The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Collector's Guide, No. 17, January 1940 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Collector's Guide, No. 17, January 1940 Author: Various Editor: James Madison Release date: May 30, 2020 [eBook #62287] Most recently updated: October 18, 2024 Language: English Credits: Produced by Stephen Hutcheson, Lisa Corcoran and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE COLLECTOR'S GUIDE, NO. 17, JANUARY 1940 *** The COLLECTOR’S GUIDE A Monthly Periodical Devoted to First Editions, Americana, Autographs, Old Newspapers and Magazines, Sheet Music, Playbills, Dime Novels, Current Auction Prices, etc. $2 per year. Single copies 25c. Published by James Madison, P. O. Box 124, Grand Central Annex, New York. Advertising rates on page 8. No. 17 January 1940 Largest Buyers and Sellers of FRONTIER AMERICANA IN THE COUNTRY * * * * _Edward Eberstadt & Sons_ 55 West 42nd Street NEW YORK RETZ & STORM, Inc. 598 Madison Avenue, New York _Rare Books and First Editions Autograph Letters and Manuscripts Catalogues Sent on Request_ AUTOGRAPHS, DOCUMENTS, MANUSCRIPTS OF AMERICANS OF ALL TIMES or RELATING TO AMERICA. HISTORICAL AND LITERARY, purchased for immediate cash. Fine Single pieces as well as Collections. Also accumulations of such material in large quantities. Want List on Request The American Autograph Shop MERION STATION, PA. U. S. A. BEN BLOOMFIELD 65 University Place, N. Y. C. Buys and sells autographs. HIGH PRICES PAID for collections and choice single items. [Illustration: HART BOOKS] _Please quote_ Bibliography (Amer.) Books about Books Literary Biography Fine Printing and Limited Unusual Books HART BOOK CO., 1775 Broadway, New York (Room 702) Always Selling Old Stuff including rare American periodicals, curious broadsides and song sheets, and many other printed oddities you always wanted but never knew where to get. Prices surprisingly reasonable. List free on request. PITZER 41 Woodlawn Ave. Jersey City, N. J. BLAND GALLERY, Inc. Harry MacNeill Bland 45 East 57th Street NEW YORK CITY Early American Prints and Paintings Bought and Sold CASH BY RETURN MAIL _For Any Outstanding Items of_ Kipling—Stevenson—Twain—Hawthorne—1st Printing of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Prints or Paintings of Fire Scenes Early American Children’s Books Specially Wanted, Outstanding First Editions in Science and Literature BOOKSHOP OF HARRY STONE 24 East 58th Street New York, N. Y. CURRENT BOOKS OF INTEREST TO COLLECTORS AND DEALERS _When writing publishers kindly mention_ The Collector’s Guide SAN FRANCISCO THEATRE RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS (mimeographed), Lawrence Estavan, Chief editor. Vol. 9, XIX: The French Theatre in San Francisco, pages 1-107 ... The German Theatre in San Francisco, pages 108-150 plus appendices ... Vol. 10, XXI; The Italian Theatre in San Francisco, pages 151-202. Vol. XIII; Negro Minstrelsy. (These Monographs are not for sale but only furnished to libraries and educational institutions.) THE SACRAMENTO RIVER OF GOLD. By Julian Dana. 12mo. 7th vol. in the “Rivers of America” series. Farrar & Rinehart, New York. $2.50. WHISKEY REBELS: The Story of a Frontier Uprising. By Leland D. Baldwin. 326 pages, with notes and bibliography. A study of the Whiskey Insurrection of 1794. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pa. $3. MARCY AND THE GOLD SEEKERS: The Journal of Captain R. B. Marcy, with an account of the Gold Rush over the Southern Route. By Grant Foreman. 433 pages, illustrations and bibliography. Presents evidence that a more extensive use was made of the southern route to the California gold fields than has been generally credited. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Okla. $3. TRAILING THE FORTY-NINERS THROUGH DEATH VALLEY. By Carl I. Wheat. Reprinted as a pamphlet from Sierra Club Bulletin, June, 1939. Wheat’s address is care of California Historical Society, 456 McAllister St., San Francisco. NEW YORK, PAST AND PRESENT: ITS HISTORY AND LANDMARKS, 1524-1939. Contains 100 views reproduced and described from old prints and modern photographs. By I. N. Phelps-Stokes. Published by the New York Historical Society, New York, 1939. Price to non-members, 75c plus 7c mailing fee. THE BIOGRAPHY OF A RIVER TOWN (Memphis). Compiled by Gerald M. Capers, Jr., from its evolution as an Indian trading post. 292 pages, with illustrations, maps, charts, and an index. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. $3.50. BOOK TRADE BIBLIOGRAPHY IN THE UNITED STATES IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. By Adolph Growoll. Reissue in facsimile of original limited edition of 1898. Contains biographical sketches of Orville A. Roorbach, Henry Stevens, Joseph Sabin, Frederick Leypoldt, etc. Brick Row Book Shop, New York. $7.50. TWENTY-THREE BOOKS AND THE STORIES BEHIND THEM. By John T. Winterich. 15 illustrations that were not present in the original limited edition; also contains new index. J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, Pa. $2.50. PORTRAIT OF A COLONIAL CITY: PHILADELPHIA. 1682-1838. By Harold Donaldson Eberlein and Cortlandt Van Dyke Hubbard. Panoramic account of Philadelphia during this period. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. $15. STOCKBRIDGE, 1739-1939: A Chronicle. By Sarah Cabot Sedgwick and Christina Sedgwick Narquand. Illustrated. 306 pages. Bicentennial Book Committee, Stockbridge, Mass. $2.75. FARE TO MIDLANDS: Forgotten Towns of Central New Jersey. By Henry Charlton Beck. Illustrated. 456 pages. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. $5. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK STAGE. By C. D. Odell. 11th volume, covering period from 1879 to 1882. Columbia University Press, New York. $8.75. A CENSUS OF SHAKESPEARE’S PLAYS IN QUARTO, 1594-1709. By Henrietta C. Bartlett. Revised edition. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn. $10. FORGING AHEAD. By Wilfrid Partington. 8vo. A life of Thomas James Wise, collector and “manufacturer”, showing how he pulled not only the wool over astute collectors’ eyes, but also the silk, cotton and rayon. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. $3.50. DAVY CROCKETT: AMERICAN COMIC LEGEND. Edited by Richard M. Dorson. 8vo. Tales from the Crockett Almanacs, 1836-56 with contemporary illustrations. Rockland Editions, 350 W. 31st St., New York. $5. ONE HUNDRED YEARS AT VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. By William Couper. 4 vols., approximately each 400 pages. Illustrated with maps, drawings and photographs. Vols. 1 and 2 now ready. Vols. 3 and 4, ready in March, 1940. Garrett & Massie, Richmond, Va. $12 for 4-vol. set. Remit $6 for the two vols. now ready. ONCE OVER LIGHTLY. By Charles de Zemler. 8vo. A history of barbering from the earliest times to the present. Published by the author, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York. $3.75. MUSIC AND EDGAR ALLAN POE. By May Garrettson Evans. 8vo. A bibliographical study. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md. $1.75. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO IN THE CIVIL WAR. By Festus P. Summers. Portrays dramatic role of great railroad in a crucial period. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. $3. DRURY LANE CALENDAR, 1747-1776. Compiled from the playbills and edited with an introduction by Dougald MacMaillan. An account of the life and work of the 18th century actor and playwright. 398 pages. Oxford University Press, New York, in co-operation with the Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif. $7. GHOSTS OF LONDON. By H. V. Morton. Odd nooks and corners of the London of yesterday and today. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. $3. PIONEER DAYS. By Charles L. Hyde. Early days in South Dakota. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. $4. BANK OF CALIFORNIA, San Francisco. A series of historical advertisements commemorating its founding in 1864, with woodcut reproductions of historical scenes. 24 pages. SACRAMENTO GUIDE. 220 pages, with folding map, and illustrated with reproductions of early woodcuts, lithographs, and photographs. Sacramento BEE, 1939. Paper covers, 50c. Cloth, $1. (_Continued on page 12_) (_Continued from page 2_) THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A MEDICO-GEOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT. By Dr. J. Praslow, who practised medicine in San Francisco from 1849 to 1856. (A translation from the German edition issued in Gottingen in 1857). Published by J. J. Newbegin, San Francisco, 1939. $3. MR. CIBBER OF DRURY LANE. By Richard Hindry Barker. 8vo. Colley Cibber’s life. Columbia University Press, New York. $3. RECOLLECTIONS OF A TULE SAILOR. By John Leale. 300 pages with 19 pages of illustrations. Authentic details of San Francisco’s river and ferryboat traffic, told by a veteran master and pilot of San Francisco Bay since the early 60’s. George Fields, San Francisco, Calif. $3. THE THEATRE HANDBOOK AND DIGEST OF PLAYS. By Bernard Sobol. A reference work about the theatre and its people, including concise synopses of nearly 1000 plays, etc. Crown Publishers, New York. $3. (_If otherwise difficult to procure, Current Books can be ordered from THE COLLECTOR’S GUIDE, at publishers’ prices. Free delivery. If unobtainable, money will be promptly refunded._) Amateur Journalists Who Became Famous In “The Career and Reminiscences of an Amateur Journalist,” Thos. G. Harrison states that Nathaniel Hawthorne was really a pioneer member of the clan, having gotten out six weekly issues of a periodical of this description, called THE SPECTATOR, the first number appearing Aug. 21, 1820. Thus it predates by three years what many have heretofore accepted as his first literary effort, in the SALEM GAZETTE, in 1823. Prior to its appearance, Hawthorne, at that time a youth of 16, got out a preliminary prospectus, stating that THE SPECTATOR would be issued on Wednesdays, at 12c per annum, payment to be made at the end of the year. In an early issue, Hawthorne advertised that he proposed to publish by subscription, a new edition of “The Miseries of Authors,” to which he promised to add a sequel containing facts and remarks drawn from his own experience. Truman J. Spencer, for many years a historian on amateur journalism, questions whether a copy of either THE SPECTATOR or Hawthorne’s prospectus, is in existence today. Here, then, is an opportunity for ambitious bibliophiles and rare book speculators to ransack the garrets of their ancestors, and “see what they can see.” Harrison states that THE SPECTATOR was neatly written by the hand of Hawthorne. It was probably manifolded by some crude reproducing process of that period. [Illustration: _(_Courtesy Franklin Memorial Institute_)_] THE JUVENILE PORT-FOLIO, AND LITERARY MISCELLANY, DEVOTED TO THE INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT OF YOUTH. A lasting wreath of various hue.—deck’d with each fragrant flower. Vol. I.] [No. 1. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1812. CONDITIONS. A No. will be published every Saturday. The price is _only Twelve and a half Cents_ per month, payable in advance. No subscription will be received for less than three months. At the close of each year, a title page and index, for the volume; also, a list of the names of the subscribers will be given. TO THE JUVENILE PUBLIC. The title to address the public, when a periodical work is first offered for patronage, is established by custom, and a deviation from the general usage, would be a breach of decorum, since the public now demands, as a right, what formerly it granted as a courtesy; and, of late years, more labour is bestowed in writing these “_Repositories of promises_,” than in vamping up the original work. As it seems required, therefore of every candidate, that he should publicly declare his pretensions to favour, the Editor, in compliance with the general custom, deems it necessary, briefly to state the intention of the present work; and, in this, as well as in his Editorial capacity, in general, he respectfully solicits from his patrons, that indulgence, which the inexperience of youth so amply requires. In order, therefore, to make up for his own deficiency, he respectfully solicits the favour and assistance of such of the “_Literary Youth_,” as may have time and inclination, to favour him with their communications. He has, also, the promise of a few gentlemen of polite taste, to condescend their aid, “to diffuse elegant and instructive literature, to soothe trembling merit, and to ROUSE AND FOSTER INFANT GENIUS.” The columns of the Juvenile Port-Folio, will consist of all the _variety of subject_, and Miscellaneous literature, which Magazines, and other periodical literary works, usually contain: Selected with particular attention to those subjects, that are adapted to the improvement, edification, and rational amusement of youth. In our searches after variety, a preference will always be given to those pieces, which are characterised by elegance of expression, chastity of thought, and value of information. “Though we shall touch, like the Bee, upon every plant in the garden of literature, we shall only extract from those which produce sweets, and diffuse fragrance.” Besides the more general subjects of literature, its pages will always be open to such extracts of popular interest, as may be judicious and entertaining; also a general selection of rare anecdotes, points of wit, brilliant repartee, &c. Our purpose will be to render this department, lively without licentiousness, brilliant without tinsel, and elegant without elaboration. In the region of the Muses, we particularly solicit aid, but we fear “not from the voice of inspiration.” We may venture, however, to hope, that the perusal of our selected poetry will excite emulation, as no piece will be admitted, which cannot lay some claim to true genius and poetical merit. The Ladies will receive the Juvenile Port-Folio as an entertaining companion, studious of their favour, by courtly manners and valuable information; and the Gentlemen will find in it, a manly and correct conduct, which we hope will not be unworthy of their regard; as, we shall ever be anxious to please the Polite, the Learned, the Witty and the Fair, with those views, we are emboldened to ask the patronage of the public. “And, confident of praise, IF PRAISE BE DUE, Trust without fear, to merit and to You.” But Hawthorne was not the first to publish a “boys’ paper.” From a pamphlet on “Amateur Journalism,” issued by Will G. Snow of Meriden, Conn., to commemorate “An Association of Amateur Journalists of the Past,” called “The Fossils,” we learn that the earliest known American example is THE JUVENILE PORTFOLIO AND LITERARY MISCELLANY, an eight-page weekly, published from Oct. 17, 1812 to Dec. 7, 1816 by Thomas G. Condie, Jr., at 22 Carter’s Alley, opposite Stephen Girard’s Bank, Philadelphia, as per illustration herewith. After the demise of Hawthorne’s periodical, amateur journalism seemingly went into a slumber twice as long as the famed sleep of Rip Van Winkle. However, in 1858, came the COOS HERALD of Lancaster, N. H., and by 1872, approximately 200 amateur gazettes were being turned out. At this period the juvenile journal considered as having the largest circulation, was OUR BOYS, started in Chicago in 1871 as a “four-pager,” and which by 1873 had evolved into a 16-page periodical almost as large as HARPER’S WEEKLY. In its prime it is said to have enjoyed a circulation of 10,000 copies per issue. Most of these sheets varied in size from 4 pages of 3 by 4 inch dimensions to 32 pages, measuring 10 by 12, the latter about the width of four ordinary newspaper columns. The average life of an amateur paper was estimated at 8 months, which period was ample to disgust most youthful journalists with the hardships of an editorial career. In 1869, it was deemed advisable to organize an association for mutual acquaintance, social intercourse and to assist the cause of amateur journalism throughout the United States. A meeting was held in New York at the residence of Charles Scribner, from which evolved the National Amateur Press Association. Nellie Williams, a 13-year miss, is credited as being the first “female of the species.” She issued the PENFIELD EXTRA soon after the commencement of the Civil War. It had been planned to issue an amateur journal at the Centennial Exposition of 1876, and it was said that $5000 could have been raised without difficulty for that purpose, but Director General Goshorn would not allot space, claiming that the word “amateur” savored of infancy of mind. When approximately half a century ago, George Harrison announced himself as a candidate for the presidency of the Western Amateur Press Association, his ambition did not meet with unanimous endorsement, if we consider the following outburst from a rival sheet: “We smelt the smell of a dead rat when we received a copy of the WELCOME VISITOR, stating that Harrison is a candidate for the position of President of the Western Amateur Press Association, against Wyn Morris. We can inform the gentleman from Indiana that he is on the hull of a sinking ship, and when he grasps for the exalted position he has in view, it will melt before his eyes, and he will gradually sink into the waters of oblivion. George, dear George, you are left sure.”—AMATEUR IOWAN. To this not over-delicate prognostication, the Harrison clan replied in kind as set forth below: “THE IOWAN no doubt smelt its own smell, eh. As for Harrison being left in the race, we beg to inform our IOWA contemporary, in all probability it is entirely mistaken. No other candidate now in the field has a better chance than he.”—The WELCOME VISITOR. Let us quote one more expression of opinion, as one contempt-orary to another: “In our estimation nothing is so contemptible as to publish an article against an individual and then refuse to send him a copy of the paper containing the attack. The low-lived editors of the YOUNG DEMOCRAT should paste this in their hats.”—THE ACORN, St. Louis. At the time Mr. Snow wrote his “Amateur Journalism” pamphlet, in 1922, the Fossil Library, consisting of 50,000 old amateur papers, was located at 150 Nassau St., New York. It has since been moved to the Franklin Memorial Institute, Philadelphia, where it will be permanently preserved under the care of the Curtis Family of SATURDAY EVENING POST fame. The second largest collection is owned by Truman J. Spencer, of Hamden, Conn., while Vincent B. Haggery of Jersey City, N. J., has one of the very few known files of the official organ of the National Amateur Press Association, embracing 63 years. Any one interested can obtain information as to other fine collections by writing to Edwin H. Smith, Librarian of the N.A.P.A., 524 N. Kenmore St., Philadelphia. As to amateur journalists who subsequently reached exalted ranks as authors or publishers, Mr. Spencer has kindly furnished me with the following list: FRANK B. NOYES, publisher Washington STAR, at age of 12 ran the TIMES. THEODORE BODENWEIN (recently deceased), publisher of the New London DAY, at 17 ran the THAMES BUDGET. E. H. STAIR, owner Detroit FREE PRESS, ran OUR BOYS AND GIRLS, in 1873. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, publisher of the Raleigh NEWS AND OBSERVER, and ex-Secretary of the Navy, at age of 12 ran the CORNUCOPIA. RICHARD W. GILDER, for many years editor of the CENTURY MAGAZINE, ran the REGISTER at 16. CYRUS H. K. CURTIS, S. E. POST AND LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL publisher, conducted YOUNG AMERICA at the age of 14. JOHN THAYER, well-remembered as publisher of EVERYBODY’S MAGAZINE and the SMART SET, when only 13, ran the PRINTER. GEORGE B. M. HARVEY, one of the final publishers of HARPER’S WEEKLY, issued the DEMOCRAT when only 14. There were many other eminent publishers that lack of space compels us to omit. And as for authors who became famous, Robert Louis Stevenson issued the SUNBEAM MAGAZINE when 16; Frank Baum who wrote “The Wizard of Oz” published the HOME JOURNAL in 1868; and Walter Pritchard, New York theatre critic, and author of numerous books on the drama, joined the amateur ranks at 12. According to Mr. Spencer, amateur journalism still exists and continues to hold a fascination for many youths of today. From the speculative standpoint, however, there is at present no active demand for an oldtime collection thereof, although probably some individual with an ample purse and a nostalgia for youth, would be happy to possess one, and pay well for it. But who and where he is, it will take a wiser person than the editor of this publication, to identify. Collectors of this interesting phase of Americana, will look forward with pleasurable anticipation to the publication of a book entitled “History of Amateur Journalism,” on which Truman J. Spencer has been working for years. The outline of contents will comprise, DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION ... THE PIONEERS ... EXCHANGING AND ORGANIZING ... THE NATIONAL AMATEUR PRESS ASSOCIATION ... RIVAL ORGANIZATIONS ... SECTIONAL AND LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS ... LITERATURE AND BOOKS ... THE FOSSILS ... APPENDIX. Full information as to the date of publication, price, etc., can be obtained by writing to Truman J. Spencer, 2525 Whitney Ave., Hamden, Conn. The famous rooming house at 61 Washington Square, N. Y., conducted for more than fifty years by Mme. Katherine Branchard, and since her decease in 1937, by her daughter-in-law, is no more. During their years of struggle it was a haven of repose for Willa Cather, Frank Norris, Gelett Burgess, Theodore Dreiser and Adelina Patti. After their departure from the Branchard House, which incidentally is over 100 years old, they wrote her letters from all parts of the world, and these should produce some good autographic material. Mrs. Adelaide M. Faron, of the Walt Whitman Society of America, and Librarian of the Hempstead Library, Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., recently held at the Adelphia College, Garden City, N. Y., an exhibition of rare items and newly discovered manuscripts pertaining to the “good gray poet”. Here is a little good advice from that past master of sheet music knowledge, Wm. McDevitt, 2079 Sutter St., San Francisco. In his very entertaining monthly called BOOK-COLLECTING (50 cents a year) he says:—“In buying first editions of old songs, you will be safer in most cases if the sheet music doesn’t contain ads on the back cover; you will generally do well to distrust copies with the copyright line on front apparently worn out with repeated printings.” The large mass of propaganda from both foreign and domestic pressure groups is being collected and classified by the Carnegie Library of Washington and the Washington and Lee University of Lexington, Va. The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., has acquired a collection of photographs of real Wild West Indians, made by John K. Hillers, 66 years ago. [Illustration: RICHARD S. WORMSER _Books_] RARE OUT OF PRINT 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NEW YORK _Telephone_ _Cable Address_ BRYANT 9-9276 BOOKWORM, NEW YORK Good Investments In Autographs _Written for_ The Collector’s Guide _by Mary A. Benjamin_ [Illustration: _Allied News-Photo_] Frequently I am asked, “What is a safe investment in autographic material over a long period of years?” The answer may well come from my experience gained in this field during the past decade. The boom years of 1928 and 1929 sent many items of a literary, historical and musical character sky-rocketing, although subsequently they shot down just as suddenly, 1938 seeing prices at probably their lowest level in 25 years. And yet, just as in the case of rare books, some forms of autograph material suffered less than others. The knowledge thus gained, helps materially to light the pathway as to what is the best sort of autographic material to consider for future investment. Today, the safest buy seems to be good Presidential letters written either before or during their terms