The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 8, June 1888 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 8, June 1888 Author: N.C.) Trinity College (Randolph County Release date: February 17, 2021 [eBook #64584] Most recently updated: October 18, 2024 Language: English Credits: hekula03 and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE TRINITY ARCHIVE, VOL. I, NO. 8, JUNE 1888 *** Transcriber’s Notes: Underscores “_” before and after a word or phrase indicate _italics_ in the original text. Equal signs “=” before and after a word or phrase indicate =bold= in the original text. Small capitals have been converted to SOLID capitals. Typographical and punctuation errors have been silently corrected. VOL. I. JUNE, 1888. NO. 8. THE TRINITY ARCHIVE. _PUBLISHED BY THE LITERARY SOCIETIES._ MONTHLY. TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C. PRICE, 15 CTS. CONTENTS. RE-UNION 143 COMMENCEMENT 143-144 THE CLERGY AS EXHIBITED IN THE VERNACULAR LITERATURE BEFORE THE REFORMATION 144-147 TRINITY—TRINITY’S PAST 147-150 THE PRESENT 150-151 THE FUTURE 151-153 SENIOR CLASS OF ’88 153-155 ANECDOTES TOLD BY OLD BOYS 155-157 LOCALS 157-159 MANAGERS’ NOTICES. Correspondents will please send all matter intended for publication to Prof. J. L. Armstrong, Trinity College, N. C. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar, per scholastic year (nine issues), if paid in advance; if not paid in advance, one dollar and twenty cents. To any one who will send us a Club of Five cash yearly subscribers, we will give a year’s subscription, free. Remittances should be made by postal note, postal order, or registered letter, and made payable to “Business Managers of the TRINITY ARCHIVE.” TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 column, per issue, $3.00; per scholastic year, $20.00 ½ “ “ 1.75; “ 12.00 ⅓ “ “ 1.25; “ 9.00 1 inch, “ .75; “ 5.00 All business communications should be forwarded to NICHOLSON & JONES, _Business Managers_, TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C. _Entered as second-class matter in Post Office at Trinity College, N. C._ Spring and Summer CLOTHING. _We are now ready to show you the largest, finest and cheapest stock of_ CLOTHING, HATS, —AND— Furnishing Goods ever seen in North Carolina. Our buyer has been in New York for the last two months, selecting our stock, and we can guarantee you we have everything in the very latest styles out. All our goods were bought from the very best manufacturers at the lowest cash prices, and we intend to sell our customers better goods for less money than they have ever bought before. And as we are the only Exclusive Clothiers in Greensboro, we intend to keep everything in the clothing line for MEN, YOUTHS & BOYS from size 50 for men, down to age 3 for boys. All we ask is to come and examine our stock and we will guarantee you will save money by buying from us. Very Respectfully, F. FISHBLATE, LEADING CLOTHIER, GREENSBORO, N. C. C. M. VANSTORY, MANAGER. P. S. Suits made to order from samples a specialty. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. A FREE TICKET TO Farrior & Crabtree’s Boot and Shoe Store, South Elm St., GREENSBORO, N. C. SOLE AGENTS FOR Zeigler Bros., Jas. Means’ $3, And Wm. Dorsch & Son’s FINE GOODS. C. B. HAYWORTH, _The People’s Liveryman_, HIGH POINT, N. C. Good Stock and conveyances. Prices reasonable. Patronage of Trinity Students solicited. MOFFITT & BRADSHAW, _DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS_, Next Door above Bank, _High Point, N. C._ DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries. &c. We cordially invite students and friends of Trinity College to call and see us when in need of anything in our line. FRIENDS OF TRINITY, SUBSCRIBE FOR _THE TRINITY ARCHIVE_. $1.00 PER YEAR. _Business Friends Send us Advertisements._ Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes. [Illustration] Cigarette smokers who are willing to pay a little more than the price charged for the ordinary trade cigarettes, will find this brand superior to all others. The Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored and highest cost gold leaf grown in Virginia. This is the old and original brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year 1875. Beware of imitations and observe that the firm name as below is on every package. ALLEN & GINTER, MANUFACTURERS, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. GREENSBORO Female College, GREENSBORO, N. C. The Sixty-Sixth Session of this well-equipped and prosperous School will begin on the 11th of January, 1888. Faculty (consisting of three Gentleman and eleven Ladies) able, accomplished and faithful. Instruction thorough in all departments. Superior advantages offered in the departments of Music, Art, Elocution and Modern Languages. Location, healthful and beautiful; fare good. Premises large, with ample walks for out-door recreation. Buildings large, convenient, comfortable, and furnished with all the appliances of A FIRST CLASS FEMALE COLLEGE. Special attention paid to physical health, comfort, and development, and moral and spiritual culture. For catalogue apply to T. M. JONES, PRESIDENT. Group Photographs. I would announce to the students of Trinity College that with a view to doing school work I have specially fitted myself for making LARGE GROUPS, such as Classes, Fraternities, Literary Societies, &c. Will be glad to serve with whatever they need in Photography, in that or any other line of work. I also make Portrait Frames and Mats to Order. Respectfully, =S. L. ALDERMAN=, GREENSBORO, N. C. THE TRINITY ARCHIVE. Published under Supervision of the Professor of English. TRINITY COLLEGE, JUNE, 1888. EDITORS. HESPERIAN. COLUMBIAN. M. C. THOMAS, D. C. ROPER, J. S. BASSETT, W. J. HELMS, A. M. SHARP, G. N. RAPER, G. T. ADAMS, E. K. WOLFE, T. E. MCCRARY, W. J. CRANFORD. The Re-union of the old students, both graduates and non-graduates, of Trinity College took place on Wednesday, June 13th, at 2 P. M. The occasion was full of interest and profit to both students and general visitors. The most of the classes, since the foundation of the college, were represented and the representatives, in short speeches, told the history of their respective classes. It is noteworthy in all the talks of the occasion that greater interest is being manifested in Trinity’s future than ever before. The Alumni and friends are all convinced that it is high time that the Methodists of North Carolina should pay their long contracted debt to this grand old institution of learning. * * * * * Commencement, the long wished for period in the scholastic year, has come and gone. Everything passed off so pleasantly and quietly that the exercises now seem only a dream. Every exercise of commencement week was favored with good weather and a large audience. The exercises began on Friday evening with the orations and declamations by representatives of the preparatory and special classes. The speakers did well. The representatives of the Freshman and Sophomore classes delivered their orations on Saturday evening. These orations were well written and well delivered. The sermon, delivered Sunday morning by Rev. W. H. Moore, of Washington, N. C., was greatly enjoyed by all. The Praise meeting on Sunday evening at 8 p. m., proved a success. On Monday evening, the Juniors delivered their orations. These orations were very interesting and showed