Books in Mathematics (sorted alphabetically)
Elements of Plane Trigonometry Hugh Blackburn
Elliptic Functions: An Elementary Text-Book for Students of Mathematics Arthur Latham Baker
Équation de Fredholm et ses applications a la physique mathématique (French) H. Bryon Heywood and Maurice Fréchet
Essays on the Theory of Numbers Richard Dedekind
Étude des Élassoïdes, ou, Surfaces A Courbure Moyenne Nulle (French) Albert Ribaucour
Étude sur le Mouvement Permanent des Fluides (French) François de Salvert
Euclid's Book on Divisions of Figures Euclid, Raymond Clare Archibald, Franz Woepcke, and Leonardo Fibonacci
Evanston Colloquium: Lectures on Mathematics Felix Klein
Fibonacci Number Series Michael Husted
First 1000 Euler Numbers
First 1001 Fibonacci Numbers
First 498 Bernoulli Numbers
First Book in Algebra Wallace C. Boyden
First Course in the Theory of Equations Leonard E. Dickson
First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid John Casey and Euclid
First Steps in Algebra G. A. Wentworth
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Edwin Abbott Abbott
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Edwin Abbott Abbott
Fonction Gamma: Théorie, Histoire, Bibliographie (French) Maurice Godefroy
Foundations of Geometry David Hilbert
Foundations of Mathematics: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Geometry Paul Carus
Four Lectures on Mathematics, Delivered at Columbia University in 1911 Jacques Hadamard
General Investigations of Curved Surfaces of 1827 and 1825 Carl Friedrich Gauss
Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics; a Treatise of Archimedes Archimedes
géométrie (French) René Descartes