The Project Gutenberg eBook of Index for Works of Bill Nye This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Index for Works of Bill Nye Author: Bill Nye Editor: David Widger Release date: July 15, 2018 [eBook #57514] Language: English Credits: Produced by David Widger *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK INDEX FOR WORKS OF BILL NYE *** Produced by David Widger INDEX FOR WORKS OF BILL NYE By Bill Nye Compiled by David Widger CONTENTS ## REMARKS ## BALED HAY ## BILL NYE AND BOOMERANG ## BILL NYE'S CHESTNUTS OLD AND NEW ## BILL NYE'S SPARKS ## BILL NYE'S RED BOOK COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES NYE AND RILEY'S WIT AND HUMOR A GUEST AT THE LUDLOW BILL NYE'S CORDWOOD TABLES OF CONTENTS OF VOLUMES REMARKS By BILL NYE (Edgar W. Nye) CONTENTS DIRECTIONS. ALPHABETIZED CONTENTS My School Days. Recollections of Noah Webster. To Her Majesty. Habits of a Literary Man. A Father's Letter. Archimedes. To the President-Elect. Anatomy. Mr. Sweeney's Cat. The Heyday of Life. They Fell. Second Letter to the President. Milling in Pompeii. Broncho Sam. How Evolution Evolves. Hours With Great Men. Concerning Coroners. Down East Rum. Railway Etiquette. B. Franklin, Deceased. Life Insurance as a Health Restorer. The Opium Habit. More Paternal Correspondence. Twombley's Tale. On Cyclones. The Arabian Language. Verona. A Great Upheaval. The Weeping Woman. The Crops. Literary Freaks. A Father's Advice to His Son. Eccentricity in Lunch. Insomnia in Domestic Animals. Along Lake Superior. I Tried Milling. Our Forefathers. In Acknowledgement. Preventing a Scandal. About Portraits. The Old South. Knights of the Pen. The Wild Cow. Spinal Meningitis. Skimming the Milky Way. A Thrilling Experience. Catching a Buffalo. John Adams. The Wail Of A Wife. Bunker Hill. A Lumber Camp. My Lecture Abroad. The Miner at Home. An Operatic Entertainment. Dogs and Dog Days. Christopher Columbus. Accepting the Laramie Postoffice. A Journalistic Tenderfoot. The Amateur Carpenter. The Average Hen. Woodtick William's Story. In Washington. My Experience as an Agriculturist. A New Autograph Album. A Resign. My Mine. Mush and Melody. The Blase Young Man. History of Babylon. Lovely Horrors. The Bite of a Mad Dog. Arnold Winkelreid. Murray and the Mormons. About Geology. A Wallula Night. Flying Machines. Asking for a Pass. Words About Washington. The Board of Trade. The Cow-Boy. Stirring Incidents at a Fire. The Little Barefoot Boy. Favored a Higher Fine. “I Spy.” Mark Anthony. Man Overbored. “Done It A-Purpose.” Picnic Incidents. Nero. Squaw Jim. Squaw Jim's Religion. One Kind of Fool. John Adams' Diary. John Adams' Diary. John Adams' Diary “Heap Brain.” The Approaching Humorist. What We Eat. Care of House Plants. A Peaceable Man. Biography of Spartacus. Concerning Book Publishing. A Calm. The Story of a Struggler. The Old Subscriber. My Dog. A Picturesque Picnic. Taxidermy. The Ways of Doctors. Absent Minded. Woman's Wonderful Influence. Causes for Thanksgiving. Farming in Maine. Doosedly Dilatory. Every Man His Own Paper-Hanger. Sixty Minutes in America. Rev. Mr. Hallelujah's