Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically)
Kitchener's Mob: Adventures of an American in the British Army James Norman Hall
Kut Prisoner Harry Coghill Watson Bishop
Leicestershires beyond Baghdad Edward John Thompson
Letters from France C. E. W. Bean
Letters from Mesopotamia in 1915 and January, 1916 Robert Stafford Arthur Palmer
Letters of a Soldier, 1914-1915 Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier
Letters of Lt.-Col. George Brenton Laurie G. B. Laurie
Letters to Helen: Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front Keith Henderson
Letters to "The Times" upon War and Neutrality (1881-1920) Thomas Erskine Holland
Liége on the line of march : an American girl's experiences when the Germans came through Belgium Glenna Lindsley Bigelow
Lively Bit of the Front: A Tale of the New Zealand Rifles on the Western Front Percy F. Westerman
Log of a Noncombatant Horace Green
L.P.M. : The End of the Great War J. Stewart Barney
Luck of Thirteen: Wanderings and Flight through Montenegro and Serbia Jan Gordon and Cora Gordon
Many Fronts Lewis R. Freeman
Meaning of the War: Life & Matter in Conflict Henri Bergson
Men in War Andreas Latzko
Military Instructors Manual J. P. Cole and Oliver Schoonmaker
Mille et un jours en prison à Berlin (French) Henri Béland
Minstrel in France Sir Harry Lauder
Missing Mrs. Humphry Ward
Mobilizing Woman-Power Harriot Stanton Blatch
motor-bus in war : being the impressions of an A.S.C. officer during two and a half years at the front A. M. Beatson
Moving Picture Boys on the War Front Victor Appleton
Mr. Britling Sees It Through H. G. Wells