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Displaying results 1–25
William the Conqueror
Jacob Abbott
Historia Calamitatum
Peter Abelard
Briefwechsel zwischen Abaelard und Heloise, mit der Leidensgeschichte Abaelards (German)
Peter Abelard and Héloïse
Letters of Abelard and Heloise
Peter Abelard and Héloïse
The Wright's Chaste Wife (Middle English (1100-1500))
active approximately 1462 of Cobsam Adam
The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
George Burton Adams
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
Henry Adams
The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple
C. G. Addison
The Knights Templars
C. G. Addison
Arts and crafts in the Middle Ages : a description of mediaeval workmanship in several of the departments of applied art, together with some account of special artisans in the early Renaissance
Julia de Wolf Addison
Curiosités judiciaires et historiques du moyen âge. Procès contre les animaux (French)
Émile Agnel
Chiose alla cantica dell'Inferno di Dante Alighieri
active 14th century Jacopo Alighieri
Science and Medieval Thought
T. Clifford Allbutt
Peter's Rock in Mohammed's Flood, from St. Gregory the Great to St. Leo III
T. W. Allies
Norse mythology; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted
Rasmus Björn Anderson
Le livre des visions et instructions de la bienheureuse Angèle de Foligno (French)
Saint of Foligno Angela
Les Troubadours: Leurs vies — leurs oeuvres — leur influence (French)
Joseph Anglade
Les adevineaux amoureux (French)
Die Schön Magelona (German)
The Orkneyinga Saga
Le livre du faulcon (French)
The Story of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald
The Early Norman Castles of the British Isles.
Ella Sophia Armitage
Stained glass of the middle ages in England and France
Hugh Arnold
Littérature Française (Première Année) : Moyen-Âge, Renaissance, Dix-Septième Siècle (French)
Eugène Aubert
Displaying results 1–25