Title: The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 11, November, 1887
Author: Various
Release date: May 28, 2018 [eBook #57228]
Language: English
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No. 11.
Free from Debt! | 307 |
Death of President Washburn, | 308 |
Negro “Aunt” and “Uncle,” | 309 |
Young Men in the South, | 310 |
Fred Douglass at the Gowden Gate, | 311 |
Paragraphs, | 311 |
The Use of a Life, | 312 |
Forty-first Annual Report of the Executive Committee, | 313 |
Review of the Year, | 324 |
RECEIPTS, | 326 |
Rooms, 56 Reade Street.
Price, 50 Cents a Year, in Advance.
Entered at the Post-Office at New York, N.Y., as second-class matter.
[A]President, Hon. Wm. B. Washburn, LL.D., Mass.
Rev. A. J. F. Behrends, D.D., N.Y. | Rev. F. A. Noble, D.D., Ill. |
Rev. Alex. McKenzie, D.D., Mass. | Rev. D. O. Mears, D.D., Mass. |
Rev. Henry Hopkins, D.D., Mo. |
Corresponding Secretary.
Rev. M. E. Strieby, D.D., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
Associate Corresponding Secretaries.
Rev. James Powell, D.D., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
Rev. A. F. Beard, D.D., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
H. W. Hubbard, Esq., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
Peter McCartee. | Chas. P. Peirce. |
Executive Committee.
John H. Washburn, Chairman. | A. P. Foster, Secretary. |
For Three Years. | For Two Years. | For One Year. |
S. B. Halliday. | J. E. Rankin. | Lyman Abbott. |
Samuel Holmes. | Wm. H. Ward. | A. S. Barnes. |
Samuel S. Marples. | J. W. Cooper. | J. R. Danforth. |
Charles L. Mead. | John H. Washburn. | Clinton B. Fisk. |
Elbert B. Monroe. | Edmund L. Champlin. | A. P. Foster. |
District Secretaries.
Rev. C. L. Woodworth, D.D., 21 Cong’l House, Boston.
Rev. J. E. Roy, D.D., 151 Washington Street, Chicago.
Financial Secretary for Indian Missions. | Field Superintendent. |
Rev. Charles W. Shelton. | Rev. C. J. Ryder, 56 Reade Street, N.Y. |
Bureau of Woman’s Work.
Secretary, Miss D. E. Emerson, 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for “The American Missionary,” to the Editor, at the New York Office.
In drafts, checks, registered letters or post office orders may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or 151 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member.
“I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of —— dollars, in trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the ‘American Missionary Association’ of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and purposes.” The Will should be attested by three witnesses.
[A] Deceased.
American Missionary.
With gratitude and thanksgiving to God and our friends, we are permitted to announce that our treasurer has closed his books with the balance on the right side. The receipts of the year cover all the expenses of the year, wipe out the debt of $5,000 with which the year began, and leave $2,193.80 with which to start out on the coming year. For this glorious result we are especially indebted to the magnificent rally of our friends in the month of September. The falling off in our receipts last February of about $9,000 as compared with the same month of the preceding year, and the heavy deficit of July, in which we ran $17,000 behind, made the outlook very dark indeed; but it has proved that it was the deepening darkness before the light. As we are able to see it now, our friends settled down to the determination that the year would end right. They have done it. There was no excitement about it. They just kept on quietly planning and working and giving until they rolled up what was needed, and more. Not without sacrifice in many instances. Our eyes have moistened, oftentimes, as we read the words accompanying the gifts. Indeed, in some instances gladly would we have returned the contributions could we have done it without offending the givers. We mention one instance, that of a home missionary in the West, whose wife, by self-denial, had saved five dollars to have some long-needed work done. The person who did the work, probably knowing the needy circumstances of the family, refused to keep the compensation, and returned it. There was only a single dollar in the possession of the home missionary when the five dollars were returned, and seventy-five cents of that were to be paid for a necessary bill in a day or two. Those five dollars were sent to our treasury. The letter that brought the gift was full of thanksgiving that the sender was able to aid us. Even this does not tell the story of the noble spirit that lay behind it all; for there came with the money the request that it should be credited to the Congregational Church! This is[308] only a single example. We could refer to a great many such. Large and small, the contributions have been sent, from churches and individuals, from rich and poor, from young and old, bearing the evidence of interest and sacrifice and work; and the result is, we have closed the year free from debt.
By this outcome we are again impressed with the strong hold that the American Missionary Association has upon the churches and the Christian public. They believe in it; they love it, and they mean to stand by it.
It is right, in this connection, that our friends should know that the Executive Officers of the Association have very earnestly co-operated with them to secure this happy result. Appropriations have been made after the most careful scrutiny. Economy has been practiced at every possible point. The knife has been applied until, in numerous instances, the quick has signaled its pain. New work, urgently inviting, has been refused. Regret and perplexity have been experienced because of inability to meet what seemed to be absolute necessities. We trust that during the coming year, while continuing to be no less careful than we have been, we may be able to do some of the things that during the past year we were obliged to leave undone. But we must beg our friends to remember that this can be only as our receipts are increased. The small balance with which we set out is not much to build upon. It will be quickly swallowed up in meeting claims that have been postponed. The outcome calls upon the friends of the Association to prepare for a year of more extended work and more liberal benefactions than ever before. The standard raised by the National Council in Chicago should be kept steadily in view—$350,000 from the churches for the prosecution of our work!
It is with profound sorrow that we record the death of our honored President, Hon. Wm. B. Washburn. He was born in Winchendon, Mass., in 1820, and died in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 5. He was attending the annual meeting of the American Board, of which he was a corporate member. While sitting on the platform of the City Hall, in which the meeting was held, he quietly and suddenly and unexpectedly fell asleep in death. “He was not, for God took him.”
Mr. Washburn’s life was a most successful and honored one. He graduated from Yale College in 1844 with the Christian ministry in view, but being called to straighten out some entanglements in a business firm that had become badly involved, he revealed such business capacity that his continued services were deemed indispensable. He settled in Greenfield, Mass., and built up a large business in the manufacture of wooden-ware. He took an active interest in everything that pertained to the[309] welfare and prosperity of the town in which he lived. He became director of the leading bank in Greenfield and afterwards its President. He was a director of the Connecticut Valley Railroad and several other local corporations. Early in the war he was elected United States Representative, being complimented with the entire vote of his district. He was so popular no one was put in nomination against him. Five times he was sent to Congress by successive reëlection. Massachusetts elected him its Governor in 1871 by 27,000 majority over John Quincy Adams. He resigned his seat in Congress to be inaugurated Governor in January, 1872. He was reëlected Governor for two more terms and resigned his Governorship to fill out the unexpired term in the U.S. Senate caused by the death of Charles Sumner in March, 1884.
In 1881 he was elected President of the American Missionary Association. His valuable services as presiding officer at the annual meetings, his wise counsels and wide influence, greatly advanced the interests of the Association.
His funeral, which was private, took place Saturday, Oct. 8th, at his residence in Greenfield. The Association was represented by Secretary Powell and Treasurer Hubbard, and Charles L. Mead, Esq., of the Executive Committee. A life full of honors worthily and modestly borne is ended here, but it still lives in the works that do follow and in the immortal life beyond the grave.
A correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution, who signs himself or herself “Georgia,” asks:
Editors Constitution: Why is it that so many of the respectable white people of this country claim blood affinity with the Negro race by condescending to call them “aunt” and “uncle”? An “aunt” is a father’s or mother’s sister, an “uncle” is a father’s or mother’s brother. Now, why should a Negro be made to believe that he is a blood relation of white families by calling them “aunt” and “uncle,” terms of the highest family respect? Is there any wonder that some Negroes think they are as good as a white man, when they are called by these endearing names? The Negro is an imitator of the white man, and if we are to keep the races apart, let no such example be set for the Negro’s imitation.
What absurdity this is, and withal how insulting to the colored people. Not unlikely the person who wrote it was brought up by a colored nurse. The genuine affection with which many of the Southern white people speak of the old colored uncle and aunty is often very touching. They belong, however, to the “Old South.” The “New South” is speaking another kind of language. When Mr. Grady in his speech at the New England Society’s dinner in New York informed his auditors that the New South recognized fully the Negro’s rights, it must have been in grim sarcasm. Did he mean by the New South the white people of[310] Georgia? That interpretation of his language would save the other Southern States from the censure of his misrepresentation. But Georgia, by the recent conduct of its Legislature in the discussion and manipulation of the Glenn bill, contradicts nearly everything Mr. Grady said in that speech on that subject. The right to be legislated against, to be branded with essential and eternal inferiority as a race, to be insulted, to be abused, to be discriminated against at every point,—this is what the white people of Georgia believe if the voice and conduct of their legislators mean anything. We presume Mr. Grady did not know this when he made that speech. If he did know it, he violated the hospitality that honored him as its guest.
But the colored people will have their rights. The time is not yet, but it is coming. Hostile legislation and violence cannot prevent it. Christian education will solve the problem.
The friends of the South look to the young men for regeneration, and yet the situation is complicated by a peculiarly unfortunate circumstance. A Southern boy that was six years old in 1860 was allowed to run the streets, boss the slaves, and do anything but study. It can be stated as a general proposition that the Southern-born men in the prime of life in the South to-day—that is from 30 to 35 or 38—are uneducated. A man with gentle blood in his veins and a patch of weeds in his head, so to speak, is no ornament to any community, and the chances are that he will be a danger to it. If one would understand the full application of this fact let him run over the lists of the Southern Legislatures and note the ages of the members that make the most trouble. Again, the migration of young men is a cause of disquietude. Through the low country from the Carolinas to Louisiana, where agriculture is at a low ebb in consequence mainly of the credit system, the young men are continually becoming dissatisfied and leaving. Our Northwest is full of these ambitious Southern men. Certain Southern States are for various reasons putting premiums unwittingly upon emigration. Kentucky has been almost swept as with a broom, the better class of young men having been carried across the Ohio River. This is not the case with Tennessee, which is twenty-five years ahead of Kentucky in civilization. Tennessee seems destined to become one of the most important educational centers of the South, and it is in a fair way of holding its young men. Texas is another State which is holding its young men. This is a matter that the law-makers of the South will do well to consider. A commonwealth that cannot hold its young men cannot hold its own in the race for supremacy.—Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
A partial confirmation of the above views is furnished in the action of the Georgia Legislature respecting the co-education of the races. Mr. Glenn is a young man. His wild followers are in the main young men. Just now these youth are in the saddle and they are not backward to show the world what kind of men they are. In our opinion, there have been greater and wiser statesmen. It is something of an explanation, however, to know that in all probability they are men of no education. The works of ignorance are very apt to be works of darkness.
[A] Golden
Mr. L. Maxwell, a graduate of Atlanta University, a member of the Hartford Theo. Sem., and who during the summer has had charge of our Congregational Church in Savannah, Ga., went with a friend a few weeks ago by railway to McIntosh. They paid for first-class tickets and went into the so-called “white car.” The conductor merely intimated to them that they were in the wrong car. This did not suit the white passengers, who, to the number of twenty-five, insisted that they should leave. They found the conductor and appealed to him. To his credit be it said, he came and informed the passengers that as conductor he was compelled to protect the colored men, and hinted that they better not interfere with them. This settled it. The boys took their first-class seats in the white people’s car and rode unmolested to their destination. This is certainly a report of progress. All that is needed is a little backbone on the part of railroad officials at the South, and the colored people will have their rights in railway travel.
The Kentucky Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church convened recently in Louisville. Bishop Miles having called the meeting to order, before proceeding to business startled the Conference by saying:
“I have received complaints against a great many of you preachers[312] who do not pay your debts. You are liable to be arrested, and I fear I shall have to call a private session to consider the matter. If you don’t receive enough money for preaching, you had better quit and go to work at something where you can make more money. You need not say a word. I know you, and I’ll just give you until next Friday to get square with your creditors. I hope you’ll do this, because I don’t want to expose you, but if you don’t come up and do right the public will know it, and you will be left without an appointment.”
It is certainly a sad condition of things when a Bishop has thus to reprove ministers, and so many of them. It is no surprise to those who know the kind of men who are ministering to the colored people. There is no greater need among the colored people than that of a morally and intellectually competent ministry; but it is gratifying to know that there are such men in positions of influence and power as Bishop Miles. It is in the speedy multiplication of such men that the colored people’s future, under God, depends.
Our thanks are due and cheerfully rendered to Rev. and Mrs. John P. Cowles, of Ipswich, Mass., for one hundred copies of a book entitled “The Use of a Life.” These volumes are to be distributed among our missionaries. The life whose use these pages trace was that of Mrs. Z. P. G. Bannister, whose work as a Christian educator and missionary supporter has entered into the life of the nation and the work of the world’s evangelization. The inspiration of her work at Derry, where she was associated with Mary Lyon, and at Ipswich, in the education of young ladies, spread westward until from the Atlantic to the Pacific it has been felt. Mrs. Bannister was a most remarkable woman. She was rich in her intellectual endowments; rich in her knowledge of the Scriptures; rich in the strength of her consecrated life to magnify the kingdom of Christ and thereby make all her scholars the friends of missions. Scholarship, thorough and severe, she believed in, but it must be consecrated to Christ and used for the extension of his kingdom. The story of this book is an inspiring one, and its perusal is especially commended to Christian young women who are asking the question, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”
Of late there has been an effort made to revive the spirit of patriotism among us by organizations and by recalling war incidents. But we need a re-laying or re-enforcing of first principles. American patriotism must be a Christian patriotism.
And while on this theme, we can hardly help referring to the false patriotism prevailing in a portion of our country where the colored people are still so generally proscribed. Were they not the loyal ones in the[313] civil war? And yet they have few rights. This is their native land, yet they are denied suffrage. They are manfully trying for an education, but little encouragement do they get from those around them.
