Books about Arthurian romances -- Adaptations (sorted by popularity)
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A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain 3788 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain 3486 downloads
The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights Sir Thomas Malory and Sir James Knowles 2143 downloads
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult Joseph Bédier 2021 downloads
Idylls of the King Baron Alfred Tennyson Tennyson 1695 downloads
Tales of King Arthur and the Round Table, Adapted from the Book of Romance 1064 downloads
The Story of King Arthur and his Knights Howard Pyle 788 downloads
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult Joseph Bédier 720 downloads
The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems William Morris 535 downloads
The Story of the Champions of the Round Table Howard Pyle 420 downloads
King Arthur's Knights Henry Gilbert 386 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain 365 downloads
Stories of King Arthur and His Knights Sir Thomas Malory 349 downloads
The Story of the Grail and the Passing of Arthur Howard Pyle 276 downloads
Stories of King Arthur's Knights, Told to the Children Mary Macgregor 265 downloads
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut (French) Joseph Bédier 228 downloads
Το μυθιστόρημα του Τριστάνου και της Ιζόλδης (Modern Greek (1453-)) Joseph Bédier 219 downloads
The Boy's King Arthur Sir Thomas Malory 206 downloads
Knightly Legends of Wales; or, The Boy's Mabinogion Sidney Lanier 204 downloads
The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions Howard Pyle 200 downloads
Genièvre (French) Baron Alfred Tennyson Tennyson 191 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 3. Mark Twain 191 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 5. Mark Twain 187 downloads
Elaine (French) Baron Alfred Tennyson Tennyson 182 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 4. Mark Twain 182 downloads
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