Books in Browsing: Science - Physics (sorted by popularity)
Matter, Ether, and Motion: The Factors and Relations of Physical Science A. E. Dolbear 143 downloads
A Treatise on Electricity Francis Penrose 138 downloads
Discorso sopra la calamita (Italian) Benedetto Castelli 126 downloads
On the effect of the motion of a body upon the velocity with which it is traversed by light H. Fizeau 120 downloads
Natuurkunde in de Huiskamer: ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpen. (Dutch) Tom Tit 119 downloads
On the Quantum Theory of Line-Spectra, Part 1 and 2 Niels Bohr 118 downloads
Utility of Quaternions in Physics Alex. McAulay 115 downloads
On the effect of electric and magnetic fields on spectral lines Niels Bohr 114 downloads
Moderne Probleme der Physik (German) Hermann Sieveking 114 downloads
Science for the School and Family, Part I. Natural Philosophy Worthington Hooker 112 downloads
A Fortran Program for Elastic Scattering Analyses with the Nuclear Optical Model Michel A. Melkanoff, David S. Saxon, John S. Nodvik, and David G. Cantor 107 downloads
Notes on Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism J. J. Thomson 96 downloads