Title: A Briefe Discovrse of a Disease called the Suffocation of the Mother
Author: Edward Jorden
Release date: September 10, 2021 [eBook #66254]
Most recently updated: October 18, 2024
Language: English
Credits: Thiers Halliwell, Tim Lindell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.)
Transcriber’s notes:
The content of this book has been preserved in its original form as far as possible. However, because some of the scanned text was indistinct and difficult to interpret, the transcription is a ‘best guess’ in some places. The text has many anomalies with regard to punctuation, capitalisation and use of italics. The Middle English language has archaic uses of ‘u’ ‘v’ ‘i’ and ‘j’ as well as the long ‘s’ (replaced with a normal ‘s’ in this transcription). In keeping with the era, the spelling is non-standard and uses space-saving contractions (equivalent to present-day use of an apostrophe to indicate omitted letters). Some of the marks denoting a contraction were indistinct, but in this transcription all are represented by a tilde (~) above the word. The text contains many sidenotes and footnotes, some of which were impossible to differentiate with certainty. Three footnotes (19, 20, 52) lacked identifiable anchor markers within the text, so markers have been inserted at ‘best guess’ locations and the respective footnotes identified with two asterisks. The footnotes have been numbered consecutively and repositioned at the end. A short table of contents (that was not present in the original) has been added to the transcription to assist readers.
The cover image of the book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Written vppon occasion which
hath beene of late taken thereby, to suspect
possession of an euill spirit, or some such like
supernaturall power.
Wherein is declared that diuers strange
actions and passions of the body of man, which in
the common opinion, are imputed to the Diuell,
haue their true naturall causes, and do
accompanie this disease.
By Edvvard Iorden
Doctor in Physicke.
Printed by Iohn Windet, dwelling at the Signe of
the Crosse Keyes at Powles Wharfe. 1603.
Contents |
Preface | |
Cap.1. | That this disease doth oftentimes giue occasion vnto simple and vnlearned people, to suspect possession, witchcraft, or some such like supernaturall cause. |
Cap.2. | What this disease is, and by what means it causeth such varietie of Symptoms. |
Cap.3. | Of the kinds of this disease, and first of that wherein the vitall facultie is offended. |
Cap.4. | Of that kind of this disease wherein the animall facultie is offended. |
Cap.5. | Of that kind wherein the naturall facultie is offended. |
Cap.6. | Of the causes of this disease. |
Cap.7. | Of the cure of this disease, so much as belongeth to the friends and attendants to performe. |
shipfull the President and Fellowes of the
Colledge of Phisitions in
As I am desirous to satisfie all indifferent men concerning the occasion and intent of this my discourse: so I thought good to direct the same especially vnto this societie, whereof I am a member; to testifie both how iustly or rather necessarily I haue beene drawn to the vndertaking and publishing hereof: as also how willing I am to submit my selfe to your learned censure; the argument of my writing being such as none can better iudge of then your selues.
And first I protest vpon that credit which I desire to haue among you, that I haue not vndertaken this businesse of mine owne accord, as if I esteemed of mine owne knowledge and obseruation in this case aboue other mens. For (if it had beene thought good to haue imposed it vppon others) I do acknowledge that there are many among vs better able then my selfe to haue written in this kind, vnto whome I would willingly haue put ouer my taske. Neither did I euer find my selfe prouoked hereunto upon any peeuish humor to contradict or to disgrace any who doe iudge otherwise of some pointes contained herein, then my selfe doe: many of them being such as I do loue and affect well. Neither vpon any fawning humor to please or flatter any person whatsoeuer; which I doe esteeme more base then begging. But disclayming both hony and gall, I haue plainely set downe the true doctrine of Phisicke concerning that disease which giues to great occasion of distraction among many good men: especially such as haue not learning sufficient to resolue them of this point, or not that moderation and humilitie of spirit to acknowledge their insufficiencie, and to hearken vnto others whom in all reason they might thinke able to direct them better in such a case.
For if it be true that one man cannot be perfect in euery arte and profession, and therefore in cases out of our owne callings, we do depend vpon those which haue beene trayned up in other particular subiects, beleeuing men in their owne professions: Why should we not prefer the iudgements of Phisitions in a question concerning the actions and passions of mans bodie (the proper subiect of that profession) before our owne conceites; as we do the opinions of Diuines, Lawyers, Artificers, &c. in their proper Elements. Neither haue I done this as taking vpon me to reforme the mindes of men which are not vnder my charge (for I could willingly haue permitted euery man to enioy his owne opinion:) But being a Phisition, and iudging in my conscience that these matters haue been mistaken by the commõ people; I thought good to make knowne the doctrine of this disease, so farre forth, as may be in a vulgar tongue conueniently disclosed, to the end that the vnlearned and rash conceits of diuers, might be thereby brought to better vnderstanding and moderation; who are apt to make euery thing a supernaturall work which they do not vnderstand, proportioning the bounds of nature vnto their own capacities: which might proue an occasion of abusing the name of God, and make vs to vse holy prayer as vngroundedly as the Papists do their prophane trickes; who are readie to drawe forth their wooden dagger, if they do but see a maid or woman suffering one of these fits of the Mother, coniuring and exorcising them as if they were possessed with euil spirits. And for want of worke, will oftentimes suborne others that are in health, to counterfait strange motions and behauiours: as I once saw in the Santo in Padua fiue or sixe at one sermon interrupting and reuiling the Preacher, vntill he had put them to silence by the signe of the Crosse, and certaine powerlesse spelles.
Wherefore it behoueth vs as to be zealous in the truth, so to be wise in discerning truth from counterfaiting and naturall causes from supernaturall power. I doe not deny but that God doth in these dayes worke extraordinarily, for the deliuerance of his children, and for other endes best knowne vnto himselfe; and that among other, there may be both possessions by the Diuell, and obsessions and witchcraft, &c. and dispossession also through the Prayers and supplications of his seruants, which is the onely meanes left vnto vs for our reliefe in that case. But such examples being verie rare now adayes, I would in the feare of God aduise men to be very circumspect in pronouncing of a possession: both because the impostures be many, and the effects of naturall diseases be strange to such as haue not looked throughly into them.
But let vs consider a little the signes which some doe shew of a supernaturall power in these examples. For if they say there neede no such signes appeare, because the Diuill by witchcraft may inflict a naturall disease: then I ask them what they haue to doe with the Diuell, or with dispossessing of him, when he is not their present, but hath beene onely an externall cause of a disease, by kindling or corrupting the humours of our bodies; which disease as well as other will submit it selfe to physicall indications: as is shewed, cap. 1. Wherefore they must needes make him to be an internall cause, and to possesse the members and faculties of the bodie, and holde them to his vse: or else they vnderstand not what they say, when they doe peremptorily disclaime naturall meanes, and auouch that they speake certaine wordes, and performe certaine voluntarie motions vpon his incitation, and are hindred by him from speaking other wordes which they would faine vtter. And therefore to this end diuerse signes and Symptoms are alledged by them, as arguments of a supernaturall and extraordinarie power inhærent in the body.
One of their signes is Insensibilitie, when they doe not feele, being pricked with a pin, or burnt with fire, &c. Is this so strange a spectacle, when in the Palsie, the falling sicknesse, Apoplexis, and diuerse other diseases, it is dayly obserued? And in these fits of the Mother it is so ordinarie as I neuer read any Authour writing of this disease who doth not make mention thereof. This poynt you shall finde proued both by authorities and examples in the 4. Chapter.
There also you shall find conuulsions, contractions, distortions, and such like to be ordinarie Symptoms in this disease.
Another signe of a supernaturall power they make to be the due & orderly returning of the fits, when they keepe their iust day and houre, which we call periods or circuits. This accident as it is common to diuerse other chronicall diseases, as head-aches, gowtes, Epilepsies, Tertians, Quartians, &c. so it is often obserued in this disease of the mother as is sufsiciently proued in the 2. Chapter.
Another argument of theirs is the ofsence in eating, or drinking, as if the Diuell ment to choake them therewith. But this Symptom is also ordinarie in vterin affects, as I shew in the sixt Chapter: and I haue at this time a patient troubled in like maner.
Another reason of theirs is, the comming of the fits vpon the presence of some certaine person. The like I doe shew in the same Chapter, and the reasons of it, from the stirring of the affections of the mind.
Another maine argument of theirs, is the deliuerance vpon fasting and prayer: which we will imagin to be so in deed, without any counterfeiting in that point. You shall see in the 7. Chapter, how this may be a naturall remedie two maner of wayes: the one by pulling downe the pride of the bodie, and the height of the naturall humors therof; a verie conuenient meanes, and often prescribed by our Authours in yong and lustie bodies: the other by the confident perswasion of the patient to find release by that means: which I shew in that Chapter by rules and authorities in our profession and also by examples, to be a verie effectuall remedie in curing diuerse diseases of this nature.
Many other such like instances they may produce, according vnto euerie ones seurall conceit: which were in vaine for me to repeat perticulary: vnlesse I knew wherein they would principally insist. But in the discourse following I haue as neare as I could described al the Symptoms of this disease; whereby euerie man may readily find answers to his seuerall obiections.
Now to testifie my loue and affection to this societie of ours, and that I esteeme more of the censure of a fewe learned and graue men, then of the opinions of a multitude of other people: I thought good to choose no other persons to patronize this slender discourse then your selues, who are best able of any in this land, or any such like societie elsewhere (that euer I could find) to iudge whether I write true doctrine or no.
Wherefore desiring you to accept it in good part, and as occasion may serue to giue testimonie vnto it according as your iudgements and consciences shall lead you, I take my leaue this 2. Martii, 1602.
Your louing friend and Colleague.
Ed. Iorden.
Of the suffocation of
the Mother.
That this disease doth oftentimes giue occasion vnto simple and vnlearned people, to suspect possession, witchcraft, or some such like supernaturall cause.