of office, preferably the latter. These letters must have worthwhile contents. Uninteresting documents of our Chief Executives are all too common and sell at nominal figures. Signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution are also excellent, that is, if the contents measure up. In the literary domain, authors’ letters about their works are always sought for, although prices are more inclined to fluctuate than on historical items. Of late, increased interest has been evinced in the “War between the States,” or, as it is called up North, the Civil War. An added lure is that prices for this sort of material, are almost at rock-bottom, as collectors are just beginning to wake up to its importance. The years will see good war letters of famous Federal and Confederate Generals go very high. The upward swing has already begun. A new field which has sprung up recently is that of State collections. The country has heretofore been too young to care much for the historical records of individual localities. But with the development of the nation, this interest has steadily grown, and today, all letters relating to internal politics of individual states or cities are being sought, the competition having a healthy effect upon prices. Early Mormon material, and records pertaining to Texas, Michigan, Colorado, Virginia, California, etc., are in active demand, thus enabling the average dealer to place them without difficulty almost as fast as received. Furthermore, whereas a collector may become discouraged in buying a complete set of Signers because of the super-rarity of a few names, there is little difficulty in obtaining the two or three Signers belonging to the collector’s home state, to say nothing of famous Generals, literary lights, composers, etc. The one, almost unchanging code of the collector should be to buy hand-written letters of good date, and of unusual, historical, or otherwise excellent content. Fine items seem to hold their value pretty well, even in times of financial stress, and with the years should edge upwards in price. Less desirable items will fluctuate considerably. To sum up, good autographs provide the best expectation for at least a fair dividend on the money invested. On the other hand, common items that have little to recommend them except cheapness, are almost invariably a disappointment as far as the hope of satisfactory returns, are concerned. There are occasional exceptions but this rule holds true 98% of the time. In closing, may I also stress the importance of being sure that what you purchase is genuine. Unless you are an expert yourself, the safest way is to acquire your pen treasures only through a dealer on whose reliability and experience you can absolutely depend. Walter Hart Blumenthal, rare book specialist at 1775 Broadway, New York, is frequently called upon to contribute articles on odd books, such as for example a Shorthand Bible, a Latin Life of Washington, “Alice in Wonderland” in Esperanto, and a book bound in human skin. Shortly THE COLOPHON will present an article by Mr. Blumenthal on books in which the text and illustrations are pierced into the vellum, letter by letter, the pages being backed by colored silk. In all the world, only seven such early volumes are known, he states. Rare book dealers should make good chiropractors because they know so much about “spines”.... To make Book Week successful, avoid displaying Weak Books.... It requires no earthquake to produce “shaken” books. WANTED AUTOGRAPHED FREE FRANKLED ENVELOPES WARREN L. BARR 420 21st St., N. W. Canton, Ohio THE BOOM IS ON _THE_ COLLECTOR’S GUIDE _formerly a Quarterly, is now_ Published Monthly _except July and August_ ADVERTISING RATES The Collector’s Guide Full page $15 ½ and ¼ pages pro rata Less space, $1 per inch. Discount On three insertions, 10%; Six insertions, 15%. For rates on front and back cover spaces when available, please address publisher. _A Book Stamp Innovation_ [Illustration: {uncaptioned}] As Flodden W. Heron aptly observed in a recent issue of the ARGONAUT, it is estimated by the Postal Department that one person out of every fifteen is interested in stamp collecting. There are over twenty-five journals issued exclusively for stamp collectors, and three hundred and two American newspapers maintain stamp departments. In addition sixty-four radio stations conduct regular stamp broadcasts. Book collectors constitute a much smaller group, and to date there has been no connection between these two enthusiastic armies of “acquisitioners.” To bring these two groups into closer cooperation, Mr. Heron recently suggested to the Pacific Philatelic Society of San Francisco the use of postage stamps of authors as association items for collected books. Investigation disclosed that postage stamps had been issued in honor of nearly one hundred authors. He states that the idea occurred to him when coming into possession of a Stamp Case, invented by Lewis Carroll of “Alice in Wonderland” fame. It contained twelve pockets for stamps of different denominations. Progressively this gave birth to the thought of using stamps as association items in connection with first editions, artistically affixing them to fly-leaves, inside covers, or occasionally to title pages. Time will increase the scarcity or rarity of the stamps, and in some instances, as with certain bookplates, greatly enhance the value of the books to which they are affixed. Of course we must bear in mind that the number who collect stamps exceeds greatly those whose interest is in rare books. At the same time, many high school and college students and other groups, would like to collect books but cannot afford the prices of first editions. However, if postage stamps are classified as association items, thousands can buy books not first editions, but good reading copies. The inserting of proper stamps, will permit of book collecting on an inexpensive scale, because it is only necessary to watch dates, and acquire first-day “covers” for merely the regular price of the stamps. And as time goes on, these first issues will have increased value for book insertion, quite aside from their desirability to stamp collectors. For example, a copy of “Leaves of Grass,” issued by the Modern Library, with a first-day Whitman “cover” laid in, should fetch over double the cost of the book within a year after the stamp was issued. And this, in spite of the fact that a postage stamp in connection with a book can not be compared with an author’s inscription or presentation. It can be more likened to a bookplate, which has been added to the volume by some one other than the author. Two of Mr. Heron’s favorite authors are Lewis Carroll and Sir Walter Scott, and as he could find of them no existing postage stamps, he had two made, for his personal use, which serve as illustrations for this article. We feel certain that Mr. Heron will be glad to answer any question pertaining to book stamps on the part of those interested, if they will address their inquiries to him at Mills Building, San Francisco. Temple Scott, rare book expert, died on Sept. 30th. in Edinburgh. Among his many activities, he had been adviser in the assembling of some of the notable private libraries of this country, including those of Jerome Kern, and the late William H. Woodin, former Secretary of the Treasury. The Kern collection was considered one of the most valuable ever gotten together in America, and in 1929 was sold at auction for $1,300,000. Also remembered are some of Mr. Scott’s outstanding purchases including the letters of Lord Chesterfield for which he paid $75,000, and the original text which Sir Walter Scott prepared for a definitive edition of his novels, and which set him back $150,000. The first volume of Dr. Greg’s “Bibliography of the English Drama to 1640” is reported as ready. Information regarding it can be obtained from R. B. McKerrow, Picket Place, Wendover, Bucks, England. Mrs. Nellie Dumont, widow of the minstrel king, Frank Dumont, died several months ago at her home, 1207 Green St., Philadelphia, Penna., where she had resided for 60 years. Mr. Dumont in his lifetime, possessed an unusually fine collection of theatrical material, and to this day, as far as we know, it has never been definitely established, just what became of it. “COLLECTING NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES” The only book on the subject. 72 pages, 4 pp. illustrations, 10 Chapters. Lists values of all issues, special numbers, supplements. Information on reprints, binding, maps, formats, bibliography. $1.00 EDWIN C. BUXBAUM Box 327 Swarthmore, Penna. Wanted to Buy: Geographics before 1907 _We are always anxious to buy_ Rare American CHILDREN’S BOOKS _of every description_ PEGASUS BOOK SHOP 144 East 61 St. New York, N. Y. HISTORY OF THE BOOK COMBINATION OFFER SIX ORIGINAL LEAVES: (1) Manuscript leaf on vellum; (2) Chinese Block Printing, 1440; (3) Nuremburg Chronicle Leaf with woodcut 1493; (4) Leaf of Justinian printed in red and black by Bautista de Tortis, Venice, 1496; (5) Sallust leaf by J. Ibarra, Madrid 1772; (6) Kelmscott Press leaf with woodcut initial printed by William Morris, 1893. _The group sent postpaid for $5.00_ DAWSON’S BOOK SHOP 627 So. Grand Avenue LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Catalog of early printing sent free on request. Mail Bidders Wanted Catalogues Free ALBERT SAIFER Book Auctions Correspondence Address: 142 S. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Consignments Solicited—Rates on Request A list of old magazines and newspapers that are worth real money, in the February issue of THE COLLECTOR’S GUIDE. HOW TO TELL FIRST EDITIONS When the date of the publication is not in brackets, it means that the same will be found on title page. When, however, it is in brackets, thus, (1931), it indicates that said date is printed either on the reverse side of title page, or in some other part of the book. Or, possibly, the date does not appear at all, in which case the brackets are merely authoritative information supplied by the bibliographer. Furthermore, our endeavor has been to list only authors and books for which there is a reasonably active present-day demand, and which have a speculative future. LOUISA MAY ALCOTT (1832-1888) LITTLE WOMEN. 2 vols. First volume has no announcement for “Little Women, Part Two” at foot of last page of text, nor has it “Part One” on the backstrip; Second volume has the notice regarding “Little Women: Part One” at page IV. Usually bound in green or red cloth, but other colors show up occasionally. Boston, 1868-1869. THOMAS BAILEY ALDRICH (1836-1907) THE STORY OF BAD BOY. Generally regarded as the story of his own boyhood. Has “scattered” for “scatter” on page 14, line 20, and “abroad” for “Aboard” on page 197, line 10. Green cloth binding. Boston, 1870. HERVEY ALLEN (1889- ) ANTHONY ADVERSE, New York, 1933. 