Title: A List of C. Kegan Paul & Co.'s Publications [1879]
Author: C. Kegan Paul & Co.
Release date: June 4, 2020 [eBook #62326]
Most recently updated: October 18, 2024
Language: English
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A Monthly Review.
Price 2s. 6d.
Vols. I. & II. price 14s. each, Vol. III. 17s., contain Contributions by the following Writers:—
&c. &c.
1 Paternoster Square,
ABDULLA (Hakayit)—Autobiography of a Malay Munshi. Translated by J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S. With Photo-lithograph Page of Abdulla’s MS. Post 8vo. price 12s.
ADAMS (A. L.) M.A., M.B., F.R.S., F.G.S.—Field and Forest Rambles of a Naturalist in New Brunswick. With Notes and Observations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada. Illustrated. 8vo. price 14s.
ADAMS (F. O.) F.R.G.S—The History of Japan. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. New Edition, revised. 2 volumes. With Maps and Plans. Demy 8vo. price 21s. each.
A. K. H. B.—A Scotch Communion Sunday, to which are added Certain Discourses from a University City. By the Author of ‘The Recreations of a Country Parson.’ Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
From a Quiet Place. A New Volume of Sermons. Crown 8vo. cloth.
ALBERT (Mary)—Holland and her Heroes to the Year 1585. An Adaptation from ‘Motley’s Rise of the Dutch Republic.’ Small crown 8vo. price 4s. 6d.
ALLEN (Rev. R.) M.A.—Abraham; his Life, Times, and Travels, 3,800 years ago. With Map. Second Edition. Post 8vo. price 6s.
ALLEN (Grant) B.A.—Physiological Æsthetics. Large post 8vo. 9s.
ANDERSON (Rev. C.) M.A.—New Readings of Old Parables. Demy 8vo. price 4s. 6d.
Church Thought and Church Work. Edited by. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
The Curate of Shyre. Second Edition. 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
ANDERSON (R. C.) C.E.—Tables for Facilitating the Calculation of Every Detail in Connection with Earthen and Masonry Dams. Royal 8vo. price £2. 2s.
ARCHER (Thomas)—About my Father’s Business. Work amidst the Sick, the Sad, and the Sorrowing. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
ARNOLD (Arthur)—Social Politics. Demy 8vo. cloth.
BAGEHOT (Walter)—The English Constitution. A New Edition, Revised and Corrected, with an Introductory Dissertation on Recent Changes and Events. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Lombard Street. A Description of the Money Market. Seventh Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Some Articles on the Depreciation of Silver, and Topics Connected with it. Demy 8vo. price 5s.
BAGOT (Alan)—Accidents in Mines: Their Causes and Prevention. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
BAKER (Sir Sherston, Bart.)—Halleck’s International Law; or, Rules Regulating the Intercourse of States in Peace and War. A New Edition, revised, with Notes and Cases. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 38s.
BALDWIN (Capt. J. H.) F.Z.S. Bengal Staff Corps.—The Large and Small Game of Bengal and the North-Western Provinces of India. 4to. With numerous Illustrations. Second Edition. Price 21s.
BARNES (William)—An Outline of English Speechcraft. Crown 8vo. price 4s.
BARTLEY (G. C. T.)—Domestic Economy: Thrift in Every-Day Life. Taught in Dialogues suitable for children of all ages. Small Cr. 8vo. price 2s.
BAUR (Ferdinand) Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn.—A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students. Translated and adapted from the German. By C. Kegan Paul, M.A. Oxon., and the Rev. E. D. Stone, M.A., late Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
BAYNES (Rev. Canon R. H.)—At the Communion Time. A Manual for Holy Communion. With a preface by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. Cloth, price 1s. 6d.
BECKER (Bernard H.)—The Scientific Societies of London. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
BELLINGHAM (Henry) Barrister-at-Law—Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism in their Civil Bearing upon Nations. Translated and adapted from the French of M. le Baron de Haulleville. With a preface by His Eminence Cardinal Manning. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
BENNIE (Rev. J. N.) M.A.—The Eternal Life. Sermons preached during the last twelve years. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
BERNARD (Bayle)—Samuel Lover, His Life and Unpublished Works. In 2 vols. With a Steel Portrait. Post 8vo. price 21s.