The passiue condition of womankind is subiect vnto more diseases and of other1 sortes and natures then men are: and especially in regarde of that part2 from whence this disease which we speake of doth arise. For as it hath more varietie of3 offices belonging vnto it then other partes of the bodie haue, and accordingly is supplied from other partes with whatsoeuer it hath need of for those vses: so it must needes thereby be subiect vnto mo infirmities then other parts are: both by reason of such as are bred in the part it selfe, and also by reason of such as are communicated vnto it from other parts, with which it hath correspondence. And as those offices in their proper kindes are more excellent then other; so the diseases whereby they are hurt or depraued, are more grieuous. But amongest all the diseases wherevnto that sex is obnoxious, there is none comparable vnto this which is called The Suffocation of the mother, either for varietie, or for strangenesse of accidents. For whatsoeuer straunge accident may appeare in any of the principall functions of mans bodie, either animall, vitall, or naturall, the same is to bee seene in this disease, by reason of the communitie and consent which this part hath with the braine, heart, and liuer, the principall seates of these three functions; Altomarus de medend. hum. corp. malis cap. 110. Barth. Montagnana Consilio. 226. and the easie passage which it hath vnto them by the Vaines, Arteries, and Nerues. And whatsoeuer humor in other partes may cause extraordinarie affects, by reason of the abundance or corruption of it, this part will affoord the like in as plentifull a manner, and in as high a degree of corruption: and with this aduauntage that whereas in the other, some one or two of the faculties onely one are hurt (as in Apoplexies, Epilepsyes, Syncopyes, subuersions of the stomacke, &c.) and not all (vnlesse as in Syncopyes by consent, where the vitall function ceasing, all the rest must needes cease) in this case all the faculties of the bodie doe suffer; Mercatus lib. 2. cap. 2. & 3. not as one may do from another, but all directly from this one fountaine, in such sort as you shall often tymes perceyue in one and the same person diuerse accidents of contrarie natures to concurre at once.
And hereupon the Symptoms of this disease are sayd to be monstrous and terrible to beholde, and of such a varietie as they can hardly be comprehended within any method or boundes. Valetius scoffing at their ignorance calleth this disease a kind of diuell. in Holler. cap. 59. Insomuch as they which are ignorant of the strange affects which naturall causes may produce, and of the manifold examples which our profession of Phisicke doth minister in this kind, haue sought aboue the Moone for supernaturall causes: ascribing these accidents either to diabolicall possession, to witchcraft, or to the immediate finger of the Almightie.
But it is no maruell though the common people and men also in other faculties verie excellent may bee deceyued by the rarenesse and straungenesse of these matters, which are hidden out of their Horizon amongest the deepest mysteries of our profession: Cosmocrit. li. 1 cap. 7. pag. 153 Inexperto medico sapè suspitionem ñuminis præb̃uerunt when as Phisitions themselues, as Cornelius Gemma testifieth. If they bee not verie wel exercised in the practise of their profession, are oftentimes deceyued, imagining such manifolde straunge accidents as their hee mencioneth to accompanie this disease, (as suffocation in the throate, croaking of Frogges, hissing of Snakes, crowing of Cockes, barking of Dogges, garring of Crowes, frenzies, convulsions, hickcockes, laughing, singing, weeping, crying, &c.) to proceede from some metaphysicall power, when in deede (as hee there sayeth) they are meerely naturall.
Auicen also in his Chapter of this disease, Fen. 21. 3 cap: 26: tract: 4: speaking of the causes of it, sayth, that there were some wise Phisitions in his time which said, that the cause of this disease was vnknowne: Because as Iacobus de Partibus expoundeth it, they did thinke it to be inflicted from aboue, yet notwithstanding he setteth downe naturall causes of it, and a naturall cure.
Hippocrates Lib. de morbo sacro in principio. also long before finding this error to bee helde by some in his time maketh mention of diuerse of these Symptoms, and sayeth, that hee doth not see anie thing in them more supernaturall, or more to bee admired, then there is in Tertians, and Quartans, and other kindes of diseases: imputing it either vnto ignorance, and want of experience that Phisitians of his time did iudge otherwise; or vnto a worser humor, when as beeing loath to bewray their owne defects through pride and arrogancie: Inscitia palliũ maleficium & incantatio. R. Sc: li, 1. cap. 3 and not knowing what to prescribe would flie vnto diuine causes, and neglecting naturall meanes for their reliefe, would wholy relie vpon expiations, incantations, sacrifices, &c. cloaking their ignoraunce vnder these shadows, and pretending both more knowledge, and more pietie then other men: by which course they gained this aduauntage, that if the patient chanced to recouer, they should bee highly renowmed for their skill; if not, their excuse was readie that Gods hande was against them.
This hee speaketh of the Phisitions of his time, whome he confuteth principally by two reasons, which may serue for excellent rules for all men to discerne such cases by. The first is, that there is no supernaturall Character in these Symptoms, as hee proueth by an induction of diuerse of3 them, which in the cõmon opinion were thought to be aboue nature: yet hee proueth to haue their naturall causes in the bodie of man as well as others haue.
The strength of this argument will better appeare hereafter in the particular Symptoms, which we are to entreate of: where it shall be made manifest that the most of them doe both depende vpon such naturall causes as other diseases haue in our bodies, and also are oftentimes mixed with other diseases which are accompted naturall.
It may likewise appeare by this, that whereas all other diseases are knowne by their notes and signes which resemble their cause (as Choller, Flegme, Melancholy, &c. haue their proper markes, corruption and putrefaction, their proper notes and malignity his Character) so there must be some Character or note of a supernaturall power in these cases (as 4extraordinary strength or knowledge or suffering) or else we haue no cause but to think them naturall. If the diuell as an externall cause, may inflict a disease by stirring vp or kindling the humours of our bodies, and then depart without supplying continuall supernaturall power vnto it;5 then the disease is but naturall, and will submit it selfe vnto Physicall cure. For externall causes when they are already remoted, giue no indication of any remedy.
The second argument of this is, that these Symptoms do yeeld vnto natural causes, and are both procured and also eased by such ordinary meanes, as other diseases are: and6 therefore they must needs be naturall.
The strength of this argument is grounded vpon
the very foundation of our profession which hath
beene layd by7 Hyppocrates and8 Gallen long agoe
and euer since confirmed by the practise and obseruations
of all learned men; that diseases are cured
by their contraries. I say contrary9 both vnto the
disease, vnto the cause, and vnto the Symptom. And
the more exact the contrarietie is; the more proper
is the remedy: as when they are equall in10 degree
or in power. But what equality of contrariety either
in degree or in power, can there be betweene a
supernaturall suffocating power, and the compression
of the belly or throate. They are disperats in
Logicke, but not contraries. For contrarietie is betweene
such as are comprehended vnder one generall.
And where one is opposed vnto one alone,
and not indifferently vnto many. Neither doe I
thinke, that any man wel aduised, will say that by
compression of those parts, he is able to suppresse
the power of the diuell. The like may be saide of
the application of cupping glasses, of sweete plaisters,
of ligatures, &c. beneath, and of euell smelles
aboue; by all which we do obserue those kindes of
fits to be mitigated: and yet there can bee no such
contrary respect in thẽ against a supernatural cause,
as is between a remedy and a disease. They are also
procured vpon sweete smelles, vpon pleasant meats
and drinkes, vpon feare, anger, iealousie, &c. as in the4
particular causes shall bee farther declared: and yet
no such consent can bee shewed in them with any
supernaturall affect, as that they may any way cause
or encrease it. Wherefore the rule of Hyppocrates
must needes be true; that if these Symptoms do yeeld
vnto naturall remedies, they must also bee naturall
Georg. Godelman.
de magis.
&c. lib 1: cap
Bruno Seidelius
de morbis
incurab: pag: 19:
Centuria 5, curat:
And thus much in explanation of
these two arguments of Hyppocrates against the errour
of his time: which notwithstanding hath been
continued in the mindes of men vntill this day, and
no maruell: vnlesse the same corruption which
bred it at the first, had beene remoued out of the
world. And therefore diuers of our Authors doe
make especiall mention of this case wherein they
report the common people to haue beene deceiued
by imagining witchcraft or possession, where indeed
there was none.
Amatus Lusitanus reporteth of one Diua Clara, a maide of 18. years of age, which had euery day two or three such strange fits, as those that were about her, gaue out that she was haunted with an euill spirit.
In those fits euery part of her body was distorted, she felt nothing, nor perceiued any thing: but had all her senses benummed, her hart beating, her teeth close shut together: yet for an houres space or two she would haue such strong motions, that shee would weary the strongest men that came at her. When she had beene three weekes in this case, her left arme began to be resolued with a palsie, &c. He being called vnto her prescribed such remedies as are usuall in this case, and within few dayes recouered her, to the great admiration of the beholders.
Petrus Forrestus Obseruationũ medicin: lib: 10 obseru: 30. maketh mention of another maid of 22. yeares old, which dwelt with a Burgermaster of Delft in Holland, who falling in loue with a yong man, fell also into these fits of the Mother: which held her many houres together with such violent horrible accidents, as hee neuer sawe the like: her whole body being pulled to and fro with convulsiue motions, her belly sometimes lifted vp, and sometimes depressed, a roaring noise heard within her, with crying and howling, a distortion of her armes and handes: insomuch as those about her thought her to be possessed with a diuell, and out of all hope of recouery. He being called vnto her in Ianuarie 1565. applied conuenient remedies as there he setteth downe, and in a short time restored her to her health againe.
Thaddæus Dumus miscall: cap 9. Many more such like examples might bee produced both out of authenticall writers in our profession and out of our own experiences, which yet do liue (were it not that late examples would bee offensiue to rehearse:) but these may suffice to show how easily men vnexperienced in those extraordinarie kinds of diseases, may mistake the causes of them: when through admiration of the vnwonted and grieuous accidents they behold, they are caried vnto Magicall and Metaphysicall speculations. But the learned Phisition who hath first beene trained vp in the study of Philosophy, and afterwards confirmed by the practise and experience of all manner5 of naturall diseases, is best able to discerne what is naturall, what not naturall, what preternaturall, and what supernaturall, the three first being properly subiect to his profession: and therefore they doe wrong vnto the faculty of Phisicke, and vnto them selues, and oftentimes vnto others, who neglecting that light which wee might yeeld them, doe runne headlong and blindefold into many errors and absurdities. For preuention whereof I haue breefly set downe Lib. 28. obseru. 26: what the doctrine of Phisitions is concerning this disease of the Mother, which of all other is most subiect vnto misconstruction. For that as Forrestus saieth it is a harde matter to discerne in what maner the Mother may occasion such strange and manifold accidents.
What this disease is, and by what means it causeth such varietie of Symptoms.
This disease is called by diuerse
de causis sig. 13
locis morborum
cap. 114.
Altomarus cap.
110. Guaynerius
cap. de suffo:
names amongst our Authors. Passio
Hysterica, Suffocatio, Præfocatio,
and Strangulatus vteri, Caducus
matricis, &c. In English the Mother,
or the Suffocation of the
Mother, because most commonly
it takes them with choaking in the throat:
Æesius tetr: 4
Serm. 4. cap. 68
P. Ægineta
lib. 3. cap. 71.