a great deal of original work on the part of the orators. Owing to the sickness of Dr. Bays, the address before the two societies was not delivered on Tuesday evening. The sermon on Wednesday, before the graduating class, was indeed a fine effort, and all were convinced that the subject preached from, “Go, and may God go with you,” had been complied with by Rev. W. E. Creasy. Hon. J. W. Mauney addressed the alumni association on Wednesday night for a few minutes on the subject of “Law and Order.” About eight hundred dollars were raised. The exercises of Thursday were of special interest. The Seniors delivered their orations with ease and interest. The address which had been delayed until this time was now delivered. Without doubt, this was the finest address delivered at this college in many a year. Immediately after the degrees were conferred and the Medals presented, Mr. W. G. Burkhead, in well chosen words and felicitous manner, spoke in behalf of endowment for a chair, to be called the “Braxton Craven Chair,” in honor of him who so long and so faithfully toiled for the institution. The Clergy as Exhibited in the Vernacular Literature before the Reformation. The clergy of the Middle Ages and previous to the Reformation were secularized. To the spiritual wants of the masses they gave little heed, but spent the large portion of their time in riotous living, in ambitious schemes, and in devising means by which to retain their hold on the superstitions of the common people. The monks, whose chief vow was that of personal poverty, had become so wealthy in the aggregate, that the monasteries were seats of the most comfortable living to be found. They were composed of several different orders, the chief of which were the Franciscan and the Dominican, who hated each other so bitterly that Luther’s crusade against Tetzel was regarded by the Pope as merely one of the common quarrels between the two orders of monks. The fairest buildings, the best filled larders, the most fertile fields, the enormous revenue which poured into their coffers, and the patronage of the mighty hierarchy of Rome, all conspired to make pleasant the lives of the members of these powerful corporations. The larger part of the expenses of these great establishments had to be borne by the lower classes of the people, to whom the monastic orders were supposed to minister. This was oppressive everywhere, but was complained of most bitterly in Germany. Here the extortions of the Romish Church left scarcely the means of sustenance and the poor peasant was continually harassed by demands for more money. No religious ceremony could be performed, nothing could be done for his benefit, nor even a Christian burial, without the dropping of gold into the hand of the priest, so that, in the language of a contemporary writer from among the people, it seemed indeed that Heaven itself was closed to those that had no money. In other countries, also, these evils were great, more especially in Italy, where the Papal court was held. Here the supreme rulers of the Catholic Church, who should by their virtues have set the example of a consistent Christian life to those under them, devoted themselves, sometimes to political intrigues for the aggrandizement of themselves and their own house, sometimes in carousing and wild dissipation, in which under pontiffs like Alexander VI., the excess of their wickedness disgraced Christendom. Revenues extorted from all sides were squandered as freely as water on magnificent palaces and costly works of art. The monasteries, with all their abuses in the worst period of their existence never attained the height of wickedness which was developed at different periods by the highest dignitaries of the court of Rome. Thus we would naturally conclude that the oppressive tendencies of the priesthood, and indeed of the whole machinery of the Romish Church, together with the unholy career so commonly led by men occupying its most sacred offices, to whom the people would justly look for an example of vastly different life, would have a powerful effect toward the alienation of the masses. These were supplemented by an evil of probably greater tendencies in the same direction, and of wider influence for mischief. This was the perversions and innovations which from time to time had been made in the original Christian doctrine by the priests. For several centuries back, indeed not long after the time of Christ, changes had begun to appear in the Christian religion. As it was introduced into foreign countries, it often absorbed some of the customs and traditions of the worship it had supplanted. Besides this, numberless saints were created, every prominent pope or martyr being canonized, days of the year were set bearing their names and observances in their honor, then fasts, feasts, anniversaries and jubilees, many of which were of heathen origin, followed. Many new requirements, such as celibacy, were laid upon the priests, and such ceremonies as the burning of candles and the saying of masses had become a prominent part of religion, so that, with these things and numerous others of a like nature, the life of the Catholics was burdened with onerous exactions, not one-tenth of which could have been justified by reference to the Holy Scriptures. The reasoning of the early writers, which finally culminated in the abstruse discussions of the schoolmen, developed some remarkable doctrines. They discovered that all holding offices in the Church, from the priests up, were forbidden to marry, they ordered the shaving of their heads and denounced the wearing of beards as a sin, and they proclaimed, on the authority of certain documents known as the Isodorian Decretals alleged to have been miraculously found in the second century, that the Pope was the successor of St. Peter, and therefore under divine guidance and unable to err or do anything wrong, a doctrine, however, which the career of such a pope as Alexander VI. would be calculated to seriously upset. These writers, in recording the events of the past, sadly failed to adhere to strict accuracy of statement, and interwove with the facts astonishing tales of miraculous events and legends of martyrs, saints and devils, which, though now so palpably absurd as to be interesting only as relics of the Middle Ages, were then seized on with unhesitating faith by the larger portion of the people. These and many other uncouth things were forced upon the credulity of the mediæval peoples and, as we have said, found such general acceptance among the common people that to disbelieve them implied a lamentable want of faith. Many of these outlandish legends, which once obtained so general credence, have been handed down to the present generation. Such are the legends of St. George, Prester John, the Wandering Jew, Antichrist and Pope Joan, the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. With the Church thus superstitious and oppressive, so warped and distorted from that pure religion which Christ gave to his disciples and to the world, it is not strange that learned men, who were above superstition should turn to humanism and to the doctrines of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, seeking in the works of the ancient philosophers a purer guide to holiness than that held out to them by the Church of Rome. Nor was this all. The common people, who had patiently endured it for