BISCOE (A. C.)—The Earls of Middleton, Lords of Clermont and of Fettercairn, and the Middleton Family. Crown 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
BISSET (A.)—History of the Struggle for Parliamentary Government in England. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 24s.
BLANC (H.) M.D.—Cholera: How to Avoid and Treat it. Popular and Practical Notes. Crown 8vo. price 4s. 6d.
BONWICK (J.) F.R.G.S.—Pyramid Facts and Fancies. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought. Large Post 8vo. cloth, price 10s. 6d.
BOWEN (H. C.) M.A., Head Master of the Grocers’ Company’s Middle Class School at Hackney.—Studies in English, for the use of Modern Schools. Small crown 8vo. price 1s. 6d.
BOWRING (L.) C.S.I.—Eastern Experiences. Illustrated with Maps and Diagrams. Demy 8vo. price 16s.
BOWRING (Sir John)—Autobiographical Recollections of Sir John Bowring. With Memoir by Lewin B. Bowring. Demy 8vo. price 14s.
BRADLEY (F. H.)—Ethical Studies. Critical Essays in Moral Philosophy. Large post 8vo. price 9s.
Mr. Sidgwick’s Hedonism: an Examination of the Main Argument of ‘The Methods of Ethics.’ Demy 8vo. sewed, price 2s. 6d.
BROOKE (Rev. S. A.) M.A., Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen, and Minister of Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury.
Life and Letters of the Late Rev. F. W. Robertson, M.A., Edited by.
I. | Uniform with the Sermons. 2 vols. With Steel Portrait. Price 7s. 6d. |
II. | Library Edition. 8vo. With Two Steel Portraits. Price 12s. |
III. | A Popular Edition. In 1 vol. 8vo. price 6s. |
The Fight of Faith. Sermons preached on various occasions. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Theology in the English Poets.—Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Burns. Third Edition. Post 8vo. price 9s.
Christ in Modern Life. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Sermons. First Series. Ninth Edition. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
Sermons. Second Series. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s.
Frederick Denison Maurice: The Life and Work of. A Memorial Sermon. Crown 8vo. sewed, price 1s.
BROOKE (W. G.) M.A.—The Public Worship Regulation Act. With a Classified Statement of its Provisions, Notes, and Index. Third Edition, revised and corrected. Crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
Six Privy Council Judgments—1850-72. Annotated by. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. price 9s.
BROUN (J. A.)—Magnetic Observations at Trevandrum And Augustia Malley. Vol. I. 4to. price 63s.
The Report from above, separately sewed, price 21s.
BROWN (Rev. J. Baldwin) B.A.—The Higher Life. Its Reality Experience, and Destiny. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Doctrine of Annihilation in the Light of the Gospel of Love. Five Discourses. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
BROWN (J. Croumbie) LL.D.—Reboisement in France; or, Records of the Replanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees with Trees, Herbage, and Bush. Demy 8vo. price 12s. 6d.
The Hydrology of Southern Africa. Demy 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
BROWNE (Rev. M. E.)—Until the Day Dawn. Four Advent Lectures. Crown 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
BURCKHARDT (Jacob)—The Civilization of the Period of the Renaissance in Italy. Authorised translation, by S. G. C. Middlemore. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 24s.
BURTON (Mrs. Richard)—The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. With Maps, Photographs, and Coloured Plates. 2 vols. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. price 24s.
BURTON (Capt. Richard F.)—The Gold Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities. A Fortnight’s Tour in North Western Arabia. With numerous illustrations. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. price 18s.
CARLISLE (A. D.) B.A.—Round the World in 1870. A Volume of Travels, with Maps. New and Cheaper Edition. Demy 8vo. price 6s.
CARNE (Miss E. T.)—The Realm of Truth. Crown 8vo. price 5s. 6d.
CARPENTER (W. B.) LL.D., M.D., F.R.S., &c.—The Principles of Mental Physiology. With their Applications to the Training and Discipline of the Mind, and the Study of its Morbid Conditions. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 8vo. price 12s.
Children’s Toys, and some Elementary Lessons in General Knowledge which they Teach. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
CHRISTOPHERSON (The Late Rev. Henry) M.A.—Sermons. With an Introduction by John Rae, LL.D., F.S.A. Second Series. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
CLODD (Edward) F.R.A.S.—The Childhood of the World: a Simple Account of Man in Early Times. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. price 3s.