Victor Trincavel.
lib: 5. sect. 3
cap. 9.
it is an affect of the Mother or wombe wherein the principal
parts of the bodie by consent do suffer diuersly according
to the diuersitie of the causes and diseases wherewith
the matrix is offended.
I call it an affect in a large signification to comprehend both morbum and Symptoma. For sometimes it is either of them, and somtimes both. For in regard the actions of expulsion or retention in the Mother are hurt. It may be called a Symptoma in actione læsa: in regard of the humor to be expelled which corrupteth and putrifieth to a venemous malignitie. It is likewise a Symptom in excremento vteri mutato. And in regard of the perfrigeration of the Mother, and so of the whole bodie. It is also a Symptom11 in qualitate tangibili mutata, not morbus ex intẽperie:12 because it is suddenly inflicted & suddenly remoued. But in regard of the rising of the Mother wherby it is somtimes drawn vpwards or sidewards aboue his natural seate, compressing the neighbour parts, & so consequently one another. It may be said to be morbus in situ, in respect of the compression it selfe, causing suffocatiõ and difficultie of breathing. It may be13 causa morbi in forma by causing coarctation of the instruments of breathing. And sometimes these are complicated and14 together with a venemous vapour, arising from this corrupt humor vnto diuers parts of the bodie, there will be an euill position of the matrix also: either because the ligaments, vaines and arteries beeing obstructed:15 by those vapours are shortened of their wonted length, and so draw vp the part higher then it should be, or16 for that the matrix being grieuously anoyed with the malignity of those vapours doth contract it selfe6 and rise vp by a locall motion towards the midrif.
I say of the Mother or wombe because although the wombe many times in this disease doe suffer but secondarily, yet the other parts are not affected in this disease but from the Mother: Galen. 6. loc. affert. cap. 5. Auicen. Fen. 21 3. cap. 16. tract 4. initium est ex matrice et peruenit ad communitatẽ fortem cordis et cerebri &c. Horatius Angenius Epistola 6. (Radix suffocationum vterus) which finding it selfe anoyed by some vnkind humor, either within it selfe, or in the vessels adioyning or belonging vnto it, doth by a naturall instinct which is ingrafted in euery part of the body for his owne preseruation, endeuour to expell that which is offensiue: in which conflict if either the passage be obstructed, or the humor inobedient or malignant, or the functions of the wombe any way depraued, the offence is communicated from thence vnto the rest of the body. The principall part of the body are the seates of the three faculties, which do gouerne the whole body. The braine of the animall, the hart of the vitall, the liuer of the naturall; although some other parts are plentifully endewed with some of these faculties, as the stomacke, entrailes, vaines, spleene, &c. with naturall faculties, the instruments of respiration17 with animall and naturall. These parts are affected in this disease, and do suffer in their functions as they are diminished, depraued, or abolished,18 according to the nature & plenty of the humor, and the temperament and scituation of the Mother: and that diuersly: Petrus solius diuersus pag. 400 Mercat. pa. 170 Merca. pa. 174 For somtimes the instruments of respiration alone doe suffer, sometimes the heart alone, sometimes two or three faculties together, sometimes successiuely one after another, sometimes one part suffereth both a resolution and a conuulsion in the same fit, or when as it suffereth in one part and not in another, as we see oftentimes sense and motion to bee taken away and yet hearing and memorie to remaine, the speech failing and respiration good. Sometimes respiration, sense, and motion do altogether faile, and yet the pulse remaine good: So that the varietie of those fits is exceeding great, wherein the principall parts of the body doe diuersly suffer.
Another diuersitie there is, in the order of these fits: for somtimes they keep due19 periods or circuits yearly or monthly, according to the falling sicknes, and sometime euery weeke, sometimes20 euery day, &c. I know a gentlewomã in this towne, who for 2. yeares together neuer missed a fit of the Mother in the afternoone. The like is hereafter mentioned in the Essex gentlewo. who for 16. years together had euery day a fit of the Mother at a certaine houre. D. Argent and I had another patient, in whome for 10. weeks together we obserued a fit of the mother euery saturday. I adde by consent of the Mother to distinguish those Symptoms or diseases from such as are caused originally by the part affected. For being procured but by consent, they endure no longer thẽ the fits of the mother do continue. The consent or communitie by which the matrix hath with those principal parts of the body is easily perceiued, if wee consider the anatomy of that part, & the diuers waies whereby it may and doth communicate with them. The fũctions of this part, besides that which is commõ to all other for their nutriment deriued from the naturall7 facultie, are 2. the one respecting the preseruatiõ of the whole body, as it is an Emunctory of diuers superfluities which do abound in that sex. Gabr. Fallopius de med. purg. Cap. 17. et 23. via euacuationis. The other for the propagation of mankind, where it is to be conceiued and nourished vntill it be able to appeare in the world. In regard of these offices this part hath neede of great varietie of prouision, according as the vses are manifold. The substance is neruous, for the great necessitie it hath of sence and motion.
Constant. Varelius lib. 4. cap. 3 It is also Porous for the better entertaining of the vitall spirits and the necessitie it hath of distention and contraction.
It is tied vnto diuers partes of the body that it might the better beare the weight of an infant: backwards by little strings vnto the lower gut, vnto the loines and os sacrum: Gasparus Bauhinus historia anatom. p. 71. forwardes vnto the necke of the bladder and os pubis by certaine membranes deriued from the peritoneum: on each side it is tyed vnto ossa illii by a ligament growing from the muscles of the loynes. It receiueth also for the former vses, vaines from the liuer, arteries from the hart, and nerues from the braine and backe, which are all inserted into the substance of the part, to deriue vnto it the benefit of those 3. faculties, both for the proper vse of the part, and for the vse of propagation and to discharge the whole bodie of diuers superfluities, which otherwise would be an occasion of many infirmities in them.
Now according to this description let vs consider how by consent, the principall partes of the bodie may bee affected from the matrix.
The partes of our bodie doe suffer by consent21 two manner of wayes. The one is when they doe recyue some offensiue thing from another parte which is 22called Communitas non absoluta. And this is either a qualitie as in venemous and infectious diseases, where the malignitie creeping from one part to another doth alter the qualitie of the parts as it goeth, and at the last is communicated to the principall parts, as the head, heart, liuer, longs, &c. or a substance which either by manifest conducts, as vaines, nerues, arteries, &c. Fernel. pathologiæ li. 6. ca. 16 or by insensible pores (as Hyppocrates saith, our bodies are transpirable, and transmeable) is conuaied from one part to another: whether it be a vapour or a humor, as wee doe commonly obserue in the fits of feuers, where a vapour arising from the part affected, disperseth it selfe through the whole body, and affecteth the sensiue parts with colde or heate, the motiue parts with trembling, the vitall parts with fainting, sounding, inequalitie of pulse, &c. Forestus lib. 10 obseru: 115: in scholsis. the naturall parts with deiection of appetite, subuersion of the stomacke, &c. vntill nature haue ouercome and discussed it. In these Feuers also many times humors are so plentifully sent vp vnto the braine, as by custome or long continuance they breede some proper affect there.
The other kinde of communitie is that which they call Communitas absoluta, wherein the part consenting receiueth nothing from the other, but yet is partaker of his griefe: either for similitude of substance or function, which causeth mutuall compas8sion: as all neruous partes haue with the braine: whereby if any Nerue or neruous part bee hurt or pricked, the braine suffreth a convulsion, or for neighbourhood and vicinitie, whereby one part may offend another, by compression or incumbencie: as in the prolapse of the Mother, the bladder or fundament is oftentimes offended in their naturall excretion. And in this disease which we haue in hand by the locall motion of it vpwardes, the midriffe is straightned of his scope, whereby the lunges doe faile in their dutie, or by reason of connexion or continuitie which it hath with other parts, Gal: locorum affect: 1: cap: 6 by Vaines, Nerues, Arteries, Membranes, Ligaments, &c. whereby the offence is easily imparted vnto other partes. Or lastly by priuation of some facultie or matter, whereof the part hath neede. As in the obstruction of the Spina Dorsi there followeth a resolution or palsie of the legges or armes, by reason that the animall facultie that should giue sence or motion to the part is intercepted and hindered in his passage. Rondeletius cap 69. Trincauell loco citato: Likewise in a resolution of the Muscles of the brest, as in a wound of that part, or in swounding the voice is taken away, because the matter of it which is breath, is either not sufficiently made, or is carried another way, or not competently impelled to the organs of voyce.
All these manner of wayes hath the Matrix by consent to impart her offence vnto other parts. For there wãteth no corruption of humor, vapour, nor euill qualitie, where this part is ill affected, to infect other partes withall, there wantes no oportunitie of conueyance or passage vnto any part, by reason of the large Vaynes, Arteries, and Nerves, which are deriued vnto it, with which it hath great affinitie and similitude of substance, besides the connexion it hath with the heart, liuer, braine, and backe. It is linked also in neighborhoode with diuerse partes of great vse, as the bladder, guttes, midriffe, &c. which are likely to bee warmed when this part doth burne. According to the varietie of causes and diseases wherewith the wombe is offended, these Symptoms doe differ in nature, or in degree. 23A plentifull matter produceth a vehement Symptom: a corrupt matter according to the degree of corruption, and the qualitie of the humor corrupted, causeth like accidents. The diseases also of the Mother being cõplicated with the former corrupt humors do yeeld varietie of Symptoms: as the rising of the Mother, which alwayes causeth shortnes of breath: 24Empostumes of the Mother according to the place where they are bred, and the quality of them, doe also bring a difference in Symptoms. And thus much for explanation of the definition.
Of the kinds of this disease, and first of that wherein the vitall facultie is offended.
Now I come to the kinds and sorts of this disease, which may bee reduced vnto three principall heades, according as euerie part of the bodie belongeth vnto some of the three principall functions which do gouerne the bodie of man. Affectus corporis vel excretionum vitiæ. Not that euerie Symptom in this disease doth hurt some of the three functions, for some are onely molestations or deformities, as sudden Collickes, windie humors, noyses, alteration of colour, &c. But because euerie part may well bee mustred vnder some of these generals: and we doe seldome see any hystericall affect wherein some one or mo of the functions are not affected. These functions as they are distinct in office, so they possesse in our bodies seuerall seats and haue seuerall instruments belonging vnto them.