centuries, were becoming restive under the grievous system, so that the sixteenth century opened with general signs of discontent and dissatisfaction among the peasantry, the unlearned, the agricultural and laboring classes of a large portion of Europe. They bewailed their hard lot and the severity of their rulers, they spoke in anger and scorn of the degeneracy and licentiousness of the clergy, and demanded indignantly to know why they were so absorbed in the world and so negligent of their duties and of the pressing spiritual wants of those around them. This feeling did not spring up suddenly, it was a slow but steady growth extending through many generations. That grand poet Geoffrey Chaucer, more than two hundred years before the time of which we speak, in the first great poems of the mother tongue that England had ever written, had sharply attacked the clerical abuses of his day. He transfixes with his indignant scorn the mummeries and chicanery, the extortions and oppressions practiced by the priesthood, those worthless officers of the Church, who devoted themselves to the pleasures of the chase and to riotous living and worldly schemes, and who spent their time amid the gaities of London, wholly regardless of their neglected charges. So plainly does he picture it to us that we can almost see the pompous monk, the clerk, the choleric reeve, the summoner, and the man whom he holds up for our admiration and reverence, the “poore persoun of a town,” a simple, honest man who faithfully performed his duties, who, living an exemplary Christian life might himself thus the more efficaciously teach it to others and who never divided his attention nor distracted his mind by meddling in ambitious schemes outside his appointed work. These works, voicing the formless opinions of the people had an influence. Shortly previous to the reformation came from the pen of William Langland the “Vision of Piers Ploughman,” a long poem of several divisions, which also attacked the clerical abuses, the negligence and lax-mindedness of the clergy on moral principles and pointed out the imperative need of reform. This book contained much that was elevated and noble, and was at the time of its publication a power for good in England. Already had the Bible been translated. Moreover, many were actively at work scattering the seed of reformation in the mother tongue, but time does not permit us to dwell on them now, as we must pass on to glance at the progress of this work in other nations. In Germany, Ulrich von Hutten, a distinguished knight and a polished scholar, denounced the abuses of the Romish Church and wielded his poet’s pen in defense of the approaching revolution, while in Italy the Papal court had scarcely recovered from the bitter denunciations of popish tyranny and ecclesiastical vice, by which Savonarola had for a time aroused the Christian world. In Spain, Valdez, the brother of Charles V.’s private secretary, had also severely commented upon the evils of the same corrupt system, and it is certain that a condition of affairs could be found in Spain to justify the most severe condemnation that could be administered by the pen of man. That these writings exercised a wonderful influence in their time is beyond doubt. It is not too strong a figure to say that those men, who thus vividly pictured, in a language understood by the masses, the evils and wrongs they suffered, and pointed out in the future light of a brighter and a better day, were new John Baptists, arousing the Christian world to prepare itself for freedom from the tyranny and sin of the Roman Catholic Church. TRINITY. This is a critical time in the history of the College and a suitable time, in the judgment of the editors, to give a short sketch of the institution in the past, a summary of facts incident to important changes in the present year, and an outline of plans proposed for the future. This edition of THE ARCHIVE is especially addressed to the Methodists of North Carolina, the patronizing Conference, and to the Alumni. We bespeak for the three following articles a careful perusal. TRINITY’S PAST.[1] The following facts have been gathered from authoritative sources. By an act of the Legislature in 1859 Normal College was changed to Trinity. The connection with the State was revived and the institution became a regular denominational college. Increased prosperity was the result of this arrangement. From 1859 to 1862, the average number of matriculation annually was 204; the gross income, seventy-five hundred dollars per annum, losses three hundred and eighty dollars, gratuitous tuition, eight hundred and thirty dollars. [1] The facts here given, it must be kept in mind, are for the period beginning with 1859. During the whole time, expulsions five; deaths, three; conversions, one hundred and sixty-five. These were by far the most prosperous years the College has ever had; current expenses were more nearly met than at any time in the following 20 years, opposition had died away, agents appointed by the Conference were readily securing ample funds for elegant and commodious buildings. Some gentlemen were proposing to inaugurate a handsome endowment, every thing was favorable for a secure foundation of prosperity. By the war, all was changed. During the war, the exercises of the institution were continued with a variable but constantly decreasing number of students. In 1863 Dr. Craven resigned as President, and was stationed for two years at Edenton Street church, in the city of Raleigh. Prof. W. T. Gannaway was placed in charge as President _pro tempore_, and continued with a small number of students until the arrival of General Hardee’s corps in April, 1865. Dr. Mangum pays Prof. Gannaway the following tribute: “He has been toiling with great fidelity and usefulness for over thirty-two years. He has stood by the struggling school throughout all its vicissitudes. For 27 years he had the enormous work of eight full recitations a day. His chairs of Latin has sometimes been loaded with Greek, sometimes with History, sometimes with French. But he has carried his burden over the long years most nobly and heroically. Emory and Henry did a blessed work for North Carolina when she sent Trinity this accomplished christian teacher. What a debt we all owe him.” After April, 1865, the exercises were suspended until the following January. In the fall of 1865, Dr. Craven, the former president, was re-elected, and having been requested by the Conference to accept the position, he proceeded immediately after Conference to repair and re-open the institution. From 1866 to 1876 the average number of matriculations was one hundred and fifty-five; gross annual income, six thousand dollars; losses, three hundred and forty dollars; gratuitous tuition, six hundred and twenty; for the whole time, deaths, four; expulsions, four; conversions, three hundred and thirty-two. From 1859 to 1887 inclusive, there have been 340 graduates including three ladies. Of these there are 53 lawyers, 20 physicians, 34 preachers, 70 teachers and professors in colleges, 12 journalists, and the rest farmers and merchants. Of Trinity’s Alumni, 5 have become judges, 7 solicitors, 11 either presidents or professors of leading colleges, 49 have been members of the Legislature of the different States and Territories. Quite a number of them have been in Congress from 2 to 8 years. The honorary degree of Master of Arts has been conferred upon 17 persons, Doctor of Divinity upon 22, and Doctor of Laws upon 3. The Professors have been as follows: {L. Johnson, A. M., 1859-1884. [2]{I. L. Wright, A. M., 1859-1865. {W. T. Gannaway, A. M., 1859 to the present. O. W. Carr, A. M., 1868-1877. Rev. Peter Doub, D. D. 1866-1870. W. C. Doub, A. M., 1867-1873. J. W. Young, 1864-1865. Rev. W. H. Pegram, A. M., 1875, to the present. C. P. Frazier, A. M., 1878-1879. J. D. Hodges, A. M., 1879-1882. Rev. J. F. Heitman, A. M., 1883 to the present. H. H. Williams, A. M., 1884-1885. J. M. Bandy, A. M., 1884 to present. A. W. Long, A. B., 1884-1887. N. C. English, A. M., 1884, to present. J. L. Armstrong, 1887, to present. [2] Johnson and Wright were Professors 4 years in Normal College and Gannaway 2 years. On the 7th of November, 1882, Rev. B. Craven, D. D., LL. D., the honored President and founder of the institution, died, and Prof. W. H. Pegram was appointed chairman of the Faculty till the Board of Trustees could meet and elect a President but it was deemed advisable by the Board to continue that arrangement until the close of the scholastic year. At the Commencement in June, 1883, Rev. Marcus L. Wood, A. M., D. D., a graduate of Trinity of the class of ’55, was chosen President, who assumed the duties of this position on the 5th day of Sept., of the same year, and all fears that the College would not survive the death of its great founder passed away. President Wood was assisted by four Professors, who did all in their power to promote the interests of the College. At the meeting of the Conference, 1884, President Wood resigned and Rev. John F. Heitman was appointed chairman of the Faculty, under whose administration the financial as well as other features of the College were greatly improved. This period marks an epoch in the history of Trinity College. At the same time that Professor Heitman was appointed chairman of the Faculty, H. H. Williams, J. M. Bandy, N. C. English and A. W. Long were elected Professors. The chairman with his corps of instructors infused new life into the College, which has resulted in rapid growth and development. One special feature of this administration was the establishment of a Preparatory Department over which the efficient and popular Prof. N. C. English still presides. This period is closed with the election to the Presidency of J. F. Crowell, A. B. (Yale), who entered upon his office at the beginning of this scholastic year. THE PRESENT. This is an age of progress in almost every department, but in none more so than in educational affairs. The institution that does not imbibe this progressive spirit will soon be relegated to the shades of antiquity. New methods of teaching and of managing young men have now been adopted in most of the leading institutions of this country. Trinity during the past year has made rapid strides toward the attainment of better methods by which the young men of this State may be able to secure thorough collegiate education. This reform has been as marked in the management of the students as in the methods of instruction. A young man is now put on his honor as to his conduct. He is supposed to possess the elements of true manhood, and it is not considered necessary to have spies to watch his every movement. This tends to make him better behaved than he, perhaps, would otherwise be. Each class has a dean and a monitor, a professor acting as dean and a member of the class as monitor. The monitor reports all absentees from chapel exercises, and the absentees hand their excuses to the dean of their class who presents it to the faculty. The decision of the faculty can be learned by reference to the bulletin board. This method, in the end, saves a great deal of time and trouble. There has been better order during the past year than in almost any other year of the college’s history. The libraries of the two Societies have been consolidated and placed in a more commodious and suitable room. A first class reading-room has been established, and now no student has any excuse for being ignorant of the current news of the day, as the very best newspapers and magazines can always be found on the reading-room tables. One of the most beneficial steps taken by the students of the institution was the formation of a branch of the Y. M. C. A., which has already resulted in great good. The grandest movement, though, that has yet been undertaken by the young men of this institution is their having obligated themselves to do all in their power to raise enough money to erect a new building to be used for the library and the Society halls. This shows the enthusiasm that has been awakened among the students by the wise and efficient work done by the various members of the faculty during this year; it shows that they are heartily in sympathy with all the efforts for the college’s up-building. The curriculum has been improved, having been considerably extended, especially in the departments of English and History. Two well equipped, progressive teachers have been placed at the head of these departments, and the result is that the scholars are more thorough on these two important branches of collegiate education. Heretofore the chairs of History and English have been consolidated, necessarily causing the instruction in each to be rather limited. This is the first year in which Trinity has had a President, since the resignation of Rev. M. L. Wood, D.D. Two new members of the faculty have, of course, added no little towards the means of usefulness of the institution. More students have matriculated here during this year than in any one of the past ten years, which should be a great encouragement to the friends of the college. This school year has been indeed a turning point for the better in Trinity’s career, new fields of thought have been opened up to the students. Every alumnus of this institution should feel proud of what his _Alma Mater_ has achieved during this year under somewhat adverse circumstances, and should rally to the rescue, and show his appreciation by doing all in his power to sustain the “new administration” by getting as many young men as possible to come here next fall. THE FUTURE. This has been, indeed, an auspicious year for Trinity. Not only has the year’s work been good and the institution brought more prominently before the public, but there has been work done within its walls that is indicative of a bright future and that can be correctly measured only by the future. The President and Faculty have faithfully labored with an eye to the future, believing that time and experience will prove the wisdom of their course. The curriculum has been revised. It is their object to keep it squarely abreast with the educational demands of the age. The College is now divided into two Departments: the Academic, including the first two years; and the Scientific, including the last two years. The Academic has three courses: the Classical, the distinguishing studies of which are Greek and Latin; the Modern, distinguished by German and French; and the English, requiring English studies only. Mathematics, English and History are equal in the three. Other studies are not equal, consequently, the conditions for admission to College will not be the same for all the courses, the Classical requiring the most. These conditions will be enlarged from year to year as may be thought best. In this Department, special attention will be given to mental discipline, to methods and to laying such foundations in study as will best prepare students for the more independent work and scientific research to follow. The Scientific Department is composed of fifteen different schools, and this number may be expanded according to the number of instructors employed. Its characteristic features are the cultivation of all the Sciences, original inquiry and freedom to select from these schools studies, within certain prescribed limits, according to the peculiar taste of the student. This curriculum will lead to four different degrees, according to the selections made from the schools. It is, consequently, varied sufficiently to please all, from the classically inclined to the devotee of science, and full and thorough enough to satisfy the demands which the age is making upon Colleges. Indeed, the general, but constant, aim will be to make the college a more potent and independent factor, through its influence, for moulding public opinion and elevating public life, in religion, in education, in government and in the industries of the country. In order better to do this, and believing that the time has come when there is a wise demand for three _different_ institutions in our national educational system, the Preparatory school, the College, and the University, the authorities have abolished the Preparatory Department heretofore connected with the College, and will give their influence to the up-building throughout the State of first class preparatory schools, which may act as feeders to the Colleges. The lack of such schools has greatly retarded the advancement of education throughout the whole country. College work should begin where that of the better class of lower schools closes, and end where the best Universities take it up. This is the rational, economical plan, and the one that Trinity proposes to follow. Thus each of the three institutions will be better able to do its peculiar work. The College will be relieved and can, in turn, relieve the Universities of the burden of doing College work, and then the Universities can engage their powers in answering the demand for true University work. This is a general statement of the Faculty’s plan for the future work and management of the College, but they are not alone in the work. They have an active, energetic Board of Trustees to co-operate and assist by action as well as by word. It is the Board’s purpose and determination, so far as in them lies, to make and keep the institution the peer of the best of its kind in the South. Upon them, in a large measure, devolves the financial support and management and, consequently, the success of the institution. To this demand they are ready to respond, and are responding. Every one that has given the subject thought concurs with the late Dr. Craven that “to meet the demand of the times, keep pace with improvements and growth, and hold equal pace with a host of noble competitors, one hundred thousand dollars endowment must be realized at an early day. Her alumni and friends _can_ do the work.” While the endowment has long been delayed, Trinity has done a work without it, of which any institution might be proud. But with this fund partly raised and the rest well under way, we think we see a career before Trinity that will make glad the heart of every Methodist and of every friend of christian education, provided always that he has done his part in consummating the noble work. To do this fully requires only an effort from each one. Then will not every one unite hands with the devoted, self-sacrificing Faculty and earnest Board of Trustees in achieving a work that is to surprise the most hopeful? What say you, reader? or, rather, what will you _do_ toward securing this nucleus of an endowment? SENIOR CLASS OF ’88. William Eugene Fink was born in Cabarrus county, N. C., Nov. 2nd, 1862; alternately worked on his father’s farm and attended neighboring schools until eighteen years of age; then joined a ‘trestle-building gang’ on the Ducktown Rail Road, and continued employed in this occupation for one year; returned home and entered North Carolina College January, ’82, where he remained till May 20th, ’83; entered the Freshman Class at Trinity College September 10th, ’83; was out during the session of ’84-’5; returned and entered the Sophomore Class August 25th, ’85. After receiving his diploma, Mr. Fink will rusticate for the summer upon his father’s farm; he will then seek the broad plains of the West, and join the revelries of the ‘coyotes’ and the Indians and the cow-boys. James Joseph Scarboro, first saw the light in Montgomery county, N. C., July 23rd, 1863; worked upon his father’s farm till 1883, attending the common schools of the community when such were being taught; entered, after 1883 Mt. Gilead High School, and there under the tuition of Prof. R. H. Skeen, remained two years; entered the Sophomore class at Trinity College in August, ’85. Mr. Scarboro proposes to make teaching his life work. Edward L. Ragan was born March 26th, 1864, at “Bloomington,” N. C.; labored on the farm until 1881, sometimes attending public schools; entered, in 1881, the Preparatory Department at Trinity College; left college in ’82, and sold goods in High Point; re-entered college at Trinity in ’85, this time joining the Freshman Class, half advanced. When Mr. Ragan receives his diploma, he intends to till the soil. Joseph Amos Ragan was born at “Bloomington,” N. C., Sept. 26th, 1865. He, too, farmed and attended public schools. His principle occupation while on the farm was driving oxen, and he tells some amusing incidents about his “tail-twisting” experience. Mr. Ragan entered the Preparatory Class at Trinity in ’81, but after ’82 dropped out. He re-entered College in ’85. Mr. Ragan has not fully decided as to his occupation after leaving college, but thinks he will teach or read medicine. William Alexander Barrett, entered this world in Caswell county, N. C., the 2nd or 4th day of February, 1867. Being a Methodist preacher’s son, he has had no fixed home, having lived in nine or ten different towns in North Carolina, but in not one of them longer than four years. The meagre preparation which Mr. Barrett had to enter college was obtained at Statesville Male Academy. He entered the Freshman Class at Trinity College in August of ’85. Mr. Barrett intends to make the law his profession. Daniel Calhoun Roper was born April 1st, 1867, in Marlboro county, S. C. Mr. Roper being the son of a farmer was brought up as a farmer boy. He attended the schools of his neighborhood until 1881, when he entered Laurinburg High School in Richmond county, N. C. Here he remained until ’84, when he entered Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. He was taken sick in the latter part of his Sophomore year, and was compelled to leave college on account of his health. Being attracted by the healthful climate and by the hospitality of the North Carolina people, Mr. Roper came to Trinity in September of ’86 and entered the Junior Class. He will continue to farm, after getting his diploma. Theodore Earl McCrary has for his birth-place Lexington, N. C., and for his birth-day June 5th, 1867. He worked with his father in the furniture business, and attended various schools in Lexington, the chief of which was that conducted by Miss Laura Clement and the