Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted alphabetically)
- Unsinkable Titanic: Every Ship its own Lifeboat John Bernard Walker
- Useful Arts Employed in the Construction of Dwelling Houses. Second Edition Anonymous
- Use of Ropes and Tackle Homer J. Dana and W. A. Pearl
- U.S. Patent 4,293,314: Gelled Fuel-Air Explosive Bertram O. Stull
- Vacuum cleaning systems : A treatise on the principles and practice of mechanical cleaning M. S. Cooley
- Valuation of Public Service Corporation Property Henry Earle Riggs
- Verklaring van het stoomwerktuig (Dutch)
- Vettura Automobile: sue parti - suo funzionamento (Italian) Alamanno De Maria
- Visual Signaling United States. Army. Signal Corps
- Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst (German) Otto Lilienthal
- Warships and their story R. A. Fletcher
- Watch and Clock Escapements Anonymous
- Water and power for San Francisco from Hetch-Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park Martin Samuel Vilas
- Water Power for the Farm and Country Home David R. Cooper
- Water Supply of the El Paso and Southwestern Railway from Carrizozo to Santa Rosa, N. Mex. John Logan Campbell
- Water Supply: the Present Practice of Sinking and Boring Wells Ernest Spon
- Way of the Air: A Description of Modern Aviation Edgar Charles Middleton
- We" : The famous flier's own story of his life and his trans-Atlantic flight, together with his views on the future of aviation Charles A. Lindbergh
- Welt auf Schienen (German) Artur Fürst
- whys and wherefores of navigation Gershom Bradford
- Windmills, Picturesque and Historic: The Motors of the Past F. H. Shelton
- With the Battle Fleet Franklin Matthews
- Wonderful Balloon Ascents; Or, The Conquest of the Skies Fulgence Marion
- Wonderful Development of Peter the Great's Pet Projects, according to His Last Will and Testament. W. Gannon
- Wood-Carving: Design and Workmanship George Jack