1 The vitall function which by preseruing naturall heat in a due temperature, maintaineth the coniunction of soule and bodie togither, hath his principall mansion in the heart, and from thence by his Arteries conueyeth vitall spirites vnto euery member. So as without this wee could not liue: and therefore it is accounted the principallest function, because the rest receyue their being from this, and this fayling they must needes all cease. This function is performed by the motion of the heart, and Arteries, which in this affect of the Mother is drawne into consent as it is either diminished, abolished, or depraued. The deprauation of this motion is either when it is too fast and quick, or when it beates disorderly. The pulse in this disease is oftentimes too quicke, although it bee weake withall: but seeing it brings no great offence with it, the patient doth seldome complaine thereof. The greater offence is when it beates disorderly, and keepes no equall nor orderly stroke, but either trembleth and daunceth in the motion, or else is violently impelled: Trincauel. li. 4 cap. 24. De partium morbis et symp. lib. 5: cap. 12. insomuch as it doth not onely remoue ones hande being applied to some part where the Arteries are great and near to the skinne (as lately appeared in a noble Gentleman of this lande now dead) but as Fernelius testifieth, hath sometimes displaced the ribbes, and sometimes broken them through the violent motion of the heart.
This Symptom is called the palpitation or beating of the heart, or Arteries whereof Maximillian the Emperour died, as Crato reporteth, and wherewith Charles the fift was oftentimes molested, as Vesalius writeth. It is chiefly to bee perceyued where the Arteries are great & neare the skin: as vnder the left ribbes towards the backe, and in the necke: as you may obserue in Maides that haue the greene sicknesse, by the shaking and quiuering of their ruffes, if they sit close to their neckes: where some10times through the dilatation of the Arterie there ariseth a 25tumour as bigge as ones fist. This Symptom is euerie where mentioned by our 26Authours in this disease and our dayly experience confirmeth it.
This motion of the heart and Arteries in this affect of the Mother is oftentimes diminished either in part or to sense totally. In part, where the pulse in this disease is weake, slow, obscure, intermittent, &c. and the whole bodie accordingly feeble and slow in euery action, for want of influence of vitall facultie from the heart. It is totally diminished in that Symptom which is called Syncope or swounding, the very image of death, where the pulse is 27scarcely or not at all perceyued; the breath or respiration cleane gone: by reason that the heart wanting his motion, hath no neede of the helpe of the lungs to refresh it withall, all the faculties of the body fayling, it self lying like a dead corpse three or foure houres togither, and 28sometimes two or three whole dayes without sense, motion, breath, heate, or any signe of life at all (like as wee see Snakes and other creatures to lie all the winter, as if they were dead, vnder the earth) insomuch as diuerse 29errors haue beene committed in laying foorth such for dead, which haue afterwards beene found to haue life in them, and haue risen vp in their burials, whereupon there haue beene lawes enacted, as 30Mercurialis reporteth, that no woman which was subiect to this disease should be buried vntil she had beene three dayes dead. Or as 31Alexander Benedictus of Bolonia sayth 72. houres, which commeth to the same reckoning. 32Petrus Bayrus setteth downe diuerse reasons why they should not be buried before three dayes bee ended, besides the experience of some (as hee saith) that haue beene found aliue in their graues after they had beene buried. I will refer the reader for the reasons to the author himself, and to 33Forrestus in his obseruations.34Plinie maketh mention out of Heraclides, of a woman who for seuen dayes together lay for dead in a fit of the mother, and was restored againe to life: which (saieth 35Marcellus Donatus) is not to be thought a fabulous tale, seeing it is not repugnant to the rules of Philosophie and Phisicke. And 36Galen making mention of the verie same hystorie vnder the name of Apnæa, discourseth of the reasons of it.
37Rabbi Moses an ancient Author in Physicke, reporteth also of a woman, that in the fitte of the mother, did lie six dayes without sense and motion, her Arteries being waxt hard, and she readie to be buried, and yet recouered.
38Bottonus a late professor of Physicke in Padua, reporteth of a woman that beeing giuen ouer for dead in a fit of the Mother, was by such conclusions as he tried, discouered to be yet aliue, and recouered her former health againe by such remedies as he prescribed.
39Forestus of Alkmar in north Holland, but lately dead, setteth downe the like example of another, that lay in that maner 24. houres, and was by him restored to health againe.
The like also he citeth out of Leouellus, in that place, of one that lay with her eyes shut, and dumb a whole day, and by conuenient remedies was deliuered from her fit, and could rehearse all that was done about her in the time of her fit. De hominis generat. cap. 46. But the most pitifull example of all other in this kinde, is that which Ambrose Paræe reporteth of Vesalius a worthie Physition, & for anatomicall dissections much renowned, who being called to the opening of a Gentlewoman in Spaine, which was thought to be dead through the violence of one of these fits, began to open her, and at the second cut of the knife she cried out, and stirred her limbes, shewing manifest signes of life to remaine. The beholders were exceedingly amazed at the sight, and blamed the Physition much for it: who though hee tooke her for dead, yet tooke he great apprehension of sorrow for that accident, that he estranged himselfe. After through griefe and remorse of conscience for his error, pretended (as others say) a pilgrimage for the absenting of himselfe, and therein died. Many more examples to this end could I produce out of Authenticall writers, and late experiences, if it were free for mee to mention them: but these may suffice to shew how wonderfully the vitall facultie is ouerthrowne in this disease, and withall respiration, sense, motion, and all the functions of the bodie by reason of this.
Of that kind of this disease wherein the animall facultie is offended.
The second kind of this disease is, where the animall facultie doth principally suffer; and it is that faculty whereby we do vnderstand, iudge, and remember things that are profitable or hurtfull vnto vs, whereby also we haue sense and do feele the qualities of things, and moue to and fro, & performe diuers other voluntary actions for the cõmoditie of the bodie. For nature had made vs but base creatures, if she had giuen vs onely the vitall facultie barely to liue, and the naturall to grow, and to supply the expence that is daily made of naturall moisture: If she had not withall giuen vs knowledg and vnderstanding of such things as we are subiect vnto, and abilitie to moue our bodies at our pleasure, to apprehend that which is profitable & to shun that which is offensiue, &c. And therefore as a facultie making most for the dignitie and vse of man, it is placed principally in the braine; from whence it disperseth his beames of influence into euery part of the bodie, according to the seuerall vses and necessitie of each part.
This animall facultie hath this peculiar difference
from the vitall and naturall faculties, that the functi12ons
of it are subiect vnto our wil, & may be intẽded
remitted, or peruerted at our pleasure, otherwise thẽ
in other faculties: For no man can make his
pulse to beate as he list, or alter the naturall functions
at his will and pleasure. But these animal functions
may be abused both by our owne will, and by
the violence of some disease, and by both, as Galen
testifieth, lib. 2. de Symptomatum causis cap. 12.
De motu musculorum
lib. 2.
cap. 7. 8.
That it
may be abused by our owne will, he proueth also in
another place, where he bringeth an instance of a
seruant (serui barbari) who killed himselfe to anger
his maister by holding of his breath.
De ciuitate
Dei lib. 4:
Cosmoscrit. lib.
1. pag. 156.
S. Augustine
saith that he knew a man that could make himselfe
to sweate when he list, by his imagination only. Cornelius
Gemma saith, that he knew one that could
weepe when he list: others that could make their
bodies stiffe like an image, imitate the voyces of all
kinde of creatures, raise a hickocke, and breake wind
as often and in what manner they would.
Medici parisienses
in historia
Martha. Brossier.
1. Sam. 21. 13.
Gal. lib quomodo
qui agrotare
se fingunt.
cap. 1.
And S.
Augustine tels of one that would make a kinde of
musicke that way. Adrian Turnebus saw a rogue
that gayned much money by shewing this feate, we
do also daily see that some can counterfait madnes,
some drunkennesse, some the falling sicknesse, some
palsies and trembling, some can play the fooles and
supply the roomes of innocents, some can make
noyses & speake in their bellies or throates, as those
5. R. Scot. lib. 7:
cap. 1.
Hyppocrates calleth Eugastrimuthoi ventriloqui,
such as was the holy maid of Kent, and Mildred of
westwall, &c. And it is strange to see how young
bodies will be bowed and writhed diuersly, as wee
see in tumblers iuglers, and such like companions.
Hereupon diuers haue counterfaited diseases as I
once saw a poor fellow being arested for a smal debt
coũterfaited a fit of the falling sicknes, with strange
and violent motions: whereby the creditor in
compassion was moued to release him. Being released
he was well againe, and vnto his friendes seemed
to confesse the cousonage: others haue counterfaited
possessions, either vpon meere deceit or
inticed therto through the conceite of some disease
wherewith they haue beene troubled.
Lib: 16. cap. 4.
But for this
point I referre you to the histories of Agnes Brigs,
Rachel Pinder, Martha Brossier, &c. Ren. Scot tels of
one that being blind, deafe, and dumbe, could reade
any canonicall Scripture, but no Apocripha: But
was discouered by inserting a leafe of Apocrapha:
among the canonicall. Another faining her selfe
to be possessed with a diuell, would answere to any
question made in English, but vnderstood no latine.
Diuers such like examples might bee procured to
shew how the animall functions may be abused by
our owne will. But against our willes this faculty
doth suffer by consent in the suffocation of the Mother
diuersly according to the varietie of offices or
functions which it performeth.
The functions of it are three, the first is called Internall
and principall sence which doth gouerne
and direct all the rest by Imagination, Reason and Memory:
which if it bee hurt either by imminution or
deprauation or total abolishment, then the inferior
functions doe necessarily participate with the of13fence.
Hebetudo mentis.
They are hurt by Imminution when a man
doth not Conceiue, Iudge, or remember so well as hee
ought to doe,
Imprudentia obliuio.
as in dulnesse or blockishnesse,40 as wee
call it in vndiscretion, foolishnes or want of iudgement,
in obliuion or forgetfulnes, &c.
They are abolished
either in those drowsie affects which wee call
Caros, Coma, veternus, Lethargus &c. or in those astonishing
Symptoms wherein all the animall faculties
are at once taken away,
sometimes with a generall
resolution or palsie, as in Apoplexies: sometimes
with a generall conuulsion, as in the falling sicknes:
sometimes with a
Stifnesse or congelation of the body,
wherein they lie like an image in the same forme
they were taken.
These internall sences are ouerthrowne either in part or in whole in this suffocatiõ of the mother: and thereupon it is likened vnto these former diseases: and this kind is accounted by Auicen to be the most grieuous of all other, where the imagination and reason is hurt: and the other which holds them with conuulsions, contractions, &c. he accounts to bee the milder and the more vsuall. And therefore he saith that commonly they can remember what was done about them in their fit: vnlesse it be of this most grieuous kinde.
The Internall sence is depraued when a man
doth imagine, iudge, or remember thinges that are
not as if they were, or things that are, otherwise then
they are indeed. Whether they do it in cogitation
alone, or do expresse it by word or deede.
we see in those fooles which we call naturals, in
mad men, in melancholike men, in those that are
furious, in such as do dote, in such as are distracted
through loue, feare, griefe, ioye, anger, hatred, &c.
