The Project Gutenberg eBook of The suppressed Gospels and Epistles of the original New Testament of Jesus the Christ, Volume 5, St. Paul
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Title: The suppressed Gospels and Epistles of the original New Testament of Jesus the Christ, Volume 5, St. Paul

Author: William Wake

Release date: September 1, 2004 [eBook #6511]
                Most recently updated: December 29, 2020

Language: English

Credits: This eBook was produced by David Widger. Additional proofing was done by Curtis A. Weyant


This eBook was produced by David Widger <>
Additional proofing was done by Curtis A. Weyant

                          GOSPELS AND EPISTLES
                            OF THE ORIGINAL
                             NEW TESTAMENT
                            JESUS THE CHRIST

                       NOW EXTANT, ATTRIBUTED TO
                       THE FIRST FOUR CENTURIES,
                            FORBIDDEN BY THE
                     BISHOPS OF THE NICENE COUNCIL,


                            ARCHBISHOP WAKE
                               AND OTHER
                            LEARNED DIVINES

                            THE EPISTLES OF


     A copy of a letter written by King Abgarus to Jesus;
     and sent to him by Ananius, his footman, to Jerusalem,
     5 inviting him to Edessa.

ABGARUS, king of Edessa, to
Jesus the good Saviour, who
appears at Jerusalem, greeting.

2  I have been informed concerning
you and your cures, which are
performed without the use of
medicines and herbs.

3  For it is reported, that you
cause the blind to see, the lame to
walk, do both cleanse lepers, and
cast out unclean spirits and devils,
and restore them to health who have
been long diseased; and raiseth up
the dead;

4  All which when I heard, I was
pursuaded of one of these two,
namely, either that you are God
himself descended from heaven;
who do these things, or the Son
of God.

5  On this account therefore I
have written to you, earnestly to
desire you would take the trouble
of a journey hither, and cure a
disease which I am under.

6  For I hear the Jews ridicule
you and, intend you mischief.

7  My city is indeed small, but
neat, and large enough for us


     The answer of Jesus by Ananias the footman
     to Abgarus the king,
     3 declining to visit Edessa.

ABGARUS, you are happy,
forasmuch as you have
believed on me, whom you
have not seen.

2  For it is written concerning
me, that those who have seen me
should not believe on me, that
they who have not seen might
believe and live.

3  As to that part of your letter,
which relates to my giving you a
visit, I must inform you, that I
must fulfil all the ends of my
mission in this country, and after
that be received up again to him
who sent me.

4  But after my ascension I will
send one of my disciples, who will
cure your disease, and give life to
you, and all that are with you.

                        ABGARUS KING OF EDESSA.

[The first writer who makes any mention of the Epistles that passed
between  Jesus Christ and Abgarus, is Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, in
Palestine, who flourished in the early part of the fourth century. For
their genuineness, he appeals to the public registers and records of the
City of Edessa in Mesopotamia, where Abgarus reigned, and where he
affirms that he found them written in the Syriac language. He published a
Greek translation of them, in his Ecclesiastical History. The learned
world has been much divided on  this subject; but, notwithstanding the
erudite Grabe, with Archbishop Cave, Dr, Parker, and other divines, have
strenuously contended for their admission into the canon of Scripture,
they are deemed apocryphal. The Rev. Jeremiah  Jones observes, that the
common people in England have this Epistle in their  houses in many
places, fixed in a frame, with the picture of Christ before it; and that
they generally, with much honesty and devotion, regard it as the word of
God, and the genuine Epistle of Christ.]

                             THE EPISTLE OF

     1 He salutes the brethren;
     3 exhorts them to persevere in good works,
     4 and not to be moved by vain speaking.
     6 Rejoices in his bonds,
     10 desires them to live in the fear of the Lord.

PAUL an Apostle, not of men,
neither by man, but by Jesus
Christ, to the brethren which are
at Laodicea.

2  Grace be to you, and peace
from God the Father and our Lord
Jesus Christ.

3  I thank Christ in every prayer
of mine, that ye may continue and
persevere in good works, looking
for that which is promised in the
day of judgment.

4  Let not the vain speeches of
any trouble you, who pervert the
truth, that they may draw you
aside from the truth of the Gospel
which I have preached.

5  And now may God grant, that
my converts may attain to a
perfect knowledge of the truth
of the Gospel, be beneficent,
and doing good works which
accompany salvation.

6  And now my bonds, which I
suffer in Christ, are manifest,
in which I rejoice and am glad.
For I know that this shall
turn to my salvation for ever,
which shall be through your
prayer, and the supply of the
Holy Spirit.

8  Whether I live or die, to live
shall be a life to Christ, to die
will be joy.

9  And our Lord will grant us
his mercy, that ye may have the
same love, and be like-minded.

10  Wherefore, my beloved, as
ye have heard of the coming of
the Lord, so think and act in fear,
and it shall be to you life eternal;

11  For it is God, who worketh
in you:

12  And do all things without

13  And what is best, my beloved
rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ
and avoid all filthy lucre.

14  Let all your requests be made
known to God, and be steady in
the doctrine of Christ.

15  And whatsoever things are
sound and true, and of good reort,
and chaste, and just, and lovely,
these things do.

16  Those things which ye have
heard, and received, think on these
things, and peace shall be with

17  All the saints salute you.

18  The grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

19  Cause this Epistle to be read
to the Colossians, and the Epistle
of the Colossians to be read among

                           TO THE LAODICEANS.

[This Epistle has been highly esteemed by several learned men of the
church of  Rome and others. The Quakers have printed a translation, and
plead for it,  as the reader may see, by consulting Poole's Annotation on
Col. vi. 16. Sixtus Senensis mentions two MSS., the one in the Sorbonne
Library at  Paris, which is a very ancient copy, and the other in the
Library of Joannes  a Viridario, at Padua, which he transcribed and
published; and which is the  authority for the following translation.
There is a very old translation of  this Epistle in the British Museum,
among the Harleian MSS., Cod. 1212.]

                            THE EPISTLES OF
                           SENECA' S TO PAUL.



I SUPPOSE, Paul, you have been
informed of that conversation,
which passed yesterday between
me and my Lucilius, concerning
hypocrisy and other subjects; for
there were some of your disciples
in company with us;

2  For when we were retired into
the Sallustian gardens, through
which they were also passing, and
would have gone another way, by
our persuasion they joined
company with us.