Among the truest patriots to-day in our land are those teachers and preachers who have gone among this race to help elevate them, but they are still, as for these two decades past, ostracised by the whites, some of whom are altogether their inferiors, and who, if they themselves are to be elevated, it must, it would seem, be accomplished largely through the elevation of these colored citizens, by these same despised Northern teachers!
No! A true American patriotism must not ignore these six millions for whose condition the whole people are, and have been, responsible. And if the Government cannot be induced in some form to give federal aid towards educating those needy millions, then surely the true patriot of to-day, whether North or South, will individually contribute to support such organizations as the American Missionary Association, whose object it is to help the poor and oppressed now among us, whether they be the freedmen, the Indians or the Chinese.
Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, gave evidence of a keen and just appreciation of the needs of a race just escaping from centuries of bondage, when he said to his son-in-law: “Thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt show them the way wherein they must walk and the work they must do.”—Ex. xviii, 20. These freed slaves, under the leadership of Moses, needed instruction in reference to religious duties, the conduct of their lives, and the larger work that opened to them as free men. This counsel of the old Midian Priest applies equally in its principles to the problem the A. M. A. is helping to solve among the freed men of the South to-day. This work must be fundamentally that of instruction. No revival excitements, no moral shocks, will effect the cure of superstitious ignorance which the social, political and religious forces of the past have united to make most dense. Slow and patient methods of instruction only can dispel this darkness. This fact emphasizes the importance of the
in the South. The total number of schools planted in the Southern[314] States is fifty-four. Six of these are chartered institutions, fairly entitled to the rank of Colleges. Sixteen are Normal and Training Schools. Thirty-two are common schools, scattered throughout nine different States. In these schools are 246 instructors and 8,616 pupils.
In analyzing these figures, we find not a few encouraging facts. One school has been added to the total number under the care of the Association during the last year. Two new schools stand in the list of Normal Institutes. Normal work was begun by the A. M. A. in 1866; now we have sixteen well furnished schools, one great purpose of which is to instruct instructors.
Large additions have been made to the accommodations of our schools during this year. Three school buildings, and two buildings used for industrial training, have been erected. Tougaloo rejoices in the completion of the two Ballard buildings, one used for class rooms and the other for industrial training. These two buildings were erected by the students, under the direction of the Superintendent of Mechanical Training, who was also the architect. The saving in expense of building was not less than $3,000, and the Industrial classes were thus given the best instruction in this department.
The Girls’ Industrial School at Thomasville, Ga., has just entered its new and commodious home. This building accommodates forty boarding pupils, and contains furnished rooms for teachers, two offices, dining-room, reception room, kitchen and laundry, and all the appointments of a complete boarding school.
The Academy at Pleasant Hill, Tenn., a school established for the mountain people, has just dedicated a new and commodious building, to be used both for school and church purposes.
At Williamsburg, Ky., we have added an Industrial Department to the course of study, and an unused factory has been purchased and fitted up for the accommodation of the classes. These mountain boys who become skillful in the use of carpenter’s tools in this school will scarcely be satisfied to occupy the poor log cabins in which their fathers and grandfathers have lived for generations. Missionary influences radiate from a carpenter’s shop now as in our Lord’s day. At Grand View, Tenn., the people themselves have rented an additional building for school purposes. The enrollment had already outgrown the accommodations of the old quarters. At Straight University, New Orleans, a neat Industrial building has been erected. In addition to these new buildings which have been put up this year, the Cassedy school building at Talladega has been materially enlarged, to meet the growing needs of this department. At Avery Institute, Charleston, S.C., the damage wrought by the earthquake has been repaired. There was serious interruption of the school work here, as the Institute could not be opened for months, and it was difficult even then to gather the usual number of pupils, on account of financial losses[315] and the intense excitement of the public mind incident to the earthquake. The enrollment shows an attendance of ninety-two less than last year.
Notwithstanding these extensive enlargements, pupils have been turned away from several of our institutions because of lack in school accommodations and in teaching force. In one school the Principal tells us of a boy who applied for admission to the school. He could not take him. In a few days a leading business man of the city called to intercede in the boy’s behalf, but every corner of the school was full. “If there is a case of sickness or removal for any cause, will you not promise to let that boy have the first chance?” pleaded his earnest friend. But this boy was only one of many such boys and girls. At another Institution the Principal reported at one time during the year that there were twenty-five families who were waiting for an opening in the school, that they might send one or more pupils there.
In a school-room fitted to accommodate fifty-two pupils if every desk were full, I counted ninety-six, and the teacher reported shortly afterwards that one hundred and eight were present. It goes without saying that it is impossible to do the best sort of school work under such circumstances as these, and the A. M. A. seeks to do only the best work.
One of three things is evidently true in reference to the educational work of the Association: We must either sacrifice the character of the work, or reduce the amount of work done, or have more money. Which shall it be?
Industrial training holds a still more important place than ever in the course of instruction in our schools. The new Industrial buildings at Williamsburg, Tougaloo and Straight are already occupied with interested classes.
There are now taught at Tougaloo, in industrial branches: Farming, Tinning, Blacksmithing, Wagon-making, Carpentering, Painting, the use of Steam Power in Sawing and otherwise. The boy who completes a course of instruction in the wagon-making department can build, iron, paint and prepare for market, wagons or carriages, beginning with iron in the bar and timber in the rough.
The Industrial training for girls shows similar advancement. The work has been better systematized, and regular grades in housekeeping and sewing have been established. Kitchen gardening, which is the æsthetic name for all sorts of unæsthetic household work, has been introduced into several of our schools. In one instance the A. M. A. missionary has been invited to organize classes for Industrial training in the white public schools of the city, on account of her superior skill in teaching in this line.
The Connecticut Industrial School for Girls, already mentioned, which began its existence under the baptism of a fiery persecution at Quitman, rejoices in the great enlargement of its facilities for industrial training.[316] Unlike the prophet’s experience, we can say that “the Lord was in the fire.”
Let us turn a moment now to note the record of the year’s work in our six chartered institutions.
Atlanta University has wrought throughout the year, under various embarrassments. No one has yet been found to take up the large responsibilities of the Presidency so successfully borne by the lamented President Ware. The schools of the prophets and the various fields of labor have been diligently scanned, but no Elisha has been found upon whom her Elijah’s mantle should fall.
The iniquitous Glenn Bill disturbed the quiet of the scholastic life of the University. It is not necessary to refer at length to the barbarous propositions of this bill. It failed to pass; but the bitter agitation, the obtrusive visits of politicians and the excited state of public feeling, have been a terrible tax upon the strength of those who were already burdened with the regular work of the University. Notwithstanding these discouragements, Atlanta University has increased the enrollment of pupils from 291 of last year to 413. “The wrath of men shall praise Him,” is a truth that is always true.
Fisk University has enjoyed a year of marked prosperity. The character of the work done here is of a high order. A scholarly French prelate of the Romish Church, who had visited many institutions in this country, recently found his way to Fisk University. He took in hand the classes in Latin and Greek, and put them through an exacting and exhaustive examination. He afterwards said to a friend that the work done in the class rooms at Fisk University was as good as that of any American school which he had visited. This is unsought testimony of high value. Fisk is constantly broadening and deepening her work. Here, too, the enrollment shows a decided increase over that of last year. The names in the catalogue number 437, as against 384 last year—a gain of 53. During the year there has been a quiet work of grace among the students, both hopeful and helpful.
Talladega College.—Among those who took the title of B. D. upon examinations at Talladega’s last commencement was a young clergyman who, during several years of successful ministerial labor in a large church, carried on systematic study and prepared himself for these examinations. Talladega College lays great emphasis upon thorough scholarship. The course of study includes Normal Training, College Preparatory, College and Theological Departments. The Intermediate and Primary grades of the Normal department have outgrown their accommodations, and the building has been enlarged to accommodate them. The industrial departments are an important feature of the school work at Talladega. The Winsted farm offers fine advantages for agricultural training, and the large Slater shop furnishes the students with opportunity[317] for thorough knowledge of mechanical industries. The President writes: “Talladega aims at thoroughness and seeks to cultivate the hand, head and heart.” The enrollment in this college shows a slight increase over that of last year.
Straight University, at New Orleans, gathers among its students many from that bright and interesting people known as Creoles, who have so often furnished characters for song and story. The Romish influence is very strong at New Orleans, but during an interesting revival with which the school was blessed this year, not a few children of these Catholic homes professed Christ. One of these desired to join the University Church. Her parents gladly consented, saying that if their child could live a better Christian life in that church than in their own, they were rejoiced that she should take this step. The religious interest in the school this year has been deep and genuine.
The regular course of training at Straight includes Normal instruction, and teachers educated here are found in many Southern cities. At Vicksburg, Miss., the Superintendent of the colored public schools, having eleven teachers under his direction, is a graduate of Straight and is an honor to his Alma Mater. The year just closed showed an enrollment of 518 pupils in this school. Industrial classes have been organized as a part of the regular school work. In the Law Department at Straight we have the remarkable phenomenon of white and colored students sitting down side by side in the same classes. The whites come from the best Southern families, and are there because the instruction in the Straight Law Department is so excellent. A diploma from this department admits a student to the practice of law in the State, without examination.
Tougaloo, Miss., is situated only eight miles from the capital of the State. There has been added to the former course of study at Tougaloo a department of Biblical instruction during the year. The purpose of this department is to fit the students for more efficient and intelligent Christian work. The industrial departments of Tougaloo are especially complete and have been already mentioned. The appropriation of $3,000 from the State was almost the only one in the whole list of appropriations voted by the Legislature for school purposes which was not reduced this year. This fact is remarkable testimony to the value of the school by those who see its immediate results. Rev. G. S. Pope, who has been connected with Tougaloo as its President for many years, has been transferred to the general missionary work in the Tennessee mountains. His services as President of Tougaloo have been characterized by great energy and faithfulness.
Tillotson Institute, at Austin, Texas, is the only important school we have in that great empire of the Southwest. This is the youngest child among the chartered institutions of the Association, but even this child is crying out for enlarged accommodations. The enrollment of the school[318] shows a considerable increase over that of last year, and the promise for the year now opening is still larger. One building only answers all the purposes of this institution. Here are the school rooms, the teachers rooms, the President’s residence and office, dormitories, rooms for industrial training of girls, library, chapel, dining room, kitchen and laundry, and it is not a large building either. Are not these facts potent arguments for a new building? An industrial department has been added to the Tillotson this year and a Superintendent of Mechanical Training has been appointed.
In addition to this goodly list of large institutions we point with pride to Berea and Hampton, planted by the Association. Howard University also receives support in its department of Theology.
Such is the brief record of the educational work in the South during the year. Thoreau paid a splendid tribute to John Brown when he said of him in reference to his neglect of the schools: “He let his Greek accent slant in the wrong way in order to set upright human souls.” But these heroic teachers of the A. M. A. are straightening Greek accents, solving mathematical problems, and teaching the spelling book and the alphabet, for the same grand purpose, that they may set upright human souls. Salvation is the guiding purpose of this educational work. This purpose is not forgotten amid the rush and fret of school cares and duties.
Number of Churches | 127 |
Number of Missionaries | 103 |
Number of Church members | 7,896 |
Added during the year | 1,197 |
Scholars in our Sunday-schools | 15,109 |
These statistics show a substantial gain over last year. Seven new churches have been organized during the year. These are situated as follows: Decatur and Riverside Plantation, Ala.; Hammond, La.; University Church at New Orleans; Petty, Texas; Combs, Ky.; and Andersonville, Ga. The hills and valleys of the old prison pen at Andersonville doubtless sometimes echo with the songs, and with the prayers of these Negro disciples, loyal to the heart’s core to New England Congregationalism.
Five churches have been dropped from the list this year, as changed conditions of communities made it unwise to continue them.
There has been during the year a quiet Christian work throughout the South, which has borne gratifying fruits, over 1,000 having confessed Christ for the first time. The Sunday-school enrollment has increased by nearly 2,000. The contributions of these churches also show a healthful increase. They contributed this year for benevolence, outside of their own work, $2,322.51, and for their own church purposes, $16,014.50, making a grand total of $18,337.01. This was an increase over the previous[319] year of $610.96 in their benevolences, and $3,075.61 in the total. This is an average contribution of $2.32 per member for every man, woman and child in these churches. The average membership of these churches, planted among a humble people who have no Congregational trend nor training, stands at the encouraging number of 62 for each church, while the average membership for each Congregational Church west of the Mississippi is only 43. And these people in the South are loyal Congregationalists. Although “a wild olive tree and graffed in among the branches, they already partake of the root and fatness of the olive tree.” The old argument urged by their Baptist brethren that the Bible tells of John the Baptist, but no where of John the Congregationalist, has lost its power to shake their faith in the church of Paul and John Robinson. An old black man recently arose in a prayer-meeting and most solemnly, with eager voice and emphatic gesticulation, exclaimed: “I am a Congregational, and I mean to continue a Congregational till I get up yonder,
They have found Congregationalism in their old hymn book, which is the next thing to their Bible.
At the annual meeting in Cleveland in 1882, in the report of the Committee on Church Work, is found the following: “The rate of progress during the last seventeen years has been uniformly constant, about five churches per year. * * The question now comes, whether it is not quite time to change the rate by doubling it; at least to quicken the pace.” Do the facts show that this suggestion has been followed? Since 1882 fifty-five churches have been organized, an average of eleven per year for the five years since 1882—more than double the old rate of five per year; another illustration of our Lord’s words, “Be it unto you according to your faith.” In 1882, 709 were added to the churches; in 1887, 1,197 were added. But the advancement in the Sunday-school work in our churches is still more remarkable. The total Sunday-school enrollment, as it appears in the annual report of 1882, was 7,835, but we are able to report this year an enrollment of 15,109, an increase in these five years of 7,274, or nearly 100 per cent.
