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Displaying results 1–25
Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca
William Edward Duellman and Linda Trueb
Some Reptiles and Amphibians from Korea
J. Knox Jones, Robert G. Webb, and George William Byers
Natural History of Cottonmouth Moccasin, Agkistrodon piscovorus (Reptilia)
Ray D. Burkett
Natural History of the Ornate Box Turtle, Terrapene ornata ornata Agassiz
John M. Legler
Middle American Frogs of the Hyla microcephala Group
William Edward Duellman and M. J. Fouquette
Amphibians and Reptiles of the Rainforests of Southern El Petén, Guatemala
William Edward Duellman
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México
William Edward Duellman
The Ancestry of Modern Amphibia: A Review of the Evidence
Theodore H. Eaton
Description of a New Softshell Turtle from the Southeastern United States
Robert G. Webb
A Field Study of the Kansas Ant-Eating Frog, Gastrophryne olivacea
Henry S. Fitch
On Snake-Poison: Its Action and Its Antidote
A. Mueller
A Taxonomic Study of the Middle American Snake, Pituophis deppei
William Edward Duellman
The Adductor Muscles of the Jaw In Some Primitive Reptiles
Richard C. Fox
A Review of the Middle American Tree Frogs of the Genus Ptychohyla
William Edward Duellman
Genera of Leptodactylid Frogs in México
John D. Lynch
Systematic Status of a South American Frog, Allophryne ruthveni Gaige
John D. Lynch and Howard L. Freeman
A Distributional Study of the Amphibians of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, México
William Edward Duellman
A Taxonomic Revision of the Leptodactylid Frog Genus Syrrhophus Cope
John D. Lynch
A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family Colubridae, from Middle America)
John Wellman
The Systematics of the Frogs of the Hyla Rubra Group in Middle America
Juan R. León
Selected Records of Reptiles and Amphibians from Kansas
Hobart M. Smith and John Breukelman
Systematic Status of the Colubrid Snake, Leptodeira discolor Günther
William Edward Duellman
Pliocene and Pleistocene Records of Fossil Turtles from Western Kansas and Oklahoma
Edwin C. Galbreath
A New Extinct Emydid Turtle from the Lower Pliocene of Oklahoma
Edwin C. Galbreath
Occurrence of the Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains
Henry S. Fitch and T. Paul Maslin
Displaying results 1–25