A Special Edition for Schools. Price 1s.
The Childhood of Religions. Including a Simple Account of the Birth and Growth of Myths and Legends. Third Thousand. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
A Special Edition for Schools. Price 1s. 6d.
COLERIDGE (Sara)—Phantasmion. A Fairy Tale. With an Introductory Preface by the Right Hon. Lord Coleridge, of Ottery St. Mary. A New Edition. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge. Edited by her Daughter. With Index. 2 vols. With Two Portraits. Third Edition, Revised and Corrected. Crown 8vo. price 24s.
Cheap Edition. With one Portrait. Price 7s. 6d.
COLLINS (Rev. R.) M.A.—Missionary Enterprise in the East. With special reference to the Syrian Christians of Malabar, and the Results of Modern Missions. With Four Illustrations. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
COOKE (Prof. J. P.) of the Harvard University.—Scientific Culture. Crown 8vo. price 1s.
COOPER (T. T.) F.R.G.S.—The Mishmee Hills: an Account of a Journey made in an Attempt to Penetrate Thibet from Assam, to open New Routes for Commerce. Second Edition. With Four Illustrations and Map. Post 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
CORY (Lieut.-Col. Arthur)—The Eastern Menace; or, Shadows of Coming Events. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
COX (Rev. Sir George W.) M.A., Bart.—A History of Greece from the Earliest Period to the end of the Persian War. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 36s.
The Mythology of the Aryan Nations. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 28s.
A General History of Greece from the Earliest Period to the Death of Alexander the Great, with a sketch of the subsequent History to the present time. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Tales of Ancient Greece. Third Edition. Small crown 8vo. price 6s.
School History of Greece. With Maps. Fcp. 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
The Great Persian War from the History of Herodotus. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
A Manual of Mythology in the form of Question and Answer. Third Edition. Fcp. 8vo. price 3s.
COX (Rev. Samuel)—Salvator Mundi; or, Is Christ the Saviour of all Men? Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
CROMPTON (Henry)—Industrial Conciliation. Fcap. 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
CURWEN (Henry)—Sorrow and Song; Studies of Literary Struggle. Henry Mürger—Novalis—Alexander Petöfi—Honoré de Balzac—Edgar Allan Poe—André Chénier. 2 vols. crown 8vo. price 15s.
DANCE (Rev. C. D.)—Recollections of Four Years in Venezuela. With Three Illustrations and a Map. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
DAVIDSON (Rev. Samuel) D.D., LL.D.—The New Testament, translated from the Latest Greek Text of Tischendorf. A New and thoroughly revised Edition. Post 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
Canon of the Bible: Its Formation, History, and Fluctuations. Second Edition. Small crown 8vo. price 5s.
DAVIES (G. Christopher)—Mountain, Meadow, and Mere: a Series of Outdoor Sketches of Sport, Scenery, Adventures, and Natural History. With Sixteen Illustrations by Bosworth W. Harcourt. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
DAVIES (Rev. J. L.) M.A.—Theology and Morality. Essays on Questions of Belief and Practice. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
DAWSON (Geo.) M.A.—Prayers, with a Discourse on Prayer. Edited by his Wife. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s.
Sermons on Disputed Points and Special Occasions. Edited by his Wife. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
Sermons on Daily Life and Duty. Edited by his Wife. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
DE LESSEPS (Ferdinand)—The Suez Canal: Letters Descriptive of its Rise and Progress in 1854-1856. Translated by N. R. D’Anvers. Demy 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
DE REDCLIFFE (Viscount Stratford) P.C., K.G., G.C.B.—Why am I a Christian? Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. price 3s.
DESPREZ (Philip S.) B.D.—Daniel and John. Demy 8vo. cloth.
DE TOCQUEVILLE (A.)—Correspondence and Conversations of, with Nassau William Senior, from 1834 to 1859. Edited by M. C. M. Simpson. 2 vols. post 8vo. price 21s.
DOWDEN (Edward) LL.D.—Shakspere: a Critical Study of his Mind and Art. Third Edition. Post 8vo. price 12s.
Studies in Literature, 1789-1877. Large Post 8vo. price 12s.