3  I desire you to believe, that
we much wish for your conversation;

4  We were much delighted with
your book of many Epistles, which
you have written to some cities
and chief towns of provinces, and
contain wonderful instructions for
moral conduct:

5  Such sentiments, as I suppose
you were not the author of, but
only the instrument of conveying,
though sometimes both the author
and the instrument,

6  For such is the sublimity of
those, doctrines, and their grandeur,
that I suppose the age of a man
is scarce sufficient to be instructed
and perfected in the knowledge of
them. I wish your welfare, my brother.


PAUL to SENECA Greeting.

I RECEIVED your letter yesterday
with pleasure, to which I could
immediately have written an answer,
had the young man been at home,
whom I intended to have sent to you:

2  For you know when, and by whom,
at what seasons, and to whom I must
deliver everything which I send.

3  I desire therefore you would
not charge me with negligence, if
I wait for a proper person.

4  I reckon myself very happy in
having the judgment of so valuable
a person, that you are delighted
with my Epistles:

5  For you would not be esteemed
a censor, a philosopher, or be the
tutor of so great a prince, and a
master of everything, if you were
not sincere.   I wish you a lasting



I HAVE completed some volumes
and divided them into their
proper parts.

2  I am determined to read them
to Caesar, and if any favourable
opportunity happens, you also
shall be present, when they are

3  But if that cannot be, I will
appoint and give you notice of a
day, when we will together read
over the performance.

4 I had determined, if I could
with safety, first to have your
opinion of it, before I published
it to Caesar, that you might be
convinced of my affection to you.
Farewell, dearest Paul.

PAUL to SENECA Greeting.

AS often as I read your letters,
I imagine you present with
me; nor indeed do I think any
other, than that you are always
with us.

2  As soon therefore as you begin
to come, we shall presently see
each other. I wish you all



WE are very much concerned
at your too long absence
from us.

2  What is it, or what affairs are
they, which obstructs your coming?

3  If you fear the anger of
Caesar because you have abandoned
your former religion, and made
proselytes also of others, you
have this to plead, that your
acting thus proceeded not from
inconstancy, but judgment.



CONCERNING those things,
about which ye wrote to me,
it is not proper for me to mention
anything in writing with pen and
ink: the one of which leaves
marks, and the other evidently
declares things.

2  Especially since I know that
there are near you, as well as me,
those who will understand my

3  Deference is to be paid to
all men, and so much the more,
as they are more likely to take
occasions of quarrelling.

4  And if we show a submissive
temper, we shall overcome
effectually in all points, if so
be they are, who are capable of
seeing and acknowledging themselves
to have been in the wrong. Farewell.



I PROFESS myself extremely
pleased with the reading your
letters to the Galatians,
Corinthians, and people of Achaia.

2  For the Holy Ghost has in
them by you delivered those
sentiments which are very lofty,
sublime, deserving of all respect,
and beyond your own invention.

3  I could wish therefore, that
when you are writing things so
extraordinary, there might not
be wanting an elegancy of speech
agreeable to their majesty.

4  And I must own, my brother,
that I may not at once dishonestly
conceal anything from you, and be
unfaithful to my own conscience,
that the emperor is extremely
pleased with the sentiments of
your Epistles;

5  For when he heard the beginning
of them read, he declared, that he
was surprised to find such notions
in a person, who had not had a
regular education.

6  To which I replied, That the
Gods sometimes made use of mean
(innocent) persons to speak by, and
gave him an instance of this in a
mean countryman named Vatienus,
who, when he was in the country
of Reate, had two men appeared
to him, called Castor and Pollux,
and received a revelation from the
gods. Farewell.


PAUL to SENECA Greeting.

ALTHOUGH I know the emperor is
both an admirer and favourer of
our religion, yet give me leave
to advise you against your suffering
any injury (by showing favour to us).

2  I think indeed you ventured
upon a very dangerous attempt,
when you would declare (to the
emperor) that which is so very
contrary to his religion, and way
of worship; seeing he is a
worshipper of the heathen gods.

3  I know not what you particularly
had in view, when you told him of
this; but I suppose you did it out
of too great respect for me.

4  But I desire that for the future
you would not do so; for you had
need be careful, lest by showing
your affection for me, you should
offend your master:

5  His anger indeed will do us no
harm, if he continue a heathen;
nor will his not being angry be
of any service to us:

6  And if the empress act worthy
of her character, she will not be
angry; but if she act as a woman,
she will be affronted. Farewell.



KNOW that my letter, wherein
I acquainted you, that I had
read to the Emperor your Epistles,
does not so much affect you as the
nature of the things (contained
in them.)

2  Which do so powerfully divert
men's minds from their former
manners and practices, that I have
always been surprised, and have
been fully convinced of it by many
arguments heretofore.

3  Let us therefore begin afresh;
and if any thing heretofore has
been imprudently acted, do you

4  I have sent you a book decopia
verborum. Farewell, dearest Paul.


PAUL to SENECA Greeting.

AS often as I write to you,
and place my name before yours,
I do a thing both disagreeable
to myself, and contrary to our

2  For I ought, as I have often
declared, to become all things to
all men, and to have that regard
to your quality, which the Roman
law has honoured all senators with;
namely, to put my name last in the
(inscription of the) Epistle, that
I may not at length with uneasiness
and shame be obliged to do that
which it was always my inclination
to do. Farewell, most respected
master. Dated the fifth of the
calends of July, in the fourth
Consulship of Nero, and Messala.



ALL happiness to you,
my dearest Paul.

2  If a person so great, and
every way agreeable as you are,
become not only a common, but
a most intimate friend to me,
how happy will be the case of

3  You therefore, who are so
eminent, and so far exalted above
all, even the greatest, do not think
yourself unfit to be first named in
the inscription of an Epistle;

4  Lest I should suspect you intend
not so much to try me, as to banter
me; for you know yourself to be a
Roman citizen.

5  And I could wish to be in that
circumstance or station which you
are, and that you were in the same
that I am. Farewell, dearest Paul.
Dated the tenth of the calends of
April, in the Consulship of Aprianus
and Capito.



