Books in Napoleonic(Bookshelf) (sorted alphabetically)
Napoleon's Campaign in Russia, Anno 1812; Medico-Historical Achilles Rose
Napoleon's Letters to Josephine, 1796-1812 Emperor of the French Napoleon I
Napoleon's Marshals R. P. Dunn-Pattison
Naval War of 1812 Theodore Roosevelt
Powder Monkey George Manville Fenn
Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon — Complete Louis Constant Wairy
Second Funeral of Napoleon William Makepeace Thackeray
Surrender of Napoleon Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland
Two Great Retreats of History George Grote and comte de Philippe-Paul Ségur
War and Peace graf Leo Tolstoy
Waterloo Hilaire Belloc
Week at Waterloo in 1815 Lady Magdalene De Lancey
With Moore at Corunna G. A. Henty