Books by Maeterlinck, Maurice (sorted alphabetically)
- Mehiläisten elämä (Finnish) Maurice Maeterlinck
- miracle of Saint Anthony Maurice Maeterlinck
- Mort (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Mountain Paths Maurice Maeterlinck
- oiseau bleu: Féerie en six actes et douze tableaux (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Old Fashioned Flowers, and other out-of-door studies Maurice Maeterlinck
- Our Eternity Maurice Maeterlinck
- Our Friend the Dog Maurice Maeterlinck
- Pélléas and Mélisande; Alladine and Palomides; Home Maurice Maeterlinck
- Pelléas et Mélisande: Drame lyrique en cinq actes (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Poems Maurice Maeterlinck
- Ruysbroeck and the Mystics: with selections from Ruysbroeck Maurice Maeterlinck
- sagesse et la destinée (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- sentiers dans la montagne (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Sininen lintu: Satunäytelmä (Finnish) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Stories by Foreign Authors: Polish, Greek, Belgian, Hungarian
- temple enseveli (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Théâtre 1 (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Treasure of the Humble Maurice Maeterlinck
- trésor des humbles (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Unknown Guest Maurice Maeterlinck
- vie des abeilles (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- vie des termites (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Viisaus ja kohtalo (Finnish) Maurice Maeterlinck
- Wisdom and Destiny Maurice Maeterlinck