expedition to Cadiz, and at the storming of the forts at Vigo. In 1703 Queen Anne promoted him to the colonelcy of the regiment; but he only enjoyed that honourable command two years, and died in the winter of 1705-6. WILLIAM SOUTHWELL, _Appointed 6th February, 1706_. This officer entered the army previous to the Revolution in 1688, and rose to the rank of major in the regiment which is now the SIXTH foot. He served in the expedition to Cadiz and at the storming of the forts at Vigo, in 1702; and was promoted to the lieut.-colonelcy in 1703. He commanded the regiment in the expedition under the Earl of Peterborough, in 1705; and his distinguished conduct at the siege of Barcelona (as narrated in the record of the SIXTH foot) was rewarded with the colonelcy of the regiment. He afterwards served in Catalonia and Valencia; but retired in 1708. In 1714 he was appointed commandant of the company of foot-guards armed with battle-axes, and instituted for the guard of the lord-lieutenant of Ireland. THOMAS HARRISON, _Appointed 14th June, 1708_. THOMAS HARRISON served under King William in the Netherlands, and, during the war of the Spanish succession, he was adjutant-general to the British forces in Spain. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in the army on the 6th of February, 1706, and was rewarded with the colonelcy of the SIXTH foot in June, 1708. He was sent to England with the news of the victory at Saragossa in 1710; and after the peace of Utrecht he was employed on the staff of the army in South Britain. ROBERT DORMER, _Appointed 7th March, 1716_. After serving many years in the life-guards, and rising to the rank of lieut.-colonel of the first troop (now first regiment), Robert Dormer was promoted by King George I. to the colonelcy of the SIXTH regiment of foot, which he retained four years. JAMES DORMER, _Appointed 9th April, 1720_. JAMES DORMER entered the army in 1701, and while serving under the celebrated John Duke of Marlborough was promoted to the rank of colonel in the army in 1707, and to that of brigadier-general in 1711. After the decease of Lord Mohun, who was killed in a duel with the Duke of Hamilton, Brigadier-General Dormer was appointed colonel of his Lordship's regiment of foot. This corps was, however, disbanded at the peace of Utrecht; and in 1715 he was commissioned by King George I. to raise, form, and discipline a regiment of dragoons (now the fourteenth light dragoons); from which he was removed, in 1720, to the SIXTH foot. In 1727 he was promoted to the rank of major-general, and in 1735 to that of lieut.-general. In 1738 he was removed to the first troop of horse grenadier guards, the command of which troop he retained until his decease in 1742. JOHN GUISE, _Appointed 1st November, 1738_. JOHN GUISE obtained a practical knowledge of the profession of arms in the wars of Queen Anne; he served many years in the first foot guards, and was promoted to the lieut.-colonelcy of that regiment in 1736. In 1738 King George II. rewarded him with the colonelcy of the SIXTH foot. In 1739 he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, in 1742 to that of major-general, in 1745 to that of lieut.-general, and in 1762 to that of general. He held the appointment of governor of Berwick several years; and died in June, 1765. WILLIAM RUFANE, _Appointed 14th June, 1765_. WILLIAM RUFANE entered the army in 1721, and served many years in the twenty-fourth regiment of foot, of which corps he was appointed major in 1741, and lieut.-colonel in 1751. On the 16th of January, 1761, he was appointed colonel of the seventy-sixth foot, then newly raised; and he served under Lieut.-General Hodgson, at the capture of Belle Isle, and highly distinguished himself. He also served in the West Indies, and was promoted to the rank of major-general on the 10th of July, 1762. In 1763 his regiment was disbanded; and in 1765 King George III. gave him the colonelcy of the SIXTH foot. He was promoted to the rank of lieut.-general in May, 1772, and died in February following. JOHN GORE, _Appointed 19th February, 1773_. The early services of this officer were in the third regiment of Foot Guards, in which corps he was appointed captain and lieut.-colonel in 1750, first major in 1760, and lieut.-colonel in 1761. In 1762 he was promoted to the rank of major-general; in 1768 he obtained the colonelcy of the sixty-first regiment; in 1772 he was advanced to the rank of lieut.-general, and in February of the following year he was removed to the colonelcy of the SIXTH Foot. He died in November, 1773. SIR WILLIAM BOOTHBY, BARONET, _Appointed 18th November, 1773_. Having entered the army in the reign of King George II., Sir William Boothby served with reputation several years, and was promoted on the 19th of March, 1750, to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the thirtieth foot. In 1760 he succeeded General Watson in the colonelcy of the sixty-third regiment, was promoted to the rank of major-general in 1762, was removed to the fiftieth regiment in 1764, and to the SIXTH Foot in 1773; the command of which corps he retained until his decease on the 15th of April, 1787. LANCELOT BAUGH, _Appointed 18th April, 1787_. This officer served many years in the first foot guards, in which regiment he was appointed lieutenant and captain in 1747, and captain and lieut.