In some of which they will laugh, crye, prattle,
threaten, chide, or sing, &c. according to the disposition
of the party or the cause of the affect.
These functions are also depraued in too much
wakefulnesse through the commotion of the animall
also in dreames, where somtimes besides
the deprauation of the fantasie they wil walke, talke,
laugh, crye, &c. And lastly in that disease which is
called41 Saltus Sati viti, or Saltuosa dispositio membrorum
wherein they will daunce, and leape, and cannot
endure to be quiet.
This deprauation of the internall sences, is so ordinary in the fits of the Mother, as Horatius Augenius Epistola. 6. seemes to make it of the essence of this disease, that the imagination is ever depraued in it. But 42Hyppocrates, Galen, Auicen, and most of the best Authors in our profession, do affirme that very often there happeneth an alienation of the minde in this disease, whereby sometimes they will waxe furious and raging depriued of their right iudgement and of rest.
Priuatio visus
The second function of the animall facultie is
the externall sensitive function; which giueth to the
eye the facultie of seeing, to the eare of hearing, to14
the tongue of tasting, to the nose of smelling and to
diuers parts of the bodie the power of feeling.
This function in all these kindes is diminished, depraued, or cleane abolished, but especially in this disease of the mother, we do obserue the offence which is done to the feeling facultie, when the parts are benummed or do not feele at all, or when they feele 43paine and offence, or when they feele things falsely and otherwise then they are.
Concerning hearing, although 44Hyppoc. Rhasis and diuers others doe obserue that sometimes it is hindred: yet it seemes to be in the former kinde where the internall facultie doe suffer. For Mercatus puts it as a difference from the falling sicknes, that in this suffocation of the matrix they doe commonly heare. The priuation of the other sences of seeing, tasting, smelling and feeling, are verie ordinarie in this disease, as you may obserue in the Histories following, and in these quotations.
The third function is that which giues motion to the whole bodie. This motion serueth either for a voluntary vse onely, or for a naturall vse also. The motions for the voluntary vse are the free motions of the externall members of our bodies: as to bowe the whole bodie and the head by meanes of the backe, to apprehend with the hand, to stand and goe with the feete and legges, to chewe with the iawes, to open & shut the lips & eyelids, to moue the eies, &c. This functiõ is diminished in that affect which we cal lassitudo, werines or vnweldines, wherein we are not able to move so strongly and nimbly as we should.
Paralysis. It is abolished, either by a resolution or palsie where the sound part drawes the sickly part, that is the part resolued, & depending draws the muscles & nerues &c. or by a Spasmus or contractiõ of them 45where the sick part drawes the sound part, that is, the muscle which is affected, drawes the member which is wel.
A resolution or palsie is either generall of both sides of the bodie 46exempting the head, or of one side called Hæmiplegia, or yet more particular of the hand, legge, finger, &c. called 47parapligia.
A Contraction or Spasmus is also of like sortes, sometimes the bodie is held vpright and cannot be bowed any way in that affect which is called Tetanos, sometimes it is bowed forwardes Emprostotonos sometimes backward Opistotonos, somtimes the back is crookt in some part of it, as in Gibbo, sometimes the iawes, lips, face, eyelids, &c. are contracted, wherby they make many strange faces and mouthes sometimes as though they laughed or wept, sometimes holding their mouthes open or awry, their eyes staring, &c. Sometimes the handes, armes, legges, fingers, toes, &c. are contracted, sometimes particular muscles in the sides, backe, armes, legs, &c. one or more at once, as in crampes.
It is depraued where the motions are immoderate, peruerse, inordinate, or indecẽt, as when they are vnquiet, & cannot abstaine frõ motions and gestures, casting their armes and legges to and fro, vp and15 downe, dauncing, capring, vawting, fencing, and in diuerse maners forming their motions. Marcellus Doc natus. li. 2. ca. 4 Also in Convulsions of the members, where they are shaken and pulled by inordinate motions, as wee see in the falling sicknesse. Felix Platerus de motu deprauato. pag. 401. Also in trembling, palpitation, rigor where the teeth do chatter, horror where the haire standes vpright, stretching, yawning, gasping twinckling of the eyes, &c. These impediments and deprauations of motion are dayly obserued in vterne affects: as may appeare by these testimonies. Hyppocrat. de morbi muliebr. lib. 1. Albas oculorum partes subuertit, dentibus frendet, & similis fit his qui herculeo morbo detinentur. Item fit cõuulsio fortis articulorum corporis, claudam facit aut impotentem præ rigore, alias atque alias seipsam iactabit. Horror. Erectæ ceruicis spiratio ipsam tenet, & quicquid ederit aut biberit ipsam molestat. Torpor occupat manus & inguina, & crura & poplites. Magnis pedumigitis conuelluntur gybbosa fit, de nat. muliebr. Gal. lib. de semine cap. 3. Tensiones lumborum & manuum, & pedum viduam apprehendebant loc. affect. 6. 5. Aliis crura & bracchia contrahuntur. Auicenna. minor suffocationum est quæ facit accidere spasmum & tetanum, sine nocumento in ratione & sensu. Quandoque claudit oculos & non aperit eos. Stridor dentium, percussio oculorum, & motus inuoluntarius lacertorum. Rhasis, Stridor dentium cum spasmo & torquedine extremitatum, dolores fortes adeo vt mulierem torquere faciant vndique & caput genibus implicari. &c. Mesue loco superius citato. Aetius. Oculi post multam grauitatem attolluntur, vterus paulatim laxatur & intellectum & sensum recipit. &c.
The animall motions which doe serue for naturall vse, haue their power from the animall facultie, but their vrging and prouoking and cause from the naturall, Suffocatio. Anthon. Guaynerius. cap. de suffocatione. and are either Respiration, Ingestion, or Excretion. Respiration hath annexed vnto it voyce, and speach, this is diminished or abolished in Suffocation or choaking, from whence this disease which we intreat of taketh his name, Priuatio vocis. as from the most cõmon Symptom which appeareth in it. In difficulty of breathing. In priuation of voyce and speach.
Citæ respiratio, suspirium. Oscitatio. Singultus. Sternutatio, Ructus, Tusus. Deglutitio. Excretio. It is depraued when it is done immoderately or inordinately, whether it be voluntarie, or inuoluntarie, as in shortnesse of breath, sighing, yawning, the hickock, sneesing, coughing, belching, vomiting, making of noyses, blowing, and reaching, &c.
Ingestion, or swallowing, is also hurt in this affect, when either they cannot swallow meate, or drinke at all, or with great difficultie.
Excretion is also hurt in this case, by vomit, seege or vrine, &c. when either they cannot performe it being prouoked, or do it out of season, or more then is conuenient. &c.
These Symptoms also appeare in the Suffocation of the Mother. Hyppocrat. de nat. muliebri. Muta deprepentè fit. de morbis muliebr. lingua ipsius refrenatur & hanc non claram habet. Aliquibus etiam vocis priuatio. Spiritus sublimis it, et suffocatio et anhelatio densa ipsam corripit. De nat. muliebr. Tussis detinet & contabiscit & videtur peripnumonia esse, &c. Gal. 9. de compis. Pb. s.l. aliquibus vox intercipitur. loc. affect. 6. 5. aliæ interceptas habent spirationes aliæ suffocationes, &c. Hyppoc.16 de nat. muliebr. quicquid ederit aut biberit ipsam molestat. Auicen. Abscinditur loquela &c. Rhasis. Strictura anhelitus, squinantia, peripneumonia, apostema in gutture ex cõmunicatione Diaphragmatis cum matrice. Gal. Loco citato humiditas quædam ê locis muliebribus excurrit. &c. Rondalat. cap. 69. Hollerius. cap. 59. Syluius suspirium. Montagnana consilio. 225.
These motions as they belong to the animall facultie are principally hurt by Resolution, contraction, or conuulsion, according as the simple motions are, and therefore we shall not need to stand any longer vppon them in this place: as they belong vnto the naturall facultie, and do receyue offence in that respect shall be declared hereafter in the third general faculty. In the mean time let vs produce some examples of this 2. kind of Suffocation, where the animall faculty doth principally suffer: for examples many times do perswade more then doctrine. De morbis internis lib. 1. ca. 59. in scholiis. Hollerius reporteth that the gouernour of Roan in France had two daughters which were helde with these fits, in such sort as they would laugh an houre or two togither, and confessed that they could not refraine from laughing, although diuerse means to that end were vsed, both by entreaty, and by threates. He tels also of a gentlewoman de Rochpot, who being in these fits would raue, laugh, & weep, her eies being shut. Lib. 28. obseru 26. Forestus maketh mention of one Alcida Theodorici at Alkmare a yong lusty maid who was held 24. houres in a most grieuous fit of the mother, wherin she lay as if she had beene halfe dead, hearing what was said about her, but could not speake, nor enioy her other senses. Sometimes she would bee pulled as if she had the falling sickenesse, sometimes would lie still Aliam egregiã motuum cõvulsiuorũ ab vtero hystor. vide apud eundem. li. 10. obser. 116 Lib. 26. cap. 16. as if she were in an Apoplexie, sometimes she would onely stirre her legges, the rest of her bodie being dull: and although she could not speake, yet she would crie and laugh by turnes, and then be sullen and dumpish, as if she were dead againe.
Alexander Benedictus veronensis testifieth, that he saw a woman in a fit of the Mother, that was besides her selfe, and would sometimes laugh & sometimes crie. Those that attended her, applied Partrige feathers vpon coales vnto her nostrilles, and by chance through want of care there fell a great coale out of the Chafingdish into her bosome, where it burnt her, and made a great blister, but she perceyued it not vntill the next day, and then complained of her breasts. My selfe had a patient in this Citie yet liuing and in good health (whome I will name vnto any whome it may concerne) that endured a violent fitte of the Mother a whole day together: wherein shee had many strong conuulsions, and sometimes did lie as if she had beene dead. Insomuch as the midwiues would haue giuen her ouer, and imputed ignorance vnto mee that I woulde attempt any thing for her recouerie. But her husband being perswaded by me to make triall of some meanes which I had prescribed for her, shee was within three or foure houres deliuered of a childe; yet knew not of it, vntill shee was throughly recouered of her fit, which was fourteene or fifteene houres after, and then she asked her husband what17 was become of her great bellie. I could rehearse two other such like examples within this citie, which happened not many moneths since.