Hoss. Somnambulism and Crime. Modern Architecture. Letter to a Communist. The Warrior's Oration. The Holy Terror. Boston Common and Environs. Drunk in a Plug Hat. Spring. The Duke of Rawhide. Etiquette at Hotels. Fifteen Years Apart. Dessicated Mule. Time's Changes. Letter From New York. Crowns and Crowned Heads. My Physician. All About Oratory. Strabusmus and Justice. A Spencerian Ass. Anecdotes of Justice. The Chinese God. A Great Spiritualist. General Sheridan's Horse. A Circular. The Photograph Habit. Rosalinde. The Church Debt. A Collection of Keys. Extracts from a Queen's Diary. Shorts. “We.” A Mountain Snowstorm. Lost Money. Dr. Dizart's Dog. Chinese Justice. Answers to Correspondents. Great Sacrifice of Bric-a-brac. A Convention. Come Back. A New Play. The Silver Dollar. Polygamy as a Religious Duty. The Newspaper. Wrestling with the Mazy. Anecdotes of the Stage. George the Third. The Cell Nest. Parental Advice. Early Day Justice.{2} The Indian Orator. You Heah Me, Sah! Plato. The Expensive Word. Petticoats at the Polls. The Sedentary Hen. A Bright Future for Pugilism. The Snake Indian. Roller Skating. No More Frontier. A Letter of Regrets. Venice. She Kind of Coaxed Him. Answering an Invitation. Street Cars and Curiosities. The Poor Blind Pig. Daniel Webster. Two Ways of Telling It. All About Menials. A Powerful Speech. A Goat in a Frame. To a Married Man. To an Embryo Poet. Eccentricities of Genius. ALPHABETIZED CONTENTS About Geology About Geology About Portraits About Portraits A Bright Future for Pugilism A Bright Future for Pugilism Absent Minded Absent Minded A Calm A Calm Accepting the Laramie Postoffice Accepting the Laramie Postoffice A Circular A Circular A Collection of Keys A Collection of Keys A Convention A Convention A Father's Advice to his Son A Father's Letter A Father's Letter A Goat in a Frame A Goat in a Frame A Great Spiritualist A Great Spiritualist A Great Upheaval A Great Upheaval A Journalistic Tenderfoot A Journalistic Tenderfoot A Letter of Regrets A Letter of Regrets All About Menials All About Menials All About Oratory All About Oratory Along Lake Superior Along Lake Superior A Lumber Camp A Lumber Camp A Mountain Snowstorm A Mountain Snowstorm Anatomy Anatomy Anecdotes of Justice Anecdotes of Justice Anecdotes of the Stage Anecdotes of the Stage A New Autograph Album A New Autograph Album A New Play A New Play An Operatic Entertainment An Operatic Entertainment Answering an Invitation Answering an Invitation Answers to Correspondents Answers to Correspondents A Peaceable Man A Peaceable Man A Picturesque Picnic A Picturesque Picnic A Powerful Speech A Powerful Speech Archimedes Archimedes A Resign A Resign Arnold Winkelreid Arnold Winkelreid Asking for a Pass Asking for a Pass A Spencerian Ass A Spencerian Ass Astronomy A Thrilling Experience A Thrilling Experience A Wallula Night A Wallula Night B. Franklin, Deceased B. Franklin, Deceased Biography of Spartacus Biography of Spartacus Boston Common and Environs Boston Common and Environs Broncho Sam Broncho Sam Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Care of House