Books in Technology (sorted by popularity)
- The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing Watson Smith 237 downloads
- American Woman's Home: Or, Principles of Domestic Science; Harriet Beecher Stowe and Catharine Esther Beecher 236 downloads
- My Knitting Book Miss Lambert 231 downloads
- Paper-Cutting Machines Jr. Niel Gray 230 downloads
- The Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry Joseph Fort Newton 229 downloads
- Stories of Great Inventors Hattie E. Macomber 226 downloads
- Wood-Carving: Design and Workmanship George Jack 222 downloads
- Handicraft for Girls Idabelle McGlauflin 217 downloads
- Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth J. C. Meem 216 downloads
- Marvel Carbureter and Heat Control Anonymous 215 downloads
- English Embroidered Bookbindings Cyril Davenport 209 downloads
- The New Guide to Knitting & Crochet Marie Jane Cooper 207 downloads
- Hemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material Lyster H. Dewey and Jason L. Merrill 207 downloads
- Cocoa and Chocolate: Their History from Plantation to Consumer Arthur William Knapp 206 downloads
- Chats on Old Lace and Needlework Emily Leigh Lowes 205 downloads
- The 'Pioneer': Light Passenger Locomotive of 1851 John H. White 192 downloads
- How to Prepare and Serve a Meal; and Interior Decoration Lillian B. Lansdown 191 downloads
- Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 Charles M. Jacobs 189 downloads
- A History of the Growth of the Steam-Engine Robert Henry Thurston 186 downloads
- The Scholfield Wool-Carding Machines Grace Rogers Cooper 184 downloads
- Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy, Vol. 1 American School of Correspondence 180 downloads
- Cottage Building in Cob, Pisé, Chalk and Clay: A Renaissance (2nd edition) Clough Williams-Ellis 180 downloads
- The Art of Needle-work, from the Earliest Ages, 3rd ed. active 1840-1883 Sutherland Menzies 179 downloads
- Screw-Thread Cutting by the Master-Screw Method since 1480 Edwin A. Battison 177 downloads
- Prehistoric Textile Fabrics Of The United States, Derived From Impressions On Pottery William Henry Holmes 177 downloads