DREW (Rev. G. S.) M.A.—Scripture Lands in Connection with their History. Second Edition. 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
Nazareth: Its Life and Lessons. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
The Divine Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
The Son of Man: His Life and Ministry. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
DREWRY (G. O.) M.D.—The Common-Sense Management of the Stomach. Fourth Edition. Fcp. 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
DREWRY (G. O.) M.D., and BARTLETT (H. C.) Ph.D., F.C.S.—Cup and Platter: or, Notes on Food and its Effects. Small 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
EDEN (Frederick)—The Nile without a Dragoman. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
ELSDALE (Henry)—Studies in Tennyson’s Idylls. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
Essays on the Endowment of Research. By Various Writers. List of Contributors.—Mark Pattison, B.D.—James S. Cotton, B.A.—Charles E. Appleton, D.C.L.—Archibald H. Sayce, M.A.—Henry Clifton Sorby, F.R.S.—Thomas K. Cheyne, M.A.—W. T. Thiselton Dyer, M.A.—Henry Nettleship, M.A. Square crown 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
EVANS (Mark)—The Story of our Father’s Love, told to Children. Being a New and Cheaper Edition. With Four Illustrations. Fcp. 8vo. price 1s. 6d.
A Book of Common Prayer and Worship for Household Use, compiled exclusively from the Holy Scriptures. Fcp. 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
The Gospel of Home Life. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 4s. 6d.
EX-CIVILIAN—Life in the Mofussil: or Civilian Life in Lower Bengal. 2 vols. Large post 8vo. price 14s.
FAVRE (Mons. J.)—The Government of the National Defence. From the 30th June to the 31st October, 1870. Translated by H. Clark. Demy 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
FINN (The late James) M.R.A.S.—Stirring Times; or, Records from Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853 to 1856. Edited and Compiled by his Widow; with a Preface by the Viscountess Strangford. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 30s.
FLEMING (James) D.D.—Early Christian Witnesses; or, Testimonies of the First Centuries to the Truth of Christianity. Small Crown 8vo. cloth.
Folkestone Ritual Case: the Arguments, Proceedings, Judgment, and Report. Demy 8vo. price 25s.
FOOTMAN (Rev. H.) M.A.—From Home and Back; or, Some Aspects of Sin as seen in the Light of the Parable of the Prodigal. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
FOWLE (Rev. Edmund)—Latin Primer Rules made Easy. Crown 8vo. price 3s.
FOWLE (Rev. T. W.) M.A.—The Reconciliation of Religion and Science. Being Essays on Immortality, Inspiration, Miracles, and the Being of Christ. Demy 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
FOX-BOURNE (H. R.)—The Life of John Locke, 1632-1704. 2 vols. demy 8vo. price 28s.
FRASER (Donald)—Exchange Tables of Sterling and Indian Rupee Currency, upon a new and extended system, embracing Values from One Farthing to One Hundred Thousand Pounds, and at rates progressing, in Sixteenths of a Penny, from 1s. 9d. to 2s. 3d. per Rupee. Royal 8vo. price 10s. 6d.
FRISWELL (J. Hain)—The Better Self. Essays for Home Life. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
FYTCHE (Lieut.-Gen. Albert) C.S.I. late Chief Commissioner of British Burma—Burma Past and Present, with Personal Reminiscences of the Country. With Steel Portraits, Chromolithographs, Engravings on Wood, and Map. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. cloth, price 30s.
GAMBIER (Capt. J. W.) R.N.—Servia. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
GARDNER (J.) M.D.—Longevity: The Means of Prolonging Life after Middle Age. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. Small crown 8vo. price 4s.
GILBERT (Mrs.)—Autobiography and other Memorials. Edited by Josiah Gilbert. Third and Cheaper Edition. With Steel Portrait and several Wood Engravings. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
GILL (Rev. W. W.) B.A.—Myths and Songs from the South Pacific. With a Preface by F. Max Müller, M.A., Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford. Post 8vo. price 9s.
GODKIN (James)—The Religious History of Ireland: Primitive, Papal, and Protestant. Including the Evangelical Missions, Catholic Agitations, and Church Progress of the last half Century. 8vo. price 12s.
GODWIN (William)—William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries. With Portraits and Facsimiles of the Handwriting of Godwin and his Wife. By C. Kegan Paul. 2 vols. Large post 8vo. price 28s.
The Genius of Christianity Unveiled. Being Essays never before published. Edited, with a Preface, by C. Kegan Paul. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
GOODENOUGH (Commodore J. G.) R.N., C.B., C.M.G.—Memoir of, with Extracts from his Letters and Journals. Edited by his Widow. With Steel Engraved Portrait. Square 8vo. cloth, 5s.
⁂ Also a Library Edition with Maps, Woodcuts, and Steel Engraved Portrait. Square post 8vo. price 14s.
GOODMAN (W.)—Cuba, the Pearl of the Antilles. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
GOULD (Rev. S. Baring) M.A.—The Vicar of Morwenstow: a Memoir of the Rev. R. S. Hawker. With Portrait. Third Edition, revised. Square post 8vo. 10s. 6d.
GRANVILLE (A. B.) M.D., F.R.S., &c.—Autobiography of A. B. Granville, F.R.S., &c. Edited, with a Brief Account of the Concluding Years of his Life, by his youngest Daughter, Paulina B. Granville. 2 vols. With a Portrait. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. price 32s.
GREY (John) of Dilston.—Memoirs. By Josephine E. Butler. New and Revised Edition. Crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
GRIFFITH (Rev. T.) A.M.—Studies of the Divine Master. Demy 8vo. price 12s.
GRIFFITHS (Capt. Arthur)—Memorials of Millbank, and Chapters in Prison History. With Illustrations by R. Goff and the Author. 2 vols. post 8vo. price 21s.
GRIMLEY (Rev. H. N.) M.A., Professor of Mathematics in the University College of Wales, and sometime Chaplain of Tremadoc Church.—Tremadoc Sermons, chiefly on the Spiritual Body, the Unseen World, and the Divine Humanity. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
GRÜNER (M. L.)—Studies of Blast Furnace Phenomena. Translated by L. D. B. Gordon, F.R.S.E., F.G.S. Demy 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
GURNEY (Rev. Archer)—Words of Faith and Cheer. A Mission of Instruction and Suggestion. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
HAECKEL (Prof. Ernst)—The History of Creation. Translation revised by Professor E. Ray Lankester, M.A., F.R.S. With Coloured Plates and Genealogical Trees of the various groups of both plants and animals. 2 vols. Second Edition. Post 8vo. cloth, price 32s.
The History of the Evolution of Man. With numerous Illustrations. 2 vols. Post 8vo.
HAKE (A. Egmont)—Paris Originals, with Twenty Etchings, by Léon Richeton. Large post 8vo. price 14s.
HALLECK’S International Law; or, Rules Regulating the Intercourse of States in Peace and War. A New Edition, revised, with Notes and Cases, by Sir Sherston Baker, Bart. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 38s.
HARCOURT (Capt. A. F. P.)—The Shakespeare Argosy. Containing much of the wealth of Shakespeare’s Wisdom and Wit, alphabetically arranged and classified. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
HAWEIS (Rev. H. R.) M.A.—Current Coin. Materialism—The Devil—Crime—Drunkenness—Pauperism—Emotion—Recreation—The Sabbath. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
Speech in Season. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. price 9s.
Thoughts for the Times. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
Unsectarian Family Prayers for Morning and Evening for a Week, with short selected passages from the Bible. Second Edition. Square crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
Arrows in the Air. Conferences and Pleas. Crown 8vo. cloth.
HAYMAN (H.) D.D., late Head Master of Rugby School—Rugby School Sermons. With an Introductory Essay on the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
HELLWALD (Baron F. Von)—The Russians in Central Asia. A Critical Examination, down to the Present Time, of the Geography and History of Central Asia. Translated by Lieut.-Col. Theodore Wirgman, LL.B. With Map. Large post 8vo. price 12s.
HINTON (J.)—The Place of the Physician. To which is added Essays on the Law of Human Life, and on the Relations between Organic and Inorganic Worlds. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
Physiology for Practical Use. By Various Writers. With 50 Illustrations. 2 vols. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 12s. 6d.
An Atlas of Diseases of the Membrana Tympani. With Descriptive Text. Post 8vo. price £6. 6s.
The Questions of Aural Surgery. With Illustrations. 2 vols. Post 8vo. price £6. 6s.
Life and Letters. Edited by Ellice Hopkins, with an Introduction by Sir W. W. Gull, Bart., and Portrait engraved on Steel by C. H. Jeens. Crown 8vo. price 8s. 6d.