Plants Care of House Plants Catching a Buffalo Catching a Buffalo Causes for Thanksgiving Causes for Thanksgiving Chinese Justice Chinese Justice Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus Come Back Come Back Concerning Book Publishing Concerning Book Publishing Concerning Coroners Concerning Coroners Crowns and Crowned Heads Crowns and Crowned Heads Daniel Webster Daniel Webster Dessicated Mule Dessicated Mule Dogs and Dog Days Dogs and Dog Days Doosedly Dilatory Doosedly Dilatory “Done It A-Purpose” Down East Rum Down East Rum Dr. Dizart's Dog Dr. Dizart's Dog Drunk in a Plug Hat Drunk in a Plug Hat Early Day Justice Eccentricities of Genius Eccentricity in Lunch Eccentricity in Lunch Etiquette at Hotels Etiquette at Hotels Every Man His Own Paper-Hanger Every Man His Own Paper-Hanger Extracts from a Queen's Diary Extracts from a Queen's Diary Farming in Maine Farming in Maine Favored a Higher Fine Favored a Higher Fine Fifteen Years Apart Fifteen Years Apart Flying Machines Flying Machines General Sheridan's Horse General Sheridan's Horse George the Third George the Third Great Sacrifice of Bric-a-Brac Habits of a Literary Man Habits of a Literary Man “Heap Brain” History of Babylon History of Babylon Hours With Great Men Hours With Great Men How Evolution Evolves How Evolution Evolves In Acknowledgment Insomnia in Domestic Animals Insomnia in Domestic Animals In Washington In Washington “I Spy” I Tried Milling I Tried Milling John Adams John Adams John Adams' Diary John Adams' Diary John Adams' Diary John Adams' Diary John Adams' Diary, (No. 2.) John Adams' Diary, (No. 3.) Knights of the Pen Knights of the Pen Letter from New York Letter to a Communist Letter to a Communist Life Insurance as a Health Restorer Life Insurance as a Health Restorer Literary Freaks Literary Freaks Lost Money Lost Money Lovely Horrors Lovely Horrors Man Overbored Man Overbored Mark Antony Milling in Pompeii Milling in Pompeii Modern Architecture Modern Architecture More Paternal Correspondence More Paternal Correspondence Mr. Sweeney's Cat Mr. Sweeney's Cat Murray and the Mormons Murray and the Mormons Mush and Melody Mush and Melody My Dog My Dog My Experience as an Agriculturist My Experience as an Agriculturist My Lecture Abroad My Lecture Abroad My Mine My Mine My Physician My Physician My School Days My School Days Nero Nero No More Frontier No More Frontier On Cyclones On Cyclones One Kind of Fool One Kind of Fool Our Forefathers Our Forefathers Parental Advice Parental Advice Petticoats at the Polls Petticoats at the Polls Picnic Incidents Picnic Incidents Plato Plato Polygamy as a Religious Duty Polygamy as a Religious Duty Preventing a Scandal Preventing a Scandal Railway Etiquette Railway Etiquette Recollections of Noah Webster Recollections of Noah Webster Rev. Mr. Hallelujah's Hoss Rev. Mr. Hallelujah's Hoss Roller Skating Roller Skating Rosalinde Rosalinde Second Letter to the President Second Letter to the President She Kind of Coaxed Him She Kind of Coaxed Him Shorts Shorts Sixty Minutes in America Sixty Minutes in America Skimming the Milky Way Skimming the Milky