Books by Harte, Bret (sorted alphabetically)
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Argonauts of North Liberty Bret Harte
Bell-Ringer of Angel's, and Other Stories Bret Harte
Best American Humorous Short Stories
Bocetos californianos (Spanish) Bret Harte
By Shore and Sedge Bret Harte
Clarence Bret Harte
Colonel Starbottle's Client Bret Harte
Complete Poetical Works Bret Harte
Condensed Novels Bret Harte
Condensed Novels: New Burlesques Bret Harte
Cressy Bret Harte
Crusade of the Excelsior Bret Harte
Devil's Ford Bret Harte
Dickens in Camp Bret Harte
Drift from Redwood Camp Bret Harte
Drift from Two Shores Bret Harte
East and West: Poems Bret Harte
Excelsior" Bret Harte
First Family of Tasajara Bret Harte
Flip: A California Romance Bret Harte
Found at Blazing Star Bret Harte
From Sand Hill to Pine Bret Harte
Frontier Stories Bret Harte
Gabriel Conroy Bret Harte
Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1
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