Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted by popularity)
On the History of Gunter's Scale and the Slide Rule During the Seventeenth Century Florian Cajori 317 downloads
Territory in Bird Life Henry Eliot Howard 316 downloads
Pharmacographia Friedrich A. Flückiger and Daniel Hanbury 316 downloads
Meeresfische (German) Kurt Floericke 315 downloads
Insect Adventures Jean-Henri Fabre and Louise Hasbrouck Zimm 315 downloads
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 1, No. 2 Various 315 downloads
Michael Faraday, His Life and Work Silvanus P. Thompson 315 downloads
Valerius Terminus: Of the Interpretation of Nature Francis Bacon 315 downloads
Parasiten der Honigbiene (German) Eduard Philibert Assmuss 314 downloads
A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems George W. Hunter 313 downloads
Steam-ships : The story of their development to the present day R. A. Fletcher 313 downloads
Buchanan's Journal of Man, November 1887 313 downloads
Gas-Engines and Producer-Gas Plants Rodolphe Edgard Mathot 313 downloads
Animal Proteins Hugh Garner Bennett 312 downloads
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets Daniel Young 312 downloads
Popular Technology; or, Professions and Trades. Vol. 1 (of 2) Edward Hazen 312 downloads
Rede, gehalten bei der Eröffnung der Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in Berlin, am 18. September 1828 (German) Alexander von Humboldt 311 downloads
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom P. L. Simmonds 311 downloads
The Romance of Plant Life G. F. Scott Elliot 310 downloads
Lives of alchemystical philosophers Arthur Edward Waite and Francis Barrett 310 downloads
Jukes-Edwards: A Study in Education and Heredity Albert E. Winship 310 downloads
Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887 Various 310 downloads
Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1 Alfred Russel Wallace and Sir James Marchant 309 downloads
Early American Scientific Instruments and Their Makers Silvio A. Bedini 309 downloads
Minstrel Weather Marian Storm 309 downloads