Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Czar: A tale of the Time of the First Napoleon Deborah Alcock
A Hilltop on the Marne Mildred Aldrich
Through Finland in Carts Mrs. Alec-Tweedie
Napoleon's British visitors and captives, 1801-1815 John Goldworth Alger
The life of Midhat Pasha; a record of his services, political reforms, banishment, and judicial murder Ali Haydar Mithat
Travels in France during the years 1814-15 Sir Archibald Alison and Patrick Fraser Tytler
Het Eiland Schiermonnikoog en Zijne Bewoners (Dutch) Francis Allan
Het Eiland Marken en Zijne Bewoners (Dutch) Francis Allan
Het Eiland Texel en Zijne Bewoners (Dutch) Francis Allan
Het Eiland Vlieland en Zijne Bewoners (Dutch) Francis Allan
Het Eiland Wieringen en Zijne Bewoners (Dutch) Francis Allan
The 116th Battalion in France E. P. S. Allen
Paris Grant Allen
Cities of Belgium Grant Allen
The Mediterranean: Its Storied Cities and Venerable Ruins Grant Allen, H. D. Traill, Arthur Griffiths, T. G. Bonney, and Eustace A. Reynolds-Ball
Burgundy: The Splendid Duchy. Stories and Sketches in South Burgundy Percy Allen
Roads from Rome Anne C. E. Allinson
Greek Lands and Letters Anne C. E. Allinson and Francis Greenleaf Allinson
The History of the 2nd Dragoons: "Royal Scots Greys" Edward Almack
Memoria sobre o melhoramento da cultura da Beira e da navegação do Mondego (Portuguese) António de Almeida
Lo catalanisme : Motius que'l llegitiman. Fonaments cientifichs y solucions practicas (Catalan) Valentí Almirall
Die Eroberung von Peru : Historische Originalnovelle (German) Pablo Alonso de la Avecilla
A History of Spain Rafael Altamira and Charles E. Chapman
Educação nova: As bases (Portuguese) Augusto Joaquim Alves dos Santos
Storia dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. III, parte I (Italian) Michele Amari