Southern Normal. Mr. McCrary came to Trinity College Jan. 12th, 1886 and entered the Junior Class. He remained away from college during the fall term of ’86 on account of ill-health, but returned at the beginning of the spring term of ’87. Mr. McCrary is as yet undecided as to what shall be his occupation. John Spenser Bassett was born Sept. 10th, 1867, at Tarboro, N. C. While he was an infant his father moved to Goldsboro, N. C. At the age of nine years he moved to Richlands, Onslow county, N. C., but returned to Goldsboro in a few years and that is now his home. Mr. Bassett attended Richlands Academy; was graduated in ’85 from Goldsboro Graded and High School; then attended Davis School; came to Trinity in August of ’86 and entered the Junior Class. After leaving college, Mr. Bassett will “do anything honorable which affords a support.” George Newton Raper was born Dec. 15th, 1867 near High Point; worked on the farm and attended the “back-woods” school until Jan., 1883, when he went to Oak Ridge Institute; remained in school there till November of the same year, and then taught a public school for three and a half months; entered the Blair High School at High Point in March ’84, and remained there until June ’85, completing the course in this school; then for a time sold books in Guilford county, and the people of that county still refer to him as “Book Agent;” taught school during the winter of ’85-’86, and entered the Sophomore Class at Trinity College Feb. 3d, 1886. Mr. Raper will teach. John C. Montgomery was born in Concord, N.C., Aug. 30th, 1868. Concord has always been his home. He was prepared for college at Concord High School under the tuition of Prof. R. S. Arrowwood. Mr. Montgomery came to Trinity College Aug. 24th, 1885 and entered the Sophomore Class. He proposes to read medicine after leaving college. It is his intention to confine himself to a specialty, and he will devote himself to the treatment of the eye. ANECDOTES TOLD BY OLD BOYS. _Rabbit vs. Cat._—Formerly it was customary for Trinity boys to have rabbit feasts in their rooms at night. They indulged in this to such an extent one winter season, that it became unsafe to leave a dressed rabbit exposed, for some one would be sure to steal it. A party of students caught a rabbit and left it in their room with the expectation of banqueting on it that night. While they were out, much to their chagrin a second party appropriated the rabbit, and the whetted appetites of party No. 1 had to remain unsatiated. Means for revenge were devised. They obtained a cat, dressed it, and left it in their room, as they had left the rabbit before. Again party No. 2 stole the game. They cooked it nicely and had a delicious feast. Believing they had baffled party No. 1 a second time, they, to carry out the joke more fully, returned the bones to said party. Thereupon, party No. 1 sent them the claws, hide and tail of the cat they had eaten. Shades of departed cats! what a sick set they were! “Mew, mew,” was the only sound heard about the college for two weeks. _The Joke Turns._—An old student of Trinity once took a newy snipe-hunting. After traveling about five miles from the village, he left him to hold the bag (into which he would drive the snipes), with the intention of returning to Trinity himself, and leaving the newy to find his way home as best he could. Unfortunately for the old student, he missed the road and finally wandered back to the newy who by that time suspected the joke, and found out also that the old student had lost his way. He accordingly compelled the would-be joker to pay him one dollar to conduct him back to Trinity. Tradition says that student never took another newy to hunt snipes. _The Mutual Aid-the-Stuck-Society._—This was established for the benefit of those boys whose conversational powers are soon exhausted, and who become “stuck.” Each member was sworn to relieve any other member who might be _stuck_ with a young lady on any public occasion, such as commencement, Senior Presentation, at sociables, etc. It was only necessary for him who was _stuck_ to wink at some brother member and he would be immediately relieved. Quite a number of new boys joined the society. On the first occasion which presented itself for the practical operation of the society, the founders engaged the company of ladies. Apparently they were soon stuck. They gave the wink to their fellow members (the newies) who came gallantly and promptly to their relief. By and by the newies became stuck (really). In vain they winked. No one came to their rescue. The society held no more meetings after this event. _On the Wrong Scent._—Boys who boarded some little distance from the village used to have a study room furnished them in the College building. The one opposite Prof. Gannaway’s recitation-room was so used. It was supplied with desks, and was often occupied by quite a number. One day, when fun ran riot, the room was “packed,” and T. W. W. climbed upon the top desk of the tower that had been built—presumably to make a speech—but some one kicked out the corner-stone desk, thereby precipitating a combined earthquake and thunder-clap. Prof. G. came to the door, with his specs adjusted to fit the occasion, and asked where that noise was. W. looked the Prof. right in the face and said, “I saw some one run upstairs.” The Prof. started off to find the offender, and everything was in order by the time he returned. On another occasion, when the President was attending the session of the General Conference, the bell-clapper was taken out and hidden, all the gates were carried off, Frazier’s old mail-hack was taken off and not found for several days. One day we wanted holiday, and asked for it. Professor Wright, who was in charge and had been having the bell rung for a week with a rock, told the boys in the chapel to bring up the clapper, bring the gates, and he would grant their request. So, while a class was reciting, a long, lank fellow, who had been “snipe-hunting” a few nights before, came in with the clapper, the gates were put up, the bell tapped three times (the summons to chapel) and we assembled and had our request granted. These were pleasant days for the boys. The boy who was wallowed in the snow, between Charles Davis’s and “Uncle” Jabez Leach’s, by his rival, is living in Trinity now. _The Party._—It was in the winter of 1874 that I got up a party—a sham party, but the boys thought it was real and were in for it. I made out a long list of ladies and opposite their names were placed the boys’ names, but showed this list only to the boys that were to be victimized. It was a very cold night; the ground was frozen. Mr. Coltrain’s house was selected as the place for the party. I got only about ten boys in the trap. These were cautioned to keep it a secret. About $3.50 was collected from them to get refreshments. They each wrote notes to the ladies that had been selected for them, and they like the boys were delighted and accepted. Scroggs and I were to go with some ladies from the country. This was a blind, but at the proper time we started. Some of the boys saw us off. There was a new path just above Prof. Doub’s, about fifty yards from the street. This is the way Scroggs and I went, and we lay down by an oak tree. By and by we heard our boys with their girls, going to the party. I can hear those merry voices now. When they passed, we went back to our rooms. I had arranged for them all to meet at Mr. Coltrain’s at the same hour, and so they did. Gray knocked at the door. There were no lights to be seen anywhere. Still none suspected what was up. Presently Mr. C. came to the door—he was dressed in white—“What is the matter?” Gray answered, “Nothing, we have come to the party” “—What party?”