105 copies de luxe edition, 3 vols. signed. Trade edition is in one volume, with publisher’s monogram on copyright page. On page 352, line 6, Xaxier for Xavier. On page 397, line 22, the word found is repeated. On page 1086, line 18, ship for shop. SHERWOOD ANDERSON (1876- ) WINESBURG, OHIO. New York, 1919. First printing said to have both unstained and orange stained tops. T. S. ARTHUR (1809-1885) TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM. Philadelphia, 1854. This holds priority over an edition the same year published in Boston. IRVING BACHELLER (1859- ) EBEN HOLDEN. There is a pine-cone design on backstrip with rounded top. In later editions, a flat top was substituted. Boston (1900). RAY STANNARD BAKER (1870- ) ADVENTURES IN CONTENTMENT. By David Grayson (pseudonym). New York, 1907. Green pictorial cloth, about 1-3/16 inches thick. Illustration on page 110, shows cows grazing. Second state is bound in dark green, olive cloth, without illustration on page 110, of man plowing. JOHN KENDRICK BANGS (1862-1922) A HOUSE-BOAT ON THE STYX. New York, 1896. EDWARD BELLAMY (1850-1898) LOOKING BACKWARD, 2000-1887. Comes in gray, green, yellowish and perhaps other colors of cloth; also in paper wrappers. Cloth-bound copies hold priority. They are said to have been issued in the Spring, whereas those in wrappers didn’t appear until Fall. The first state has printer’s imprint on copyright page. Boston, 1888. AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914?) THE FIEND’S DELIGHT. By Dod Grile (pseudonym). London (1872). Vignette on title page. Red-brown pictorial cloth. American edition, 1873, had no publisher’s advertisements at back. NUGGETS AND DUST. By Dod Grile (pseudonym). London (1872) First edition of author’s first book. Original yellow pictorial wrappers. Should have half-title, with two pages of advertisements preceding the half-title, and ten pages of advertisements at the end. THE DANCE OF DEATH. By William Herman (pseudonym). San Francisco (1877) First state has on its title page, in addition to title and author, the words “Author’s copy”. Has no press notices at back of book. Second state has imprint of Henry Keller & Co., 543 Clay St., 1877. THE DANCE OF LIFE by Mrs. Dr. J. Milton Bowers, and purporting to be an answer, is sometimes considered as a companion piece. TALES OF SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS. Issued in green cloth and probably also other colors. White end-papers. E. L. G. Steele, San Francisco, 1891. BLACK BEETLES IN AMBER. Has imprint of Western Authors Publishing Co. Cloth and wrappers. San Francisco and New York, 1892. (_To be continued_) General Stock of Americana, sea books, local New London, and Conn. material, first editions, prints, autographs, etc. Write me your wants on your special subjects. TRACY’S BOOKSTORE 60 Meridian St. New London, Conn. CITY BOOK AUCTION. Sales of Books, Autographs, etc., held every Saturday at 1.30 P.M. Catalogues free. Consignments solicited. Rates on request. 120 Fourth Ave., New York City Stick ’Em Up As a preface to “Books on Western Gunmen,” by Guy J. Giffen, in the Quarterly NEWS-LETTER of the Book Club of California, an editorial note states that not the least interesting subdivision of Americana is that relating to the bandits and gunmen of the Old West. The extensive literature on the subject offers a tempting field to collectors with a taste for the history and legend surrounding this phase of the Winning of the West. Mr. Giffen’s extensive library of books on Western outlaws is the result of a hobby of years’ standing. Mr. Giffen’s article maintains that any well-rounded collection of Western Americana should have a division of books on gunmen, and mentions a number of men and titles that will serve as a general guide to their selection. Of particular interest are the books on Murrieta. “Joaquin Murrieta, the Brigand Chief of California” was published by the CALIFORNIA POLICE GAZETTE in 1854, and is now very rare, only two copies being known, both in private collections. According to Franklin Walker as set forth in “San Francisco’s Literary Frontier,” John Rollin Ridge, partly of Indian blood, who came to San Francisco in 1850, furnished the GAZETTE with much of its source material when he wrote “The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murrieta, the Celebrated California Bandit.” In 1859, the GAZETTE reprinted the story with additions but also in this instance, only two copies are known to have survived. Of the many later treatments of Murrieta, one of the best is “The Life and Adventures of the Celebrated Bandit Joaquin Murrieta,” translated from the Spanish of Ireno Paz, by Frances P. Belle. (Chicago, 1925). _Edward Eberstadt & Sons_ _Specialists in Old and Rare Books Relating to the Far West_ 55 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK _WANTED AT ALL TIMES_ Americana, State and Local History, Exploration, Overland Narratives, Confederate Imprints All Scarce or Interesting Items, Relating to California, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, the Middle and Far West, the Early and Confederate South CATALOGUES ISSUED REGULARLY This is a readable account of his exploits, but it credits him with superhuman ability, and relates incidents that could not have happened. In Mr. Giffen’s belief, Murrieta’s true history has not yet been told and at this late date, it is unlikely that it ever will be. It may be interesting to collectors of Murrietana, to note that in 1880, a play was produced at the Adelphi Variety Theatre, San Francisco, purporting to picture the life of Murrieta. It was called “The Scarlet IX.” Stories of two California bandits of a much later date, Evans and Sontag, are related in “The 25th Man”, published in 1924. The author, Ed Morrell, gives a readable account of his experiences with these outlaws, bearing however a bit heavily on the first person. The exploits of Evans and Sontag were also offered to the public in dramatic form, at the National Theatre, San Francisco, in the early nineties, some of the bandit’s children having been engaged as a sort of “added attraction.” C. B. Glasscock’s “Bandits and the Southern Pacific” (New York, 1929) is also an interesting narrative. “Old Waybills”, by Alvin F. Harlow (New York, 1934) while primarily concerned with the pioneer express companies, gives entertaining accounts of Black Bart, Jesse and Frank James, Sam Bass and the Daltons, and indicates a sincere effort to gather the facts. The books of Owen P. White have added much to present-day popular knowledge of the outstanding killers and peace officers of the Old West. His “Them Was the Days” (New York, 1925), “Trigger Fingers” (New York, 1926), and “Lead and Likker” (New York, 1932) make exciting reading and present a true picture so far as the truth can now be known. “Triggernometry” by Eugene Cunningham (New York, 1935) is another sincere endeavor to treat the gunmen as human beings rather than supermen. Returning to books about individual bandits, one of the best is “Wild Bill Hickok—Prince of Pistoleers”, by Frank J. Wilstach (New York, 1928), this work also containing many illustrations of more than passing interest. “Wild Bill” (James Butler) Hickok has been much written about. Probably the best account of his connection with the famous McCanlas affair was published in the NEBRASKA HISTORY MAGAZINE for April-June, 1927. In it, the story of Colonel Nichols, published previously in HARPER’S MAGAZINE of February, 1867 (and copied practically by every biographer of Hickok) is disproved. Of nineteen volumes dealing with the James gang, “The Rise and Fall of Jesse James,” by Robertus Love (New York, 1925) seems the most thorough and unbiased biography. An important and scarce James item is “The Trial of Frank James for Murder,” by George Miller, Jr., privately printed in Missouri in 1898. It gives in detail information not to be found elsewhere. The list could go on indefinitely, for the period of the gunmen extended from the Civil War to the middle 90’s, and the literature on the subject is limitless. Much of it, of course, is lurid, sensational material, written solely for entertainment and with no claim to historical accuracy. But there are also many more pretentious works: good, bad and indifferent. Many otherwise excellent biographies of Western gunmen are marred by the fact that the author’s treatment is colored by his admiration or contempt for his subject. But, perhaps, that is a failing of biographers in general. Everything relative to North Carolina Literature Old books, letters, pamphlets and newspapers bought and sold. S. W. WORTHINGTON Wilson North Carolina INCUNABULA In a recent article in the New York TIMES, Philip Brooks, noted rare book commentator, remarked that there is nothing particularly mysterious about incunabula. A polysyllabic Latin word with an impressive sound, it means simply cradle books, or books published during the infancy of printing. They occupy only a short span in the history of books, no more than about fifty years, from the middle to the end of the fifteenth century. To many collectors they are the true aristocrats, not only for their antiquity, but often for their artistic beauty. For nearly 500 years printers have been trying but none have been able to approach the typographical perfection of the Gutenberg Bible, which was finished around 1455. Even the paper of these ancients is of superior quality that they will outlive most books issued today. Mr. Brooks further declared that while a common objection to collecting incunabula is that they are incomprehensible, being printed in dead languages that nobody reads nowadays, it is nevertheless a fact that before the end of the century, books were being published freely in the vernacular, and Caxton and his successors were making valuable contributions to English literature in their native tongue. Since the middle of the seventeenth century, when the output of the fifteenth century first began to attract notice as collectible objects, they have been subject to such intensive scrutiny that they are now the most thoroughly bibliographed books in the world. From Panzer (1793-1803) and Hain (1826-1834), who described 16,300 titles, the scientific study evolved through the brilliant work of Bradshaw and Proctor until its culmination in the British Museum catalogue. B. LOGIN & SON, Inc. _Chemical and Medical Periodicals and Books_ 29 EAST 21st STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. Quote Chemical, Medical, Biological, Technical, Agricultural, Natural Sciences & All Kinds of Scientific Magazines, Biographies of Medical & Chemical Men _Chemical and Medical Books Especially Early_ Moreover, collectors today who look somewhat wistfully on the mounting prices of fifteenth century editiones principes (which means first editions) of Gutenberg Bibles even in single leaves, or of that familiar favorite, the Nuremberg Chronicle, are probably unaware that many incunabula are still available for much less than $100. The elusiveness and high price of all incunabula are as much a fiction as the belief that it is impossible to identify individual volumes. It is generally admitted that there are in existence some 40,000 separate editions of books published during the fifteenth century. No one has yet had the hardihood to attempt to count all the known copies of these editions. One of the best modern efforts to gauge their extent was that of K. W. Hiersemann in his “Verlagskatalog”, Leipzig, 1924. He estimated that there were at least 450,000 pieces of incunabula around, or an average of more than eleven copies of each known edition. In undertaking to investigate the present-day holdings of incunabula in all countries, Fremont Rider, librarian of the Olin Library at Wesleyan University, reported that Germany, the birthplace of printing and native home of most incunabula, is still, according to the latest available records, the largest holder of such books. With 105 libraries owning a hundred volumes or more, it registers a total of 115,927 volumes. Italy ranks second with 70,721. France makes a poor third with 35,278, just nosing out Great Britain’s 34,045. Austria comes next, outranking the United States, which can muster 22,166 volumes. Poland, Switzerland, Czecho-Slovakia, Spain, Holland and Russia follow next in order. In the 25 countries listed with libraries of a hundred or more volumes, Mr. Rider has located 380,750 titles. The outstanding single collection of incunabula is in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at Munich, with its 16,000 volumes. The British Museum comes second with 11,500, the Bibliotheque Nationale third with 10,000. The Huntington Library’s 5,200 take sixth place, while the 3,600 in the Library of Congress entitle it to rank seventeenth among the libraries of the world. Despite the great influx of incunabula into this country in recent years, the resources of the European collections are incomparable. It is perfectly true that most American libraries regard the acquisition of a single incunabulum as a rare treasure, while many unheard-of European libraries of religious orders or princely families own far more volumes than our largest and richest universities. JAMES F. DRAKE, Inc. 24 West 40th St. New York First Editions Rare Books