ALL happiness to you, my dearest
Paul. Do you not suppose I am
extremely concerned and grieved
that your innocence should bring
you into sufferings?

2  And that all the people should
suppose you (Christians) so criminal,
and imagine all the misfortunes
that happen to the city, to be
caused by you?

3  But let us bear the charge
with a patient temper, appealing
for our innocence to the court
above, which is the only one our
hard fortune will allow us to address
to, till at length our misfortunes
shall end in unalterable happiness.

4  Former ages have produced
(tyrants) Alexander the son of
Philip, and Dionysius; ours also
has produced Caius Caesar; whose
inclinations were their only laws.

5  As to the frequent burnings
of the city of Rome, the cause is
manifest; and if a person in my
mean circumstances might be allowed
to speak, and one might declare
these dark things without danger,
every one should see the whole of
the matter.

6  The Christians and Jews are
indeed commonly punished for the
crime of burning the city; but that
impious miscreant, who delights
in murders and butcheries, and
disguises his villainies with lies,
is appointed to, or reserved till,
his proper time.

7  And as the life of every
excellent person is now sacrificed
instead of that one person (who is
the author of the mischief), so this
one shall be sacrificed for many,
and be shall be devoted to be burnt
with fire instead of all.

8  One hundred and thirty-two houses,
and four whole squares (or islands)
were burnt down in six days: the
seventh put an end to the burning.
I wish you all happiness.

9 Dated the fifth of the calends
of April, in the Consulship of
Frigius and Bassus.



ALL happiness to you, my dearest

2  You have written many volumes in
an allegorical and mystical style,
and therefore such mighty matters
and business being committed to you,
require not to be set off with any
rhetorical flourishes of speech,
but only with some proper elegance.

3  I remember you often said,
that many by affecting such a style
do injury to their subjects, and
lose the force of the matters they
treat of.

4  But in this I desire you to
regard me, namely, to have respect
to true Latin, and to choose just
words, that so you may the better
manage the noble trust which is
reposed in you.

5  Farewell. Dated the fifth of
the nones of July, Leo and Savinus


PAUL to SENECA Greeting.

YOUR serious consideration is
requited with those discoveries,
which the Divine Being has
granted but to few;

2  I am thereby assured that
I sow the most strong seed in a
fertile soil, not anything material,
which is subject to corruption, but
the durable word of God, which
shall increase and bring forth fruit
to eternity.

3  That which by your wisdom you
have attained to, shall abide
without decay for ever.

4  Believe that you ought to
avoid the superstitions of Jews
and Gentiles.

5  The things which you have in
some measure arrived to, prudently
make known to the emperor, his
family, and to faithful friends;

6  And though your sentiments
will seem disagreeable, and not
be comprehended by them, seeing
most of them will not regard your
discourses, yet the Word of God
once infused into them, will at
length make them become new men,
aspiring towards God.

7  Farewell Seneca, who art
most dear to us. Dated on the
calends of August, in the
Consulship of Leo and Savinus.

                   TO SENECA, WITH SENECA'S TO PAUL.

[Several very learned writers have entertained a favourable opinion of
these Epistles. They are undoubtedly of high antiquity. Salmeron cites
them to prove that Seneca was one of Caesar's household, referred to by
Paul, Philip iv. 22, as saluting the brethren at Philippi. In Jerome's
enumeration of  illustrious men, he places Seneca, on account of these
Epistles, amongst the  ecclesiastical and holy writers of the Christian
Church. Sixtus Senensis has published them in his Bibliotheque, p 89, 90;
and it is from thence that the present translation is made. Baronius,
Bellarmine, Dr. Cave, Spanheim, and  others, contend that they are not

                     THE ACTS OF ST. PAUL AND THECLA.

     The martyrdom of the holy and glorious
     first Martyr and Apostle Thecla.


     1 Demas and Hermogenes become Paul's companions.
     4 Paul visits Onesiphorus.
     8 Invited by Demos and Hermogenes.
     11 Preaches to the household of Onesiphorus.
     12 His sermon.

WHEN Paul went up to Iconium,
after his flight from Antioch,
Demas and Hermogenes became
his companions, who were then
full of hypocrisy.

2  But Paul looking only at the
goodness of God, did them no
harm, but loved them greatly.

3  Accordingly he endeavoured
to make agreeable to them all the
oracles and doctrines of Christ,
and the design of the Gospel of
God's well-beloved son; instructing
them in the knowledge of Christ,
as it was revealed to him.

4  And a certain man named
Onesiphorus, hearing that Paul
was come to Iconium, went out
speedily to meet him, together
with his wife Lectra, and his sons
Simmia and Zeno, to invite him to
their house.

5  For Titus had given them a
description of Paul's personage,
they as yet not knowing him in
person, but only being acquainted
with his character.

6  They went in the king's highway
to Lystra, and stood there waiting
for him, comparing all who passed
by with that description which
Titus had given them.

7  At length they saw a man coming
(namely Paul), of a low stature,
bald on the head; with crooked thighs,
handsome legs, hollow-eyes; and a
crooked nose; full of grace, for
sometimes he appeared as a man,
sometimes he had the countenance
of an angel. And Paul saw Onesiphorus,
and was glad.

8  And Onesiphorus said:
Hail, thou servant of the blessed
God. Paul replied, The grace of
God be with thee and thy family.

9  But Denies and Hermogenes
were moved with envy, and, under
a show of great religion, Demas
said, And are not we also servants
of the blessed God? Why didst
thou not salute us?

10  Onesiphorus replied, Because
I have not perceived in you the
fruits of righteousness; nevertheless,
if ye are of that sort, ye shall be
welcome to my house also.

11  Then Paul went into the house
of Onesiphorus, and there was great
joy among the family on that account:
and they employed themselves in prayer,
breaking of bread, and hearing Paul
preach the word of God concerning
temperance and the resurrection,
in the following manner:

12  Blessed are the pure in
heart; for they shall see God.

13  Blessed are they who keep
their flesh undefiled (or pure);
for they shall be the temple of God.

14  Blessed are the temperate
(or chaste); for God will reveal
himself to them.

15  Blessed are they who abandon
their worldly enjoyments; for they
shall be accepted of God.

16  Blessed are they who have
wives, as though they had them
not; for they shall be made angels
of God.

17  Blessed are they who tremble
at the word of God; for they
shall be comforted.

18  Blessed are they who keep
their baptism pure; for they shall
find peace with the Father, Son,
and Holy Ghost.

19  Blessed are they who pursue
the wisdom or doctrine of Jesus
Christ; for they shall be called
the sons of the Most High.

