Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically)
History of the World War, Volume 3 (of 7) : An authentic narrative of the world's greatest war Jr. Francis A. March and Richard J. Beamish
How I Filmed the War Geoffrey H. Malins
How Jerusalem Was Won W. T. Massey
Illustrated War News, Number 15, Nov. 18, 1914 Various
Illustrated War News, Number 21, Dec. 30, 1914 Various
Incomparable 29th and the "River Clyde" George Davidson
In Flanders Fields, and Other Poems John McCrae
Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of Its Perpetuation Thorstein Veblen
Inside Story of the Peace Conference Emile Joseph Dillon
In the Claws of the German Eagle Albert Rhys Williams
In the Field (1914-1915): The Impressions of an Officer of Light Cavalry Marcel Dupont
In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace H. G. Wells
In the World War Graf Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria Czernin von und zu Chudenitz
In the Ypres Salient Beckles Willson
Into the Jaws of Death Jack O'Brien
Irish at the Front Michael MacDonagh
Irish on the Somme Michael MacDonagh
Iron Division, National Guard of Pennsylvania, in the World War H. G. Proctor
I was there" with the Yanks on the western front, 1917-1919 Cyrus Leroy Baldridge and Hilmar R. Baukhage
Jewish Chaplain in France Lee J. Levinger
Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner
Journey Through France in War Time Joseph G. Butler
Kangaroo Marines R. W. Campbell
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights Kelly Miller
Khaki Boys over the Top; Or, Doing and Daring for Uncle Sam Josephine Chase