—“J. said there was to be a party here tonight and we were all invited.”—“I know nothing about it. We are all in bed.” Gray and the rest of them discovered my joke. After the boys had taken the ladies home, they came to my room, and with the money I had collected from them I gave them a royal treat to candy and cigars. O, the fun I had over the joke! I venture Gray and Turner have not forgotten it to this day. Locals. T. E. McCRARY, _Hes._, } } REPORTERS. W. I. CRANFORD, _Col._, } Beef! BEEF!! BEEF!!! Examinations are here. Truly “man was made to mourn.” It is reported that the Trinity Commercial Bank has “busted” again. However, there have been no excursions to Canada yet. The Trinity lawyers are having considerable practice now, in these “evil days.” “Benny” says he had a good time with his girl at Thomasville. He had permission to go on business, and he went. We have one Senior who—Well, we don’t know whether he will share his commencement honors with some one else or not; but, if there is any sign in noonday-dreams and long strolls, we th-th-think he w-will. _Growth of a Big Book._—When Webster’s Unabridged was first published in one volume, it was a comparatively small book. Some years after, an addition was made of 1500 Pictorial Illustrations, A Table of Synonyms, and an Appendix of New Words that had come into use. A few years later came an entirely new revised edition of larger size, with 3000 Pictorial Illustrations; then, after an interval of a few years, a Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Names, and a Supplement of nearly 5000 New Words were added; and now there has come another new and most valuable addition, A Gazetteer of the World, of over 25,000 Titles. The work is now not only _the best Dictionary_ of the words of the language, but is a Biographical Dictionary, a Gazetteer of the World, and a great many other good and useful things in its many valuable Tables. Mr. M. C. Thomas, of Cary, received the debater’s medal of the Hesperian Society, and Mr. W. J. Helms of Poortith the debater’s medal of the Columbian. Mr. W. B. Lee, of Durham, received the declaimer’s medal of the Columbian, and Mr. J. R. McCrary the declaimer’s medal of the Hesperian Society. Messrs. G. T. Adams and E. L. Moffitt were elected President and Vice-President of the Hesperian respectively, and Messrs. W. J. Helms and W. H. Rhodes President and Vice-President of the Columbian Society respectively for the 1st grade of the next College year. Mr. C. Powell Karr, a graduate of School of Mines, Columbia College, has in preparation a Manual of American Colleges, which proposes to give in classified form all the leading Colleges, Universities, Technical and Professional Schools, their requirements for admission, courses of study, cost of tuition and living expenses, and in a word, a systematic _resume_ of all the information needed by parents, guardians and students to enable them to decide intelligently what college or institution of learning it is best to attend. It is to be issued from the press of William T. Comstock, New York. Misses Edwards and Carr came home a few days ago afflicted with mumps. We are glad to learn that they are now almost well. We hope that they may so improve that by commencement “something sweet” will not hurt their jaws. _Robbed_.—Many of the boys and two or three members of the Faculty, while at Guilford Battle Ground and on their return therefrom in May, had their whole _hearts_ stolen. No public rewards have been offered for the thieves, but we know not what private means have been employed for their capture. The last cold wet weather was good for the farmers’ patience, but bad on their crops. “Possum” no longer goes to Archdale by himself but carries a tall and stalwart Junior along for protection against mud-holes. THE ARCHIVE, under the management of Messrs. Nicholson and Jones, has proved a financial success. Without the money subscribed by the Societies, it has more than paid expenses. The Business Managers intended to have THE ARCHIVE out for Commencement, but the printers were so crowded as to be unable to publish it sooner. The party, on Thursday evening, was a fine success. If promenading be a good exercise, surely none of the attendants on this occasion will have need of more exercising before the next Commencement. Teachers during vacation, farmers’ sons when work is slack on the farm, and any others not fully and profitably employed, can learn something to their advantage by applying to B. F. Johnson & Co., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va. Prof. Bandy is a whole-souled mathematician. He promised us a lecture before commencement. If you have the blues or mental dyspepsy, come and listen, he’ll do you good. Prof. Price, who was graduated at Yale, and who afterwards spent two years in France and Germany, and then served as tutor in Yale, was recommended by the Faculty and elected by the Board of Trustees to take charge of French and German. We welcome him to Trinity. The medals and prizes were won as follows: Braxton Craven Medal, by W. I. Cranford; the Wiley Gray, by George N. Raper; Pinnix Medal, by W. G. Lee; Junior Prize (twenty-five dollars in books) by W. J. Helms; Senior Prize in Politico-Socio Science, by George N. Raper. We are glad to welcome back to Trinity, Prof. H. H. Williams who has been elected to the Chair of Theology and Hebrew. The liberality of a number of individuals, many of them ministers of the North Carolina Conference, has enabled the Board to add at a late hour this much needed Chair. It was possible to establish the other Chair (German and French) by instituting strict economy, so that the expenses are not increased beyond those of last year. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas, Almighty God, in his all-wise providence, has seen fit to remove from us by death, Mr. FLETCHER R. DEARMAN, a graduate of this institution and long a faithful member of the Hesperian Literary Society; and, whereas we desire to give expression to the bereavement sustained in the loss of our brother, and to our esteem for his many noble qualities of heart. Therefore, be it _Resolved_ 1st, That we sincerely sympathize with the bereaved wife in this time of sorrow, and would point her to the consolations offered in the Gospel; 2nd, That we express our sense of loss in the death of Mr. Dearman, a member loyal to the Society, to the College and to the State; 3rd, That our Hall be draped in mourning for thirty days, as a token of our respect for the deceased. 4th, That copies of these resolutions be sent to the Raleigh _Christian Advocate_, _Yadkin Valley News_, and TRINITY ARCHIVE for publication; also a copy to the family of the deceased, and a copy spread upon the minutes of our Society. M. C. THOMAS, } A. HASKINS, } _Com._ L. S. MASSEY. } TRINITY COLLEGE. Reorganized May, 1888. ☞ Preparatory Department Abolished. Business Department Incorporated into the College Course. NEW ORGANIZATION. TWO DEPARTMENTS: 1. Academic Department, (Freshman and Sophomore years.) 