-colonel in 1758. In 1771 he was promoted to the rank of colonel, in 1777 to that of major-general, and in 1779 to that of lieut.-general. The colonelcy of the SIXTH Foot was conferred by King George III. on Lieut.-General Baugh in 1787; and he retained this appointment until his decease in April, 1792. SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY, K.B., _Appointed 26th April, 1792_. This distinguished officer commenced his military career as cornet in the third dragoon guards in 1756; in 1762 he was appointed captain in the third horse (now sixth dragoon guards), and was promoted to the lieut.-colonelcy of the regiment in 1773. Under his vigilant care and attention to all the duties of commanding officer, his regiment became distinguished as an efficient cavalry corps; and he was rewarded with the rank of colonel in the army in 1780; in the following year he was appointed colonel of the 103d regiment, or King's Irish infantry, which corps was disbanded at the peace in 1783. In 1787 he was promoted to the rank of major-general; and in September, 1790, he was appointed colonel of the sixty-ninth regiment, from which he was removed in 1792 to the SIXTH foot. On the breaking out of the war with France in 1793, he was promoted to the local rank of lieut.-general on the continent, and he held a command under the Duke of York, in Flanders. In this service he highly signalized himself, and his conduct was spoken of in the warmest terms of commendation in his Royal Highness's despatches; particularly his gallantry at the battle of Cateau on the 26th of April, 1794, and in the general attack made on the French posts on the 11th of May following. He also took an active and distinguished part in conducting the unfortunate retreat through Holland, and was wounded before Nimeguen on the 27th of October, 1794. Shortly after his return to England he was sent with an expedition to the West Indies, to complete the deliverance of the French West India islands from the power of the republican government, and to reduce to obedience the insurgents in the islands of St. Vincent and Grenada. In this service he had distinguished success: he took Grenada--obtained possession of the settlements of Demarara and Essequibo--completed the capture of St. Lucia and St. Vincent--and afterwards reduced the Spanish colony in the island of Trinidad, and placed it under the dominion of the British crown. In the mean time he had been appointed to the colonelcy of the Princess Royal's dragoon guards, and created a Knight of the Bath; and in November, 1796, he was removed to the command of the Scots Greys. His distinguished merit was also rewarded with the appointment of lieut.-governor of the Isle of Wight, and the government of Forts George and Augustus. In 1799 he was selected to command the first division of the Anglo-Russian army destined to attempt the deliverance of Holland from the power of France; and in effecting a landing on the 27th of August,--in repulsing the troops assembled to oppose him,--and in gaining possession of the forts of the Helder, which was followed by the surrender of the Dutch fleet, he evinced the abilities of a consummate general and the valour of a hero. He was also successful in the action of the Zyp on the 10th of September. After the arrival of the Duke of York he commanded a division under His Royal Highness with reputation; and in the accounts of the engagements which followed, his conduct was mentioned in terms of the highest praise. After his return from Holland he was appointed to the command of an expedition sent into the Mediterranean. He captured Malta, and appeared before Cadiz; but an epidemic disease raging in the city at the time, the attempt on this fortress was desisted in for fear of infection. He subsequently directed his course towards Egypt, with the view of driving the French army from that country; and while the fleet anchored in the bay of Marmorice, in Asiatic Turkey, he arranged a plan of co-operation with the Turks. In February, 1801, he again put to sea, and on the 8th of March he effected a landing in the bay of Aboukir, and defeated a body of French troops. On the 13th he drove the French from their position beyond Mandora Tower, on which occasion he had a horse shot under him; and on the 19th Fort Aboukir capitulated. On the 21st of the same month he repulsed a furious attack of the enemy on the position which he occupied near Alexandria, and during the action he received a mortal wound which deprived his king and country of his most valuable services. He appears to have been wounded in the early part of the day, but continued in the field giving his orders with that coolness and perspicuity which had ever marked his character, till after the action was over, when he fainted through weakness and loss of blood, and died on the 28th of March, 1801. Thus fell one of the most honourable military men whose lives have been commemorated in history. His character was held up to the