20  Blessed are they who observe
the instructions of Jesus Christ;
for they shall dwell in eternal

21  Blessed are they, who for the
love of Christ abandon the glories
of the world, for they shall judge
angels, and be placed at the right
hand of Christ, and shall not suffer
the bitterness of the last judgment.

22  Blessed are the bodies and souls
of virgins; for they are acceptable
to God, and shall not lose the reward
of their virginity; for the word of
their (heavenly) Father shall prove
effectual to their salvation in the
day of his Son, and they shall enjoy
rest for evermore.


     1 Thecla listens anxiously to Paul's preaching.
     5 Thamyris, her admirer, concerts with Theoclia
     her mother to dissuade her,
     12 in vain.
     14 Demas and Hermogenes vilify Paul to Thamyris.

WHILE Paul was preaching
this sermon in the church
which was in the house of
Onesiphorus, a certain virgin
named Thecla (whose mother's
name was Theoclia, and who was
betrothed to a man named Thamyris)
sat at a certain window in her house.

2  From whence, by the advantage
of a window in the house where
Paul was, she both night and day
heard Paul's sermons concerning
God, concerning charity, concerning
faith in Christ, and concerning

3  Nor would she depart from
the window, till with exceeding
joy she was subdued to the
doctrines of faith.

4  At length, when she saw many
women and virgins going into
Paul, she earnestly desired that
she might be thought worthy to
appear in his presence, and hear
the word of Christ; for she had
not yet seen Paul's person, but only
heard his sermons, and that alone.

5  But when she would not be
prevailed upon to depart from the
window, her mother sent to Thamyris,
who came with the greatest pleasure,
as hoping now, to marry her.
Accordingly he said to Theoclia,
Where is my Thecla?

6  Theoclia replied, Thamyris,
I have something very strange to
tell you; for Thecla, for the space
of three days, will not move from
the window, not so much as to eat
or drink, but is so intent in
hearing the artful and delusive
discourses of a certain foreigner,
that I perfectly wonder Thamyris,
that a young woman of her known
modesty, will suffer herself to be
so prevailed upon.

7  For that man has disturbed
the whole city of Iconium, and
even your Thecla, among others.
All the women and young men
flock to him to receive his
doctrine; who, besides all the
rest, tells them that there is
but one God, who alone is to be
worshipped, and that we ought
to live in chastity.

8  Notwithstanding this, my
daughter Thecla, like a spider's
web fastened to the window, is
captivated, by the discourses of
Paul, and attends' upon them with
prodigious eagerness, and vast
delight; and thus, by attending
on what he says, the young woman
is seduced.    Now then do you go,
and speak to her, for she is
betrothed to you.

9  Accordingly Thamyris went,
and having saluted her, and taking
care not to surprise her, he said,
Thecla, my spouse, why sittest
thou in this melancholy posture?
What strange impressions are
made upon thee? Turn to Thamyris,
and blush.

10  Her mother also spake to her
after the same manner, and said,
Child, why dost thou sit so
melancholy, and, like one
astonished, makest no reply?

11  Then they wept exceedingly,
Thamyris, that he had lost his
spouse; Theoclia, that she had
lost her daughter; and the maids,
that they had lost their mistress;
and there was an universal
mourning in the family.

12  But all these things made no
impression upon Thecla, so as to
incline her so much as to turn to
them, and take notice of them;
for she still regarded the
discourses of Paul.

13  Then Thamyris ran forth into
the street to observe who they
were that went in to Paul, and
came out from him; and he saw
two men engaged in a very warm
dispute, and said to them;

14  Sirs, what business have
you here? and who is that man
within, belonging to you, who
deludes the minds of men, both
young men and virgins, persuading
them, that they ought not to marry,
but continue as they are?

15  I promise to give you a
considerable sum, if ye will give
me a just account of him; for I am
the chief person of this city.

16  Demas and Hermogenes replied,
We cannot so exactly tell who he
is; but this we know, that he
deprives young men of their
(intended) wives, and virgins of
their (intended) husbands, by
teaching, There can be no future
resurrection, unless ye continue
in chastity, and do not defile your


1 They betray Paul.
7 Thamyris arrests him with officers.

THEN said Thamyris, Come along
with me to my house, and refresh
yourselves. So they went to a very
splendid entertainment, where
there was wine in abundance,
and very rich provision.

2  They were brought to a table
richly spread, and made to drink
plentifully by Thamyris, on account
of the love he had for Thecla
and his desire to marry her.

3  Then Thamyris said, I desire
ye would inform me what the
doctrines of this Paul are, that
I may understand them; for I am
under no small concern about Thecla,
seeing she so delights in that
stranger's discourses, that I am in
danger of losing my intended wife.

4  Then Demas and Hermogenes
answered both together, and said,
Let him be brought before the
governor Castellius, as one who
endeavours to persuade the people
into the new religion of the
Christians, and he, according to
the order of Caesar, will put him
to death, by which means you will
obtain your wife;

5  While we at the same time will
teach her, that the resurrection
which he speaks of is already come,
and consists in our having children;
and that we then arose again,
when we came to the knowledge of God.

6  Thamyris having this account
from them, was filled with hot

7  And rising early in the morning
he went to the house of Onesiphorus,
attended by the magistrates, the
Jailor, and a great multitude of
people with staves, and said to Paul;

8  Thou hast perverted the city
of Iconium, and among the rest,
Thecla, who is betrothed to me,
so that now she will not marry
me. Thou shalt therefore go with
us to the governor Castellius.

9  And all the multitude cried
out, Away with this imposter, for
he has perverted the minds of our
wives, and all the people hearken
to him.


     1 Paul accused before the governor by Thamyris.
     5 Defends himself.
     9 Is committed to prison,
     10 and visited by Thecla.

THEN Thamyris standing before
the governor's judgment-seat,
spake with a loud voice in the
following manner.

