Books in Browsing: Environmental Issues (sorted alphabetically by author)
- The Mentor: The Story of Coal, vol. 6, Num. 6, Serial No. 154, May 1, 1918 Charles Fitzhugh Talman
- Our Nuclear Future: Facts, Dangers and Opportunities Edward Teller and Albert L. Latter
- Hand-book of Sanitary Information for Householders Roger Sherman Tracy
- Wild Life at the Land's End J. C. Tregarthen
- De drooglegging der Zuiderzee. Het plan J. Ulehake contra het plan C. Lely (Dutch) J. Ulehake
- Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War: Some Perspectives United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- The Nation's River: A report on the Potomac United States. Department of the Interior
- Sequoia [California] National Park United States. Department of the Interior
- An Assessment of the Consequences and Preparations for a Catastrophic California Earthquake: Findings and Actions Taken United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Montezuma National Forest, Colorado (1939) United States. Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Region
- Proceedings of the second National Conservation Congress at Saint Paul, September 5-8, 1910 United States. National Conservation Congress
- Proceedings [of the] fourth National Conservation Congress [at] Indianapolis, October 1-4, 1912 United States. National Conservation Congress
- The bedbug : Its relation to public health, its habits and life history, and methods of control United States. Public Health Service
- Bird-Lore, March-April 1916 Various
- Garden and Forest Weekly, Volume 1 No. 1, February 29, 1888 Various
- Parks for the People Various
- Water and power for San Francisco from Hetch-Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park Martin Samuel Vilas
- Deserts: Geology and Resources A. S. Walker
- Psychological Aspects of the Problem of Atmospheric Smoke Pollution J. E. Wallace Wallin
- The Pioneer Woodsman as He Is Related to Lumbering in the Northwest George Henry Warren
- Sewage and sewerage of farm homes [1928] George M. Warren
- Sewage and sewerage of farm homes [1922] George M. Warren
- Water pollution—Wells Irving A. Watson
- Poachers and Poaching F.L.S. John Watson
- Talks About Flowers. Mrs. M. D. Wellcome