Books by Reid, Mayne (sorted alphabetically)
- Saarroksissa Himalajalla: Saksalaisten veljesten seikkailuja (Finnish) Mayne Reid
Scalp Hunters Mayne Reid
Tiger Hunter Mayne Reid
- Tiikerien pyydystäjä (Finnish) Mayne Reid
Valkoinen hevonen (Finnish) Mayne Reid
- Valkoinen päällikkö: Kertomus Pohjois-Meksikosta (Finnish) Mayne Reid
Vee-Boers: A Tale of Adventure in Southern Africa Mayne Reid
War Trail: The Hunt of the Wild Horse Mayne Reid
White Chief: A Legend of Northern Mexico Mayne Reid
White Gauntlet Mayne Reid
White Squaw Mayne Reid
Wild Huntress: Love in the Wilderness Mayne Reid
Wood Rangers: The Trappers of Sonora Mayne Reid
Yellow Chief Mayne Reid
Young Voyageurs: Boy Hunters in the North Mayne Reid
Young Yagers: A Narrative of Hunting Adventures in Southern Africa Mayne Reid