These years have witnessed marvelous progress in systematic care for the children and youth by the churches of the Association.
The year just closing has been a year of building activity in the church work. Five new meeting houses have been erected; four of these are among the mountain people and one among the freedmen. One new feature in our church work is the organization of two churches composed principally of Congregationalists from the North, who have taken up their residence in the South. They needed help and organized under the care of the Association. Although we have no great Pentecostal baptism to record[320] this year, we reverently speak our thanks “that the Lord has added to the church almost daily, such as are being saved.”
When the Executive Committee of the American Missionary Association “decided to offer these mountain people the aid of our system,” probably even this far-seeing committee did not fully realize the magnitude of the work, nor the grand possibilities of the field. The few feeble churches that then existed are scarcely recognized now in the larger work that has grown up independently of them and miles away. Indeed, in entering this region in 1882 we were only putting the plow into the field, which had been already turned by pioneer laborers of the American Missionary Association. Before the war a brave man had pushed his way back into these mountain fastnesses in Christ’s name. He went under commission from this Association. He opened a school; his work was successful. Into his school he put a library for the use of his pupils. In this library there was a volume of Wesley’s sermons and, among these, one against the sin of slavery. This book got into the hands of a pro-slavery family. It was told that the preacher was teaching anti-slavery doctrine. Excitement in this back mountain region was intense. A mob was organized. They seized this missionary, bound him, beat him, and took him some two miles over the mountains and threw him into a cabin, and left two men as guards at the doors, while they, with their habitual delay, went to their homes for their dinner. They intended to return and inflict sorer punishment and perhaps hang him. Two mountain lads, brothers, heard of this outrage. They were pupils of this godly school-master and loved him. Each one, unknown to the other, went by a different path to the cabin with his rifle on his shoulder. They took out their teacher, cut the cords that bound him, and while he and his terrified wife at his side climbed the mountain, pushing their way to the Ohio river, these stalwart mountain lads kept back the mob with the threatening use of their unerring rifles. This missionary and his heroic wife finally reached the river and escaped. Now for the wonderful climax to that history. We have recently organized a Congregational Church where these thrilling scenes occurred. Among the original members who united in the bonds of freedom-loving Congregationalism were these two men who when boys defended this teacher at the risk of their own lives. A neat little church stands near this prison cabin of the past, and the bell that hangs in its belfry, whose tones fall now upon no slave’s ear, was contributed by the wife of this first missionary to this mountain region. Such was the heroic beginning of the Association’s work among these mountains. God had not forgotten during the years that passed, the tears and blood and prayers of these brave sufferers for Christ’s sake.
This mountain work now is divided into two well-defined fields, both[321] important. The field in Kentucky has for its base the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, which has been built since our present missionary force began their work in this region. The central point of this work is Williamsburg. Here we have a large and prosperous academy and church. Eleven whole counties are easily reached from this center and only one of these has as yet been occupied. In addition to the work at Williamsburg, there are two primary schools and five organized churches and constantly increasing numbers of missionary stations in this field. Chapels have been erected in S. Williamsburg and Woodbine and are used for public service. A pastor has been settled over the church at Williamsburg and has taken up the work with great efficiency. The General Missionary has been relieved from the pastoral duties which he has borne before, and has larger opportunity for outside work which is pressing upon him. “Can we not have at least one pastor for each county?” is the painfully urgent plea of one of the faithful workers in this field.
The other field of mountain work lies along the Cumberland Mountains in Tennessee. Its base is the Cincinnati Southern Railroad, and the work extends far back into the mountains. Twenty-two counties are here accessible to our pastors and teachers. We have in this field two flourishing schools, one at Grand View and the other away up on the Cumberland plateau, at Pleasant Hill. Besides these schools, there are also churches at Grand View, Pleasant Hill, Pomona, Robbins, Slick Rock and Helenwood. Last year a new school was taken under the care of the Association at Sherwood, Tenn. We have thus surrounded this vast mountain region with our missionary forces. A General Missionary has been put into this field during the past year and the work opens upon him with constantly increasing magnitude. These people are Americans in every sense of the word, ninety-eight per cent of the population of some counties having been born where they still live. Those who come into the region from other parts of the same State they call foreigners. A missionary in writing recently from this field says: “I asked how many of them in the meeting had Bibles in their homes, and out of fifteen or eighteen families represented only two of them had Bibles.” Another missionary asked a girl seventeen years old if they had a book in her house. “A book, what is a book?” was the astonishing question. A book was described to her. “Oh! yes,” she said, “I believe there was one in the cabin before grandmam died, but it was lost so long ago I plumb forgot how it looked.”
This is our work. Only the edges of this great field have been gleaned. Will you not let us send our harvesters right into the heart of this ripening grain to gather in the name of our God?
The Indian work is chiefly in Nebraska and Dakota. The following is the summary for the year:
Churches | 5 |
Church members | 370 |
Added during the year | 43 |
Schools | 18 |
Pupils in Schools | 608 |
Missionaries and Teachers | 61 |
The report shows an encouraging increase in church membership. This means the redemption of souls from heathenism.
The three principal stations in the North are Santee, Oahe, and Fort Berthold. The work has been strengthened in each of these stations during the year. The Santee Normal School celebrated its seventeenth birthday during the past year. It was the first school of its kind established among this nation and its fruitful history abundantly proves the wisdom of its planting. Superior normal training is given the students in this school. The enrollment this year was 195. Twenty-six students were gathered in the theological department, many of whom will doubtless become missionaries to their own people. Pilgrim Church at Santee has enjoyed a year of prosperity. Eighteen have been added to the membership, eleven on the confession of their faith.
At Rosebud Agency three villages, including about 8,000 Indians, are open to missionary influence, and the work is being pushed with increased vigor. Jacob Good Dog, a converted Indian, was the Boniface in this field.
Among the Ponca Indians, in Nebraska, the work had been carried on with about the usual results.
Oahe.—This mission includes a training school and eleven out-stations on the Cheyenne and Grand rivers. Nineteen have been added to the Oahe church, on confession of their faith, during the year. A young man has been ordained as missionary to the Indians, and enters this field on Grand river for his life work. He has caught the spirit of Edwards, and Eliot and Brainard.
Fort Berthold has passed a year of prosperity. New work is opening in this field. I quote from a recent letter: “Since my last letter we have had very interesting and serious developments. The Gros Ventres and Mandan tribes, situated 20 and 40 miles from us, have little or no religious instruction, only as they come to us. These two tribes we are hoping some of our young men who are away at school will be ready soon to work with.”
S’kokomish Agency lies 1,000 miles to the west of Fort Berthold, in Washington Territory. The church here has also been blessed during the year with revival influences and four have united with it on confession of faith.
These Indian missions have been visited personally during the year by two of the Secretaries of the Association, and the work has been carefully inspected.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, still receives a fixed appropriation from the Association for the Indian department of its University, the Principal and teachers being appointed by the Association. Fourteen Apache girls have been among the pupils during the year—the first Apaches that have ever been gathered in our schools. They prove to be bright and docile pupils.
Missions | 17 |
Missionaries | 28 |
Pupils enrolled | 1,044 |
Hopeful conversions | 150 |
Given up idolatry | 211 |
The report of the Superintendent is both joyful and sad. The numbers of those who have given up idol worship and those hopefully converted are the largest it has ever been our privilege to report; but the work has labored under great embarrassment in the serious diminution of funds. The resources for the current work were necessarily reduced by more than $3,000. New doors are opening in this Chinese work. The Japanese are now ripe for schools and churches, and a small beginning has been made in this direction. This work is open to us, and the command to enter is written in the imperative.
Only four years have passed since the Woman’s Bureau became a recognized department of our work, although it existed in reality for many years before. These years have abundantly proven its efficiency. It is useful especially along three lines: First, in assisting the women who are engaged as teachers to understand and grasp their work; again, in reaching the mothers and sisters of the pupils with purifying Christian influences, as they could not be reached in any other way; and also, in bringing information to the benevolent women of the North in regard to the special needs of their degraded and helpless sisters in the South. The shocking story of their degradation can be told only by women to women. Along all these lines of service the Woman’s Bureau has been especially successful during the past year. Its usefulness is greatly increased because it is an organic part of a larger Association, and thus gains a wider field of vision. The range of its operations is constantly enlarging.
From Churches, Sabbath-schools, Missionary Societies and individuals | $189,483.39 |
From Estates and Legacies | 52,266.73 |
From Income, Sundry Funds | 10,561.07 |
From Tuition and Public Funds | 28,964.81 |
From Rents | 478.10 |
From United States Government for Education of Indians | 17,357.21 |
From Slater Fund, paid to Institutions | 7,650.00 |
——————— | |
$306,761.31 |
The total disbursements for the year have been $298,783.80, a decrease in the expenditures of last year of $13,467. We entered this year with a debt of $5,783. The problem that taxed our skill and energies was this: How can we do the work which the Lord has put upon us, and at the same time not increase this debt? It looked, at times, as if it would prove impossible. For the month of February the receipts were $9,000 less than last year for the same month, and even so late as July there was a falling off of $17,000 for the month. The magnificent rally in September brought into the treasury a splendid sum, and the problem was solved.
Through carefully studied economy in the expenditures, by persistent efforts in the collecting field, and by the large and generous benevolences of the churches, all under God’s good providence, this has been accomplished.
The current expenses of the year are all paid; the debt with which we began the year is all cancelled, and we enter this new year with the good sum of $2,193.80 on the credit side of the ledger. But this will provide for the current expenses of the Association only about two days.
This has been a perilous experiment. The work has suffered, although none of it has been given up. The total number of missionaries has been reduced. Teachers and pastors have been overworked. New fields, “white to the harvest,” have been ungathered and left to possible blight. We praise God for this deliverance, but earnestly pray that we may not again need the chastening discipline of a like experience.
Such is the record of another year in the life of the A. M. A., as we read it from our human standpoint. The full significance of these simple facts as they stand related to the Divine plan for the redemption of the world, we cannot trace, nor need we. “What is written, is written.”
The fiscal year of “The California Chinese Mission”—the representative and agent of the A. M. A. in its work among the Chinese—closed[325] August 31st. I devote the space accorded me, this month, in the Missionary, to a brief review of the year’s service. Statistics ought not to be dry when they set forth succinctly a gospel work and a record of souls saved. Each unit in each number stands for a story that angels stop to read—a gift, a labor, or a turning of the heart of God, that has to do with the eternal life.
Our missions have numbered 17; of these, 11 have been sustained during the entire year, and two others for eleven months. We have no vacation in our schools, unless forced to it by lack of funds, or by other causes which we cannot control.
The number of workers has varied from 23 to 28; the aggregate number of months of service being 309. Of these 91 are to be credited to our Chinese missionary helpers, and 218 to Americans. The total number of pupils enrolled is 1,044. The average enrollment month by month has been 461; the average attendance, 247. These numbers are smaller than those of last year, or of any preceding year for a great while; which comes of a serious diminution in another quarter which it has been out of our power to avert. Our resources for current work have been less than in previous years by more than $3,000—last year, $12,341.80; this year, $8,989.30. This statement is to date; I trust the amount will be increased somewhat before the books are finally closed. It was impossible to maintain the larger work with the smaller sum. I think that we can truly say: We have done what we could. The most serious loss is in the employment of Chinese missionary helpers; we ought to have had twice as many in the field as we were able to employ.
The expenditures on account of current work have been as follows: For salaries of superintendent, teachers and helpers, $6,222.80; for rents of mission houses, $2,103; for incidentals, $634.15; total, $8,959.95. The contributions made directly to the treasury of this Auxiliary amount, at this writing, to $2,989.30, of which about $250 were given expressly for permanent property.
While we note with sadness these diminutions, we record with gladness an increase at the point of largest interest, the point towards which all our endeavors tend. We find in our statistical columns, under the head of “Profess to have ceased from idol worship,” an aggregate of 211; under that of “Giving evidence of Christian character,” 150. These are larger numbers than we have ever before been privileged to place at the foot of these columns; and among those who give evidence of Christian character are many who a year ago either walked in utter darkness, or were refusing to let in on their hearts the dawning light of Christ. I cannot as yet state exactly the number who seem during this year to have accepted Christ, but I think it cannot be much less than fifty. If so, then the total number of whom this hope has been cherished since our work began, cannot be much less than 650.
These encouragements are due, under God, very largely to some tentative evangelistic work which we have undertaken. The results are such as lead us to pray for the privilege of enlarging this branch of our service and prosecuting it with greater vigor. We are praying—and I think with faith and unity—that God would raise up among us some one on whom we can bestow this special gift. I look for an answer. I expect that during this new fiscal year, upon which we have entered, the providence of God will open the way, and the Spirit of God will beckon us on to a system of evangelization which will reach to all our missions and will pass beyond them, making the wilderness to blossom as the rose.
Among the “new departures” of the year is the beginning of work among the Japanese. The first attempt to Christianize the Japanese in California was made in connection with the First Cong. Church in this city. The first Japanese baptized were received to that church; but the work was suffered to lapse, and other denominations have supplied our mortifying lack of service. A beginning has again been made, this time in Oakland. Mr. N. Kusaki, a young Japanese who was graduated last summer from the Pacific Theological Seminary, led off in the undertaking. He still assists in it, though it has now been placed in the hands of an American lady as the principal teacher. It is an experiment at present, but gives good promise of success.
Another interesting development, which, however, dates back a little more than a year, is the Foreign Missionary Society organized by our Chinese brethren. This movement was spontaneous; no urgency or even suggestion from me occasioned it. It was put into almost complete working order before I was made aware of it. Its primary object is to sustain missionary operations in South China, the provinces from which our brethren came. But its watchword is nothing less than “China for Christ.” They have already gathered nearly $250, contributed not from an abundance, but out of deep poverty.