But we had of late a most rare example of this disease in an Essex Gentlewoman of good note, who being once frighted by squibs, fell into these fits of the Mother, which held her euery day, and whensoeuer else she did eate any comfortable meat, for the space of fifteene or sexteene yeares togither, with such violent conuulsions, as fiue or six strong men could scarce hold her downe. Sometimes her limbes would be contracted, sometimes perticular Muscles, which would cause swellings in diuerse parts of her bodie, sometimes she would be without all maner of sense. And being made beleeue by a stranger Physition that she was bewitched, her fits increased vpon her, and grew to be stronger than before.
Bartholomeus Montagnana reciteth vp 31. seuerall Symptoms of this disease which hee obserued in a Gentlewoman which was his patient. Conuulsions, swoundings, choaking in the throate, sadnesse and lamentation, coldnes ouer her whole bodie, dumbnesse, and yet could heare, drowsinesse, beating of the heart, trembling of the handes, contraction of the fingers, &c.
It were in vaine to heape vp many examples to this purpose, seeing our daily experience doth yeeld vs sufficient store of proofe of the varietie of these Symptoms in the animall facultie.
Of that kind wherein the naturall facultie is offended.
The third kinde of this disease is, where the naturall facultie doth principally suffer. This facultie is of great necessitie for the maintenaunce of mankinde and according to the diuerse vses thereof is distinguished. For seeing that nature bringes vs not forth into the world perfect men, in that ripenesse and integritie, of all humaine actions which afterwards we attaine vnto, when wee come to full growth, it was meete to be prouided of such a facultie in our bodies as might encrease our stature, & strengthen the instruments of the whole body, for the better perfection of the actions thereof. And this is called facultas auctrix. Seeing also that wee are made of a fluxible moulde which wasteth and spendeth it selfe many wayes, whereby it standeth in neede of continuall refection and replie: Therefore it was meete to be furnished with such a facultie as might repaire the decay and expence of our substance, by yeelding continually apt matter for the nourishment of the bodie. And that is called facultas altrix. And thirdly seeing, notwithstanding our bodies are continually nourished with the best food, yet they must once die as well as other inferiour18 creatures doe: therefore God hath indued vs as well as other creatures with the facultie of generation: whereby wee may bee able to make our kind to continue as long as the world shall endure.
These three naturall faculties haue diuerse others attending vpon them, as the faculties of Attraction, Retention, Concoction, Expulsion, Alteration, Formation, &c. Which I will for breuitie sake ouerpasse with their bare mention, because the Symptoms Gal. de tremor. palp. tis. &c. cap. 2. sensibus non exposita. of these faculties are not so euident to the beholders eye, nor so straunge as those of the vitall and animall faculties are, yet that these are also hurt in the suffocation of the Mother, appeareth both by dayly obseruation, and by the authorities of all both auncient and late physitions who haue written of this disease.
Some of these are Symptomata in qualitate mutata, or in excremento vitiato: but because they are in the naturall parts, and arising from errors of that facultie, I haue inserted them here. And to this place may we referre those accidents often mentioned in this disease.Gnawing48 in the stomacke, and paines in diuerse partes of the bodie, breaking of wind, vomiting, purging by siege, vrin, or other excretion, loathing of meate, thirst, extraordinarie hunger, swelling in the throat, swelling in the body, in the feet, obstructions in the vaines, cõsumptions, tumors, feuers, priuation of voice, palenesse of colour, rumbling and noise in the belly or 49throat, like vnto frogs, snakes, or other creatures, or as if they would speake as Hippocrates reporteth of Polymarchus wife.
And these are three principall kindes of this disease wherevnto most of the symptoms which euer do appeare therein may be referred.
Of the causes of this disease.
The causes of this disease and of the Symptoms belonging therunto, haue euer bin found hard to be described particularly: and especially in a vulgar tongue, I hold it not meete to discourse to freely of such matters, and therefore I doe craue pardon if I do but slenderly ouerpasse some poynts which might be otherwise more largely stood vpon
The causes of this disease are either internall, or external. The internall causes may be any thing contained within the bodie, as spirit, blood, humors excrements, &c. whereby this part is apt to be offended, but principally they are referred vnto these two, 50blood, and nature.
Blood is that humor wherwith we are nourished: without which the infant in the mothers wombe could neither grow & increase in bignesse, nor yet liue: and therefore it was necessarie that those that were fit for generation, should be supplied with sufficient store of this humor, for the vse of this part wherin the infãt is to be nourished, for which cause there are large vaines & arteries deriued vnto it for19 the conueyance of bloud thereunto, and there is greater provision thereof made in womens bodies then in mens: least this part should bee forced to withdraw nourishment from other parts of the bodie, and so leave them weake and consuming.
Defectus. But this prouision of nature is oftentimes defectiue: as when it is cut off by violent causes, and the part left destitute of this familiar humor, which should serue both for the comfort of the infant, and of the part it selfe: which finding offence thereby doth communicate it vnto the other partes with which it hath affinitie according to Hyppocrates doctrine. 1. Morborum muliebrium, and Aristotle, de generat. animal. cap. 11. vteri euacuati sursum ascendunt & præfocationes faciunt. Hollerius et Rondelet loci citatis. Comment. 2 in lib. 1. Hypp de morb. muliebr. Cordæus giues vs an example of one who by chaunce cutting a vaine in her leg, whereupon she did bleede plentifully, fell into a fit of the Mother, and by moist and nourishing diet was recouered. The reason whereof Hyppocrates referreth to the ouerdrying of those parts through large euacuation of bloud, wherby the matrix doth labour by such motion as it hath to supply it selfe with moysture from other parts of the body: Lib. 4. cap. 22. or as Mercurialis doth enterpret it, doth impart by communitie (as is aforesaid) the offensive qualitie vnto the braine, and by that meanes procures convulsions, &c. Gallen 2.loc. affect. refferreth it into the ouercooling of those parts which necessarily must follow a large euacuation of bloud, which coldenesse being very offensive vnto the nerues and neruous partes by consent and compassion offendeth the braine also, and by that meanes may procure the former Symptoms.
Excesses. And as the want and scarsitie of bloud may procure this griefe, so the abundance & excesse thereof doth more commonly cause it, where the patients do want those monethly euacuatiõs which should discharge their bodies of this superfluitie: Gal. loc. affect. 6 Pereda in paschalium lib. 1. cap. 58. Altomarus. Syluius. as we see in strong and lustie maidens, who hauing ease and good fare inough, haue their vaines filled with plenty of bloud, which wanting sufficient vent distẽdeth them in bulck and thicknes, and so contracteth them in their length, whereby the matrix is drawne vpwards or sidewards, according as the repletion is, whereupon followeth a compression of the neighbour parts, as of the midrif which causeth shortnes of breath, by straightning the instruments of respiration of their due scope.
But if this bloud wanting his proper vse doe degenerate into the nature of an excrement, then it offendeth in qualitie as well as in excesse, and being detayned in the bodie, causeth diuers kinds of Symptoms, according to the qualitie and degree of the distemperature thereof.
Alteratio. This distemperature is either in manifest qualities, of heate, colde, moisture, drines, according vnto which it is said to be, Hypp. de morbis virginum. Altomarus Corruptio. Melancholicke, Flegmaticke, Choloricke, &c. producing Symptoms of the like nature, or in corruption and putrefactiõ of this bloud which breedeth diuers strange kinds of distẽperatures, Mercatus loco citato. according to the diuersity of the humor putrefied, the degree of putrefaction or the condition20 of the cause or author thereof.
Rondelarius c.
69. Platerus.
Pereda in pas.
et alia.
Valesius de Tarranta.
lib. 6.
Valesius testatur
se deprehendisse
circa vterũ
croceum humorem
&c. lib. 5. c.
Mathaus de
grad. in 9. Rhasis.
ca. 28. Item
consilio 84.
Bottonus locis
Hercules Saxonia
de plica. ca
14. et. 34.
The other substance which most commonly
is found culpable of this disease, is nature or sperma:
which besides the suspition of superfluitie in some
persons, may also receiue diuers sortes of alteration,
and likewise of corruption, able to worke most
strange and grieuous accidents in our bodies. For
as it is a substance of greatest perfection & puritie so
long as it retayneth his natiue integritie: So being
depraued or corrupted, it passeth all the humors of
our bodie, in venom and malignitie. For it must
needs be a vehement and an impure cause that shal
corrupt so pure a substance, which would easily resist
any weake assault: and a substance so pure and
full of spirits as this is, must needes proue most malitious
vnto the bodie when it is corrupted. And
therefore it is compared to the venom of a serpent,
a Scorpion, a Torpido, a madde dogge, &c. which
in a small quantitie is able to destroy or depraue all
the faculties of our bodies at once.
Galen comparing the corruption of these two together, affirmeth that although from the putrefaction of bloud, diuers most terrible accidents doe arise, yet they are not so deadly as those which proceede from the corruption of nature; Syluius, &c. and proueth it by this obseruation that diuers women enioying the benefit of mariage, yet through the suppression of their ordinary euacuation falling into this disease, had their respiration and vitall faculties vntouched, although otherwise they were most grieuously affected.
Others also hauing those ordinarie matters in good sorte, yet being widdowes and taken with this grief haue felt decay in those faculties as well as in the rest.
How these two substances by consent may affect the whole bodie according to their seuerall natures, hath beene shewed before: But one scruple remaineth here to be discussed, namely how this venemous matter may lurke so long in our bodies in silence not shewing it self but at certaine times only.
Loc. affect. 6. 5.
Petrus Salius de
affect. particu.
laribus pa. 326
in the former place declareth this by the
example of a mad dogge, whose venom being receiued
of us, although but by the foame of his mouth,
will remaine sometimes sixe moneths within our
bodies vndiscouered, and then hauing gotten more
strength and ripenes vnto it selfe,
and opportunitie
of conuaying his euil quallity vnto the parts, breaketh
forth to open view by diminishing or peruerting
the faculties of those parts. I had once a patient
in Kent who feeding vpon a mad hogge which
hee had killed for couetousnesse sake, found himselfe
distempered therewith at the first, but within
fiue or sixe moneths after grew suddenly to be starke
madde, and before his death, being by Phisicke restored
to some reasonable vnderstanding, he confessed
the eating of that hogge to haue beene the true
cause of his disease. Diuers reasons may be yeelded
of this as well as of the fits of intermittent agues
of Epilepsies, of sweating, &c. which oftentimes haue
their due recourse by the yeare, moneth, weeke, day
or houre, according to the nature of the humor:21
Ga. loc. affect. 6
Felix Platerus
de causis
pag. 63. 65
66. &c.
