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Displaying results 1–25
The journal of the American-Irish Historical Society, Vol. IX, 1910
Indian sketches, taken during an expedition to the Pawnee tribes (Vol. 2 of 2)
John Treat Irving
Heimweh; The siren; The loaded gun; Liebereich; "Iupiter Tonans;" "Sis;" Thor's emerald; Guile
John Luther Long
"95% perfect" : The older residences at Nantucket
Everett Uberto Crosby
The Indian queen
Ann S. Stephens
A gentle pioneer : Being the story of the early days in the new west
Amy Ella Blanchard
Rena's experiment
Mary Jane Holmes
The pioneers of Unadilla village, 1784-1840 : and, Reminiscences of village life and of Panama and California from 1840 to 1850
Francis W. Halsey and Gaius Leonard Halsey
Justin Morgan, founder of his race : the romantic history of a horse
Eleanor Waring Burnham
Reminiscences of an army nurse during the Civil War
Adelaide W. Smith
Adobe days : being the truthful narrative of the events in the life of a California girl on a sheep ranch and in El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles while it was yet a small and humble town; together with an account of how three young men from Maine in eighteen hundred and fifty-three drove sheep and cattle across the plains, mountains and deserts from Illinois to the Pacific coast; and the strange prophecy of Admiral Thatcher about San Pedro harbor
Sarah Bixby Smith
Cuming's tour to the western country (1807-1809)
Fortescue Cuming
The freed boy in Alabama
Anne M. Mitchell
Esther : A story of the Oregon trail
Ann S. Stephens
A military dictionary : or, Explanation of the several systems of discipline of different kinds of troops, infantry, artillery, and cavalry: the principles of fortification, and all the modern improvements in the science of tactics: comprising the pocket gunner, or little bombardier, the military regulations of the United States: the weights, measures, and monies of all nations: the technical terms and phrases of the art of war in the French language: particularly adapted to the use of the military institutions of the United States
William Duane
California illustrated : including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua routes
J. M. Letts
The Bee, No. 30, Thursday, July 25, 1901
Where the West begins
Austin Hall
A good old scout
Theodore Solomons
Presidential addresses and state papers, Volume 3 (of 7)
Theodore Roosevelt
Presidential addresses and state papers, Volume 2 (of 7)
Theodore Roosevelt
History of the big bonanza : an authentic account of the discovery, history, and working of the world-renowned Comstock silver lode of Nevada
Dan De Quille
Panama to Patagonia : The Isthmian Canal and the west coast countries of South America
Charles M. Pepper
Sea yarns : The log of a Cape Cod sea captain
Joshua N. Taylor
The road to glory
E. Alexander Powell
Displaying results 1–25