Title: Scripture Histories; from the Creation of the World, to the Death of Jesus Christ
Author: Unknown
Release date: June 20, 2020 [eBook #62439]
Most recently updated: October 18, 2024
Language: English
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Creation of the World, to the
A Description of St. Paul’s Church,
Printed by F. Houlston and Son.
Price One Penny.
In six days God created the whole world out of nothing; that is to[6] say, the heavens, the earth, fire, air, water, birds, beasts, fish, and every creeping thing. He made man also out of the dust of the earth, and called his name Adam. And unto Adam he gave power over the fish of the sea, the fowls of the air, the cattle, and every thing that moved upon the face of the earth. And Adam was planted in the garden of Eden to dress it, and keep it, and was perfectly happy there: for he knew no sin.
Adam had not been long in the garden of Eden, before God Almighty thought fit to increase his happiness, and considering he was alone, threw him into a deep sleep, and took out one of his ribs, from which he formed Eve, a more beautiful creature than himself, and allotted her to be a help-meet for him. Adam, at first sight of this new and lovely companion,[8] cried out with extacy of joy, Bone art thou of my bone, and flesh of my flesh. In this state of bliss they lived but a short time; for Satan, envying their happiness, tempted the woman to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, which God, to make trial of their obedience, had strictly charged them not to touch. The artful insinuations of the serpent, together with the beauty of the fruit, prevailed on her to transgress the divine law. She tasted, and was highly delighted, and by her winning behaviour, tempted her husband to eat also. No sooner had they swallowed down the gilded bait, but their eyes were opened, they saw they were naked, and, conscious of their guilt, endeavoured to hide themselves in the garden from the wrath of their offended Creator; but he soon drove them from their secret recess; turned[9] them out of their seat of bliss, and denounced thereupon not only a heavy curse upon the serpent, but on them likewise, though with this ray of mercy in his anger, that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head.
Of all Adam’s sons, Seth was the best. He and his sons called on[10] the name of the Lord; but in process of time, man indulging himself in all manner of riot and excess, God repented that he had made him; and determined to destroy the whole world by an universal flood. Noah, however, who was one of Seth’s posterity, found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Whereupon God commanded him to build an ark of sufficient bulk for the reception of himself, his family, and two of each species of animals. No sooner were they entered than the windows of the heavens were opened, and it rained heavily for forty days and forty nights. By this general deluge every living substance was destroyed, except Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives, and the other creatures that were admitted with them into the ark. But soon after the deluge ceased, the earth was stocked with inhabitants by the three[11] sons of Noah, viz. Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Soon after the sons of Noah had replenished the earth with inhabitants, they assembled together in the fruitful plains of Shinar, where they erected the lofty Tower of Babel, and vainly attempted to raise its walls to the very skies, in hopes to make their[12] names immortal; but God Almighty soon baffled their impious and ill-concerted project, confused their language so that they could not understand each other, and scattered and dispersed them in various tribes all round the world.
God Almighty having blessed Solomon the son of David (the[13] wisest of all men) with peace and plenty, he determined to build a magnificent temple to the Lord on mount Moriah. For which purpose he sent to Hiram, king of Tyre, his father’s ancient friend, for cedar wood, and other materials requisite for the accomplishment of his pious design. All things being duly prepared, he erected a stately fabric three stories high, and embellished it within and without with a vast variety of fine carved works, profusely overlaid with gold. As soon as the whole was complete, Solomon summoned a numerous assembly of Israelites, and with the utmost pomp and splendour, dedicated this glorious building, by prayer and supplication, to the only true God.
When Herod reigned in Judea, and Augustus Cæsar was emperor of Rome, there dwelt at Nazareth, a small city of Galilee, in the Holy Land, a Virgin whose name was Mary: God Almighty sent Gabriel, one of his favourite angels, down from heaven to visit her, and to reveal to her the secret purpose of his divine pleasure. Gabriel, on his first approach, addressed her in[15] the following words, Hail thou that art highly favoured; the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women. Mary thereupon was troubled and seemed startled at this salutation. Gabriel, however, bid her fear not, for that she had found favour with God. Behold, said he, thou shalt conceive and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. At this she seemed still more surprised; How shall this be, said she, seeing I know not a man? Then Gabriel assured her that the Holy Ghost should overshadow her; and thereupon, with submission to the divine will, she made the following reply: Behold the hand-maid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. At which time the Son of God became incarnate, and was like unto man, sin only excepted. At thirty years of age he began to preach, and his doctrine was most holy, and tends[16] only to the glory of God and good of mankind. He wrought a great number of miracles, which manifested an infinite power and goodness. His life was perfectly holy. We may find therein an example of all kinds of virtue. Jesus having lived after this manner among the Jews, about four years, they then put him to death; but he rose again the third day after his death; and forty days after his resurrection he ascended into heaven, from whence he sent the Holy Ghost to his apostles upon the day of Pentecost.
The blessed Jesus being condemned by Pilate, was crucified at a place called Golgotha, between two thieves. At his death the sun was darkened, the earth shook, the vail of the temple was rent in twain, the graves opened, and many people who had been dead appeared to their friends. This great sacrifice was offered up for out redemption on a Friday, the day of[18] the Jewish passover, and the solemn feast observed by the christian church called Good Friday.
After our Saviour’s death, his body was embalmed and laid in a sepulchre. On the third day, however, which was Sunday, he arose triumphant from the grave, and ascended into[19] heaven before the eyes of his blessed apostles, with whom he promised to be ever present to the end of the world. He now sits at the right-hand of God the Father Almighty, and there is continually interceding for us poor sinners, and so will continue to do, till he shall descend from heaven in all his glory, to judge both the quick and the dead at the last day.
The foundation of this Cathedral was first laid by Segbert, a Saxon king, in the year 610, and afterwards much improved by one Erkenwald, who was the 4th bishop of London. The greatest part of it, however, together with the whole city, was burnt down in the year 1086. One Mauritius,[20] the 35th bishop, began to rebuild it, and in the year 1221 it was completed. It was then 690 feet long, the body of it was 102 feet in height and 130 in breadth. The area three acres and a half, and the tower in the middle 520 feet high, exclusive of a ball of copper gilt, which was nine feet round, whereon was a cross 15 feet and a half high, and upon that an eagle of copper gilt, which was 4 feet in length. In this condition it continued till the year 1666, at which unhappy time it became once more a heap of ruins in the second fire of London; but it was soon after rebuilt at a vast expence, by that ingenious and justly admired architect the late Sir Christopher Wren. No church (that of St. Peter’s of Rome only excepted) can stand in competition with it. It is near 500 feet in height. It is principally composed of Portland[21] stone, and built according to the ancient orders of Greece and Rome. The inside is most beautifully adorned with select historical paintings by the late celebrated master, Sir James Thornhill. The west front, and the two towers are more beautiful than those of St. Peter’s. The choir is spacious and very grand, and the entrance to it, which is paved with marble, is exceedingly beautiful. The west door is the object of particular admiration, and the north and south porticos, as well as the pavement of the church in general, are all excellent performances.
The expence that attended the erection of this magnificent Cathedral, the glory of England, amounted (as appears by an accurate estimate thereof laid before the parliament in the year 1721) to no less than eight hundred and ten thousand pounds.
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