Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted by popularity)
Fun for the Household: A Book of Games Emma J. Gray 139 downloads
The Rover Boys on a Tour; or, Last Days at Brill College Edward Stratemeyer 139 downloads
The Art of Lawn Tennis William T. Tilden 139 downloads
Motor Camping J. C. Long and John D. Long 138 downloads
Ruffled Doilies and the Pansy Doily American Thread Company 138 downloads
Baseball Joe, Captain of the Team; or, Bitter Struggles on the Diamond Lester Chadwick 137 downloads
Rival Pitchers of Oakdale Morgan Scott 137 downloads
The Putnam Hall Champions; or, Bound to Win Out Edward Stratemeyer 137 downloads
Indoor and Outdoor Recreations for Girls Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard 137 downloads
The Motor Boys; or, Chums Through Thick and Thin Clarence Young 137 downloads
Baseball Joe at Yale; or, Pitching for the College Championship Lester Chadwick 137 downloads
Right off the Bat: Baseball Ballads William Frederick Kirk 137 downloads
Psychotennis, Anyone? Lloyd Williams 136 downloads
A Golfing Idyll; Or, The Skipper's Round with the Deil On the Links of St. Andrews Violet Flint 136 downloads
You Know Me Al: A Busher's Letters 134 downloads
Wild Northern Scenes; Or, Sporting Adventures with the Rifle and the Rod S. H. Hammond 134 downloads
Dave Porter's Return to School; Or, Winning the Medal of Honor Edward Stratemeyer 132 downloads
De nuttige handwerken: handboekje ten dienste der lagere school (Dutch) A. Teunisse and A. M. van der Velden 132 downloads
Billiards William Broadfoot 132 downloads
Influence morale des sports athlétiques (French) père Didon 131 downloads
The play that won Ralph Henry Barbour 130 downloads
Frank Merriwell's False Friend; Or, An Investment in Human Nature Burt L. Standish 130 downloads
Third Base Thatcher Everett Scott 130 downloads
Baseball Joe in the Central League; or, Making Good as a Professional Pitcher Lester Chadwick 130 downloads
The Jester of St. Timothy's Arthur Stanwood Pier 130 downloads