Advice to a wife and mother in two parts : Embracing advice to a wife, and advice to a mother
Pye Henry Chavasse
Text book of veterinary medicine, Volume 2 (of 5)
James Law
Refraction and muscular imbalance, as simplified through the use of the ski-optometer
Daniel Woolf
The married woman's private medical companion : embracing the treatment of menstruation, or monthly turns, during their stoppage, irregularity, or entire suppression. Pregnancy, and how it may be determined; with the treatment of its various diseases. Discovery to prevent pregnancy; its great and important necessity where malformation or inability exists to give birth. To prevent miscarriage or abortion. When proper and necessary to effect miscarriage. When attended with entire safety. Causes and mode of cure of barrenness, or sterility.
A. M. Mauriceau
Handbuch der Pharmakognosie : Zweiter Band. Spezielle Pharmakognosie (German)
A. Tschirch
Handbuch der Pharmakognosie : Erster Band. Allgemeine Pharmakognosie (German)
A. Tschirch
Leprosy : in its clinical & pathological aspects
G. Armauer Hansen and Carl Looft
A mechanical and critical enquiry into the nature of hermaphrodites
James Parsons
Occult science in medicine
Franz Hartmann
Some possible bearings of genetics on pathology
Thomas Hunt Morgan
A reference hand-book for nurses
Amanda K. Beck
Practical pathology
Aldred Scott Warthin
The unwelcome child : Or, The crime of an undesigned and undesired maternity
Henry Clarke Wright
Mere mortals : Medico-historical essays
C. MacLaurin
The anatomy of drunkenness
Robert Macnish
Text book of veterinary medicine, Volume 1 (of 5)
James Law
A text-book on hygiene and pediatrics from a chiropractic standpoint
J. H. Craven
The undertakers' manual
Auguste Renouard
Sinclair Lewis
Personal hygiene and physical training for women
Anna M. Galbraith
Drugs that enslave : The opium, morphine, chloral and hashisch habits
H. H. Kane
The diagnostics and treatment of tropical diseases
E. R. Stitt
On harelip and cleft palate
William Rose
Why do we die?
T. Bodley Scott
Coca and Cocaine : Their history, medical and economic uses, and medicinal preparations
William Martindale