Another point of interest is the marked change in the spiritual atmosphere of some of our missions—notably those at Stockton, Petaluma and Oroville. It seems to foretoken a “wide and effectual door” soon to open before us, which God grant that we may have the men and the means to enter for a campaign aggressive and victorious.
MAINE, $774.00. | |
Bangor. Cen. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 100.; Sab. Sch. of First Parish, 13.26 | $113.26 |
Bath. Members of Winter St. Ch. | 100.00 |
Bethel. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., 10; “Response to Appeal,” 10 | 20.00 |
Blanchard. Dea. Jacob Blanchard | 2.00 |
Brewer. M. Hardy, to const. Peter McLeod L. M. | 50.00 |
Bridgton. Mrs. Julia P. Hale | 2.00 |
Brownfield. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Calais. First Cong. Ch. | 34.00 |
Eastport. Sab. Sch. of Central Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Farmington Falls. Cong. Ch. | 4.52 |
Foxcroft and Dover. Cong. Ch. | 11.33 |
Hampden. Chas. E. Hicks | 2.00 |
Kittery Point. First Cong. Ch. | 17.00 |
Litchfield Corners. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 12.00[327] |
Machias. Centre St. Cong. Ch. | 19.19 |
Madison. Cong. Ch. | 22.00 |
New Sharon. Cong. Ch. | 4.00 |
North Bridgton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 3.25 |
North Yarmouth. Cong. Ch. | 6.39 |
Otisfield. Cong. Ch. | 11.11 |
Phillips. “Glad Helpers,” by Miss C. T. Crosby | 6.00 |
Portland. Second Parish Ch., 210; “One interested in the work of A. M. A.” 25 | 235.00 |
Pownal. “Friends,” by P. Chapin | 10.00 |
Princeton. Cong. Ch. | 4.00 |
Searsport. First Cong. Ch. | 10.80 |
Waterford. First Cong. Ch., 4; Sab. Sch. 10 | 14.00 |
West Falmouth. Second Cong. Ch. | 6.50 |
Willard. Rev. Amasa Loring | 2.00 |
Winthrop. Cong. Ch. | 4.40 |
Wiscasset. Cong. Ch. | 4.25 |
Yarmouth. First Parish Ch. | 30.00 |
—— “Friend in Maine,” for Williamsburg, Ky. | 2.00 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE, $2,127.81. | |
Auburn. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 12.40 |
Bath. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 7.31 |
Boscawen. Sab. Sch. Convention | 10.57 |
Bradford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 6.00 |
Campton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 16.00 |
Colebrook. “E. and C.” | 2.00 |
Concord. West Cong. Ch., 16.35; North Cong. Ch., 11.08; “Friend,” 5 | 32.43 |
East Derry. First Ch. and Soc. | 21.64 |
Fitzwilliam. Mrs. Fanny Hancock | 5.00 |
Goffstown. Cong. Ch. adl. to const. David Grant and Joseph S. Thompson, L. M’s. | 2.00 |
Gorham. “Guests of the Glen House and Cong. Ch.” | 6.50 |
Hampstead. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 40.00 |
Hampton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 18.40 |
Hancock. Cong. Ch. | 25.00 |
Hanover. Dartmouth College Cong. Ch. | 33.85 |
Hollis. Cong. Ch. | 19.00 |
Hooksett. Cong. Ch. | 19.95 |
Jaffrey. East Cong. Ch. | 30.00 |
Keene. Cong. Union Meeting | 33.10 |
Keene. Sab. Sch. Class, Second Cong. Ch. for Woman’s Work | 20.00 |
Kensington. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 7.00 |
Lisbon. First Cong. Ch. | 8.86 |
Manchester. Mrs. Mary E. Hidden, 10; Francis B. Eaton. 5; E. L. Bryant, 2; A. H. Daniels, 2; Mrs. C. W. Wallace, 5 | 24.00 |
Milford. D. S. Burnham | 10.00 |
Milton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.00 |
Nashua. First Ch. | 100.00 |
Northwood Centre. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. | 12.30 |
Orford. West Cong. Ch., 11; John Pratt, 10 | 21.00 |
Seabrook and Hampton Falls. First Evan. Cong. Ch. | 8.00 |
South Newmarket. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Temple. Mrs. R. R. Goodyear, 5; Mrs. Lucy W. C. Keyes, 1.50 | 6.50 |
Walpole. Cong. Ch. | 19.00 |
West Lebanon. Miss’y Soc., Box of C., for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga. | |
——. “A Friend in N.B.” | 35.00 |
————— | |
$627.81 | |
Amherst. Estate of Luther Melendy, by A. A. Rotch, Admr. | 1,000.00 |
Candia. Estate of Jona. Martin, by J. C. Smith and N. M. Smith, Ex’s. | 500.00 |
————— | |
$2,127.81 |
VERMONT, $512.36. | |
Barnet. Y. P. S. of C. E., for Marie Adlof Fund | 2.00 |
Bennington. Sab. Sch. of Second Cong. Ch. | 11.62 |
Cambridge. Madison Safford. 10; S. M. Safford, 5 | 15.00 |
Chester. J. L. Fisher | 10.00 |
Coventry. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 9.40 |
East Berkshire. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
Enosburg. First Cong. Ch. | 22.00 |
Glover. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 22.50 |
Granby. “Friends” | 1.00 |
Guilford. Miss S. Maria Tyler, by Mrs. Ellen D. Wild | 2.00 |
Jericho Center. “A Friend” | 12.00 |
Manchester. Emma A. Brown | 1.00 |
Middlebury. Cong. Ch. | 29.27 |
Middlebury. Mrs. Stewart, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
Montgomery. Cong. Ch. | 8.00 |
Newbury. Mrs. Edward P. Keyes, to const. Mary L. Jewett L. M. | 30.00 |
Post Mills. “A Friend,” by Mrs. Henry Fairbanks | 5.00 |
Royalston. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 22.72; A. W. Kenney 30., to const. Mrs. Abbie T. Danforth L. M. | 52.72 |
Saint Albans. First Cong. Ch. | 122.23 |
Sharon. Y. P. S. C. E. of Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
South Burlington. Eldridge Mission Sab. Sch., for Indian M. | 8.00 |
Swanton. Cong. Ch., 10.65; C. C. Long, 10 | 20.65 |
Waterbury. Cong. Ch. | 9.30 |
West Brattleboro. Cong. Ch. | 17.56 |
West Brattleboro. Ladies of Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., and 3 for freight, for McIntosh, Ga. | 3.00 |
Westminster. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 12.00 |
West Townshend. Cong. Ch. | 5.51 |
Williamstown. Cong. Ch. | 11.00 |
Windsor. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 24; Gilbert A. Davis, 10 | 34.00 |
MASSACHUSETTS, $12,422.79. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Abington. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 19.12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 13.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 8.03 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amherst. Amherst College Ch., 203.56; First Cong. Ch., 25; Rev. G. S. Dickerman, 25 | 253.56 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Andover. South Ch. and Soc., 50; West Parish Ch. and Soc., 50 | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ashfield. Henry Taylor | 8.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auburn. Cong. Ch. | 48.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
——— | 1,798.84[328] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Boxford. First Cong. Ch. 64.33, to const. Miss Mary L. Sawyer and James P. Cleveland L. M’s., “M. N. Z.” 5 | 69.33 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Braintree. First Ch. and Soc. | 20.34 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brimfield. Benev. Soc. of Cong. Ch. | 34.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brockton. Porter Evan. Ch. and Soc., to const. Walter B. Lewis, Rufus E. Tilton and Miss Lucy H. Fuller L. M’s. | 91.65 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brookline. Mrs. Wm. B. Strong | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Buckland. Cong. Ch. | 25.57 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cambridge. North Ave. Cong. Ch. adl. | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cambridge. Sab. Sch., Class of Miss M. E. C. Smith, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cambridgeport. Pilgrim Ch., 440.18; Pilgrim Ch., 32.19 | 472.37 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cambridgeport. Sab. Sch. of Pilgrim Ch., for Kreutzer Marie Adlof Sch’p Fund, for Student Aid, Atlanta U., 50., for Student Aid, Straight U., 50 | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Canton. Elijah A. Morse, 100; Evan. Cong. Ch., 19.50 | 119.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Centerville. Rev. Wm. Leonard | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clinton. Girls’ Mission Circle, by Annie L. Hitchcock, for Indian Sch’p | 27.11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Coleraine. Mrs. P. B. Smith | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Concord. Trin. Cong. Ch. | 31.47 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conway. Cong. Ch. | 12.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dalton. John H. Smith, 10; Mrs. John H. Smith, 5; Llewellyn H. Andrews, 5; for Mountain White Work | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Danvers. First Cong. Ch. | 105.02 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deerfield. Ortho. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dracut. First Cong. Ch. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
East Bridgewater. Union Cong. Ch. | 25.63 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
East Brookfield. “A Friend” | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
East Cambridge. Miss Mary F. Aiken | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
East Charlemont. Mrs. A. P. Leavitt, to const. Mrs. H. J. Stone, Mrs. Caleb Dickinson and Mrs. M. M. Hillman L. M’s. | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
East Milton. Mrs. Susanna Beale, for Straight U. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
East Taunton. Cong. Ch. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Everett. Cong. Ch. | 8.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fitchburg. Rollstone Cong. Ch., 89.09; C. S. Tolman, 15; Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Eaton, 10; Geo. Cook, 5 | 119.09 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Foxboro. Ortho. Cong. Ch. | 45.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gardner. First Cong. Ch. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gloucester. Nancy E. Brooks | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Granville. O. S. Dickinson, to const. Mrs. Marilla Alderman L. M. | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Barrington. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 146.58 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Barrington. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Greenfield. Second Cong. Ch. 343.55; C. C. Phillips, 2 | 345.55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Groton. Ortho. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Harvard. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 14.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Haverhill. Algernon P. Nichols, 200; “C” 10 | 210.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Haverhill. Algernon P. Nichols, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Haydenville. Cong. Ch. 8; Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., to const. John Hall Jones L. M., 30; Wilbur M. Purrington, 5 | 43.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hingham. Ladies of Cong. Ch. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Holbrook. Winthrop Ch. (100. of which from Miss Sarah J. Holbrook, for Student Aid, Atlanta U.), 210.45; Mrs. B. J. Holbrook, 2 | 212.45 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Holden. “Friends” | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Holliston. “Bible of Christians of District No. 4.” | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Housatonic. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 15.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hubbardston. “A Friend” | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hyde Park. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 15.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ipswich. Linebrook Cong. Ch. | 8.67 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kingston. Mayflower Ch. | 14.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lakeville and Taunton Precinct. Sab. Sch. | 7.30 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lancaster. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 39.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lawrence. Trinity Cong. Ch. 18.52; United Cong. Ch. 6.22 | 24.74 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lee. First Cong. Ch. 110, and Sab. Sch. 125 | 235.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lincoln. By Frank W. Smith, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lowell. Pawtucket Ch. and Soc. | 23.13 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lynn. J. Porter Woodbury, 4.50; Chestnut St. Ch., 6 | 10.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Malden. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 39.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Malden. Cong. Ch., for Straight U. | 20.33 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Massachusetts. “B” | 12.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Medfield. Second Cong. Ch. | 96.99 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Melrose Highlands. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 15; Mrs. F. W. Lewis, 50c. | 15.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Middleboro. Central Cong. Ch. | 50.85 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Middlefield. Cong. Ch. | 31.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Middleton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 19.47 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Milford. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Millbury. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., 102.73, to const. Harry N. Rogers, George E. Perry and Mrs. Maria H. Aiken L. M’s.; M. D. Garfield and Daughter, 10 | 112.73 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nantucket. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Woman’s Work | 2.55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natick. “Friend” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Bedford. Mrs. I. E. Jenney | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Boston. Cong. Soc. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Salem. Cong. Ch. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Newton. Eliot Ch. | 90.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Newton Centre. F. A. Gardner | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Norfolk. Cong. Ch. | 5.23 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northampton. First Cong. Ch., 292.84; Jared Clark, 25 | 317.84 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Brookfield. James Miller, 20; Mrs. F. Walker, 5; Albert Spooner, 4; D. W. Knight, 1.50; J. E. Miller 1., to const. James E. Miller L. M.; Union Cong. Ch., 31, to const. Robert Morse L. M.; “Mrs. H. M. N. of First Ch.” 5 | 67.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Chelmsford. Second Cong. Ch., to const. Miss Ida A. Knowles, L. M. | 36.79 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Chelmsford. “A Friend,” for Chinese M. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Concord. “The Little Christian Workers,” by Sadie E. Parsons | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northfield. Rev. J. P. Humphrey and Wife, 5, ea.; Rev. M. H. Wells and Miss A. T. Wells, 5, ea. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Leominster. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., to const. Myra L. Merriam L. M. | 36.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Middleboro. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 136.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phillipston. D. and L. Mixter | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pittsfield. Individuals, So. Cong. Ch., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pittsfield. Mrs. H. M. Hurd | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Princeton. Ladies, by Mrs. A. H. Whitteker, for Woman’s Work | 12.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quincy. Evan. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Randolph. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 141.10, and Sab. Sch., 15 | 156.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reading. “A Friend” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Revere. Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Richmond. Cong. Ch. | 6.42 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rockland. Elijah Shaw | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Saundersville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scotland. Mrs. Jane N. Leonard, for freight | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scotland. Mrs E. Alden | 0.25 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shelburne Falls. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. Classes, No. 4, 1.75; No. 5, 1; No. 12, 35c.; No. 13, 3.50, for Tougaloo U. | 6.60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shelburne Falls. Mrs. J. A. Richmond | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shrewsbury. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Indian M. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shrewsbury. Cong. Ch. | 35.52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Somerville. Mrs Mary C. Sawyer, to const. herself and Miss Maizie Blaikie L. M’s. | 60.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Southboro. Pilgrim Ch. | 23.43 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
South Braintree. South Cong. Ch. | 14.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
South Dartmouth. Ladies, by Mrs. Smith. | 0.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
South Framingham. South Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 173.53 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
South Hadley Falls. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Santee Indian M. | 15.64[329] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
South Natick. John Eliot Ch. | 18.69 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
South Weymouth. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 67.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
South Weymouth. Primary Dept. Sab. Sch. of Second Cong. Ch. for two little boys, Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spencer. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 86.26 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Springfield. Mrs. James D. Litchfield | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stockbridge. Miss Alice Byington, for Santee Indian M. | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sturbridge. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sunderland. “A Friend” | 1.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taunton. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 200; Winslow Ch. and Soc., 90, to const., Rev. George H. Reed, Dea. Andrew S. Briggs and Dwelly T. Smith L. M.’s; Union Ch., 29.90 | 319.90 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taunton. Young People’s Union of Broadway Cong. Ch., for Santee Indian M. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Upton. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 61.15 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Uxbridge. Evan. Cong. Ch. | 28.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Waltham. Sab. Sch. Class, by Mrs. Ella J. Lawrence, for Student Aid, Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Warren. “A Friend,” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Watertown. “Friends,” | 3.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Webster. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wellesley. M. A. Stevens | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wellfleet. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 24.14 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wendell. Dea. N. C. Williams | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Westboro. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 129.37; “Two Lovers of the cause,” 20 | 149.37 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
West Boylston. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 10; Chas. T. White, 5 | 15.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
West Brookfield. Cong. Ch., 21; “Friend,” 40; “H. E. W.” 1 | 62.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Westfield. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Westfield. First and Second Cong. Chs., for Straight U. | 14.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Westford. Cong. Ch. and Soc., for Indian M. | 10.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
West Gardner. Mrs. M. B. Knowlton | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Westhampton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 26.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
West Newbury. First Parish Cong. Ch., for Santee Indian M. | 7.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
West Newton. “Pax,” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
West Springfield. Mrs. Lucy M. Bagg, 200; Mrs. C. E. Beardslee, 1 | 201.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
West Stockbridge Center. Cong. Ch. | 1.52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weymouth. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 26.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whitinsville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., (30 of which for Indian M.) | 60.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whitman. Miss C. H. Whitman. 100; Cong. Ch. and Soc., 53 | 153.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Winchester. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., (12.10 of which for Indian M.) | 54.70 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woburn. Daniel Richardson | 500.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wollaston. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 13.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wollaston. Benev. Soc., Bbl. of C. Val., 34.37, for Wilmington, N.C., 1 for Freight | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woods Holl. Cong. Ch. | 14.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Worcester. Plym. Cong. Ch., 266.34; “J. W.,” 270; Union Ch., 182.52; Sab. Sch. of Union Ch., 46.21; Hiram Smith and family, 50; “A. N. X.” 50; Salem St. Ch., 40.53; “A Friend,” 25; Mrs. S. A. Howard and nephew, 10 | 920.60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wrentham. First Cong. Ch. | 17.22 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— “A Friend,” | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— ———— | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
————. “To go with the dear little girl’s dime,” | 0.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By Chas. Marsh, Treas. Hampden Benev. Ass’n.: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— | 266.86 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
————— | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$10,897.79 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGACIES. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enfield. Estate of J. B. Woods, by Rev. R. M. Woods, Trustee | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northampton. Estate of Mrs. Emma Graves, by C. H. Dickinson, Ex. | 450.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stoughton. Estate of Mrs. Betsey E. Capen | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woburn. Estate of Mrs. Mary J. Keyes, by Miss Ruth M. Leathe, Ex’s. | 1,000.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
————— | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$12,422.79 |
RHODE ISLAND, $1,719.97. | |
Little Compton. Mrs. A. Pierce | 5.00 |
Providence. Geo. H. Corliss | 1,000.00 |
Providence. Central Cong. Ch. | 714.97 |
CONNECTICUT, $6,857.30. | ||||
Andover. Ladies of Cong. Ch. | 6.00 | |||
Birmingham. Cong. Ch., 134.01; J. Tomlinson, 15 | 149.01 | |||
Bolton. “A Friend,” | 5.00 | |||
Bozrah. Cong. Ch., 7; Miss Hannah Mapes, 5 | 12.00 | |||
Bridgeport. Second Cong. Ch., 79.80; Sab. Sch. of Second Cong. Ch., 50 | 129.80 | |||
Bristol. Cong. Ch., 114.36; Sab. Sch. Class, J. J. Jennings, Teacher, 10; L. P. Judd, 3; E. B. Ives, 1, for Indian M. | 128.36 | |||
Brooklyn. First Trin. Ch. and Cong. to const. Eugene H. Fuller L. M. | 47.25 | |||
Buckingham. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 3.14 | |||
Canterbury. Rev. E. C. Haynes | 5.00 | |||
Central Village. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 14.50 | |||
Cheshire. “A Friend,” | 30.00 | |||
Colchester. Mrs. Mary E. Gillette | 1.00 | |||
Collinsville. John D. Andrews, 10; Mrs. Milo Chidsey, 5; A. F. Alderman, 5; J. B. Flint, 5; Cong. Ch., 20 | 45.00 | |||
Cornwall Hollow. “Thanksgiving Workers,” True Blue Card, for Thomasville, Ga. | 5.00 | |||
Coventry. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 36.43 | |||
Danbury. Edwin Blackman | 1.00 | |||
Danielsonville. Westfield Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 65.00 | |||
East Hartford. H. L. Goodwin, 100; First Ch., 30; South Cong. Ch. (5 of which from Mrs. E. M. Roberts), 29.69; Mrs. Susan F. Elmer, 10; Mrs. R. G. Spencer, 5 | 174.69 | |||
East Hartford. First Ch. (10 of which for Mountain White Work) | 20.00 | |||
East Hartford. “Friends,” for Indian M. | 15.00 | |||
Ekonk. Cong. Ch. and Soc. of Voluntown and Sterling | 19.00 | |||
Ellington. Cong. Ch. (30 of which to const. Rev. William T. Hutchins L. M.) | 135.05 | |||
Farmington. Cong. Ch. (200 of which from Dea. Henry D. Hawley) | 268.43 | |||
Franklin. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 | |||
Greeneville. Cong. Ch. | 22.00 | |||
Griswold. Cong. Ch. | 45.00 | |||
Hampton. “Three Friends in Cong. Ch.” 6.50; “Friend in Cong. Ch.,” 2 | 8.50 | |||
Hartford. Roland Mather, 500; “Response to Appeal,” 1 | 501.00 | |||
Manchester. Second Cong. Ch. (29.50 of which for Mountain White Work) | 91.59 | |||
Mansfield. Second Cong. Ch. | 20.15 | |||
Meriden. First Cong. Ch. (50 of which for Indian M.) to const. Mrs. E. J. Scoville, Lillie D. Augur, H. W. Leip, N. Olds, and Edwin S. May L. Ms. | 325.00 | |||
Millington. Cong. Ch., 4; “A Friend,” 2 | 6.00 | |||
Monroe. Cong. Ch., 18.60; “A Friend,” 10 | 28.60 | |||
Moodus. Miss Mary E. Dyer | 5.00 | |||
Mount Carmel. Mrs. J. M. Swift | 10.00 | |||
New Haven. Humphrey St. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch. | 176.16 | |||
Newington. Cong. Ch. | 81.44[330] | |||
New London. First Cong. Ch., 49.42; Mrs. B. P. McEwen, 24 | 73.42 | |||
New Milford. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., for Sch’p Hampton Inst. | 70.00 | |||
New Milford. John S. Turrill | 15.00 | |||
New Preston. “E.” | 1.00 | |||
Norfolk. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Santee Indian M. | 20.00 | |||
Norfolk. R. Battell, for Austin, Tex. | 25.00 | |||
Northford. Cong. Ch. | 21.00 | |||
North Guilford. A. E. Bartlett | 25.00 | |||
North Haven. F. C. Bradley | 10.00 | |||
North Stamford. Cong. Soc., by Mrs. A. B. Davenport | 5.00 | |||
North Stonington. Dudley R. Wheeler | 20.00 | |||
Norwich. Park Cong. Ch. | 1,241.89 | |||
Norwich. First Cong. Ch., 110; Miss Sarah M. Lee, 25; Othniel Gager, 24 | 159.00 | |||
Old Saybrook. Cong. Ch. | 38.07 | |||
Plymouth. Cong. Ch., 80; Geo. Langdon, 50 | 130.00 | |||
Putnam. Mrs. Mary A. Keith | 1.00 | |||
Redding. Cong. Ch. add’l | 2.00 | |||
Ridgefield. Cong. Ch. | 24.29 | |||
Rockville. Second Cong. Ch. (6.24 of which for Indian M.) | 68.34 | |||
Rockville. G. L. Grant | 5.00 | |||
Roxbury. Cong. Ch., 22.23, and Sab. Sch., 8 | 30.23 | |||
Simsbury. Mr. Simonds, for Straight U. | 1.00 | |||
South Coventry. Mrs. Mary J. Bennett, for Williamsburg, Ky. | 20.00 | |||
South Norwalk. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., 50 for Santee Indian M.; 50 for Oakes, N.C. | 100.00 | |||
Southport. Cong. Ch., to const. Edward M. Goulden, Henry W. Banks, Eliza A. Bulkley, Maria G. Perry and Mrs. C. M. Gilman L. M’s. | 164.89 | |||
Stafford. Mrs. Thomas H. Thresher | 5.00 | |||
Stanwich. David Banks, 10; Mrs. Charles Brush, 5; John Brush, 5; Mrs. M. A. Lockwood, 2; Mr. Parsons, 50c.; Cong. Ch., 5 | 27.50 | |||
Terryville. N. T. Baldwin | 20.00 | |||
Thomaston. Cong. Ch., 21.80; Eagle Rock Cong. Ch., 6.02 | 27.82 | |||
Thomaston. Mission Soc.; for Straight U. | 20.00 | |||
Thompsonville. Fred. A. King, 5; Mrs. Jane C. Simpson, 5; for Straight U. | 10.00 | |||
Tolland. Mrs. L. L. Clough | 5.00 | |||
Torringford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 19.00 | |||
Torrington. L. Wetmore | 150.00 | |||
Watertown. E. L. DeForest, for Talladega C. | 500.00 | |||
West Cheshire. Cong. Ch. | 23.00 | |||
West Hartford. “Friends,” for Woman’s Work | 40.00 | |||
West Hartford. “X” | 5.00 | |||
West Haven. Mrs. Emeline Smith | 10.00 | |||
Williamsville. Cong. Ch. | 2.75 | |||
Wilton. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 | |||
Winchester. “Ten Times One Circle,” by Miss Mary A. Goodenough, Sec., for Indian M. | 30.00 | |||
Winchester. “A Friend” | 5.00 | |||
Windsor. “A Friend,” to const. Miss Anna M. Sill and Miss Mary E. Sill L. M’s. | 60.00 | |||
Winsted. Dea. David Strong, 100; Henry Gay, 50; Mrs. M. A. Mitchell, 15; “Friend,” 10; L. M. Blake, 10; Mrs. J. A. Strong, 10; Mrs. Jane C. Blake, 5; Misses Emoline and Sophronia Catlin, 10 | 210.00 | |||
——. “A Friend in Connecticut” | 50.00 | |||
——. “Connecticut” | 25.00 | |||
Woman’s Home Miss’y Union of Conn., by Mrs. S. M. Hotchkiss, Sec’y, for Conn. Ind’l Sch. Ga. | ||||
——— | 35.00 | |||
————— | ||||
$6,207.30 | ||||
LEGACIES. | ||||
Bethlehem. Estate of Mrs. John N. Crane, by Ralph Munson, Ex. | 50.00 | |||
New London. Trust Estate of H. P. Haven, 300 for Talladega C., 300 for Tillotson C. and N. Inst. | 600.00 | |||
————— | ||||
$6,857.30 |
NEW YORK, $2,495.37. | ||||
Batavia. “A Friend” | 5.00 | |||