Autographs _We are particularly interested in unusual Kipling items._ Mr. Rider’s analysis makes no attempt to assay the contents of the various collections, as his concern is only with a quantitative analysis. Some of the scarcest and most important incunables have found their way into this country. As a result of an inquiry among the 236 most likely sources in the United States, a table is shown giving the relative sizes of incunabula collections in twelve institutions and over a hundred colleges and universities. Following the Huntington and the Library of Congress are Harvard University with 1,860 volumes, the Pierpont Morgan Library with 1,800 and the Newberry Library with 1,634. The Folger Shakespeare Library contains a surprisingly large Shakespearean ancestry of 250 fifteenth century sources. The summary leaves out of account the growing private collections, confined mostly to this country, whose numbers should materially affect the figures and perhaps the order of rank. Otherwise it gives a satisfactory account of the distribution of incunabula in public institutions. Collecting Medical Literature _An Interview With An Authority_ Hello, Henry Schuman. Hello, James Madison. Since moving from Detroit to 730 Fifth Avenue, New York, are you continuing to make a specialty of medical rarities? Yes indeed, in fact more so than ever. What class of collectors go in for medical books? Mostly members of the medical profession, but also general collectors along scientific lines of which medicine is an integral part. Do collectors of medical literature aim to cover the entire field? Not in most instances. They usually specialize in branches that encompass their special interests, such for example as physiognomy, transfusion of blood, heart disorders, venereal ailments, etc. Has a well-selected medical library that was already assembled at say the turn of the century, increased or diminished in value? Increased I should say, or, from a very conservative estimate, at least held its own. This is due, no doubt, to the permanent interest such a medical library holds. On the other hand, authors of literary classics, especially from the beginning of the 19th century on, are subject to increasing or waning interest due to a change of popular favor and appreciation. In the case of modern authors such as Hemingway, Faulkner, etc., this is even more noticeable. The “white-headed” literary lion of today may be on tomorrow’s bargain shelf, and vice versa. Is the number of collectors of medical literature increasing? Somewhat, I should say. In the late twenties, Dr. Henry E. Sigerist became head of the Institute of Medicine at John Hopkins University where his outstanding accomplishments, combined also with his splendid achievement in promoting the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, did much to stimulate new interest, especially among the younger men. Which is the best medical bibliography? Probably the best, and certainly the most concise is Garrison’s “History of Medicine”, first published in 1914 by W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. The fourth edition was issued in 1929 and is revised and comparatively up to date. It sells for $14. How can one get posted on the prices of medical literature? The Sanders Price List of Medica Incunabula gives some prices of early medicine. The cost is $10. As far as more modern medical books and miscellany are concerned, I believe the best guide is dealers’ lists who specialize in this sort of thing. I myself get out occasional catalogues of medical rarities, my latest one being issued to honor the seventieth birthday of Dr. Harvey Cushing, who is since deceased. How do you procure the medical material that you resell? There is no royal path that a dealer can pursue. One source is medical libraries privately owned, and which on the decease of the owner, have come into the possession of heirs who have no special interest therein, and who therefore are not adverse to turning them into ready cash. Europe, which may be termed the cradle of old medicine, holds most of the rarities, especially those of ancient vintage, and my correspondents on the other side are constantly on the watch for me. How highly are medical periodicals regarded by collectors? They play, as a rule, ‘second fiddle’ to books and pamphlets. They are quite bulky, and in harmony with the modern scheme of architectural contraction, collectors are not inclined to grant them shelf room. The best modern outlet for medical periodicals appears to be colleges and universities, although in many instances, the seller pro tem is apt to be met with the rubber-stamp response of “Insufficient funds.” Have many facsimile reproductions been made of rare medical books and pamphlets? Only a negligible number thus far and which have sold rather indifferently. However, with the increasing interest displayed in the collecting of medical literature, facsimiles will come more and more into their own. Are many medical works sold at book auctions? Hardly any, I should say. Medical books at best interest but a modest pro rata of collectors. Therefore, except in occasional instances, it has not been found profitable to include them in auction catalogues. Who are the modern American trail blazers as far as stimulating interest in the collecting of medical literature is concerned? In my opinion, Drs. Oliver Wendell Holmes, William Osler, and Harvey Cushing. _A New Aid to Collectors_ Early in the year, the Pinwheel Press, of 142 So. 11th St., Philadelphia, will publish “Early American Sheet Music” by Harry Dichter. This is probably the first attempt to aid collectors and dealers in this fascinating field of Americana. It will be illustrated with many full-page reproductions of esteemed sheet music covers and also give much useful bibliographical information. A business announcement in this issue, gives full information as to its cost in the several editions. _About The New York Mirror_ In 1823, George P. Morris in conjunction with Samuel Woodworth established the New York MIRROR. In those days Woodworth was considered quite a poet, his most permanent obeisance to the muse being “The Bucket”, later more fittingly known as “The Old Oaken Bucket”. The MIRROR lasted until 1842, but returned from its journalistic grave the year following and was known as the NEW MIRROR. It ran for a year and a half and stated in its last issue in Sept., 1844, that it was being discontinued because the Post Office charged it magazine postage which was much higher than that required of newspapers. Perhaps, to avail itself of this discrimination, it became a daily about this time, a weekly edition being gotten out for the benefit of the former NEW MIRROR subscribers. From Sept., 1844 to February, 1845, Edgar Allan Poe, so the “Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America” reports, was employed as critical writer. Perhaps this explains why “The Raven” was printed in the EVENING MIRROR, on Jan. 29, 1845, “by permission”, from the advance sheets of the AMERICAN REVIEW where it appeared a few weeks later. While the MIRROR copy is usually spoken of as the second appearance of “The Raven”, most collectors prefer it to its AMERICAN REVIEW appearance and it commands a higher price, although in neither case as much as one might conjecture. After Willis and Morris withdrew in 1845, Hiram Fuller took charge and with certain minor changes of title, the periodical continued until 1857. Soon after Fuller came into control, he was sued by Poe for having published the Thomas Dunn English article reflecting on his character. Poe was awarded $225 damages. WALTER R. BENJAMIN 655 Fifth Ave. New York, N. Y. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS BUYS— Leading expert in autographs will purchase for immediate cash large collections or single items of historical or literary importance. American or foreign. SELLS— Collectors! Send for sample copy of THE COLLECTOR, a magazine for autograph and historical collectors, established 1887. See prices quoted on letters, guaranteed authentic, of the great Kings and Queens, Statesmen, Authors, Musicians, Scientists, and Soldiers of all times and all countries. The United States CARD COLLECTOR’S Catalog A 90 page, 6×9 inch handbook, completely covering the card field, cigarette, candy, gum, playing, advertising, etc., together with related items of Albums, Silks, and other inserts. Dealers of all kinds should have a copy to show markets and values. Pays for itself many times. 50c postpaid J. R. BURDICK 417 So. Crouse Ave. Syracuse, New York Indian Relics, Minerals, Miniatures, Beadwork, Coins, Books, Jewelry, Buttons, Basketry, Rugs, Old Glass, Dolls, Gem Stones, Stamps, Covers, View Cards, Western Postcard Photos. Catalog 5c. LEMLEY CURIO STORE North Branch, Kansas. Another instalment of “How To Tell First Editions” in the February issue of THE COLLECTOR’S GUIDE. _Stephen Foster Sheet Music Wants_ Fletcher Hodges, Jr., Curator of the Foster Hall Collection in the University of Pittsburgh, Penna., advises us that the following titles are still required, and for the first satisfactory first edition copy of each received, the respective prices noted will be paid. Beautiful Child of Song $100. Happy Little Ones Are We 25. I Will Be True To Thee 100. Little Belle Blair 100. Lizzie Dies Tonight 100. Mine Is The Mourning Heart 100. Mother, Thou’rt Faithful To Me 100. My Loved One And My Own 100. Onward And Upward 100. Open Thy Lattice, Love Tonight 250. Somebody’s Coming To See Me 100. SCHUMAN’S of New York are Leading Specialists in Historical Medicine and Science, and are large buyers of desirable material in this field. IMMEDIATE CASH PAYMENTS SCHUMAN’S 730 Fifth Avenue, New York _WANTED! WANTED_ MECHANICAL PENNY BANKS DR. A. E. CORBY (Collector) 44 Wall St., New York City GUY DE MAUPASSANT Will purchase ANY interesting material by or about him. A. Artinian, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N. Y. FIRST EDITIONS—AMERICANA—FINE BOOKS. Bought & sold. Catalogs free. ANTON GUD 636 East 13th Street New York City Wanted For Cash: U. S. Presidential Bookplates or Booklabels. State name of President and price desired for plate. Give your name and address. Bookplate, Care of The Collector’s Guide, P. O. Box 124, Grand Central Annex, New York. Some facts about Baedeker’s Travel Books in the February issue of THE COLLECTOR’S GUIDE. _Suckers’ Progress_ A book jobber recently found on his hands an entire warehouse full of obsolete histories in sets of 20 volumes each. They simply wouldn’t sell; nobody wanted to give them away as premiums; their stock was so inferior that secondhand paper dealers laughed at the idea of purchasing them. Then inspiration came to the jobber. He expressed the entire edition to a publisher’s sucker list, accompanied by the following letter. Sir: We are forwarding you herewith a set of Professor McFeely’s _History of the World From Earliest Times Down to the Inaugural of Chester A. Arthur_. There are two bindings available: one in cloth such as we are sending you, retailing for $19.25, the other in beautiful hand-tooled crushed levant, for $39.98. If you should decide you prefer the expensive leather-bound edition you may return the set we are sending you and upon remitting the balance you will receive the other magnificent volumes. Each sucker actually received the leather-bound edition—in fact, no cloth one existed. But every recipient, imagining that he had received the wrong books by mistake and was gypping the jobber, sent on his $19.25 and kept the books. In no time the entire edition was sold out. (Lucius Beebe in New York HERALD TRIBUNE and reprinted by READER’S DIGEST). The New York TIMES reports that a new Medical Library building is being erected at the Yale University of Medicine to receive Dr. Cushing’s library and collections, including his letters, diaries and manuscripts. Any of his friends who wish, now or later, to present correspondence, photographs or other memorabilia for permanent preservation among the Cushing papers will receive the appreciative thanks of the university. The late Merle Johnson, in his “American First Editions” called attention to the fact that there is no formal Bibliography of the writings of Bret Harte. The collector is referred to the sales catalogue of the Charles Meeker Kozlay sale, held at the galleries of the American Art Association some years ago and now on file at the New York Public Library. It is the only known listing of the variants and minutiae. BOOK-DEALERS Take Notice _We Want Scholarly Books_ 1. We Want Elizabethan & Restoration Dramatists—In First and Later Editions. 