Chapters on the Art of Thinking, and other Essays. Crown 8vo.
H. J. C.—The Art of Furnishing. A Popular Treatise on the Principles of Furnishing, based on the Laws of Common Sense, Requirement, and Picturesque Effect. Small crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
HOLROYD (Major W. R. M.)—Tas-hil ul Kalam; or, Hindustani made Easy. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
HOOPER (Mary)—Little Dinners: How to Serve them with Elegance and Economy. Thirteenth Edition. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
Cookery for Invalids, Persons of Delicate Digestion, and Children. Crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
Every-Day Meals. Being Economical and Wholesome Recipes for Breakfast, Luncheon, and Supper. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5s.
HOPKINS (Ellice)—Life and Letters of James Hinton, with an Introduction by Sir W. W. Gull, Bart., and Portrait engraved on Steel by C. H. Jeens. Crown 8vo. price 8s. 6d.
HOPKINS (M.)—The Port of Refuge; or, Counsel and Aid to Ship-masters in Difficulty, Doubt, or Distress. Second and Revised Edition. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
HORNE (William) M.A.—Reason and Revelation: an Examination into the Nature and Contents of Scripture Revelation, as compared with other Forms of Truth. Demy 8vo. price 12s.
HORNER (The Misses)—Walks in Florence. A New and thoroughly Revised Edition. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Cloth limp. With Illustrations.
Vol. I. | —Churches, Streets, and Palaces. Price 10s. 6d. |
Vol. II. | —Public Galleries and Museums. Price 5s. |
HULL (Edmund C. P.)—The European in India. With a Medical Guide for Anglo-Indians. By R. S. Mair, M.D., F.R.C.S.E. Third Edition, Revised and Corrected. Post 8vo. price 6s.
HUTTON (James)—Missionary Life in the Southern Seas. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
JACKSON (T. G.)—Modern Gothic Architecture. Crown 8vo. price 5s.
JACOB (Maj.-Gen. Sir G. Le Grand) K.C.S.I., C.B.—Western India before and during the Mutinies. Pictures drawn from Life. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
JENKINS (E.) and RAYMOND (J.) Esqs.—A Legal Handbook for Architects, Builders, and Building Owners. Second Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
JENKINS (Rev. R. C.) M.A.—The Privilege of Peter and the Claims of the Roman Church confronted with the Scriptures, the Councils, and the Testimony of the Popes themselves. Fcap. 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
JENNINGS (Mrs. Vaughan)—Rahel: Her Life and Letters. With a Portrait from the Painting by Daffinger. Square post 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
JONES (Lucy)—Puddings and Sweets; being Three Hundred and Sixty-five Receipts approved by experience. Crown 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
KAUFMANN (Rev. M.) B.A.—Socialism: Its Nature, its Dangers, and its Remedies considered. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
KERNER (Dr. A.) Professor of Botany in the University of Innsbruck—Flowers and their Unbidden Guests. Translation edited by W. Ogle, M.A., M.B. With Illustrations. Square 8vo. cloth.
KIDD (Joseph) M.D.—The Laws of Therapeutics; or, the Science and Art of Medicine. Crown 8vo. price 6s.
KINAHAN (G. Henry) M.R.I.A., of H.M.’s Geological Survey—The Geology of Ireland, with numerous Illustrations and a Geological Map of Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth.
KING (Alice)—A Cluster of Lives. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
KINGSLEY (Charles) M.A.—Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his Wife. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price 36s.
All Saints’ Day, and other Sermons. Edited by the Rev. W. Harrison. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
True Words for Brave Men. A Book for Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Libraries. Crown 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
LACORDAIRE (Rev. Père)—Life: Conferences delivered at Toulouse. A New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d.
LAMBERT (Cowley) F.R.G.S.—A Trip To Cashmere and Ladak. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. price 7s. 6d.
LAURIE (J. S.)—Educational Course of Secular School Books for India:—
The First Hindustani Reader. Stiff linen wrapper, price 6d.
The Second Hindustani Reader. Stiff linen wrapper, price 6d.
The Oriental (English) Reader. Book I., price 6d.; II., price 7½d.; III., price 9d.; IV., price 1s.
Geography of India; with Maps and Historical Appendix, tracing the Growth of the British Empire in Hindustan. Fcap. 8vo. price 1s. 6d.
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