Books in Browsing: Music (sorted by popularity)
Tristan and Isolda: Opera in Three Acts Richard Wagner 391 downloads
String Quartet No. 05 in A major Opus 18 Ludwig van Beethoven 391 downloads
Chats on Violoncellos Olga Racster 384 downloads
Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music Ferruccio Busoni 381 downloads
Correspondance inédite de Hector Berlioz, 1819-1868 (French) Hector Berlioz 380 downloads
The Pipes of War Sir B. G. Seton and John Grant 380 downloads
Story-Lives of Great Musicians Francis Jameson Rowbotham 376 downloads
The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring Bernard Shaw 373 downloads
Vom Musikalisch-Schönen (German) Eduard Hanslick 371 downloads
The art of music, Vol. 04 (of 14) : Music in America 371 downloads
How to Appreciate Music Gustav Kobbé 369 downloads
String Quartet No. 03 in D major Opus 18 Ludwig van Beethoven 366 downloads
Christian Hymns of the First Three Centuries Ruth Ellis Messenger 364 downloads
Essays Before a Sonata Charles Ives 362 downloads
Nicolo Paganini: His Life and Work Stephen S. Stratton 357 downloads
String Quartet No. 01 in F major Opus 18 Ludwig van Beethoven 355 downloads
Musical Instruments, Historic, Rare and Unique Alfred J. Hipkins 355 downloads
The Life of Johannes Brahms (Vol 1 of 2) Florence May 353 downloads
Les soirées de l'orchestre (French) Hector Berlioz 352 downloads
The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume III Alexander Wheelock Thayer 352 downloads
The Standard Cantatas: Their Stories, Their Music, and Their Composers George P. Upton 348 downloads
Piano Sonata No. 14 in C sharp minor "Moonlight" 346 downloads
String Quartet No. 04 in C minor Opus 18 Ludwig van Beethoven 344 downloads
Songs From Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass Lewis Carroll 342 downloads
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 14 Elbert Hubbard 341 downloads