2. We Want Best Edited Editions of Dramatists: MARSTON, PEELE, NASH, etc. BULLEN’S Old Plays, etc. 3. The Publications of ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETIES, such as HUTH, MALONE, FULLER, and BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. _We Pay Promptly on Receipt._ THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, Inc. 55 Fifth Ave., New York City WE BUY WE SELL _Specimen Books of_ Printing Types and Printers’ Ornaments Penmanship Publications Prior to 1880 PAUL A. STRUCK 415 Lexington Av., New York _The Long, Long Ago_ In “San Francisco’s Literary Frontiers”, by Franklin Walker, “The Annals of San Francisco” is described as being probably the best book ever written about that glamorous city. Its 800 pages give not only the history of California during the Spanish and American occupations, but also a faithful account of its social history from 1846 to 1854. Included also are vigorously penned descriptions of special local happenings, such as the Great Fires, Steamer Days, the lawless ravages of The “Hounds”, etc, to say nothing of short biographies of outstanding oldtimers. The “Annals” have long been out of print, but the book was gotten up so sumptuously that many copies were kept. It can usually be picked up for from $7.50 to $20.00 depending on the condition and binding. A folding map should accompany it. A few years ago, the California Historical Society, San Francisco, compiled, under the direction of Charles Francis Griffin, a 28 page index, which is a big time-saver for historians, and literary searchers. It is bound in full paper boards, and is sold by the Society for $1.25. The first issue of the Princeton University Library CHRONICLE contains a checklist of Winslow Homer, famed painter and designer for wood engravers, whose life span was from 1836 to 1910. RARE OLD JOKE BOOKS (Joe Miller and Up) Send for catalogue WEHMAN BROS. (Since 1889) 712 BROADWAY NEW YORK EARLY AMERICAN SHEET MUSIC Lure and Lore _by_ Harry Dichter After completing ten years of searching for and locating some of the finest pieces in this field of Americana, these notes and checklists are offered so that the collector and dealer may avoid the ordinary pitfalls that await the novice. INVALUABLE TO DEALER AND COLLECTOR This is probably the first attempt at giving a working knowledge of the field of sheet music collecting. Not a history of American Music but a necessary tool for every Rare and Out of Print Dealer and even the seasoned collector of this interesting material. Definitely names highspots and attempts at valuation (Both the Author and Publisher realize that prices in such a field can only be approximate as condition, demand and scarcity are prime factors.) Included is a Checklist of Early American Music Publishers, their places and dates of operation. Many Full Page Reproductions of Important Items Cloth bound, Autographed Copies Strictly Limited to the number of orders received before Feb. 1, 1940. Publication Date: Feb. 10, 1940. Price $3.00 Specially Priced Edition in Wrappers at $2.00 Regular Trade Discount to Dealers on 2 Copies or More _Order Your Copy Now_ PINWHEEL PRESS PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS 142 S. 11th STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. _Order direct from publisher or your bookseller_ _Locating Bookplates_ Bookplate collectors who desire to know what collections have been assembled, where they are, the type of material gathered, how they are cared for, and their availability for study and consultation, should procure a copy of “A Census of Bookplate Collections in Public, College and University Libraries.” It was compiled by Carlyle S. Baer, presiding genius of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors & Designers, and Miss Clara Therese Evans, of Columbia University. The cost is $1.00 and it can be obtained by writing to Mr. Baer at 1763 Euclid St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Robert L. Shurter presents in the July, 1939, issue of the SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY, an article on “The Writing of Looking Backward”, in which the facts regarding the composition, purpose, and subsequent influences of Edward Bellamy’s novel are set forth. We understand that a committee of bibliographers headed by Lawrence C. Wroth, librarian of the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, is making plans for the compilation and publication of a “Cooperative Catalogue of Americana, 1700-1800”, and will be based upon material now housed in the principal libraries of this country. It will contain all eighteenth century historical material relating to the Western hemisphere, except newspapers, broadsides, maps, prints, almanacs, legislative and administrative proceedings and statute laws. A preliminary survey has disclosed that only about half of the existing material is recorded in either Sabin or Evans. TRAILING GERONIMO _by_ Anton Mazzanovich Over 100 Illustrations of Historical Value The First Authentic Story of the Trailing and Capture of this Great Apache Indian Chief [Illustration: {uncaptioned}] This book will make a valuable addition to any American Historical and Indian Library. It is real Americana. Size 5¼×7½, 278 Pages, Elegantly Bound in Art Craft, 4-Color Illustrations of Geronimo _Price_ $3.00 WEHMAN BROS. PUBLISHERS and BOOK JOBBERS 712 Broadway, New York _This amazing story has been made into a great motion picture by Paramount Pictures, Inc._ RECENT AUCTION PRICES Sometimes the author is given first, sometimes his book, etc.—whichever seems most pertinent at the moment. Parke-Bernet, Inc. AMERICAN BOOK-PRICES CURRENT. 1900-3. 1908-36. Index 1916-22. 34 vols. ex-library. $95. AMERICAN STATESMEN. Ed. by John T. Morse, Jr. 32 vols. Boston, 1898. $70. THE MAN WITH THE HOE. By Edwin Markham. First edition in book form, in original envelope. San Francisco, 1899. $22. JOHN L. STODDARD. Lectures. 12 vols. ¾ morocco. Boston, 1908. $15. WALT WHITMAN, manuscript, 1 page, about 75 words, in pencil. $42. THACKERAY, WILLIAM. Vanity Fair. The original 20 parts in 19. London, 1847-48. $275. WHITMAN MASSACRE. By Matilda J. Sager Delaney, a survivor. Wrappers, autographed. Spokane (1920). $5. DODGE CITY, THE COWBOY CAPITAL. By Robert M. Wright. (Wichita, Kan., 1913). $17. CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. 6 vols. New York, 1891. $6. THE TERRITORY OF WYOMING. ITS HISTORY, SOIL, CLIMATE, RESOURCES, etc. Wrappers. Laramie City, 1874. $27. HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF LARAMIE CITY. By J. H. Triggs. Wrappers. Worn. Laramie City, 1875. $27. HISTORY OF CHEYENNE AND NORTHERN WYOMING. By J. H. Triggs. Wrappers. Omega, 1876. $42. THE CHAP BOOK. 8 vols. Chicago, 1894-7. $12. PUDD’NHEAD WILSON. By Samuel L. Clemens. 1st. Hartford, 1894. $13. THE COLOPHON. 34 parts. New York, 1930-8. $47. AMENITIES OF BOOK-COLLECTING. Bds. Name in ink inside front cover. 1st ed. Boston, 1918. $17. CALIFORNIA AND OREGON TRAIL. By Francis Parkman. 1st ed. Defects. New York, 1849. $37. THE YELLOW BOOK. 13 vols. 1st eds. with one exception. Covers discolored. London, 1894-7. $15. FOUR YEARS IN THE ROCKIES. By James B. Marsh. Orig. cloth. Cover stained. New Castle, Pa., 1884. $42. PENCIL SKETCHES OF COLORADO. By A. E. Mathews. 36 views on 23 plates, lithographed by J. Bien. Orig. cloth. Slight defects. (New York) 1866. $140. THE BANDITTI OF THE PLAINS. By A. C. Mercer. Orig. ed. Slight defects. (Cheyenne: Privately printed, 1894). $45. MISSOURI STATE GAZETEER, SHIPPERS’ GUIDE AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, for 1865. Portrait, views and pictorial advertisements. Geo. W. Hawes & Co., Indianapolis, 1865. $50. THE DARK SIDE OF NEW YORK LIFE AND ITS CRIMINAL CLASSES. 26 parts, orig. printed wrappers. Some defects. New York, 1873. $22. THE PLAINS AND THE ROCKIES. By Henry R. Wagner. A Bibliography of Original Narratives of Travel and Adventure, 1860-1865. Revised and extended by Charles L. Camp. Grabhorn Press, San Francisco, 1937. $10. AMERICAN CHILDREN’S BOOK. (Mrs. Pinchard). The Blind Child. Original boards. Loose, lightly stained. Philadelphia, 1793. $7. EBEN HOLDEN. By Irving Bacheller. 1st ed. First issue. Orig. cloth. Boston (1900). $27. CATTLE TRADE. Historic Sketches of the Cattle Trade. By Joseph G. McCoy. Covers, spotted and foxed. Kansas City, 1874. $47.... Cattle Brands of Members of Wyoming Stock Growers Association. Chicago, 1882. $22.... Prose and Poetry of the Livestock Industry. By Jerome C. Smiley and James W. Freeman. Vol. 1 (all published). Denver (1905). $52. OVERLAND ROUTE TO CALIFORNIA. By (Andrew Child). Crude wrappers; title-page missing, lightly stained. (Milwaukee, 1852). $70. THE INDIAN’S LAST FIGHT. By Dennis Collins. Orig. cloth, privately printed. (Girard, Kansas, about 1914). $37. THE GOLD MINES OF GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. By Samuel Cushman and J. P. Waterman. Orig. printed wrappers. Central City, 1876. $15. HANDS UP; or, Twenty Years of Detective Life in the Mountains and on the Plains. By General D. J. Cook. Orig. cloth, worn, covers stained. 1st ed. Presentation copy. Denver, 1882. $35. ACROSS THE PLAINS IN 1850. By A. A. Enos. Wrappers. Privately printed for distribution to friends. Stanton, (n.d.). $25. BRET HARTE. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches. Orig. cloth. Backstrip defects. 1st ed. 1st issue. Boston, 1870. $32. THE STORY OF A COUNTRY TOWN. By E. W. Howe. Some defects. 1st ed. Atchison, 1883. $15. STORIES OF THE OLD SANTA FE TRAIL. By Col. Henry Inman. 1st ed. Orig. cloth, slightly rubbed. Kansas City, 1881. $9. VIGILANTE DAYS AND WAYS. By NATHANIEL P. LANGFORD. 1st ed. 2 vols., orig. cloth. Boston, 1890. $20. MEMOIRS OF A PIONEER. By George Lathrop. Orig. printed wrappers. Lusk Herald, Wyoming, circa 1917. $22. HIGH SPOTS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE. By Merle Johnson. New York, 1929. $15. THE RIVET IN GRANDFATHER’S NECK. By James Branch Cabell. 1st ed. New York. 1915. $16. JURGEN. By the same author. 1st issue, inscribed. New York, 1919. $32. FARM BALLADS. By Will Carleton. Back cover spots. New York, 1875. $6. THE CELEBRATED JUMPING FROG OF CALAVERAS COUNTY, AND OTHER SKETCHES. By Mark Twain. Immaculate copy of the first issue of the first edition of the author’s first book. Original blue cloth. New York, 1867. $610. TOM SAWYER. By Samuel L. Clemens. 1st issue. Rubbed. Hartford, 1876. $475. MAGGIE. By Johnston Smith (Stephen Crane). Yellow wrappers. Privately printed. 1st ed. Small defects and tears. (New York, 1893). $90. THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE. By Stephen Crane. Orig. cloth, with dust jacket. 1st issue of 1st ed. of author’s second novel. Very slight end-paper blemishes. New York, 1895. $150. EMILY DICKINSON. Poems. 1st ed. Covers soiled. Boston, 1890. $52.... Letters. 2 vols. 1st ed. backstrip discolorations. Boston, 1894. $15.... The Single Hound. Bds. 1st ed. Boston, 1914. $55. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. The Scarlet Letter. 1st ed., 1st issue. Presentation copy by author. One of finest copies in existence. Boston, 1850. $2000. THE COVERED WAGON. By Emerson Hough. 1st ed. with dust jacket. Immaculate copy. New York, 1922. $40. G. A. Baker & Co. NOTES OF A VOYAGE TO CALIFORNIA VIA CAPE HORN. By (S. C.) Upham. 1st ed. Philadelphia, 1878. $7. LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB PUBLICATIONS ANTHONY ADVERSE. By Hervey Allen. 