Books about Paleontology (sorted by popularity)
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The Geographical Distribution of Animals, Volume 2 Alfred Russel Wallace 652 downloads
Animals of the Past Frederic A. Lucas 399 downloads
The Evolution of Theology: an Anthropological Study Thomas Henry Huxley 323 downloads
Extinct Monsters H. N. Hutchinson 290 downloads
Essay on the Theory of the Earth baron Georges Cuvier 255 downloads
Lectures on Evolution Thomas Henry Huxley 248 downloads
Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie). 2. Abteilung: Vertebrata. (German) Karl Alfred von Zittel 246 downloads
The Ancient Life History of the Earth Henry Alleyne Nicholson 239 downloads
The Chain of Life in Geological Time Sir John William Dawson 232 downloads
Mr. Gladstone and Genesis Thomas Henry Huxley 231 downloads
On the Method of Zadig Thomas Henry Huxley 231 downloads
The Story of Evolution Joseph McCabe 230 downloads
De Wereld vóór de schepping van den mensch (Dutch) Camille Flammarion 226 downloads
The Medals of Creation, Volumes 1 and 2 Gideon Algernon Mantell 217 downloads
Fossils: A Story of the Rocks and Their Record of Prehistoric Life Harvey C. Markman 200 downloads
A Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains, consisting of coloured illustrations selected from Parkinson's "Organic remains of a former world," and Artis's "Antediluvian phytology." Gideon Algernon Mantell 194 downloads
Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie). 1. Abteilung: Invertebrata. (German) Karl Alfred von Zittel 191 downloads
The Interpreters of Genesis and the Interpreters of Nature Thomas Henry Huxley 188 downloads
The Story of the Earth and Man Sir John William Dawson 187 downloads
The Geographical Distribution of Animals, Volume 1 Alfred Russel Wallace 182 downloads
Geological Observations on South America Charles Darwin 181 downloads
The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science Thomas Henry Huxley 181 downloads
Hasisadra's Adventure Thomas Henry Huxley 178 downloads
The Rise and Progress of Palaeontology Thomas Henry Huxley 162 downloads
Some Salient Points in the Science of the Earth Sir John William Dawson 162 downloads
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