Way Somnambulism and Crime Somnambulism and Crime Spinal Meningitis Spinal Meningitis Spring Spring Squaw Jim Squaw Jim Squaw Jim's Religion Squaw Jim's Religion Stirring Incidents at a Fire Stirring Incidents at a Fire Strabismus and Justice Street Cars and Curiosities Street Cars and Curiosities Taxidermy Taxidermy The Amateur Carpenter The Amateur Carpenter The Approaching Humorist The Approaching Humorist The Arabian Language The Arabian Language The Average Hen The Average Hen The Bite of a Mad Dog The Bite of a Mad Dog The Blase Young Man The Blase Young Man The Board of Trade The Board of Trade The Cell Nest The Cell Nest The Chinese God The Chinese God The Church Debt The Church Debt The Cow Boy The Crops The Crops The Duke of Rawhide The Duke of Rawhide The Expensive Word The Expensive Word The Heyday of Life The Heyday of Life The Holy Terror The Holy Terror The Indian Orator The Indian Orator The Little Barefoot Boy The Little Barefoot Boy The Miner at Home The Miner at Home The Newspaper The Newspaper The Old South The Old South The Old Subscriber The Old Subscriber The Opium Habit The Opium Habit The Photograph Habit The Photograph Habit The Poor Blind Pig The Poor Blind Pig The Sedentary Hen The Sedentary Hen The Silver Dollar The Silver Dollar The Snake Indian The Snake Indian The Story of a Struggler The Story of a Struggler The Wail of a Wife The Warrior's Oration The Warrior's Oration The Ways of Doctors The Ways of Doctors The Weeping Woman The Weeping Woman The Wild Cow The Wild Cow They Fell They Fell Time's Changes Time's Changes To a Married Man To a Married Man To an Embryo Poet To an Embryo Poet To Her Majesty To Her Majesty To The President-Elect Twombley's Tale Twombley's Tale Two Ways of Telling It Two Ways of Telling It Venice Venice Verona Verona “We” What We Eat What We Eat Woman's Wonderful Influence Woman's Wonderful Influence Woodtick William's Story Woodtick William's Story Words About Washington Words About Washington Wrestling With the Mazy “You Heah Me, Sah!” {Illustration: WE WERE NOT ON TERMS OF INTIMACY.} BALED HAY By Bill Nye A Drier Book than Walt Whitman's "Leaves o' Grass." 1884 CONTENTS DEDICATION. BALED HAY GREELEY AID RUM. ABOUT SAW MILLS. EXPERIMENTS WITH OLD CHEESE. THE RAG-CARPET. ONE KIND OF A BOY. THE CHAMPION MEAN MAN. FRATERNAL SPARRING. CHIPETA'S ADDRESS TO THE UTES. BILL NYE'S CAT. AUTUMN THOUGHTS. THE MAN WHO INTERRUPTS. THE ROCKY MOUKTAIN COW. PRESERVING EGGS. HUMAN' NATURE ON THE HALF-SHELL. TOO CONTIGUOUS. THE AMENDE HONORABLE. JOAQUIN AND JUNIATA. SOME VAGUE THOUGHTS. THE YOUMORIST. MY CABINET. HEALTH FOOD. PINES FOE HIS OLD HOME ONE TOUCH OF NATURE. HOW TO PUT UP A STOVE-PIPE. FUN OF BEING A PUBLISHER. LINGERIE. FRUIT. THE BONE OF CONTENTION. CONGRATULATORY. THE AGONY IS OVER. OSTRICH CAVALRY. AN ELECTRIC BELT. THE ANNUAL WAIL HE WAS NOT A BURGLAR. BEST ON, BLESSED MEMORY. GENIUS AND WHISKY. THE TWO-HEADED GIRL THE CULTIVATION OF GUM. WE HAVE REASONED IT OUT. CARVING SCHOOLS. DIGNITY. ALWAYS BOOM AT THE TOP. INACCURATE. THE WESTERN "CHAP." AN INCIDENT OF THE CAMPAIGN. WHY DO THEY DO IT? TWO STYLES. GOSHALLHEMLOCK