Fernel. patholog.
li. 6, cap. 16
which being crude expecteth his concoction in our
bodies and giues no signe of his presence vntill such
a proportion of it be digested and resolued into vapours,
as for the offẽce therof the part affected is not
able to brooke and for the weaknesse of the expulsiue
facultie not able to auoide out of the bodie: but
filling the vaines, arteries, and the habit of the body,
is communicated to the principall parts; diminishing
or deprauing their functions so long, vntill that
portion of vapours be discussed through naturall
heate: and ceasing againe so long vntill by fermentation
and concoction, another portion of the corrupt
humor shall be digested.
The vniformitie of this humor and of the
heate of concoction causeth the vniformitie of fits.
And this is the cause of the due periods or circuites
which oftentimes are obserued in this disease,
whereof wee haue spoken before: 2 according also
to the condition of the part affected, which seruing
as an euacuatorie to the whole bodie, is accustomed
to such kind of humors and therefore can endure
them better then other parts can.
Quia multum.
Quia prauum.
Quia insuetũ.
And this is another
cause why this humor giues no signe of his presence
vntill it may communicate with the principall
partes: which are soone offended either with the
plenty of those vapours, or with the malignity, or
with the vnwonted and vnaccustomed approach of
The externall causes of this disease are either such things as are ordinary and necessary for our life and which we cannot shun, as our meate and drink, motion and rest, sleepe and watching, euacuation and perturbations of the minde: or such things as happen vnto vs accidentally, and may bee shunned by vs, as bathes, ointments, plaisters, cloathes, smelles or vapours, medicines, venus, noyses, riding, swimming, sayling, wounds, contusions, falles, biting of venomous beasts, &c. which may be also referred to the former kindes. These and such like as they are the externall causes of all diseases, our bodies being subiect to be hurt and offended by euery one of them: so they are oftentimes accessary to this particular disease.
The aire which compasseth our bodies and which we breath into our bodies is the occasion of many infirmities in vs, Fernel. li. 1. de morborũ causis. if either it be distempered in quallitie or corrupted in substance, or suddenly altered. And this may be the cause why women are more subiect vnto this disease at one time of the yeare than at another, according to the constitution of the ayre: as in the winter time, by reason of colde and moyst weather the humors of our bodies are increased and made more crude and grose, and our pores stopped, whereby expiration is hindered, &c.
Mathaus de gradi. Mercat. Rondel. cap. 69 But especially wee doe obserue that breathing in of sweete sauours doth commonly procure these fittes, either for that the matrix by a naturall propertie is delighted with sweete sauoures, Hier. Mercuria as the liuer and spleene with sweete meates, or because the animall spirites of the braine beeing thereby22 stirred vp to motion, doe by consent affect the matrix with the like.
Plater. pa. 443
Iacobus Ruffius
de muliebribus
lib. 6. cap. 8
Syluius Guaynerius.
And therefore wee doe especially forbid
that they may not smell vnto any sweet thing that
are subiect vnto this griefe: but rather vnto euill
sauoures: which as Platerus thinkes by stirring vp
the expulsiue facultie of the matrix, are a meanes
of the shortening of the fit.
Meate and drinke is the Mother of most diseases, whatsoeuer the Father bee, for the constitution of the humors of our bodies is according to that which feedes vs. And therefore it is reckoned as a principall externall cause of diseases.
De nat. muliebri.
Lib. 2. obseru.
Hypp. libro citato
quicquid ederit
aut liberit
ipsam molestat
And Hyppocrates in this disease forbids sweete
and fatte meats (a dulcibus et pinguibus abstineat, donec
sana sit) Forrestus telles vs of a Bruers wife of Delft,
who could neuer eate or drinke any thing that
was sweete or pleasant but her fit would take her
a fresh, and thereuppon was faine to mixe
wormewood with euery thing that she did eate or
The Essex Gentlewoman of whome I spake before, Heurnius de morbis capitis pag. 310. could neuer take any comfortable sustenance, but she was sure to haue a fit of the mother. The reason of this may be the same which we haue alleaged of sweet vapours.
The errours about euacuation are also an externall cause of diseases, and doe breed an internall cause afterwardes.
As in this disease the want of due and monethly euacuation, Altomarus. or the want of the benefit of marriage in such as haue beene accustomed or are apt thereunto, breeds a congestiõ of humors about that part, which increasing or corrupting in the place, causeth this disease. Hollerius cap. 59. Rond. c. 69. And therefore we do obserue that maidens and widowes are most subiect thereunto. Motion and rest being well ordered do preserue health, but being disordered do breed diseases, especially to much rest and slothfulnesse is a meanes of this griefe, by ingendering crudities and obstructions in womens bodies, by dulling the spirits and cooling naturall heate, &c. So likewise sleepe and watching, the one by benumming, the other by dissipation of the spirits and natural heate, may occasion this griefe.
Hinc Cicero Tusculanarum 3. perturbationes animi, morbos appellat. Lastly the perturbations of the minde are oftentimes to blame both for this and many other diseases. For seeing we are not maisters of our owne affections, wee are like battered Citties without walles, or shippes tossed in the Sea, exposed to all maner of assaults and daungers, euen to the ouerthrow of our owne bodies.
We haue infinite examples among our 51Historiographers, and 52Phisitions of such as haue dyed vpon ioy, griefe, loue, feare, shame, and such like perturbations of the mind: and of others that vpon the same causes haue fallen into grieuous diseases: as 53women deliuered of their children before their time, vpon feare, anger, griefe, &c. others taken with23 the 54Falling sickenesse, 55Apoplexies, 56Madnesse, 57Swounding, 58Palsies, and diuerse such like infirmities vpon the like causes.
And concerning this disease whereof we doe intreate, 59Iohannes Montanus tels vs of a patient of his, who fell into the fits of the Mother vppon iealousie. 60Forrestus of another, who had her fits whensoeuer shee was angred: and of another that vpon loue fell into this disease. My selfe do know a Gentlewoman, who upon the sight of one particular man would alwaies feele an vterin affect: and another that vpon feare of being chidden, or seeing another in the fit of the mother, would also fall into it her selfe.
Of the cure of this disease, so much as belongeth to the friends and attendants to performe.
The signes of this disease, seeing they are drawne principally from the causes and Symptoms before declared shall not neede any particular discourse, especially considering the vse of them belongeth properly to the Physition, to direct him in his cure. And therefore I thinke good to ease my selfe of this labour, which would bee altogether vnprofitable to the reader.
Concerning the cure also I thinke it not meete to say more then may concerne the friends and assistants vnto the patient to looke vnto: referring Physitions workes vnto Physitions. There are some things by the friendes to bee performed vnto the patient in regard of the 61presẽt fit, & some things in regard of the cause. In the fit let the bodies bee kept 62vpright, straight laced, and the belly & throat held downe with ones hand. Rondeltius Hollerius. Let heed be taken that they hurt not themselues by biting their fingers, striking their armes & legs against hard things, &c. apply euil smels to their nostrils, and sweet smels beneath 63tie their legs hard with a garter for reuulsion sake, &c.
Out of the fit, in regard of Externall causes, remoue from them all occasions of breeding or in24creasing the disease: as sweet sauors, pleasant meats and drinks, much rest and slouthfulnesse, &c. Also if 64discontinuance of any thing accustomed bee the cause of this disease, bring it into custome againe: if want of any thing necessary for their health, let it be supplied, 65let their diet be sparing and vpon cooling things, let them vse much fasting and prayer, and all other meanes to pull downe their bodies: and contrariwise abstaine from egges, wine, flesh, &c. If the perturbations of the mind be any occasion hereof, let them haue their proper remedies, as anger and iealousie are to be appeased by good counsell and perswasions: hatred and malice by religious instructions, feare by incouragements, loue 66by inducing hatred, or 67by permitting them to enioy their desires, &c. Galen boasteth that he did euery yeare cure many diseases by this stratagem of moderating the perturbations of the mind by the example of Æsculapius who deuised many songs and ridiculous pastimes for that purpose. To which end also other phisitions haue vsed diuers sorts of fallacies to encounter the melancholike conceits of their patients. Cardan tels of a Gentlewoman, who finding her self vexed with many grieuous Symptoms, imagined that the Diuell was the author thereof, and by Iosephus Niger was cured by procuring her son to make her beleeue that he saw three diuels in her looking glasse, & one great one to driue them out. Another like policie Marcellus Donatus tells vs of, which a Physition vsed towardes the Countesse of Mantua, who being in that disease which we call melancholia Hyppocondriaca did verily beleeue that she was bewitched, and was cured by conueying of nayles, needles, feathers, and such like things into her close stoole when shee tooke physicke, making her beleeue that they came out of her bodie. The like there he mentioneth also out of Trallian, of a woman who did thinke that she had a serpent within her, and was cured by the like meanes.
So that if we cannot moderate these perturbations of the minde, by reason and perswasions, or by alluring their mindes another way, we may politikely confirme them in their fantasies, that wee may the better fasten some cure vpon them: Lib de incant. adiuratione, &c. as Constantinus Affricanus (if it be his booke which is inserted among Galens workes, De incantatione, adiuratione &c.) affirmeth, and practized with good successe, vpon one who was impotens ad Venerem, & thought himselfe bewitched therewith, by reading vnto him a foolish medicine out of Cleopatra, made with a crowes gall, and oyle: whereof the patient tooke so great conceit, that vpon the vse of it he presently recouered his strength and abilitie againe.
Si quis incantationem sibi prodesse confidat, qualisicũq; sit, cum tamen suu. it. li. 1. proximé citato. The like opinion is to bee helde of all those superstitious remedies which haue crept into our profession, of Charmes, Exorcismes, Cõstellations, Characters, Periapts, Amulets, Incense, Holie water, clouts crossed and folded superstitiously, repeating of a certaine number and forme of prayers or Aue Maries, offering to certaine Saintes, pissing through the wedding Ring, and a hundred such like toyes and gambols: which when they preuaile25 in the cure of diseases, it is not for any supernaturall vertue in them, either from God or from the diuell (although perhaps the Diuell may haue a collaterall intent or worke therein, namely to drawe vs vnto superstition) but by reason of the confident perswasion which melancholike and passionate people may haue in them: according to the saying 4. Natural. 6. of Auicen, that the confidence of the patient in the meanes vsed is oftentimes more auailable to cure diseases then all other remedies whatsoeuer.
Another course hath beene taken sometimes in these cases, by remouing the cause of these affections, or by inducing of other perturbations of a diuerse nature. Whereby as (experience teacheth vs) most grieuous diseases haue beene oftentimes cured beyond expectation.
