Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impression of July 1st, 1916 Edward G. D. Liveing
Attack in Trench Warfare: Impressions and Reflections of a Company Commander André Laffargue
Attack of Fortified Places. Including Siege-works, Mining, and Demolitions. James Mercur
Attack on the Mill, and Other Sketches of War Émile Zola
At the Fall of Port Arthur; Or, A Young American in the Japanese Navy Edward Stratemeyer
At the Point of the Bayonet: A Tale of the Mahratta War G. A. Henty
At the Point of the Sword Herbert Hayens
At the Sign of the Sword: A Story of Love and War in Belgium William Le Queux
At War with Pontiac; Or, The Totem of the Bear: A Tale of Redcoat and Redskin Kirk Munroe
At Ypres with Best-Dunkley Thomas Hope Floyd
Audacious War Clarence W. Barron
Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross L. Frank Baum
Aus einer kleinen Garnison: Ein militärisches Zeitbild (German) Fritz Oswald Bilse
Aus meinem Leben (German) Paul von Hindenburg
Australasia Triumphant!: With the Australians and New Zealanders in the Great War on Land and Sea Arthur St. John Adcock
Australia at War Will Dyson
Australia in Arms Phillip F. E. Schuler
Australia in Palestine
Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt Sir James W. Barrett and P. E. Deane
Australian Victories in France in 1918 Sir John Monash
Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson William Beatty
Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G.C.B. Sir Harry George Wakelyn Smith
Autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence William Lawrence
Avec les Poilus: Maman la Soupe et son chat Ratu (French) Marcel Mültzer
Aviation in Canada, 1917-1918