2 O governor, I know not whence
this man cometh; but he is one
who teaches that matrimony is
unlawful. Command him therefore
to declare before you for what
reason he publishes such doctrines.

3  While he was saying thus,
Demas and Hermogenes (whispered to
Thamyris, and) said; Say that he
is a Christian, and he will
presently be put to death.

4  But the governor was more
deliberate, and calling to Paul,
he said, Who art thou? What dost
thou teach? They seem to lay
gross crimes to thy charge.

5  Paul then spake with a loud
voice, saying, As I am now called
to give an account, O governor,
of my doctrines, I desire your

6  That God, who is a God of
vengeance, and who strands in need
of nothing but the salvation of his
creatures, has sent me to reclaim
them from their wickedness, and
corruptions; from all (sinful)
pleasures, and from death; and to
persuade them to sin no more.

7  On this account, God sent his
Son Jesus Christ, whom I preach,
and in whom I instruct men to
place their hopes, as that person
who only had such compassion on
the deluded world, that it might
not, O governor, be condemned,
but have faith, the fear of God,
the knowlege of religion, and the
love of truth.

8  So that if I only teach those
things which I have received by
revelation from God, where is my

9  When the governor heard this,
he ordered Paul to be bound,
and to be put in prison, till he
should be more at leisure to hear
him more fully.

10  But in the night, Thecla
taking off her ear-rings, gave them
to the turnkey of the prison, who
then opened the door to her, and
let her in;

11  And when she made a present
of a silver looking-glass to the
jailor, was allowed to go into the
room where Paul was; then she set
down at his feet, and heard from
him the great things of God.

12  And as she perceived Paul
not to be afraid of suffering,
but that by divine assistance
he behaved himself with courage,
her faith so far increased that
she kissed his chains.


1 Thecla sought and found by her relations.
4 Brought with Paul before the governor.
9 Ordered to be burnt, and Paul to be whipt.
15 Thecla miraculously saved.

AT length Thecla was missed
and sought for by the family
and by Thamyris in every street,
as though she had been lost; till
one of the porter's fellow-servants
told them, that she had gone out
in the night-time.

2  Then they examined the porter,
and he told them, that she was
gone to the prison to the strange

3  They went therefore according
to his direction, and there found
her; and when they came out, they
got a mob together, and went and
told the governor all that had

4  Upon which he ordered Paul
to be brought before his judgment

5  Thecla in the mean time lay
wallowing on the ground in the
prison, in that same place where
Paul had sat to teach her; upon
which the governor also ordered
her to be brought before his
judgment-seat; which summons she
received with joy, and went.

6  When Paul was brought thither,
the mob with more vehemence cried
out, He is a magician, let him die.

7  Nevertheless the governor
attended with pleasure upon Paul's
discourses of the holy works of
Christ; and, after a council called,
he summoned Thecla, and said to
her, Why do you not, according
to the law of the Iconians, marry

8  She stood still, with her eyes
fixed upon Paul; and finding she
made no reply, Theoclia, her
mother cried out saying, Let the
unjust creature be burnt; let her
be burnt in the midst of the theatre,
for refusing Thamyris, that all
women may learn from her to avoid
such practices.

9  Then the governor was exceedingly
concerned, and ordered Paul to be
whipt out of the city, and Thecla
to be burnt.

10  So the governor arose, and went
immediately into the theatre; and
all the people went forth to see
the dismal sight.

11  But Thecla, just as a lamb in
the wilderness looks every way to
see his shepherd, looked around
for Paul;

12  And as she was looking upon
the multitude, she saw the Lord
Jesus in the likeness of Paul, and
said to herself, Paul is come to see
me in my distressed circumstances.
And she fixed her eyes upon him;
but he instantly ascended up to
heaven, while she looked on him.

13  Then the young men and women
brought wood and straw for the
burning of Thecla; who being brought
naked to the stake, extorted tears
from the governor, with surprise
beholding the greatness of her beauty.

14  And when they had placed
the wood in order, the people
commanded her to go upon it; which
she did, first making the sign of
the cross.

15  Then the people set fire to
the pile; though the flame was
exceeding large, it did not touch
her; for God took compassion on
her, and caused a great eruption
from the earth beneath, and a
cloud from above to pour down
great quantities of rain and hail;

16  Insomuch that by the rupture
of the earth, very many were
in great danger, and some were
killed, the fire was extinguished,
and Thecla preserved.


1 Paul with Onesiphorus in a cave.
7 Thecla discovers Paul;
12 proffers to follow him:
13 he exhorts her not for fear of fornication.

IN the mean time Paul, together
with Onesiphorus, his wife and
children, was keeping a fast in a
certain cave, which was in the
road from Iconium to Daphne.

2  And when they had fasted for
several days, the children said to
Paul, Father, we are hungry, and
have not wherewithal to buy bread;
for Onesiphorus had left all his
substance to follow Paul with his

3  Then Paul, taking off his coat,
said to the boy, Go, child, and buy
bread, and bring it hither.

4  But while the boy was buying
the bread, he saw his neighbour
Thecla, and was surprised, and
said to her, Thecla, where are you

5  She replied, I am in pursuit
of Paul, having been delivered
from the flames.

6  The boy then said, I will bring
you to him, for he is under great
concern on your account, and has
been in prayer and fasting these
six days.

7  When Thecla came to the cave,
she found Paul upon his knees
praying and saying, O holy Father,
O Lord Jesus Christ, grant that
the fire may not touch Thecla;
but be her helper, for she is
thy servant.

8  Thecla then standing behind
him, cried out in the following
words: O sovereign Lord Creator
of heaven and earth, the Father of
thy beloved and holy Son, I praise
thee that thou hast preserved me
from the fire, to see Paul again.

9  Paul then arose, and when he
saw her, said, O God, who searchest
the heart, Father of my Lord Jesus
Christ, I praise thee that thou hast
answered my prayer.

10  And there prevailed among them
in the cave an entire affection to
each other; Paul, Onesiphorus,
and all that were with them being
filled with joy.

11  They had five loaves, some
herbs and water, and they solaced
each other in reflections upon the
holy works of Christ.

12  Then said Thecla to Paul,
If you be pleased with it, I will
follow you whithersoever you go.

13  He replied to her, Persons
are now much given to fornication,
and you being handsome, I am
afraid lest you should meet with
greater temptation than the former,
and should Not withstand, but be
overcome by it.

