Books in Animal (sorted by popularity)
Geographic Distribution of the Pocket Mouse, Perognathus fasciatus J. Knox Jones 87 downloads
Two New Moles (Genus Scalopus) from Mexico and Texas Rollin H. Baker 87 downloads
Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China J. Knox Jones 87 downloads
Distribution of Some Nebraskan Mammals J. Knox Jones 86 downloads
Mammals from Southeastern Alaska Rollin H. Baker and James S. Findley 84 downloads
A New Pocket Gopher (Thomomys) and A New Spiny Pocket Mouse (Liomys) from Michoacán, Mexico E. Raymond Hall and Bernardo Villa Ramírez 83 downloads
Taxonomy and Distribution of Some American Shrews James S. Findley 83 downloads
A New Pocket Gopher (Genus Thomomys), from Eastern Colorado E. Raymond Hall 83 downloads
A New Subspecies of Slider Turtle (Pseudemys scripta) from Coahuila, México John M. Legler 82 downloads
A New Pocket Gopher (Genus Thomomys) From Wyoming and Colorado E. Raymond Hall 82 downloads
Two New Meadow Mice from Michoacán Mexico E. Raymond Hall 78 downloads
Taxonomic Notes on Mexican Bats of the Genus Rhogeëssa E. Raymond Hall 76 downloads
A New Pocket Mouse (Genus Perognathus) from Kansas E. Lendell Cockrum 75 downloads
A New Subspecies of Pocket Mouse from Kansas E. Raymond Hall 74 downloads
A New Bog Lemming (Genus Synaptomys) From Nebraska J. Knox Jones 74 downloads
A New Piñon Mouse (Peromyscus truei) from Durango, Mexico Robert B. Finley 69 downloads
Cottontail Rabbits in Relation to Trees and Farm Crops David E. Lantz 64 downloads