admiration of the army in general orders, in which it was observed,--"The illustrious example of their commander cannot fail to have made an indelible impression on the gallant troops, at whose head, crowned with victory and glory, he terminated his honourable career; and His Majesty trusts that a due contemplation of the talents and virtues, which he uniformly displayed in the course of his valuable life, will for ever endear the memory of SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY to the British army. His steady observance of discipline,--his ever-watchful attention to the health and wants of his troops,--the persevering and unconquerable spirit which marked his military career,--the splendour of his actions in the field,--and the heroism of his death,--are worthy the imitation of all who desire, like him, a life of honour and a death of glory." PRINCE WILLIAM FREDERICK OF GLOUCESTER, _Appointed 4th November, 1795_. PRINCE WILLIAM FREDERICK, only son of William Henry Duke of Gloucester, third son of Frederick Prince of Wales, was born at Rome in 1776. His first commission was that of captain and lieut.-colonel in the first foot guards, and was dated the 11th of March, 1789. He held also the rank of colonel in the army. In March, 1794, he proceeded to Flanders to join his company in the first battalion first foot guards, and having a letter of service as colonel on the staff, and to do duty with the army as a general officer, he was appointed to the command of a brigade of infantry of the line, under his Royal Highness the Duke of York. In the general attack of the French positions preparatory to the siege of Landrecies, he was employed in the column under Sir William Erskine, and attacked and carried the village of Premont and the wood on its left, for which he was thanked on the field. In the following month he was appointed colonel of the hundred and fifteenth regiment, then first raised; but he continued to serve with the army commanded by the Duke of York during the remainder of that campaign. In February, 1795, his Highness was promoted to the rank of major-general, and in November following he obtained the colonelcy of the SIXTH regiment of foot. When the attempt was made in 1799 to rescue Holland from the power of France, Prince William Frederick was appointed to the command of a brigade in the Anglo-Russian army commanded by his Royal Highness the Duke of York. In the action of the 19th of September he supported the Russians. Having re-captured the village of Schorel and the wood skirting the village, he pursued the enemy up the sand-hills, and drove them back upon Bergen; and when the army fell back he made good his retreat, bringing off his guns, ammunition, and wounded men in the face of the enemy. On the 24th of September he relieved the reserve, occupying the advanced posts on the left; and on the 4th of October he made a rapid advance to Schermerhorn, and obtained possession of three of the enemy's guns. On the 6th he fell back to his former position, and sustained for some time the attack of a body of the enemy of very superior numbers. When ordered to withdraw, he effected his retreat without loss. His Highness's brigade was also engaged on the 10th of October, and remained in front of the enemy until the army withdrew from Holland. His gallant conduct was rewarded with the rank of lieut.-general on the 13th of November, 1799. He was employed as lieut.-general upon the staff of Great Britain, and had the command of the north-west district from July, 1803, to May, 1807. On the decease of his father in 1805 he succeeded to the title of DUKE OF GLOUCESTER. In May, 1806, he was removed to the colonelcy of the third foot guards, and was promoted to the rank of general on the 25th of April, 1808. His Royal Highness was further advanced to the rank of field-marshal on the 24th of May, 1816. He was governor of Portsmouth, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Military Order of the Bath, and Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. He was a munificent patron of many public charities; and his universal benevolence was the subject of great praise. He died in December, 1834. SIR GEORGE NUGENT, BARONET, G.C.B. _Appointed 26th May, 1806_. London: Printed by W. CLOWES and SONS, Stamford Street. FOOTNOTES: [40] Copied from the monumental tablets in the cloister and great church at the Hague, by the Rev. William Stevens, 1838. [41] This officer's name is frequently spelt BELASYSE. TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, foot-guards, foot guards; States-General, States General; scituate; unoffending; negociations. Pg 42, Sidenote '707' replaced by '1707'. Pg 46, 'tête du pont' replaced by 'tête de pont'. Pg 92, 'on the 22d' replaced by 'on the 22nd'. Footnote 27, 'Mackartney's, ditto' replaced by 'Macartney's, ditto'. End of Project Gutenberg's Historical record of the Sixth, by Richard Cannon *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE SIXTH, OR ROYAL FIRST WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT OF FOOT *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. 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