14  Thecla replied, Grant me
only the seal of Christ, and no
temptation shall affect me.

15  Paul answered, Thecla, wait
with patience, and you shall
receive the gift of Christ.


     1 Paul and Thecla go to Antioch.
     2 Alexander, a magistrate, falls in love with Thecla:
     4 kisses her by force:
     5 she resists him:
     6 is carried before the governor, and condemned
     to be thrown to wild beasts.

THEN Paul sent back Onesiphorus
and his family to their own home,
and taking Thecla along with him,
went for Antioch;

2  And as soon as they came in.
to the city, a certain Syrian,
named Alexander, a magistrate in
the city, who had done many
considerable services for the city
during his magistracy, saw Thecla,
and fell in love with her, and
endeavoured by many rich presents
to engage Paul in his interest.

3  But Paul told him, I know not
the woman of whom you speak, nor
does she belong to me.

4  But he being a person of great
power in, Antioch, seized her in
the street and kissed her: which
Thecla would not bear, but looking
about for Paul, cried out in a
distressed loud tone, Force me not,
who am a stranger; force me not,
who am a servant of God; I am
one of the principal persons of
Iconium, and was obliged to leave
that city because I would not be
married to Thamyris.

5  Then she laid hold on Alexander,
tore his coat, and took his crown
off his head, and made him appear
ridiculous before all the people.

6 But Alexander, partly as he
loved her, and partly being ashamed
of what had been done, led her to
the governor, and upon her confession
of what she had done, he condemned
her to be thrown among the beasts.


     2 Thecla entertained by Trifina;
     3 brought out to the wild beasts;
     a she-lion licks her feet.
     5 Trifina upon a vision of her deceased
     daughter, adopts Thecla,
     11 who is taken to the amphitheatre again.

WHICH when the people saw, they
said: The judgments passed in this
city are unjust. But Thecla desired
the favour of the governor, that
her chastity might not be attacked,
but preserved till she should be
cast to the beasts.

2  The governor then inquired,
Who would entertain her; upon
which a certain very rich widow,
named Trifina, whose daughter
was lately dead, desired that she
might have the keeping of her;
and she began to treat her in her
house as her own daughter.

3  At length a day came, when
the beasts were to be brought forth
to be seen; and Thecla was brought
to the amphitheatre, and put into
a den in which was an exceeding
fierce she-lion, in the presence of
a multitude of spectators.

4  Trifina; without any surprise,
accompanied Thecla, and the she-
lion licked the feet of Thecla.
The title written which denoted
her crime, was Sacrilege. Then
the women cried out, O God, the
judgments of this city are

5  After the beasts had been
shown, Trifina took Thecla home
with her, and they went to bed;
and behold, the daughter of Trifina,
who was dead, appeared to her
mother, and said; Mother, let the
young woman, Thecla, be reputed
by you as your daughter in my
stead; and desire her that she
should pray for me, that I may be
translated to a state of happiness.

6  Upon which Trifina, with a
mournful air, said, My daughter
Falconilla has appeared to me, and
ordered me to receive you in her
room; wherefore I desire, Thecla,
that you would pray for my daughter,
that she may be translated into
a state of happiness, and to life

7  When Thecla heard this, she
immediately prayed to the Lord,
and said: O Lord God of heaven and
earth, Jesus Christ, thou Son of
the Most High, grant that her
daughter Falconilla may live forever.
Trifina hearing this, groaned again,
and said: O unrighteous judgments!
O unreasonable wickedness! that
such a creature should (again)
be cast to the beasts!

8  On the morrow, at break of day,
Alexander came to Trifina's house,
and said: The governor and the
people are waiting; bring the
criminal forth.

9  But Trifina ran in so violently
upon him, that he was affrighted,
and ran away. Trifina was one of
the royal family; and she thus
expressed her sorrow, and said;
Alas! I have trouble in my house
on two accounts, and there is no
one who will relieve me, either
under the loss of my daughter, or
my being unable to save Thecla.
But now, O Lord God, be thou the
helper of Thecla thy servant.

10  While she was thus engaged.
the governor sent one of his own
officers to bring Thecla. Trifina
took her by the hand, and, going
with her, said: I went with
Falconilla to her grave, and now
must go with Thecla to the beasts.

11  When Thecla heard this, she
weeping prayed, and said: O Lord
God, whom I have made my confidence
and refuge, reward Trifina for her
compassion to me, and preserving
my chastity.

12  Upon this there was a great
noise in the amphitheatre; the
beasts roared, and the people
cried out, Bring in the criminal.

13  But the women cried out,
and said: Let the whole city
suffer for such crimes; and
order all of us, O governor,
to the same punishment. O unjust
judgment! O cruel sight!

14  Others said, Let the whole
city be destroyed for this vile
action. Kill us all, O governor.
O cruel sight! O unrighteous


     1 Thecla thrown naked to the wild beasts;
     2 but they all refuse to attack her.
     8 She baptizes herself in a pit of water.
     10 Other wild beasts refuse to injure her.
     11 Tied to wild bulls.
     13 Miraculously saved.
     21. Released.
     24 Entertained by Trifina,

THEN Thecla was taken out of
the hand of Trifina, stripped
naked, had a girdle put on, and
thrown into the place appointed
for fighting with the beasts: and
the lions and the bears were let
loose upon her.

2  But a she-lion, which was of
all the most fierce, ran to Thecla,
and fell down at her feet. Upon
which the multitude of women
shouted aloud.

3  Then a she-bear ran fiercely
towards her, but the she lion met
the bear, and tore it in pieces.

4  Again a he-lion, who had been
wont to devour men, and which
belonged to Alexander, ran towards
her; but the she-lion encountered
the he-lion, and they killed each

5  Then the women were under
a greater concern, because the
she-lion, which had helped Thecla,
was dead.

6  Afterwards they brought out
many other wild beasts; but Thecla
stood with her hands stretched
towards heaven, and prayed; and
when she had done praying, she
turned about, and saw a pit of
water, and said, Now it is a proper
time for me to be baptized.