SALVE. THE STAGE BALD-HEAD. FATHERLY WORDS. THE GOOD TIME COMING. MANIA FOR MARKING CLOTHES. REGARDING THE NOSE. SOMETHING TOO MUCH OF THIS. COLOR BLINDNESS. IS DUELING MURDER? HEAP GONE. THE EDITORIAL LAMP. DIFFICULT TO IDENTIFY. THE MAROON SAUSAGE. TESTIMONIALS OF REGARD. THE CHINESE COMPOSITOR SNOWED UNDER ROUGH ON OSCAR. THE POSTAL CARD. WHY WE ARE NOT GAY. SCIENTIFIC. THE REVELATION RACKET IN UTAH. SAGE BRUSH TONIC. LAME FROM HIS BERTH. THE PUBLIC PRINTER. SAD DESTRUCTION. THE IMMEDIATE REVOLTER THE SECRET OF HEALTH. HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. WHAT IS LITERATURE? THE PREVIOUS HOTEL. ANECDOTE OF SPOTTED TAIL. THE ZEALOUS VOTER. HOW TO PRESERVE TEETH MR. BEECHER'S BRAIN. OH, NO! THE MARCH OF CIVILIZATION. AN UNCLOUDED WELCOME. THE PILLOW-SHAM HOLDER. SOMETHING FRESH. YANKED TO ETERNITY. WHY WE SHED THE SCALDING. ANOTHER SUGGESTION. PISCATORIAL AND EDITORIAL ANOTHER FEATHERED SONGSTER ABOUT THE OSTRICH TOO MUCH GOD AND NO FLOUR. WE ARE GETTING CYNICAL ASK US SOMETHING DIFFICULT. THE MIMIC STAGE. DECLINE OF AMERICAN HUMOR CHICAGO CUSTOM HOUSE FOREIGN OPINION THEY HAVE CURBED THEIR WOE. HUNG BY REQUEST. THE MELVILLES. MENDING BROKEN NECKS. ARE YOU A MORMON? CAUTION. POISONS AND THEIR ANECDOTES. CORRESPONDENCE. WHAT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY NEEDS. TABLE MANNERS OF CHILDREN. WHAT IT MEANT. VOTERS IN UTAH. INCONGRUITY RIDING DOWN A MOUNTAIN. CORRALED HIM. FIRMNESS. PUT IN A SUMP. MINING AS A SCIENCE DRAWBACKS OF ROYALTY. ENGLISH HUMOR ABOUT THE AUTOPSY. DON'T LIKE OUR STYLE. MR. T. WILSON. ETIQUETTE OF THE NAPKIN AN INFERNAL MACHINE. THE CODFISH. HIS AGED MOTHER. BUSINESS LETTERS. DANGER OF GARDENING. BILL NYE AND BOOMERANG Or, The Tale Of A Meek-Eyed Mule, And Some Other Literary Gems By Bill Nye 1883 CONTENTS MY MULE BOOMERANG, THE APOLOGY. OSTROPHE TO AN ORPHAN MULE. A MINERS' MEETING—MY MINE—A MIRAGE ON E PLAINS. THE TRUE STORY OF DAMON AND PYTHIAS. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. SAD MEMORIES OF THE DEAD YEAR. LETTER FROM PARIS. PREHISTORIC CROCKERY. SUGGESTION'S FOR A SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM. THE FRAGRANT MORMON. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE OPERA. A SUNNY LITTLE INCIDENT. HE REWARDED HER. THE MODERN PARLOR STOVE. REMARKS TO ORIGINATORS. QUEER SIC SEMPER GLORIA HOUSEPLANT. HOW TO TELL. BIOGRAPHY OF COLOROW. DIARY OF A SAUCY YOUNG THING. KILLING OFF THE JAMES' BOYS. A RELIC. SOME REASONS WHY I CAN'T BE AN INDIAN AGENT. THE PICNIC SNOOZER'S LAMENT. BILLIOUS NYE AND BOOMERANG IN THE GOLD MINES. TWO GREAT MEN. DIRTY MURPHY. A ROCKY MOUNTAIN SUNSET. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BUMBLE-BEE. DRAWBACKS OF PUBLIC LIFE. THE GLAD, FREE LIFE OF THE MINER. SOME THOUGHTS OF CHILDHOOD. THE NEW ADJUSTABLE CAMPAIGN SONG. SITTING ON ON A VENERABLE JOKE. A HAIRBREADTH ESCAPE. MYSELF, DR. TALMAGE, AND OTHER DIVINES. FINE-CUT AS A MEANS OF GRACE. THE WEATHER AND SOME OTHER THINGS. THE PARABLE OF THE UNJUST STEWARD. THE PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON. THE INDIAN AND THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. THE MUSE. SHOEING A BRONCO. PUMPKIN JIM; OR THE TALE OF A BUSTED JACKASS RABBIT. CHAPTER I.