Books by Alger, Horatio, Jr. (sorted alphabetically)
Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy Jr. Horatio Alger
Wait and Hope; Or, A Plucky Boy's Luck Jr. Horatio Alger
Walter Sherwood's Probation Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Acrobat of the Great North American Circus Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Adventurer; or, Tom's Trip Across the Plains Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Bank Messenger Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Book Agent; or, Frank Hardy's Road to Success Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Captain Jack; Or, The Son of a Soldier Jr. Horatio Alger and Edward Stratemeyer
Young Circus Rider; or, the Mystery of Robert Rudd
Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Miner; Or, Tom Nelson in California Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Musician; Or, Fighting His Way Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Outlaw; or, Adrift in the Streets Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Salesman Jr. Horatio Alger