7  Accordingly she threw herself
into the water, and said, In thy
name, O my Lord Jesus Christ, I
am this last day baptized. The
women and the people seeing this,
cried out and said, Do not throw
yourself into the water. And the
governor himself cried out, to
think that the fish (sea-calves)
were like to devour so much

8  Notwithstanding all this,
Thecla threw herself into the water,
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

9  But the fish (sea-calves) when
they saw the lightning and fire,
were killed, and swam dead upon
the surface of the water, and a
cloud of fire surrounded Thecla;
so that as the beasts could not
come near her, so the people could
not see her nakedness.

10  Yet they turned other wild
beasts upon her; upon which they
made a very mournful outcry; and
some of them scattered spikenard,
others cassia, others amomus (a
sort of spikenard, or the herb of
Jerusalem, or ladies rose), others
ointment; so that the quantity of
ointment was large, in proportion
to the number of people; and upon
this all the beasts lay as though
they had been fast asleep, and did
not touch Thecla.

11  Whereupon Alexander said
to the governor, I have some very
terrible bulls; let us bind her to
them. To which the governor, with
concern, replied, You may do what
you think fit.

12  Then they put a cord round
Thecla's waist, which bound also
her feet, and with it tied her to
the bulls, to whose privy-parts they
applied red-hot irons, that so they
being the more tormented, might
more violently drag Thecla about,
till they had killed her.

13  The bulls accordingly tore
about, making a most hideous noise;
but the flame which was about Thecla,
burnt off the cords which were
fastened to the members of the
bulls, and she stood in the middle
of the stage, as unconcerned as
if she had not been bound.

14  But in the mean time Trifina,
who sat upon one of the benches,
fainted away and died; upon which
the whole city was under a very
great concern.

15  And Alexander himself was
afraid, and desired the governor,
saying: I entreat you, take
compassion on me and the city,
and release this woman, who has
fought with the beasts; lest both
you and I, and the whole city,
be destroyed;

16  For if Caesar should have any
account of what has passed now,
he will certainly immediately
destroy the city, because Trifina,
a person of royal extract, and a
relation of his, is dead upon her

17  Upon this the governor called
Thecla from among the beasts to him,
and said to her, Who art thou? and
what are thy circumstances, that not
one of the beasts will touch thee?

18  Thecla replied to him; I am
a servant of the living God; and
as to my state, I am a believer on
Jesus Christ his Son, in whom
God is well pleased; and for that
reason none of the beasts could
touch me.

19  He alone is the way to eternal
salvation, and the foundation of
eternal life. He is a refuge to
those who are in distress; a support
to the afflicted, hope and defence
to those who are hopeless; and in
a word, all those who do not
believe on him, shall not live,
but suffer eternal death.

20  When the governor heard these
things, he ordered her clothes
to be brought, and said to her,
Put on your clothes.

21  Thecla replied: May that God
who clothed me when I was naked
among the beasts, in the day of
judgment clothe your soul with
the robe of salvation. Then she
took her clothes, and put them
on; and the governor immediately
published an order in these words:
I release to you Thecla the servant
of God.

22  Upon which the women cried
out together with a loud voice,
and with one accord gave praise
unto God, and said; There is but
one God, who is the God of Thecla;
the one God who hath delivered

23  So loud were their voices,
that the whole city seemed to be
shaken; and Trifina herself heard
the glad tidings, and arose again,
and ran with the multitude to
meet Thecla; and embracing her,
said: Now I believe there shall
be a resurrection of the dead;
now I am persuaded that my daughter
is alive. Come therefore home
with me, my daughter Thecla, and
I will make all over that I have
to you.

24  So Thecla went with Trifina,
and was entertained there a few
days, teaching her the word of the
Lord, whereby many young women
were converted; and there was
great joy in the family of Trifina.

25  But Thecla longed to see Paul,
and inquired and sent every where
to find him; and when at length
she was informed that he was at
Myra, in Lycia, she took with her
many young men and women; and
putting on a girdle, and dressing
herself in the habit of a man,
she went to him to Myra in Lycia,
and there found Paul preaching
the word of God; and she stood
by him among the throng.


     1 Thecla visits Paul;
     6 visits Onesiphorus;
     8 and visits her Mother
     9 who repulses her.
     14 Is tempted by the devil.
     16 Works miracles.

BUT it was no small surprise
to Paul when he saw her and the
people with her; for he imagined
some fresh trial was coming upon them;

2  Which when Thecla perceived,
she said to him: I have been baptized,
O Paul; for he who assists you in
preaching, has assisted me to baptize.

3  Then Paul took her, and led her
to the house of Hermes; and Thecla
related to Paul all that had
befallen her in Antioch, insomuch
that Paul exceedingly wondered,
and all who heard were confirmed
in the faith, and prayed for
Trifina's happiness.

4  Then Thecla arose, and said
to Paul, I am going to Iconium.
Paul replied to her: Go and teach
the word of the Lord.

5  But Trifina had sent large sums
of money to Paul, and also clothing
by the hands of Thecla, for the
relief of the poor.

6  So Thecla went to Iconium.
And when she came to the house
of Onesiphorus, she fell down upon
the floor where Paul had sat and
preached, and, mixing tears with
her prayers, she praised and
glorified God in the following

7 O Lord the God of this house,
in which I was first enlightened by
thee; O Jesus, son of the living
God, who wast my helper before
the governor, my helper in the
fire, and my helper among the
beasts; thou alone art God for
ever and ever, Amen.

8  Thecla now (on her return)
found Thamyris dead, but her
mother living. So calling her
mother, she said to her: Theoclia,
my mother, is it possible for you
to be brought to a belief, that
there is but one Lord God, who
dwells in the heavens? If you
desire great riches, God will
give them to you by me; if you
want your daughter again, here
I am.

9  These and many other things
she represented to her mother,
(endeavouring) to persuade her
(to her own opinion). But her
mother Theoclia gave no credit to
the things which were said by the
martyr Thecla.

10  So that Thecla perceiving,
she discoursed to no purpose,
signing her whole body with the
sign (of the cross), left the house
and went to Daphne; and when
she came there, she went to the
cave, where she had found Paul
with Onesiphorus, and fell down
upon the ground; and wept before

11  When she departed thence,
she went to Seleucia, and
enlightened many in the knowledge
of Christ.

12  And a bright cloud conducted
her in her journey.

13  And after she had arrived at
Seleucia she went-to a place out
of the city, about the distance
of a furlong, being afraid of the
inhabitants, because they were
worshippers of idols.

