Books in Browsing: Archaeology (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Clyde Mystery Andrew Lang
Secrets of Earth and Sea Sir E. Ray Lankester
Discoveries Among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon Austen Henry Layard
Vestiges of the Mayas Augustus Le Plongeon
Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia and the peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842-1845, during the mission sent out by his majesty, Frederick William IV of Prussia. Richard Lepsius
A New Hochelagan Burying-ground Discovered at Westmount on the Western Spur of Mount Royal, Montreal, July-September, 1898 W. D. Lighthall
There was a King in Egypt Norma Lorimer
The Mute Stones Speak: The Story of Archaeology in Italy Paul Lachlan MacKendrick
Ancient Man in Britain Donald A. Mackenzie
A Manual of the Antiquity of Man J. P. MacLean
Griechische Altertumskunde (German) Richard Maisch
Throwing-sticks in the National Museum Otis Tufton Mason
L'archéologie égyptienne (French) G. Maspero
L'égyptologie (French) G. Maspero
Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt G. Maspero
A Burial Cave in Baja California William C. Massey and Carolyn M. Osborne
The romance of excavation : A record of the amazing discoveries in Egypt, Assyria, Troy, Crete, etc. David Masters
A note on the position and extent of the great temple enclosure of Tenochtitlan, Alfred Percival Maudslay
A Glimpse at Guatemala Anne Cary Maudslay and Alfred Percival Maudslay
History of the Spanish Conquest of Yucatan and of the Itzas Philip Ainsworth Means
Navaho Houses Cosmos Mindeleff
Casa Grande Ruin Cosmos Mindeleff
The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona Cosmos Mindeleff
The Repair of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891 Cosmos Mindeleff
Aboriginal Remains in Verde Valley, Arizona Cosmos Mindeleff