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Displaying results 1–25
English Literature
William J. Long
The Common Reader
Virginia Woolf
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2
J. M. D. Meiklejohn
English Literature for Boys and Girls
H. E. Marshall
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 1
Baron Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay
Appreciations, with an Essay on Style
Walter Pater
Outline of the history of the English language and literature
Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1
Isaac Disraeli
A history of English literature : A practical text-book
Edward Albert
Books and Characters, French & English
Lytton Strachey
Mysticism in English Literature
Caroline F. E. Spurgeon
History of English Literature from "Beowulf" to Swinburne
Andrew Lang
Clive Bell
Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3
Isaac Disraeli
Histoire de la Littérature Anglaise (Volume 2 de 5) (French)
Hippolyte Taine
The Crown of Wild Olive
John Ruskin
History of English Literature Volume 1 (of 3)
Hippolyte Taine
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
Henry Coppée
Why we should read--
S. P. B. Mais
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 4
Baron Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay
Hazlitt on English Literature: An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature
William Hazlitt
Brief History of English and American Literature
Henry A. Beers
Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2
Isaac Disraeli
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 2
Baron Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay
From Chaucer to Tennyson
Henry A. Beers
Displaying results 1–25