Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically)
Inspector French's greatest case Freeman Wills Crofts
Instructions for the Management of Harvey's Sea Torpedo Frederick Harvey
Insurrections et guerre des barricades dans les grandes villes (French) comte Christophe-Michel Roguet
In the Bishop's Carriage Miriam Michelson
In the Dead of Night John T. McIntyre
In the Fog Richard Harding Davis
In the Mayor's Parlour J. S. Fletcher
In the Onyx Lobby Carolyn Wells
Into the Highways and Hedges F. F. Montrésor
Invisible Foe Louise Jordan Miln and Walter Hackett
In White Raiment William Le Queux
Isä Brownin viisaus : Salapoliisikertomuksia (Finnish) G. K. Chesterton
Isä Brownin yksinkertaisuus : Salapoliisikertomuksia (Finnish) G. K. Chesterton
I Say No" Wilkie Collins
Island Camp Ethel Talbot
Israel Rank : The autobiography of a criminal Roy Horniman
Italian, Volume 1 (of 3) : or, the confessional of the Black Penitents Ann Ward Radcliffe
It Might Have Happened Otherwise Hugh Pendexter
Ivory Snuff Box Frederic Arnold Kummer
J'accuse...! (French) Émile Zola
Jack O' Judgment Edgar Wallace
Jack the runaway; or, On the road with a circus Frank V. Webster
Jacob's Ladder E. Phillips Oppenheim
Jade God Alan Sullivan
Janet Hardy in Radio City Ruthe S. Wheeler