3 vols. Mt. Vernon, 1937. $7. THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. By Lewis Carroll. New York, 1935. $16. THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. By Fenimore Cooper. Boards. 1932. $8. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. New York, 1938. $5. HERVEY ALLEN. Israfel. 2 vols. First edition. New York, 1926. $6. WILLA CATHER. All firsts. Alexander’s Bridge. Boston, 1912. $26.... Song of the Lark. Slight defects. Boston, 1915. $7.... Youth and the Bright Medusa. New York, 1920. (one of 25). $18. THE COLOPHON. Vol. 1, parts 1 to 4. New York, 1930. $21. EMILY DICKINSON. Further Poems. First edition. Dust wrapper. Boston, 1929. $10. WILLIAM FAULKNER. Sanctuary. First edition, boards. Dust wrapper. New York, (1931). $10. ERNEST HEMINGWAY. A Farewell to Arms. 1st. New York, 1929. $11. KATHERINE MANSFIELD. In a German Pension. 1st. London (1911). $42.... The Garden Party. 1st issue. Blue lettering on binding. Extra “s” on last line of page 103. London (1922). $80. EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY. All firsts. Renascence. New York, 1917. $55.... The Lamp and the Bell. New York, 1921. $14.... The Buck in the Snow. New York, 1928. $8. EUGENE O’NEILL. The Hairy Ape. New York, 1929. $5. EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON. Tristram. 1st. New York, 1927. $15. THORNTON WILDER. Bridge of San Luis Rey. 1st. New York, 1927. $6. ELINOR WYLIE. Nets to Catch the Wind. 1st. New York, 1921. $12. THE COLOPHON, parts 14 to 20. 1933-35. $7. T. L. DE VINNE. Two autograph letters signed, 3 pages on his ideas of good printing. 1912-13. $5. THE YELLOW BOOK, a London Quarterly. 13 vols., 1894-1907. $10. SAMUEL L. CLEMENS. Christian Science. New York, 1907. 1st edition. $5. THE HOLY BIBLE. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1781-82. Some defects. $51. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. The White-Footed Deer., New York, 1844. 1st edition. Wrappers. Some defects. $52. STAMP PERIODICAL. The American Journal of Numismatics. Vol. 1, 1866 to Vol. 46, 1912. First 12 vols. bound; balance in wrappers. $55. FRANK R. STOCKTON. Rudder Grange. 1st ed. New York, 1879. $5. J. M. BARRIE. Margaret Ogilvy. 1st ed. London, 1896. $5. THE BOOK COLLECTOR’S GUIDE. By Seymour De Ricci. New York, 1921. $5. W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM. Of Human Bondage. 2 vols. in box. New York, 1932. $7. THE LITERARY WORLD. Vols. 1 and 2, New York, Feb. 6, 1847 to Feb. 19, 1848. $6. Charles F. Heartman ADVENTURES WITH INDIANS AND GAME, or, Twenty Years in the Rocky Mountains. By William A. Allen. Chicago, 1903. $4.60. AMERICAN HUMOR. Polly & Pea Blossom’s Wedding, and Other Tales, by G. B. Lamar and others. Philadelphia, 1851. $16. ARKANSAS BROADSIDE. Hon. Jesse Turner’s Position. Only two copies known. Van Buren, Ark., 1861. $8.10. THE SOUTHERN PLANTATION OVERSEER as revealed in his letters. Original board with author’s inscription. Northampton, Mass., 1925. $4.35. BEECHER-TILTON SCANDAL. Funny side of a serious subject. Published as a tabloid newspaper with many illustrations. New York, 1875. $2.80. SAN FRANCISCO WHIG, Steamer Edition newspaper. Feb. 3, 1853. Torn, nothing missing. $1.35. CONFEDERATE PLAY, The Confederate Vivandiere, or, The Battle of Leesburg, a military drama in three acts. Performed at the Montgomery (Alabama) Theatre by an amateur company. Probably unique. Original printed wrappers. Montgomery, 1862. $37.50. SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER, Confederate issues, in original printed wrappers. Brought $3.25 each, as follows:—May, 1863; June, 1863; July, 1863; Sept. 1863; May, 1864. CONFEDERATE NEWSPAPERS. The Daily Mississippian. Dec. 16, 1861, $1.50; Dec. 20, 1861, $2.10; Jan. 27, 1862, $1.60; Mobile Weekly Advertiser, (torn) Aug. 3, 1861, $1.25; Ripley Advertiser, (Ripley, Miss.), Dec. 11, 1861, $2.85. THE CONFEDERATE VETERAN. Jan. 1913 to Dec., 1931. 19 vols. (lacking 5 nos.) Original wrappers. $27.50. JUVENILE. The Adventures of a Yankee; or the Singular Life of John Ledyard. Original glazed boards. Boston, 1831. $12.25. LINCOLNIANA. The Daily Herald. Newburyport, Mass., Apr. 17, 1865. The Washington tragedy, with mourning borders. $1.85. LOUISIANA. Pickings from the Portfolio of the Reporter of the New Orleans Picayune. By T. Corcoran. Original printed wrappers. (Philadelphia, 1846). $11. TEN YEARS IN NEVADA, or Life on the Pacific Coast. By M. M. Matthews. Portraits. Original cloth. Buffalo, 1880. $6.10. MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Vols. 1 to 14 (1 and 2 in reprint). New Series, Vols. 1, 2, 4 and 5. Original cloth. 1900-1925. $37. A NEW AND COMPLETE SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING, etc. By William Mitchell. Few margins repaired. Newly bound. Philadelphia, 1796. $35. NEGRO AND SLAVERY. A collection of about 100 miscellaneous newspapers and periodicals. Various places, 1841 to 1872. $15. SAN FRANCISCO EVENING BULLETIN. 26 scattering nos., Dec., 1855 to Mar. 1, 1856. $10.50. WESTCHESTER SPY. White Plains, N. Y. Vol. 11, May 13, 1840 to Apr. 28, 1841. 51 issues. A few defects. $21. CHEROKEE LAND LOTTERY. By Jas. F. Smith. Contains numerical list of the names of the fortunate drawers; also engraved map of each district, 59 in all. Original sheep. New York, 1838. $13.35. THEATRICAL MANAGEMENT IN THE WEST AND SOUTH FOR THIRTY YEARS. By S. Smith. Original cloth. New York, 1868. $2.35. SONGSTER. The Mermaid, or Nautical Songster. Old wrappers (very slightly worn). New York, 1798. $16.50. THE NORTHWEST COAST; or, Three Years Residence in Washington Territory. By Jas. G. Swan. Original cloth. New York, 1857. $3.60. 140 CIVIL WAR SONG SHEETS, words only. Mostly 6 by 9 inches. Some duplicates. Mainly published during the war. $14. WHIG ALMANAC. For 1843-4-5-5-6-7-8-9-50. In one vol. Binding broken. $3.60. SIXTEEN MONTHS AT THE GOLD DIGGINGS. By Daniel B. Woods. Original cloth. New York, 1852. $7.25. COLORADO. Prospectus of the Casco Consolidated Mining Company of Leadville, Colorado. Original printed wrappers. Leadville, 1880. $3.25. CONFEDERACY. Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Dept. General orders Feb. 8 to Nov. 18, 1864. 53 pieces. Some stained and slightly mildewed. $106. NEWSPAPERS. Madison (Wis.) Express. 15 scattering nos. 1845-6-7. $4.50. RICHMOND AND LOUISVILLE MEDICAL JOURNAL. Vols. 8, 9 and 11. 1869 to 1871. 3 vols. Bindings broken and some leaves loose. $2.75. CURRIER & IVES AND OTHER LITHOGRAPHS Plaza Art Galleries, Inc. Abbreviations C. L.—Colored lithograph Fine—Fine condition Good—Good condition Fair—Fair condition C. & I.—Currier and Ives N. C.—Nathaniel Currier L. F.—Large folio M. F.—Medium folio S. F.—Small folio BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, THE STATESMAN AND PHILOSOPHER. By N. C. 1847. M. F. Fine condition. Framed. $15. ZACHARY TAYLOR, PEOPLE’S CANDIDATE FOR THE 12TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. By N. C. 1848. S. F. Good. Framed. Unlisted. $10. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, SIXTEENTH PRESIDENT, ASSASSINATED April 14th., 1865. C. & I. Undated. S. F. Framed. $11. ANDREW JACKSON: The Union Shall Be Preserved. C. & I., M. F. Unlisted. GEN’L LAFAYETTE’S DEPARTURE FROM MOUNT VERNON, 1784. By E. Farrell. Undated. L. F. Old maple frame. $15. WASHINGTON’S RETURN TO MOUNT VERNON, CHRISTMAS EVE, 1783. L. F. Old maple frame. $21. TO THE CADETS OF THE WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY. Pair of aquatints by George Catlin. Engraved by J. Hill, 1828. M. F. Top and side margins trimmed to printed surface. Framed. $65. THE EXPRESS TRAIN. C. & I. 1870. S. F. Good condition (stained). Framed. $32. THE MOTHER’S BLESSING. C. & I. Undated. M. F. Framed. $8. GOOD OLD DOGGIE. C. & I. Undated. M. F. $3. MUSIC SHEETS: (a) The Response, A Serenade. (b) Gov. Wright’s Grand March. (c) Rockaway, or on Long Island’s Sea-Girt Shore. Three colored lithographs, $3. FRUITS OF THE SEASON. C. & I. 1872. S. F. Framed. $3. STRAWBERRIES. C. & I. 1863. S. F. Framed. $5. THE WHALE FISHERY—“LAYING ON” N. C. 1852. S. F. Fair condition. Framed. $19. M’DONOUGH’S VICTORY ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. N. C. 1846. S. F. Framed. $25. CLIPPER SHIP “FLYING CLOUD”. N. C. 1852. L. F. Later impression. $16. THE MISSISSIPPI IN TIME OF PEACE. C. & I. 1865. L. F. Framed. $70. THE MISSISSIPPI IN TIME OF WAR. C. & I. 1865. L. F. Framed. $50. CENTRAL PARK, WINTER—THE SKATING CARNIVAL. C. & I. S. F. Framed. $62.50. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. C. & I. Undated. S. F. $8. MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. C. & I. 1875. S. F. $12. FROZEN UP. C. & I. 1872. S. F. Framed. $47.50. PRAIRIE FIRES OF THE GREAT WEST. C. & I. 1871. S. F. $21. GOLD MINING IN CALIFORNIA. C. & I. 1871. Framed. $22.50. VIEW OF THE GREAT CONFLAGRATION AT NEW YORK, JULY 19th, 1845. FROM THE BOWLING GREEN. N. C. 1845. S. F. Framed. $21. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—WINTER. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SPRING. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SUMMER. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—AUTUMN. Four by C. & I., dated respectively 1868, 1868, 1868, 1869. All are S. F. and framed. $95. MINNEHAHA FALLS, MINNESOTA. C. & I. Undated. M. F. Framed. $15. THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH. C. & I. Undated. M. F. Framed. $15. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. C. & I. 1864. L. F. $20. VIEW OF THE HUDSON. C. & I. Undated. L. F. Framed. $32.50. FOREST SCENE ON THE LEHIGH C. & I. Undated. L. F. Framed. $17.50. THE FARMER’S HOME—HARVEST. C. & I. 1864. L. F. $30. VIEW OF LONG ISLAND, N. Y. C. & I. 1857. L. F. $45. AMERICAN FARM SCENES, No. 4. N. C. L. F. Framed. The most important of the famous set. $290. WILD DUCK SHOOTING. C. & I. 1870. S. F. Framed. $16. WATER RAIL SHOOTING. C. & I. 1870. S. F. Framed. $12. ENGLISH SNIPE. N. C. Undated. S. F. Framed. $13. THE HOME OF THE DEER. C. & I. Undated. S. F. Framed. $6. GREAT HORSES IN A GREAT RACE. SALVATORE AND TENNY AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY. C. & I. 1891. L. F. Framed. $6. HOME FROM THE BROOK. THE LUCKY FISHERMAN. C. & I. 1867. L. F. Framed. $18. SHOOTING ON THE PRAIRIE. C. & I. Undated. S. F. Framed. $15. THE LIFE OF A HUNTER, CATCHING A TARTAR. C & I. 1861. L. F. Framed. $90. AMERICAN HUNTING SCENES. “AN EARLY START”. C. & I. 1863. L.F. $125. HUSKING. C. & I. 1861. L. F. $145. A SNAP The famous magazine ANTIQUES, 10 issues, all different. Fine condition. $2. WEHMAN BROS. 712 BROADWAY NEW YORK BOOK AUCTION FIRMS G. A. BAKER & CO., 3 W. 46th St., New York. CITY BOOK AUCTION, 120 Fourth Ave., New York. SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO., 1808 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. CHARLES F. HEARTMAN, The Book Farm, Hattiesburg, Miss. J. C. MORGENTHAU & CO., INC., 1 W. 47th St., New York. NEW YORK BOOK AND ART AUCTION CO., 111 W. 57th St., New York. PARKE-BERNET GALLERIES, INC., 30 E. 57th St., New York. PLAZA ART GALLERIES, INC., 9 E. 59th St., New York. ALBERT SAIFER, 142 S. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa. They all issue catalogues which are sent to prospective bidders on request, without charge. Parke-Bernet Galleries make a small season charge for catalogues, which is rebated when purchases reach a specified minimum. _Dis Am Sumpin’_ As a Christmas greeting, Charles Heartman sent out from his Book Farm, down in Hattiesburg, Miss., a splendidly-printed pamphlet, entitled “Bibliography of the Writings and Speeches of Gabriel Wells, L.H.D.” As less than 200 copies were issued, it will no doubt become a much sought-after item. _About “Cats”_ You can’t possibly get in touch with all the rare book, autograph and print dealers that issue catalogues. Which, then, shall you select? Were the question put to us, we would say, “Chose those who have indicated that they really want your patronage by advertising for it.” Every firm using the business columns of THE COLLECTOR’S GUIDE is a top-notcher in his line—not a mossback in the lot. They get out frequent catalogues and lists and will be glad to respond to your requests for copies thereof. Furthermore, it is our careful endeavor to only admit dependable firms to our columns, thus affording you an extra feeling of security when you patronize them. Your Books and Their Bindings [Illustration: {uncaptioned}] An illustrated booklet, describing fine and plain hand bindings, is yours for the asking. Beautifully Illustrated, it shows 37 gold-tooled designs on book backs; also de luxe editions. Our prices are moderate. EGGELING BOOKBINDERY 31 EAST 10th ST. NEW YORK Do You Like Antiques? If you would like to know More about their origin, Read AMERICAN COLLECTOR Illustrated, authoritative articles vividly and interestingly written. Introductory offer: Six months for only $1.00. Mail your remittance to 432 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. DESIDERATA Historical Bindings, Illuminated Manuscripts, Book of Hours, French Eighteenth Century, Early French Classics, General Americana. Books, Autographs, Portraits, etc., relative to Washington, Franklin, Hamilton, Lafayette, etc. Historical and Decorative views, Naval Engagements, Napoleoniana. E. F. BONAVENTURE 745 Fifth Ave. New York City _Please report at all times_ _SPORTING BOOKS—AMERICAN & ENGLISH_ Good condition essential. ERNEST R. GEE 35 East 49th St. New York City _You’ll Enjoy This One_ “Twenty-Three Books, and the Stories Behind Them” is the title of John T. Winterich’s latest volume, and conveys in its title but meagerly the feast in store for those who wish to get a new slant on a number of the world’s most famous books and the literary geniuses who wrote them. Not only has Mr. Winterich an almost unique research aptitude, but also the magnetic quality of being able to marshal his facts in a sprightly manner. Aside from this, the book has additionally, a fund of definite information for collectors, respecting the rarity and speculative possibilities of the many classics of literature that it deals with. It is a handsomely bound, fully indexed volume of 241 pages and is published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., at $2.50. _Just What Was Needed_ The United States Card Collectors’ Catalog will come as a boon to gatherers of various sorts of cards, including tobacco, cigarette, candy, gum, etc. Attention is also given to associated items of silk, leather, and celluloid buttons, to say nothing of special sections devoted to playing cards, post cards, name cards and other non-insert types, tobacco albums, etc. “A pip,” “An admirable piece of research,” “A remarkable feat” are a few expressions of opinion from those who possess a copy. Over three years of preparation were required to compile this 90-page volume. It sells for 50c, and is published by J. R. Burdick, 417 South Crouse Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Hearn (Lafcadio). First Editions and Values. A Checklist for Collectors. By Wm. Targ. 12mo, boards, Chicago, 1935. Deluxe edition, limited to 50 copies, printed on Japanese vellum and signed by the compiler. $2.50. Targ’s American First Editions and Their Prices. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1930. Limited to 500 copies. $3.00. FRANK L. DOUGHERTY 5322 N. Ludlam Ave. Chicago, Illinois Prophets and Profits Some volumes, for which the demand was indeed slender several generations ago, are today the real prizes of literature. Take for example the earlier pamphlets and books of Poe, which today are virtually beyond the means of the average collector. But this circumstance need not stifle collecting enthusiasm. There are other volumes, which, while no longer cheap in terms of dollars and cents, should nevertheless double or treble in value, or perhaps even better than that, as time goes on. Of course it would be foolish to promise this as a certainty, and we shall therefore content ourselves with pointing out some “first edition nuggets” that seem to have an excellent chance of “coming into the money” at some future period. But before doing so, let us whisper in your ear, the desirability—we might almost say the necessity—of only acquiring “firsts” in fine condition. Yes, we know they’re hard to get, and also that they cost more, but in our opinion, they’re well worth the difference. Auction records have demonstrated this time and time again. And now, let us “amble beyond our preamble,” and point out a few, present-day good buys. Were we going into this branch of literary speculation, we should endeavor to acquire the first edition, first issue of Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass,” and which was published in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1855. No need to specify here all the necessary “points,” because, unless you are a 100% bibliophile, you will probably do better acquiring this treasure through some trustworthy and sophisticated rare book dealer. In his worthy volume, “The Romance of Great Books and Their Authors,” John T. Winterich quotes an assertion made by A. Edward Newton to the effect that the first edition of the “Leaves of Grass” will reach a higher figure than any other important book published in the nineteenth century. When this declaration was made in 1924, asserts Mr. Winterich, “Leaves of Grass” was selling in the market for $200 or less. Three years later a copy was auctioned for $800, and in the interval since, the price has risen, at auction and rare booksellers’ catalogues, to as high as $3,000, with no indication that a summit of value has been reached. The Chaucer Head Bookshop, of New York, recently offered a fine copy without foxing for $1,000. Another book with a definite speculative future is the first issue of the first edition of Mark Twain’s first book, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches”, with the original blue cloth binding, and all the “points”. It was published in New York in 1867, and at the Effrem Zimbalist sale, held at the Parke-Bernet Galleries on Nov. 15, an immaculate copy brought $610. Beadle, the daddy of lurid American literature on a large scale, had previously published in No. 3 of his “Dime Book of Fun” an abridged version of the “Frog”. And if you should happen to run across a copy in good condition, there should be no difficulty in collecting at least $200 therefore. Or if pocket-book limitations do not justify “eating quite so high on the hog”, we commend the issues of HARPER’S MAGAZINE from January to August, 1894 inclusive. These contain the first printing of George Du Maurier’s “Trilby”. It was later published in book form, but a picture and a paragraph, which J. McNeil Whistler claimed lampooned him, were omitted from the latter, although they had appeared in the magazine, which explains why it is more sought after by collectors than the book. Bound volumes of the Du Maurier HARPER’S without the covers are not particularly scarce and hardly to be considered from the standpoint of a speculative future. Therefore, endeavor to secure the unbound monthly parts in good condition, and with the original wrappers. At the William Harris Arnold sale in 1924, they brought $70. (_To be continued._) ESSENTIAL FOR SHEET MUSIC LOVERS ANNALS OF MUSIC IN AMERICA By Henry C. Lahee The book traces the development of music in America in chronological order. Divided into periods with a brief review of each. The work is systematically indexed. First mention of various musical instruments. First performance of significant orchestral, choral, and operatic works. First concerts and musical performances given in various sections of the country. Opening of the earliest theatres, opera houses and concert halls. Establishment of the first schools and conservatories of music. American debuts of noted singers, pianists, violinists, and conductors. 12mo, cloth, 1922. Sent postpaid upon receipt of $2.00 JAMES C. HOWGATE, Bookseller 190 State St., Albany, N. Y. _An Honest Heritage_ Thomas J. Condie, Jr., credited by Will Snow with being the earliest known publisher of an American amateur periodical, came naturally by his talents. According to Mott’s “History of American Magazines,” his father Thomas Condie conducted at the tail end of the 18th century, the PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY, which in 1798 had almost reached the thousand mark in circulation. Incidentally on page 101 of Goodspeed’s very interesting house-organ, THE MONTH, (December) appears an aquatint of Girard’s Bank which is held at $35. The first article in this issue speaks of Condie, Jr. having gotten out his JUVENILE PORTFOLIO AND LITERARY MISCELLANY at 22 Carter’s Alley, directly opposite and the acquatint apparently shows the very building. _How To Tell A Reprint_ It had been our original intention to devote a page in each issue on how to detect reprints of popular historic newspapers. But so many items of more general interest are clamoring for admittance to our columns, that we are referring all inquiries to the Library of Congress, which has gotten out 17 Information Circulars on the subject. RHODE PRINTING-PUBLISHING CO. Where Accuracy, Legibility and Neatness Are Predominating Factors 220 West 42nd St., NEW YORK CITY WIsconsin 7-7727 Printers of Books and Booksellers Catalogs, Magazines, Trade Journals, Broadsides In Black Ink or Process Colors. _Day and Night Service_ The COLLECTOR’S GUIDE A Monthly Periodical Devoted to First Editions, Americana, Autographs, Old Newspapers and Magazines, Sheet Music, Playbills, Dime Novels, Current Auction Prices, etc. $2 Per Year. Single Copies 25c. Published by James Madison, P. O. Box 124, Grand Central Annex, New York. Advertising rates on page 8. No. 17 January 1940 We purchase for cash large or Small Collections. Especially Wanted: Books, Pamphlets. Files of Newspapers. Magazines Relating to American History. Library Sets, First. Special, Illustrated Editions. Books on Art, Literature, Music, Opera Scores, Theatre, History, Travel, Sports, Nature, Philosophy, Science, Mathematics, Anthropology, Occult, Religion. Early Science, Medical, Trade, Industry, Labor. Manuscripts. We Call Anywhere & Pay Cash. Books Removed at Our Expense. DAUBER & PINE BOOKSHOPS, INC. 66 Fifth Ave., New York. Phones: ALgonquin 4-7880, 7881. _We carry a large stock of Americana, First Editions, Rare Medical Books and Old Maps. May we have your wants or offerings?_ ARGOSY BOOK STORES 114 E. 59th St., N. Y. C. AUTOGRAPHS HISTORICAL and LITERARY _HIGHEST PRICES PAID_ CARNEGIE BOOK SHOP, INC. 105 East 59th Street WIckersham 2-4861-2 New York City MECHANICAL BANKS Send postal for new 1940 list of banks wanted. Also want silver or glass banks. F. W. FERGUSON—Collector 280 Fourth Ave. New York City AMERICANA Bought—Americana Sold Americana Sold—Americana Bought Americana Bought—Americana Sold Americana Sold—Catalogues CHARLES P. EVERITT, 107 East 59th Street, N. Y. ELdorado 5-6581 Old Sea Books _BOUGHT and SOLD_ _Consult the specialist_ Alfred W. Paine 113 East 55th St., NEW YORK, N. Y. Gelber, Lilienthal, Inc. _Old and Rare Books_ First Editions Press Items, Californiana Catalogues 336 Sutter Street San Francisco, Cal. AN IMPORTANT CIVIL WAR BOOK THE LONG ARM OF LEE or The History of the Artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia. With a brief Account of the Confederate Bureau of Ordnance, by Jennings Cropper Wise, formerly commandant of Virginia Military Institute. Lynchburg 1915. 2 vols. many photographic illus. 8vo. 998 pp. boxed. NEW. $5.00. A notable feature of this set is its three indexes: General, Battery, and Battalion. MILITARY ENGINEER. Dec. 1939. “He who does not read this book does not know the Civil War.” Send for Catalog CG BARNES & NOBLE, Inc. FIFTH AVENUE AT 18th STREET New York, N. Y. Transcriber’s Notes —Silently corrected a few typos. —Retained publication information from the printed edition: this eBook is public-domain in the country of publication. —In the text versions only, text in italics is delimited by _underscores_. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE COLLECTOR'S GUIDE, NO. 17, JANUARY 1940 *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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