14  And she was lead (by the
cloud) into a mountain called
Calamon, or Rodeon. There she
abode many years, and underwent
a great many grievous temptations
of the devil, which she bore in a
becoming manner, by the assistance
which she had from Christ.

15  At length certain gentle-women
hearing of the virgin Thecla, went
to her, and were instructed by her
in the oracles of God, and many of
them abandoned this world, and led
a monastic life with her.

16  Hereby a good report was
spread everywhere of Thecla, and
she wrought several (miraculous)
cures, so that all the city and
adjacent countries brought their
sick to that mountain, and before
they came as far as the door of
the cave, they were instantly cured
of whatso'ever distemper they had.

17  The unclean spirits were cast
out, making a noise; all received
their sick made whole, and glorified
God, who had bestowed such power
on the virgin Thecla;

18  Insomuch that the physicians
of Seleucia were now of no more
account, and lost all the profit
of their trade, because no one
regarded them; upon which they
were filled with envy, and began
to contrive what methods to take
with this servant of Christ.


     1 Thecla is attempted to be ravished,
     12 escapes by a rock opening,
     17 and closing miraculously.

THE devil then suggested bad
advice to their minds; and
being on a certain day met together
to consult, they reasoned among
each other thus: The virgin is a
priestess of the great goddess
Diana, and whatsoever she requests
from her, is granted, because she
is a virgin, and so is beloved
by all the gods.

2  Now then let us procure some
rakish fellows, and after we have
made them sufficiently drunk, and
given them a good sum of money,
let us order them to go and debauch
this virgin, promising them, if
they do it, a larger reward.

3 (For they thus concluded among
themselves, that if they be able
to debauch her, the gods will no
more regard her nor Diana cure
the sick for her).

4  They proceeded according to
this resolution, and the fellows
went to the mountain, and as fierce
as lions to the cave, knocking at
the door.

5  The holy martyr Thecla relying
upon the God in whom she believed,
opened the door, although she was
before apprised of their design,
and said to them, Young men,
what is your business?

6  They replied, Is there any
one within, whose name is Thecla?
She answered, What would you
have with her? They said, We
have a mind to lie with her.

7  The blessed Thecla answered,
Though I am a mean old woman,
I am the servant of my Lord Jesus
Christ; and though you have a
vile design against me, ye shall
not be able to accomplish it. They
replied, Is it impossible? but we
must be able to do with you what
we have a mind,

8  And while they were saying
this, they laid hold on her by main
force, and would have ravished her.
Then she with the (greatest)
mildness said to them: Young men
have patience, and see the glory
of the Lord.

9  And while they held her, she
looked up to heaven and said: O
God most reverend, to whom none
can be likened; who makest thyself
glorious over thine enemies; who
didst deliver me from the fire,
didst not give me up to Thamyris,
and didst not give me up to
Alexander: who deliveredst me
from the wild beasts; who didst
preserve me in the deep waters;
who hast everywhere been my
helper, and hast glorified thy
name in me;

10  Now also deliver me from
the hands of these wicked and
unreasonable men nor suffer them
to debauch my chastity which I
have hitherto preserved for thy
honour; for I love thee, and long
for thee, and worship thee,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
for evermore. Amen.

11  Then came a voice from
heaven, saying, Fear not Thecla,
my faithful servant, for I am with
thee. Look and see the place
which is opened for thee; there thy
eternal abode shall be; there thou
shalt receive the (beatific) vision.

12  The blessed Thecla observing,
saw the rock opened to as large
a degree as that a man might enter
in; she did as she was commanded,
bravely fled from the vile crew,
and went into the rock, which
instantly so closed, that there
was not any crack visible where
it had opened.

13  The men stood perfectly
astonished at so prodigious a
miracle, and had no power to detain
the  servant of God; but only
catching hold of her veil (or hood),
they tore off a piece of it;

14  And even that was by the
permission of God, for the
confirmation of their faith,
who should come to see this
venerable place; and to convey
blessings to those in succeeding
ages, who should believe on our
Lord Jesus Christ from a pure heart.

15  Thus suffered that first
martyr and apostle of God, and
virgin, Thecla, who came from
Iconium at eighteen years of age;
afterwards, partly in journeys and
travels, and partly in a monastic
life in the cave, she lived seventy-
two years; so that she was ninety
years old when the Lord translated

16  Thus ends her life.

17  The day which is kept sacred
to her memory, is the twenty-fourth
of September, to the glory of the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Ghost, now and for evermore. Amen.


[Tertullian says that this piece was forged by a Presbyter of Asia, who
being  convicted, "confessed that he did it out of respect to Paul," and
Pope Gelasius, in his Decree against apocryphal books, inserted it among
them.  Notwithstanding this, a large part of the history was credited and
looked upon as  genuine among the primitive Christians. Cyprian,
Eusebius, Epiphanius, Austin, Gregory, Nagianzen. Chrysostom, and Severus
Sulpitius, who all lived within the fourth century mention Thecla or
refer to her history.  Basil of Seleucia wrote her acts, sufferings and
victories, in verse; and Euagrius Scholasticus an ecclesiastical
historian, about 590, relates that "after the  Emperor Zeno, had
abdicated his empire, and Basilik had taken possession of it, he had a
vision of the holy and excellent martyr Thecla, who promised him the
restoration of his empire; for which, when it was brought about, he
erected and dedicated a most noble and sumptuous temple to this famous
martyr, Thecla, at Seleucia, a city of Isauria, and bestowed upon it very
noble endowments, which (says the author) are preserved even till this
day." Hist. Ecel. lib. 3  cap. 8.--Cardinal Barenius, Locrinus, Archbishop
Wake, and  others; and also the learned Grabe, who edited the Septuagint,
and revived  the Acts of Paul and Thecla, consider them as having been
written in the Apostolic age; as containing nothing superstitious, or
disagreeing from the opinions and belief of those times; and, in short,
as a genuine and authentic history. Again, it is said, that this is not
the original book of the early  Christians; but however that may be, it
is published from the Greek MS. in the Bodlian Library at Oxford, which
Dr. Mills copied and transmitted to Dr, Grabe.]



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