—PUMPKIN JIM. CHAPTER II.—GERALDINE CARBOLINE O'TOOLE. CHAPTER III.—STARTLING REVELATIONS. CHAPTER IV.—all's well that ends well. WILLIAM NYE AND THE HEATHEN CHINEE. HONG LEE'S GRAND BENEFIT AT LEADVILLE. YOU FOU. THE LOP-EARED LOVERS OF THE LITTLE LARAMIE. CHAPTER I.—A TALE OF LOVE AND PARENTAL CUSSEDNESS. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. SPEECH OF SPARTACTUS. CORRESPONDENCE. HE WENT OUT WEST FOR HIS HEALTH. A QUIET LITTLE WEDDING WITHOUT ANY FRILLS THOUGHTS ON SPRING THE SAME OLD THING. THE VETERAN WHO DIED WHILE GETTING HIS PENSION. GINGERBREAD POEMS AND COLD PICKLED FACTS. ORIGIN OF BEAUTIFUL SNOW, UTE ELOQUENCE. THE AGED INDIAN'S LAMENT. HOW A MINING STAMPEDE BREAKS OUT. THE GREAT ROCKY MOUNTAIN REUNION OF YALLER DOGS. WHAT WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE HAS DONE FOR WYOMING. PORTUGUESE WITHOUT A MASTER. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOG. THE BUCKNESS WHEREWITH THE BUCK BEER BUCKETH. BILLIOUS NYE AND THE AMATEUR STAGE. A JOURNALISTIC CORRECTION. THOUGHTS ON MARRIAGE. A UTE PRESIDENTIAL CONVENTION. THE CLUB-FOOTED LOVER OF PIUTE PASS. CHAPTER THE FIRST. CHAPTER THE TWICE. CHAPTER THREE TIMES. CHAPTER FOUR TIMES. THE AUTOMATIC LIAR SOME POSTOFFICE FIENDS. AGRICULTURE AT AN ALTITUDE OF 7500 FEET. THE GENTLE YOUTH FROM LEADVILLE. A SNIDE JOURNALIST. HE WAS BLIND. THOUGHTS OF THE MELLOW PREVIOUSLY. MY TOMBSTONE MINE. BANKRUPT SALE OF A CIRCUS. GREELEY VERSUS VALLEY TAN. THE ETERNAL FITNESS OF THINGS. THEY UNANIMOUSLY AROSE AND HUNG HIM. RHETORIC VS. WOODTICK. THE MODEL WIFE. SOME OVERLAND TOURISTS. CATCHING MOUNTAIN TROUT AT AN ELEVATION OF 8000 FEET. TROUT FISHING. HOME-MADE INDIAN RELICS. THE PREVIOUS REPORTER. THE PEACE COMMISSION. SOME ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. THE CROW INDIAN AND HIS CAWS. THE NUPTIALS OP DANGEROUS DAVIS. THE HOLIDAY HOG. SOME CENSUS CONUNDRUMS. THE GENTLE POWER OF A WOMAN'S INFLUENCE. THE NATIVE INBORN SHIFTLESSNESS OF THE PRAIRIE DOGS. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. THE SECRET OF GARFIELD'S ELECTION. PERILS OF THE BUTTERNUT PICKER. A WORD OR TWO ABOUT THE SWALLOW. LAUGHING SAM. THE CALAMITY JANE CONSOLIDATED. THE NOCTURNAL COW. THE RELENTLESS GARDEN HOSE. A WAIL. THE GREAT, HORRID MAN RECEIVETH NEW YEAR CALLS. JUST THE THING. THANKS. AN ANTI-MORMON TOWN. A CHRISTMAS RIDE IN JULY. EXAMINING THE BRAND ON A FROZEN STEER. ONION PEELIN'S. BILL NYE'S CHESTNUTS OLD AND NEW With New Illustrations From Original Sketches, Photographs, Memoranda, and Authentic Sources, by Williams, Opper, and Hopkins. By Bill Nye 1888 CONTENTS CHESTNUTS OLD AND NEW. CHESTNUT-BURR. I.