Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically by author)
- Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa : Including accounts of Tripoli, the Sahara, the remarkable kingdom of Bornu, and the countries around Lake Chad Heinrich Barth
- Mud and Khaki: Sketches from Flanders and France Vernon Bartlett
- Daybreak in Turkey James L. Barton
- Cambridge Noel Barwell
- Al fronte (maggio-ottobre 1915) (Italian) Luigi Barzini
- The Lost Fruits of Waterloo John Spencer Bassett
- The Anglo-French Entente in the Seventeenth Century Charles Bastide
- In Sunny Spain with Pilarica and Rafael Katharine Lee Bates
- Henri IV en Gascogne (1553-1589) (French) Charles de Batz-Trenquelléon
- Das Geschlechtsleben in der Deutschen Vergangenheit (German) Max Bauer
- German Culture Past and Present Ernest Belfort Bax
- German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages Ernest Belfort Bax
- Archaic England : an essay in deciphering prehistory from megalithic monuments, earthworks, customs, coins, place-names, and faerie superstitions Harold Bayley
- On an Irish Jaunting-Car Through Donegal and Connemara Samuel G. Bayne
- La Sarcelle Bleue (French) René Bazin
- Il castello di Trezzo: Novella storica (Italian) Giambattista Bazzoni
- The Churches of Paris, from Clovis to Charles X Sophia Beale
- Heroines of French Society Mrs. Bearne
- Pictures of the old French court : Jeanne de Bourbon, Isabeau de Bavière, Anne de Bretagne Mrs. Bearne
- Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson William Beatty
- La Vie de Madame Élisabeth, soeur de Louis XVI, Volume 1 (French) A. de Beauchesne
- La Vie de Madame Élisabeth, soeur de Louis XVI, Volume 2 (French) A. de Beauchesne
- Childéric, Roi des Francs, (tome second) (French) comtesse de Anne Marie Beaufort d'Hautpoul
- Childéric, Roi des Francs, (tome premier) (French) comtesse de Anne Marie Beaufort d'Hautpoul
- Canada in Flanders, Volume II Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook