Books about Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930 -- Parodies, imitations, etc. (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–9
Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes Maurice Leblanc 426 downloads
R. Holmes & Co. John Kendrick Bangs 206 downloads
The Pursuit of the House-Boat John Kendrick Bangs 189 downloads
The Pursuit of the House-Boat John Kendrick Bangs 169 downloads
Some Adventures of Mr. Surelock Keys Herbert Beeman 134 downloads
The Adventures of the Eleven Cuff-Buttons James Francis Thierry 129 downloads
Arsène Lupin taistelussa Sherlock Holmesta vastaan (Finnish) Maurice Leblanc 112 downloads
Den gåtfulle dubbelgångaren (Swedish) Holger Nohrström 99 downloads
Herr Corpwieth, gentleman-detektiv (Swedish) Olaf Homén, Henning Söderhjelm, and Emil Hasselblatt 98 downloads
Displaying results 1–9