Parasiten der Honigbiene (German)
Eduard Philibert Assmuss
A treatise on the art of making good wholesome bread of wheat, oats, rye, barley and other farinaceous grains
Friedrich Christian Accum
Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
The Phase Rule and Its Applications
Alexander Findlay
Synthesis of 2-methyl-4-selenoquinazolone, 2-phenylbenzoselenazole, and its derivatives
Yü-Gwan Chen
The Microscope
Andrew Ross
Thomas Henry Huxley
Acids, Alkalis and Salts
George Henry Joseph Adlam
Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed.
Pierre Joseph Macquer
Heroes of Science: Chemists
M. M. Pattison Muir
Collezione dell'opere del Cavaliere Conte Alessandro Volta - Tomo I, Parte I (Italian)
Alessandro Volta
An Introduction to Chemical Science
Rufus P. Williams
Experiments upon magnesia alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances
Joseph Black
Traité élémentaire de chimie, tome 1
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
The History of Ink, Including Its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography
Thaddeus Davids
Chemical warfare
Amos A. Fries and Clarence J. West
An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Henry Paul Talbot
Researches on Cellulose, 1895-1900
C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan
Some Experiments Concerning Mercury
Herman Boerhaave
The Whole Secret Laid Open, Or the Complete Art of Making the Chemical Fulminating Objects,
The Atomic Fingerprint: Neutron Activation Analysis
Bernard Keisch
Elements of agricultural chemistry and geology
Jas. F. W. Johnston
The Dyer's Guide
Thomas Packer
Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Physiologie und Pathologie (German)
Freiherr von Justus Liebig
Legal Chemistry
Alfred Naquet