Books about Ireland -- Description and travel (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–23
One Irish Summer William Eleroy Curtis 432 downloads
The Paris Sketch Book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh; and the Irish Sketch Book William Makepeace Thackeray 378 downloads
Romantic Ireland; volume 2/2 M. F. Mansfield and Blanche McManus 340 downloads
The Charm of Ireland Burton Egbert Stevenson 337 downloads
Ireland, Historic and Picturesque Charles Johnston 314 downloads
A Tour in Ireland. 1776-1779 Arthur Young 303 downloads
Ireland Under Coercion: The Diary of an American (1 of 2) William Henry Hurlbert 225 downloads
Wanderings in Ireland Michael Myers Shoemaker 225 downloads
Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland Thomas O'Neill Russell 196 downloads
The truth about Ireland : or, Through the Emerald Isle with an aeroplane Alexander Corkey 173 downloads
Ireland's disease Philippe Daryl 159 downloads
Paddy at Home ("Chez Paddy") baron de E. Mandat-Grancey 145 downloads
From sketch-book and diary Elizabeth Butler 143 downloads
Peeps at Many Lands: Ireland Katharine Tynan 140 downloads
A Little Tour in Ireland S. Reynolds Hole 135 downloads
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 1 133 downloads
The Letters of "Norah" on Her Tour Through Ireland Norah 132 downloads
Ireland Under Coercion: The Diary of an American (2 of 2) William Henry Hurlbert 132 downloads
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 2 122 downloads
Romantic Ireland; volume 1/2 M. F. Mansfield and Blanche McManus 122 downloads
Just Irish Charles Battell Loomis 118 downloads
On an Irish Jaunting-Car Through Donegal and Connemara Samuel G. Bayne 111 downloads
The Scientific Tourist through Ireland Thomas Walford 110 downloads
Displaying results 1–23