A yong man falling out of fauour with his father, fell thereupon into the fits of the falling sicknesse, and continued long and often molested there with; vntill a reconciliation was wrought with his father: who sending him a kind letter to that effect, the yong man was presently deliuered from that fearefull disease.
A yong Maiden also vpon some passion of the minde, as it was credibly reported, fell into these fits of the Mother, and being in one of them, a Physition then present modestly put his hand vnder her cloathes to feele a windie tumor which shee then had in her backe. But a Surgeon there also present not contented with that maner of examination, offered to take vp her cloathes, and to see it bare: whereupon the Maid being greatly offended, tooke such indignation at it, as it did put her presently out of her fit.
And it is no maruel that the affections of the mind doe beare such rule in this disease, seeing we doe obserue that most commonly besides the indisposition of the bodie: here is also some Melancholike or capricious conceit ioyned withall of loue, feare, hatred, iealousie, discontentment, witchcraft, poysoning, &c. which being by policie or good instructions and perswasions remoued, the disease is easily ouercome.
Other matters of gouernment of them either in the fit or out of the fit, togither with the cure in regard of the internall causes, because they are properly belonging to the Physition, I do purposely omit.
Faults escaped.
Fol. 1. b. lin. 22. dele one.
Fol. 3. a. lin. 27. remoted for remoued.
1 Hyppocras. 6 vulgar. part. 7.
2 Galen 6. locorum affect. cap. 5. radix suffocationum vterus.
3 Mercatus de muliebr. lib. 2, cap. 1.
1. Ad sui ipsius alimontam.
2. Ad species propagationem.
3. Ad beneficium indiuidui per euacuationẽ superfluitatum.
4 Luk. 8. 27. 28. &c.
Ternel de abditis rerum causis lib. 2. cap 16 Platerus de mẽtis alienat. pag. 102.
Beniuenius de abditis morborum causis cap. 8. Alsharauius. C. de Epilepsia.
5 Auicen. C. de melancholisi contingat a Demonio sufficit nobis quod conuertat comptexionem ad choleram nigram, &c. Vide Iacobum de partibus inhunc locum. Valesius metb; medendi lib. 2. cap. 2.
6 Fernel loco citato matheus de Grad. ex Azariuio. C. de Epilepsia.
7 Hippo. de natura humaaa circa medium. Destatibus paulo post principium.
8 Gal. de Venesectione aduersus Erasistr: cap: 8, in arte medicina li cap: 89. in constitutione artis cap: 13. methodi med: lib. 9. 10. 11. &c.
9 Valesius meth. med: lib: 1. cap: 4:
10 Mercatus meth med: pag: 42: 43: Gal. Simplicium lib. 3: cap: 11: Valesius controuers: lib. 1. cap. 4 Luk, 11. vers. 21. 22.
11 Albert. Bottonus cap. 39.
12 Gal. locorum affectorum 3. cap. 7.
Petrus Salius pag. 467.
Altomarus cap. 110.
Horatius Angenius Epist. 6
13 Gal. de causis morb. cap. 7
14 Altomarus citato. Rondelesius methodo curand. morb. cap. 69. matheus de grad. in 9 Rhasis. cap. 28
15 Mercatus lib 2. cap 3.
16 Matheus de grad. in 9. Rhasis cap. 28. Hor. Angenius sibi offensum fugiens vt et iucundum insequens.
17 Gal. de difficultate respirãd: lib. 1. cap. 7. Trincauel. li. 4. cap. 12. Felix platerus ca. de respira. defectis. Gal. de sympt. differentiis Cap 2. 3.
18 Gal. 5. loc. affect. 6 Mercatus pag. 173.
19 **Ætius lib. 26. cap. 70
P. Agineta. lib. 3. cap. 71.
Rhasis cont. lib. 22. mesue sum. 4. part. 4. sect. 1 cap. 8.
20 **Auicen Fen. 213. cap. 16. tract 4. quandoque sunt period. eius tardi, quandoque accidit omni die.
21 Trincauel. l. 3 Sect. 2. cap. 2.
22 Auicen. Fẽ. 1. 3. tract. 2. ca. 6 Montagnana consil. 226
23 Mercatus pag. 165.
24 Mathæus de gradi. & Auicenna locis citatis.
25 Aneurisms. Fernel. loco citato.
26 Petrus Salius pag. 429. Skinckius de cordis palpit. obs. 211, item 218, 222. Forestus lib. 17 obs. 8.
27 Gal. loc. affect. 6.c 5. pulsum vix perceptibilem habent &c Item de composit. pharmac. s.l. lib. 9. in finit.
28 Antho. Guaynerius. cap. de suffoc. matricĩs. Albert. Bottonus loco infra citato. Gal. loco citato. Altomarus loco citato.
29 Ambros. paræus li. 24.c. 10
30 De morbis muliebr: lib. 4. cap. 22. Iacobus Syluius de mensibus mulierum.
31 De morbis medicandis. lib. 10. cap. 10.
32 Practica lib. 2. cap. 17.
33 Lib. 10. obser. 79. in scholiis.
34 Histor. nat. lib. 7. cap. 52.
35 De medica hysteria mirabili. lib. 4. ca. 11
36 6. Locorum affect. cap. 5.
37 Ioh. Schinckius refert ex pictorio. obseruat. med. lib 4. cap. 288.
38 De morbis muliebribus cap. 43.
39 Obseru. li. 10. in scholiis ad obseruat. 79. Iacobus Ruffius testatur se plures huius mod. vidiss. muliebr. lib. 6. cap. 8.
40 Hypp. de morbis muliebr. lib 1 et 2. Torpor occupat caput mẽs percellitur et improba fit non facile intelligit. De virginum morbis cor fatuum fit, ex fatuitate torpor.
Gal. loc. affect.
6. 5. De composit.
pharm. s. L.
lib. 9. in fine
Rhasis continẽt
22. Egineta. li.
3. ca. 71.
tetr. 4.
4. cap. 68. paschalius
lib. 1:
cap. 58.
Valescus de Taran. Iacobus Syluius Altomam. Augeni. Aui. Fen. 21. 3. cap. 16.
4: Idem.
Petr. salius de catelepsi. pag. 384.
41 Saltus viti. F. Platerus de mentis alienatione. pag. 103
42 Hippoccrat. de morbis virg. præ acutæ inflamatione infamis præ putredione clamat, &c De morbis muliebr. lib. 1. mente alienatur in hoc morbo et deliria fiunt furiousa dentibus frendet vigilabit anxia erit &c. Avicen loco citato facit accidere alienationem per communitatem cerebri, &c. Ætius garrula inquieta & iracunda fiunt. lib. 16. 7. 4. Hier. mercurialis morborum muliebr. lib. 4. c. 10. Iacobus Sylvius demensibus. Mathæus de grad. consilio. 806 8 c. 6 historiam narrat furiosi.
43 Iuxta receptam a medicis sententiam dolorem hic insero licet videatur potius ad simpls̃ ces corporis affectus referendus.
44 Hyp: morb. muliebr. lib. 0. caligo ante oculos obuersatur et vertigo, oculi non acute vidẽt nilhil olfaciunt vocata non audit Rhasis 22. cont. in hac passione non audit quando datur in auribus eius vox terribilis. Ægineta loco citato. Instrumentorum sensus apprehensio &c. Auicen narrat plurimum eius quod fuit in ea nisi sit maxima et immoderata AEtius sensus et motus intercipiuntur. Gal. immobiles sine sensu sacẽt Horatius Angenius Epist. 6, Gal. de motu musc. lib. 2 cap. 6. et 8.
45 Contractio. platerus. Gal. de causis morborũ lib. 2. cap. 7. et loc. affect. li. 34.
46 Petrus Salius pag. 401. tanquam leuis Apoplexiæ Fern. de part. morbis & sympt. li. 5. cap. 3.
47 Gal. prorhet com. 2. 50. et com. 3. 26. de victus rat. tom. 4. 27. de morb. vulg. com. 2. 56 Gybbus. Trismos. Tortura oris. Strabismus. Spasmus Cynicus.
48 Hypp. de morbis mulieb. lib. 1 Rhasis con. li. 22. Fernel. de partium morb. lib. 6. cap. 16. Mercatus lib. 2. cap. 2. & 3. Bottonus, & Mercurialis locis citatis. Syluius de mensibus.
49 Schenkius obser. de ptisi obser. 137. Cornel. Gema. Cosmocr. Hyppocrat. Epidem. 5. expectore obstrepebat. &c.
50 Gal. loc. affec. 6. cap. 5. Hollerius, de morbis internis. lib. 1. cap. 59.
Paschalius li. 1. cap. 57.
Altomarus. ca. I 10. Item de vtero gerentibus. cap. 2.
Jacobus Syluius de mensibus.
Hor. Augenius epist. 6.
Cardanus de causis, &c. morborum. cap. 114.
51 Plinium. valer. max. Volateranum. Pontanum. Landum, Gellium, Krantzium.
52 **Cornex lib. 1 consultat. med. cap. 3.
Gal. 2. Sympt. causis cap. 5. de præcognit. ca. 6 Beniuenius.
53 Gal. in 5. Aphorism. 45. Amatus lusit. Cent. 3.
54 Gal. loc. affec. 5. de Grammatico Ioh. Montanus cõsilio. 50 Matheus de grad. de proprio filio. cap. de Epilepsia.
Amatus lusit. cent. 2. cap. 90.
55 Procopius de bello Gothorum lib. 1. Amatus lusit. cent. 3.
56 Christoph. 'a Vega. li. 4. ca. 14 Corn. Celsus.
57 Gal. loco cita.
58 Aretæus lib. 5. cap. 7.
59 Consilio 311.
60 Lib. 28. obser. 28. lib. 10. obseru. 30.
61 Valetius in Hollerium. c. 59 Valescius di Taranta. lib. 6.
62 Paschal. li. 1 ca. 57. Altomar.
63 Rhasis ad Almansor. cap. 28.
64 Hollerius nullum remedium melius marito. Valescus de taranta, Syluius: si nubilis est nec monialis nubat si non libet aut non licet nubere vtatur frigidis &c.
Mat. Rochius de morb. mal. cap. 5.
Guaynerius suppositio in hoc casu principatũ obtinet, &c.
65 Valetius in Holl. Cap. 59. istud genus demonii non eiicitur nisi multo ieiunio.
Paschali. Sinõ
posit vti viro
præcibus & ieiunio
Curpus macerãtibus
66 Auicen, Fen. 1 3. c. 1. 4. tract. 4. de Ylisco.
67 Aretæus. lib. 1. cap. 5. De sani tuend. lib. 1. cap. 11. De subtilit. l. 19 De medica historia mirabili. lib. 2. cap. 1.