2. Scientific Department (Junior and Senior Years.) Academic Department has three courses of study: _a._ Classical Course—for those desiring Latin and Greek. _b._ Modern Course—for those desiring Modern Languages. _c._ English—for those desiring English studies only. Mathematics, English and History equally in all courses in this department (2 years). All studies are required—no electives first two years except in English course, first term. Scientific Department has 15 schools open to any one who passes examinations on any corresponding study in Academic Department, for example, to enter schools of history students must pass examination on history in Academic Department. DEGREES IN COURSE: Four different degrees granted: Bachelor of Arts (A. B.), Bachelor of Philosophy (Ph. B.), Bachelor of Science (B. S.) and Bachelor of Letters (B. L.), each requiring an equal amount of work but different in kind. REQUIREMENTS FOR A. B.: 1. In Academic Department:—2 years; Classical Course. 2. In Scientific Department:—18 hours work per week for 2 years. Required work—9 hours per week:— One school of Metaphysics, 3 hours. One “ of Languages, 3 “ One “ of Nat. Science, 3 “ Elective work—9 hours per week, in any of the 12 other schools. No Mathematics required for A. B. in last two years. REQUIREMENTS FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 1. In Academic Department. Either Modern Course or English Course of 2 years. 2. In Scientific Dep’t:— School of Metaphysics, 3 hours per week. “ of English, 3 “ “ “ “ of Civil Engineering, 3 “ “ “ “ of Chemistry, 3 “ “ “ “ of Nat. History, 3 “ “ “ One “ of History, 2 “ “ “ No Latin or Greek required for this degree. English may be taken instead of French and German requirements. REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREE OF PH. B.: 1. In Academic Dep’t—Modern Course of 2 years. 2. In Scientific Department—Required:— School of Metaphysics 3 hrs. per week. “ of Polit. and Social Science, 4 “ “ “ “ of German, 2 “ “ “ Elective—9 hours in 12 other schools. REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREE OF B. L.: 1. In Academic Dept.— { *Classical Course of 2 years and { *Modern Course of French, 2 years. or { Modern Course and { Classical Course in Latin. or { Classical Course and { Modern Course in German 1 year followed by { a 2 years Course (of 2 hours) the school of German, { in the Scientific Department. 2. In Scientific Dept.—Required:— School of Metaphysics, 3 hours per week. “ of English, 3 “ “ “ “ of Nat. History, 3 “ “ “ Elective—5 hours in 12 other schools. NO ONE ADMITTED TO COLLEGE WITHOUT EXAMINATION. Requirements for admission. (1) To Classical Course: Latin, English Grammar; Algebra (to Quadratics,) U. S. History, Arithmetic, Descriptive and Physical Geography, Physiology and Hygiene. (2) To Modern Course: Omitting Latin, same as for admission to Classical Course. (3) English Course: same as to Modern Course. Entrance Examinations, June 15th and 16th. “ “ Sept. 3rd and 4th. College opens and recitations begin, Sept. 6th. Send for Catalogue. JOHN F. CROWELL, A. B., _President_. JOHN H. TATE, Leading Retailer and Jobber of Staple and Fancy Groceries, FINE CONFECTIONS, _Foreign and Domestic Fruits_, _Nuts_, FINE PATENT ROLLER FLOUR A SPECIALTY. _Best Line of Green and Roasted Coffees and Teas._ I also keep in stock a good line of the celebrated “Agate” Iron Ware, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Brooms, Kingan’s Fine Hams, Bacon and pure kettle rendered Lard. Prices as low as the lowest. New Corner Store, next door to Post Office, HIGH POINT, N. C. WHEN IN HIGH POINT CALL ON R. C. CHARLES, —FOR— Groceries of all Kinds. He has a large and well selected stock of FRESH AND RELIABLE GOODS bought low for cash. He can and does sell as low as the lowest. Will deliver goods at Trinity free of charge. Send Your Orders to Charles. Dr. H. C. PITTS, DENTIST _High Point, · · N. C._ ☞ Gas or Ether used if Desired. ☜ Office over Wrenn Bros’. Store. PETERSON, PHOTOGRAPHER, HIGH POINT, N. C. _Solicits any kind of work of Trinity students. Challenges comparison with any work in the world. Groups, any size, of the very best. Satisfaction in every case guaranteed._ CALL AT CALL AT WRENN BROS. and see the spring attractions in Men’s, Youths’ and Children’s Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings. Latest styles in SOFT AND STIFF HATS. ☞ Elegant assortment of Neckwear. Shirts to order on short notice. A line of S. Gardner Jones’ Calf and Kangaroo Shoes. HELLO, METHODISTS! SEND FOR CIRCULAR TO Piedmont Poultry Yard, KNOB CREEK, N. C., and get prices of our _Pure Blood Stock and Eggs_, Brown Leghorns, Light Brahmas, Langshans and Scotch Collie Dogs. ☞ _Eggs for Hatching our Specialty._ DIKE BOOK COMPANY, Opp. National Bank, GREENSBORO, N. C. Fine Books and Stationery OF ALL KINDS. Base-Ball Goods, Croquet Sets, Hammocks. Books of great value, including History, Biography, Poetry, Travels, &c., for young men and students, at low prices. _FULL LINE OF THE POETS._ Latest Publications of Lovell’s Library, Munro’s Library and others. IMPORTANT To reduce our stock of clothing, we offer same for 30 days at =PRIME COST= 50 Suits $4.50, $5.50, $6.50; 50 Suits $8.50, $10.50, $12.50; 25 suits, Corkscrew Worsted, $6.50, $8.50, $12.50, up. 150 pairs Men’s Pants, 75c to $5. 50 prs children’s pants, 35. R. J. LINDSAY & BRO. =$75 to $250 A MONTH= can be made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO. 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va. WM. PARTRIDGE, HIGH POINT, N. C. Makes a specialty of LADIES’ and GENTLEMEN’S FINE SHOES, HAND SEWED SHOES, FRENCH CALF SHOES, HAND WELT SHOES, GOODYEAR WELT SHOES, McKAY SEWED SHOES, GENTLEMEN’S GENUINE KANGAROO SHOES. J. FAUST & SON’S FINE SHOES. Dunlap & Youman’s block of STIFF HATS, also a fine line of CRUSH HATS. _WM. PARTRIDGE_, Boot, Shoe and Hat Store. BROWN & MATTON, DRUGGISTS NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, HIGH POINT, N. C. Invite the students and friends of Trinity College to examine their complete line of Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery, and all articles usually found in a first class drug store. _GRIMES & STRICKLAND_, Pharmacists and Apothecaries, THOMASVILLE N. C. Keep constantly on hand PURE and FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES. Best brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always on hand. Prescriptions carefully filled at all hours BELLEVUE HOTEL. J. N. CAMPBELL, MANAGER. Headquarters for Sportsmen and Commercial Travelers. HIGH POINT, N. C. LOTHROP LITERATURE PRIZES. $2000.00—94 prizes—to all school people from College President to Primary Pupil. Full particulars in Wide Awake, 20cts. $1.20 for new volume, June—Nov. D. LOTHROP COMPANY, BOSTON. _The time for sending MS. is extended to Oct. 1st._ THE BEST. THE BEST. Holmes’ New Readers, Maury’s Geographies, and Holmes’ New History are recommended by the State Board of Education for exclusive use in the schools of North Carolina. Best books at lowest prices. Every school should have them. UNIVERSITY PUB. Co., 19 Murray St., NEW YORK. THOMAS BROS., Successors to Thomas, Reece & Co., POWER Book AND Job Printers, GREENSBORO, N. C. _Printers of “The Archive.”_ *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE TRINITY ARCHIVE, VOL. I, NO. 8, JUNE 1888 *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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