Big Hollow. Nelson Hitchcock | 5.00 | |||
Binghamton. Sab. Sch., Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 25.00 | |||
Brooklyn. Geo. H. Shirley, to const. himself L. M. | 30.00 | |||
Brooklyn. E. D. New England Cong. Ch., and Sab. Sch. to const. John M. Stearns L. M. | 30.00 | |||
Cambridge. Ladies Miss’y Soc., by Miss F. A. Wells | 5.50 | |||
Copenhagen. Cong. Ch. | 17.71 | |||
Coventry. S. A. Beardslee | 10.00 | |||
Danby. Cong. Ch. bal. to const. Lenna M. Brock L. M. | 15.28 | |||
Dansville. —— | 1.00 | |||
Eden. Miss A. H. Ames, 3; Mrs. McNult, 2 | 5.00 | |||
Fairport. J. E. Howard | 50.00 | |||
Flatbush. Mrs. S. K. Thurston, 2; Mrs. D. B. Harris, 1 | 3.00 | |||
Gerry. Mrs. M. A. Sears | 178.36 | |||
Ithaca. E. P. Gilbert | 10.00 | |||
Jamaica. “A Friend” | 0.10 | |||
Jamestown. First Cong. Ch., 52, and Sab. Sch., 7.47, to const. Rev. Henry Frank L. M. | 59.47 | |||
Kelloggsville. Miss Carrie L. Taylor | 25.00 | |||
Kinderhook. Rev. W. Ingalls | 1.00 | |||
Lebanon. Coll. A. M. A. Concert, 5.41; Marvin Day, 5; Thomas Hitchcock, 5; Alfred Seymour, 5; Mrs. Servilia G. Childs, 3; J. H. Wagoner, 3.59; G. G. Grovenor, 1; E. M. Lamb, 1; H. Seymour, 50c.; J. Fisk, 50c., to const. Josiah H. Wagoner L. M. | 30.00 | |||
Marion. Cong. Ch. | 25.00 | |||
Mexico. E. Wheeler, Cath. Wheeler and Mrs. H. C. Gould, 50c. ea., Millie Gould, 10c. | 1.60 | |||
Millers Place. Mrs. E. M. Pierson | 5.00 | |||
Millville. Mrs. Tripp, Mrs. Colburn, Mrs. Waldron and Mrs. Linsley, 50c. ea. | 2.00 | |||
Morristown. Cong. Ch. | 3.20 | |||
Mount Vernon. Sab. Sch. of Reformed Ch., for Mountain White Work | 51.15 | |||
New York. E. F. Browning, 100; John Gibb, 25; S. Wilde’s Sons, 5., for Talladega C. | 130.00 | |||
New York. Z. Stiles Ely, 100, “A Friend,” 100, “H. W. H.” 100., to const. Ethel May Hubbard, Mrs. Louisa S. Royce and Rev. C. W. Shelton L. M’s., “D. E. E.” 25; Homer N. Lockwood, 25; Rev. Stephen Angell, 10; C. A. Smith, 2 | 362.00 | |||
Norwich. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 17.51 | |||
Norwich. “A Friend,” for Memphis, Tenn. | 20.00 | |||
Nunda. “A Friend” | 15.00 | |||
Ogdensburg. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 | |||
Oneida. Edward Loomis | 5.00 | |||
Owego. Cong. Ch. (20.17 of which for Indian M.) | 30.17 | |||
Owasco. Miss Anice Stewart | 2.00 | |||
Patchogue. Rev. Otis D. Crawford | 2.00 | |||
Pekin. Miss Abigail Peck | 25.00 | |||
Rensselaer Falls. Cong. Ch. | 3.00 | |||
Rochester. Gen’l A. W. Riley, 50; South Cong. Ch., 10 | 60.00 | |||
Rutland. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. | 12.00 | |||
Shelter Island. Hannah M. Overton | 10.00 | |||
Silver Creek. W. Chapin | 12.00 | |||
Syracuse. Abner Bates | 1.00 | |||
Troy. “A Friend” | 25.00 | |||
Union Valley. Wm. C. Angel | 5.00 | |||
Utica. Plym. Cong. Ch. | 7.00[331] | |||
Utica. Mrs. Sarah H. Mudge, for Mountain White Work | 5.00 | |||
Walton. Little Helpers Miss’y Soc. of Cong. Ch., for Williamsburg, Ky. | 20.00 | |||
West Carthage. Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 7.32 | |||
White Plains. Dr. N. F. Curtis | 10.00 | |||
Woman’s Home Miss’y Union of N.Y., by Mrs. L. H. Cobb, Treas., for Woman’s Work: | ||||
——— | 75.00 | |||
——. “A Lady in Essex Co.” | 30.00 | |||
———— | ||||
$1,495.37 | ||||
LEGACY. | ||||
Albany. Estate of Mrs. Joanna T. D. Carner, T. J. Van Alstyne, Ex. | 1,000.00 | |||
———— | ||||
$2,495.37 |
NEW JERSEY, $327.64. | |
Arlington. Mrs. G. Overacre, Bbl. of C., 2 for freight, for Tougaloo U. | 2.00 |
Bound Brook. Young Ladies’ Miss’y Soc. of Cong. Ch., for Indian M. | 15.00 |
Bound Brook. Mrs. Wm. W. Jordon, for Indian M. | 5.00 |
Chester. Cong. Ch., 17.33, and Sab. Sch., 5.31 | 22.64 |
Jersey City Heights. Mrs. Caroline L. Ames | 2.00 |
Passaic. Mrs. P. S. Pruden | 1.00 |
Seabright. Gen. Clinton B. Fisk, for Fisk U. | 200.00 |
Summit. Central Presb. Ch., to const. Charles T. Goodrich L. M. | 30.00 |
Trenton. S. T. Sherman | 25.00 |
——. “A Friend,” | 25.00 |
PENNSYLVANIA, $1,600.01. | |
Cambridgeboro. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. of Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
Easton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 35.00 |
Lansford. Welsh Cong. Ch. | 6.50 |
Philadelphia. Dr. James F. Stone | 5.00 |
Pittsburg. Plymouth Cong. Ch. | 9.03 |
Scranton. Plymouth Cong. Ch. | 5.50 |
Shire Oaks. Miss Jane Wilson | 2.00 |
Washington. Mrs. Mary H. McFarland | 10.00 |
———— | |
$83.03 | |
Pittsburg. Estate of Charles Avery | 1,516.98 |
———— | |
$1,600.01 |
OHIO, $1,818.13. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ashtabula. Second Cong. Ch. (of which 1.29 from Willie and Hellen McCreery, proceeds of garden) | 10.12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bellevue. Cong. Ch. | 25.55 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chagrin Falls. First Cong. Ch. | 24.25 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chagrin Falls. Miss Florence Sperry, for Straight U. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cincinnati. Central Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cincinnati. Columbia Cong. Ch. | 6.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Claridon. Emma E. Stebbins, to const. herself L. M., 35; “The Penny Savers.” 4 | 39.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cleveland. “Macedonian Circle,” for Indian M. | 35.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cleveland. Mrs. H. B. Spelman, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cleveland. Jennings Av. Cong. Ch., 30.51; First Cong. Ch., 44.55; Sab. Sch. of Frankin Av. Cong. Ch., 26.43; Madison Av. Cong. Ch., 10; Mrs. A. Scott, 10; Mrs. C. A. Garlick, 2 | 123.49 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Columbus. Rev. Benjamin Talbot | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dover. Second Cong. Ch. | 30.16 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edinburg. Cong. Ch. | 17.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Elyria. Rev. E. E. Williams | 1.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Garrettsville. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Geneva. Mrs. S. Kingsbury | 10.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Greenfield. Cong. Ch. | 3.80 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gustavus. Cong. Ch. | 6.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hampden. Cong. Ch. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hartford. Mrs. E. R. Rexford, 5; Cong. Ch., 3.85 | 8.85 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hudson. Cong. Ch. | 12.08 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ironton. Cong. Ch. | 16.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jefferson. Cong. Ch. | 3.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kingsville. Myron Whiting | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lafayette. Cong. Ch. | 7.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lorain. Cong. Co. (10 of which bal. to const. William Amzi Dick L. M.) | 44.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Madison. Central Cong. Ch., 25; Mrs. L. H. Roe. 25; Mrs. E. A. Crocker, 5; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilcox, 5; Mrs. Eliza Strong, 5 | 65.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Medina. Cong. Ch., to const. May Woodward, Herbert Ross, John P. Calvert and John Dannley L. M.’s, 140.71; J. Donnaly’s Sab. Sch. Class, 5 | 145.71 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Kingsville. Rev E. J. Comings | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Ridgeville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. for Williamsburg, Ky. | 3.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Norwalk. “T. H.” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oberlin. Second Cong. Ch., 161.75; First Cong. Ch., 63; Miss Mary L. Matthews, 5 | 229.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Painsville. Cong. Ch., 3.02; Miss L. Smith, 1 | 4.02 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rootstown. Cong. Ch. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sandusky. First Cong. Ch., 15.44; Rev. G. H. Peeke, 2 | 17.44 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tallmadge. First Cong. Ch. | 4.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Toledo. Washington St. Cong. Ch., 31.42; “A Friend of H. and F. Missions,” 5 | 36.42 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wakeman. Second Cong. Ch. | 8.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Warren. Cong. Ch. | 10.60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
York. Cong. Ch. | 24.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Ohio, by Mrs. Ella J. Mahony, Treas., for Woman’s Work: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
——— | 286.84 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$1,467.28 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGACY. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Madison. Estate of Mrs. H. B. Fraser, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 200.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oberlin. Estate of Alonzo Bailey | 150.85 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$1,818.13 |
INDIANA, $11.00. | |
Liber. Thomas Towle | 1.00 |
New Corydon. Geo. Stolz | 10.00 |
ILLINOIS, $1,337.61. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Atkinson. Cong. Ch. | 7.09 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Aurora. N. L. Janes | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Avon. Cong. Ch. | 13.68 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Beecher. Cong. Ch. | 11.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Earlville. “J. A. D.” | 50.00[332] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Chicago. New Eng. Cong. Ch., 25.24; Lake View Cong. Ch., 10; Union Park Cong. Ch., adl., 5; “H. E. D.,” 3; “Cash,” 2.56; “Cash,” 50c. | 46.30 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Clinton. Franklin C. King | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Delavan. R. Hoghton | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dover. By Rev. I. Brown | 5.80 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dundee. Cong. Ch. | 10.92 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Elgin. Cong. Ch. | 98.90 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Emington. Cong. Ch. | 5.25 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Galesburg. First Cong. Ch. | 80.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Glencoe. Ch. of Christ | 52.35 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Granville. Y. P. M. Soc. of Cong. Ch., 20; “A Friend,” 5 | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Greenville. Cong. Ch. | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Gridley. Cong. Ch. | 13.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Jacksonville. James M. Longley | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Joy Prairie. Cong. Ch., to const. James W. Tupper L. M. | 45.55 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lacon. “Dorcas” | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
La Salle. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Marseilles. Cong. Ch. | 33.55 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Mattoon. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Millburn. Cong. Ch. | 17.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Moline. First Cong. Ch. | 72.41 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Oak Park. Young Men’s Miss’y Soc., by Willis L. Herrick, Pres., for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Oak Park. Y. L. M. S. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Orange. H. Rowles | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Paxton. Mrs. J. B. Shaw | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Payson. J. K. Scarborough | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Plainfield. Cong. Ch. | 10.25 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Princeton. Mrs. P. B. Corss, 25; Cong. Ch., 12.30; Mrs. S. C. Clapp, 10; Rev. F. Bascom, 10 | 57.30 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Rochelle. C. F. Holcomb | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Roscoe. “A Friend” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Roseville. Cong. Ch. | 9.13 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Sandwich. Cong. Ch. | 35.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Sheffield. Cong. Ch. | 30.62 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Stillman Valley. Cong. Ch. | 41.40 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Toulon. Cong. Ch., to const. Edward B. Starrett L. M. | 35.62 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Waukegan. Cong. Ch., 9.75; Y. P. M. Soc. of Cong. Ch., 12 | 21.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Wauponsee Grove. Cong. Ch. | 14.37 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Wheaton. Mrs E. H. D. French | 0.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Winnebago. N. F. Parsons, 15; Mrs. O. T. Holcomb, 2 | 17.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Yorkville. Mrs. Sarah J. Wheeler, 5; Mrs. Elvira H. Colton, 5 | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Woman’s Home Missionary Union, by Mrs. B. F. Leavitt, Treas., for Woman’s Work: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
———— | 149.37 |
MICHIGAN, $961.17. | ||||||
Addison. Cong. Ch. | 4.00 | |||||
Almont. Cong. Ch. | 30.00 | |||||
Ann Arbor. “A Friend,” 30, to const. Ernest Perry L. M.; Mrs. Maria Wood, 2.50 | 32.50 | |||||
Benzonia. —— | 5.00 | |||||
Birmingham. Mrs. A. D. Stickney | 1.00 | |||||
Calumet. “Mission Band,” by Miss Gertrude Colton, for Marie Adlof Sch’p Fund | 25.00 | |||||
Covert. Albert Packard, for Talladega C. | 10.00 | |||||
Detroit. First Cong. Ch., 210.60; Arthur H. Bigg. M. D., to const. Mrs. Adaline E. W. Bigg L. M., 30 | 240.60 | |||||
East Gilead. Cong. Ch. | 2.00 | |||||
Edwardsburg. S. C. Olmsted | 5.00 | |||||
Grand Rapids. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., for Woman’s Work | 25.00 | |||||
Hancock. Cong. Ch. | 91.00 | |||||
Hancock. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Talladega C. | 12.00 | |||||
Homestead. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 4.00 | |||||
Jackson. Mrs. L. C. Nash and daughter | 5.00 | |||||
Kalamazoo. Cong. Ch., 96.11; Sarah M. Sleeper, 5 | 101.11 | |||||
Lansing. Cong. Ch., to const. Mrs. Lucy Wheeler L. M. | 30.50 | |||||
Manistee. Y. L. M. Soc., by Miss A. E. Lewis, Treas., for Oahe Ind’l Sch. | 50.00 | |||||
Memphis. Cong. Ch. | 6.00 | |||||
Olivet. W. B. Palmer, 50; Morning Star Mission Band, 10, for Talladega C. | 60.00 | |||||
Pontiac. Cong. Ch. | 6.05 | |||||
Portland. Cong. Ch. | 20.00 | |||||
Saginaw City. Mrs A. M. Spencer | 2.00 | |||||
Standish. First Cong. Ch. | 2.00 | |||||