—THE SHAKESPEARE-BACON PUZZLE WRESTLED WITH CONSCIENTIOUSLY. CHESTNUT-BURR II—HOW THE GLORIOUS FOURTH WAS CELEBRATED AT WHALEN'S GROVE LAST YEAR. ENCOURAGING GREEN JOKES. CHESTNUT-BURR III—BILL NYE FINDS COLOROW FULL OF ODD TRAITS. AWKWARDNESS OF CARRYING WHISKY ABOUT. THE RIGHT SORT OF BOY. CHESTNUT-BURR IV—BILL NYE PAYS A BRIEF VISIT TO A PROFESSIONAL STAR READER. INGRATITUDE OF THE HUMAN HEART. CHESTNUT-BURR V—CONCERNING THE FRENCH MASTERPIECES AT THE ACADEMY OF DESIGN. CHESTNUT-BURR VI—BILL NYE DIAGNOSTICATES THE PLAINT OF A COUNTRY COUSIN. MEN ARE OFTEN MISUNDERSTOOD. CHESTNUT-BURR VII—BILL NYE IN THE ROLE OF AN UTE INDIAN JENKINS. SURE CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS. CHESTNUT-BURR VIII—IN AN UNGUARDED MOMENT BILL NYE IS CAPTURED BY A POLITICAL SIREN. VIRTUE ITS OWN REWARD. CHESTNUT-BURR IX—BILL NYE DESCANTS UPON YOUNG IVES'S IDEAS IN FINANCE. THE ANTI-CLINKER BASE-BURNER BEE. CHESTNUT-BURR X—A FEW REMARKS ON OUR HOSTELRY SYSTEM AS IT NOW PREVAILS. PITY FOR SAD-EYED HUSBANDS. MARRIAGE. CHESTNUT-BURR XI—WILLIAM NYE VISITS ROYALTY FROM THE HOME OF THE HAM SANDWICH. THAI X DID MOT DU' A WORD OF EXPLANATION. CHESTNUT-BURR—THE HUMORIST INTERVIEWS HIS GRACE THE DUKE IN THE IMPROVED STYLE. THE CHINESE COMPOSITOR. THE TRUE AMERICAN. CHESTNUT-BURR—XII "THE OLD MAN ELOQUENT." CHESTNUT-BURR XIV—THE AMENDE HONORABLE. SWEET INFLUENCES OF CHANGING SEASONS. THE MARCH OF CIVILIZATION. CHESTNUT-BURR. XV—A BIG CORNER ON PORK. CHESTNUT-BURR XVI-PATRICK OLESON. PLEASURES OF SPRING. AN UNCLOUDED WELCOME. TOO MUCH GOD AND NO FLOUR. CHESTNUT-BURR. XVII—LONGING FOR HOME. DIGNITY. CHESTNUT-BURR XVIII—THE TRUE HISTORY OF DAMON AND PYTHIAS. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHESTNUT-BURR XIX—A STORY OF SPOTTED TAIL. CHESTNUT-BURR XX—THE ROMANCE OF HORSE-SHOEING. HOW TO PRESERVE TEETH. CHESTNUT-BURR XXI—EXPERIENCE ON THE FEVERISH HORNET. THE PICNIC PLANT. CHESTNUT-BURR XXII—ANCIENT BRIC-A-BRAC JOINT POWDER. CHESTNUT-BURR XIII—THE TWO-HEADED GIRL. OUR COMPLIMENTS. CHESTNUT-BURR XIV—A PATHETIC EPISODE IN NORTHERN WISCONSIN. THE SECRET OF HEALTH. CHESTNUT-BURR XXV—BILL NYE ESSAYS A NOVELETTE. CHESTNUT-BURR XXVI—THE DAUGHTER OF BOB TAIL FLUSH. LOAFING AROUND HOME. THE PLUMAGE OF THE OSTRICH. SOME EARNEST THOUGHTS. CHESTNUT-BURR XXVII—OUR GREAT NATIONAL MOTTO. A GRAVE QUESTION. THOUGHTS. CHESTNUT-BURR XVIII—BILL NYE AT A TOURNAMENT. CHESTNUT-BURR XXIX—A SOCIAL CURSE—THE MAN WHO INTERRUPTS. CHESTNUT-BURR XXX—A DISCOURSE ON CATS. CHESTNUT-BURR XXXI—THE GREAT ORATION OF SPARTACUS. CHESTNUT-BURR—WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE IN WYOMING. PIGEON-TOED PETE. CHESTNUT-BURR—CONCERNING THE SWALLOW. THE HAPPY CODFISH. CHESTNUT-BURR XXXIV—A NOVEL WAY OF MARKING CLOTHES. CHESTNUT-BURR XXXV—THE UNHAPPY HUMORIST. LARAMIE'S HANDKERCHIEF. CHESTNUT-BURR XXXVI—THE SODA LAKES OF WYOMING. THE COSTLY WATERMELON. CHESTNUT-BURR XXXVII—VIEWS OF CHICAGO. CHESTNUT-BURR XXXVIII—A SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM. MODERN FICTION IS UNRELIABLE. CHESTNUT-BURR XXXIX—SOME FACTS OF SCIENCE. CHESTNUT-BURR XL—SORROWS OF A ONE-LEGGED MAN. THE TRUE POET LOVES SECLUSION. CHESTNUT-BURR XLI—REVELATION IN UTAH. THE MODEL SLEEPING-CAR. CHESTNUT-BURR XLII—THE TONGUE-DESTROYING FRENCH LANGUAGE. CARVING SCHOOLS. CHESTNUT-BURR XLIV—ONE TOUCH OF NATURE. HOW TO DEAL WITH THE REVOLVER DIFFICULTY. THE FEMALE ARTISTE. CHESTNUT-BURR XLV—FUN OF BEING A PUBLISHER. A LESSON FROM THE MULE. CHESTNUT-BURR XLVI—PERFORMANCE OF THE PHOENIX. FIRMNESS. PUGILIST OR STATESMAN. CHESTNUT-BURR NYE AS A CRITIC AND NYE AS A POET. POEMS BY BILL NYE APOSTROPHE TO AN ORPHAN MULE.