Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically)
Britain at Bay Spenser Wilkinson
Brother Bosch", an Airman's Escape from Germany Gerald Featherstone Knight
Bullets & Billets Bruce Bairnsfather
Burton of the Flying Corps Herbert Strang
Camp Fire Girls Behind the Lines Margaret Vandercook
Canada in Flanders, Volume I Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook
Canada in Flanders, Volume II Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook
Canada in Flanders, Volume III Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Cannes und Genua: Vier Reden zum Reparationsproblem (German) Walther Rathenau
Carry On! A Story of the Fight for Bagdad Herbert Strang
Carry On: Letters in War-Time Coningsby Dawson
Case of Edith Cavell James M. Beck
Children of France Ruth Royce
Combed Out F. A. Voigt
Company B, 307th Infantry Julius Klausner
Comrade in White William Harvey Leathem
Crescent and Iron Cross E. F. Benson
Crime Against Europe: A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914 Roger Casement
Crisis of the Naval War John Rushworth Jellicoe
Dastral of the Flying Corps Rowland Walker
Day of Wrath: A Story of 1914 Louis Tracy
Defenders of Democracy Militia of Mercy . Gift Book Committee
Delta of the Triple Elevens : the history of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery, United States Army, American Expeditionary Forces William Elmer Bachman
Dere Mable: Love Letters of a Rookie Edward Streeter
dernière lettre écrite par des soldats français tombés au champ d'honneur 1914-1918 (French)