Summit. Cong. Ch. | 14.00 | |||||
Three Rivers. E. B. Linsley | 2.00 | |||||
Traverse City. First Cong. Ch. | 29.18 | |||||
Union City. Cong. Ch., 35; “A Friend,” 50 | 85.00 | |||||
Watervliet. Cong. Ch. | 10.81 | |||||
Wayne. Cong. Ch. | 8.00 | |||||
West Adrian. First Cong. Ch. | 15.42 | |||||
Ypsilanti. Cong. Ch. | 11.00 | |||||
Woman’s Home Miss’y Union, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., for Woman’s Work: | ||||||
—— | 16.00 |
WISCONSIN, $850.82. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Beloit. First Cong. Ch., 27; Mrs. Sanford Richardson, 5 | 32.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Berlin. Cong. Ch. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Boscobel. Cong. Ch., for Woman’s Work | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Columbus. C. Baker | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Darlington. Cong. Ch. | 7.05 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fox Lake. M. Jarvis | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hartland. Cong. Ch. | 13.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lake Geneva. Mrs. Geo. Allen | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lancaster. Cong. Ch. | 58.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Madison. First Cong. Ch., 39.26; “A. E. H. D.,” 1 | 40.26 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Madison. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menasha. E. D. Smith | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Milwaukee. Win. Dawes, 40; Tab. Welsh Cong. Ch., 3 | 43.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monroe. Miss Frances A. Locke | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pewaukee. Cong. Ch. | 5.80 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Racine. Mrs. M. B. Erskine | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
River Falls. First Cong. Ch. | 40.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shawano. Chas. Upham, for Talladega C. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sheboygan. Dea. D. Brown | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sparta. First Cong. Ch., 17.59, and Sab. Sch., 17.25 | 34.84 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whitewater. Geo. S. Marsh, “In Memoriam of Fred. B. Marsh,” 200; “Tithe Fund,” 5 | 205.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin, for Woman’s Work: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
——— | 184.27 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woman’s Home Missionary Union, by Mrs. C. C. Keeler, Treas., for Woman’s Work: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— | 16.00 |
IOWA, $197.43. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Algona. Mrs. Mary H. Carter | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Ames. Cong. Ch. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Bear Grove. Union Sab. Sch. Infant Class, for Rosebud Indian M. | 1.25 | |||||||||||||||||||
Cedar Falls. Cong. Ch. (10 of which from Mrs. A. G. Thompson) | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Cherokee. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for McIntosh, Ga. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Chester Center. Cong. Ch. | 13.37 | |||||||||||||||||||
Creston. Cong. Ch. | 23.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Cromwell. Cong. Ch. | 3.15 | |||||||||||||||||||
Davenport. Edwards Cong. Ch. | 17.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Denmark. Cong. Ch. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Des Moines. North Park Cong. Ch., 5.05; “Traveler,” 1 | 6.05 | |||||||||||||||||||
Dunlap. Cong. Ch. | 13.20 | |||||||||||||||||||
Dubuque. First Cong. Ch., to const. Mrs. M. J. Nichoson L. M. | 54.37 | |||||||||||||||||||
Eldon. Cong. Ch. | 9.30 | |||||||||||||||||||
Greene. Rudolph Landes | 4.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Iowa City. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 4.08 | |||||||||||||||||||
Keokuk. Cong. Ch. | 20.70 | |||||||||||||||||||
Marion. Cong. Ch. | 16.09 | |||||||||||||||||||
Newton. Cong. Ch. | 12.61 | |||||||||||||||||||
Postville. Cong. Ch. | 16.43 | |||||||||||||||||||
Rockford. Cong. Ch. | 12.15 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tabor. Cong. Ch. | 66.47 | |||||||||||||||||||
University Place. “A Friend” | 15.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Waterloo. Cong. Ch., 20; Rev. Moses K. Cross, 10 | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
By Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Iowa, for Woman’s Work: | ||||||||||||||||||||
———— | 89.21 |
MINNESOTA, $753.51. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alexandria. Ladies’ Home Miss’y Soc., for Woman’s Work | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amiret. Mrs. L. H. Dwinnell | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Austin. Cong. Union Ch., 42.66; Mrs. S. C. Bacon, 10 | 52.66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brownsville. Mrs. S. M. McHose | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clearwater. Cong. Ch. “Birthday Box” | 2.82 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edina. Mission Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Excelsior. Cong. Ch. | 13.72 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Glyndon. Church at Glyndon, 8.91, and Sab. Sch., 70c. | 9.61 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hopkins. Mission Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 4.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lake City. Cong. Ch. | 6.72 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Litchfield. Miss’y Band, by Mrs. Hattie Greenleaf, for Student Aid, Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mankato. “Missionary Garden,” by Emma Hegeman, Treas. | 14.08 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mankato. Woman’s Miss’y Soc., by H. Pierson, Sec., for Woman’s Work | 12.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mazeppa. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Wilmington, N.C. | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mazeppa. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. | 3.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minneapolis. Miss Mary T. Hale, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch., 19; Mrs. D. C. Bell, 5; Vine Cong. Ch., 12.70; Union Ch., 5.59 | 42.29 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rochester. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Freight | 1.30 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Waseca. Cong. Ch. | 8.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Worthington. Sab. Sch. Union Cong. Ch. | 5.08 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woman’s Home Miss’y Union, by Mrs. J. N. Cross, Treas., for Woman’s Work: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— | 286.56 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By Rev. T. L. Riggs, for Oahe Ind’l Sch: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
———— | 206.75 |
MISSOURI, $31.00. | |
Laclede. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Seward | 5.00 |
Webster Groves. Cong. Ch. | 26.00 |
KANSAS, $2,257.67. | |
Brookville. Rev. S. G. Wright | 2.00 |
Burlingame. Mrs. Mary S. Leonard | 0.50 |
Chapman. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Council Grove. Cong. Ch. | 15.00 |
Emporia. First Cong. Ch. | 47.71 |
Lawrence. Cong. Ch., 10; Pilgrim Ch., 1 | 11.00 |
Manhattan. “Friends,” | 16.00 |
Meriden. J. Rutty | 10.00 |
Milford. Cong. Ch. | 2.30 |
Osawatomie. Cong. Ch., 5; Rev. S. L. Adair, 5 | 10.00 |
Topeka. First Cong. Ch. | 108.14 |
Valley Falls. Cong. Ch. | 15.25 |
Wyandotte. Cong. Ch. | 14.77 |
———— | |
$257.67 | |
Olathe. Estate of Miss Fanny A. Beckwith by Watts Beckwith (1,000 of which for Chinese M. and 30 to const. Rev. B. F. Worrell L. M.) | 2,000.00 |
———— | |
$2,257.67[334] |
DAKOTA, $96.55. | |
Chamberlin. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Oahe Ind’l Sch. | 2.60 |
Fort Berthold. Cong. Ch. | 15.00 |
Harwood. Cong. Ch. | 1.00 |
Henry. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Ipswich. Cong. Ch. | 6.25 |
Jamestown. Mrs. M. S. Wells | 5.00 |
Lake Henry. Cong. Ch. | 8.60 |
Lake Preston. By Mrs. Sue Fifield, Terr. Treas. H. M. S. | 4.46 |
Volga. Cong. Ch. | 1.57 |
Wahpeton. First Cong. Ch. | 6.07 |
Yankton. Cong. Ch. | 41.00 |
COLORADO, $39.00. | |
Denver. Ladies of First Cong. Ch., for Oahe Ind’l Sch. | 35.00 |
Fort Lewis. Mrs. J. B. Irvine | 4.00 |
NEBRASKA, $115.36. | |
Arborville. Cong. Ch. | 9.00 |
Camp Creek. Cong. Ch. | 18.25 |
Crete. Mrs. A. B. Pratt | 2.00 |
Exeter. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., by Mrs. D. B. Perry | 5.00 |
Lincoln. Cong. Ch. | 27.85 |
Omaha. Saint Mary’s Av. Cong. Ch. | 38.51 |
Plymouth. Cong. Ch. | 3.50 |
Red Cloud. Cong. Ch. | 2.00 |
Santee Agency. Indian pupils—Charles Hoffman, 2; Frank Redstone, 2; Arthur Tibbetts, 1; Alfred Mandan, 1; David Livingston, 1; James Milbourne, 1; Edward Wanstall, 75c.; Grover Cleveland, 50c. | 9.25 |
CALIFORNIA, $5.00. | |
Los Angeles. Mrs. Milo Whiting | 5.00 |
OREGON, $45.00. | |
Oregon City. Cong. Ch. | 13.50 |
Salem. Cong. Ch. | 17.50 |
The Dalles. First Cong. Ch. | 14.00 |
MONTANA, $7.00. | |
Helena. First Cong. Ch. | 7.00 |
WASHINGTON TER., $33.00. | |
Medical Lake. First. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
Skokomish. Cong. Ch. | 17.75 |
Tacoma. Mrs. Eliza Taylor | 5.25 |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $17,400.21. | |
Washington. U.S. Government, for Indian M. | 17,357.21 |
Washington. First Cong. Ch., 24; Lincoln Mission, 10; Lincoln Memorial Ch., 4; Tabernacle Ch., 5 | 43.00 |
VIRGINIA, $6.57. | |
Herndon. Cong. Ch. | 6.57 |
KENTUCKY, $64.70. | |
Williamsburg. Cong. Ch. | 57.45 |
Williamsburg. Rent | 7.25 |
TENNESSEE, $2,700.55. | |
Jonesboro. Cong. Ch., 25.14; Miss’y Soc., 6.90, and Sab. Sch., 4.25 | 36.29 |
Memphis. Slater Fund | 1,000.00 |
Nashville. Slater Fund | 1,650.00 |
Nashville. Union Cong. Ch. | 12.50 |
Nashville. Coll’s at Sab. Sch. in Fisk U. held by three children of the Faculty during vacation | 1.76 |
NORTH CAROLINA, $16.40. | |
Oakes. “Friends,” by Miss E. W. Douglass | 3.15 |
Troy. Cong. Ch. | 0.50 |
Wilmington. Tuition, 7.75; “Thank offering,” 5 | 12.75 |
GEORGIA, $526.00. | |
Atlanta. Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, D.D., 5; Wm. A. Haygood, 5; J. G. Thrower, 5; “A Friend,” 5, for Atlanta U. | 20.00 |
Macon. Slater Fund | 500.00 |
Marietta. Cong. Ch., 3, and Sab Sch., 2 | 5.00 |
Savannah. Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, for Student Aid, Hampton Inst. | 1.00 |
ALABAMA, $1,424.65. | |
Florence. First Cong. Ch. | 3.00 |
Talladega. Slater Fund | 1,400.00 |
Talladega. Rev. H. S. DeForest, 11.25; M. H. Clary, for Talladega C., 8.40; Tuition, 2 | 21.65 |
FLORIDA, $6.00. | |
Daytona. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Orange City. “From one who loves the Lord,” | 1.00 |
LOUISIANA, $1,003.00. | |
Haasville. Mrs. F. D. Blood | 3.00 |
New Orleans. Slater Fund | 1,000.00 |
MISSISSIPPI, $1,515.00. | |
Homewood. W. H. Thomas | 1.00 |
Tougaloo. Slater Fund | 1,500.00 |
Tougaloo. W. D. Hitchcock, 10; Rent, 4. | 14.00 |
TEXAS, $631.20. | |
Austin. Slater Fund | 600.00 |
Helena. Cong. Ch. | 31.20 |
INCOMES, $1,685.00. | |
Avery Fund, for Mendi M. | 1,555.00 |
Belden Sch’p Fund, for Talladega C. | 30.00 |
C. F. Dike Fund, for Straight U. | 50.00 |
General Endowment Fund | 50.00 |
CHINA, $25.00. | |
Faiku. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clapp, of Shansi Mission, North China | 25.00 |
======== | |
Donations | $29,453.99 |
Legacies | 8,542.83 |
Incomes | 1,685.00 |
Rents | 11.25 |
U.S. Government, for Indians | 17,357.21 |
Slater Fund | 7,650.00 |
————— | |
Total for September | $64,700.28 |
Total from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 | 306,761.31 |
======= |
Subscriptions for September | $48.59 |
Previously acknowledged | 996.22 |
———— | |
Total | $1,044.81 |
======= |
North Bloomfield, Ohio. “A Friend,” for Talladega C. | $709.25 |
======= |
H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer,
56 Reade St., N.Y.
Literary Notes.
The Lincoln history in The Century, by the private secretaries of Mr. Lincoln, Messrs. Nicolay and Hay, will deal during the coming year with the political and military history of the early period of the war. New light will be thrown upon certain events of that period by the publication of correspondence and other documents never before printed, and unknown to but a small circle. The historians now enter upon a more important and personal part of their narrative. The publication of this history has brought an increase of 25,000 subscribers to The Century.
Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett will contribute a short serial to the coming volume of St. Nicholas for Young Folks, which is said to be a worthy successor of that author’s famous “Little Lord Fauntleroy,” which appeared in St. Nicholas a year ago. Joel Chandler Harris, John Burroughs, Frank R. Stockton, H. H. Boyesen, J. T. Trowbridge, Col. Richard M. Johnstone, and Louisa M. Alcott are among the many distinguished writers who will contribute serial and short stories to this famous magazine for young people.
Edward Eggleston author of “The Hoosier Schoolmaster,” will furnish an illustrated novel to The Century for 1887-8. It is a story of pioneer life in Illinois.
George W. Cable will contribute a novelette to early numbers of The Century, and Frank R. Stockton has written a three-part story, “The Dusantes,” for the same magazine. Mr. Stockton’s new novel, “The Hundredth Man,” has just been issued.
The Siberian Papers, by George Kennan, will be a great feature of The Century for the coming year. Mr. Kennan has just returned from a journey of 15,000 miles through European and Asiatic Russia, undertaken at the request of the editor of The Century. By means of a circular letter from the Russian Minister of the Interior, Mr. Kennan was enabled to visit nearly every important prison and mine in Siberia.
Songs of Worship, the new Sunday-School hymn and tune-book, edited by Waldo S. Pratt, of the Hartford Theological Seminary, is just ready. It contains tunes by the best American as well as English and German composers, and is arranged in the most available manner. Every hymn and tune it is believed will prove of helpful service. Sample copies sent for 35 cents.
Fall Dress Goods
offer among their large assortment of Fall Dress Goods, the following Special Lines:
Two lines Stripe and Check Cheviots, 44 inches wide, at 60 cents; worth $1.00.
Also, Three lines Check and Stripe Suitings, 54 inches wide, at 75 cents; well worth $1.25.
Merino Underwear for men, women and children. Superior to any brand manufactured.
Orders by mail from any part of the country will receive careful and prompt attention.
