Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted alphabetically)
- Säge: Ein Rückblick auf vier Jahrtausende (German) Franz M. Feldhaus
- Sailing ships : the story of their development from the earliest times to the present day E. Keble Chatterton
- Salton Sea: An account of Harriman's fight with the Colorado River George Kennan
- San Francisco and the Nicaragua Canal William L. Merry
- Scaffolding : a treatise on the design & erection of scaffolds, gantries, and stagings, with an account of the appliances used in connection therewith for the use of contractors, builders, clerks of works, etc., with a chapter on the legal aspect of the question A. G. H. Thatcher
- Scamping Tricks and Odd Knowledge Occasionally Practised upon Public Works John Newman
- Schimmelreiter (German) Theodor Storm
- Scholfield Wool-Carding Machines Grace Rogers Cooper
- Schöpfungen der Ingenieurtechnik der Neuzeit (German) Max Geitel
- Science of Brickmaking George Frederick Harris
- Scientific American, Volume 17, No. 26 December 28, 1867 Various
- Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 Various
- Scientific American, Volume XLIII., No. 25, December 18, 1880 Various
- Scientific American, Vol. XXXIX.—No. 24. [New Series.], December 14, 1878 Various
- Screw-Thread Cutting by the Master-Screw Method since 1480 Edwin A. Battison
- Seaman's Friend Richard Henry Dana
- Seasoning of Wood J. B. Wagner
- Seattle Car & Foundry Company, Catalogue No. 3, December, 1913 Seattle Car and Foundry Company
- Second Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes Francis A. Collins
- Self-Help Mechanical Drawing: An Educational Treatise N. Hawkins
- Sewage Disposal Works: Their Design and Construction William Charles Easdale
- Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Harold E. Babbitt
- Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns Henry Charles Adams
- Shafting, Pulleys, Belting and Rope Transmission Hubert E. Collins
- Shelters, Shacks and Shanties Daniel Carter Beard