= ODE TO SPRING. FANTASIA FOR THE BASS DRUM; ADAPTED FROM THE GERMAN BY WILLIAM VON NYE.= THE PICNIC SNOOZER'S LAMENT.= ODE TO THE CUCUMBER.= APOSTROPHE ADDRESSED TO O. WILDE.= ADJUSTABLE CAMPAIGN SONG.= THE BEAUTIFUL SNOW.= THE TRUE TALE OF WILLIAM TELL. WHY WE WEEP. ETIQUETTE FOR THE YOUNG. SWEET SAINT VALENTINE. CARRYING REVOLVERS. THE AGITATED HEN. BANKRUPT SALE OF LITERARY GEMS. OFFICE OF THE MORMAN BAZOO. HINTS ON LETTER-WRITING. SUDDEN FAME. THE ENGLISH JOKE. BILL NYE'S SPARKS By Edgar Wilson Nye (Bill Nye) 1896 CONTENTS BIOGRAPHICAL BILL NYE'S SPARKS REQUESTING A REMITTANCE A PATENT ORATORICAL STEAM ORGANETTE FOR RAILWAY STUMPING VERITAS THE DRUG BUSINESS IN KANSAS THE PERILS OF IDENTIFICATION A FATHER'S LETTER IN THE SOUTH IN THE PARK LIBERTY ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD. HE SEES THE CAPITAL HE SEES THE NAVY MORE ABOUT WASHINGTON A GREAT BENEFACTOR THE COUPON LETTER OF INTRODUCTION HOW TO TEACH JOURNALISM THE GREAT WESTERN CLAIRVOYANT, HIS GARDEN WRITTEN TO THE BOY ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS THE FARMER AND THE TARIFF. A CONVENTIONAL SPEECH A PLEA FOR ONE IN ADVERSITY THE RHUBARB-PIE A COUNTRY FIRE BIG STEVE SPEECH OF RED SHIRT, THE FIGHTING CHIEF OF THE SIOUX NATION TO THE POOR SHINNECOCK WEBSTER AND HIS GREAT BOOK BILL NYE'S RED BOOK By Edgar Wilson Nye Illustrated by J. H. Smith 1891 CONTENTS BILL NYE'S RED BOOK MY SCHOOL DAYS. RECOLLECTIONS OF NOAH WEBSTER. TO HER MAJESTY. HABITS OF A LITERARY MAN. A FATHER'S LETTER. ARCHIMEDES. TO THE PRESIDENT ELECT. ANATOMY. MR. SWEENEY'S CAT. THE HEYDAY OF LIFE. THEY FELL. SECOND LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT. MILLING IN POMPEII. BRONCHO SAM. HOW EVOLUTION EVOLVES. HOURS WITH GREAT MEN. CONCERNING CORONERS. DOWN EAST RUM. RAILWAY ETIQUETTE. B. FRANKLIN, DECEASED. LIFE INSURANCE AS A HEALTH RESTORER. THE OPIUM HABIT. MORE PATERNAL CORRESPONDENCE. TWOMBLEY'S TALE. ON CYCLONES. THE ARABIAN LANGUAGE. VERONA. THE WEEPING WOMAN. THE CROPS. LITERARY FREAKS. A FATHER'S ADVICE TO HIS SON. ECCENTRICITY IN LUNCH. INSOMNIA IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. ALONG LAKE SUPERIOR. I TRIED MILLING. OUR FOREFATHERS. IN ACKNOWLEDGMENT. PREVENTING A SCANDAL. ABOUT PORTRAITS. THE OLD SOUTH. KNIGHTS OF THE PEN. THE WILD COW. SPINAL MENINGITIS. SKIMMING THE MILKY WAY. A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. CATCHING A BUFFALO. JOHN ADAMS. THE WAIL OF A WIFE. BUNKER HILL. A LUMBER CAMP. MY LECTURE ABROAD. THE MINER AT HOME. AN OPERATIC ENTERTAINMENT. DOGS AND DOG DAYS. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. ACCEPTING THE LARAMIE POSTOFFICE. A JOURNALISTIC TENDERFOOT. THE AMATEUR CARPENTER. THE AVERAGE HEN. WOODTICK WILLIAM'S STORY. IN WASHINGTON. MY EXPERIENCE AS AN AGRICULTURIST. A NEW AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. A RESIGN. MY MINE. MUSH AND MELODY. THE BLASE YOUNG MAN. HISTORY OF BABYLON. LOVELY HORRORS. 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