For Churches, Schools, etc., also Chimes and Peals. For more than half a century noted for superiority over all others.
YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN INK! Send 25 cts for a bottle of WALPOLE INK POWDERS |
which will make several quarts of the best ink. Will not corrode
the pen. Name color. Circular giving full information free on
application. Address Walpole Dye & Chemical Works, 44 Oliver St., Boston. |
Reliable Carpenter Organs
The Carpenter Organs contain the celebrated CARPENTER ORGAN ACTION. They are pure in tone, perfect in construction, in exact accord with the voice, and full of patented improvements. More than 50 different styles, ranging in price from $20 up. “Mr. Carpenter builds most emphatically AN HONEST ORGAN.”—Youth’s Companion. All organs of our manufacture warranted for 8 years. Special inducements to ministers and churches. Catalogue free. E. P. Carpenter Co., Brattleboro, Vt.
Clinton H. Meneely
Troy, N.Y.,
Church, Chime and
Peal Bells.
Cottage Colors.
The best MIXED PAINTS manufactured. Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction if properly applied. They are heavy bodied, and for work that does not require an extra heavy coat, they can be thinned (with our Old Fashioned Kettle-boiled Linseed Oil) and still cover better than most of the mixed paints sold in the market, many of which have so little stock in them that they will not give a good solid coat.
Some manufacturers of mixed paints direct NOT to rub out the paint, but to FLOW it on; the reason being that if such stuff were rubbed out there would be but little left to cover, would be transparent. Our Cottage Colors have great strength or body, and, like any good paint, should be worked out well under the brush. The covering property of this paint is so excellent as to allow this to be done.
Put up for shipment as follows: In 3-gal. and 5-gal. bailed buckets, also barrels; in cans of ⅛, ¼, ½, 1-gal. and 2-gal. each.
Sample Cards of Colors, Testimonials and prices sent on application to
Chicago White Lead & Oil Co.,
Cor. Green & Fulton Streets,
6%, 7%, 8%.
The american
investment co.
of Emmettsburg, Iowa,
with a Paid-up capital of $600,000, SURPLUS $75,000, offers First Mortgage Loans drawing SEVEN per cent., both Principal and Interest FULLY GUARANTEED. Also 6 per cent. ten-year Debenture Bonds, secured by 105 per cent. of First Mortgage Loans held in trust by the Mercantile Trust Company, New York. 5 per cent. certificates of deposit for periods under one year.
7⅔% | CAN BE REALIZED BY CHANGING 4 Per Ct. Government Bonds Into 6 Per Cent. Debentures. |
Write for full information and reference to the Company at
150 Nassau Street, New York.
A. L. ORMSBY, Vice-President and Gen. Manager.
Mark your Clothing! Clear Record of half a Century.
“Most Reliable and Simplest for plain or decorative marking.” Use a common pen.
Sold by all Druggists, Stationers, News and Fancy Goods dealers.
Indelible Ink!
Dr. WARNER’S Health Underwear,
Selected CAMEL’S HAIR and
Five Reasons for Wearing the Health Underwear.
1st. Camel’s Hair and Wool are twice as warm as the same weight of Cotton or Linen.
2d. They protect the body against excessive heat and against drafts and sudden changes of temperature.
3d. They are an important protection against colds, catarrh, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism and malaria.
4th. They cannot crock, fade or poison the skin, as they are natural colors and contain no dyes.
5th. The Camel’s Hair is warranted to wash without shrinking.
Manufactured in all styles of Gentlemen’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear and Night Shirts.
Catalogue with Prices sent on application.
WARNER BROS., 359 Broadway, N.Y.
Hamilton Vocalion Organs
of 2 manuals and 2 sets of pedals, $750; equalling in beauty, variety and volume a pipe organ of 600 pipes by the best maker. Circulars, with testimonials of leading musicians and organists of the world.
“Without a doubt the Vocalion is at present the nearest approach to a pipe organ.”—Clarence Eddy, Organist First Presbyterian Church, Chicago.
“I have only words of praise in its favor.”—Henry Eyre Brown, Organist, Brooklyn Tabernacle.
“Especially valuable for Churches and Concert Rooms.”—A. H. Messiter, Organist, Trinity Ch., N.Y.
“A tone so rich and musical must be recognized as valuable for special and new orchestral effects.”—Henry Carter, Organist, N.Y.
“Your Vocalion has a magnificent future.”—Sir Arthur Sullivan.
“A rare combination of power and sweetness.”—Adelina Patti.
Catalogue sent free.
School, Church, Chapel and Sunday-School Seating.
Catalogues free on application.
686 Broadway, New York City.
195 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.
Novelties in Music.
New Music Books of Unusual Beauty.
UNITED VOICES. A New School Song Book. L. O. Emerson has again made a success in a collection of songs for the girls and boys. It cannot fail to be popular. 50 cts. $4.80 per doz.
CHILDREN’S DIADEM. Abbey & Munger. A true children’s book, containing new and very sweet music and words for the Sunday School. 30 cts. $3.00 per doz.
EMANUEL. An Oratorio in 3 parts. 1.—The Nativity. 2.—Crucifixion. 3.—Resurrection. By J. E. Trowbridge. Not difficult. Commended to choirs and societies. $1.00. $9.00 per doz.
JEHOVAH’S PRAISE. A New Church Music Book by L. O. Emerson. Singing School Course. Good secular music for practice. Glees and Part Songs, Hymn Tunes, Anthems, for Choirs, Singing Classes and Conventions. $1.00. $9.00 per doz.
GOOD OLD SONGS WE USED TO SING. A most attractive collection of 115 popular songs, with Piano or Organ accompaniment. Price, $1.00.
Construction, Tuning and Care of the Pianoforte. E. Q. Norton. A most useful book to all piano owners. Price, 60 cts.
C. H. Ditson & Co., 867 Broadway, New York.
THE NEW HYMN BOOK, by Rev. Drs. Hitchcock, Eddy and Mudge.
Rev. J. S. DICKSON, Pastor Woodland Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, and a rare musician and singer, says: “I have just gone over the ‘Carmina Sanctorum,’ by Rev. Drs. Hitchcock, Eddy and Mudge, and find that it is by all odds the best hymnal I have ever seen.”
Rev. THOS. B. McLEOD, Clinton Avenue Church, Brooklyn. N.Y.—“It satisfies me beyond anything of the kind I have ever seen. Of course, the names of the editors warranted high reputation. But considering the progress made in the direction and the number of fine Hymn Books recently published, I was not prepared to see a work so eclipsing as this.”
EDWARD H. MERRILL, Pres’t Ripon College.—“The ‘Carmina Sanctorum’ is a superb book in all ways. I advise Churches about to change books to examine this one.”
Rev. PHILIP SCHAFF, D.D.—“It is a model collection.”
Rev. P. T. FARWELL, Stockbridge, Mass.—“The book is a thorough delight.”
E. C. EVANS, St. Paul, Minn.—“It has already contributed not a little to the enriching of the devotional part of our services.”
CONGREGATIONALIST.—“One of the most practically serviceable hymnals which we have seen.”
Hymns and Songs for Social and Sabbath Worship. 75 cts.
“Hits the Golden Mean.”
SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES, Philadelphia.—“It is a book of great merit, as might be expected from the character and experience of its editors.”
INDEPENDENT, New York.—“Any congregation that likes to have its hymnal represent careful thought and full culture, would do well to examine this collection of Carmina Sanctorum.”
EVANGELIST, New York.—“The hymns are only the choicest, and they have been carefully edited by that accomplished authority in hymnody, Dr. Hitchcock. As the American Churches have grown in taste and capacity for musical expression in worship, this book seems to meet their wants completely, giving them plenty of tunes they can and will sing, and at the same time educating their taste and improving their public worship.”
PRICE LIST.—Carmina Sanctorum Hymns and Tunes, $1.20. Hymns and Tunes with Scripture Readings, $1.40. Hymns only (Pew Edition), 75c. Hymns only (Pocket Edition), 45c. Chapel Edition, 75c. Chapel Edition, with Scripture Readings, 90c. Scripture Readings (alone) 75c.
Returnable Examination copies sent to Pastors and Committees upon request.
A. S. BARNES & CO., Nos. 111 and 113 William Street, New York.
200 Tunes
PLAYS ANY TUNE arranged for it, from a lively waltz to the slowest church music, with perfect tunes and concert time. Gives better satisfaction than a Hundred Dollar Parlor Organ and will give ten times more pleasure. Plays Two Hundred Different Tunes in a superb manner and charms every listener. Beyond a doubt the grandest and most marvellous Musical instrument ever presented to the great music loving public of America. This is a new instrument never before offered and should not be confounded with the cheap Automatic instruments. It is as much superior to them as the Silver Tongued Cornet is to the ear piercing Fish Horn. No perforated strips of paper to bother the player and require frequent replacing. THE NEW AMERICAN ROLLER ORGAN is operated upon a somewhat similar plan as the FINEST FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR FRENCH MUSIC BOXES, from a roller with metal pins; the pins operate upon valved keys, made of finely tempered steel, the roller being connected with the gearing which also works the bellows. The working parts of this magnificent instrument are made of solid metal, are easily taken apart or examined. No better workmanship is found in the most expensive musical machinery. The instrument is thoroughly made and yet so simple a child can operate it without fear of injuring it in any way. The rollers are made of light wood and the bearings and pins which are made of metal, WILL NEVER WEAR OUT. This instrument is the Perfection of Musical ingenuity and PLAYS MARCHES, WALTZES, POLKAS, JIGS, Reels, Sacred music, selections from Operas, Popular Songs, etc., and is peculiarly arranged for playing DANCE MUSIC in perfect time. If you have purchased any other style of an Automatic Musical Instrument and have found it a disappointment and a nuisance YOU SHOULD SEND FOR ONE of the above described instruments. Nothing grander, more reasonable in price or combining so many desirable features can be found in French or Swiss Music Boxes. For a short time these instruments will be offered for Seven Dollars in BEAUTIFULLY CARVED CASES with Music. Send for one and take our word for it, it will fill you with astonishment and delight. Send money by Post Office order, Registered letter or by Express. Address all Orders to World M’f’g Co., 122 Nassau Street, New York
announce as now ready the eighty-fifth thousand of
Our Country: Its Possible Future and Present Crisis. By Rev. Josiah Strong, D.D. 12mo; paper, 25 cents; cloth, 50 cents.
“It seems to me the most important book which has been issued in this decade”.—Rev. Charles F. Deems, D.D.
Evangelistic Work, In Principle and Practice. By Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. 16mo; cloth, $1.25.
This book will sooner or later find its way into the hands of every clergyman in the country.
Modern Cities, and their Religious Problems. By Rev. Samuel Lane Loomis. 12mo; cloth, $1.00.
An important and practical work on that most important subject—city evangelization.
The above books will be sent postpaid on receipt of the price by
THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO., Publishers,
9 Bond Street, New York.
Manhattan Life
We desire to engage the services of competent, reliable men as Agents, in localities where this company is not now represented. Liberal arrangements will be made with men who would like to undertake the business. The requirements are, a good reputation for honesty and integrity, popularity, intelligence, industry and perseverance. With these qualities any man can succeed; if he can add enthusiasm he can command great success. Send references as to ability, integrity, etc.
Accumulation | 11,155,000 |
Surplus, by New York standard, | 2,254,000 |
Cash surrender values. Policy incontestable after five years. Very liberal to insurers, embracing the non-forfeiture law of New York.
JAMES M. McLEAN, President.
J. L. Halsey, 1st Vice-Pres’t.
H. B. Stokes, 2d Vice-Pres’t.
H. Y. Wemple, Secretary.
S. N. Stebbins, Actuary.
Phenix Insurance Company
JANUARY 1st, 1887.
CASH CAPITAL | $1,000,000 00 |
GROSS SURPLUS | 4,383,171 68 |
—————— | |
Gross Assets | $5,383,171 68 |
=========== | |
United States Bonds, market value | $1,104,250 00 |
Other Stocks and Bonds | 1,502,858 90 |
Loans on Bond and Mortgage | 294,900 00 |
Loans on Call | 80,758 76 |
Cash in Bank and Office | 495,135 83 |
Real Estate | 1,082,787 53 |
Premiums in Course of Collection | 667,231 88 |
Interest Accrued | 11,716 42 |
Bills Receivable for Marine Premiums | 140,284 55 |
Rents Due and Accrued | 3,247 81 |
—————— | |
$5,383,171 68 | |
=========== | |
CASH CAPITAL | $1,000,000 00 |
Reserve for Unearned Premiums | 3,466,886 97 |
Reserve for Unpaid Losses | 353,759 83 |
All Other Liabilities | 5,438 10 |
NET SURPLUS | 557,086 78 |
—————— | |
$5,383,171 68 | |
=========== |
STEPHEN CROWELL, President, | GEO. H. FISKE, | } |
WM. R. CROWELL, Vice-President, | CHAS. C. LITTLE, | } Ass’t Sec’s. |
![]() |
USE “Our constant aim is to make them the Finest in the World.” |
![]() |
A preparation of the phosphates that is readily assimilated by the system.
Especially recommended for Dyspepsia, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Indigestion, Headache, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Impaired Vitality, Etc.
Prescribed and endorsed by physicians of all schools.
It combines well with such stimulants as are necessary to take.
It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only.
Press of Holt Brothers, 119-121 Nassau St., N.Y.
Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions have been corrected. Inconsistent hyphenation is retained due to the multiplicity of authors. Ditto marks have been replaced by the text they represent in order to facilitate eBook alignment.
“Assocition” changed to “Association” on page 319. (under the care of the Association)
On page 324, “rallyin” changed to “rally in”. (magnificent rally in September)
On the fourth page of advertisements, “magnificient” changed to “magnificent”. (this magnificent instrument)